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The Microsoft “Terms of Use” (available at the www.microsoft.com website) govern all glossary terms in this document (“Glossary Terms”). The following supplemental terms and conditions also apply. If there is any conflict between the Terms of Use and the following terms and conditions, the following terms and conditions will take
Precedence over the Terms of Use.
1. No part of the Glossary Terms may be reproduced, adapted, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, including photocopying and entry into an information storage and/or retrieval system, for any purpose without the prior express consent of Microsoft Corporation.
2. You may use the Glossary Terms in the development of any application software and you may also use the Glossary Terms for personal or non-commercial purposes only without the prior written consent of Microsoft Corporation, and only if all copies contain this Permission Notice and the Microsoft copyright notice in the Terms of Use.
3. You are not permitted to make any modifications, deletions or additions to the Glossary Terms.
4. Except as expressly set forth above, Microsoft’s publication of the Glossary Terms does not grant any rights to use, distribute, or implement any technology or intellectual property rights. All rights not expressly granted herein are expressly reserved by Microsoft.
"Source Term",,"Translation",,"String Category",,"Platform",,"Product",,"Version"
"Oops page showing due to debug flag",,"Hoppla, die Seite wird wegen eines Kennzeichens zum Debuggen angezeigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"We will be retiring this app on Nov 29, 2018. Get our Win32 app.",,"Diese App wird am 29. November 2018 zurückgezogen. Laden Sie unsere Win32-App herunter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"We will be retiring this app on Nov 29, 2018. Please bookmark our Web App and continue using Teams.",,"Diese App wird am 29. November 2018 zurückgezogen. Bitte setzen Sie ein Lesezeichen für unsere Web-App und verwenden Sie Teams weiter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Download now!",,"Jetzt herunterladen!",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Go to Web App!",,"Gehn Sie zur WebApp!",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"D'oh! Something went wrong...",,"Oje! Leider ist etwas schiefgegangen ...",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Your app has been successfully updated to version {0} on {1}.",,"Die App wurde erfolgreich auf Version {0} auf {1} aktualisiert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"App Updated",,"App aktualisiert",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Could not connect to Account Provider. Please check your connection and try again.",,"Verbindung zum Kontoanbieter nicht möglich. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Verbindung und versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Unexpected user credentials. Please try to log in again.",,"Unerwartete Benutzeranmeldeinformationen. Versuchen Sie erneut, sich anzumelden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"The token received is not valid. Please try again later.",,"Der erhaltene Token ist ungültig. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Authentication could not be completed due to an app state issue. Please try again.",,"Die Authentifizierung konnte aufgrund eines App-Statusproblems nicht abgeschlossen werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Authentication Error",,"Authentifizierungsfehler",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Received an expired authentication token. Please try to log in again.",,"Es wurde ein abgelaufener Authentifizierungstoken empfangen. Versuchen Sie erneut, sich anzumelden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Intended authentication failure due to user setting.",,"Fehler bei vorgesehener Authentifizierung aufgrund einer Benutzereinstellung.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"App is missing important authentication settings. Please make sure to use the latest version.",,"In der App fehlen wichtige Authentifizierungseinstellungen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die neueste Version verwenden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"The Account Provider encountered an error while authenticating.",,"Der Kontoanbieter hat einen Fehler beim Authentifizieren festgestellt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Your connection is not reliable enough to authenticate. Please check your connection including any VPNs and try again.",,"Die Verbindung ist nicht zuverlässig genug für eine Authentifizierung. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Verbindung einschließlich aller VPNs, und versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Requested a silent authentication token, but prompt is required. Please try to log in again.",,"Automatischer Authentifizierungstoken angefordert, aber Eingabeaufforderung ist erforderlich. Versuchen Sie erneut, sich anzumelden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Authentication could not be completed due to an issue while the app was resuming. Please try again.",,"Die Authentifizierung konnte aufgrund eines Problems nicht abgeschlossen werden, während die Anwendung fortgesetzt wurde. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Authentication request was canceled. Please try to log in again.",,"Authentifizierungsanforderung wurde abgebrochen. Versuchen Sie erneut, sich anzumelden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Web Account Manager failed to authenticate.",,"Authentifizierung von Web Account Manager fehlgeschlagen",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Authentication was blocked by Windows Information Protection policy. For more information, contact your system administrator.",,"Die Authentifizierung wurde von der Windows Information Protection-Richtlinie blockiert. Wenden Sie sich für weitere Informationen an Ihren Systemadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Background activity is required to receive notifications about calls and IMs. Rejecting this request will result in notifications being displayed only when the call is active (focused).",,"Hintergrundaktivität ist erforderlich, um Benachrichtigungen zu Anrufen und Chatnachrichten zu erhalten. Wenn diese Aufforderung abgelehnt wird, werden Benachrichtigungen nur angezeigt, wenn der Anruf aktiv (hervorgehoben) ist.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Background activity is required to receive notifications about calls and IMs. Rejecting this request will result in notifications not being displayed when the device is low on battery.",,"Hintergrundaktivität ist erforderlich, um Benachrichtigungen zu Anrufen und Chatnachrichten zu erhalten. Wenn diese Aufforderung abgelehnt wird, werden Benachrichtigungen nicht angezeigt, wenn der Akkustand des Geräts niedrig ist.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"For the best experience, please allow Microsoft Teams to run as a background app. Click here to toggle this setting on.",,"Für eine optimale Benutzererfahrung sollten Sie zulassen, dass Microsoft Teams als Hintergrund-App ausgeführt wird. Klicken Sie hier, um diese Einstellung zu aktivieren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"We need your help.",,"Wir brauchen Ihre Hilfe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"We're running into some issues running in the background. Click here to restart the app.",,"Bei der Ausführung im Hintergrund sind einige Probleme aufgetreten. Klicken Sie hier, um die App neu zu starten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"We ran into a problem.",,"Es ist ein Problem aufgetreten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams for Surface Hub for Dev",,"Microsoft Teams für Surface Hub für Entwickler",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams for Surface Hub V2 for Dev",,"Microsoft Teams für Surface Hub V2 für Entwickler",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams for Surface Hub (Dev)",,"Microsoft Teams für Surface Hub (Entwickler)",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams for Surface Hub V2 (Dev)",,"Microsoft Teams für Surface Hub V2 (Entwickler)",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams for Devspaces",,"Microsoft Teams für Devspaces",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams (Devspaces)",,"Microsoft Teams (Devspaces)",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams for Windows 10 S (Alpha)",,"Microsoft Teams für Windows 10 S (Alpha)",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams for Surface Hub (Dogfood)",,"Microsoft Teams für Surface Hub (Dogfood)",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams for Surface Hub V2 (Dogfood)",,"Microsoft Teams für Surface Hub V2 (Dogfood)",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams for Internal",,"Microsoft Teams für interne Auflistung",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams (Internal)",,"Microsoft Teams (intern)",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Preview Build for Microsoft Teams",,"Vorschau-Build für Microsoft Teams",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams (Preview)",,"Microsoft Teams (Vorschau)",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Production Build for Microsoft Teams",,"Produktions-Build für Microsoft Teams",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Production Build for Microsoft Teams for Surface Hub",,"Produktions-Build für Microsoft Teams für Surface Hub",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams",,"Microsoft Teams",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams for Surface Hub",,"Microsoft Teams für Surface Hub",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Production Build for Microsoft Teams for Surface Hub 2",,"Produktions-Build für Microsoft Teams für Surface Hub 2",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams for Surface Hub 2",,"Microsoft Teams für Surface Hub 2",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams for Windows 10 S (Preview)",,"Microsoft Teams für Windows 10 S (Vorschau)",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams for TAP",,"Microsoft Teams für TAP",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams for Surface Hub for TAP",,"Microsoft Teams für Surface Hub für TAP",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams (TAP)",,"Microsoft Teams (TAP)",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Microsoft Teams for Surface Hub (TAP)",,"Microsoft Teams für Surface Hub (TAP)",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Device credentials could not be retrieved.",,"Anmeldedaten des Geräts konnten nicht abgerufen werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"You might be running into performance issues. Click here to restart the app.",,"Es können Leistungsprobleme auftreten. Klicken Sie hier, um die Anwendung neu zu starten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Initialization Error",,"Fehler bei der Initialisierung",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"We were unable to deliver your message. Please open the app and try again.",,"Ihre Nachricht konnte nicht zugestellt werden. Bitte öffnen Sie die App und versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Message delivery failed",,"Nachrichtenübermittlung fehlgeschlagen",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Available",,"Verfügbar",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Away",,"Abwesend",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Be right back",,"Bin gleich zurück",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Busy",,"Beschäftigt",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Do not disturb",,"Nicht stören",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"In a call",,"In einem Gespräch",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Log out from the app",,"Bei der App abmelden",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Log out",,"Abmelden",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Start a new chat",,"Neuen Chat starten",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"New chat",,"Neuer Chat",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Presenting",,"Präsentation",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Quit the app",,"App beenden",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Quit",,"Beenden",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Open your settings",,"Einstellungen öffnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Settings",,"Einstellungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Update your status",,"Status aktualisieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Status",,"Status",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"The app is not currently accessible for you. In the meantime, download a different version of Teams or use the web app.",,"Sie können derzeit nicht auf die App zugreifen. Laden Sie in der Zwischenzeit eine andere Version von Teams herunter oder nutzen Sie die Web-App.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Looks like you don't have access to this version of Teams yet. Check back soon!",,"Sie haben noch keinen Zugriff auf diese Teams-Version. Versuchen Sie es bald wieder!",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
""In the meantime, <a href=""#"" id=""webLink"" target=""https://teams.microsoft.com/"">use the web app</a>"",,""In der Zwischenzeit können Sie die <a href=""#"" id=""webLink"" target=""https://teams.microsoft.com/"">Web-App verwenden</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"The app is not currently accessible for your version of Windows. In the meantime, download a different version of Teams or use the web app.",,"Sie können derzeit über Ihre Windows-Version nicht auf die App zugreifen. Laden Sie in der Zwischenzeit eine andere Version von Teams herunter oder nutzen Sie die Web-App.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"This version of Teams is optimized only for Windows 10 running on S mode. <br/><br/> Looks like you are not on S mode. For the best experience, download the latest version of our Teams desktop app below",,"Diese Version von Teams ist nur für Windows 10 unter S-Modus optimiert. <br/><br/> Offensichtlich verwenden Sie nicht den S-Modus. Laden Sie die neueste Version unserer Teams-Desktop-App weiter unten herunter, um ein optimales Ergebnis zu erhalten",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"App won't work offline, if appcache is not downloaded.",,"App funktioniert offline nicht, wenn Appcache nicht heruntergeladen ist.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Failed to download appcache.",,"Appcache konnte nicht heruntergeladen werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Please redirect to the link given below for navigation error details.",,"Bitte zum Link unten weiterleiten, um die Details zum Navigationsfehler anzuzeigen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Navigation error occured.",,"Fehler bei der Navigation.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Please check your connection.",,"Überprüfen Sie Ihre Verbindung.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Oh no ... we can’t connect to the internet.",,"Leider kann keine Verbindung zum Internet hergestellt werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"It looks like we can’t display your content right now.",,"Momentan kann Ihr Inhalt leider nicht angezeigt werden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Navigation failed with HTTP status code: {0}.",,"Navigation mit HTTP-Statuscode fehlgeschlagen: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Launch URI is undefined or is incorrectly formatted.",,"Start-URI ist nicht definiert oder nicht korrekt formatiert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"You might not be receiving notifications. We recommend restarting your machine when possible.",,"Sie erhalten möglicherweise keine Benachrichtigungen. Es wird empfohlen, falls möglich den Computer neu zu starten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"You might not be receiving notifications. Click here to restart the app.",,"Sie erhalten möglicherweise keine Benachrichtigungen. Klicken Sie hier, um die App neu zu starten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Accept",,"Annehmen",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Answer",,"Antworten",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Background",,"Hintergrund",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Cancel",,"Abbrechen",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Decline",,"Ablehnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Foreground",,"Vordergrund",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Ignore",,"Ignorieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Pause",,"Anhalten",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Protocol",,"Protokoll",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Reply",,"Antworten",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Send",,"Senden",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Tentative",,"Mit Vorbehalt",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Video",,"Video",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"is calling you from a group chat",,"ruft Sie von einem Gruppen-Chat aus an",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"wants you to join a meeting",,"möchte, dass Sie an einer Besprechung teilnehmen",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"is calling you",,"ruft Sie an",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"{0} liked your message",,"{0} hat Ihre Nachricht mit „Gefällt mir“ markiert",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"{0} mentioned you",,"{0} hat Sie erwähnt",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"New notification from Microsoft Teams!",,"Neue Benachrichtigung von Microsoft Teams.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"New notification from {0}",,"Neue Benachrichtigung von {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"{0} posted a new conversation",,"{0} hat eine neue Unterhaltung veröffentlicht",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"{0} replied to a conversation you follow",,"{0} hat auf eine Unterhaltung geantwortet, der Sie folgen",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"{0} replied to a conversation you're in",,"{0} hat auf eine Unterhaltung geantwortet, an der Sie teilnehmen",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"{0} replied to your conversation",,"{0} hat auf Ihre Unterhaltung geantwortet",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"You have been added to a team in Microsoft Teams",,"Sie wurden einem Team in Microsoft Teams hinzugefügt",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"{0} promoted you to Owner of a team",,"{0} hat Sie zum Besitzer eines Teams hochgestuft",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Unknown user",,"Unbekannter Nutzer",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Continue",,"Weiter",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Retry",,"Wiederholen",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Download",,"Herunterladen",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Quit this app",,"Diese App beenden",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Sign out",,"Abmelden",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Error Code: ",,"Fehlercode:",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Failed to connect! It seems the app is offline.",,"Verbindungsfehler! Die App scheint offline zu sein.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"signing out",,"sich abzumelden",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"You can try {0} and signing back in.",,"Sie können versuchen, {0} und sich wieder anzumelden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Provider Error Code: ",,"Anbieter-Fehlercode: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Sample Error 0",,"Beispielfehler 0",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Oh no ... there was a problem accessing some settings. Please try again.",,"Beim Zugriff auf einige Einstellungen ist leider ein Problem aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Failed to access OS settings",,"Fehler beim Zugriff auf Betriebssystemeinstellungen",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Oh no ... we can't connect to the internet. Check your connection.",,"Leider kann keine Verbindung zum Internet hergestellt werden. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Verbindung.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Failed to connect to settings endpoint",,"Fehler beim Verbinden mit dem Einstellungsendpunkt",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Teams Launch",,"Teams starten",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Get logs",,"Protokolle abrufen",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Open",,"Öffnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"View in Store",,"In Store anzeigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Teams",,"Teams",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Teams for Windows 10 and Teams Classic for Win32 may interfere with each other.",,"Teams für Windows 10 und Teams Classic für Win32 können einander beeinträchtigen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Oops! Looks like you're already using the existing Teams desktop app. You'll get duplicate calls and notifications. For a better Teams experience, close one of the apps.",,"Hoppla! Sie verwenden offenbar bereits die vorhandene Teams-Desktop-App. Sie erhalten duplizierte Anrufe und Benachrichtigungen. Schließen Sie eine der Apps, um Teams optimal zu nutzen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"The app took too long to load.",,"Das Laden der App dauerte zu lang.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Don't quit",,"Nicht beenden",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"You'll need to restart the app to get calls and messages.",,"Sie müssen die App neu starten, um Anrufe und Nachrichten zu erhalten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Minimize",,"Minimieren",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Yes, quit",,"Ja, beenden",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""
"Are you sure you want to quit Teams?",,"Möchten Sie Teams wirklich beenden?",,"Text",,"All",,"Skype Spaces for MAC 2016",,""