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PERMISSION NOTICE The Microsoft “Terms of Use” (available at the www.microsoft.com website) govern all glossary terms in this document (“Glossary Terms”). The following supplemental terms and conditions also apply. If there is any conflict between the Terms of Use and the following terms and conditions, the following terms and conditions will take Precedence over the Terms of Use. 1. No part of the Glossary Terms may be reproduced, adapted, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, including photocopying and entry into an information storage and/or retrieval system, for any purpose without the prior express consent of Microsoft Corporation. 2. You may use the Glossary Terms in the development of any application software and you may also use the Glossary Terms for personal or non-commercial purposes only without the prior written consent of Microsoft Corporation, and only if all copies contain this Permission Notice and the Microsoft copyright notice in the Terms of Use. 3. You are not permitted to make any modifications, deletions or additions to the Glossary Terms. 4. Except as expressly set forth above, Microsoft’s publication of the Glossary Terms does not grant any rights to use, distribute, or implement any technology or intellectual property rights. All rights not expressly granted herein are expressly reserved by Microsoft. "Source Term",,"Translation",,"String Category",,"Platform",,"Product",,"Version" "The following files were originally licensed under the Apache License (reproduced below):",,"Die folgenden Dateien wurden ursprünglich unter der Apache-Lizenz (Abbildung unten) lizenziert:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ""License""). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at <a href=""http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"" aria-label=""Apache license"">http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0</a>"",,""Diese Datei wurde unter der Apache-Lizenz der Version 2.0 (die „Lizenz”) lizenziert. Sie darf nur gemäß den Lizenzbedingungen verwendet werden. Sie erhalten eine Kopie der Lizenz unter <a href=""http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"" aria-label=""Apache license"">http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "THIS CODE IS PROVIDED ON AN *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT.",,""DIESER CODE WIRD IN DER VORGELEGTEN FORM (""AS IS"") OHNE AUSDRÜCKLICHE ODER IMPLIZIERTE GARANTIEN ODER BEDINGUNGEN JEGLICHER ART, EINSCHLIESSLICH UND OHNE BESCHRÄNKUNG JEGLICHER GARANTIEN ODER BEDINGUNGEN VON TITEL, EIGNUNG FÜR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK, MARKTGÄNGIGKEIT ODER NICHTVERLETZUNG VON RECHTEN DRITTER BEREITGESTELLT."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.",,"Informationen zu spezifischen sprachenrelevanten Rechten und Einschränkungen finden Sie in der ApacheLizenz der Version 2.0.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Apache 2.0 License",,"Apache-Lizenz 2.0",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Apache Licensed Files",,"Unter Apache lizenzierte Dateien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The following files were originally licensed under the BSD License (2-clause) (reproduced below):",,"Die folgenden Dateien wurden ursprünglich unter der BSD-Lizenz mit 2 Klauseln (Abbildung unten) lizenziert:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""BSD 2-clause ""Simplified"" License"",,"Vereinfachte BSD-Lizenz mit 2 Klauseln",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The following files were originally licensed under the BSD License (3-clause) (reproduced below):",,"Die folgenden Dateien wurden ursprünglich unter der BSD-Lizenz mit 3 Klauseln (Abbildung unten) lizenziert:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Newer BSD License (3-clause)",,"Neuere BSD Lizenz (3-Klausel)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.",,"Bei der Weiterverteilung von Quellcode sind der obige Urheberrechtsvermerk, diese Bedingungen und der folgende Haftungsausschluss beizulegen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.",,"Bei der Weiterverteilung in binärer Form sind der obige Urheberrechtsvermerk, diese Bedingungen und der folgende Haftungsausschluss in der Dokumentation und/oder sonstige bei der Verteilung enthaltene Materialien beizulegen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Neither the name Copyright Holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.",,"Weder der Name des Copyrightinhabers noch die Namen von Mitwirkenden dürfen benutzt werden, um von dieser Software abgeleitete Produkte zu kennzeichnen oder deren Absatz zu fördern, es sei denn, es liegt eine vorherige schriftliche Zustimmung dafür vor.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ""AS IS"" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE."",,""DIE INHABER DES URHEBERRECHTS UND/ODER ANDERE PARTEIEN STELLEN DAS PROGRAMM IN DER VORGELEGTEN FORM (""AS IS"") OHNE JEGLICHE GEWÄHRLEISTUNG, WEDER AUSDRÜCKLICH NOCH STILLSCHWEIGEND, ZUR VERFÜGUNG; EINSCHLIESSLICH, ABER NICHT BESCHRÄNKT AUF IMPLIZIERTE GEWÄHRLEISTUNGEN DER ALLGEMEINEN GEBRAUCHSTAUGLICHKEIT UND EIGNUNG FÜR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. DIE INHABER DES URHEBERRECHTS ODER MITWIRKENDE SIND UNTER KEINEN UMSTÄNDEN FÜR JEGLICHE DIREKTE, INDIREKTE, ZUFÄLLIGE, SPEZIELLE, EXEMPLARISCHE SCHÄDEN ODER FOLGESCHÄDEN HAFTBAR (EINSCHLIESSLICH, JEDOCH NICHT BESCHRÄNKT AUF BESCHAFFUNG ODER ERSATZ VON WAREN ODER DIENSTEN, NUTZUNGSAUSFALL, DATEN- ODER GEWINNVERLUST ODER UNTERBRECHUNG DES GESCHÄFTSBETRIEBS), DIE UNABHÄNGIG VON DER URSACHE UND BELIEBIGEN THEORETISCHEN HAFTBARKEIT (OB VERTRAGLICH FESTGELEGT, PER KAUSALHAFTUNG ODER DELIKTSHAFTUNG, EINSCHLIESSLICH FAHRLÄSSIGKEIT ODER AUF ANDEREM WEGE) DURCH DIE VERWENDUNG DIESER SOFTWARE ENTSTANDEN SIND, AUCH WENN INFORMATIONEN ÜBER DIE MÖGLICHKEIT SOLCHER SCHÄDEN VORLAGEN."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:",,"Die Weiterverteilung und Verwendung in Quellform und binären Formen, mit und ohne Änderungen, ist unter folgenden Bedingungen gestattet:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "BSD Licensed Files",,"Dateien unter BSD-Lizenz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Disqus Terms of Service",,"Disqus-Vertragsbedingungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook Terms of Service",,"Facebook-Vertragsbedingungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Portions utilize HighCharts, © Highsoft Solutions AS. All Rights Reserved.",,"Teile der Software nutzen HighCharts, © Highsoft Solutions AS. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instagram Terms of Use",,"Instagram-Nutzungsbedingungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""For technical support with Market Insights, go to <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=390992"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights support</a>."",,""Wenn Sie technischen Support für Market Insights benötigen, wechseln Sie zum <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=390992"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Support</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Find help contents in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Help Center</a>."",,""Im <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Hilfecenter</a> finden Sie Hilfeinhalte."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.",,"Achtung: Dieses Programm ist weltweit urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die unbefugte Vervielfältigung bzw. der unbefugte Vertrieb dieses Programms oder eines Teils davon ist strafbar. Dies wird sowohl straf- als auch zivilrechtlich verfolgt und kann schwere Strafen und Schadenersatzforderungen zur Folge haben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "© 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"© 2019 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LinkedIn User agreement",,"LinkedIn-Benutzervereinbarung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The following files were originally licensed under the MIT License (reproduced below):",,"Die folgenden Dateien wurden ursprünglich unter der MIT-Lizenz (Abbildung unten) lizenziert:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ""Software""), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:"",,""Hiermit wird unentgeltlich jeder Person, die eine Kopie der Software und der zugehörigen Dokumentationen (die ""Software"") erhält, die Erlaubnis erteilt, sie uneingeschränkt zu benutzen, einschließlich und ausnahmslos des Rechts, sie zu verwenden, kopieren, ändern, fusionieren, verlegen, verbreiten, unterlizenzieren und/oder zu verkaufen, und Personen, die diese Software erhalten, diese Rechte zu erteilen. Dafür gelten folgende Bedingungen:"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.",,"Der obige Urheberrechtsvermerk und dieser Erlaubnisvermerk sind in allen Kopien oder Teilkopien der Software beizulegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ""AS IS"", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE."",,"DIE SOFTWARE WIRD OHNE JEDE AUSDRÜCKLICHE ODER IMPLIZIERTE GARANTIE BEREITGESTELLT, EINSCHLIESSLICH JEDOCH NICHT BESCHRÄNKT AUF DIE GARANTIE ZUR BENUTZUNG FÜR DEN VORGESEHENEN ODER EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK SOWIE JEGLICHE RECHTSVERLETZUNG. IN KEINEM FALL SIND DIE AUTOREN ODER COPYRIGHTINHABER FÜR ETWAIGEN SCHADEN ODER SONSTIGE ANSPRÜCHE HAFTBAR ZU MACHEN, OB INFOLGE DER ERFÜLLUNG EINES VERTRAGES, EINES DELIKTES ODER ANDERWEITIG IM ZUSAMMENHANG MIT DER SOFTWARE ODER SONSTIGER VERWENDUNG DER SOFTWARE ENTSTANDEN.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "MIT License",,"MIT-Lizenz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "MIT Licensed Files",,"Dateien unter MIT-Lizenz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Original copyright",,"Ursprüngliches Copyright",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Original file",,"Ursprüngliche Datei",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Original license",,"Originallizenz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Original source",,"Ursprüngliche Quelle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Reddit",,"Reddit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This service depends on third parties to provide data. The use of all Social Content is subject to the terms of use or terms of service agreements associated with the social media network providing such content.",,"Dieser Dienst ist davon abhängig, dass Drittanbieter Daten bereitstellen. Die Benutzung sämtlicher Social Media-Inhalte unterliegt den Vereinbarungen zu Nutzungsbedingungen oder Vertragsbedingungen des Social Media-Netzwerks, das solche Inhalte bereitstellt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Links to third party terms of use/service",,"Links zu Nutzungs-/Vertragsbedingungen von Drittanbietern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Third party data provider",,"Drittanbieter von Daten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""This software may be based on or incorporates material from the files listed below (collectively, ""Third Party Code""). Please Note: Microsoft is not the original author of the Third Party Code. The URL for the original file source, the original copyright notice and the license under which Microsoft received Third Party Code are set forth below together with the text of such license. Such notices and license are provided solely for your information. Microsoft, not the third party, licenses this Third Party Code to you under the terms set forth in the Subscription License Terms for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Unless applicable law gives you more rights, Microsoft reserves all other rights not expressly granted under this agreement, whether by implication, estoppel or otherwise."",,""Diese Software basiert möglicherweise auf oder beinhaltet Materialien von den unten aufgeführten Dateien (in gesammelter Form als ""Drittanbietercode"" bezeichnet). Beachten Sie: Microsoft ist nicht der ursprüngliche Autor des Drittanbietercodes. Die URL der ursprünglichen Dateiquelle, der ursprüngliche Copyrighthinweis und die Lizenz, unter der Microsoft den Drittanbietercode erhalten hat, sind nachstehend zusammen mit dem Text dieser Lizenz angegeben. Diese Hinweise und die Lizenz dienen einzig Ihrer Information. Microsoft, nicht der Drittanbieter, erteilt Ihnen die Lizenz für diesen Drittanbietercode unter den in den Abonnement-Lizenzbedingungen für Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights angegebenen Bedingungen. Microsoft behält sich alle anderen Rechte vor, die Ihnen nicht ausdrücklich im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung gewährt werden, seien es implizierte, dem Anschein nach oder anderweitig gewährte Rechte, solange Ihnen nicht durch geltendes Recht mehr Rechte zustehen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Third party notices",,"Hinweise von Drittanbietern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "About Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Informationen über Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tumblr Terms of Service",,"Tumblr-Vertragsbedingungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter Terms of Service",,"Twitter-Vertragsbedingungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Wordpress Terms of Service",,"Wordpress-Vertragsbedingungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "YouTube Terms of Service",,"YouTube-Vertragsbedingungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{panel_title} is closed.",,"%{panel_title} ist geschlossen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{panel_title} is open.",,"%{panel_title} ist geöffnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{panel_name} panel",,"%{panel_name} Bereich",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Doughnut chart. 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Determined by available Bing search data.",,"Darstellung der Altersgruppen in Bezug auf das Suchaufkommen der Endverbraucher in den USA für das ausgewählte Thema. Ermittelt auf Grundlage verfügbarer Bing-Suchdaten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{percent}% are %{type}",,"%{percent}% sind %{type}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Age Group",,"Altersgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Percentage",,"Prozent",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Age",,"Alter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Determined by available Bing search data.",,"Ermittelt auf Grundlage verfügbarer Bing-Suchdaten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Line chart. Displays the number of posts in the selected time frame.",,"Liniendiagramm. 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Displays the number of posts per source in the selected time frame.",,"Liniendiagramm. Zeigt die Anzahl der Beiträge pro Quelle im ausgewählten Zeitrahmen an.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sources History",,"Quellenverlauf",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Source: %{type}",,"Quelle: %{type}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See how the volume of posts per source has changed in the selected time frame",,"Die Veränderung der Anzahl der Beiträge pro Quelle im ausgewählten Zeitrahmen anzeigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add source filter: %{channel}",,"Quellfilter hinzufügen: %{channel}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Blogs posts",,"Blogbeiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Forum posts",,"Forenbeiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom source posts",,"Beiträge mit benutzerdefinierter Quelle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook posts",,"Facebook-Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instagram posts",,"Instagram-Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LinkedIn posts",,"LinkedIn-Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "News posts",,"Nachrichtenbeiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter posts",,"Twitter-Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Videos",,"Videos",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Close",,"Schließen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Conversations",,"Unterhaltungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "activity",,"Aktivität",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "alerts",,"Warnungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "automation",,"Automatisierung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "maps",,"Karten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "rules",,"Regeln",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Download the data into Excel",,"Daten in Excel herunterladen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} filter is active. Change filters. |||| %{smart_count} filters are active. Change filters.",,"%{smart_count} Filter ist aktiv. Ändern Sie die Filter. |||| %{smart_count} Filter sind aktiv. Ändern Sie die Filter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No matching posts found. Try changing your search topic, the time frame, or your filters.",,"Keine passenden Beiträge gefunden. Ändern Sie Ihr Suchthema, den Zeitrahmen oder Ihre Filter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "BY AUDIENCE",,"NACH PUBLIKUM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "BY PAGE",,"NACH SEITE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Comments",,"Kommentare",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Comments by Audience",,"Kommentare nach Publikum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Comments by Page",,"Kommentare nach Seite",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bar chart. Displays the types of Facebook posts in your data set.",,"Balkendiagramm. Zeigt die Typen von Facebook-Beiträgen in Ihrem Dataset an.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts by Audience",,"Beiträge nach Publikum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts by Page",,"Beiträge nach Seite",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add contributor filter: %{name}",,"Teilnehmerfilter hinzufügen: %{name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post Types",,"Beitragstypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See the post types for Facebook pages in your data set",,"Beitragstypen für Facebook-Seiten in Ihrem Datensatz anzeigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{posts}% of posts and comments on your Facebook pages",,"%{posts}% der Beiträge und Kommentare auf Ihren Facebook-Seiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Filtered View",,"Gefilterte Ansicht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Page focus:",,"Seitenfokus:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Close this menu.",,"Schließen Sie dieses Menü.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create alert",,"Warnung erstellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create activity map",,"Aktivitätenkarte erstellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "More options with current filters",,"Weitere Optionen mit aktuellen Filtern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add filters",,"Filter hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change filters",,"Filter ändern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove all filters",,"Alle Filter entfernen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change your analysis focus",,"Ihren Analysefokus ändern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to search setup",,"Zu den Sucheinstellungen wechseln",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Gender data representation of consumer search volumes in US for the selected topic. Determined by available Bing search data.",,"Darstellung der Geschlechtsgruppen in Bezug auf das Suchaufkommen der Endverbraucher in den USA für das ausgewählte Thema. 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To start using activity maps, click ""Add an activity map""."",,""Sie haben noch keine Aktivitätenkarten erstellt. Klicken Sie auf ""Aktivitätenkarte hinzufügen"", um mit der Verwendung zu beginnen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "OK",,"OK",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn’t delete your activity map. Please try again.",,"Ihre Aktivitätenkarte konnte nicht gelöscht werden. Versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn’t save your activity map. Please try again.",,"Ihre Aktivitätenkarte konnte nicht gespeichert werden. Versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "That didn’t work",,"Das hat leider nicht geklappt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Specify a name before saving.",,"Geben Sie vor dem Speichern einen Namen an.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This name is already taken. Choose a different name.",,"Dieser Name ist bereits vergeben. Wählen Sie einen Namen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Do you really want to delete activity map %{cockpitName}?",,"Möchten Sie die Aktivitätenkarte %{cockpitName} wirklich löschen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have unsaved changes that will be lost. Are you sure you want to discard your changes?",,"Nicht gespeicherte Änderungen gehen verloren. Möchten Sie die Änderungen wirklich verwerfen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Success",,"Erfolgreich",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete activity map",,"Aktivitätenkarte löschen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have unsaved changes",,"Sie haben nicht gespeicherte Änderungen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts on the map from %{location}. Select Spacebar or Enter key to view the post. 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Wählen Sie die NACH-RECHTS-TASTE aus, um Beiträge im Osten anzuzeigen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Activate area filter",,"Bereichsfilter aktivieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Deactivate area filter",,"Bereichsfilter deaktivieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Collapse header",,"Kopfzeile reduzieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Expand header",,"Kopfzeile erweitern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Exit full screen mode.",,"Vollbildmodus beenden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open the activity map in full screen.",,"Öffnen Sie die Aktivitätenkarte im Vollbild.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change the map's time span",,"Zeitraum der Karte ändern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change the map type",,"Kartentyp ändern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Filter by sentiment value",,"Nach Stimmungswert filtern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{posts}% negative posts",,"%{posts} % negative Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{posts}% neutral posts",,"%{posts} % neutrale Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To filter the map by sentiment, remove the sentiment filters in your map configuration.",,"Um die Karte nach Stimmungen zu filtern, löschen Sie die Stimmungsfilter in Ihrer Kartenkonfiguration.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{posts}% positive posts",,"%{posts} % positive Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Area filter",,"Bereichsfilter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open data set in Analytics",,"Datensatz in Analyse öffnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{posts} P",,"%{posts} P",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "-%{hours}h",,"-%{hours}h",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Now",,"Jetzt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{count} post |||| %{count} posts",,"%{count} Beitrag |||| %{count} Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Neutral",,"Neutral",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sentiments",,"Stimmungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Past 30 m",,"Letzte 30 Min.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Past 12 h",,"Letzte 12 Stunden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Past 24 h",,"Letzte 24 Stunden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Point B: Latitude",,"Punkt B: Breitengrad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter ending latitude",,"Endbreitengrad eingeben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Point B: Longitude",,"Punkt B: Längengrad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter ending longitude",,"Endlängengrad eingeben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Point A: Latitude",,"Punkt A: Breitengrad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter starting latitude",,"Startbreitengrad eingeben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Point A: Longitude",,"Punkt A: Längengrad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter starting longitude",,"Startlängengrad eingeben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bar chart. 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Versuchen Sie, die Aktivitätenkarte zu aktualisieren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There are too many posts to show. Try shortening the time span.",,"Es sind zu viele Beiträge zum Anzeigen vorhanden. Verkürzen Sie den Zeitraum.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No posts are available for your current data set. Try extending your map's time span or changing your activity map configuration.",,"Für Ihr aktuelles Dataset sind keine Beiträge verfügbar. Versuchen Sie, den Zeitraum Ihrer Karte zu erweitern oder die Konfiguration Ihrer Aktivitätenkarte zu ändern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't do this action because the number of requests is too high. Please try again later.",,"Diese Aktion kann nicht ausgeführt werden. Die Anzahl der Anforderungen ist zu hoch. Versuchen Sie es später erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're sorry, but you can't perform this action with your user role.",,"Leider können Sie diese Aktion mit Ihrer Benutzerrolle nicht durchführen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Insufficient permission",,"Unzureichende Berechtigung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This social profile is missing a valid token. Please reauthenticate its token in %{social_profiles}",,"Für dieses Social Media-Profil gibt es kein gültiges Token. Authentifizieren Sie das Token in %{social_profiles} erneut",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Author details: %{author_name}",,"Autorendetails: %{author_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{widget_name} full screen widget. %{widget_description}.",,"%{widget_name} Vollbild-Widget. %{widget_description}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Analytics header. Contains current dataset setup and Analytics sub-navigation.",,"Analyse-Kopfzeile. Enthält aktuelle DataSet-Einstellungen und Analyse-Unternavigation.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Analytics page content: %{page_name}.",,"Inhalt der Analyseseite: %{page_name}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Analytics sub-navigation. Change the type of analytics you want to be displayed.",,"Analyse-Unternavigation. Ändern Sie die Art der Analyse, die angezeigt werden soll.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{widget_name} widget. %{widget_description}.",,"%{widget_name} Widget. %{widget_description}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Analytics widgets. Metrics about your current dataset.",,"Analyse-Widgets. Metriken zu Ihrem aktuellen DataSet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete in progress",,"Löschen wird ausgeführt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Deletion completed",,"Löschung abgeschlossen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Save completed",,"Speichern abgeschlossen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Save in progress",,"Speichern in Bearbeitung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Analytics filter bar. Contains current data set setup: search topic, custom filters, time frame, and total number of posts matching the data set.",,"Analysefilterleiste. Enthält die aktuellen Dataseteinstellungen: Suchthema, benutzerdefinierte Filter, Zeitrahmen und Gesamtanzahl von Beiträgen, die mit dem Dataset übereinstimmen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Contains copyright and privacy information.",,"Enthält Informationen zu Copyright und Datenschutz.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Details for the selected post.",,"Details für den ausgewählten Beitrag.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "List of posts sorted by publication date.",,"Liste der Beiträge sortiert nach Datum der Veröffentlichung.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Showing latest posts of the current dataset.",,"Zeigt die neuesten Beiträge des aktuellen DataSets an.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Analytics page is ready for use.",,""Die Seite ""Analyse"" ist bereit zur Verwendung."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're loading the Analytics page.",,""Wir laden gerade die Seite ""Analyse""."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" " and ",," und ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Operation completed.",,"Vorgang abgeschlossen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Operation in progress.",,"Vorgang in Bearbeitung.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The current data set configuration is: %{search_topic} %{filter_set} %{time_frame} %{dataset_volume}",,"Die aktuelle Datasetkonfiguration ist: %{search_topic} %{filter_set} %{time_frame} %{dataset_volume}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The current data set contains %{posts_count} posts with a trend of %{trend_value}%.",,"Das aktuelle Dataset enthält %{posts_count} Beiträge mit einem Trend von %{trend_value}%.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The selected filters are: %{filters}.",,"Die ausgewählten Filter sind: %{filters}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No selected filters.",,"Nicht ausgewählte Filter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The search topic is: %{Search_topic_name}.",,"Das Suchthema ist: %{Search_topic_name}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The selected time interval is: %{selected_time_frame} from %{selectedFromDate} to %{selectedToDate}.",,"Das ausgewählte Zeitintervall ist: %{selected_time_frame} von %{selectedFromDate} bis %{selectedToDate}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The selected time interval is: %{selected_time_frame} %{selectedDate}.",,"Das ausgewählte Zeitintervall ist: %{selected_time_frame} %{selectedDate}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" " or ",," oder ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{panel_name} panel is now closed.",,"%{panel_name} Bereich ist jetzt geschlossen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{panel_name} panel is now open.",,"%{panel_name} Bereich ist jetzt geöffnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open details panel for %{entityName}",,"Detailbereich für %{entityName} öffnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To cancel the selected time filter, select the Esc key. ",,"Um den ausgewählten Zeitfilter aufzuheben, wählen Sie die ESC-TASTE aus. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To expand the time filter, select the Spacebar or Enter key. ",,"Um den Zeitfilter zu erweitern, wählen Sie die Leertaste oder die EINGABETASTE aus. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To move between time filter options, select the Down arrow key or Up arrow key. ",,"Um sich zwischen den Zeitfilteroptionen hin- und herzubewegen, wählen Sie die NACH-UNTEN- oder NACH-OBEN-TASTE aus. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To select a time filter, select the Spacebar. ",,"Um einen Zeitfilter auszuwählen, wählen Sie die Leertaste aus. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} form field is invalid.||||%{smart_count} form fields are invalid.",,"%{smart_count} Formularfeld ist ungültig.||||%{smart_count} Formularfelder sind ungültig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} profile |||| %{smart_count} profiles",,"%{smart_count} Profil |||| %{smart_count} Profile",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add",,"Hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a Facebook page profile to use within Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Comment on a post on Facebook; Like a post on Facebook; Share a post on Facebook; Allow data acquisition for private messages; Retrieve author information for posts and comments on the Facebook page.",,"Fügen Sie ein Facebook-Seitenprofil zur Nutzung in Market Insights hinzu. Sie können dieses Profil für folgende Zwecke verwenden: Kommentieren eines Beitrags bei Facebook; Bewerten eines Beitrags bei Facebook mit „Gefällt mir”; Freigeben eines Beitrags bei Facebook; Zulassen der Datenerfassung für private Nachrichten; Abrufen von Informationen über den Autor für Beiträge und Kommentare auf der Facebook-Seite.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Social Profile",,"Social Media-Profil hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Posts and comments from authors on Facebook pages surface without author information starting February 6<sup>th</sup> 2018. Author information for Facebook pages can only be provided with a valid Facebook page profile. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Learn more about unknown Facebook authors.</a>"",,""Beiträge und Kommentare von Autoren auf Facebook-Seiten werden ab 6.<sup></sup> Februar 2018 ohne Informationen über den Autor angezeigt. Informationen über den Autor für Facebook-Seiten können nur mit einem gültigen Facebook-Seitenprofil bereitgestellt werden. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Weitere Informationen über unbekannte Facebook-Autoren.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Anonymous",,"Anonym",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Apply",,"Übernehmen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search for an assignee.",,"Nach einer zugewiesenen Person suchen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Show group, user, or all assignee types.",,"Zeigt Gruppen, Benutzer oder alle zugewiesenen Typen an.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{group_name} (%{group_membership_count})",,"%{group_name} (%{group_membership_count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Type",,"Typ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Assignee is a group.",,"Bei der zugewiesenen Person handelt es sich um eine Gruppe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Assignee is a user.",,"Bei der zugewiesenen Person handelt es sich um einen Benutzer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select users",,"Benutzer auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select users or groups",,"Benutzer oder Gruppen auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set assignee",,"Zugewiesenen festlegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All user types",,"Alle Benutzertypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Groups",,"Gruppen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Users",,"Benutzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "unassign",,"Zuweisung aufheben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't find this author tag. Enter a valid author tag and try again.",,""Wir konnten das Tag ""Autor"" nicht finden. Geben Sie ein gültiges Tag ""Autor"" ein und versuchen Sie es noch einmal."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Author Tags",,"Autor-Tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search author tags",,"Autorentags suchen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "DIRECT MESSAGE",,"DIREKTNACHRICHT",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Send a direct message to the author.",,"Senden Sie eine Direktnachricht an den Autor.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Follow",,"Folgen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start following with your social profiles.",,"Anfangen, anderen mit Ihren Social Media-Profilen zu folgen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get Relationships",,"Beziehungen abrufen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unfollow",,"Nicht mehr folgen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Stop following this author.",,"Aufhören, diesem Autor zu folgen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Cancel this action.",,"Brechen Sie diese Aktion ab.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start following",,"Folgen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Follow this author with the selected social profiles",,"Folgen Sie diesem Autor mit den ausgewählten Social Media-Profilen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start following with",,"Folgen mit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select social profiles to follow this author",,"Um diesem Autor zu folgen, Social Media-Profile auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connected Social Profiles: ",,"Verknüpfte Social Media-Profile: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Getting author relationships",,"Autorenbeziehungen werden abgerufen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your social profiles don't have a relationship with this author.",,"Ihre Social Media-Profile haben keine Beziehung zu diesem Autor.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Couldn't start following: ",,"Folgen nicht möglich: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please try again.",,"Versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This social profile isn’t valid anymore.",,"Dieses Social Media-Profil ist nicht mehr gültig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Can't follow: You must have a valid Twitter social profile to follow this author.",,"Folgen nicht möglich: Sie müssen über ein gültiges Social Media-Profile bei Twitter verfügen, um diesem Autor zu folgen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Success: %{social_profile_name} is following %{author_name}.",,"Erfolg: %{social_profile_name} folgt %{author_name}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're sorry, this action didn't work: ",,"Leider hat diese Aktion nicht funktioniert: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't retrieve the relationships, because there were too many requests made recently. Please try again in a while.",,"Wir konnten die Beziehungen nicht abrufen, da in letzter Zeit zu viele Anfragen eingegangen sind. Bitte versuchen Sie es in Kürze noch einmal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Couldn't stop following: ",,"Folgen aufheben nicht möglich: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You're following",,"Sie folgen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{name} is following you",,"%{name} folgt Ihnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Relationships",,"Beziehungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unfollowing...",,"Folgen wird aufgehoben ...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connected social profiles: %{count}",,"Verbundene Social Media-Profile: %{count}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Author name",,"Name des Autors",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Author website",,"Website des Autors",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Back",,"Zurück",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Header Image",,"Kopfzeilenbild",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The author was updated to the latest version. Make sure you still want to apply your changes.",,"Der Autor wurde auf die neueste Version aktualisiert. Prüfen Sie, ob Sie die Änderungen nach wie vor anwenden möchten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Followers",,"Follower",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Following",,"Folgen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No author details are available.",,"Es sind keine Autorendetails verfügbar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tweets",,"Tweets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Getting author details...",,"Autorendetails werden abgerufen ...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Author details are not available.",,"Autorendetails sind nicht verfügbar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Post Timeline widget is an external service provided by Twitter",,"Das Widget Chronik aller Beiträge ist ein externer Dienst, der von Twitter angeboten wird",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post timeline",,"Zeitachse veröffentlichen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile details",,"Profildetails",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Author Details",,"Autorendetails",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Verified Twitter author",,"Überprüfter Twitter-Autor",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter profile bio",,"Twitter-Profilbio",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter handle",,"Twitter-Handle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter profile location",,"Twitter-Profilstandort",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Post Timeline is an external service powered by Twitter",,"Die Beitragschronik ist ein externer Dienst, der von Twitter unterstützt wird.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter profile website",,"Twitter-Profilwebsite",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "View author details",,"Autorendetails anzeigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open new tab for author on twitter.com",,"Neue Registerkarte für Autor auf twitter.com öffnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "REFRESH",,"AKTUALISIEREN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data didn't load. Please try refreshing the section.",,"Daten wurden nicht geladen. Bitte versuchen Sie, den Abschnitt zu aktualisieren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Uses of %{hashtagName}: %{numberOfOccurences}",,"Anwendungen von %{hashtagName}: %{numberOfOccurences}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Recent tweets are currently not available. They will show again with a future update.",,"Aktuelle Tweets sind derzeit nicht verfügbar. Sie werden mit einem zukünftigen Update erneut angezeigt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create automation rule",,"Automatisierungsregel erstellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM Instances in the North America 2 location are not supported for this action and will not be displayed.",,"CRM-Instanzen am Standort Nordamerika 2 werden für diese Aktion nicht unterstützt und nicht angezeigt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 instances in the North America 2 location aren’t supported for this action and will not be displayed.",,"Dynamics 365-Instanzen am Standort Nordamerika 2 werden für diese Aktion nicht unterstützt und nicht angezeigt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Available",,"Verfügbar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile picture",,"Profilbild",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile picture placeholder",,"Platzhalter für Profilbild",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This post is not available externally",,"Dieser Beitrag ist extern nicht verfügbar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All Categories",,"Alle Kategorien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Blogs",,"Blogs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Forums",,"Foren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook",,"Facebook",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instagram",,"Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LinkedIn",,"LinkedIn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "News",,"Nachrichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter",,"Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "YouTube",,"YouTube",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select to view the chart as a graph or table",,"Wählen Sie die Ansicht des Diagramms als Graph oder Tabelle aus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Cluster",,"Cluster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Collapse all",,"Alle reduzieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Collecting conversations ...",,"Unterhaltungen werden erfasst...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Collecting social conversations across Twitter, and more",,"Erfassung von Unterhaltungen in sozialen Medien wie Twitter und mehr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} item |||| %{smart_count} items",,"%{smart_count} Element |||| %{smart_count} Elemente",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The group name can't be empty.",,"Der Gruppenname darf nicht leer sein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have not selected any topics yet. Select one or more topics.",,"Sie haben noch keine Themen ausgewählt. Wählen Sie eines oder mehrere Themen aus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please check your credentials and try again.",,"Bitte prüfen Sie Ihre Anmeldedaten und versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "That didn't work.",,"Das hat leider nicht geklappt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This version of Dynamics CRM isn't compatible.",,"Diese Version von Dynamics CRM ist nicht kompatibel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This version of Dynamics CRM isn't supported.",,"Diese Version von Dynamics CRM ist nicht unterstützt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your CRM administrator.",,"Versuchen Sie es später erneut. Falls das Problem weiterhin besteht, wenden Sie sich an Ihren CRM-Administrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Market Insights can’t communicate with Dynamics 365 right now. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Market Insights kann im Moment nicht mit Dynamics 365 kommunizieren. Versuchen Sie es später erneut. Falls das Problem weiterhin besteht, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There's a problem communicating with Dynamics CRM.",,"Bei der Kommunikation mit Dynamics CRM ist ein Problem aufgetreten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Communication issue",,"Kommunikationsproblem",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We’re having trouble performing this action in your Dynamics CRM instance. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.",,"Beim Ausführen dieser Aktion in der Dynamics CRM-Instanz sind Fehler aufgetreten. Versuchen Sie es später erneut. Tritt der Fehler weiterhin auf, wenden Sie sich an den Administrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We’re having trouble performing this action in your Dynamics 365 instance. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Beim Ausführen dieser Aktion in Ihrer Dynamics 365-Instanz sind Probleme aufgetreten. Versuchen Sie es später erneut. Wenn das Problem weiterhin auftritt, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't find the requested Dynamics CRM resource or instance, as it is either unavailable or removed. Contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Die angeforderte Dynamics CRM-Ressource oder -Instanz kann nicht gefunden werden. Sie ist entweder nicht verfügbar oder wurde entfernt. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren CRM-Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "That Dynamics 365 resource or instance is unavailable or has been removed. Contact your system administrator.",,"Die angeforderte Dynamics 365-Ressource oder -Instanz ist nicht verfügbar oder wurde entfernt. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There was no entity found for this link. Dynamics CRM may still be processing, or it's not set up to create entities from a social activity. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Es wurde kein Link für diese Entität gefunden. Dynamics CRM verarbeitet möglicherweise noch oder ist nicht für die Erstellung von Entitäten aus einer Social Media-Aktivität konfiguriert. Wenn das Problem weiterhin auftritt, wenden Sie sich an den CRM-Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We didn't find an entity for this link. Dynamics 365 may still be processing, or it's not set up to create entities from a social activity. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Es wurde keine Entität für diesen Link gefunden. Dynamics 365 verarbeitet möglicherweise noch oder ist nicht für die Erstellung von Entitäten aus einer Social Media-Aktivität konfiguriert. Versuchen Sie es später erneut. Wenn das Problem weiterhin auftritt, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're having trouble connecting to your Dynamics CRM instance. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Beim Herstellen einer Verbindung mit der Dynamics CRM-Instanz sind Probleme aufgetreten. Versuchen Sie es in einigen Minuten erneut. Wenn das Problem weiterhin auftritt, wenden Sie sich an den CRM-Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're having trouble connecting to this Dynamics 365 instance. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Beim Verbinden mit dieser Dynamics 365-Instanz sind Probleme aufgetreten. Versuchen Sie es später erneut. Wenn das Problem weiterhin auftritt, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're having trouble connecting to your Dynamics CRM instance. Please check the Dynamics CRM URL and try again. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.",,"Beim Herstellen einer Verbindung mit der Dynamics CRM-Instanz sind Fehler aufgetreten. Prüfen Sie die Dynamics CRM-URL, und versuchen Sie es erneut. Tritt der Fehler weiterhin auf, wenden Sie sich an den Administrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're having trouble connecting to this Dynamics 365 instance. Please check the URL and try again. If the problem continues, contact your system administrator.",,"Beim Herstellen einer Verbindung mit dieser Dynamics 365-Instanz sind Probleme aufgetreten. Prüfen Sie die URL und versuchen Sie es erneut. Wenn das Problem weiterhin auftritt, wenden Sie sich an den Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Dynamics CRM instance you selected doesn't support server-based authentication, which is required to perform this action. Contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Die ausgewählte Dynamics CRM-Instanz unterstützt keine serverbasierte Authentifizierung. Diese ist jedoch für die Aktion erforderlich. Wenden Sie sich an den CRM-Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This Dynamics 365 instance doesn't support server-based authentication, which is required to perform this action. Contact your system administrator.",,"Diese Dynamics 365-Instanz unterstützt keine serverbasierte Authentifizierung. Diese ist jedoch für die Aktion erforderlich. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You don't have sufficient permissions in Dynamics CRM to perform this action.",,"Sie haben in Dynamics CRM keine ausreichende Berechtigung, um diesen Vorgang durchzuführen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You don't have sufficient permissions in Dynamics 365 to perform this action.",,"Sie verfügen nicht über ausreichende Berechtigungen in Dynamics 365, um den Vorgang auszuführen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You don't have a Dynamics CRM license, which is required to perform this action. Contact your CRM administrator.",,"Sie verfügen über keine Dynamics CRM-Lizenz. Diese wird jedoch für die Aktion benötigt. Wenden Sie sich an den CRM-Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You need a Dynamics 365 license to perform this action. Contact your system administrator.",,"Sie benötigen eine Dynamics 365-Lizenz, um diese Aktion auszuführen. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't connect to your Dynamics CRM instance because it isn't enabled for OAuth 2.0. Contact your Dynamics CRM system administrator.",,"Es kann keine Verbindung zur Dynamics CRM-Instanz hergestellt werden, da sie nicht für OAuth 2.0 aktiviert ist. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Dynamics CRM-Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't connect to your Dynamics 365 instance because it isn't enabled for OAuth 2.0. Contact your system administrator. ",,"Es kann keine Verbindung mit der Dynamics 365-Instanz hergestellt werden, da sie nicht für OAuth 2.0 aktiviert ist. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren CRM-Systemadministrator. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sign in",,"Anmelden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You must be signed into CRM to perform this action.",,"Sie müssen bei CRM angemeldet sein, um diese Aktion ausführen zu können.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You must be signed in to Dynamics 365 to perform this action. ",,"Sie müssen bei Dynamics 365 angemeldet sein, um diese Aktion ausführen zu können. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Authentication required",,"Authentifizierung erforderlich",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""A record hasn't yet been created from this social activity. Make sure you have a <a class=""DisplayCrmLinkData-Header-Info-Link"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=624394"" title=""Set up rules to automatically create or update records in Dynamics 365"">record creation rule</a> set up in CRM and try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your CRM admin."",,""Es wurde kein Datensatz aus dieser Social Media-Aktivität erstellt. Stellen Sie sicher, das in CRM eine <a class=""DisplayCrmLinkData-Header-Info-Link"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=624394"" title=""Regeln erstellen, um Datensätze in Dynamics 365 automatisch zu erstellen oder zu aktualisieren"">Datensatzerstellungsregel</a> eingerichtet ist, und versuchen Sie es in einigen Minuten erneut. Wenn das Problem weiterhin auftritt, wenden Sie sich an den CRM-Systemadministrator."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""A record hasn't been created from this social activity. Make sure you have a <a class=""DisplayCrmLinkData-Header-Info-Link"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=624394"" title=""Set up rules to automatically create or update records in Dynamics 365"">record creation rule</a> set up in Dynamics 365 and try again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator."",,""Es wurde kein Datensatz aus dieser Social Media-Aktivität erstellt. Stellen Sie sicher, das in <a class=""DisplayCrmLinkData-Header-Info-Link"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=624394"" title=""Regeln erstellen, um Datensätze in Dynamics 365 automatisch zu erstellen oder zu aktualisieren"">eine Datensatzerstellungsregel</a> in Dynamics 365 eingerichtet ist und versuchen Sie es erneut. Wenn das Problem weiterhin auftritt, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemadministrator."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Owner",,"Besitzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Received as",,"Erhalten als",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Title",,"Titel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Continue",,"Fortfahren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Entity",,"Entität",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instance",,"Instanz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Notes",,"Notizen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM can’t receive social data from Market Insights. Contact your CRM administrator to review the Disable Market Insights system settings.",,"CRM kann keine Social Media-Daten von Market Insights empfangen. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren CRM-Administrator, um die Systemeinstellungen für „Market Insights deaktivieren“ zu überprüfen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 can't receive social data from Market Insights. Ask your system administrator to review the Disable Market Insights system settings.",,"Dynamics 365 kann keine Daten aus sozialen Medien von Market Insights empfangen. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemadministrator, um die Systemeinstellungen für „Market Insights deaktivieren“ zu überprüfen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom sources",,"Benutzerdefinierte Quellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This day doesn't exist for that month.",,"Dieser Tag ist für diesen Monat nicht vorhanden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This date can't be in the future.",,"Dieses Datum kann nicht in der Zukunft liegen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This date can't be older than 15 months.",,"Dieses Datum darf nicht länger als 15 Monate zurückliegen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This date can't be older than 3 months.",,"Dieses Datum darf nicht länger als 3 Monate zurückliegen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "activity maps",,"Aktivitätenkarten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "automation rules",,"Automatisierungsregeln",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""This data set doesn't work in this area. Filter ""%{filter_name}"" isn't supported by %{action}. To make this data set work, review your filters. |||| This data set doesn't work in this area. Filters ""%{filter_name}"" aren't supported by %{action}. To make this data set work, review your filters."",,""Dieses Dataset funktioniert nicht in diesem Bereich. Der Filter ""%{filter_name}"" wird von %{action} nicht unterstützt.Überprüfen Sie die Filter, sodass das Dataset funktioniert. |||| Dieses Dataset funktioniert nicht in diesem Bereich. Die Filter ""%{filter_name}"" werden von %{action} nicht unterstützt. Überprüfen Sie die Filter, sodass das Dataset funktioniert."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The owner removed this alert and the links don't work anymore. We'll redirect you to Market Insights.",,"Der Besitzer hat diese Warnung entfernt, und die Links funktionieren nicht mehr. Wir leiten Sie zu Market Insights weiter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alert configuration deleted",,"Warnungskonfiguration gelöscht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select filters to narrow the posts to the data set you want to work with.",,"Wählen Sie Filter aus, um die Beiträge auf das Dataset zu beschränken, mit dem Sie arbeiten möchten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "last month",,"Letzter Monat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "last week",,"Letzte Woche",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Filters",,"Filter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "today",,"Heute",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "View in Analytics",,"In Analyse anzeigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "View in Analytics (Opens in a new tab)",,"In Analyse anzeigen (wird in einer neuen Registerkarte geöffnet)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<span class=""%{smart_count_classname}"">%{formatted_count}</span> post matches your filters (%{time_frame}) |||| <span class=""%{smart_count_classname}"">%{formatted_count}</span> posts match your filters (%{time_frame})"",,""<span class=""%{smart_count_classname}"">%{formatted_count}</span> Beiträge entsprechen Ihren Filtern (%{time_frame}) |||| <span class=""%{smart_count_classname}"">%{formatted_count}</span> Beiträge entsprechen Ihren Filtern (%{time_frame})"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your data set is in an invalid state due to a deleted author. Remove the deleted author from your filters and select Save.",,"Das Dataset befindet sich in einem ungültigen Status aufgrund des gelöschten Autors. Entfernen Sie den gelöschten Autor aus Ihren Filtern, und wählen Sie „Speichern” aus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Date",,"Datum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "day",,"Tag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Apr",,"%{day_of_month}. Apr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Aug",,"%{day_of_month}. Aug",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Dec",,"%{day_of_month}. Dez",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Feb",,"%{day_of_month}. Feb",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Jan",,"%{day_of_month}. Jan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Jul",,"%{day_of_month}. Jul",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Jun",,"%{day_of_month}. Jun",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Mar",,"%{day_of_month}. Mrz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. May",,"%{day_of_month}. Mai",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Nov",,"%{day_of_month}. Nov",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Oct",,"%{day_of_month}. Okt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{day_of_month}. Sep",,"%{day_of_month}. 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Geben Sie eine gültige zugewiesene Person ein und versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "unassigned",,"Nicht zugewiesen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Assignee",,"Zugewiesener",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add posts without assignee to your data set",,"Beiträge ohne zugewiesene Person Ihrem Dataset hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add assignee filter",,"Zugewiesene Filter hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add author filter",,"Autorfilter hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add author tags filter",,"Filter für Autorentags hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "By others",,"Von anderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "By owner",,"Vom Besitzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Assignee",,"Zugewiesene Person",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - 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Please enter a valid author and try again.",,"Wir konnten diesen Autor nicht finden. 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Authenticate an Instagram account and allow the acquisition.",,"Um Daten von Instagram zu erfassen, wechseln Sie zu <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Media-Profile</a>. Authentifizieren Sie ein Instagram-Konto und lassen Sie die Erfassung zu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is no valid Instagram account authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Instagram has stopped. To start data acquisition for Instagram, go to Social Profiles, authenticate an Instagram account, and then allow the data acquisition.",,"In dieser Lösung ist kein gültiges Instagram-Konto authentifiziert. Die Datengewinnung für Instagram wurde beendet. 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LinkedIn posts will be excluded from your automation rule.",,"LinkedIn-Daten können nicht exportiert werden. LinkedIn-Beiträge werden von der Automatisierungsregel ausgeschlossen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't work with LinkedIn posts outside of Market Insights.",,"Sie können außerhalb von Market Insights nicht mit LinkedIn-Beiträgen arbeiten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is no valid LinkedIn organization page for this solution and data acquisition has stopped. Go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a LinkedIn organization page, and then allow data acquisition.",,"Es gibt keine gültige LinkedIn-Organisationsseite für diese Lösung, und die Datenerfassung wurde beendet. Wechseln Sie zu <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Media-Profile</a>, authentifizieren Sie eine LinkedIn-Organisationsseite, und lassen Sie dann die Datenerfassung zu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't work with LinkedIn posts outside of Market Insights. You can't export LinkedIn data.",,"Sie können außerhalb von Market Insights nicht mit LinkedIn-Beiträgen arbeiten. Sie können LinkedIn-Daten nicht exportieren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Validating social profiles",,"Social Media-Profile werden geprüft",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Main menu",,"Hauptmenü",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "© 2019 Microsoft Corporation © 2019 HERE",,"© 2019 Microsoft Corporation © 2019 HERE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Zoom in",,"Vergrößern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Zoom out",,"Verkleinern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Media list",,"Medienliste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} Source |||| %{smart_count} Sources",,"%{smart_count} Quelle |||| %{smart_count} Quellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Menu",,"Menü",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "In order to add and reauthenticate social profiles, please open this application on a browser.",,"Um Social Media-Profile hinzuzufügen und sie erneut zu authentifizieren, öffnen Sie diese Anwendung in einem Browser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "month",,"Monat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "April",,"April",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "August",,"August",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "December",,"Dezember",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "February",,"Februar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "January",,"Januar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "July",,"Juli",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "June",,"Juni",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "March",,"März",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "May",,"Mai",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "November",,"November",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "October",,"Oktober",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "September",,"September",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Apr",,"Apr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - 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Social Engagement",,"" "The name is already taken.",,"Der Name ist bereits vergeben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The name is too long.",,"Der Name ist zu lang.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to Office 365 or other applications.",,"Wechseln Sie zu Office 365 oder anderen Anwendungen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "About",,"Info",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Community",,"Community",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Help",,"Hilfe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "View Office 365 profile",,"Office 365-Profil anzeigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sign out",,"Abmelden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Support",,"Support",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "My preferences",,"Meine Einstellungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Edit profile picture",,"Profilbild bearbeiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Activity Maps",,"Aktivitätenkarten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Analytics",,"Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Feedback",,"Feedback",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Give feedback.",,"Geben Sie Feedback.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get help using Market Insights.",,"Erhalten Sie Hilfe bei der Verwendung von Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alerts",,"Warnungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Setup",,"Sucheinstellungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Settings",,"Einstellungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Review or update Market Insights settings.",,"Überprüfen oder aktualisieren Sie die Market Insights-Einstellungen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Center",,"Social Media Center",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Selling",,"Social Selling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Home",,"Start",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have the right to reproduce, display and distribute copyrighted News for your internal business purposes only, and shall not modify or publicly display copyrighted News.",,"Sie haben das Recht, urheberrechtlich geschützte Nachrichten nur zu internen Unternehmenszwecken zu reproduzieren, anzuzeigen und zu verteilen, und dürfen urheberrechtlich geschützte Nachrichten nicht bearbeiten oder öffentlich anzeigen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "News coverage is limited to the following languages: English, French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese.",,"Die Nachrichtenberichterstattung ist auf die folgenden Sprachen beschränkt: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch und Portugiesisch.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No",,"Nein",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Not available",,"Nicht verfügbar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't find this location. Please enter a valid location.",,"Dieser Ort wurde nicht gefunden. Geben Sie einen gültigen Ort ein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This term has already been added to your keywords filter.",,"Dieser Begriff wurde bereits zum Schlüsselwortfilter hinzugefügt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "A single keyword cannot exceed 128 characters.",,"Ein einzelnes Schlüsselwort darf 128 Zeichen nicht überschreiten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{number}M",,"%{number}M",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{number}k",,"%{number}k",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Office 365 account actions",,"Office 365-Kontoaktionen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Ok",,"OK",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't do this action, because this social profile isn't a friend of the target user.",,"Diese Aktion ist nicht möglich, da dieses Social Media-Profil nicht mit dem Zielbenutzer befreundet ist.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Owned",,"In Besitz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If you or your organization owns the social account, set the toggle to <strong>Owned</strong>. If you or your organization doesn't own the social account, set the toggle to <strong>Earned</strong>. <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=841903'>Learn more</a>",,"Wenn Sie oder Ihre Organisation ein Social Media-Konto besitzen, setzen Sie den Umschaltstatus auf <strong>In Besitz</strong>. Wenn Sie oder Ihre Organisation kein Social Media-Konto besitzen, setzen Sie den Umschaltstatus auf <strong>Erzielt</strong>. <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=841903'>Weitere Informationen</a>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{pageTitle} - Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"%{pageTitle} – Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to the first page.",,"Zur ersten Seite wechseln.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to the last page.",,"Zur letzten Seite wechseln.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to the next page.",,"Zur nächsten Seite wechseln.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "of",,"von",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to the previous page.",,"Zur vorherigen Seite wechseln.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{startIndex} - %{endIndex} of %{rowCount}",,"%{startIndex} – %{endIndex} von %{rowCount}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Showing rows %{startIndex} to %{endIndex} of %{rowCount}",,"Zeilen %{startIndex} bis %{endIndex} von %{rowCount} werden angezeigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search in this panel",,"In diesem Bereich suchen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search",,"Suche",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No results were found for this keyword.",,"Für dieses Schlüsselwort wurden keine Ergebnisse gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instagram Account",,"Instagram-Konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LinkedIn Account",,"LinkedIn-Konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LinkedIn Organization Page",,"LinkedIn-Organisationsseite",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "YouTube Account",,"YouTube-Konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the type of social profile you want to authenticate and add to your user account.",,"Wählen Sie den Typ des Social Media-Profils aus, das Sie authentifizieren möchten, und fügen Sie es Ihrem Benutzerkonto hinzu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{source} Acquisition",,"%{source}-Gewinnung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook and Instagram user",,"Benutzer von Facebook und Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{source} Page",,"%{source}-Seite",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{source} Profile",,"%{source}-Profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{source} User",,"%{source}-Benutzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add an Facebook user account to use within Market Insights. You can use this profile to allow data acquisition for Facebook. Note that, to receive data from Facebook pages, you have to allow data acquisition for at least one Facebook Acquisition profile.",,"Fügen Sie ein Facebook-Benutzerkonto zur Nutzung in Market Insights hinzu. Sie können dieses Profil verwenden, um die Datenerfassung für Facebook zuzulassen. Um Daten von Facebook-Seiten zu erhalten, müssen Sie die Datenerfassung für mindestens ein Facebook-Erfassungsprofil zulassen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a Facebook user account to acquire data from Facebook pages and your own Instagram business accounts. We recommend adding several Facebook user accounts to ensure a stable data acquisition on Facebook pages and Instagram business accounts. Note: By adding a Facebook user account, acquisition permissions for Facebook and Instagram are enabled. Acquisition for only Facebook or only Instagram isn't supported. To receive data from Facebook pages and Instagram accounts, you also need to configure search rules.",,"Um Daten von Facebook-Seiten und aus Ihren eigenen Instagram-Unternehmenskonten abzurufen, fügen Sie ein Facebook-Benutzerkonto hinzu. Damit die Daten aus beiden Quellen zuverlässig erfasst werden, empfiehlt es sich, mehrere Facebook-Benutzerkonten hinzuzufügen. Hinweis: Durch Hinzufügen eines Facebook-Benutzerkontos werden Berechtigungen zum Datenabruf aus Facebook und Instagram aktiviert. Ein Datenabruf nur aus Facebook oder Instagram alleine wird nicht unterstützt. Um Daten von Facebook-Seiten und aus Instagram-Konten abrufen zu können, müssen Sie zudem Suchregeln definieren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add your Facebook user profile to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can use this profile to share a post on Facebook.",,"Fügen Sie ein Facebook-Benutzerprofil zur Nutzung in Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights hinzu. Sie können dieses Profil Teilen von Beiträgen bei Facebook verwenden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a personal Facebook user profile to use in Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights to allow data acquisition of Facebook pages. You can also use this profile to like, share, or comment on a post on Facebook.",,"Fügen Sie ein privates Facebook-Benutzerprofil zur Nutzung in Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights hinzu, um die Datenerfassung für Facebook-Seiten zuzulassen. Sie können dieses Profil zum Liken, Teilen oder Kommentieren von Beiträgen bei Facebook verwenden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a Facebook Instagram acquisition profile to associate with your Market Insights account. This profile will allow data acquisition from your own Instagram business accounts and Facebook pages.",,"Fügen Sie ein Facebook- und Instagram-Erfassungsprofil hinzu, das mit Ihrem Market Insights-Konto verknüpft wird. Mit diesem Profil können Sie Daten aus Ihren eigenen Instagram-Unternehmenskonten und Facebook-Seiten erfassen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a LinkedIn organization page to use within Market Insights. You can use this page to reply to a post on LinkedIn, like a post on LinkedIn, and acquire posts from this page.",,"Fügen Sie eine LinkedIn-Organisationsseite zur Verwendung in Market Insights hinzu. Sie können diese Seite verwenden, um auf einen Beitrag in LinkedIn zu antworten, einen Beitrag in LinkedIn mit „Gefällt mir” zu markieren und um Beiträge von dieser Seite zu erfassen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a LinkedIn profile to use within Market Insights. You can use this profile to share a post on LinkedIn.",,"Fügen Sie ein LinkedIn-Profil zur Verwendung in Market Insights hinzu. Sie können dieses Profil verwenden, um einen Beitrag auf LinkedIn freizugeben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a Twitter profile to use within Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Reply to a post on Twitter; Like a post on Twitter; Retweet a post on Twitter; Allow data acquisition for direct messages.",,"Fügen Sie ein Twitter-Profil zur Nutzung in Market Insights hinzu. Sie können dieses Profil für folgende Zwecke verwenden: Antworten auf einen Beitrag bei Twitter; Liken eines Beitrags bei Twitter; Retweeten eines Beitrags bei Twitter; Zulassen der Datenerfassung für Direktnachrichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a YouTube account to use within Market Insights. You can use this account to: Comment on a YouTube video; Like or dislike a YouTube video or a YouTube video comment.",,"Fügen Sie ein YouTube-Konto zur Verwendung in Market Insights hinzu. Damit können Sie YouTube-Videos kommentieren und Videos oder Kommentare zu Videos als positiv oder negativ bewerten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't authorize this social profile due to the maximum number of application requests reached.",,"Wir können dieses Social Media-Profil nicht autorisieren, da die maximale Anzahl von Anwendungsanforderungen erreicht ist.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook and Instagram acquisition",,"Datenabruf aus Facebook und Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't given this social profile the required permissions: “%{socialProfileName}“. Please add this social profile again and provide the required permissions.",,""Das folgende Social Media-Profil verfügt nicht über die erforderlichen Berechtigungen: ""%{socialProfileName}"". Fügen Sie dieses Social Media-Profil erneut hinzu, und geben Sie die erforderlichen Berechtigungen an."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Acquisition",,"Erfassung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure that you want to delete the %{socialProfileName} social profile?",,"Möchten Sie das Social Media-Profil %{socialProfileName} wirklich löschen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Removing this profile will stop data acquisition. Are you sure that you want to delete the %{socialProfileName} social profile?",,"Durch Entfernen dieses Profils wird die Datenerfassung beendet. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Social Media-Profil %{socialProfileName} löschen wollen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete Social Profile?",,"Social Media-Profil löschen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Removing this token will stop data acquisition. Are you sure that you want to delete the token?",,"Durch Entfernen dieses Tokens wird die Datenerfassung beendet. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Token löschen wollen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete Token?",,"Token löschen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Personalize",,"Personalisieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Privacy notice",,"Datenschutzbestimmungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights connects to third-party services in order to retrieve the Social Content that you request, and to enable certain functionalities of the Service. In order to establish these connections, certain data may be shared with these external services. Please refer to the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=699489'>product technical documentation</a>",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights stellt eine Verbindung mit den Services Dritter her, um von Ihnen angefragte Inhalte aus sozialen Netzwerken abzurufen und um bestimmte Servicefunktionen anzubieten. Zur Herstellung dieser Verbindung werden unter Umständen bestimmte Daten an diese externen Services weitergegeben. Mehr Informationen dazu finden Sie in der <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=699489'>zum Produkt gehörigen technischen Dokumentation</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Privacy Statement",,"Datenschutzbestimmungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Online Services Privacy Statement.",,"Microsoft-Online Service-Datenschutzbestimmungen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Private message",,"Private Nachricht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Private Messages",,"Private Nachrichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "© 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"© 2019 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Copyright information for this service.",,"Copyright-Informationen für diesen Service.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile Photo",,"Profilfoto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Content is loading...",,"Der Inhalt wird geladen...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Getting social profiles...",,"Social Media-Profile abrufen...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tweet",,"Tweet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "colon",,"Doppelpunkt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "hyphen",,"Bindestrich",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "period",,"Punkt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "slash",,"Schrägstrich",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Keywords rule",,"Regel für Schlüsselwörter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The keyword search rule allows you to set up a search query with keywords, inclusions, and exclusions, as well as choosing in which languages and on which sources to search. For example, if you use Microsoft, MSFT as keywords, and CRM as inclusions, you’ll get posts that contain Microsoft OR MSFT AND CRM.",,"Die Schlüsselwort-Suchregel ermöglicht Ihnen das Einrichten einer Suchabfrage mit Schlüsselwörtern, Einschlüssen, Ausschlüssen sowie die Auswahl der Sprachen und der Quellen, die durchsucht werden. Falls Sie beispielsweise Microsoft, MSFT als Schlüsselwörter und CRM als Einschlüsse verwenden, erhalten Sie Beiträge, die Microsoft ODER MSFT UND CRM enthalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The keyword search rule lets you set up a search query with keywords, inclusions, and exclusions, and choose which languages and sources to search. For example, if you use Microsoft, MSFT as keywords, and Dynamics 365 as inclusions, you’ll get posts that contain Microsoft OR MSFT AND Dynamics 365.",,"Die Schlüsselwort-Suchregel ermöglicht Ihnen das Einrichten einer Suchabfrage mit Schlüsselwörtern, Einschlüssen, Ausschlüssen sowie die Auswahl der Sprachen und der Quellen, die durchsucht werden sollen. Falls Sie beispielsweise Microsoft, MSFT als Schlüsselwörter und Dynamics 365 als Einschlüsse verwenden, erhalten Sie Beiträge, die Microsoft ODER MSFT UND Dynamics 365 enthalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook page rule",,"Facebook-Seitenregel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Facebook page rule allows you to capture all conversations on a public Facebook page. The conversations are captured regardless of any previously defined keyword search rule in the same search topic.",,"Die Facebook-Seitenregel ermöglicht Ihnen das Erfassen sämtlicher Unterhaltungen auf einer öffentlichen Facebook-Seite. Die Unterhaltungen werden ungeachtet jeglicher vorher definierter Schlüsselwort-Suchregeln im selben Suchthema erfasst.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter rule",,"Twitter-Regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Twitter rule allows you to track the conversations for a specific Twitter profile. The Twitter profiles are captured regardless of any previously set keyword search rule in the same topic.",,"Die Twitter-Regel ermöglicht Ihnen das Nachverfolgen der Unterhaltungen für ein spezifisches Twitter-Profil. Die Twitter-Profile werden unabhängig von vorher festgelegten Schlüsselwort-Suchregeln im selben Thema erfasst.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Private messages rule",,"Regel für private Nachrichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can acquire private messages from authenticated Twitter and Facebook Accounts when (i) a Facebook or Twitter Profile is authenticated on the Social Profiles page; and (ii) the acquisition of private messages has been enabled by the owner of the profile.",,""Sie können private Nachrichten von authentifizierten Twitter- und Facebook-Konten erfassen, wenn (i) ein Facebook- oder Twitter-Profil auf der Seite ""Social Media-Profile"" authentifiziert ist und (ii) die Erfassung privater Nachrichten vom Besitzer des Profils aktiviert wurde."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instagram rule",,"Instagram-Regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Instagram rule allows you to track the posts and comments for a specific Instagram account. The posts and comments are captured regardless of any previously set keyword search rule in the same topic.",,"Die Instagram-Regel ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Beiträge und Kommentare für ein spezifisches Instagram-Konto nachzuverfolgen. Die Beiträge und Kommentare werden unabhängig von vorher festgelegten Schlüsselwort-Suchregeln im selben Thema erfasst.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LinkedIn rule",,"LinkedIn-Regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The LinkedIn rule allows you to track the posts and comments for a specific LinkedIn organization page. Posts and comments are captured regardless of any previously set keyword rule in the same topic.",,"Mit der LinkedIn-Regel können Sie die Beiträge und Kommentare für eine bestimmte LinkedIn-Organisationsseite verfolgen. Beiträge und Kommentare werden unabhängig von zuvor festgelegten Schlüsselwortregeln in demselben Thema erfasst.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "YouTube rule",,"YouTube-Regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The YouTube rule allows you to track the posts and comments for a specific YouTube channel. Posts and comments are captured regardless of any previously set keyword rule in the same topic.",,"Mit der YouTube-Regel können Sie die Beiträge und Kommentare für einen bestimmte YouTube-Kanal verfolgen. Beiträge und Kommentare werden unabhängig von zuvor festgelegten Schlüsselwortregeln in demselben Thema erfasst.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This social profile doesn't have the required permissions for this action. Please make sure you're using the correct social profile.",,"Dieses Social Media-Profil verfügt nicht über die erforderlichen Berechtigungen für diese Aktion. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie das korrekte Social Media-Profil verwenden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom sources rule",,"Regel für benutzerdefinierte Quellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Gather all posts from a previously created group of custom sources without matching any keywords.",,"Sammeln Sie alle Beiträge aus einer zuvor erstellten Gruppe benutzerdefinierter Quellen ohne Abgleich von Schlüsselwörtern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom Sources.",,"Benutzerdefinierte Quellen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This name already exists in categories or search topics. Choose a different name.",,"Dieser Name ist bereits in Kategorien oder Suchthemen vorhanden. Wählen Sie einen anderen Namen aus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No results found.",,"Keine Ergebnisse gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No groups found. Please change filter and try again.",,"Keine Gruppen gefunden. Ändern Sie den Filter, und versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No users selected",,"Keine Benutzer ausgewählt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" """" and """",,"""" und """",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""results for ""%{searchTerms}"""",,""Ergebnisse für ""%{searchTerms}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Widgets",,"Widgets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See private messages",,"Private Nachrichten anzeigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select all",,"Alle auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select entity %{entityName}",,"Entität %{entityName} auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select user %{displayName}",,"Benutzer %{displayName} auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Selected",,"Ausgewählt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Send email to %{emailAddress}",,"Senden von E-Mail an %{emailAddress}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Share this stream with other users",,"Diesen Stream für andere Benutzer freigeben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Share with all users",,"Für alle Benutzer freigeben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} User (Ownership %{ownership_count}) |||| %{smart_count} Users (Ownership %{ownership_count})",,"%{smart_count} Benutzer (Besitz %{ownership_count}) |||| %{smart_count} Benutzer (Besitz %{ownership_count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} User |||| %{smart_count} Users",,"%{smart_count} Benutzer |||| %{smart_count} Benutzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Collapse navigation",,"Navigation reduzieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Expand navigation",,"Navigation erweitern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open navigation",,"Navigation öffnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Value: ",,"Wert: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Can't authenticate this page. The user needs to be one of the administrators of the page.",,"Diese Seite kann nicht authentifiziert werden. Der Benutzer muss ein Administrator der Seite sein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Authenticate",,"Authentifizieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Before you can search for Twitter accounts, add a Twitter profile to your social profiles.",,"Bevor Sie nach Twitter-Konten suchen können, müssen Sie Ihren Social Media-Profilen ein Twitter-Profil hinzufügen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Note",,"Notiz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile picture on %{sourceType}",,"Profilbild auf %{sourceType}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile picture placeholder on %{sourceType}",,"Platzhalter für Profilbild auf %{sourceType}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social profile valid",,"Social Media-Profil gültig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social profile invalid",,"Social Media-Profil ungültig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't authorize this social profile due to the maximum number of application requests reached.",,"Wir können dieses Social Media-Profil nicht autorisieren, da die maximale Anzahl von Anwendungsanforderungen erreicht ist.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Selling Assistant",,"Social Selling Assistant",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Solution %{solution_id}",,"Lösung %{solution_id}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sort column %{colName} in ascending order",,"Spalte %{colName} in aufsteigender Reihenfolge sortieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sort column %{colName} in descending order",,"Spalte %{colName} in absteigender Reihenfolge sortieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add one or two characters.",,"Ein oder zwei Zeichen hinzufügen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This name already exists. Choose a different name and try again.",,"Der Name ist bereits vergeben. Wählen Sie einen anderen Namen aus, und versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom source couldn't be saved",,"Benutzerdefinierte Quelle konnte nicht gespeichert werden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't added any custom sources to this group yet.",,"Sie haben noch keine benutzerdefinierten Quellen zu dieser Gruppe hinzugefügt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To acquire posts from Facebook pages, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Um Beiträge von Facebook-Seiten zu erfassen, wechseln Sie zu <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Media-Profile</a>, authentifizieren Sie einen Facebook-Benutzer und lassen Sie dann die Erfassung von Facebook-Seiten zu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To acquire posts from Facebook pages, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a Facebook Acquisition profile, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Um Beiträge von Facebook-Seiten zu erfassen, wechseln Sie zu <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Media-Profile</a>, authentifizieren Sie ein Facebook-Erfassungsprofil und lassen Sie dann die Erfassung von Facebook-Seiten zu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data acquisition for this LinkedIn page has stopped because there is no longer a valid token for the LinkedIn Page. To restart data acquisition, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a> and re-authenticate the LinkedIn page profile.",,"Die Datenerfassung für diese LinkedIn-Seite wurde beendet, da es kein gültiges Token mehr für die LinkedIn-Seite gibt. Um die Datenerfassung erneut zu starten, wechseln Sie zu <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Media-Profile</a>, und authentifizieren Sie das LinkedIn-Seitenprofil erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To get ready for the new and faster Facebook data acquisition, authenticate your Facebook user profile in Social Profiles. Once you have authenticated your profile and we have enabled new data acquisition for your solution, we'll inform you by email. Authenticating a Facebook user profile gives you a valid access token, which is required to continue future data acquisition from Facebook pages. A token is usually valid for 60 days, and you’ll get reminders to take action when it's about to expire.",,"Authentifizieren Sie Ihr Facebook-Benutzerprofil in den Social Media-Profilen, um sich auf die neue und schnellere Facebook-Datenerfassung vorzubereiten. Nach der Authentifizierung Ihres Profils und der Aktivierung der neuen Datenerfassung für Ihre Lösung informieren Sie wir per E-Mail. Durch die Authentifizierung eines Facebook-Benutzerprofils erhalten Sie ein gültiges Zugriffstoken, das für die zukünftige Datenerfassung von Facebook-Seiten erforderlich ist. Ein Token ist normalerweise für 60 Tage gültig und Sie werden über erforderliche Aktionen informiert, wenn es abläuft.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To get ready for the new and faster Facebook data acquisition, authenticate your Facebook Acquisition profile in Social Profiles. Once you have authenticated your profile and we have enabled new data acquisition for your solution, we'll inform you by email. Authenticating a Facebook Acquisition profile gives you a valid access token, which is required to continue future data acquisition from Facebook pages. A token is usually valid for 60 days, and you’ll get reminders to take action when it's about to expire.",,"Authentifizieren Sie Ihr Facebook-Erfassungsprofil in den Social Media-Profilen, um sich auf die neue und schnellere Facebook-Datenerfassung vorzubereiten. Nach der Authentifizierung Ihres Profils und der Aktivierung der neuen Datenerfassung für Ihre Lösung informieren wir Sie per E-Mail. Durch die Authentifizierung eines Facebook-Erfassungsprofils erhalten Sie ein gültiges Zugriffstoken, das für die zukünftige Datenerfassung von Facebook-Seiten erforderlich ist. Ein Token ist normalerweise für 60 Tage gültig, und Sie werden über erforderliche Aktionen informiert, wenn es abläuft.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To get ready for the new and faster Facebook data acquisition, authenticate your Facebook user profile in <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>. Once you have authenticated your profile and we have enabled new data acquisition for your solution, we'll inform you by email.<br>Authenticating a Facebook user profile gives you a valid access token, which is required to continue future data acquisition from Facebook pages. A token is usually valid for 60 days, and you’ll get reminders to take action when it's about to expire.",,"Authentifizieren Sie Ihr Facebook-Benutzerprofil in den <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Media-Profilen</a>, um sich auf die neue und schnellere Facebook-Datenerfassung vorzubereiten. Nach der Authentifizierung Ihres Profils und der Aktivierung der neuen Datenerfassung für Ihre Lösung informieren Sie wir per E-Mail.<br>Durch die Authentifizierung eines Facebook-Benutzerprofils erhalten Sie ein gültiges Zugriffstoken, das für die zukünftige Datenerfassung von Facebook-Seiten erforderlich ist. Ein Token ist normalerweise für 60 Tage gültig und Sie werden über erforderliche Aktionen informiert, wenn es abläuft.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To get ready for the new and faster Facebook data acquisition, authenticate your Facebook Acquisition profile in <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>. Once you have authenticated your profile and we have enabled new data acquisition for your solution, we'll inform you by email.<br>Authenticating a Facebook Acquisition profile gives you a valid access token, which is required to continue future data acquisition from Facebook pages. A token is usually valid for 60 days, and you’ll get reminders to take action when it's about to expire.",,"Authentifizieren Sie Ihr Facebook-Erfassungsprofil in den <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Media-Profilen</a>, um sich auf die neue und schnellere Facebook-Datenerfassung vorzubereiten. Nach der Authentifizierung Ihres Profils und der Aktivierung der neuen Datenerfassung für Ihre Lösung informieren wir Sie per E-Mail.<br>Durch die Authentifizierung eines Facebook-Erfassungsprofils erhalten Sie ein gültiges Zugriffstoken, das für die zukünftige Datenerfassung von Facebook-Seiten erforderlich ist. Ein Token ist normalerweise für 60 Tage gültig, und Sie werden über erforderliche Aktionen informiert, wenn es abläuft.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is no valid Facebook user authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to Social Profiles, authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Es ist kein gültiger Facebook-Benutzer in dieser Lösung vorhanden. Die Datenerfassung von Facebook-Seiten wurde angehalten. Wechseln Sie zu Social Media-Profile, authentifizieren Sie einen Facebook-Benutzer und lassen Sie dann die Erfassung von Facebook-Seiten zu, um die Datenerfassung für Facebook-Seiten zu starten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is no valid Facebook Acquisition profile authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to Social Profiles, authenticate a Facebook Acquisition profile, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Diese Lösung enthält kein gültiges authentifiziertes Facebook-Erfassungsprofil und die Datenerfassung für Facebook -Seiten wurde beendet. Um mit der Datenerfassung von Facebook-Seiten zu beginnen, wechseln Sie zu Social Media-Profile, authentifizieren Sie ein Facebook-Erfassungsprofil und lassen Sie dann die Erfassung von Facebook-Seiten zu. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is no valid Facebook user authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Es ist kein gültiger Facebook-Benutzer in dieser Lösung vorhanden. Die Datenerfassung von Facebook-Seiten wurde angehalten. Wechseln Sie zu <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Media-Profile</a>, authentifizieren Sie einen Facebook-Benutzer und lassen Sie dann die Erfassung von Facebook-Seiten zu, um die Datenerfassung für Facebook-Seiten zu starten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is no valid Facebook Acquisition profile authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a Facebook Acquisition profile, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Diese Lösung enthält kein gültiges authentifiziertes Facebook-Erfassungsprofil und die Datenerfassung für Facebook -Seiten wurde beendet. Um mit der Datenerfassung von Facebook-Seiten zu beginnen, wechseln Sie zu <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Media-Profile</a>, authentifizieren Sie ein Facebook-Erfassungsprofil und lassen Sie dann die Erfassung von Facebook-Seiten zu. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Loading",,"Wird geladen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Page is loading.",,"Seite wird geladen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{subPageTitle} - %{pageTitle} - Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"%{subPageTitle} – %{pageTitle} – Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Off",,"Deaktiviert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "On",,"Aktiviert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Table View",,"Tabellenansicht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""View ""%{chart_name}"" as a table"",,"„%{chart_name}” als Tabelle anzeigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sorting column ascending order",,"Aufsteigende Reihenfolge der Sortierungsspalte",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sorting column descending order",,"Absteigende Reihenfolge der Sortierungsspalte",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Action",,"Aktion",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "User",,"Benutzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Top authors",,"Top-Autoren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automation rule statistics",,"Automatisierungsregelstatistiken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automation rules",,"Automatisierungsregeln",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All available entities",,"Alle verfügbaren Entitäten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Blocked domains",,"Geblockte Domänen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Blocked keywords",,"Geblockte Schlüsselwörter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Category",,"Kategorie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connection entity",,"Verbindungsentität",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connection",,"Verbindung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom tags",,"Benutzerdefinierte Tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Domain",,"Domäne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Event Hub",,"Event Hub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Intention tags",,"Zweck-Tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Location group",,"Standortgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Map pin",,"Kartenstecknadel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota usage",,"Vorgabenutzung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "RSS feeds",,"RSS-Feeds",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search topic rules",,"Suchthemenregeln",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search topic",,"Suchthema",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sentiment of search terms.",,"Stimmung von Suchbegriffen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Smart tags history",,"Intelligente Tags – Verlauf",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social profile",,"Social Media-Profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom tag distribution",,"Verteilung benutzerdefinierter Tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tag score",,"Tagbewertung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "time interval",,"Zeitintervall",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{cellValue}. Select to filter by time interval and %{fieldName}=%{fieldValue}.",,"%{cellValue}. Wählen Sie das Filtern nach Zeitintervall und %{fieldName}=%{fieldValue} aus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{cellValue}. Select to filter by %{filterField}.",,"%{cellValue}. Wählen Sie das Filtern nach %{filterField} aus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create new tag «%{tagname}»",,""Einen neuen Tag ""%{tagname}"" erstellen"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There was a conflict with the latest version. Please confirm again your changes.",,"Mit der letzten Version ist ein Konflikt aufgetreten. Bitte bestätigen Sie Ihre Änderungen erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Updating the author failed. Please try again.",,"Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Autors. Versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Author Tags",,"Autoren-Tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't find this tag. Please enter a valid tag.",,"Wir konnten den Tag nicht finden. Bitte geben Sie einen gültigen Tag ein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post Tags and Intentions",,"Tags und Absichten posten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search tags",,"Tags suchen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rating type",,"Bewertungstyp",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Auto",,"Auto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom",,"Benutzerdefiniert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tag type",,"Tag-Typ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a tag",,"Tag hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Added tag %{tagName}.",,"Tag %{tagName} wurde hinzugefügt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Auto Tag: %{string}",,"Automatisches Tag: %{string}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Close this pane.",,"Schließen Sie diesen Bereich.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm this auto tag",,"Automatische Markierung bestätigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirmed",,"Bestätigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom Tag: %{string}",,"Benutzerdefiniertes Tag: %{string}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add or remove tags",,"Tags hinzufügen oder entfernen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove this tag",,"Dieses Tag entfernen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Removed tag %{tagName}.",,"Tag %{tagName} wurde entfernt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This didn't work. The tag is already added to this post.",,"Das hat nicht funktioniert. Dieses Tag wurde diesem Beitrag bereits hinzugefügt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "TAGS",,"TAGS",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tags:",,"Tags:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "and %{smart_count} other |||| and %{smart_count} others",,"und %{smart_count} weiteres |||| und %{smart_count} weitere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All rating types",,"Alle Bewertungstypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To add another one, remove an existing tag from the post.",,"Um ein weiteres Tag hinzuzufügen, entfernen Sie ein vorhandenes aus dem Beitrag.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can add a maximum of %{number} tags to a post.",,"Sie können einem Beitrag maximal %{number} Tags hinzufügen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<strong>You can only add %{tags} tags to an author.</strong> To add a new tag, first remove another tag.",,"<strong>Sie können nur %{tags} Tags zu einem Autor hinzufügen.</strong> Um ein neues Tag hinzuzufügen, müssen Sie zuerst ein anderes Tag entfernen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<strong>You can add only %{tags} tags to an author.</strong>",,"<strong>Sie können nur %{tags}-Tags einem Autor hinzufügen.</strong>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<strong>You can only add %{tags} tags to a post.</strong> To add a new tag, first remove another tag.",,"<strong>Sie können nur %{tags} Tags zu einem Beitrag hinzufügen.</strong> Um ein neues Tag hinzuzufügen, müssen Sie zuerst ein anderes Tag entfernen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a href=""https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about.html#terms"" title=""Third Party Social Content Terms of Service"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Third Party Social Content Terms of Service</a>."",,""<a href=""https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about.html#terms"" title=""Vertragsbedingungen zu Social Media-Inhalten von Drittanbietern"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Vertragsbedingungen zu Social Media-Inhalten von Drittanbietern</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a href=""https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about_mse.html#terms"" title=""Third Party Social Content Terms of Service"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Third Party Social Content Terms of Service</a>."",,""<a href=""https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about_mse.html#terms"" title=""Vertragsbedingungen zu Social Media-Inhalten von Drittanbietern"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Vertragsbedingungen zu Social Media-Inhalten von Drittanbietern</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Time",,"Zeit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} day |||| %{smart_count} days",,"%{smart_count} Tag |||| %{smart_count} Tage",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "hr",,"Std.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "min",,"Min.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "mth",,"Mon.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "sec",,"Sek.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "wk",,"Woche",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "yr",,"Jahr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom time frame",,"Benutzerdefinierter Zeitrahmen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Choose Custom Time Filter",,"Benutzerdefinierter Zeitfilter auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "End date",,"Enddatum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Month",,"Monat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start date",,"Startdatum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Today",,"Heute",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change time frame",,"Zeitrahmen ändern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Week",,"Woche",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Daily",,"Täglich",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hourly",,"Stündlich",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Monthly",,"Monatlich",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Weekly",,"Wöchentlich",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Market Insights",,"Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Show More",,"Mehr anzeigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{likes} likes",,"%{likes} Likes",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{about} talking about",,"%{about} sprechen über",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To add one, go to <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Social Profiles</a>."",,""Gehen Sie zu <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Social Media-Profile</a>, um ein Konto hinzuzufügen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "followers",,"Follower",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "following",,"Folgen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a> to see if the profile allows data acquisition or requires reauthentication.",,"Wechseln Sie zu <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Media-Profilen</a>, um zu sehen, ob das Profil die Datenerfassung zulässt oder eine erneute Authentifizierung erfordert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Retweets",,"Retweets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "tweets",,"Tweets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Specify a name.",,"Geben Sie einen Namen an.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select at least one source.",,"Wählen Sie mindestens eine Quelle aus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "A term can't be longer than 128 characters.",,"Ein Begriff kann nicht länger sein als 128 Zeichen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please select a custom sources group and try again.",,"Bitte wählen Sie eine Gruppe der benutzerdefinierten Quellen aus, und versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter at least one keyword.",,"Geben Sie mindestens ein Schlüsselwort ein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select a page and try again.",,"Wählen Sie eine Seite aus, und versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select at least one search language.",,"Wählen Sie mindestens eine Suchsprache aus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Keywords can't contain quotation marks.",,"Schlüsselwörter dürfen keine Anführungszeichen enthalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select a Facebook page or Twitter handle from your Social Accounts and try again.",,"Wählen Sie aus Ihren Social Media-Konten eine Facebook-Seite oder einen Twitter-Handle aus, und versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota estimation failed.",,"Vorgabeschätzung ist fehlgeschlagen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota estimation completed successfully. The results are displayed.",,"Vorgabeschätzung erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Die Ergebnisse werden angezeigt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota estimation is loading.",,"Vorgabeschätzung wird geladen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" """"%{ruleName}"" rule already exists in this search topic."",,""Die Regel ""%{ruleName}"" ist bereits in diesem Suchthema enthalten."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rule isn't valid",,"Regel ist ungültig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Selecting approximately \n%{posts} POSTS/MONTH",,"In etwa \n%{posts} BEITRÄGE/MONAT werden ausgewählt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your configured rule will collect approximately %{posts} posts per month and exceeds your monthly post limit. Refine your rule to stay within your monthly post limit or add more post quota.",,"Ihre konfigurierte Regel erfasst in etwa %{posts} Beiträge pro Monat und übersteigt Ihren Grenzwert für Beiträge pro Monat. Optimieren Sie Ihre Regel, um Ihre monatliche Beitragsgrenze einzuhalten, oder erhöhen Sie Ihr Beitragskontingent.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Exceeded quota",,"Kontingent überschritten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No hashtags were specified for Instagram. Enter a keyword prefixed with a hashtag (#).",,"Es wurden keine Hashtags für Instagram angegeben. Geben Sie ein Schlüsselwort mit vorangestelltem Hashtag (#) ein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your configured rule will collect approximately %{posts} posts per month. You can save your search topic now.",,"Ihre konfigurierte Regel erfasst in etwa %{posts} Beiträge pro Monat. Sie können Ihr Suchthema jetzt speichern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can save your search topic now.",,"Sie können Ihr Suchthema jetzt speichern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Within quota",,"Innerhalb des Kontingents",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your configured rule will collect approximately %{posts} posts per month. Your rule exceeds your monthly post limit. You can save your search topic now, but we advise you to monitor your quota regularly to avoid surpassing your monthly quota.",,"Ihre konfigurierte Regel erfasst in etwa %{posts} Beiträge pro Monat. Ihre Regel überschreitet den Grenzwert für Beiträge pro Monat. Sie können Ihr Suchthema jetzt speichern, wir raten Ihnen allerdings, Ihr Kontingent regelmäßig zu überwachen, um ein Überschreiten des monatlichen Kontingents zu verhindern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Possible to exceed quota",,"Kontingentüberschreitung möglich",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The search topic needs at least one search rule.",,"Das Suchthema benötigt mindestens eine Suchregel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search topic couldn't be saved",,"Das Suchthema konnte nicht gespeichert werden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search topic selection",,"Suchthemenauswahl",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select a twitter handle and at least one message type before trying again.",,"Wählen Sie ein Twitter-Handle und mindestens einen Nachrichtentyp aus, bevor Sie es noch einmal versuchen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The number of keywords exceeds the limit.",,"Die Anzahl der Schlüsselwörter überschreitet den Grenzwert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select an organization page and try again.",,"Wählen Sie eine Organisationsseite aus, und versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select a channel or account and try again.",,"Wählen Sie einen Kanal oder eine Firma aus, und versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "subscribers",,"Abonnenten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please try to provide authorization again.",,"Versuchen Sie noch einmal, die Autorisierung anzugeben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter authorization was not successful",,"Twitter-Autorisierung nicht erfolgreich",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Sign in to <a href=""#"" title=""%{linkTitle}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Twitter</a> to look up Twitter users."",,""Melden Sie sich bei <a href=""#"" title=""%{linkTitle}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Twitter</a> an, um Twitter-Benutzer zu finden."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Authenticate your Twitter profile.",,"Authentifizieren Sie Ihr Twitter-Profil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unknown author",,"Unbekannter Autor",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<strong>Note:</strong> There are unknown authors on Facebook posts and comments. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Learn more about unknown Facebook authors.</a>"",,""<strong>Hinweis:</strong> Es gibt unbekannte Autoren in Facebook-Beiträgen und -Kommentaren. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Weitere Informationen über unbekannte Facebook-Autoren.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There are unknown authors on Facebook posts and comments",,"Es gibt unbekannte Autoren in Facebook-Beiträgen und -Kommentaren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The action failed because this social profile doesn't have an admin role for this Facebook page. Please make sure you're using the correct social profile.",,"Diese Aktion ist fehlgeschlagen, da das Social Media-Profil nicht über die Admin-Rolle für diese Facebook-Seite verfügt. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie das korrekte Social Media-Profil verwenden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Video",,"Video",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posting this video failed because this Facebook page doesn't allow video posts. Please remove the video and try again.",,"Die Veröffentlichung dieses Videos ist fehlgeschlagen, da diese Facebook-Seite keine Videos zulässt. Entfernen Sie das Video, und versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Fr",,"Fr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Mo",,"Mo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sa",,"Sa",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Su",,"So",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Th",,"Do",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tu",,"Di",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We",,"Mi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Widget actions",,"Widget-Aktionen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Actions for the %{widget_name} widget.",,"Aktionen für das Widget %{widget_name}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Adding intentions to non-English posts is not supported",,"Das Hinzufügen von Zwecken zu nicht englischen Beiträgen wird nicht unterstützt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "year",,"Jahr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Yes",,"Ja",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is no valid YouTube account for this solution and data acquisition has stopped. Go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a YouTube account, and then allow data acquisition.",,"Es gibt kein gültiges YouTube-Konto für diese Lösung, und die Datenerfassung wurde beendet. Wechseln Sie zu <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Media-Profile</a>, authentifizieren Sie ein YouTube-Konto und lassen Sie dann die Datenerfassung zu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Arabic",,"Arabisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bulgarian",,"Bulgarisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bosnian",,"Bosnisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Catalan",,"Katalanisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Czech",,"Tschechisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Danish",,"Dänisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "German",,"Deutsch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Greek",,"Griechisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "English",,"Englisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Spanish",,"Spanisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Estonian",,"Estnisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Basque",,"Baskisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Finnish",,"Finnisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "French",,"Französisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Galician",,"Galicisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hindi",,"Hindi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Croatian",,"Kroatisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hungarian",,"Ungarisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Indonesian",,"Indonesisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Italian",,"Italienisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hebrew",,"Hebräisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Japanese",,"Japanisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Kazakh",,"Kasachisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Korean",,"Koreanisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Lithuanian",,"Litauisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Latvian",,"Lettisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dutch",,"Niederländisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Norwegian",,"Norwegisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Polish",,"Polnisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Portuguese",,"Portugiesisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Portuguese Brazil",,"Portugiesisch (Brasilien)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Romanian",,"Rumänisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Russian",,"Russisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Slovak",,"Slowakisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Slovenian",,"Slowenisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Serbian",,"Serbisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Swedish",,"Schwedisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Thai",,"Thailändisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Turkish",,"Türkisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Ukrainian",,"Ukrainisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chinese (Traditional)",,"Chinesisch (Traditionell)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chinese Simplified",,"Chinesisch (vereinfacht)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chinese Hong Kong",,"Chinesisch (Hongkong)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chinese Traditional",,"Chinesisch (traditionell)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about.html",,"https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about.html",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about_mse.html",,"https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about_mse.html",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add %{item}",,"%{item} hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter a topic, keyword or brand",,"Thema, Schlüsselwort oder Marke eingeben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Term",,"Suchbegriff",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All posts",,"Alle Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All private messages",,"Alle private Nachrichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Display name",,"Anzeigename",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Export personal data for this author",,"Persönliche Daten für diese Autor exportieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Full name",,"Vollständiger Name",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "N/A",,"Nicht zutreffend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Info",,"Info",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{list_of_filters} account query",,"%{list_of_filters} Konto-Abfrage",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{list_of_filters} for %{author_name}",,"%{list_of_filters} für %{author_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Value",,"Wert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Summary",,"Zusammenfassung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile picture large",,"Profilbild - groß",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Brand name: <strong>%{brand}</strong>",,"Markenname: <strong>%{brand}</strong>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Are you sure you want to discard your input? We would like to understand what made you cancel this setup experience: <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=874754"">Please provide your feedback on this insider portal feedback form</a>"",,""Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre Eingabe verwerfen möchten? Wir würden gerne erfahren, warum Sie diese Setupfunktion abbrechen: <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=874754"">Bitte geben Sie Ihr Feedback im Feedbackformular des Insider-Portals ab</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""By clicking ""Done"" you finalize this search. This means we will start acquiring social data for your brand name. You will have a chance to edit the search rules created by this to improve the quality of the social data in ""Search Setup""."",,"Indem Sie auf „Fertig” klicken, schließen Sie die Suche ab. Das bedeutet, dass mit der Erfassung von Social Media-Daten für Ihren Markenname begonnen wird. Sie werden die Möglichkeit haben, die dadurch erstellten Suchregeln zu bearbeiten, um die Qualität der Social Media-Daten in „Sucheinstellungen” zu verbessern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Projected monthly social posts: %{num}",,"Voraussichtliche monatliche Social Media-Beiträge: %{num}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Expected volume",,"Erwartete Anzahl",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Brand, keyword, or topic",,"Marke, Schlüsselwort oder Thema",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Brand name to search for",,"Markenname, nach dem gesucht werden soll",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Just so you know",,"Nur damit Sie es wissen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To get you started quickly, simply tell us your brand's most common name. We will use that input to build search rules. Those rules will include common social media semantics like #-hashtags and different spellings.",,"Um schnell startklar zu sein, teilen Sie uns einfach den häufigsten Namen Ihrer Marke mit. Mithilfe dieser Eingabe werden die Suchregeln erstellt. Diese Regeln umfassen allgemeine Social Media-Semantik, wie beispielsweise #-Hashtags und unterschiedliche Schreibweisen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""You will see the example of results based on those search rules as a list of Tweets. Have a look at those examples and if their content is relevant for your brand, then confirm by activating the button ""next"". If not all of those tweets match your brand, then you will have a chance to improve the rules after the initial setup. To do so, you will navigate to ""Search Setup""."",,"Ihnen wird das Beispiel von Ergebnissen, die auf diesen Suchregeln basieren, als Liste von Tweets angezeigt. Schauen Sie sich diese Beispiele an. Wenn ihr Kontext für Ihre Marke relevant ist, bestätigen Sie dies, indem Sie auf die Schaltfläche „Weiter” klicken. Wenn nicht alle diese Tweets mit Ihrer Marke übereinstimmen, haben Sie die Gelegenheit, die Regeln nach dem anfänglichen Setup zu verbessern. Navigieren Sie hierfür zu „Sucheinstellungen”.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "What are people saying?",,"Was sagen die Leute?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Languages to search in",,"Sprachen, in denen gesucht werden soll",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post preview",,"Beitragsvorschau",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please wait while we are loading your tweets, this might take a moment",,"Warten Sie, während Ihre Tweets geladen werden. Dies dauert möglicherweise einen Moment",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a brand name to view example tweets",,"Fügen Sie einen Markennamen hinzu, um Beispiel-Tweets anzuzeigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There were no exact matches. Check the spelling or try another term.",,"Es wurden keine exakten Übereinstimmungen gefunden aus. Überprüfen Sie die Schreibweise, oder verwenden Sie einen anderen Begriff.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Oops. Something went wrong, we were unable to retrieve the data from Twitter. Please try again in a moment.",,"Hoppla. Da ist etwas schief gelaufen. Es konnten keine Daten von Twitter abgerufen werden. Versuchen Sie es in Kürze noch einmal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Here’s what we found",,"Dies sind die Suchergebnisse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Previous",,"Zurück",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This search can't be completed - it would put you %{num} over your plan's monthly allocation of %{quota} results.",,"Diese Suche kann nicht abgeschlossen werden. Sie würden dadurch mit %{num} Ergebnissen über der geplanten monatlichen Zuweisung von %{quota} Ergebnissen liegen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Your solution is expected to stay in its monthly quota limit of %{quota} posts. <a class=""%{className}"" href=""#"">Learn more about monthly quota and how to increase it.</a>"",,""Ihre Lösung bleibt möglicherweise innerhalb ihrer monatlichen Kontingentgrenze von %{quota} Beiträgen. <a class=""%{className}"" href=""#"">Weitere Informationen zum monatlichen Kontingent und wie es erhöht werden kann.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Just one thing first ...",,"Nur eine Sache vorweg ...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota Check",,"Kontingentprüfung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This search will likely max out your monthly quota. Change the search terms for fewer results, update your plan, or choose Continue anyway.",,"Durch diese Suche wird wahrscheinlich Ihr monatliches Kontingent aufgebraucht. Ändern Sie die Suchbegriffe, um weniger Ergebnisse zu erhalten, aktualisieren Sie Ihren Plan, oder wählen Sie „Dennoch fortfahren“ aus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Step %{step}/%{numSteps}",,"Schritt %{step}/%{numSteps}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Brand",,"Marke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your Brand Search",,"Ihre Markensuche",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Slide %{currentSlide} of %{totalSlides}",,"Folie %{currentSlide} von %{totalSlides}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bing search trends",,"Bing-Suchtrends",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Done",,"Fertig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There’s no available data. Change your search or filters.",,"Es gibt keine verfügbaren Daten. Ändern Sie Ihre Suche oder Filter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No data is available. Try changing your search topic or the time frame.",,"Es sind keine Daten verfügbar. Ändern Sie Ihr Suchthema oder den Zeitrahmen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Export",,"Exportieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Document ID",,"Dokument-ID",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "ID: %{docid}",,"ID: %{docid}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Analytics onboarding",,"Analyse-Onboarding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "represents the charts and widgets",,"stellt die Diagramme und Widgets dar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Analytics charts and widgets",,"Analysediagramme und -widgets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""You'll find a set of charts in Analytics, such as the ""Sentiment"" widget which shows the public perception, or the ""Authors"" widget which lists potential influencers for your brand."",,"Sie finden eine Reihe von Diagrammen in „Analyse”, wie beispielsweise das Widget „Stimmung”, das die öffentliche Wahrnehmung anzeigt, oder das Widget „Autoren”, das mögliche Schlüsselpersonen für Ihre Marke auflistet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get insights about your brand.",,"Erhalten Sie Einblicke über Ihre Marke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "represents how to add visual filters",,"stellt dar, wie visuelle Filter hinzugefügt werden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Using filters",,"Verwendung von Filtern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Select clickable areas of charts to add more filters. Additionally, you can edit the filters in the ""Add filter"" dialog."",,"Wählen Sie klickbare Bereiche von Diagrammen aus, um weitere Filter hinzuzufügen. Darüber hinaus können Sie die Filter im Dialog „Filter hinzufügen” bearbeiten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Apply filters to change your data set.",,"Wenden Sie Filter an, um Ihr Dataset zu ändern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "represents the post layout",,"stellt das Beitragslayout dar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social posts",,"Social Media-Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Select ""Posts"" on the right-hand side of the screen to see the chronological list of posts."",,"Wählen Sie „Beiträge” auf der rechten Seite des Bildschirms aus, um die chronologische Liste von Beiträgen anzuzeigen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Read social media posts matching your data set.",,"Lesen Sie Social Media-Beiträge, die mit Ihrem Dataset übereinstimmen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "represents the analytics layout",,"stellt das Analyselayout dar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Brand and data set",,"Marke und Dataset",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You'll find your brand in the upper-left corner. In the upper-right corner you can change the time frame for your analysis. Your selection determines which data is shown in the charts.",,"Sie finden Ihre Marke in der oberen linken Ecke. In der oberen rechten Ecke können Sie den Zeitrahmen für Ihre Analyse ändern. Ihre Auswahl bestimmt, welche Daten in den Diagrammen angezeigt werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Work in the Analytics area and change your data set.",,"Arbeiten Sie im Bereich „Analyse”, und ändern Sie Ihr Dataset.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You need a valid, authenticated Facebook Instagram acquisition profile to enable data acquisition for Facebook pages and Instagram. To do this, go to Social Profiles, then authenticate a Facebook & Instagram acquisition profile.",,"Um Daten von Facebook-Seiten und aus Instagram abrufen zu können, brauchen Sie ein gültiges und authentifiziertes Profil zur Datenerfassung aus Facebook und Instagram. Gehen Sie zu „Social Media-Profile“, und authentifizieren Sie dort ein Facebook- und Instagram-Erfassungsprofil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You only have one Facebook Instagram acquisition profile allowing data acquisition for Facebook pages and Instagram. We recommend you add additional Facebook & Instagram acquisition profiles for more stable data acquisition.",,"Sie haben nur ein einziges Facebook- und Instagram-Erfassungsprofil, mit dem Sie Daten von Facebook-Seiten und aus Instagram abrufen können. Zwecks eines verlässlichen Datenabrufs empfehlen wir, weitere Facebook- und Instagram-Erfassungsprofile hinzuzufügen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402188",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402188",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524261",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524261",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402180",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402180",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524260",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524260",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402182",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402182",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402176",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402176",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526484",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526484",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526481",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526481",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524263",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524263",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389040",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389040",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389038",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389038",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526486",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526486",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526480",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526480",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402194",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402194",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526483",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526483",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627197",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627197",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402192",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402192",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526482",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526482",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=691176",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=691176",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=724275",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=724275",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402191",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402191",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524264",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524264",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402190",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402190",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402196",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402196",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526488",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526488",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526485",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526485",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Existing search rules for Instagram accounts don’t acquire any data. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=872510"">Learn more about the recent changes for Instagram.</a>"",,""Vorhandene Suchregeln für Instagram-Konten erfassen keine Daten <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=872510"">Weitere Informationen zu den aktuellen Änderungen bei Instagram.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Languages: <span class=""%{className}"">%{count}/%{total}</span>"",,""Sprachen: <span class=""%{className}"">%{count}/%{total}</span>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Language: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language}</span>"",,""Sprache: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language}</span>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Languages: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language1} and %{language2}</span>"",,""Sprachen: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language1} und %{language2}</span>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Languages: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language1}, %{language2}, and %{language3}</span>"",,""Sprachen: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language1}, %{language2} und %{language3}</span>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This action is not supported by your browser. If you are using Private Browsing or Incognito mode then try again from a normal session.",,"Diese Aktion wird von Ihrem Browser nicht unterstützt. Wenn Sie „Privates Surfen“ oder den Inkognito-Modus verwenden, versuchen Sie erneut über eine normale Browsersitzung.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Page menu",,"Menü „Seite“",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Next",,"Weiter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post preview is loading.",,"Beitragsvorschau wird geladen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post preview is now shown.",,"Beitragsvorschau wird nun angezeigt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=389041",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=389041",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{percent}% completed",,"%{percent}% abgeschlossen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove %{item}",,"%{item} entfernen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Score",,"Bewertung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{source} sentiment index: %{sentiment_index}",,"%{source} Stimmungsindex: %{sentiment_index}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Access to Market Insights for your organization is now managed by your IT admin, including your role and all associated data and settings. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2012683"">Learn more about admin takeover</a>."",,""Der Zugang Ihres Unternehmens zu Market Insights, einschließlich Ihrer Rolle sowie aller zugehörigen Daten und Einstellungen, wird jetzt von Ihrem IT-Administrator verwaltet. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2012683"">Weitere Informationen zur Übernahme durch den Administrator</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Account update",,"Firmenupdate",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Keyword rules for Instagram have been discontinued; please remove Instagram as a source. This also means you won't be able to see any previously acquired Instagram posts for this rule.",,"Schlüsselwortregeln für Instagram werden nicht mehr unterstützt. Entfernen Sie Instagram daher aus den Quellen. Dies bedeutet auch, dass Sie mit Bezug zu dieser Regel keine zuvor erfassten Instagram-Beiträge mehr sehen können.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Like",,"Gefällt mir",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Retweet",,"Retweet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Like |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Likes",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Like |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Likes",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Retweet |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Retweets",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Retweet |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Retweets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Contact us",,"Kontakt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get info as it happens",,"Infos umgehend erhalten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Broaden your insights",,"Den Überblick erweitern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add another brand or keyword",,"Weitere Marken oder Schlüsselwörter hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Don't miss anything",,"Nichts verpassen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Have a good idea?",,"Sie haben eine tolle Idee?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a class=""%{className}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2014059"">Share your idea in the forum</a>"",,""<a class=""%{className}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2014059"">Teilen Sie Ihre Idee im Forum</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a class=""%{className}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389040"">Talk to support</a>"",,""<a class=""%{className}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389040"">Kontakt zum Support</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Need a little help?",,"Benötigen Sie Hilfe?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We’re sorry, but you aren’t allowed to access Social Engagement for the requested customerorganization. Contact your customer organization’s system administrator to ensure you havethe appropriate Delegated Administration access.",,"Leider dürfen Sie für die gewünschte Kundenorganisation nicht auf Social Engagement zugreifen. Wenden Sie sich an den Systemadministrator Ihrer Kundenorganisation, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie über den entsprechenden stellvertretenden Administratorenzugriff verfügen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Access denied",,"Zugriff verweigert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Social Engagement | Access denied",,"Microsoft Social Engagement | Zugriff verweigert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""We’re sorry, but the customer organization you’re trying to access doesn’t have aSocial Engagement solution. If you recently provisioned Social Engagement, please try againlater because we might still be setting it up. Otherwise, please<a href=""http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=614975"" target=""_blank"">request or purchase aSocial Engagement subscription for this customer organization</a>."",,""Leider verfügt die Kundenorganisation, auf die Sie zugreifen möchten, nicht über eine Social Engagement-Lösung. Falls Sie zuvor bereits Social Engagement bereitgestellt haben, versuchen Sie es später erneut, da die Lösung ggf. noch eingerichtet wird. Ansonsten <a href=""http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=614975"" target=""_blank"">beantragen oder kaufen Sie bitte ein Social Engagement-Abonnement für diese Kundenorganisation</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Solution not found",,"Lösung nicht gefunden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Social Engagement | Solution not found",,"Microsoft Social Engagement | Lösung nicht gefunden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2019485"">Explore Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights</a>."",,""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2019485"">Erkunden Sie Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 paid and trial subscriptions obtained on or after January 16, 2019 do not include access to Microsoft Social Engagement.",,"Bezahlte und testweise Abonnements von Dynamics 365, die am 16. Januar 2019 oder später abgeschlossen wurden, umfassen keinen Zugriff auf Microsoft Social Engagement.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "However, if you are interested in developing a deeper understanding of what your target audience is saying, feeling, and searching for, check out Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. This powerful business app analyzes social and web data, applying AI to deliver insights about your customers, brands, and competitors.",,"Wenn Sie allerdings daran interessiert sind, ein tieferes Verständnis für das zu erlangen, was Ihr Publikum sagt, fühlt und sucht, sollten Sie Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights ausprobieren. Diese leistungsstarke Business-App analysiert Sozial- und Internetdaten mithilfe von KI, um Erkenntnisse zu Kunden, Marken und Konkurrenten bereitzustellen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Social Engagement is no longer available.",,"Microsoft Social Engagement ist nicht mehr verfügbar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To prevent your solution from exceeding the quota in the future, we recommend you do the following:",,"Damit die Lösung das Kontingent in Zukunft nicht mehr überschreitet, empfehlen wir Folgendes:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The data acquisition for your solution was stopped because your search topics yielded more results than your post quota allows.",,"Die Datenerfassung für die Lösung wurde angehalten, da die Suchthemen mehr Ergebnisse zurückgegeben haben, als im Rahmen des Beitragskontingents zulässig ist.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Data acquisition of your solution restarted",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Datenerfassung Ihrer Lösung neu gestartet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The data acquisition of your Market Insights solution {1} restarted on {2}. ",,"Die Datenerfassung für die Market Insights-Lösung {1} wurde am {2} erneut gestartet. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Increase your monthly limit of posts for your solution by buying additional packages in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365 admin center</a>."",,""Erhöhen Sie Ihren Grenzwert für Beiträge pro Monat, indem Sie im <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365-Administratorcenter</a> zusätzliche Pakete erwerben."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Review your quota and edit or delete search topics or Facebook pages that you added to your sources to reduce the number of acquired posts.",,"Überprüfen Sie Ihr Kontingent, und bearbeiten oder löschen Sie den Quellen hinzugefügte Suchthemen oder Facebook-Seiten, um die Anzahl abgerufener Beiträge zu verringern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your Market Insights solution {1} exceeded the limits on number of posts per month. ",,"Ihre Market Insights-Lösung {1} überschreitet die Grenzwerte für die Anzahl der Beiträge pro Monat. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data acquisition stopped on:",,"Datenerfassung angehalten am:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The data acquisition was automatically stopped for the rest of this month. ",,"Die Datenerfassung wurde automatisch für den Rest dieses Monats angehalten. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Note that the data acquisition for your solution will restart automatically on the first day of the next month.",,"Beachten Sie, dass die Datenerfassung für die Lösung am ersten Tag des folgenden Monats automatisch erneut gestartet wird.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""You can restart the data acquisition of your solution immediately by buying additional packages in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365 admin center</a>. "",,""Sie können die Datenerfassung der Lösung sofort erneut starten, indem Sie im <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365-Administratorcenter</a> zusätzliche Pakete erwerben. "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Data acquisition of your solution stopped",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Datenerfassung Ihrer Lösung angehalten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""We recommend that you increase your solution's monthly post limit by buying additional packages in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365 admin center</a>. "",,""Wir empfehlen, dass Sie den Grenzwert für Beiträge pro Monat für Ihre Lösung erhöhen, indem Sie im <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365-Administratorcenter</a> zusätzliche Pakete erwerben. "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alternatively, you can edit or delete search topics to reduce the number of acquired. Posts that you've already acquired still count towards your quota limit for this month. ",,"Oder bearbeiten oder löschen Sie Suchthemen, um die Anzahl abgerufener Beiträge zu verringern. Bereits abgerufene Beiträge werden beim Kontingentgrenzwert für diesen Monat berücksichtigt. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Your solution will probably exceed the monthly post limit",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Ihre Lösung übersteigt wahrscheinlich den monatlichen Beitragsgrenzwert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your Market Insights solution {1} will probably exceed your monthly post limit in the next few days.",,"Ihre Market Insights-Lösung {1} wird wahrscheinlich in den kommenden Tagen den Grenzwert für Beiträge pro Monat überschreiten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please take immediate action. Your solution will stop acquiring new posts after {1} if your quota has been reached, or as soon as {0} posts have been acquired. Note that missed posts can''t be acquired retroactively.",,"Reagieren Sie bitte sofort. Ihre Lösung stellt den Erwerb neuer Beiträge ein, wenn {1} Ihr Kontingent erreicht ist oder wenn {0} Beiträge abgerufen wurden. Beachten Sie, dass verpasste Beiträge nicht nachträglich abgerufen werden können.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution {0} might exceed your monthly post limit.",,"Ihre Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Lösung {0} übersteigt möglicherweise Ihren monatlichen Beitragsgrenzwert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This is an automated message from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution: {1}.",,"Dies ist eine automatisch generierte Nachricht von folgender Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Lösung: {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dear {1}",,"Sehr geehrte/r {1},",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "A user has been removed from your solution. To keep the data complete and existing alerts active, we removed the ownership of the following search topics:",,"Ein Benutzer wurde aus der Lösung entfernt. Der Besitz der folgenden Suchthemen wurde entfernt, um zu gewährleisten, dass die Daten vollständig sind und die vorhandenen Warnungen aktiv bleiben:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Removal of search topic ownership",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Entfernung des Suchthemabesitzes",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Current health status of your solution",,"Aktueller Integritätsstatus Ihrer Lösung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alternatively, you can edit or delete search topics to reduce the number of posts. Posts that you've already acquired still count towards your quota limit for this month. ",,"Oder bearbeiten oder löschen Sie Suchthemen, um die Anzahl der Beiträge zu verringern. Bereits abgerufene Beiträge werden beim Kontingentgrenzwert für diesen Monat berücksichtigt. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We'll inform you again if your Market Insights solution reaches a critical limit on the number of posts. ",,"Wenn Ihre Market Insights-Lösung einen kritischen Grenzwert hinsichtlich der Anzahl der Beiträge erreicht, werden Sie erneut informiert. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Note that you can increase your monthly post limit for your solution by buying additional packages in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365 admin center</a>. "",,""Beachten Sie, dass Sie den Grenzwert für die Beiträge pro Monat Ihrer Lösung erhöhen können, indem Sie im <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365-Administratorcenter</a> zusätzliche Pakete erwerben."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Monitor your quota on Settings > Search Setup.",,""Überwachen Sie Ihr Kontingent unter ""Einstellungen > Sucheinstellungen""."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Number of posts acquired this month:",,"Anzahl der diesen Monat abgerufenen Beiträge:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Expected number of posts for the month:",,"Erwartete Anzahl der Beiträge für den Monat:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota limit per month:",,"Grenzwert des Kontingents pro Monat:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Your solution {0} might exceed the monthly post limit",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Ihre Lösung {0} übersteigt möglicherweise den monatlichen Beitragsgrenzwert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This email was sent by an automated system. ©2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"Diese E-Mail wurde von einem automatisierten System gesendet. ©2019 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hello,",,"Hallo,",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights is part of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional subscription only if you have at least 10 licenses.",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights ist nur Teil Ihres Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional-Abonnements, wenn Sie über mindestens 10 Lizenzen verfügen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You need 10 or more licenses to get Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights as part of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional subscription.",,"Sie benötigen 10 oder mehr Lizenzen, um Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights als Teil Ihres Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional-Abonnements zu erhalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your organization must be in a country/region where Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights is currently supported.",,"Ihre Organisation muss sich in einem Land/einer Region befinden, in der Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights derzeit unterstützt wird.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We’re sorry, but we can’t process your recent Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights add-on purchase as you don’t yet have a Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution set up. Before we can set up your solution, you have to meet the following criteria:",,"Leider können wir Ihren kürzlichen Erwerb des Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Add-On nicht verarbeiten, da Sie noch keine Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Lösung eingerichtet haben. Bevor wir Ihre Lösung einrichten können, müssen Sie folgende Kriterien erfüllen:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "For more information about eligibility criteria and additional purchasing options, please see <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics CRM pricing and licensing</a>. Please note that Dynamics CRM trials aren't eligible for Market Insights",,"Weitere Informationen über Eignungskriterien und zusätzliche Kaufoptionen finden Sie unter <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Preise und Lizenzierung von Dynamics CRM</a>. Beachten Sie, dass Testversionen von Microsoft Dynamics nicht zur Nutzung von Market Insights berechtigen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "For more information about eligibility criteria and additional purchasing options, please see <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics CRM pricing and licensing</a>. Please note that trial versions aren't eligible for Market Insights",,"Weitere Informationen über Eignungskriterien und zusätzliche Kaufoptionen finden Sie unter <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Preise und Lizenzierung von Dynamics CRM</a>. Beachten Sie, dass Testversionen nicht zur Nutzung von Market Insights berechtigen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please reach out to your Partner or your Microsoft Account team for further action regarding this purchase.",,"Bitte wenden Sie sich bezüglich weiterer Maßnahmen im Zusammenhang mit diesem Einkauf an Ihren Partner oder Ihr Microsoft-Kontoteam.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alert: Unable to process your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights add-on purchase",,"Warnung: Ihr Kauf des Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Add-on konnte nicht verarbeitet werden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Thank you,",,"Vielen Dank",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Market Insights team",,"Das Market Insights-Team",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You are getting this notification as the owner of the following alert: {0}. All recipients of this alert have been removed and the alert has been set to inactive. To reactivate it, edit the alert in your Market Insights solution.",,"Sie erhalten diese Benachrichtigung als Besitzer der folgenden Warnung: {0}. Alle Empfänger dieser Warnung wurden entfernt, und die Warnung wurde auf „Inaktiv“ gesetzt. Um sie zu reaktivieren, bearbeiten Sie die Warnung in Ihrer Market Insights-Lösung.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alert deactivated for: {0}",,"Warnung deaktiviert für: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Alert {0} deactivated",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Warnung {0} deaktiviert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Post alert: ""{0}"""",,"Warnung „{0}“ veröffentlichen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""If you don''t want to receive this alert, contact <a href=""{2}"" <target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">the owner of this alert {1}<a/>."",,""Wenn Sie diese Warnung nicht erhalten möchten, kontaktieren Sie <a href=""{2}"" <target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">den Besitzer dieser Warnung {1}<a/>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""This alert was triggered by <a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution {1}</a>"",,""Diese Warnung wurde ausgelöst von <a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Lösung {1}</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "posts found",,"Beiträge gefunden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Post Alert ""{0}"": {1} posts"",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Beitragswarnung „{0}“: {1} Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The {0} category has been deleted.",,"Die Kategorie {0} wurde gelöscht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Category deleted for: {0}",,"Kategorie gelöscht für: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Category {0} deleted",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Kategorie {0} gelöscht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The {0} category has been renamed to {1}.",,"Die {0} Kategorie wurde umbenannt in {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Category renamed for: {0}",,"Kategorie umbenannt für: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Category {0} renamed",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Kategorie {0} umbenannt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To understand alert mails and how they are triggered, <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=860345"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">go to the alert documentation</a>."",,""Für Erläuterungen zu Warnungs-E-Mails und darüber, wie sie ausgelöst werden, <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=860345"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">wechseln Sie zur Dokumentation über Warnungen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Print Media",,"Printmedien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "RSS",,"RSS",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Web",,"Internet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"2019 Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You are currently subscribed as:",,"Ihr Abonnement läuft gegenwärtig unter:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Translation Guide",,"Übersetzungsleitfaden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Domain: ",,"Domäne: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This email was sent by an automated system.",,"Diese E-Mail wurde automatisch gesendet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See posts for this alert in Analytics",,"Beiträge zu dieser Warnung in Analytics aufrufen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""This is an automated message from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution: <a href=""{1}"">{0}</a>"",,""Dies ist eine automatisch generierte Nachricht von folgender Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Lösung: <a href=""{1}"">{0}</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft logo",,"Microsoft-Logo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights logo",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Logo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This is an automated message from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution: {0}",,"Dies ist eine automatisch generierte Nachricht von folgender Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Lösung: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Organization: ",,"Organisation: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Privacy statement",,"Datenschutzbestimmungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This is an automated notification.",,"Dies ist eine automatische Benachrichtigung.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dear Administrators,",,"Sehr geehrte Administratoren,",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dear {0},",,"Sehr geehrte/r {0},",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unknown sentiment",,"Unbekannte Stimmung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learn more about admin takeover",,"Weitere Informationen zur Übernahme durch den Administrator",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2012683",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2012683",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""We couldn’t execute the action ""{0}"" in your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution <a href=""{2}"">{1}</a> for the following automation rules:"",,""Wir konnten die Aktion ""{0}"" in Ihrer Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Lösung <a href=""{2}"">{1}</a> für die folgenden Automatisierungsregeln nicht ausführen:"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""More information about what you can do to resolve this is available in the <a href=""{0}"">technical documentation</a>.<br/>For further assistance, please contact <a href=""{1}"">customer support</a>, referencing tracking id: {2}<br/><br/>If you don’t want to receive these notifications, you can turn them off in <a href=""{3}"">Settings > Automation Rules</a>."",,""Weitere Informationen zur Lösung des Problems finden Sie in der <a href=""{0}"">technischen Dokumentation</a>.<br/>Sollten Sie weitere Unterstützung benötigen, wenden Sie sich an unseren <a href=""{1}"">Kundensupport</a>, und geben Sie Ihre Nachverfolgungs-ID an: {2}<br/><br/>Wenn Sie diese Benachrichtigungen nicht erhalten möchten, können sie unter <a href=""{3}"">Einstellungen > Automatisierungsregeln</a> deaktiviert werden."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Market Insights can’t connect to the configured service to execute the action. Please verify the CRM connection: ""{0}"""",,"Market Insights kann sich nicht mit dem konfigurierten Service verbinden, um die Aktion auszuführen. Überprüfen Sie bitte die folgende CRM-Verbindung: „{0}“",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Market Insights can’t connect to the configured service to execute the action. Please verify the Dynamics 365 connection: ""{0}"""",,"Market Insights kann sich nicht mit dem konfigurierten Service verbinden, um die Aktion auszuführen. Überprüfen Sie bitte die folgende Dynamics 365-Verbindung: „{0}“",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Market Insights can’t connect to the configured service to execute the action. Please verify the Event Hubs connection: ""{0}"""",,"Market Insights kann sich nicht mit dem konfigurierten Service verbinden, um die Aktion auszuführen. Überprüfen Sie bitte die folgende Event Hubs-Verbindung: „{0}“",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We reached the limit on the number of posts we can execute this action on. This happens when there’s an unusually high volume of posts matching the automation rules in a short period of time. Please check your settings to investigate this further.",,"Wir haben das Limit der Anzahl der Beiträge erreicht, für die wir diese Aktion ausführen können. Das geschieht, wenn es in einem kurzen Zeitraum einen ungewöhnlich großen Umfang von Beiträgen gibt, die mit den Automatisierungsregeln übereinstimmen. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Einstellungen, um dies näher zu untersuchen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This can happen due to the following reasons:",,"Das kann auf die folgenden Ursachen zurückzuführen sein:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Execution of {0} action failed in one or more automation rules",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Die Ausführung der Aktion {0} schlägt in einer oder mehreren Automatisierungsregeln fehl",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "For product details, go to the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=391741' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics 365 Documentation site</a>.",,"Für Produktdetails wechseln Sie zur <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=391741' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics 365-Dokumentationswebsite</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "For product details, go to the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=391741' target_blank'>Dynamics 365 release preview page</a> or the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=826016' target_blank'>Dynamics 365 Roadmap</a>.",,"Für Produktdetails wechseln Sie zur <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=391741' target_blank'>Dynamics 365Versionsvorschauseite</a> oder zur <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=826016' target_blank'>Dynamics 365-Roadmap</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To plan for using this new solution, go to the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=391742' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Get started page</a>.",,"Um die Nutzung der neuen Lösung zu planen, wechseln sie zur <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=391742' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Seite „Erste Schritte”</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learn about the languages and translations that Market Insights supports in the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=391086' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Translation Guide</a>.",,"Weitere Informationen über Sprachen und Übersetzungen, die Market Insights unterstützt, finden Sie im <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=391086' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Übersetzungshandbuch</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learn more about <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=392751' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>social CRM</a>.",,"Weitere Informationen zu <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=392751' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Social CRM</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learn more about <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=392751' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>social for everyone</a>.",,"Weitere Informationen zu <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=392751' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Soziale Medien für alle</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get help in the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=394325' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Help Training site</a>.",,"Hilfe erhalten Sie auf der <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=394325' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>-Website „Hilfe und Schulung”</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Assign Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights licenses to users in your organization and start listening to the social web!",,"Weisen Sie Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Lizenzen Benutzern in Ihrer Organisation zu, und beginnen Sie mit der Beobachtung des Social Web!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Prepare for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Vorbereiten für Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We are thrilled to let you know that you are now eligible to get Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights at no additional subscription charge, as part of your Dynamics CRM subscription.",,"Wir freuten uns, Ihnen mitzuteilen, dass Sie jetzt im Rahmen Ihres Dynamics CRM-Abonnements berechtigt sind, Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights ohne zusätzliche Abonnementgebühren zu nutzen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're thrilled to let you know that you’re now eligible to get Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights at no additional subscription charge, as part of your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online subscription.",,"Wir sind erfreut Ihnen mitteilen zu dürfen, dass Sie jetzt im Rahmen Ihres Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online-Abonnements berechtigt sind, Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights ohne zusätzliche Abonnementgebühren herunterzuladen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To get started, assign Market Insights licenses to one or more users in your organization and we will set up your solution right away.",,"Weisen Sie am Anfang Market Insights-Lizenzen mindestens einem Benutzer in Ihrer Organisation zu. Wir werden Ihre Lösung dann sofort einrichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to your Partner or your Microsoft Account team.",,"Falls Sie Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Partner oder Ihr Microsoft-Kontoteam.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You are now eligible to get Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights!",,"Sie sind jetzt zum Erhalt von Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights berechtigt!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights is part of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional subscription only if you have 10 or more licenses.",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights ist nur Teil Ihres Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional-Abonnements, wenn Sie über mindestens 10 Lizenzen verfügen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We’re sorry, but you don’t yet meet the eligibility criteria to add Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights to your subscription. There are a few eligibility requirements:",,"Leider erfüllen Sie die Eignungskriterien zum Hinzufügen von Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights zu Ihrem Abonnement noch nicht. Folgende Eignungsanforderungen bestehen:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "For more information about eligibility criteria and additional purchasing options, go to <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics 365 pricing and licensing</a>. Please note that trial versions aren't eligible for Market Insights.",,"Weitere Informationen über Eignungskriterien und zusätzliche Kaufoptionen finden Sie im Abschnitt <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics 365 Preisgestaltung und Lizenzierung</a>. Beachten Sie, dass Testversionen nicht für Market Insights berechtigt sind.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You are not yet eligible for a Market Insights solution",,"Sie sind nicht für eine Market Insights-Lösung berechtigt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The {0} location group has been removed by {1}.",,"Die Standortgruppe {0} wurde von {1} entfernt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If you have questions, please contact {0}.",,"Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich an {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To reactivate your alert or update its configuration go to <a href=""{0}"">Your Alerts</a>."",,""Wechseln Sie zum Reaktivieren Ihrer Warnung oder zum Ändern der Konfiguration zu <a href=""{0}"">Ihre Warnungen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "{0} was used as a filter in your {1} alert but isn't available anymore. We have set your alert to inactive.",,""""{0}"" wurde als Filter in der Warnung ""{1}"" verwendet, ist jedoch nicht mehr verfügbar. Die Warnung wurde deaktiviert."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your {0} alert has been deactivated",,""Die Warnung ""{0}"" wurde deaktiviert."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Approve or deny</a>"",,""<a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Genehmigen oder verweigern</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""{0} wants permission to use <a href=""{1}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Market Insights solution {2}</a>."",,""{0} fragt die Berechtigung zur Verwendung der <a href=""{1}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Market Insights-Lösung {2}</a> an."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sign in to approve or deny their request.",,"Melden Sie sich an, um die Anfrage zu genehmigen oder zu verweigern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Access Request",,"Zugriffsanforderung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "{2} posts have been acquired for solution {0} so far this month, but it's quota is limited to {1}.",,"In diesem Monat wurden bisher {2} Beiträge für die Lösung {0} abgerufen, das Kontingent ist jedoch auf {1} begrenzt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Critical: quota of solution {0} exceeded",,"Wichtig: Kontingent der Lösung {0} überschritten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Warning: post quota of solution {0} almost reached",,"Warnung: Beitragskontingent der Lösung {0} fast erreicht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your user role has changed in the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution: {0}",,"Ihre Benutzerrolle hat sich in der folgenden Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Lösung geändert: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your new user role is: {0}",,"Ihre neue Benutzerrolle: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your user roles are: ",,"Ihre Benutzerrollen sind: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can only edit User Preferences in Settings.",,"Benutzereinstellungen können nur in den Einstellungen geändert werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't access User Management and Solution Defaults.",,"Sie können nicht auf die Benutzerverwaltung und Standardwerte zugreifen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't exclude authors and delete posts from the analysis.",,"Sie können keine Autoren ausschließen und Beiträge aus der Analyse löschen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can access and edit User Management and Solution Defaults.",,"Sie können auf die Benutzerverwaltung und Standardwerte zugreifen und diese bearbeiten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can edit all values in Settings.",,"Sie können alle Werte in den Einstellungen bearbeiten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can exclude authors and delete posts from the analysis.",,"Sie können Autoren ausschließen und Beiträge aus der Analyse löschen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can only edit User Preferences and search topics you own in Settings.",,"In den Einstellungen können nur Benutzereinstellungen und eigene Suchthemen geändert werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't edit search topics you owned as a Power Analyst.",,"Sie können keine Suchthemen ändern, die Ihnen als Power-Analyst gehörten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can create new search topics and edit topics you own.",,"Sie können neue Suchthemen erstellen und eigene Suchthemen ändern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Configuration role: ",,"Konfigurationsrolle: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To find out more about your current permissions, go to our <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Help Training site</a>."",,""Weitere Informationen über Ihre aktuellen Berechtigungen finden Sie auf der <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Website „Hilfe und Schulung”</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Interaction role: ",,"Interaktionsrolle: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please note the following changes to your permissions:",,"Bitte beachten Sie die folgenden Änderungen an Ihren Berechtigungen:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can check your permission any time by visiting ",,"Sie können Ihre Berechtigungen jederzeit überprüfen, indem Sie folgenden Link aufrufen: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Your user role was updated",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Ihre Benutzerrolle wurde aktualisiert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search topic deleted for: {0}",,"Suchthema gelöscht für: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This removal has the following impact:",,"Diese Entfernung hat die folgenden Auswirkungen:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The user {0} deleted the search topic {1}.",,"Der Benutzer {0} hat das Suchthema {1} gelöscht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""If you have questions, please contact <a href=""mailto:{1}"">{0}</a>."",,""Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich an <a href=""mailto:{1}"">{0}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The {1} search topic has been removed by {2}.",,"Das Suchthema {1} wurde von {2} entfernt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Search topic {0} removed",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Suchthema {0} entfernt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526480"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Set solution defaults</a> "",,""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526480"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Lösungsstandards festlegen</a> "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526481"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Add users and assign roles</a> "",,""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526481"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Benutzer hinzufügen und Rollen zuweisen</a> "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526483"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Create search topics to gather data</a> "",,""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526483"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Suchthemen erstellen, um Daten zu erfassen</a> "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To get started, here are your next steps:",,"Hier sind die nächsten Schritte für den Anfang:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The creation of the solution {0} was unfortunately unsuccessful.",,"Die Lösung {0} wurde leider nicht erfolgreich erstellt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The creation of the solution {0} was successful.",,"Die Lösung {0} wurde erfolgreich erstellt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""For more information about working with your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution, go to our <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=394325"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Help Training site</a>."",,""Weitere Informationen zur Verwendung der Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Lösung finden Sie auf unserer <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=394325"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Website „Hilfe und Schulung”</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We've successfully created your Market Insights solution and you're ready to set up your solution.",,"Ihre Market Insights-Lösung wurde erfolgreich erstellt und kann eingerichtet werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please share this link with your users so that they can access Market Insights as well.",,"Geben Sie diesen Link bitte an Ihre Benutzer weiter, damit diese ebenfalls auf Market Insights zugreifen können.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To access your solution, go to:",,"Hier können Sie auf die Lösung zugreifen:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Creation of solution {0}: UNSUCCESSFUL",,"Erstellen der Lösung {0}: NICHT ERFOLGREICH",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Creation of solution {0}: SUCCESSFUL",,"Erstellen der Lösung {0}: ERFOLGREICH",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Your solution is ready to use",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Ihre Lösung ist einsatzbereit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Welcome to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights!",,"Willkommen bei Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Market Insights for your organization is now managed by your IT admin.<br/>This means your old preferences and data are no longer available, and you will need to recreate any search topics, profiles, etc you might have previously created. Additionally, your admin will need to approve access and set a new role for you in the app. You can contact your admin at <a href=""mailto:{0}"">{0}</a> with questions, to request access, or to request a change in role."",,""Market Insights wird für Ihre Organisation jetzt von Ihrem IT-Administrator verwaltet.<br/>Das heißt, dass Ihre bisherigen Voreinstellungen und Daten nicht mehr verfügbar sind, und Sie müssen zuvor erstellte Suchthemen, Profile usw. neu erstellen. Außerdem muss der Administrator Ihre Zugriffsberechtigung genehmigen und Ihre neue Rolle in der App festlegen. Sie können sich unter <a href=""mailto:{0}"">{0}</a> mit Fragen, Zugriffsanforderungen oder einer Rollenänderungsanfrage an Ihren Administrator wenden."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Changes to your Marketing Insights account",,"Änderungen an Ihrem Marketing Insights-Konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This email was sent from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution:",,"Diese E-Mail wurde von der folgenden Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Lösung gesendet:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Our records indicate that the authentication token for your social profile {0} has been active for 59 days, and it will stay active for one more day. To ensure the authentication token stays valid and data acquisition for {1} continues seamlessly, we strongly recommend that you re-authorize your social profile {0} right away. <strong>If you don’t reauthorize today, data acquisition for {1} will stop tomorrow.<strong>",,"Unsere Datensätze zeigen an, dass das Authentifizierungstoken für Ihr Social Media-Profil {0} seit 59 Tagen aktiv ist und nur noch einen weiteren Tag aktiviert bleibt. Um die Gültigkeit des Authentifizierungstokens zu gewährleisten und die Datenerfassung für {1} nahtlos fortzusetzen, empfehlen wir dringend, die erneute Autorisierung Ihres Social Media-Profils {0} direkt auszuführen. <strong>Wenn Sie die erneute Autorisierung jetzt nicht ausführen, wird die Datenerfassung für {1} morgen beendet.<strong>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Action Required: Re-authenticate your {0} user account today",,"Aktion erforderlich: Authentifizieren Sie Ihr {0}-Benutzerkonto heute neu",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Our records indicate that the authentication token for your social profile {0} has been active for {2} days, and it will stay active for another {1} days. To ensure that the authentication token stays valid and data acquisition for {3} continues seamlessly, we recommend that you re-authorize your social profile {0} within {1} days.",,"Unsere Datensätze zeigen an, dass das Authentifizierungstoken für Ihr Social Media-Profil {0} seit {2} Tagen aktiv ist und nur noch {1} weitere(n) Tag(e) aktiviert bleibt. Um die Gültigkeit des Authentifizierungstokens zu gewährleisten und die Datenerfassung für {3} nahtlos fortzusetzen, empfehlen wir, die erneute Autorisierung Ihres Social Media-Profils {0} innerhalb von {1} Tagen auszuführen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "{1} token expires in {0} days",,"{1}-Token läuft in {0} Tagen ab",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We noticed that there are no more valid authentication tokens enabled for a Facebook user to acquire data from Facebook pages. This means that the <strong>data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped</strong>.",,"Wir haben festgestellt, dass keine gültigen Authentifizierungs-Tokens für einen Facebook-Benutzer zur Datenerfassung von Facebook-Seiten mehr aktiviert sind. Die <strong>Datenerfassung für Facebook-Seiten wurde daher angehalten</strong>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To resume the acquisition of posts, we strongly advise you to immediately enable at least one <a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">social profile</a> for a Facebook user who allows data acquisition from Facebook pages."",,""Wir empfehlen dringend, dass Sie mindestens ein <a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Social Media-Profil</a> für einen Facebook-Benutzer aktivieren, der die Datenerfassung aus Facebook-Seiten zulässt. So können Sie die Erfassung von Beiträgen fortführen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Action Required: Facebook user token expired",,"Aktion erforderlich: Das Facebook-Benutzertoken ist abgelaufen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We noticed that there are no more valid authentication tokens enabled for a Facebook user to acquire data from Facebook pages and Instagram business accounts. This means that the <strong>data acquisition for Facebook pages and Instagram business accounts has stopped</strong>.",,"Wir haben festgestellt, dass für einen Facebook-Benutzer keine gültigen Authentifizierungs-Token zur Datenerfassung von Facebook-Seiten mehr aktiviert sind. Die <strong>Datenerfassung von Facebook-Seiten und aus Instagram-Geschäftskonten wurde daher ausgesetzt</strong>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To resume the acquisition of posts, enable at least one <a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">social profile</a> for a Facebook Instagram acquisition profile."",,""Um wieder Beiträge abzurufen, aktivieren Sie mindestens ein <a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Social Media-Profil</a> für ein Facebook- und Instagram-Erfassungsprofil."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Action Required: Facebook user token expired",,"Maßnahme erforderlich: Das Facebook-Benutzertoken ist abgelaufen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""We noticed that there are no more valid Instagram accounts for data acquisition from Instagram. This means that <strong>the data acquisition for Instagram has stopped</strong>. To resume the acquisition of posts, we strongly advise you to allow at least one Instagram account in <strong><a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Settings > Social Profiles</a></strong> for data acquisition."",,""Wir haben festgestellt, dass es keine weiteren gültigen Instagram-Konten für die Datenerfassung aus Instagram gibt. Das bedeutet, dass die <strong>Datenerfassung für Instagram beendet wurde</strong>. Um die Erfassung von Beiträgen fortzusetzen, empfehlen wir Ihnen dringend, mindestens ein Instagram-Konto in <strong><a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Einstellungen > Social Media-Profile</a></strong> für die Datenerfassung zu aktivieren."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Action Required: Allow Instagram accounts for data acquisition",,"Aktion erforderlich: Zulassen von Instagram-Konten für die Datengewinnung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""We noticed that you don’t have any valid authentication tokens for LinkedIn, which means that <strong>data acquisition for LinkedIn Organization pages has stopped</strong>. To resume getting posts, we strongly recommend enabling a social profile for LinkedIn in <strong><a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Settings > Social Profiles</a></strong> for data acquisition."",,""Wir haben festgestellt, dass Sie keine gültigen Authentifizierungstoken für LinkedIn haben. Das bedeutet, dass die <strong>Datenerfassung für LinkedIn-Organisationsseiten beendet wurde</strong>. Um weiterhin Beiträge zu erhalten, empfehlen wir dringend, ein Social Media-Profil für LinkedIn zur Datenerfassung unter <strong><a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Einstellungen > Social Media-Profile</a></strong> zu aktivieren."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Action Required: LinkedIn acquisition token expired",,"Aktion erforderlich: Das LinkedIn-Erfassungstoken ist abgelaufen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Trend alert: ""{0}"""",,""Trendwarnung: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The post volume changed significantly as measured on {0}.",,"Das Beitragsvolumen hat sich seit dem {0} beträchtlich verändert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""If you don''t want to receive this alert, contact <a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">the owner of this alert {1}</a>."",,""Wenn Sie diese Warnung nicht erhalten möchten, wenden Sie sich an <a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">den Besitzer dieser Warnung {1}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Weekly average: {0} posts",,"Wochendurchschnitt: {0} Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Daily average: {0} posts",,"Tagesdurchschnitt: {0} Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post volume for all active sources:",,"Beitragsvolumen aller aktiven Quellen:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Most significant change:",,"Größte Veränderung:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts found",,"Beiträge gefunden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Trend Alert: {1}",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Trendwarnung: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your request to join Market Insights was approved.",,"Ihre Anfrage, an Market Insights teilzunehmen, wurde genehmigt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your request to join Market Insights was denied.",,"Ihre Anfrage, an Market Insights teilzunehmen, wurde verweigert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To get started, sign in to Market Insights with your organization email account.",,"Melden Sie sich zunächst mit dem E-Mail-Konto Ihrer Organisation bei Market Insights an.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Questions? Contact your admin at <a href=""mailto:{0}"">{0}</a>"",,""Fragen? Wenden Sie sich an den Administrator unter <a href=""mailto:{0}"">{0}</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Request to join approved",,"Teilnahmeanfrage genehmigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Request to join denied",,"Teilnahmeanfrage verweigert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "average is {0} posts",,"Durchschnitt: {0} Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "in 24 h for {0} till {1}",,"in 24 Stunden für {0} bis {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "in 7 days for {0} till {1}",,"in 7 Tagen für {0} bis {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "for last 24 hours",,"für die letzten 24 Stunden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "more",,"mehr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Trendscout Alert-Notification",,"Benachrichtigung über Trendscout-Warnung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This alert was triggered in Solution",,"Diese Warnung wurde in der folgenden Lösung ausgelöst:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Reference post volume of Focus Item",,"Referenz für Anzahl der Beiträge von Fokusobjekt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "over all sources",,"über alle Quellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Configured sources",,"Konfigurierte Quellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "on",,"am",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "less",,"weniger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dear Recipient",,"Sehr geehrte/r Empfänger/in,",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This is an automated message from the alert",,"dies ist eine automatisch generierte Nachricht von der Warnung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The post volume on the Focus Item",,"Die Anzahl der Beiträge für das Fokusobjekt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "in the ComMonitor Insights",,"im ComMonitor-Überblick",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You don't want to receive this alert anymore? Contact",,"Sie möchten diese Warnung nicht mehr erhalten? Kontaktieren Sie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "who has sent you this alert.",,", der/die Ihnen diese Warnung geschickt hat.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please do not reply or forward to this alias. For feedback and support, please refer to",,"Antworten Sie nicht auf diesen Alias, und leiten Sie keine Nachrichten an ihn weiter. Für Feedback und Support wenden Sie sich an",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "exceeded the expectation for the following sources",,"Erwartung für die folgenden Quellen übertroffen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Zu Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights wechseln",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "to find out more.",,"um mehr zu erfahren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "{0} post",,"{0} Beitrag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "{0} posts",,"{0} Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "than expected",,"als erwartet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "than the",,"als",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "weekly average",,"Wochendurchschnitt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Trendscout Alert",,"Trendscout-Warnung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Several sources are publishing more than expected.",,"Mehrere Quellen veröffentlichen mehr als erwartet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're sorry, but you aren't authorized to access this organization's Market Insights solution. Please contact the organization's system administrator to get appropriate access.\n",,"Es tut uns leid, aber Sie sind nicht autorisiert, auf die Market Insights-Lösung diese Organisation zuzugreifen. Wenden Sie sich an den Systemadministrator der Organisation, um den entsprechenden Zugriff zu erhalten.\n",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Access denied",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Zugriff verweigert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""We're sorry, but the customer organization you're trying to access doesn't have a Market Insights solution. If you recently provisioned Market Insights, please try again later because we might still be setting it up. Otherwise, please <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">request or purchase a Market Insights subscription for this customer organization</a>.\n"",,""Leider verfügt die Kundenorganisation, auf die Sie zugreifen möchten, nicht über eine Market Insights-Lösung. Falls Sie zuvor bereits Market Insights bereitgestellt haben, versuchen Sie es später erneut, da die Lösung ggf. noch eingerichtet wird. Ansonsten <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">beantragen oder kaufen Sie bitte ein Market Insights-Abonnement für diese Kundenorganisation</a>.\n"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Solution not found",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Lösung nicht gefunden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're getting everything set up for you. This should only take a minute or two.",,"Wir richten gerade alles für Sie ein. Dies sollte nur ein oder zwei Minuten dauern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Welcome to Market Insights",,"Willkommen bei Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Almost there",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Fast geschafft",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We will load your Market Insights solution as soon as it's ready.",,"Wir laden Ihre Market Insights-Lösung, sobald sie bereit ist.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The request appears to be invalid or improperly formatted.",,"Die Anforderung ist offenbar ungültig oder nicht korrekt formatiert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bad Request",,"Ungültige Anforderung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Bad Request",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Ungültige Anforderung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Sorry, your authentication to Dynamics 365 failed. Try <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2053019"">signing in again</a>. To get access to Dynamics 365 go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">Dynamics 365 portal</a> or contact the organization's system administrator."",,""Ihre Authentifizierung bei Dynamics 365 ist leider fehlgeschlagen. Versuchen Sie, <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2053019"">sich erneut anzumelden</a>. Um Zugriff auf Dynamics 365 zu erhalten, wechseln Sie zum <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">Dynamics 365-Portal</a>, oder wenden Sie sich an den Systemadministrator der Organisation."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Access Denied",,"Zugriff verweigert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Unauthorized",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Nicht autorisiert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Sorry, you're not authorized to access this page. Try signing in as a different user in the<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=403278"" target=""_blank""> Office 365 portal</a>. If you still don't have permission to access this resource, contact the organization's system administrator."",,""Leider sind Sie nicht dazu berechtigt, auf diese Seite zuzugreifen. Versuchen Sie, sich als anderer Benutzer im<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=403278"" target=""_blank""> Office 365-Portal</a> anzumelden. Wenn Sie immer noch keine Berechtigung haben, um auf diese Ressource zuzugreifen, wenden Sie sich an den Systemadministrator der Organisation."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Forbidden",,"Verboten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Forbidden",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Verboten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""You can contact your admin at <a href=""mailto:${admin_emails?first}"" title=""Send email to ${admin_emails?first}"">${admin_emails?first}</a>."",,""Sie können sich unter <a href=""mailto:${admin_emails?first}"" title=""Send email to ${admin_emails?first}"">${admin_emails?first}</a> an den Administrator wenden."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your access to Market Insights is blocked. Contact your admin with any questions you might have.",,"Ihr Zugriff auf Market Insights ist gesperrt. Wenden Sie sich bei Fragen an Ihren Administrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Forbidden",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Verboten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please contact your system administrator to take further action in the Office 365 Message Center",,"Zur Durchführung weiterer Maßnahmen im Office 365-Nachrichtencenter wenden Sie sich an den Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Blocked",,"Gesperrt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Blocked",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Gesperrt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Questions? Contact your admin at <a href=""mailto:${admin_emails?first}"" title=""Send email to ${admin_emails?first}"">${admin_emails?first}</a>."",,""Fragen? Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Administrator unter <a href=""mailto:${admin_emails?first}"" title=""E-Mail senden an ${admin_emails?first}"">${admin_emails?first}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "It looks like your access to Market Insights needs approval from an admin. We've already sent your admin a request to give you access. We'll notify you at ${email} once the request is processed.",,"Offenbar erfordert Ihr Zugriff auf Market Insights die Genehmigung eines Administrators. Wir haben Ihrem Administrator bereits eine Zugriffsanfrage gesendet. Wir benachrichtigen Sie unter ${email}, sobald die Anfrage bearbeitet wurde.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Almost there",,"Fast geschafft",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't find the page you were looking for.",,"Wir konnten die Seite, nach der Sie suchten, nicht finden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Page Not Found",,"Seite nicht gefunden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Page not found",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Seite nicht gefunden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""We're sorry, but you aren't allowed to access the solution. Try signing in as a different user in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=403278"" target=""_blank"">Office 365 portal</a>, or <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2053019"">sign in</a> to open Dynamics 365. To get access to Dynamics 365 go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">Dynamics 365 portal</a> or contact the organization's system administrator.\n"",,""Leider dürfen Sie nicht auf die Lösung zugreifen. Versuchen Sie, sich als anderer Benutzer im <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=403278"" target=""_blank"">Office 365-Portal</a> anzumelden, oder <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2053019"">melden Sie sich an</a>, um Dynamics 365 zu öffnen. Um Zugriff auf Dynamics 365 zu erhalten, wechseln Sie zum <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">Dynamics 365-Portal</a>, oder wenden Sie sich an den Systemadministrator der Organisation.\n"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Authentication failed",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Fehler bei der Authentifizierung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The server didn't receive the request in time. Please try again.",,"Der Server hat die Anforderung nicht rechtzeitig erhalten. Versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Request Timeout",,"Anforderungstimeout",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Request timeout",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Anforderungstimeout",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Too Many Requests",,"Zu viele Anforderungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Too many requests",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Zu viele Anforderungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Oops … something went wrong. Please try again later or if this problem persists, <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=390992"" target=""_blank"">contact Support</a> with the error timestamp below. <br>"",,""Hoppla … da ging etwas schief. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal. Sollte das Problem weiter bestehen, <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=390992"" target=""_blank"">wenden Sie sich an den Support</a> mit dem unten angezeigten Zeitstempel. <br>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Internal Server Error",,"Interner Serverfehler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Internal server error",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Interner Serverfehler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The gateway or proxy received an invalid response from the server.",,"Vom Gateway oder Proxy wurde eine ungültige Serverantwort empfangen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bad Gateway",,"Ungültiges Gateway",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Bad gateway",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Ungültiges Gateway",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The service isn't available right now. Please try again in a few minutes.",,"Der Dienst ist momentan nicht verfügbar. Versuchen Sie es in einigen Minuten erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Service Unavailable",,"Dienst nicht verfügbar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Service unavailable",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Dienst nicht verfügbar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The gateway or proxy didn't receive a timely response from the server.",,"Vom Gateway oder Proxy wurde nicht rechtzeitig eine Serverantwort empfangen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Gateway Timeout",,"Gatewaytimeout",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Gateway Timeout",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Gatewaytimeout",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365",,"Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 isn't quite ready to use.",,"Dynamics 365 ist noch nicht ganz einsatzbereit.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please check back in a few minutes.",,"Versuchen Sie es in wenigen Minuten noch einmal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If this issue continues, contact your Office 365 admin.",,"Sollte das Problem weiter bestehen, wenden Sie sich an den zuständigen Office 365-Administrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Setup ongoing - Dynamics 365",,"Setup wird gerade ausgeführt – Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're sorry, an unexpected error has occurred.",,"Unerwarteter Fehler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unknown Error",,"Unbekannter Fehler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Unknown Error",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Unbekannter Fehler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Want to know more about elements on the UI? Get quick descriptions and helpful tips by clicking or tapping the highlighted items.<br />\nTo turn off info mode, click or tap the toggle, or press the Esc key.\n",,"Sie möchten mehr über Benutzeroberflächenelemente erfahren? Klicken oder tippen Sie auf die hervorgehobenen Elemente, um schnell Beschreibungen und hilfreiche Tipps zu erhalten.<br />\nKlicken oder tippen Sie zum Deaktivieren des Infomodus auf die Option zum Umschalten des Infomodus, oder drücken Sie ESC.\n",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Info mode toggle",,"Infomodus ein/aus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Info mode",,"Infomodus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your data is ready to go to analytics",,"Ihre Daten sind bereit, zur Analyse zu wechseln",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You need to wait for your data",,"Sie müssen auf Ihre Daten warten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Guides you through your first steps in your fresh solution.",,"Führt Sie durch die ersten Schritte in Ihrer neuen Lösung.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All done!",,"Alles fertig!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Welcome %{user_name}",,"Willkommen %{user_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Approve everyone",,"Alle genehmigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Not now",,"Jetzt nicht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "When others at your company ask to use this app, do you want to automatically approve all their requests?",,"Sollen alle Anfragen automatisch genehmigt werden, wenn andere Benutzer in Ihrem Unternehmen die Verwendung der App anfragen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Approving permission requests",,"Berechtigungsanfragen werden genehmigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Let's go",,"Auf geht's",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to Analytics for your brand",,"Wechseln Sie zur Analyse für Ihre Marke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Now you can switch to the Analytics app to explore insights based on those tweets.",,"Jetzt können Sie zur Analyse-App wechseln, um Einblicke basierend auf diesen Tweets zu erkunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start",,"Start",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Ready to see what we found on Twitter, and more?",,"Möchten Sie sehen, was auf Twitter gefunden wurde und mehr?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Once we acquired the historical data, you can switch to the Analytics app to explore insight based on those tweets.",,"Sobald die Verlaufsdaten erfasst sind, können Sie zur Analyse-App wechseln, um Einblicke basierend auf diesen Tweets zu erkunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please wait while we are loading historical data for your brand, this will take a minute. You will get tweets matching the search rules we setup for you. This historical acquisition is limited by a maximum of a thousand tweets and max 30 days back.",,"Warten Sie, während Verlaufsdaten für Ihre Marke geladen werden. Dies kann einige Minuten dauern. Sie erhalten Tweets, die mit den für Sie eingerichteten Suchregeln übereinstimmen. Diese Verlaufserfassung ist auf eine Höchstzahl von 1.000 Tweets und auf höchstens die letzten 30 Tage begrenzt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Thank you for adding your brand keywoard search topic. If you would like to edit it, go to ""Search Setup"" and open search topic ""%{search_topic_name}"""",,"Vielen Dank, dass Sie Ihr Markenstichwort-Suchthema hinzugefügt haben. Wenn Sie es bearbeiten möchten, wechseln Sie zu „Sucheinstellungen”, und öffnen Sie das Suchthema „%{search_topic_name}”",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This is your fresh solution, let's help you get started by adding social data relevant for your brand.",,"Dies ist Ihre neue Lösung. Um die ersten Schritte zu erleichtern, werden Social Media-Daten hinzugefügt, die für Ihre Marke relevant sind.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "I would like to know how is my brand mentioned on social networks",,"Ich möchte wissen, wie meine Marke in soziale Netzwerken erwähnt wird",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start setup",,"Setup starten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tell us what would you like to do?",,"Teilen Sie uns mit: Was möchten Sie jetzt tun?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Guides you in searching for a brand name. (no preload)",,"Führt Sie bei der Suche nach einem Markenname. (nicht im Voraus geladen)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start keyword wizard",,"Schlüsselwort-Assistenten starten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to my analytics",,"Zur Analyse wechseln",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Don’t worry, your analytics are just a click away. But before you go, check out your new Market Insights homepage. It’s designed to make it easier than ever to keep up to date on new features, system health, and more.",,"Keine Sorge, Ihre Analysen sind nur einen Klick entfernt. Bevor Sie jedoch fortfahren, sollten Sie sich die neue Market Insights-Startseite ansehen. Sie wurde speziell dafür entworfen, Sie in Bezug auf Funktionen, Systemintegrität und mit anderen Informationen auf dem Laufenden zu halten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Where’s my dashboard?",,"Wo ist mein Dashboard?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Go to analytics",,"Zur Analyseübersicht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Find out more about what your audience is searching for, saying, and feeling, and what that means for your business. Set up or refine topics to monitor, or go straight to the analytics dashboard to explore your insights.",,"Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wonach Ihre Zielgruppe sucht, worüber sie spricht, was sie bewegt und was dies für Ihr Unternehmen bedeutet. Richten Sie zu überwachende Themen ein, oder wechseln Sie direkt zum Analyse-Dashboard, um sich einen Überblick zu verschaffen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Say hello to Market Insights",,"Willkommen bei Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""We’re updating the Market Insights service frequently. To learn more about recent changes, visit <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2043581"">What’s new in Market Insights</a>."",,""Wir aktualisieren den Market Insights-Service regelmäßig. Um weitere Informationen zu den letzten Änderungen zu erhalten, besuchen Sie die <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2043581"">Market Insights-Neuigkeitenseite</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Most recent release",,"Aktuelle Version",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Market Insights product update 1.1",,"Market Insights-Produktupdate 1.1",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Your data from Social Engagement is still available, but now it shows up in Market Insights, along with improved features and capabilities. If you’d rather return to using Social Engagement, ask your admin to remove your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights preview license in the Office 365 admin center. <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2043193"">Learn more about managing licenses</a>."",,""Ihre Daten aus Social Engagement stehen weiterhin zur Verfügung. Sie werden jetzt jedoch in Verbindung mit verbesserten Funktionen als Market Insights angezeigt. Wenn Sie wieder mit Social Engagement arbeiten möchten, bitten Sie den Administrator, Ihre Lizenz für die Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Vorabversion im Office 365-Administratorcenter zu entfernen. <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2043193"">Weitere Informationen zum Verwalten von Lizenzen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Have you been using Social Engagement?",,"Haben Sie bisher Social Engagement verwendet?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""You can continue to access the service until your subscription expires or until January 16, 2020, whichever comes sooner. Your organization may need to act and transition to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2043586"">Learn more about transitioning</a>."",,""Sie können den Service bis zum Ende Ihres Abonnements oder bis zu seiner Einstellung am 16. Januar 2020 weiter nutzen, je nachdem welches Datum früher eintritt. Ihre Organisation muss unter Umständen auf Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights umstellen. <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2043586"">Weitere Informationen zur Umstellung</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Social Engagement will be discontinued",,"Microsoft Social Engagement wird eingestellt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "What's New",,"Neuigkeiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Andorra",,"Andorra",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "United Arab Emirates",,"Vereinigte Arabische Emirate",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Afghanistan",,"Afghanistan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Antigua and Barbuda",,"Antigua und Barbuda",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Anguilla",,"Anguilla",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alaska",,"Alaska",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Albania",,"Albanien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Alabama",,"Alabama",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Armenia",,"Armenien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Angola",,"Angola",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Antarctica",,"Antarktis",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Argentina",,"Argentinien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Arkansas",,"Arkansas",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "American Samoa",,"Amerikanisch-Samoa",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Austria",,"Österreich",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Australia",,"Australien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Aruba",,"Aruba",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Åland Islands",,"Ålandinseln",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Azerbaijan",,"Aserbaidschan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Arizona",,"Arizona",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bosnia and Herzegovina",,"Bosnien und Herzegowina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Barbados",,"Barbados",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bangladesh",,"Bangladesch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Belgium",,"Belgien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Burkina Faso",,"Burkina Faso",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bulgaria",,"Bulgarien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bahrain",,"Bahrain",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Burundi",,"Burundi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Benin",,"Benin",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Saint Barthélemy",,"St. Barthélemy",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Bermuda",,"Bermuda",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - 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Please try again.",,"Das hat nicht funktioniert. 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Select CTRL+C to copy to the clipboard.",,"Rufen Sie einen Link ab, um diesen Beitrag in Analytics zu öffnen. Wählen Sie STRG+C aus, um ihn in die Zwischenablage zu kopieren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create",,"Erstellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hide Notes",,"Hinweise ausblenden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open Record",,"Datensatz öffnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Show Notes",,"Notizen anzeigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create record in Dynamics CRM",,"Datensatz in Dynamics CRM erstellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create record in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Datensatz in Microsoft Dynamics 365 erstellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Fetching information about record in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Informationen zum Datensatz in Microsoft Dynamics 365 abrufen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Failed to fetch information about record in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Fehler beim Abrufen von Informationen zum Datensatz in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Successfully fetched information about record in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Informationen über den Datensatz in Microsoft Dynamics 365 abgerufen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post has been successfully submitted to Dynamics CRM.",,"Der Beitrag wurde an Dynamics CRM übermittelt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The post was successfully submitted to Dynamics 365.",,"Der Beitrag wurde erfolgreich an Dynamics 365 übermittelt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Record owner in Dynamics CRM",,"Datensatzbesitzer in Dynamics CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to remove the link to CRM from this post? This will also remove the notes attached to this link.",,"Möchten Sie die Verknüpfung zu CRM wirklich aus diesem Beitrag löschen? Dadurch werden auch die an diese Verknüpfung angehängten Hinweise entfernt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to remove the link to Dynamics 365 from this post? This will also remove the notes attached to this link.",,"Möchten Sie die Verknüpfung zu Dynamics 365 wirklich aus diesem Beitrag löschen? Dadurch werden auch die an diese Verknüpfung angehängten Hinweise entfernt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Entity: %{value}",,"Entität: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instance: %{value}",,"Instanz: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Information not available, please try again.",,"Informationen nicht verfügbar. Versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM Record Insights",,"CRM-Datensatz-Überblick",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 record insights",,"Dynamics 365-Datensatz-Überblick",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Deleting a post",,"Einen Beitrag löschen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to remove this post and its associated data?",,"Möchten Sie diesen Beitrag und die dazugehörigen Daten wirklich entfernen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to delete %{smart_count} post and its associated data?||||Are you sure you want to delete %{smart_count} posts and their associated data?",,"Möchten Sie %{smart_count} Beitrag und die zugehörigen Daten wirklich löschen?||||Möchten Sie %{smart_count} Beiträge und die zugehörigen Daten wirklich löschen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post details finished loading",,"Beitragsdetails wurden vollständig geladen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - 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Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Administrator, um ein Upgrade für Ihre Lizenz anzufordern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "like as",,"Liken als",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Load more posts",,"Mehr Beiträge laden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "An error occurred while loading more posts.",,"Ein Fehler ist beim Laden weiterer Beiträge aufgetreten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "An error occurred while loading posts.",,"Ein Fehler ist beim Laden von Beiträgen aufgetreten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "loading publish history...",,"Veröffentlichungsverlauf wird geladen...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Loading posts...",,"Beiträge werden geladen...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "no publish history...",,"Kein Veröffentlichungsverlauf...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Message is under character limit. Add some text to submit the post.",,"Die Nachricht unterschreitet die Zeichenbeschränkung. Fügen Sie Text hinzu, um den Beitrag zu übermitteln.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No posts found",,"Keine Beiträge gefunden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No results found. Please change filter and try again.",,"Keine Ergebnisse gefunden. Ändern Sie den Filter, und versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No threads available",,"Keine Threads verfügbar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No valid social profiles",,"Keine gültigen Social Media-Profile",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">help content</a>."",,""Weitere Informationen über Szenarien zur Kundenbindung finden Sie in der <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Hilfe</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Your social profile tokens aren't valid. For more information, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">help content</a>."",,""Ihre Social Media-Profiltoken sind ungültig. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Hilfe</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To perform this action, you must have a Manager or Responder user role. For more information, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">help content</a>."",,""Um diese Aufgabe ausführen zu können, ist die Benutzerrolle „Manager” oder „Reagierender” erforderlich. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Hilfe</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""You need to configure a social profile first. For more information, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">help content</a>."",,""Zuerst muss ein Social Media-Profil konfiguriert werden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Hilfe</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} author tag |||| %{smart_count} author tags",,"%{smart_count} Autor-Tag |||| %{smart_count} Autor-Tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} post tag |||| %{smart_count} post tags",,"%{smart_count} Beitrag-Tag |||| %{smart_count} Beitrag-Tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open earlier posts in Analytics",,"Frühere Beiträge in Analyse öffnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open original post",,"Originalbeitrag öffnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Parent post",,"Übergeordneter Beitrag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post not found",,"Beitrag nicht gefunden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This post is no longer available. It will be removed from the post list when it's refreshed.",,"Dieser Beitrag ist nicht mehr verfügbar. Er wird aus der Liste der Beiträge gelöscht, wenn diese aktualisiert wird.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post text content",,"Textcontent veröffentlichen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "POST THREAD |||| POST THREADS",,"BEITRAGSTHREAD |||| BEITRAGSTHREADS",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't work with this post because it isn't available.",,"Sie können nicht an diesem Beitrag arbeiten, da er nicht mehr verfügbar ist.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "private message",,"Private Nachricht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Send private message to",,"Private Nachricht senden an",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "direct message",,"Direktnachricht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} attachment |||| %{smart_count} attachments",,"%{smart_count} Anlage |||| %{smart_count} Anlagen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Direct message",,"Direktnachricht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Reach value: %{value}",,"Reichweitenwert: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Reply |||| Replies",,"Antwort |||| Antworten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{count} reply to the child post |||| %{count} replies to the child post",,"%{count} Antwort auf den untergeordneten Beitrag |||| %{count} Antworten auf den untergeordneten Beitrag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{count} reply to the parent post |||| %{count} replies to the parent post",,"%{count} Antwort auf den übergeordneten Beitrag |||| %{count} Antworten auf den übergeordneten Beitrag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "reply as",,"Antworten als",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter text for the reply message here.",,"Geben Sie den Text für die Antwort-Nachricht hier ein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Restricted response",,"Eingeschränkte Antwort",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentation</a>."",,""Weitere Informationen über Szenarien zur Kundenbindung finden Sie in der <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Dokumentation</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Your social profile tokens aren't valid. 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To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to Social Profiles, authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"<strong>AKTION ERFORDERLICH</strong>: Es ist kein gültiger Facebook-Benutzer in dieser Lösung vorhanden. Die Datenerfassung von Facebook-Seiten wurde angehalten. Wechseln Sie zu Social Media-Profile, authentifizieren Sie einen Facebook-Benutzer und lassen Sie dann die Erfassung von Facebook-Seiten zu, um die Datenerfassung für Facebook-Seiten zu starten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is only one Facebook user allowing data acquisition for Facebook pages in this solution. We recommend that you allow data acquisition on additional Facebook users.",,"Es gibt in dieser Lösung nur einen Facebook-Benutzer mit zugelassener Datenerfassung von Facebook-Seiten. Wir empfehlen, dass Sie die Datenerfassung für weitere Facebook-Benutzer zulassen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a custom source",,"Eine benutzerdefinierte Quelle hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Validate and add a source",,"Eine Quelle überprüfen und hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Blocked Content",,"Geblockte Inhalte",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add your keywords here",,"Schlüsselwörter hier hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} Keyword blocked |||| %{smart_count} Keywords blocked",,"%{smart_count} Schlüsselwort geblockt |||| %{smart_count} Schlüsselwörter geblockt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add your domains here",,"Domänen hier hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} Domain blocked |||| %{smart_count} Domains blocked",,"%{smart_count} Domäne geblockt |||| %{smart_count} Domänen geblockt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Domains",,"Domänen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data acquisition stops immediately for the entered terms. Already acquired posts matching the terms won't be displayed anymore.\n Posts will be deleted 4 hours after adding the terms. Within this time frame, you can restore the posts by deleting the newly entered terms.",,"Die Datenerfassung wird für die eingegebenen Begriffe sofort angehalten. Bereits übernommene Beiträge, die den Begriffen entsprechen, werden nicht mehr angezeigt.\n Beiträge werden 4 Stunden nach dem Hinzufügen der Begriffe gelöscht. In diesem Zeitrahmen können Sie die Beiträge durch Löschen der neu eingegebenen Begriffe wiederherstellen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{contentName} is already on the list of excluded contents.",,"%{contentName} befindet sich bereits auf der Liste der ausgeschlossenen Inhalte.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have successfully removed %{contentName}",,"Sie haben %{contentName} erfolgreich entfernt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Keywords can't be empty.",,"Schlüsselwörter können nicht leer sein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Domains can't be empty.",,"Domänen können nicht leer sein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your changes have been successfully saved",,"Ihre Änderungen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The term %{termName} is not supported for excluding content.",,"Der Begriff %{termName} wird zum Ausschließen von Inhalten nicht unterstützt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The term %{termName} contains invalid characters.",,"Die Benennung %{termName} enthält ungültige Zeichen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Content already added",,"Inhalt bereits hinzugefügt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Content deleted",,"Inhalt gelöscht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Content saved",,"Inhalt gespeichert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete Keyword",,"Schlüsselwort löschen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Do you really want to delete the Keyword %{keywordName}?",,"Möchten Sie das Schlüsselwort %{keywordName} wirklich löschen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete Domain",,"Domäne löschen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Do you really want to delete the Domain %{domainName}?",,"Möchten Sie die Domäne %{domainName} wirklich löschen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Category Details",,"Kategoriedetails",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} category was found. |||| %{smart_count} categories were found.",,"%{smart_count} Kategorie wurde gefunden. |||| %{smart_count} Kategorien wurden gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "add category name",,"Kategoriename hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add category",,"Kategorie hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" """"%{name}"" can’t be deleted because it contains search topics. Assign the search topics to another category or delete them in the search topic list before you delete the category."",,"%{name} kann nicht gelöscht werden, weil er Suchthemen enthält. Weisen Sie die Suchthemen einer anderen Kategorie zu oder löschen Sie sie aus der Liste der Suchthemen, bevor Sie die Kategorie löschen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Are you sure you want to delete the category ""%{name}""?"",,"Möchten Sie die Kategorie %{name} wirklich löschen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rename category",,"Kategorie umbenennen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rename",,"Umbenennen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The RSS feed has been removed.",,"Der RSS-Feed wurde entfernt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "RSS feed has been added.",,"RSS-Feed wurde hinzugefügt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "RSS feed is being validated.",,"RSS-Feed wird überprüft.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You successfully deleted: %{groupName}.",,"%{groupName} erfolgreich gelöscht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Group Details",,"Gruppendetails",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{groupName} successfully saved.",,"%{groupName} erfolgreich gespeichert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sources %{channels}/%{total}",,"Quellen %{channels}/%{total}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Filter",,"Filter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter up to 15 exclusions in a comma-separated list",,"Bis zu 15 Ausschlüsse in eine Liste mit durch Trennzeichen getrennten Werten eingeben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Exclusions",,"Ausschlüsse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter up to 15 inclusions in a comma-separated list",,"Bis zu 15 Einschlüsse in eine Liste mit durch Trennzeichen getrennten Werten eingeben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Inclusions",,"Einschlüsse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Keywords and inclusions must appear in the same:",,"Schlüsselwörter und Einschlüsse müssen gemeinsam in Folgendem erscheinen:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sentence",,"Satz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Paragraph",,"Absatz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter up to 15 keywords in a comma-separated list",,"Bis zu 15 Schlüsselwörter in eine Liste mit durch Trennzeichen getrennten Werten eingeben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} language was found. |||| %{smart_count} languages were found.",,"%{smart_count} Sprache wurde gefunden. |||| %{smart_count} Sprachen wurden gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} source was found. |||| %{smart_count} sources were found.",,"%{smart_count} Quelle wurde gefunden. |||| %{smart_count} Quellen wurden gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Rules",,"Regeln hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "At least one of the rules already exists in this search topic. ",,"Mindestens eine der Regeln ist bereits in diesem Suchthema enthalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} custom sources group selected |||| %{smart_count} custom sources groups selected",,"%{smart_count} benutzerdefinierte Quellengruppe ausgewählt |||| %{smart_count} benutzerdefinierte Quellengruppen ausgewählt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected a custom source group",,"Es wurde keine benutzerdefinierte Quellengruppe ausgewählt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Select custom sources from the list below. To create or edit a group of custom sources, go to <a href=""%{navigateToCustomSourcesLink}"">Custom Sources.</a>"",,""Wählen Sie in der Liste unten eine benutzerdefinierte Quellengruppe aus. Zum Erstellen oder Bearbeiten einer benutzerdefinierten Quellengruppe wechseln Sie zu <a href=""%{navigateToCustomSourcesLink}"">Benutzerdefinierte Quellen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} Facebook page selected |||| %{smart_count} Facebook pages selected",,"%{smart_count} ausgewählte Facebook-Seite |||| %{smart_count} ausgewählte Facebook-Seiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected a Facebook page",,"Es wurde keine Facebook-Seite ausgewählt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Or select existing Facebook pages",,"Oder wählen Sie vorhandene Facebook-Seiten aus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} Instagram account selected |||| %{smart_count} Instagram accounts selected",,"%{smart_count} ausgewähltes Instagram-Konto |||| %{smart_count} ausgewählte Instagram-Konten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected an Instagram account",,"Es wurde kein Instagram-Konto ausgewählt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select existing Instagram accounts",,"Bestehende Instagram-Konten auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} social profile selected |||| %{smart_count} social profiles selected",,"%{smart_count} Social Media-Profil ausgewählt |||| %{smart_count} Social Media-Profile ausgewählt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected a social profile",,"Es wurde kein Social Media-Profil ausgewählt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select social profiles",,"Social Media-Profile auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your rules are within your monthly post quota. You can now save your search topic. ",,"Die Regeln liegen im Rahmen Ihres monatlichen Beitragskontingents. Sie können jetzt Ihr Suchthema speichern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} profile selected |||| %{smart_count} profiles selected",,"%{smart_count} ausgewähltes Profil |||| %{smart_count} ausgewählte Profile",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected a Twitter profile",,"Es wurde kein Twitter-Profil ausgewählt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Or select existing Twitter profiles",,"Oder wählen Sie vorhandene Twitter-Profile aus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Provide a name",,"Einen Namen angeben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook no longer supports keyword searches.",,"Facebook unterstützt keine Suchvorgänge mit Schlüsselwörtern mehr.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook no longer supports keyword searches. New data won’t be acquired, but your existing Facebook data will be retained.",,"Die Suche nach Schlüsselwörtern wird von Facebook nicht mehr unterstützt. Es werden keine neuen Daten erfasst. Ihre vorhandenen Facebook-Daten bleiben jedoch erhalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Specify a name for this category.",,"Geben Sie einen Namen für diese Kategorie ein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No search rules yet",,"Noch keine Suchregeln",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add rule",,"Regel hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Active rule",,"Aktive Regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Rule",,"Regel hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Choose the type of search rule to configure.",,"Wählen Sie den Typ der Suchregel, die konfiguriert werden soll.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Limit",,"Begrenzung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota types",,"Kontingenttypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Expected number of posts",,"Erwartete Anzahl der Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Current number of posts",,"Aktuelle Anzahl der Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Monthly post quota",,"Monatliches Beitragskontingent",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Number of visible posts",,"Anzahl der sichtbaren Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There aren't any groups of custom sources yet. To create or edit a group of custom sources, go to",,"Es sind noch keine Gruppen benutzerdefinierter Quellen vorhanden. Zum Erstellen oder Bearbeiten einer Gruppe benutzerdefinierter Quellen wechseln Sie zu",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select a group of custom sources from the list below. To create or edit a group of custom sources, go to",,"Wählen Sie in der Liste unten eine Gruppe benutzerdefinierter Quellen aus. Zum Erstellen oder Bearbeiten einer Gruppe benutzerdefinierter Quellen wechseln Sie zu",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} result |||| %{smart_count} results",,"%{smart_count} Ergebnis |||| %{smart_count} Ergebnisse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Showing %{itemsCount} results, more available",,"%{itemsCount} Ergebnisse werden angezeigt. Es sind allerdings mehr verfügbar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add %{ruleType} Rules",,"%{ruleType}-Regeln hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add %{ruleType} Rule",,"%{ruleType}-Regel hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Setup Summary",,"Zusammenfassung der Sucheinstellungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set Owner",,"Besitzer festlegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Edit Owner",,"Besitzer bearbeiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} search topic was found. |||| %{smart_count} search topics were found.",,"%{smart_count} Suchthema wurde gefunden. |||| %{smart_count} Suchthemen wurden gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove this custom source from the group",,"Diese benutzerdefinierte Quelle aus der Gruppe entfernen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This source is already added to the group: %{name}. You can't add the same source to more than one group.",,"Diese Quelle ist der Gruppe bereits hinzugefügt: %{name}. Sie können dieselbe Quelle nicht mehr als einer Gruppe hinzufügen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Validation failed. Verify the provided URL.",,"Fehler bei der Überprüfung. Prüfen Sie die angegebene URL.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The provided URL cannot be empty.",,"Die angegebene URL darf nicht leer sein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start adding sources in the input field above.",,"Fügen Sie Quellen im Eingabefeld oben hinzu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There aren't any groups of custom sources.",,"Es sind keine Gruppen benutzerdefinierter Quellen vorhanden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Click Add to create a group.",,""Klicken Sie auf ""Hinzufügen"", um eine Gruppe zu erstellen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter an RSS or Atom feed URL",,"URL zum RSS-/Atom-Feed eingeben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete group of custom sources",,"Gruppe benutzerdefinierter Quellen löschen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} custom source was found. |||| %{smart_count} custom sources were found.",,"%{smart_count} benutzerdefinierte Quelle wurde gefunden. |||| %{smart_count} benutzerdefinierte Quellen wurden gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Do you really want to delete this group of custom sources: %{name}?",,"Möchten Sie die folgende Gruppe benutzerdefinierter Quellen wirklich löschen: %{name}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete Custom Group",,"Benutzerdefinierte Quelle löschen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage groups of custom sources to use in Search Setup and as filters in Analytics.",,"Verwalten Sie Gruppen benutzerdefinierter Quellen, die in den Sucheinstellungen und als Filter in der Analyse verwendet werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Note that just adding custom sources to a group won’t start the acquisition of posts from those sources. You have to first set up a search topic that includes the custom sources in a rule.",,"Beachten Sie, dass durch das einfache Hinzufügen benutzerdefinierter Quellen zu einer Gruppe nicht gleich die Erfassung der Beiträge dieser Quellen beginnt. Sie müssen zuerst ein Suchthema einrichten, das die benutzerdefinierten Quellen in einer Regel enthält.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your solution exceeded the quota limit. We stopped the data acquisition on %{date} at %{time}. It will automatically restart at the beginning of next month. To avoid this in the future, purchase additional post quota in the Office 365 admin center or optimize your search topics. Note that missed posts can't be retrieved retroactively.",,"Die Lösung hat den Kontingentgrenzwert überschritten. Die Datenerfassung wurde am %{date} um %{time} angehalten. Sie wird Anfang nächsten Monats automatisch erneut gestartet. Um das Problem künftig zu umgehen, erwerben Sie zusätzliche Beitragskontingente im Office 365-Administratorcenter, oder optimieren Sie die Suchthemen. Beachten Sie, dass verpasste Beiträge nicht nachträglich abgerufen werden können.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data acquisition stopped:",,"Datenerfassung angehalten:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{topicName} successfully deleted.",,"%{topicName} erfolgreich gelöscht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your solution exceeded the post quota. If you take no action, data acquisition will stop on %{date} at %{time} or when %{posts} posts are acquired by your searches. To avoid this, you can purchase additional post quota in the Office 365 admin center, or remove search topics from your solution.",,"Das Beitragskontingent der Lösung wurde überschritten. Wird keine Maßnahme ergriffen, wird die Datenerfassung am %{date} um %{time} angehalten oder wenn %{posts} Beiträge von Ihren Suchanfragen erfasst wurden. Um dies zu vermeiden, können Sie im Office 365-Administratorcenter zusätzliche Beitragskontingente erwerben oder Suchthemen aus der Lösung entfernen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Limits exceeded:",,"Grenzwerte überschritten:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your solution is expected to exceed the post quota. Edit search topics to reduce the number of posts, or you can purchase additional post quota in the Office 365 admin center.",,"Es wird erwartet, dass das Beitragskontingent der Lösung überschritten wird. Bearbeiten Sie Suchthemen, um die Anzahl der Beiträge zu reduzieren. Sie können auch zusätzliche Beitragskontingente im Office 365-Administratorcenter erwerben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Expected to exceed limits:",,"Grenzwertüberschreitung erwartet:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No Facebook account available.",,"Es ist kein Facebook-Konto verfügbar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter URL of Facebook page",,"URL der Facebook-Seite eingeben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Facebook Pages",,"Facebook-Seiten durchsuchen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Or select a Facebook Page from your Social Accounts",,"Oder wählen Sie in Ihren Social Media-Konten eine Facebook-Seite aus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook Page",,"Facebook-Seite",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To be able to search for Instagram accounts, you need to add an instagram account to your <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>.",,"Sie müssen ein Instagram-Konto zu Ihren <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Media-Profilen</a> hinzufügen, um nach Instagram-Konten suchen zu können.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No Instagram account available.",,"Es ist kein Instagram-Konto verfügbar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter Instagram account to search for",,"Geben Sie das zu suchende Instagram-Konto ein",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Instagram Account",,"Instagram-Konto suchen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Or select an Instagram account from your social profiles",,"Oder wählen Sie ein Instagram-Konto aus Ihren Social Media-Profilen aus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This social profile doesn’t allow the acquisition of private messages.",,"Dieses Social Media-Profil lässt die Erfassung von privaten Nachrichten nicht zu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allowing the acquisition of Private Messages from authenticated Twitter and Facebook Accounts (i) will allow authorized users of your Market Insights instance to set search rules to acquire Private Messages; and (ii) will display Private Messages to every user having access to Market Insights. Private Messages are only displayed in the Market Insights instance where you configure the acquisition.",,"Durch Zulassen der Erfassung privater Nachrichten von authentifizierten Twitter- und Facebook-Konten (i) können autorisierte Benutzer Ihrer Market Insights-Instanz Suchregeln zum Erfassen privater Nachrichten festlegen. (ii) Zudem werden private Nachrichten jedem Benutzer angezeigt, der Zugriff auf Market Insights hat. Private Nachrichten werden nur in der Market Insights-Instanz angezeigt, in der Sie die Erfassung konfigurieren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Disclaimer",,"Haftungsausschluss",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Private Messages of Facebook Page",,"Private Nachrichten der Facebook-Seite",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Private Messages of Twitter Handle",,"Private Nachrichten des Twitter-Handle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can acquire private messages from authenticated Twitter and Facebook Accounts when (i) a Facebook or Twitter Profile is authenticated on the <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a> page; and (ii) the acquisition of private messages has been enabled by the owner of the profile.",,"Sie können private Nachrichten von authentifizierten Twitter- und Facebook-Konten erfassen, wenn (i) ein Facebook- oder Twitter-Profil auf der Seite <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Media-Profile</a> authentifiziert ist und (ii) die Erfassung privater Nachrichten vom Besitzer des Profils aktiviert wurde.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No social accounts are available.",,"Keine Social Media-Konten verfügbar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select a social account",,"Ein Social Media-Konto auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No posts acquired yet",,"Es wurden noch keine Beiträge erfasst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts per language",,"Beiträge pro Sprache",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts per source",,"Beiträge pro Quelle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota Information Table",,"Tabelle der Kontingentinformationen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota Information",,"Kontingentinformationen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{topicName} successfully saved.",,"%{topicName} erfolgreich gespeichert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{count}/%{total} Message types",,"%{count}/%{total} Nachrichtentypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No Twitter account available.",,"Es ist kein Twitter-Konto verfügbar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please sign in to",,"Bitte melden Sie sich bei",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "to look up Twitter users.",,"an, um nach Twitter-Benutzern zu suchen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Handle or keyword",,"Handle oder Schlüsselwort",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Or select a Handle from your Social Accounts",,"Oder wählen Sie in Ihren Social Media-Konten einen Handle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter Handle",,"Twitter-Handle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Profile invalid",,"Social Media-Profil ungültig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your solution with the current configuration is expected to stay within the post quota. No action is required.",,"Es wird erwartet, dass die Lösung mit der aktuellen Konfiguration innerhalb des Beitragskontingents bleibt. Es ist keine Maßnahme erforderlich.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Within limits:",,"Innerhalb der Grenzwerte:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} organization page selected |||| %{smart_count} organization pages selected",,"%{smart_count} Organisationsseite ausgewählt |||| %{smart_count} Organisationsseiten ausgewählt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To search for LinkedIn organization pages, you need to add a LinkedIn organization page to your <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>.",,"Zum Suchen nach LinkedIn-Organisationsseiten müssen Sie eine LinkedIn-Organisationsseite zu Ihren <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Media-Profilen</a> hinzufügen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No LinkedIn organization page available.",,"Keine LinkedIn-Organisationsseite verfügbar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected a LinkedIn organization page",,"Es wurde keine LinkedIn-Organisationsseite ausgewählt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select LinkedIn organization pages from your social profiles",,"LinkedIn-Organisationsseiten aus Ihren Social Media-Profilen auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LinkedIn Organization page",,"LinkedIn-Organisationsseite",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} channel selected |||| %{smart_count} channels selected",,"%{smart_count} Kanal ausgewählt |||| %{smart_count} Kanäle ausgewählt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To search for YouTube channels, you need to add a YouTube channel to your <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>.",,"Um nach YouTube-Kanälen zu suchen, müssen Sie Ihren <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Media-Profilen</a> ein YouTube-Kanal hinzufügen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No YouTube channel available.",,"Es ist kein YouTube-Kanal verfügbar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected a YouTube channel",,"Es wurde kein YouTube-Kanal ausgewählt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter YouTube channel to search for",,"Geben Sie den zu suchenden YouTube-Kanal ein",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search YouTube Channel",,"YouTube-Kanal durchsuchen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Or select YouTube channels from your social profiles",,"Oder YouTube-Kanäle aus Ihren Social Media-Profilen auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "YouTube Channel",,"YouTube-Kanal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Initials",,"Initialen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CG",,"BQ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "add search topic name",,"Name des Suchthemas hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Topic Settings",,"Einstellungen für Suchthema",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No owner",,"Kein Besitzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rule Types",,"Regeltypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rules",,"Regeln",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "New Search Topic",,"Neues Suchthema",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "State",,"Status",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Filter by rule health state",,"Nach Regelintegritätsstatus filtern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete search topic",,"Suchthema löschen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Twitter Handle",,"Twitter-Handle durchsuchen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Do you really want to delete the rule ""%{name}""?"",,"Möchten Sie die Regel %{name} wirklich löschen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete Rule",,"Regel löschen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Are you sure you want to delete this search topic and its rules: ""%{name}""? This action will stop data acquisition for this search topic immediately and hide the posts from your analysis"",,"Möchten Sie dieses Suchthema und seine Regeln wirklich löschen: %{name}? Diese Aktion beendet die Datenübernahme für dieses Suchthema sofort und blendet die Beiträge in Ihrer Analyse aus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't added any search topics yet. To add a search topic click the button above.",,"Sie haben noch keine Suchthemen hinzugefügt. Um ein Suchthema hinzuzufügen, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche oben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post Preview",,"Beitragsvorschau",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Powered By",,"Unterstützt durch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't estimate your search rule. Please try again later.",,"Wir konnten Ihre Suchregel nicht einschätzen. Versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your search topic was saved. Please be patient while we process your changes to keywords, inclusions, and exclusions.",,"Ihr Suchthema wurde gespeichert. Bitte haben Sie etwas Geduld, bis wir Ihre Änderungen an Schlüsselwörtern, Einschlüssen und Ausschlüssen verarbeitet haben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't save your search topic. Test your rule and try again.",,"Wir konnten Ihr Suchthema nicht speichern. Testen Sie Ihre Regel, und versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The search topic name can't be empty.",,"Der Name des Suchthemas darf nicht leer sein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your rule contains keywords with special characters only. Please remove those keywords and save your rule again.",,"Die Regel enthält Schlüsselwörter, die nur aus Sonderzeichen bestehen. Entfernen Sie diese Schlüsselwörter, und speichern Sie die Regel erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Update the rule and try again.",,"Aktualisieren Sie die Regel, und versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search topic cannot be saved as expected volume estimation did not succeed. Try again later.",,"Suchthema kann nicht gespeichert werden, da die erwartete Mengenschätzung fehlgeschlagen ist. Versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""There are no search topics defined for this category. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526482"">Learn more about setting up searches.</a>"",,""Es sind keine Suchthemen für diese Kategorie definiert. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526482"">Weitere Informationen zur Einrichtung von Suchvorgängen.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quota",,"Kontingent",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Search Topic",,"Suchthema hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "User preferences changed. You can save your changes now.",,"Benutzereinstellungen geändert. Sie können nur Ihre Änderungen speichern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Update 2016 or later (Dynamics 365) is required for this action.",,"Für diese Aktion ist Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Update 2016 oder höher (Dynamics 365) erforderlich.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365) is required for this action.",,"Diese Aktion erfordert Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update oder höher (Dynamics 365)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automation rule action active",,"Automatisierungsregel-Aktion aktiv",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automation rule action inactive",,"Automatisierungsregel-Aktion inaktiv",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the actions to execute automatically on each newly found post matching the filters.",,"Wählt die auszuführenden Aktionen automatisch nach jedem neu gefundenen Beitrag, der zu den Filtern passt, aus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{eventhubName}, Additional Information (%{infoCount})",,"%{eventhubName}, Weitere Informationen (%{infoCount})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{entityName} (Instance: %{instanceName})",,"%{entityName} (Instanz: %{instanceName})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""There was a problem saving the action: ""%{actionName}"". Please try again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator."",,""Beim Speichern der Aktion ""%{actionName}"" ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Versuchen Sie es noch mal. Sollte das Problem weiterhin bestehen, wenden Sie sich an den Systemadministrator."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to remove this action?",,"Möchten Sie diese Aktion wirklich entfernen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm removal",,"Entfernen bestätigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove this action",,"Diese Aktion entfernen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "ACTIONS",,"AKTIONEN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add new rule",,"Neue Regel hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open filters in Analytics",,"Filter in Analyse öffnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automatically assign each post matching the filters to a user or a group.",,"Weist jeden Beitrag, der zu den Filtern passt, automatisch einem Benutzer oder einer Gruppe zu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Assign to",,"Zuweisen an",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete rule",,"Regel löschen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add new action",,"Neue Aktion hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Edit Rule",,"Regel bearbeiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create Rule",,"Regel erstellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Pair",,"Paar hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a new key-value pair",,"Neues Schlüssel-Wert-Paar hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Include optional key-value pairs with each post streamed to the event hub.",,"Optionale Schlüssel-Wert-Paare bei jedem Beitrag einbeziehen, der an Event Hub gestreamt wird.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The key must be unique.",,"Der Schlüssel muss eindeutig sein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Specify a key.",,"Geben Sie einen Schlüssel an.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Example: categoryName",,"Beispiel: KategorieName",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Key",,"Schlüssel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove this key-value pair",,"Dieses Schlüssel-Wert-Paar entfernen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Additional Information (%{infoCount})",,"Weitere Informationen (%{infoCount})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Example: Products",,"Beispiel: Produkte",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This Azure Event Hub is managed by your Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights connector. <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=849042'>Learn more about Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights.</a>",,"Dieser Azure Event Hub wird von dem Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights-Konnektor verwaltet. <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=849042'>Weitere Informationen zu Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights.</a>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automatically stream each post matching the filters to Azure Event Hubs.",,"Streamt jeden Beitrag, der zu den Filtern passt, automatisch zu Azure Event Hubs.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Azure Event Hubs",,"Azure Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Stream to Event Hubs: %{eventHubName}",,"Stream zu Event Hubs: %{eventHubName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Stream to Event Hubs",,"Streamen zu Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You must select at least one action.",,"Wählen Sie mindestens eine Aktion aus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LAST MONTH",,"LETZTER MONAT",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "LAST WEEK",,"LETZTE WOCHE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Based on the selected filters, actions in this automation rule could potentially be executed on a similar number of posts. Please ensure this is within your expectations. You can narrow the data set by adding more filters. For validation purposes, we recommend to view the data set in Analytics after you save the automation rule.",,"Auf Grundlage der gewählten Filter könnten Aktionen in dieser Automatisierungsregel möglicherweise für eine ähnliche Anzahl der Beiträge ausgeführt werden. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob dies Ihren Erwartungen entspricht. Sie können das Dataset durch das Hinzufügen weiterer Filter eingrenzen. Es wird empfohlen, das Dataset zur Überprüfung in der Analyse anzuzeigen, nachdem die Automatisierungsregel gespeichert wurde.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Expect %{postCount} posts a day (based on %{timeFrame})",,"Ich erwarte %{postCount} Beiträge pro Tag (basierend auf %{timeFrame})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "TODAY",,"HEUTE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rules history",,"Regelhistorie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Label",,"Beschriftung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automatically set a label for each post that matches the data set.",,"Legt für jeden Beitrag, der zum Dataset passt, automatisch eine Beschriftung fest.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set label",,"Beschriftung festlegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automatically create records in CRM for each post matching the filters.",,"Erstellt automatisch Datensätze im CRM für jeden Beitrag, der zu den Filtern passt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automatically create records in Dynamics 365 for each post that matches the filters.",,"Erstellen Sie in Dynamics 365 automatisch Datensätze für jeden Beitrag, der zu den Filtern passt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can't work with LinkedIn posts outside of Market Insights or export LinkedIn data. LinkedIn posts will be excluded from your automation rule.",,"Sie können nicht mit LinkedIn-Beiträgen außerhalb von Market Insights arbeiten oder LinkedIn-Daten exportieren. LinkedIn-Beiträge werden von Ihrer Automatisierungsregel ausgeschlossen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There are no automation rules defined yet. To create the first automation rule, click the Add button.",,""Es wurden noch keine Automatisierungsregeln festgelegt. Zum Erstellen der ersten Automatisierungsregel klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche ""Hinzufügen""."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Actions",,"Aktionen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rule",,"Regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Actions aren't available yet. Add a connection to enable actions or contact your system administrator.",,"Es sind noch keine Aktionen verfügbar. Fügen Sie eine Verbindung hinzu, um Aktionen zu aktivieren, oder wenden Sie sich an den Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Important: No actions are enabled for this automation rule.",,"Wichtig: Für diese Automatisierungsregel sind keine Aktionen aktiviert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There are no active actions for this automation rule. To add an action, click the Add button.",,""Für diese Automatisierungsregel sind keine aktiven Aktionen vorhanden. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche ""Hinzufügen"", um eine Aktion hinzuzufügen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The version of this Dynamics CRM instance is not supported: %{Connection}. Please install Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365)",,"Die Version dieser Dynamics CRM-Instanz wird nicht unterstützt: %{Connection}. Installieren Sie Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update oder höher (Dynamics 365).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rule not saved",,"Die Regel wurde nicht gespeichert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Email notifications are sent to all administrators when execution failures are detected for any actions on automation rules. Select the check box to enable these notifications.",,"E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen werden an alle Administratoren gesendet, wenn Ausführungsfehler für irgendwelche Aktionen bei Automatisierungsregeln festgestellt werden. Aktivieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen, um diese Benachrichtigungen zu aktivieren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Send failure notifications",,"Senden von Fehlerbenachrichtigungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Email notifications are sent to all administrators when execution failures are detected for any actions on automation rules. To enable these notifications, turn on this option.",,"E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen werden an alle Administratoren gesendet, wenn Ausführungsfehler für irgendwelche Aktionen bei Automatisierungsregeln festgestellt werden. Aktivieren Sie diese Option, um diese Benachrichtigungen zu aktivieren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automation Rules",,"Automatisierungsregeln",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Define rules to automatically take actions on newly found social posts.",,"Regeln festlegen, um automatisch auf neu gefundene Social Media-Beiträge zu reagieren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Assigned",,"Zugewiesen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Streamed to event hubs",,"An Event Hubs gestreamt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Labeled",,"Beschriftet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Linked to CRM",,"Mit CRM verknüpft",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Linked to Dynamics 365",,"Verknüpft mit Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts changed by automation rule(s) within last %{days_count} days",,"Beiträge, die innerhalb der letzten %{days_count} Tage durch Automatisierungsregel(n) geändert wurden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your access to this functionality is restricted due to your current license type or role. For full access, please contact your administrator to request an upgrade to your license type and/or role.",,"Ihr Zugriff auf diese Funktionalität ist aufgrund Ihres aktuellen Lizenztyps oder Ihrer Rolle eingeschränkt. Für vollen Zugriff kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihren Administrator, um Ihren Lizenztypen und/oder Ihre Rolle zu aktualisieren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Restricted access",,"Eingeschränkter Zugriff",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{ruleName}: Automation rule was successfully deleted.",,"%{ruleName}: Automatisierungsregel wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to delete this automation rule: %{ruleName}? This will remove the rule permanently and stop the execution of the rule's actions.",,"Wollen Sie die Automatisierungsregel %{ruleName} wirklich löschen? Dadurch wird die Regel permanent entfernt und die Ausführung der Aktionen der Regel wird gestoppt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There was a problem saving your filters. Please review or update your filters and try again.",,"Beim Speichern der Filter ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Prüfen oder aktualisieren Sie die Filter, und versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Date: ""%{date}"""",,""Datum: ""%{date}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts with Actions: %{post_number}",,"Beiträge mit Aktionen: %{post_number}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "User / Group",,"Benutzer / Gruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Event Hub Name",,"Event Hub-Name",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Assigned posts",,"Zugewiesene Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts streamed to event hubs",,"Zu Event Hubs gestreamte Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Labeled posts",,"Beschriftete Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts linked to CRM",,"Mit CRM verbundene Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts linked to Dynamics 365",,"Beiträge mit Dynamics 365 verknüpft",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Stats (Last %{days_count} days)",,"Status (Letzte %{days_count} Tage)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the type of CRM instance",,"Typ der CRM-Instanz auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the type of Dynamics 365 instance",,"Typ der Dynamics 365-Instanz auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connection type",,"Verbindungstyp",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a name for your connection",,"Name für die Verbindung hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365)",,"Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update oder höher (Dynamics 365)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 (online)",,"Dynamics 365 (online)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM (On-Premises)",,"CRM (Lokal)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 (on-premises)",,"Dynamics 365 (on-premises)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connecting Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights with Microsoft Dynamics CRM will enable certain Social Content and Customer Data to be shared between the two online services. At the direction of you or your end users <br> (i) Social Content stored in Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights such as social profile contact etc.) from Microsoft Dynamics CRM will be transmitted to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.<br> We encourage you to review the <a href='%{technicalDocumentationLink}'>privacy statement applicable to each online service</a>.",,"Bei der Verknüpfung von Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights und Microsoft Dynamics CRM werden mitunter bestimmte Daten aus sozialen Netzwerken sowie Kundendaten zwischen den beiden Onlineservices ausgetauscht. Auf Ihre Anweisung oder Anweisung Ihrer Endbenutzer hin werden <br> (i) Inhalte aus sozialen Netzwerken, die in Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights gespeichert sind, darunter z. B. Social Media-Profilkontakte usw., aus Microsoft Dynamics CRM an Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights übertragen.<br> Lesen Sie daher <a href='%{technicalDocumentationLink}'>hier</a> die Datenschutzrichtlinien der einzelnen Onlineservices.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connecting Market Insights with Dynamics 365 will allow some social content and customer data to be shared between the two online services. At the direction of you or your end users <br> (i) social content stored in Market Insights, like social profiles, posts, and corresponding metadata, will be sent to Dynamics 365; <br> (ii) Social content sent to Dynamics 365 may be overridden by default; and, <br> (iii) customer data (case, contact, etc.) from Dynamics 365 will be sent to Market Insights.<br> We encourage you to review the <a href='%{technicalDocumentationLink}'>privacy statement applicable to each online service</a>.",,"Durch das Erstellen einer Verbindung von Market Insights zu Dynamics 365 wird die gemeinsame Nutzung bestimmter Social Media-Inhalte und Kundendaten in beiden Online-Diensten ermöglicht. Auf Anweisung von Ihnen und Ihren Endbenutzern <br> (i) werden in Market Insights gespeicherte Social Media-Inhalte wie Social Media-Profile, Beiträge und die zugehörigen Metadaten an Dynamics 365 übertragen; <br> (ii) an Dynamics 365 übertragene Social Media-Inhalte werden standardmäßig überschrieben werden und <br> (iii) Kundendaten (Anfrage, Kontaktdaten usw.) aus Dynamics 365 werden an Market Insights übermittelt.<br> Bitte prüfen Sie die entsprechenden <a href='%{technicalDocumentationLink}'>Datenschutzbestimmungen der jeweiligen Onlinedienste</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The location is the region where your Dynamics CRM instances are located. Your Dynamics CRM instances will be supplied (automatically discovered) after you select a location. Otherwise, you can provide the URL of a Dynamics CRM instance without selecting a location.",,"Standort ist die Region, in der sich Ihre Dynamics CRM-Instanzen befinden. Nach Auswahl eines Standortes werden Ihre Dynamics CRM-Instanzen bereitgestellt (d. h. automatisch erkannt). Andernfalls können Sie die URL einer Dynamics CRM-Instanz auch ohne Auswahl eines Standorts angeben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The location is the region where your Dynamics 365 instances are located. Your instances will be supplied (automatically discovered) after you select a location. Otherwise, you can provide the URL for a Dynamics 365 instance without selecting a location.",,"Der Standort ist die Region, in der sich Ihre Dynamics 365-Instanzen befinden. Ihre Instanzen werden bereitgestellt (automatisch ermittelt), nachdem Sie einen Standort ausgewählt haben. Andernfalls können Sie die URL für die Dynamics 365-Instanz ohne Auswahl eines Standorts angeben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No Dynamics CRM instances were automatically discovered. You can provide the URL for your Dynamics CRM instance, or contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Es wurden keine Dynamics CRM-Instanzen automatisch erkannt. Sie können die URL für Ihre Dynamics CRM-Instanz angeben oder sich an den CRM-Systemadministrator wenden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We didn’t discover any Dynamics 365 instances. Enter the URL for your Dynamics 365 instance, or contact your system administrator.",,"Nein, es wurden keine Dynamics 365-Instanzen ermittelt. Sie können die URL für Ihre Dynamics 365-Instanz eingeben oder sich an Ihren Systemadministrator wenden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM Instance can't be empty.",,"CRM-Instanz darf nicht leer sein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven’t provided a Dynamics 365 instance.",,"Sie haben keine Dynamics 365-Instanz angegeben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can only create a connection to an HTTP Secure (https) URL.",,"Wir können nur eine Verbindung mit einer HTTP Secure (https)-URL herstellen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter a valid URL.",,"Geben Sie eine gültige URL ein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM Instance URL",,"CRM-Instanz-URL",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 instance URL",,"Dynamics 365-Instanz-URL",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM Instance should be in a URL format.",,"Die CRM-Instanz muss in einem URL-Format vorliegen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter the Dynamics 365 instance in a URL format.",,"Geben Sie die Dynamics 365-Instanz in einem URL-Format ein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We are testing the connection. You'll be prompted to enter the credentials for your instance. If you do not see the authentication dialog box, verify that your browser allows pop-ups on this page. As soon as the connection is established, we'll take you to the next step.",,"Wir testen die Verbindung. Sie werden aufgefordert die Anmeldeinformationen für Ihre Instanz einzugeben. Falls Sie das Authentifizierungsdialogfeld nicht sehen, prüfen Sie, ob Ihr Browser Popups auf dieser Seite erlaubt. Sobald die Verbindung aktiviert ist, führen wir Sie zum nächsten Schritt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're testing the connection. You may be asked to enter the credentials for your CRM instance. When the connection is established, we'll take you to the next step.",,"Wir testen die Verbindung. Sie werden möglicherweise aufgefordert, die Anmeldeinformationen für Ihre CRM-Instanz einzugeben. Sobald die Verbindung aktiviert ist, führen wir Sie zum nächsten Schritt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're testing the connection. You may be asked to enter the credentials for your Dynamics 365 instance. When the connection is established, we'll take you to the next step.",,"Wir testen die Verbindung. Sie werden möglicherweise aufgefordert, die Anmeldeinformationen für Ihre Dynamics 365-Instanz einzugeben. Sobald die Verbindung aktiviert ist, führen wir Sie zum nächsten Schritt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't find any Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365) instance.",,"Es wurde keine Instanz von Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update oder einer höherer (Dynamics 365-)Version gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't find a Dynamics 365 (online) instance.",,"Wir haben keine Dynamics 365 (online)-Instanz gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Check Instances",,"Instanzen prüfen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Discovered CRM Instances",,"Erkannte CRM-Instanzen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Discovered Dynamics 365 instances",,"Dynamics 365-Instanzen gefunden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Discover Dynamics 365 instances",,"Dynamics 365-Instanzen erkunden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Click the Check Instances button to automatically find Dynamics CRM instances you have access to. You can also directly provide the URL of your Dynamics CRM instance below.",,"Um automatisch nach Dynamics CRM-Instanzen zu suchen, auf die Sie Zugriff haben, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche „Instanzen prüfen“. Unten können Sie die URL der Dynamics CRM-Instanz auch direkt eingeben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Click the Check Instances button to automatically find Dynamics 365 instances you have access to. You can also enter your Dynamics 365 instance URL below.",,""Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche ""Instanzen prüfen"", um Dynamics 365-Instanzen, auf die Sie zugreifen können, automatisch zu suchen. Sie können auch Ihre Dynamics 365-Instanz-URL direkt unten angeben."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We found Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365) instance. Found Dynamics 365 instances can now be selected from the Discovered Dynamics 365 instances drop down",,"Wir haben die Instanz Dynamics CRM Online 2016-Update oder höher (Dynamics 365) gefunden. Gefundene Dynamics 365-Instanzen können jetzt über die Dropdown-Liste „Gefundene Dynamics 365-Instanzen“ ausgewählt werden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the location of your CRM instance",,"Standort der CRM-Instanz auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the location of your Dynamics 365 instance",,"Standort Ihrer Dynamics 365-Instanz auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Connection",,"Verbindung hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have another Dynamics CRM instance selected as default. Do you want to change the default?",,"Sie haben bereits eine andere Dynamics CRM-Instanz als Standard ausgewählt. Möchten Sie die Standardeinstellung ändern?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have another Dynamics 365 instance selected as the default. Do you want to change the default?",,"Sie haben bereits eine andere Dynamics 365-Instanz als Standard ausgewählt. Möchten Sie die Standardeinstellung ändern?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change Default CRM instance",,"Standardmäßige CRM-Instanz ändern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Change Default Dynamics 365 Instance",,"Standardmäßige Dynamics 365-Instanz ändern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM instance",,"CRM-Instanz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 instance",,"Dynamics 365-Instanz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't disable this connection because it's used for automation rules. Review the automation rules and try again.",,"Wir können diese Verbindung nicht deaktivieren. Sie wird für Automatisierungsregeln verwendet. Überprüfen Sie die Automatisierungsregeln und versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connected on",,"Verbunden am",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enable instance",,"Instanz aktivieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Organization language",,"Organisationssprache",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't save your changes because some entities you tried to remove are used in automation rules. Please review the automation rules and try again.",,"Wir können Ihre Änderungen nicht speichern. Einige der zu entfernenden Entitäten werden von Automatisierungsregeln verwendet. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Automatisierungsregeln und versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set as default",,"Als Standard festlegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Last updated on",,"Letzte Aktualisierung am",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enable this Dynamics CRM instance so you can create records in this instance from a post.",,"Aktivieren Sie diese Dynamics CRM-Instanz, damit Sie in dieser Instanz Datensätze aus einem Beitrag erstellen können.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enable this Dynamics 365 instance so you can create records in this instance from a post.",,"Aktivieren Sie diese Dynamics 365-Instanz, damit Sie in dieser Instanz Datensätze aus einem Beitrag erstellen können.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Define record details form for Dynamics CRM entities",,"Formular mit Datensatzdetails für Dynamics CRM-Entitäten definieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Define record details for Dynamics 365 entities",,"Datensatzdetails für Dynamics 365-Entitäten definieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To define the information to be shown in the record details form, select the CRM attributes that are available for this entity.",,"Wählen Sie zum Definieren der Informationen, die im Formular für die Datensatzdetails angezeigt werden sollen, die CRM-Attribute aus, die für diese Entität verfügbar sind.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To define what information will be included in record details, select the Dynamics 365 attributes that are available for this entity.",,"Wählen Sie zum Definieren der Informationen, die in den Datensatzdetails angezeigt werden sollen, die Dynamics 365-Attribute aus, die für diese Entität verfügbar sind.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add more",,"Weitere hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We removed CRM entities and attributes that are no longer available in your CRM instance. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}.",,"Wir haben CRM-Entitäten und -Attribute entfernt, die nicht mehr in Ihrer CRM-Instanz verfügbar waren. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We removed Dynamics 365 entities and attributes that are no longer available in your instance. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}.",,"Wir haben Dynamics 365-Entitäten und Attribute entfernt, die nicht mehr in Ihrer Instanz verfügbar sind. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Description",,"Beschreibung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Entity details",,"Entitätsdetails",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Attribute",,"Attribut",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Move down",,"Nach unten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Move up",,"Nach oben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "A new row has been added.",,"Eine neue Zeile wurde hinzugefügt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The row has been moved downward. Focus kept its position.",,"Die Zeile wurde nach unten verschoben. Fokus hat seine Position beibehalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The row has been moved upward. Focus kept its position.",,"Die Zeile wurde nach oben verschoben. Fokus hat seine Position beibehalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The row has been removed.",,"Die Zeile wurde entfernt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Display Name",,"Anzeigename",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Record Form",,"Datensatzformular",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Record details",,"Datensatzdetails",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select entities",,"Entitäten auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the entities that you can automatically create Dynamics CRM records for from a social post.",,"Wählen Sie die Entitäten aus, für die Sie automatisch Dynamics CRM-Datensätze aus einem Social Media-Beitrag erstellen können.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the entities that you can automatically create Dynamics 365 records for from a social post.",,"Wählen Sie die Entitäten aus, für die Sie automatisch Dynamics 365-Datensätze aus einem Social Media-Beitrag erstellen können.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Fetching all entities can take a while. Please be patient while we're getting the information.",,"Der Abruf aller Entitäten kann einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Bitte haben Sie einen Moment Geduld. Wir sammeln die Informationen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unique Name",,"Eindeutiger Name",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Changes not saved",,"Änderungen wurden nicht gespeichert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm changes: Your updated Event Hubs connection will automatically apply to all automation rules that have an active Event Hubs action. Confirm your changes to proceed.",,"Änderungen bestätigen: Ihre aktualisierte Event Hubs-Verbindung wird automatisch auf alle Automatisierungsregeln mit aktiver Event Hubs-Aktion angewendet. Bestätigen Sie zum Fortfahren die Änderungen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set this event hub as the default selection for automation rules.",,"Legen Sie diesen Event Hub als Standardauswahl für Automatisierungsregeln fest.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Provide the Name and Connection string for the Azure Event Hubs as configured in your Microsoft Azure subscription. We recommend you use a connection string that has only the Send permission for the event hub.",,"Geben Sie die Zeichenfolge für Namen und Verbindung für die Azure Event Hubs an, so wie sie in Ihrem Microsoft Azure-Abonnement konfiguriert sind. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, eine Verbindungszeichenfolge zu verwenden, die nur über die Sendeberechtigungen für das Event Hub verfügt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Event hub disabled",,"Event Hub deaktiviert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Connecting Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights with your Azure Event Hubs account will enable certain Social Content and Customer Data to be shared with Azure Event Hubs. We encourage you to review the Azure Event Hubs privacy statement and the <a href=""%{technicalDocumentationLink}"" class=""%{technicalDocumentationClassName}"">technical documentation</a> for this feature for further details."",,""Durch die Verbindung von Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights mit Ihrem Azure Event Hubs-Konto werden bestimmte Social Media Content- und Kundendaten zur Freigabe auf Azure Event Hubs aktiviert. Wir empfehlen, die Datenschutzbestimmungen und die <a href=""%{technicalDocumentationLink}"" class=""%{technicalDocumentationClassName}"">technische Dokumentation</a> von Azure Event Hubs für dieses Feature zu lesen, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Event hub enabled",,"Event Hub aktiviert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Event hub is default hub",,"Event Hub ist ein standardmäßiger Hub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Event hub is not default hub",,"Event Hub ist kein standardmäßiger Hub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connection string",,"Verbindungszeichenfolge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enabled",,"Aktiviert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't delete this connection because it's used for automation rules. Please review the automation rules and try again.",,"Wir können diese Verbindung nicht löschen. Sie wird für Automatisierungsregeln verwendet. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Automatisierungsregeln und versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this event hub: '%{eventHubName}'? You will remove this connection permanently and will no longer be able to stream social data to it.",,"Möchten Sie die Verbindung zu diesem Event Hub wirklich löschen: '%{eventHubName}'? Sie werden diese Verbindung dauerhaft entfernen und werden keine Social Media-Daten mehr zu ihr streamen können.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "'%{eventHubName}' : Azure Event Hubs connection was successfully deleted",,"'%{eventHubName}' : Azure Event Hubs-Verbindung wurde erfolgreich gelöscht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete this connection",,"Diese Verbindung löschen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Establish connections between Market Insights and Azure Event Hubs. This allows streaming of social data from Market Insights to Azure Event Hubs.",,"Stellen Sie Verbindungen zwischen Market Insights und Azure Event Hubs her. Dadurch können Social Media-Daten von Market Insights zu Azure Event Hubs gestreamt werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There are no Azure Event Hubs connected yet.",,"Es sind noch keine Azure Event Hubs verbunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Azure Event Hubs Connections",,"Microsoft Azure Event Hubs-Verbindungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Provide the Event hub name",,"Event Hub-Name angeben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Event hub name",,"Event Hub-Name",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Establish a connection between Market Insights and Azure Event Hubs. This allows streaming of social data from Market Insights to an event hub.",,"Stellen Sie eine Verbindung zwischen Market Insights und Azure Event Hubs her. Dadurch können Social Media-Daten von Market Insights an einen Event Hub gestreamt werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connect to Azure Event Hubs",,"Mit Azure Event Hubs verbinden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unable to connect to the event hub. Please check the connection string and try again.",,"Die Verbindung mit dem Event Hub ist nicht möglich. Überprüfen Sie die Verbindungszeichenfolge und wiederholen Sie den Vorgang.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unable to connect to the event hub. Please check the event hub name or connection string and try again.",,"Die Verbindung mit dem Event Hub ist nicht möglich. Überprüfen Sie den Namen des Event Hubs oder die Verbindungszeichenfolge und wiederholen Sie den Vorgang.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You are now connected to Azure Event Hubs '%{eventHubName}'",,"Verbindung wurde hergestellt mit Azure Event Hubs '%{eventHubName}'",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enable the connection between Market Insights and the event hub.",,"Aktivieren Sie die Verbindung zwischen Market Insights und dem Event Hub.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enable connection",,"Verbindung aktivieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't entered a connection string.",,"Sie haben keine Verbindungszeichenfolge eingegeben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Example: Endpoint=sb://eventhub-ns.servicebus.afdf.windows-int.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=…",,"Beispiel: Endpoint=sb://eventhub-ns.servicebus.afdf.windows-int.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=…",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have selected a default instance to disable. When you disable a connection, links of Market Insights posts to CRM records will no longer work and no new records can be created in that CRM instance from a post.",,"Sie haben eine Standardinstanz ausgewählt, die deaktiviert werden soll. Wenn Sie eine Verbindung deaktivieren, funktionieren die Verknüpfungen von Market Insights-Beiträgen zu CRM-Datensätzen nicht mehr. Es können keine neuen Datensätze in dieser CRM-Instanz aus einem Beitrag erstellt werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have selected a default instance to disable. When you disable a connection, links from Market Insights posts to Dynamics 365, records will no longer work and no records can be created in that instance from a post.",,"Sie haben eine Standardinstanz ausgewählt, die deaktiviert werden soll. Wenn Sie eine Verbindung deaktivieren, funktionieren die Verknüpfungen von Market Insights-Beiträgen zu Dynamics 365-Datensätzen nicht mehr. Es können keine neuen Datensätze in dieser Instanz aus einem Beitrag erstellt werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm Disabling of Default Instance",,"Deaktivieren der Standardinstanz bestätigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to disable the connection to the selected CRM Instance? When you disable a connection, links of Market Insights posts to CRM records will no longer work and no new records can be created in that CRM instance from a post.",,"Möchten Sie die Verbindung zur ausgewählten CRM-Instanz wirklich deaktivieren? Wenn Sie eine Verbindung deaktivieren, funktionieren die Verknüpfungen von Market Insights-Beiträgen zu CRM-Datensätzen nicht mehr. Es können keine neuen Datensätze in dieser CRM-Instanz aus einem Beitrag erstellt werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to disable the connection to the selected Dynamics 365 Instance? When you disable a connection, links from Market Insights posts to Dynamics 365 records will no longer work and no records can be created in that instance from a post.",,"Möchten Sie die Verbindung zur ausgewählten Dynamics 365-Instanz wirklich deaktivieren? Wenn Sie eine Verbindung deaktivieren, funktionieren die Verknüpfungen von Market Insights-Beiträgen zu Dynamics 365-Datensätzen nicht mehr. Es können keine neuen Datensätze in dieser Instanz aus einem Beitrag erstellt werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm Disabling of Instance",,"Deaktivieren der Instanz bestätigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to enable the connection to the selected CRM instance? When you enable a connection, you’ll be able to create records in that CRM instance from a post.",,"Möchten Sie die Verbindung zur ausgewählten CRM-Instanz wirklich aktivieren? Wenn Sie eine Verbindung aktivieren, können Sie Datensätze in dieser CRM-Instanz über einen Beitrag erstellen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to enable the connection to the selected Dynamics 365 instance? When you enable a connection, you can create records in that Dynamics 365 instance from a post.",,"Möchten Sie die Verbindung zur ausgewählten Dynamics 365-Instanz wirklich aktivieren? Wenn Sie eine Verbindung aktivieren, können Sie Datensätze in dieser Dynamics 365-Instanz aus einen Beitrag erstellen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm Enabling of Instance",,"Aktivieren der Instanz bestätigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to disable the selected CRM instance? You need to have at least one CRM instance enabled to create records from a post. When you disable a connection, existing links between Market Insights posts and CRM records will no longer work and no new records can be created in that CRM instance from a post. This will set the CRM Instance to the Disabled state.",,"Möchten Sie die ausgewählte CRM-Instanz wirklich deaktivieren? Mindestens eine CRM-Instanz muss aktiviert sein, um Datensätze aus einem Beitrag zu erstellen. Wenn Sie eine Verbindung deaktivieren, funktionieren vorhandene Verknüpfungen zwischen Market Insights-Beiträgen und CRM-Datensätzen nicht mehr. Es können keine neuen Datensätze in dieser CRM-Instanz aus einem Beitrag erstellt werden. Dadurch wird die CRM-Instanz in den Status „Deaktiviert“ versetzt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to disable the selected Dynamics 365 instance? You need to have at least one instance enabled to create records from a post. When you disable a connection, existing links between Market Insights posts and Dynamics 365 records will no longer work and no records can be created in that instance from a post. This will set the Dynamics 365 instance state to Disabled.",,"Möchten Sie die ausgewählte Dynamics 365-Instanz wirklich deaktivieren? Mindestens eine Instanz muss aktiviert sein, um Datensätze aus einem Beitrag zu erstellen. Wenn Sie eine Verbindung deaktivieren, funktionieren vorhandene Verknüpfungen zwischen Market Insights-Beiträgen und Dynamics 365-Datensätzen nicht mehr. Es können keine neuen Datensätze in dieser Instanz aus einem Beitrag erstellt werden. Dadurch wird die Dynamics 365-Instanz in den Status „Deaktiviert“ versetzt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allowed Domains",,"Zulässige Domänen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connection disabled",,"Verbindung deaktiviert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connection enabled",,"Verbindung aktiviert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connection is default instance",,"Verbindung ist die Standard-Instanz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connection is not default instance",,"Verbindung ist nicht die Standard-Instanz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics CRM",,"Microsoft Dynamics CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Establish a connection between Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights and Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This allows users to create and access Dynamics CRM records from within Market Insights.",,"Stellen Sie eine Verbindung zwischen Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights und Microsoft Dynamics CRM her. Dadurch können Benutzer in Market Insights auf Dynamics CRM-Datensätze zugreifen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Establish a connection between Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights and Microsoft Dynamics 365 to let users create and access those records from Market Insights.",,"Stellen Sie eine Verbindung zwischen Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights und Microsoft Dynamics 365 her, sodass Benutzer diese Datensätze in Market Insights erstellen und darauf zugreifen können.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't created any Connections yet. To start adding Connections, click the Add button",,""Sie haben noch keine Verbindungen erstellt. Klicken Sie auf ""Hinzufügen"", um Verbindungen hinzuzufügen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Azure Event Hubs",,"Microsoft Azure Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Instance URL",,"Instanz-URL",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "CRM Version",,"CRM-Version",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dynamics 365 Version",,"Dynamics 365-Version",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Version",,"Version",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have selected a default Dynamics CRM instance. Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this instance? All links to the CRM records of this instance will be removed from Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Sie haben eine Dynamics CRM-Standardinstanz gewählt. Möchten Sie die Verbindung zu dieser Instanz wirklich löschen? Alle Verknüpfungen zu den CRM-Datensätzen dieser Instanz werden aus Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights entfernt. Sie können diese Aktion nicht rückgängig machen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You've selected a default Dynamics 365 instance. Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this instance? All links to the Dynamics 365 records of this instance will be removed from Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Sie haben eine standardmäßige Dynamics 365-Instanz gewählt. Möchten Sie die Verbindung zu dieser Instanz wirklich löschen? Alle Verknüpfungen zu den Dynamics 365-Datensätzen für diese Instanz werden aus Market Insights entfernt. Sie können diese Aktion nicht rückgängig machen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this Dynamics CRM instance? You need to have at least one Dynamics CRM instance connection enabled to create records from a post. All links to the CRM records of this instance will be removed from Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Möchten Sie die Verbindung zu dieser Dynamics CRM-Instanz wirklich löschen? Um aus einem Beitrag Datensätze zu erstellen, ist mindestens eine aktive Verbindung zu einer Dynamics CRM-Instanz erforderlich. Alle Verknüpfungen zu den CRM-Datensätzen dieser Instanz werden aus Market Insights gelöscht. Dieser Vorgang kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this instance? You need at least one Dynamics 365 connection enabled to create records from a post. All links to the Dynamics 365 records for this instance will be removed from Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Möchten Sie die Verbindung zu dieser Instanz wirklich löschen? Sie benötigen mindestens eine aktive Dynamics 365-Verbindung, um Datensätze aus einem Beitrag zu erstellen. Alle Verknüpfungen mit den Dynamics 365-Datensätzen für diese Instanz werden aus Market Insights entfernt. Dieser Vorgang kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this Microsoft Dynamics CRM instance? This will remove all links to CRM records from Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Möchten Sie die Verbindung zu dieser Microsoft Dynamics CRM-Instanz wirklich löschen? Dadurch werden alle Verknüpfungen zu CRM-Datensätzen aus Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights gelöscht. Dieser Vorgang kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this Dynamics 365 instance? This will remove all links to Dynamics 365 records from Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Möchten Sie die Verbindung zu dieser Dynamics 365-Instanz wirklich löschen? Dadurch werden alle Verknüpfungen zu Dynamics 365-Datensätzen aus Market Insights gelöscht. Dieser Vorgang kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete this connection to Dynamics CRM",,"Diese Verbindung mit Dynamics CRM löschen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete this connection to Dynamics 365.",,"Löschen Sie diese Verbindung mit Dynamics 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connections",,"Microsoft Dynamics CRM-Verbindungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connections",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365-Verbindungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Connections",,"Verbindungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add connection",,"Verbindung hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Establish connections to other applications from Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights and specify domains that can make requests for your Market Insights data.",,"Stellen Sie Verbindungen mit anderen Anwendungen aus Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights her und legen Sie die Domänen fest, die Anforderungen für Ihre Market Insights-Daten stellen können.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If you do not see the authentication dialog box, verify that your browser allows pop-ups on this page.",,"Falls Sie den Authentifizierungsdialog nicht sehen, prüfen Sie, ob Ihr Browser Popups auf dieser Seite erlaubt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to set the selected Dynamics CRM instance as the default for record creation?",,"Möchten Sie die ausgewählte Dynamics CRM-Instanz wirklich als Standard für die Datensatzerstellung festlegen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to set the selected Dynamics 365 instance as the default for record creation?",,"Möchten Sie die ausgewählte Dynamics 365-Instanz wirklich als Standard für die Datensatzerstellung festlegen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm Default CRM Instance",,"Standardmäßige CRM-Instanz bestätigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm Default Dynamics 365 Instance",,"Standardmäßige Dynamics 365-Instanz bestätigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set this Dynamics CRM instance as the default instance to use when you create records from posts.",,"Legen Sie diese Dynamics CRM-Instanz als zu verwendende Standardinstanz fest, wenn Sie Datensätze aus Beiträgen erstellen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set this Dynamics 365 instance as the default instance to use when you create records from posts.",,"Legen Sie diese Dynamics 365-Instanz als zu verwendende Standardinstanz fest, wenn Sie Datensätze aus Beiträgen erstellen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Available search languages",,"Verfügbare Suchsprachen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Available sources",,"Verfügbare Quellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select the sources and languages to use by default for new search topics. Users creating new search topics can override this selection.",,"Wählen Sie die Quellen und Sprachen aus, die standardmäßig für neue Suchthemen verwendet werden. Benutzer, die neue Suchthemen erstellen, können diese Auswahl überschreiben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Setup Defaults",,"Standardsucheinstellungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "MM/dd/yy",,"MM/TT/JJ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "MM/dd/yyyy",,"MM/TT/JJJJ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "M/d/yy",,"M/T/JJ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "M/d/yyyy",,"M/T/JJJJ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "dd/MM/yy",,"TT/MM/JJ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "dd/MM/yyyy",,"TT/MM/JJJJ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "yyyy年MM月dd日",,"jjjj/MM/tt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Date format",,"Datumsformat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Date separator",,"Datumstrennzeichen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Number format",,"Zahlenformat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Default Preferences",,"Standardeinstellungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Screen language",,"Bildschirmsprache",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "12h",,"12 h",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "24h",,"24 h",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Time format",,"Zeitformat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Time separator",,"Zeittrennzeichen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Example: app.contoso.com, *.contoso.com, http://companyname",,"Beispiel: app.contoso.com, *.contoso.com, http://companyname",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add domain",,"Domäne hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The domain isn't valid: %{domainName}",,"Die Domäne ist ungültig: %{domainName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Help to protect your information by specifying the domains that can make requests for your Market Insights data.",,"Helfen Sie beim Schutz Ihrer Informationen, indem Sie die Domänen festlegen, die Anforderungen für Ihre Market Insights-Daten stellen können.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The domain must be unique.",,"Die Domäne muss eindeutig sein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't added any domains yet. Add domains by entering the URL into the input field above.",,"Sie haben noch keine Domänen hinzugefügt. Fügen Sie Domänen hinzu, indem Sie die URL in das Eingabefeld oben eingeben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allowed Domains List",,"Liste zulässiger Domänen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "A new domain was added.",,"Eine neue Domäne wurde hinzugefügt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The domain was deleted.",,"Die Domäne wurde gelöscht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This domain will be removed: %{domainName}",,"Diese Domäne wird entfernt: %{domainName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove Allowed Domain",,"Zulässige Domäne entfernen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Copy this solution URL to connect to your Market Insights data.",,"Kopieren Sie diese Lösungs-URL, um eine Verbindung mit Ihren Market Insights-Daten herzustellen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Solution URL",,"Lösungs-URL",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Date: %{date}",,"Datum: %{date}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "F-score: %{fscore}",,"F-Wertung: %{fscore}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "F-score",,"F-Wertung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Group",,"Gruppe hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "add Locations",,"Standorte hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "My Location Group",,"Meine Standortgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't added any locations to this location group yet. Add locations by using the search field above.",,"Sie haben noch keine Standorte zu dieser Standortgruppe hinzugefügt. Verwenden Sie das Suchfeld oben, um Standorte hinzuzufügen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Number of Locations",,"Anzahl der Standorte",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The location group name can't be blank.",,"Der Name der Standortgruppe darf nicht leer sein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The location group name is already used by another location group.",,"Der Name dieser Standortgruppe wird bereits von einer anderen Standortgruppe verwendet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Not editable",,"Nicht editierbar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Predefined Location",,"Vordefinierter Standort",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove Location",,"Standort entfernen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create location group.",,"Erstelle Standortgruppe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create and edit location groups to use as filters in your analysis.",,"Erstellen und bearbeiten Sie Standortgruppen, die als Filter in Ihrer Analyse verwendet werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Predefined",,"Vordefiniert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete location group?",,"Standortgruppe löschen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure that you want to delete the %{groupName} location group?",,"Möchten Sie die Standortgruppe %{groupName} wirklich löschen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure that you want to delete the %{groupName} location group? This group is owned by %{owner}.",,"Möchten Sie die Standortgruppe %{groupName} wirklich löschen? Diese Gruppe befindet sich im Besitz von %{owner}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove Location Group",,"Standortgruppe entfernen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The location group has been removed.",,"Die Standortgruppe wurde entfernt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The location has been removed.",,"Der Standort wurde entfernt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Gregorian",,"Gregorianisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Japanese Era",,"Japanischer Kalender",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Taiwan Calendar",,"Taiwankalender",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Calendar",,"Kalender",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chart data representation mode",,"Darstellungsmodus für Diagrammdaten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chart",,"Diagramm",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Table",,"Tabelle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chart filling mode",,"Diagrammausfüllmodus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Pattern",,"Muster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Solid Color",,"Volltonfarbe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Chart format",,"Diagrammformat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Configuration role",,"Konfigurationsrolle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Default time frame in Analytics",,"Standardzeitrahmen in Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Home page",,"Homepage",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Interaction role",,"Interaktionsrolle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Last Month",,"Letzter Monat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Last Week",,"Letzte Woche",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learn more about your user roles.",,"Erfahren Sie Einzelzeiten zu Ihren Benutzerrollen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Screen Language",,"Bildschirmsprache",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Profiles",,"Social Media-Profile",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The acquisition of private messages is allowed and activated in Search Setup",,"Die Erfassung privater Nachrichten ist zulässig und in den Sucheinstellungen aktiviert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The acquisition of private messages is allowed, but acquisition isn't active in Search Setup",,"Die Erfassung privater Nachrichten ist zulässig, aber in den Sucheinstellungen nicht aktiviert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Private messages for this account won't be available in Search Setup",,"Private Nachrichten für dieses Konto sind in den Sucheinstellungen nicht verfügbar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allowing the acquisition of private messages from authenticated external sources will enable authorized users of your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights instance to set search rules to acquire private messages and will display private messages to every user having access to this instance of Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Private messages are translated using an external translator service and your use of this feature is subject to the privacy and security practices of the translator service. Please <a href='%{navigateToDocumentation}'>review the feature documentation</a> here for further details.",,"Das Zulassen der Erfassung privater Nachrichten aus authentifizierten externen Quellen ermöglicht es Benutzern Ihrer Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Instanz, Suchregeln festzulegen, um private Nachrichten zu erfassen, und private Nachrichten werden jedem Benutzer angezeigt, der Zugriff auf dieses Instanz von Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights hat. Private Nachrichten werden mithilfe eines externen Übersetzungsdiensts übersetzt. Ihre Verwendung dieses Diensts unterliegt der Datenschutz- und Sicherheitspraxis des Übersetzungsdiensts. Bitte <a href='%{navigateToDocumentation}'>sehen Sie hier die Funktionsdokumentation durch</a>, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allow interactions and data acquisition",,"Interaktionen und Datenerfassungen zulassen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allow data acquisition",,"Datenerfassung zulassen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Acquisition of Facebook pages",,"Erfassung von Facebook-Seiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Acquire Instagram data",,"Instagram-Daten gewinnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Acquisition of private messages",,"Erfassung privater Nachrichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Acquisition social profiles",,"Erfassung von Social Media-Profilen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Acquisition token status overview",,"Erfassungstoken-Statusübersicht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're waiting for you to give the Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights app permission for %{type}. If you don't see the authentication dialog box, verify that you allow pop-ups on this page. You can close this dialog box when you have authenticated the app.",,"Wir warten, bis Sie der Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-App die Berechtigung für %{type} erteilen. Falls das Dialogfeld für die Authentifizierung nicht angezeigt wird, prüfen Sie, ob Sie Popups auf dieser Seite zulassen. Sie können dieses Dialogfeld schließen, wenn Sie die App authentifiziert haben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Permit the app to connect with your profile",,"Der App das Verbinden mit Ihrem Profil erlauben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add %{social_platform} Pages",,"Hinzufügen von %{social_platform}-Seiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Profile",,"Profil hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You successfully added a social profile.",,"Sie haben ein Social Media-Profil hinzugefügt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You successfully added a social profile: %{socialProfileName}",,"Sie haben ein Social Media-Profil hinzugefügt: %{socialProfileName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Reauthenticate your token",,"Token erneut authentifizieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allow",,"Zulassen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allowed",,"Zulässig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Token valid",,"Gültiges Token",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your token valid, app valid",,"Ihr Token ist gültig, gültige App",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No token",,"Kein Token",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No valid tokens for this profile. You need to reauthenticate.",,"Für dieses Profil sind keine gültigen Token vorhanden. Eine erneute Authentifizierung ist erforderlich.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Token invalid",,"Ungültiges Token",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your token expired, but you can still work with the social profile.",,"Das Token ist abgelaufen, aber das Social Media-Profil kann weiterhin verwendet werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "App invalid",,"Ungültige App",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Check Tokens",,"Tokens prüfen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Check done. All tokens verified.",,"Überprüfung abgeschlossen. Alle Tokens verifiziert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Claim ownership",,"Besitz beanspruchen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete your token",,"Token löschen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete social profile",,"Social Media-Profil löschen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Allow interactions",,"Interaktionen zulassen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "PROFILES SHARED WITH YOU",,"FÜR SIE FREIGEGEBENE PROFILE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To create Facebook pages rules and acquire data, you need to allow data acquisition for Facebook pages for at least one authenticated Facebook user.",,"Um Regeln für Facebook-Seiten erstellen und Daten erfassen zu können, müssen Sie die Datenerfassung für Facebook-Seiten für mindestens einen authentifizierten Facebook-Benutzer zulassen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To create Facebook pages rules and acquire data, you need to allow data acquisition for Facebook pages for at least one authenticated Facebook Acquisition profile.",,"Um Regeln für Facebook-Seiten erstellen und Daten erfassen zu können, müssen Sie die Datenerfassung für Facebook-Seiten für mindestens ein authentifiziertes Facebook-Erfassungsprofil zulassen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have only one Facebook user available to acquire data. If you disallow acquisition of Facebook pages, your solution will stop acquiring data from Facebook pages.",,"Sie haben nur einen Facebook-Benutzer für die Datenerfassung. Wenn Sie die Erfassung von Facebook-Seiten unterbinden, sammelt Ihre Lösung keine Daten mehr von Facebook-Seiten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You have only one Facebook Acquisition profile available to acquire data. If you disallow acquisition of Facebook pages, your solution will stop acquiring data from Facebook pages.",,"Es steht nur ein einziges Facebook-Erfassungsprofil zur Erfassung von Daten zur Verfügung. Wenn Sie die Erfassung von Facebook-Seiten unterbinden, erfasst Ihre Lösung keine Daten mehr von Facebook-Seiten. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You must be an administrator for this Facebook page to re-authenticate it.",,"Sie müssen ein Administrator für diese Facebook-Seite sein, um sie neu zu authentifizieren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile, State, User",,"Profil, Status, Benutzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Private messages acquisition allowed, private messages rules active",,"Erfassung privater Nachrichten zugelassen, Regeln für private Nachrichten aktiv",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data acquisition allowed, Facebook pages rules active",,"Datenerfassung zugelassen, Regeln für Facebook-Seiten aktiv",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Private messages acquisition allowed, no active private messages rules",,"Erfassung privater Nachrichten zugelassen, keine aktiven Regeln für private Nachrichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data acquisition allowed, no active Facebook pages rules",,"Datenerfassung zugelassen, keine aktiven Regeln für Facebook-Seiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Note that the acquisition for Facebook pages allowed by this user is valid for a maximum period of 60 days. Check back regularly and re-authenticate your Facebook user to ensure continuous data acquisition.",,"Beachten Sie, dass die zugelassene Erfassung für Facebook-Seiten durch diesen Benutzer für maximal 60 Tage gültig ist. Prüfen Sie die Erfassung regelmäßig, und authentifizieren Sie Ihren Facebook-Benutzer neu. So stellen Sie eine kontinuierliche Datenerfassung sicher.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Note that the acquisition for Facebook pages allowed by this user is valid for a maximum period of 60 days. Check back regularly and re-authenticate your Facebook Acquisition profile to ensure continuous data acquisition.",,"Beachten Sie, dass die von diesem Benutzer zugelassene Erfassung von Facebook-Seiten für höchstens 60 Tage gültig ist. Prüfen Sie die Authentifizierung des Facebook-Erfassungsprofils regelmäßig, um eine kontinuierliche Datenerfassung zu ermöglichen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To create Instagram rules and acquire data, you need to allow data acquisition for at least one Instagram account.",,"Um Regeln für Instagram zu erstellen und Daten gewinnen zu können, müssen Sie die Datengewinnung für mindestens ein Instagram-Konto zulassen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Please note that the acquisition for Instagram allowed by this user is only valid for a certain period of time. We will inform you if an action is required.",,"Bitte beachten Sie, dass die von diesem Benutzer zugelassene Erfassung für Instagram nur für einen bestimmten Zeitraum gültig ist. Wir werden Sie informieren, wenn eine Aktion erforderlich ist.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Invalid Account: ",,"Ungültiges Konto:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The provided credentials didn't match the social profile you tried to authenticate for. Please try again with different credentials.",,"Die angegebenen Anmeldedaten gehören nicht zum Social Media-Profil, das authentifiziert werden sollte. Versuchen Sie es erneut mit anderen Anmeldedaten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Authorization is missing for all owners",,"Autorisierung fehlt für alle Besitzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} like |||| %{smart_count} likes",,"%{smart_count} Like |||| %{smart_count} Likes",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage",,"Verwalten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learn more about how to manage social profiles.",,"Informationen zum Verwalten von Social Media-Profilen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Token expired",,"Token ist abgelaufen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Missing authentication",,"Fehlende Authentifizierung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All tokens for this social profile have expired. Reauthenticate your token.",,"Alle Token für dieses Social Media-Profil sind abgelaufen. Authentifizieren Sie Ihr Token erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Acquisition for Instagram not yet active: To start acquiring data from Instagram, please add an Instagram account to your social profiles and allow it for data acquisition.",,"Gewinnung für Instagram ist noch nicht aktiv: Um mit dem Gewinnen von Daten von Instagram zu beginnen, fügen Sie bitte Ihren Social Media-Profilen ein Instagram-Konto hinzu und lassen Sie dafür die Datengewinnung zu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profiles without owners",,"Profile ohne Besitzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There aren't any Facebook pages that you can add. You can only add a Facebook page if you have the Admin role for it.",,"Es sind keine Facebook-Seiten vorhanden, die Sie hinzufügen können. Sie können nur eine Facebook-Seite hinzufügen, wenn Sie die Administrator-Rolle für sie haben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There aren't any LinkedIn organization pages that you can add. You can only add a LinkedIn organization page if you have the Admin role for it.",,"Es sind keine LinkedIn-Organisationsseiten vorhanden, die Sie hinzufügen können. Sie können nur eine LinkedIn-Organisationsseite hinzufügen, wenn Sie die Administrator-Rolle für sie haben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Not allowed",,"Nicht zulässig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The specified social profile couldn’t be authorized. Check your credentials and try again.",,"Das angegebene Social Media-Profil konnte nicht autorisiert werden. Prüfen Sie Ihre Anmeldedaten, und versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Owned Profiles",,"Profile in Besitz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sharing/Owned",,"Freigeben/In Besitz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Owners",,"Besitzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "(Ownership %{ownership_count})",,"(Besitz %{ownership_count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "For private messages",,"Für private Nachrichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profiles for private messages acquisition",,"Profile für die Erfassung privater Nachrichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profile",,"Profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "For Facebook pages",,"Für Facebook-Seiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You successfully reauthenticated a social profile.",,"Sie haben ein Social Media-Profil erneut authentifiziert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You successfully reauthenticated a social profile: %{socialProfileName}",,"Sie haben ein Social Media-Profil erneut authentifiziert: %{socialProfileName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Reauthorize",,"Erneut autorisieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove my ownership",,"Meinen Besitz entfernen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove invalid token",,"Ungültiges Token entfernen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Running",,"Wird ausgeführt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This social profile has valid tokens and is used for data acquisition.",,"Dieses Social Media-Profil verfügt über gültige Token und wird für die Datenerfassung verwendet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your Social Profiles",,"Ihre Social Media-Profile",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Profiles for data acquisition",,"Profile für die Datenerfassung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Share with everyone",,"Für alle freigeben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Shared Profiles",,"Freigegebene Profile",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sharing",,"Teilen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sharing a profile with users allows those to use this account for publish actions within Market Insights",,"Die gemeinsame Nutzung eines Profils mit Benutzern ermöglicht diesen die Nutzung dieses Kontos zum Veröffentlichen in Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sharing / Owners",,"Freigeben / Besitzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is only one Facebook Acquisition profile allowing data acquisition for Facebook pages in this solution. We recommend that you allow data acquisition on additional Facebook Acquisition profiles.",,"Diese Lösung enthält nur ein einziges Facebook-Erfassungsprofil, das die Datenerfassung für Facebook-Seiten zulässt. Wir empfehlen, dass Sie die Datenerfassung für weitere Facebook-Erfassungsprofile zulassen. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "There is only one Instagram account allowing data acquisition for Instagram in this solution. We recommend that you allow data acquisition on additional Instagram accounts.",,"Es gibt in dieser Lösung nur ein Instagram-Konto mit zugelassener Datengewinnung für Instagram. Wir empfehlen, dass Sie die Datengewinnung für weitere Instagram-Konten zulassen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} is talking about you |||| %{smart_count} are talking about you",,"%{smart_count} spricht über Sie |||| %{smart_count} sprechen über Sie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{source} Profile",,"%{source} Profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Use for Acquisition",,"Für die Gewinnung verwenden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Use for Search Acquisition",,"Für die Sucherfassung verwenden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Without at least allowing 1 Instagram User account to serve as acquisition token, you won't be able to acquire Instagram data",,"Für die Erfassung von Instagram-Daten muss mindestens ein Instagram-Benutzerkonto als Erfassungstoken zugelassen werden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} user |||| %{smart_count} users",,"%{smart_count} Benutzer |||| %{smart_count} Benutzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Theme",,"Schema",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Dark",,"Dunkel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Light",,"Hell",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "User Roles",,"Benutzerrollen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your Preferences",,"Ihre Benutzereinstellungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Privacy statement configuration",,"Konfiguration der Datenschutzbestimmungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=389041",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=389041",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "An administrator of a Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights tenant can specify whether to show a privacy link and what to show.",,"Ein Administrator eines Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-Mandanten kann festlegen, ob ein Datenschutzlink angezeigt wird und was angezeigt wird.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Show link to privacy statement",,"Link zu den Datenschutzbestimmungen anzeigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Privacy",,"Datenschutz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Associated Search Topics",,"Zugeordnete Suchthemen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} Search topic |||| %{smart_count} Search topics",,"%{smart_count} Suchthema |||| %{smart_count} Suchthemen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No search topics",,"Keine Suchthemen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "View search topic",,"Suchthema anzeigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create Facebook rule (Open in new tab)",,"Facebook-Regel erstellen (in neuer Registerkarte öffnen)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create Instagram rule (Open in new tab)",,"Instagram-Regel erstellen (in neuer Registerkarte öffnen)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create LinkedIn rule (Open in new tab)",,"LinkedIn-Regel erstellen (in neuer Registerkarte öffnen)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create Private Message rule (Open in new tab)",,"Regel für private Nachrichten erstellen (in neuer Registerkarte öffnen)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create Twitter rule (Open in new tab)",,"Twitter-Regel erstellen (in neuer Registerkarte öffnen)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create YouTube rule (Open in new tab)",,"YouTube-Regel erstellen (in neuer Registerkarte öffnen)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage the languages available for Search Setup.",,"Legen Sie die verfügbaren Sprachen für die Sucheinstellungen fest.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search Languages",,"Suchsprachen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Removing a search language deletes all search rules that contain only this language.",,"Wenn Sie Sprachen löschen, werden alle für diese Sprachen definierten Suchregeln ebenfalls gelöscht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Adaptive learning",,"Adaptives Lernen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If adaptive learning is turned off, the system will stop learning from your users' edits of sentiment values and continue to use the existing values. If it's turned back on, the system will resume learning from your users' edits.",,"Wenn das adaptive Lernen deaktiviert ist, lernt das System nicht mehr aus den bearbeiteten Stimmungswerten Ihrer Benutzer und verwendet weiterhin die vorhandenen Werte. Wird die Funktion wieder aktiviert, lernt das System wieder von den Bearbeitungen Ihrer Benutzer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to reset all edited sentiment values?",,"Möchten Sie wirklich alle bearbeiteten Stimmungswerte zurücksetzen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Confirm reset",,"Zurücksetzen bestätigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learning from all manual user edits",,"Lernen aus allen manuellen Bearbeitungen von Benutzern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Reset",,"Zurücksetzen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If sentiment analysis has become inaccurate due to manually edited sentiment values, you can reset the entire learning process. Resetting discards all manually edited sentiment values and the learning process restarts from the beginning. You can’t undo this action.",,"Falls die Stimmungsanalyse aufgrund von manuell bearbeiteten Stimmungswerten ungenau geworden ist, können Sie den gesamten Lernprozess zurücksetzen. Bei der Zurücksetzung werden alle manuell eingegebenen Stimmungswerte verworfen, und der Lernprozess startet neu. Sie können diese Aktion nicht rückgängig machen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Adaptive learning allows the system to learn from your users' edit of sentiment values on posts. Periodically, the system will use the edited sentiment values to re-train and update your organization's sentiment analysis.",,"Adaptives Lernen ermöglicht dem System, aus den von Ihren Benutzern bearbeiteten Stimmungswerten zu Beiträgen zu lernen. Mithilfe der bearbeiteten Stimmungswerte wird die Stimmungsanalyse Ihrer Organisation regelmäßg vom System neu trainiert und aktualisiert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learning from manually edited sentiment values since",,"Lernen aus manuell bearbeiteten Stimmungswerten seit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Auto Tag",,"Automatische Markierung hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a tag",,"Einen Tag hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select one of your existing custom tags to automatically assign this tag to new posts.",,"Wählen Sie einen Ihrer vorhandenen benutzerdefinierten Tags aus, um dieses Tag automatisch neuen Beiträgen zuzuweisen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""The tag ""%{tagName}"" will be converted to an auto tag."",,""Das Tag ""%{tagName}"" wird in eine automatische Markierung konvertiert."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Open in Analytics",,"In Analyse öffnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Selected tag",,"Ausgewähltes Tag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All slots for auto tags are in use. To add a new tag, first remove another tag.",,"Alle Einschubfächer für automatische Markierungen werden verwendet. Um ein neues Tag hinzuzufügen, müssen Sie zuerst ein anderes Tag entfernen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom Tags %{count}/%{maxCount}",,"Benutzerdefinierte Tags %{count}/%{maxCount}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add custom tags to the list of auto tags to enable adaptive learning on them. This allows the system to learn from your users' edits on tags and tag actions on future posts. Periodically, the system will use the edited tag values to re-train the model and score incoming posts with the tags that have auto tagging activated.",,"Fügen Sie der Liste automatischer Markierungen benutzerdefinierte Tags hinzu, um für sie adaptives Lernen zu aktivieren. So kann das System aus den Bearbeitungen Ihrer Benutzer lernen, die diese an Tags durchführen sowie aus Tag-Aktionen an zukünftigen Beiträgen. Das System verwendet regelmäßig bearbeitete Tag-Werte, um das Modell erneut zu trainieren und eingehende Beiträge anhand der Tags zu bewerten, bei denen die automatische Markierung aktiviert ist.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Existing posts with this tag will still have this tag, but automatic tagging will stop for newly acquired posts.",,"Vorhandene Beiträge mit diesem Tag werden immer noch dieses Tag haben, aber die automatische Markierung wird bei neu erfassten Beiträgen angehalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are you sure you want to remove this tag from the list of auto tags?",,"Möchten Sie dieses Tag wirklich aus der Liste automatischer Markierungen entfernen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Auto tagging",,"Automatische Markierung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The F-score of the selected tag meets the minimum quality requirements and a decent model quality is expected. To improve it even more, tag more posts with the selected tag or confirm / remove automatically added tags.",,"Die F-Wertung des ausgewählten Tags erfüllt die Mindestqualitätsanforderungen und eine anständige Modellqualität wird erwartet. Um sie noch weiter zu verbessern, markieren Sie mehr Beiträge mit dem ausgewählten Tag oder bestätigen / entfernen Sie automatisch hinzugefügte Tags.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Average quality",,"Durchschnittliche Qualität",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Data of last month",,"Daten des letzten Monats",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Date created",,"Erstellungsdatum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quality history",,"Qualitätsverlauf",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The F-score of the selected tag exceeds the minimum model quality requirements and a good model quality is expected. To improve it even more, tag more posts with the selected tag or confirm / remove automatically added tags.",,"Die F-Wertung des ausgewählten Tags übertrifft die minimalen Modellqualitätsanforderungen und eine gute Modellqualität wird erwartet. Um sie noch weiter zu verbessern, markieren Sie mehr Beiträge mit dem ausgewählten Tag oder bestätigen / entfernen Sie automatisch hinzugefügte Tags.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Good",,"Gut",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Good quality",,"Gute Qualität",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The F-score of the selected tag does not meet the minimum quality requirements. Try tagging more posts with the selected tag or confirm / remove automatically added tags.",,"Die F-Wertung des ausgewählten Tags erfüllt die Mindestqualitätsanforderungen nicht. Versuchen Sie, mehr Beiträge mit dem ausgewählten Tag zu markieren oder bestätigen / entfernen Sie automatisch hinzugefügte Tags.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Low quality",,"Niedrige Qualität",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts tagged",,"Markierte Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quality is not available yet. It may take up to six hours to calculate.",,"Die Qualität ist noch nicht verfügbar. Die Berechnung kann bis zu sechs Stunden dauern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{tagName} posts",,"%{tagName}-Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tag Details",,"Tagdetails",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "It may take up to six hours for the model to be initiated and for the first posts to be automatically tagged.",,"Es kann bis zu sechs Stunden dauern, bis das Modell initiiert ist und die ersten Beiträge automatisch markiert werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quality",,"Qualität",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To achieve good results you need to have at least %{postsCount} posts tagged.",,"Um gute Ergebnisse zu erzielen, müssen Sie mindestens %{postsCount} Beiträge markiert haben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Learn more about the score and quality",,"Weitere Informationen über die Wertung und Qualität finden Sie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "here.",,"hier.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=746709",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=746709",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The score of the selected tag meets the minimum quality requirements and a decent model quality is expected. To help improve the quality, tag more posts with the selected tag. You can also try confirming or removing automatically added tags.",,"Die Wertung des ausgewählten Tags erfüllt die Mindestqualitätsanforderungen und eine anständige Modellqualität wird erwartet. Um sie noch weiter zu verbessern, markieren Sie mehr Beiträge mit dem ausgewählten Tag. Sie können auch versuchen, automatisch hinzugefügte Tags zu bestätigen oder zu entfernen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The score of the selected tag exceeds the minimum model quality requirements and a good model quality is expected. To help improve the quality, tag more posts with the selected tag. You can also try confirming or removing automatically added tags.",,"Die Wertung des ausgewählten Tags übertrifft die minimalen Modellqualitätsanforderungen und eine gute Modellqualität wird erwartet. Um sie noch weiter zu verbessern, markieren Sie mehr Beiträge mit dem ausgewählten Tag. Sie können auch versuchen, automatisch hinzugefügte Tags zu bestätigen oder zu entfernen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The score of the selected tag doesn't meet the minimum quality requirements. Try tagging more posts with the selected tag. You can also try confirming or removing automatically added tags.",,"Die Wertung des ausgewählten Tags erfüllt die Mindestqualitätsanforderungen nicht. Versuchen Sie, mehr Beiträge mit dem ausgewählten Tag zu markieren. Sie können auch versuchen, automatisch hinzugefügte Tags zu bestätigen oder zu entfernen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "F-score: %{qualityScore}",,"F-Wertung: %{qualityScore}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Tagged posts history",,"Historie markierter Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Intention Tags",,"Zweck-Tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Auto Tags",,"Automatische Markierungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove tag from list of custom tags",,"Tag aus Liste benutzerdefinierter Tags entfernen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Click the Add button to start using them.",,""Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche ""Hinzufügen"", um mit ihrer Verwendung zu beginnen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't added any custom tags yet.",,"Sie haben noch keine benutzerdefinierten Tags hinzugefügt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Last learning date",,"Letztes Lerndatum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Posts for training",,"Beiträge fürs Training",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Auto tagging off",,"Automatische Markierung aus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Auto tagging on",,"Automatische Markierung ein",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Selling Assistant is disabled",,"Social Selling Assistant ist deaktiviert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Selling Assistant is enabled",,"Social Selling Assistant ist aktiviert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook and Instagram",,"Facebook und Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} Facebook acquisition token was found. |||| %{smart_count} Facebook acquisition tokens were found.",,"%{smart_count} Facebook-Erfassungstoken wurde gefunden. |||| %{smart_count} Facebook-Erfassungstokens wurden gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No Facebook acquisition tokens were found.",,"Es wurden keine Facebook-Erfassungstokens gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} Instagram acquisition token was found. |||| %{smart_count} Instagram acquisition tokens were found.",,"%{smart_count} Instagram-Erfassungstoken wurde gefunden. |||| %{smart_count} Instagram-Erfassungstokens wurden gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No Instagram acquisition tokens were found.",,"Es wurden keine Instagram-Erfassungstokens gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} profile without owners was found. |||| %{smart_count} profiles without owners were found.",,"%{smart_count} Profil ohne Besitzer wurde gefunden. |||| %{smart_count} Profile ohne Besitzer wurden gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No profiles without owners were found.",,"Es wurden keine Profile ohne Besitzer gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} owned profile was found. |||| %{smart_count} owned profiles were found.",,"%{smart_count} Profil in Besitz wurde gefunden. |||| %{smart_count} Profile in Besitz wurden gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No owned profiles were found.",,"Es wurden keine Profile in Besitz gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} private message acquisition token was found. |||| %{smart_count} private message acquisition tokens were found.",,"%{smart_count} Erfassungstoken für private Nachrichten wurde gefunden. |||| %{smart_count} Erfassungstokens für private Nachrichten wurden gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No private message acquisition tokens were found.",,"Es wurden keine Erfassungstokens für private Nachrichten gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} shared profile was found. |||| %{smart_count} shared profiles were found.",,"%{smart_count} gemeinsames Profil wurde gefunden. |||| %{smart_count} gemeinsame Profile wurden gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No shared profiles were found.",,"Es wurden keine gemeinsamen Profile gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Global Settings",,"Globale Einstellungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Label",,"Beschriftung hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Define labels",,"Beschriftungen definieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We can't delete this label because it's used for automation rules. 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Focus kept its position.",,"Zeile wurde nach unten verschoben. Fokus hat seine Position beibehalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Row was moved up. Focus kept its position.",,"Zeile wurde nach oben verschoben. Fokus hat seine Position beibehalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Removing the label ""%{label}"" will remove it from all posts it was added to."",,"Wenn die Beschriftung „%{label}” entfernt wird, wird sie aus allen Beiträgen entfernt, zu denen sie hinzugefügt wurde.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If you remove this label and save your changes %{posts} posts in your database will be updated.",,"Wenn Sie diese Beschriftung entfernen und Ihre Änderungen speichern, werden %{posts} Beiträge in Ihrer Datenbank aktualisiert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "ADD TAG",,"TAG HINZUFÜGEN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage the tags your organization has created.",,"Verwaltet die von der Organisation erstellten Tags.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Auto tag",,"Automatische Markierung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Are you sure you want to permanently delete the tag ""%{tag_name}""?"",,""Möchten Sie das Tag ""%{tag_name}"" wirklich dauerhaft löschen?"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "It will be removed from all posts and you can't undo this action.",,"Es wird aus allen Beiträgen entfernt, und Sie können diese Aktion nicht rückgängig machen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete this tag",,"Dieses Tag löschen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Rename this tag",,"Dieses Tag umbenennen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Find a tag",,"Ein Tag suchen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Set Social Selling Assistant to On for a custom tag if you want to promote posts with that tag to your sales people. <a href=""%{socialSellingDocumentationLink}"">Learn more.</a>"",,""Legen Sie den Social Selling Assistant für ein benutzerdefiniertes Tag auf ""Ein"" fest, wenn Sie Beiträge mit diesem Tag für Ihre Vertriebsmitarbeiter höher stufen möchten. <a href=""%{socialSellingDocumentationLink}"">Weitere Informationen.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Custom Tags",,"Benutzerdefinierte Tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} custom tag was found |||| %{smart_count} custom tags were found",,"%{smart_count} benutzerdefiniertes Tag wurde gefunden. |||| %{smart_count} benutzerdefinierte Tags wurden gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Access allowed",,"Zugriff erlaubt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Approve",,"Genehmigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Approve the pending requests before editing the configuration and interaction roles for the people you've selected.",,"Genehmigen Sie die ausstehenden Anfragen vor dem Bearbeiten der Konfigurations- und Interaktionsrollen für die ausgewählten Personen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Are the people selected approved to use Market Insights?",,"Sie die ausgewählten Personen zur Verwendung von Market Insights berechtigt?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Approve the pending request before editing the configuration and interaction roles for the person you've selected.",,"Genehmigen Sie die ausstehende Anfrage vor dem Bearbeiten der Konfigurations- und Interaktionsrollen für die ausgewählte Personen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Is the person selected approved to use Market Insights?",,"Ist die ausgewählte Personen zur Verwendung von Market Insights berechtigt?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Automatically approve all pending requests",,"Alle ausstehenden Anfragen automatisch genehmigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Available users",,"Verfügbare Benutzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Deny",,"Verweigern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delegated Administrator roles can’t be edited",,"Stellvertretende Administrator-Rollen können nicht bearbeitet werden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set the roles for the selected people. These roles can be changed at any time.",,"Legen Sie die Rollen für die ausgewählten Personen fest. Diese Rollen können jederzeit geändert werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Edit User Role",,"Benutzerrolle bearbeiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "User email",,"Benutzer-E-Mail",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "User name",,"Benutzername",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Configuration Role",,"Konfigurationsrolle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Email User",,"E-Mail an Benutzer senden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Interaction Role",,"Interaktionsrolle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{userName} (Delegated)",,"%{userName} (Delegiert)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set permissions for individual users, or turn on automatic approvals to grant all pending and future requests with a configuration role of Power Analyst and interaction role of Responder. 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Please try again.",,"Die Änderungen konnten nicht gespeichert werden. Versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't save the alert. Please try again.",,"Die Warnung konnte nicht gespeichert werden. Versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't activate the alert. Please try again.",,"Die Warnung konnte nicht aktiviert werden. Versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't deactivate the alert. Please try again.",,"Die Warnung konnte nicht deaktiviert werden. Versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't delete the alert. Please try again.",,"Die Warnung konnte nicht gelöscht werden. Versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Set up new alert",,"Neue Warnung einrichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage your existing alerts or create a new one.",,"Verwalten Sie vorhandene Warnungen, oder erstellen Sie neue.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Latest delivery",,"Letzte Lieferung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Latest alert (within 30 days)",,"Letzte Warnung (innerhalb 30 Tagen)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Number of deliveries in the past seven days",,"Anzahl der Zustellungen in den letzten sieben Tagen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create a new Alert",,"Neue Warnung erstellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Not yet delivered",,"Noch nicht geliefert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Number of recipients",,"Anzahl der Empfänger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your Alerts",,"Ihre Warnungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You can create new alerts while performing your analysis. To create an alert, click or tap <b>Add alert</b>.",,"Sie können neue Warnungen hinzufügen, während Sie die Analyse durchführen. Tippen oder klicken Sie zum Erstellen einer Warnung auf <b>Warnung hinzufügen</b>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "all posts",,"alle Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Choose the Focus for your Alert",,"Fokus der Warnung wählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Choose Alert Type",,"Typ der Warnung wählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>Note: </b> You can't undo this action.<br/>Are you sure you want to delete this alert?",,"<b>Hinweis:</b> Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.<br/>Möchten Sie diese Warnung wirklich löschen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "email all recipients",,"E-Mail an alle Empfänger senden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You are about to delete the alert:",,"Sie möchten folgende Warnung löschen:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The alert configuration will be deleted.",,"Die Warnungskonfiguration wird gelöscht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The following recipients will not receive this alert anymore:",,"Folgende Empfänger erhalten diese Warnung nicht mehr:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "no duplicates",,"Keine Duplikate",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sentiment analysis does not support categories as focus",,"Die Stimmungsanalyse unterstützt keine Kategorien als Fokus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<br/>{0} posts",,"<br/>{0} Beiträge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Duplicates",,"Duplikate",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Edit Trend Alert",,"Trendwarnung bearbeiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Edit Post Alert",,"Beitragswarnung bearbeiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Email address is already added to recipients list",,"Die E-Mail-Adresse wurde der Empfängerliste bereits hinzugefügt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To enable sentiment filters, select a search topic.",,"Wählen Sie ein Suchthema aus, um Stimmungsfilter zu aktivieren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Or create an alert from scratch",,"Oder Warnung neu erstellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "inactive",,"inaktiv",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your unsaved changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to leave this page?",,"Alle nicht gespeicherten Änderungen werden verworfen. Möchten Sie die Seite wirklich verlassen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Min. Reach",,"Min. 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Please try again. ",,"Die Seite ist gegenwärtig anscheinend nicht verfügbar. Versuchen Sie es noch einmal. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "If the issue persists, contact your administrator.",,"Falls das Problem weiter besteht, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Administrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "in processing",,"In Bearbeitung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Enter a valid email address.",,"Geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No results found",,"Keine Ergebnisse gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No configured search topics",,"Keine konfigurierten Suchthemen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove this post",,"Diesen Beitrag entfernen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "sorted by",,"Sortiert nach",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Starting with the first",,"Erste zuerst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Starting with the latest",,"Letzte zuerst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>Too many data points:</b> Your custom time frame configuration has too many data points. 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Please try again.",,"<b>Hinweis:</b> Einige der ausgewählten Beiträge konnten nicht gelöscht werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>Note:</b> Your selected posts couldn’t be deleted.",,"<b>Hinweis:</b> Ihre ausgewählten Beiträge konnten nicht gelöscht werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "{0} posts have successfully been deleted.",,"{0} Beiträge wurden gelöscht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The post has successfully been deleted.",,"Der Beitrag wurde gelöscht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post details",,"Beitragsdetails",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Favorite",,"Favorit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Highlight",,"Hervorheben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't find any posts for these filters.",,"Für diese Filter wurden keine Beiträge gefunden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sentiment is not available",,"Die Stimmung ist nicht verfügbar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Resolving link…",,"Link wird aufgelöst…",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Retweeted by {0}",,"Retweetet von {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Negative for {0} - set by User",,"Negativ für {0} – von Benutzer festgelegt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Negative for {0}",,"Negativ für {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Neutral for {0} - set by User",,"Neutral für {0} – von Benutzer festgelegt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Neutral for {0}",,"Neutral für {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "This post's sentiment value was not yet processed.",,"Der Stimmungswert dieses Beitrags wurde noch nicht verarbeitet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Positive for {0} - set by User",,"Positiv für {0} – von Benutzer festgelegt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Positive for {0}",,"Positiv für {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Social Engagement post notice: {0}",,"Microsoft Social Engagement-Beitragshinweis: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Source: {0}",,"Quelle: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Post Id: {0}",,"Beitrags-ID: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Language: {0}",,"Sprache: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Date: {0}",,"Datum: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Author: {0}",,"Autor: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Title: {0}",,"Titel: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "URL: {0}",,"URL: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unfortunately, this post isn't available for the analysis.",,"Dieser Beitrag ist leider nicht für die Analyse verfügbar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "User Preferences",,"Benutzereinstellungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook page summary",,"Zusammenfassung der Facebook-Seite",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Analytics summary",,"Analysezusammenfassung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter post location map",,"Karte für Twitter-Beitragsstandorte",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sentiment summary",,"Stimmungszusammenfassung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "{0} Details",,"{0}-Details",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sources Overview",,"Übersicht über Quellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sentiment summary by sources",,"Stimmungszusammenfassung nach Quellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Top 5 authors by sources",,"Top-5-Autoren nach Quellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Source Details",,"Quellendetails",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We're sorry. 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Sie können dieses Profil für folgende Zwecke verwenden: Antworten auf einen Beitrag bei Twitter; Liken eines Beitrags bei Twitter; Retweeten eines Beitrags bei Twitter; Zulassen der Datenerfassung für Direktnachrichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add Users",,"Benutzer hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Facebook User",,"Facebook-Benutzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Twitter Account",,"Twitter-Konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Streamed data",,"Gestreamte Daten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Shared with %{smart_count} user |||| Shared with %{smart_count} users",,"Freigegeben für %{smart_count} Benutzer |||| Freigegeben für %{smart_count} Benutzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Shared with all users",,"Freigegeben für alle Benutzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sorting",,"Sortierung",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Date Modified",,"Änderungsdatum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Date Published",,"Veröffentlichungsdatum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "How do you want to handle posts in this stream that stop matching the data set?",,"Wie sollen Beiträge in diesem Stream, die nicht mehr mit dem Dataset übereinstimmen, behandelt werden?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Notify me before hiding",,"Vor dem Ausblenden benachrichtigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Just hide them for me",,"Nur für mich ausblenden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hide unmatched posts",,"Nicht übereinstimmende Beiträge ausblenden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add a new stream",,"Neuen Stream hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add stream",,"Stream hinzufügen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Current stream position: %{position} of %{total}",,"Aktuelle Streamposition: %{position} von %{total}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Everyone",,"Jeder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Back to",,"Zurück zu",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Do you really want to delete stream %{streamName}?",,"Möchten Sie den Stream %{streamName} wirklich löschen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete stream",,"Stream löschen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Delete this stream",,"Diesen Stream löschen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All currently loaded posts will be hidden and the stream will display the latest 30 posts.",,"Alle momentan geladenen Beiträge werden versteckt, und der Stream zeigt die neuesten 30 Beiträge an.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Position change failed. Please try again.",,"Positionsänderung fehlgeschlagen. Versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Resize to larger width.",,"Ändern Sie die Größe, um die Breite zu vergrößern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "View in analytics",,"In Analyse anzeigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Less options",,"Weniger Optionen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your access to %{streamName} stream was removed by the owner: %{ownerName}",,"Ihr Zugriff auf den Stream %{streamName} wurde vom Besitzer entfernt: %{ownerName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You already own the maximum number of streams. Please delete one of your existing streams or contact your administrator to request an upgrade to your license",,"Sie besitzen bereits die maximale Anzahl an Streams. Löschen Sie einen der vorhandenen Streams, oder wenden Sie sich an Ihren Administrator, um ein Upgrade für Ihre Lizenz anzufordern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "More options",,"Weitere Optionen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Move stream %{streamName} one position to the left.",,"Verschieben Sie den Stream %{streamName} um eine Position nach links.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Move stream %{streamName} one position to the right.",,"Verschieben Sie den Stream %{streamName} um eine Position nach rechts.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Add the new posts in the stream post view.",,"Fügen Sie die neue Beiträge in der Beitragsansicht des Streams hinzu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Refresh stream.",,"Aktualisieren Sie den Stream.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "New stream",,"Neuer Stream",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't created any streams yet. 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Tap the EDIT button to select a topic or account.",,""Sie haben keine Themen oder Konten ausgewählt. Tippen Sie auf die Schaltfläche ""BEARBEITEN"", um ein Thema oder Konto auszuwählen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See More",,"Weitere Informationen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You haven't selected any topics. Tap the EDIT button to select a topic.",,""Sie haben keine Themen ausgewählt. Tippen Sie auf die Schaltfläche ""BEARBEITEN"", um ein Thema auszuwählen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search for search topics",,"Nach Suchthemen suchen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Select all search topics.",,"Wählen Sie alle Suchthemen aus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{smart_count} selected |||| %{smart_count} selected",,"%{smart_count} ausgewählt |||| %{smart_count} ausgewählt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "UNSELECT ALL",,"MARKIERUNG AUFHEBEN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Clear all search topics.",,"Deaktivieren Sie alle Suchthemen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{user_name} - Share Content",,"%{user_name} – teilen Sie Inhalte",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get recommendations for posts you might want to share on your social networks to grow your presence and gain trust from your followers!",,"Erhalten Sie Empfehlungen für Beiträge, die Sie in Ihren sozialen Netzwerken teilen können, um Ihre Präsenz zu steigern und Ihre Follower zu begeistern!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage topics you want to get recommendations for and share on social networks.",,"Verwalten Sie Themen, für die Sie Empfehlungen erhalten möchten, und teilen Sie sie in sozialen Netzwerken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage the topics and accounts you want to get recommendations for.",,"Verwalten Sie die Themen und Konten, für die Sie Empfehlungen erhalten möchten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social accounts (%{count})",,"Social Media-Konten (%{count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Manage the social profiles you want to use for sharing and recommendations.",,"Verwalten Sie die Social Media-Profile, die Sie zum Teilen und für Empfehlungen verwenden möchten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "To manage your social profiles, tap Open in Browser on the command bar to open this dashboard in your browser. You can also manage social profiles directly in your Market Insights solution.",,""Tippen Sie zur Verwaltung Ihrer Social Media-Profile in der Befehlsleiste auf ""In Browser öffnen"", um dieses Dashboard in Ihrem Browser zu öffnen. Sie können Social Media-Profile auch direkt in Ihrer Market Insights-Lösung verwalten."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "My profiles (%{count})",,"Meine Profile (%{count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You don't have any social profiles added yet.",,"Sie haben noch keine Social Media-Profile hinzugefügt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Start by tapping the %{buttonName} button",,"Tippen Sie zunächst auf die Schaltfläche %{buttonName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Shared profiles (%{count})",,"Freigegebene Profile (%{count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Your social profiles let us access your social networks so we can give you meaningful recommendations that help you engage on your social networks. We don't store your social profile credentials and will never share your profile info.",,"Mit Ihren Social Media-Profilen können wir auf Ihre sozialen Netzwerke zugreifen und so aussagekräftige Empfehlungen für Sie zusammentragen, mit denen Sie in sozialen Netzwerken interagieren können. Wir speichern Ihre Social Media-Anmeldeinformationen nicht und geben auch Ihre Profilinformationen nicht weiter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Search topics",,"Suchthemen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social accounts",,"Social Media-Konten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All done for now! Want more recommendations? Tap Refresh or check back later.",,""Vorerst alles fertig! Möchten Sie weitere Empfehlungen? Tippen Sie auf ""Aktualisieren"" oder versuchen Sie es später noch einmal."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No recommendations are available. To see recommendations, enable at least one recommendation type (Share Content or Get Insights) in your personal settings.",,"Es stehen keine Empfehlungen zur Verfügung. Um Empfehlungen anzuzeigen, aktivieren Sie mindestens einen Empfehlungstyp (Inhalte freigeben oder Überblick erhalten) in Ihren persönlichen Einstellungen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "earned",,"Erzielt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Showing %{current_shown} of %{total_posts} recommendations for you.",,"Ihnen werden %{current_shown} von %{total_posts} Empfehlungen angezeigt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sort",,"Sortieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sort by date",,"Sortieren nach Datum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sort by recommendation reason",,"Sortieren nach Empfehlungsgrund",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sort by Recommendation Reason",,"Sortieren nach Empfehlungsgrund",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Take a look at today's updates",,"Heutige Updates ansehen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Later",,"Später",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No problem! Tap this button anytime you want to personalize this view.",,"Kein Problem! Tippen Sie einfach auf diese Schaltfläche, wenn Sie diese Ansicht personalisieren möchten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hello %{user_name}",,"Hallo %{user_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Hello %{user_name},",,"Guten Tag, %{user_name},",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get insights, recommendations, and engage on social media. It will only take a few minutes to personalize this view. Would you like to do it now?",,"Erhalten Sie Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen und interagieren Sie in sozialen Medien. Es dauert nur wenige Minuten, die Ansicht zu personalisieren. Möchten Sie dies jetzt tun?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Welcome to Social Selling Assistant!",,"Willkommen bei Social Selling Assistant!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Recommendations",,"Empfehlungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Last Updated: September 2018",,"Zuletzt überarbeitet im September 2018",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""This <b>Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights (""Agreement"")</b> is a contract between Microsoft Corporation (or based on where you live, one of Microsoft’s affiliates) (<b><i>""Microsoft""</i></b>) and you (if you are participating as an individual) or the entity you represent (if you are entering into this Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity). <b><i>""Participant""</i></b> or <b><i>""you""</i></b> means the individual or entity entering into this Agreement with Microsoft."",,"Diese Vereinbarung zu <b>Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights („Vereinbarung“)</b> ist ein Vertrag zwischen der Microsoft Corporation (bzw. abhängig von Ihrem Wohnsitz einem der Tochterunternehmen von Microsoft) (<b><i>„Microsoft“</i></b>) und Ihnen (sofern Sie als Einzelperson teilnehmen) bzw. der Entität, die Sie vertreten (sofern Sie diesen Vertrag im Namen eines Arbeitgebers bzw. einer anderen Entität abschließen). <b><i>„Teilnehmer“</i></b> bzw. <b><i>„Sie“</i></b> bedeutet die Einzelperson oder Entität, die diese Vereinbarung mit Microsoft eingeht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<strong>By accessing or using the Preview (defined below), you accept this Agreement, effective as of the date of first access or use (<i>""Effective Date""</i>). You also represent and warrant that if you are entering into this Agreement: (a) as an individual, you have capacity to accept this Agreement; or (b) through the acts of an agent or employee, that person has authority to act on behalf of and to bind you to this Agreement. If you do not accept these terms, you must not (and have no right to) access or use the Preview.</strong>"",,"<strong>Indem Sie auf die Vorschau zugreifen oder diese verwenden (im Folgenden definiert), nehmen Sie diese Vereinbarung zum Datum des ersten Zugriffs bzw. der ersten Verwendung (<i>„Datum des Inkrafttretens</i>“) an. Außerdem gewährleisten Sie im Falle eines Vertragsabschlusses als Einzelperson, (a) dass Sie über die notwendige Geschäftsfähigkeit dazu verfügen, bzw. (a) falls ein Vertreter oder Mitarbeiter den Vertrag in Ihrem Namen abschließt, dass diese Person berechtigt ist, in Ihrem Namen zu handeln und Sie an diese Vereinbarung zu binden. Wenn Sie diese Bestimmungen nicht akzeptieren, sind Sie nicht berechtigt, auf die Vorschau zuzugreifen oder sie zu verwenden.</strong>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The parties agree as follows:",,"Die Vertragsparteien vereinbaren Folgendes:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""Participant will defend Microsoft against any claims made by an unaffiliated third party that <b>(i)</b> any Customer Data, non-Microsoft Products, Marks, or services you provide, directly or indirectly, in using the Preview or the Program Materials infringes the third party's patent, copyright, or trademark or makes unlawful use of its trade secret; <b>(ii)</b> arise from violation of Section 2(d) (Acceptable use) of this Agreement or any other policy that governs Participant’s use of the Preview or Program Materials; or <b>(iii)</b> arise from use of the Preview in a ""live"" or production environment or to process ""live"" or production Customer Data or any Personal Data."",,"Der Teilnehmer schützt Microsoft vor Klagen nicht verbundener Dritte, die <b>(i)</b> vorgeben, dass beliebige Kundendaten, nicht von Microsoft stammende Produkte, Marken oder Dienstleistungen, die Sie direkt oder indirekt durch Nutzung von Vorschau oder Programmmaterial zur Verfügung stellen, gegen Patentrechte, Urheberrechte oder Handelsmarken dieses Dritten verstoßen oder dessen Handelsgeheimnisse auf unzulässige Art und Weise nutzen, <b>(ii)</b> auf eine Verletzung von Abschnitt 2(d) (Zulässige Verwendung) dieser Vereinbarung oder jedweder anderer Richtlinien, welche die Nutzung der Vorschau oder der Programmmaterialien durch den Teilnehmer regeln, zurückzuführen sind oder <b>(iii)</b> die auf eine Nutzung der Vorschau in einer Live-Umgebung oder Produktionsumgebung bzw. zur Verarbeitung von realen Kundendaten oder Produktionskundendaten oder irgendwelchen personenbezogenen Daten zurückzuführen sind.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 10. Indemnification.",,"Abschnitt 10 Schadloshaltung:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(a) Non-Exclusivity.</b> This Agreement is nonexclusive. It does not restrict either party from entering into the same or similar arrangement with any third party.",,"<b>(a) Nichtausschließlichkeit:</b> Dieses Vereinbarung ist nicht exklusiv. Sie hält keine der beiden Parteien davon ab, dieselbe oder eine ähnliche Vereinbarung mit einem Dritten abzuschließen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(b) Notices.</b> Participant consents to receive notices, and any information the law requires Microsoft to provide, by email to the address Participant provided to Microsoft to use or access the Preview (<b><i>""Participant’s Email""</i></b>). Notices emailed to Participant will be deemed given and received when sent to Participant’s Email. All notices to Microsoft related to this Agreement: <b>(i)</b> must be in writing (excluding email), sent to Microsoft Corporation; Attn: Dynamics, Market Intelligence; One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052; <b>(ii)</b> will be deemed given when actually received by the Microsoft recipient below; and <b>(iii)</b> will be copied via facsimile to: Microsoft Corporation; Attn: Corporate, External, and Legal Affairs for Dynamics, Market Intelligence at (425) 936-7329."",,"<b>(b) Benachrichtigungen:</b> Der Teilnehmer ist damit einverstanden, dass ihm Benachrichtigungen und Informationen, zu denen Microsoft gesetzlich verpflichtet ist, an die E-Mail-Adresse gesendet werden, die er Microsoft zum Zweck einer Nutzung oder eines Zugriffs auf die Vorschau (<b><i>„E-Mail-Adresse des Teilnehmers“</i></b>) mitgeteilt hat. Mitteilungen, die per E-Mail an den Teilnehmer gesendet werden, gelten mit dem Versand an die E-Mail-Adresse des Teilnehmers als zugestellt und empfangen. Alle Benachrichtigungen an Microsoft hinsichtlich dieser Vereinbarung <b>(i)</b> müssen schriftlich (ausgenommen E-Mails) an „Microsoft Corporation; Attn: Dynamics, Market Intelligence; One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052“ gerichtet werden, <b>(ii)</b> gelten als zugestellt, wenn sie tatsächlich vom unten genannten Microsoft-Empfänger empfangen wurden und <b>(iii)</b> werden als Faksimile an „Microsoft Corporation; Attn: Corporate, External and Legal Affairs for Dynamics, Market Intelligence“ unter +1 425 936 7329 weitergeleitet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(c) Jurisdiction; law.</b> The laws of Washington State, excluding conflicts of law provisions, govern this Agreement. If federal jurisdiction exists, then each party consents to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the federal courts in King County, Washington. If no federal jurisdiction exists, then each party consents to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the Superior Court of King County, Washington. If a party employs attorneys to enforce any rights relating to this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and other expenses.",,"<b>(c) Gerichtsstand und geltendes Recht:</b> Diese Vereinbarung unterliegt den Gesetzen des US-Bundesstaats Washington; kollisionsrechtliche Bestimmungen ausgenommen. Wenn sich die zu entscheidende Rechtsfrage nach US-Bundesrecht richtet, erklären sich die Parteien mit der ausschließlichen Zuständigkeit und dem ausschließlichen Gerichtsstand der Bundesgerichte in King County, Washington, USA, einverstanden. Wenn sich die zu entscheidende Rechtsfrage nicht nach US-Bundesrecht richtet, erklären sich die Parteien mit der ausschließlichen Zuständigkeit und dem ausschließlichen Gerichtsstand des Superior Court of King County, Washington, USA, einverstanden. Falls sich eine der beiden Parteien durch einen Anwalt vertreten lässt, um ihre Rechte bezüglich dieser Vereinbarung durchzusetzen, hat die obsiegende Partei in angemessenem Rahmen Anspruch auf Erstattung ihrer Anwaltsgebühren, Kosten und anderen Ausgaben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(d) Force majeure.</b> A party will not be liable for failure to perform under this Agreement to the extent that failure is due to a cause beyond that party’s reasonable control, including natural disaster, war, civil disturbance, or government action.",,"<b>(d) Höhere Gewalt:</b> Keine der Parteien haftet bei Nichterfüllung dieser Vereinbarung, insoweit als diese Nichterfüllung auf eine Ursache zurückzuführen ist, die sich der Kontrolle dieser Partei entzieht. Dies sind z. B. Naturkatastrophen, Kriege, Unruhen oder Regierungsmaßnahmen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(e) Limitation on claims.</b> Any claim related to this Agreement or the Preview is barred unless brought within one year from the date it could first be filed. This limitation applies to each party’s successors and any permitted assigns.",,"<b>(e) Verjährung von Ansprüchen:</b> Ein etwaiger Anspruch im Zusammenhang mit diesem Vertrag oder der Vorschau verfällt, wenn er nicht spätestens ein Jahr, nachdem er erhoben werden konnte, geltend gemacht wird. Diese Beschränkung überträgt sich auch auf Nachfolger oder berechtigte Abtretungsempfänger der Parteien.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(f) Miscellaneous.</b> Participant may not assign this Agreement without Microsoft’s prior, written consent. Each party is an independent contractor, and this Agreement does not create any other relationship. If any court of competent jurisdiction determines that any part of this Agreement is illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the rest of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. Only written waivers are effective. This Agreement (including any NDA, which are incorporated in this Agreement by this reference) is the parties’ entire agreement regarding (and replaces all prior agreements, communications, and representations between the parties on) this subject. This Agreement supersedes any other Microsoft terms or agreements that may be linked from the Preview.",,"<b>(f) Sonstiges:</b> Der Teilnehmer ist nicht berechtigt, diese Vereinbarung ohne vorherige schriftliche Zustimmung von Microsoft zu übertragen. Beide Parteien sind unabhängige Vertragspartner, und diese Vereinbarung schafft keine weitere Beziehung. Falls ein zuständiges Gericht entscheidet, dass ein Teil dieser Vereinbarung unrechtmäßig, unwirksam oder nicht durchsetzbar ist, bleibt der Rest der Vereinbarung hiervon unberührt. Verzichtserklärungen sind nur in Schriftform rechtswirksam. Diese Vereinbarung (einschließlich jedweder Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarungen, die anhand dieses Verweises in diese Vereinbarung einbezogen werden) stellt die gesamte Vereinbarung der beiden Parteien hinsichtlich dieses Vertragsgegenstands dar und ersetzt alle vorherigen Vereinbarungen, Korrespondenzen und Zusicherungen zwischen den Parteien in dieser Hinsicht. Diese Vereinbarung macht alle anderen Bestimmungen oder Vereinbarungen von Microsoft unwirksam, die unter Umständen in der Vorschau verlinkt sind.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(g) Interpretation.</b> This Agreement will be interpreted according to its plain meaning without presuming it should favor either party. Unless stated or context requires otherwise: <b>(i)</b> all internal references are to this Agreement and its parties; <b>(ii)</b> <b><i>""days""</i></b> means calendar days; <b>(iii)</b> <b><i>""may""</i></b> means that the applicable party has a right, but not a concomitant duty; <b>(iv)</b> <b><i>""notify""</i></b> means to give notice under (and <b><i>""notice""</i></b> means a notice that complies with) Section 11(b); <b>(v)</b> <b><i>""current""</i></b> or <b><i>""currently""</i></b> means ""as of the Effective Date"" but <b><i>""then-current""</i></b> means the present time when the applicable right is exercised or performance rendered or measured; <b>(vi)</b> URLs are understood to also refer to successors, localizations, and information or resources linked from within websites at such URLs; <b>(vii)</b> lists of examples following ""including"", ""e.g."", ""such as"", ""excludes"", ""for example"", or similar words are deemed to include ""without limitation""; (viii) the word ""or"" is deemed to be an inclusive ""or""; and (ix) a party’s choices under this Agreement are in its sole discretion."",,"<b>(g) Auslegung:</b> Diese Vereinbarung wird ihrer offensichtlichen Bedeutung entsprechend ausgelegt, ohne einen Vorteil für eine der Parteien anzunehmen. Außer wenn angegeben oder wenn der Kontext etwas anderes verlangt, <b>(i)</b> beziehen sich alle internen Verweise auf diese Vereinbarungen und ihre Parteien, <b>(ii)</b> bedeuten <b><i>„Tage“</i></b> Kalendertage, <b>(iii)</b> bedeutet <b><i>„berechtigt“</i></b>, dass die jeweilige Partei ein Recht hat, keine damit einhergehende Pflicht, <b>(iv)</b> bedeutet <b><i>„benachrichtigen“</i></b> eine Benachrichtigung zu senden gemäß (und <b><i>„Benachrichtigung“</i></b> bedeutet eine Benachrichtigung gemäß) Abschnitt 11(b), <b>(v)</b> bedeutet <b><i>„derzeitig“</i></b> oder <b><i>„derzeit“</i></b> „zum Datum des Inkrafttretens“, während <b><i>„dann aktuell“</i></b> die Zeit meint, zu der ein anwendbares Recht ausgeübt oder eine Vertragsleistung erbracht oder gemessen wird, <b>(vi)</b> werden URLs als Verweise auch auf Nachfolgeseiten, Lokalisierungen und Informationen oder Ressourcen betrachtet, die auf Websites unter diesen URLs verlinkt sind, <b>(vii)</b> werden Listen von Beispielen, die auf „einschließlich“, „z. B.“, „zum Beispiel“, „schließt aus“ oder ähnliche Schlüsselwörter folgen, als nicht erschöpfend betrachtet, (viii) wird das Wort „oder“ als ein inklusives „oder“ betrachtet (selbiges gilt für „bzw.“) und (ix) gelten die Entscheidungen einer Partei hinsichtlich dieser Vereinbarung als nach alleinigem Ermessen getroffen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(h) Modification.</b> Microsoft may modify this Agreement, solely with prospective effect. By continuing to access or use the Preview after notice of such modification, Participant is deemed to have agreed to such modified Agreement. If Participant does not agree, it must immediately terminate this Agreement under Section 9(a).",,"<b>(h) Änderung:</b> Microsoft kann diese Vereinbarung mit alleinigem Inkrafttreten in der Zukunft ändern. Greift der Teilnehmer nach einer Benachrichtigung über eine solche Änderung weiterhin auf die Vorschau zu bzw. nutzt sie, gilt dies als Annahme der so geänderten Vereinbarung. Stimmt der Teilnehmer den Änderungen nicht zu, muss der diese Vereinbarung sofort gemäß Abschnitt 9(a) kündigen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 11. General.",,"Abschnitt 11 Allgemeines:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""This Agreement governs Participant’s early use and access to a preview version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights (<b><i>""Preview""</i></b>)."",,"Diese Vereinbarung regelt die vorzeitige Nutzung und den vorzeitigen Zugriff des Teilnehmers auf eine Vorschauversion von Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights (<b><i>„Vorschau“</i></b>).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(a) Program Materials.</b> Each party will comply with the Program Materials related to its use or access of the Preview. <b><i>""Program Materials""</i></b> means, collectively, all materials that describe the Preview that Microsoft makes available to Participant, including invitations, materials specifying requirements or eligibility criteria, program participation guides, and Preview documentation."",,"<b>(a) Programmmaterial:</b> Beide Parteien entsprechen bezüglich ihrer Nutzung der Vorschau bzw. ihres Zugriffs darauf dem Programmmaterial. <b><i>„Programmmaterial“</i></b> bezeichnet das gesamte Material, das die dem Teilnehmer von Microsoft bereitgestellte Vorschau beschreibt, einschließlich Einladungen, Material zu Anforderungen oder Kriterien für die Qualifizierung, Programmteilnahmehandbücher und die Vorschaudokumentation.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(b) Feedback.</b> Participant will give Microsoft suggestions, comments, input, ideas, or know-how, in any form (<b><i>""Feedback""</i></b>) about the Preview. However, Participant will not provide Microsoft with Feedback containing Personal Data or other data that is subject to legal or regulatory compliance requirements. Participant gives to Microsoft, without charge, the right to use, share, and freely commercialize Feedback in any way and for any purpose. Participant also gives third parties, without charge, the right to use, or interface with, any Microsoft products or services that include the Feedback. Participant represents and warrants that it owns or otherwise controls all rights to such Feedback and that no such Feedback is subject to any third-party rights."",,"<b>(b) Feedback:</b> Der Teilnehmer unterbreitet Microsoft Vorschläge, Anmerkungen, Ideen oder Wissen (<b><i>„Feedback“</i></b>) in jedweder Form zur Vorschau. Der Teilnehmer sendet Microsoft jedoch kein Feedback mit persönlichen Daten oder anderen Daten, die rechtlichen oder regulatorischen Konformitätsanforderungen unterliegen. Der Teilnehmer gewährt Microsoft das unentgeltliche Recht, sein Feedback in beliebiger Weise und zu beliebigen Zwecken zu nutzen, weiterzugeben und kommerziell zu verwerten. Außerdem gewährt der Teilnehmer Dritten das Recht, beliebige Produkte oder Dienste von Microsoft, die das Feedback enthalten, kostenfrei zu nutzen oder diese einzubinden. Der Teilnehmer sichert zu, dass er alle Rechte an derartigem Feedback besitzt oder anderweitig kontrolliert und dass derartiges Feedback keinen Rechten von Dritten unterliegt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 1. Overview.",,"Abschnitt 1: Überblick:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(a) Required Offerings.</b> Certain Microsoft services or software may be necessary to use the Preview (<b><i>""Required Offerings""</i></b>). Microsoft does not grant any rights under this Agreement to access or use Required Offerings; rather, Required Offerings are separately licensed to Participant under a Microsoft Licensing Agreement, which may require paying a fee. ""Microsoft Licensing Agreement"" or ""MLA"" means the <a href=""http://microsoftvolumelicensing.com/"">Microsoft Online Services Terms</a> and Participant’s Microsoft volume licensing agreement, or any other applicable agreement, under which Participant subscribed or was granted a license to any Required Offerings."",,""<b>(a) Erforderliche Angebote:</b> Unter Umständen werden zur Nutzung der Vorschau bestimmte Dienste oder Software von Microsoft benötigt (<b><i>„Erforderliche Angebote“</i></b>). Microsoft gewährt im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung keine Rechte zu einem Zugriff auf die erforderlichen Angebote bzw. zu ihrer Nutzung. Stattdessen kann der Teilnehmer die erforderlichen Angebote separat im Rahmen einer Microsoft-Lizenzvereinbarung lizenzieren, wofür ggf. Gebühren anfallen. „Microsoft-Lizenzvereinbarung“ bzw. „MLV“ bezeichnet die <a href=""http://microsoftvolumelicensing.com/"">Microsoft-Bestimmungen für Onlinedienste</a> und die Microsoft-Volumenlizenzvereinbarung des Teilnehmers oder jede andere anwendbare Vereinbarung, in deren Rahmen der Teilnehmer eines der erforderlichen Angebote abonniert bzw. eine Lizenz dafür erworben hat."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(b) Rights.</b> During the Term, Microsoft grants Participant a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable right to access and use, solely in accordance with this Agreement, the Preview. This Section 2(b) extends to Participant’s authorized users, and Participant is fully liable for their use.",,"<b>(b) Rechte:</b> Während der Laufzeit gewährt Microsoft dem Teilnehmer ein nicht ausschließliches, nicht übertragbares, nicht unterlizenzierbares Recht, ausschließlich in Übereinstimmung mit dieser Vereinbarung auf die Vorschau zuzugreifen und sie zu verwenden. Der Abschnitt 2(b) gilt auch für die autorisierten Benutzer des Teilnehmers, für deren Nutzung der Teilnehmer verantwortlich zeichnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(c) Use terms.</b> Participant acknowledges that: <b>(i)</b> Previews may not work correctly or the same way that a commercial version may work; <b>(ii)</b> if Microsoft elects to provide support for the Preview, such support will be provided ""as is"", ""with all faults"", and without warranty, and Microsoft may cease providing support at any time, without notice; <b>(iii)</b> except as otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, the MLA does not apply to the Preview; <b>(iv)</b> Microsoft has no obligation to hold, export, or return any Customer Data (defined in the MLA) in relation to the Preview; <b>(v)</b> Participant may use the Preview for testing and evaluation purposes only; <b>(vi)</b> Participant may not use the Preview to access or process any ""live"" or production Customer Data, or Personal Data or other data that is subject to legal or regulatory compliance requirements; and <b>(vii)</b> Microsoft may choose not to make a Preview generally commercially available. Previews are subject to reduced or different security, compliance and privacy commitments. Any data provided to Microsoft through Customer’s use of Previews may be transferred, stored, and processed in the United States, or in any other country where Microsoft or its subcontractors operate."",,"<b>(c) Nutzungsbedingungen:</b> Der Teilnehmer nimmt zur Kenntnis, dass <b>(i)</b> die Vorschau u. U. nicht richtig bzw. nicht auf dieselbe Art und Weise wie eine kommerzielle Version funktioniert, <b>(ii)</b> dass, sollte Microsoft für die Vorschau Unterstützung bereitstellen, diese „wie besehen“ ohne Garantie auf Fehlerfreiheit und ohne Gewährleistung bereitgestellt wird und Microsoft den Support jederzeit ohne Vorwarnung einstellen kann, <b>(iii)</b> dass die MLV ausschließlich im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung auf die Vorschau anwendbar ist, sofern nicht anderweitig ausdrücklich angegeben, <b>(iv)</b> dass Microsoft nicht verpflichtet ist, irgendwelche Kundendaten (definiert in der MLV) bezüglich der Vorschau zu speichern, zu exportieren oder zurückzugeben, <b>(v)</b> dass der Teilnehmer die Vorschau ausschließlich zu Test- und Beurteilungszwecken verwenden darf, <b>(vi)</b> dass der Teilnehmer die Vorschau nicht für den Zugriff auf bzw. die Verarbeitung realer Kundendaten, Produktionskundendaten oder personenbezogener Daten oder anderer Daten, die rechtlichen oder regulatorischen Compliance-Anforderungen unterliegen, verwenden darf und <b>(vii)</b> dass sich Microsoft entschließen kann, die Vorschau nicht allgemein im Handel anzubieten. Für Vorschauen können eingeschränkte oder andere Verpflichtungen in Bezug auf Sicherheit, Auflageneinhaltung und Datenschutz gelten. Jegliche Daten, die im Rahmen der Vorschaunutzung durch den Kunden an Microsoft übertragen werden, können in die USA oder andere Länder, in denen Microsoft oder seine Vertragsnehmer tätig sind, übermittelt und dort verarbeitet und gespeichert werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(d) Acceptable use.</b> Participant will not: <b>(i)</b> use the Preview <b>(A)</b> in a way prohibited by law, regulation, or government order or decree; <b>(B)</b> to violate others’ rights; <b>(C)</b> to try to gain unauthorized access to or disrupt any service, device, account, or network; <b>(D)</b> to distribute unsolicited commercial email or malware; <b>(E)</b> in a way that could harm the Preview or impair anyone else’s use of them; or <b>(ii)</b> reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or work around any technical limits in the Preview. Participant will respond to any third-party claims regarding its use of the Preview or Customer Data (e.g., under the DMCA), and will comply with them as necessary to comply with laws.",,"<b>(d) Zulässige Verwendung:</b> Der Teilnehmer ist nicht berechtigt, <b>(i)</b> die Vorschau wie folgt zu nutzen: <b>(A)</b> in einer Weise, die durch Gesetze, Vorschriften oder behördliche Anordnungen oder Verordnungen verboten ist, <b>(B)</b> um die Rechte anderer zu verletzen, <b>(C)</b> um unbefugten Zugriff auf Dienste, Geräte, Daten, Konten oder Netzwerke zu erlangen oder diese in ihrer Funktion zu beeinträchtigen, <b>(D)</b> um Spam oder Malware zu verbreiten, <b>(E)</b> in einer Weise, die die Vorschau beschädigen oder ihre Inanspruchnahme durch andere beeinträchtigen könnte oder <b>(ii)</b> die Vorschau rückzuentwickeln, zu dekompilieren oder zu disassemblieren oder technische Beschränkungen darin zu umgehen. Der Teilnehmer reagiert auf etwaige Ansprüche Dritter hinsichtlich seiner Nutzung der Vorschau oder von Kundendaten (z. B. im Rahmen der DMCA) und erfüllt diese, soweit gesetzlich erforderlich.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(e) Software.</b> If the Preview includes any software, Participant may install and use it on its devices only with (and for so long as Participant has the right to use) such Preview under this Agreement. Participant will comply with any additional terms that may accompany such software. Participant must uninstall any such software when its right to use the Preview ends (and Microsoft may also disable it at that time).",,"<b>(e) Software:</b> Sofern die Vorschau Software umfasst, ist der Teilnehmer im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung berechtigt, diese auf seinen Geräten zu installieren und zu verwenden, jedoch ausschließlich mit einer solchen Vorschau und so lange wie der Teilnehmer das Nutzungsrecht hat. Der Teilnehmer hält alle zusätzlichen Bestimmungen ein, die für derartige Software gelten. Der Teilnehmer muss jedwede derartige Software deinstallieren, wenn sein Recht zur Nutzung der Vorschau ausläuft. Microsoft ist ab diesem Zeitpunkt berechtigt, die Software zu deaktivieren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(f) Updates.</b> Microsoft may (but is not obligated to) provide updated versions of the Preview, including by downloading updated software to Participant’s devices. Any such update may add, remove, or change features of the Preview. Participant will install (if applicable) and will use only such updated versions after Microsoft provides such updates.",,"<b>(f) Updates:</b> Microsoft kann (ist dazu aber nicht verpflichtet) aktualisierte Versionen der Vorschau zur Verfügung stellen, mitunter auch durch Herunterladen aktualisierter Software auf die Geräte des Teilnehmers. Mit derartigen Updates können Funktionen zur Vorschau hinzugefügt, entfernt oder geändert werden. Der Teilnehmer installiert (falls zutreffend) und nutzt derartige aktualisierte Versionen nur, wenn Microsoft diese Updates bereitstellt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(g) Third party sites.</b> Any links to third-party websites included in the Preview is provided for convenience only, and Microsoft is not responsible for the content of any such sites.",,"<b>(g) Websites Dritter:</b> In der Vorschau enthaltene Links zu Websites von Drittanbietern werden nur aus Kulanz zur Verfügung gestellt. Microsoft übernimmt keine Verantwortung für die Inhalte derartiger Websites.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(h) Non-Microsoft software.</b> If Participant installs or uses any non-Microsoft software with the Preview: <b>(i)</b> Microsoft is not bound by any terms governing Participant’s use of such software; <b>(ii)</b> Participant directs and controls such installation and use (e.g., through use of application programming interfaces and other means that may be part of the Preview); and <b>(iii)</b> Participant may not do so in a way that would subject Microsoft intellectual property rights or technology to obligations beyond those in this Agreement. Microsoft will not run or copy such non-Microsoft software outside of its relationship with Participant.",,"<b>(h) Microsoft-fremde Software:</b> Installiert bzw. nutzt der Teilnehmer nicht von Microsoft stammende Software zusammen mit der Vorschau, <b>(i)</b> ist Microsoft nicht an die Bestimmungen gebunden, die die Nutzung solcher Software durch den Teilnehmer regeln, <b>(ii)</b> ist der Teilnehmer für diese Installation und Nutzung (durch Nutzung von APIs und anderen Mitteln, die Teil der Vorschau sind) verantwortlich und <b>(iii)</b> ist der Teilnehmer nicht berechtigt, dies auf eine Weise zu tun, durch die Rechte an geistigem Eigentum oder Technologie von Microsoft unter irgendwelche Verpflichtungen außerhalb des Rahmens dieser Vereinbarung fallen würden. Ohne eine entsprechende vertragliche Vereinbarung zwischen dem Teilnehmer und Microsoft führt Microsoft keine Software aus, die nicht von Microsoft stammt, und erstellt auch keine Kopien von derartiger Software.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(i) Competitive Benchmarking.</b> If Participant offers a service competitive to the Preview, Participant waives any restrictions on competitive use and benchmark testing in the terms governing its competitive service by using the Preview. If Participant does not intend to waive such restrictions in its terms of use, Participant may not use the Preview.",,"<b>(i) Wettbewerbsvergleiche:</b> Wenn der Teilnehmer einen Dienst anbietet, der mit der Vorschau konkurriert, schlägt der Teilnehmer durch Inanspruchnahme der Vorschau jegliche Einschränkungen in den Nutzungsbedingungen des konkurrierenden Dienstes hinsichtlich der wettbewerblichen Nutzung und der Durchführung von Vergleichstests aus. Hat der Teilnehmer nicht vor, auf diese Einschränkungen in den Nutzungsbedingungen seines Dienstes zu verzichten, ist der Teilnehmer nicht berechtigt, die Vorschau zu verwenden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 2. Use of Previews.",,"Abschnitt 2: Nutzung von Vorschauen:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The applicable MLA terms (which may be incorporated in the MLA by reference) pertaining to collection, use, and location of Customer Data (as such terms are modified in the MLA to apply to previews) will apply to collection, use, and location of Customer Data under this Agreement. The accuracy and performance of the Preview improves by having had access to large volumes of data. Microsoft will solely own any enhancements or improvements to the Preview arising from access to and use of Customer Data. Microsoft may also use information derived from Customer Data if such use does not include Customer Data and no Customer Data can be reverse engineered from such use.",,"Die gültigen MLV-Bestimmungen (die ggf. per Verweis in die MLV eingebunden sind) hinsichtlich der Erfassung, der Nutzung und des Speicherorts von Kundendaten (in ihrer vorschauspezifischen Auslegung) gelten hinsichtlich der Erfassung, der Nutzung und des Speicherorts von Kundendaten im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung. Die Genauigkeit und Leistung der Vorschau verbessert sich, je größer das Datenvolumen, auf das sie Zugriff hatte. Microsoft ist alleiniger Eigentümer jeglicher Ergänzungen oder Verbesserungen der Vorschau, die auf den Zugriff auf Kundendaten und deren Nutzung zurückzuführen sind. Microsoft kann auch von Kundendaten abgeleitete Daten verwenden, falls dies die Kundendaten nicht mit einschließt und aufgrund dieser Nutzung keine Kundendaten zurückentwickelt werden können.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(a) Data Transfers.</b> Customer Data and Personal Data that Microsoft processes on Customer’s behalf may be transferred to, and stored and processed in, the United States or any other country in which Microsoft or its subprocessors operate. Customer appoints Microsoft to perform any such transfer of Customer Data and Personal Data to any such country and to store and process Customer Data and Personal Data to provide the Preview. Microsoft will abide by the requirements of European Economic Area and Swiss data protection law regarding the collection, use, transfer, retention, and other processing of Personal Data from the European Economic Area and Switzerland. All transfers of Personal Data to a third country or an international organization will be subject to appropriate safeguards as described in Article 46 of the GDPR ((EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC) and such transfers and safeguards will be documented according to Article 30(2) of the GDPR. In addition, Microsoft is certified to the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks and the commitments they entail. Microsoft agrees to notify Customer if it makes a determination that it can no longer meet its obligation to provide the same level of protection as is required by the Privacy Shield principles.",,"<b>(a) Datenübertragungen:</b> Kundendaten und personenbezogene Daten, die Microsoft im Namen des Kunden verarbeitet, können in die USA oder andere Länder, in denen Microsoft oder seine Unterauftragsverarbeiter tätig sind, übermittelt und dort gespeichert und verarbeitet werden. Der Kunde beruft Microsoft dazu, derartige Übertragungen von Kundendaten und personenbezogenen Daten in diese Länder vorzunehmen und Kundendaten und personenbezogene Daten zu verarbeiten, um die Vorschau bereitzustellen. Bezüglich der Erhebung, Nutzung, Übertragung, Aufbewahrung und anderweitigen Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten aus dem Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum und der Schweiz hält Microsoft die Anforderungen der Datenschutzgesetze von EWR und Schweiz ein. Bezügliche aller Übertragungen personenbezogener Daten in ein drittes Land oder an eine internationale Organisation werden Schutzmaßnahmen entsprechend Artikel 46 der DSGVO ((EU) 2016/679 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 27. April 2016 zum Schutz natürlicher Personen bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten, zum freien Datenverkehr und zur Aufhebung der Richtlinie 95/46/EG) ergriffen, und derartige Übertragungen und Schutzmaßnahmen werden entsprechend Artikel 30 Ziffer 2 der DSGVO protokolliert. Außerdem ist Microsoft nach den zwischen der EU und den USA bzw. der Schweiz und den USA ausgehandelten Privacy Shield-Rahmenbedingungen und den entsprechenden Anforderungen zertifiziert. Microsoft verpflichtet sich, den Kunden zu benachrichtigen, wenn es feststellt, dass es nicht mehr in der Lage ist, seinen Schutzverpflichtungen gemäß Privacy Shield-Prinzipien nachzukommen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 3. Customer Data.",,"Abschnitt 3: Kundendaten:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "All rights not expressly granted are reserved by the applicable rights holder, and no rights or licenses are granted (or deemed granted) by implication, estoppel, or exhaustion.",,"Alle nicht ausdrücklich gewährten Rechte bleiben dem jeweiligen Rechteinhaber vorbehalten, und es werden weder stillschweigend, noch durch Verwirkung noch durch Erschöpfung irgendwelche Rechte oder Lizenzen gewährt (oder als gewährt angesehen).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 4. Reservation of rights.",,"Abschnitt 4: Vorbehalt von Rechten:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(a) Existing NDA.</b> The information shared under this Agreement (except Feedback) is Confidential Information (defined in the NDA) subject to the Microsoft non-disclosure agreement, if any, between the parties (<b><i>""NDA""</i></b>). If the parties do not have an NDA that is in effect, then Sections 5(b) – (c) will apply."",,"<b>(a) Bestehende Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung:</b> Die im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung weitergegebenen Informationen (ausgenommen Feedback) sind vertrauliche Informationen (definiert in der Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung), die ggf. der zwischen den Parteien getroffenen Microsoft-Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung (<b><i>„Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung“</i></b>) unterliegen. Falls für die Parteien keine gültige Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung vorliegt, gelten die Abschnitte 5(b)–(c).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(b) Definition.</b> ""Confidential Information"" means non-public information, know-how, or trade secrets in any form that are designated confidential or that a reasonable person knows or reasonably should know to be confidential. Confidential Information does not include any information, however designated, that: <b>(i)</b> is or becomes publicly available without a breach of this Agreement; <b>(ii)</b> was lawfully known to the receiver of the information without an obligation to keep it confidential; <b>(iii)</b> is received from another source who can disclose it lawfully and without an obligation to keep it confidential; <b>(iv)</b> is independently developed; or <b>(v)</b> is Feedback."",,"<b>(b) Definition:</b> „Vertrauliche Informationen“ bedeutet nicht öffentliche Informationen, Kenntnisse oder Handelsgeheimnisse in jedweder Form, die als vertraulich gekennzeichnet sind oder nach allgemeiner Auffassung vertraulich sind. Vertrauliche Informationen sind, unabhängig von ihrer Kennzeichnung, keine Informationen, die <b>(i)</b> ohne Verstoß gegen diese Vereinbarung der Öffentlichkeit bekannt werden, <b>(ii)</b> dem Empfänger der Informationen ohne Vertraulichkeitsverpflichtung rechtmäßig bekannt waren, <b>(iii)</b> von einer anderen Quelle stammen, die zur Offenlegung berechtigt und an keine Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung gebunden ist, <b>(iv)</b> eigenständig erarbeitet wurden oder <b>(v)</b> bei denen es sich um Feedback handelt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(c) Use.</b> Neither party will disclose the other’s Confidential Information to a third party for five years. Each party will: <b>(i)</b> use such information only for purposes of this business relationship; and <b>(ii)</b> take reasonable steps to protect the other’s Confidential Information. Each party may disclose the other’s Confidential Information to its affiliates, employees, and contractors only on a need-to-know basis, subject to this Section 5. In addition, Confidential Information may also be disclosed as necessary to comply with a judicial or other governmental order, if receiving party either gives: reasonable notice of such disclosure to allow disclosing party a reasonable opportunity to seek a protective order or equivalent; or obtains written assurance from the applicable judicial or governmental entity that it will afford the Confidential Information the highest level of protection available under applicable law, or otherwise as may be required by law.",,"<b>(c) Nutzung:</b> Beide Parteien verpflichten sich, die vertraulichen Informationen der jeweils anderen Partei fünf Jahre lang nicht an Dritte weiterzugeben. Beide Parteien <b>(i)</b> verwenden diese Informationen nur zu Zwecken im Rahmen dieser Geschäftsbeziehung und <b>(ii)</b> ergreifen entsprechende Maßnahmen zum Schutz der vertraulichen Informationen der anderen Partei. Beide Parteien dürfen gemäß diesem Abschnitt 5 die vertraulichen Informationen der anderen Partei nur an ihre Tochtergesellschaften, Mitarbeiter und Vertragsnehmer weitergeben, soweit diese die Informationen zur Erfüllung ihrer Aufgaben benötigen. Des Weiteren dürfen vertrauliche Informationen offengelegt werden, insoweit dies nötig ist, um einem gerichtlichen oder behördlichen Beschluss Folge zu leisten, falls die empfangende Partei entweder (i) diese Enthüllung der enthüllenden Partei anzeigt, damit diese einen Schutzbeschluss oder eine äquivalente Maßnahme erwirken kann, oder (ii) von der jeweiligen gerichtlichen oder behördlichen Entität eine schriftliche Garantie erwirkt, dass die vertraulichen Informationen den bestmöglichen Schutz entsprechend geltenden Gesetzen erhalten, oder (iii) anderweitig wie gesetzlich erforderlich.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 5. Confidentiality.",,"Abschnitt 5: Vertraulichkeit:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""In connection with the Preview, Microsoft may create documentation, films, photographs, referrals, quotations, or other recordings or materials (<b><i>""Publicity Materials""</i></b>)."",,"Unter Umständen erstellt Microsoft im Zusammenhang mit der Vorschau eine Dokumentation, Filme, Fotos, Weiterempfehlungen, Angebote oder sonstige Aufzeichnungen oder Material(<b><i>„Werbematerial“</i></b>).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(a) Rights.</b> Participant grants Microsoft the non-exclusive right to: <b>(i)</b> use Participant’s name, trademarks and service marks, and logos (<b><i>""Marks""</i></b>) in such Publicity Materials; <b>(ii)</b> interview and film, photograph, and record its employees and business operations at mutually agreed times and locations; and <b>(iii)</b> use Participant’s or its employees’ names, voices, statements, and likenesses (<b><i>""Name and Likeness""</i></b>) as embodied in the Publicity Materials for advertising, marketing, promotional, editorial, and public relations purposes in relation to the Preview, in any and all media and formats. Participant will obtain (and represents and warrants that it has obtained) all releases and clearances necessary to grant all rights required under this Section 6."",,"<b>(a) Rechte:</b> Der Teilnehmer gewährt Microsoft das nicht ausschließliche Recht, <b>(i)</b> Namen, Handelsmarken und Dienstleistungsmarken sowie Logos (<b><i>„Marken“</i></b>) des Teilnehmers in derartigem Werbematerial zu verwenden, <b>(ii)</b> die Geschäftsprozesse und Mitarbeiter des Teilnehmers an vereinbarten Terminen und Orten zu filmen, zu fotografieren, aufzuzeichnen und mit ihnen zu sprechen und <b>(iii)</b> die Namen, Stimmen, Stellungnahmen und Konterfeis des Teilnehmers bzw. seiner Mitarbeiter (<b><i>„Name und Konterfei“</i></b>) in sämtlichen Medien und Formaten zu Werbe-, Marketing-, und PR-Zwecken bezüglich der Vorschau so zu verwenden, wie sie im Werbematerial vorkommen. Der Teilnehmer holt alle Freigaben und Genehmigungen ein, die erforderlich sind, um die in Abschnitt 6 genannten Rechte zu gewähren (und sichert deren Einholung zu).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(b) Approvals.</b> Participant will have the right to approve, before Microsoft’s first use, any Publicity Materials that include Marks or Name and Likeness. Participant will promptly review and either approve or disapprove them (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld) within five business days of receipt. Failure to respond within such five-day period will be deemed approval. Participant is solely responsible for bringing to Microsoft’s attention any factual errors or removing Participant’s Confidential Information from Publicity Materials.",,"<b>(b) Genehmigungen:</b> Dem Teilnehmer ist das Recht vorbehalten, sämtliches Werbematerial, das Marken, Name und Konterfei enthält, vor der ersten Nutzung durch Microsoft zu genehmigen. Der Teilnehmer prüft dieses zeitnah und gewährt oder verweigert seine Genehmigung innerhalb von fünf Geschäftstagen nach Eingang, wobei für eine Verweigerung angemessene Gründe vorgelegt werden müssen. Erfolgt innerhalb von fünf Tagen keine Antwort, gilt die Genehmigung als gegeben. Es liegt in der alleinigen Verantwortung des Teilnehmers, Microsoft Sachfehler zu melden und seine vertraulichen Informationen aus dem Werbematerial zu entfernen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 6. Publicity.",,"Abschnitt 6: Werbung:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(a) Mutual.</b> Each party represents and warrants to the other that: <b>(i)</b> it has all necessary rights, title, and authority to enter into and perform under this Agreement; <b>(ii)</b> its performance under this Agreement will not breach any agreement with a third party; and <b>(iii)</b> it will comply with any and all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to its performance under this Agreement.",,"<b>(a) Gegenseitigkeit:</b> Jede Partei sichert der anderen zu, dass <b>(i)</b> sie über die erforderlichen Rechte, Ansprüche und Befugnisse verfügt, diese Vereinbarung abzuschließen und zu erfüllen, <b>(ii)</b> dass ihre Erfüllung dieser Vereinbarung nicht gegen eine Übereinkunft mit einem Dritten verstößt und <b>(iii)</b> sie alle Gesetze, Regeln und Vorschriften einhält, die mit Bezug zur Erfüllung dieser Vereinbarung gelten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" ""<b>(b) Disclaimer.</b> Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement and to the extent applicable law permits, Microsoft: <b>(i)</b> provides the Preview ""as-is""; <b>(ii)</b> provides no warranties (express, implied, statutory, or otherwise), including of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose; and <b>(iii)</b> does not guarantee that the Preview will be uninterrupted, available, or error-free, or that loss of Participant’s Customer Data will not occur. Without limiting the above, Microsoft is not liable for any damage to hardware or software or loss of files or data related to use of the Preview."",,"<b>(b) Haftungsausschluss:</b> Wenn in dieser Vereinbarung nicht ausdrücklich anderweitig festgelegt und soweit gesetzlich zulässig, <b>(i)</b> stellt Microsoft die Vorschau „wie besehen“ zur Verfügung, <b>(ii)</b> gewährt Microsoft keine ausdrücklichen, stillschweigenden, gesetzlichen oder anderweitigen Garantien, einschließlich der Garantien einer Marktgängigkeit oder Eignung für einen bestimmten Zweck und <b>(iii)</b> garantiert Microsoft nicht, dass die Vorschau unterbrechungsfrei funktioniert, verfügbar oder fehlerfrei ist oder dass es zu keinem Verlust der Kundendaten des Teilnehmers kommt. Ohne Einschränkung des oben genannten übernimmt Microsoft keine Haftung für Schäden an Hardware oder Software oder für den Verlust von Dateien oder Daten im Zusammenhang mit der Nutzung der Vorschau.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(c) Ineffective disclaimer.</b> Liability for breach of an implied warranty that cannot, under applicable law, be disclaimed or excluded is, if permitted by applicable law, limited, at breaching party’s election: <b>(i)</b> for goods, to replacing, repairing, or supplying equivalent goods (or paying the cost of the foregoing or refunding the purchase price); and <b>(ii)</b> for services, to supplying (or paying a third party to supply) the services again or refunding the purchase price.",,"<b>(c) Unwirksamkeit des Haftungsausschlusses:</b> Die Haftung bei einem Verstoß gegen eine stillschweigende Garantie, die gemäß geltendem Recht nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann, ist, soweit gesetzlich möglich, nach Präferenz der verstoßenden Partei <b>(i)</b> hinsichtlich Gütern beschränkt auf Ersatz, Reparatur oder Zurverfügungstellung gleichwertiger Güter (oder Bezahlung der Kosten für die vorgenannten Punkte oder Erstattung des Kaufpreises und <b>(ii)</b> hinsichtlich Dienstleistungen beschränkt auf die erneute Bereitstellung der Dienstleistungen, die Bezahlung eines Dritten für die erneute Bereitstellung der Dienstleistungen oder die Erstattung des Kaufpreises.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 7. Representations and warranties.",,"Abschnitt 7: Zusicherungen und Gewährleistungen:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Except as otherwise described in this Section 8 or in Section 7(c), each party’s exclusive remedy for claims under this Agreement is to terminate this Agreement or Participant’s participation in the Preview. Each party’s maximum, aggregate, liability arising out of or related to this Agreement (including related to access or use of the Preview) to you and anyone else, to the maximum extent allowed by law, is limited to direct damages incurred in reasonable reliance, in an amount not to exceed $500. Neither party will be liable for any other damages, including indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages, or for lost revenue, lost profits, lost business information, or business interruption, related to this Agreement, even if the at-fault party knew or should have known such damages were possible. This Section 8 does not apply to claims arising from any breach of confidentiality obligations under Section 5 or to obligations under (or breach of) Section 10.",,"Mit Ausnahme des in diesem Abschnitt 8 oder in Abschnitt 7(c) Beschriebenen besteht die einzige Abhilfe beider Parteien bezüglich Ansprüchen im Rahmen dieser Vereinbarung in der Aufkündigung dieser Vereinbarung bzw. der Einstellung der Teilnahme des Teilnehmers an der Vorschau. Die maximale aggregierte Haftung beider Parteien aufgrund oder bezüglich dieser Vereinbarung (einschließlich bezüglich des Zugriffs auf die Vorschau bzw. ihrer Verwendung) gegenüber Ihnen und jedweden Dritten ist, soweit gesetzlich möglich, beschränkt auf direkte Schäden in Höhe von höchstens 500 USD, die auf den Verlass auf die Zusicherungen der anderen Partei zurückzuführen sind. 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The term of this Agreement (""Term"") begins on the Effective Date and continues until terminated or until Microsoft terminates the Preview, whichever occurs first. Either party may terminate this Agreement on 30 days’ notice for any or no reason. Microsoft may also terminate or suspend this Agreement, in whole or part, immediately on notice if Participant breaches this Agreement and the breach is one that cannot be cured. Moreover, this Agreement will terminate automatically following notice to Participant of breach if Participant fails to cure the breach within five days of such notice. This Agreement also terminates automatically and without notice with respect to the Preview when it becomes generally publicly available, other than as a pre-release or ""beta"" product or service, or Microsoft ceases to offer the Preview."",,"<b>(a) Laufzeit und</b> Aufhebungsrechte: Die Laufzeit dieser Vereinbarung („Laufzeit“) beginnt mit Datum des Inkrafttretens und endet mit Ablauf der Vereinbarung oder Einstellung der Vorschau durch Microsoft, je nachdem, was früher eintritt. Beide Parteien sind berechtigt, die Vereinbarung aus beliebigem Grund oder ohne Grund mit einer 30-tägigen Frist aufzuheben. Außerdem ist Microsoft berechtigt, diese Vereinbarung sofort mit einer entsprechenden Benachrichtigung vollständig oder teilweise aufzuheben oder auszusetzen, wenn der Teilnehmer gegen diese Vereinbarung verstößt und der Verstoß nicht behoben werden kann. Des Weiteren wird diese Vereinbarung automatisch aufgehoben, wenn der Teilnehmer einen Verstoß dagegen fünf Tage nach seiner Inkenntnissetzung über diesen Verstoß nicht behoben hat. Die Vereinbarung wird hinsichtlich der Vorschau ebenso automatisch und ohne Benachrichtigung aufgehoben, wenn die Vorschau der Öffentlichkeit in einer anderen Form als einer Vorversion oder einem Beta-Produkt bzw. -Service zugänglich gemacht wird oder wenn Microsoft die Vorschau nicht mehr anbietet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "<b>(b) Effect of Termination.</b> On termination or expiration of this Agreement, Participant must stop using the Preview. Sections 1(b), 2(i), 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 will survive such expiration or termination.",,"<b>(b) Wirksamkeit der Aufhebung:</b> Bei Aufhebung oder Ablauf dieser Vereinbarung muss der Teilnehmer die Nutzung der Vorschau einstellen. Die Abschnitte 1(b), 2(i), 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 und 11 bleiben nach Aufhebung bzw. Ablauf der Vereinbarung wirksam.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Section 9. Term and termination.",,"Abschnitt 9: Laufzeit und Aufhebung:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Agreement",,"Vereinbarung zu Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "We couldn't validate all characters. You can use @, #, $ and alphanumeric characters.",,"Es konnten nicht alle Zeichen überprüft werden. 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Keine neuen Beiträge von diesem Autor werden in der Zukunft übernommen und alle Social Media-Profilsuchregeln für diese Autor werden gelöscht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "in your data set",,"in Ihrem Dataset",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See how the number of posts is trending over time.",,"Zeigen Sie den Trendverlauf für die Anzahl der Beiträge an.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "(%{trend} %{icon})",,"(%{trend} %{icon})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Negative trend",,"Negativtrend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Neutral trend",,"Neutraler Trend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Positive trend",,"Positivtrend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unknown trend",,"Unbekannter Trend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See the top current significant phrases as compared to the previous period",,"Zeigen Sie die bedeutendsten Phrasen im Vergleich zum vorherigen Zeitraum an",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Switch to chart view",,"Zur Diagrammansicht wechseln",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Switch to table view",,"Zur Tabellenansicht wechseln",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "%{source} %{volume}% %{volume_trend}",,"%{source} %{volume} % %{volume_trend}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get a quick summary of the number of posts, how your search is trending, where your posts are coming from and the current sentiment.",,"Hier können Sie eine kurze Zusammenfassung der Anzahl der Beiträge, des Trendverlaufs Ihrer Suche, der Herkunft Ihrer Beiträge und der aktuellen Stimmung anzeigen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Find details about how many posts are showing up, and how the search topic or category you're interested in is trending. You'll also see the sentiment that is being associated with your topic--positive, negative, or neutral--what languages are being used to discuss your topic or category, and where your posts are coming from.",,"Hier finden Sie Detailinformationen zur Anzahl der angezeigten Beiträge und zum Trendverlauf des relevanten Suchthemas oder der relevanten Kategorie. Zudem werden hier die dem Thema zugeordnete Stimmung – positiv, negativ oder neutral – sowie die Sprachen, in denen das Thema oder die Kategorie diskutiert werden, und die Herkunft Ihrer Beiträge angezeigt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Check the buzz on your search topic or category. See the total number of posts and the average number of posts per day.",,"Überprüfen Sie den Buzz für Ihr Suchthema oder Ihre Kategorie. Die Gesamtanzahl der Beiträge und die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Beiträge pro Tag werden angezeigt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "The Buzz will help you keep track of the volume of posts overall on all active sources for your search topic or category.",,"Anhand des Buzz können Sie die Gesamtmenge der Beiträge für alle aktiven Quellen für Ihr Suchthema oder Ihre Kategorie anzeigen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See how the sentiment varies among sources. Is Facebook positive while Twitter is neutral? Find out.",,"Erfahren Sie, wie die Stimmung zwischen den Quellen variiert. Ist Facebook positiv und Twitter neutral? Finden Sie es heraus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Find details about the number of posts, the sentiment index and the change in sentiment index of your active sources.",,"Erhalten Sie Detailinformationen zu der Anzahl der Beiträge, dem Stimmungsindex und der Änderung des Stimmungsindex Ihrer aktiven Quellen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See a chart that compares where the posts are coming from.",,"Zeigen Sie ein Diagramm an, in dem die Ursprünge der Beiträge verglichen werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "At a glance, you can see the most active sources associated with your search topic or category.",,"Hier sehen Sie auf einen Blick die dem Suchthema oder der Suchkategorie zugeordneten aktivsten Quellen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Sources share of voice",,"Share of Voice (Quellen)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See peaks and valleys in the volume of posts for each source separately over time.",,"Zeigen Sie die Höchst- und Tiefstwerte für die Anzahl der Beiträge für jede Quelle separat über einen gewissen Zeitraum an.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "At a glance, you can identify significant peaks in your post volume on specific sources.",,"Sie können auf einen Blick die bedeutenden Höchstwerte der Anzahl der Beiträge für bestimmte Quellen anzeigen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See the top 5 languages with the most posts about your search topic or category.",,"Zeigen Sie die Top 5-Sprachen mit den meisten Beiträgen zu Ihrem Suchthema oder Ihrer Suchkategorie an.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "At a glance, you can see which languages were used the most.",,"Sie sehen auf einen Blick, welche Sprachen am häufigsten verwendet wurden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See the top languages with the most posts.",,"Zeigen Sie die Top-Sprachen mit den meisten Beiträgen an.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Find details about the most active languages that were used in the posts of your search topic or category.",,"Erhalten Sie Detailinformationen zu den aktivsten Sprachen, die in den Beiträgen Ihres Suchthemas oder Ihrer Suchkategorie verwendet wurden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See the top 5 authors who are posting the most about your search topic or category.",,"Zeigen Sie die Top 5-Autoren an, die am meisten Beiträge zu Ihrem Suchthema oder Ihrer Suchkategorie verfassen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See which authors are mentioning your search topic or category the most. You'll find details about the author's reach, the number of posts, the author's share of voice, and the trend change.",,"Sehen Sie, welche Autoren Ihr Suchthema oder Ihre Kategorie am häufigsten erwähnen. Sie erhalten Informationen über die Reichweite des Autors, die Anzahl der Beiträge, den Share of Voice des Autors und die Änderung von Trends.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Most active authors",,"Aktivste Autoren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Find details about the most recent posts in your search topic or category, including the source, an author's reach, and the language of the posts.",,"Hier finden Sie Details zu den neuesten Beiträgen in Ihrem Suchthema oder in Ihrer Suchkategorie (einschließlich Angaben zur Quelle, zur Reichweite des Autors und zur Sprache der Beiträge).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Correlate sentiment about the search topic with dates and events. See the history for a time frame.",,"Korrelieren Sie die Stimmung zum Suchthema mit Datumsangaben und Ereignissen. Sie finden den Zeitrahmen im Verlauf.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See when significant changes in sentiment occurred. The black line indicates the sentiment index. The green line indicates the average sentiment index in your time frame.",,"Zeigen Sie die Zeitpunkte an, zu denen grundlegende Stimmungsänderungen eintraten. Die schwarze Linie stellt den Stimmungsindex dar. Die grüne Linie zeigt den durchschnittlichen Stimmungsindex in Ihrem Zeitrahmen an.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See a chart that compares the positive, negative, or neutral posts.",,"Zeigen Sie ein Diagramm an, in dem positive, negative bzw. neutrale Beiträge verglichen werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "At a glance, you can see the sentiment of your search topic.",,"Sie sehen auf einen Blick die Stimmung des Suchthemas.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See a bar graph comparing the number of positive and negative posts by day.",,"Zeigen Sie ein Balkendiagramm an, in dem die Anzahl der positiven und negativen Beiträge nach Tag miteinander verglichen werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Find details about the number of posts with positive or negative sentiment in your search topic.",,"Erhalten Sie Detailinformationen zur Anzahl der Beiträge mit positiver oder negativer Stimmung in Ihrem Suchthema.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See where the posts are coming from. Quickly check sources like Facebook and Twitter.",,"Zeigen Sie den Ursprung der Beiträge an. Überprüfen Sie schnell Quellen wie Facebook oder Twitter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Get the details about the number of posts, the trend change, and the share of voice of your active sources.",,"Erhalten Sie Detailinformationen zur Anzahl der Beiträge, der Trendänderung und der Share of Voice Ihrer aktiven Quellen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See where your posts are coming from.",,"Hier erfahren Sie, woher Ihre Beiträge stammen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "At a glance, you can see the top 5 locations where most of your posts are coming from.",,"Hier finden Sie die fünf Standorte, von denen die meisten Ihrer Beiträge stammen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Word cloud. Get insights about the most significant phrases.",,"Wortcloud. Erfahren Sie die wichtigsten Ausdrücke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Top phrases",,"Häufigste Ausdrücke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Find details about how the post volume of your search topic or category is trending. The Trend change compares the past five time frames to your current time frame.",,"Erhalten Sie Detailinformationen zum Trendverlauf der Anzahl der Beiträge für Ihr Suchthema oder Ihre Suchkategorie. Bei der Trendänderung werden die vergangenen fünf Zeitrahmen mit Ihrem aktuellen Zeitrahmen verglichen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "See peaks and valleys in the volume of posts for all sources over time.",,"Zeigen Sie die Höchst- und Tiefstwerte für die Anzahl der Beiträge für alle Quellen über einen gewissen Zeitraum an.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Quickly identify significant peaks in your post volume. The red line indicates the total number of posts. The grey line indicates the average number of posts from the past five time frames.",,"Ermitteln Sie direkt die grundlegenden Höchstwerte der Anzahl der Beiträge. Die rote Linie stellt die Gesamtanzahl der Beiträge dar. Die graue Linie zeigt die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Beiträge der vergangenen für Zeitrahmen an.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Insights for Dynamics 365.",,"Erkenntnisse aus sozialen Medien für Dynamics 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Insights",,"Erkenntnisse aus sozialen Medien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Shows the dialog for configuring Social Insights in Dynamics 365",,"Zeigt das Dialogfeld zum Konfigurieren von Erkenntnissen aus sozialen Medien in Dynamics 365 an",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Insights Configuration",,"Konfiguration der Erkenntnisse aus sozialen Medien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Configure Social Insights",,"Erkenntnisse aus sozialen Medien konfigurieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Unable to connect to Social Engagement. Try again or if the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Es konnte keine Verbindung mit Social Engagement hergestellt werden. Versuchen Sie es später erneut. Falls das Problem weiterhin besteht, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemadministrator",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Insights isn't configured. Select the Edit option from the menu above.",,""Erkenntnisse aus sozialen Medien sind nicht konfiguriert. Wählen Sie die Option ""Bearbeiten"" aus dem Menü oben aus."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create new topic on Microsoft Social Engagement",,"Neues Thema in Microsoft Social Engagement erstellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Create new topic",,"Neues Thema erstellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "on Microsoft Social Engagement",,"auf Microsoft Social Engagement",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Something went wrong. Try again or if the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Da ist etwas schief gelaufen. Versuchen Sie es bitte noch mal. Sollte das Problem weiterhin bestehen, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Social Insights is not supported for this version of Dynamics 365.",,"Erkenntnisse aus sozialen Medien werden in dieser Version von Dynamics 365 nicht unterstützt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Configure Social Engagement in your Dynamics 365 settings or contact your system administrator.",,"Konfigurieren Sie Social Engagement in Ihren Dynamics 365-Einstellungen, oder wenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Remove data",,"Daten entfernen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "You must be connected to the internet to see this data.",,"Zur Anzeige dieser Daten ist eine Internetverbindung erforderlich.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "Choose topic or category",,"Thema oder Kategorie auswählen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No widgets added yet",,"Es wurden noch keine Widgets hinzugefügt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,"" "No widgets left",,"Es sind keine Widgets mehr übrig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM -