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The Microsoft “Terms of Use” (available at the www.microsoft.com website) govern all glossary terms in this document (“Glossary Terms”).  The following supplemental terms and conditions also apply.  If there is any conflict between the Terms of Use and the following terms and conditions, the following terms and conditions will take
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1. No part of the Glossary Terms may be reproduced, adapted, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, including photocopying and entry into an information storage and/or retrieval system, for any purpose without the prior express consent of Microsoft Corporation. 

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4. Except as expressly set forth above, Microsofts publication of the Glossary Terms does not grant any rights to use, distribute, or implement any technology or intellectual property rights. All rights not expressly granted herein are expressly reserved by Microsoft.
"Source Term",,"Translation",,"String Category",,"Platform",,"Product",,"Version"
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"&Compress punctuation",,"C&omprimir puntuación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Compress p&unctuation and Japanese kana",,"Comprimir puntuación y &kana en japonés",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Use &strict rules for first and last characters",,"Usar r&eglas estrictas en los caracteres primero y último",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Allow Latin text to &wrap in the middle of a word",,"Permitir &ajuste de línea con división de palabra en textos latinos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Allow han&ging punctuation",,"Permitir puntuación &fuera de margen",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Allow K&orean text to wrap in the middle of a word",,"Permitir ajuste de línea con di&visión de palabra en textos coreanos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Allow &punctuation at the start of a line to compress",,"Permitir comprimir p&untuación al principio de una línea",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Adjust spac&e between Asian and Latin text",,"Ajustar el espacio entre te&xto asiático y latino",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ad&just space between Asian text and numbers",,"A&justar el espacio entre texto asiático y números",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Character spacing",,"Espaciado entre caracteres",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Line break",,"Salto de línea",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"First message part:",,"Primera parte del mensaje:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Second message part:",,"Segunda parte del mensaje:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Cell Diagonals",,"Diagonales de celda",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&No division",,"&Sin división",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Divide &down",,"Dividir hacia &abajo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Divide &up",,"Dividir hacia a&rriba",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Mark selected text as:",,"&Marcar texto seleccionado como:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Changing your publication...",,"Cambiando la publicación...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Phonetic Guide",,"Guía fonética",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Phonetic guide format",,"Formato de guía fonética",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Use default settings",,"&Usar valores predeterminados",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"R&emove Guide",,"&Quitar guía",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Phonetic guide:",,"&Guía fonética:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Font &size:",,"&Tamaño de fuente:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Horizontal in Vertical",,"Horizontal en vertical",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"&Start date:",,"Fecha de &comienzo:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&End date:",,"Fecha de &finalización:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The wizard will create a separate page for each year you select.",,"El asistente creará una página independiente para cada año seleccionado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Change the date of the calendar to the month you want.",,"Cambie la fecha de calendario al mes que desee.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The wizard will create a separate page for each month you select.",,"El asistente creará una página para cada mes seleccionado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publication Registration Settings",,"Configuración de registro de publicación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"T&ext below:",,"Tamaño d&e texto inferior a:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Automatic trapping",,"Reventado &automático",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Trap &white as a color",,"Reventar el &blanco como color",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Imp&orted pictures",,"Imágenes imp&ortadas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Reset All",,"Res&tablecer todo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Trapping settings",,"Configuración de reventado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Spot color options",,"Opciones de color directo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Overprinting Settings",,"Configuración de sobreimpresión",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Only allow &spread traps on text glyphs",,"&solo permitir reventado negativo para glifos de texto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Luminance: ",,"Luminancia: ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Overprint thres&hold:",,"&Umbral de sobreimpresión:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Trapping Thresholds",,"Umbrales de reventado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Use a &keepaway trap for rich black fills containing this percent black:",,"Aplicar un reventado de &separación para los rellenos que contengan este porcentaje de negro:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Don't trap when &one ink (C, M, Y, or K) has this percent or greater in common:",,"No aplicar reventado cuando haya &una tinta (C, M, Y o K) en común con este porcentaje o mayor:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Don't trap when objec&ts have this percent or greater of two inks in common:",,"No aplicar reventado cuando los obje&tos tienen dos tintas en común con este porcentaje o mayor:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Use a &centerline trap when the ratio of luminance between overlapping objects is greater than:",,"Utilizar reventado de línea &central cuando el porcentaje de luminancia entre los objetos superpuestos es mayor que:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Registration Settings Per Object",,"Configuración de registro por objetos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Border to background",,"&Borde hasta fondo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Border to fi&ll",,"Borde hasta re&lleno",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Te&xt to fill",,"Te&xto hasta relleno",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Trapping Details",,"Detalles de reventado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"<Foreground Object Type>",,"<Tipo de objeto en primer plano>",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"<Trap Type>",,"<Tipo de reventado>",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"<Foreground Color>",,"<Color en primer plano>",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Convert to Web Publication",,"Convertir en publicación web",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Yes, add a navigation bar",,"&Sí, agregar una barra de navegación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"N&o, do not add a navigation bar",,"N&o, no agregar una barra de navegación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A navigation bar is a set of hyperlinks used to navigate through a Web publication. You can add a navigation bar to each page of your publication to link the pages together.",,"Una barra de navegación es un conjunto de hipervínculos utilizados para buscar en una publicación web. Puede agregar una barra de navegación a cada página de la publicación para vincular las páginas entre sí.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to add a navigation bar?",,"¿Desea agregar una barra de navegación?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Web Page Preview",,"Vista previa de la página web",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Don't show this message again",,"&No volver a mostrar este mensaje",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"C&onvert to Web Publication...",,"C&onvertir en publicación web...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Preview",,"&Vista previa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This publication is set up for print. To create a Web site, convert it to a Web publication.",,"Esta publicación está configurada para impresión. Para crear un sitio web, conviértala en publicación web.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Pack and Go Font Embedding ",,"Incrustación de fuentes para empaquetar publicaciones ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"One or more fonts could not be embedded in the packed file.  You might need to talk to your commercial printing service about these fonts.",,"No se pudieron incrustar una o más fuentes en el archivo empaquetado. Pregunte al servicio de impresión comercial sobre estas fuentes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"One or more fonts embedded in the packed file are preview-only.  Therefore, any changes you make to the packed file will not be saved.",,"Una o más de las fuentes incrustadas en el archivo empaquetado son de solo vista previa. Por tanto, los cambios que realice al archivo empaquetado no se guardarán.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When the Pack and Go Wizard finishes, you can learn more about the fonts that caused these problems using the Fonts dialog box.",,"Cuando el Asistente para empaquetar publicaciones finalice, podrá saber más sobre las fuentes que originaron estos problemas utilizando el cuadro de diálogo Fuentes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Pack and Go Wizard",,"Asistente para empaquetar publicaciones",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Next >",,"Sig&uiente >",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"< &Back",,"< A&trás",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Other location:",,"&Otra ubicación:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Select the location for saving your files",,"Seleccione la ubicación para guardar los archivos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Where would you like to pack your publication to?",,"¿En dónde le gustaría empaquetar la publicación?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Embed TrueType fonts",,"Incrustar fu&entes TrueType",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Include linked graphics",,"&Incluir gráficos vinculados",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Create links for embedded graphics",,"Crear vínculos para gráficos incrusta&dos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Include fonts and graphics",,"Incluir fuentes y gráficos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Pack and Go can include linked graphics and fonts used in your publication.",,"Empaquetar publicaciones puede incluir los gráficos vinculados y las fuentes utilizadas en la publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you're taking the files to a commercial printing service, the wizard can also create links for graphics you've embedded.",,"Si va a llevar los archivos a una imprenta, el asistente puede crear vínculos a los gráficos que haya incrustado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Print a &composite proof",,"Imprimir una prueba de &composición",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your publication is successfully packed",,"La publicación se ha empaquetado con éxito",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The wizard copied your packed file into the directory you selected.\n\nIf you make changes to your publication, use the Pack and Go Wizard again.",,"El asistente ha copiado el archivo empaquetado en el directorio seleccionado.\n\nSi realiza cambios en la publicación, utilice de nuevo el Asistente para empaquetar publicaciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Pack my publication",,"Empaquetar la publicación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When you click Finish, the wizard will:",,"Al hacer clic en Finalizar, el asistente:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Form Properties",,"Propiedades de formulario",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Data retrieval method",,"Método de recuperación de datos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Save the data in a file on my &Web server",,"Guardar datos en un archivo del servidor &web",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Se&nd data to me in e-mail",,"E&nviar datos por correo electrónico",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Use a program from my ISP",,"&Usar un programa de mi proveedor de servicios de Internet",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Data retrieval information",,"Información de recuperación de datos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Hidden fields",,"&Campos ocultos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To use the first or second option, confirm that your ISP supports Microsoft Front Page server extensions version 3.0 or above.",,"Para usar la primera o la segunda opción, confirme que su proveedor de servicios de Internet admite Extensiones de servidor de Microsoft Front Page versión 3.0 o posterior.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"S&end data to this e-mail address:",,"En&viar datos a esta dirección de correo electrónico:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Subje&ct of e-mail:",,"Asunto del m&ensaje de correo electrónico:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Na&me of data file:",,"No&mbre del archivo de datos:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&File format:",,"&Formato de archivo:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Form method:",,"Método de formulario:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Add/Modify Hidden Field",,"Agregar o modificar campo oculto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Business Information",,"Información empresarial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Update Publication",,"&Actualizar publicación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Individual name:",,"Nombre:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Job position or title:",,"Puesto o cargo:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Organization name:",,"Nombre de la organización:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Phone/Fax/E-mail:",,"Teléfono/Fax/Correo electrónico:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tagline or motto:",,"Lema o eslogan:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Select a Business Information set:",,"&Seleccione un conjunto de información empresarial:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Create New Font Scheme",,"Crear nueva combinación de fuentes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Latin Text",,"Texto latino",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"East Asian Text",,"Texto de Asia oriental",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Complex Script",,"Alfabeto complejo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Font scheme name:",,"No&mbre de la combinación de fuentes:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Heading font (Latin):",,"Fuente de &encabezado (latina):",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Heading font (&Asian):",,"Fuente de encabezado (&asiática):",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Heading font (&Complex Script):",,"Fuente de encabezado (alfabeto &complejo):",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Body font (Latin):",,"F&uente de cuerpo (latina):",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Body font (Asia&n):",,"Fuente de cuerpo (a&siática):",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Body font (Comple&x Script):",,"Fuente de cuerpo (alfa&beto complejo):",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Compress Pictures",,"Comprimir imágenes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Compression savings",,"Ahorro al comprimir",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"D&elete cropped areas of pictures",,"&Eliminar las áreas recortadas de las imágenes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Remove OLE data",,"&Quitar datos OLE",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Re&sample pictures",,"&Volver a muestrear las imágenes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Convert to &JPEG where appropriate",,"Convertir en &JPEG donde corresponda",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Target Output",,"Destino",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"C&ommercial Printing",,"Impresión c&omercial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Desktop Printing",,"Impresión &de escritorio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Apply compression settings now",,"Aplicar ahora la configuración de compresión",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Apply to all pictures in the publication",,"&Aplicar a todas las imágenes de la publicación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A&pply to selected pictures only",,"Aplicar &solo a las imágenes seleccionadas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Compression options",,"Opciones de compresión",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Current combined image size: ",,"Tamaño actual de la imagen combinada: ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Estimated combined image size after compression: ",,"Tamaño estimado de la imagen combinada después de la compresión: ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Catalog Merge",,"Combinación de catálogos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The &publication contains multiple merge areas. Publisher will only use one area to perform a merge.  The remaining merge areas will be converted to static objects.  Which merge area would you like to use?",,"La p&ublicación contiene varias áreas de combinación. Publisher solo utilizará un área para realizar la combinación. Las demás áreas de combinación se convertirán en objetos estáticos. ¿Qué área de combinación desea utilizar?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Complex Scripts",,"Escritura compleja",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Use sequence checking",,"&Usar comprobación secuencial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Type and replace",,"&Escribir y reemplazar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sequence checking",,"Comprobación secuencial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Rig&ht-to-left",,"De de&recha a izquierda",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"L&eft-to-right",,"De &izquierda a derecha",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Right-to-left",,"De &derecha a izquierda",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Left-to-right",,"De izquierda a derec&ha",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Default text flow:",,"Flujo de texto predeterminado:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Default page order:",,"Orden de las páginas predeterminado:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Save AutoRecover info every:",,"Guardar info. de &Autorrecuperación cada:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Allow &background saves",,"P&ermitir guardar en segundo plano",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Diacritic Color:",,"Color del &diacrítico:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"S&how only Web fonts",,"Mostrar solo fuentes &web",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fo&nt style:",,"Estilo de &fuente:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Font siz&e:",,"Tamaño de f&uente:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Comple&x script font:",,"Fuente para alfabetos comple&jos:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Diacritic color:",,"Color del &diacrítico:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Font Substitution",,"Sustitución de fuentes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Temporarily substitute this font for display and printing",,"Sustituir &temporalmente esta fuente al mostrarla e imprimirla",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Permanently substitute this font in the publication",,"Sustituir &permanentemente esta fuente en la publicación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The following &fonts are missing from your publication:",,"Faltan las siguientes fuentes en la pu&blicación:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Missing publication font:",,"Fuente que falta en la publicación:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Substituted font:",,"&Fuente sustitutoria:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From &Left Margin:",,"Desde margen i&zquierdo:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From L&eft Margin:",,"Desde margen iz&quierdo:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Before &Paragraph:",,"A&ntes de párrafo:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From &Right Margin:",,"De&sde margen derecho:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"After Para&graph:",,"Desp&ués de párrafo:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From R&ight Margin:",,"Desde margen derec&ho:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Duplicate Font Scheme",,"Duplicar combinación de fuentes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&What do you want to name this Font Scheme?",,"&Nombre deseado para la combinación de fuentes:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Rename Font Scheme",,"Cambiar nombre de combinación de fuentes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Existing Font Scheme name:",,"Nombre de la combinación de fuentes &existente:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&New name for Font Scheme:",,"&Nuevo nombre para la combinación de fuentes:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Font Scheme Options",,"Opciones de combinación de fuentes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Update custom text styles",,"Act&ualizar estilos de texto personalizados",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Override applied text formatting",,"I&nvalidar formato de texto aplicado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Adjust font sizes",,"&Ajustar tamaños de fuente",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Duplicate Master Page",,"Duplicar página principal",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Bullet · · · ·",,"&Viñeta · · · ·",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bullet type 1",,"Tipo de viñeta 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bullet type 2",,"Tipo de viñeta 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bullet type 3",,"Tipo de viñeta 3",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bullet type 4",,"Tipo de viñeta 4",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bullet type 5",,"Tipo de viñeta 5",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bullet type 6",,"Tipo de viñeta 6",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"B&ullet character",,"Sí&mbolo de viñeta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No Bullet",,"Sin viñeta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Indent list by:",,"Sang&ría de lista:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Add double &quote for Hebrew alphabet numbering",,"Agregar comillas do&bles para la numeración del alfabeto hebreo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Start a&t:",,"Comen&zar en:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Yes, save my print publication and then convert it to a Web publication",,"Sí, g&uardar mi publicación impresa y convertirla en publicación web",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"N&o, do not save my print publication before converting it to a Web publication",,"No, &no guardar mi publicación impresa antes de convertirla en publicación web",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher will copy all text and graphics from your current print publication to a new Web publication. If you are using a Publisher wizard, you will not be able to use the wizard in the new Web publication.",,"Publisher copiará todo el texto y los gráficos de la publicación actual a una nueva publicación web. Si está utilizando un asistente de Publisher, no podrá seguir utilizando este asistente en la nueva publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to save your print publication before you convert it to a Web publication?",,"¿Desea guardar la publicación impresa antes de convertirla en una publicación web?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Convert to Print Publication",,"Convertir en publicación impresa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Yes, save my Web publication and then convert it to a print publication",,"&Sí, guardar mi publicación web y luego convertirla en publicación impresa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"N&o, do not save my Web publication before converting it to a print publication",,"N&o, no guardar mi publicación web antes de convertirla en publicación impresa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher will copy all text and graphics from your current Web publication to a new print publication. If you are using a Publisher wizard, you will not be able to use the wizard in the new print publication.",,"Publisher copiará todo el texto y los gráficos de la publicación web actual a una nueva publicación impresa. Si utiliza un asistente de Publisher, no podrá utilizar el asistente en la nueva publicación impresa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to save your Web publication before you convert it to a print publication?",,"¿Desea guardar la publicación web antes de convertirla en publicación impresa?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Rename Page",,"Cambiar nombre de página",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Page title:",,"Título de l&a página:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Left page title:",,"Título de la página i&zquierda:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Top page title:",,"Título de la pri&mera página:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Right page title:",,"Título de la página &derecha:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Bottom page title:",,"Título de la última pági&na:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert Web Page",,"Insertar página web",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Select a page type:",,"&Seleccione un tipo de página:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Organize supporting files in a folder",,"Organizar ar&chivos auxiliares en una carpeta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Printable region",,"Área imprimible",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"< &Back",,"< &Atrás",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To change printers, please click Cancel and use the Print dialog.",,"Para cambiar las impresoras, haga clic en Cancelar y utilice el cuadro de diálogo Imprimir.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The Two-Sided Printing Setup Wizard will collect information about your printer to help correctly print two-sided publications.",,"El Asistente para la configuración de la impresión a dos caras recopilará los datos de la impresora para ayudarle a imprimir correctamente publicaciones a dos caras.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please make sure your printer is loaded with regular paper.",,"Asegúrese de que la impresora tiene papel normal.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Load Printer",,"Cargar impresora",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You will be setting up:",,"Va a configurar:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Which way does your printer accept paper?",,"¿Cómo se coloca el papel en su impresora?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"1. Click Print Side 1",,"1. Haga clic en Imprimir cara 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Make sure your printer is turned on and loaded with ink and paper.",,"Asegúrese de que la impresora está encendida y de que contiene tinta y papel.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"2. Replace the test sheet in the same paper tray with the printed side up and the arrow pointing in the direction in which the paper will feed. Click Print Side 2.",,"2. Coloque la página de prueba en la misma bandeja con la cara impresa hacia arriba y la flecha apuntando a la dirección en la que se insertará el papel. Haga clic en Imprimir cara 2.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Manual Feed Printing Test",,"Prueba de impresión de alimentación manual",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Step 3 of 6",,"Paso 3 de 6",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Is there a circle on the visible side of the paper in your printer?",,"¿Hay un círculo en la cara visible del papel en la impresora?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Step 4 of 6",,"Página 4 de 6",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No, &the circle is on the other side of the paper",,"No, &el círculo está en la otra cara del papel",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"N&o, the circle and the numbers are on different sides",,"N&o, el círculo y los números están en caras diferentes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Hint: Bend a corner back or hold the sheet of paper up to a light to see the numeral.",,"Sugerencia: doble una esquina o ponga la hoja al trasluz para ver el número.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Select the image that shows the numeral printed on the reverse side of the circle.",,"Seleccione la imagen que contiene el número impreso en el reverso del círculo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Step 5 of 6",,"Paso 5 de 6",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Your printer is set up. Click Finish to print to ",,"La impresora está configurada. Haga clic en Finalizar para imprimir en ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"(Need to replace with printer path)",,"(Debe sustituirse por la ruta de acceso de la impresora)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Help with Design Checker",,"Ayuda del Comprobador de diseño",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Close Design Checker",,"Cerrar el Comprobador de diseño",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Help with Find and Replace",,"Ayuda de Buscar y reemplazar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Help with Graphics Manager",,"Ayuda del Administrador de gráficos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Mail Merge",,"Combinar correspondencia",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To edit your recipient list or make changes to the mail merge, return to your original mail merge publication.",,"Para modificar la lista de destinatarios o efectuar cambios en la combinación de correspondencia, vuelva a la publicación de combinación de correspondencia original.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a new publication containing all of your merged pages. You can edit individual pages.",,"Esta es una nueva publicación que contiene todas las páginas combinadas. Puede modificar cada una de las páginas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Return to original publication",,"Volver a la publicación original",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Save this publication...",,"Guardar esta publicación...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Merged publication pages",,"Páginas de la publicación combinadas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Printing Options...",,"Opciones de impresión...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"This font will be temporarily loaded for use only with this publication. Publisher will uninstall it when you close the publication.",,"Esta fuente se cargará temporalmente para utilizarla solo con esta publicación. Publisher la desinstalará cuando cierre la publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Microsoft Publisher 97 CD",,"CD de Microsoft Publisher 97",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Balloons...Hot Air",,"Globos...Aire caliente",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Basic...White Dashes",,"Básico...Guiones blancos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Basic...White Dots",,"Básico...Puntos blancos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Basic...White Squares",,"Básico...Cuadrados blancos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Basic...Wide Inline",,"Básico...Línea interior gruesa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Basic...Wide Midline",,"Básico...Línea media gruesa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Basic...Wide Outline",,"Básico...Línea exterior gruesa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Birds in Flight",,"Pájaros en vuelo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cake Slice",,"Porción de pastel",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Candy  Corn",,"Maíz dulce",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Creatures...Fish",,"Criaturas... Pez",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Creatures...Insects",,"Criaturas... Insectos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Creatures...Lady Bug",,"Criaturas... Mariquita",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cross-Stitch",,"Punto de cruz",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Double D",,"D doble",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Flowers...Block Print",,"Flores...Xilografía",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Flowers...Modern 2",,"Flores...Modernas 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Flowers...Teacup",,"Flores...Taza de té",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Gingerbread Man",,"Monigote",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Handmade",,"Hecho a mano",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Pushpin in Note",,"Alfiler de anotación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Sawtooth in Gray",,"Sierra en gris",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Stars on Top",,"Estrellas en lo alto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Torn Paper",,"Papel rasgado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Torn Paper...Black",,"Papel rasgado...Negro",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"One column, all text",,"Una columna, todo texto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Text box with borders has zero margins",,"El cuadro de texto con bordes no tiene márgenes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Text has hyphenation",,"El texto contiene guiones",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Text is in a non-web-ready font",,"El texto no está en una fuente lista para Web",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Object with text is partially off the page",,"Parte del objeto con texto queda fuera de la página",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Shape with text has a hyperlink on the shape",,"La forma con texto tiene contiene un hipervínculo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Object is overlapping text",,"El objeto es texto superpuesto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Object with text is rotated",,"El objeto con texto está girado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Story with text in overflow area",,"Artículo con texto en área de desbordamiento",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Text is vertical",,"El texto es vertical",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Text box is empty",,"El cuadro de texto está vacío",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Page has space below top margin",,"La página tiene espacio debajo del margen superior",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"B4 JIS~9252000~13140000",,"B4 JIS~9252000~13140000",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"B5 JIS~6552000~9252000",,"B5 JIS~6552000~9252000",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"B6 JIS~4608000~6552000",,"B6 JIS~4608000~6552000",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""9 x 11""~8229600~10058400"",,"9 x 11 pda~8229600~10058400",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ledger/Tabloid~10058400~15544800",,"Doble carta/tabloide~10058400~15544800",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""5 x 7""~4572000~6400800"",,"5 x 7 pda~4572000~6400800",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""8 x 10""~7315200~9144000"",,"8 x 10 pda~7315200~9144000",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Japanese Postcard~3600000~5328000",,"Postal japonesa~3600000~5328000",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Kiku 4~22896000~33804000",,"Kiku 4~22896000~33804000",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Kiku 5~5436000~8172000",,"Kiku 5~5436000~8172000",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Shiroku-ban 5~6804000~9432000",,"Shiroku-ban 5~6804000~9432000",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Postcard~4114800~5486400",,"Tarjeta postal~4114800~5486400",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Oversized A4~8028000~10692000",,"A4 grande~8028000~10692000",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publication Page",,"Página de publicación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"%d dpi",,"%d ppp",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Optimize for:",,"Optimizar para:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Creates a file using custom settings",,"Crea un archivo con la configuración personalizada",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Custom Settings",,"Configuración personalizada",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Creates a file using customized file quality settings",,"Crea un archivo usando opciones personalizadas de calidad de archivo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Minimum size",,"Tamaño mínimo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Creates a small file suitable for on-screen display",,"Crea un archivo pequeño adecuado para la presentación en pantalla",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Creates a moderately compressed file suitable for online distribution",,"Crea un archivo comprimido de tamaño moderado adecuado para la distribución en línea",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Commercial Press",,"Servicio de impresión comercial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Creates the largest file size with the highest quality, suitable for commercial printing",,"Crea un archivo con el mayor tamaño y la mejor calidad, adecuado para la impresión comercial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"High quality printing",,"Impresión de alta calidad",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Creates a large file optimized for desktop or copy shop printing",,"Crea un archivo grande optimizado para la impresión desde el escritorio o en un centro de copiado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Import Word Docu&ment...",,"Importar documento de &Word...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Save As Postscript",,"Guardar como Postscript",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Web Page Preview",,"Vista previa de &la página web",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fill - Main, Shadow",,"Relleno - Principal, Sombra",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fill - Accent 5, Inner Shadow",,"Relleno - Énfasis 5, Sombra interior",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fill - Main, Outline - Accent 5, Hard Shadow - Accent 5",,"Relleno - Principal, Contorno - Énfasis 5, Sombra intensa - Énfasis 5",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fill - Main, Outline - Accent 5, Hard Shadow - Accent 1",,"Relleno - Principal, Contorno - Énfasis 5, Sombra intensa - Énfasis 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fill - Accent 1, Outline - Accent 5, Hard Shadow - Accent 1",,"Relleno - Énfasis 1, Contorno - Énfasis 5, Sombra intensa - Énfasis 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fill - White, Outline - Accent 2, Hard Shadow - Accent 2",,"Relleno - Blanco, Contorno - Énfasis 2, Sombra intensa - Énfasis 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fill - Accent 4, Wireframe - Accent 4",,"Relleno - Énfasis 4, Estructura de alambre - Énfasis 4",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fill - Accent 1, Shadow",,"Relleno - Énfasis 1, Sombra",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fill - Accent 2, Outline - Accent 2",,"Relleno - Énfasis 2, Contorno - Énfasis 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fill - White, Outline - Accent 1, Shadow",,"Relleno - Blanco, Contorno - Énfasis 1, Sombra",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Translucent Bevel",,"Bisel translúcido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Gradient Fill - Gray",,"Relleno degradado - Gris",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Gradient Fill - Accent 1, Reflection",,"Relleno de degradado - Énfasis 1, Reflexión",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Gradient Fill - Accent 4, Outline - Accent 4",,"Relleno de degradado - Énfasis 4, Contorno - Énfasis 4",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fill - White, Outline - Accent 1, Glow - Accent 1",,"Relleno - Blanco, Contorno - Énfasis 1, Resplandor - Énfasis 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cancel Email &Message",,"Cancelar &mensaje de correo electrónico",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"All pages of the publication are combined into a single page",,"Todas las páginas de la publicación se combinan en una sola página",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Create an email from the publication",,"Crear un correo electrónico a partir de la publicación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Send All Pages",,"Enviar todas las páginas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Everyone receives a separate copy of the publication",,"Todos reciben una copia por separado de la publicación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Recipients need to have Publisher installed to open the attachment",,"Los destinatarios deben tener instalado Publisher para abrir los datos adjuntos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Create an email with the current publication attached",,"Crear un correo electrónico con la publicación actual adjunta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Email Merge &Preview",,"&Vista previa de combinación de correo electrónico",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The publication content displays in the message body as HTML",,"El contenido de la publicación aparece en el cuerpo del mensaje como HTML",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Only the current page is included",,"Solo se incluye la página actual",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You can preview and adjust the content before sending the email",,"Puede obtener una vista previa del contenido y ajustarlo antes de enviar el correo electrónico",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Create an email from the current page",,"Crear un correo electrónico a partir de la página actual",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Send Current Page",,"Enviar la página actual",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Email &Preview",,"&Vista previa del correo electrónico",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Send Publication as &Attachment",,"Enviar publicación como datos &adjuntos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sen&d Email",,"&Enviar correo electrónico",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Send as &Message",,"Enviar como &mensaje",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"All Files (*.*)|*.*||",,"Todos los archivos (*.*)|*.*||",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Email Merge Preview uses Frames (IFRAME tag) while your browser does not support it.",,"En la vista previa de combinación de correspondencia se utilizan marcos (etiqueta IFRAME), pero su explorador no admite marcos o están deshabilitados.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Email Merge Preview uses JavaScript while your browser either does not support it or disabled it.",,"En la vista previa de combinación de correspondencia se utiliza JavaScript, pero su explorador no admite JavaScript o está deshabilitado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Use the Next and Previous buttons to view each of your merged email messages.",,"Utilice los botones Anterior y Siguiente para ver todos sus mensajes de correo electrónicos combinados.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert Attachment",,"Insertar datos adjuntos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Save Attachment As",,"Guardar datos adjuntos como",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Message recipients:",,"&Destinatarios del mensaje:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Select Recipients",,"Seleccionar destinatarios",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Previewing message |0 of |1...",,"Obteniendo vista previa del mensaje |0 de |1...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Preparing Email Merge Preview",,"Preparando vista previa de combinación de correspondencia",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sending message |0 of |1...",,"Enviando mensaje |0 de |1...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"<Select recipient field from the list>",,"<Seleccione el campo del destinatario de la lista>",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sending Merged Email Messages",,"Enviando mensajes de correo electrónico combinados",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"|0 of |1 email message(s) sent to Outbox. Check your email client to ensure these emails were sent.",,"|0 de |1 mensajes de correo electrónicos enviados a la Bandeja de salida. Compruebe que estos mensajes se han enviado en su cliente de correo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"An error has occurred.",,"Se ha producido un error.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Low Priority",,"Prioridad baja",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"High Priority",,"Prioridad alta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Normal Priority",,"Prioridad normal",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Over Comma",,"Sobre una coma",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Over Solid Circle",,"Sobre un círculo sólido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Over White Circle",,"Sobre un círculo blanco",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Under Solid Circle",,"Bajo un círculo sólido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Under White Circle",,"En un círculo blanco",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Can't read %s. To try again, click Retry. To close Publisher and lose changes, click Cancel.",,"Publisher no puede leer %s. Para intentarlo otra vez, haga clic en Reintentar. Para cerrar Publisher y perder todos los cambios, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to discard the changes you've made?\n\nYou are opening the last saved version of your publication. To discard your most recent changes and return to the last saved version of your publication, click Yes. To return to the current publication, where you can save your changes, click No.",,"Confirme que desea descartar los cambios realizados.\n\nEstá abriendo la última versión guardada de la publicación. Para descartar los cambios más recientes y volver a la última versión guardada de la publicación, haga clic en Sí. Para volver a la publicación actual, donde puede guardar los cambios, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your publication must be saved before using the Pack and Go Wizard.\n\nTo save changes and continue, click OK.",,"Guarde la publicación antes de usar el Asistente para empaquetar publicaciones.\n\nPara guardar los cambios y continuar, haga clic en Aceptar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publications must be saved before they can be shared with the template community.\n\nDo you want to save your publication and continue?",,"Las publicaciones deben guardarse antes de poder compartirse con la comunidad de plantillas.\n\n¿Desea guardar la publicación y continuar?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to save the changes you made to this publication?",,"¿Desea guardar los cambios realizados en esta publicación?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This command converts your publication to a Web format. Do you want to save changes before converting?\n\nTo save changes to your current publication and then convert, click Yes.\n\nIf you don't want to save changes to your current publication, click No. Any changes since your last save will still appear in the Web site.\n\nIf you don't want to create a Web site now, click Cancel.",,"Este comando convierte la publicación en un formato web. ¿Desea guardar los cambios antes de convertir?\n\nPara guardar cambios en la publicación actual y después convertir, haga clic en Sí.\n\nSi no desea guardar cambios en la publicación actual, haga clic en No. Todavía aparecerán los cambios desde la última vez que guardó en el sitio web.\n\nSi no desea crear un sitio web ahora, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Can't find %s. Insert in %s and click Retry. Cancel closes Publisher without saving your work.",,"Publisher no encuentra %s. Inserte en %s y haga clic en Reintentar. Cancelar cerrará Publisher sin guardar su trabajo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This file has already been packed. Are you sure you want to continue?\n\nTo pack your publication again, click OK. To return to your publication, click Cancel.",,"Este archivo ya se ha empaquetado. Confirme que desea continuar.\n\nPara comprimir la publicación de nuevo, haga clic en Aceptar. Para regresar a la publicación, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's time to save your work!\n\nDo you want to save? To save now, click Yes. To keep working without saving, click No. You will be reminded to save later.",,"Es un buen momento para guardar su trabajo.\n\nConfirme que desea guardarlo. Para guardarlo ahora, haga clic en Sí. Para continuar trabajando sin guardarlo, haga clic en No. Se le recordará más adelante que debe guardar el trabajo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher was unable to make a backup of your publication. For information on possible solutions, press F1.",,"Publisher no pudo hacer una copia de seguridad de la publicación. Para obtener más información acerca de posibles soluciones, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You can only type into one text box, table, or shape at a time. To add text to an object, select the object and then type the text you want.",,"solo puede escribir en un cuadro de texto, una tabla o una forma a la vez. Para agregar texto a un objeto, seleccione el que desee y escriba el texto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher could not create the folder. You may be out of hard disk space. Try freeing up hard disk space, and then using Pack and Go again.",,"Publisher no pudo crear la carpeta. Puede que no tenga suficiente espacio en el disco duro. Trate de liberar espacio en el disco duro y después vuelva a utilizar el empaquetado de publicaciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot create a temporary working file.",,"Publisher no puede crear un archivo de trabajo temporal.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot delete the previously packed file. The file may be in use. Make sure the file is not open in another program.",,"Publisher no puede eliminar el archivo empaquetado anteriormente. Puede que el archivo se esté utilizando. Compruebe que el archivo no está abierto en otro programa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot open the file.",,"Publisher no puede abrir el archivo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher is low on memory and cannot show the font.\n\nSave your work and close other programs.",,"Publisher no dispone de memoria suficiente para mostrar la fuente.\n\nGuarde el trabajo y cierre otros programas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher could not save this file because the network or other device was slow in responding and the Cancel button was clicked.  Save the file again and do not click the Cancel button.",,"Publisher no ha podido guardar este archivo porque la red u otro dispositivo ha tardado en responder y se ha hecho clic en el botón Cancelar. Guarde de nuevo el archivo y no haga clic en el botón Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot write to %s on the disk.\n\nYour hard disk may be full, or you may have hardware problems. Exit Publisher, check to make sure your hard disk is not full, check for hardware problems, and try again. For more information on possible solutions, press F1.",,"Publisher no puede escribir en %s en el disco.\n\nPuede que el disco esté lleno o que exista un problema de hardware. Salga de Publisher, asegúrese de que el disco duro no está lleno, compruebe si existen problemas con el hardware y vuelva a intentarlo. Para más información sobre posibles soluciones, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher could not save the file. You may be out of hard disk space. Try freeing up disk space, and then using Pack and Go again.",,"Publisher no pudo guardar el archivo. Puede que no tenga espacio suficiente en el disco duro. Trate de liberar espacio en el disco y después utilice el empaquetado de publicaciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Disk is full trying to write to %s.",,"El disco se ha llenado intentando escribir en %s.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This file is too large to save. Delete some objects and try again.",,"Este archivo es demasiado grande para guardarlo. Elimine algunos objetos y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot open this file.\n\nThis is not a Publisher file.",,"Publisher no puede abrir este archivo.\n\nNo es un archivo de Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This file is already being used by Publisher.",,"Este archivo ya está siendo utilizado por Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher could not be started.",,"No se puede iniciar Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot save the last formatting change because of low memory.\n\nSave your work now, and then continue working. The publication will not include your last formatting change.",,"Publisher no puede guardar el último cambio de formato por falta de memoria.\n\nGuarde el trabajo ahora y continúe trabajando. La publicación no incluirá el último cambio de formato.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Incompatible library: '%s'\n\nA required library is incompatible with this version of Publisher.",,"Biblioteca no compatible: '%s'\n\nUna de las bibliotecas no es compatible con esta versión de Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The file %s is locked because it is currently being used by another program. Please close the other program and then try opening or importing the file again.",,"El archivo %s está bloqueado porque está siendo utilizado por otro programa. Cierre el otro programa e intente abrir o importar el archivo otra vez.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The TIFF graphics filter is not installed. All embedded graphics will be packed as Windows metafiles.",,"No se ha instalado el filtro de gráficos TIFF. Todos los gráficos incrustados se empaquetarán como metarchivos Windows.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The filename is too long.\n\nThe filename plus the path name cannot contain over 258 characters. Reduce the number of characters in the path or filename and try again.",,"El nombre de archivo es demasiado largo.\n\nLa ruta de acceso y el nombre del archivo juntos no pueden tener más de 258 caracteres. Reduzca el número de caracteres y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot locate the file, %s.\n\nCheck to make sure that you typed the correct path and filename; then try again.",,"Publisher no encuentra el archivo, %s.\n\nCompruebe que tanto la ruta de acceso como el nombre de archivo sean correctos. A continuación, vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The publication %s is not available because it is currently being used by someone else on the network.",,"La publicación %s no está disponible porque está siendo utilizada en la actualidad por otro usuario en la red.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher is closing because of low memory or because your hard disk is full.\n\n%s has been saved successfully, but Publisher will have to close. To continue working on the file, try closing other programs, freeing some space on your hard disk, restarting Publisher, and opening the file.",,"Publisher se va a cerrar por falta de memoria o de espacio en el disco duro.\n\n%s se ha guardado satisfactoriamente, pero Publisher se tiene que cerrar. Para continuar trabajando con el archivo, cierre otros programas, libere espacio en el disco duro, reinicie Publisher y abra el archivo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Windows is low on memory. Save your work and close other programs before you continue working.",,"Windows no dispone de memoria suficiente. Guarde el trabajo y cierre otros programas antes de seguir trabajando.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory to complete this operation. To make more memory available, close other programs, and try again.",,"Memoria insuficiente para completar esta operación. Para obtener más memoria, cierre otros programas y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory to use the Clipboard. To free up memory, close other programs.",,"Memoria insuficiente para utilizar el Portapapeles. Para liberar memoria, cierre el resto de las aplicaciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Windows is low on memory. To free up memory, save your work and close other programs; then continue working.",,"Windows no dispone de memoria suficiente. Para liberar memoria, guarde el trabajo y cierre otros programas; después, continúe trabajando.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher is closing because of low memory or because your hard disk is full.",,"Publisher se cierra por falta de memoria o porque el disco duro está lleno.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There are no PostScript printers installed. To choose this command you must first install a PostScript printer.",,"No hay impresoras PostScript instaladas. Para elegir este comando instale primero una impresora PostScript.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You can only type into a text box, table, and certain shapes.\n\nFor more information, press F1.",,"solo se puede escribir en un cuadro de texto, una tabla y determinadas formas.\n\nPara obtener más información, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The path that you've entered is too long. Enter a shorter path.",,"La ruta de acceso que ha especificado es demasiado larga. Escriba otra más corta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The publication %s is read-only.\n\nTo save your changes, you must save the publication with a new name.",,"La publicación %s es de solo lectura.\n\nPara guardar los cambios, guarde la publicación con un nombre nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher can no longer read %s on the disk.",,"Publisher ya no puede leer %s en el disco.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The system disk and memory are nearly full. Save your work now.",,"El disco y la memoria del sistema están casi llenos. Guarde el trabajo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The system disk is locked or full, and memory is nearly full. Save your work now.",,"El disco del sistema está bloqueado o lleno y la memoria está casi llena. Guarde el trabajo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot save the last editing change because of low memory.\n\nSave your work now, and continue. The publication will not include your last editing change.",,"Publisher no puede guardar el último cambio de edición por falta de memoria.\n\nGuarde el trabajo ahora y continúe. La publicación no incluirá el último cambio de edición.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot open files from a different version.",,"Publisher no puede abrir archivos de una versión diferente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is already a publication with this name.\n\nClick Yes to replace the existing publication with the current one. Click No to return to the current publication, where you can save it under a different name.",,"Ya existe una publicación con este nombre.\n\nHaga clic en Sí para reemplazar la publicación existente por la actual. Haga clic en No para volver a la publicación actual y guárdela con un nombre diferente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory for Undo. Proceed without Undo?\n\nClick OK to carry out the action you've specified. The Undo command will not be available when the action is complete. Click Cancel to return to your publication, where you can save your work and close other programs to free up memory.",,"No hay suficiente memoria para deshacer. Confirme que desea continuar sin deshacer.\n\nHaga clic en Aceptar para realizar la acción especificada. El comando Deshacer no estará disponible una vez finalizada la acción. Haga clic en Cancelar para volver a la publicación, donde podrá guardar su trabajo, y cierre otros programas para liberar memoria.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot insert this picture into the publication. The appropriate graphic converter is not available. For information on running Setup to install converters, press F1.",,"Publisher no puede insertar esta imagen en la publicación. El convertidor de gráficos apropiado no se encuentra disponible. Para obtener más información sobre cómo instalar convertidores, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have a connected text box in the scratch area. Publisher cannot switch between the master page and the foreground when a connected box is in the scratch area. Try moving the text box back onto the page and then switching between the foreground and master page.",,"Tiene un cuadro de texto conectado en el área de borrador. Publisher no puede pasar de la página principal al primer plano y viceversa cuando hay un cuadro conectado en esta área. Intente mover el cuadro de texto a la página y luego cambie entre el primer plano y la página principal.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This picture is too large.\n\nThis picture is too large for Publisher to convert. Close other programs and try again. If this doesn't work, Publisher will not be able to open this picture.",,"Esta imagen es demasiado grande.\n\nPublisher no puede convertir esta imagen porque es demasiado grande. Cierre otros programas y vuelva a intentarlo. Si no funciona, Publisher no podrá abrir esta imagen.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory to copy such a large image.\n\nTo make more memory available, try closing other programs before continuing.",,"No hay suficiente memoria para copiar una imagen tan grande.\n\nCierre otros programas antes de continuar para liberar memoria.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory to copy objects.\n\nPublisher cannot copy some of the contents of the right master page to the left master page. To make more memory available, save your work and close other programs; then try again.",,"Memoria insuficiente para copiar objetos.\n\nPublisher no puede copiar algunos de los contenidos de la página principal derecha en la página principal izquierda. Cierre otros programas para liberar memoria y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot quit with an open dialog box.\n\nThere is an instance of Publisher that is running and has a dialog box open. Return to that instance of Publisher and close the dialog box.",,"No se puede cerrar Publisher con un cuadro de diálogo abierto.\n\nSe está ejecutando una instancia de Publisher que tiene un cuadro de diálogo abierto. Vuelva a esa instancia y cierre el cuadro de diálogo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory available to read filter information from the system registry. To make more memory available, close other programs, and try again.",,"Memoria insuficiente para leer la información de filtro del registro del sistema. Para disponer de más memoria, cierre otros programas y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Enter a number that is between %s and %s.",,"Escriba un número comprendido entre %s y %s.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Enter a number that is greater than or equal to %s and less than or equal to %s.",,"Escriba un número mayor o igual que %s y menor o igual que %s.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The file is too large. Delete some objects and save again.",,"El archivo es demasiado grande. Elimine algunos objetos y vuelva a guardarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This text box cannot be connected to other text boxes. For more information on connecting text boxes, press F1.",,"No se puede conectar este cuadro de texto a otros cuadros de texto. Para obtener más información sobre cómo conectar cuadros de texto, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The text box must be empty.\n\nYou have clicked a box that isn't empty. When the mouse pointer changes to a pouring cup it means that you can connect one text box to another. For more information on connecting text boxes, press F1. If you don't want to connect text boxes, click OK, and then press ESC.",,"El cuadro de texto debe estar vacío.\n\nHizo clic en un cuadro que no está vacío. Cuando el puntero del mouse cambia a una jarra, significa que puede conectar un cuadro de texto con otro. Para obtener más información sobre cómo conectar cuadros de texto, presione F1. Si no desea conectar cuadros de texto, haga clic en Aceptar y presione ESC.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Can only flow text into another text box.\n\nThe box you have clicked is not a text box. When the mouse pointer changes to a pouring cup it means that you can connect one text box to another. For more information on connecting text boxes, press F1. If you don't want to connect text boxes, click OK, and then press ESC.",,"solo es posible mover texto a otro cuadro de texto.\n\nEl cuadro sobre el que hizo clic no es de texto. Cuando el puntero del mouse cambia a una jarra, significa que puede conectar un cuadro de texto con otro. Para obtener más información sobre cómo conectar cuadros de texto, presione F1. Si no desea conectar cuadros de texto, haga clic en Aceptar y presione ESC.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This text box is already connected.\n\nYou have clicked a box that is already in this chain. When the mouse pointer changes to a pouring cup it means that you can connect one text box to another. For more information on connecting text boxes, press F1. If you don't want to connect text boxes, click OK, and then press ESC.",,"Este cuadro de texto está ya conectado.\n\nHizo clic en un cuadro que pertenece ya a esta cadena. Cuando el puntero del mouse cambia a una jarra, significa que puede conectar un cuadro de texto con otro. Para obtener más información sobre cómo conectar cuadros de texto, presione F1. Si no desea conectar cuadros de texto, haga clic en Aceptar y presione ESC.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot connect a box to itself.\n\nYou have clicked the same text box to flow text into that you are flowing text from. When the mouse pointer changes to a pouring cup it means that you can connect one text box to another. For more information on connecting text boxes, press F1. If you don't want to connect text boxes, click OK, and then press ESC.",,"Publisher no puede conectar un cuadro a sí mismo.\n\nHizo clic en el mismo cuadro desde el que desea mover el texto. Cuando el puntero del mouse cambia a una jarra, significa que puede conectar un cuadro de texto con otro. Para obtener más información sobre cómo conectar cuadros de texto, presione F1. Si no desea conectar cuadros de texto, haga clic en Aceptar y presione ESC.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cannot load the printer driver.",,"No se puede cargar el controlador de impresora.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Windows is low on memory, or your hard disk is full. Try closing other programs and freeing some space on your hard disk before starting Publisher.",,"Windows dispone de poca memoria o el disco duro está lleno. Intente cerrar otros programas y liberar espacio en el disco duro antes de iniciar Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot access the TEMPLATE folder.\n\nThe TEMPLATE folder is where Publisher stores all of the template files. You may need to run Publisher Setup again. For information on running Setup, press F1.",,"Publisher no puede obtener acceso a la carpeta PLANTILL.\n\nEsta carpeta es donde Publisher almacena todos los archivos de plantilla. Quizá sea necesario ejecutar de nuevo el programa de instalación de Publisher. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ejecutar el programa de instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To insert a page number, you must first create a text or table box. To number every page, create the box on the master page.",,"Para insertar un número de página, debe crear primero un cuadro de texto o una tabla. Para numerar las páginas, cree el cuadro en la página principal.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You can enter page numbers only on the master page or in continued regions of text boxes.",,"solo puede incluir números de página en la página principal o en regiones continuadas de cuadros de texto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Too many tab stops.\n\nPublisher allows you to set up to 20 tab stops in a paragraph. If you want to add this tab stop, you must delete an existing one. For information on removing tab stops, press F1.",,"Demasiadas tabulaciones.\n\nPublisher permite establecer hasta 20 tabulaciones en un párrafo. Si desea agregar esta tabulación, debe eliminar antes una. Para obtener más información sobre cómo quitar tabulaciones, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory for Undo.\n\nWindows is low on memory, and you cannot undo the last action. To make more memory available, save your work and close other programs; then continue working.",,"Memoria insuficiente para deshacer.\n\nWindows no dispone de memoria suficiente para deshacer la última acción. Guarde el trabajo y cierre otros programas para liberar memoria; a continuación, siga trabajando.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The email address you have specified is incorrect. Check the format and enter a correct email address.",,"La dirección de correo electrónico especificada no es válida. Compruebe el formato y escriba una dirección de correo válida.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The Web page file name can only contain ASCII alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z), numeric characters (0-9), and the symbols\n\n - _ $\n\nInternational characters are not universally allowed in file names that are part of URLs.",,"El nombre de archivo de la página web solo puede contener caracteres alfabéticos ASCII (A-Z, a-z), caracteres numéricos (0-9), así como los símbolos:\n\n - _ $\n\nLos caracteres internacionales no se permiten universalmente en nombres de archivo que forman parte de direcciones URL.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The name for a control can include any combination of alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), or underline symbols (_). However, it cannot include characters from an extended character set, nor can it begin with a number, nor can it contain a space.",,"El nombre de un control puede incluir cualquier combinación de caracteres alfabéticos (A-Z, a-z), números (0-9) o símbolos de subrayado (_). Sin embargo, no puede incluir caracteres de un juego de caracteres extendido, comenzar por un número o contener un espacio .",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot create a hyperlink to the page you have specified. Enter the page number of an existing page in this Web site.",,"Publisher no puede crear un hipervínculo a la página especificada. Escriba un número de página válido de una página existente en este sitio web.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot create a hyperlink with the address you have specified.\n\nHyperlink addresses have the form 'http://example.com/'. Enter a hyperlink address in the correct format.",,"Publisher no puede crear un hipervínculo con la dirección especificada.\n\nLas direcciones de hipervínculo tienen el formato 'http://example.com/'. Escriba una dirección de hipervínculo con el formato correcto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Complex picture.\n\nPublisher can make this complex picture into a border, but it may take a long time to show on your screen or print. Press OK to create a border with this picture, or press Cancel to cancel the creation.",,"Imagen compleja.\n\nPublisher puede convertir esta imagen compleja en un borde, pero puede tardar unos minutos para imprimirla o mostrarla en pantalla. Haga clic en Aceptar para crear un borde con esta imagen o en Cancelar para interrumpir la creación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Deleting this border will remove it from your computer.",,"Si elimina este borde del programa, se quitará del equipo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At least one object in your publication is using this border. Deleting the border will remove it from the object(s) as well as from your computer.",,"Al menos un objeto en la publicación está usando este borde. Si elimina el borde, también lo quitará del objeto y del equipo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To insert a hyperlink, you must first select text, a picture, or other object.",,"Para insertar un hipervínculo, debe seleccionar antes texto, una imagen o un objeto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This picture is too complex to be made into a border.",,"Esta imagen es demasiado compleja para convertirla en un borde.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Another instance of Publisher is currently using BorderArt in a dialog box.\nClose the dialog box in the other instance of Publisher and try again.",,"Otra instancia de Publisher está utilizando Bordes decorativos en un cuadro de diálogo.\nCierre el cuadro de diálogo de la otra instancia de Publisher e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A border with this file name already exists. Choose another name.",,"Ya existe un borde con este nombre. Seleccione otro nombre.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher already has an internal .BDR file with this name. Choose another name for your border.",,"Publisher ya tiene un archivo interno .BDR con este nombre. Elija otro nombre para el borde.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot retrieve a picture from the Clip Organizer.",,"Publisher no puede recuperar una imagen de la Galería multimedia.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher is unable to create a new border.\n\nThe Clip Organizer has not been installed correctly. To reinstall the Clip Organizer, run Setup again.",,"Publisher no puede crear un nuevo borde.\n\nLa Galería multimedia no está instalada correctamente. Para reinstalar la Galería multimedia, ejecute de nuevo el programa de instalación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot create a border from this picture.",,"Publisher no puede crear un borde de esta imagen.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The folder where Publisher keeps BorderArt is missing.\n\nTo reinstall this folder, run Setup again.",,"Falta la carpeta donde Publisher guarda los bordes decorativos.\n\nPara volver a instalar la carpeta, ejecute de nuevo el programa de instalación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The border name you have chosen contains invalid characters. Rename it and try again.",,"El nombre del borde especificado contiene caracteres no válidos. Cambie el nombre y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot select an entire cell or an entire table when you insert fields into your publication.",,"No puede seleccionar una tabla o celda completa mientras inserta campos en la publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot insert a field in this text box because this box is currently open in (!idspnWord_NV).",,"Publisher no puede insertar un campo en este cuadro de texto porque está abierto actualmente en (!idspnWord_NV).",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You must have a text box or table selected in order to insert fields into your publication. For information on how to insert fields, press F1.",,"Debe tener seleccionado un cuadro de texto o una tabla para insertar campos en la publicación. Para obtener más información sobre cómo insertar campos, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to connect to a different data source?\n\nThis publication is already set up to merge from '%s'.\n\nIf you've already inserted merge fields into this publication, some of them may not be able to merge information from the new data source. Click Yes to continue and choose a new data source. Click No to use the data source you have already chosen.",,"Confirme que desea conectar con un origen de datos diferente.\n\nEsta publicación está configurada para combinarse desde '%s'.\n\nSi ya insertó campos de combinación en esta publicación, puede que algunos de ellos no puedan combinar información del nuevo origen de datos. Haga clic en Sí para continuar y elegir un nuevo origen de datos. Haga clic en No para utilizar el origen de datos que ya había elegido.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot open the data source you selected.\n\nThe file may be damaged, or it may be in a format that Publisher does not support.",,"Publisher no puede abrir el origen de los datos seleccionados.\n\nPuede que el archivo esté dañado o quizá tiene un formato que no admite Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot continue because the disk is full.\n\nTo make more disk space available, delete some unneeded files.",,"Publisher no puede continuar porque el disco está lleno.\n\nElimine algunos archivos que no sean necesarios para liberar espacio en disco.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Some fields that you have inserted into your publication have been renamed or deleted from your data source. The places where these fields were located in your publication have been marked. Delete them.",,"Algunos de los campos que ha insertado en la publicación han cambiado de nombre o se han eliminado del origen de datos. Se han marcado los lugares en que aparecían estos campos en la publicación; elimínelos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Some fields that you used in your filter or sort option have been deleted from your data source. Check your filter and sort options before you print.",,"Algunos de los campos usados en las opciones de filtro o de ordenación se han eliminado del origen de datos. Compruebe las opciones de filtro y de ordenación antes de imprimir.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This border cannot be renamed or deleted because this border file is read-only.",,"Este borde no puede eliminarse ni su nombre cambiarse porque el archivo de borde es de solo lectura.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The folder where Publisher keeps BorderArt is unavailable.\n\nThe folder may have been deleted or renamed, or its properties may have been changed. Run Setup again.",,"No está disponible la carpeta donde Publisher guarda los bordes decorativos.\n\nPuede que se haya eliminado o que se le haya cambiado el nombre o las propiedades. Ejecute de nuevo el programa de instalación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want the Design Checker to test whether your publication will download quickly? Large graphics may cause delays when your publication is being viewed.\n\nWarning: This check may take a few moments.",,"Confirme que desea que el Comprobador de diseño compruebe si la publicación se descargará rápidamente. Los gráficos de gran tamaño pueden ralentizar la presentación de la publicación.\n\nAdvertencia: esta comprobación puede tardar unos minutos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Would you like to run the Design Checker now?\n\nThe Design Checker will scan your publication looking for potential design and performance problems. It is a good idea to run this now because your publication may contain layout that is not appropriate on the World Wide Web.",,"Confirme que desea ejecutar el Comprobador de diseño ahora.\n\nEl Comprobador de diseño explorará la publicación en busca de posibles problemas de diseño y realización. Es aconsejable ejecutarlo ahora porque la publicación puede contener un diseño no apropiado para el World Wide Web.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot open your data source. You may not have Read permissions on that file, or it may be opened exclusively in another program.",,"Publisher no puede abrir el origen de datos. Puede que no tenga acceso de lectura a ese archivo o que se encuentre abierto de forma exclusiva en otro programa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot create a dBASE .INF file for your data source. There may not be enough disk space, or you may not have Write permissions on the disk.",,"Publisher no puede crear un archivo .INF de dBASE para el origen de datos. No hay suficiente espacio en el disco o no tiene permiso de escritura en el mismo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot open the file you have selected.",,"Publisher no puede abrir el archivo elegido.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot use the entries in the first row of your data source as field names. The file may be damaged.",,"Publisher no puede utilizar la primera fila del origen de datos como nombres de campo. El archivo puede estar dañado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot connect to your data source. Its file name or its path may be too long.",,"Publisher no puede conectase al origen de datos. Puede que el nombre del archivo o su ruta de acceso sea demasiado larga.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A database already exists with that name. Select another name.",,"Ya existe una base de datos con ese nombre. Seleccione otro nombre.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot merge from your data source. Your data source may be damaged or invalid.",,"Publisher no puede combinar desde el origen de datos. El origen de datos puede estar dañado o no ser válido.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot complete this mail merge operation because there was a disk or network error. Check your floppy drive or network connection.",,"Publisher no puede finalizar esta operación de combinar correspondencia porque se ha producido un error de disco o de red. Compruebe su unidad de disco o su conexión a la red.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The format of the data in your data source has changed. Reconnect to it.",,"El formato de los datos del origen de datos ha cambiado. Vuelva a conectarse a ellos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to use the entries in the first row of your data as field names?",,"Confirme que desea utilizar las entradas de la primera fila de datos como nombres de campo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot complete this mail merge action because an error occurred.",,"Publisher no puede finalizar la combinación de correspondencia porque se ha producido un error.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot connect to your data source. The file may be damaged.",,"Publisher no puede conectarse al origen de datos porque éste no es válido. El archivo puede estar dañado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The name you have chosen for this field, table, or worksheet is invalid. Rename it and try again.",,"El nombre elegido para este campo, esta tabla o esta hoja de cálculo no es válido. Cambie el nombre y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are you sure you want to cancel this merge?\n\nClick Yes to clear all merge information permanently and convert all merge fields to plain text. Click No to retain all merge information.",,"Confirme que desea cancelar esta combinación.\n\nHaga clic en Sí para borrar toda la información de combinación de manera permanente y convertir todos los campos de combinación a texto sin formato. Haga clic en No para mantener toda la información de combinación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You tried to access a dBASE (.DBF) file, but its associated memo (.DBT) file couldn't be found or was invalid. Make sure the .DBT and .DBF files are in the same folder, and then try to connect again.",,"Intentó obtener acceso a un archivo de dBASE (.DBF), pero el archivo de memorando (.DBT) no se encontró o no era válido. Asegúrese de que los archivos .DBT y .DBF se encuentran en la misma carpeta e intente volver a conectarse.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The components required to perform mail merge are not installed on this machine.\n\nYou can edit your publication but you won't be able to print, filter, sort, or preview all of your entries. Press F1 for information on running Setup.",,"Los componentes necesarios para la combinación de correspondencia no están instalados en esta máquina.\n\nPuede modificar la publicación pero no podrá imprimir, filtrar, ordenar o ver una vista previa de todas las entradas. Presione F1 para obtener más información sobre cómo ejecutar el programa de instalación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There are no fields in the data source you have selected. Please add some fields or choose another data source.",,"No hay campos en el origen de datos seleccionado. Agregue campos o elija otro origen de datos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There are no tables in the file you have chosen.",,"No hay tablas de datos en el archivo elegido.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The data source you have selected contains no fields that can be inserted into your publication.",,"El origen de datos elegido no contiene campos que puedan insertarse en la publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There are only %d entries in your data source. Enter a whole number between 1 and %d.",,"solo hay %d entradas en el origen de datos. Escriba un número entero comprendido entre 1 y %d.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot open this file because it is password protected. Unprotect it and try again.",,"Publisher no puede abrir este archivo porque está protegido por contraseña. Desproteja el archivo y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This data source cannot be opened because it is already in use by another program. Close it in the other program and try again.",,"Este origen de datos no puede abrirse porque está siendo usado por otro programa. Cierre el origen en el otro programa y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot connect to your data source because there are too many data sources open already. Close some of them and try again.",,"Publisher no puede conectarse al origen de datos porque ya hay demasiadas bases de datos abiertas. Cierre algunas de ellas y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mail merge cannot run because there are too many files open on your computer. Close some of your files and try again.",,"Combinar correspondencia no puede ejecutarse porque hay demasiados archivos abiertos en el equipo. Cierre algunos de ellos y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to merge information from this address list into your publication?",,"Confirme que desea combinar información de esta lista de direcciones en la publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You do not currently have a browser program registered to show HTML (.HTM) files.",,"En este momento no dispone de ningún programa explorador registrado para mostrar archivos HTML (.HTM).",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There isn't enough disk space to complete this operation. Publisher is closing the address list dialog box.\n\nTo make more disk space available, delete some unneeded files. Then try again.",,"No hay suficiente espacio en disco para realizar esta operación. Publisher va a cerrar el cuadro de diálogo de lista de direcciones.\n\nElimine algunos archivos que no sean necesarios para liberar espacio en disco. A continuación, inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is too much text in one of the records for Publisher to complete this operation. Reduce the amount of text and try again.",,"Hay demasiado texto en uno de los registros de Publisher para poder finalizar esta operación. Reduzca la cantidad de texto y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Click Yes to return to the Save As dialog box. Click No to return to your publication without saving the address list.",,"Haga clic en Sí para volver al cuadro de diálogo Archivo/Guardar como. Haga clic en No para volver a la publicación sin guardar la lista de direcciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The address list has reached the maximum size.",,"La lista de direcciones ha alcanzado el tamaño máximo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have typed too much text in this entry. Publisher is closing the address list dialog box.",,"Demasiado texto en esta entrada. Publisher está cerrando el cuadro de diálogo de lista de direcciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This field cannot be updated.",,"No se puede actualizar el campo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot customize this address list.",,"Publisher no puede personalizar la lista de direcciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"An error has occurred. Publisher is closing the address list dialog box.",,"Se ha producido un error. Publisher está cerrando el cuadro de diálogo de lista de direcciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Delete this entry?",,"Confirme que desea eliminar esta entrada.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is the only entry that contains the text you typed.",,"Esta es la única entrada que contiene el texto que escribió.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There are no more entries that contain the text you typed. Click Find Next to see the same entries again.",,"No hay más entradas que contengan el texto que escribió. Haga clic en Buscar siguiente para volver a ver las mismas entradas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot write to this file. Publisher is closing the address list dialog box.",,"Publisher no puede escribir en este archivo. Se está cerrando el cuadro de diálogo de lista de direcciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory available to continue working with this address list.",,"Memoria insuficiente para continuar trabajando con la lista de direcciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot complete this action.",,"Publisher no puede finalizar esta acción.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot have more than 9,999,999 entries in your address list.",,"No puede haber más de 9999999 entradas en la lista de direcciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type the number of the entry you would like to go to. You must type a whole number greater than 0.",,"Escriba el número de la entrada a la que desea dirigirse. El número debe ser un número entero mayor que 0.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This address list has no fields to search.",,"La lista de direcciones no tiene campos en los que buscar texto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No entries contain the text you typed.",,"No hay entradas que contengan el texto escrito.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot open any more data sources or queries.",,"Publisher no puede abrir más orígenes de datos o consultas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are now at the first entry of your address list. You cannot go back any further.",,"Ya se encuentra en la primera entrada de la lista de direcciones. No puede desplazarse más hacia atrás.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot delete entries from the data source you specified.",,"Publisher no puede eliminar entradas del origen de datos especificado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot update '|' because this field is not updatable.",,"Publisher no puede actualizar '|'; este campo no puede actualizarse.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This query is too complex. Reduce the number of filters in the query and try again.",,"Consulta demasiado compleja. Reduzca el número de filtros en la consulta y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot add entries to '|' because you do not have Insert Data permission on it.",,"No puede agregar entradas; no tiene permisos para insertar datos en '|'.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot edit entries in '|' because you do not have Update Data permission on it.",,"No puede modificar entradas; no tiene permisos para actualizar datos en '|'.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot create table or query '|' because you do not have Create permission for it.",,"No puede crear la tabla o consulta; no tiene permisos para crear la tabla o la consulta '|'.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This data source contains fields that have incorrect properties.",,"Este origen de datos contiene campos con propiedades incorrectas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Too many fields have been defined in this address list.",,"Se definieron demasiados campos en esta lista de direcciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This address list contains too many fields. The maximum number of fields that can be searched is %s.",,"Esta lista de direcciones contiene demasiados campos. El número máximo de campos permitidos en una búsqueda es %s.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot work with this address list. You may have altered your address list in another program.",,"Publisher no puede trabajar con esta lista de direcciones. Puede que haya cambiado la lista en otro programa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You must include at least one field in the address list.",,"Debe incluir al menos un campo en la lista de direcciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot create the folder '%s'.",,"Publisher no puede crear la carpeta '%s'.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The folder '%s' does not exist. Do you want Publisher to create the folder for you?",,"La carpeta '%s' no existe. Confirme que desea que Publisher cree esta carpeta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot create a folder named '%s' because a file with this name already exists. Type another name.",,"Publisher no puede crear una carpeta con el nombre '%s' porque ya existe un archivo con este nombre. Escriba otro nombre.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"'%s' is not a valid folder.",,"'%s' no es una carpeta válida.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This address list has been modified using (!idspnAccess_NV) and cannot be edited in Publisher.",,"Esta lista de direcciones se modificó usando (!idspnAccess_NV) y no se puede modificar con Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"(!idspnPublisher_NV) cannot import your data source because it contains more than one field with the same name. Rename any duplicate fields and try again.",,"(!idspnPublisher_NV) no puede importar el origen de datos porque contiene nombres de campo duplicados. Cambie el nombre de los campos duplicados y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have entered an incorrect delimiter, or you forgot to specify one.\n\nEnter the field separator character that appears in your data source.",,"Ha escrito un delimitador incorrecto o no especificó ninguno.\n\nEscriba el carácter separador de campo que aparece en el origen de datos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Row %d of this table contains an incorrect number of cells.",,"La fila %d de esta tabla contiene un número incorrecto de celdas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Some of the field names in this data source are blank or contain invalid characters, such as periods, brackets, or exclamation points. Change these field names before you import data from this data source.",,"Algunos campos de este origen de datos están en blanco o contienen caracteres no válidos, como puntos, corchetes o signos de exclamación. Cambie estos campos antes de importar datos del origen de datos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are you sure you want to edit this story?\n\nThis story contains mail merge fields. If you continue editing the story in (!idspnWord_NV), you will lose these fields. Click No to return to Publisher. Click Yes to continue editing.",,"¿Está seguro de que desea modificar ese artículo? \n\nEste artículo contiene campos de combinación de correspondencia. Si continúa modificando este artículo con (!idspnWord_NV), perderá estos campos. Haga clic en No para volver a Publisher. Haga clic en Sí para continuar modificando el artículo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There are no fields in this publication. You must insert fields in your publication before you can merge or preview your data.",,"No hay campos en esta publicación. Debe insertar campos en la publicación antes de combinar o realizar una vista previa de los datos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There are no entries to preview or print. You may have connected to a data source that has no records, or your filter and sort options may have eliminated all entries.",,"No hay entradas que ver de forma preliminar o imprimir. Puede que se conectara a un origen de datos sin registros o que las opciones de filtro y ordenación eliminaran todas las entradas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Before you can import data from a (!idspnWord_NV) file, the data must be in a table.",,"Para importar datos de un archivo de (!idspnWord_NV), los datos deben encontrarse en una tabla.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This file is not an address list and cannot be edited by (!idspnPublisher_NV).",,"Este archivo no es una lista de direcciones y no puede modificarse en (!idspnPublisher_NV).",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This publication contains mail merge fields. Publisher cannot find or replace data in mail merge fields.",,"Esta publicación contiene campos de combinación de correspondencia. Microsoft Publisher no podrá buscar o reemplazar datos contenidos en campos de combinación de correspondencia.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There are mail merge fields in at least one of your stories. Publisher cannot spell check the contents of your mail merge fields.",,"Al menos uno de los artículos contiene campos de combinación de correspondencia. Microsoft Publisher no podrá comprobar la revisión ortográfica del contenido de estos campos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot import more than 255 fields. Click OK to import the first 255 fields in this data source, or click Cancel to return to Publisher without importing.",,"Publisher no puede importar más de 255 campos. Haga clic en Aceptar para importar los primeros 255 campos de este origen de datos o haga clic en Cancelar para volver a Publisher sin realizar la importación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Some cells in the (!idspnWord_NV) table contain data that cannot be imported, such as pictures or OLE objects.",,"Algunas celdas de la tabla de (!idspnWord_NV) contienen datos que no se pueden importar, como imágenes u objetos OLE.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There isn't enough memory to complete this address list action.",,"Memoria insuficiente para finalizar esta acción de la lista de direcciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot merge with this number of pages.\n\nSome publications require a certain number of pages in order to merge information--for example, labels must have only one page, tent cards two,and greeting cards four. To merge information into this publication, you must delete pages.",,"Publisher no puede combinar con este número de páginas.\n\nAlgunas publicaciones requieren un número de páginas determinado para combinar la información. Por ejemplo, las etiquetas solo deben tener una página, las tarjetas plegadas dos y las tarjetas de felicitación cuatro. Para combinar la información en esta publicación debe eliminar algunas páginas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You've chosen to start printing at row %d. The paper you've chosen to print on will not fit that many rows. Choose OK to print, or click Cancel to cancel printing.",,"Eligió iniciar la impresión en la fila %d. En el papel elegido para la impresión no se ajustarán tantas filas. Elija Aceptar para imprimir o Cancelar para cancelar la impresión.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher was unable to print entries after entry %d. There may not be enough disk space or low on memory.",,"Publisher no pudo imprimir las entradas posteriores a la entrada número %d. Puede que no haya espacio libre en el disco o que no se disponga de suficiente memoria.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot print the mail merge publication.\n\nBecause you are working on a mail merge publication without a connection to your data source, you cannot print the merged information.",,"Publisher no puede imprimir la publicación de combinación de correspondencia.\n\nAl estar trabajando en una publicación de combinación de correspondencia sin conexión al origen de datos, no podrá imprimir la información combinada.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher was unable to create a file containing the results of the merge. You may not have enough disk space. Delete some unneeded files on your hard disk and try again.",,"Publisher no pudo crear un archivo con los resultados de la combinación. Puede que no haya suficiente espacio en el disco. Elimine los archivos innecesarios del disco duro y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mail merge cannot continue.",,"Combinar correspondencia no puede continuar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot complete this action with the filter and sort options you have entered. Enter different options.",,"Publisher no puede finalizar esta acción con las opciones de filtro y de ordenación especificadas. Seleccione otras distintas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot continue editing this address list.",,"Publisher no puede continuar modificando esta lista de direcciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot complete this action with the filter and sort options you have entered. You may have forgotten to enter some data. Make sure that all fields contain valid data.",,"Publisher no puede finalizar esta acción con las opciones de filtro y de ordenación especificadas. Puede que olvidara incluir algunos datos. Asegúrese de que todos los campos contienen datos válidos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot complete this action with the filter and sort options you have entered. You may have accidentally typed text in a numeric field or numbers in a text field, or you may have entered a date or time in a format that Publisher does not support. Try again.",,"Publisher no puede finalizar esta acción con las opciones de filtro y ordenación especificadas. Puede que accidentalmente escribiera texto en un campo numérico o números en un campo de texto, o puede que incluyera una fecha u hora en un formato que no admite Publisher. Inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A new publication designed for the Web will be created based on your current publication. The current wizard will close, and Publisher will open the web site wizard. Do you want to continue?",,"Se creará una nueva publicación diseñada para Web basada en la publicación actual. El asistente actual se cerrará y Publisher abrirá el asistente para sitios web. Confirme que desea continuar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Responses to forms from this Web site will be saved in this file:\n\n%s",,"Las respuestas al formulario o formularios del sitio web se guardarán en este archivo: \n\n%s",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are importing text with a style, Normal, that is already used in this publication. The definitions of the styles are different. To keep this publication's current Normal style, click Yes. To change Normal to match the imported default text style, click No.",,"Está importando texto con el estilo Normal, el cual ya se está utilizando en esta publicación. Las definiciones de los estilos son diferentes. Para mantener el estilo Normal actual de esta publicación, haga clic en Sí. Para cambiar el estilo Normal con el fin de que coincida con el estilo de texto predeterminado que ha importado, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This file name has already been used for another page in this publication. Use a different file name.",,"Ya se ha utilizado este nombre de archivo para otra página de esta publicación. Utilice un nombre de archivo diferente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Copyfitting cannot be used on columns of text. Do you want to remove the columns in this box in order to copyfit the text?",,"El ajuste de texto no puede utilizarse en columnas de texto. Confirme que desea quitar las columnas en este cuadro para ajustar el texto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Copyfitting cannot be used on columns of text. Do you want to remove the copyfitting on this story in order to add columns?",,"El ajuste de texto no puede utilizarse en columnas de texto. Confirme que desea quitar el ajuste de texto en este artículo para agregar columnas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The special paper you have selected is a different size than the current page size. Would you like Publisher to re-size the page to fit the special paper?",,"El papel especial seleccionado tiene un tamaño diferente del tamaño de página actual. Confirme que desea que Publisher cambie el tamaño de la página para que se ajuste al papel especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The background texture for this design is missing. Run Setup again to reinstall the missing file. For more information on running Setup, press F1.",,"Falta la textura de fondo para este diseño. Vuelva a ejecutar el programa de instalación para instalar de nuevo el archivo que falta. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ejecutar la instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The Catalog file %s is the wrong size or is corrupt. Run Setup again to reinstall this file.",,""El archivo de Catálogo ""%s"" tiene un tamaño equivocado o está dañado. Vuelva a ejecutar el programa de instalación para instalar este archivo."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The color scheme registry key is either missing or is corrupt. Run Setup again to reinstall the color scheme registry.",,"La clave del registro de combinación de colores falta o está dañada. Vuelva a ejecutar el programa de instalación para instalar el registro de combinación de colores.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This layout is too small for a banner. Please choose the Custom layout and enter the width and height that you want.",,"Este diseño es demasiado pequeño para una pancarta. Elija Pancarta personalizada e indique el ancho y el alto deseados.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The picture file you are trying to load is corrupt.",,"El archivo de imagen que intenta cargar está dañado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Clip Art Not Available.\n\nThe Clip Organizer is not installed. Run Setup again to install the Clip Organizer.",,"Imagen prediseñada no disponible.\n\nNo está instalada la Galería multimedia. Ejecute de nuevo el programa de instalación para instalarla.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot find a file it needs to run the spell checker for %s. For information on installing dictionary files for other languages, press F1 now.",,"Publisher no encuentra un archivo necesario para ejecutar el corrector ortográfico para %s. Para obtener más información sobre cómo instalar archivos de diccionario para otros idiomas, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Files from Publisher 1.0 cannot be opened in this version of Publisher. Contact Microsoft's support services for technical assistance.",,"Los archivos de Publisher 1.0 no se pueden abrir en esta versión. Póngase en contacto con los servicios de soporte técnico de Microsoft para recibir asistencia técnica.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot open the specified sound file.",,"Publisher no puede abrir el archivo de sonido especificado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"%s",," is a standard style name, so this name is not available. Please choose another name for the style.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Select the text to which you want to add phonetic guides.",,"Seleccione el texto al que desea agregar guías fonéticas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory to save your business information. To make more memory available, close other programs; then try again.",,"No hay memoria suficiente para guardar la información empresarial. Para disponer de más memoria, cierre otros programas y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot complete this command because parts of text boxes that are connected are in the scratch area or are not selected. If necessary, move text boxes onto the page. Select each connected text box, and then choose this command again.",,"Publisher no puede completar este comando porque partes de los cuadros de texto están conectados en el área de borrador o no se han seleccionado. De ser necesario, mueva los cuadros de texto a la página. Seleccione cada uno de los cuadros de texto conectados y luego elija este comando de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete all content not used in the current publication from the Design Gallery?\n\nTo delete all extra objects, click Yes. To keep them, click No.",,"Confirme que desea eliminar todo el contenido que no se esté utilizando en la publicación actual de la Galería de diseño.\n\nPara eliminar todos los objetos adicionales, haga clic en Sí. Para mantenerlos, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete this extra object?\n\nTo delete the object, click Yes. To keep it, click No.",,"Confirme que desea eliminar este objeto adicional.\n\nPara eliminarlo, haga clic en Sí. Para mantenerlo, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are you sure? All changes for the options you checked will be removed.\n\nIf the result isn't what you expected, click Undo on the Edit menu.",,"¿Está seguro? Se quitarán todos los cambios para las opciones seleccionadas.\n\nSi el resultado no es el que esperaba, haga clic en el comando Deshacer del menú Edición.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""The file ""%s"" is corrupt. Run Setup again to reinstall the file. For more information on running Setup, press F1 now."",,""El archivo ""%s"" está dañado. Vuelva a ejecutar el programa de instalación para instalar el archivo de nuevo. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ejecutar la instalación, presione F1."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher has detected two pages in your Web site that have the same filename.\n\n%s",,"Publisher ha detectado dos páginas en su sitio web con el mismo nombre.\n\n%s",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are you sure you want to edit this story in (!idspnWord_NV)?\n\nThis story contains hyperlink-formatted text. If you edit this story in (!idspnWord_NV), you will lose these hyperlinks. Click No to return to Publisher. Click Yes to continue editing.",,"¿Está seguro de que desea modificar este artículo en (!idspnWord_NV)? \n\nEste artículo incluye texto con formato de hipervínculo. Si modifica este artículo en (!idspnWord_NV), estos hipervínculos se perderán. Haga clic en No para volver a Publisher. Haga clic en Sí para continuar modificando el artículo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The folder you have selected, '%s', already contains a Web site. Are you sure you want to save this Web site over the existing Web site?",,"La carpeta seleccionada, '%s', ya contiene un sitio web. Confirme que desea guardar este sitio sobre el sitio web existente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot generate a picture on page %d into a graphic for your Web site. The graphic may be too large, or your computer may be low on memory.",,"Publisher no puede convertir una imagen en la página %d en un gráfico para el sitio web. Puede que el gráfico sea demasiado grande o que su equipo no tenga suficiente memoria.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You previously published this Web site with the name '%s' and the Internet address (URL) '%s'.\n\nClick Yes to republish to the same address. Click No to choose a new location.",,"Ya ha publicado este sitio web con el nombre '%s' y la dirección URL de Internet '%s'.\n\nHaga clic en Sí para volver a publicar la misma dirección y en No para elegir una nueva ubicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher has reached the beginning of the selection. Do you want to continue searching the rest of the story?",,"Publisher ha llegado al principio de la selección. Confirme que desea continuar la búsqueda en el resto del artículo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher has reached the end of the selection. Do you want to continue searching the rest of the story?",,"Publisher ha llegado al final de la selección. Confirme que desea continuar la búsqueda en el resto del artículo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Failed to Find Korean Hangul Hanja Converter DLL.",,"No se puede encontrar la DLL de conversión de HHC para coreano.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your publication uses characters from more than one character set. Browsers may not show this mix of characters correctly. For more information, press F1.",,"Esta publicación utiliza caracteres de más de un juego de caracteres. Puede que los exploradores no muestren esta mezcla de caracteres correctamente. Para obtener más información, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is no corresponding HTML character set for the language installed on your computer. Publisher will therefore save your publication as Unicode, UTF-8. For more information, press F1.",,"No hay un juego de caracteres HTML que se corresponda con el idioma instalado en su PC. Publisher guardará la publicación con formato Unicode, UTF-8. Para obtener más información, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The files necessary to support the target language you have selected cannot be found on your computer.",,"No se encuentran en el equipo los archivos necesarios para admitir el idioma destino seleccionado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This information is required for this form control to function properly. Supply the missing information.",,"Esta información es necesaria para que el control de formulario funcione correctamente. Incluya la información que falte.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you want multiple items to appear selected, you must click the check box at the bottom of the dialog box.",,"Si desea que aparezcan varios elementos seleccionados, debe activar la casilla que aparece en la parte inferior de este cuadro de diálogo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you remap your keyboard to another character set, you may mix characters in your publication. This mix of characters may not show correctly in a browser. If you want to map your keyboard to a different character set, press OK to continue. To cancel remapping your keyboard to another character set, press Cancel.",,"Si asigna otro juego de caracteres al teclado, puede que se mezclen caracteres en la publicación. Es probable que esta mezcla de caracteres no se muestre correctamente en un explorador. Si desea asignar un juego de caracteres diferente al de su teclado, haga clic en Aceptar para continuar. Para cancelar la asignación, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The form on page %d has more than one Submit button. Publisher can only use the properties from one button.",,"El formulario de la página %d tiene más de un botón Para envío (Submit). Publisher solo puede usar las propiedades de uno de los botones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot show the character set you have selected for your publication because the file MLANG.DLL cannot be found on your computer. You can install the missing file by running Setup again, or Publisher will substitute the U.S./Western European character set.",,"Publisher no puede mostrar el juego de caracteres seleccionado para la publicación porque no encuentra el archivo MLANG.DLL. Para instalarlo, ejecute de nuevo el programa de instalación. De lo contrario, Publisher sustituirá el juego de caracteres para EE.UU./Europa occidental.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The form on page %d does not have a Submit button. You must add a Submit button for the form to work.",,"El formulario de la página %d no incluye un botón Para envío (Submit). Debe agregar este botón para que funcione el formulario.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Text for a control is entered through a dialog box. Select the control, then, click the Properties command on the Format menu. For more information, press F1.",,"El texto de un control se incluye a través de un cuadro de diálogo. Seleccione el control y haga clic en el comando de propiedades del menú Formato. Para obtener más información, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Page %d contains overlapping objects that include an animated GIF. The animated GIF will be converted to a static graphic when published to the Web.",,"La página %d contiene objetos superpuestos que incluyen un archivo GIF animado. Este GIF animado se convertirá en un gráfico estático cuando publique en la Web.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Page %d contains objects that overlap a form control.",,"La página %d contiene objetos que se superponen con un control de formulario.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Page %d contains overlapping objects that include an HTML code fragment. The HTML code fragment will be converted to a graphic when published to the Web, and therefore the code will not be read by the browser.",,"La página %d contiene objetos superpuestos que incluyen un fragmento de código HTML. El fragmento de código HTML se convertirá en un gráfico cuando publique en la Web, por lo que el explorador no leerá el código.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This HTML code fragment includes the HTML tag %s>. This tag is not appropriate for the code fragment and should not be included. Would you like to edit the HTML code fragment to remove the tag?",,"Este fragmento de código HTML incluye la etiqueta HTML %s>. Esta etiqueta no es adecuada para el fragmento de código y no debería incluirse. ¿Desea modificar el fragmento de código HTML para quitar la etiqueta?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To correctly process your form on page %d, you must fill in the Action box with a program from your ISP or choose a different data retrieval method.\n\nDo you want to specify the action now?",,"Para procesar correctamente el formulario de la página %d, rellene el cuadro Acción con un programa de su proveedor de servicios Internet o elija un método de recuperación de datos diferente.\n\nConfirme que desea especificar la acción ahora.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Specify the email address of the person who receives the information from the form on page %d.\n\nDo you want to continue publishing your Web site?",,"Especifique la dirección de correo electrónico de la persona que recibe la información del formulario de la página %d.\n\nConfirme que desea continuar con la publicación de su sitio web.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The email address you have specified is incorrect. Check the format and enter a correct email address.",,"La dirección de correo electrónico especificada no es válida. Compruebe el formato y escriba una dirección de correo electrónico válida.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The name for the control can only contain ASCII alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z), numeric characters (0-9), and the symbols\n\n- _ $\n\nInternational characters are not universally allowed for form controls, and the control name cannot begin with a number.",,"El nombre del control solo puede contener caracteres alfabéticos ASCII (A-Z, a-z), caracteres numéricos (0-9), así como los símbolos:\n\n- _ $\n\nLos caracteres internacionales no se permiten universalmente para controles de formulario y el nombre del control no puede empezar por un número.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Provide a name for the hidden field.",,"Proporcione un nombre para el campo oculto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Enter the URL address for the program you will be using.",,"Escriba la dirección URL del programa que va a utilizar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The required file, %s, is being used. Close other instances of Publisher and try again.",,"El archivo requerido, %s, ya se encuentra en uso. Cierre otras instancias de Publisher y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The logo is being used by another file and cannot be saved as part of your business information. Close other instances of Publisher and try again.",,"El logotipo está siendo utilizado por otro archivo y no puede guardarse como parte de la información empresarial. Cierre las demás sesiones de Publisher e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you include Color Scheme in this business information set, every new publication will automatically use these colors.",,"Si incluye combinaciones de colores en este conjunto de información empresarial, cada publicación nueva usará automáticamente estos colores.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The business information you have selected is currently in use. Select a different business information set from the list.",,"Ha seleccionado información empresarial que ya se encuentra actualmente en uso. Seleccione un conjunto de información empresarial diferente de la lista.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The selected box has more text than can be saved for this component of your business information. Reduce the amount of text and then try saving again.",,"El cuadro seleccionado tiene más texto del que se puede guardar para este componente de información empresarial. Reduzca la cantidad de texto y vuelva a guardarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot use the Hangul Hanja Converter for non-editable fields.",,"No se puede ejecutar el convertidor Hangul Hanja para los campos no editables.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You may not have a return, tab, or other special character in a phonetic guide or in horizontal-in-vertical text.",,"Tal vez no haya añadido un retorno, tabulador u otro carácter especial en una guía fonética o en un texto horizontal en vertical.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The paper orientation cannot be changed for this type of label.",,"No se puede cambiar la orientación del papel para este tipo de etiqueta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The paper type cannot be changed for this type of label.",,"No se puede cambiar el tipo de papel para este tipo de etiqueta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This publication uses a special paper that is no longer available. To see a list of special papers that are available, click Special Paper on the View menu.",,"Esta publicación utiliza un papel especial que ya no está disponible. Para obtener una lista de los papeles especiales disponibles, haga clic en Papel especial del menú Ver.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher allows only 20 tab stops per paragraph.\n\nAny tab stops past the twentieth in each paragraph have been removed.",,"Publisher permite solo 20 tabulaciones por párrafo.\n\nLas tabulaciones que exceden este número se han quitado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Some fields in your data source contain invalid types of data. One field may be empty across all entries. To import the data source, remove the empty field or add data to the field in at least one entry.",,"Algunos campos del origen de datos contienen tipos de datos no válidos. Puede que un campo esté vacío en todas las entradas. Para importar el origen de datos, quite el campo vacío o agregue datos a este campo en, al menos, una entrada.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot reopen the connection to your data source.\n\nWindows may be out of memory, or the file may already be open in another program. Save your work, close your publication, and close other programs; then try again.",,"Publisher no puede abrir de nuevo la conexión con el origen de datos.\n\nPuede que Windows no disponga de memoria suficiente o que el archivo esté abierto en otra aplicación. Guarde el trabajo, cierre la publicación y otros programas. A continuación, inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot save your address list as '%s'. It may be in use by another program, or you may not have Write permissions on the disk you selected. It has been saved as '%s' instead.",,"Publisher no puede guardar la lista de direcciones como %s. Puede que otra aplicación la esté utilizando o que no disponga de derechos de escritura en el disco seleccionado. Se ha guardado como %s.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Enter a sheet name or click Cancel.",,"Escriba un nombre de hoja o haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Field names must be less than 256 characters long. Type another name.",,"Los nombres de campo deben tener una longitud inferior a 256 caracteres. Escriba otro nombre.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Before you can merge information into this publication, it must be connected to a data source. Click the Open Data Source command on the Mail Merge menu to restore the connection.",,"Esta publicación debe conectarse a un origen de datos para combinar la información. Elija el comando Abrir origen de datos del menú Combinar correspondencia para restaurar la conexión.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You did not insert any merge fields into your publication. If you print the publication now, it will not contain any data from your data source. For information on how to insert fields, press F1.",,"No ha insertado ningún campo de combinación en la publicación. Si la imprime ahora, no contendrá los datos del origen de datos. Para obtener más información sobre cómo insertar campos, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot import data from this data source.\n\nThere are no more entries in your data source.",,"Publisher no puede importar datos de este origen de datos.\n\nHay más entradas en el origen de datos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot open this address list.\n\nThis address list file is read-only. Add Write permissions to the file and try again.",,"Publisher no puede abrir esta lista de direcciones.\n\nEste archivo de lista de direcciones es de solo lectura. Agregue permisos de escritura al archivo y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot save your address list as '%s' because your disk is full. It has been saved as '%s' instead.",,"Publisher no puede guardar la lista de direcciones como %s porque el disco está lleno. Se ha guardado como %s.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Because you are working on a mail merge publication without a connection to your data source, you can preview only the first entry of your publication.",,"Está trabajando en una publicación de combinación de correspondencia sin una conexión al origen de datos, por lo que solo puede obtener una vista previa de la primera entrada de la publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"An error occurred while attempting to convert a (!idspnWord_NV) document into a data source.",,"Error al intentar convertir un documento de (!idspnWord_NV) en un origen de datos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The first row in your table contains an OLE object or picture, so it cannot be merged.",,"La primera fila de la tabla contiene un objeto OLE o una imagen. Por lo tanto, no puede combinarse.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The first row in your table has only one column in it.",,"La primera fila de la tabla solo tiene una columna.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot show changes to the field names or data previewed in your publication due to insufficient memory. Publisher will show the old field names and data.\n\nSave your work and close other programs; then try to change the data source again.",,"Publisher no puede mostrar los cambios en los nombres de campo o datos que aparecen en la vista previa de la publicación debido a la falta de memoria. Mostrará los nombres de campo y los datos antiguos.\n\nGuarde el trabajo y cierre otros programas; a continuación, vuelva a cambiar el origen de los datos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot import a Works database that includes formulas.",,"Publisher no puede importar una base de datos de Works que incluya fórmulas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There are no entries in your data source that match the filter options for this publication.",,"El origen de datos no tiene entradas que cumplan las opciones de filtro para esta publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot create a custom border from a picture that contains text.",,"Publisher no puede crear un borde personalizado de una imagen que contiene texto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot load a file needed by the wizard for this publication. This publication may have been created in a different version of Publisher.",,"Publisher no puede cargar un archivo necesario por el asistente para esta publicación. Puede que esta publicación se haya creado en otro versión de Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The registry information may be missing or corrupt. Run Setup again to restore the registry information. For more information on running Setup, press F1 now.",,"Falta la información de registro o está dañada. Vuelva a ejecutar el programa de instalación para restaurar la información de registro. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ejecutar la instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot find a required wizard. This publication may be from a different version of Publisher, or you may have chosen not to install the wizard file.",,"Publisher no encuentra un archivo necesario para el asistente. Puede que esta publicación proceda de otra versión de Publisher o que no haya instalado el archivo del asistente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The wizard cannot find a background image needed for this design. Your publication may not look as it was intended to look.\n\nRun Setup again to reinstall the missing clip art file. For more information on running Setup, press F1 now.",,"El asistente no puede encontrar una imagen de fondo necesaria para este diseño. Puede que la publicación no tenga el aspecto que desee.\n\nEjecute de nuevo el programa de instalación para instalar la imagen prediseñada que falta. Para obtener más información sobre la instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The wizard cannot find a background sound needed for this design. Your publication may not sound as it was intended to sound.\n\nRun Setup again to reinstall the missing sound file. For information on running Setup, press F1 now.",,"El asistente no puede encontrar un sonido de fondo necesario para este diseño. Su publicación podría no sonar como se pretendía que sonara. \n\nEjecute nuevamente el programa de instalación para reinstalar el archivo de sonido que falta. Para información sobre cómo ejecutar el programa de instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The wizard cannot launch the Clip Organizer.\n\nRun Setup again to reinstall Publisher. For more information on running Setup, press F1 now.",,"El asistente no puede iniciar la Galería multimedia.\n\nVuelva a ejecutar el programa de instalación para instalar de nuevo Publisher. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ejecutar la instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The wizard cannot find clip art needed for this design. Your publication may not look as it was intended to look.\n\nRun Setup again to reinstall the missing clip art file. For more information on running Setup, press F1 now.",,"El asistente no puede encontrar la imagen prediseñada necesaria para este diseño. Puede que la publicación no tenga el aspecto deseado.\n\nVuelva a ejecutar el programa de instalación para instalar de nuevo el archivo de imagen prediseñada que falta. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ejecutar la instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The wizard cannot find a font needed for this design. Your publication may not look as it was intended to look.\n\nRun Setup again to reinstall the missing font file. For more information on running Setup, press F1 now.",,"El asistente no encuentra una fuente que necesita este diseño. Puede que la publicación no tenga el aspecto deseado.\n\nVuelva a ejecutar el programa de instalación para instalar de nuevo el archivo de fuente que falta. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ejecutar la instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The wizard cannot find a special paper needed for this design. Your publication may not look as it was intended to look.\n\nRun Setup again to reinstall the missing file. For information on running Setup, press F1 now.",,"El asistente no puede encontrar un papel especial necesario para este diseño. Puede que la publicación no tenga el aspecto que desee.\n\nEjecute de nuevo el programa de instalación para instalar el archivo que falta. Para obtener más información sobre la instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The wizard cannot find this design. The file may be from a different version of Publisher.",,"El asistente no encuentra este diseño. Puede que el archivo proceda de otra versión de Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The wizard cannot find an object needed for this design. Your publication may not look as it was intended to look.\n\nRun Setup again to reinstall the missing object file. For more information on running Setup, press F1 now.",,"El asistente no encuentra un objeto necesario para este diseño. Puede que la publicación no tenga el aspecto deseado.\n\nVuelva a ejecutar el programa de instalación para instalar de nuevo el archivo de objeto que falta. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ejecutar la instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This option affects a page that has been deleted. To restore the page, click Reset Design in the Design option of the wizard.",,"Esta opción afecta a una página eliminada. Para restaurar la página, haga clic en Restablecer diseño de la opción Diseño del asistente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The wizard made the change you requested on page %d. Turn to that page to see the results.",,"El asistente realizó el cambio solicitado en la página %d. Cambie a esta página para ver los resultados.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Copyfitting cannot be used on text in connected boxes. For more information on copyfitting text, press F1 now.",,"El ajuste de texto no puede utilizarse con texto que se encuentra en cuadros conectados. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ajustar texto, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot apply drop cap formatting to an empty paragraph. You must first type at least one letter, number, or symbol.",,"No se puede aplicar el formato de letras capitales en un párrafo en blanco. Es necesario incluir al menos una letra, un número o un símbolo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot apply a drop cap to text with Asian Layout format.",,"No se puede aplicar una letra capital a texto con formato asiático.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot apply Asian Layout format to a drop cap.",,"No se puede aplicar formato asiático a una letra capital.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot apply Asian Layout format to a field.",,"No se puede aplicar formato asiático a un campo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot insert a field onto text with Asian Layout format.",,"No se puede insertar un campo en texto con formato asiático.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Horizontal-in-vertical format is only displayed when the text box is vertical.",,"El formato horizontal en vertical solo se muestra cuando el cuadro de texto es vertical.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The object you selected is an ActiveX control. Because Publisher is not an ActiveX container, that object cannot be inserted into Publisher.",,"El objeto seleccionado es un control ActiveX. Puesto que Publisher no es un contenedor ActiveX, el objeto no podrá insertarse en Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The file msvisi.ttf is corrupt or missing.\n\nSome characters may not show properly. To restore the file, try restarting Windows or reinstalling Publisher.",,"Falta el archivo msvisi.ttf o está dañado.\n\nPuede que algunos caracteres de texto no se muestren correctamente. Para restaurar el archivo, reinicie Windows o vuelva a instalar Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete field '%s'?\n\nAny information contained in this field will be deleted as well.",,"Confirme que desea eliminar el campo '%s'.\n\nTambién se eliminará cualquier información que contenga este campo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This address list already has a field with this name. Type another name.",,"Esta lista de direcciones tiene un nombre de campo duplicado. Escriba otro nombre.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Field names must contain at least one character.",,"Los nombres de campo deben contener al menos un carácter.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This address list contains too many fields. The maximum number of fields that can be searched is %s.",,"Esta lista de direcciones contiene demasiados campos. El número máximo de campos permitido en una búsqueda es %s.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have typed an invalid field name.\n\nA field name can contain alphabetic and numeric characters, underscores, hyphens, and spaces. The first character cannot be a space.",,"Nombre de campo no válido.\n\nUn nombre de campo puede contener caracteres alfabéticos, numéricos, subrayados, guiones y espacios. El primer carácter no puede ser un espacio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have typed in an invalid entry number. You must type a whole number between 1 and %d.",,"Número de entrada no válido. Debe escribir un número entero entre 1 y %d.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This publication uses colors that are not part of the color scheme. Click Yes to change these colors to the closest match in the color scheme. Click No to keep the colors as they are, even if you change the color scheme. For more information on color schemes, press F1.",,"Esta publicación utiliza colores que no forman parte de la combinación. Haga clic en Sí para cambiar estos colores por los que más se asemejen de la combinación. Haga clic en No para mantener estos colores, incluso si cambia la combinación de colores. Para más información sobre combinaciones de colores, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A calendar with this range of dates will take some time to create. Do you want to continue?",,"Un calendario con este intervalo de datos tardará en crearse. Confirme que desea continuar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"An error occurred while attempting to import the text. Publisher is unable to successfully import the text.",,"Error al intentar importar el texto. Publisher no puede importar el texto correctamente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This file contains a table that is too big to import into Publisher. To import this file, reduce the size of the table so that it contains less than 128 columns and less than 128 rows.",,"Este archivo contiene una tabla demasiado grande para importarla a Publisher. Para importar el archivo, reduzca el tamaño de la tabla a menos de 128 filas y 128 columnas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"One or more text boxes for the verses have been deleted. Do you want to reapply the current template to restore the text boxes so that the verses can be inserted?",,"Se han eliminado uno o más cuadros de texto para el texto. ¿Desea volver a aplicar la plantilla actual para restablecer los cuadros de texto de forma que se pueda insertar el texto?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Select the text that you want to display horizontally.",,"Seleccione el texto que desea mostrar de forma horizontal.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have exceeded Publisher's limit for connected text boxes in a publication.",,"Ha sobrepasado el límite de Publisher para cuadros de texto conectados en una publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have exceeded Publisher's limit for text boxes and tables over the life of a publication.",,"Ha sobrepasado el límite de Publisher para cuadros de texto y tablas en una publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Phonetic guide text is limited to 64 characters.",,"El texto de la guía fonética está limitado a 64 caracteres.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are you sure you want to ungroup?\n\nIf you ungroup these objects, the wizard will no longer be able to change this object for you. Click Yes to ungroup. Click No to keep the grouping.",,"Confirme que desea desagrupar los elementos.\n\n Si desagrupa estos objetos, el asistente no podrá volver a cambiar el objeto. Haga clic en Sí para desagrupar y clic en No para mantener los objetos agrupados.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are you sure you want to copy the information in %s Business Information to %s Business Information?",,"¿Confirma que desea copiar la información empresarial de %s a la información empresarial %s?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The color of your body text may have changed in Word Story Editing mode. For information on returning text to its original color, press F1.",,"El color del texto principal puede haber cambiado en modo Edición de artículos en Word. Para obtener información sobre cómo volver a aplicar al texto su color original, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Responses to forms in this Web site will be saved in these files:\n\n%s",,"Las respuestas a los formularios de este sitio web se guardarán en los siguientes archivos:\n\n%s",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Automatically insert pages?\n\nCatalog pages print in groups of %s. Do you want to insert extra copies of the selected pages into this %s-page publication? This will simplify printing.",,"¿Desea insertar páginas automáticamente?\n\nLas páginas del catálogo se imprimen en grupos de %s. ¿Desea insertar copias adicionales de las páginas seleccionadas en esta publicación de %s páginas? Con esto se simplificará la impresión.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have chosen a word that is not found in the main or custom dictionaries. Do you want to use this word and continue checking?",,"Ha elegido una palabra que no se encuentra en los diccionarios principales ni en personalizados. ¿Desea utilizar esta palabra y continuar con la corrección?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot find the file %s. Insert the floppy disk in drive %s and click Retry. Publisher must have access to the original file on your floppy disk to close it successfully.",,"Publisher no encuentra el archivo %s. Inserte el disco en la unidad %s y haga clic en Reintentar. Publisher debe tener acceso al archivo original del disco para poder cerrarlo correctamente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The given index is out of range.",,"El índice especificado se encuentra fuera del intervalo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The given paremeters are not correct.",,"Los parámetros especificados no son correctos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot delete the default master page.",,"No puede eliminar la página principal predeterminada.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot duplicate members of a group. You need to duplicate the entire group itself.",,"Los miembros de un grupo no se pueden duplicar. Duplique todo el grupo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot link to this text box.",,"Publisher no puede vincular este cuadro de texto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The given measurement places the object out of the workspace. Enter a different measurement.",,"La medida especificada sitúa al objeto fuera del área de trabajo. Introduzca una medida distinta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The text box has no forward link to break.",,"El cuadro de texto no tiene ningún vínculo hacia adelante que romper.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot create a master page from a master page.",,"Publisher no puede crear una página principal a partir de otra.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The object no longer exists.",,"El objeto ya no existe.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Reconversion cannot be started with an empty selection or a selection containing fields.",,"La reconversión no se puede iniciar con una selección vacía o una selección que contenga un campo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory available to save your publication. Close other applications to make more memory available. Would you like to save again?",,"Memoria insuficiente para guardar la publicación. Cierre otras aplicaciones para liberar memoria. ¿Desea  guardarla de nuevo?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You must specify a folder name",,"Especifique un nombre de carpeta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot find a wizard it needs to complete this operation. This publication might be from a different version of Publisher or you have chosen not to install the wizard.",,"Publisher no encuentra un asistente necesario para completar esta operación. Puede que la publicación proceda de otra versión de Publisher o que no haya instalado el asistente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This publication cannot be saved in a text-only format because it contains no text boxes. Please choose a different file type.",,"No puede guardar esta publicación con un formato de solo texto porque no contiene ningún cuadro de texto. Elija otro tipo de archivo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot find its file converter dll to convert this old publication.  Your file will not open. Please reinstall Publisher.",,"Publisher no puede encontrar la dll de conversión de archivos para esta publicación antigua. El archivo no se abrirá. Vuelva a instalar Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot find a file it needs to run the thesaurus for %s. Please try again.",,"Publisher no encuentra el archivo necesario para ejecutar el programa de sinónimos para %s. Inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The font %s cannot be loaded. Your publication may not look as it was intended to look.",,"No se puede cargar la fuente %s. Puede que la publicación no tenga la presentación deseada.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot open a file of this type from the Web.",,"Publisher no puede abrir un archivo de este tipo desde la Web.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot complete this operation on a file opened from the Web. To complete the operation, copy the file from the Web to your computer, open the file in Publisher, and then try again.",,"Publisher no puede completar esta operación en un archivo abierto desde la Web. Para completar la operación, copie el archivo desde la Web en el equipo, abra el archivo en Publisher y luego vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For spot color printing, Publisher automatically adds black in addition to the colors you selected in this dialog box. Please choose a non-black color as your spot color.",,"En la impresión con colores directos, Publisher agrega automáticamente negro además de los colores que haya elegido en este cuadro de diálogo. Elija un color que no sea negro como color directo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This version of Publisher cannot read password protected files. If possible, get another version of the file that is not password protected, or us a later version of Publisher that supports password protected files.",,"Esta versión de Publisher no puede leer archivos protegidos por contraseña. Intente obtener otra versión del archivo que no esté protegida por contraseña o una versión posterior de Publisher que admita el uso de archivos protegidos por contraseña.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot save the file.",,"Publisher no puede guardar el archivo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot save this PostScript file directly to a floppy disc. Save the PostScript file to your computer's hard drive, and then copy it to the floppy disc.",,"Publisher no puede guardar este archivo PostScript directamente en un disco. Guarde el archivo PostScript en el disco duro del equipo y cópielo luego en el disco.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher could not save your file as PostScript. Make sure the disk you chose is not write-protected.",,"Publisher no pudo guardar el archivo como PostScript. Compruebe que el disco que elija no está protegido contra escritura.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher could not save the file to the Web.\n\nCheck your URL or network connection and try again.",,"Publisher no pudo guardar el archivo en la Web.\n\nCompruebe la URL o la conexión de red e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot save a file of this type to the Web.",,"Publisher no puede guardar un archivo de este tipo en la Web.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Enter a number between 3 and 800.",,"Escriba un número comprendido entre 3 y 800.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Enter a number between 10 and 800.",,"Escriba un número comprendido entre 10 y 800.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Enter a number between 10 and 1000.",,"Escriba un número entre 10 y 1000.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This will delete the record of all commands you've used in this application and restore the default set of visible commands to the menus and toolbars. It will not undo any explicit customizations. Are you sure you want to do this?",,"Con esto eliminará el registro de todos los comandos que ha utilizado en esta aplicación y restaurará el juego predeterminado de comandos visibles en los menús y barras de herramientas. No deshará ninguna personalización explícita. Confirme que desea hacer esto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher could not launch Pantone's Color Management System. Check setup to make sure that the that the Not Available check box (Publisher Commercial Printing, Pantone Libraries) is clear.",,"Publisher no pudo iniciar el sistema de administración de colores de Pantone. Compruebe la instalación para asegurarse de que la casilla No disponible (Impresión comercial de Publisher, Bibliotecas de Pantone) no está activa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To create a PostScript file, you must first choose a PostScript printer. For more information, press F1 now.",,"Para crear un archivo PostScript, elija primero una impresora PostScript. Para más información, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete this color scheme?",,"Confirme que desea eliminar esta combinación de colores.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Enter a whole number that is between %s and %s.",,"Introduzca un número entero comprendido entre %s y %s.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Enter a whole number that is greater than or equal to %s and less than or equal to %s.",,"Introduzca un número entero mayor o igual que %s e inferior o igual que %s.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"One or more of the embedded fonts used in this publication are preview-only. When you use preview-only fonts, you can view and print the publication, but you cannot make any changes to it. If you want to make changes to this publication, do not use the preview-only fonts. To use the preview-only fonts, click OK. To cancel and use other fonts for this publication, click Cancel. For more information, press F1.",,"Una o más de las fuentes incrustadas utilizadas son de solo vista previa. Cuando utiliza fuentes de solo vista previa, puede ver e imprimir la publicación, pero no puede realizar cambios. Si desea realizar cambios, no utilice las fuentes de solo vista previa. Para cancelar y utilizar otras fuentes para esta publicación, presione Cancelar. Para obtener más información al respecto, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This graphic contains CMYK color information. If you plan to print this publication in full color at a commercial printing service, you should link to this graphic instead of embedding it.",,"Este gráfico contiene información de color CMYK. Si tiene previsto imprimir esta publicación a todo color en una imprenta, vincule este gráfico en lugar de incrustarlo. Para más información, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The file type you selected only supports text. To save only the text of this publication, click OK. To save the entire publication, Click Cancel, and then choose the Publisher (.pub) file type.",,"El tipo de archivo seleccionado solo admite texto. Para guardar solo el texto de esta publicación, haga clic en Aceptar. Para guardar toda la publicación, haga clic en Cancelar y luego elija el tipo de archivo Publisher (.pub).",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The %s font cannot be embedded in the publication. Publisher will continue embedding other fonts.",,"La fuente %s no se puede incrustar en la publicación. Publisher continuará incrustando otras fuentes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The wizard will fill in your name, address, and other information for you, so you don't have to enter it each time. Click OK to tell the wizard about yourself.",,"El asistente rellenará los campos con el nombre, dirección y demás información para que no tenga que escribirla cada vez. Haga clic en Aceptar para proporcionarle al asistente sus datos personales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher could not change the link on the selected entry",,"Publisher no pudo cambiar el vínculo en la entrada seleccionada",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The operation could not be completed.",,"No se ha podido concluir la operación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"%s could not be accessed. Insert the correct CD into drive %s.",,"No se puede obtener acceso a %s. Inserte el CD correcto en la unidad %s.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"%s could not be accessed because of network problems.\n\nCheck your network connection and try again.",,"No se puede obtener acceso a %s debido a problemas con la red.\n\nCompruebe la conexión de red e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A Windows Metafile (.wmf) will be created and linked to from the embedded EPS graphic.",,"Se creará un metarchivo de Windows(.wmf) y se vinculará desde el gráfico EPS incrustado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The TIFF graphics filter is not installed. Do you want to export the graphic on your screen as a Windows metafile instead?",,"No se ha instalado el filtro de gráficos TIFF. ¿Desea exportar en su lugar el gráfico que aparece en la pantalla como un metarchivo Windows?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot print the high-resolution version of this graphic.\n\nTo continue printing using the low-resolution version of this graphic, click OK. To stop printing now, click Cancel.",,"Publisher no puede imprimir la versión de alta resolución de este gráfico.\n\nPara seguir imprimiendo con la versión de la resolución baja de este gráfico, haga clic en Aceptar. Para dejar de imprimir ahora, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"One of the graphics filters Publisher requires to print high-resolution graphics is not installed.\n\nTo continue printing using low-resolution graphics, click OK. To stop printing now, click Cancel.",,"No se ha instalado uno de los filtros de gráficos que Publisher requiere para imprimir gráficos de alta resolución.\n\nPara seguir imprimiendo con gráficos de baja resolución, haga clic en Aceptar. Para dejar de imprimir, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher could not locate the graphic %s. Check that it has not been moved, renamed, or deleted.",,"Publisher no encuentra el gráfico %s. Compruebe que no se ha movido, cambiado de nombre o eliminado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No Korean text is selected. Select the Korean text that you want to convert, and then use the Hangul Hanja Converter again.",,"No se ha seleccionado ningún texto coreano. Seleccione el texto que desea convertir y vuelva a utilizar el convertidor de Hangul Hanja.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""A color scheme name cannot include the ""|"" character. Enter another name."",,""Un nombre de combinación de colores no puede incluir el carácter ""|"". Escriba un nombre diferente."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have reached the first entry of the table.",,"Ha llegado a la primera entrada de la tabla.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have reached the last entry of the table.",,"Ha llegado a la última entrada de la tabla.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This table cannot be used because it has no columns",,"No se puede usar esta tabla porque no tiene columnas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot merge information from Outlook. The problem may be related to your network connections or to your (!idspnOutlook_NV) installation.",,"Publisher no puede combinar información desde Outlook. El problema puede deberse a las conexiones con la red o a la instalación de (!idspnOutlook_NV).",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"One of the MAPI dlls is missing or damaged. You will need to reinstall (!idspnOutlook_NV) to merge information from a contact list.",,"Falta una de las dll MAPI o está dañada. Tiene que instalar (!idspnOutlook_NV) para combinar información desde una lista de contactos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There are no contact lists to merge information from.",,"No hay listas de contacto desde las que combinar información.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To print or preview a publication, at least one printer must be installed on the system.",,"El sistema debe tener como mínimo una impresora instalada para que se puede imprimir o mostrar una vista previa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot apply Asian Layout format to an inline object.",,"No se puede aplicar un formato asiático a un objeto alineado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No objects were printed because there were no objects on the selected plate or plates.",,"No se ha impreso ningún objeto porque no hay ninguno en la plancha o planchas seleccionadas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Select a printer, then click Advanced Print Settings.",,"Seleccione una impresora y después haga clic Configuración avanzada de impresión.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To restore all registration settings to their default values and remove any per-object settings, click OK. To keep current registration settings, click Cancel.",,"Haga clic en Aceptar para restaurar toda la configuración de registro predeterminada y quitar la configuración especificada para cada uno de los objetos. Haga clic en Cancelar para mantener la configuración de registro actual.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher has created a filtered HTML version of this publication.\n\nFiltered HTML files are smaller than regular HTML files, and can be published to and downloaded from the Internet more quickly. You cannot edit the filtered HTML version of this publication in Publisher. To make any changes to this Web site, first edit the original .pub file in Publisher, and then publish it again using the Publish to the Web command on the File menu.",,"Publisher ha creado una versión de HTML filtrado de esta publicación.\n\nLos archivos de HTML filtrado son más pequeños que los HTML normales y se pueden publicar y descargar más rápidamente de Internet. No puede editar la versión de HTML filtrado de esta publicación en Publisher. Para realizar cambios en este sitio web, modifique el archivo .PUB original y vuelva a publicarlo mediante el comando Publicar en la Web del menú Archivo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This publication contains features that are not supported in the previous versions of Publisher. Are you sure you want to save the publication in %s format?\n\nClick Yes to save in %s format.",,"Esta publicación contiene funciones incompatibles con las versiones anteriores de Publisher. ¿Desea guardar la publicación con el formato %s?\n\nHaga clic en Sí para guardarla en formato %s.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot enter standby mode while it is in the middle of a long operation. Try again after the operation is finished.",,"Publisher no puede entrar en el estado de espera mientras se encuentre en medio de una operación larga. Vuelva a intentarlo de nuevo cuando la operación haya concluido.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The current publication was opened from a network location. You must close the file before you can put your computer on standby.",,"Esta publicación se abrió desde una ubicación de red. Debe cerrar el archivo para dejar el equipo en modo de espera.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A custom color scheme that has this name already exists. Do you want to replace that color scheme with this one?",,"Ya existe una combinación de colores personalizada con este nombre. ¿Desea reemplazarla por esta otra?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A custom font scheme that has this name already exists. Do you want to replace that font scheme with this one?",,"Ya existe una combinación de fuentes personalizada con este nombre. ¿Desea reemplazarla por esta otra?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot create a new data source file because of database engine failures ",,"Publisher no puede crear un archivo de origen de datos porque el motor de la base de datos da errores ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot create a new data source file. Verify that your temp directory is valid",,"Publisher no puede crear un archivo de origen de datos. Compruebe que el directorio temporal es válido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher is not delete a row from the Data store",,"Publisher no puede eliminar una fila del Almacén de datos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot initialize the Data Entry dialog",,"Publisher no puede inicializar el diálogo Entrada de datos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot insert a new row into the Data store",,"Publisher no puede insertar una fila nueva en el Almacén de datos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot read data from the Data store",,"Publisher no puede leer los datos del Almacén de datos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot write data into the Data store",,"Publisher no puede escribir datos en el Almacén de datos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot complete the operation because of dialog or database engine failures",,"Publisher no puede finalizar la operación debido a un error en el diálogo o en el motor de la base de datos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot open this table because the table was modified outside Publisher and has too many columns in it ",,"Publisher no puede abrir la tabla porque no se ha modificado en Publisher y contiene demasiadas columnas ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot open this table because the table was modified outside Publisher and has zero columns in it ",,"Publisher no puede abrir la tabla porque no se ha modificado en Publisher y no contiene columnas ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Label names are at least one character long and cannot contain the ~ character. Please enter a new label name.",,"Los nombres de etiqueta deben contener al menos un carácter y éste no puede ser ~. Introduzca un nuevo nombre de etiqueta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The label name is too long. Enter a shorter name.",,"El nombre de la etiqueta es demasiado largo. Introduzca otro más corto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert the next disk.",,"Inserte el siguiente disco.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert a disk into the disk drive.",,"Inserte un disco en la unidad de disco.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough space on this disk to continue. Insert another disk.",,"No hay espacio suficiente en este disco para continuar. Inserte otro disco.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This disk is read-only. Insert another disk.",,"Este disco es de solo lectura. Inserte otro disco.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your system administrator has set this property. Only the system administrator can change it.",,"El administrador del sistema ha configurado esta propiedad. solo puede cambiarla el administrador del sistema.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The sheet size you're printing to is too small for some of your printer's marks to print. If you're printing to film or creating a PostScript file, choose a larger sheet size.",,"El tamaño de hoja que está imprimiendo es demasiado pequeño para que se impriman algunas de las marcas de la impresora. Si imprime una película o crea un archivo PostScript, elija un tamaño de hoja mayor.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher has created a PostScript version of your publication.\n\nYou cannot edit the PostScript file in Publisher. If you need to make changes, make the changes in Publisher, and then save your publication as a PostScript file again.",,"Publisher ha creado una versión PostScript de la publicación.\n\nNo puede modificar el archivo PostScript en Publisher. Si tiene que realizar cambios, hágalos en Publisher y luego guarde otra vez la publicación como un archivo PostScript.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher could not access the color scheme registry. Please restart your computer and try again.",,"Publisher no pudo obtener acceso al registro de combinación de colores. Reinicie el equipo y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The name you have selected is already used by Publisher and cannot be replaced. Enter another name.",,"Publisher ya ha utilizado el nombre seleccionado y no puede sustituirlo. Escriba otro nombre.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A style cannot be based on itself. Please select another style for the base style.",,"No se puede basar un estilo en sí mismo. Seleccione otro estilo como estilo base.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The based-on style is not correct. Please select another style.",,"El estilo en el que se basa no es correcto. Seleccione otro estilo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The chain is too long. Try selecting another style as your base style.",,"La cadena es demasiado larga. Intente seleccionar otro estilo como estilo base.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot start the Simplified/Traditional Chinese translation, because it cannot load the library.",,"Publisher no puede empezar la traducción del chino simplificado o tradicional porque no puede cargar la biblioteca.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To start the translation, you need to select some text.",,"Para empezar a traducir, primero debe seleccionar texto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Custom registration settings applied to borders will apply to all borders or drop shadows on the frame. The registration settings for every side of the border will apply to any master page object.",,"La configuración de registro personalizada aplicada a los bordes afecta a todos los bordes o sombras del marco. La configuración de registro de cada uno de los lados del borde afectará a todos los objetos de la página principal.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Using traps other than spreads for text characters may cause problems with certain fonts.",,"El uso de otro reventado negativo de color que no sea negativo para caracteres de texto puede ocasionar problemas con determinadas fuentes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Custom registration settings applied to a table will apply to the entire table. The registration settings for all fills or borders will apply to any master page object.",,"La configuración de registro personalizada aplicada a una tabla afecta a toda la tabla. La configuración de registro de los bordes o rellenos afecta a todos los objetos de la página principal.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete the macro %s?",,"¿Desea eliminar la macro %s?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"%s macro name is incorrect. Please choose a different name.",,"El nombre de la macro %s no es correcto. Elija otro nombre.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Macro %s already exists. Please choose a different name.",,"Ya existe la macro %s. Elija un nombre distinto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher could not open the file from the Web.\n\nCheck your network connection and try again.",,"Publisher no pudo abrir el archivo desde la Web.\n\nCompruebe la conexión de red e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The file %s cannot be opened. Access privileges have not been given.",,"No se puede abrir el archivo %s. No tiene asignados privilegios de acceso.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to switch to one master page?\n\nIf you change to one master page now, all the objects on the right master page will be deleted and replaced with a copy of all the objects on the left master page. To continue, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel.",,"¿Desea cambiar a una página principal?\n\nSi cambia ahora a una página principal, todos los objetos de la página principal derecha se eliminarán y reemplazarán por una copia de todos los objetos de la página principal izquierda. Para continuar, haga clic en Aceptar. Si no desea continuar, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In spot color mode, you can have only a gradient composed of your base color plus white. If you specified two gradient colors, Publisher automatically changes the second color to white, and uses the base color as your gradient color.",,"En el modo de color directo, solo se puede tener un degradado compuesto por el color base más el blanco. Si ha especificado dos colores de degradado, Publisher cambiará el segundo color a blanco y usará el color base como color de degradado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Only one of LinkToFile and SavewithDocument can be true.",,"solo puede ser verdadero LinkToFile o SavewithDocument.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Printer specified does not name a valid printer.",,"El nombre de la impresora especificada no corresponde a una impresora válida.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The line style is not compatible with the InsetPen property.  You must either set InsetPen to msoFalse or change Style to msoLineSingle before proceeding.",,"El estilo de línea no es compatible con la propiedad InsetPen. Antes de continuar, establezca el valor de InsetPen como msoFalse o cambie el Estilo a msoLineSingle.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The page size is too large to print more than one page per sheet of printer paper.",,"El tamaño de la página es demasiado grande para imprimir varias páginas en una hoja de papel de la impresora.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot perform this action because code is running in the active document.  To open or create a second document, create a new instance of Publisher.",,"Publisher no puede realizar esta acción porque el código está ejecutándose en el documento activo. Para abrir o crear un segundo documento, cree una instancia nueva de Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher could not find this wizard.",,"Publisher no pudo encontrar este asistente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cannot maintain luminosity when replacement ink is lighter than deleted ink.",,"No se puede mantener la luminosidad cuando la tinta de reemplazo sea más clara que la eliminada.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You can only select objects that are on the current page.",,"solo puede seleccionar objetos de la página actual.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You can't use this method/property with inline shapes in the range.",,"No puede utilizar este método o esta propiedad con las formas en línea de este intervalo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Non-merged table cells cannot be split.",,"No se pueden dividir las celdas de tabla no combinadas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot complete this operation because a modal dialog is active.",,"No puede completar esta operación dado que hay activo un cuadro de diálogo modal.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The plates collection is currently only available for Spot mode.",,"La colección de placas solo está disponible en el modo Mancha.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Group members cannot be cut or copied.",,"No se pueden cortar o copiar los miembros de un grupo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Page does not have background.",,"La página no tiene fondo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No page-specific wizard properties exist.",,"No existen propiedades para el asistente específicas de página.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are trying to close a custom undo context while you do not have one opened.  User actions may implicitly close the undo context, or you may be missing a call to BeginCustomUndoContext.",,"Está intentando cerrar un contexto de deshacer personalizado pero no tiene ninguno abierto. Las acciones del usuario pueden cerrar implícitamente un contexto o puede faltar una llamada a BeginCustomUndoContext.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This automation method cannot be called while setting up a custom undo context.",,"Este método de automatización no se puede llamar durante la configuración de una contexto de deshacer personalizado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is nothing on the clipboard that can be pasted here.",,"El portapapeles no contiene nada que pegar aquí.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This feature is only for master pages.",,"Esta característica es solo para páginas principal.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This option is only available when the document is in Web View.",,"Esta opción solo se encuentra disponible cuando el documento está en la vista web.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The spacing parameter needs to be specified for this value of Spacing Rule.",,"El parámetro de espaciado tiene que ser especificado para este valor de la regla de espaciado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This property can only be used if LayoutGuides.Columns is greater than 1.",,"Esta propiedad solo puede utilizarse si LayoutGuides.Columns es mayor que 1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This property can only be used if LayoutGuides.Rows or LayoutGuides.Columns is greater than 1.",,"Esta propiedad solo puede utilizarse si LayoutGuides.Rows o LayoutGuides.Columns es mayor que 1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This property can only be used if LayoutGuides.Rows is greater than 1.",,"Esta propiedad solo puede utilizarse si LayoutGuides.Rows es mayor que  1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This member can only be accessed for a single shape.",,"solo se puede obtener acceso a este miembro para una forma.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Specified dimensions are too small for a table.",,"Las dimensiones especificadas son demasiado pequeñas para una tabla.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The specified tag already exists.",,"Ya existe la tarjeta especificada.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This data type is not supported by the Tags collection.",,"La colección de etiquetas no admite este tipo de datos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This property applies only to publications where more than one page will be printed on each sheet of printer paper.",,"Esta propiedad solo es válida para las publicaciones en las que se imprimen varias páginas en cada hoja de papel de la impresora.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Too many actions have been performed in this undo context; there is no more room.",,"Se han realizado demasiadas acciones en este contexto de deshacer; no queda espacio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot apply a background because a special paper is currently applied.\nTo apply a background, you must first remove the special paper from the publication.",,"Publisher no puede aplicar un fondo porque se está utilizando un papel especial.\nPara aplicar un fondo, quite primero el papel especial de la publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot import styles from files of this type",,"Publisher no puede importar los estilos de este tipo de archivos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The labels cannot be printed correctly by using the page orientation you have selected. To print the label correctly, orientation has been restored to the default setting.",,"Las etiquetas no se pueden imprimir correctamente con la orientación de página seleccionada. Para imprimirlas correctamente, es necesario restaurar la orientación al valor predeterminado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory to copy objects.\n\nPublisher cannot copy some of the contents of the left master page to the right master page. To make more memory available, save your work and close other programs; then try again.",,"Memoria insuficiente para copiar los objetos.\n\nPublisher no puede copiar parte del contenido de la página principal izquierda en la página principal derecha. Para liberar más memoria, guarde el trabajo y cierre otros programas. Luego inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Forward must be true when replacing text.",,"Forward debe tener el valor true al reemplazar texto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher will reduce the number of inks used in your publication to %d or fewer by merging colors with similar hue and luminosity.",,"Publisher reducirá el número de tintas utilizadas en la publicación en %d o menos gracias a la combinación de colores con matices y luminosidad similares.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"While converting a publication to a previous version of Publisher, some data might be lost.\nWould you like to continue with the conversion?",,"Algunos datos se pueden perder durante la conversión de una publicación a la versión anterior de Publisher.\n¿Desea continuar con la conversión?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Table name is not specified.",,"No se ha especificado el nombre de la tabla.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The catalog merge area is only available during Catalog Merge. If you select Mail Merge, you will not be able to use the catalog merge area to display your data.\n\nDo you want to remove the catalog merge area?",,"El área de combinación de catálogos solo se encuentra disponible durante la combinación de catálogos. Si selecciona Combinación de correspondencia, no podrá utilizar el área de combinación de catálogos para mostrar los datos.\n\n¿Desea quitar el área de combinación de catálogos?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This navigation bar name is already in use in this publication. Each navigation\nbar must have a unique name. Please type a different name.",,"Este nombre de barra de navegación ya está en uso en esta publicación.\nCada barra de navegación debe tener un nombre exclusivo. Escriba un nombre diferente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The export filter for this graphics format could not be found. Please run setup again to install the graphics filter, or save as a different graphics format.",,"No se encuentra el filtro de exportación para este formato gráfico. Ejecute de nuevo la instalación para instalar el filtro gráfico o guárdelo como un formato gráfico diferente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There are no text boxes in this publication.",,"No hay cuadros de texto en esta publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The folder that this Web page would use to organize supporting files is already reserved for use in the current location.  Please choose a different name or location for this Web page.",,"La carpeta que esta página web pretende utilizar para organizar archivos compatibles ya está siendo utilizada. Elija un nombre o una ubicación distinta para esta página.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are opening a publication that was created with a later version of Publisher.  Properties that exist only in the later version will not be saved.",,"Está abriendo una publicación que se ha creado con una versión posterior de Publisher. No se guardarán las propiedades que solo existan en la versión posterior.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are saving a publication that was created in a later version of Publisher.  Properties that exist only in the later version will not be saved.",,"Está guardando una publicación que se ha creado con una versión posterior de Publisher. No se guardarán las propiedades que solo existan en la versión posterior.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This document contains information in frames.\nFrames cannot be edited within this product.\nTry this: Edit this document in a product such as Word for editing information within frames.",,"Este documento contiene información en marcos.\nNo se pueden editar marcos en este producto.\nIntente editar el documento en un programa como Word para modificar la información de los marcos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hyphenation is complete.",,"Terminada la división de palabras.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The indents you've entered would put text outside of the frame.\n\nMake sure that if you add the leading indent and the first line indent together, their total is between %s and %s. For information on indenting text, press F1 now.",,"Las sangrías especificadas pueden situar texto fuera del marco.\n\nAsegúrese de que si agrega sangría a la izquierda y sangría en la primera línea, el total de la misma está comprendido entre %s y %s. Para obtener más información sobre texto con sangría, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is not a label publication type. You cannot change label settings in this publication.",,"Este no es un tipo de publicación de etiquetas. No puede cambiar la configuración de etiquetas de esta publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The line spacing for this paragraph is greater than the baseline guides spacing. Do you still want to save this paragraph setting?",,"El interlineado de este párrafo es mayor que el espaciado entre guías de línea base. ¿Desea guardar esta configuración de párrafo?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There are no entries to preview or print. All entries have been excluded from the Recipient List. Please update the Recipient List and try again.",,"No hay entradas para la impresión o vista previa. Todas las entradas se excluyeron de la lista de destinatarios. Actualice la lista de destinatarios e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The specified entries were excluded from the Recipient List. Please make another selection and try again.",,"Las entradas especificadas se excluyeron de la lista de destinatarios. Realice otra selección e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please close the current data source connection before opening a new one.",,"Cierre la conexión de origen de datos actuales antes de abrir una nueva.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You need to install address validation software before you can validate the addresses of your recipients. Would you like to visit the Office Update Web site to find out more about address validation add-ins?",,"Primero debe instalar un programa de validación de direcciones para poder validar las direcciones de los destinatarios. ¿Desea visitar el sitio web de Office Update para obtener más información sobre complementos de validación de direcciones?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete this master page? If this master page is applied to any of your publication pages, the first master page will be applied in its place.",,"¿Confirma que desea eliminar esta página principal? Si esta página principal se aplica a la publicación, la primera página principal se aplicará en su lugar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The From value cannot be greater than the To value.",,"El valor De no puede ser mayor que el valor A.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This master page is applied to one or more of your publication pages. Are you sure you want to continue?",,"Esta página principal se aplica a una o más páginas de la publicación. ¿Desea continuar?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You must type a page ID for this master page.",,"Tiene que escribir un ID. de página para esta página principal.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You must type a description for this master page.",,"Debe escribir una descripción para esta página principal.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The page ID you have typed is already in use. Type a different page ID.",,"El ID. de página que ha escrito ya está en uso. Escriba otro diferente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Another Master Page already exists with this name. Please choose another.",,"Ya existe otra página principal con este nombre. Elija otro nombre.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A modal browser is already open in this instance of Publisher.",,"Ya ha abierto un explorador modal en esta instancia de Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You must have an insertion point inside a text box.",,"Debe tener un punto de inserción en un cuadro de texto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are trying to merge to an existing file. Please specify the file name.",,"Especifique el nombre del archivo existente con el que desea combinar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This operation cannot be performed while the object is in a drawing canvas.  Remove this object from the canvas to change the design.",,"No se puede realizar esta operación mientras que el objeto se encuentre en un lienzo de dibujo. Elimine este objeto del lienzo para cambiar el diseño.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The template file normal.pub is either corrupted or cannot be opened. You can ignore to proceed.",,"El archivo de plantilla normal.pub está dañado o no se puede abrir. Puede omitirlo para continuar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This object could not be activated due to your High macro security setting. This object might contain viruses or otherwise be harmful to your computer.\nTo activate this object, make sure it is from a trustworthy source and temporarily adjust your macro security setting to Medium and try again.",,"No se puede activar este objeto porque la seguridad para macros está configurada como alta. Este objeto puede contener virus o dañar el equipo.\nPara activar este objeto, asegúrese de que procede de una fuente de confianza, configure temporalmente la seguridad para macros como media e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are about to activate an embedded object that may contain viruses or be otherwise harmful to your computer.\n\nIt is important to be certain that it is from a trustworthy source.\n\nDo you want to continue?",,"Va a activar un objeto incrustado que puede contener virus o ser capaz de dañar su equipo.\n\nAsegúrese de que el objeto procede de una fuente de confianza.\n\n¿Desea continuar?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot Pack and Go an HTML publication.  You must save in Publisher format before you can Pack and Go.",,"Publisher no puede empaquetar una publicación HTML. Guárdela antes en formato Publisher para poder empaquetarla.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This publication contains a picture that is too large to be saved in earlier versions of Publisher. This picture will be saved as an empty picture frame when Publisher saves the file in an earlier version.",,"Esta publicación contiene una imagen demasiado grande para guardarla con una versión anterior de Publisher. Esta imagen se guardará como un marco de imagen vacío cuando Publisher guarde el archivo en una versión anterior.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is a picture on a master page that is too large to be converted to previous versions of Publisher.",,"Una página principal contiene una imagen que es demasiado grande para que se pueda convertir a versiones anteriores de Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher has searched the entire story. Do you want to continue searching the rest of the publication, including the master pages?",,"Publisher ha buscado en todo el artículo. ¿Desea continuar buscando en el resto de la publicación, incluidas las páginas principales?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot send an HTML publication as an email attachment.  You must save in Publisher format before you can send it as email.",,"Publisher no puede enviar una publicación HTML como datos adjuntos de correo electrónico. Para poder enviarla como correo electrónico, primero debe guardarla con formato de Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This action will split up the left and right pages of a two-page spread. Some pages that are now right-hand pages will become left-hand pages, and vice versa.\n\nTo move this page and split up the two-page spread, click OK. To cancel this action and maintain the existing page order, click Cancel.",,"Esta acción va a separar las páginas derecha e izquierda de una  presentación de dos páginas. Algunas páginas que son actualmente páginas derechas se convertirán en páginas izquierda y viceversa.\n\nPara mover esta página y separarla en dos, haga clic en Aceptar. Para cancelar esta acción y mantener el orden de páginas existentes, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The table size is too large. Reduce the number of rows or columns.",,"El tamaño de la tabla es demasiado grande. Reduzca el número de filas o columnas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Table size is out of range.",,"El tamaño de la tabla está fuera del intervalo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The function you are attempting to run contains macros or content that requires macro language support.  When this software was installed, you (or your administrator) chose not to install support for macros or controls.",,"La función que intenta ejecutar contiene macros o contenidos que tienen que ser compatibles con el lenguaje de la macro. En el momento de instalar el software, el usuario (o el administrador) no seleccionó la opción de instalar la compatibilidad para macros o controles.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"%s contains macros or content that require macro language support.  When this software was installed you (or your administrator) chose not to install support for macros.\n\nMacros may contain viruses.  Continuing in this mode will disable macros.  It is always safe to disable macros, but if the macros are legitimate you may lose some functionality or content.  To fully enable this content you will need to run the install program and enable macro language support.\n\nWould you like to open a read-only copy of the file with macros disabled?",,"%s contiene macros o contenidos que tienen que ser compatibles con el lenguaje de la macro. En el momento de instalar el software, el usuario (o el administrador) no seleccionó la opción de instalar la compatibilidad para macros.\n\nLas macros pueden contener virus. Si  continúa en este modo, se deshabilitarán las macros. Se aconseja por seguridad deshabilitar las macros, pero si son fiables es posible que pierda parte de la funcionalidad o contenido. Para habilitar completamente este contenido, deberá ejecutar el programa de instalación y habilitar la compatibilidad con el lenguaje de la macro.\n\n¿Desea abrir una copia del archivo en modo de solo lectura con las macros deshabilitadas?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Would you like to preview your message before you send it?",,"¿Desea ver la vista previa del mensaje antes de enviarlo?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This Web Component already exists",,"El Componente web ya existe",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This Web Component is badly formed. Please enter a valid URL.",,"Error al formar el Componente web. Introduzca una dirección URL válida.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This Web Components URL is incorrect. Please enter a valid URL. example: http://example.com/sample.htm",,"La dirección URL de Web Components es incorrecta. Introduzca una dirección URL válida como, por ejemplo: http://example.com/muestra.htm",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Single file web pages saved with a ""!"" or a ""#"" in the path may not display properly in some browsers. Do you want to continue?"",,""Las páginas web de un solo archivo guardados con ""!"" o ""nº"" en la ruta de acceso quizá no se muestren correctamente en algunos exploradores. ¿Desea continuar?"",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The selected page contains objects. Delete anyway?",,"La página seleccionada contiene objetos. ¿Desea eliminarla de todos modos?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Deleting this border will also remove it from objects in your publication. You cannot undo this action.\n\nDelete anyway?",,"Si elimina este borde, lo quitará también de los objetos de la publicación. Esta acción no se puede deshacer.\n\n¿Desea eliminarlo de todos modos?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This printer is not set up for duplex printing yet. Click Yes to run the Two-Sided Printing Setup Wizard. Click No to print now without setting up this printer.",,"Esta impresora aún no está configurada para la impresión a doble cara. Haga clic en Sí para ejecutar el Asistente para la configuración de la impresión a dos caras. Haga clic en No para imprimir ahora sin configurar la impresora.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Restoring default borders will not remove your custom borders. \n\nContinue restoring default borders?",,"Con la restauración de los bordes predeterminados no se eliminan los bordes personalizados. \n\n¿Desea continuar con la restauración de los bordes predeterminados?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This collection is no longer supported. Use AvailableLayouts instead.",,"Esta colección ya no se admite. Utilice en su lugar  AvailableLayouts.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bad resolution format or unsupported resolution.",,"Formato de resolución incorrecto o resolución no compatible.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher does not support setting bullets or numbering on a paragraph with a drop cap in it. Please remove the drop cap first before setting the bullet or numbering type.",,"Publisher no admite viñetas ni números en un párrafo que contenga letras capitales. Quítelas antes de establecer el tipo de viñetas o de numeración.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This functionality is not supported in the current version of Publisher.",,"Esta funcionalidad no se admite en la versión actual de Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The method can be used only on the active page.",,"El método solo se puede utilizar en la página activa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This property is no longer supported  Use Layout instead.",,"Esta propiedad ya no se admite. Utilice en su lugar Layout.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Plates collection can contain no more that %d spots in Pub.",,"Las colecciones de placas no pueden contener más de %d colores directos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Detached plates collection can contain no more that %d plates.",,"Las colecciones de placas separadas no pueden contener más de %d placas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A publication may not contain more than 12 plates when switching to spot or process+spot color mode. Use the DeleteExcessInks parameter to automatically reduce the number of plates defined for a publication.",,"Una publicación no puede contener más de 12 placas para cambiar al modo de cuatricromías o cuatricromías y colores directos. Utilice el parámetro DeleteExcessInks para reducir automáticamente el número de placas definidas para la publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Group members cannot be deleted.",,"Se pueden eliminar integrantes de un grupo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Group members cannot be ungrouped.",,"No se pueden agrupar integrantes de un grupo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This property can only be used when a postscript printer is selected.",,"solo es posible utilizar esta propiedad cuando se selecciona una impresora PostScript.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The file name that you specified either contains characters that are not valid (such as spaces or double-byte characters), or the file name is already in use. Make sure you use valid characters and that you specify a unique file name.",,"El nombre que ha especificado contiene caracteres que no son válidos (como espacios o caracteres de doble bit) o el nombre del archivo ya está siendo utilizado. Asegúrese de utilizar caracteres válidos y de que especifica un nombre de archivo único.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This property is not available when PagesPerLayout is 0.",,"Esta propiedad no está disponible cuando PagesPerLayout es 0.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot insert this picture into the publication. The appropriate graphic converter is not available.",,"Publisher no puede insertar esta imagen en la publicación. El convertidor de gráficos correspondiente no está disponible.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"An image of the page was not created. The page is too big.",,"No se ha creado una imagen de la página. La página es demasiado grande.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot print CMYK composite to a black & white printer. To print CMYK composite, choose a color printer.",,"Publisher no puede imprimir composiciones CMYK en una impresora en blanco y negro. Para imprimir composiciones CMYK, elija una impresora en color.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This publication contains items stored as part of the My Objects collection. Adding these items to your Building Block Library will remove them from the My Objects collection. Do you want to add these items to your Building Block Library?",,"Esta publicación contiene elementos almacenados como parte de la colección Mis objetos. Si los agrega a la biblioteca de bloques de creación, se quitarán de la colección Mis objetos. ¿Desea agregar estos elementos a la biblioteca de bloques de creación?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Unable to add %s to the Building Block Library. This file may have been corrupted, or may be of an unsupported file type. Only files that come from another Building Block Library in Publisher can be added to the Building Block Library. Do you want to delete this file?",,"No se puede agregar %s a la biblioteca de bloques de creación. Puede que este archivo esté dañado o que sea un tipo de archivo incompatible. solo se pueden agregar a la biblioteca de bloques de creación los archivos procedentes de otra biblioteca de bloques de creación de Publisher. ¿Desea eliminar este archivo?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher has found %d new items in your Building Block Library folder. Do you want to add these items to the Building Block Library now?",,"Publisher ha encontrado %d elementos nuevos en la carpeta de la biblioteca de bloques de creación. ¿Desea agregar ahora estos elementos a la biblioteca de bloques de creación?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Try this operation again. The categories were changed by another instance of Publisher before you clicked OK.",,"Intente de nuevo esta operación. Otra instancia de Publisher cambió las categorías antes de que hiciera clic en Aceptar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to permanently delete this building block?",,"¿Desea quitar este bloque de creación permanentemente?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to permanently delete these building blocks?",,"¿Desea quitar estos bloques de creación permanentemente?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This category name already exists. Enter a unique category name.",,"Este nombre de categoría ya existe. Escriba un nombre de categoría exclusivo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A file by this name already exists. Change your title.",,"Ya existe un archivo con este nombre. Cambie el título.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Item %s cannot be inserted. Item may be been tampered with and will be deleted.",,"No se puede insertar el elemento %s. Puede que el elemento se haya manipulado y eliminado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""The title is not valid. There should be at least one character that is not in the set *?/|""<>:\\."",,""El título no es válido. Debe tener al menos un carácter que no sea ninguno de los siguientes: *?/|""<>:\\."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This category name already exists. Do you want to associate all items in %s with %s?",,"Este nombre de categoría ya existe. ¿Desea asociar todos los elementos de %s a %s?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your Building Block Library has reached a size of %d MB. You may continue adding items to your Building Block Library. However, if you experience slow search times or need to free up disk space, delete some items.",,"La biblioteca de bloques de creación tiene un tamaño de %d MB. Puede seguir agregando elementos, pero si se ralentizan las búsquedas o necesita liberar espacio de disco, elimine algunos elementos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to cancel this merge and disconnect all data sources?",,"¿Desea cancelar esta combinación y desconectar todos los orígenes de datos?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Office List Shortcut files cannot be added to an existing recipient list.  Open Office List Shortcuts as the first data source in your recipient list.",,"No se pueden agregar archivos de acceso directo a la lista de Office a una lista de destinatarios existente. Abra los accesos directos a la lista de Office como primer origen de datos en la lista de destinatarios.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Unable to delete the template %s",,"No se puede eliminar la plantilla %s",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Before you save your changes, you must type a name for your navigation bar.\n\nTo return to the Navigation Bar Properties dialog box to type a name for your navigation bar, click OK.",,"Antes de guardar los cambios, debe escribir un nombre para la barra de navegación.\n\nPara volver al cuadro de diálogo de propiedades de la barra de navegación a fin de asignarle un nombre, haga clic en Aceptar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot merge to the file %s because it is not a Publisher file. To complete the merge, select a Publisher file.",,"Publisher no puede combinar con el archivo %s dado que no es un archivo de Publisher. Para finalizar la combinación, seleccione un archivo de Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot perform the merge operation to the selected file. The selected file must match the current publication in the following ways:\n\n- Publication type (Web or print)\n- Page order (left-to-right or right-to-left)\n\nTo complete the merge, make any necessary changes to the current publication or to the selected file, and then merge again.\n\nFor information on merging to an existing publication, press F1.",,"Publisher no puede realizar la operación de combinación en el archivo seleccionado. Éste debe coincidir con la publicación actual en los siguientes aspectos:\n\n- Tipo de publicación (web o impresa)\n- Orden de la página (de izquierda a derecha o de derecha a izquierda)\n\nPara realizar la combinación, haga los cambios necesarios en la publicación actual o en el archivo seleccionado y vuelva a intentar combinarlos.\n\nPara obtener información sobre la combinación en una publicación existente, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The selected file does not match the current publication in one or more of the following ways:\n\n- Page size (height and width)\n- Page view (one-page spread or two-page spread)\n\nAs a result, the merged records may not display properly. To complete the merge now, click OK. To return to the current publication and change page setup, click Cancel.\n\nFor more information on merging to an existing publication, press F1.",,"El archivo seleccionado no coincide con la publicación actual en alguno de los siguientes aspectos:\n\n- Tamaño de página (alto y ancho)\n- Vista de página (una o dos páginas)\n\nPor tanto, los registros combinados podrían no mostrarse correctamente. Para realizar la combinación ahora, haga clic en Aceptar. Para volver a la publicación actual y cambiar la configuración de página, haga clic en Cancelar.\n\nPara obtener información sobre la combinación en una publicación existente, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Unable to update the category for the template file %s",,"No se puede actualizar la categoría del archivo de plantilla %s",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The color you have selected is identical to another color already used in your publication. To merge the two colors, click OK.",,"El color seleccionado es idéntico a otro utilizado en la publicación. Para combinar los dos, haga clic en Aceptar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The ink you selected is identical to another ink already used in your publication. To merge the two inks, click OK.",,"La tinta seleccionada es idéntica a otra utilizada en la publicación. Para combinar las dos, haga clic en Aceptar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The ink you have selected is identical to another ink already used in your publication. It will not be created.",,"La tinta seleccionada es idéntica a otra utilizada en la publicación. No se va a crear.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your publication contains %d spot inks. You must reduce the number of spot inks to %d or fewer. To do this automatically, click OK, and then click Delete Excess Inks.",,"La publicación contiene %d tintas de color directo. Tiene que reducirlas a %d como máximo. Para hacerlo automáticamente, haga clic en Aceptar y luego en Eliminar exceso de tinta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Compressing Pictures may reduce the quality of your images. Do you want to apply picture optimization?",,"Si comprime las imágenes, puede que se reduzca su calidad. ¿Desea aplicar la optimización de imágenes?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Deleting the merge area will cancel the catalog merge and disconnect from the data source. Do you want to cancel the catalog merge?",,"Si elimina el área de combinación cancelará la combinación de catálogos y desconectará el origen de datos. ¿Desea cancelar la combinación de catálogos?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot open this file. This file may have been corrupted during download. To open this file, you must download it again.",,"Publisher no puede abrir este archivo. Puede que se haya dañado durante la descarga. Para abrir este archivo, tiene que volver a descargarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No email account is set up. Start Microsoft Outlook Express, and then create an email account.",,"No hay ninguna cuenta de correo electrónico configurada. Inicie Microsoft Outlook Express y, a continuación, cree una cuenta de correo electrónico.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Delete the Catalog Merge Area? \n\nIf you delete this area, you will not be able to use this page as a template for a merged publication. To insert a new Catalog Merge Area into your publication, you will need to start the Mail and Catalog Merge Wizard again. Do you want to delete this area?",,"¿Desea eliminar el área de combinación de catálogos? \n\nSi elimina esta área, no podrá utilizar esta página de plantilla en una publicación combinada. Para insertar un área de combinación de catálogos en la publicación, tendrá que volver a iniciar el asistente de combinación de catálogos y de correspondencia. ¿Desea eliminar esta área?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to remove the logo? Removing the logo will not delete any files on your computer.",,"¿Desea quitar el logotipo? Si quita el logotipo, no se eliminará ningún archivo del equipo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to delete this business information set?",,"¿Desea eliminar este conjunto de información empresarial?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Delete page size '%s'?",,"¿Desea eliminar el tamaño de página '%s'?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Are you sure you want to delete the Font Scheme ""%s""?"",,""¿Desea eliminar realmente la combinación de fuentes ""%s""?"",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This publication contains hyperlinks to one or more of the selected pages. These hyperlinks will be removed when you delete these pages. Do you want to continue with the deletion?",,"Esta publicación contiene hipervínculos a una o varias de las páginas seleccionadas. Estos hipervínculos se quitarán cuando elimine estas páginas. ¿Desea continuar con la operación de eliminación?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to delete the template %s?",,"¿Desea eliminar la plantilla %s?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The device is not ready.",,"El dispositivo no está listo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to change the %s default date format to match the sample?",,"¿Desea cambiar el formato predeterminado de fecha %s para que coincida con el ejemplo?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to change the %s default time format to match the sample?",,"¿Desea cambiar el formato predeterminado de hora %s para que coincida con el ejemplo?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The bookmark name %s already exists. You must enter a unique name.",,"El nombre del marcador %s ya existe. Debe escribir un nombre único.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your email message contains form controls, which will be converted to images when your message is sent. After the controls are converted to images, these form controls will no longer function.",,"El mensaje de correo electrónico contiene controles de formulario, que se convertirán en imágenes cuando envíe el mensaje. Una vez que los controles se hayan convertido en imágenes, estos controles de formulario ya no funcionarán.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are about to send %d email messages. Do you want to continue?",,"Va a enviar %d mensajes de correo electrónico. ¿Desea continuar?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Unable to attach files to the message.  The files could not be found.",,"No se pueden adjuntar archivos al mensaje. No se han encontrado los archivos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This message has no subject.  Send anyway?",,"Este mensaje no tiene asunto. ¿Desea enviarlo de todos modos?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Unable to retrieve properties for this address.",,"No se pueden recuperar propiedades para esta dirección.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Unable to choose recipients.",,"No se pueden elegir destinatarios.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Unable to open attachment.",,"No se pueden abrir los datos adjuntos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Before you can insert a personalized hyperlink, you must place the insertion point inside a text box.",,"Antes de insertar un hipervínculo personalizado, debe colocar el punto de inserción dentro del cuadro de texto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Unable to save attachment.",,"No se pueden guardar los datos adjuntos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"One of the recipients does not have an email address.",,"Uno de los destinatarios no tiene dirección de correo electrónico.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher supports a maximum of 128 rows and 128 columns in a table. If the table you are importing exceeds this limit, Publisher will either delete or shrink the table. For more information, press F1.",,"Publisher admite un máximo de 128 filas y 128 columnas en cada tabla. Si la tabla que está intentando importar supera este límite, Publisher la eliminará o la reducirá. Para obtener más información, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This value is not within the range of entries.  Type a number between |0 and |1.",,"Este valor no está comprendido en el intervalo de entradas. Escriba un número comprendido entre |0 y |1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This value is not within the page range. Type a number between |0 and |1.",,"Este valor no está comprendido en el intervalo de páginas. Escriba un número entre |0 y |1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot print this publication. To print composite CMYK or separations, you must use a printer driver that is set to output PostScript language level 2 or later.",,"Publisher no puede imprimir esta publicación. Para imprimir composiciones CMYK o separaciones, necesita un controlador de impresora configurado para PostScript de nivel 2 o posterior.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to cancel the existing merge?",,"¿Desea cancelar la combinación existente?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This field is already mapped.  Unmap the field and then try again.",,"Este campo ya se ha asignado. Quite la asignación del campo y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This field is not mapped.",,"Este campo no está asignado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This property or method is only available for the main DataSource property.  It is not available for the MailMergeDataSource objects that comprise the DataSources collection.  Press F1 for more information.",,"Esta propiedad o método solo está disponible para la propiedad DataSource principal, pero no para los objetos MailMergeDataSource que componen la colección DataSources. Presione F1 para obtener más información.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"MailMergeDataField objects can only be inserted if they are a part of the DataFields collection on the main DataSource property.",,"Los objetos MailMergeDataField solo se pueden insertar si forman parte de la colección DataFields en la propiedad DataSource principal.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This property or method is only available for the MailMergeDataSource objects that comprise the DataSources collection.  It is not available for the main DataSource property.  Press F1 for more information.",,"Esta propiedad o método solo está disponible para los objetos MailMergeDataSource que componen la colección DataSources, pero no para la propiedad DataSource principal. Presione F1 para obtener más información.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This data source is too large to be added to the list. To create a merge that includes all of these records, combine all of the data sources in a separate program, or create a separate merge for each data source.",,"Este origen de datos es demasiado grande para agregarlo a la lista. Para crear una combinación que incluya todos estos registros, combine todos los orígenes de datos en un programa aparte o cree una combinación distinta para cada origen de datos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Once validation software makes changes to your list, you cannot edit data sources manually in the recipient list dialog.  Please make any desired changes before continuing.",,"Una vez que el software de validación modifique la lista, no podrá modificar manualmente los orígenes de datos en el cuadro de diálogo Lista de destinatarios. Realice todos los cambios que desee antes de continuar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The merge area cannot be reduced to this size because the items within will no longer fit.  Try removing or rearranging items within the merge area and then resizing.  ",,"El área de combinación no se puede reducir a este tamaño porque no queda espacio suficiente para los elementos. Intente quitar o reordenar los elementos del área de combinación y, a continuación, ajuste el tamaño.  ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Banners must be at least 3 ft (.91 meters) long. Click OK to set your banner to 3 feet.",,"Las pancartas deben tener una longitud de al menos 910 mm. Haga clic en Aceptar para establecer esta longitud.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to change to a design that matches the new size?",,"¿Desea cambiar a un diseño que se ajuste al nuevo tamaño?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to change to a design that fits legal sized paper?",,"¿Desea cambiar a un diseño que se ajuste al tamaño de papel oficio?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to change to a design that fits letter sized paper?",,"¿Desea cambiar a un diseño que se ajuste al tamaño de papel carta?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This operation changes the page size or orientation of this publication. Publisher can automatically adjust all wizard-created design elements to fit the new page boundaries. You will need to manually adjust any objects that you added to this publication. Do you want Publisher to adjust the wizard-created design elements?",,"Esta operación cambia el tamaño de página o la orientación de esta publicación. Publisher puede ajustar automáticamente a los nuevos límites de la página todos los elementos de diseño creados mediante asistentes. Tendrá que ajustar manualmente los objetos que agregó a esta publicación. ¿Desea que Publisher ajuste los elementos de diseño creados mediante asistentes?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The Web navigation bar can contain only ten hyperlinks. To link the current Web page, please create a hyperlink from one of the other pages in your Web site.",,"La barra de navegación web puede incluir solo diez hipervínculos. Para vincular esta página, debe crear un hipervínculo desde alguna de las demás páginas del sitio web.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Some page size information needed by Publisher is damaged. Reinstall Publisher to correct the problem.",,"Algunos datos sobre el tamaño de página necesarios para Publisher están dañados. Reinstale Publisher para corregir el problema.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The publication page size has changed. Page order options are not available for this page size.",,"Ha cambiado el tamaño de página de la publicación. Las opciones para cambiar el orden de las páginas no se encuentran disponibles para este tamaño.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot paste a range containing a field on an exisiting field.",,"No puede pegar un intervalo que contenga un campo en un campo existente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot change the property of this Web component in Publisher.",,"No puede cambiar la propiedad de este componente web en Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher has finished searching the publication. Text in data fields, text with phonetic guides, and horizontal text in vertical text flow cannot be searched.",,"Publisher finalizó la búsqueda de la publicación. No se puede buscar en el texto de los campos de datos el texto de las guías fonéticas y el texto horizontal del flujo vertical.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No plates have been selected to print. In the Separations tab, select one or more plates to print, or change Output to one of the composite options.",,"No hay seleccionada ninguna placa para imprimir. En la pestaña Separaciones, seleccione uno o más placas o cambie Resultados a una de las opciones de composición.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You must specify at least one recipient for the message.",,"Debe especificar al menos un destinatario para el mensaje.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have no templates saved to My Templates.  To save a publication as a template, choose the Publisher Template type in the Save As dialog.",,"No hay ninguna plantilla guardada en Mis plantillas. Para guardar una publicación como una plantilla, elija el tipo Plantilla de Publisher en el cuadro de diálogo Guardar como.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Opening this publication will access data from the following location: %s\n\nData from this location will be inserted in this publication where others can read it. Do you want to continue?",,"Al abrir esta publicación, se obtendrá acceso a los datos de la siguiente ubicación: %s\n\nLos datos de esta ubicación se insertarán en la publicación mientras que otros usuarios los leen. ¿Desea continuar?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You may only select up to 15 columns. De-select another column and then select again.",,"solo puede seleccionar un máximo de 15 columnas. Anule la selección de otra columna y vuelva a seleccionarla de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A business information set that has this name already exists. Do you want to replace that business information set with this one?",,"Ya existe un conjunto de información empresarial con este nombre. ¿Desee reemplazar ese conjunto por este otro?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher has detected a problem in the file you are trying to open. If you are certain that this file came from a trusted source and does not contain harmful information, click OK. If you received this file from another person or machine and are not sure that the contents are safe, click Cancel.",,"Publisher detectó un problema con el archivo que está intentando abrir. Si está seguro de que este archivo proviene de una fuente segura y no contiene información dañina, haga clic en Aceptar. Si recibió este archivo de otra persona o equipo y no está seguro de que el contenido sea seguro, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher has detected a problem in the file you are trying to save. Your file has been saved, but you may experience problems when you try to open it.",,"Publisher detectó un problema en el archivo que está intentando guardar. Se guardó el archivo, pero puede que tenga problemas cuando intente abrirlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher could not find any matching text. Text in data fields, text with phonetic guides, and horizontal text in vertical text flow cannot be searched.",,"Publisher no pudo encontrar un texto coincidente. No se puede buscar en el texto de los campos de datos, el texto de las guías fonéticas y el texto horizontal del flujo vertical de texto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The Extra Content task pane still contains items that did not fit into your changed publication.\n\nTo delete these items and close the publication, click OK.\n\nIf you want to find a place in your publication for these items, click Cancel and then add them to your publication or to the Building Block Library.",,"El panel de tareas Contenido adicional todavía contiene elementos que no caben en la publicación modificada.\n\nPara eliminar estos elementos y cerrar la publicación, haga clic en Aceptar.\n\nSi desea encontrar un lugar en la publicación para estos elementos, haga clic en Cancelar y agréguelos a la publicación o a la biblioteca de bloques de creación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This publication contains links to data sources. If you update the links, Publisher will try to retrieve the most recent data from the data source.\n\nLinks can be used to access confidential information and could be used with harmful intent. Make sure this publication is from a trusted source before you update any links.\n\nDo you want to update the links?",,"Esta publicación contiene vínculos a orígenes de datos. Si actualiza los vínculos, Publisher tratará de recuperar los datos más recientes del origen de datos.\n\nLos vínculos se pueden utilizar para obtener acceso a información confidencial que se podría utilizar con intenciones perjudiciales. Asegúrese de que esta publicación procede de una fuente fiable antes de actualizar los vínculos.\n\n¿Desea actualizar los vínculos?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This publication contains links to pictures that have been modified. Some of these pictures may be on your computer.\n\nIf you update the links, Publisher will replace the pictures in this publication with the modified linked pictures. If you do not update the links, Publisher will print the low resolution pictures that are stored inside this publication.\n\nDo you want Publisher to update the links and replace the pictures in this publication with the modified linked pictures?",,"Esta publicación contiene vínculos a imágenes que han sido modificadas. Puede que algunas de estas imágenes estén en su equipo.\n\nSi actualiza los vínculos, Publisher sustituirá las imágenes de esta publicación por las imágenes vinculadas modificadas. Si no los actualiza, Publisher imprimirá las imágenes de baja resolución incluidas dentro de esta publicación.\n\n¿Desea que Publisher actualice los vínculos y sustituya las imágenes de esta publicación por las imágenes vinculadas modificadas?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This file name contains characters that are not valid for a Web page file name. Publisher can automatically rename this page %s.\n\nTo accept this file name, click Yes. To type another file name, click No.",,"Este nombre contiene caracteres que no son válidos para el nombre de archivo de una página web. Publisher puede cambiar automáticamente el nombre de esta página a %s.\n\nPara aceptar este nombre de archivo, haga clic en Sí. Para escribir uno nuevo, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This file name is already in use in this publication.\n\nTo have Publisher assign a different file name to this page, click Yes. To type another file name, click No.",,"Este nombre de archivo ya está siendo utilizado en esta publicación.\n\nPara que Publisher asigne un nombre diferente a la página, haga clic en Sí. Para escribir un nuevo, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This file name contains characters that are not valid for a Web page file name.\n\nTo have Publisher assign a different file name to this page, click Yes. To type another file name, click No.",,"Este nombre contiene caracteres que no son válidos para el nombre de archivo de una página web.\n\nPara que Publisher asigne un nombre diferente a la página, haga clic en Sí. Para escribir un nuevo, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This printer is not set up for envelope printing yet. Click Yes to open the Envelope Setup dialog box, where you can choose printing options. Click No to print now without setting up this printer.",,"Esta impresora aún no está configurada para la impresión de sobres. Haga clic en Sí para abrir el cuadro de diálogo Definición de sobre, en el que puede elegir opciones de impresión. Haga clic en No para imprimir ahora sin configurar la impresora.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ready to print the second side.  Reinsert the paper into the same printer tray and click OK to continue printing.",,"Ya puede imprimir la segunda cara. Vuelva a insertar el papel en la misma bandeja de la impresora y haga clic en Aceptar para continuar con la impresión.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your custom page size file %s appears corrupt.  For help recovering the file, click Office Diagnostics on the Help menu, and then follow the instructions.",,"El archivo de tamaño de página personalizado %s parece estar dañado. Si desea obtener ayuda para recuperar el archivo, haga clic en Diagnósticos de Office en el menú Ayuda y siga las instrucciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cannot save this file as a picture because the image size is too big. Reduce the resolution (DPI) of the image or decrease the dimensions of the publication.",,"No se puede guardar este archivo como imagen porque el tamaño de la imagen es demasiado grande. Reducir la resolución de la imagen (ppp) o las dimensiones de la publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cannot save this shape as a picture because the image size is too big.",,"No se puede guardar esta forma como una imagen porque el tamaño de la imagen es demasiado grande.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Unable to delete the template",,"No se puede eliminar la plantilla",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot open this file. This file was saved from a previous version of Publisher. Publisher no longer supports files that were saved in this version.",,"Publisher no puede abrir este archivo. El archivo se ha guardado desde una versión anterior de Publisher y Publisher ya no admite archivos guardados en esta versión.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Unable to update the category for the template.",,"No se puede actualizar la categoría de la plantilla.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Switching to a new premade layout will delete all content in a merge area. Do you want to continue?",,"Si cambia a un nuevo diseño predefinido, perderá todo el contenido creado en un área de combinación. ¿Desea continuar?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Office File Validation detected a problem while trying to open this file.",,"Validación de documento de Office detectó un problema al intentar abrir este archivo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Making this change to the page layout will remove one or more repeating areas. Do you want to make this change?",,"Al realizar este cambio en el diseño de página, eliminará una o más áreas de repetición. ¿Desea realizar este cambio?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"All previously disabled alerts will be shown again. Do you want to continue?",,"Todas las alertas deshabilitadas previamente se mostrarán de nuevo. ¿Desea continuar?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Exiting catalog merge will delete all merge areas. Are you sure you want to continue?",,"Si sale de la combinación de catálogos, se eliminarán todas las áreas de combinación. ¿Está seguro de que desea continuar?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are about to exit email merge. This will delete your email merge fields. Do you want to continue?",,"Está a punto de salir de la combinación de correo electrónico. Esta acción eliminará los campos de combinación de correo electrónico. ¿Desea continuar?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are about to exit mail merge. This will delete your mail merge fields. Do you want to continue?",,"Está a punto de salir de la combinación de correspondencia. Esto eliminará los campos de combinación de correspondencia. ¿Desea continuar?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to delete the template?",,"¿Desea eliminar la plantilla?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There are no entries to send. You may have connected to a data source that has no records, or your filter and sort options may have eliminated all entries, or all entries have been excluded from the Recipient List",,"No hay ninguna entrada que enviar. Es posible que se haya conectado a un origen de datos que no contenga registros, que las opciones de filtro y ordenación hayan eliminado todas las entradas o que se hayan excluido todas las entradas de la lista de destinatarios",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To send a publication as an email message, you must install and configure (!idspnOutlook_NV) or Microsoft Outlook Express (version 5.0 or later) as the default email program on your computer. After you configure the email program, restart Publisher for the changes to take effect.",,"Para enviar una publicación como mensaje de correo electrónico, debe instalar y configurar (!idspnOutlook_NV) o Microsoft Outlook Express (versión 5.0 o superior) como programa de correo electrónico predeterminado en su equipo. Después de configurar el programa de correo electrónico, vuelva a iniciar Publisher para que se implementen los cambios.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have moved a merge field outside the Catalog Merge Area. Your product list data will not be merged into fields outside of this area. Do you wish to place this field outside of the Catalog Merge Area?",,"Ha movido un campo de combinación fuera del área de combinación de catálogos. Los datos de la lista de productos no se combinarán en los campos que están fuera de esta área. ¿Desea colocar este campo fuera del área de combinación de catálogos?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher has detected a problem in the file you are trying to open. To protect your computer, Publisher will not open the file.",,"Publisher ha detectado un problema en el archivo que intenta abrir. Para proteger el equipo, Publisher no abrirá el archivo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This |0 dimension is not allowed with the selected print layout and current |1 dimension.\n\nReenter a number that is between |2 and |3.",,"No se permite esta dimensión |0 con el diseño de impresión seleccionado y la dimensión actual |1.\n\nVuelve a especificar un número que esté entre |2 y |3.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The selected sheet size (|0 x |1|2) is not valid. Select a different size, or click the Properties button on the Print dialog to customize sizes.",,"El tamaño de hoja seleccionado (|0 x |1|2) no es válido. Seleccione un tamaño diferente o haga clic en el botón Propiedades del cuadro de diálogo Imprimir para personalizar los tamaños.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot connect two text boxes if they are not in the same merge area. \n\nWhen the mouse pointer changes to a pouring cup it means that you can connect one text box to another. For more information on connecting text boxes, press F1. If you don't want to connect text boxes, click OK, and then press ESC.",,"Publisher no puede conectar dos cuadros de texto si no están en la misma área de combinación. \n\nCuando el puntero del mouse cambia a una jarra, significa que puede conectar un cuadro de texto con otro. Para obtener más información sobre cómo conectar cuadros de texto, presione F1. Si no desea conectar cuadros de texto, haga clic en Aceptar y presione ESC.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Editing recipient list records via the object model is only permitted for add-ins that handle the MailMergeDataSourceValidate event.",,"solo se permite modificar registros de la lista de destinatarios para los complementos que controlan el evento MailMergeDataSourceValidate.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot merge to fields on Master Pages when merging to a new publication. Do you want to remove fields on Master Pages from the merged publication?",,"Publisher no puede hacer combinaciones en campos de páginas principales cuando realiza una combinación en una nueva publicación. ¿Desea eliminar campos en las páginas principales de la publicación combinada?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot complete the merge because the catalog merge area has been dragged off of the page.  Drag the merge area back onto a foreground page and then try again.",,"Publisher no puede realizar la combinación porque el área de combinación de catálogos se ha arrastrado fuera de la página. Vuelva a arrastrar el área de combinación a la página de primer plano e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"(!idspnPublisher_NV) is unable to save this file for photo printing without a printer installed. Please install a printer and try again.",,"(!idspnPublisher_NV) no puede guardar este archivo para la impresión de imágenes sin que haya una impresora instalada. Vuelve a instalar la impresora e inténtalo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"(!idspnPublisher_NV) is unable to publish this file in PDF or XPS format because no printer is installed. For help installing a printer, press F1.",,"(!idspnPublisher_NV) no puede publicar este archivo en formato PDF o XPS porque no hay ninguna impresora instalada. Para obtener ayuda acerca de la instalación de impresoras, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is currently no internet connection available. Please check your connection settings or try again later.",,"No hay ninguna conexión a Internet disponible. Compruebe la configuración de la conexión o inténtelo de nuevo más tarde.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This Japanese-specific wizard is obsolete.  Please use the generic version of this wizard.",,"Este asistente específico para el japonés está obsoleto. Utilice la versión genérica de este asistente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You can save a maximum of %d characters. Click OK to store the first %d characters, or click Cancel to return to the publication without saving changes.",,"Puede guardar %d caracteres como máximo. Haga clic en Aceptar para almacenar los %d primeros caracteres o haga clic en Cancelar para volver a la publicación sin guardar los cambios.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Can not complete operation because currently selected printer is not responding.",,"No se puede realizar la operación porque la impresora actualmente seleccionada no responde.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Unable to complete this task because the printer can not be found.",,"No se ha podido realizar esta tarea porque no se encuentra la impresora.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The original publication appears to be closed.  Would you like to browse for the file?",,"La publicación original parece que está cerrada. ¿Desea buscar el archivo?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Any recently installed Page Size updates will not display until you refresh the current view.\n\nDo you want to refresh?",,"No se mostrará ninguna actualización de tamaño de página instalada recientemente hasta que se actualice la vista actual.\n\n¿Desea actualizarla?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot find the requested border art.",,"Publisher no encuentra el borde decorativo solicitado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot display special papers.",,"Publisher no puede mostrar papeles especiales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher Help.",,"Ayuda de Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot show the Help file.",,"Publisher no puede mostrar el archivo Ayuda.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot convert from RGB colors to CMYK colors.",,"Publisher no puede convertir los colores RGB en colores CMYK.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot run this wizard.",,"Publisher no puede ejecutar este asistente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The information on the Clipboard can't be saved. To erase the contents of the Clipboard and quit Publisher, click OK. To return to your publication, click Cancel.",,"No se puede guardar la información en el Portapapeles. Para borrar el contenido del Portapapeles y salir de Publisher, haga clic en Aceptar. Para volver a la publicación, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory to save the information on the Clipboard.\n\nTo erase the contents of the Clipboard and quit Publisher, click OK. To return to your publication, click Cancel.",,"No hay suficiente memoria para guardar la información del Portapapeles.\n\nPara borrar el contenido del Portapapeles y salir de Publisher, haga clic en Aceptar. Para volver a la publicación, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to save the Clipboard?\n\nThe Clipboard is a storage area in Windows which currently has some Publisher objects on it. If you want to save what's on the Clipboard to use in another program or publication, click Yes. Otherwise, click No to free up memory. To return to Publisher, click Cancel.",,"Confirme que desea guardar datos en el Portapapeles.\n\nEl Portapapeles es un área de almacenamiento de Windows que en estos momentos contiene algunos objetos de Publisher. Si desea guardar el contenido del Portapapeles para utilizarlo en otro programa o publicación, haga clic en Sí. De lo contrario, haga clic en No para liberar memoria. Para volver a Publisher, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Windows is low on memory and may lose your publication's text formatting. To make more memory available, save your work and close other programs; then continue working.",,"Windows no tiene memoria suficiente y puede perder el formato del texto de la publicación. Para disponer de más memoria, guarde el trabajo y cierre el resto de las aplicaciones; después, siga trabajando.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The Clipboard is busy.\n\nPublisher cannot currently cut, copy or paste your data because another program is using the Clipboard. Wait a moment and try again, or close other programs and try again.",,"El Portapapeles está ocupado.\n\nPublisher no puede cortar, copiar o pegar los datos en este momento porque otro programa está utilizando el Portapapeles. Espere unos instantes y vuelva a intentarlo, o bien cierre otros programas e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory to redraw the screen. Save your work and close other programs.",,"No hay memoria suficiente para actualizar la pantalla. Para disponer de más memoria, guarde el trabajo, cierre el resto de las aplicaciones y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory to cut or copy this selection.\n\nTo make more memory available, save your work and close other programs; then try again.",,"Memoria insuficiente para cortar o copiar esta selección.\n\nGuarde el trabajo, cierre otros programas para liberar memoria e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot paste the contents of the Clipboard. The data may be corrupt, or Publisher does not recognize the format.",,"Publisher no puede pegar el contenido del Portapapeles. Los datos pueden estar dañados o puede que Publisher no reconozca este formato.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory to paste objects.\n\nTo make more memory available, save your work and close other programs; then try again.",,"Memoria insuficiente para pegar objetos.\n\nGuarde el trabajo, cierre otros programas para liberar memoria e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot save the Clipboard.\n\nThere isn't enough memory available to save the information on the Clipboard. To make more memory available, save this publication and close other programs; then continue working.",,"Publisher no puede guardar en el Portapapeles.\n\nNo hay memoria suficiente para guardar la información en el Portapapeles. Guarde la publicación y cierre otros programas para liberar memoria. Después, puede continuar su trabajo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot read the file you are trying to open. You may be having hardware problems, or someone else may be using the file.",,"Publisher no puede leer el archivo que está tratando de abrir. Podría tratarse de problemas de hardware, o bien que alguien más esté utilizando el archivo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot write the converted file.\n\nPublisher's file converters cannot write the file. There may not be enough disk space. Delete any unnecessary files from your disk and try again. For information on possible solutions, press F1.",,"Publisher no puede escribir el archivo convertido.\n\nLos convertidores de archivos de Publisher no pueden escribir el archivo. Quizá no dispone de suficiente espacio en disco. Elimine los archivos que no sean necesarios y vuelva a intentarlo. Para obtener más información acerca de posibles soluciones, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot start the file format converter %s.\n\nRun Publisher Setup again, and choose Custom Installation to install converters for word processors and graphics. For information on running Setup, press F1.",,"Publisher no inicia el convertidor de formato de archivo %s.\n\nEjecute de nuevo el programa de instalación y elija Instalación personalizada. Para más información sobre cómo ejecutar este programa, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory to convert the text formatting.\n\nWindows is low on memory. Save your work and close other programs to free up memory, and then try again.",,"Memoria insuficiente para convertir el formato del texto.\n\nWindows no dispone de memoria suficiente. Guarde el trabajo y cierre otros programas para liberar memoria. A continuación, inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot translate the file.\n\nPublisher's file converters cannot translate this file. Make sure the file you're importing is in a format Publisher can recognize. For information on file formats, press F1.",,"Publisher no puede convertir el archivo.\n\nLos convertidores de archivos de Publisher no pueden convertir este archivo. Asegúrese de que el archivo que desea importar tiene un formato que Publisher pueda reconocer. Para obtener más información acerca de formatos de archivos, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher finished checking the selection. Do you want to continue checking the rest of the story?",,"Publisher ha terminado de comprobar la selección. Confirme que desea continuar la revisión del resto del artículo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher has finished checking this story. Do you want to check the rest of your publication?",,"Publisher ha finalizado la comprobación del artículo. Confirme que desea comprobar el resto de la publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This box is part of another chain.\n\nYou've clicked a text box that is connected to another box. To break the connection to the previous box and start a new story in this box, click OK. To keep the box in its current chain, click Cancel. For information on disconnecting text boxes, press F1.",,"Este cuadro forma parte de otra cadena.\n\nHizo clic en un cuadro de texto que está conectado a otro cuadro. Para romper la conexión con el cuadro anterior e iniciar un nuevo artículo en este cuadro, haga clic en Aceptar. Si desea mantener el cuadro en la cadena actual, haga clic en Cancelar. Para obtener más información sobre cómo desconectar cuadros de texto, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This word contains invalid characters or exceeds Publisher's size limit for a word. Spelling check was not performed on this word.",,"Esta palabra contiene caracteres no válidos o excede el tamaño límite de palabra en Publisher. No se ha comprobado la ortografía de esta palabra.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot find the necessary files for creating BorderArt.\n\nTo automatically install the BorderArt files, run Publisher Setup again. Then try the BorderArt command again.",,"Publisher no encuentra los archivos necesarios para crear bordes decorativos.\n\nPara instalar automáticamente los archivos de bordes decorativos, ejecute el programa de instalación de Publisher. A continuación, pruebe el comando Bordes decorativos de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot find the necessary converter or filter.\n\nPublisher uses special converter or filter files to import text and graphics. The needed file is missing or has been moved. To install converters for word processors and graphics, run Publisher Setup again. For information on running Setup, press F1.",,"Publisher no encuentra el filtro o convertidor necesario.\n\nUsa convertidores y filtros especiales para importar texto y gráficos. Falta el archivo necesario o se movió. Para instalar los convertidores, ejecute de nuevo el programa de instalación. Para más información sobre cómo ejecutarlo, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory to list fonts.\n\nWindows is low on memory and may not have listed all the available fonts. To make more memory available, save your work and close other programs; then try again.",,"Memoria insuficiente para mostrar las fuentes.\n\nWindows no dispone de memoria suficiente y es posible que no muestre todas las fuentes disponibles. Guarde el trabajo, cierre otros programas para liberar memoria e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher is unable to load the Custom dictionary. The spelling check will proceed with the default dictionary.",,"Publisher no puede cargar el diccionario personalizado. La revisión ortográfica continuará con el diccionario predeterminado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The spelling check is complete.",,"La revisión ortográfica ha finalizado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot find the dictionary.\n\nTo install the Spell Checker and Hyphenation dictionary, run Publisher Setup again and choose Custom Installation. For information on running Setup, press F1.",,"Publisher no encuentra el diccionario.\n\nPara instalar el corrector ortográfico y el diccionario de sinónimos, ejecute el programa de instalación de Publisher y elija Instalación personalizada. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ejecutar el programa de instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want Publisher to continue checking the story?",,"Confirme que desea que Publisher continúe comprobando el artículo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot load the speller or dictionary.\n\nTo install the Spell Checker and Hyphenation dictionary, run Publisher Setup again and choose Custom Installation. For information on running Setup, press F1.",,"Publisher no puede cargar el corrector ortográfico o el diccionario.\n\nPara instalar el corrector ortográfico y el diccionario de sinónimos, ejecute el programa de instalación de Publisher y elija Instalación personalizada. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ejecutar el programa de instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot add this word because the user dictionary is full.\n\nTo add this word to the user dictionary, delete some words from the user dictionary and retry.",,"Publisher no puede agregar esta palabra porque el diccionario de usuario está lleno.\n\nPara agregarla, elimine algunas palabras del diccionario de usuario y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to hyphenate this story?",,"Confirme que desea poner guiones en este artículo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher ran out of memory during Autoflow.\n\nThis operation will be incomplete. To make more memory available, close other programs, and try again.",,"Publisher se quedó sin memoria durante el ajuste automático.\n\nNo será posible completar esta operación. Para liberar memoria, cierre otros programas e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Autoflow to this box?\n\nTo flow text into the selected box, click Yes. To skip the selected box, click No. To cancel Autoflow, click Cancel. For information on connecting text boxes, press F1.",,"¿Desea ajustar el texto automáticamente a este cuadro?.\n\nPara ajustar el texto al cuadro seleccionado, haga clic en Sí. Para omitir el cuadro seleccionado, haga clic en No. Para cancelar el ajuste automático, haga clic en Cancelar. Para obtener más información sobre cómo conectar cuadros de texto, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are currently viewing a two-page spread. We recommend that you insert or delete only an even number of pages; otherwise, some pages which are now right-hand pages will become left-hand pages and vice versa.\n\nTo insert or delete pages anyway, click OK. To try again, using an even number of pages, click Cancel.",,"Actualmente está viendo dos páginas. Es recomendable insertar o eliminar solo un número par de páginas; de lo contrario, algunas páginas que ahora se encuentran a la derecha, pasarían a la izquierda y viceversa.\n\nPara insertar o eliminar páginas, haga clic en Aceptar. Para intentarlo de nuevo con un número par de páginas, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"File error.\n\nPublisher encountered a problem with a Publisher or Windows file. Reinstall Publisher or Windows and retry.",,"Error de archivo.\n\nProblema con un archivo de Publisher o de Windows. Reinstale Publisher o Windows y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Publisher cannot delete style ""%s""."",,""Publisher no puede eliminar el estilo ""%s""."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"%s has been saved successfully, but Publisher is out of memory.\n\nQuit Publisher, close other programs to free up memory, and then try starting Publisher again.",,"%s se guardó correctamente, pero Publisher no dispone de memoria suficiente.\n\nSalga de Publisher, cierre otros programas para liberar memoria e inicie Publisher de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You cannot give selected text a name you've already given to the open publication. Type a different name.",,"No puede dar al texto seleccionado un nombre que ya ha sido dado a la publicación abierta. Escriba otro nombre.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The disk is full. Publisher cannot write to file %s.",,"El disco está lleno. Publisher no puede escribir en un archivo %s.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The disk is full trying to write %s. Save this file on a different disk and/or drive.",,"El disco se ha llenado intentando escribir en %s. Guarde este archivo en otro disco o en otra unidad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"An error occurred in the help system. Your system may be low on memory, or there may have been an error accessing the help file. Help will not be available until the error is corrected.",,"Se ha producido un error en el sistema de ayuda. Puede que el sistema tenga poca memoria o que haya ocurrido un error al intentar obtener acceso al archivo de ayuda. La Ayuda no estará disponible hasta que el error sea corregido.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot load the hyphenation dictionary.\n\nThere may not be enough memory, or the dictionary may not be installed. To make more memory available, close other programs, and try again. To reinstall the hyphenation dictionary, run Setup again. For information on running Setup, press F1.",,"Publisher no puede cargar el diccionario de separación con guiones.\n\nPuede que no haya memoria suficiente o que el diccionario no esté instalado. Para liberar memoria, cierre otros programas e inténtelo de nuevo. Para reinstalar el diccionario de separación con guiones, vuelva a ejecutar el programa de instalación. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ejecutar el programa de instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The indents you've entered are not valid because they would put text outside of the box.\n\nMake sure that if you add the left indent and the first line indent together, their total is between %s and %s. For information on indenting text, press F1.",,"Las sangrías especificadas no son válidas porque colocarían el texto fuera del cuadro.\n\nAsegúrese de que, si agrega la sangría izquierda junto a la sangría de la primera línea, el total está entre %s y %s. Para obtener más información sobre cómo aplicar sangrías al texto, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have entered an angle that is not valid.\n\nMake sure that you enter an angle between -360 and 360 degrees.",,"El ángulo especificado no es válido.\n\n Asegúrese de que especifica un ángulo entre -360 y 360 grados.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This publication contains the maximum number of styles.\n\nTo add another style, you must first delete one or more existing styles.",,"Esta publicación contiene el número máximo de estilos.\n\nPara agregar otro estilo, debe eliminar primero uno o más estilos existentes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot start a new text or graphics conversion while one is already in progress. Wait for the other conversion to finish, and then try again.",,"Publisher no puede iniciar una conversión nueva de texto o gráficos mientras se esté realizando otra. Espere a que la otra conversión termine y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're finished searching the publication.",,"Hemos terminado de buscar en la publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot show your text inside this text box. The text box may be too small, or you may be out of memory. Try making the text box larger or reducing the size of the text.",,"Publisher no puede mostrar el texto en este cuadro de texto. Puede que el cuadro de texto sea demasiado pequeño o que no haya memoria suficiente. Intente aumentar el tamaño del cuadro o reducir el tamaño del texto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To add a style, Publisher needs a name for that style. Type a name in the Enter New Style Name box.",,"Para agregar un estilo, Publisher necesitará un nombre para el estilo. Escriba un nombre en el cuadro Nombre del nuevo estilo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to save this publication over an older file format?\n\nYou are about to save a publication that was created in an older version of Publisher. Once saved, you cannot open this publication in older versions of Publisher. To preserve the original file format, return to Publisher and click Save As; then save the file with a different name.\n\nTo save this publication with the new file format, click OK. To return to Publisher without saving now, click Cancel.",,"Confirme que desea guardar esta publicación con el formato actual.\n\nSi la guarda con el formato actual de Publisher, no podrá abrirla en versiones anteriores. Para mantener el formato original, vuelva a Publisher y haga clic en Guardar como; luego guarde el archivo con otro nombre.\n\nPara guardar la publicación con un formato de archivo nuevo, haga clic en Aceptar, o en Cancelar, para volver a Publisher sin guardar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot access your printer's software.\n\nReinstall your printer driver, and then try again. For information on installing your printer, see your Windows documentation.",,"Publisher no puede obtener acceso al software de la impresora.\n\nReinstale el controlador de la impresora e inténtelo de nuevo. Para obtener más información sobre cómo instalar la impresora, consulte la documentación de Windows.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Printer driver error.\n\nPublisher encountered an error in one of the files that controls your printer. Exit to Windows and reinstall your printer, and then try again. For information on installing your printer, see your Windows documentation.",,"Error de controlador de impresora.\n\nPublisher encontró un error en uno de los archivos que controlan la impresora. Salga de Windows, reinstale la impresora e inténtelo de nuevo. Para obtener información sobre cómo instalar la impresora, consulte la documentación de Windows.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher does not have enough memory to load graphics or embedded objects.",,"Publisher no tiene memoria suficiente para cargar gráficos u objetos incrustados.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot group these objects.\n\nSome objects have been grouped too many times. Ungroup the objects several times and then try grouping again.",,"Publisher no puede agrupar estos objetos.\n\nAlgunos objetos se han agrupado demasiadas veces. Desagrupe los objetos varias veces y agrúpelos de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot continue because the disk is full.\n\nTo make more disk space available, delete unnecessary files.",,"Publisher no puede continuar porque el disco está lleno.\n\nPara liberar espacio en disco, elimine los archivos que no sean necesarios.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot continue printing because of an error. For more information, press F1.",,"Publisher no puede continuar imprimiendo debido a un error. Para obtener más información, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"One or more of the pictures in your publication required too much memory to print rotated at full resolution. Publisher has used a slightly lower resolution to print the image(s).",,"Al menos una de las imágenes de la publicación requiere una cantidad de memoria excesiva para poder imprimirse girada en resolución total. Por este motivo las imágenes se han impreso con una resolución algo inferior a la correspondiente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We couldn't find what you were looking for.",,"No hemos encontrado lo que estaba buscando",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot access the user dictionary.\n\nSave your work, exit Publisher, restart Windows, and try again. If you've already done this, run Publisher Setup and choose Custom Installation to reinstall the Spell Checker and Hyphenation. For information on running Setup, press F1.",,"Publisher no puede obtener acceso al diccionario de usuario.\n\nGuarde el trabajo, salga de Publisher, reinicie Windows e inténtelo de nuevo. Si ya realizó este proceso, ejecute el programa de instalación de Publisher y elija Instalación personalizada para reinstalar el corrector ortográfico y el diccionario de guiones. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ejecutar el programa de instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Publisher cannot add style ""%s"" because the style already exists."",,""Publisher no puede agregar el estilo ""%s"" porque ya existe."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Expand the selection to fit copied cells?\n\nThe text on the Clipboard requires more cells than the selected region. To paste the cells beyond the current selection, click Yes. This may make your table larger, or it may overwrite existing cells. To paste only text that will fit the selection, click No.",,"Confirme que desea ampliar la selección para ajustarla a las celdas copiadas.\n\nEl texto del Portapapeles requiere más celdas que la región seleccionada. Para pegar las celdas más allá de la selección, haga clic en Sí. Esta operación puede alargar la tabla o sobrescribir las celdas existentes. Para pegar solo el texto que se ajustará a la selección, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to resize the table to fit the copied cells?\n\nYour table is not large enough to hold the cells you are pasting. To add rows or columns to fit the pasted cells, click Yes. To paste only cells that will fit into the existing table, click No.",,"Confirme que desea cambiar el tamaño de la tabla para ajustarla a las celdas copiadas.\n\nLa tabla no es lo suficientemente grande para albergar las celdas que se dispone a pegar. Para agregar filas o columnas con el fin de ajustarla a las celdas copiadas, haga clic en Sí. Para pegar solo las celdas que se ajusten a la tabla existente, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The table is too large for the workspace.\n\nA table in your publication has become too large for the workspace and was deleted.",,"La tabla es demasiado grande para el área de trabajo.\n\nUna tabla de la publicación era demasiado grande para el área de trabajo se ha eliminado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"One or more tables on another page have been resized due to printer or style changes or conversion.\n\nWhen you changed the printer, modified a text style, or imported a document, one or more tables in this publication grew larger. To make sure that your publication is formatted correctly, check all tables before you print.",,"Se ha cambiado el tamaño de una o más tablas de otra página debido a cambios de estilo o de impresora, o a una conversión.\n\nCuando cambió la impresora, modificó un estilo de texto o importó un documento, una o más tablas de esta publicación aumentó su tamaño. Para asegurarse de que el formato de la publicación es correcto, compruebe todas las tablas antes de imprimirla.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The table is too large to fit on the page.\n\nTo fit the table on the page, you may need to increase your page size, change your printer settings, remove some text or pictures from the table, or delete the table and insert a smaller table.\n\nNote: Publisher may have locked the table size as a result of this problem. To make the table expand automatically to accommodate the text, first make the table smaller, and then click Grow To Fit Text on the Table Tools Design Tab.",,"La tabla es demasiado grande para ajustarse a la página.\n\nPara ajustarla, tal vez tenga que aumentar el tamaño de la página, cambiar la configuración de impresora, quitar texto o imágenes de la tabla o eliminar la tabla e insertar una más pequeña.\n\nNota: puede que Publisher bloqueara el tamaño de la tabla por este problema. Si la tabla no se expande para ajustarse al texto, haga clic en Aumentar para ajustar el texto en la pestaña Diseño de Herramientas de tabla.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You must align this object to margins.\n\nBecause there is only one object selected, you must line it up to the page margins.",,"Debe alinear este objeto a los márgenes.\n\nsolo hay un objeto seleccionado, por lo que tendrá que alinearlo hasta los márgenes de la página.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher reached the end of the story. Do you want to continue searching at the beginning?",,"Publisher ha llegado al final del artículo. Confirme que desea continuar buscando desde el principio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher reached the beginning of the story. Do you want to continue searching at the end?",,"Publisher ha llegado al principio del artículo. Confirme que desea continuar buscando desde el final.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to switch to one master page?\n\nIf you change to one master page now, all the objects on the left master page will be deleted and replaced with a copy of all the objects on the right master page. To continue, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel.",,"Confirme que desea cambiar a una página principal.\n\nSi cambia a una página principal ahora, todos los objetos de la página principal izquierda se eliminarán y se reemplazarán con una copia de todos los objetos de la página principal derecha. Para continuar, haga clic en Aceptar. Si no desea continuar, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Do you want to delete style ""%s""?"",,""Confirme que desea eliminar el estilo ""%s""."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're sorry, but we can't find this file for you. Click ok to start browsing files on your computer.",,"Lo sentimos. No se ha podido encontrar este archivo. Haga clic en Aceptar para buscar el archivo en su PC.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are printing a publication containing embedded objects which are still being edited in another program.\n\nTo print this publication, these objects must be updated. If you want Publisher to update the objects before printing, click OK. To return to Publisher without printing the publication, click Cancel.",,"Se dispone a imprimir una publicación con objetos incrustados que todavía se están modificando en otro programa.\n\nPara imprimir esta publicación, se deben actualizar estos objetos. Si desea que Publisher actualice los objetos antes de imprimir, haga clic en Aceptar. Para volver a Publisher sin imprimir la publicación, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are saving a publication containing embedded objects that are still being edited in another program.\n\nTo save this publication, these objects must be updated. If you want Publisher to update the objects before saving, click OK. To return to Publisher without saving the publication, click Cancel.",,"Se dispone a guardar una publicación con objetos incrustados que todavía se están modificando en otro programa.\n\nPara guardar esta publicación, se deben actualizar estos objetos. Si desea que Publisher actualice los objetos antes de guardar, haga clic en Aceptar. Para volver a Publisher sin guardar la publicación, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Do you want to save changes to ""%s""?"",,""Confirme que desea guardar los cambios en ""%s""."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Duplicate style name.\n\nThe style ""%s"" is defined both in your publication and in the document you are importing styles from. To keep the style as defined in your publication, click Yes. To change to the new definition, click No."",,""Nombre de estilo duplicado.\n\nEl estilo ""%s"" está definido en la publicación y en el documento del que está importando estilos. Para mantener el estilo definido en la publicación, haga clic en Sí. Para cambiar a la nueva definición, haga clic en No."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher is low on memory and cannot show master page objects on both pages. To make more memory available, save your work and close other programs.",,"Publisher no dispone de memoria suficiente y no puede mostrar los objetos de la página principal en las dos páginas. Para disponer de más memoria, guarde el trabajo y cierre el resto de las aplicaciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot print on an envelope smaller than 7.62 x 12.7cm or larger than 38.1 x 50.8cm.",,"Publisher no puede imprimir en un sobre de tamaño inferior a 7,62 x 12,7 cm o superior a 38,1 x 50,8 cm.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot print on an envelope smaller than 3 x 5 inches or larger than 15 x 20 inches.",,"Publisher no puede imprimir en un sobre de tamaño inferior a 3 x 5 pulgadas o superior a 15 x 20 pulgadas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher is switching to single-page view because the layout you have chosen cannot be viewed as a two-page spread.",,"Publisher está cambiando a la presentación de una sola página porque el formato que ha elegido no puede mostrarse en una presentación de dos páginas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have reached the maximum number of styles. Publisher cannot work with more than 255 styles. Some styles may not be imported correctly.",,"Ha alcanzado el número máximo de estilos. Publisher no puede trabajar con más de 255 estilos. Puede que no se hayan importado algunos estilos correctamente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If this operation fails, you may not be able to paste the objects you are cutting to the Clipboard.",,"Si esta operación no se ejecuta correctamente, es posible que no pueda pegar los objetos que está cortando al Portapapeles.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot change pages.\n\nClicking on the page number allows you to go to different pages in your publication, but your publication has only one page. To insert more pages, click Page on the Insert menu.",,"Publisher no puede cambiar de página.\n\nPuede ver las diferentes páginas de la publicación haciendo clic en el número de página, pero su publicación solo tiene una página. Para insertar más páginas, haga clic en Página en el menú Insertar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot create the text style because no text is selected.\n\nYou can only create a text style when you have a text selection. Select some text and try again.",,"Publisher no puede crear el estilo de texto porque no hay texto seleccionado.\n\nsolo es posible crear un estilo de texto cuando se ha seleccionado texto. Seleccione texto e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Discard updates of linked objects?\n\nYou are opening the last saved version of your publication. To discard the updated links and return to the last saved version of your publication, click Yes. To return to the current publication, where you can save the updates, click No.",,"Confirme que desea descartar los objetos vinculados.\n\nSe dispone a abrir la última versión guardada de la publicación. Para descartar los vínculos actualizados y volver a la última versión de la publicación, haga clic en Sí. Para volver a la publicación actual, donde podrá guardar las actualizaciones, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to save updates of linked objects?\n\nSome linked objects have been automatically updated. To save the updates now, click Yes. To ignore the updates for now, click No. To continue working on the current publication, click Cancel.",,"Confirme que desea guardar las actualizaciones de los objetos vinculados.\n\nAlgunos objetos vinculados se han actualizado automáticamente. Para guardar las actualizaciones ahora, haga clic en Sí. Para omitir las actualizaciones ahora, haga clic en No. Para continuar trabajando en la publicación actual, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"File link error.\n\nThis publication contains information that is linked to another file, but Publisher cannot find that file. You may have deleted or moved the file or the program you created it in.",,"Error de vínculo de archivo.\n\nEsta publicación contiene información que está vinculada a otro archivo, pero Publisher no encuentra ese archivo. Quizá eliminó o movió el archivo o el programa en el que lo creó.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This object is corrupted. Delete the object and create it again.",,"Este objeto está dañado. Elimínelo y vuelva a crearlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot launch or communicate with the OLE server program needed to complete this task.\n\nThere may not be enough disk space, or there may be a problem with the server program. To make more disk space available, delete some unneeded files on your hard disk. If you suspect a problem with the server program, try reinstalling it. Then try this task again.",,"Publisher no puede iniciar o comunicarse con el programa del servidor OLE necesario para realizar esta tarea.\n\nPuede que no haya espacio en disco suficiente o que exista un problema con el programa del servidor. Para liberar espacio en disco, elimine los archivos que no sean necesarios. Si cree que puede existir un problema con el programa del servidor, reinstálelo. A continuación, intente esta tarea de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Windows is low on memory. Save your work and close other programs before continuing.",,"Windows no dispone de memoria suficiente. Guarde el trabajo y cierre el resto de las aplicaciones antes de continuar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to replace the selected object?\n\nThe object you've selected is already being edited in %s. To change the existing object, click Cancel to return to Publisher; then double-click the object. To create a new object in its place, click OK. You will lose your latest changes.",,"Confirme que desea reemplazar el objeto seleccionado.\n\nEl objeto seleccionado se está modificando en %s. Para cambiarlo, haga clic en Cancelar para volver a Publisher; a continuación, haga doble clic en el objeto. Para crear un objeto nuevo en su lugar, haga clic en Aceptar. Perderá los últimos cambios.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot recognize this object which was created by another program.\n\nDelete the object, save your publication, and then insert the object again.",,"Publisher no reconoce este objeto creado con otro programa.\n\nElimine el objeto, guarde la publicación e inserte el objeto de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot change the link. The link information may not be valid.",,"Publisher no puede cambiar el vínculo. Puede que la información de éste no sea válida.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot insert the file. Either your system is low on memory or the server you're using doesn't support embedding a file. To make more memory available, save your work and close other programs; then try again.",,"Publisher no puede insertar el archivo. Puede que el sistema no disponga de memoria suficiente o que el servidor no admita la incrustación de archivos. Para disponer de más memoria, guarde el trabajo y cierre los programas. Luego vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The single sheet you want to print does not overlap any part of the page. To print a single sheet you must exit the Poster and Banner Printing Options dialog box and reposition the ruler so it's at the top left corner of the area you want to print.",,"La hoja individual que desea imprimir no se superpone a ninguna parte de la página. Para imprimir una hoja individual, salga del cuadro de diálogo Opciones de impresión de póster y pancarta, y mueva el origen de la regla para que se alinee con la esquina superior izquierda del área que desea imprimir.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The publication size is too large for Publisher to show as a two-page spread.\n\nYou can continue to work in single-page view or choose a smaller publication size.",,"El tamaño de la publicación es demasiado grande para que Publisher la muestre a dos páginas.\n\nPuede continuar trabajando con una presentación de una página o elegir un tamaño más pequeño de publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""The printer selected for this publication, ""%s"", is not installed. Reinstall the printer or choose another printer. For information on installing printers, see your Windows documentation."",,""La impresora seleccionada para esta publicación, ""%s"", no está instalada. Reinstale la impresora o elija otra. Para obtener más información sobre cómo instalar una impresora, consulte la documentación de Windows."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Enter a style name which does not contain any of the following characters: \\ ; { }",,"Escriba un nombre de estilo que no contenga ninguno de los caracteres siguientes: \\ ; { }",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are printing your publication to a printer with duplex printing turned on. This will result in front-and-back printing on the same sheet of paper. If you want to continue printing to this printer, click OK.",,"Se dispone a imprimir la publicación en una impresora que tiene activada la impresión a doble cara. Esto dará lugar a una impresión en ambas caras de la misma hoja de papel. Si desea continuar imprimiendo en esta impresora, haga clic en Aceptar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are switching to a single master page. There are objects on the left master page that will no longer be visible. To show them again, click Master Guides on the Arrange Menu and click the Two-page master check box.",,"Está cambiando a una sola página principal. Hay objetos en la página principal izquierda que dejarán de estar visibles. Para volver a mostrarlos, elija Guías de diseño en el menú Organizar y active la casilla Crear dos páginas principales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to check your publication again?\n\nThe Design Checker found one or more design problems when checking your publication. To check your publication again and verify that all problems have been corrected, click Yes. If you don't want to check the Design again, click No.",,"Confirme que desea comprobar la publicación de nuevo.\n\nEl Comprobador de diseño encontró uno o más problemas de diseño al comprobar la publicación. Para comprobar la publicación de nuevo y asegurarse de que se han corregido todos los problemas, haga clic en Sí. Si desea comprobar el diseño de nuevo, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher is still active.\n\nSave your work and close Publisher before exiting Windows.",,"Publisher está activo todavía.\n\nGuarde el trabajo y cierre Publisher antes de salir de Windows.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Choose at least one option and click OK.",,"Elija como mínimo una opción y haga clic en Aceptar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The Design check is complete. ",,"La verificación de diseño ha finalizado. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory available to run the Design Checker.\n\nSave your work, close other programs, and try again.",,"Memoria insuficiente para ejecutar el Comprobador de diseño.\n\nGuarde el trabajo, cierre otros programas e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The paper image you have selected is not available.\n\nYou do not have a paper image for the selected paper size or orientation. Run Setup to install the images again.",,"La imagen de papel que ha seleccionado no está disponible.\n\nNo dispone de imagen de papel para el tamaño de papel u orientación seleccionada. Ejecute de nuevo el programa de instalación para instalar imágenes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Automatically insert pages?\n\nThis publication layout prints pages in groups of %s. You have %s page(s) in your publication now. Click Yes to automatically insert %s page(s). Click No to continue without inserting pages.",,"¿Desea insertar páginas automáticamente?\n\nEste diseño imprime páginas en grupos de %s. La publicación tiene %s páginas. Para insertar %s páginas automáticamente, haga clic en Sí. Para continuar sin insertar páginas, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want Publisher to automatically delete pages?\n\nThis layout prints %s pages on each sheet of printer paper. Your publication has %s page(s). To automatically delete the extra pages in your publication, click Yes. To continue without deleting pages, click No. For information on printing booklets and other folded publications, press F1.",,"Confirme que desea que Publisher elimine páginas automáticamente.\n\nEste diseño imprime %s páginas en cada hoja de papel de la impresora. La publicación tiene %s páginas. Para eliminar automáticamente las páginas sobrantes de la publicación, haga clic en Sí. Para continuar sin eliminar páginas, haga clic en No. Para obtener más información acerca de la impresión de folletos, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to insert a new page?\n\nYou only have one page in your publication. To insert a new page, click OK. To exit this dialog box without inserting a page, click Cancel.",,"Confirme que desea insertar una página nueva.\n\nLa publicación tiene solo una página. Para insertar una página nueva, haga clic en Aceptar. Para salir de este cuadro de diálogo sin insertar una página, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to insert a new page?\n\nYou are on the last page of your publication. To insert a new page, click OK. To exit this dialog box without inserting a page, click Cancel.",,"Confirme que desea insertar una página nueva.\n\nEstá en la última página de la publicación. Para insertar una página nueva, haga clic en Aceptar. Para salir de este cuadro de diálogo sin insertar una página, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Did your publication print as expected?\n\nWhen your publication has finished printing, click Yes if your printout looks the way you expected it to look. Click No to have Publisher's Print Troubleshooter help you solve your printing problem. Click Cancel to continue working on your publication.\n\nNote:  You can use Publisher's Print Troubleshooter at any time by clicking Print Troubleshooter from the Help menu.",,"Compruebe que la publicación se imprimió correctamente.\n\nUna vez que se haya impreso la publicación, haga clic en Sí si el resultado ha sido satisfactorio. Haga clic en No para que el Solucionador de problemas de impresión de Publisher corrija el problema. Haga clic en Cancelar para continuar trabajando en la publicación.\n\nNota: puede utilizar este Solucionador en cualquier momento haciendo clic en Solucionador de problemas de impresión en el menú Ayuda.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want Publisher to create a new wrap boundary?\n\nIf you have manually changed the wrap boundary for this picture, and you want to keep that boundary, click No. Otherwise, click Yes.",,"Confirme que desea que Publisher cree un nuevo límite de ajuste.\n\nSi ha cambiado el límite de ajuste para esta imagen manualmente y desea mantenerlo, haga clic en No. De lo contrario, haga clic en Sí.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to close Publisher without saving your work?",,"Confirme que desea cerrar Publisher sin guardar el trabajo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot paste this OLE object.",,"Publisher no puede pegar este objeto OLE.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot save this file in %s format.\n\nThe converter for this format is only capable of opening files. To preserve the formatting, try saving the file in Rich Text Format (RTF); then open it in %s.",,"Publisher no puede guardar este archivo con formato %s.\n\nEl convertidor para este formato solo puede abrir archivos. Para mantener el formato, guarde el archivo con formato de texto enriquecido (RTF) y ábralo en %s.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This command is not available in this demonstration version of Publisher. To use this feature, you must install the retail version of Publisher.\n\nFor more information about the functionality of this version, see the file README.TXT in the Publisher folder on your hard drive.",,"This command is not available in this demonstration version of Publisher. To use this feature, you must install the retail version of Publisher.\n\nFor more information about the functionality of this version, see the file README.TXT in the Publisher folder on your hard drive.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot save your publication's preview picture, but has successfully saved your publication.",,"Publisher no puede guardar la imagen de vista previa de la publicación, pero sí ha podido guardar la publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot load the Microsoft System Info browser.\n\nYou may be out of memory, or the browser may not be installed correctly. To reinstall the browser, run the Publisher Setup. To make more memory available, save your work and close other programs. For more information on running Setup, press F1.",,"Publisher no puede cargar el explorador de Información del sistema de Microsoft.\n\nPuede que la memoria sea insuficiente o que el explorador no esté instalado correctamente. Para reinstalarlo, ejecute el programa de instalación de Publisher. Guarde el trabajo y cierre otros programas para liberar memoria. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ejecutar el programa de instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To insert a date/time field, click in a text box or table. For information on inserting dates and times, press F1.",,"Para insertar un campo de fecha y hora, haga clic en el cuadro de texto o en la tabla. Para obtener más información sobre cómo insertar fechas y horas, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Remove objects outside of new page size?\n\nYou have changed to a smaller page size, and some objects in your publication no longer fit on the page. To remove these objects and change to the new page size, choose OK. To return to the dialog box and choose a different page size, click Cancel.",,"Confirme que desea quitar los objetos que quedan fuera del nuevo tamaño de la página.\n\nHa reducido el tamaño de la página y algunos objetos de la publicación no caben en la página. Para quitar estos objetos y cambiar a otro tamaño de página, elija Aceptar. Para volver al cuadro de diálogo y elegir un tamaño de página diferente, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Save to your hard disk.\n\nYour floppy disk is full or damaged, so you must save to your hard disk. Publisher needs to have access to the original file on your floppy disk, so do not remove it from the floppy drive. Save to your hard disk and then copy the file to a floppy disk.\n\nIMPORTANT:  Do not remove the original floppy disk. Publisher needs to be able to read the information on this disk to save successfully.",,"Guarde la información en el disco duro.\n\nEl disco de 3½ pulgadas está lleno o dañado, por tanto, debe guardar en el disco duro. Es necesario que Publisher tenga acceso al archivo original del disco de 3½ pulgadas, por tanto, no lo retire de la unidad. Guarde en el disco duro y, a continuación, copie el archivo en un disco.\n\nIMPORTANTE: no retire el disco original. Publisher debe leer la información de este disco para guardar el archivo satisfactoriamente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A printer has not been installed on the system.\n\nInstall a printer for Publisher to use. The fonts in your publication may look different as a result of the printer selection.",,"No se ha instalado ninguna impresora en el sistema.\n\nDebe instalar una impresora para que Publisher la utilice. Como resultado de la selección de la impresora, las fuentes podrían verse de modo diferente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory or disk space to complete this operation.\n\nTo make more memory available, save your work and close other programs; then try again. To make more disk space available, delete some unneeded files on your hard disk; then try again.",,"Memoria o espacio en disco insuficiente para realizar esta operación.\n\nGuarde el trabajo, cierre otros programas para liberar memoria e inténtelo de nuevo. Para liberar espacio en disco, elimine los archivos que no sean necesarios y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The current page size is larger than the size of the special paper. Choose another page size to use the Special Paper option.",,"El tamaño de página actual es mayor que el tamaño del papel especial. Elija otro tamaño de página para utilizar la opción Papel especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""This publication was saved without a printer selected.\n\nPublisher will change the publication printer to ""%s"". The fonts in your publication may look different as a result of the printer selection."",,""Esta publicación se guardó sin una impresora seleccionada.\n\nPublisher cambiará la impresora de la publicación a ""%s"". Como resultado de la selección de la impresora, las fuentes podrían verse de modo diferente."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The outline of this graphic image is too complex. Publisher cannot wrap your text around the image.",,"El contorno de esta imagen gráfica es demasiado complejo. Publisher no puede ajustar el texto alrededor de la imagen.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"An OLE object cannot be saved because its source program is busy.\n\nThe program may be showing a dialog box and waiting for your response, or it may be in print preview mode. To save, you must switch to the other program and close its dialog box or close its print preview mode.",,"No se puede guardar un objeto OLE porque el programa de origen está ocupado.\n\nPuede que el programa esté mostrando un cuadro de diálogo y esperando respuesta o puede que esté en modo de vista preliminar. Para guardar, debe cambiar al otro programa y cerrar el cuadro de diálogo o el modo de vista previa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"An OLE server program caused a fatal error.",,"Un programa de servidor OLE causó un error grave.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cannot save object.\n\nAn OLE server cannot save an object you are using. Windows may be low on memory or disk space, or the object may not be registered correctly. Publisher restored the last saved changes to this object.",,"No se puede guardar el objeto.\n\nUn servidor OLE no puede guardar un objeto de los que está utilizando. Quizá Windows no dispone de memoria o espacio en disco suficiente, o bien el objeto no registró correctamente. Publisher restauró los últimos cambios guardados de este objeto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No paper images are available.\n\nTo reinstall the paper images, run Setup. For information on running Setup, press F1.",,"No hay imágenes de papel disponibles.\n\nPara reinstalar las imágenes, vuelva a instalar el programa de instalación. Para información sobre el programa de instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Don't forget to place the special pre-printed paper in your printer.\n\nTo continue, press OK. To cancel printing, press Cancel.\n\nNOTE:  For information on using Paper Direct paper, press F1.",,"No olvide colocar el papel especial de preimpresión en la impresora.\n\nPara continuar, haga clic en Aceptar. Para cancelar la impresión, haga clic en Cancelar.\n\nNOTA: para obtener más información acerca del uso de papel Apli, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Select a new paper image.\n\nThe paper you are using does not match the paper size you have chosen. To select a new paper, click Special Paper on the View menu.",,"Seleccione una nueva imagen de papel.\n\nEl papel que está utilizando no coincide con el tamaño que ha elegido. Para seleccionar un nuevo papel, haga clic en Papel especial en el menú Ver.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The special paper you've selected will display in Publisher but will not print or display in a web browser.\n\nFor your publication to print as it looks on the screen, you must use pre-printed special paper.",,"El papel especial que ha seleccionado se mostrará en Publisher pero no se imprimirá o mostrará en un explorador web.\n\nPara que la publicación se imprima como aparece en pantalla, debe utilizar papel especial de preimpresión.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The objects on the Clipboard are too large to paste into the current publication.",,"Los objetos en el Portapapeles son demasiado grandes para pegarlos en la publicación actual.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot insert pages because Windows is too low on memory.\n\nTo make more memory available, close other programs; then try again.",,"Publisher no puede insertar páginas porque Windows no dispone de memoria suficiente.\n\nCierre otros programas para liberar memoria e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A Publisher object is too large to print.\n\nPublisher may not be able to print all of the objects in your publication due to printer limitations. Try lowering the resolution of your printer using the Properties button on the Print dialog box. To continue printing, click OK. To cancel printing, click Cancel.",,"Un objeto de Publisher es demasiado grande para imprimirlo.\n\nPuede que Publisher no pueda imprimir todos los objetos de su publicación debido a limitaciones de la impresora. Reduzca la resolución de su impresora con el botón Propiedades del diálogo Imprimir. Para continuar la impresión, haga clic en Aceptar. Para cancelarla, haga clic en Cancelar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Print page range as separate booklet?\n\nYou have selected a page range that is less than the number of pages in the booklet. To print the page range as a separate booklet, click Yes. To print the page range as part of the whole booklet, click No. For more information, press F1.",,"Confirme que desea imprimir el intervalo de páginas como un folleto separado.\n\nHa seleccionado un intervalo de páginas inferior al número de páginas del folleto. Para imprimir las páginas como un folleto separado, haga clic en Sí. Para imprimir las páginas como parte de un folleto mayor, haga clic en No. Presione F1 para obtener más información.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is a problem with your printer settings.\n\nYour printer has given Publisher an invalid value, and the printer could not be correctly initialized. Check your printer settings in the Windows control panel.",,"Problema con la configuración de la impresora.\n\nLa impresora le ha proporcionado un valor no válido a Publisher y no se ha inicializado correctamente. Compruebe la configuración de la impresora en el Panel de control de Windows.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In this demonstration version of Publisher, you can only print one copy of a publication at a time, and you cannot print more than one page. Printing to a file is also disabled.\n\nFor more information about the functionality of this version, see the file README.TXT in the Publisher folder on your hard drive.",,"In this demonstration version of Publisher, you can only print one copy of a publication at a time, and you cannot print more than one page. Printing to a file is also disabled.\n\nFor more information about the functionality of this version, see the file README.TXT in the Publisher folder on your hard drive.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""The printer selected for this publication, ""%s"", cannot be initialized or is not installed on the system.\n\nPublisher will change the publication printer to ""%s"" instead. The fonts in your publication may look different as a result of the printer selection."",,""La impresora seleccionada para esta publicación, ""%s"", no se puede inicializar o no está instalada en el sistema.\n\nPor ello, Publisher cambiará la impresora de la publicación a ""%s"". Como resultado de la selección de la impresora, las fuentes podría verse de forma diferente."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want Publisher to resize the table to hold the selected rows?\n\nThe area you have selected can contain a table with no more than %s rows and %s columns. To create a table larger than the selected area, click Yes. To reduce the number of rows and/or columns in your table, click No.",,"Confirme que desea que Publisher cambie el tamaño de la tabla para que pueda albergar las filas seleccionadas.\n\nEl área que ha seleccionado puede contener una tabla con no más de %s filas y %s columnas. Para crear una tabla más grande que el área seleccionada, haga clic en Sí. Para reducir el número de filas y columnas de la tabla, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot add rows or columns to the selected table because the table would exceed the maximum of 128 rows and 128 columns.",,"Publisher no puede agregar filas o columnas en la tabla seleccionada porque la tabla excedería el máximo de 128 filas y 128 columnas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is a story being edited in (!idspnWord_NV).\n\nDo you want to print an updated version of the story?",,"Un artículo se está modificando en (!idspnWord_NV).\n\n¿Desea imprimir una versión actualizada del artículo?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is a story being edited in (!idspnWord_NV).\n\nDo you want to publish an updated version of the story?",,"Un artículo se está modificando en (!idspnWord_NV).\n\n¿Desea publicar una versión actualizada de dicho artículo?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A story in the publication you are trying to save is in Word Story Editing mode.\n\nDo you want to update the story from (!idspnWord_NV)?",,"Un artículo de la publicación que intenta guardar está en modo Edición de artículos en Word.\n\n¿Desea actualizar el artículo de (!idspnWord_NV)?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The story that you imported from (!idspnWord_NV) had pictures or other non-text objects in it. Non-text objects cannot be imported into Publisher text boxes. Use Insert Picture File or another method to import pictures.",,"El artículo que importó de (!idspnWord_NV) contenía imágenes u otros objetos que no son texto. Los objetos que no son texto no pueden importarse en cuadros de texto de Publisher. Use Insertar archivo de imagen u otro método para importar imágenes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"That filename is too long or contains invalid characters. Please try again using a different name.",,"El nombre de archivo es demasiado largo o contiene caracteres no válidos. Inténtelo de nuevo con otro nombre.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to remove the drop cap from this paragraph in order to insert a bullet or paragraph number?",,"Confirme que desea quitar la letra capital de este párrafo para insertar una viñeta o un número de párrafo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot import from the file '%s' because you are currently working with the file.",,"Publisher no puede importar del archivo '%s' porque usted está trabajando con el archivo en este momento.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot add a date or time to this text box because it is being edited within (!idspnWord_NV). Use Microsoft Word's Insert Date and Time command do this.",,"Publisher no puede agregar una fecha u hora a este cuadro de texto porque se está modificado en (!idspnWord_NV). Use el comando Fecha y hora del menú Insertar de (!idspnWord_NV)  para realizar esta acción.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to remove the bullet or paragraph number from this paragraph in order to insert a drop cap?",,"Confirme que desea quitar la viñeta o el número de párrafo de este párrafo para insertar una letra capital.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot insert drop caps in continued regions. To make a drop cap here, create a text box in the same location.",,"Publisher no puede insertar letras capitales en regiones continuadas. Para poner una letra capital aquí, cree un cuadro de texto en la misma ubicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is not enough memory to show a picture.\n\nSome pictures may show incompletely or not at all. To make more memory available, save your work and close other programs; then try again.",,"Memoria insuficiente para mostrar una imagen.\n\nAlgunas imágenes pueden aparecer incompletas o no aparecer en absoluto. Guarde el trabajo, cierre otros programas para liberar memoria e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete this category?\n\nDeleting this category will delete all items in the category. To delete these items, click Yes. To keep these items, click No.",,"Confirme que desea eliminar esta categoría.\n\nAl eliminarla, se eliminarán también todos los elementos de la misma. Para eliminar estos elementos, haga clic en Sí. Para mantenerlos, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is already a category with this name. Choose another name.",,"Ya existe una categoría con este nombre. Elija otro nombre.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete this object?\n\nTo delete the object, click Yes. To keep it, click No.",,"Confirme que desea eliminar este objeto.\n\nPara eliminar el objeto, haga clic en Sí. Para mantenerlo, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Start a new design set?\n\nA set of designs named '%s' is currently open in the Design Gallery. You cannot add objects to '%s'. To start a new design set with your selected object, click Yes.",,"Confirme que desea iniciar un nuevo conjunto de diseños.\n\nActualmente, está abierto el conjunto de diseños '%s' en la Galería de diseño. No puede agregar objetos a '%s'. Para iniciar un nuevo conjunto de diseños con el objeto seleccionado, haga clic en Sí.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot complete the operation.",,"Publisher no puede finalizar la operación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The text you are trying to select is being edited within (!idspnWord_NV).\n\nDo you want to switch to (!idspnWord_NV)?",,"El texto que intenta seleccionar se está modificando en (!idspnWord_NV).\n\n¿Desea cambiar a (!idspnWord_NV)?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot connect to a box that is in Word Story Editing.\n\nWhen the mouse pointer changes to a pouring cup it means that you can connect one text box to another. If you now click an empty text box, it will be connected to the current box.",,"Publisher no puede conectarse a un cuadro del artículo que se está modificando en Word.\n\nCuando el puntero del mouse cambie a una jarra, significa que puede conectar un cuadro de texto con otro. Si hace clic ahora en un cuadro vacío, quedará conectado al cuadro actual.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot add a bullet to the publication. You may be low on memory or you may have reached the maximum number of bullets. To make more memory available, save your work and close other programs; then try again.",,"Publisher no puede agregar una viñeta a la publicación. Es posible que no disponga de memoria suficiente o que haya alcanzado el número máximo de viñetas. Para disponer de más memoria, guarde el trabajo y cierre el resto de las aplicaciones; después, vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot find its help file (%s). The help file may not be installed. To install Publisher's help file, run Setup again.",,"Publisher no encuentra el archivo de ayuda (%s). Es posible que el archivo de ayuda no haya sido instalado. Para instalar el archivo de ayuda de Publisher, vuelva a ejecutar el programa de instalación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Not enough memory to open Help. To make more memory available, save your work and close other programs; then try again.",,"No hay memoria suficiente para abrir la Ayuda. Para disponer de más memoria, guarde el trabajo y cierre el resto de las aplicaciones; después, vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""To rename a style, Publisher needs a new name for that style. Type a name in the ""To"" box."",,""Para que Publisher pueda cambiar el nombre de un estilo, debe proporcionarle un nombre nuevo para ese estilo. Escríbalo en el cuadro ""Por""."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot insert a page number into the text because this text is being edited within (!idspnWord_NV). Use Microsoft Word's Insert Page Numbers command to do this.",,"Publisher no puede insertar un número de página en el texto porque este texto se está modificando en (!idspnWord_NV). Use el comando Números de página del menú Insertar de (!idspnWord_NV) para realizar esta acción.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want your pictures to print?\n\nYou are printing with the pictures in your publication hidden. To print the pictures with your publication, click Yes. To print without pictures, click No.",,"Confirme que desea imprimir las imágenes.\n\nSe dispone a imprimir la publicación con las imágenes ocultas. Para imprimir las imágenes con la publicación, haga clic en Sí. Para imprimirla sin las imágenes, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you want to preview your pictures?\n\nThe View menu Picture Display command is set to Hide Pictures, so they won't show or print. Do you want to see them when in this preview?",,"¿Desea obtener una vista previa de las imágenes?\n\nLas imágenes no se podrán mostrar o imprimir porque el comando Presentación de imágenes del menú Ver está establecido como Ocultar imágenes. ¿Desea verlas en en esta vista previa?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot complete the action while Word Story Editing is being used.\n\nYou are using (!idspnWord_NV) to edit a text box on the master page. Close (!idspnWord_NV) and try again.",,"Publisher no puede completar la acción mientras se esté usando el modo Edición de artículos en Word.\n\nEstá usando (!idspnWord_NV) para modificar un cuadro de texto en la página principal. Cierre (!idspnWord_NV) e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A Word Story Editing error occurred.\n\n(!idspnWord_NV) may be busy, or there may not be enough memory. Wait a moment for (!idspnWord_NV) to finish. If this doesn't correct the problem, try making more memory available by saving your work and closing other programs; then try again.",,"Error en el modo Edición de artículos en Word.\n\nQuizá (!idspnWord_NV) está ocupado o no hay memoria suficiente. Espere un momento hasta que termine (!idspnWord_NV). Si el problema persiste, guarde el trabajo, cierre otros programas para liberar memoria e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot find the file %s, or the file is corrupt.\n\nRun Publisher Setup again.",,"Publisher no encuentra el archivo %s o el archivo está dañado.\n\nEjecute de nuevo el programa de instalación de Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot import a folder. You may select several files at once and drop them onto Publisher.",,"Publisher no puede importar una carpeta. Puede haber seleccionado varios archivos a la vez y haberlos puesto en Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You must first install a Web browser before Publisher can show the requested Web site.",,"Instale primero un explorador web para que Publisher pueda mostrar el sitio web requerido.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A PageWizard design assistant is already running in another instance of Publisher. You must cancel or finish running the PageWizard before starting another one.",,"Un Asistente para diseño de páginas está ejecutándose en otra instancia de Publisher. Debe cancelar o finalizar la ejecución del Asistente para páginas antes de iniciar otro.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher may not be able to show this Encapsulated PostScript image on your screen, but the image will appear when you print to a PostScript printer. Warning: If you rotate this image, the picture will not print.",,"Publisher no puede mostrar esta imagen PostScript encapsulada, pero la imagen aparecerá al imprimir en una impresora PostScript. Advertencia: la imagen no se imprimirá si la gira.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Based on the previous error message, your proof print did not print.",,"De acuerdo con el mensaje de error anterior, no se ha impreso la prueba de impresión.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot find a file required to print the Color Sampler or font report. To restore the missing file, run Setup again. For information on running Setup, press F1.",,"Publisher no encuentra un archivo necesario para imprimir el muestrario de colores o el informe de fuentes. Vuelva a ejecutar el programa de instalación para restaurar el archivo que falta. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ejecutar el programa de instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The file is being used by another currently running instance of Publisher.\n\nTry closing other instances of Publisher or saving your work in those instances; then try again.",,"Otra instancia de Publisher está utilizando este archivo.\n\nCierre otras instancias de Publisher o guarde el trabajo en esas instancias e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"(!idspnPublisher_NV) can only run on Windows 2000 SP3 or later. It cannot run on Win32s.",,"(!idspnPublisher_NV) solo se puede ejecutar en Windows 2000 SP3 o posterior. No se puede ejecutar en Win32.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher could not send your publication due to insufficient space on the hard disk.\n\nCreate some space on the hard disk and then try again.",,"Publisher no pudo enviar la publicación por no disponer de suficiente espacio en el disco duro.\n\nCree espacio en el disco duro e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher could not start the email program.  Check your network connection. Make sure Microsoft Office is installed correctly, your email program is set up correctly, and that you can connect to your email server.",,"Publisher no pudo iniciar el programa de correo electrónico. Compruebe la conexión de red. Asegúrese de que Microsoft Office está instalado correctamente, que el programa de correo electrónico está bien configurado y que puede conectarse al servidor de correo electrónico.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot mail your publication because part of the mail system is missing. Reinstall your mail program and try again.",,"Publisher no puede enviar la publicación por correo porque falta parte del sistema de correo. Instale el programa de correo de nuevo y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There was a problem with the network while trying to mail your publication.\n\nMake sure that your network is operating correctly.",,"Problema con la red mientras se enviaba la publicación.\n\nAsegúrese de que la red está funcionando correctamente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Before mailing your publication, Publisher needs to save it. To save and mail, click Yes. To cancel, click No.",,"Antes de enviar la publicación por correo, Publisher necesita guardarla. Para guardar y enviar por correo, haga clic en Sí. Para cancelar, haga clic en No.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have changed the paper size for your %s printer to '%s'. Your %s printer supports '%s'. Do you want to change the paper size for your %s printer to '%s'?",,"Ha cambiado el tamaño de papel para la impresora %s a '%s'. La impresora %s admite '%s'. Confirme que desea cambiar el tamaño del papel para la impresora %s a '%s'.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Image Color Matching is not available for this publication's printer, %s.",,"La Coincidencia de colores de la imagen no está disponible en la impresora de esta publicación, %s.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""If you continue, ""%s"" will be saved as the current font. This font isn't available on the device you are currently using, so another font may be used for display, for print, or for both. Do you want to continue?"",,""Si continúas, ""%s"" se guardará como la fuente actual. Esta fuente no está disponible en el dispositivo que estás usando, por lo que es posible que se use otra fuente para la presentación, la impresión o para ambas. ¿Quieres continuar?"",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Unable to update object. The object may no longer be accessible or registered correctly, or Windows may be low on memory or disk space.\n\nIf the connection to the object cannot be re-established, try reinserting the object.",,"No se puede actualizar el objeto. Puede que el objeto ya no esté accesible o que no se haya registrado correctamente, o puede que Windows no disponga de memoria o de espacio en disco suficiente.\n\nSi no puede reestablecer la conexión con el objeto, intente insertar de nuevo el objeto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot add an item to the Design Gallery.\n\nOne or more objects have been grouped too many times. Ungroup the objects several times, and then try adding them again.",,"Publisher no puede agregar un elemento a la Galería de diseño.\n\nUno o más objetos se han agrupado demasiadas veces. Desagrupe los objetos varias veces y agréguelos de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The color you selected for spot color 2 is the same as spot color 1.\n\nIf you want only one spot color, uncheck the Spot color 2 checkbox.",,"El color seleccionado para el color directo 2 es el mismo que el del color directo 1.\n\nSi desea tener solo un color directo, desactive la casilla Color directo 2.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The available spelling dictionary does not correspond to the region setting for your computer.\n\nWhen you use the spell checker, you may find that some words are erroneously marked as misspelled.",,"El diccionario ortográfico disponible no corresponde con la configuración regional de su PC.\n\nAl pasar el corrector ortográfico, es posible que algunas palabras se marquen como mal escritas a pesar de ser correctas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot create your publication; run the PageWizard again.",,"Publisher no puede crear la publicación, vuelva a ejecutar el Asistente para páginas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Enter the name of a file.",,"Escriba un nombre de archivo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot find or copy the file '%s'. Any hyperlinks that jump to this file will not work.",,"Publisher no puede encontrar o copiar el archivo '%s'. Puede que los hipervínculos a este archivo no funcionen correctamente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"One or more of the selected pages contain objects. Do you want to delete the selected pages anyway?",,"Una o varias de las páginas seleccionadas contienen objetos. ¿Desea eliminarlas de todos modos?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Automatically insert pages?\n\nThis publication layout prints pages in groups of %s. Do you want to insert %s page(s) to this %s-page publication?  This will simplify printing.",,"Confirme que desea insertar páginas automáticamente.\n\nEste diseño de publicación imprime páginas en grupos de %s. Confirme que desea insertar %s páginas en esta publicación de %s páginas. Esto simplificará la impresión.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert the (!idspnPublisher_NV) CD into your CD ROM drive.\n\nTo show special paper backgrounds, Publisher needs files which are on the CD. Insert the CD and click Retry to continue.",,"Inserte el CD de (!idspnPublisher_NV) en la unidad de CD ROM.\n\nPara que aparezcan fondos de papel especiales, Publisher necesita archivos del CD. Inserte el CD y haga clic en Reintentar para continuar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot recolor this object because it's either a PostScript file or a compressed image.",,"Publisher no puede cambiar el color de este objeto porque son archivos PostScript o imágenes comprimidas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot recolor this picture. The picture may be in a graphic format that Publisher does not support, or you may be out of memory.",,"Publisher no puede cambiar el color de esta imagen. Puede que la imagen tenga un formato de gráfico que no admite Publisher o que no haya memoria suficiente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Before committing your publication to this custom page size, you should contact your commercial printing service and make sure that their printer or imagesetter supports this page size.",,"Antes de dar por terminada la publicación con este tamaño personalizado de página llame a su servicio de impresión comercial y asegúrese de que la impresora o la filmadora de su servicio de impresión admite este tamaño de página.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot load a wizard needed for this publication. This publication may have been created in a different version of Publisher.",,"Publisher no puede cargar un archivo necesario por el asistente para esta publicación. Puede que esta publicación se haya creado en otra versión de Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A DLL file needed by the wizard is corrupt. Run Setup again to reinstall the missing file. For more information on running Setup, press F1.",,"El asistente necesita un archivo DLL que está dañado. Vuelva a ejecutar el programa de instalación para instalar el archivo que falta. Para obtener más información, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Multiple page spread\n\nThis publication layout prints pages in multiples of %s. To simplify printing, you should delete %s more page(s). For information on printing booklets, press F1.",,"Varias páginas\n\nEste diseño de publicación se imprime en múltiplos de %s. Para simplificar la impresión, debe eliminar %s páginas más. Para obtener más información sobre cómo imprimir folletos, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This publication contains hyperlinks to the current page. These hyperlinks will be removed when you delete this page. Delete anyway?",,"Esta publicación contiene hipervínculos con la página actual que se van a quitar. Confirme que desea eliminar la página actual.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The disk you are trying to save to is write-protected. Make the disk read/write or use a different disk.",,"El disco en el que está tratando de guardar es de solo lectura. Haga que el disco sea de lectura y escritura o utilice otro disco.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There is no disk in the floppy drive or the drive door is not closed. Make sure that the floppy drive is ready, then try again",,"No hay ningún disco en la unidad o la tapa no está cerrada. Asegúrese de que el disco se encuentra en la unidad e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot wrap your text around the image. If you are running other programs, there may not be enough memory. To make more memory available, save your work and close other programs; then try again.",,"Publisher no puede ajustar el texto alrededor de la imagen. Si está ejecutando otros programas, puede que la memoria sea insuficiente. Guarde el trabajo, cierre otros programas para liberar memoria e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Add to your design set?\n\nA set of designs named '%s' is currently open in the Design Gallery. You cannot add objects to '%s'. To add your selection to the design set for this publication, click Yes.",,"Confirme que desea agregar este conjunto de diseños.\n\nActualmente está abierto el conjunto de diseños '%s' en la Galería de diseño. No puede agregar objetos a '%s'. Para agregar la selección al conjunto de diseños para esta publicación, haga clic en Sí.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot find the '%s' Gallery. Run Setup again. For information on running Setup, press F1.",,"Publisher no puede encontrar la Galería '%s'. Vuelva a ejecutar el programa de instalación. Para obtener más información acerca de la ejecución del programa de instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot load the required file (%s). You may be out of memory, or the file may be corrupt.",,"Publisher no puede cargar el archivo (%s) requerido. Puede que no disponga de memoria suficiente o que el archivo esté dañado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot find the required wizard. Please run Setup again.",,"Publisher no encuentra el asistente necesario. Ejecute de nuevo el programa de instalación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A file needed by the wizard is not the correct version or is missing. This publication may have been created in a different version of Publisher.",,"Falta un archivo necesario para el asistente o no es de la versión correcta. Puede que esta publicación se haya creado en otra versión de Publisher.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot create the file because the GIF export filter is missing.\n\nRun Setup again to install the missing filter. For information on running Setup, press F1.",,"Publisher no puede crear el archivo porque falta el filtro de exportación GIF.\n\nVuelva a ejecutar el programa de instalación para instalar el archivo que falta. Para obtener más información sobre cómo ejecutar la instalación, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot create your online document.",,"Publisher no puede crear el documento en línea.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot create your online document because Windows is too low on memory.\n\nTo make more memory available, close other programs and try again.",,"Publisher no puede crear el documento en línea porque Windows no dispone de memoria suficiente.\n\nCierre otros programas para liberar memoria e inténtelo de nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Publisher cannot cut this OLE object because the OLE source program is busy.\n\nThe program may be showing a dialog box and waiting for your response, or it may be in print preview mode. To cut this object, you must switch to the source program and close the dialog box or the print preview.",,"Publisher no puede cortar este objeto OLE porque el programa origen está ocupado.\n\nPuede que el programa esté mostrando un cuadro de diálogo y esperando respuesta o quizá se encuentra en modo de vista preliminar. Para cortar este objeto, debe cambiar al programa origen y cerrar el cuadro de diálogo o el modo de vista preliminar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot add this OLE object to the Design Gallery because the OLE source program is busy.\n\nThe program may be showing a dialog box and waiting for your response, or it may be showing a print preview. To add this object to the Design Gallery, you must switch to the source program and close the dialog box or the print preview.",,"Publisher no puede agregar este objeto OLE a la Galería de diseño porque el programa origen está ocupado.\n\nPuede que el programa esté mostrando un cuadro de diálogo y esperando respuesta o quizá se encuentra en modo de vista preliminar. Para agregar este objeto a la Galería de diseño, debe cambiar al programa origen y cerrar el cuadro de diálogo o el modo de vista preliminar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot duplicate this OLE object because the OLE source program is busy.\n\nThe program may be showing a dialog box and waiting for your response, or it may be showing a print preview. To continue, you must switch to the other source program and close the dialog box or close the print preview.",,"Publisher no puede duplicar este objeto OLE porque el programa origen está ocupado.\n\nPuede que el programa esté mostrando un cuadro de diálogo y esperando respuesta o quizá se encuentra en modo de vista preliminar. Para continuar, debe cambiar al programa origen y cerrar el cuadro de diálogo o el modo de vista preliminar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Publisher cannot save your file because the original disk it was stored on is not in the drive. Put the original disk in the floppy drive and try again.",,"Publisher no puede guardar el archivo porque el disco en que se guardó originalmente no está en la unidad. Inserte el disco original en la unidad de disco y vuelva a intentarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Portions © 1997 by Amber Productions Inc.  All rights reserved. ",,"Eskubide guztiak erreserbatuta. Hitz zatitzaile © Copyright 1995-2000, HIZKIA Informatika (Baiona), IXA (Donostia). Eskubide guztiak erreserbatuta. Corrector ortogràfic del català, Separador sil•làbic del català, Thesaure del català © 2002 Polderland Language & Speech Technology. Tots els drets reservats. Recursos lèxics © 2002, Thera, Centre de Llenguatges i Computació, S.L.; CLiC Centre de Llenguatges i Computació; TALP, Tecnologies i Aplicacions del Llenguatge i la Parla. Tots els drets reservats. Motor ortográfico © 2000 IMAXIN SOFTWARE, Santiago de Compostela. Todos os dereitos reservados. Motor de trazos © 2000 IMAXIN SOFTWARE, Santiago de Compostela. Todos os dereitos reservados. Revisor Ortográfico para Língua Portuguesa, Versão 7 © Itautec Philco S/A, 2001. Todos os direitos reservados. Hifenização para Língua Portuguesa, Versão 7 © Itautec Philco S/A, 2001. Todos os direitos reservados. Tesauro para Língua Portuguesa, Versão 7 © Itautec Philco S/A, 2001. Todos os direitos reservados. Portions © 1997 by Amber Productions Inc. All rights reserved. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"This picture is an animated GIF. If you rotate it, it will lose its animation when you publish to the Web.\0",,"Esta imagen corresponde a un archivo GIF animado. Si la gira, perderá su animación cuando publique en la Web.\0",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This rotated text will print better if you use TrueType fonts. Look for this TrueType symbol next to the font in the font selection box.",,"Este texto girado se imprimirá mejor si utiliza fuentes TrueType. Busque el símbolo TrueType al lado de la fuente en el cuadro de selección de fuente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To select all of the text in a story, press CTRL+A.",,"Para seleccionar todo el texto de un artículo, presione CTRL+E.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In Publisher, CTRL+DEL deletes the next word or any text that is selected. To delete a text box or table, use CTRL+SHIFT+X.\0",,"En Publisher, CTRL+SUPR elimina la siguiente palabra o cualquier texto seleccionado. Para eliminar un cuadro de texto o una tabla, presione CTRL+MAYÚS+X.\0",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If the text you are typing is too small to read, press the F9 key to zoom in.",,"Si el texto que está escribiendo es muy pequeño para poder leerlo, presione la tecla F9 para acercarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You've typed some text but did not create a text box first. Publisher has created a text box for you. For information on creating and using text boxes, press F1 now.",,"Ha escrito texto pero no ha creado antes un cuadro de texto. Publisher ha creado este cuadro automáticamente. Para obtener información sobre cómo crear y usar cuadros de texto, presione F1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To have Publisher automatically display correct page numbers, click the Insert menu, and then click Page Numbers.",,"Para que Publisher muestre de forma automática números de página correctos, haga clic en el menú Insertar y luego en Números de página.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The wizard is available to help you design your publication. Click the Next button to see another question, or click Finish to skip past the questions.\0",,"Este asistente está disponible para ayudarle a diseñar la publicación. Haga clic en el botón >> (siguiente) para ver otra pregunta o haga clic en Finalizar para omitirlas.\0",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You can press the F9 key to quickly switch between your current zoom setting and 100%, and to switch back and forth between 100% and your previous zoom setting.",,"Puede presionar la tecla F9 para cambiar de forma rápida entre la configuración actual de zoom y el zoom al 100%, y volver a cambiar cuantas veces desee entre el zoom al 100% y la configuración de zoom anterior.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Left Master Page",,"Página principal izquierda",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Master Page",,"Página principal",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Right Master Page",,"Página principal derecha",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Move Both Rulers",,"Desplazar las dos reglas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Create Horizontal Guide.\r\nShift+Drag to move horizontal ruler",,"Crear guía horizontal\r\nMayús+Arrastrar para mover la regla horizontal",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Create Vertical Guide.\r\nShift+Drag to move vertical ruler",,"Crear guía vertical\r\nMayús+Arrastrar para mover la regla vertical",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"First Page",,"Primera página",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hide Scratch Area",,"Oculta el área de borrador",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Move Horizontal Ruler",,"Desplazar regla horizontal",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Text Scaling",,"Ajuste de escala de texto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Last Page",,"Última página",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Line Spacing",,"Interlineado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Next Page",,"Página siguiente",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Previous Page",,"Página anterior",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Drag to move ruler origin",,"Haga clic para mover el origen de la regla",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Change Pages",,"Cambiar páginas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Select Zoom Mode",,"Seleccionar el modo de zoom",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Show Scratch Area",,"Muestra el área de borrador",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Move Vertical Ruler",,"Desplazar regla vertical",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Horizontal Position",,"Posición horizontal",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Vertical Position",,"Posición vertical",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Zoom In",,"Acercar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Zoom Out",,"Alejar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Show Whole Page",,"Muestra toda la página",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Border color:",,"Color del borde:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bor&der to background",,"Bor&de hasta fondo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Contents to background",,"&Contenido hasta fondo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Contents to border",,"&Contenido hasta borde",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The foreground color centerline traps all background colors according to the custom trap setting applied to it.",,"El color en primer plano aplica un reventado de línea central a todos los colores de fondo según el valor de reventado que se le haya aplicado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The foreground color chokes all background colors according to the custom trap setting applied to it.",,"El color en primer plano hace que se retraiga el área de todos los colores de fondo según el valor de reventado que se le haya aplicado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The foreground color spreads into all background colors according to the custom trap setting applied to it.",,"El color en primer plano se expande sobre todos los colores de fondo según el valor de reventado negativo que se le haya aplicado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The foreground color centerline traps the background color according to the centerline threshold setting currently set in the Preferences dialog box.",,"El color en primer plano aplica un reventado de línea central al color de fondo según el valor de umbral de línea central especificado en el cuadro de diálogo Preferencias.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The foreground color chokes this background color because the foreground color is darker (has a lower luminance).",,"El color en primer plano hace que el color de fondo se retraiga porque el color en primer plano es más oscuro (tiene menor luminiscencia).",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The foreground object does not trap this background color because of the threshold settings currently set in the Preferences dialog box.",,"El objeto de primer plano no revienta el color de fondo debido a la configuración de umbral definida actualmente en el cuadro de diálogo Preferencias.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The foreground color spreads into this background color because the foreground color is lighter (has a higher luminance).",,"El color en primer plano se expande sobre el color de fondo porque el color en primer plano es más claro (tiene mayor luminancia).",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The foreground color chokes the background color because the foreground color is indeterminate.",,"El color en primer plano hace que se retraiga el color de fondo porque el color en primer plano es indeterminado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The foreground and background colors do not trap because they are both indeterminate colors.",,"No puede aplicarse reventado a los colores en primer plano y de fondo porque son colores indeterminados.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When trapping lines or borders, Publisher limits the trap width to one-third the width of the line or border.",,"Al aplicar reventado a líneas o bordes, Publisher limita el ancho de reventado a la tercera parte de la línea o borde.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The foreground color spreads because the background color is indeterminate.",,"El color en primer plano se expande porque el color de fondo es indeterminado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fill color:",,"Color de relleno:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fi&ll to background",,"Re&lleno hasta fondo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fi&ll to border",,"Re&lleno hasta borde",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Object color:",,"Color de objeto:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Background object:",,"Objeto de fondo:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Text color:",,"Color del texto:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Te&xt to background",,"Te&xto hasta fondo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Trap placement:",,"Disposición de reventado:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Trap width:",,"Ancho de reventado:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher does not apply a default trap to bold text. To trap bold text, apply a custom trap.",,"Publisher no aplica un reventado predeterminado a un texto en negrita. Para aplicar reventado a texto en negrita, aplique un reventado personalizado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This publication contains only RGB colors. To view trap information, first set up the publication for process-color or spot-color printing.",,"La publicación solo contiene colores RGB. Para ver información de captura, configure primero la publicación para impresión con color directo o color básico de la cuatricromía.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The selected object will not trap to any overlapped objects because automatic trapping has not been turned on in the Preferences dialog box, and no per object trapping has been specified for the object.",,"El objeto seleccionado no aplicará reventado a ningún objeto superpuesto, ya que en el cuadro de diálogo Preferencias no se activó el reventado automático, ni tampoco se ha especificado el reventado por objetos para dicho objeto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher cannot trap text with the emboss, engrave, outline, or shadow properties applied. Some of the selected text has one or more of these properties. To see trapping behavior, select characters that do not have these properties.",,"Publisher no puede aplicar reventado a texto que tenga las propiedades de relieve, grabado, contorno o sombra aplicadas. Parte del texto seleccionado cuenta con una o más de estas propiedades. Para ver cómo funciona el reventado, seleccione caracteres que no tengan estas propiedades.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher applies a keepaway trap to the nonblack process colors in the foreground object according to the threshold settings currently set in the Preferences dialog box.",,"Publisher aplica un reventado de separación a colores básicos de la cuatricromía sin negro en el objeto de primer plano según la configuración de umbral especificada en el cuadro de diálogo Preferencias.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The selected object has been manually set to knock out all overlapped objects with no traps.",,"El objeto seleccionado se ha configurado manualmente de modo que se aplique una reserva de color en los objetos superpuestos sin reventado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The highlighted text contains a mixture of TrueType and non-TrueType fonts. To see trapping behavior, select a single character or a group of characters that all have the same font.",,"El texto resaltado contiene una mezcla de fuentes TrueType y no TrueType. Para ver cómo funciona el reventado, seleccione un carácter único o un grupo de caracteres con la misma fuente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please select text that is contained within a single text box.",,"Seleccione el texto contenido en solo un cuadro de texto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There are multiple objects selected. To see a description of how an object will trap, click only one object.",,"Hay varios objetos seleccionados. Para ver una descripción sobre cómo se aplicará reventado a un objeto, haga clic en solo un objeto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There are no traps applied because the selected object does not overlap any other object, or all adjacent colors are indeterminate, or the foreground object does not trap because of the threshold settings currently set in the preferences dialog.",,"No se ha aplicado ningún reventado porque el objeto seleccionado no está superpuesto a otro objeto, todos los colores adyacentes son indeterminados o el objeto en primer plano no se puede aplicar reventado debido a la configuración de umbrales que hay establecida actualmente en el diálogo de preferencias.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The highlighted text is not a TrueType font. Publisher can only trap text with TrueType fonts on Windows 95 and Windows 98.",,"El texto resaltado no es una fuente TrueType. Publisher solo puede aplicar reventado a texto con fuentes TrueType en Windows 95 y Windows 98.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The selected object will overprint all overlapped objects according to Publisher's default rules for overprinting black objects.",,"El objeto seleccionado sobreimprimirá todos los objetos superpuestos según las reglas predeterminadas de Publisher para sobreimprimir los objetos negros.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The selected object has been manually set to overprint all overlapped objects.",,"El objeto seleccionado se ha configurado manualmente de modo que se sobreimpriman todos los objetos superpuestos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher does not trap objects in scratch area.",,"Publisher no aplica reventado a objetos en el área de borrador.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The selected cell has no borders.",,"La celda seleccionada no tiene bordes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The selected cell has no fill color.",,"La celda seleccionada no tiene color de relleno.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The selected cells have different properties. To see trapping details, click cells with the same properties.",,"Las celdas seleccionadas tienen propiedades diferentes. Para ver los detalles de reventado, haga clic en las celdas con las mismas propiedades.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Before Publisher can apply a trap you must first highlight some text.",,"Para que Publisher pueda aplicar un reventado, primero debe resaltar algún texto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The selected text contains characters of different sizes. To see trapping behavior, highlight a single character or group of characters that all have the same size.",,"El texto seleccionado contiene caracteres de tamaños diferentes. Para ver cómo funciona el reventado, resalte solo un carácter o un grupo de caracteres con el mismo tamaño.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The selected text contains characters with different properties or trap settings. To see trapping details, highlight a single character or a group of characters with the same properties or settings.",,"El texto seleccionado contiene caracteres con propiedades o valores de reventado diferentes. Para ver los detalles de reventado, resalte un único carácter o un grupo de caracteres con las mismas propiedades o valores.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publisher does not trap the selected object because it is a Web page control.",,"Publisher no aplica reventado en el objeto seleccionado porque es un control de página web.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Centerline",,"Línea central",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Redo %d Action",,"Rehacer %d acción",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Redo %d Actions",,"Rehacer %d acciones",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Undo %d Action",,"Deshacer %d acción",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Undo %d Actions",,"Deshacer %d acciones",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Apply Content",,"Aplicar contenido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Apply Picture Style",,"Aplicar estilo de imagen",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Arrange Thumbnails",,"Organizar miniaturas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Change merge direction",,"Cambiar combinación de dirección",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Change Rows and Columns",,"Cambiar filas y columnas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Change Repeating Area Arrangement",,"Cambiar orden del área de repetición",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"AutoFit Text to Box",,"Autoajustar el texto al cuadro",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fill Color",,"Color de relleno",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No Fill",,"Sin relleno",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Change Brightness and Contrast effect",,"Cambiar efecto de brillo y contraste",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Grow To Fit",,"Aumentar para ajustar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert Field",,"Insertar campo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert WordArt",,"Insertar WordArt",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert Hyperlink",,"Insertar hipervínculo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert Page Number in Header/Footer",,"Insertar número de página en encabezado o pie de página",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Add Picture Caption",,"Agregar pie de imagen",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert/Change Section",,"Insertar o cambiar sección",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Match Color Schemes",,"Coincidir combinaciones de colores",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Auto-Layout",,"Diseño automático",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wizard Action",,"Acción del Asistente",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Printer Setup",,"Configurar impresora",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Remove Hyperlink",,"Quitar hipervínculo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Remove Picture",,"Quitar imagen",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Remove Picture Caption",,"Quitar pie de imagen",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Replace Picture",,"Reemplazar imagen",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Reset All Traps",,"Restablecer todas las bandas de reventado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Link Picture",,"Vincular imagen",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Set Language",,"Definir idioma",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Special Paper",,"Papel especial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Spelling Change",,"Ortografía Cambiar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Swap Picture Formatting",,"Intercambiar formato de imagen",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Swap Picture",,"Intercambiar imágenes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Swap Picture Contents",,"Intercambiar contenido de imagen",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Propagate Business Information",,"Difundir información empresarial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Line Color",,"Color de línea",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Line Dash Style",,"Estilo de línea de guiones",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Line Width",,"Ancho de línea",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No Line",,"Sin línea",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Text Transform",,"Transformar texto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Per Object Trapping",,"Reventado por objetos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Trapping Preferences",,"Preferencias de reventado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Add Catalog Merge Area",,"Agregar área de combinación de catálogos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Add Enclosed Character",,"Agregar carácter enmarcado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Add Guide",,"Agregar guía",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Add horizontal-in-vertical text",,"Agregar texto horizontal en vertical",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Add Phonetic Guide",,"Agregar guía fonética",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert Object into Design Gallery",,"Insertar objeto en Galería de diseño",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Column Width",,"Ancho de columna",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Row Height",,"Alto de fila",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Apply Formatting",,"Formato",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Apply Master Page to Range",,"Aplicar página principal a intervalo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Change Properties",,"Cambiar propiedades",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"AutoFormat",,"Formato automático",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Autoflow",,"Ajuste automático",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bring Forward",,"Traer adelante",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bring to Front",,"Traer al frente",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bullet Default",,"Viñeta predeterminada",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Change Printing Type",,"Cambiar tipo de impresión",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Change Spot Color",,"Cambiar color directo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Change to Two-page",,"Cambiar a dos páginas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Change to Single-page",,"Cambiar a una página",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Updated Links",,"Vínculos actualizados",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Change Color Print Settings",,"Cambiar configuración de impresión en color",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Copy Guide",,"Copiar guía",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Copy Text",,"Copiar texto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Create Header/Footer",,"Crear encabezado/pie de página",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Create New Master Page",,"Duplicar página principal nueva",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Create Background",,"Crear fondo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Crop Object",,"Recortar objeto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Crop Picture",,"Recortar imagen",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Decrease Indent",,"Disminuir sangría",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Delete Catalog Merge Area",,"Eliminar área de combinación de catálogos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Delete Category from Design Gallery",,"Eliminar categoría de Galería de diseño",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Delete Columns",,"Eliminar columnas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Delete from Design Gallery",,"Eliminar de Galería de diseño",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Delete Guide",,"Eliminar guía",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Delete Master Page",,"Eliminar página principal",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Delete Background",,"Eliminar fondo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Delete Rows",,"Eliminar filas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Delete Text",,"Eliminar texto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Divide Cells",,"Dividir celdas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Import File",,"Importar archivo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Edit Enclosed Character",,"Editar carácter enmarcado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Edit horizontal-in-vertical text",,"Modificar texto horizontal en vertical",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Edit In PhotoDraw",,"Editar en PhotoDraw",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Edit Phonetic Guide",,"Editar guía fonética",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Delete All Extra Content",,"Eliminar todo el contenido adicional",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Two-Page Spread",,"Ver dos páginas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Drawing Operation",,"Operación de dibujo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fill Down",,"Rellenar hacia abajo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fill Right",,"Rellenar hacia la derecha",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Font Manager Settings",,"Configuración del Administrador de fuentes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Font Formatting",,"Formato de fuente",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Font Size",,"Tamaño de fuente",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Format Background",,"Dar formato a fondo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Format Text",,"Dar formato al texto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Change Link",,"Cambiar vínculo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Create Link",,"Crear vínculo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Update Link",,"Actualizar vínculo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"HTML Import",,"Importación HTML",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert Picture From File",,"Insertar imagen desde archivo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Increase Indent",,"Aumentar sangría",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Move Inline",,"Mover en línea",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert Clip Art",,"Insertar imagen prediseñada",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert Columns",,"Insertar columnas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert Object",,"Insertar objeto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert From PhotoDraw",,"Insertar desde PhotoDraw",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert From Picture It!",,"Insertar desde Picture It!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert Rows",,"Insertar filas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Line Style",,"Estilo de línea",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Align Objects",,"Alinear objetos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Lock/Unlock Table",,"Bloquear o desbloquear tabla",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Merge Cells",,"Combinar celdas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Move Guide",,"Mover guía",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Navigation Bar Change",,"Cambio de la barra de navegación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Object Properties",,"Propiedades del objeto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Paragraph Alignment",,"Alineación de párrafo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Paragraph Formatting",,"Formato de párrafo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Paste Special",,"Pegado especial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Create Object",,"Crear objeto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Delete Object",,"Eliminar objeto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Resize",,"Cambiar tamaño",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Recolor Picture",,"Cambiar color de la imagen",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Remove Enclosed Character",,"Quitar carácter enmarcado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Remove horizontal-in-vertical text",,"Quitar texto horizontal en vertical",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Delete Extra Object",,"Eliminar objeto adicional",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Remove Phonetic Guide",,"Quitar guía fonética",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Rename Page",,"Cambiar el nombre de página",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Reverse AutoCorrect",,"Invertir autocorrección",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Scale Object",,"Proporciones del objeto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Scale Picture",,"Proporciones de la imagen",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert Picture From Scanner or Camera",,"Insertar imagen desde escáner o cámara",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Send to Back",,"Enviar al fondo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Send Backward",,"Enviar atrás",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Send to Master Page",,"Enviar a página principal",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Send to Foreground",,"Enviar al primer plano de la publicación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Size and Position",,"Tamaño y posición",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Split Cells",,"Dividir celdas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Table Cell Properties",,"Propiedades de celda de tabla",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Text Box Properties",,"Propiedades de cuadro de texto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Simplied/Traditional Chinese Translation",,"Traducción de chino simplificado o tradicional",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Text Box Connecting",,"Conectando cuadro de texto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Text Style",,"Estilo de texto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Text Editing",,"Modificación de texto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Word Edit",,"Edición de texto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Irregular Wrap",,"Ajuste irregular",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Update Fields",,"Actualizar campos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Align Text Vertically",,"Alinear texto verticalmente",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Web Properties",,"Propiedades web",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"WordArt Style",,"Estilo WordArt",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"%s contains macros.",,"%s contiene macros.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And have a fantastic birthday.",,"¡Y que cumplas muchos más añitos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just as you shine every day.",,"¡Tanto como tú cada día! ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And it looks splendid on you!  Happy Birthday.",,"¡Te sienta fenomenal! ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday.",,"Feliz cumpleaños.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It must be your birthday!",,"¡Debe ser tu cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On your birthday, yes!",,"¡Hoy celebramos tu cumple!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No catch—just your birthday.",,"¡No hay truco!—¡Es tu cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Its your birthday!",,"¡Es tu cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So I wont mention your age.  Happy Birthday!",,"Así que no mencionaré tu edad. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Enough said!  Happy Birthday!",,"¡Aunque el tiempo vuela! ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday!",,"¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thats a lot of candles.  Happy Birthday!",,"¡Uy! ¡Cuántas velas! ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope its a grand-slam of a day.",,"¡Que tu descenso sea del gran slam!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope its great!",,"¡Espero que lo pases fenomenal!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Someones in line for some serious attention.  Happy Birthday!",,"¡Hoy te mereces una atención especial! ¡Es tu cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing you a day of delirium.",,"¡Que pases un día de delirio!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You do it so well!  Happy Birthday.",,"¡Tú lo has hecho muy bien! ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just kidding, dude—Happy Birthday!",,"Es broma — ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday to one of the greatest!",,"¡Feliz cumpleaños a uno de los más grandes!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Im glad we made room on the stage for you.  Happy Birthday.",,"Me alegro de haber hecho un hueco en el escenario para ti. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hows that for consolation?  Happy Birthday!",,"¿Te sirve de consuelo? ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And shines birthday wishes down upon you.",,"Y las estrellas dibujan ¡Felicidades! en el cielo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You win, old man!  Happy Birthday.",,"¡Vale, tú ganas! ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But they apparently dont exist.  Happy Birthday anyway!",,"pero parece que no existen. ¡Felicidades de todas formas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And youre pretty old!  Happy Birthday!",,"¡Y tú eres bastante viejo! ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday, wise one.",,"¡Feliz cumpleaños a mi sabio favorito!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With birthday wishes (alas, belated…)",,"llena de buenos deseos (¡ay!, ¡un poco tarde!…)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday, Mom!",,"¡Feliz cumpleaños, mamá!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday, from your #1 hepcat.",,"¡Feliz cumpleaños de tu admirador número uno!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Dad, youve been there.  Happy Birthday.",,"Papá, siempre has estado ahí. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Youre #1.  Happy Birthday.",,"¡Eres el número uno! ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope your birthday is the tops!",,"para que tu cumpleaños celebres!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do the birthday shimmy-shake!",,"¡Que el cumpleaños sea especial!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Youve scored again, birthday boy!",,"¡De nuevo tu cumpleaños, chico! ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday, cool cat.",,"¡Feliz cumpleaños, patito!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope your candles stay lit all year long.",,"¡Espero que tus velas brillen todo el año!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You make every day a celebration.  Happy Birthday.",,"Tu haces de cada día una celebración. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When YOU came into the world!  Happy Birthday.",,"¡El día en que naciste tú! ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday.",,"¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On your birthday.",,"en el día de tu cumpleaños.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And more wonderful.  Happy Birthday!",,"¡Y más maravillosa! ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"As you are.",,"tan brillante como tú...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Another year:  Happy Birthday to you!",,"Un año más: ¡feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday.",,"¡Cumpleaaaaaaaaaños feeeeeeeeliz!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Weve got a lot of catching up to do!",,"¡La ocasión lo merece!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get unbirthday presents … and only one for birthday presents, you know.” — Lewis Carroll (1855)",,"“Ya sabes que hay 364 días en los que recibes regalos de no cumpleaños … y solo hay un día para los de cumpleaños.” — Lewis Carroll (1855)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For your birthday aria:  Some tra-la-la, rah-rah, and cha-cha-cha.",,"Aria por tu cumpleaños: tra-la-rí, tra-la-rá y cha cha cha.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Venusians, Martians, and we on Earth",,"¡En Venus, en Marte y en La Tierra!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"He had something for you:  A birthday balloon.",,"En tu cumpleaños brillas tú",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Youve been a godsend, my friend,",,"Amigo, ¡eres mi bendición!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship.” — William Blake (1793)",,"“El pájaro un nido, la araña una red, el hombre la amistad.” — William Blake (1793)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From wishing Happy Birthday to you.",,"felicitarte por tu cumpleaños. ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Make up this birthday tune.",,"¡Compongamos una melodía por tu cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And then I thought—Wait! Its not like either of us are exactly rocket scientists.  Happy Birthday anyway!",,"pero en realidad—ninguno de los dos somos científicos. ¡Feliz cumpleaños de todas formas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Drink from the Milky Way.  Eat bananas flambé.",,"¡Que bailes samba! ¡Que comas pastelitos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the stars shine on your birthday",,"¡Que las estrellas brillen hoy!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Whatever poet, orator or sage may say of it, old age is still old age.” — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1874)",,"“Digan lo que digan los poetas, los oradores o los sabios, la vejez sigue siendo vejez.” — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1874)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“The older the fiddle the sweeter the tune.” — Irish proverb",,"“Cuanto más viejo es el violín, mejor suena.” — Proverbio irlandés",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Somewhere, someplace, theres a piece of cake with your name on it.",,"En algún sitio, en algún lugar, hay una tarta con tu nombre.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Wouldst thou both eat thy cake and have it?” — George Herbert (1633)",,"“¿Pretendes comerte el pastel y conservarlo al mismo tiempo?” — George Herbert (1633)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“If youre given champagne at lunch, theres a catch somewhere.” — Lord Lyons (1865)",,"“Si te ofrecen champán para comer, seguro que hay truco.” — Lord Lyons (1865)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Dinner for two?  Dont worry, Ill pay.",,"¿Cena para dos? ¡No te preocupes, invito yo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“The better part of valor is discretion.” — William Shakespeare (1598)",,"“La mejor parte del valor es la discreción.” — William Shakespeare (1598)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying.” — Robert Herrick (1648)",,"“Recoge las rosas mientras puedas; el tiempo no se detiene.” — Robert Herrick (1648)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.” — Mark Twain",,"“La vida sería mejor si naciéramos con ochenta años y fuésemos descendiendo hasta los dieciocho.” — Mark Twain",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A candle-lit cake, for all the ways I love you —",,"Una tarta con una vela por cada beso que te daría —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Jumping monkeys, its your birthday!",,"¡Monos saltarines, es tu cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You!  You!  You!  You!  You!",,"¡Tú! ¡Tú! ¡Tú! ¡Tú! ¡Tú! ¡Tú!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“To be seventy years young is sometimes far more cheerful and hopeful than to be forty years old.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes (1899)",,"“A veces un joven de setenta años puede albergar más alegría y esperanza que un viejo de cuarenta.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes (1899)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday, chum!",,"¡Feliz cumpleaños, compinche!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Few people know how to be old.” — Francois, Duc de La Rochefoucauld (1678)",,"“Pocas personas saben envejecer.” — Francois, Duque de La Rochefoucauld (1678)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Thou art a cat, and a rat, and a coward.” — Miguel de Cervantes (1605)",,"“¡Vos sois el gato y el rato y el bellaco!” — Miguel de Cervantes (1605)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“The history of the world is but the biography of great men.” — Thomas Carlyle (1839)",,"“La historia de la humanidad no es más que la biografía de las grandes personalidades.” — Thomas Carlyle (1839)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“When we are born we cry that we are come to this great stage of fools.” — William Shakespeare (1606)",,"“Al nacer, lloramos por haber llegado a este gran escenario de dementes.” — William Shakespeare (1606)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“No wise man ever wished to be younger.” — Jonathan Swift (1711)",,"“Ningún hombre sabio quiso nunca ser joven.” — Jonathan Swift (1711)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For you, my daughter, the moon suspends its orbit,",,"Por ti, hija mía, la luna se mantiene en su órbita",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Old men are testy, and will have their way.” — Percy Bysshe Shelley (1819)",,"“Los viejos son testarudos y siempre se salen con la suya.” — Percy Bysshe Shelley (1819)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I tried to get you a time machine for your birthday,",,"He intentado regalarte una máquina del tiempo,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Old friends are best.” — John Selden (1689)",,"“Los viejos amigos son los mejores” — John Selden (1689)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“The man of wisdom is the man of years.” — Edward Young (1745)",,"“El hombre sabio es el hombre viejo.” — Edward Young (1745)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A card for you, long awaited —",,"Una felicitación muy esperada —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Better late than never.” — Livy (A.D. 10)",,"“Más vale tarde que nunca.” — Livio (10 d. C.)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You move through each day with grace and aplomb.",,"¡Vives la vida con gracia y aplomo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hey there, Daddio!",,"¡Hola, papito!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At every bend in the road, in weather foul and fair, from every area code,",,"En cada bache, en cada tormenta, en cada estación,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Son, theres no comparison!  You cant be outdone!  Simply said —",,"Hijo, ¡no hay comparación! ¡Tú no puedes ser menos! ¡Simplemente! —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Snickerdoodles and lollipops!",,"¡Caramelos y pasteles,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To my self-styled wild child —",,"A mi dulce y salvaje hijito —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wrap the presents!  Frost the cake! ",,"¡Envuelve los regalos! ¡Pon las velas en el pastel! ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At the buzzer… its good!",,"¡Y la fiesta, fenomenal!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Leopards and tigers and leaping lions!",,"¡Leopardos, tigres y feroces leones!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Put down that math homework.",,"¡Deja los deberes de mates para luego!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Huzzahs!  Hooray!",,"¡Hip-Hip Hurra!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cake—its whats for dinner.",,"Para cenar—¡tenemos tarta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Once a year isnt nearly enough.",,"Una vez al año no es suficiente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“O most courageous day!  O most happy hour!” — William Shakespeare (1600)",,"“¡Oh, valeroso día! ¡Hora dichosa!” — William Shakespeare (1600)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To my son (and my moon and star) —",,"A mi hijo (mi estrella y mi sol) —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing you sweetness and mirth",,"Te deseo dulzura y regocijo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Older, yes, but also wiser —",,"Más vieja y más sabia...—",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May your birthday be as magnificent",,"Que el día de tu cumpleaños sea",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Happy the man, and happy he alone, he who can call today his own.” — John Dryden (1700)",,"“Dichoso, mil veces dichoso, aquel que puede hacer el día suyo.” — John Dryden (1700)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Celebrate yourself!",,"¡Cantemos todos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Lets get together on your birthday. ",,"¡Cumpleaños a bombo y platillo! ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“O frabjous day!  Callooh!  Callay!” — Lewis Carroll (1855)",,"“¡Calú! ¡Calé! ¡Jubipléndido día!” — Lewis Carroll (1855)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday, et cetera.",,"Feliz cumpleaños, etcétera.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Celebrate your day of birth!",,"¡Hay que celebrar el día de tu nacimiento!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I met a baboon under a harvest moon.",,"En la luna llena, se ven las estrellas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And you deserve all the birthday wishes I can summon.",,"y te mereces mis mejores deseos para tu cumpleaños.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday, my friend.",,"¡Feliz Navidad, amigo mío!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Nothing (not even a kung-fu kangaroo!) could keep me",,"Nada, nada (ni un canguro luchador) me va a impedir",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A teaspoon of giggle, a pinch of balloon, a dash and a wiggle",,"¡Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For your birthday, I was going to give you a Van de Graaf generator and a cloud chamber.",,"Para tu cumpleaños, te iba a regalar un generador de Van de Graaf y un termostato diferencial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope yours is a happy one.",,"¡Espero que la disfrutes mucho!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Santa and his helpers are headed your way!",,"Santa Claus y sus enanitos van hacia ti.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And hide the fruitcake recipe!  Merry Christmas!",,"¡Y esconde los turrones! ¡Felices Navidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Either its Christmastime, or I need new glasses.",,"¡O es Navidad o necesito gafas nuevas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Seasons Greetings.",,"¡Felices fiestas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Big gifts and snowdrifts!  It must be Christmas.",,"¡Regalos y copos de nieve! Debe ser Navidad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"By go-cart or unicycle, by skateboard or sleigh,",,"En trineo o en triciclo, en monociclo o en patín,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hang the stockings, trim the tree,",,"¡Decora el árbol, pon el Belén,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Im having visions of sugarplums!",,"¡Estoy soñando con los turrones!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Put a log on the hearth, and eggnog in your glass.",,"¡Pon leña en la chimenea y bolitas en el árbol!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Lately I find",,"Por fin me he dado cuenta...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Youre on my mind.",,"...de que te llevo dentro.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank You",,"Agradecimiento",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Rosh Hashanah",,"Rosh Hashaná",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy New Year",,"Feliz Año Nuevo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday",,"Feliz cumpleaños",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Valentine's Day",,"Día de San Valentín",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Father's Day",,"Día del Padre",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Grandparents Day",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mother's Day",,"Día de la Madre",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Get Well",,"Que te mejores",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"General Congratulations",,"Felicidades",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"New Baby/Adoption",,"Nacimiento o adopción",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"New Home Congratulations",,"Felicidades por casa nueva",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Graduation Congratulations",,"Felicidades por graduación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Retirement Congratulations",,"Felicidades por jubilación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bon Voyage",,"Buen viaje",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Love & Romance",,"Amor y romance",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm sorry",,"Disculpas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Engagement Announcement",,"Anuncio de compromiso",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Miss You",,"Te echo de menos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"St. Patrick's Day",,"Día de San Patricio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bar Mitzvah",,"Bar Mitzvah",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bat Mitzvah",,"Bat Mitzvah",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Good Luck",,"Buena suerte",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We've Moved",,"Nos hemos mudado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Birth Announcement",,"Anuncio de nacimiento",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Holidays",,"Felices vacaciones",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Merry Christmas",,"Feliz Navidad",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Hanukkah",,"Feliz Janucá",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thanks for the order!",,"¡Gracias por el orden!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You take our roster of great clients to an all new level! ",,"Nuestra lista de clientes importantes ha superado nuestras expectativas. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In your case, they're only a fraction! Thanks for doing a great job.",,"En tu caso, son solo una parte. ¡Gracias por tu excelente trabajo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We can't get enough of it! Thanks for your loyalty.",,"...¡nunca nos parece suficiente! Gracias por su lealtad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No good deed goes unpunished!",,"...¡no hay hazaña sin castigo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"it's good to know we bet on the right horse. Thank you for holding steady to the finish. ",,"...es bueno saber que apostamos al caballo ganador. Gracias por tu constancia. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And your generous contribution proves the point. Thank you.",,"...y su generosa contribución lo demuestra. Gracias.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There'd be no need for guilt!",,"...el mundo sería perfecto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're the best!",,"¡Eres la mejor!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"My thanks to you. Happy Secretary's Day!",,"...gracias. ¡Feliz Día de la Secretaria!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To an ace assistant!",,"...¡a la mejor asistente!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It was a pleasure working with you.",,"Ha sido un placer trabajar contigo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You make work a pleasure!",,"¡Consigues que trabajar sea un placer!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"First-class all the way!",,"...para seguir trabajando.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"How much your kindness meant today. To be succinct, I must conclude, I'm overwhelmed with gratitude. ",,"...todo mi agradecimiento. Para ser exactos, mi gratitud es abrumadora. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A world of gratitude for your thoughtful deed.",,"Un millón de gracias por tus buenas acciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At your bash!",,"...en la fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And warmest wishes.",,"...y los mejores deseos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You really saved the day!",,"¡Conseguiste que el día valiese la pena!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You shouldn't have (but I'm glad you did).",,"No tenías por qué hacerlo... pero me encanta que lo hayas hecho.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Is that I'll think of you every time I use it. ",,"...es que me acordaré de ti cada vez que lo utilice. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For being there when I needed you.",,"...por ser tan amable y considerado...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We aim to make you glad you did!",,"Nuestro objetivo es que no se arrepienta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank you for the wedding gift.",,"Fue la guinda del pastel.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your presence at our wedding made it even sweeter. ",,"...la hizo más dulce todavía. Gracias por venir. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The baby thanks you for the delightful gift.",,"Nuestro bebé da las gracias por este precioso regalo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And now I have a sample of it. Thank you for the gift.",,"Tu regalo es una prueba de ello. ¡Gracias!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It was a delicious experience.",,"Fue una experiencia para chuparse los dedos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A good time was had.",,"...lo pasamos genial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank you for the invitation.",,"Gracias por la invitación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank you for your consideration.",,"Gracias por acordaros de nosotros.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"My undying gratitude.",,"¡Mi eterna gratitud!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ill say it twice!  Thank you!  Thank you!",,"¡Te lo digo dos veces! ¡Gracias! ¡Gracias!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your trust is appreciated.",,"Realmente apreciamos su confianza.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thanks for the great surprise!",,"¡Un millón de gracias por tu sorpresa!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Still, Im keeping the gift.  Thanks!",,"¡Guardo tu regalo en un cofre! ¡Gracias!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just thanks.",,"¡Simplemente gracias!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Number 1 in thoughtfulness.  Thank you!",,"¡Gracias por tu interés!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank you so much.",,"Muchísimas gracias.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For thinking of me!",,"por pensar en mí",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It blew our minds!",,"¡Nos has superado a todos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We look forward to working with you.",,"Nos encantaría trabajar con usted.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And great regard.",,"...y gran admiración.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank you for your contribution.",,"Gracias por tu contribución.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To go the extra mile. Thanks for volunteering.",,"...para llegar más allá. Gracias por ofrecerte voluntario.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In a world of chaos...",,"En un mundo de caos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thanks for your business. ",,"Gracias por tu gran labor. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Numbers don't tell the whole story. ",,"Los números no reflejan todo. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Customer trust is like a box of chocolates...",,"La confianza de un cliente es como una caja de bombones...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Great job. But, be careful...",,"Buen trabajo, pero ten cuidado...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In the great race of life...",,"En la carrera de la vida...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"They say the customer is always right...",,"Dicen que el cliente siempre tiene la razón...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"What if everyone were as thoughtful as you? ",,"Si todos fuesen tan considerados como tú... ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Many thanks to a great secretary!",,"Gracias de corazón a una magnífica secretaria",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For all you do...",,"Por todo lo que haces...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Secretary's Day...",,"Feliz Día de la Secretaria...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank You",,"Gracias",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thanks for being a great boss!",,"¡Gracias por ser un gran jefe!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Boss, you're just the ticket...",,"Jefe, eres lo que necesitamos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A word of thanks can hardly say...",,"Unas simples palabras no pueden expresar...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Merci, Gracias, Thank you! ",,"¡Merci, gracias, thank you! ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We had a blast...",,"¡Cómo nos divertimos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With sincere gratitude...",,"Con mi más sincera gratitud...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank you for your thoughtful gift.",,"Gracias por tu bonito regalo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The best thing about your present...",,"Lo mejor de tu regalo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank You",,"Gracias...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thanks for referring us.",,"Gracias por dirigirse a nosotros",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your thoughtfulness is appreciated.",,"Gracias por el regalo de bodas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your wedding present was the icing on the cake.",,"Tu presencia en nuestra boda...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Goo, Goo, Ga, Ga, Wow!",,"¡Gu, gu! ¡Ga, ga!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have superb taste!",,"¡Tienes un gusto maravilloso!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank you for dinner.",,"Gracias por la cena",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Good food, good conversation, good friends...",,"Buena comida, buena conversación, buena compañía...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your get-together was great!",,"¡Una fiesta maravillosa!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We enjoyed meeting you.",,"Qué bien lo pasamos todos juntos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I.O.U.",,"Te la debo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Youre nice!  Youre nice!",,"¡Eres estupendo! ¡Eres magnífico!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank you for thinking of us.",,"Gracias por pensar en nosotros",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I couldnt believe my eyes!",,"¡No me lo podía creer!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Youre far too kind!",,"¡Eres muy amable!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your present rules!",,"¡Tú mandas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No jokes, wisecracks, or pranks.",,"Sin bromas, chistes ni bobadas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The results are in, and Ive decided to rank you",,"¡Este es un medidor de amistad! ¡Enhorabuena!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Precious are all things that come from friends.” — Theocritus (250 B.C.)",,"“Valioso es todo aquello que viene de los amigos.” — Teócrito (250 a. C.)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We heard you blew past your target.",,"Te has superado a ti mismo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thanks for your business.",,"Gracias por ofrecernos sus servicios",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With appreciation...",,"Con afecto...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Money can't buy happiness...but it sure helps! ",,"El dinero no hace la felicidad... pero ayuda ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's great to know you can count on some people...",,"Es maravilloso saber que puedes contar con algunas personas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bring you happiness and prosperity.",,"...nos colme de felicidad y prosperidad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"HAPPY NEW YEAR!",,"¡FELIZ AÑO NUEVO!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing you love and peace in the New Year.",,"...te deseo amor y paz en el Año Nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May you be inscribed for a year of peace and prosperity.",,"Que Dios te dé un año de paz y prosperidad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May you and your family be richly blessed.",,"Todas las bendiciones para ti y tu familia.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our best to you at the High Holy Days.",,"Nuestros mejores deseos en estos días sagrados.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So celebrate, already!",,"¡Empieza a celebrarlo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the New Year...",,"Que el Año Nuevo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Shana Tova!",,"¡Shaná tová!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In the tradition of our people...",,"Siguiendo la tradición de nuestro pueblo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Shana Tova! ",,"¡Shaná Tová! ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy New Year!",,"¡Feliz Año Nuevo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thinking of you with warmest wishes.",,"Pensaremos en ti con todo el corazón",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's Rosh Hashanah. ",,"Es Rosh Hashaná. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The New Year's here and we're all ready. ",,"¡Ya es Año Nuevo! ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And the great business we've done. Here's to a fantastic new year.",,"...y por todo lo que hemos conseguido. ¡Por un año nuevo inolvidable!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thinking of you as we begin anew.",,"Pensamos en ti para volver a empezar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing you all success in the next.",,"Te deseamos lo mejor para el año que empieza.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May all your resolutions become completed projects. ",,"Que todos tus deseos se hagan realidad. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm going to make a resolution I can actually keep!",,"Para el Año Nuevo haré planes que pueda cumplir.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At least have a mildly amusing New Year.",,"Por lo menos, que la Nochevieja no sea horrible.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May it bring you much cheer.",,"Te deseo Paz y Amor",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Pop the cork and throw the confetti. ",,"Descorcha la botella y tira el confeti. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We salute you!",,"Un hurra por ti...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy New Year!",,"¡FELIZ AÑO NUEVO!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Greetings of the New Year.",,"Nuestros mejores deseos en Año Nuevo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A toast to the New Year. ",,"Brindamos por el Año Nuevo. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This New Year's Eve I'm doing things differently.",,"Esta Nochevieja va a ser distinta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Rejoice! Exult! Revel! Jubilate!",,"¡Regocijaos! ¡Alegraos! ¡Alborozaos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hopping-john!  Its a new year!",,"¡Feliz Año nuevo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Merrily Merrily we welcome in the Year.” — William Blake (1789)",,"“Alegremente, alegremente, damos la bienvenida al nuevo año.” — William Blake (1789)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From our dungeon to yours!",,"...¡desde el calabozo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope yours is a fun one!",,"¡Ojalá que te diviertas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"What a treat!",,"¡Qué maravilla!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May your Halloween be spirited!",,"¡Ha llegado Halloween! ¡Feliz noche!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And an old troll wish you a Happy Halloween!",,"¡Diviértete en Halloween!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Is that it's immediately followed by Christmas shopping!",,"...es que enseguida llegan las compras de Navidad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You end up with eggnog all over your costume!",,"¡Que te ponen el disfraz perdido de confeti!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're the light in my jack-o-lantern!",,"Tú eres la luz que ilumina mi calabaza.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May your costume be scary, your cat be black, and buckets of candy fill your sack!",,"Ponte un disfraz que dé mucho miedo... ¡y a por caramelos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'll pick them up later.",,"¡Ya me las como yo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Who comes up with these festive holiday themes, anyway?",,"¿A quién se le ocurriría una fiesta tan simpática?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm dressing as myself, first thing in the morning!",,"En cuanto me levante, me vestiré de yo mismo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Monsters that fill you with fright...will all be at your door this night. (Better have plenty of treats ready.) ",,"...los monstruos más temibles llegarán a tu casa a miles. (¿Tienes ya los caramelos?). ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Halloween...",,"Feliz Halloween...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Halloween!",,"¡Feliz Halloween!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's Halloween!",,"¡Ya es Halloween!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tongue of serpent!  Tower of ash!",,"¡Pito, pito, gorgorito!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A sea-green monster, a fairy queen,",,"Noche de brujas, Noche de miedo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The scariest thing about Halloween...",,"Lo que más miedo me da de Halloween...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"What happens when you cross Halloween with Christmas? ",,"¿Qué ocurre si mezclas Halloween y Navidad? ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Halloween, Pumpkin",,"¡Feliz Halloween, calabaza!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"My Halloween wishes...",,"¡Feliz Halloween!...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Check your goody bag for treats high in sugar or fat.",,"Que no te den cosas con grasa ni azúcar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ghosts, witches, and the walking dead...",,"Fantasmas, brujas, muertos vivientes...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I devised a really scary Halloween costume. ",,"Tengo un disfraz de Halloween horripilante. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ghosts, goblins, ghouls; witches, bats, and wolves...",,"Fantasmas, duendes, gnomos, brujas, murciélagos y lobos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Have a festive fall!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Time to give thanks for life, liberty, and the pursuit of calories. ",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"1. Family and friends 2. Good health 3. Four days off in a row. ",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So, forgive me if I gobble.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Let's all make pigs of ourselves. ",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Yet another reason to be grateful for not being a turkey.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Never make it to your hips. Happy Thanksgiving!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Thanksgiving.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Which include a second helping of sweet potatoes.  Happy Thanksgiving!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May your blessings be many on this holiday of thanks.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Good friends remain among the best.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We thank you for your business.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"As we gather together for Thanksgiving.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To someone at the top of my list of blessings.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There's always a place for you.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May God bless your family with peace, good health, and abundance this Thanksgiving.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Don't gobble the turkey. You'll just end up getting stuffed. ",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Thanksgiving",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's Thanksgiving",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Things to be thankful for this holiday season:",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's Thanksgiving ",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In honor of the Thanksgiving turkey...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's Thanksgiving!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the lumps in the potatoes...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“The turkey … is a much more respectable bird, and withal a true original native of America.” — Benjamin Franklin (1784)",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Lets give thanks for our blessings,",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Of all the things with which we're blessed...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At Thanksgiving...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thinking of you...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Thanksgiving...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No matter how crowded our table...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A word to the wise for your Thanksgiving feast:",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Kwanzaa candle burning bright, feel the wonder of the light. Share the pride, keep the glow, pass it on to all you know.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Colors of ancestors heard but not seen. May the strength of history live through you at Kwanzaa.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And your heart full of the warmth of Africa.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We celebrate the future with our children at Kwanzaa. Our best to you at this special time of year.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are the lessons learned from yesterday and the hope promised for tomorrow. ",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Friends and family are first in our hearts.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the seven principles be your beacon through the year.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Kwanzaa!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This Kwanzaa season.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Kwanzaa ",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Black, red, and green...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May your home be full of family at Kwanzaa...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Like the corn on the mkeka...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The best gifts at Kwanzaa...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our best to you at Kwanzaa.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We send you holiday greetings...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the Nguzo Saba, the Seven Principles, guide you to happiness",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Be the beginning of the best years of your life.",,"...sea el principio de los mejores años de tu vida.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Go out and play!",,"Y por muchos años.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's your day, so enjoy!",,"Hoy es tu día, ¡que lo disfrutes!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope it's the best one yet!",,"Que cada año sea mejor.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You made your entrance into the world. ",,"...pero, al verte a ti, está claro que también es la edad más bonita del hombre. ¡Feliz cumpleaños! ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Question: Name three things that improve with age.",,"La pregunta: enumera tres cosas que mejoren con la edad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Is this the 7th or 8th time now?",,"¿Es la séptima o la octava vez?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And deepest sympathies! Happy 40th!",,"...y nuestro sentido pésame. ¡Felices 40!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We've just begun to ripen!",,"...solo hemos empezado a madurar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The higher it gets, the more valuable it becomes.",,"Cuanto más alto sea, más valor tiene.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you still get a year older? Happy Belated Birthday.",,"...¿todavía cumples años? ¡Feliz cumpleaños con retraso!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Not to mention the moon, the stars, and the universe.",,"Por no mencionar la luna, las estrellas y todo el universo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But then I forgot. Best belated wishes.",,"...y al final se me olvidó. Mis tardíos y mejores deseos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But at least I remembered to tell everyone your age!",,"Por lo menos, me acordé de decir cuántos cumplías.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And some people forget the whole thing (sorry about that). Happy Belated Birthday!",,"...y luego están los que se olvidan (¡perdón!). ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But, hey, that's what friends are for!",,"No te preocupes: ¡para eso están los amigos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I hate to admit it, but she was right! Happy Birthday, Sis.",,"Tengo que reconocer que tenía razón. ¡Feliz cumpleaños, hermanita!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you get to hog the phone all night. ",,"...aunque sea tu cumpleaños, el teléfono también es mío. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But you made me feel like I was. Happy Birthday!",,"...pero tú me hiciste creerlo. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So sit back, relax...and let Dad do all the work!",,"Siéntate, relájate... ¡y que papá se encargue de todo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Of course, I'd probably borrow it all back from you, but it's the thought that counts. ",,"...pero tendrías que prestármelo tú. En fin, lo que cuenta es la intención. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I can't complain! Happy Birthday to a great role model.",,"...¡y me encanta! ¡Feliz cumpleaños, súper modelo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Special just didn't have enough razzle-dazzle to describe your birthday.",,""La palabra ""especial"" no es suficiente para describir tu cumpleaños."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But I could see the handwriting on the wall...come to think of it, you got me in trouble for that, too! Happy Birthday.",,"...menos mal que yo estaba contigo. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But at least you provide some comic relief. Happy Birthday!",,"Menos mal que hay una parte cómica. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But none of them counts more than you do. Happy Birthday!",,"Pero tú eres el que cuenta más. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm glad we can spend it together.",,"Me encanta que podamos celebrarlo juntos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Never eat your birthday cake standing up.",,"...zámpate la tarta sentado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are a constant reminder of your age. Happy birthday old friend!",,"...nos recuerdan siempre la edad. ¡Feliz cumpleaños, abuelete!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Especially with friends who won't let you off the hook!",,"...sobre todo con semejantes amigos. ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So, you're doin' great!",,"¡Y en eso eres todo un campeón!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So how come you look so much younger than I do? ",,"...¿por qué tú pareces más joven que yo? ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And not mine!",,"...¡y no el mío!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope your day is a million laughs!",,"¡Que te diviertas mucho este día tan especial!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm surprised Abraham Lincoln didn't write a speech about it! ",,"¡Y no estás en las pinturas rupestres! ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"After all, another candle on your cake won't kill anyone (as long as we keep the fire extinguisher handy). ",,"Otra vela más no es para tanto (si están a mano los bomberos). ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Isn't it time they raised the bar? ",,"...¿no crees que ya deberían ir abriendo la puerta? ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"After all, they don't call you old windbag for nothing!",,""Nos han dicho que ""todavía"" tienes mucho fuelle."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Well, it's gonna take more than that to convince us you're 29!",,"¿Es para que nos creamos que son solo 29?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And while you're puckered, how about a birthday kiss?",,"...¿podré darte mi beso de cumpleaños?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So, just where is the fountain of youth?",,"¿Dónde has encontrado la eterna juventud?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But, at least I'm doing it with you!",,"Por lo menos, estamos juntos los dos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And that I'm one of them.",,"...y estar yo entre ellas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And you certainly came out the better of the two! ",,"Me parece que a ti te ha ido mejor. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But, I think you're pretty special every day.",,"Pero yo siempre te encuentro especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So how did you make it stand still? ",,"¿Cómo has conseguido escaparte? ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Is happy birthday an oxymoron?",,"...aumentan tus encantos. ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And many happy returns!",,"Y que cumplas muchos más.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Not only do you get my love, you get a gift as well. Happy Birthday!",,"...que no solo te doy mi afecto sino también un regalo. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are tickled pink to say, they wish you barrels full of fun, on such a special day. Happy Birthday!",,"...se complacen en anunciar montones de diversión en este día tan especial. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's your birthday today!",,"¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You deserve a special one.",,"Te mereces algo especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May this birthday...",,"Ojalá que este cumpleaños...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's your birthday!",,"¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday from all of us.",,"Te deseamos un feliz cumpleaños",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Birthday greetings!",,"¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"What a dramatic day!",,"Dicen que los 40 es la edad más bonita de la mujer...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Answer: Wine, cheese, and you.",,"La respuesta: el vino, el queso y tú",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On your birthday, we send you our best wishes...",,"En tu cumpleaños te enviamos nuestros mejores deseos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy 30th Birthday!",,"¡Felicidades en tu 30º cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're not getting older.",,"No es que estemos envejeciendo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Remember, age is just a number.",,"Recuerda que la edad es solo un número.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you have a birthday and no one remembers it...",,"Si nadie recuerda que hoy es tu cumpleaños...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You deserve the best birthday on Earth.",,"Te mereces la mejor fiesta de cumpleaños del mundo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I planned to get you something memorable for your birthday.",,"Quería ofrecerte algo inolvidable en tu cumpleaños...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sorry I forgot your birthday.",,"Perdona que se me olvidara tu cumpleaños",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Some people get excited, some get blue.",,"A unos les gusta, a otros les deprime...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You may not want to remember your birthday. ",,"Tal vez no quieras recordar que es tu cumpleaños. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mom said we'd be best friends when we grew up.",,"Mamá dijo que de mayores nos llevaríamos mejor",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"As your sister, I think I should remind you...",,"Como hermana tuya debo advertírtelo:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mom, I may not have been the best kid in the world...",,"Mami, tal vez no haya sido el mejor hijo del mundo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's your birthday, Mom, and you deserve a day off.",,"Mamá, es tu cumpleaños y te mereces un descanso",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Dad, I'd gladly give you a million dollars for your birthday.",,"Papá, me encantaría regalarte un millón...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Dad, everyone says I turned out just like you. ",,"Papá, todo el mundo dice que me parezco a ti... ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sensational; Stunning; Splendid; Smashing! ",,"¡Sensacional, estupendo, magnífico, fantástico! ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Brother, you always got me into trouble...",,"Hermanito, siempre estás metiéndote en líos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It isn't always easy being a member of our family.",,"No es nada fácil vivir en esta familia",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We have so many relatives, I can't count them all. ",,"Somos tantos de familia que no puedo ni contarlos. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday to a special friend.",,"Felicidades a un amigo muy especial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A tip for keeping your weight down:",,"Un consejo si quieres que tu peso sea bajo:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Old friends and birthdays...",,"Los viejos amigos y los cumpleaños...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Birthdays can be torture.",,"Los cumpleaños pueden ser una tortura...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's not how old you feel, it's how old you look.",,"No se tiene la edad que se siente, sino la que se aparenta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're the same age...",,"Si tenemos la misma edad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm so happy it's your birthday!",,"Me alegra tanto que hoy sea tu cumpleaños...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ha-Ha-Ha-Happy Birthday.",,"Fe-fe-fe-feliz cumpleaños",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On this day in history, you were born.",,"Hoy celebramos el día histórico de tu nacimiento",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There's no need to get so excited.",,"Oye, oye, no te pongas así",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Now that we're about to leap into middle age...",,"Estamos a punto de entrar en la madurez...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're sure you can blow out all your candles.",,"Seguro que apagas todas las velas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So, you've hired a magician for your birthday.",,"Dicen que habrá un mago en tu cumpleaños",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Blow out the candles; it's your birthday!",,"Cuando vayas a soplar las velas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Clearly, you have solved the mystery. ",,"Está claro que ya tienes la respuesta. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It isn't easy getting older.",,"No es nada fácil hacerse mayor",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope your birthday is filled with your favorite things.",,"Espero que tengas un cumpleaños lleno de todas las cosas que quieres...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You and the world have just passed another year.",,"El mundo y tú habéis cumplido un año más",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On your birthday, you might feel extra special.",,"En tu cumpleaños, te sueles sentir especial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Time waits for no one...",,"El tiempo pasa para todos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The older we get, the more we wonder...",,"Conforme cumples años...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Now that you are six years old, I think that I can tell...",,"Ahora que ya tienes seis años, creo que puedo decirte...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"All the clowns in Clowntown...",,"Todos los payasos de la Ciudad de los payasos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hip, hip, hooray!",,"¡Sorpresa!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Best wishes on your birthday.",,"Te deseamos lo mejor",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'll be yours if you'll be mine.",,"Yo seré el tuyo si tú eres el mío.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Makes every day seem like Valentine's Day.",,"...celebro todos los días San Valentín.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Because I've fallen for you in a big way!",,"...porque menudo golpe que me has dado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And love is in the air!",,"...¡y está todo perdido de amor!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"How about a payment of hugs and kisses?",,"...¿y si te lo pago con achuchones y besos?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Be mine and we'll live happily ever after.",,"...y viviremos felices y comeremos perdices.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"After all, what's Prince Charming got that I haven't got? (Besides a castle, fabulous riches, and a white steed.)",,"A ver: ¿qué tiene el Príncipe que no tenga yo? (Quitando el castillo y los tesoros y el caballo y...)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"My perfect match! Happy Valentine's Day.",,"Igualito que yo. ¡Feliz Día de San Valentín!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Be my Valentine.",,"...que hoy es San Valentín.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're the cutest Valentine I've ever seen.",,"Sabes que te entrego lo mejor.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mind if I make an indecent proposal?",,"¿Puedo hacerte proposiciones deshonestas?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From my heart to yours.",,"Desde lo más profundo de mi corazón.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For example, we turn off the TV set during dinner!",,"...¿apagamos la tele para cenar?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wherefore art the flowers and chocolate you're supposed to send me on Valentine's Day?",,"...¿dónde fueron las flores? ¿dónde los bombones?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And no one's ever beat out double-chocolate mocha ice cream before.",,"Y eso que un helado doble de chocolate no está nada mal.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"As long as we go to my favorite restaurant and I pick the movie.",,"Pero vamos a mi restaurante preferido y yo elijo la película.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Now let's move on to other body parts.",,"...¿podríamos ir pasando a otras partes del cuerpo?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Not the one about winning a fortune, the other one.",,"No el de ser millonario. El otro.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And I've gone gaga over you.",,"...pero es que tengo el corazón tan blandito...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In case you haven't noticed, I'm awfully sweet on you.",,"...por si no lo sabías, eres de lo más dulce.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We'd miss all the fun of kissing and making up.",,"...nos perderíamos los besitos de la reconciliación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"That's why this Valentine's sealed with kisses.",,"...por eso estoy contigo donde quiera que vayas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"What a lovely romance this is.",,"...¡qué romántico!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If it weren't such a short walk!",,"...¡pero es que ya lo estaba!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Can I pencil you in?",,"Quedamos cuando tú quieras.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And I've been head over heels ever since.",,"¡Y todavía no la he encontrado!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A celebration of love.",,"...para celebrar nuestro amor.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wait...what am I saying???",,"No importa. ¿Te ayudo a desnudarte?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Because I'm all steamed up over you!",,"...pajarito mío.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank you for love, friendship, and happiness.",,"...por toda su alegría y tanta felicidad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I've only scratched the surface.",,"...undo undo undo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And my heart.  Happy Valentines Day.",,"Y mi corazón. ¡Feliz Día de San Valentín!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Might you be next?  Happy Valentines Day.",,"Puede que te lance una flecha. ¡Feliz Día de San Valentín!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Personally, I prefer tu-lips.",,"...yo te prefiero sobre todas las cosas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In other words, you.",,"En otras palabras: ¡Tú!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Valentines Day, my dear.",,"¡Feliz Día de San Valentín, mi vida!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mine reaches that with you in an afternoon.  Happy Valentines Day.",,"El mío 35 millones de veces en una tarde contigo. ¡Feliz Día de San Valentín!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Valentines Day.",,"¡Feliz Día de San Valentín!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Valentines Day!",,"¡Feliz Día de San Valentín!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I wouldn't want your tongue to get twisted.",,"...¡dímelo siempre!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Put it under your pillow and you'll dream about me all night long.",,"Ponla debajo de la almohada y soñarás conmigo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I LOVE YOU!!!!! (Sorry, didn't mean to shout)",,"¡¡¡¡TE QUIERO!!!! (Perdón, no quería gritar.)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And I'm plum crazy about you.",,"...¡tendrás que ponerte gafas de sol!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We make a great pear!",,"...y nosotros, la verdad, somos la pera.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Everyone should have a special Valentine...",,"Todo el mundo debería tener un Día de San Valentín especial...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Being with you...",,"Estando contigo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Valentine, I hope you've got insurance...",,"San Valentín, espero que tengas un buen seguro...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just warning you, Cupid's been flying around...",,"Te lo advierto: Cupido ha estado revoloteando por ahí...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Valentine, I owe you so much.",,"San Valentín, te debo tanto...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fairy tales can come true, Valentine.",,"San Valentín es un cuento de hadas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Be my Sleeping Beauty, Valentine.",,"Sé mi Bella Durmiente",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're smart, sexy, witty, kind, incredible...",,"Eres inteligente, increíble, sexy, una maravilla...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Go ahead, make my day.",,"Di que me quieres un poquitín...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Violets are blue, clovers are green.",,"San Valentín, dulzura, emoción, amor...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's Valentine's Day",,"Hoy es San Valentín",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Valentine's Day!",,"¡Feliz Día de San Valentín!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'd like this Valentine's Day to be really special.",,"Quiero que este Día de San Valentín sea muy especial...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Romeo, Romeo",,"Romeo, Romeo mío...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Valentine, you are my greatest passion.",,"San Valentín, eres lo mejor de mi vida",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This Valentine's Day, you're the boss.",,"Hoy es San Valentín. Tú mandas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Valentine, you touch my heart...",,"San Valentín, me has tocado el corazón...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Valentine, you're my fantasy come true.",,"San Valentín, has hecho mi sueño realidad",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I hate to gush, but it is Valentine's Day.",,"Odio las palabras tiernas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sugarpie, honeybunch, my little bonbon...",,"Mi bomboncito, mi cachito de miel...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If love really meant never having to say you're sorry...",,"Si el amor fuera de verdad no decir nunca lo siento...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cupid's arrow never misses.",,"Las flechas de Cupido nunca fallan...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hearts, flowers, moonlight kisses...",,"Flores, velas, besos a la luz de la luna...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Valentine, you'd drive me crazy...",,"Me habría vuelto loco por ti...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I have 365 days open on my calendar for a Valentine.",,"Tengo 365 días para celebrar San Valentín",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Valentine, you swept me off my feet...",,"San Valentín, me has hecho perder la cabeza...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You and me...",,"Solo tú y yo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I know it's Valentine's Day, so keep your shirt on...",,"¿Que todavía no te has vestido para salir?...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Valentine, I'm about to flip my lid...",,"Estoy que trino...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To my Valentine",,"A mi amor...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Valentine, when I say I love you deeply...",,"Mi amor por ti es un pozo profundo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have so many important things:  Compassion, savoir-faire, intelligence — ",,"¡Eres un cielo azul sin nubes! — ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cupid draws his arrow on both footman and pharaoh.",,"Cupido no distingue razas ni colores.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Most people like getting roses for Valentine's Day.",,"En San Valentín se regalan rosas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In search of someone funny and true (and sweet as tiramisu).",,"Busco a alguien tan dulce y suave como el tiramisú.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“O, how I love thee!  How I dote on thee!” — William Shakespeare (1600)",,"“¡Oh, cuánto te amo! ¡Cuánto te adoro!” — William Shakespeare (1600)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The typical human heart beats 35 million times in a year.",,"El corazón de los humanos late 35 millones de veces al año.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of.” — Blaise Pascal (1670)",,"”El corazón tiene razones que la razón no entiende.” — Blaise Pascal (1670)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Give all to love; obey thy heart.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson (1847)",,"“Entrégate al amor; obedece al corazón.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson (1847)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Don't say I Love You too many times...",,"No digas muchas veces que me quieres...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a subliminal Valentine's Day card.",,"Tarjeta de San Valentín mágica",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Lean close to this card for a secret message...",,"Acércate que quiero decirte un secreto:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're the apple of my eye...",,"Eres la luz de mis ojos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In the fruit bowl of life...",,"La vida está llena de hermosos frutos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're my super hero!",,"¡Eres mi héroe!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Where'd you get such big feet??",,"¿Dónde se han visto semejantes zapatones?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And most of the money I've spent in my life.",,"...y todo el dinero que me he gastado en mi vida.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I couldn't have done it without you.",,"Sin ti nunca lo habría conseguido.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And you were my role model through it all. Happy Father's Day.",,"...tú fuiste mi mejor juguete siempre. ¡Feliz Día del Padre!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And Mom's never forgiven you for it!",,"...y mamá nunca te lo ha perdonado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're chapter one!",,"...eres el primer capítulo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Father's Day to a man who knew his job.",,"...Feliz Día del Padre a quien mejor sabe hacerlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Now that my world has expanded, so has your reputation!",,"Ahora mi mundo ha crecido, igual que tu buena fama.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I wouldn't trade you for love or money.",,"No te cambiaría por amor ni por dinero.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But, you'll still have to put the worm on my hook for me.",,"Pero te advierto que tú te encargas de los gusanos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing you all the best on your special day.",,"Te deseo lo mejor en este día tan especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"They're just trying to get on my good side.",,"Solo se fijan en mi lado bueno.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And the dream that I pursue.",,"...y el sueño que quiero alcanzar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And that, dear Dad, is fine with me.",,"¿Qué más puedo pedir, papá?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You'll always be my heart and soul.",,"...tú serás siempre la mejor, papá.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Is everything I learned from you.",,"...lo aprendí de ti.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thanks, Dad, for the life of me.",,"...papá, gracias por la vida.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I hitched my wagon to a star!",,"...me tocó el primer premio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Like great!",,"Pues menuda maravilla.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The one day when you can let the grass grow under your feet.",,"...el único del año solo para ti.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm glad you're proud of me, but you can stop handing out the cigars now!",,"Me gusta que estés orgulloso de mí, pero deja ya de repartir puros.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"He has a son of his own who thinks he's wrong.",,"...ya tiene un hijo que cree que su padre no tiene razón.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank you for all you do.",,"Gracias por todo lo que haces.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thinking of you on Father's Day, and hoping it's wonderful in every way.",,"...pienso en ti hoy y espero que sea siempre lo mejor.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Fathers Day.",,"¡Feliz Día del Padre!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Which means I can borrow the car, right?  ",,"¿Me puedo llevar tu coche?  ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"C.I.B.S.M. stands for Can I Borrow Some Money?",,"D.U.P.D.D. significa dame un poco de dinero.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A pain in the neck, a pain in the posterior, and a pain in the pocketbook.",,"...del dolor de cuello, de espalda y... de bolsillo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mainly because Mom keeps reminding me.",,"...sobre todo porque mamá no se cansa de repetírmelo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Don't worry, I'm right behind you.",,"...no te preocupes, yo estaré detrás.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Handsome, popular, and brilliant. Thanks for the genes, Dad.",,"...guapo, popular, brillante. Gracias por los genes, papi.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I still do. ",,"...y hoy sé que lo eres. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Dad, you've always protected me.",,"Papá, siempre cuidaste de mí",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Nobody could ever fill your shoes, Dad.",,"Papá, no hay nadie que dé tu talla",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Dad, you've earned my greatest respect...",,"Papá, eres tú quien ha ganado mi mayor respeto...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Father's Day...",,"Feliz Día del Padre",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Dad, we built model trains, cars, and planes.",,"Mis trenes de juguete, mis coches de juguete...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The first word I ever said was Daddy...",,""La primera palabra que dije fue ""papá""..."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Dad, in my book of love...",,"Papá, en mi libro del amor...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Being a father is a labor of love...",,"Ser padre es un trabajo hecho con amor...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I always said I had the best dad in the neighborhood.",,"Siempre dije que mi papá era el mejor del barrio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Father's Day",,"Feliz Día del Padre",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'd like to take you fishing on Father's Day...",,"Me gustaría que fuéramos a pescar el Día del Padre",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Father's Day...",,"Feliz Día del Padre...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Everyone tells me I'm just like you, Dad.",,"Todos me dicen que me parezco a ti, papá",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You gave me the example to which I aspire.",,"Tú me diste el modelo al que aspiro...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.",,"De tal palo, tal astilla",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Of all the things that make me whole...",,"De todas las cosas que me gustan...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"All that's good in what I do...",,"Todo lo bueno que he hecho...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For the life of me I can only say...",,"Por mi vida te digo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When it came to picking out a Dad...",,"Cuando sortearon los papás...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Like father, like son.",,"De tal palo, tal astilla",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's Father's Day, Dad...",,"Hoy es el Día del Padre:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Jeez, Dad, I wasn't born yesterday.",,"Vale, papi, que no nací ayer",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"By the time a man realizes his father was right...",,"Cuando un hombre descubre que su padre tenía razón,...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For Father...",,"Para papá",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.” — George Herbert (1651)",,"“Un padre vale por cien maestros.” — George Herbert (1651)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fathers Day is a time for relaxing, for kicking back.",,"El Día del Padre es para estar tranquilito en casa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"D.A.D. stands for Dashing And Debonair.",,"P.A.P.A. significa perfecto, adorable, prudente, amigo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Dad, raising me, you learned to live with pain...",,"Papá, sé que conmigo aprendiste el sentido del dolor...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Dad, I can never forget all you've done for me.",,"Papá, jamás olvidaré todo lo que has hecho por mí...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Dad, if there's ever trouble ahead...",,"Papá, si algún día tienes un problema ante ti,...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When I was a kid, I wanted to be just like you...",,"De niño quería ser como tú,...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I always looked up to you, Dad.",,"De pequeño te veía muy grande...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For people nice in every way.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm thinking of you this Father's Day, and sending thanks and love your way.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With greatest love from me to you.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And what a treat it always is!  Happy Grandparents Day!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're the grandest!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank goodness it runs in the family! Happy Grandparents Day.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I much prefer the one we've got.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To my favorite cookie-maker.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm proud to be on your branch of the family tree. Happy Mother's Day.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You spoiled me for years, you wiped away my tears. More precious than any toy, you gave me love and joy.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You made this family what it is today...Warm, well-knit, and a little bit wacky!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You'll be the hero, Grandpa. ",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"How wise of them to name a day...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Grandparents Day, you two.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Over the river and through the wood, to grandfathers house we go.” — Lydia Maria Child (1844)",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When it comes to being grandparents...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're such a know-it-all...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If I missed Grandparents Day, my name would be mud.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Grandparents Day",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To Grandmother",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For Grandfather",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When they write the book about our family...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank you for years of love.",,"Gracias por todos tus años de cariño.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A great mom!",,"...¡una gran mamá!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Flu season, advice season, cooking season, scraped knee season...",,"El momento de la fiebre, el momento del consejo, el momento de la cocina, el momento de las caídas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I wouldn't want any other. Happy Mother's Day.",,"No te cambiaría por nada. ¡Feliz Día de la Madre!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're a one-in-a-million mom!",,"¡Eres la mejor!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Even when I thought I knew everything!",,"...aunque yo pensaba que lo sabía todo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"As one of your end results, I now see the means were justified.",,"...ahora veo que el fin justifica los medios.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Let's do lunch and gossip!",,"...solo quiero estar contigo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The best nurse, the best teacher, the best cook, and the best friend.",,"...la mejor enfermera, la mejor maestra, la mejor cocinera, la mejor amiga.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Because I was raising heck!",,"Fue difícil hasta para mí.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I want to be just like you, Mom.",,"...quiero ser como tú, mamá.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To honor you on Mother's Day.",,"...porque se celebra el Día de la Madre.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"They even named a day after you.",,"¡Hay un día con tu nombre!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I send a kiss this Mother's Day.",,"...por cada vez que me ayudaste.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And then taught me how to love it.",,"...y me enseñaste a amarla.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"What are you cooking?",,"¿qué vas a hacer de comer?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But, you're special to me every day of the year.",,"Pero para mí tú eres especial todos los días.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're so good with kids. But then, you had plenty of practice with me!",,"Por lo bien que tratas a los niños. ¡Es porque practicaste conmigo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thanks for sharing my life, my love, my family.",,"Gracias por compartir mi vida, mi amor, mi familia.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To the woman who got me through the terrible teens.",,"A la mujer que más me ayudó en los momentos difíciles.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But Dad wouldn't give me the money.",,"...pero papá no me dio dinero.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Of all life's work there is no other, as meaningful as being a mother.",,"...el mejor de los trabajos es ser una madre tan adorable.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To the world's greatest mom!",,"...¡a la mejor madre del mundo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This special wish comes to you with lots of love and gratitude. Happy Mother's Day.",,"...te mando mis mejores deseos llenos de amor y gratitud. ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And youre the greatest of them all.  Happy Mothers Day!",,"Y tú la mejor de todas. ¡Feliz día de la Madre!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You'd get the blue ribbon, Mom!",,"...te llevarías el primer premio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Chicken, vegetables, seasonings...and you, Mom, to come over and cook it for me.",,"...pollo, verduras, carne... y una mamá que te la haga.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You look so much shorter (but still loveable).",,"...me pareces más bajita, pero igual de encantadora.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it.",,"No es un buen trabajo, pero alguien tenía que hacerlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"What strong apron strings you've got!",,"...¡afloja las cintas del delantal!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I tell them that's what moms are for!",,"...yo les digo que para eso son las mamás.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To Mother...",,"Para mamá...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mom, you made me what I am today...",,"Mamá, tú me has hecho ser lo que soy...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Mother's Day to a mom for all seasons...",,"Feliz Día de la Madre a mi mamá de todos los momentos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To my wonderful mother",,"Para la mamá más maravillosa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When I was born I hit the jackpot.",,"Cuando nací me tocó la lotería",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mom, you taught me how much there was to learn...",,"Mamá, me enseñaste cuánto debía aprender...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mom, I apologize for ever saying you were mean...",,"Mamá, perdóname por decirte que no te portaste bien conmigo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This Mother's Day",,"En este Día de la Madre...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mom, you're the best!",,"Mami, eres la mejor...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mom, raising me wasn't easy, I know.",,"Ya sé qué no fue nada fácil aguantarme",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When I grow up...",,"Cuando sea mayor,...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"All the flowers bloom in May...",,"Mayo es el mes de las flores...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mom, you're famous!",,"Mamá, eres famosa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For every time you helped me find my way...",,"Te mando un beso, mamá,...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mom, you gave me life...",,"Mamá, me diste la vida...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mom, we're planning Mother's Day and need to know...",,"Mamá, estamos preparando el Día de la Madre. Dinos una cosa:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Today may be your special day, Mom.",,"Tal vez sea hoy un día especial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To my wife on Mother's Day",,"A mi esposa en el Día de la Madre",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Mother's Day, honey",,"Feliz Día de la Madre, cariño",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Mother's Day",,"Feliz Día de la Madre",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I was going to buy you a great gift for Mother's Day...",,"Quería comprarte un regalo del Día de la Madre...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On Mother's Day",,"En el Día de la Madre...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Mother's Day...",,"Feliz Día de la Madre...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“I say there is nothing greater than the mother of men.” — Walt Whitman (1855)",,"“No hay nada más grande que una madre.” — Walt Whitman (1855).",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If they held a contest for the perfect mother...",,"Si hubiera un concurso de madres...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"My recipe for chicken soup includes...",,"Para hacer una buena sopa hay que tener...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Dear Mom, now that I've grown up...",,"Mamá querida: ahora que he crecido...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm glad you're my mom.",,"Me gusta que seas mi mamá",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mom, I'm very attached to you...",,"Mamá, me siento tan atado a ti...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"People say I talk to you too much...",,"La gente dice que hablo demasiado contigo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And your absence deeply felt. Please get well soon.",,"...y te echamos de menos. Recupérate pronto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Be free of speed traps and traffic bumps.",,"¡Cuidado con las multas y los atascos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Get well soon!",,"¡Que te recuperes pronto!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing you better health on the horizon.",,"Si pudiera, estaría a tu lado para cuidarte. ¡Ánimo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"That says I hope you get better.",,"Para que te mejores pronto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Get well soon.",,"Que te mejores pronto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing you a speedy recovery.",,"Te envío mis mejores deseos para que te recuperes muy pronto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Without you.  Get well.",,"Sin ti. ¡Mejórate!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope youre back in the ring soon.",,"Espero que estés pronto en el ruedo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope you get fixed up soon.",,"¡Qué mala pata! Ojalá que te recuperes muy pronto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So, the sooner you get better, the better we'll all feel.",,"Así que, cuanto antes te mejores, mejor nos sentiremos todos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No one else knows how to make the computer work!",,"¡Nadie más sabe cómo funcionan los equipos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope it won't change that no-holds-barred, devil-may-care attitude we all admire you for! ",,"Espero que no haya cambiado ese carácter relajado y despreocupado por el que te admiramos. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're sorely missed.",,"Te echamos muchísimo de menos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May you find strength and guidance during this trying time.",,"Esperamos que encuentres la fuerza que te ayude a superar este momento difícil.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And sending best wishes for a speedy recovery.",,"...y te enviamos nuestros mejores deseos para que te recuperes muy pronto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ignore the speed limit!",,"...¡olvida el límite de velocidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your well-being is of great concern.",,"Nos preocupamos por ti...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May your road to recovery",,"¡Espero que te mejores pronto!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“We are so fond of one another, because our ailments are the same.” — Jonathan Swift (1711)",,"“Nos llevamos bien, porque nuestros problemas son los mismos.” — Jonathan Swift (1711)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Im sorry youve been ill.",,"Siento mucho que no te encuentres bien",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just a little letter",,"Solo unas palabras",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The days are gloomy without you.",,"Los días son eternos si ti.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And theyre off!",,"¡Sin ti no hubiera llegado tan alto!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Things are crazy and pell-mell",,"No hay tiempo para pensar....HAY FIESTA ¿Vienes o VIENES?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I heard you took a few hard knocks.",,"¡Sé que has pasado por un mal momento!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And I thought my CAR broke down a lot!",,"¡Y pensaba que mi COCHE se había averiado del todo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're all just sick that you're ill. ",,"Nos sentimos fatal porque no te encuentras bien. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Get well soon.",,"Ponte bien pronto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Heard you had a little accident.",,"Hemos oído que has tenido un pequeño accidente.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our prayers are with you.",,"Y rezamos por ti.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thinking of you...",,"Nos acordamos de ti...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope you feel better...",,"Espero que te mejores...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"While you're on the road to recovery...",,"En el camino de tu recuperación...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'd like to give you a pat on the space helmet. Congratulations!",,"...me gustaría darte mi más sincera enhorabuena. ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Boy, were they barking up the wrong tree!",,"¡No sabían de quién hablaban!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Who's teaching the pups some new tricks!",,"¡Gracias por enseñarnos tus trucos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"That's music to my ears. Congratulations on your successful recovery.",,"¿Cuándo has sido la segunda? ¡Muchas felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You both rise to the occasion!",,"Siempre sabes por dónde saldrá.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To wish you every future success.",,"...para desearte lo mejor mañana.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To take it to the top.",,"...para que nada haga falta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You really set the world on fire. Congratulations!",,"...armaste la revolución. ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I would be surprised indeed. Congratulations on the new job! ",,"...no habrá quien por ti no apueste. ¡Que tengas suerte! ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And it was better than the rest. Congratulations!",,"...y a todos nos convenciste. ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You really went to bat. Good going!",,"...nos diste el pase perfecto. ¡Eres maravilloso!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You deserve a standing ovation. ",,"Te mereces una ovación. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We are.",,"Nosotros lo estamos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"That will resound long after the applause has faded.",,"...que durará mucho más que los aplausos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're the star of the show!",,"¡Todos dicen que eres único!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's hard to find deserving heroes to worship these days.",,"Apenas quedan ya estrellas de verdad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're our lucky star!",,"Eres nuestra buena estrella.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're proud to be working with you.",,"Estamos orgullosos de trabajar contigo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"What's the next step...the scaffolding of achievement?",,"...¿qué te queda? ¿El andamio hasta la fama?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But you actually made a mountain out of a molehill! Congratulations on your success.",,"...pero has hecho una montaña de un grano de arena. ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"What's the big idea? (And can I borrow it?)",,"¿Qué idea les diste? ¿Me la prestas?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"All for you!  Congratulations!",,"¡Todo para ti! ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There's no stopping you now!",,"¡Nada podrá detenerte!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Youre a success!  Congratulations!",,"¡Ha sido un éxito! ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And were so proud.  Congratulations.",,"¡Estamos tan orgullosos! ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We look forward to working with you as you grow.",,"Deseamos trabajar contigo para prosperar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The cream always rises to the top. Congratulations!",,"Lo mejor queda siempre por encima. ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Stand in your way while you were doing it. Congratulations!",,"...te estorbara mientras lo hacías posible. ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In the school of hard knocks.",,"...en la escuela de los golpes más duros.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're striking! Congratulations.",,"...llegaste el primero. ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You don't get to Easy Street by following the beaten path.",,"...que el camino de la felicidad es el más difícil.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When you come down to earth...",,"Cuando vuelvas a la Tierra...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"People said you'd regret going out on a limb.",,"Dijeron que te arrepentirías",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations to an old dog...",,"Más sabe el diablo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I hear you're fit as a fiddle.",,"Me dicen que estás de primera",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You and bread dough have a lot in common.",,"Para mí eres como el sol",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There's no time like the present...",,"No hay ningún momento como hoy...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You've got what it takes...",,"Tienes lo que hace falta...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For someone who's matchless...",,"Aunque seas tan tranquilo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If at first you don't succeed...",,"Aunque al principio te cueste,...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You did your best...",,"Hiciste lo que pudiste...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When the team needed a home run...",,"Cuando el equipo necesitaba un buen gol...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"APPLAUSE! APPLAUSE! APPLAUSE!",,"¡BRAVO! ¡BRAVO! ¡BRAVO!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You should be proud of yourself.",,"Deberías estar orgulloso de ti",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You've earned respect...",,"Has conquistado un respeto...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Take a bow!",,"¡Saluda a tu público!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm so glad you're a success.",,"Me alegro de que lo hayas conseguido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on another stellar performance.",,"Felicidades por otra actuación estelar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Now that you've climbed the ladder of success...",,"Ahora que has subido los escalones del éxito...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I thought it was just a theory...",,"Creía que solo era una teoría,...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So, you've been promoted.",,"Así que te han ascendido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Claps and cheers and standing ovations —",,"¡Aplausos! ¡Y ovaciones!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on the new job.",,"Felicidades por tu nuevo trabajo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Pop the corks!  Pour the champagne!",,"¡Saca el corcho! ¡Sirve el champán!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Now youve really done it.",,"¡Ahora sí que lo has conseguido!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cmon, confess!",,"¡Venga, confiesa!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Say it loud:  You wowed them!",,"Grita: ¡Soy fantástico!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on your recent success.",,"Felicidades por tu último éxito",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're not surprised you got a promotion...",,"No me extraña que te hayan ascendido...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You never let those who said it couldn't be done...",,"Nunca dejaste que lo difícil...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on making the grade...",,"Muchas felicidades por tu graduación...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In the bowling alley of life...",,"En la carrera de la vida...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations to someone who knows...",,"Mi enhorabuena a alguien que sabe...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But you already seem to have it all.",,"...pero parece que ya la tienes toda.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But only if one of you doesn't eat, buy clothes, or visit the dentist. ",,"Siempre que una no coma, no compre ropa ni vaya al dentista. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Who gets your parking space while you're on your honeymoon?",,"...¿puedo aparcar en este sitio durante la luna de miel?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We were afraid we'd have you on our hands forever!",,"Creíamos que nunca nos libraríamos de ti.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Especially when you total up the bill.",,"Sobre todo cuando miras la factura.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I think of it as gaining a car mechanic. Best wishes on your wedding.",,"Es ganar un mecánico. ¡Mis mejores deseos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And return toasters! Congratulations!",,"...y devolver regalos. ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To the new Mr. and Mrs.!  Congratulations!",,"¡Al nuevo señor y a la nueva señora! ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With God's love added to the rest.",,"...la bendición de Dios y todo lo demás.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And so the future looks bright ahead.",,"¿Puede haber algo mejor?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With joy beyond tomorrow.",,"...y una alegría eterna.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Is happiness doubled. Congratulations.",,"...es la felicidad repetida. Felicidades.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You'll make a beautiful bride.",,"...serás una novia preciosa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just in case you forget during the ceremony, you may want to have these choices written down.",,"Por si se te olvida, esto es lo que hay que elegir.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Getting married is the ultimate family business.",,"El matrimonio es el mejor de los negocios familiares.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You can look forward to love, companionship...and in-laws ever after.",,"...hay una vida llena de amor, compañía y familia política.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'd wish you luck for your wedding...",,"Te desearía suerte en tu matrimonio...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Two can live as cheaply as one...",,"Dos personas pueden vivir con el dinero de una...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Now that you're getting married...",,"Ahora que se ha celebrado la boda...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're all thrilled you two are getting married.",,"Nos encanta que se vayan a casar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Weddings are awesome!",,"Las bodas son algo increíble",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I don't think of it as losing a best friend.",,"Para mí no es perder un buen amigo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Weddings are a time to repeat vows...",,"El aniversario es para renovar promesas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A bouquet of kisses",,"Un ramo de besos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Will you?” he asked.  “I will,” she said.  And soon thereafter they were newly wed!",,"¿Quieres?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Man and wife, being two, are one in love.” — William Shakespeare (1600)",,"“El hombre y la mujer, si bien son dos, son uno cuando se aman.” — William Shakespeare (1600)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For your wedding, may you be blessed...",,"Para esta esperada boda te deseo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You've found love and you are wed.",,"Habéis encontrado el amor",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May you live happily ever after...",,"Te deseo felicidad para siempre...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A life shared...",,"Una vida compartida...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Satin, lace, a smiling face...",,"Satén, encaje y tu sonrisa...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For better, for richer, in health...",,"En la alegría, en la salud, en la riqueza...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on a great merger!",,"¡Felicidades por esta perfecta fusión!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When the vows have been said and the rice thrown...",,"Una vez dado el sí y tirado el arroz...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Each other! Happy Anniversary.",,"...¡el uno al otro! Feliz aniversario.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you give lessons?",,"¿Dais clases?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Because you're my dream come true.",,"...porque eres lo que soñaba.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Maybe a lifetime will do.",,"¿Qué te parece toda la vida?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our marriage improves with age.",,"...nuestra vida juntos mejora con los años.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"2 through 49 may vary slightly.",,"Del 2 al 49 puede que cambie la cosa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The pecking order changes every now and then but it still seems to work!",,"...y siguen juntos, juntos, juntos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"How did wonderful people like you have a kid like me? No, wait, spare me the details.",,"¿Cómo es posible que dos personas tan maravillosas tuvieran un hijo como yo? Bueno, bueno, no hacen falta muchos detalles.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A little starchy at the beginning but all sweet stuff at the end.",,"Un poco serio al principio... pero siempre es dulce al final.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I think we're getting the hang of it.",,"...me parece que casi nos sabemos el truquillo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thought I'd work ahead in case I forget again.",,"Me adelanto por si se me olvida.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Time flies when you love someone.",,"El tiempo vuela cuando estás enamorado. ¡Feliz aniversario!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"That you fit perfectly.",,"...que tenía justo tu forma.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We may be living a tap water life, but I couldn't be happier. ",,"Tal vez aún lo sean, pero el mejor es mi felicidad. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"How wonderful that you found each other.",,"¡Es maravilloso que nos hayamos conocido!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Darling, youre my treasure.  Happy Anniversary.",,"Amor, eres mi gran tesoro. ¡Feliz Aniversario!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I would (in a heartbeat).  Happy Anniversary, dear.",,"lo haría sin pensarlo. ¡Feliz aniversario, amor!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Anniversary.",,"¡Feliz Aniversario!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Anniversary.",,"¡Feliz aniversario!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I couldnt have made it without you.  Happy Anniversary.",,"No lo hubiera conseguido sin ti. ¡Feliz aniversario!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please make a note of it.",,"Que no se te olvide.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You put the happy in happy anniversary.",,"Todo el mérito es de los dos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So, when does the honeymoon end?",,"¿Cuándo acabará la luna de miel?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But the bride is still blushing, so you must be doing something right.",,"Pero la novia sigue preciosa. Algún secreto habrá...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Chocolate covered ones dipped in whipped cream.",,"¿Te acuerdas de aquel helado de chocolate y crema y galletas y...?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"XXOOXXXOOX (I love you)",,"XXOOXXXOOX (Te quiero).",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thanks for making fairy tales come true.",,"Gracias por convertir en realidad mi cuento de hadas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You two seem to have everything you need...",,"Tienen todo cuanto necesitan...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're a perfect example of a happy couple.",,"Sois todo un ejemplo de parejita feliz",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I wouldn't dream of changing you...",,"Sueño con que no cambies nunca...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I want to spend all my time with you.",,"Quiero estar mucho tiempo contigo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Like a fine wine...",,"Como los buenos vinos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'll love you on our 50th as much as I did on our 1st.",,"Cuando cumplamos 50 te querré tanto como cuando cumplimos 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You've stuck together like birds of a feather.",,"Dios los cría y ellos se juntan",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To Mom and Dad on your anniversary",,"A mamá y a papá en el día de su aniversario",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Every day of our marriage is like a banquet...",,"Cada día contigo es como un banquete...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Another year together...",,"Otro año juntos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Anniversary for all the years to come...",,"Felices próximos aniversarios...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It seems like our wedding was only yesterday.",,"Como recién casados...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"There was an empty space in my life...",,"Había en mi vida un vacío...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When we got married, we had champagne dreams.",,"Cuando nos casamos todo eran sueños",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Put away the compass, the lantern, the tattered maps.",,"¡Dale color a la vida!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Diamond brooches.  Gold bars.  Rubies.",,"Diamantes, oro, rubís...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If I had to do it all over again,",,"Si tuviera que volver a hacerlo,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“My dear, my better half.” — Philip Sidney (1580)",,"“Mi amor, mi mejor mitad. ” — Philip Sidney (1580)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"My two favorite palindromes:  Mom and Dad.",,"Para mis dos palíndromos: mamá y papá.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Its been a lovely journey.",,"Ha sido un viaje estupendo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Anniversaries come around once a year...",,"El aniversario es una vez al año",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on your anniversary.",,"Feliz aniversario",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You two have been married a long time.",,"Ya hace tiempo que se celebró la boda.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We don't know how you've stayed married so long...",,"No sabemos cómo habéis aguantado tanto casados...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With you, life is just a bowl of cherries...",,"La vida contigo es tan dulce...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We've been married so long, we have our own code.",,"Llevamos tanto juntos que tenemos un idioma propio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Darling, you're my Prince Charming.",,"Eres mi príncipe azul",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We always knew you could perform miracles.",,"Sabíamos que se pueden hacer milagros.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Free babysitting service (lullabies extra).",,"...servicio de canguro gratis (nanas aparte).",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And you'll be seeing every one of them for a while.",,"¡Te esperan unos cuantos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Trust in His guidance and you will be blessed forever.",,"Confiad en él y la bendición será eterna.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your baby boy.",,"Tu hijito.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A baby boy!  Congratulations.",,"¡Es un niño! ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Its a girl!  Congratulations!",,"¡Un niño! ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"What could be more amazing?  Congratulations!",,"¿Hay algo más apasionante? ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We couldn't be happier for you.",,"Nos alegramos muchísimo por los dos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And, yes, it is the cutest baby we've ever seen!",,"De verdad que es el bebé más bonito del mundo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cootchee, Cootchee, Coo!",,"cuchi cuchi, cu cu.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You'll have to cut down on those midnight runs for ice cream and pickles.",,"...se acabó lo de salir en plena noche a buscar fresas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And you'll have plenty of sleepless nights to count them.",,"Y un montón de noches en blanco para contarlas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It seems like only yesterday you were the one spitting oatmeal!",,"Si parece que fue ayer cuando aún gateabas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A little bit hers, a little bit his.",,"...de su madre tiene la boca, de su padre los ojos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Have started a brand new life together, and it's precious.",,"enhorabuena por lo más maravilloso.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on the new baby.",,"Felicidades por este nuevo bebé",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This card is redeemable for...",,"Esta tarjeta vale por...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A baby marks a new day's dawn.",,"Un bebé es como un amanecer",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The Lord has graced you with a child.",,"El Señor ha bendecido a esta familia con un hijo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on your newest joy —",,"La llegada de un bebé trae alegría. ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A bundle, a blessing —",,"¡Es un angelito!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A whirligig of wonders!  A girl!",,"¡Es una niña preciosa!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sugar and spice, with a cinnamon swirl —",,"¡Ha llegado de París!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A brand new person!",,"¡Es un lindo bebé!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A new baby equals a new world.",,"Un nuevo niño significa un nuevo mundo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cigars for all!  Even the stork!",,"¡Champán para todos, incluso para la cigüeña!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on your new baby.",,"Felicidades por este nuevo bebé",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're so happy about your new bundle of joy.",,"Estamos encantados con esta preciosa alegría",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please give a message to your new baby for me.",,"Éste es un mensaje para el bebé",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Now that the baby is born...",,"Ahora que ya llegado el bebé...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A baby brings many blessings...",,"Un bebé solo trae bendiciones...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I can't believe you're having a baby!",,"¡Es increíble que vayas a tener un niño!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"How beautiful a baby is...",,"Un niño es lo más maravilloso...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The two of you...",,"Una vida juntos recién empezada:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From your old friends.",,"...de estos viejos amigos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Can't wait to see my room.",,"¡Estoy impaciente por ver mi habitación!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You really hit the nail on the head. Congratulations!",,"...de verdad que diste en el clavo. ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Accompanied by blisters, allergies, sore knees, and an aching back.",,"...y de caídas y de alergias y de rodillas destrozadas y de dolor de espalda.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Brings best wishes from ours.",,"...esté lleno de felicidad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Because it's built on a foundation of love.",,"...porque tiene cimientos de amor.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope you don't have a screw loose!",,"¿No tendrás algún tornillo flojo?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Have no privacy. Good choice on your building materials.",,"...no tienen intimidad. ¡Busca buenos ladrillos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Until you've dealt with a leaky roof, faulty wiring, and unwelcome guests.",,"...hasta que arreglas la gotera del tejado, el problema de la luz y el de los invitados pesados.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May your happiness overflow, and your toilets not.",,"que la felicidad inunde este hogar y no las goteras del vecino.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You'd take over the whole house! Enjoy growing into it.",,"...te harías con toda la casa. ¡Que la disfrutes!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Let the mortgage payments begin!",,"...¡que empiece a correr la hipoteca!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on your new home...",,"Felicidades por esta nueva casa...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I love your new home!",,"Me encanta esta casa nueva",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When you said you'd build your own house...",,"Cuando dijiste que construirías tu propia casa...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A new home brings a garden of pleasures...",,"Una casa nueva es todo un jardín de alegrías...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A new home for your family...",,"Que el nuevo hogar...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your new home is good for a lifetime...",,"Este nuevo hogar durará toda la vida...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Buying a new home?",,"¿Una casa nueva?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"People who live in glass houses...",,"Quienes viven en casas de cristal...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A house is not a home...",,"Una casa no es un hogar...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To the new homeowners...",,"A los nuevos propietarios:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I always said if you got your foot in the door...",,"Siempre dije que si ponías un pie en la puerta...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Now that you're settled in...",,"Ahora que ya están en casa...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A new chapter begins.",,"Comienza un nuevo capítulo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And best wishes for an exciting future!",,"...y mis mejores deseos de un futuro prometedor.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Good work!",,"¡Bien hecho!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Of a lifetime of achievement.",,"...de muchos años de éxito.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You've made the family proud.",,"...eres el orgullo de tu familia.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And welcome to the real world.",,"...y bienvenido a la cruda realidad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Loan payments will be starting soon!",,"...¡que pronto llegará la hipoteca!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Some of your old school memories are getting really old.",,"Algunos de tus viejos recuerdos empezaban a ser viejos de verdad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But that doesn't mean you should wear it during commencement.",,"...¡pero disimula un poco!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's the beginning of post-adolescent neuroses!",,"...sino el principio de la madurez neurótica.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Minimum wage does go up every few years.",,"...el salario mínimo no aumenta todos los años.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You really made the grade!",,"¡Lo conseguiste!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Now you can sleep in till you get a job.",,"Ahora puedes descansar hasta que encuentres trabajo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mostly the summer vacations.",,"...y, sobre todo, las vacaciones de verano.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But, you'll have plenty of other chances to fail.",,"...pero tendrás muchas más oportunidades de fracasar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations, graduate.",,"¡Felicidades por tu graduación!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We couldnt be more proud.",,"No podemos estar más orgullosos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Life's adventure begins!",,"Ahora empieza la aventura de vivir.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You deserve all the pomp and circumstance!",,"Te mereces todo lo que te den.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"That will open countless doors.",,"...que te abrirá todas las puertas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Now you're ready to set the world on fire!",,"¡Ahora ya puedes quemar el mundo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You were one for the books. Congratulations, graduate!",,"...que lo conseguirías. ¡Felicidades por tu graduación!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To go stand out in your field.",,"...¡para comerte el mundo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You really nailed it! Congratulations.",,"...puedes estar orgulloso. ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The school book has closed.",,"¡El curso ha terminado!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations, graduate...",,"Felicidades, graduado...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're graduating!",,"¡Te has graduado!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May this be the start...",,"Tal vez sea este el principio...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on your graduation.",,"Felicidades por tu graduación...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're graduating, happy June!",,"Ya te gradúas, disfrútalo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's about time you graduated...",,"Ya era hora de que te graduaras...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Graduating is quite a feather in your cap...",,"Te gradúas. Sé que estás orgulloso, satisfecho, contentísimo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Graduation isn't the end of carefree adolescence.",,"La graduación no es el fin de la adolescencia feliz...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"As you graduate and seek your career, remember...",,"Ahora que se abre ante ti el mundo del trabajo, recuerda...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations to the graduate...",,"Felicidades al graduado...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The lectures are over, the classes are done.",,"Se acabaron los exámenes, adiós a las clases",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You'll really miss a lot about school...",,"Echarás de menos tus días de colegio...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Well, graduate, you survived school.",,"Conseguiste sobrevivir al colegio...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You always looked especially striking in black.",,"Siempre has estado muy atractiva con el negro.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A tip of the graduation cap to you!",,"¡Eres un genio! ¡Felicidades por tu título!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"School's out forever!",,"Ya has terminado la escuela",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on your graduation.",,"Felicidades por tu graduación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A diploma is just a piece of paper...",,"Un diploma no es más que un trozo de papel...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You burned a lot of midnight oil.",,"Te has quemado las pestañas estudiando",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We always knew...",,"Nunca dudamos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're leaving the hallowed halls...",,"Dejas el templo del saber...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"As you graduate, you sense with pride...",,"Hoy que te gradúas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Don't play too hard!",,"...¡no te excedas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You'll have time to get some work done!",,"...tendrás más tiempo para hacer el trabajo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Like, should I fish with worms or flies today?",,"¿Pesco hoy con mosca o con lombriz?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It isn't easy resting on your laurels, is it?",,"Te dije que no te durmieras en los laureles.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We'll be missing you.",,"te echaremos de menos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Did they lower the age for retirement again?",,"...¿han vuelto a bajar la edad de la jubilación?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just don't do it on the golf course.",,"¡Mira primero dónde pones los pies!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your work has been greatly appreciated.",,"Has hecho un gran trabajo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Have fun when you retire, but remember...",,"Diviértete cuando te jubiles, pero recuerda...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Now that you're retiring...",,"Ahora que te jubilas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When you retire, you have to make tough choices...",,"Cuando te jubiles llegarán las grandes decisiones...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ouch, ooooh, ow, ouch!",,"¡Ay, ay, ay!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Enjoy retirement, but don't forget us.",,"Disfruta del descanso pero no nos olvides,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We know you've earned it, but we wonder...",,"Sabemos que te la has ganado, pero...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're retiring, so kick up your heels and shout for joy!",,"¡Te jubilas! ¡Estarás dando saltos de alegría!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on your retirement.",,"Felicidades por tu jubilación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So, take off! And have a blast on your vacation.",,"¡Así que vete y diviértete en tus vacaciones!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So, live it up!",,"Así que... ¡disfrútalo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You come back tan, and your friends turn green with envy. ",,"...tú vuelves morenito y tus amigos se ponen verdes de envidia. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Iceberg dead ahead! SOS! Man the lifeboats! We're going down! There, isn't that a comfort?",,"...¡Iceberg a proa! ¡SOS! ¡A los botes salvavidas! ¡Nos hundimos! ¿Qué? ¿No te sientes más tranquilo?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You go on vacation! Have a great trip.",,"...¡te vas de vacaciones! ¡Que disfrutes!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If that doesn't make you nervous, nothing will.",,"Si esto no te hace quedarte... ¡nada lo conseguirá!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So, I recommend staying away from the buffet lines.",,"Ten cuidado con esas comilonas que ensanchan el cuerpo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Have a great time.",,"¡Que te diviertas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"All systems are go.",,"Todo marcha viento en popa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're going on the trip of a lifetime.",,"Vas a hacer el viaje de tu vida",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Vacations can be colorful...",,"Las vacaciones están llenas de color...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Here are a few nautical terms to help with your cruise:",,"Te envío unos términos náuticos para tu crucero:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So, when the going gets tough...",,"Así que, cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We'll handle everything while you're gone.",,"Nos ocuparemos de todo mientras no estés",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Travel can be a broadening experience.",,"Los viajes ensanchan la mente",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bon Voyage!",,"Bon Voyage!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's always in your direction.",,"...siempre apareces en ellos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Who needs therapy?",,"...¿para qué sirve un psiquiatra?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When they can finish your sen...",,"...cuando llegue a adivinar tus pala...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Count me in.",,"...¡cuéntame! No es cuento.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"About everything.",,"...de todo y de más.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Good thing you took care of the best friend decision.",,"Menos mal que tú te encargaste de elegir los amigos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Always know the right thing to say.",,"...siempre saben qué decir.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With you by my side.",,"...cuando estás a mi lado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Home please come.",,"...desde que te has ido.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please come back and recharge my batteries.",,"Ven pronto a llenar todos los rincones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Calls for hugging and kissing you.",,"...se me pasa abrazándote y besándote.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I spend the hours missing you.",,"...te echo de menos siempre.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But I'd be glad to give you an in-home demonstration.",,"...pero me gustaría demostrártelo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You tickle my funnybone.",,"...porque eres mi sonrisa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"That's the generous side of me. The selfish side wants you to COME HOME!",,"Esta es mi parte generosa. La egoísta quiere que vuelvas ya.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Need, crave, desire, and yearn for you maybe, but never miss.",,"Tal vez que necesito, deseo, ansío, anhelo verte.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Counting the minutes till you return.",,"...esperando tu regreso que ya presiento.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Out of the question! I miss you.",,"¡Qué mentira! Te echo de menos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"See me for more details.",,"Si deseas más información, dirígete a mí.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I feel closer to you every day.",,"...con más fuerza pienso que volverás.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The rest of my body is having a much stronger reaction.",,"El resto de mi cuerpo tiene una reacción más fuerte.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Who's the loneliest one of all?",,"...¿quién es la más triste?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And talk together, and walk together, and shop together, and plot together, and...",,"...y se juntan para hablar y se juntan para pasear y se juntan para comprar y se juntan para reír...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And it's killing me. I miss you.",,"Y eso me está matando. Vuelve pronto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Keeps the blues away.",,"...aleja de mí la melancolía.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're number one!",,"tú, tú, tú, tú...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I wonder how many other geniuses are thinking of you.",,"...¿cuántos otros genios estarán pensando en ti?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I think of you whenever I see a kid with ice cream melted on his face!",,"...que pienso en ti cuando veo un niño con churretes de helado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Don't give it another thought!",,"...¡pues deja de pensar!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"No wonder I like to sleep all the time!",,"Por eso solo quiero dormir.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please move over and let another thought in.",,"Aparta, que quiero pensar en otra cosa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"All's right with the world.",,"...el mundo se hace perfecto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I already signed up for free!",,"...porque decidí hacerlo gratis.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I think about you every day.",,"...que pienso y pienso en ti.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And thought how you would have loved it!",,"...y pensé cuánto te habría gustado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You'd find yourself in every line.",,"...te encontrarías en todos los renglones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Therefore I am happy.",,"...por eso soy feliz.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But I think of you relatively often!",,"...pero te recuerdo con relativa frecuencia.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I made a good choice in you.",,"Creo que he elegido bien contigo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You make a great billboard!",,"¡Y tú no dejas de advertirme!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And in my thoughts.",,"Y mis pensamientos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Also, a before- and during-thought.",,"Y durante el sueño...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come visit soon?",,"¿Vendrás pronto a verme?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We know too many secrets about each other.",,"Sabemos demasiados secretos el uno del otro.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Or a large pizza.  Glad to know you, my friend!",,"¡Es maravilloso tenerte como amigo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Im glad I chose you.",,"Me alegro de haberte elegido.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Youre a marvelous friend.",,"¡Eres un amigo maravilloso!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"They're completely different from the ones I started.",,"No tienen nada que ver con las que yo te hago.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're not listening half the time anyway.",,"La mitad del tiempo ni me escuchas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Have empty mailboxes.",,"...abran buzones vacíos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But you're always my style.",,"...pero tú siempre serás mi estilo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When I look on the bright side...",,"Cuando recuerdo los buenos tiempos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With friends like you...",,"Con amigos como tú...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You know you're getting too close to a friend...",,"Sabrás que tienes un amigo muy cercano...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When you count the friends you can rely on...",,"Cuando cuentes los amigos con los que puedes contar...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I really only need to talk to you...",,"solo necesito hablar contigo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Life is full of so many choices.",,"En la vida hay que tomar muchas decisiones",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Real friends...",,"Los amigos de verdad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Every road is shorter, every load lighter...",,"El camino es más corto y la luz más clara...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm a little mixed up since you've been gone...",,"Me siento tan perdido...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Since you left, I'm feeling drained.",,"Desde que te fuiste, me siento tan vacío",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The remedy for missing you...",,"Cuando te echo de menos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Morning, noon, and nighttime, too...",,"Por la mañana, a mediodía y por la noche...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I miss you more than words can say.",,"No tengo palabras para decirte cuánto te añoro...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I can't laugh without you.",,"Sin ti no puedo reír...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I hope you're enjoying your trip.",,"Espero que disfrutes de tu viaje",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I wouldn't say I miss you.",,"Yo no diría que quiero verte",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm passing the time while you're gone...",,"Cuando no estás paso el tiempo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Out of sight, out of mind...",,"Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This card comes with hugs and kisses.",,"Esta tarjeta contiene besos y abrazos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Even when you're far away...",,"Cuanto más lejos estás...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder.",,"Tu ausencia hace que mi corazón te añore",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mirror, mirror, on the wall...",,"Espejito, espejito, dime,...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Like birds of a feather, we flock together...",,"Dios los cría y ellos se juntan...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Since you've been gone, I'm just killing time.",,"No sé cómo matar el tiempo sin ti",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A thought of you a day...",,"Pensar en ti cada día...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On my list of things to think about...",,"Tengo un montón de cosas en qué pensar:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If great minds think alike...",,"Si las mentes más claras piensan lo mismo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our friendship goes back so far...",,"Nuestra amistad es ya tan antigua...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"One thought keeps running through my mind. ",,"Solo tengo un pensamiento en la cabeza. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you think I don't think about you all the time...",,"Si piensas que no pienso siempre en ti...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When I dream, I dream of you.",,"Cuando sueño, sueño contigo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I've got you on my mind.",,"Te llevo en mi mente",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When I think of you...",,"Cuando pienso en ti...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You couldn't pay me to be your best friend...",,"No tiene precio que yo sea tu mejor amigo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just dropping a line to say...",,"Solo unas líneas para decir...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The other day I made a complete fool of myself...",,"El otro día me porté como un tonto...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you could read my mind...",,"Si pudieras leer mi mente,...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I think of you...",,"Pienso en ti...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm no Einstein...",,"No es que sea Einstein...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Fate chooses our relatives, we choose our friends.” — Jacques Delille (1803)",,"“El destino elige a los parientes y nosotros elegimos a nuestros amigos.” — Jacques Delille (1803)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“We are advertisd by our loving friends.” — William Shakespeare (1595)",,"“Nos advierten los amigos que nos quieren.” — William Shakespeare (1595)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Youre incredible!  Incandescent!",,"¡Eres incandescente! ¡Increíble!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To me, youre an afterthought.",,"Pienso en ti al levantarme, al acostarme.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson (1870)",,"“La decoración de una casa son los amigos que la frecuentan.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson (1870)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We'll be friends for life.",,"Seremos amigos toda la vida",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“A man must eat a peck of salt with his friend, before he knows him.” — Miguel de Cervantes (1605)",,"“Amistades que son ciertas nadie las puede turbar.” — Miguel de Cervantes (1605)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in the worth and choice.” — Ben Jonson (1600)",,"“La verdadera felicidad no consiste en tener muchos amigos, sino en saber elegirlos.” — Ben Jonson (1600)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ive told you so many things.  Heres one more:",,"Te he dicho muchísimas cosas, pero te digo una más:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I can't believe the rumors I'm hearing about you.",,"No puedo creerme las críticas que te hacen",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I know I can safely tell you anything.",,"Sé que puedo contártelo todo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Friends don't let friends...",,"Los amigos no dejan que sus amigos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fads may come and fads may go...",,"Las modas vienen y van...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'd like to go out with you, what do you think?",,"...¿me quieres?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"People must like our public displays of affection.",,"¿Será que también ellos disfrutan al vernos juntos?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Either that or the air conditioning is out again.",,"¿O será que ha vuelto a estropearse el aire acondicionado?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're my world.",,"Eres todo un mundo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And you make my head spin!",,"Y tú haces que la cabeza me dé vueltas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But I think you should know I'm a little dinghy about you!",,"...pero tengo que decirte que te quiero mucho, mucho, mucho.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm crazy about you.",,"...yo solo estoy loco por ti.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I've got it bad for you.",,"Cada día te quiero más.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'd stay forever!",,"...¡me quedaría toda la vida!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Who brings out the devil in me!",,"...que me convierte en demonio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You and I are a never-ending source.",,"...tú y yo somos un recurso inagotable.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Eternally",,"...que no se extingue jamás.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ours is a safe bet!",,"...¡nuestra apuesta es perfecta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I love you.",,"Te quiero.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I wish I were kissing you.",,"en lugar de estar sin ti.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I love you.",,"Te quiero",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To say I miss you.",,"Solo quería decirte que te echo de menos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You mean the world to me.",,"Tú eres mi mundo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"How about a dangerous liaison?",,"¿Has oído hablar de las amistades peligrosas?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you were at the top.",,"...si me esperaras arriba.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Maybe we should zip our sleeping bags together.",,"¿Por qué no te acercas más y vemos qué pasa?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'd be lost without you.",,"...sin ti estoy perdido.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And I fancy your tickle.",,"...y yo quiero despertarte.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In case of emotional crisis, keep this card with you at all times. ",,"En caso de crisis emocional, mantener cerca esta tarjeta. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Roses are red, carnations are pink...",,"Rojas son las rosas, blancos los claveles...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When we're together, we turn heads.",,"La gente se vuelve a mirarnos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I think I love you.",,"Creo que te quiero",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Je t'aime. Ich liebe Dich. Te adoro.",,"Je t'aime. Ich liebe Dich. Te adoro",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Love makes the world go 'round.",,"El amor es el motor del mundo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I don't want to rock the boat.",,"No quiero asustarte...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In a nutshell...",,"En este mundo de locos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The good news is...",,"¡Hay buenas noticias!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you and I were stranded on a desert island,",,"Si tú y yo nos perdiéramos en una isla desierta...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are an angel...",,"Eres un ángel...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In the world's supply of love...",,"En el suministro mundial de amor...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Love is a flame that burns bright...",,"El amor es una llama...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If love is a gamble...",,"Si el amor es un juego...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You bring me happiness...",,"Me das toda la felicidad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Instead of missing you,",,"Preferiría estar contigo,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You put a spell on me, baby:",,"¡Me dejas casi sin palabras!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Give me a kiss, and to that kiss a score; then to that twenty, add a hundred more.” — Robert Herrick (1648)",,"“Dame un beso y tras él, una veintena; luego a esos veinte añade la centena.” — Robert Herrick (1648)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A little missive",,"Una pequeña misiva",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Le monde.  Die Welt.  El mundo.",,"Le monde.  Die Welt.  El mundo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You intrigue me.",,"No me das miedo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I would climb the highest mountain...",,"Por ti escalaría montañas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Whenever I get close, I get cold feet.",,"Cuando me acerco a ti siento un escalofrío",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're my navigator on the sea of love...",,"Eres mi brújula en el mar del amor...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You tickle my fancy...",,"Despiertas mi fantasía...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I LOVE YOU!",,"¡TE QUIERO!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our condolences to you and your family.",,"...nuestro más sentido pésame.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please call on us in your time of need.",,"Llámanos cuando nos necesites.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our thoughts are with you.",,"¡Todos estamos contigo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In this difficult time.",,"En estos difíciles momentos. ¡Mucho ánimo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please let us know if there's anything we can do.",,"Dinos qué podemos hacer por ti.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But friends can help the healing. Please know that you have friends who care.",,"Pero los amigos ayudan a superarlo. No olvides que te queremos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Take strength in your memories, and have faith in tomorrow.",,"Toma fuerzas de tus recuerdos y ten fe en el mañana.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please know that you are not alone.",,"No olvides que no estás solo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are in our thoughts.",,"Pensamos en ti.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With deepest sympathy ",,"Con todo nuestro afecto... ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“A friends hand is open.” — Diogenes (320 B.C.)",,"“La mano de un amigo siempre está abierta.” — Diógenes (320 a. C.)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“He has departed from our midst, full of years, indeed, and of glory.” — Pliny the Younger (A.D. 100)",,"“Partió de entre nosotros cargado de años y, sobre todo, de gloria.” — Plinio el Joven (100 d. C.)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sending you love and support",,"¡Tu amor es de otro mundo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our thoughts are with you in this difficult time.",,"Pensamos en ti en estos momentos difíciles",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Nothing is harder than losing someone you love.",,"Nada es más duro que perder a un ser querido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Though I can't feel your pain, I do share your sorrow.",,"Aunque no puedo sentir tu dolor, comparto tu tristeza",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We were so sorry to hear of your loss.",,"Sentimos muchísimo tu pérdida",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With heartfelt sympathy",,"Estás presente en nuestro corazón",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sincere condolences",,"Nuestras más sinceras condolencias",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In this most trying of times,",,"En estas ocasiones de prueba,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses.” — Walt Whitman (1855)",,"“Todo avanza, nada se derrumba.” — Walt Whitman (1855)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please excuse our error.",,"Por favor, perdónanos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Crude, Rude, Crabby, Grouchy, Snippy, Surly, and Touchy. Please forgive me.",,"...pero siempre hago de malo. ¡Perdóname!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Because I talked too much. Can we try again?",,"...porque yo nunca callo. ¿Lo intentamos de nuevo?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Some of us are real chumps. Sorry.",,"...hay quien puede empeorarla. Lo siento.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm a jerk.",,"...soy estúpido.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I know I inconvenienced you.",,"...porque sé que te hice daño.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Im sorry I gave you the blues.",,"Creo que lo entiendes. ¡Por favor, discúlpame!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But we promise to get it nailed down. Sorry for the delay.",,"...pero la próxima no se nos escapa. ¡Perdón por el retraso!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I deeply regret any pain I have caused.",,"Lamento haberte hecho daño.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We regret any inconvenience we may have caused.",,"Lamentamos las molestias que hayamos podido causar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I made a boo boo. Sorry!",,"...metí la pata. ¡Perdón!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And I keep working to prove it.",,"...yo soy la mejor prueba.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Nobody does it better.",,"...¡soy el mejor!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To put my foot in my mouth. ",,"...que podría meter tantísimo la pata. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We goofed...",,"Metimos la pata...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Forgive and forget...",,"Perdonar y olvidar...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sometimes I feel like the seven dwarfs...",,"A veces me siento como en un cuento de hadas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We haven't been talking...",,"No hemos podido hablar...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When the chips are down...",,"Aunque la suerte esté echada...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Okay, I admit it...",,"Está bien, lo reconozco...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please accept my apology.",,"Acepta mis disculpas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Aquamarine.  Indigo.  Lapis lazuli.  Lupine.  Wisteria.",,"Perdón, Sorry, Entschuldigung,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We slipped up...",,"Se nos olvidó...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please forgive my poor judgment.",,"Perdóname mi gran error",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please accept our apologies.",,"Acepte nuestras disculpas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Uh oh...",,"¡Ay! ¡Huy! ¡Oh!...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Nobody's perfect...",,"Nadie es perfecto...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When it comes to making mistakes...",,"Cuando se trata de meter la pata...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I had no idea it would be so easy...",,"Jamás se me ocurrió pensar...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Can I have the last word?",,"¿Puedo decir la última palabra?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"An engagement to be married.",,"...el enlace de nuestros hijos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For a wonderful couple.",,"...para dos personas estupendas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And will soon be husband and wife.",,"...pronto serán marido y mujer.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please join us in congratulating the happy couple.",,"Felicitemos juntos a la feliz pareja.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our daughter's engagement.",,"...el compromiso de nuestra hija.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're getting married!",,"...¡que nos casamos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're pleased to announce...",,"Nos complace anunciarle...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A wedding is being planned...",,"Se prepara una boda...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"They're engaged...",,"Se han prometido...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Announcing our son's engagement.",,"Anunciamos el compromiso de nuestro hijo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're happy to announce...",,"Nos complace anunciar...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just thought we'd let you know...",,"Seguramente te gustará saber...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have an appointment with us. We look forward to seeing you.",,"...tenemos una cita. Estamos deseando verte.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have an overdue balance at this time. If you need help with a payment plan, we would be glad to assist you.",,"... que tiene un pago vencido. Si necesita un plan de pago, estaremos encantados de ayudarle.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We realize it's easy to get busy and overlook a payment. We would appreciate your prompt attention to your past due amount.",,"Con tanto trabajo, es fácil olvidarse de un pago. Le agradeceremos su pronta atención.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We have a meeting scheduled. See you there!",,"Tenemos una reunión. Nos vemos allí.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Don't forget...",,"No lo olvides...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just a reminder...",,"Nos permitimos recordarle...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A reminder...",,"Permítanos recordárselo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Remember...",,"No te olvides",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"During Ramadan.",,"...durante el mes de Ramadán.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May you find strength and guidance in your prayers.",,"...que la oración te dé fuerza y te guíe.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We focus our faith during Ramadan.",,"...aumentamos nuestra fe durante el Ramadán.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Surrounded by family and friends. ",,"...rodeado de tu familia y amigos. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Warm thoughts to our friends...",,"Nuestros mejores deseos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"During Ramadan...",,"En Ramadán...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"As we study the Holy Qur'an...",,"Mientras aprendemos del santo Corán,...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May you celebrate Eid Al-Fitr...",,"Celebra esta fiesta de Id el Fitr...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing it were in yours.  See you soon?",,"¡Ojalá estuviera a tu lado!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thats the generous side of me.  The selfish side wants you to COME HOME!",,"Esta es mi parte generosa. La egoísta quiere que vuelvas ya.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I sit with my head in my hands,",,"Aquí sentado con la cabeza entre las manos,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I hope youre enjoying your trip.",,"Espero que lo estés pasando bien en tu viaje.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For one day, everyones Irish.  Happy St. Patricks Day!",,"Por un día, todo el mundo es irlandés. ¡Feliz día de San Patricio!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From Dublin to Denpasar, from County Cork to Cleveland —",,"Desde Dublín a Denpasar, desde County Cork a Cleveland.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing you joy on your special day.",,"Te deseo un día muy especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on your Bar Mitzvah!",,"¡Felicidades por tu Bar Mitzvah!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on your Bat Mitzvah!",,"Felicidades por tu Bar Mitzvah.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I send you Good Luck!",,"¡Te deseo la mejor de las suertes!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Youll do great!”",,"“Te saldrá bien.”",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just five minutes!  You can do it!",,"¡En cinco minutos! ¡Lo conseguirás!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"By chopper, by tanker, by monster truck —",,"En helicóptero, en buque, en Monster Truck —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The Fates have spoken:",,"El destino es impredecible:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson (1870)",,"“No es que los héroes sean más valientes que cualquier otra persona, sino que su valentía dura cinco minutos más.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson (1870)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please send all correspondence to our new address.",,"Rogamos envíen la correspondencia a nuestra nueva dirección.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And find ourselves at a new address.",,"... ¡tenemos casa nueva!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Looking forward to doing business with you at our new location.",,"Estamos deseando trabajar con usted en nuestra nueva dirección.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But we're providing the same great service.",,"...pero continuamos ofreciendo un excelente servicio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And file cabinets, computers, and copy machines!",,"¡Sin olvidar los archivos, los equipos ni las fotocopiadoras!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And staking a new claim. Mosey on over sometime. ",,"...en busca de nuevas oportunidades, ¡pero volveremos algún día! ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just didn't seem to have the space. We've grown so much and it's been great, but now we've had to relocate.",,"...ya no lo puede ser más. La familia ha crecido y nos tenemos que mudar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You may have noticed...we're not there anymore!",,"...¡habrás notado que ya no estamos allí!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's put us in a whole new place.",,"...que nos ha trasladado a otro lugar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope to see you there!",,"¡Esperamos verte pronto por allí!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Weve unpacked the boxes (more or less),",,"Medio hemos desempaquetado y...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We have a new address...",,"Tenemos una dirección nueva...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We've moved lock, stock, and barrel...",,"Hemos trasladado absolutamente todo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're saying so long to the old homestead...",,"Decimos hasta luego a nuestro viejo hogar...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"What started out to be our place...",,"Lo que había sido nuestro hogar...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you've dropped in to see us lately...",,"Si te has pasado por casa para vernos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We've had a very moving experience. ",,"Hemos tenido una experiencia tan movida... ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're Moving",,"Cambiamos de domicilio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"General Party",,"Fiesta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hanukkah Party",,"Fiesta de Janucá",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Birthday Party",,"Fiesta de cumpleaños",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wedding Shower",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Anniversary Party",,"Fiesta de aniversario",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Baby Shower",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Graduation Party",,"Fiesta de graduación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Dinner Party",,"Cena",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Theme Party",,"Fiesta temática",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Kid's Theme Party",,"Fiesta infantil",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bon Voyage Party",,"Fiesta de despedida",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Promotion Party",,"Fiesta por un ascenso",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Retirement Party",,"Fiesta de jubilación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fundraising",,"Fiesta para recaudar fondos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Housewarming Party",,"Fiesta de inauguración",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Holiday Party",,"Vacaciones",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"New Year's Party",,"Año Nuevo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Christmas Party",,"Navidades",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Easter Party",,"Fiesta de Pascua",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At the employee picnic!",,"¡Con una comida en el campo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The pleasure of your company.",,"...el placer de esta compañía tan maravillosa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And come to our party!",,"...y ven a nuestra fiesta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope you can show up!",,"No me digas que no vas a venir.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At the spur of the moment. Please come!",,"...pero sin ti no sería igual. ¡Ven!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Won't you come to our party, too?",,"Vendrás también. ¿Verdad?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And come to our wingding!",,"...y ven a nuestra fiesta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you don't come to our party, it will be no laughing matter! ",,"...si no vienes a nuestra fiesta, no será cosa de risa. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On the high jinks!",,"...de algo con un gran final.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wed love for you to come.",,"¡Nos encantaría que vinieras!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And youre invited!",,"¡Estás invitado!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And the whole staff!",,"...¡y con el resto de la plantilla!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"An invitation, to you from us!",,"Reunámonos a celebrar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Of a great year!",,"...¡un año fantástico!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Now, let's party!",,"¡Vamos a celebrarlo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So, come to our party!",,"¡Por eso, tienes que venir a nuestra fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You, our valued clients.",,"...nuestros mejores clientes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To meet our staff.",,"...a conocer a nuestra plantilla.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To a garden party of earthly delights!",,"...¡a una fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please be our guest.",,"Queremos que tú seas nuestro invitado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Celebrate summer...",,"Celebremos el verano...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our company requests...",,"Nuestra compañía necesita...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Loosen up!",,"Relájate...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're having a hoedown.",,"Nos reunimos para bailar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're doing a little horsing around...",,"Tenemos muchas ganas de divertirnos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're expecting Tom Foolery.",,"Vienen Fulano y Mengano",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Put down your gizmos and thingamabobs...",,"Olvídate, no pienses en nada...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"All kidding aside...",,"No, ya en serio...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Here's the lowdown...",,"Éste es el humilde principio...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Black ties and ball gowns, a real soirée —",,"¡Corbatas, trajes y feliz velada! —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Were having a revel!  A wingding!  A jamboree!",,"¡Fiesta, jaleo, jolgorio, alegría!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The boss invites you to dine with him...",,"El jefe te invita a cenar con él...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Stop the clock!  Hold the bus!",,"¡Para el reloj! ¡Vente conmigo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a celebration...",,"Estamos celebrando...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We've worked hard.",,"Hemos trabajado duro",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We'd like to thank you.",,"Queremos darte las gracias",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a party in honor of...",,"Una fiesta dedicada a...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're invited...",,"Estás invitado...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're delighted to invite you...",,"Es un placer invitarte...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a special occasion.",,"Es una ocasión especial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To a special event.",,"...a un acontecimiento especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a special concert!",,"Es un concierto muy especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At our grand opening.",,"...en la inauguración de nuestro negocio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If the subject wasn't fascinating!",,"...¡si el tema no fuese interesante!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Everyone will be talking about!",,"...que dará que hablar a todo el mundo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And putting out the welcome mat. Please come!",,"...y queremos celebrarlo. ¡Ven, por favor!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At our concert!",,"Pues ven a nuestro concierto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And be among the first!",,"¡Ahora ya lo sabes!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For a celebration!",,"...si quieres toda una celebración.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We've only just begun.",,"Acabamos de empezar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're invited",,"Estás invitado...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Strike up the band!",,"¡Que suene la música!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please join us",,"Únete a nosotros...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We wouldn't lecture you...",,"No daríamos esta conferencia...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Don't miss the event",,"¡No se pierda el acontecimiento...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're hanging out our shingle.",,"Acabamos de dar los últimos toques...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Face the music",,"¿No oyes música celestial?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Join us for a sneak preview...",,"Este estreno es un secreto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come to our grand opening!",,"¡No faltes a nuestra gran inauguración!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And have a good time!",,"¡Y pase un rato divertido!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In a common cause.",,"...por una causa común.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And show your support!",,"...por una causa justa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At our fund-raising auction!",,"¡Diviértete ayudando a quien te necesita!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And make a difference!",,"¡No has visto nada igual!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To an affair of the heart.",,"...a un asunto del corazón.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come to our party!",,"Ven a nuestra fiesta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do a good deed...",,"Haga una buena obra",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come to our show...",,"Colabora con nosotros...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Get in on the action...",,"Rompe la monotonía...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Have a ball...",,"Ven a divertirte...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Want to help others and have fun?",,"¿Quieres que otros se diviertan?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And the world is bright with wonder and light. ",,"Y el mundo resplandece de alegría y felicidad. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our house: the place where it dropped a bundle. Fortunately, our arms were waiting!",,"Nuestra casa: lugar donde una cigüeña dejó caer un paquete. Afortunadamente, ¡nuestros brazos lo estaban esperando!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Who never goes anywhere without a bundle of diapers, a bundle of baby bottles, and a bundle of love.",,"...que nunca va a ninguna parte sin un montón de pañales, un montón de biberones y un montón de amor.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And baby hands, baby tummy, and baby feet.",,"...y las manitas y la barriguita y los piececitos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We pray for a world of peace and bounty for all children, and we welcome the future with our new baby.",,"Esperamos que nuestro hijo encuentre un mundo de paz y generosidad, y damos la bienvenida al futuro con nuestro nuevo bebé.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The birth of our baby.",,"...el nacimiento de nuestro bebé.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our wonderful child to the world.",,"¡Te presentamos a nuestro bebé!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And now we have a beautiful baby.",,"Ya ha nacido nuestro lindo bebé.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A baby has arrived.",,"Ha nacido un bebé",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Stork: a large bird that carries babies in its beak.",,"Cigüeña: pájaro de gran tamaño que transporta bebés en su pico",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Announcing our new bundle of joy...",,"Te anunciamos una inmensa alegría...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Babyface, we've got the cutest little babyface. ",,"Carita de bebé. Tenemos la carita de bebé más linda del mundo... ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A baby is God's promise for the future.",,"Un bebé es una promesa de Dios para el futuro",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please join us in welcoming",,"¡Ven a nuestra fiesta de bienvenida!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Well, weve done it.",,"¡Lo logramos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We'll be living it up!",,"¡Lo pasaremos genial!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At our new location.",,"...en nuestra nueva dirección.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We look forward to seeing you.",,"Nos alegrará verle.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"During our open house.",,"...durante la inauguración de nuestra nueva oficina.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For our friends to destroy. Please come to the housewarming.",,"...para que la destrocen los amigos. Te esperamos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please visit during our open house.",,"Le invitamos a la inauguración de nuestra nueva oficina",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We'd like to see our old friends...",,"Nos gustaría ver a nuestros viejos amigos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're invited to an open house.",,"Le invitamos a la inauguración de nuestra nueva oficina",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Stop by to see us...",,"Ven a vernos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We've got our new house all ready...",,"Tenemos una casa nuevecita preparada...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To a holiday party!",,"...¡a una fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For some holiday cheer!",,"...¡para celebrar que estamos de vacaciones!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At a midwinter party!",,"...¡celebrando una fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please come...",,"Te invitamos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Join Us",,"Únete a nosotros...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Help us celebrate...",,"Superemos el frío invierno...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With your old friends.",,"...celebrando una fiesta con los viejos amigos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We'll try to keep you awake till midnight.",,"Intentaremos que no te duermas antes de las doce.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We don't laugh when you sing Auld Lang Syne.",,"...¡aquí no nos reiremos cuando empieces a cantar!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On New Year's Eve.",,"...para Nochevieja.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ring in the new...",,"Demos la bienvenida a los nuevos amigos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come to our house for New Year's Eve.",,"Ven a casa esta Nochevieja",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When choosing a New Year's Eve party, remember...",,"Cuando vayas a decidir dónde ir en Nochevieja, acuérdate:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please be our guest...",,"Nos gustaría que fueses nuestro invitado...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come prepared to make merry!",,"¡Vamos a divertirnos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To a Christmas party!",,"...una fiesta navideña!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But no fruitcake, we promise.",,"...menos eso que no te gusta, de verdad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a Christmas gala!",,"¡Es Navidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Oh, come all ye faithful...",,"¡Celebremos todos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a Christmas party with eggnog, cookies...",,"Una fiesta de Navidad completa...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hop on down the bunny trail to our house!",,"...y llegarás hasta nuestra casa!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So, lay off the chocolate eggs.",,"¿Quién pone los huevos de chocolate?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We'd love to have you.",,"Nos encantaría tenerte aquí.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're having an Easter party.",,"¡Sigue las huellas del conejito de Pascua...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're invited to Easter dinner.",,"Te invitamos a nuestra cena de Pascua",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope you'll join us for Easter.",,"Esperamos verte por Pascua",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please come for Hanukkah dinner.",,"...la cena de Janucá.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With latkes and dreidels and plenty menorah where those came from!",,"...con latkes y dreidels y la luz radiante de las velas de la menorá.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Let's share the celebration.",,"Celebremos juntos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're invited for a Hanukkah dinner...",,"Te invitamos a nuestra cena de Janucá...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please come.",,"Nos gustaría que vinieras.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Its a birthday party, for goodness sake!  We hope you can come.",,"¡No te pierdas nuestra fiesta de cumpleaños! ¡Te esperamos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Its a birthday party!  See you soon?",,"¡No te pierdas mi fiesta de cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Its a birthday party, and youre invited!",,"¡Estos es una fiesta y estás invitado!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Were having a birthday party!",,"¡Ven a nuestra fiesta de cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come frolic with us.",,"Ven a divertirte con nosotros.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Must be a birthday party!",,"¡Debe de ser una fiesta de cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To a birthday bash!",,"¡A una fiesta de cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The more people to help blow out candles, the better.",,"Necesitaremos mucha gente para apagar las velas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And we'll have a happy birthday party!",,"...para celebrar este cumpleaños.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With or without presents!",,"...con o sin regalos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And were throwing a surprise party.  Hope you can make it.",,"¡Fiesta sorpresa! ¡Apúntate!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're celebrating a birthday.",,"Vamos a celebrar un cumpleaños",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Screaming kids!  Chocolate cake!",,"¡Tenemos tarta de chocolate y velitas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cartoons and balloons in the afternoon!",,"¡Esta tarde globos y cohetes!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Well have girls and boys and lots of noise!",,"Chicos, chicas y... ¡mucho ruido!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Let them eat cake.” — Marie Antoinette (1770)",,"“Déjales comer tartas.” — María Antonieta (1770)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a birthday fete!",,"¡Fiesta de cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cake, ice cream, and funny hats...",,"Helados, pasteles y velas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come to a birthday party!",,"Ven a nuestra fiesta de cumpleaños",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bring your smiling face...",,"Tráenos tu sonrisa...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do this birthday party a favor...",,"Te pedimos un regalo de cumpleaños:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your presence is requested...",,"Se ruega tu asistencia...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Shhh.  Someones having a birthday.",,"Sileeeeeeeeencio... ¡Se celebra un cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For a wedding shower.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And we're excited! Join the festivities.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Everybody jump in!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A shower. You're invited!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Without enough stuff! Please come to a wedding shower.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come the shower gifts. ",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Before reality sets in.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To celebrate an engagement.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With 100% chance of sun breaks.  Wont you join us?",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please join us...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"They're engaged!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's time for a shower.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Before getting married, one should have...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Two are soon to be one...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Before the wedded bliss...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come toast the happy couple...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're invited...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The forecast:  A wedding shower",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To celebrate an anniversary!",,"...¡a celebrar nuestro aniversario!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With a night of devilry!",,"...¡con una noche infernal!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Now it's our turn!",,"¡Ahora nos toca a nosotros!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're getting together with a few friends.",,"...queremos a todos nuestros amigos juntos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And learn the secrets of their success!",,"...y aprende los secretos de su éxito.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At an anniversary party.",,"...a una fiesta de aniversario.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're celebrating a heavenly marriage...",,"Celebramos un matrimonio celestial...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"They've had fun for 25 years.",,"Llevan 25 años divirtiéndose",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To honor 10 years of togetherness...",,"Para celebrar diez años juntos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come toast the happy couple...",,"Ven a brindar por la feliz pareja...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your presence is requested...",,"Solicitamos su asistencia...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"First be the gift of loved ones near.",,"...y próspero Año Nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May your holidays glitter with the riches of the season.",,"Que tu Navidad brille con riquezas de verdad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Greetings of the season to you and yours.",,"Felicidades para ti y los tuyos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our best to you during the holidays.",,"Nuestros mejores deseos para estas fiestas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing you all the joys of the season.",,"Te deseamos lo mejor en estas fechas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Backstabbing, bad jokes, the flu...maybe we should skip the office party! ",,"Puñaladas traperas, chistes malos, la gripe. ¿Por qué no nos olvidamos de la fiesta? ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Seasons Greetings!”",,"“¡Felices fiestas!”",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In starlight.",,"A la luz de las estrellas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Seasons Greetings!",,"¡Felices fiestas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Seasons Greetings, Sugarplum.",,"Felices fiestas, corazón.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Filled with wonder and delight!",,"...llena de paz y felicidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And the season be merry.",,"Y que tengas felices fiestas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Its snowing!  Hooray!  Seasons Greetings!",,"¡No para de nevar! ¡Hurra! ¡Felices Fiestas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope your winter is filled with wonder!",,"¡Te deseamos una Navidad colmada de felicidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From ours to yours.",,"Es nuestro deseo para esta Navidad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the joys of the season touch your heart.",,"Que la felicidad brille en todos nuestros corazones esta Navidad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And in your home this holiday season.",,"...y en todos nuestros hogares durante estas fiestas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Here's hoping you get your jollies.",,"Esperamos que lo pases muy bien.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And a full cookie jar.",,"...y te llenen de emoción.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cookies, gifts, and holly",,"...¡lo mejor en esta Navidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Of all the gifts bestowed this year...",,"Feliz Navidad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Silver, gold, and emerald green",,"Oro, plata y verde esmeralda",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"One of my favorite gifts is hearing from you. ",,"Uno de mis regalos favoritos es tener noticias tuyas. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Season's greetings",,"Feliz Navidad",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy holidays! ",,"¡FELICES VACACIONES! ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tis the season to thank coworkers for things they share with us.",,"Éste es el mejor momento para agradecer a nuestros compañeros todo lo que han compartido con nosotros",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A snowman grabbed me with one of his stick arms and asked me to tell you something.",,"Un muñeco de nieve me cogió con sus brazos de palo y me pidió que te dijera algo:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So many sugar cookies, so little time.",,"¡Tantas galletitas de chocolate y tan poco tiempo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the season bring you sleigh rides",,"¡Que comas muchos turrones!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Announced by all the trumpets of the sky, arrives the snow.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson (1847)",,"“Anunciada por todas las trompetas del cielo, llega la nieve.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson (1847)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is just to say:",,"Solo quería decirte:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We wish you a holiday season...",,"¡Te deseamos una Navidad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Let the lakes freeze, the snowflakes fall,",,"Que los lagos se congelen, que los copos de nieve caigan,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Stop all the clocks!  Cancel the meetings!",,"¡Para los relojes y cancela tus citas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Greetings of the season",,"¡Felices fiestas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A hope for one world family.",,"Una nueva esperanza para la familia del mundo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From us to you",,"De nosotros a ti",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Peace on Earth",,"Paz en la Tierra...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"HAPPY HOLIDAYS! ",,"¡FELICES VACACIONES! ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the holidays bring you a happy heart...",,"Que estas fiestas te lleguen al corazón...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy, merry, jolly",,"Felicidad, alegría, prosperidad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And we're having a shower to help feather the nest.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Youre invited to a baby shower.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Its a shower, and youre invited.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come to a baby shower.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Be prepared to ooh and aah.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Here comes a baby shower.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This shower's for Mom and Daddy, too. Couples are welcome!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So, we're having a shower.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The miracle of birth.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come romp with us!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Well, its a baby shower.  Please join us.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The stork is on the way.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Blankets and rattles and teddy bears, oh my!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Yeah, baby!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come rain or come shine...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're invited to a baby shower.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"CUTE ALERT!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Pastel pink or baby blue...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"They're having a baby.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Join us as we celebrate...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a baby bash!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Its raining babies!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"As we honor the graduate.",,"Tenemos el honor de anunciar la graduación de nuestro hijo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Of hilarity! Come celebrate.",,"...¡en diversión! Ven a celebrarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Who needs sleep? Let the party begin!",,"...¿quién tiene sueño? ¡Que empiece la fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To appear at a graduation party!",,"...para que aparezcas en nuestra fiesta de graduación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You'll have to pass a pop quiz on revelry.",,"...tendrás que hacer un examen de locura.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Without fail!",,"El que no venga, ¡suspenso!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please join us...",,"Únete a nosotros...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The graduate needs a degree...",,"Este graduado necesita un título...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"After cramming the books all those nights...",,"Después de tantas noches estudiando...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're being summoned...",,"Te convocamos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To graduate from this party...",,"Para graduarte en esta fiesta...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We expect you at our graduation party...",,"Te esperamos en nuestra fiesta de graduación...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At a dinner party.",,"¡Damos una fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Food! (We'll have some)",,"¡Porque habrá comida!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For a fabulous fête.",,"¡A bailar!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We figured out how to entice you to dinner...",,"¿Sabes por qué no podrás resistirte a nuestra cena?...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please join us",,"Únete a nosotros",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A potluck, and you're invited!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bring whatever you like—its a potluck!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Were throwing a party—a big potluck!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Time to open the picnic basket!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Get in on the act!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To our picnic. Join the parade!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just the barbecue. ",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Eat one...At our barbecue!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With plenty of old-fashioned fun!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please join us.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Were having a BBQ—please come by!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"What's a soiree without panache?",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bring peas to shell, bring oysters to shuck.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hungry?  Thirsty?  Youre in luck!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's summertime.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're staging a potluck.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The ants are marching one by one...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We won't set the world on fire...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Don't have a cow.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a picnic...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're having a summer party.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Burgers and shish kebabs, root beer and pie —",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Jump on your broomstick and join us.",,"Toma tu escoba y únete a nosotros.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Any excuse for a party!",,"¡Cualquier excusa es buena para celebrar una fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Party, party, party!",,"¡Fiesta, fiesta, fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's your job to have fun!",,"Tu trabajo será divertirte.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At our house.",,"¡Estaremos en casa!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Can you come out and play?",,"¿Te apetece venir? Quizás juguemos a las prendas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To a bridge party.",,"...a una velada de cartas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please join us onboard.",,"¡Sube a bordo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And come to a sock-hop!",,"...¡y vente a bailar!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At our 50's party!",,"... en nuestra fiesta de los 50.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And it's far out, man!",,"¡No me digas que no te acuerdas ya!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You've got bats in your belfry!",,"...¡serás un monstruo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And relive the 70's.",,"¡Ven a la fiesta de los 70!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just don't fall off your platform shoes.",,"Y procura no caerte de los zapatos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And gobble, gobble, gobble!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Prepare to get stuffed!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And bring your appetite.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For people we love!",,"...para la gente a la que queremos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come for Valentine's Day.",,"Ven el Día de San Valentín.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With a free-for-all!",,"...con una fiesta inolvidable.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So, let's have a blast!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a St. Paddy's Day party!",,"¡Feliz Día del Trabajo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come spooky!",,"Se ruega venir horroroso.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To the end of the rainbow for a party!",,"Te esperamos en nuestra fiesta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On Super Bowl Sunday!",,"...¡habrá una fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come to a football party!",,"¡Ven a celebrar el fútbol!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Let's play!",,"...¡a jugar!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Watch the game with the home team.",,"Ven a ver el partido con el equipo de casa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The commercials alone are worth the effort.",,"Te dejaremos hablar en el intermedio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come taste the wine.",,"Vamos, prueba el vino.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're brewing up a Halloween party!",,"¡Estamos preparando una gran fiesta de Halloween!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's Mardi Gras!",,"¡Hoy es martes de Carnaval!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Work, work, work!",,"¡Trabajo, trabajo, trabajo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're having a work party.",,"Celebramos una fiesta de trabajo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Join the hoopla...",,"No te lo pierdas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's games night at our house...",,"Estaremos en casa jugando...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Don't miss the boat!",,"No pierdas el barco...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Get out the poodle skirt...",,"Saca tu falda de vuelo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Rock around the clock...",,"El rock no parará...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a 60's shindig...",,"Es la fiesta de los 60...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you miss our Halloween party...",,"Si te pierdes nuestra fiesta de Halloween...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Dust off your leisure suit...",,"Desempolva tus pantalones de campana...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come to a disco party!",,"Ven a nuestra fiesta disco",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come to our house for Thanksgiving.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're invited to Thanksgiving dinner.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please come for Thanksgiving...",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a Valentine's party...",,"Una fiesta de San Valentín...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Be a sweetheart.",,"Sé un amorcito...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're celebrating Independence Day...",,"Celebraremos el Día del Descubrimiento de América...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's the 4th of July.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Faith and begorrah!",,"El trabajo dignifica a las personas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a Halloween costume party!",,"Fiesta de disfraces de Halloween",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On St. Patrick's Day, follow this invitation...",,"Esta es tu invitación para el Día del Trabajo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a super party...",,"Este domingo de fútbol...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Don't miss the kick-off.",,"No te pierdas ni el saque",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Okay, sports fans...",,"A ver, esos amantes del deporte...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Batter up!",,"¡Hasta el final!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come to a Super Bowl party!",,"Nos reunimos para ver el partido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're invited.",,"Estás invitado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A Halloween party with lots of BOO!",,"¡Una fiesta de Halloween! ¡De miedo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To a slumber party!",,"...¡a una fiesta de ultratumba!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And swimming in the summer sun!",,"...bajo el sol del verano!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come to a sleepover!",,"Pues vente a dormir.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come to a costume party!",,"¡Ven a una gran fiesta de disfraces!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To have a ton of fun!",,"...¡para pasarlo genial!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And you're invited.",,"Y tú estás invitado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"All the ghosts are coming to...",,"Todos los fantasmas están invitados...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We'll be having lots of fun...",,"¡Cómo nos vamos a divertir...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are you still awake?",,"¿Todavía estás despierto?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Calling all kids...",,"Llamada a todos los niños...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a party!",,"¡Es una fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To a Bon Voyage party!",,"¡Ven a nuestra fiesta de despedida!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To our globe-trotting friends!",,"...a nuestros amigos trotamundos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Preceded by a great party!",,"...¡y primero una gran fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please join us.",,"¿Te apuntas?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To a going-away party!",,"...a una fiesta de despedida.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cruise on in...",,"Vamos a hacer un crucero...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's adios, au revoir, arrivederci...",,"Adiós, au revoir, arrivederci...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Psychics predict a long journey...",,"Los adivinos anuncian un largo viaje...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're saying Bon Voyage.",,"Estamos celebrado una fiesta de despedida",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"More good news: we're having a party!",,"Otra buena noticia: ¡celebro una fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And a party!",,"...¡y una fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With a big send-off.",,"...en una despedida especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To celebrate and congratulate.",,"Celebración y felicidad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Good news: there's been a promotion!",,"Buenas noticias: ¡me han ascendido!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A promotion means late hours, hard work...",,"Un ascenso significa horas extra, mucho trabajo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're saying good-bye...",,"Te decimos adiós...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please join us.",,"¡Te invitamos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our loss is golfing's gain. ",,"Lo que perdemos lo ganan otros. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Let's say good-bye before the gone fishin sign goes up.",,"Queremos decir adiós antes de que sea demasiado tarde.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But it's a great excuse for a party!",,"...¡pero es una gran excusa para celebrar una fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a retirement party.",,"¡Fiesta de jubilación!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come to the tee-off party!",,"Ven a nuestra fiesta de despedida",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"He's casting off!",,"¡Se va!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We hate to see her go...",,"Es una pena que se vaya...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To a christening ceremony.",,"...al bautizo de nuestro bebé.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To witness the christening of our child.",,"...con motivo del bautizo de nuestro hijo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are invited...",,"Te invitamos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope your holidays are happy!",,"...¡espero que pases unas felices fiestas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thinking of you this holiday season and always.",,"Te recordamos en estas fechas y durante todo el año.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And a casa full of Happy Christmas wishes.",,"Y una casa llena de felices deseos navideños.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From our office to yours.",,"De nuestra oficina a la suya.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Grow to fill the next 12 months.",,"...perdure los próximos 12 meses.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A Christmas wish that never ends.",,"Un deseo de Navidad para todo el año.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Long after the tree and wrappings are gone.",,"...no desaparezca al quitar el árbol.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Magic notes of Christmas cheer, make me wish that you were near.",,"...notas mágicas de Navidad que me hacen desear tenerte cerca.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Each one beautiful and unique.",,"Preciosa y única.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May love and laughter fill your life at Christmas and throughout the New Year.",,"Que el amor y la alegría reinen esta Navidad y a lo largo del Año Nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the true meaning of Christmas bless your heart and your home.",,"Que el verdadero significado de la Navidad bendiga nuestros corazones y nuestros hogares.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the sugarplum fairy dust your dreams with magic this year. ",,"Es posible que este año tu hada madrina convierta tus sueños en realidad. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And led the Wise Men to the light, can still be seen to tell the story, of the wonders of God's glory. ",,"Sigue brillando en el firmamento y habla de la gloria de Dios. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You'll always be the star on my tree.",,"Tú serás siempre la estrella de mi árbol.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May Santa stuff your stocking with love.",,"Que Santa Claus te regale toneladas de amor.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cold weather and warm feelings",,"Tiempo frío y sentimientos cálidos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmerry Christmas!",,"¡Feeeeeeelices Navidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope you get lots of nifty gifties.",,"Ojalá recibas muchos regalos y que todos sean buenos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The boss said we have to cut down on our Christmas greetings this year. So, Merry and Happy!",,"...el jefe ha decidido que debemos recortar nuestras felicitaciones de Navidad este año. Así que ¡Feliz y Próspero!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Crumbs fill the cookie jar of my heart. ",,"...es un corazón vacío en mí. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Personally, I prefer a Bermuda tan. Happy Holidays!",,"Yo prefiero broncearme en las Bermudas. ¡Felices vacaciones!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And we haven't even fixed the roof from last year yet!",,"¡Y todavía no hemos arreglado el agujero de la chimenea del año pasado!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Have a joyous Christmas and a festive New Year!",,"¡Te deseo unas felices fiestas y un próspero Año Nuevo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So, I hope you shopped with glee this Christmas.",,"Así que espero que hayas hecho unas buenas compras navideñas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"1. Joy to the world 2. Good will toward men 3. Pizza on Earth!",,"1. Paz en el mundo 2. Amor en los hombres 3. ¡Pizza en la Tierra!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With jingle bells and workshop elves and time to ho, ho, ho.",,"Solo tengo alegría, amor y unos duendes muy pequeños.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just thought I'd warn you, that troublemaker Tiny Tim has cooked your goose with Father Christmas.",,"Y me contó cosas que no sé si son verdad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Left your cash at the mall, now your checkbook is tight! (Ho, ho, ho) ",,"...que no me regalarás nada. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope you finish the goodies before your annual diet resolution kicks in.",,"Cómetelo todo antes del ataque de dieta de todos los años.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Take far too long. Crack open the fruitcake and let's eat!",,"...y un poco lento. ¿Dónde está ese pastel?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The only people I know who are jollier than Saint Nick.  Merry Christmas!",,"¡A la única persona que conozco que es más feliz que Papá Noel! ¡Feliz Navidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May all your Christmas dreams come true.",,"¡Que todos tus sueños navideños se hagan realidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Merry Christmas!",,"¡Felices Navidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope the season finds you in good cheer.",,"Espero que estas fiestas te colmen de alegría.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On this most joyous of Noels.",,"aunque tengas frío,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Why, its Christmas, sir!  Have a merry one.",,"siempre habrá alguien que te dará calor. ¡Feliz Navidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May all your Christmas wishes come true.",,"¡Que todos tus sueños navideños se hagan realidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A ring of reindeers on the roof!  Merry Christmas!",,"¡Los camellos están en el tejado! ¡Feliz Navidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But Mom gets my love.  Merry Christmas!",,"pero a mi madre le doy todo mi amor. ¡Feliz Navidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From your right-hand elf.",,"Del Rey mago.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May Santas sleigh bring you many delights.",,"¡Espero que te traigan muchas cosas Los Reyes de Oriente!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And a ride on a reindeer.  Merry Christmas, my daughter.",,"Un paseo en trineo para mi hijita. ¡Feliz Navidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Merry Christmas!",,"¡Feliz Navidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the mistletoe be with you!",,"¡Que la suerte te acompañe!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thinking of you this holiday season and always.",,"¡No solo pienso en ti en Navidades! ¡Sino SIEMPRE!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"MERRY CHRISTMAS and an EXPANSIVE NEW YEAR!",,"¡Te deseo una FELIZ NAVIDAD y un AÑO NUEVO lleno de AMISTAD!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And Happy New Year!",,"...y próspero Año Nuevo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing you a prosperous New Year!",,"...y un Año Nuevo lleno de nuevas oportunidades.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For a bountiful year.",,"...de un año maravilloso.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Yuletide Greetings",,"Porque es Navidad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Yuletide greetings and year-round good wishes.",,"Que esta Navidad sea el feliz preludio de un año fantástico",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Feliz Navidad y Buen Año Nuevo",,"Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Christmas cheer and a Happy New Year ",,"Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the joys of the 12 days of Christmas...",,"Que la felicidad de los 12 días de Navidad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Children, family, good friends",,"Hijos, familia, buenos amigos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the spirit of Christmas fill your home...",,"Que el espíritu de la Navidad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bells jingle, reindeer fly, snow falls from the sky.",,"El tintineo de los cascabeles, los renos, la nieve...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Christmases are like snowflakes...",,"Cada Navidad es como un copo de nieve...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Season's Greetings",,"Felices fiestas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Oh, Holy Night",,"Oh, Noche de Paz",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Nutcrackers, secret dreams, and faraway lands...",,"Amor, viajes, planes...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The Christmas star that shone so bright...",,"Aún puede verse la estrella que guió a los Magos aquella noche...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Eggnog, cookies, candy canes, love",,"Dulces, galletas, golosinas. Y amor",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Have a holly, jolly Christmas.",,"Navidad de alegría y felicidad",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Due to budget considerations,",,"Debido a restricciones de presupuesto...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Without you here this Christmas...",,"Una Navidad sin ti...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Many people dream of a white Christmas.",,"Son muchos los que sueñan con una blanca Navidad",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Here comes Santa Claus!",,"¡Aquí llega Santa Claus!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's better to give than to receive.",,"Es mejor dar que recibir",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"My wishes for Christmas:",,"Mis deseos para esta Navidad:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Santa, Santa, wish implanter, how does your garden grow?",,"Dime, Santa Claus, ¿cómo crecen en tu jardín los sueños?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I had a little visit last night from the Christmas Ghosts...",,"Anoche vi al espíritu de la Navidad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight...",,"Le oí decir cuando ya se alejaba...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Merry Christmas ",,"Feliz Navidad ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire...",,"La chimenea... Asar castañas... Tú y yo... Es maravilloso...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To my grandparents —",,"A mis abuelitos —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fresh snow at midnight, and a dance with Mr. Claus —",,"¡Nieve fresca durante la noche y un baile con Papá Noel! —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year",,"Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the towers sound with bells",,"Por Navidad, deja la razón a un lado,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Incense and myrrh —",,"Incienso y mirra —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"He cried “Ho Ho Ho”—and then, get this:  He gave me a pony, and a mistletoe kiss!",,"Bajaron por la chimenea, me dejaron regalitos y bebieron agua.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Santas coming!  Heres your proof:",,"¡Ya llegan los Reyes Magos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Santa gets cookies and milk,",,"A Santa le doy galletitas y leche,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Merry Christmas, Dad!",,"¡Felices Navidades, papi!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For my son, at Christmas —",,"A mi hijo, en Navidad —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing you Yuletide cheer,",,"¡Dulce Navidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Silent night!  Holy night!  All is calm, all is bright.” — Joseph Mohr (1818)",,"“¡Noche de paz! ¡Noche de amor! Todo duerme en derredor...” — Joseph Mohr (1818)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Let the bells ring, and the carolers sing.",,"Amor, Paz y Felicidad",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!” — Clement Clarke Moore (1823)",,"“¡Feliz Navidad a todos y que paséis una buena noche!” — Clement Clarke Moore (1823)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Joy to the world, the solar system, and the universe.",,"Alegría para el mundo, el sistema solar y el universo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Merry Christmas",,"Feliz Navidad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Christmas Greetings",,"Te deseamos una Feliz Navidad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sending you Christmas wishes...",,"Que esta Navidad abra a todos las puertas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The confirmation of our beloved child.",,"...la confirmación de nuestro hijo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To witness the occasion of our child's First Communion.",,"...con motivo de la Primera Comunión de nuestro hijo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To worship with us at the First Communion of our child.",,"...y reza con nosotros en la Primera Comunión de nuestro hijo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At a confirmation ceremony.",,"...a una ceremonia de confirmación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please join us as we celebrate...",,"Te invitamos a celebrar con nosotros...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please come...",,"Acompáñanos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your attendance is requested...",,"Solicitamos su asistencia...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing you joy in this season of renewal.",,"...el espíritu de la renovación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing you and your family the glories that are the true meaning of Easter.",,"...y deseamos a todos la verdadera alegría de la Pascua.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It must be Easter!",,"¡Ya debe de ser Pascua!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's Easter!",,"¡Ya es Pascua!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Easter. Easter who? Easter a doctor in the house?",,"¡Ha llegado la Semana Santa! ¡Menuda Pascua!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's your turn to play the Easter Bunny this year! Happy Hopping!",,"El que no estrena, se queda sin manos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope you find the golden egg.",,"Que descanses y seas feliz.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To a sweet little bunny!",,"...para lo más bonito de la Pascua.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Which came first, the marshmallow chicken or the chocolate egg?",,"¿qué fue antes, el huevo de chocolate o la gallina de chocolate?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the bunny bring you a basket full of goodies!",,"...¡feliz sorpresa de chocolate!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To someone who's always leading the parade!",,"...para quien es siempre la mejor sorpresa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"An egg is a candy, now isn't that funny? Happy Easter",,"...con forma de huevo de Pascua. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For my Easter treat, I choose being with you. Please be my Easter bunny!",,"...y solo quiero saber que tú me esperas. ¡Tengo ganas de verte!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And puts them in a basket of love for you.",,"...y yo te ofrezco cosas aun mejores.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May your life be blessed with the Lord's bounty this Easter.",,"Que Dios te bendiga y te dé prosperidad y abundancia.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The only day you can eat whatever you find under the sofa. ENJOY!",,"Los únicos días en que puedes comer solo chocolate. ¡A DISFRUTAR!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. However, since it was Easter, the kids had a great time finding the pieces.",,"¿No sabes que ya es Pascua?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Of course, the bunny still recommends you diversify when it comes to your financial portfolio.",,"Pero guárdalo para los días de vacas flacas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Here's hoping you get the dye off your hands before Thanksgiving.",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Baby chicks, buds in bloom...and the chocolate bunny the kids left under the bed last year!",,"¡Que nadie te haga la Pascua!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Easter!",,"¡Felices Pascuas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Look, here comes a bouncing rabbit!  Happy Easter!",,"¡Mira el conejito que salta! ¡Felices Pascuas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May your garden bloom in profusion.",,"...te deseo todo lo que puedas esperar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our best to you at Easter.",,"Nuestros mejores deseos en Pascua.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing you a fulfilling season.",,"...te deseo unas fiestas inolvidables.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And a glorious spring.",,"...y mucho más la primavera.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Easter brings the joys of spring.",,"La Pascua trae la alegría de la primavera.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And may you hop with happiness. ",,"...y llena tu alma de felicidad. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Than the most perfect of Easter lilies.",,"...como las flores que ya se abren.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Easter",,"Descubre en esta Pascua...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We share God's celebration of spring. ",,"Compartimos la celebración divina de la primavera... ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Chocolate and custard and eggs, oh my!",,"¡Huevos de chocolate por todas partes!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Eggstra! Eggstra! Read all about it!",,"¡Aquí llega! ¡Ya ha venido! ¡Ya está aquí!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Knock, knock. Who's there?",,"Toc, toc. ¿Quién es?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Better get out the floppy ears and fuzzy tail.",,"Domingo de Ramos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Easter",,"Mis mejores deseos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On Easter, we ask the age-old question...",,"En Pascua nos hacemos la vieja pregunta:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Easter",,"En esta Pascua...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Easter",,"Felices Pascuas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A hat is a bonnet, a rabbit's a bunny.",,"Tengo una sorpresa para ti...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Roses are red, violets are blue...",,"Es Semana Santa, llega la primavera...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The bunny brings eggs of every hue.",,"Huevos de Pascua de todos los colores...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Rejoice in God's glorious creations. ",,"Ahora renace la gloria de la creación. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall...",,"Huevos de chocolate de colores por todas partes...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At Easter, you can put all your eggs in one basket. ",,"En Pascua hay que estrenar algo. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Easter!",,"NO@LOC",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Easter brings the best little surprises:",,"La Pascua está llena de sorpresas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In this season of joy and rejuvenation",,"En estos días de dicha y felicidad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope you have a wonderful Easter...",,"Que esta Pascua sea perfecta...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Flowers bloom and birds sing.",,"Las flores brotan y los pájaros cantan",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May your Easter basket brim with bliss.",,"Disfruta mucho esta Pascua...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hoping your day is more beautiful...",,"Te deseo días tan hermosos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Illuminate both your heart and your home. Happy Hanukkah.",,"...ilumine tu corazón y tu hogar. Feliz Janucá.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"What other holiday has eight days of presents?",,"¿En qué otra fiesta hay ocho días de regalos?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Of the few over the many, the pure over the impure...and the latkes over my diet!",,"...de unos pocos sobre muchos, de los puros sobre los impuros... ¡y de los latkes sobre la dieta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sending you a feast of Hanukkah wishes!",,"¡Mis mejores deseos para estas fiestas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope you have a joyous holiday!",,"¡Felices fiestas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"What's not to celebrate?",,"¿No se nos olvidará celebrar algo?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With the lighting of each candle. Happy Hanukkah.",,"...con cada vela que enciendas. ¡Feliz Janucá!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For a very happy Hanukkah.",,"...de felicidad en Janucá.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To you and your family at Hanukkah.",,"...para ti y tu familia en Janucá.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We'll be thinking of you at Hanukkah.",,"...pensaremos en ti en Janucá.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Something for everyone at Hanukkah!",,"En Janucá hay de todo para todos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Warm wishes to you at Hanukkah.",,"Mis mejores deseos en Janucá.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the Festival of Lights...",,"Que la fiesta de las Luminarias...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I love Hanukkah.",,"Me encanta Janucá",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At Hanukkah, we celebrate triumph...",,"En Janucá celebramos el triunfo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Blintzes!  Brisket!  Latkes!  Knishes!",,"¡Luces, guirnaldas, olor a pino y mucha paz!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hanukkah lasts eight days and nights.",,"Janucá dura ocho días y ocho noches",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May your happiness burn brighter...",,"Que tu felicidad brille más...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Special wishes...",,"Mis mejores deseos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Peace and love...",,"Paz y amor...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"As we light the menorah...",,"Al encender la menorá...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Miracles, latkes, and dreidels...",,"Milagros, latkes y dreidels...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Best Wishes",,"Con mis mejores deseos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Baby Announcement",,"Esperamos un bebé",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Birthday Wish",,"Cumpleaños feliz",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Belated Birthday",,"Felicidades atrasadas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Baby Girl",,"Niña",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Baby Boy",,"Niño",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Youre Invited",,"Estás invitado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Special Event",,"Evento especial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Fathers Day",,"Feliz Día del Padre",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For Dad",,"Para papá",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Missing You",,"Te echo de menos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Get Well Soon",,"Que te mejores pronto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Halloween",,"Feliz Halloween",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Seasons Greetings",,"Felices fiestas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come Join Us",,"Ven y únete a nosotros",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Celebrate The Holidays",,"¡Felices vacaciones!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A Potluck",,"Fiesta americana",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wedding Shower",,"Despedida de soltero",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Kwanzaa",,"¡Felices Fiestas!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Kwanzaa",,"Otras culturas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For Mom",,"Para mamá",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ramadan Blessings",,"¡Dios te bendiga!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ramadan Wishes",,"Feliz Ramadán",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Youre Special",,"Eres especial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Im Sorry",,"Lo siento",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Were Sorry",,"Lo sentimos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Anniversary",,"Feliz aniversario",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"New Baby",,"Mi recién nacido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Birthday Greetings",,"Felicidades por tu cumpleaños",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Retirement Wishes",,"Fiesta de jubilación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Easter",,"Felices Pascuas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"True Friendship",,"Amistad leal",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Grandparents Day",,"Feliz Día de los Abuelos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Baby Shower",,"Celebración por nacimiento",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Birthday Celebration",,"Fiesta de cumpleaños",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Mothers Day",,"Feliz Día de la Madre",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To Mom",,"A mamá",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Weve Moved",,"Cambio de domicilio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy St. Patricks Day",,"Feliz día de San Patricio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I Love You",,"Te quiero",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With Sympathy",,"Mi más sentido pésame",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our Condolences",,"Nuestras más sinceras condolencias",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With Much Appreciation",,"Con todo mi aprecio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Thanksgiving",,"¡Feliz Navidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Valentines Day",,"Feliz Día de los enamorados",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Deepest Sympathy",,"Mi más sincero pésame",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On Your Wedding Day",,"En el día de tu boda",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Clear Formatting",,"Borrar formato",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"All Styles",,"Todos los estilos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"More ... ",,"Más... ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&New Style ... ",,"&Nuevo estilo... ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Delete ... ",,"&Eliminar... ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Modify ... ",,"&Modificar... ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Update to match selection",,"&Actualizar para ajustar a selección",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"&Rename ... ",,"&Cambiar nombre... ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"General Information",,"Información general",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"General List",,"Lista general",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Employee Detail",,"Detalles de empleados",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Employee List",,"Lista de empleados",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Job List",,"Lista de trabajos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"News Article",,"Artículo periodístico",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Photo Detail",,"Detalle fotográfico",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Photo Gallery",,"Galería de fotografías",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product Detail",,"Detalles del producto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Service List",,"Lista de servicios",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Special Offer",,"Oferta especial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Related Links",,"Vínculos relacionados",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Describe your special offer, and tell readers to bring in the ad to qualify.",,"Describa la oferta especial e indique a los clientes que deben presentar el anuncio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"00% OFF",,"DESCUENTO DEL 00%",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Expiration Date:",,"Fecha de expiración:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mail to:",,"Enviar a:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place your address here.",,"Espacio para su dirección.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tel: 555 555 5555",,"Tel.: (555) 555 55 55",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Use this space to tell your readers about your business, product, service, or event. This text should tell the reader what your offer can do for them.",,"Utilice este espacio para describir el negocio, producto, servicio o evento. Este texto debe informarle al lector las ventajas de lo que ofrece.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe your location by landmark or area of town.",,"Indique puntos de referencia o zonas que ayuden a identificar su ubicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List your hours or the time and date of your event.",,"Espacio para la fecha y la hora del evento.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Advertisement Heading",,"Título del anuncio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List your featured items",,"Especifique los elementos que ofrece",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"list item here\rlist item here\rlist item here\rlist item here",,"espacio para los elementos\respacio para los elementos\respacio para los elementos\respacio para los elementos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Attention Grabber",,"Captador de atención",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tell readers to mail this back for a catalog, brochure, or price list.",,"Indique a los lectores que envíen este cupón por correo para recibir un catálogo, un folleto o una lista de precios.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Look Out!",,"¡Cuidado!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
" -- Flip the paper over so that the printed fold lines are facing down.\r -- First fold forward, crease and open back up along both diagonal lines. Also fold back on the horizontal line and reopen.\r  -- Then pull and tuck the folds together as shown in the first two drawings.\r  -- Now fold the corners of the each triangle up, almost to the center line.\r  -- Fold the nose of the plane back.\r  -- Fold up along the center line and then fold down each wing.\r   --Throw gently for distance...throw hard and up for overhead loops!",," -- Coloque el papel con las líneas impresas hacia abajo.\r -- Primero doble el papel hacia adelante por las líneas diagonales y vuelva a abrirlo. Doble hacia atrás por la línea horizontal y vuelva a abrirlo.\r  -- Levante e introduzca los pliegues hacia adentro como se muestra en los dos primeros dibujos.\r  -- Doble las esquinas de los triángulos hacia arriba, casi hasta la línea central.\r  -- Doble el morro del avión hacia atrás.\r  -- Doble hacia arriba por la línea central y las alas hacia abajo.\r   --Láncelo con suavidad para un vuelo prologando o láncelo con fuerza y hacia arriba para que el avión dé vueltas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"  -- Flip the paper over so that the printed fold lines are facing down.\r  -- First fold forward, crease and open back up along both diagonal lines. Also fold back on the horizontal line and reopen.\r  -- Then pull and tuck the folds together as shown in the first two drawings.\r  -- Now fold the corners of the each triangle up, almost to the center line.\r  -- Fold the nose of the plane back.\r  -- Fold up along the center line and then fold down each wing.\r   --Throw gently for distance...throw hard and up for overhead loops!",,"  -- Coloque el papel con las líneas impresas hacia abajo.\r  -- Primero doble el papel hacia adelante por las líneas diagonales y vuelva a abrirlo. Doble hacia atrás por la línea central y vuelva a abrirlo.\r  -- Levante e introduzca los pliegues como se muestra en los dos primeros dibujos.\r  -- Doble las esquinas de los triángulos hacia arriba, casi hasta la línea central.\r  -- Doble el morro del avión hacia atrás.\r  -- Doble hacia arriba por la línea central y las alas hacia abajo.\r   -- Láncelo con suavidad para un vuelo prolongado o láncelo con fuerza y hacia arriba para que el avión dé vueltas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"  -- Cut on the two middle horizontal lines, and fold in.\r  -- Fold the bottom flap up.\r  -- Cut the vertical line at the top and fold paper in opposite directions to create two flaps.\r  -- For best results, attach a paper clip to the bottom.\r  -- Drop and watch it spin!",,"  -- Recorte las dos líneas horizontales del medio y doble hacia adentro.\r  -- Doble la parte inferior hacia arriba.\r  -- Corte la línea vertical de la parte superior y doble el papel en direcciones opuestas para crear dos alas.\r  -- Para obtener un mejor resultado, coloque un clip en la parte inferior.\r  -- Déjelo caer y observe cómo da vueltas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"  -- Flip the paper over so that the printed fold lines are facing down.\r  -- Fold the corners up along the outside fold lines and crease down. Repeat for the next set of folds.\r  -- Fold the nose back, as shown.\r  -- Fold up along the center line so the lines and graphics are on the outside.\r  -- Finally fold down each wing and fold up the corner flaps.\r  -- Throw briskly and slightly angled up.",,"  -- Coloque el papel con las líneas impresas hacia abajo.\r  -- Doble las esquinas hacia arriba por las líneas exteriores. Repita este paso para los siguientes pliegues.\r  -- Doble el morro hacia atrás, como se muestra en el dibujo.\r  -- Doble hacia arriba por la línea central de manera que las líneas y los gráficos queden hacia afuera.\r  -- Finalmente, doble hacia abajo las alas y las puntas de las mismas hacia arriba.\r  -- Láncelo con fuerza y ligeramente desviado hacia arriba.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"THE PLANE",,"EL AVIÓN",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"  -- Flip the paper over so that the printed fold lines are facing down.\r  -- Turn the corners back to the outside fold lines and crease. Repeat for the next set of folds.\r  -- Fold up along the center line so text is inside and graphics are on the outside.\r  -- Finally fold down each wing.\r  -- Throw briskly and slightly angled up.",,"  -- Coloque el papel con las líneas impresas hacia abajo.\r  -- Doble las esquinas hacia arriba. Haga lo mismo con las demás líneas de pliegue.\r  -- Dóblelo hacia arriba por la línea central dejando el texto hacia dentro y los gráficos hacia afuera.\r  -- Por último, doble las alas hacia abajo.\r  -- Láncelo con fuerza y ligeramente desviado hacia arriba.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"THE FASTENING CLIP",,"CLIP DE SUJECIÓN",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"  -- Cut on the sides.\r  -- Fold to one side to hold the plane together.",,"  -- Corte los lados.\r  -- Doble hacia un lado para unir el avión.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"THE STICK-UP TAIL",,"COLA QUE SOBRESALE",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"  -- Bring the two angled fold lines together.\r  -- Crease along the top.",,"  -- Una las dos líneas de pliegue que hacen ángulo.\r  -- Doble por la parte superior.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"  -- Cut on sides.\r  -- Fold up to make the plane rise...fold down to make the plane drop.\r\rNote: When printing on printers that require a large bottom margin, the adjustable flaps may not print.",,"  -- Corte los lados.\r  -- Dóblelos hacia arriba para que el avión ascienda o hacia abajo para que caiga.\r\rNota: en impresoras que requieran un margen inferior amplio, puede que no se impriman los alerones ajustables.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This certificate is awarded to",,"Esta mención se concede a",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Name of Recipient",,"Nombre de la persona premiada",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"in recognition of valuable contributions",,"como reconocimiento por su inestimable contribución a",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Certificate of Appreciation",,"Premio a la perseverancia",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Certificate of appreciation",,"Premio a la perseverancia",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bon Voyage",,"Despedida",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Welcome New Addition",,"Bienvenido a casa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Welcome Back",,"Bienvenido de nuevo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Clearance Sale",,"Liquidación total",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on Your Promotion",,"Felicidades por el ascenso",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on Your Graduation",,"Felicidades por tu graduación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on Your New Baby",,"Felicidades por el bebé",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Go Team!",,"¡Ánimo, valientes!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your text here",,"Espacio para el texto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"20XX Champions!",,"¡Campeones de 20XX!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To the Best",,"Al mejor",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"is the Greatest!",,"Eres el mejor!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Apartment for Rent",,"Apartamento para alquilar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Open House",,"Inauguración",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"School Dance",,"Fiesta escolar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy 4th of July",,"Fiestas patronales",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Register Here",,"Regístrese aquí",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Order Here",,"Pedidos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Will you marry me?",,"¿Quieres casarte conmigo?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Yard Sale",,"Mercado de artículos usados",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bake Sale",,"Venta benéfica de dulces",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Street Fair",,"Feria",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Enter to Win",,"Participe y gane",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Call for Reservations",,"Llame para realizar su reserva",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Safety Equipment Required",,"Equipo de seguridad obligatorio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Under New Management",,"Nuevo equipo directivo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Grand Opening",,"Gran apertura",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Information Here",,"Información",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Get Well Soon!",,"¡Que te mejores!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Retirement",,"Fiesta de jubilación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The most important information is included here on the inside panels. Use these panels to introduce your organization and describe specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the product or service.\rYou can use secondary headings to organize your text to make it more scannable for the reader.",,"La información más importante se incluye aquí, en los paneles interiores. Utilice estos paneles para presentar su organización y describir los productos y servicios específicos. Este texto debe ser breve y despertar la curiosidad del lector por saber más acerca del producto o servicio.\rPuede utilizar títulos secundarios para organizar el texto y facilitar su lectura.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Secondary Heading",,"Título secundario",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Main Inside Heading",,"Título interior principal",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Price List",,"Lista de precios",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a good place to briefly describe your products or services. This description should effectively summarize what your organization offers. It typically does not include sales copy.",,"Escriba aquí una breve descripción de los productos o servicios. La descripción debe resumir con claridad lo que ofrece su organización. No suele incluir copia de venta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Use this space to provide more detailed information about your products or services. You can also include a graphic of a product or service.",,"Utilice este espacio para proporcionar información más detallada acerca de los productos o servicios. Puede incluir un gráfico de un producto o servicio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List your product or service here",,"Nombre del producto o servicio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Include description if necessary.",,"Incluya una descripción si es preciso.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product/Service Information",,"Información del producto o servicio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a good place to briefly, but effectively, summarize your products or services. Sales copy is typically not included here.",,"Escriba aquí una descripción breve pero eficaz de los productos o servicios que ofrece. No se suele incluir la copia de venta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Back Panel Heading",,"Título del panel posterior",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Caption describing picture or graphic.",,"Pie de imagen o gráfico.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Description of sponsor or speaker goes here.",,"Espacio para una breve descripción del organizador u orador.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Additional information about the event goes here. You may want to list the benefits of attending. Or you may want to list activities or sessions, or include a calendar of events. This is also a good place to add a picture of the event site or a person participating in the event.\rYou can use secondary headings to organize your text and to make it more scannable for the reader.",,"Espacio para incluir información adicional del evento. Quizá desee especificar las ventajas de asistir, las actividades o sesiones que se van a celebrar, así como incluir un calendario de actos. También puede agregar una imagen del lugar donde se celebrará el evento o de una persona participando en el mismo.\rPuede utilizar títulos secundarios para organizar el texto y facilitar su lectura.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mailing Address Line 1\rMailing Address Line 2\rMailing Address Line 3\rMailing Address Line 4\rMailing Address Line 5",,"Línea 1 de dirección\rLínea 2 de dirección\rLínea 3 de dirección\rLínea 4 de dirección\rLínea 5 de dirección",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Contact person: 555 555 5555",,"Persona de contacto: (555) 555 55 55",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Contact person:",,"Persona de contacto:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You can use this panel to list the accomplishments of your fund-raising efforts, such as specific examples of individuals or organizations that were helped, events that were sponsored, changes to the community or to policies that were realized, or dollar amounts raised by various endeavors.",,"Utilice este panel para enumerar las obras que se han realizado gracias a la recaudación de fondos, como algunas personas u organizaciones a las que se ha prestado ayuda, eventos que se han patrocinado, cambios en la comunidad o cantidades de dinero recaudadas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fund-raiser Title",,"Título de la campaña",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The most important information about the fund-raising event goes here on the inside panels. Be sure that you convey the importance of your cause and highlight the benefits of being a supporter or participant. This is a good place to include a picture that shows someone participating in the event or the cause you are supporting.\rYou can use secondary headings to organize your text and to make it more scannable for the reader.",,"La información más importante acerca de la recaudación de fondos se incluye aquí, en los paneles interiores. Destaque la importancia de la causa y las ventajas de apoyarla o participar en ella. Este es un buen lugar para incluir una foto de alguien participando en el evento o en la causa que está apoyando.\rPuede utilizar títulos secundarios para organizar el texto y facilitar su lectura.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Secondary heading",,"Título secundario",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Quis nostrud exerci taion ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex en commodo consequat.",,"Quis nostrud exerci taion ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex en commodo consequat.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"PRICE LIST",,"Lista de precios",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a good place to briefly, but effectively, summarize your products or services. Sales copy is typically not included here",,"Escriba aquí una descripción breve pero eficaz de los productos o servicios que ofrece. No se suele incluir la copia de venta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The most important information is included here on the inside panels. Use these panels to introduce your organization and describe specific products or services. Ts text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the product or service.\rYou can use secondary headings to organize your text to make it more scannable for the reader.",,"La información más importante se incluye aquí, en los paneles interiores. Utilice estos paneles para presentar su organización y describir los productos y servicios específicos. Este texto debe ser breve y despertar la curiosidad del lector por saber más sobre el producto o servicio.\rPuede utilizar títulos secundarios para organizar el texto y facilitar su lectura.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Use this space to provide more detailed information about your products or services. You can also include a graphic of a product or service.\rLorem psum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.",,"Utilice este espacio para proporcionar información más detallada sobre los productos o servicios. También puede incluir un gráfico de un producto o servicio.\rLorem psum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is where you provide a description of your special event. In addition to noting the dates, times, location, fees, and speakers or sponsors for your event, you can indicate whether registration is required.",,"Espacio para una breve descripción del evento. Además de incluir las fechas, horas, precios y oradores u organizadores, puede especificar si es necesario inscribirse.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date: 00/00/00",,"Fecha: 00/00/00",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"SECONDARY HEADING",,"TÍTULO SECUNDARIO",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Consectetuer adip hendrerit in vulputate velit esse.",,"Lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Consectetuer adip hendrerit in vulputate velit esse.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Additional information about the event goes here. You may want to list the benefits of attending. Or you may want to list the key activities or sessions, or include a calendar of events. This is also a good place to add a picture of the event site or a person participating in the event.\rYou can use secondary headings to organize your text and to make it more scannable for the reader.",,"Espacio para incluir información adicional del evento. Quizá desee especificar las ventajas de asistir, las actividades o sesiones que se van a celebrar, así como incluir un calendario de actos. También puede agregar una imagen del lugar donde se celebrará el evento o de una persona participando en el mismo.\rPuede utilizar títulos secundarios para organizar el texto y facilitar su lectura.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is where you provide a description of your special event. In addition to listing the dates, times, location, fees, and speakers or sponsors for your event, you can indicate whether registration is required.",,"Espacio para una breve descripción del evento. Además de incluir las fechas, horas, precios y oradores u organizadores, puede especificar si es necesario inscribirse.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Seminar or \rEvent Title",,"Título del seminario\ro evento",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is where you provide a description of your special event. In addition to noting the dates, times, location, fees, and speakers or sponsors for your event, you can indicate whether or not registration is required.",,"Espacio para una breve descripción del evento. Además de incluir las fechas, horas, precios y oradores u organizadores, puede especificar si es necesario inscribirse.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Caption describing picture or graphic",,"Pie de imagen o gráfico.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Additional information about the event goes here. You may want to list the benefits of attending. Or you may want to list the key activities or sessions, or include a calendar of events. This is also a good place to add a picture of the event site or a person participating in the event. \rYou can use secondary headings to organize your text and to make it more scannable for the reader.",,"Espacio para incluir información adicional del evento. Quizá desee especificar las ventajas de asistir, las actividades o sesiones que se van a celebrar, así como incluir un calendario de actos. También puede agregar una imagen del lugar donde se celebrará el evento o de una persona participando en el mismo.\rPuede utilizar títulos secundarios para organizar el texto y facilitar su lectura.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Time: 00:00",,"Hora: 00:00",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonu mmy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.",,"consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonu mmy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The most important information about the fund-raising event goes here on the inside panels. Be sure that you convey the importance of your cause and highlight the benefits of being a supporter or participant. This is a good place to include a picture that shows someone participating in the event or the cause you are supporting. \rYou can use secondary headings to organize your text and to make it more scannable for the reader.",,"La información más importante acerca de la recaudación de fondos se incluye aquí, en los paneles interiores. Destaque la importancia de la causa y las ventajas de apoyarla o participar en ella. Este es un buen lugar para incluir una foto de alguien participando en el evento o en la causa que está apoyando.\rPuede utilizar títulos secundarios para organizar el texto y facilitar su lectura.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a good place to briefly, but effectively, summarize the products or services that you offer. Sales copy is typically not included here.",,"Escriba aquí una descripción breve pero eficaz de los productos o servicios que ofrece. No se suele incluir la copia de venta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The most important information is included here on the inside panels. Use these panels to introduce your organization and to describe specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about a product or service.\rYou can use secondary headings to organize your text and to make it more scannable for the reader.",,"La información más importante se incluye aquí, en los paneles interiores. Utilice estos paneles para presentar su organización y describir los productos y servicios específicos. Este texto debe ser breve y despertar la curiosidad del lector por saber más acerca del producto o servicio.\rPuede utilizar títulos secundarios para organizar el texto y facilitar su lectura.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The most important information is included here on the inside panels. Use these panels to introduce your organization and describe specific products or services. This text should be as brief as possible and should entice the reader to want to know more about the product or service.\rYou can use secondary headings to organize your text and to make it more scannable for the reader.",,"La información más importante se incluye aquí, en los paneles interiores. Utilice estos paneles para presentar su organización y describir los productos y servicios específicos. Este texto debe ser breve y despertar la curiosidad del lector por saber más acerca del producto o servicio.\rPuede utilizar títulos secundarios para organizar el texto y facilitar su lectura.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Secondary  Heading",,"Título secundario",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"BACK PANEL HEADING",,"Título del panel posterior",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Caption describing  picture or graphic.",,"Pie de imagen o gráfico.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a good place to briefly describe your products or services. This description should effectively summarize what your organization offers. The description typically does not include sales copy.",,"Escriba aquí una breve descripción de los productos o servicios. La descripción debe resumir con claridad lo que ofrece su organización. No suele incluir copia de venta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Seminar or Event Subtitle",,"Subtítulo del seminario o evento",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Seminar or Event Title",,"TÍTULO DEL SEMINARIO O EVENTO",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.",,"Fecha — Describa aquí detalladamente un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y la ubicación o proporcionar un número de teléfono especial donde los lectores pueden ponerse en contacto con una persona para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa aquí detalladamente un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y la ubicación o proporcionar un número de teléfono especial donde los lectores pueden ponerse en contacto con una persona para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa aquí detalladamente un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y la ubicación o proporcionar un número de teléfono especial donde los lectores pueden ponerse en contacto con una persona para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa aquí detalladamente un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y la ubicación o proporcionar un número de teléfono especial donde los lectores pueden ponerse en contacto con una persona para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa aquí detalladamente un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y la ubicación o proporcionar un número de teléfono especial donde los lectores pueden ponerse en contacto con una persona para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa aquí detalladamente un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y la ubicación o proporcionar un número de teléfono especial donde los lectores pueden ponerse en contacto con una persona para obtener más información.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Schedule of Events",,"Programa de eventos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.",,"Fecha — Describa un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.",,"Fecha — Describa un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.",,"Fecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more",,"Fecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener para obtener más",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.",,"información.\rFecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.",,"Fecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a special phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information",,"Fecha — Describa un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa un evento próximo. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.\rDate — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.",,"Fecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.\rFecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product or service category\t1\rProduct or service category\t2\rProduct or service category\t3\rProduct or service category\t4\rProduct or service category\t5\rProduct or service category\t6\rProduct or service category\t7\rProduct or service category\t8\rProduct or service category\t9\rProduct or service category\t10\rProduct or service category\t11\rProduct or service category\t12\rProduct or service category\t13\rProduct or service category\t14\rProduct or service category\t15",,"Categoría del producto o servicio\t1\rCategoría del producto o servicio\t2\rCategoría del producto o servicio\t3\rCategoría del producto o servicio\t4\rCategoría del producto o servicio\t5\rCategoría del producto o servicio\t6\rCategoría del producto o servicio\t7\rCategoría del producto o servicio\t8\rCategoría del producto o servicio\t9\rCategoría del producto o servicio\t10\rCategoría del producto o servicio\t11\rCategoría del producto o servicio\t12\rCategoría del producto o servicio\t13\rCategoría del producto o servicio\t14\rCategoría del producto o servicio\t15",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Price: $00.00\rOrder #: 000000\rType: Type",,"Precio: 00,00 €\rNº de pedido: 000000\rTipo: Tipo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Order Form Title",,"Título del formulario de pedido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Order total:",,"Subtotal:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Item #",,"Nº ref.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"American Express",,"American Express",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bill Me",,"Contra entrega",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Credit Card #",,"Nº de tarjeta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Method of Payment",,"Forma de pago",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Exp. date",,"Válida hasta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sidebar Heading",,"Título de la barra lateral",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Briefly highlight your product or service here\rBriefly highlight your product or service here\rBriefly highlight your product or service here",,"Describa aquí brevemente el producto o servicio\rDescriba aquí brevemente el producto o servicio\rDescriba aquí brevemente el producto o servicio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Catalog Title",,"Título del catálogo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Catalog Subtitle",,"Subtítulo del catálogo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To Order Call:",,"Para pedidos llame al:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Main Heading",,"Título principal",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date — Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.",,"Fecha — Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar el número de teléfono de una persona de contacto para obtener más información.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"FREE OFFER",,"OFERTA ESPECIAL",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Catalog  Title",,"Título del catálogo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The purpose of a catalog is to sell products or services to a targeted audience, or to advertise upcoming classes or events. Catalogs can be a great way to market your products or services, and also build your organizations identity.",,"El propósito de un catálogo es vender productos o servicios a un público determinado, así como anunciar novedades o próximos eventos. Los catálogos son una manera excelente de lanzar al mercado sus productos o servicios y de afianzar la imagen de su organización.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"First, determine the audience of the catalog. This could be anyone who might benefit from the products or services it contains. Next, establish how much time and money you can spend on your catalog. These factors will help determine the length of the catalog and how frequently you publish it. Its recommended that you publish your catalog at least quarterly so that its considered a consistent source of information. Your customers or employees will look forward to its arrival.\rAlso consider how you want to print your catalog. You can print it on a desktop printer, at a copy shop, or at a commercial printing service. In addition to your budget, the complexity of the publication—including whether you print it as a black and white or a color publication—will help determine the best method for printing your publication.\rBefore you print your catalog, consider how you will bind your pages. The number of pages, how the reader will use it, and whether you mail it will help you determine the type of binding. For example, if you have only a few pages and your catalog is meant to be held, you might consider folding the pages and stapling the spine. Larger catalogs that are meant to be folded flat work best with a plastic binding with punched holes, while larger publications meant to be held like a book are best served by gluing the pages, or “perfect binding.”",,""En primer lugar, determine el público al que va dirigido el catálogo. Puede ser cualquiera que obtenga beneficios de los productos o servicios que contiene. A continuación, calcule el tiempo y el dinero que puede invertir en el catálogo. Estos factores permitirán determinar la extensión del mismo y la frecuencia con la que lo publicará. Se recomienda que publique el catálogo al menos trimestralmente para que pueda considerarse una fuente constante de información.\rAdemás, tenga en cuenta cómo desea imprimir el catálogo. Puede imprimirlo en una impresora de escritorio, en un centro de copiado o en una imprenta. Además del presupuesto, la complejidad de la publicación, incluyendo si se imprime en blanco y negro o en color, permitirá determinar el mejor método de imprimir la publicación.\rPara imprimir su catálogo, piense cómo desea unir las páginas. Piense en el número de páginas, en cómo lo utilizará el lector y si lo enviará por correo. Por ejemplo, si tiene pocas páginas y es para conservarlo, podría doblar las hojas y graparlas por el lomo. Los catálogos un poco más grandes que se deben abrir completamente, funcionan mejor con una espiral de plástico a través de agujeros en las hojas, mientras que para las publicaciones de mayor tamaño que se crean como si fuesen libros, es mejor utilizar hojas encoladas o una ""encuadernación perfecta""."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"First, determine the audience of the catalog. This could be anyone who might benefit from the products or services it contains. Next, establish how much time and money you can spend on your catalog. These factors will help determine the length of the catalog and how frequently you publish it. Its recommended that you publish your catalog at least quarterly so that its considered a consistent source of information. Your customers or employees will look forward to its arrival.",,"En primer lugar, determine el público al que va dirigido el catálogo. Puede ser cualquiera que obtenga beneficios de los productos o servicios que contiene. A continuación, calcule el tiempo y el dinero que puede invertir en el catálogo. Estos factores permitirán determinar la extensión del mismo y la frecuencia con la que lo publicará. Se recomienda que publique el catálogo al menos trimestralmente para que pueda considerarse una fuente constante de información.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Also consider how you want to print your catalog. You can print it on a desktop printer, at a copy shop, or at a commercial printing service. In addition to your budget, the complexity of the publication—including whether you print it as a black and white or a color publication—will help determine the best method for printing your publication.\rBefore you print your catalog, consider how you will bind your pages. The number of pages, how the reader will use it, and whether you mail it will help you determine the type of binding. For example, if you have only a few pages and your catalog is meant to be held, you might consider folding the pages and stapling the spine. Larger catalogs that are meant to be folded flat work best with a plastic binding with punched holes, while larger publications meant to be held like a book are best served by gluing the pages, or “perfect binding.”",,""Además, tenga en cuenta cómo desea imprimir el catálogo. Puede imprimirlo en una impresora de escritorio, en un centro de copiado o en una imprenta. Además del presupuesto, la complejidad de la publicación, incluido si se imprime en blanco y negro o en color, permitirá determinar el mejor método de imprimir la publicación.\rPara imprimir su catálogo, piense cómo desea unir las páginas. Piense en el número de páginas, en cómo lo utilizará el lector y si lo enviará por correo. Por ejemplo, si tiene pocas páginas y es para conservarlo, podría doblar las hojas y graparlas por el lomo. Los catálogos un poco más grandes que se deben abrir completamente, funcionan mejor con una espiral de plástico a través de agujeros en las hojas, mientras que para las publicaciones de mayor tamaño que se crean como si fuesen libros, es mejor utilizar hojas encoladas o una ""encuadernación perfecta""."",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Catalog Title",,"Página del catálogo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To Order Call: 1 800.000.0000",,"Para pedidos llame al 1 800.000.0000",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product or service category\t1\rProduct or service category\t2",,"Categoría del producto o servicio\t1\rCategoría del producto o servicio\t2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To Order Call:",,"Para pedidos llame al",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product or service category",,"Categoría del producto o servicio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date —",,"Fecha —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.",,"Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir la hora y el lugar o proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Order #:",,"Nº de pedido:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"— Describe an upcoming event in detail here. You may want to include the time and location or give a phone number where readers can reach a contact person for more information.",,"— Describa en detalle el evento que tendrá lugar. Puede incluir el lugar y la hora, así como proporcionar un número de teléfono para obtener más información.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe the product, service, or event here. Include a brief description",,"Espacio para describir el producto, servicio o evento. Incluya una breve descripción",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"and any features.",,"y sus características.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The purpose of a catalog is to sell products or services to a targeted audience, or to advertise upcoming classes or events. Catalogs can be a great way to market your products or services, and also build",,"El propósito de un catálogo es vender productos o servicios a un público determinado, así como anunciar novedades o próximos eventos. Los catálogos son una manera excelente de lanzar al mercado sus productos o servicios y de afianzar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"your organizations identity.",,"la imagen de su organización.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Table Of Contents",,"Tabla de contenido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Free Offer",,"Oferta especial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"00% Off",,"Descuento del 00%",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"2 for 1",,"2 por 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"in recognition of outstanding accomplishments and contributions.",,"como reconocimiento a su inestimable contribución.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Certificate of Achievement",,"Mención especial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Best of Show",,"Primer premio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"for suggesting a Great idea to",,"por sugerir una gran idea a",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Great Idea Award",,"Premio a una gran idea",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"selects",,"ha elegido a",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"as the Employee of the Month for",,"como el mejor empleado del mes para",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Month and Year",,"mes y año",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Employee of the Month",,"Empleado del mes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"in recognition of accomplishments far exceeding company expectations",,"como reconocimiento a sus logros, que han superado las expectativas de la organización",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"presents this award to",,"concede este premio a",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Excellence Award",,"Premio al trabajo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"commends",,"Se otorga este premio a",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"number of days",,"número de días",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"for observing safety procedures and for going",,"por respetar las medidas de seguridad y pasar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"days without an accident or injury.",,"días sin sufrir ningún accidente o lesión.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"in recognition of valuable contributions to",,"como reconocimiento por su inestimable contribución a",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Safety Award",,"Premio a la seguridad",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"presents",,"concede a",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"sports award",,"Premio al mejor deportista",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"in recognition of outstanding performance and contributions to the team.",,"por su rendimiento y contribución al equipo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Certificate of \rAppreciation",,"Premio a la \rperseverancia",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This certificate is presented to",,"Este premio se ha concedido a",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Name of Item or Service",,"Nombre del producto o servicio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a good place to mention special restrictions on the coupon, provide more details about the item or service, or list your business hours.",,"Aquí puede mencionar restricciones específicas del cupón, proporcionar más detalles acerca del producto o servicio, así como indicar las horas de atención al público.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This panel is a good place to provide additional information.",,"Este panel es un buen lugar para proporcionar información adicional.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If its a musical CD/DVD, you may want to list credits or give special thanks. You may also want to provide the date and location of the recording or copyright information.",,"Si se trata de un CD o DVD musical, puede nombrar a las personas que han colaborado o incluir agradecimientos. Quizá desee proporcionar la fecha y el lugar de la grabación o el copyright.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #6693",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery nº 6693",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"First Song (author)\rSecond Song (author)\rThird Song (author)\rFourth Song (author)\rFifth Song (author)\rSixth song (author)\rSeventh Song (author)\rEighth Song (author)\rNinth Song (author)\rTenth Song (author)\rEleventh Song (author)\rTwelfth song (author)",,"Primera canción (autor)\rSegunda canción (autor)\rTercera canción (autor)\rCuarta canción (autor)\rQuinta canción (autor)\rSexta canción (autor)\rSéptima canción (autor)\rOctava canción (autor)\rNovena canción (autor)\rDécima canción (autor)\rUndécima canción (autor)\rDuodécima canción (autor)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"CD/DVD Title",,"Título de CD o DVD",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #8931",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery nº 8931.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This panel is a good place to provide additional information.\rIf its a musical CD/DVD, you may want to list credits or give special thanks. You may also want to provide the date and location of the recording or copyright information.\rIf your CD/DVD contains software, you may want to provide installation instructions, system requirements, or product support information.",,"Este panel es un buen lugar para proporcionar información adicional.\rSi se trata de un CD o DVD musical, puede nombrar a las personas que han colaborado o incluir agradecimientos. Quizá desee proporcionar la fecha y el lugar de la grabación o el copyright.\rSi es un CD o DVD de software, especifique las instrucciones de instalación, los requisitos del sistema o la información de soporte del producto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Performers Name",,"Nombre del cantante",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This panel is a good place to provide additional information.\rIf its a musical CD/DVD, you may want to list credits or give special thanks. You may also want to provide the date and location of the recording or copyright information.",,"Este panel es un buen lugar para proporcionar información adicional.\rSi se trata de un CD o DVD musical, puede nombrar a las personas que han colaborado o incluir agradecimientos. Quizá desee proporcionar la fecha y el lugar de la grabación o el copyright.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If your CD/DVD contains software, you may want to provide installation instructions, system requirements, or product support information.",,"Si el CD o DVD contiene software, puede que quiera proporcionar las instrucciones de instalación, los requisitos del sistema o la información de soporte del producto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Newsletter Title",,"Título del boletín",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A newsletter is a great way to provide interesting, useful information to a targeted audience. Use your newsletter to market your products or services to current customers, or to generate interest in your company or organization. The lead story will command the most attention, so be sure to place the most important story as the lead story in your newsletter.",,"Los boletines suponen la mejor forma de proporcionar información útil e interesante a la audiencia. Utilice los boletines para vender sus productos o servicios a los clientes actuales o para aumentar el interés de los empleados de su compañía. El artículo principal atraerá la mayor atención; asegúrese de que coloca el artículo más importante como artículo principal en el boletín.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Lead Story Headline",,"Título del artículo principal",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Volume 1, Issue 1, Date",,"Volumen 1, nº 1, fecha",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Third Story Headline",,"Título del tercer artículo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The subject matter that appears in newsletters is virtually endless. You can include stories that focus on current events, recent economic trends, or innovations in your field. Use your newsletter to provide regular updates to your clients and customers, or to convey timely information and advice.",,"Los asuntos que aparecen en los boletines son prácticamente interminables. Puede incluir artículos que traten sobre temas actuales, tendencias económicas recientes o innovaciones en su área de trabajo. Utilice los boletines para ofrecer actualizaciones periódicas a los clientes o para proporcionar información y consejos de forma regular.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To remove your name from our mailing list, please",,"Para quitar el nombre de la lista de distribución de correo,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Contact Number",,"Número de contacto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"click here",,"haga clic aquí",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
".\rQuestions or comments? E-mail us at",,".\rSi tiene preguntas o comentarios, escríbanos un correo electrónico a la siguiente dirección:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"or call 555-555-5555",,"o llame al número (555) 555 55 55",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"More Details",,"Más detalles",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The headline is an important part of your newsletter and should be considered carefully. Each headline should be clear and concise, and should accurately represent the contents of the story. Try to make the headline interesting enough to draw readers into the story.",,"El título es una de las partes más importantes del boletín y se debe elegir cuidadosamente. Todos los títulos deben ser claros y concisos, y deben transmitir fielmente el contenido del artículo. Intente que el título sea lo suficientemente interesante para que los lectores lean el artículo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Second Story Headline",,"Título del segundo artículo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Use the Spotlight to highlight  important features or points of interest. \rTo catch the readers attention, place and interesting sentence or quote from the story here.",,"Utilice Noticias destacadas para resaltar características importantes o asuntos de interés. \rPara atraer la atención del lector, inserte aquí una frase o cita del artículo interesante.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Write a letter to a customer, client, or friend. You can create a letter for a specific individual, or create a form letter that you then personalize for each recipient. \rWhen you write a letter, its a good idea to be aware of the audience you that want to reach. Business letters are more effective when they follow a more formal structure. Letters to friends can be less formal in tone.",,"Escriba una carta a un cliente o un amigo. Puede crear una carta para una persona en concreto o generar una carta de formularios y personalizarla para cada destinatario. \rAl escribir una carta, es conveniente pensar en la audiencia a la que va destinada. Las cartas comerciales ejercen un mayor impacto cuando siguen una estructura más formal. Las cartas para amigos pueden escribirse en un registro menos formal.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Dear Customer,",,"Estimado cliente,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Employee 1 Name",,"Nombre del empleado 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Name\rPosition\rCompany",,"Nombre\rTítulo o puesto\rCompañía",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"\rQuestions or comments? E-mail us at",,"\r¿Preguntas o comentarios? Envíenos un correo electrónico a",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your Signature",,"Firma",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe the products or services that your company offers. To add more products, resize the page and then copy and paste additional text boxes.",,"Describa los productos o servicios que ofrece su compañía. Para agregar más productos, cambie el tamaño de la página y, a continuación, copie y pegue cuadros de texto adicionales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Intro Heading",,"Título de la introducción",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type a description of the product or service. \rChange the picture to a picture of your product.",,"Escriba la descripción del producto o servicio. \rCambie la imagen por una de su producto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product or Service 1",,"Producto o servicio 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Brief employee bio written here.",,"Breve biografía del empleado escrita aquí.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product or Service 2",,"Producto o servicio 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product or Service 3",,"Producto o servicio 3",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product or Service 4",,"Producto o servicio 4",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Products & Services Title",,"Título de productos y servicios",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Order #: 0000",,"Nº de pedido: 0000",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type the street address or the name of the neighborhood.",,"Escriba la dirección o el nombre de la zona.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"\rChange the picture to one of your own, such as a map or a picture of your location.",,"\rCambie la imagen por una de su elección, como un mapa o una fotografía de las oficinas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Location Details",,"Datos del lugar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type a brief description of the topic, speaker, or sponsor.",,"Escriba una breve descripción del tema, orador u organizador.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Email Address",,"Dirección de correo electrónico",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Promote an event by describing the sessions, speakers, or sponsors. Type the date, time, and location. To add more sessions, speakers, or sponsors, resize the page and then copy and paste more text boxes.",,"Promueva un evento mediante la descripción de las sesiones, oradores o patrocinadores. Escriba la fecha, la hora y la ubicación. Para agregar más sesiones, oradores o patrocinadores, copie y pegue cuadros de texto adicionales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Event Speakers or Sponsors",,"Oradores del evento u organizadores",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Session, speaker, or sponsor 1",,"Sesión, orador o patrocinador 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Session, speaker, or sponsor 2",,"Sesión, orador o patrocinador 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Session, speaker, or sponsor 3",,"Sesión, orador o patrocinador 3",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type the street address or the name of the neighborhood.\rChange the picture to one of your own, such as a map to your event or a picture of your location.",,"Escriba la dirección o el nombre de la zona.\rCambie la imagen por una de su elección, como un mapa para llegar al evento o una fotografía de la ubicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Contact person e-mail:",,"Dirección de correo electrónico de la persona de contacto:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Answer 1",,"Respuesta 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sign Up Now",,"Suscribirme ahora",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Event or Speaker Title",,"Título del evento u orador",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Write a description of the event or activity. Include details such as the main topic, a brief agenda, and other important points of interest.",,"Escriba una descripción del evento o actividad. Incluya datos como el tema principal, una breve agenda y otros temas de interés importantes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Event Heading",,"Título del evento",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Contact person: 555-555-5555",,"Persona de contacto: (555) 555 55 55",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Contact person e-mail: someone@example.com",,"Dirección de correo electrónico de la persona de contacto: alguien@example.com",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Event or Activity Title",,"Título del evento o actividad",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"\rChange the picture to one of your own, such as a map to your event or a picture of your location.",,"\rCambie la imagen por una de su elección, como un mapa o una fotografía de las oficinas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Question 1?",,"¿Pregunta 1?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Learn More",,"Más información",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Featured Product",,"Producto destacado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Provide more information about your company and the product or services that you offer.  You can include",,"Proporcione más información acerca de su compañía y de los productos o servicios que ofrece. Incluya",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
" Web page links",," vínculos a páginas web",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"that invite the reader to go to your Web site, or to other Web sites that might be of interest. You could also include links to pages that display additional items or special offers.",,"que inviten al lector a visitar su sitio, o a otros sitios web que puedan ser de interés. También podría incluir vínculos de páginas que muestren elementos adicionales u ofertas especiales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product Name",,"Nombre del producto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Buy Now",,"Comprar ahora",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Special Offer Title",,"Título de la oferta especial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe the product or special offer.\rInclude information on how to order the product, such as a phone number or a",,"Describa el producto u oferta especial.\rIncluya información sobre cómo pedir el producto, por ejemplo, un número de teléfono o un ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"link to your online catalog",,"vínculo a su catálogo en línea",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Item Number:",,"Número de artículo:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"\r\r\r\r\r\r\rVertical Nav Publication Content",,"\r\r\r\r\r\r\rContenido de la publicación de exploración vertical",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Service Title",,"Título del servicio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sub Title",,"Subtítulo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Job Description",,"Descripción del trabajo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Order Now",,"Solicitar ahora",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sub Heading 2",,"Subtítulo 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"More details...",,"Más detalles...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"E-mail this to a friend",,"Enviar por correo electrónico a un amigo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Newsletter Spotlight",,"Noticias destacadas del boletín",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Create links to additional pages.\r>",,"Crear vínculos a páginas adicionales.\r>",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Introduce your product here",,"Presentar su producto aquí",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Item description goes here",,"Elemento describir",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
" of Events",," de eventos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List Item",,"Elemento de lista",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mailing Address Line 1\rMailing Address Line 2\rMailing Address Line 3\rMailing Address Line 4",,"Línea 1 de dirección\rLínea 2 de dirección\rLínea 3 de dirección\rLínea 4 de dirección",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date of Sale",,"Fecha de venta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Time of Sale",,"Hora de venta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you are offering your goods at reduced prices, you are having a sale or a special offer. A sale usually spans a block of time and a special offer is usually limited to one specific date or time and may require a coupon.\rPlace your text here to briefly describe your sale or special offer. You might want to list products and their special prices.",,"Si ofrece sus productos a precios rebajados, está en época de rebajas o tiene una oferta especial. Las rebajas suelen durar un determinado período de tiempo, mientras que una oferta especial está limitada a una fecha específica y puede requerir un cupón.\rEscriba aquí una breve descripción de las rebajas o de la oferta especial. Quizá desee incluir una lista de productos con sus precios especiales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List items here.\rList items here.\rList items here.\rList items here.",,"Espacio para los elementos.\rEspacio para los elementos.\rEspacio para los elementos.\rEspacio para los elementos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Promotion Title",,"Título de la promoción",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date of SALE",,"Fecha de VENTA",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List items here.\rList items here.\rList items here.",,"Espacio para los elementos.\rEspacio para los elementos.\rEspacio para los elementos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer.",,"Espacio para presentar la organización y describir los productos o servicios específicos. El texto debe ser breve y despertar la curiosidad del lector por saber más acerca de los productos o servicios que ofrece.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List items here.",,"Espacio para los elementos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you are offering your goods at reduced prices, you are having a sale or a special offer. A sale usually spans a block of time and a special offer is usually limited to one specific date or time and may require a coupon.",,"Si ofrece sus productos a precios rebajados, está en época de rebajas o tiene una oferta especial. Las rebajas suelen durar un determinado período de tiempo, mientras que una oferta especial está limitada a una fecha específica y puede requerir un cupón.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place your text here to briefly describe your sale or special offer. You might want to list products and their special prices.",,"Escriba aquí texto para describir brevemente la rebaja u oferta especial. Quizá desee incluir una lista de productos con sus precios especiales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product/Service \rInformation",,"Información del\rproducto o servicio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Garage Sale",,"Mercado de artículos usados",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To spark interest in your garage sale, list the kinds of items you have for sale and the size of the sale if more than one family is participating.",,"Para despertar el interés por su venta ocasional, especifique el tipo de elementos que ofrece y la envergadura de la venta si participan más familias.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List your most interesting items.\rList your most interesting items.\rList your most interesting items.",,"Enumere los elementos más interesantes.\rEnumere los elementos más interesantes.\rEnumere los elementos más interesantes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe the special features of the house and its location. Be sure to use descriptive wording and provide enough details to catch the readers attention.",,"Describa las características de la casa y su ubicación. Utilice un lenguaje descriptivo y proporcione suficientes detalles para captar la atención del lector.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"House for Sale",,"Casa en venta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Age of home\rSquare feet\rLot size\rBedrooms\rBaths\rLevels\rExtras\rExtras\rExtras",,"Años de la casa\rm²\rAparcamiento\rDormitorios\rBaños\rPlantas\rExtras\rExtras\rExtras",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Puppies or Kittens",,"Cachorros de perros y gatos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe your puppies or kittens personalities or appearance. You may want to tell your readers if they are housebroken, have had their shots, or have special requirements.",,"Describa el aspecto y el carácter de los cachorros. Quizá desee comentar si están amaestrados, vacunados o si necesitan algún tipo de cuidado especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Music Lessons",,"Clases de música",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Briefly describe your style of teaching, the lessons you offer, and the instruments you teach. If you specialize in adults or children, be sure to mention that also.",,"Describa brevemente su estilo de enseñanza, las clases que ofrece y los instrumentos que enseña a tocar. Si está especializado en adultos o niños, no olvide mencionarlo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Lost Pet/Item",,"Mascota o elemento perdido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tell your readers when and where the pet or item was last seen, and any special instructions if found.",,"Especifique cuándo y dónde se vio por última vez a su mascota o elemento y algunas instrucciones en caso de que lo encuentren.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List distinguishing features.\rList distinguishing features.\rList distinguishing features.",,"Indique algunas características distintivas.\rIndique algunas características distintivas.\rIndique algunas características distintivas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"$00.00 Reward!",,"Recompensa de 00,00 €.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tell your readers about the special activities youve planned for the party. Be sure to mention if they should bring anything (food, beverages, games, etc.) and what sort of dress would be appropriate.",,"Comente las actividades que ha preparado para la fiesta. No olvide mencionar si los invitados deben traer algo (comida, bebida, juegos, etc.) y qué tipo de traje sería el apropiado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tell your readers what makes your bazaar unique or special. Be sure to convey the importance of your cause and the benefits of participating.",,"Explique por qué su venta benéfica es única o especial. Destaque la importancia de la causa que apoya y las ventajas de participar en ella.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe your company picnic, and let employees know if family or friends are included. Be sure to mention if attendees should bring anything. You may also want to list the planned activities or highlights.",,"Describa la cena de la organización e informe a sus empleados si pueden llevar acompañante. No olvide mencionar si los asistentes deben traer algo. Quizá desee comentar también las actividades que se celebrarán.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List activity here.\rList activity here.\rList activity here.",,"Espacio para la actividad.\rEspacio para la actividad.\rEspacio para la actividad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Company Picnic",,"Día de campo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"By Author's Name",,"Por nombre del autor",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Play Title",,"Título",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ticket Prices:",,"Precio entrada:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List items here. \rList items here.\rList items here.\rList items here.",,"Espacio para los elementos.\rEspacio para los elementos.\rEspacio para los elementos.\rEspacio para los elementos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Charity Bazaar",,"Venta benéfica",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you are offering your goods at reduced prices, you are having a sale or a special offer. A sale usually spans a block of time and a special offer is usually limited to one specific date or time and may require a coupon.\rPlace text here that briefly describes your sale or special offer. You may want to include a list of products and their special prices.",,"Si ofrece sus productos a precios rebajados, está en época de rebajas o tiene una oferta especial. Las rebajas suelen durar un determinado período de tiempo, mientras que una oferta especial está limitada a una fecha específica y puede requerir un cupón.\rEscriba aquí una breve descripción de las rebajas o de la oferta especial. Quizá desee incluir una lista de productos con sus precios especiales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List item here.\rList item here.\rList item here.\rList item here.",,"Espacio para los elementos.\rEspacio para los elementos.\rEspacio para los elementos.\rEspacio para los elementos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Highlights:",,"Aspectos importantes:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List your clubs highlights here.\rList your clubs highlights here.\rList your clubs highlights here.\rList your clubs highlights here.",,"Enumere aquí aspectos importantes de su club.\rEnumere aquí aspectos importantes de su club.\rEnumere aquí aspectos importantes de su club.\rEnumere aquí aspectos importantes de su club.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Invite students to join your club, and tell them about your groups activities. Or tell them how to participate in a special activity your club is sponsoring.",,"Invite a los estudiantes a que se unan al club y comente las actividades de su grupo. También puede proporcionar información sobre cómo participar en una determinada actividad que patrocine su club.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"School Club Name",,"Nombre del club escolar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Briefly describe the nature of your events.",,"Describa brevemente la naturaleza de las actividades.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List your most interesting items. \rList your most interesting items. \rList your most interesting items. \rList your most interesting items. \rList your most interesting items.",,"Enumere los elementos más interesantes. \rEnumere los elementos más interesantes. \rEnumere los elementos más interesantes. \rEnumere los elementos más interesantes. \rEnumere los elementos más interesantes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Other information",,"Otra información",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"event description",,"descripción del evento",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"more information",,"más información",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Support Your Team",,"Apoya a tu equipo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a good place to tell which teams are playing and provide special details about the game.",,"Aquí puede nombrar los equipos que juegan y comentar aspectos concretos del partido.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Company Tournament",,"Torneo\r",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"First Prize\rSecond Prize\rThird Prize",,"Primer premio\rSegundo premio\rTercer premio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Briefly describe the event and location. Your description can include a list of activities, prizes, fees, sponsors, and registration information.",,"Describa brevemente el evento y el lugar de celebración. Puede enumerar las actividades que se van a celebrar, los premios, los precios, los organizadores, así como información para inscribirse.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List the subjects you tutor and describe your training and qualifications.",,"Enumere las materias que enseña y especifique sus cursos académicos y su experiencia.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tutoring",,"Clases particulares",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hourly Rate: $00.00",,"Precio por hora: 00,00 €",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tell your readers about the selection of books you have for sale and the great bargains theyll find. If this is a fund-raising event, be sure to convey the importance of the cause you are supporting and the benefits to be gained from the sale.",,"Escriba unas líneas acerca de la selección de libros que ha realizado para esta venta y los increíbles precios que se pueden encontrar. Si se trata de un evento para recaudación de fondos, destaque la importancia de la causa que apoya y las ventajas de participar en ella.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List your most interesting items.\rList your most interesting items.\rList your most interesting items.\rList your most interesting items.",,"Enumere los elementos más interesantes. \rEnumere los elementos más interesantes. \rEnumere los elementos más interesantes. \rEnumere los elementos más interesantes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Book Sale",,"Venta de libros",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Car Wash",,"Lavado de autos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Entice your readers with a lively description of some of your desserts.  Be sure to tell about the cause your bake sale is supporting, and who is sponsoring the event.",,"Seduzca a sus clientes con una llamativa descripción de algunos de sus postres. No olvide mencionar la causa que apoya con esta venta y quién patrocina el evento.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here to tell your readers about your car wash and any special services you offer. If this is a fund-raising event, be sure to convey the importance of the cause you are supporting and the benefits of contributing.",,"Escriba aquí unas líneas acerca del lavado de automóviles y los servicios especiales que ofrece. Si se trata de un evento para recaudación de fondos, no olvide destacar la importancia de la causa que apoya y las ventajas de contribuir a ella.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Holiday Craft Sale",,"Artículos de regalo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Capture your readers attention with a colorful description of the crafts that will be featured in your sale.",,"Capte la atención de sus lectores con una descripción impactante de los artículos que ofrece.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Event Title",,"Título del evento",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here to briefly describe your event. In your description, you may want to include a list of activities or sessions, or include a calendar of events. You may also want to mention prizes, fees, sponsors, or registration information. This is also a good place to mention the benefits of attending.",,"Escriba una breve descripción del evento. Puede incluir una lista de las actividades o de las sesiones que se van a celebrar, así como un calendario de actos. Quizá desee mencionar los premios, los precios, los organizadores, además de proporcionar información sobre cómo inscribirse. No olvide explicar las ventajas de asistir.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Highlights",,"Aspectos importantes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List activities here.\rList activities here.\rList activities here.",,"Actividades.\rActividades.\rActividades.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bake Sale",,"Venta de dulces",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tell students when and where to drop off this form.",,"Indique a los estudiantes dónde y cuándo entregar este formulario.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Name of Field Trip",,"Nombre de la excursión",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tell your students about an upcoming field trip. In your description, be sure to include information such as transportation details, the departure time, the return time, what to bring, and what to wear.",,"Informe a sus alumnos de la excursión que ha planeado. Incluya información como el medio de transporte, las horas de salida y de regreso, qué deben llevar y cómo deben ir vestidos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date of Sale:",,"Fecha de venta:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Time of Sale:",,"Hora de venta:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Amount of rent\rMonthly rental or lease\rAmount of deposit\rNumber of rooms\rNumber of bathrooms\rSquare feet\rSpecial features\rPets/no pets\rComplex facilities\rNearby attractions",,"Alquiler\rAlquiler mensual\rDepósito\rHabitaciones\rBaños\rMetros\rCaracterísticas\rAnimales sí o no\rInstalaciones\rLugares de interés cercanos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List items here.\rList items here.\rList items here.\rList items here.\rList items here.\rList items here.",,"Espacio para los elementos.\rEspacio para los elementos.\rEspacio para los elementos.\rEspacio para los elementos.\rEspacio para los elementos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Spark interest in your estate sale by describing the origin and period of the items for sale.",,"Despierte el interés sobre los artículos que vende describiendo el origen y la antigüedad de los mismos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List your most interesting items.\rList your most interesting items.",,"Enumere los artículos más interesantes.\rEnumere los artículos más interesantes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List your most interesting items.",,"Enumere los artículos más interesantes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"00:00  00:00",,"00:00  00:00",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Estate Sale",,"Antigüedades",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"10K FUN RUN",,"GRAN MARATÓN",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
" of parent or guardian if under 18 years of age.",," de padre o tutor si es menor de 18 años.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mail form and entry fee to:",,"Envíe el formulario y el importe de la inscripción a:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"T-shirt Size:\tS\tM\tL\tXL",,"Talla de camiseta:\tS\tM\tL\tXL",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Age on race day",,"Edad el día de la carrera",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Waiver: It may be important to ask your registrants to sign a waiver.",,"Exención de responsabilidad: sería conveniente incluir una cláusula según la cual los solicitantes de registro eximan de toda responsabilidad a los organizadores.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"First prize\rSecond prize\rThird prize\rT-shirts provided to all participants",,"Primer premio\rSegundo premio\rTercer premio\rCamiseta para todos los participantes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sponsored by:",,"Patrocinado por:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Pre-register by:",,"Inscripciones hasta el:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Entry fees:",,"Cuota de inscripción:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"$0.00 for pre-registered runners\r$0.00 for senior citizen runners\r$0.00 for race-day registration",,"0,00 € para corredores preinscritos\r0,00 € para corredores de la tercera edad\r0,00 € para la inscripción el día de la carrera",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Proceeds will benefit name of charity",,"El dinero recaudado se destinará a fines benéficos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe the starting location and the course of the run. Also point out any special features runners should be aware of, such as water supply stops.",,"Describa el punto de inicio y el trayecto de la carrera. Especifique asimismo aspectos importantes que deben tener en cuenta los corredores, como los puntos de avituallamiento.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For more information or to register call:",,"Para más información o para inscribirse llame al:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here that introduces your organization and describes your specific products or services. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you offer. describes your specific products or services.",,"Espacio para presentar la organización y describir los productos o servicios específicos. El texto debe ser breve y despertar la curiosidad del lector por saber más acerca de los productos o servicios que ofrece.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product/Service \rInformation",,"Información del \rproducto o servicio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product/Service\rInformation",,"Información del\rproducto o servicio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a good place to mention the purpose of the fund-raiser, individuals or organizations that will be helped, potential changes or benefits to the community, and fund-raising goals, such as dollar amounts. Be sure to convey the importance of your cause and highlight the benefits of being a supporter or participant.",,"Aquí puede mencionar el propósito de la recaudación de fondos, las personas u organizaciones a las que se va a prestar ayuda, los posibles cambios o beneficios para la comunidad y los objetivos de la recaudación de fondos, por ejemplo una cantidad de dinero. Destaque la importancia de la causa y las ventajas de apoyarla o participar en ella.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product Title",,"Nombre del producto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here that describes your product or service. This text should be brief and should entice the reader to want to know more about the goods or services you are offering.",,"Escriba aquí una descripción del producto o servicio. El texto debe ser breve y despertar la curiosidad del lector por saber más sobre los productos o servicios que ofrece.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List Feature here\rList Feature here\rList Feature here\rList Feature here\rList Feature here\rList Feature here\rList Feature here",,"Espacio para las características\rEspacio para las características\rEspacio para las características\rEspacio para las características\rEspacio para las características\rEspacio para las características\rEspacio para las características",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product Heading",,"Título del producto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List feature here\rList feature here\rList feature here\rList feature here\rList feature here\rList feature here\rList feature here",,"Espacio para las características\rEspacio para las características\rEspacio para las características\rEspacio para las características\rEspacio para las características\rEspacio para las características\rEspacio para las características",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sign up heading.",,"Título de la suscripción.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here to briefly describe the event or activity that you are asking participants to sign-up for. Include sign-up instructions highlighting the options or the information you desire from attendees.",,"Escriba aquí una breve descripción del evento o actividad en el que solicita a los participantes que se inscriban. Incluya las instrucciones de la inscripción que describan las opciones o la información que se precisa de los asistentes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here to briefly describe your event or activity. Include who should attend and what the benefits they will attain by attending.",,"Escriba aquí una breve descripción del evento o actividad. Incluya qué personas asistirán, así como las ventajas que obtendrán con la asistencia.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List the features of your item here.\rList the features of your item here.\rList the features of your item here.\rList the features of your item here.\rList the features of your item here.",,"Enumere las características del elemento aquí.\rEnumere las características del elemento aquí.\rEnumere las características del elemento aquí.\rEnumere las características del elemento aquí.\rEnumere las características del elemento aquí.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For Sale",,"Se vende",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Name of Item",,"Nombre del elemento",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"BBQ Title",,"Título de la barbacoa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe your BBQ. Be sure to mention if attendees should bring anything. You may also want to include a description of  planned activities or highlights.",,"Describa su barbacoa. No olvide mencionar si los invitados deben traer algo. Puede que también quiera incluir una descripción de las actividades que hay planeadas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Block Party",,"Fiesta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe your qualifications and special services you provide.",,"Describa su formación académica y las cualidades especiales que posee.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Craft Sale",,"Artículos de regalo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List the features of your item here.\rList the features of your item here.\rList the features of your item here.\rList the features of your item here.",,"Enumere las características del artículo.\rEnumere las características del artículo.\rEnumere las características del artículo.\rEnumere las características del artículo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List the features of your item here.",,"Enumere las características del artículo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Party Title",,"Título de la fiesta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Entice your readers with a description of what you are selling.  Be sure to tell about the cause your plant sale is supporting, and who is sponsoring the event.",,"Seduzca a sus clientes con una descripción del producto que está vendiendo. No olvide mencionar la razón de la oferta y quien organiza el evento.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Plant Sale",,"Oferta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe your potluck. Be sure to mention if attendees should bring anything.",,"Describa su fiesta americana. No olvide mencionar si los invitados deben traer algo. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Potluck",,"Fiesta americana",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here to briefly describe the event or activity that you are asking participants to sign-up for. Include sign-up instructions highlighting the options or the information you desire from attendees.",,"Escriba aquí una breve descripción del evento o actividad en la que solicita a los participantes que se inscriban. Incluya las instrucciones de la inscripción que describan las opciones o la información que se precisa de los asistentes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hourly Rate:",,"Precio por hora:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Baby-Sitting",,"Cuidar niños",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Invoice #",,"Nº de factura",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Amount",,"Importe ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Payment",,"Pago ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"REMITTANCE\rCustomer ID:\rStatement #:\rDate:\rAmount Due:\rAmount Enclosed:",,"ENVÍO\rCliente:\rNº de albarán:\rFecha:\rImporte:\rEntregado a cuenta:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Statement #:\rDate:\rCustomer ID:",,"Nº de albarán:\rFecha:\rCliente:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Here you may want to remind your customers to include the statement number on their check.",,"Aquí puede recordar a los clientes que incluyan el número de albarán con el cheque.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Terms:",,"Períodos de tiempo:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"30 days",,"30 días",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Court",,"Registro Mercantil",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Time Spent",,"Tiempo invertido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Overtime Rate",,"Promedio de tiempo extra",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Overtime Spent",,"Tiempo extra invertido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Time Billing",,"Registro de horas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Location of court where registered",,"Dirección del Registro Mercantil",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Regular Hours",,"Horas normales",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Overtime Hours",,"Horas extra",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Weekly Time Record",,"Registro de horas semanales",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Employee:\rManager:\rEmployee Phone:\rEmployee E-mail:\rTax ID#:",,"Empleado:\rDirector:\rTeléfono del empleado:\rCorreo electrónico del empleado:\rN.I.F.:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Week ending:",,"Semana:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Manager signature:",,"Firma del director:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Overtime\r Hours",,"Horas\r extra",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Employee signature: _______________________________",,"Firma del empleado: _______________________________",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tax ID #\r00-000-0000-0",,"2Identificación fiscal n.º\r00-000-0000-0",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Court\rLocation of court where registered",,"Registro Mercantil\rDirección del Registro Mercantil",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Company Owner\rName of company owner",,"Propietario de la organización\rNombre del propietario de la organización",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bank ID",,"Código de entidad bancaria",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tax ID",,"Identificación fiscal",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Approved by:",,"Aprobado por:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Expense Report",,"Informe de gastos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Purpose of expense:",,"Conceptos:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Column Totals",,"Total columna",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Less cash advanced",,"Dinero adelantado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Total owed to you",,"Se le debe ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Total due",,"Total a pagar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Person(s) Entertained",,"Personas atendidas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Business Purpose",,"Motivo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Name of Place",,"Lugar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Receipts must be attached to expense form.",,"Es preciso adjuntar los recibos al formulario de gastos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Employee signature:",,"Firma del empleado:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fax Transmittal Form",,"Portada de fax",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Name:\rOrganization Name/Dept:\rCC:\rPhone number:\rFax number:",,"Nombre:\rOrganización o depto.:\rCC:\rTeléfono:\rFax:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date sent:\rTime sent:\rNumber of pages including cover page:",,"Fecha de envío:\rHora de envío:\rNúmero de páginas incluida la portada:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Urgent\rFor Review\rPlease Comment\rPlease Reply",,"Urgente\rPara revisar\rComentarios\rResponder",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bank ID #",,"Código de entidad bancaria",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date Purchased",,"Fecha de compra",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Check/P.O. #",,"Nº de cheque u orden",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Purchased From",,"Comprado a",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Serial Number",,"Nº de serie",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Inventory List",,"Inventario",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bank name and location\rBank account information",,"Nombre y dirección del banco\rInformación de la cuenta bancaria",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your Order #",,"Su nº de pedido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our Order #",,"Nuestro nº de pedido",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sales Rep.",,"Rep. de ventas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ship Via",,"Enviar vía",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Terms",,"Términos ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Discount %",,"Descuento %",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tax ID #",,"Identificación fiscal n.º",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Taxable",,"Sujeto a impuestos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Unit Price",,"Precio unidad",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Balance Due",,"Total",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Shipping Address Line 1\rShipping Address Line 2\rShipping Address Line 3\rShipping Address Line 4",,"Línea 1 de dirección de envío\rLínea 2 de dirección de envío\rLínea 3 de dirección de envío\rLínea 4 de dirección de envío",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Invoice #:\rInvoice Date:\rCustomer ID:",,"Nº de factura:\rFecha de factura:\rCliente:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bill To:",,"Facturar a:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ship To:",,"Enviar a:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"REMITTANCE\rCustomer ID:\rDate:\rAmount Due:\rAmount Enclosed:",,"ENVÍO\rCliente:\rFecha:\rImporte:\rEntregado a cuenta:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Req By",,"Solicitado por",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ship When",,"Enviar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Purchase Order",,"Pedido de compra",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Purchase Order #:\rDate:\rVendor ID:",,"Nº de pedido de compra:\rFecha:\rProveedor:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Quotation #:\rDate:\rCustomer ID:",,"Nº de presupuesto:\rFecha:\rCliente:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Company Owner",,"Propietario de la organización",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Proposed Shipping Date",,"Fecha de envío propuesta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Quotation valid for",,"Presupuesto válido para ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
" days.",," días.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a quotation on the goods named, subject to the conditions noted below:",,"Este es un presupuesto de los trabajos mencionados, sujeto a las condiciones que se especifican a continuación:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe any conditions pertaining to these prices and any additional terms of the agreement. You may want to include contingencies that will affect the quotation.",,"Describa las condiciones de estos precios y los términos adicionales del acuerdo. Quizá desee incluir contingencias que afectan al presupuesto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To accept this quotation, sign here and return:",,"Para aceptar este presupuesto, firme aquí y devuelva el documento:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Quotation prepared by:",,"Presupuesto elaborado por:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Refund #:\rDate:\rCustomer ID:",,"Nº de reembolso:\rFecha:\rCliente:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Statement",,"Estado de cuenta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Name of company owner",,"Nombre del propietario de la organización",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type Label Here.",,"Escriba la consigna.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Not redeemable for cash. Redemption value not to exceed $00.00",,"No canjeable por dinero. El valor no debe ser superior a 00,00 €",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"AUTHORIZED BY",,"AUTORIZADO POR",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Not redeemable for cash.  Redemption value not to exceed",,"No canjeable por dinero. El valor no debe ser superior a ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Not redeemable for cash. Redemption value not to exceed",,"No canjeable por dinero. El valor no debe ser superior a ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Authorized by",,"Autorizado por",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This certificate entitles",,"Este vale autoriza a",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"How wise of them to name a day",,"¡Qué acierto que haya un día especial…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For people nice in every way.",,"...para una persona tan especial!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Grandparents Day",,"Feliz Día del Niño",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You two seem to have everything you need —",,"Tienen todo cuanto necesitan...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Each other!  Happy Anniversary.",,"...¡el uno al otro!\rFeliz aniversario.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Best Wishes",,"Mejores deseos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When you come down to earth,",,"Cuando vuelvas a la Tierra…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'd like to give you a pat on the space helmet.  Congratulations!",,"...me gustaría darte mi más sincera enhorabuena. ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Applause!  Applause!  Applause!",,"¡BRAVO! ¡BRAVO! ¡BRAVO!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You deserve a standing ovation.",,"Te mereces una ovación. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on the new job.",,"Felicidades por tu nuevo trabajo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on your recent success.",,"Felicidades por tu último éxito.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'd wish you luck for your wedding,",,"Te desearía suerte en tu matrimonio…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're pleased to announce",,"Nos complace anunciarle…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on your new home —",,"Felicidades por la nueva casa…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From your old friends.",,"...de los viejos amigos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A new home for your family",,"Que el nuevo hogar…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Brings best wishes from ours.",,"...te colme de felicidad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on the new baby.",,"Felicidades por este nuevo bebé.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on your new baby.",,"Felicidades por el bebé.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations to the graduate!",,"Felicidades al graduado…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Have fun when you retire, but remember —",,"Diviértete cuando te jubiles, pero recuerda…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"All systems are go.",,"Todo marcha viento en popa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So take off!  And have a blast on your vacation.",,"¡Así que vete y diviértete en tus vacaciones!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When I look on the bright side,",,"Cuando recuerdo los buenos tiempos…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Morning, noon, and nighttime, too —",,"Por la mañana, a mediodía y por la noche…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Roses are red, carnations are pink.",,"Rojas son las rosas, blancos los claveles…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'd like to go out with you; what do you think?",,"...¿me quieres?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Love is a flame that burns bright —",,"El amor es una llama…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A baby has arrived.",,"Ha nacido un bebé.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Eternally.",,"...que no se extingue jamás.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We goofed.",,"Metimos la pata…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And your absence deeply felt.  Please get well soon.",,"...y te echamos de menos. Recupérate pronto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope you feel better —",,"Espero que te mejores —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And the world is bright with wonder and light.",,"Y el mundo resplandece de alegría y felicidad. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With deepest sympathy —",,"Con todo nuestro afecto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our condolences to you and your family.",,"Nuestro más sentido pésame.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sympathy",,"Tarjetas de pésame",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May you celebrate Eid Al-Fitr",,"Celebra esta fiesta de Id el Fitr",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Surrounded by family and friends.",,"...rodeado de tu familia y amigos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"During Ramadan,",,"Durante el mes de Ramadán,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ramadan Wishes",,"Deseos para el Ramadán",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"As we study the Holy Quran,",,"Mientras aprendemos del santo Corán,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We strengthen our faith during Ramadan.",,"...fortalecemos nuestra fe durante el Ramadán.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"New Baby",,"Nuevo bebé",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Summary Greeting",,"Felicitación con resumen",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Made especially for you by:",,"Creado especialmente para usted por:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Stork:  A large bird that carries babies in its beak.",,"Cigüeña: pájaro de gran tamaño que transporta bebés en su pico.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Seasons Greetings",,"Felices fiestas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Holidays",,"Felices vacaciones",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“He cried Ho Ho Ho  and then, get this—He gave me a pony, and a mistletoe kiss!”",,"“Bajaron por la chimenea  me dejaron regalitos—y bebieron agua”",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our house:  The place where it dropped a bundle.  Fortunately, our arms were waiting!",,"Nuestra casa: lugar donde una cigüeña dejó caer un paquete. Afortunadamente, ¡nuestros brazos lo estaban esperando!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A wedding is being planned",,"Se prepara una boda",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A bundle, a blessing —",,"Es un angelito —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A baby boy!  Congratulations.",,"¡Un bebé! Felicidades.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A word of thanks can hardly say",,"Unas simples palabras no pueden expresar…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On your birthday.",,"...en el día de tu cumpleaños.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Best wishes on your birthday.",,"Te deseamos lo mejor.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mom said we'd be best friends when we grew up.",,"Mamá dijo que de mayores nos llevaríamos mejor.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I hate to admit it, but she was right!  Happy Birthday, Sis.",,"Tengo que reconocer que tenía razón. ¡Feliz cumpleaños, hermanita!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Don't forget —",,"No lo olvides…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Merry Christmas.",,"Feliz Navidad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Seasons greetings and year-round good wishes.",,"Felices fiestas y los mejores deseos para el año nuevo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thinking of you this holiday season and always.",,"Os recordamos en estas fechas y durante todo el año.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope your holidays are happy.",,"Espero que pases unas felices fiestas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You have an appointment with us.  We look forward to seeing you.",,"...tenemos una cita. Estamos deseando verte.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Fathers Day.",,"Feliz Día del Padre.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Mom, you taught me how much there was to learn —",,"Mamá, me enseñaste cuánto debía aprender —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thinking Of You",,"Nos acordamos de ti",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I think of you,",,"Pienso en ti,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Things to be thankful for this holiday season:",,"Canta, ríe, baila...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"1. Family and friends  2. Good health  3. Four days off in a row.",,"...¡celebra la Navidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Weve hidden the eggs (if you find one, grab it).",,"Hemos escondido los huevos (si encuentras uno, ve a por él).",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing you the happiest of birthdays.",,"Nuestros mejores deseos para el día de tu cumpleaños.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Yuletide Greetings!",,"Porque es Navidad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Special” just didn't have enough razzle-dazzle to describe your birthday.",,"La palabra “especial” no es suficiente para describir tu cumpleaños.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The days are gloomy without you.",,"Los días son tristes sin ti.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Merry Christmas!",,"Feliz Navidad",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Seasons Greetings.",,"¡Dulce Navidad!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Je t'aime.  Ich liebe Dich.  Te adoro.",,"Je t'aime. Ich liebe Dich. Te adoro.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're my world.",,"Eres todo mi mundo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Nutcrackers, secret dreams, and faraway lands —",,"Amor, viajes, planes…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the sugarplum fairy dust your dreams with magic this year.",,"Es posible que este año tu hada madrina convierta tus sueños en realidad. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Better late than never.” — Livy (A.D.10)",,"“Más vale tarde que nunca.” — Livio (A.D.10)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday!",,"Feliz cumpleaños",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wrap the presents!  Frost the cake!",,"¡Envuelve los regalos! ¡Pon las velas en el pastel!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Holidays!",,"¡FELICES VACACIONES!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Its your birthday!",,"Es tu cumpleaños",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cake—its whats for dinner.",,"Para cenar ¡tenemos tarta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"As you are.",,"tan brillante como tú",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"How much your kindness meant today.  To be succinct, I must conclude, I'm overwhelmed with gratitude.",,"...todo mi agradecimiento. Gracias de corazón. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You make every day a celebration.  Happy Birthday.",,"Tú haces de cada día una celebración. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Onward, upward, around and through —",,"Sentado, de pie, de rodillas... en cualquier posición te deseo un feliz día —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"O frabjous day!  Callooh!  Callay!” — Lewis Carroll (1855)",,"“¡Calú! ¡Calé! ¡Jubipléndido día!” — Lewis Carroll (1855)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the Festival of Lights",,"Que la fiesta de las Luminarias...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship.” — William Blake (1793)",,"“El pájaro un nido, la araña la red, el hombre una amistad.” — William Blake (1793)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Birthday, my friend.",,"¡Feliz cumpleaños, amigo mío!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Im sorry youve been ill.",,"Siento mucho que no te encuentres bien.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Illuminate both your heart and your home.  Happy Hanukkah.",,"...ilumine tu corazón y tu hogar. Feliz Janucá.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Youll do great!”",,"“Te saldrá bien”",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please let us know if theres anything we can do.",,"Haremos todo lo que esté en nuestras manos para ayudarte.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Deepest Sympathy",,"Con todo nuestro afecto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wishing it were in yours.  See you soon?",,"no dejo de pensar cuándo volveré a verte.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“At Christmas play and make good cheer, for Christmas comes but once a year.” — Thomas Tusser (1557)",,"Inserte su texto aquí",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A jangle, a jingle, a nod from Kris Kringle —",,"Inserte su texto aquí",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Of all the gifts bestowed this year,",,"Feliz Navidad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We wish you a holiday season",,"¡Te deseamos una Navidad",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hope you have a joyous holiday!",,"¡Que pases un día muy feliz!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Which means I can borrow the car, right?",,"¿Me puedo llevar tu coche?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I hope youre enjoying your trip.",,"Espero que estés disfrutando del viaje.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thats the generous side of me.  The selfish side wants you to COME HOME!",,"Esa es mi parte generosa. ¡La egoísta quiere que VUELVAS A CASA!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Merrily Merrily we welcome in the Year.” — William Blake (1789)",,"Inserte su texto aquí",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A tisket, a tasket, a pink and yellow basket —",,"Inserte su texto aquí",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A sea-green monster, a fairy queen,",,"Noche de brujas, noche de miedo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Lets give thanks for our blessings,",,"Bendiciones para ti,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Which include a second helping of sweet potatoes.  Happy Thanksgiving!",,"Gracias por compartir con nosotros la dulzura de la Navidad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Le monde.  Die Welt.  El mundo.",,"Le monde. Die Welt. El mundo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Kwanzaa candle burning bright, feel the wonder of the light.  Share the pride, keep the glow, pass it on to all you know.",,"¡Música, danza, color!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Warm thoughts to our friends",,"Nuestros mejores deseos…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A bouquet of kisses",,"Un montón de besos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Anniversary.",,"Feliz aniversario.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
" Please join us in welcoming",," ¡Ven a nuestra fiesta de bienvenida!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just thought we'd let you know —",,"Seguramente te gustará saber... —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The birth of our baby girl.",,"Hemos tenido una niña.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Its a girl!  Congratulations!",,"¡Una niña! ¡Felicidades!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ramadan Blessings",,"Bendiciones del Ramadán",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But at least I'm doing it with you!",,"...¡pero tengo la tranquilidad de estar junto a ti!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Birthday Greetings!",,"¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Clearly, you have solved the mystery.",,"Está claro que ya tienes la respuesta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So just where is the fountain of youth?",,"¿Dónde está la fuente de la juventud?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I'm so happy it's your birthday!",,"Me alegra tanto que hoy sea tu cumpleaños",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Pop the cork and throw the confetti.",,"Descorcha la botella y tira el confeti. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get unbirthday presents… and only one for birthday presents, you know.” — Lewis Carroll (1855)",,"“Ya sabes que hay 364 días en los que recibes regalos de no cumpleaños … y solo hay un día para los de cumpleaños.” — Lewis Carroll (1855)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Lets get together on your birthday.",,"¡Cumpleaños a bombo y platillo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It isnt easy getting older.",,"No es fácil hacerse mayor",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But at least Im doing it with you!",,"...¡pero tengo la tranquilidad de estar junto a ti!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The New Year's here and we're all ready.",,"¡Ya es Año Nuevo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just five minutes!  You can do it!",,"¡Solo 5 minutos! ¡Lo lograrás!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“He has departed from our midst, full of years, indeed, and of glory.” — Pliny the Younger (A.D. 100)",,"“Partió de entre nosotros con abundancia de años y, sobre todo, de gloria.” — Plinio el Joven (100 d. C.)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From your right-hand elf.",,"Inserte su texto aquí",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy New Year!",,"Feliz Año Nuevo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hang the stockings, trim the tree,",,"¡Decora el árbol, pon el Belén!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A hope for one world family —",,"Una nueva esperanza para la familia del mundo —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Personally, I prefer a Bermuda tan.  Happy Holidays!",,"Yo prefiero broncearme en las Bermudas. ¡Felices vacaciones!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“I say there is nothing greater than the mother of men.” — Walt Whitman (1855)",,"“No hay nada más grande que una madre.” — Walt Whitman (1855)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Grandparents Day, you two.",,"Feliz Día del Niño.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With greatest love from me to you.",,"Con todo mi cariño.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Like birds of a feather, we flock together —",,"Dios los cría y ellos se juntan... —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A thought of you a day",,"Pensar en ti cada día",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on your Bar Mitzvah!",,"¡Felicidades por el Bar Mitzvah!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Its Halloween!",,"¡Ya es Halloween!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Youre the best.",,"Pienso que eres lo mejor.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank you for being you.",,"Gracias por ser tú.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In a world of chaos,",,"En un mundo de caos,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“Will you?” he asked.  “I will,” she said.  And soon thereafter they were newly wed!",,"“¿Quieres?“ -preguntó. “Quiero“ -contestó. ¡Y poco después eran recién casados!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"So when does the honeymoon end?",,"¿Cuándo acaba la luna de miel?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"An egg is a candy, now isn't that funny?  Happy Easter!",,"...con forma de huevo de Pascua. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Were pleased to announce",,"Nos complace anunciar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We've unpacked the boxes (more or less),",,"Nos hemos mudado (más o menos),",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
" Weve Moved",," Cambio de domicilio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May the New Year",,"Que el Año Nuevo…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On your birthday, we send you our best wishes —",,"En tu cumpleaños te enviamos nuestros mejores deseos —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And deepest sympathies!  Happy 40th!",,"...¡y mucha felicidad! ¡Felices 40!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thinking of you,",,"Pensamos en ti,",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bring you happiness and prosperity.",,"...te colme de felicidad y prosperidad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Nothing is harder than losing someone you love.",,"Nada es más duro que perder a un ser querido...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But friends can help with the healing.  Please know that you have friends who care.",,"Pero los amigos siempre están dispuestos a ayudar. Nos tienes aquí para lo que necesites.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Just dropping a line to say —",,"Solo unas líneas para decir —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I think about you every day.",,"Pienso en ti cada día.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Christmases are like snowflakes —",,"Cada Navidad es como un copo de nieve —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bells jingle, reindeer fly, snow falls from the sky.",,"El tintineo de los cascabeles, los renos, la nieve",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Magic notes of Christmas cheer make me wish that you were near.",,"Los villancicos de la Navidad me recuerdan toda nuestra felicidad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Children, family, good friends —",,"Hijos, familia, buenos amigos —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A holiday wish that never ends.",,"Deseo de vacaciones que nunca terminan.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I always looked up to you, Dad.",,"De pequeño te veía muy grande",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"I still do.",,"...y hoy sé que lo eres.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Halloween",,"Feliz Halloween…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Merci, Gracias, Thank You!",,"¡Merci, gracias, thank you! ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But you're special to me every day of the year.",,"Pero para mi eres especial todos los días del año.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"When it comes to being grandparents,",,"Para los mejores hijos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Youre the grandest!",,"¡nos acordamos de vosotros!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Congratulations on your Bat Mitzvah!",,"¡Felicidades por el Bat Mitzvah!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Aquamarine.  Indigo.  Lapis lazuli.  Lupine.  Wisteria.",,"Perdón, Sorry, Entschuldigung.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For being there when I needed you.",,"...por ser tan amable y considerado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Of all the gifts bestowed this year…",,"Feliz Navidad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We wish you a holiday season…",,"¡Te deseamos una Navidad...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We've Moved",,"Cambio de domicilio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This text can explain the benefits of the move, such as a better location or expanded facilities.",,"En este espacio puede explicar las ventajas del cambio de domicilio, como una mejor ubicación o instalaciones más amplias.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Thanksgiving",,"Feliz Navidad",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At new location:",,"En la nueva dirección:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We have a new address…",,"Tenemos una dirección nueva...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But we're providing the same great service.",,"Pero continuamos ofreciendo un excelente servicio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We've moved lock, stock, and barrel…",,"Hemos trasladado absolutamente todo…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Have a festive fall!",,"Nuestros mejores deseos de felicidad para esta fiesta tan especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And file cabinets, computers, and copy machines!",,"¡sin olvidar los archivos, los equipos ni las fotocopiadoras!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We enjoyed meeting you.",,"Fue un placer conocerle.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here to thank your customers, friends, or volunteers for supporting your organization. You might want to be specific about their contribution, such as referring a new customer, placing an order, participating in an activity, or giving a gift or donation.",,"Escriba aquí unas palabras de agradecimiento para sus clientes, amigos o voluntarios por apoyar su organización. Quizá desee ser más especifico en cuanto a su contribución, como mencionar un miembro o un cliente nuevo, la realización de un pedido, la participación en una actividad, una donación o un regalo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank you for your consideration.",,"Gracias por su retribución.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thanks for referring us.",,"Gracias por dirigirse a nosotros.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We aim to make you glad you did!",,"Nuestro objetivo es que no se arrepienta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thanks for your business.",,"Gracias por ofrecernos sus servicios.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"May this birthday",,"Ojalá que este cumpleaños…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With sincere gratitude...",,"Con mi más sincera gratitud…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In a world of chaos…",,"En un mundo de caos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank you for thinking of us.",,"Gracias por pensar en nosotros.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You take our roster of great clients to an all new level!",,"Gracias a su incorporación, nuestra cartera de clientes ha subido de nivel.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With sincere gratitude…",,"Con mi más sincera gratitud…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thanks For Referring Us.",,"Gracias por dirigirse a nosotros.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We Aim To Make You Glad You Did!",,"Nuestro objetivo es que no se arrepienta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's great to know you can count on some people…",,"Es maravilloso saber que puedes contar con algunas personas...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We heard you blew past your target.",,"Te has superado a ti mismo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With appreciation…",,"Con afecto...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You take our roster of great clients to an all new level.",,"Nuestra lista de clientes importantes ha superado nuestras expectativas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Money can't buy happiness…but it sure helps!",,"El dinero no hace la felicidad... pero ayuda.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You deserve the best birthday on Earth.",,"Te mereces la mejor fiesta de cumpleaños del mundo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sensational; Stunning; Splendid; Smashing!",,"¡Sensacional, estupendo, magnífico, fantástico! ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Special",," just didn't have enough razzle-dazzle to describe your birthday.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ha-Ha-Ha-Happy Birthday.",,"Fe-fe-fe-feliz cumpleaños.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Birthday Greetings",,"Feliz cumpleaños",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"On your birthday, you might feel extra special.",,"En tu cumpleaños, te sueles sentir especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"But I think you're pretty special every day.",,"Pero yo siempre te encuentro especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Now that you are six years old, I think that I can tell —",,"Ahora que ya tienes seis años, creo que puedo decirte…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Not only do you get my love, you get a gift as well.  Happy Birthday!",,"...que no solo te doy mi afecto sino también un regalo. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Birthday Wishes",,"Felicitaciones",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"All the clowns in Clowntown",,"Todos los payasos de la Ciudad de los payasos…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Are tickled pink to say, they wish you barrels full of fun on such a special day.  Happy Birthday!",,"...se complacen en anunciar montones de diversión en este día tan especial. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We had a blast",,"¡Cómo nos divertimos…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Answer:  Wine, cheese, and you.",,"La respuesta: el vino, el queso y tú.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Question:  Name three things that improve with age.",,"La pregunta: enumera tres cosas que mejoren con la edad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you have a birthday and no one remembers it,",,"Si nadie recuerda que hoy es tu cumpleaños…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do you still get a year older?  Happy Belated Birthday!",,"...¿todavía cumples años? ¡Feliz cumpleaños con retraso!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Belated Birthday",,"Feliz cumpleaños con retraso",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Everyone should have a special Valentine.",,"Todo el mundo debería tener un Día de San Valentín especial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Valentines Day",,"Feliz Día de San Valentín",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At your bash!",,"...en tu fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Valentine's Day",,"¡Feliz Día de San Valentín!...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From my heart to yours.",,"...desde lo más profundo de mi corazón.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hearts, flowers, moonlight kisses —",,"Flores, velas, besos a la luz de la luna —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"All the flowers bloom in May",,"Mayo es el mes de las flores…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To Mom",,"Para mamá",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With sincere gratitude",,"Con mi más sincera gratitud…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To Mother —",,"Para mamá…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Dad, you've always protected me.",,"Papá, siempre cuidaste de mí.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're my superhero!",,"¡Eres mi héroe!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Happy Father's Day!",,"Feliz Día del Padre…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Subtitle Text",,"Texto del subtítulo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Title Text",,"Texto del título",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Publication Date",,"Fecha de publicación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For a wedding shower.",,"...para celebrar una fiesta de compromiso.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"They're engaged!",,"¡Se han prometido!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And we're excited!  Join the festivities.",,"¡Y nosotros vamos a celebrarlo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The stork is on the way.",,"Una cigüeña está en camino.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And we're having a shower to help feather the nest.",,"Y celebramos una fiesta para preparar el nido.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come rain or come shine —",,"Queremos celebrar contigo...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come to a baby shower.",,"...el nacimiento de nuestro nuevo hijo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You are invited",,"Te invitamos…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please join us as we celebrate",,"Te invitamos a celebrar con nosotros…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Good news:  There's been a promotion!",,"Buenas noticias: ¡me han ascendido!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"More good news:  We're having a party!",,"Otra buena noticia: ¡celebro una fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a retirement party.",,"Celebramos una fiesta de jubilación...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please join us.",,"¡Únete a nosotros!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cruise on in",,"Vamos a hacer un crucero…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's adiós, au revoir, arrivederci",,"¡Decimos adiós, au revoir, arrivederci…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Yeah, baby!",,"¡Llegó nuestro bebé!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Its a shower, and youre invited.",,"¡Ven a celebrar que ha llegado la cigüeña!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Were celebrating a birthday.",,"Vamos a celebrar un cumpleaños.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hungry?  Thirsty?  Youre in luck!",,"¿Tienes hambre? ¡Bon Apetit!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Were throwing a party—a big potluck!",,"¡Tenemos fiesta! ¡Fiestón!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Blankets and rattles and teddy bears, oh my!",,"¡Sonajas, chupetes y pañales! ¡Enhorabuena!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Youre invited to a baby shower.",,"Estás invitado a la fiesta de nuestro bebé.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Burgers and shish kebabs, root beer and pie —",,"Panceta, costillas, salchichas, cerveza, vino —",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Were having a BBQ—please come by!",,"¡Ven a nuestra barbacoa!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The forecast:  A wedding shower",,"Citas de mi agenda: Fiesta de despedida",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"With 100% chance of sun breaks.  Wont you join us?",,"¿No te vienes a tomar el sol a la playa?",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Its raining babies!",,"¡Y llegó desde París!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Well, its a baby shower.  Please join us.",,"Mi bebé nos invita a celebrar su nacimiento.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bring peas to shell, bring oysters to shuck.",,"¡No te olvides de la guitarra!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bring whatever you like—its a potluck!",,"¡Trae alguna botella! ¡Nos vamos de fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You, our valued clients.",,"...ustedes, nuestros mejores clientes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We'd like to thank you.",,"Queremos darte las gracias.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please join us",,"Invitación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're invited...",,"Estás invitada…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a special occasion.",,"Es una ocasión especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To a garden party of earthly delights!",,"...¡A una fiesta!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At the employee picnic!",,"...¡con una comida en el campo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"EVENT TITLE",,"TÍTULO DEL EVENTO",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The pleasure of your company.",,"...el placer de su compañía.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We've worked hard.",,"Hemos trabajado duro.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The boss invites you to dine with him…",,"El jefe te invita a cenar con él...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're delighted to invite you…",,"Es un placer invitarte...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here to briefly describe the event, who is sponsoring the event and why it is being held. You can also note whether an RSVP is required.",,"Escriba aquí una breve descripción del evento, quiénes son los organizadores y el motivo de su celebración. También puede especificar si se espera confirmación de asistencia.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a celebration…",,"Estamos celebrando...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a party in honor of…",,"Una fiesta dedicada a...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Our company requests…",,"Nuestra compañía necesita...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're invited…",,"Estás invitado…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At our grand opening.",,"Esta universidad le invita al acto de apertura del nuevo curso académico.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Celebrate summer…",,"Celebremos el verano...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please visit during our open house.",,"Le invitamos a la inauguración de nuestra nueva oficina.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here to describe your open house event. You may want to describe your new home or office, its attributes, or the neighborhood. You can also note whether an RSVP is required.",,"Escriba una breve descripción de la inauguración. Quizá desee describir la nueva oficina y la zona. También puede especificar si se espera confirmación de asistencia.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Open House Title",,"Título de la inauguración",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We'd like to see our old friends…",,"Nos gustaría ver a nuestros viejos amigos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At our new location.",,"En nuestra nueva dirección.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're invited to an open house.",,"Le invitamos a la inauguración de nuestra nueva oficina.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Stop by to see us…",,"Ven a vernos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Don't miss the event",,"¡No se pierda el evento...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To a special event.",,"...a un evento especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Do a good deed...",,"Haga una buena obra...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"And have a good time!",,"...¡y pase un rato divertido!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Get in on the action…",,"Rompe la monotonía...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"At our fund-raising auction!",,"...¡Diviértete ayudando a quien te necesita!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come to our show…",,"Colabora con nosotros...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Help us celebrate…",,"Superemos el frío invierno...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Invitation Title",,"Título de la invitación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please come…",,"Te invitamos...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here to briefly describe the event, who is sponsoring the event and why it is being held. You can also note whether an RSVP is required.",,"Escriba una breve descripción del evento, quiénes son los patrocinadores y el motivo de su celebración. También puede especificar si se espera confirmación de asistencia.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"\rFront cover greeting...",,"\rFelicitación de portada...",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please be our guest",,"Nos gustaría que fueses nuestro invitado…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"What's a soirée without panache?",,"Vamos a celebrar una fiesta.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A potluck, and you're invited!",,"¡Tráete la comida y únete a nosotros!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a super party",,"Este domingo de fútbol…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You're invited.",,"Estás invitado.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Come taste the wine.",,"Ven a probar el vino.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"All the ghosts are coming to",,"Todos los fantasmas están invitados…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""A Halloween party with lots of ""BOO!"""",,"...¡a la terrorífica fiesta de Halloween que preparamos!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To a slumber party!",,"...¡a una merienda en mi casa!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We'll be having lots of fun,",,"¡Cómo nos vamos a divertir…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Oh, come all ye faithful",,"Celebremos todos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To a Christmas party!",,"...una gran fiesta navideña!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ring in the new —",,"Demos la bienvenida a los nuevos amigos…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"New Years Party",,"Fiesta de Nochevieja",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We're celebrating a birthday.",,"Vamos a celebrar un cumpleaños.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It's a birthday fête!",,"¡Fiesta de cumpleaños!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Cake, ice cream, and funny hats —",,"Golosinas, tarta y velas…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #5199 (Spine).",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery 5199 (lomo).",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"First subtitle",,"Primer subtítulo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Second subtitle",,"Segundo subtítulo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Avery 5162~Address~(1 1/3"" x 4"")~3~"",,"Avery 5162~Direcciones~(33,866 x 101,600 mm)~3~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #5162.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery 5162.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Binder Title",,"Título del cuaderno",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Binder Subtitle",,"Subtítulo del cuaderno",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To see the binder spines, turn to page 2 of this publication.",,"Para ver los lomos de los cuadernos, vaya a la página 2.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Spine for 2-inch binder",,"Lomo de 51 mm",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Spine for 2 1/2-inch binder",,"Lomo de 63 mm",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Spine for 3-inch binder",,"Lomo de 76 mm",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To see the binder cover, turn to page 1 of this publication.",,"Para ver la portada del cuaderno, vaya a la página 1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Avery 5196~Diskette~(2 3/4"" x 2 3/4"")~8~"",,"Avery 5196~Disquete~(69,850 x 69,850 mm)~8~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Avery 5164~Shipping~(3 1/3"" x 4"")~5~"",,"Avery 5164~Envíos~(84,666 x 101,600 mm)~5~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This book belongs to:",,"Este libro pertenece a:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #5196.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery 5196.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"From the library of:",,"De la biblioteca de:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please return to:",,"Se ruega devolver a:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This book is the property of:",,"Este libro es propiedad de:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Side 1 Title",,"Título de la cara 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Side 1",,"Cara 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"First Song (author)\rSecond Song (author)\rThird Song (author)\rFourth Song (author)\rFifth Song (author)",,"Primera canción (autor)\rSegunda canción (autor)\rTercera canción (autor)\rCuarta canción (autor)\rQuinta canción (autor)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Side 1 Performers Name",,"Nombre del cantante de la cara 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Side 2 Title",,"Título de la cara 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"First Song (author) - Second Song (author) - Third Song (author) - Fourth Song (author) - Fifth Song (author)",,"Primera canción (autor) - Segunda canción (autor) - Tercera canción (autor) - Cuarta canción (autor) - Quinta canción (autor)",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Side 2 Performers Name",,"Nombre del cantante de la cara 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Avery 5198~Audio Tape~(1 2/3"" x 3 1/2"")~52~"",,"Avery 5198~Cinta de Audio~(42,333 x 88,900 mm)~52~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #5198.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery 5198.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To see Side 2, turn to page 2 of this publication.",,"Para ver la cara 2, vaya a la página 2.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To see Side 1, turn to page 1 of this publication.",,"Para ver la cara 1, vaya a la página 1.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This inside panel is a good place to provide additional information.\rIf its a musical CD, you may want to list credits or give special thanks. You may also want to provide the date and location of the recording or copyright information.\rIf your CD contains software, you may want to provide installation instructions, system requirements, or product support information.",,"El panel interior es un buen lugar para proporcionar información adicional.\rSi se trata de un CD musical, puede nombrar a las personas que han colaborado o incluir agradecimientos. Quizá desee proporcionar la fecha y el lugar de la grabación o el copyright.\rSi es un CD de software, especifique las instrucciones de instalación, los requisitos del sistema o la información de soporte del producto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"CD Title",,"Título del CD",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Diskette Title",,"Título del disco",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place asset number or bar code here.",,"Espacio para el número o el código de barras del activo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Avery L7159~Address~(3.4 x 6.4 cm)~27~",,"Avery L7159~Dirección~(33,860 x 64,000 mm)~27~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #L7159.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery L7159.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Avery L7161~Address~(4.66 x 6.35 cm)~14~",,"Avery L7161~Direcciones~(46,560 x 63,500 mm)~14~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #L7161.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery L7161.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Avery L7162~Address~(3.39 x 9.91 cm)~15~",,"Avery L7162~Direcciones~(33,870 x 99,060 mm)~15~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #L7162.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery L7162.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Avery L7163~Address~(3.81 x 9.91 cm)~16~",,"Avery L7163~Direcciones~(38,100 x 99,060 mm)~16~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #L7163.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery L7163.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Avery L7167~Full Sheet~(28.9 x 19.96 cm)~19~",,"Avery L7167~Página Entera~(289,050 x 199,600 mm)~19~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #L7167.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery L7167.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Avery 3113~Stickers~(2.5"" circle)~51~"",,"Avery 3113~Etiqueta Redonda Grande~(círculo de 63 mm)~51~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Good Job!",,"¡Buen trabajo!",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label  #5164.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery 5164.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #3113.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery 3113.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"FormTec LS-3105~**Temporary**~( x )~78~",,"FormTec LS-3105~**Temporary**~( x )~78~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #LS-3105.",,"Etiqueta para imprimir en una etiqueta Avery LS-3105.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"FormTec LS-3107~**Temporary**~( x )~79~",,"FormTec LS-3107~**Temporary**~( x )~79~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #LS-3107.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery LS-3107.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"FormTec LS-3108~**Temporary**~( x )~80~",,"FormTec LS-3108~**Temporary**~( x )~80~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #LS-3108.",,"Etiqueta para imprimir en una etiqueta Avery LS-3108.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"FormTec LS-3114~**Temporary**~( x )~81~",,"FormTec LS-3114~**Temporary**~( x )~81~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #LS-3114.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery LS-3114.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"FormTec LS-3116~**Temporary**~( x )~82~",,"FormTec LS-3116~**Temporary**~( x )~82~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Avery 5160~Address~(1"" x 2 5/8"")~1~"",,"Avery 5160~Direcciones~(25,400 x 66,675 mm)~1~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #LS-3116.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery LS-3116.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"FormTec LS-3120~**Temporary**~( x )~83~",,"FormTec LS-3120~**Temporary**~( x )~83~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #LS-3120.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery LS-3120.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"FormTec LS-3130~**Temporary**~( x )~84~",,"FormTec LS-3130~**Temporary**~( x )~84~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #LS-3130.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery LS-3130.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Label Title",,"Título",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #5160.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery 5160.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Avery 5163~Address~(2"" x 4"")~4~"",,"Avery 5163~Direcciones~(2,000 x 4,000 mm)~4~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #5163.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery 5163.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Avery 5095~Name Tags~(2 1/3"" x 3 3/8"")~10~"",,"Avery 5095~Tarjeta de Identificación~(59,266 x 85,728 mm)~10~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Participants Name",,"Nombre del participante",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Participants Title",,"Puesto del participante",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Name of Event",,"Nombre del evento",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #5095.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery 5095.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Avery 5267~Return Address~(1/2"" x 1 3/4"")~7~"",,"Avery 5267~Dirección de Remitente~(12,700 x 44,450 mm)~7~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #5267.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery 5267.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #5164.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery 5164.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Avery 5161~Address~(1"" x 4"")~2~"",,"Avery 5161~Direcciones~(25,400 x 101,600 mm)~2~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Avery 5262~Address~(1 1/3"" x 4"")~3~"",,"Avery 5262~Direcciones~(33,866 x 101,600 mm)~3~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #5262.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery 5262.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Avery 5096~Diskette~(2 3/4"" x 2 3/4"")~8~"",,"Avery 5096~Disquete~(44,450 x 69,850 mm)~8~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label  #5196.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery 5196.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Avery 5199~Video Face~(1 5/6"" x 3 1/2"")~53~"",,"Avery 5199~Video - Frontal~(46,558 x 77,800 mm)~53~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Video Title",,"Título del vídeo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #5199 (Face).",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery 5199 (frontal).",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
""Avery 5199~Video Spine~(2/3"" x 5 5/6"")~54~"",,"Avery 5199~Video - Lomo~(16,932 x 147,650 mm)~54~",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This label is ready to print onto Avery Label #5161.",,"Esta etiqueta se imprime en una etiqueta Avery 5161.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"PLACEHOLDER",,"MARCADOR DE POSICIÓN",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Placeholder",,"Marcador de posición",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Bank ID#",,"Código de entidad bancaria",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a great place to include information about your restaurant. You may want to tell the history of your restaurant, any distinguishing features about your restaurant or menu, or whether you offer special services, such as catering, free delivery, or banquet facilities.",,"Este es un lugar perfecto para incluir información acerca de su restaurante. Quizá desee contar la historia del restaurante, algunas características especiales del mismo o del menú, o bien puede mencionar si ofrece servicios especiales, como catering, entrega a domicilio gratuita o si cuenta con instalaciones para la celebración de banquetes.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Briefly describe the kind of items your restaurant offers.",,"Escriba una breve descripción del tipo de comida que ofrece el restaurante.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"You may want to place text here to indicate the type of payment you accept, such as checks or credit cards.",,"Quizá desee especificar aquí la forma de pago que acepta, como cheque o tarjeta de crédito.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Hours\rMonday-Friday 00:00-00:00",,"Horario\rDe lunes a viernes 00:00-00:00",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Saturday",,"Sábado ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sunday",,"Domingo ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Category Name",,"Nombre de categoría",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe the items in this category. In this category, you may want to list the beverages that you offer.",,"Describa los elementos de esta categoría. Quizá desee especificar en esta categoría las bebidas que ofrece.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe the items in this category or what is included with these dishes. In this first category, you may want to list appetizers if your restaurant offers them.",,"Describa los elementos de esta categoría o lo que incluyen estos platos. Puede especificar los aperitivos en esta primera categoría si el restaurante los ofrece.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe the items in this category or what is included with these dishes. In this category, you may want to list your main course items.",,"Describa los elementos de esta categoría o lo que incluyen estos platos. Quizá desee especificar los primeros platos en esta categoría.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe the items in this category or what is included with these dishes. In this category, you may want to list the soups and salads you offer.",,"Describa los elementos de esta categoría o lo que incluyen estos platos. Quizá desee especificar en esta categoría las sopas y ensaladas que ofrece.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe the items in this category or what is included with these dishes.",,"Describa los elementos de esta categoría o lo que incluyen estos platos. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a great place to include information about your business. You may want to list your other restaurant locations or state whether delivery is restricted to certain areas.",,"Este es un lugar perfecto para incluir información acerca de su negocio. Quizá desee citar las direcciones del resto de sus restaurantes o indicar si el servicio de entrega a domicilio está restringido a determinadas áreas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List other locations here.\rList other locations here.\rList other locations here.\rList other locations here.\rList other locations here.",,"Espacio para otras direcciones.\rEspacio para otras direcciones.\rEspacio para otras direcciones.\rEspacio para otras direcciones.\rEspacio para otras direcciones.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"TAKE-OUT MENU",,"MENÚ PARA LLEVAR",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To order, contact",,"Para realizar un pedido, diríjase a",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Deliver to:",,"Entregar a:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please fill in your name, address, and phone number so we know where to send your order",,"Escriba su nombre, dirección y número de teléfono para enviarle el pedido.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wine List",,"Carta de vinos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"By the glass",,"Reserva",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Name, Type\rDescription",,"Nombre, Tipo\rDescripción",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A brief description of the dessert.",,"Breve descripción del postre.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Daily Specials",,"Menú del día ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Take-out Menu",,"Menú para llevar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please fill in your name, address, and phone number so we know where to send your order.",,"Escriba su nombre, dirección y número de teléfono para enviarle el pedido.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Name, Type",,"Nombre, tipo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Monday-Friday 00:00-00:00",,"Lunes a viernes 00:00-00:00",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"A brief description of the dish.",,"Breve descripción del plato.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"DAILY SPECIALS",,"MENÚ DEL DÍA",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Here, you may want to mention the type of payment you accept, such as checks or credit cards.",,"Puede utilizar este espacio para especificar el modo de pago que acepta, como cheques o tarjetas de crédito.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Newsletter Date",,"Fecha del boletín",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Volume 1, Issue 1",,"Volumen 1, nº 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Volume",,"Volumen ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
", Issue",,", nº ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Issue",," nº ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Navigation Bar Text",,"Texto de la barra de navegación",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Secondary Story Headline",,"Título del artículo secundario",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Inside this issue:",,"Contenido:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Inside Story",,"Artículo interior",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 75-125 words.\rYour headline is an important part of the newsletter and should be considered carefully.\rIn a few words, it should accurately represent the contents of the story and draw readers into the story. Develop the headline before you write the story. This way, the headline will help you keep the story focused.\rExamples of possible headlines include Product Wins Industry Award, New Product Can Save You Time!, Membership Drive Exceeds Goals, and New Office Opens Near You.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 75-125 palabras.\rEl título es una parte importante del boletín y debe pensarlo con detenimiento.\rDebe representar fielmente y con pocas palabras el contenido del artículo y despertar el interés del público por leerlo. Escriba primero el título. De esta manera, el título le ayudará a desarrollar el artículo centrado en este punto.\rAlgunos ejemplos: Premio internacional para un producto, ¡Este nuevo producto le ahorrará tiempo! y Próxima apertura de una oficina cerca de usted.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 150-200 words.\rOne benefit of using your newsletter as a promotional tool is that you can reuse content from other marketing materials, such as press releases, market studies, and reports.\rWhile your main goal of distributing a newsletter might be to sell your product or service, the key to a successful newsletter is making it useful to your readers.\rA great way to add useful content to your newsletter is to develop and write your own articles, or include a calendar of upcoming events or a special offer that promotes a new product.\rYou can also research articles or find “filler” articles by accessing the World Wide Web. You can write about a variety of topics but try to keep your articles short.\rMuch of the content you put in your newsletter can also be used for your Web site. (!idspnPublisher_NV) offers a simple way to convert your newsletter to a Web publication. So, when youre finished writing your newsletter, convert it to a Web site and post it.",,"Esta historia puede incluir 150-200 palabras.\rUna ventaja de utilizar el boletín como herramienta para promocionarse es que puede reutilizar el contenido de otros materiales de marketing, como comunicados de prensa, estudios de mercado e informes.\rQuizá su principal objetivo sea distribuir un boletín para vender su producto o servicio, pero la clave del éxito de un boletín es conseguir que sea útil para el público.\rUn buen método consiste en escribir sus propios artículos, o bien incluir un calendario de eventos próximos o una oferta especial que promueva un nuevo producto.\rTambién puede consultar artículos o buscar artículos “de relleno” en el World Wide Web. Escriba acerca de una variedad de temas, pero procure que los artículos sean breves.\rLa mayor parte del contenido que incluya en el boletín lo puede utilizar también para el sitio web. (!idspnPublisher_NV) ofrece una manera fácil de convertir el boletín en una publicación para la Web. Por tanto, cuando acabe de escribir el boletín, conviértalo en sitio web y publíquelo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Inside Story Headline",,"Título del artículo interior",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 75-125 words.\rSelecting pictures or graphics is an important part of adding content to your newsletter.\rThink about your article and ask yourself if the picture supports or enhances the message youre trying to convey. Avoid selecting images that appear to be out of context.\r(!idspnPublisher_NV) includes thousands of clip art images from which you can choose and import into your newsletter. There are also several tools you can use to draw shapes and symbols.\rOnce you have chosen an image, place it close to the article. Be sure to place the caption of the image near the image.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 75-125 palabras.\rLa selección de imágenes o gráficos es importante al agregar contenido al boletín.\rPiense en el artículo y pregúntese si la imagen mejora el mensaje que intenta transmitir. Evite seleccionar imágenes que parezcan estar fuera de contexto.\r(!idspnPublisher_NV) incluye miles de imágenes prediseñadas que puede importar a su boletín, además de herramientas para dibujar formas y símbolos.\rUna vez elegida la imagen, colóquela cerca del artículo. Asegúrese de que el pie de imagen está próximo a la imagen.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 100-150 words.\rThe subject matter that appears in newsletters is virtually endless. You can include stories that focus on current technologies or innovations in your field.\rYou may also want to note business or economic trends, or make predictions for your customers or clients.\rIf the newsletter is distributed internally, you might comment upon new procedures or improvements to the business. Sales figures or earnings will show how your business is growing.\rSome newsletters include a column that is updated every issue, for instance, an advice column, a book review, a letter from the president, or an editorial. You can also profile new employees or top customers or vendors.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 100-150 palabras.\rEl tema de los boletines es casi interminable. Puede incluir artículos sobre tecnologías actuales o innovaciones en su campo.\rQuizá desee mencionar las tendencias comerciales o económicas, así como realizar predicciones.\rSi el boletín se distribuye internamente, puede comentar las mejoras que se van a llevar a cabo. Incluya cifras de los beneficios para mostrar el crecimiento de su negocio.\rAlgunos boletines incluyen una columna que se actualiza en cada edición; por ejemplo, los últimos libros publicados, una carta del presidente o un editorial. También puede mostrar el perfil de nuevos empleados, clientes o distribuidores.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"“To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story here.”",,"“Incluya aquí una frase o una cita del artículo para captar la atención del lector”.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.",,"Fecha — Describa aquí brevemente el evento, incluyendo la hora y el lugar.\rFecha — Describa aquí brevemente el evento, incluyendo la hora y el lugar.\rFecha — Describa aquí brevemente el evento, incluyendo la hora y el lugar.\rFecha — Describa aquí brevemente el evento, incluyendo la hora y el lugar.\rFecha — Describa aquí brevemente el evento, incluyendo la hora y el lugar.\rFecha — Describa aquí brevemente el evento, incluyendo la hora y el lugar.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 150-200 words.\rNewsletters provide an excellent opportunity to highlight past events and draw attention to upcoming events. This story could describe a successful event, such as a special awards ceremony, a quarterly board meeting, an employee training seminar, an annual retreat, a fund-raising dinner, or a publicity event to launch a product, program, or service. Photos of event participants are especially effective for this type of article. In the caption below or next to the photo, be sure to identify all people shown.\rThis is also a good place to feature one of the upcoming events listed in the Calendar of Events above. Explain the purpose of the event, the time and location, ticket prices (if any), and the audience expected to attend. If there is a guest speaker, mention the subject of his or her presentation and give a few details about the individual, including any significant accomplishments. Be sure to welcome your readers to attend the event and note whether food or beverages will be served and whether prizes will be awarded.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 150-200 palabras.\rLos boletines constituyen una excelente oportunidad para resaltar eventos pasados y dirigir la atención hacia eventos futuros. Este artículo puede describir un evento que haya resultado un éxito, como una entrega de premios, una reunión del consejo de dirección, un seminario para empleados, una cena para recaudación de fondos o un evento publicitario para lanzar un producto, programa o servicio. Las fotografías de participantes en el evento son especialmente efectivas. No olvide incluir en el pie de imagen o junto a la fotografía los nombres de las personas que aparecen en ella.\rEste es también un buen lugar para detallar alguno de los eventos que aparecen en el calendario anterior. Explique el propósito del evento, la hora y el lugar, así como los precios de las entradas (si procede). Si hay un portavoz, mencione el tema de su discurso y proporcione algunos detalles sobre la persona. No olvide indicar que todos los asistentes serán bienvenidos y especificar si se ofrecerán comida y bebidas o si habrá una entrega de premios.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 100-150 words.\rThis is a good place to write a small story featuring a new product, service, or program youre offering.\rRemember to make the information useful to your reader. Explain any features that distinguish what you offer from that of your competition.\rYou may also want to describe the history of the product, service, or program or highlight persons responsible for its development.\rA good source of information for your story might be press releases, sales or market reports, or brochures you have created.\rIt is important to maintain the integrity of this publication as a newsletter, rather than a means of advertisement. In other words, your readers should feel that youre informing them about what you offer, as opposed to selling it to them.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 100-150 palabras.\rDescriba el nuevo producto, servicio o programa que ofrece.\rRecuerde que la información debe resultarle útil al público. Explique las características que distinguen lo que usted ofrece de lo que ofrecen sus competidores.\rTambién puede mencionar a las personas responsables de su desarrollo.\rUna estupenda fuente de información para el artículo podrían ser los comunicados de prensa, informes de ventas o mercado, así como los boletines que haya creado.\rEs importante mantener la integridad de esta publicación como boletín, más que como medio publicitario. Sus lectores deben sentir que les está informando acerca de lo que ofrece, en lugar de vendérselo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a good place to make a special offer for joining your organization, purchasing a product, or requesting your service. You can also transform the feedback into a sign-up or generic feedback form.",,"Este es un lugar ideal para anunciar ofertas especiales de trabajo o productos y servicios a precios de promoción. También puede transformar los comentarios en un formulario de inscripción o de comentarios genérico.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 175-225 words.\rIf your newsletter is folded and mailed, this story will appear on the back. So, its a good idea to make it easy to read at a glance.\rA question and answer session is a good way to quickly capture the attention of readers. You can either compile questions that youve received since the last edition or you can summarize some generic questions that are frequently asked about your organization.\rA listing of names and titles of managers in your organization is a good way to give your newsletter a personal touch. If your organization is small, you may want to list the names of all employees.\rIf you have any prices of standard products or services, you can include a listing of those here. You may want to refer your readers to any other forms of communication that youve created for your organization.\rYou can also use this space to remind readers to mark their calendars for a regular event, such as a breakfast meeting for vendors every third Tuesday of the month, or a biannual charity auction.\rIf space is available, this is a good place to insert a clip art image or some other graphic.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 175-225 palabras.\rSi el boletín es para plegarlo y enviarlo por correo, este artículo aparecerá en la parte posterior. Por tanto, es una buena idea que pueda leerse de un vistazo.\rUn modo de llamar la atención del público es incluir una sección de preguntas y respuestas. Recopile preguntas que haya recibido desde la última edición o resuma algunas que se realicen con frecuencia acerca de su organización.\rUna lista de los directores de la organización da un toque personal al boletín. Si la organización es pequeña, quizá desee enumerar la lista de nombres de todos los empleados.\rSi tiene precios de productos o servicios estándar, puede incluir una lista en este espacio. También puede hacer referencia a cualquier otro modo de comunicación que haya creado para su organización.\rTambién puede utilizar este espacio para recordar a los lectores que marquen un evento periódico en el calendario, como un desayuno de negocios con los proveedores el tercer martes de cada mes o una subasta benéfica bianual.\rSi dispone de espacio, puede insertar una imagen prediseñada o algún otro gráfico.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Back Page Story Headline",,"Título del artículo de la página posterior",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Were on the Web!\rexample.com",,"¡Estamos en la Web!\rexample.com",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Special points of interest:",,"Puntos de interés especial:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This would be a good place to insert a short paragraph about your organization. It might include the purpose of the organization, its mission, founding date, and a brief history. You could also include a brief list of the types of products, services, or programs your organization offers, the geographic area covered (for example, western U.S. or European markets), and a profile of the types of customers or members served. \rIt would also be useful to include a contact name for readers who want more information about the organization.",,"Este es un lugar ideal para insertar unas líneas acerca de la organización. Puede incluir el propósito de la misma, su misión, la fecha de su fundación y una breve historia. También puede incluir una lista de los tipos de productos, servicios o programas que ofrece la organización, la zona en la que trabaja (por ejemplo sur de España o mercados sudamericanos), así como un perfil de los tipos de clientes o miembros a los que atiende.\rResulta también muy útil especificar un nombre de contacto para aquellos lectores que deseen obtener más información acerca de la organización.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"NEWSLETTER DATE",,"FECHA DEL BOLETÍN",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"VOLUME I, ISSUE 1",,"VOLUMEN I, Nº 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Special Points of Interest:",,"Puntos de interés especial:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"NEWSLETTER TITLE",,"TÍTULO DEL BOLETÍN",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Newsletter title",,"Título del boletín",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Briefly highlight your point of interest here.\rBriefly highlight your point of interest here.\rBriefly highlight your point of interest here.\rBriefly highlight your point of interest here.",,"Destaque brevemente un punto de interés.\rDestaque brevemente un punto de interés.\rDestaque brevemente un punto de interés.\rDestaque brevemente un punto de interés.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Briefly highlight your point of interest here.\rBriefly highlight your point of interest here.\rBriefly highlight your point of interest here.",,"Destaque brevemente un punto de interés.\rDestaque brevemente un punto de interés.\rDestaque brevemente un punto de interés.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Briefly highlight your point of interest here.",,"Destaque brevemente un punto de interés.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This would be a good place to insert a short paragraph about your organization. It might include the purpose of the organization, its mission, founding date, and a brief history. You could also include a brief list of the types of products, services, or programs your organization offers, the geographic area covered (for example, western U.S. or aEuropean markets), and a profile of the types of customers or members served. \rIt would also be useful to include a contact name for readers who want more information about the organization.",,"Este es un lugar ideal para insertar unas líneas acerca de la organización. Puede incluir el propósito de la misma, su misión, la fecha de su fundación y una breve historia. También puede incluir una lista de los tipos de productos, servicios o programas que ofrece la organización, la zona en la que trabaja (por ejemplo sur de España o mercados sudamericanos), así como un perfil de los tipos de clientes o miembros a los que atiende.\rResulta también muy útil especificar un nombre de contacto para aquellos lectores que deseen obtener más información acerca de la organización.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 175-225 words.\rIf your newsletter is folded and mailed, this story will appear on the back. So, its a good idea to make it easy to read at a glance.\rA question and answer session is a good way to quickly capture the attention of readers. You can either compile questions that youve received since the last edition or you can summarize some generic questions that are frequently asked about your organization.\rA listing of names and titles of managers in your organization is a good way to give your newsletter a personal touch. If your organization is small, you may want to list the names of all employees.\rIf you have any prices of standard products or services, you can include a listing of those here. You may want to refer your readers to any other forms of communication that youve created for your organization.\rYou can also use this space to remind readers to mark their calendars for a regular event, such as a breakfast meeting for vendors every third Tuesday of the month, or a biannual charity auction.\rIf space is available, this is a good place to insert a clip art image or some other graphic.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 175-225 palabras.\rSi el boletín es para plegarlo y enviarlo por correo, este artículo aparecerá en la parte posterior. Por tanto, es una buena idea que pueda leerse de un vistazo.\rUn modo de llamar la atención del público es incluir una sección de preguntas y respuestas. Recopile preguntas que haya recibido desde la última edición o resuma algunas preguntas genéricas que se realizan con cierta frecuencia acerca de su organización.\rUna lista de los directores de la organización da un toque personal al boletín. Si la organización es pequeña, quizá desee enumerar la lista de nombres de todos los empleados.\rSi tiene precios de productos o servicios estándar, puede incluir una lista en este espacio. También puede hacer referencia a cualquier otro modo de comunicación que haya creado para su organización.\rUtilice este espacio para recordar a sus clientes que marquen en sus calendarios un evento regular, como un desayuno para los distribuidores el tercer martes de cada mes.\rSi dispone de espacio, este es un buen lugar para insertar una imagen prediseñada o algún otro gráfico.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.",,"Fecha — Espacio para una breve descripción del evento, incluidos el lugar y la hora.\rFecha — Espacio para una breve descripción del evento, incluidos el lugar y la hora.\rFecha — Espacio para una breve descripción del evento, incluidos el lugar y la hora.\rFecha — Espacio para una breve descripción del evento, incluidos el lugar y la hora.\rFecha — Espacio para una breve descripción del evento, incluidos el lugar y la hora.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.",,"Fecha — Espacio para una breve descripción del evento, incluidos el lugar y la hora.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This would be a good place to insert a short paragraph about your organization. It might include the purpose of the organization, its mission, founding date, and a brief history. You could also include a brief list of the types of products, services, or programs your organization offers, the geographic area covered (for example, western U.S. or European markets), and a profile of the types of customers or members served.",,"Este es un lugar ideal para insertar unas líneas acerca de la organización. Puede incluir el propósito de la misma, su misión, la fecha de su fundación y una breve historia. También puede incluir una lista de los tipos de productos, servicios o programas que ofrece la organización, la zona en la que trabaja (por ejemplo oeste de EE.UU. o mercados europeos), así como un perfil de los tipos de clientes o miembros a los que atiende.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"It would also be useful to include a contact name for readers who want more information about the organization.",,"Asimismo sería útil incluir un nombre de contacto para los lectores que deseen obtener más información acerca de la organización.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 175-225 words.\rThe purpose of a newsletter is to provide specialized information to a targeted audience. Newsletters can be a great way to market your product or service, and also create credibility and build your organizations identity among peers, members, employees, or vendors.\rFirst, determine the audience of the newsletter. This could be anyone who might benefit from the information it contains, for example, employees or people interested in purchasing a product or requesting your service.\rYou can compile a mailing list from business reply cards, customer information sheets, business cards collected at trade shows, or membership lists. You might consider purchasing a mailing list from a company.\rIf you explore the Publisher catalog, you will find many publications that match the style of your newsletter.\rNext, establish how much time and money you can spend on your newsletter. These factors will help determine how frequently you publish the newsletter and its length. Its recommended that you publish your newsletter at least quarterly so that its considered a consistent source of information. Your customers or employees will look forward to its arrival.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 175-225 palabras.\rEl propósito del boletín es proporcionar información especializada para un público determinado. Los boletines constituyen un buen método publicitario para sus productos o servicios, además de otorgar credibilidad y afianzar la imagen de su organización tanto fuera como dentro de ella.\rEn primer lugar, determine el público al que va dirigido el boletín; por ejemplo, empleados o personas interesadas en un producto o servicio.\rCree una lista de direcciones a partir de las tarjetas de respuesta, hojas de información de clientes, tarjetas de presentación obtenidas en ferias o listas de miembros. Puede adquirir también una lista de direcciones de una organización.\rPublisher incluye numerosas publicaciones que se ajustan al estilo de su boletín.\rA continuación, establezca el tiempo y el dinero que puede invertir. Estos factores le ayudarán a determinar la frecuencia con la que publicará el boletín y su extensión. Se recomienda publicar un boletín al menos trimestralmente, con el fin de que se considere una fuente constante de información. Sus clientes o empleados esperarán su publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Newsletter TitlE",,"Título del boletín",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"We are on the web!\rexample.com",,"¡Estamos en el Web!\rexample.com",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.",,"Fecha — Espacio para una breve descripción del evento, incluidos el lugar y la hora.\rFecha — Espacio para una breve descripción del evento, incluidos el lugar y la hora.\rFecha — Espacio para una breve descripción del evento, incluidos el lugar y la hora.\rFecha — Espacio para una breve descripción del evento, incluidos el lugar y la hora.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Inside Story \rHeadline",,"Título del \rartículo interior",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Were are on the Web!\rexample.com",,"¡Estamos en la Web!\rexample.com",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This would be a good place to insert a short paragraph about your organization. It might include the purpose of the organization, its mission, founding date, and a brief history. You could also include a brief list of the types of products, services, or programs your organization offers, the geographic area covered (for example, western U.S. or European markets), and a profile of the types of customers or members served. \rIt would also be useful to include a contact name for readers who want more information about the organization.",,"Este es un lugar ideal para insertar unas líneas acerca de la organización. Puede incluir el propósito de la misma, su misión, la fecha de su fundación y una breve historia. También puede incluir una lista de los tipos de productos, servicios o programas que ofrece la organización, la zona en la que trabaja (por ejemplo sur de España o mercados sudamericanos), así como un perfil de los tipos de clientes o miembros a los que atiende.\rResulta también muy útil especificar un nombre de contacto para aquellos lectores que deseen obtener más información sobre la organización.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Briefly highlight your point of interest here.\rBriefly highlight your point of interest here.\rBriefly highlight your  here.\rBriefly highlight your point of point of interest here.",,"Destaque brevemente un punto de interés.\rDestaque brevemente un punto de interés.\rDestaque brevemente un punto de interés.\rDestaque brevemente un punto de interés.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 150-200 words.\rOne benefit of using your newsletter as a promotional tool is that you can reuse content from other marketing materials, such as press releases, market studies, and reports.\rWhile your main goal of distributing a newsletter might be to sell your product or service, the key to a successful newsletter is making it useful to your readers.\rA great way to add useful content to your newsletter is to develop and write your own articles, or include a calendar of upcoming events or a special offer that promotes a new product.\rYou can also research articles or find “filler” articles by accessing the World Wide Web. You can write about a variety of topics but try to keep your articles short.\rMuch of the content you put in your newsletter can also be used for your Web site. (!idspnPublisher_NV) offers a simple way to convert your newsletter to a Web publication. So, when youre finished writing your newsletter, convert it to a Web site and post it.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 150-200 palabras.\rUna ventaja de utilizar el boletín como herramienta para promocionarse es que puede reutilizar el contenido de otro material de marketing, como comunicados de prensa, estudios de mercado e informes.\rQuizá su principal objetivo sea distribuir un boletín para vender su producto o servicio, pero la clave del éxito de un boletín es conseguir que sea útil para el público.\rUn buen método consiste en escribir sus propios artículos, o bien incluir un calendario de próximos eventos o una oferta especial.\rTambién puede consultar artículos o buscar artículos “de relleno” en el World Wide Web. Escriba acerca de una variedad de temas, pero procure que los artículos sean breves.\rLa mayor parte del contenido que incluya en el boletín lo puede utilizar también para el sitio web. (!idspnPublisher_NV) ofrece una manera fácil de convertir el boletín en una publicación para la Web. Por tanto, cuando acabe de escribir el boletín, conviértalo en sitio web y publíquelo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Page",,"Página ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.\rDate — Briefly describe the event here, including time and place.",,"Fecha — Espacio para una breve descripción del evento, incluidos el lugar y la hora.\rFecha — Espacio para una breve descripción del evento, incluidos el lugar y la hora.\rFecha — Espacio para una breve descripción del evento, incluidos el lugar y la hora.\rFecha — Espacio para una breve descripción del evento, incluidos el lugar y la hora.\rFecha — Espacio para una breve descripción del evento, incluidos el lugar y la hora.\rFecha — Espacio para una breve descripción del evento, incluidos el lugar y la hora.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 175-225 words.\rIf your newsletter is folded and mailed, this story will appear on the back. So, its a good idea to make it easy to read at a glance.\rA question and answer session is a good way to quickly capture the attention of readers. You can either compile questions that youve received since the last edition or you can summarize some generic questions that are frequently asked about your organization.\rA listing of names and titles of managers in your organization is a good way to give your newsletter a personal touch. If your organization is small, you may want to list the names of all employees.\rIf you have any prices of standard products or services, you can include a listing of those here. You may want to refer your readers to any other forms of communication that youve created for your organization.\rYou can also use this space to remind readers to mark their calendars for a regular event, such as a breakfast meeting for vendors every third Tuesday of the month, or a biannual charity auction.\rIf space is available, this is a good place to insert a clip art image or some other graphic.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 175-225 palabras.\rSi el boletín es para plegarlo y enviarlo por correo, este artículo aparecerá en la parte posterior. Por tanto, es una buena idea que pueda leerse de un vistazo.\rUn modo de llamar la atención del público es incluir una sección de preguntas y respuestas. Recopile preguntas que haya recibido desde la última edición o resuma algunas que se realicen con frecuencia acerca de su organización.\rUna lista de los directores de la organización da un toque personal al boletín. Si la organización es pequeña, quizá desee enumerar la lista de nombres de todos los empleados.\rSi tiene precios de productos o servicios estándar, puede incluir una lista en este espacio. También puede hacer referencia a cualquier otro modo de comunicación que haya creado para su organización.\rSi dispone de espacio, puede insertar una imagen prediseñada o algún otro gráfico.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This would be a good place to insert a short paragraph about your organization. It might include the purpose of the organization, its mission, founding date, and a brief history. You could also include a brief list of the types of products, services, or programs your organization offers, the geographic area covered (for example, western U.S. or European markets), and a profile of the types of customers or members served.\rIt would also be useful to include a contact name for readers who want more information about the organization.",,"Este es un lugar ideal para insertar unas líneas acerca de la organización. Puede incluir el propósito de la misma, su misión, la fecha de su fundación y una breve historia. También puede incluir una lista de los tipos de productos, servicios o programas que ofrece la organización, la zona en la que trabaja (por ejemplo sur de España o mercados sudamericanos), así como un perfil de los tipos de clientes o miembros a los que atiende.\rResulta también muy útil especificar un nombre de contacto para aquellos lectores que deseen obtener más información acerca de la organización.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 100-150 words.\rThis is a good place to write a small story featuring a new product, service, or program youre offering.\rRemember to make the information useful to your reader. Explain any features that distinguish what you offer from that of your competition.\rYou may also want to describe the history of the product, service, or program or highlight persons responsible for its development.\rA good source of information for your story might be press releases, sales or market reports, or brochures you have created.\rIt is important to maintain the integrity of this publication as a newsletter, rather than a means of advertisement. In other words, your readers should feel that youre informing them about what you offer, as opposed to selling it to them.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 100-150 palabras.\rDescriba el nuevo producto, servicio o programa que ofrece.\rRecuerde que la información debe resultarle útil al público. Explique las características que distinguen lo que usted ofrece de lo que ofrecen sus competidores. \rTambién puede mencionar a las personas responsables de su desarrollo.\rUna estupenda fuente de información para el artículo podrían ser los comunicados de prensa, informes de ventas o mercado, así como los boletines que haya creado.\rEs importante mantener la integridad de esta publicación como boletín, más que como medio publicitario. Sus lectores deben sentir que les está informando acerca de lo que ofrece, en lugar de vendérselo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 100-150 words.\rThis is good place to write a small story featuring a new product, service, or program youre offering.\rRemember to make the information useful to your reader. Explain any features that distinguish what you offer from that of your competition.\rYou may also want to describe the history of the product, service, or program or highlight persons responsible for its development.\rA good source of information for your story might be press releases, sales or market reports, or brochures you have created.\rIt is important to maintain the integrity of this publication as a newsletter, rather than a means of advertisement. In other words, your readers should feel that youre informing them about what you offer, as opposed to selling it to them.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 100-150 palabras.\rDescriba el nuevo producto, servicio o programa que ofrece.\rRecuerde que la información debe resultarle útil al público. Explique las características que distinguen lo que usted ofrece de lo que ofrecen sus competidores.\rTambién puede mencionar a las personas responsables de su desarrollo.\rUna estupenda fuente de información para el artículo podría ser los comunicados de prensa, informes de ventas o mercado, así como los boletines que haya creado.\rEs importante mantener la integridad de esta publicación como un boletín, más que como un medio publicitario. Sus lectores deben sentir que les está informando acerca de lo que ofrece, en lugar de vendérselo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Inside Story  Headline",,"Título del artículo interior",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 175-225 words.\rIf your newsletter is folded and mailed, this story will appear on the back. So, its a good idea to make it easy to read at a glance.\rA question and answer session is a good way to quickly capture the readers attention. You can either compile questions that youve received since the last edition or you can summarize some generic questions that are frequently asked about your organization.\rA listing of names and titles of managers in your organization is a good way to give your newsletter a personal touch. If your organization is small, you may want to list the names of all employees.\rIf you have any prices of standard products or services, you can include a listing of those here. You may want to refer your readers to any other forms of communication that youve created for your organization.\rYou can also use this space to remind readers to mark their calendars for a regular event, such as a breakfast meeting for vendors every third Tuesday of the month, or a biannual charity auction.\rIf space is available, this is a good place to insert a clip art image or some other graphic.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 175-225 palabras.\rSi el boletín es para plegarlo y enviarlo por correo, este artículo aparecerá en la parte posterior. Por tanto, es una buena idea que pueda leerse de un vistazo.\rUn modo de llamar la atención del público es incluir una sección de preguntas y respuestas. Recopile preguntas que haya recibido desde la última edición o resuma algunas preguntas genéricas que se realizan con cierta frecuencia acerca de su organización.\rUna lista de los directores de la organización da un toque personal al boletín. Si la organización es pequeña, quizá desee enumerar la lista de nombres de todos los empleados.\rSi tiene precios de productos o servicios estándar, puede incluir una lista en este espacio. También puede hacer referencia a cualquier otro modo de comunicación que haya creado para su organización.\rUtilice este espacio para recordar a sus clientes que marquen en sus calendarios un evento regular, como un desayuno para los distribuidores el tercer martes de cada mes.\rSi dispone de espacio, este es un buen lugar para insertar una imagen prediseñada o algún otro gráfico.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"1, Issue 1",,"1, nº 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Caption story describing picture or graphic.",,"Texto del artículo que describe una imagen o un gráfico.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a good place to write a small story featuring a new product, service, or program youre offering.\rRemember to make the information useful to your reader. Explain any features that distinguish what you offer from that of your competition.\rYou may also want to describe the history of the product, service, or program or highlight persons responsible for its development.\rA good source of information for your story might be press releases, sales or market reports, or brochures you have created.\rIt is important to maintain the integrity of this publication as a newsletter, rather than a means of advertisement. In other words, your readers should feel that youre informing them about what you offer, as opposed to selling it to them.",,"Describa el nuevo producto, servicio o programa que ofrece.\rRecuerde que la información debe resultarle útil al público. Explique las características que distinguen lo que usted ofrece de lo que ofrecen sus competidores. También puede mencionar a las personas responsables de su desarrollo.\rUna estupenda fuente de información para el artículo podrían ser los comunicados de prensa, informes de ventas o mercado, así como los boletines que haya creado.\rEs importante mantener la integridad de esta publicación como boletín, más que como medio publicitario. Sus lectores deben sentir que les está informando acerca de lo que ofrece, en lugar de vendérselo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 75-125 words.\rSelecting pictures or graphics is an important part of adding content to your newsletter.\rThink about your article and ask yourself if the picture supports or enhances the message youre trying to convey. Avoid selecting images that appear to be out of context.\r(!idspnPublisher_NV) includes thousands of clip art images from which you can choose and import into your newsletter. There are also several tools you can use to draw shapes and symbols.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 75-125 palabras.\rLa selección de imágenes o gráficos es una parte importante a la hora de agregar contenido al boletín.\rPiense en el artículo y pregúntese si la imagen mejora el mensaje que intenta transmitir. Evite seleccionar imágenes que parezcan estar fuera de contexto.\r(!idspnPublisher_NV) incluye miles de imágenes prediseñadas entre las que puede elegir e importar a su boletín. También dispone de varias herramientas para dibujar formas y símbolos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Once you have chosen an image, place it close to the article. Be sure to place the caption of the image near the image.",,"Una vez que haya elegido una imagen, colóquela junto al artículo. Asegúrese de que coloca el pie de imagen cerca de la misma.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a good place to make a special offer for joining your organization, purchasing a product, or",,"Este es un lugar ideal para anunciar ofertas especiales de trabajo o productos ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"requesting your service. You can also transform the feedback into a sign-up or generic feedback form.",,"y servicios a precios de promoción. También puede transformar los comentarios en un formulario de inscripción o de comentarios genérico.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
" for 1",," por 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 100-150 words.\rThis is a good place to write a small story featuring a new product, service, or program youre offering.\rRemember to make the information useful to your reader. Explain any features that distinguish what you offer from that of your competition.\rYou may also want to describe the history of the product, service, or program or highlight persons responsible for its development.\rA good source of information for your story might be press releases, sales or market reports, or brochures you have created.\rIt is important to maintain the integrity of this publication as a newsletter, rather than a means of advertisement. In other words, your readers should feel that youre informing them about  what you offer, as opposed to selling it to them.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 100-150 palabras.\rDescriba el nuevo producto, servicio o programa que ofrece.\rRecuerde que la información debe resultarle útil al público. Explique las características que distinguen lo que usted ofrece de lo que ofrecen sus competidores.\rTambién puede mencionar a las personas responsables de su desarrollo.\rUna estupenda fuente de información para el artículo podrían ser los comunicados de prensa, informes de ventas o mercado, así como los boletines que haya creado.\rEs importante mantener la integridad de esta publicación como boletín, más que como medio publicitario. Sus lectores deben sentir que les está informando acerca de lo que ofrece, en lugar de vendérselo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 100-150 words.\rThis is a  good place to write a small story featuring a new product, service, or program youre offering.\rRemember to make the information useful to your reader. Explain any features that distinguish what you offer from that of your competition.\rYou may also want to describe the history of the product, service, or program or highlight persons responsible for its development.\rA good source of information for your story might be press releases, sales or market reports, or brochures you have created.\rIt is important to maintain the integrity of this publication as a newsletter, rather than a means of advertisement. In other words, your readers should feel that youre informing them about what you offer, as opposed to selling it to them.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 100-150 palabras.\rDescriba el nuevo producto, servicio o programa que ofrece.\rRecuerde que la información debe resultarle útil al público. Explique las características que distinguen lo que usted ofrece de lo que ofrecen sus competidores. También puede mencionar a las personas responsables de su desarrollo.\rUna estupenda fuente de información para el artículo podrían ser los comunicados de prensa, informes de ventas o mercado, así como los boletines que haya creado.\rEs importante mantener la integridad de esta publicación como boletín, más que como medio publicitario. Sus lectores deben sentir que les está informando acerca de lo que ofrece, en lugar de vendérselo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 150-200 words.\rOne benefit of using your newsletter as a promotional tool is that you can reuse content from other marketing materials, such as press releases, market studies, and reports.\rWhile your main goal of distributing a newsletter might be to sell your product or service, the key to a successful newsletter is making it useful to your readers.\rA great way to add useful content to your newsletter is to develop and write your own articles, or include a calendar of upcoming events or a special offer that promotes a new product.\rYou can also research articles or find “filler” articles by accessing the World Wide Web. You can write about a variety of topics but try to keep your articles short.\rMuch of the content you put in your newsletter can also be used for your Web site. (!idspnPublisher_NV) offers a simple way to convert your newsletter to a Web publication. So, when youre finished writing your newsletter, convert it to a Web site and post it",,"Esta historia puede incluir 150-200 palabras.\rUna ventaja de utilizar el boletín como herramienta para promocionarse es que puede reutilizar el contenido de otros materiales de marketing, como comunicados de prensa, estudios de mercado e informes.\rQuizá su principal objetivo sea distribuir un boletín para vender su producto o servicio, pero la clave del éxito de un boletín es conseguir que sea útil para el público.\rUn buen método consiste en escribir sus propios artículos, o bien incluir un calendario de eventos próximos o una oferta especial que promociona un nuevo producto.\rTambién puede consultar artículos o buscar artículos “de relleno” en el World Wide Web. Escriba acerca de una variedad de temas, pero procure que los artículos sean breves.\rLa mayor parte del contenido que incluya en el boletín lo puede utilizar también para el sitio web. (!idspnPublisher_NV) ofrece una manera fácil de convertir el boletín en una publicación para la Web. Por tanto, cuando acabe de escribir el boletín, conviértalo en sitio web y publíquelo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 175-225 words.\rIf your newsletter is folded and mailed, this story will appear on the back. So, its a good idea to make it easy to read at a glance.\rA question and answer session is a good way to quickly capture the attention of readers. You can either compile questions that youve received since the last edition or you can summarize some generic questions that are frequently asked about your organization.\rA listing of names and titles of managers in your organization is a good way to give your newsletter a personal touch. If your organization is small, you may want to list the names of all employees.\rIf you have any prices of standard products or services, you can include a listing of those here. You may want to refer your readers to any other forms of communication that youve created for your organization.\rYou can also use this space to remind readers to mark their calendars for a regular event, such as a breakfast meeting for vendors every third Tuesday of the month, or a biannual charity auction.\rIf space is available, this is a good place to insert a clip art image or some other graphic.",,"Este artículo puede incluir 175-225 palabras.\rSi el boletín es para plegarlo y enviarlo por correo, este artículo aparecerá en la parte posterior. Por tanto, es una buena idea que pueda leerse de un vistazo.\rUn modo de llamar la atención del público es incluir una sección de preguntas y respuestas. Recopile preguntas que haya recibido desde la última edición o resuma algunas que se realicen con frecuencia acerca de su organización.\rUna lista de los directores de la organización da un toque personal al boletín. Si la organización es pequeña, quizá desee enumerar la lista de nombres de todos los empleados.\rSi tiene precios de productos o servicios estándar, puede incluir una lista en este espacio.\rTambién puede hacer referencia a cualquier otro modo de comunicación que haya creado para su organización.\rSi dispone de espacio, puede insertar una imagen prediseñada o algún otro gráfico.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This story can fit 175-225 words.",,"Esta historia puede incluir 175-225 palabras.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The purpose of a newsletter is to provide specialized information to a targeted audience. Newsletters can be a great way to market your product or service, and also create credibility and build your organizations identity among peers, members, employees, or vendors.\rFirst, determine the audience of the newsletter. This could be anyone who might benefit from the information it contains, for example, employees or people interested in purchasing a product or requesting your service.\rYou can compile a mailing list from business reply cards, customer information sheets, business cards collected at trade shows, or membership lists. You might consider purchasing a mailing list from a company.",,"El propósito del boletín es proporcionar información especializada para un público determinado. Los boletines constituyen un buen método publicitario para sus productos o servicios, además de otorgar credibilidad y afianzar la imagen de su organización tanto fuera como dentro de ella.\rEn primer lugar, determine el público al que va dirigido el boletín.\rPuede ser cualquier persona que le pueda interesar la información que contiene, por ejemplo, empleados o personas interesadas en comprar un producto o solicitar un servicio. Cree una lista de direcciones a partir de las tarjetas de respuesta, hojas de información de clientes, tarjetas de presentación obtenidas en ferias o listas de miembros. Puede adquirir también una lista de direcciones de una organización.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you explore the Publisher catalog, you will find many publications that match the style of your newsletter.\rNext, establish how much time and money you can spend on your newsletter. These factors will help determine how frequently you publish the newsletter and its length. Its recommended that you publish your newsletter at least quarterly so that its considered a consistent source of information. Your customers or employees will look forward to its arrival.",,"Publisher incluye numerosas publicaciones que se ajustan al estilo de su boletín.\rA continuación, establezca el tiempo y el dinero que puede invertir. Estos factores le ayudarán a determinar la frecuencia con la que publicará el boletín y su extensión. Se recomienda publicar un boletín al menos trimestralmente, con el fin de que se considere una fuente constante de información. Sus clientes o empleados esperarán su publicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Volume 1,  Issue 1",,"Volumen 1, nº 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
", Issue",,", nº",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Picture caption",,"Pie de imagen",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Expiration date:",,"Fecha de expiración:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List items here.\rList items here.",,"Espacio para los elementos.\rEspacio para los elementos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"\rExpiration date:",,"\rFecha de expiración:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here that briefly describes your product or service. You might want to mention a key benefit that the product or service provides or include a photo.",,"Escriba aquí una breve descripción del producto o servicio. Quizá desee mencionar alguna ventaja especial del mismo o incluir una foto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product/Service Information",,"Información de producto o servicio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here that briefly describes your product or service. You might want to mention a key benefit that the product or service provides.",,"Escriba aquí una breve descripción del producto o servicio. Quizá desee mencionar alguna ventaja especial del mismo o incluir una foto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here to remind a customer or client of an appointment for a service or activity. Describe the benefits of keeping the appointment, or provide more information about the service or activity.",,"Escriba aquí unas líneas para recordar a un cliente que tiene una cita para un servicio o actividad. Describa las ventajas de asistir a la cita o proporcione más información acerca del servicio o actividad.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here to thank your customers, friends, or volunteers for supporting your organization. You might want to be specific about their contribution, such as referring a new customer, placing an order, participating in an activity, or giving a gift or donation.\rIn some instances you might want to explain the benefits or uses of their contribution.",,"Escriba unas palabras de agradecimiento para sus clientes, amigos o voluntarios por apoyar su organización. Puede ser más especifico en cuanto a su contribución, como mencionar un miembro o cliente nuevo, la participación en una actividad, una donación o un regalo.\rExplique también las ventajas o fines de su contribución.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This text briefly describes the artists and their art. You may want to note who is sponsoring the show, what makes it special, or interesting details about the location.",,"Describa brevemente a los artistas y su obra. Quizá desee especificar quién patrocina la exposición, por qué es especial, así como detalles interesantes acerca de su ubicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Parents or Family Members Names",,"Nombres de los padres o miembros de la familia",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"are proud to announce the birth of",,"tienen el orgullo de anunciar el nacimiento de",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Babys Name",,"Nombre del bebé",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Time of Birth:",,"Hora de nacimiento:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date of Birth:",,"Fecha de nacimiento:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Weight and Length",,"Peso y estatura",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe your party here. Your description can include the planned activities or the food and beverages that will be provided. You can also mention items you would like others to bring or any special arrangements.",,"Espacio para una breve descripción de la fiesta. Puede mencionar las actividades programadas, la comida y bebida que se servirá, algún plan especial o si desea que los invitados lleven algo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Art Exhibit",,"Exposición de arte",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Here you can provide a general description of the planned activities for the coming year or season. You may want to highlight special events or long excursions.",,"En este espacio, puede incluir una descripción general de las actuaciones planeadas para el próximo año. Puede destacar eventos especiales o viajes largos.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Band Schedule",,"Programa de actuaciones",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Business Reply Title",,"Título de la respuesta comercial",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"please \rplace \rstamp \rhere",,"Sello\rpostal",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Here, you can briefly describe why you are soliciting this information.\rYou may want to mention that you value your customers input and tell them how you will use the information. Its also nice to thank them for taking the time to respond.\rThis is also another opportunity to promote your product or service by highlighting some key benefits in the form of a list.",,"Aquí puede describir brevemente por qué solicita esta información.\rQuizá desee mencionar que valora los comentarios de sus clientes y especificar cómo utilizará esta información. También quedaría bien dar las gracias por dedicar unos minutos de su tiempo a contestar.\rEs otra oportunidad para promover su producto o servicio destacando algunas ventajas especiales en forma de lista.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"General Response Form Title",,"Título del formulario de respuesta general",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"First Question",,"Primera pregunta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Briefly describe your desired feedback.",,"Describa brevemente el tipo de comentarios que desea.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Answer A",,"Respuesta A",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Answer B",,"Respuesta B",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Answer C",,"Respuesta C",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Third Question",,"Tercera pregunta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Second Question",,"Segunda pregunta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Fourth Question",,"Cuarta pregunta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place your text here to briefly describe the event. It can include a list of activities, prizes, fees, or sponsors. You can also provide registration information.",,"Escriba una breve descripción del evento. Quizá desee incluir una lista de actividades, premios, precios u organizadores, así como información para inscribirse.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Seminar or Event Title",,"Título del seminario o evento",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please \rplace \rstamp \rhere",,"Sello\rpostal",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Family Picnic",,"Comida familiar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here to briefly describe the event, who is sponsoring it, and why it is being held. You can also note whether an RSVP is required.",,"Escriba una breve descripción del evento, quiénes son los organizadores y el motivo de su celebración. Especifique si se ruega confirmación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Invitation Title",,"Título",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This text briefly describes the event, who is sponsoring it, and why it is being held. You can also note whether an RSVP is required.",,"Describa el evento, indique quiénes son los organizadores y el motivo de su celebración. Especifique si se ruega confirmación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here to briefly describe the event, who is sponsoring the event, and why it is being held. You can also note whether an RSVP is required.",,"Escriba una breve descripción del evento, quiénes son los organizadores y el motivo de su celebración. Especifique si se ruega confirmación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Holiday Greetings",,"Felices fiestas",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Here you can write your own holiday or seasonal greeting to relatives, friends, business associates, or other special individuals.",,"Espacio para escribir su felicitación personal para familiares, amigos, socios u otras personas especiales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here to thank your customers, friends, or volunteers for supporting your organization. You might want to be specific about their contribution, such as referring a new customer, placing an order, participating in an activity, or giving a gift or donation.\rIn some instances, you might want to explain the benefits or uses of their contribution.",,"Escriba unas palabras de agradecimiento para sus clientes o amigos por apoyar su organización. Puede ser más especifico en cuanto a su contribución, como mencionar un miembro o cliente nuevo, la participación en una actividad o una donación.\rExplique también las ventajas o fines de su contribución.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Thank you",,"Gracias",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here that briefly describes your product or service. You might want to mention a key benefit that the product or service provides.",,"Escriba aquí una breve descripción del producto o servicio. Quizá desee mencionar alguna ventaja especial del mismo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here that briefly describes your product or service. You might want to mention a key benefit that the product or service provides or include  a photo.",,"Escriba aquí una breve descripción del producto o servicio. Quizá desee mencionar alguna ventaja especial del mismo o incluir una foto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Please respond before",,"Se ruega contestar antes de",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Your date here",,"Escriba la fecha aquí",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"\rName\t\rWill (   ) or will not attend (   )\rNumber attending (   )",,"\rNombre\t\rAsistencia (   ) No asistencia (   )\rNúmero de asistentes (   )",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place your text here to briefly describe the event, who is sponsoring it, and why it is being held. You can also note whether an RSVP is required.",,"Escriba una breve descripción del evento, quiénes son los organizadores y el motivo de su celebración. Especifique si se ruega confirmación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This text can explain the benefits of the move, such as a better location or expanded facilities.",,"Explique las ventajas del cambio de domicilio, como una mejor ubicación o instalaciones más amplias.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here to describe your open house event. You may want to describe your new home or office, its attributes, or the neighborhood. You can also note whether an RSVP is required.",,"Escriba una breve descripción de la inauguración. Quizá desee describir la nueva oficina y la zona. También puede especificar si se ruega confirmación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"If you are offering your goods at reduced prices, you are having a sale or a special offer. A sale usually spans a block of time and a special offer is usually limited to one specific date or time and may require a coupon.\rPlace your text here to briefly describe your sale or special offer. You might want to list products and their special prices.",,"Si ofrece sus productos a precios rebajados, está en época de rebajas o tiene una oferta especial. Las rebajas suelen durar un determinado período de tiempo, mientras que una oferta especial está limitada a una fecha específica y puede requerir un cupón.\rDescriba las rebajas u oferta especial. Incluya una lista de productos con sus precios especiales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To confirm or cancel appointment:",,"Para confirmar o cancelar una cita:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Place text here that briefly describes your event, product, or service. You might want to mention a key benefit that the event, product, or service provides.",,"Escriba una breve descripción del evento, producto o servicio. Quizá desee mencionar alguna ventaja del evento, producto o servicio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The Cast",,"Reparto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"15 Minute Intermission",,"Descanso de 15 minutos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Directed by",,"Director: ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Directors Name",,"Nombre del director",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Act Three",,"Tercer acto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Act Two",,"Segundo acto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Act One",,"Primer acto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Description of Act One goes here.",,"Espacio para describir el primer acto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Description of Act Two goes here.",,"Espacio para describir el segundo acto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Produced by",,"Productor: ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The Crew",,"Equipo técnico",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Special Thanks To…",,"Agradecimientos…",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Name of Donor",,"Nombre",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date of Service",,"Fecha del servicio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Time of Service",,"Hora del servicio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is an excellent place to provide information about your service. You may want to give a quick overview of your organizations mission, and welcome and thank those who are in attendance.",,"Este es un lugar perfecto para proporcionar información acerca de su servicio. Quizá desee incluir una descripción general del objetivo de su organización, así como dar la bienvenida y mostrar su agradecimiento a las personas que asistan.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Order of Service for",,"Servicio religioso para",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is where you list the order of the individual parts that make up the service.",,"Enumere aquí las distintas partes que componen el servicio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Service Event",,"Parte del servicio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Calendar of Upcoming Events",,"Calendario de eventos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Special Updates",,"Noticias de interés",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Here, you can provide information about upcoming services, meetings, or other activities that you want to make known.",,"Proporcione aquí información acerca de futuros servicios, reuniones u otras actividades que desee dar a conocer.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"In this location you may want to include special news about your organization, such as updates on the progress of special projects or news of interest regarding members of your organization.",,"Aquí puede incluir noticias acerca de su organización, como novedades en el progreso de proyectos concretos o noticias de interés acerca de los miembros de la organización.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date & Time\rLocation",,"Fecha y hora\rLugar",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Description of event",,"Descripción del evento",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a good place to provide more information about your organization and describe its purpose. You may want to include the organization structure with key positions and the people who hold them.",,"Este es un lugar perfecto para proporcionar información acerca de su organización y describir sus fines. Quizá desee incluir la estructura de la organización con algunos puestos clave y las personas que los ocupan.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Organization Structure",,"Estructura de la organización",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Office or Title",,"Título o puesto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Program Title",,"Título del programa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Program Part One",,"Primera parte del programa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Conducted by",,"Presentador: ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Conductors Name",,"Nombre del presentador",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Description of Program Part One goes here.",,"Espacio para describir la primera parte del programa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Program Part Two",,"Segunda parte del programa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Description of Program Part Two goes here.",,"Espacio para describir la segunda parte del programa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Program Part Three",,"Tercera parte del programa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Description of Program Part Three goes here.",,"Espacio para describir la tercera parte del programa.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"The Singers",,"Cantantes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Singers Name",,"Cantante",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Special Thanks",,"Agradecimientos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Musicians Name",,"Músico",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Play Title",,"Título de la obra",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Description of Act Three goes here.",,"Espacio para describir el tercer acto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To catch the reader's attention, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story here.",,"Incluya aquí una frase o una cita del artículo para captar la atención del lector.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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" Cut out the hands carefully.",," Recorte las manecillas con cuidado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Heres an easy way to make this clock suit your needs, as well as last a long time!",,"Esta es una manera fácil de ajustar el reloj a sus necesidades, así como alargar su duración.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"\rA quick tip: If youve resized your clock face in Publisher, dont forget to resize these hands to match it!",,"\rSugerencia: si ha cambiado el tamaño del reloj en Publisher, no olvide cambiar las manecillas para ajustarlas al reloj.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Closed for Remodeling",,"Cerrado por reforma",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Christmas 15",,"Navidad 15",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Thank You  6",,"Agradecimiento  6",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Thank You  7",,"Agradecimiento  7",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
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"Tint - Layout 2",,"Tono - Diseño 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wave - Layout 1",,"Onda - Diseño 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wave - Layout 3",,"Onda - Diseño 3",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wave - Layout 4",,"Onda - Diseño 4",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Wave - Layout 2",,"Onda - Diseño 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Name\r555 555 5555",,"Nombre\r555 555 5555",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"WITH COMPLIMENTS",,"SALUDOS",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Service description goes here",,"Escriba la descripción del servicio",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"For more information about this service:",,"Para obtener más información acerca de este servicio:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is a good place to make a special offer for joining your organization, purchasing a product, or requesting your service.",,"Este es un lugar ideal para anunciar ofertas especiales de trabajo o productos y servicios a precios de promoción.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Photo Title",,"Título de la fotografía",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Frequently Asked Questions",,"Preguntas más frecuentes",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"< Previous",,"< Anterior",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To draw readers into the page, place an interesting sentence or quote from the story here.",,"Para atraer la atención del lector, inserte aquí una frase o una cita interesante del artículo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Create a list of items. To add more items, copy and paste additional text boxes.\rChange the picture to one of your own, such as a picture of each item.",,"Cree una lista de elementos. Para agregar más elementos, copie y pegue cuadros de texto adicionales.\rCambie la imagen por otra personalizada, como una imagen de cada elemento.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type a brief description of this item.",,"Escriba una breve descripción de este elemento.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type a brief answer to the question. To add more questions, copy and paste additional text boxes.",,"Escriba una breve respuesta a la pregunta. Para agregar más preguntas, copie y pegue cuadros de texto adicionales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Question 1",,"Pregunta 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Question 2",,"Pregunta 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Question 3",,"Pregunta 3",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Question 4",,"Pregunta 4",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Question 5",,"Pregunta 5",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Item name 1",,"Nombre del elemento 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Collect orders for products or services. You need to set up this form so that the data is either saved on your Web server, sent to you in an e-mail message, or processed using a program from your ISP.",,"Recopile pedidos de productos o servicios. Debe configurar este formulario para que los datos se guarden en un servidor web, se le envíen en un mensaje de correo electrónico o se procesen utilizando un programa del ISP.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Item name 4",,"Nombre del elemento 4",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Item name 5",,"Nombre del elemento 5",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Item name 3",,"Nombre del elemento 3",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Item name 2",,"Nombre del elemento 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Exp. date:",,"Fecha cad.:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Create a list of items. To add more items, copy and paste additional text boxes. \rChange the picture to one of your own, such as a picture of each item.",,"Cree una lista de elementos. Para agregar más elementos, copie y pegue cuadros de texto adicionales. \rCambie la imagen por otra personalizada, como una imagen de cada elemento.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Ask readers to fill out a questionnaire. You need to set up this form so that the data is either saved on your Web server, sent to you in an e-mail message, or processed using a program from your ISP.",,"Solicite que los lectores rellenen el cuestionario. Debe configurar el formulario para que los datos se guarden en un servidor web, se le envíen en un mensaje de correo electrónico o se procesen utilizando un programa del ISP.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Response form title",,"Título del formulario de respuesta",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type a description of your questions and tell readers to include comments in the box below.",,"Escriba una descripción de las preguntas y solicite que los lectores incluyan comentarios en el cuadro anterior.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sign Up Form",,"Formulario de suscripción",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Register customers for an event. You need to set up this form so that the data is either saved on your Web server, sent to you in an e-mail message, or processed using a program from your ISP.",,"Registre a los clientes para un evento. Debe configurar este formulario para que los datos se guarden en un servidor web, se le envíen en un mensaje de correo electrónico o se procesen utilizando un programa del ISP.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
" Item name 1",," Nombre del elemento 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Sign up form title",,"Título del formulario de inscripción",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Event or seminar name 1",,"Nombre del evento o seminario 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Event or seminar name 2",,"Nombre del evento o seminario 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Event or seminar name 3",,"Nombre del evento o seminario 3",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Event or seminar name 4",,"Nombre del evento o seminario 4",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
" Item name 4",," Nombre del elemento 4",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is the first page of your Web site that visitors will see. On this page, explain your sites purpose, content, and layout. Include tips on how to move through your site and where to find key information.\rChange the picture to one of your own, such as a picture of your company.",,"Esta es la primera página que verán los visitantes. En esta página, explique el objetivo del sitio, el contenido y el diseño. Incluya sugerencias sobre cómo explorar el sitio y dónde se puede encontrar información importante.\rCambie la imagen por otra personalizada, como un gráfico de la compañía.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"This is the first page of your Web site that visitors will see. On this page, explain your sites purpose, content, and layout. Include tips on how to move through your site and where to find key information.\rChange the picture to one of your own, such as a picture of your company or your companys logo.",,"Esta es la primera página que verán los visitantes. En esta página, explique el objetivo del sitio, el contenido y el diseño. Incluya sugerencias sobre cómo explorar el sitio y dónde se puede encontrar información importante.\rCambie la imagen por otra personalizada, como un gráfico de la compañía.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe the job, including duties and responsibilities. List the education, experience, and certifications that are required. Explain how applicants can apply, and include the application deadline. To add more jobs, copy and paste additional text boxes.",,"Describa el título o puesto, incluyendo las tareas y responsabilidades. Enumere el curso, experiencia y calificaciones necesarias. Explique cómo los candidatos pueden solicitar un puesto y especifique la fecha límite de solicitud. Para agregar más puestos, copie y pegue cuadros de texto adicionales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Job title 1",,"Título o puesto 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Job List",,"Lista de puestos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Job title 2",,"Puesto 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Job title 3",,"Puesto 3",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type your legal text here.",,"Escriba aquí el texto legal.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
" Item name 5",," Nombre del elemento 5",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Privacy Policy",,"Política de privacidad",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"News Article",,"Artículo de noticias",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Present a news article or press release about your company or products.  Insert an existing text file of the article or type directly in this text box. \rChange the picture to one of your own, such as a picture that illustrates the article or a photo of the author.",,"Presente un artículo de noticias de la compañía o los productos. Introduzca un archivo de texto existente de un artículo o escriba directamente en este cuadro de texto. \rCambie la imagen por otra personalizada, como una imagen que ilustre el artículo o la foto del autor.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Article headline",,"Titulares del artículo",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Photo Detail",,"Detalles de la foto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"< Return to Photo Gallery",,"< Volver a la galería de fotografías",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Next >",,"Siguiente >",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Display a set of photos and captions. Describe what the photo gallery contains and how the photos are related.",,"Muestra una serie de fotos y títulos. Describa el contenido de la galería de fotografías y la relación entre las mismas.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Photo Title 1",,"Título de fotografía 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
" Item name 3",," Nombre del elemento 3",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Insert caption",,"Insertar título",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Photo Title 2",,"Título de fotografía 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Photo Title 3",,"Título de fotografía 3",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Photo Title 4",,"Título de fotografía 4",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Photo Title 5",,"Título de fotografía 5",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Photo Title 6",,"Título de fotografía 6",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Photo Title 7",,"Título de fotografía 7",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Photo Title 8",,"Título de fotografía 8",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Photo Title 9",,"Título de fotografía 9",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Photo Title 10",,"Título de fotografía 10",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
" Item name 2",," Nombre del elemento 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Photo Title 11",,"Título de fotografía 11",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Photo Title 12",,"Título de fotografía 12",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe a product and insert a photo and the price.\rType a brief description that introduces your product. Type a more detailed description in the longer text box.",,"Describa el producto e introduzca una foto y el precio.\rEscriba una breve descripción e introduzca el producto. Escriba una descripción más detallada en el cuadro de texto mayor.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product Summary",,"Resumen de producto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List an important product feature.\rList an important product feature.\rList an important product feature.\rList an important product feature.",,"Enumere una función importante del producto.\rEnumere una función importante del producto.\rEnumere una función importante del producto.\rEnumere una función importante del producto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type a detailed description of your product. \r\rChange the picture to one of your own, such as a photo of your product.",,"Escriba una descripción detallada del producto. \r\rCambie la imagen por otra personalizada, como una fotografía del producto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"SKU/Item Number:",,"Número de elemento o SKU:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"< Return to Product List",,"< Volver a la lista de productos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Price: $00.00",,"Precio: 00,00 dólares",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"SKU/Item Number: 000000",,"Número de elemento o SKU: 000000",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List the products that your company offers. To add more products, copy and paste additional text boxes.",,"Enumere los productos que ofrece su compañía. Para agregar más productos, copie y pegue cuadros de texto adicionales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type a description of the product. Change the picture to one of your own.",,"Escriba una descripción del producto. Cambie la imagen por una de su elección.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product name 1",,"Nombre 1 del producto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product name 2",,"Nombre 2 del producto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product name 3",,"Nombre 3 del producto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product name 4",,"Nombre 4 del producto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product name 5",,"Nombre 5 del producto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Product name 6",,"Nombre 6 del producto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"00/00/00 — Type the date of an upcoming event. Type the name of the event, the time, location, and a phone number to call for more information.",,"00/00/00 — Escriba la fecha de un evento próximo. Escriba el nombre del evento, la hora, ubicación y el número de teléfono para obtener más información.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"To contact us call:",,"Información de contacto:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List your current projects, clients, or activities. To add more projects, copy and paste additional text boxes.",,"Enumere los proyectos, clientes o actividades actuales. Para agregar más proyectos, copie y pegue cuadros de texto adicionales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type a description of the project, client, or activity. Change the picture to one of your own, such as a picture of the project.",,"Escriba una descripción del proyecto, cliente o actividad. Cambie la imagen por una de su elección, como una fotografía del proyecto.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Project name 1",,"Nombre 1 de proyecto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Project name 4",,"Nombre 4 de proyecto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Project name 5",,"Nombre 5 de proyecto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Project name 3",,"Nombre 3 de proyecto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Project name 2",,"Nombre 2 de proyecto",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Web site or page name 1",,"Nombre de la página o sitio web 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Select the Web site or page name above and link it to a Web address (URL). Describe the site and explain why the site is useful to your reader.",,"Seleccione el sitio o página web y vincúlelo a una dirección web (URL). Describa el sitio y explique por qué éste es útil para el lector.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List links to pages within your Web site or links to other Web sites on the Internet. Explain how each page or site relates to your company or organization. To add more links, copy and paste additional text boxes. To increase your sites visibility on the Internet, ask other organizations to include a link to your site on their Web site.",,"Enumere los vínculos de las páginas del sitio web o vínculos a otros sitios web de Internet. Explique cómo cada página o sitio se relaciona con la compañía u organización. Para agregar más vínculos, copie y pegue cuadros de texto adicionales. Para aumentar la visibilidad del sitio en Internet, solicite que otras organizaciones incluyan un vínculo a su sitio en el sitio web.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Web site or page name 2",,"Nombre de la página o sitio web 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Web site or page name 3",,"Nombre de la página o sitio web 3",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Web site or page name 4",,"Sitio o página web 4",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Web site or page name 5",,"Nombre de la página o sitio web 5",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Web site or page name 6",,"Nombre de la página o sitio web 6",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List links to pages within your Web site or links to other Web sites on the Internet. Explain how each page or site relates to your company or organization. \rTo add more links, copy and paste additional text boxes. To increase your sites visibility on the Internet, ask other organizations to include a link to your site on their Web site.",,"Enumere los vínculos de las páginas del sitio web o vínculos a otros sitios web de Internet. Explique cómo cada página o sitio se relaciona con la compañía u organización. \rPara agregar más vínculos, copie y pegue cuadros de texto adicionales. Para aumentar la visibilidad del sitio en Internet, solicite que otras organizaciones incluyan un vínculo a su sitio en el sitio web.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type a brief description of the topic, speaker, or sponsor. Change the picture to one of your own, such as a picture of the speaker.",,"Escriba una breve descripción del tema, orador u organizador. Cambie la imagen por una de su elección, como una fotografía del orador.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Promote an event by describing the sessions, speakers, or sponsors. Type the date, time, and location. To add more sessions, speakers, or sponsors, copy and paste additional text boxes.",,"Promueva un evento mediante la descripción de las sesiones, oradores u organizadores. Escriba la fecha, la hora y la ubicación. Para agregar más sesiones, oradores u organizadores, copie y pegue cuadros de texto adicionales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Event Speakers or Sponsors",,"Oradores u organizadores de eventos",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type the street address or the name of the neighborhood.\rChange the picture to one of your own, such as a map to your event or a picture of the location.",,"Escriba la dirección o el nombre de la zona.\rCambie la imagen por una de su elección, como un mapa para llegar al evento o una fotografía de la ubicación.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Contact person e-mail: someone@example.com",,"Correo electrónico de la persona de contacto: alguien@example.com",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Contact person: 555 555 5555",,"Persona de contacto: 555 555 5555",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Describe a service that your company provides. Include details about this service and prices. Use the bulleted list to highlight important features or restrictions. \rChange the picture to one of your own, such as a photo of this service.",,"Describa uno de los servicios que su compañía ofrece. Incluya detalles y precios acerca del mismo. Utilice una lista de viñetas para resaltar las funciones o restricciones importantes. \rCambie la imagen por una de su elección, como una fotografía de este servicio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List the benefit of using this service.  \rList the benefit of using this service.  \rList the benefit of using this service.  \rList the benefit of using this service.",,"Enumere las ventajas de utilizar este servicio.  \rEnumere las ventajas de utilizar este servicio.  \rEnumere las ventajas de utilizar este servicio.  \rEnumere las ventajas de utilizar este servicio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List the benefit of using this service.",,"Enumere las ventajas de utilizar este servicio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"< Return to Service List",,"< Volver a la lista de servicios",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List the services your company provides. To add more services, copy and paste additional text boxes.",,"Enumere los servicios que ofrece su compañía. Para agregar más servicios, copie y pegue cuadros de texto adicionales.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Briefly describe the benefits of using this service. Change the picture to one of your own, such as a picture of the service.",,"Describa brevemente las ventajas de utilizar este servicio. Cambie la imagen a una de su elección, como una fotografía del servicio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tell your customers how to contact you and where your company is located. Insert a map and type directions to your company. Include your phone number, fax number, and e-mail address.\rChange the picture to one of your own, such as a map of your location.",,"Especifique a sus clientes cómo conectarse y donde se ubica la compañía. Inserte un mapa y escriba la dirección de la compañía. Incluya el número de teléfono, número de fax y dirección de correo electrónico.\rCambie la imagen por otra personalizada, como el mapa de la ubicación. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"About Us",,"Información sobre nuestra empresa",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Service name 1",,"Nombre del servicio 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Service name 2",,"Nombre del servicio 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Service name 3",,"Nombre del servicio 3",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Service name 4",,"Nombre del servicio 4",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Briefly describe the benefits of using this service.",,"Describa brevemente las ventajas de utilizar este servicio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Advertise a sale or a special offer. Describe an offer for a product, service, or membership.",,"Anuncie un artículo rebajado o una oferta especial. Describa la oferta del producto, servicio o pertenencia.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type a description of this offer, including any limitations or restrictions. Use the bulleted list to highlight special features or items. \r\nChange the picture to one of your own, such as a picture of the item or special offer.",,"Escriba una descripción de esta oferta, incluyendo cualquier limitación o restricción. Utilice una lista de viñetas para resaltar las características o elementos especiales. \r\nCambie la imagen por una de su elección, como una fotografía del elemento u oferta especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List the benefit of this special offer.\rList the benefit of this special offer.\rList the benefit of this special offer.",,"Enumere las ventajas de esta oferta especial.\rEnumere las ventajas de esta oferta especial.\rEnumere las ventajas de esta oferta especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"List the benefit of this special offer.",,"Enumere las ventajas de esta oferta especial.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Date of Sale 00/00/00",,"Fecha de venta 00/00/00",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Time of Sale 00:00",,"Hora de venta 00:00",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Company or Organization Name",,"Nombre de la compañía u organización",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type your street address or the name of your neighborhood.",,"Escriba la dirección o el nombre del barrio.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Employee Detail",,"Datos del empleado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Introduce an employee with a detailed biography and photo.  Describe his or her duties, areas of expertise, credentials, and accomplishments.  \rChange the picture to one of your own, such as a photo of the employee.",,"Escriba la biografía detallada y una foto de un empleado. Describa sus funciones, áreas de conocimiento, credenciales y logros.  \rCambie la imagen por otra personalizada, como una foto del empleado. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"E-mail:",,"Correo electrónico:",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Employee Name",,"Nombre del empleado",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"< Return to Employee List",,"< Volver a la lista de empleados",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"E-mail: someone@example.com",,"Correo electrónico: alguien@example.com",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Phone: 555-555-5555",,"Teléfono: 555-555-5555",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Create a list of your employees. Type the employees e-mail address and a brief biography. Change the picture to one of your own, such as a picture of the employee. To add more employees, copy and paste additional text boxes.",,"Cree una lista de empleados. Escriba la dirección de correo electrónico y una breve biografía. Cambie la imagen por una personalizada, como una foto del empleado. Para agregar más empleados, copie y pegue cuadros de texto adicionales. ",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Employee name 1",,"Nombre del empleado 1",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Type a brief biography of the employee or describe their job.",,"Escriba una breve biografía del empleado o describa su trabajo.",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Employee name 2",,"Nombre del empleado 2",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Employee name 3",,"Nombre del empleado 3",,"None",,"All",,"Publisher",,""
"Tell customers about your company or organization. Include a brief description of your employees, the products or services you provide, and your companys goal or mission statement.\rChange the picture to one of your own, such as a picture of your CEO, a major product, or your company headquarters.",,"Informe a los clientes sobre su compañía u organización. Incluya una breve descripción de los empleados, los productos o servicios que ofrece, así como los objetivos o propósitos de la misma.\rCambie la imagen por una de su elección, como una fotografía del director, de un producto impor