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The Microsoft “Terms of Use” (available at the www.microsoft.com website) govern all glossary terms in this document (“Glossary Terms”).  The following supplemental terms and conditions also apply.  If there is any conflict between the Terms of Use and the following terms and conditions, the following terms and conditions will take
Precedence over the Terms of Use.
1. No part of the Glossary Terms may be reproduced, adapted, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, including photocopying and entry into an information storage and/or retrieval system, for any purpose without the prior express consent of Microsoft Corporation. 

2. You may use the Glossary Terms in the development of any application software and you may also use the Glossary Terms for personal or non-commercial purposes only without the prior written consent of Microsoft Corporation, and only if all copies contain this Permission Notice and the Microsoft copyright notice in the Terms of Use.         
3. You are not permitted to make any modifications, deletions or additions to the Glossary Terms.
4. Except as expressly set forth above, Microsofts publication of the Glossary Terms does not grant any rights to use, distribute, or implement any technology or intellectual property rights. All rights not expressly granted herein are expressly reserved by Microsoft.
"Source Term",,"Translation",,"String Category",,"Platform",,"Product",,"Version"
"The following files were originally licensed under the Apache License (reproduced below):",,"Følgende filer ble opprinnelig lisensiert i henhold til Apache-lisensen (reprodusert nedenfor):",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the ""License""). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at <a href=""http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"" aria-label=""Apache license"">http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0</a>"",,""Lisensiert under Apache-lisensen, versjon 2.0 (""lisensen""). Du kan ikke bruke denne filen, bortsett fra i samsvar med lisensen. Du kan få en kopi av lisensen på <a href=""http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"" aria-label=""Apache license"">http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.",,"Se lisensen for Apache versjon 2.0 for spesifikke språkstyringstillatelser og begrensinger i henhold til lisensen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Apache 2.0 License",,"Apache 2.0-lisens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Apache Licensed Files",,"Apache-lisensierte filer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The following files were originally licensed under the BSD License (2-clause) (reproduced below):",,"Følgende filer ble opprinnelig lisensiert i henhold til BSD-lisensen (2 klausuler) (reprodusert nedenfor):",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""BSD 2-clause ""Simplified"" License"",,""""Forenklet"" BSD-lisens med 2 klausuler"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The following files were originally licensed under the BSD License (3-clause) (reproduced below):",,"Følgende filer ble opprinnelig lisensiert i henhold til BSD-lisensen (3 klausuler) (reprodusert nedenfor):",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Newer BSD License (3-clause)",,"Nyere BSD-lisens (3 klausuler)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.",,"Redistribusjoner av kildekode må inneholde ovenstående opphavsrettserklæring, denne listen med betingelser og følgende ansvarsfraskrivelse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.",,"Redistribusjoner i binær form må reprodusere ovenstående opphavsrettserklæring, denne listen med betingelser og følgende ansvarsfraskrivelse i dokumentasjonen og/eller annet materiale som leveres med distribusjonen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Neither the name Copyright Holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.",,"Verken navnet på opphavsrettseieren eller navnene på tilhørende bidragsytere må brukes til å anbefale eller promotere produkter som er avledet fra denne programvaren, uten spesifikk skriftlig forhåndstillatelse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:",,"Redistribusjon og bruk i kildeform og binær form, med eller uten endring, er tillatt under forutsetning av at følgende betingelser er oppfylt:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"BSD Licensed Files",,"BSD-lisensierte filer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Disqus Terms of Service",,"Vilkår for bruk for Disqus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook Terms of Service",,"Vilkår for bruk for Facebook",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Portions utilize HighCharts, &copy; Highsoft Solutions AS. All Rights Reserved.",,"Deler benytter HighCharts, &copy; Highsoft Solutions AS. Med enerett.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instagram Terms of Use",,"Vilkår for bruk for Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""For technical support with Market Insights, go to <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=390992"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights support</a>."",,""Hvis du vil ha teknisk støtte med Market Insights, kan du gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=390992"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-støtte</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Find help contents in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Help Center</a>."",,""Finn hjelpeinnhold i <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights hjelpesenter</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.",,"Advarsel!  Dette programmet er beskyttet ifølge lover om opphavsrett og internasjonale konvensjoner, herunder lov av 12. mai 1961 nr. 2 om opphavsrett til åndsverk m.v. Uautorisert kopiering eller distribusjon av dette programmet eller deler av det kan medføre brudd på straffebestemmelsene i lov om opphavsrett til åndsverk eller andre relevante bestemmelser og vil, dersom slik overtredelse skjer, bli forfulgt rettslig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"&copy; 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"&copy; 2019 Microsoft Corporation. Med enerett.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LinkedIn User agreement",,"Avtal for LinkedIn-bruker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The following files were originally licensed under the MIT License (reproduced below):",,"Følgende filer ble opprinnelig lisensiert i henhold til MIT-lisensen (reprodusert nedenfor):",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ""Software""), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:"",,""Enhver person som anskaffer en kopi av denne programvaren og tilknyttede dokumentasjonsfiler (""programvaren"") gis herved tillatelse til kostnadsfritt å drive ubegrenset handel med programvaren, inkludert, uten begrensninger, rettigheter til å bruke, kopiere, endre, slå sammen, publisere, distribuere, viderelisensiere og/eller selge kopier av programvaren, samt gi personer som programvaren formidles til, lov til å gjøre dette, på følgende betingelser:"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.",,"Ovenstående opphavsrettserklæring og denne tillatelsesmerknaden skal inkluderes i alle kopier eller betydelige deler av programvaren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"MIT License",,"MIT-lisens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"MIT Licensed Files",,"MIT-lisensierte filer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Original copyright",,"Opprinnelig opphavsrett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Original file",,"Opprinnelig fil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Original license",,"Opprinnelig lisens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Original source",,"Opprinnelig kilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reddit",,"Reddit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This service depends on third parties to provide data. The use of all Social Content is subject to the terms of use or terms of service agreements associated with the social media network providing such content.",,"Denne tjenesten avhenger av at tredjeparter formidler data. Bruk av alt sosial innhold er underlagt vilkårene for bruk eller vilkårene i serviceavtalen som er knyttet til det sosiale medienettverket som formidler slikt innhold.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Links to third party terms of use/service",,"Koblinger til tredjeparters vilkår for bruk eller vilkår i serviceavtale",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Third party data provider",,"Dataleverandør for tredjepart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""This software may be based on or incorporates material from the files listed below (collectively, ""Third Party Code""). Please Note: Microsoft is not the original author of the Third Party Code. The URL for the original file source, the original copyright notice and the license under which Microsoft received Third Party Code are set forth below together with the text of such license. Such notices and license are provided solely for your information. Microsoft, not the third party, licenses this Third Party Code to you under the terms set forth in the Subscription License Terms for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Unless applicable law gives you more rights, Microsoft reserves all other rights not expressly granted under this agreement, whether by implication, estoppel or otherwise."",,""Denne programvaren kan være basert på eller inneholde materiale fra filene nedenfor (samlet kalt ""tredjepartskode""). Obs! Microsoft er ikke den opprinnelige utgiveren av tredjepartskoden. URL-adressen til den opprinnelige filkilden, den opprinnelige opphavsrettserklæringen og lisensen som Microsoft mottok tredjepartskoden under, er angitt nedenfor sammen med teksten i den nevnte lisensen. Slike merknader og lisenser er bare til informasjon. Microsoft, ikke tredjeparten, lisensierer denne tredjepartskoden til deg i henhold til betingelsene fremlagt i abonnementslisensvilkårene for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Med mindre gjeldende lover gir deg flere rettigheter, forbeholder Microsoft seg alle andre rettigheter som ikke er uttrykkelig gitt i denne avtalen, ved implikasjon, avskjæring eller på annen måte."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Third party notices",,"Tredjepartsvarsler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"About Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Om Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tumblr Terms of Service",,"Vilkår for bruk for Tumblr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter Terms of Service",,"Vilkår for bruk for Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Wordpress Terms of Service",,"Vilkår for bruk for Wordpress",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"YouTube Terms of Service",,"Vilkår for bruk for YouTube",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{panel_title} is closed.",,"%{panel_title} er lukket.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{panel_title} is open.",,"%{panel_title} er åpen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{panel_name} panel",,"%{panel_name}-panel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Doughnut chart. Displays types of posts in your data set.",,"Hjuldiagram. Viser innleggstypene i datasettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% are %{type}",,"%{posts} % er %{type}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts",,"Innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% are Posts",,"%{posts} % er innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Replies",,"Svar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% are Replies",,"%{posts} % er svar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Shares",,"Delinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% are Shares",,"%{posts} % er delinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activities",,"Aktiviteter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the types of posts in your data set",,"Se hvilke typer innlegg datasettet inneholder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Age data representation of consumer search volumes in US for the selected topic. Determined by available Bing search data.",,"Aldersdatarepresentasjon av forbrukersøkvolumer i USA for det valgte emnet. Fastslås av tilgjengelige Bing-søkedata.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{percent}% are %{type}",,"%{percent}% er %{type}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Age Group",,"Aldersgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Percentage",,"Prosent",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Age",,"Alder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Determined by available Bing search data.",,"Fastslås av tilgjengelige Bing-søkedata.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Line chart. Displays the number of posts in the selected time frame.",,"Linjediagram. Viser antallet innlegg i den valgte tidsrammen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Average",,"Gjennomsnitt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Volume",,"Volum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Average number of posts: %{value}",,"Gjennomsnittlig antall innlegg: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Average volume of posts based on previous periods",,"Gjennomsnittlig innleggsvolum basert på tidligere perioder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Volume of posts",,"Innleggsvolum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of posts: %{value}",,"Antall innlegg: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See how the volume of posts changed in the selected time frame",,"Se hvordan innleggsvolumet endret seg i den valgte tidsrammen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom Sources",,"Egendefinerte kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Line chart. Displays the number of posts per source in the selected time frame.",,"Linjediagram. Viser antallet innlegg per kilde i den valgte tidsrammen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources History",,"Historikk for kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Source: %{type}",,"Kilde: %{type}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See how the volume of posts per source has changed in the selected time frame",,"Se hvordan innleggsvolumet per kilde har endret seg i den valgte tidsrammen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add source filter: %{channel}",,"Legg til kildefilter: %{channel}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Blogs posts",,"Blogginnlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Forum posts",,"Foruminnlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom source posts",,"Egendefinerte kildeinnlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook posts",,"Facebook-innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instagram posts",,"Instagram-innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LinkedIn posts",,"LinkedIn-innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"News posts",,"Nyhetsinnlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter posts",,"Twitter-innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Videos",,"Videoer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Close",,"Lukk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Conversations",,"Diskusjoner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"activity",,"aktivitet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"alerts",,"varsler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"automation",,"automatisering",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"maps",,"kart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"rules",,"regler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Download the data into Excel",,"Last ned dataene til Excel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} filter is active. Change filters. |||| %{smart_count} filters are active. Change filters.",,"%{smart_count} filter er aktivt. Endre filtre. |||| %{smart_count} filtre er aktive. Endre filtre.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No matching posts found. Try changing your search topic, the time frame, or your filters.",,"Fant ingen samsvarende innlegg. Prøv å endre søkeemnet, tidsrammen eller filtrene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"BY AUDIENCE",,"ETTER MÅLGRUPPE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"BY PAGE",,"ETTER SIDE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comments",,"Kommentarer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comments by Audience",,"Kommentarer etter målgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comments by Page",,"Kommentarer etter side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bar chart. Displays the types of Facebook posts in your data set.",,"Stolpediagram. Viser typene Facebook-innlegg i datasettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts by Audience",,"Innlegg etter målgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts by Page",,"Innlegg etter side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add contributor filter: %{name}",,"Legg til bildragsyterfilter: %{name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post Types",,"Innleggstyper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the post types for Facebook pages in your data set",,"Se innleggstypene for Facebook-sider i datasettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% of posts and comments on your Facebook pages",,"%{posts} % av innlegg og kommentarer på Facebook-sidene dine",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Filtered View",,"Filtrert visning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Page focus:",,"Sidefokus:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Close this menu.",,"Lukk denne menyen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create alert",,"Opprett varsel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create activity map",,"Opprett aktivitetskart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"More options with current filters",,"Flere alternativer med gjeldende filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add filters",,"Legg til filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change filters",,"Endre filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove all filters",,"Fjern alle filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change your analysis focus",,"Endre analysefokus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to search setup",,"Gå til søkeoppsett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Gender data representation of consumer search volumes in US for the selected topic. Determined by available Bing search data.",,"Kjønnsdatarepresentasjon av forbrukersøkvolumer i USA for det valgte emnet. Fastslås av tilgjengelige Bing-søkedata.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Female",,"Kvinne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{percent}% are female",,"%{percent}% er kvinne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Male",,"Mann",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{percent}% are male",,"%{percent}% er mann",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Gender",,"Kjønn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unknown",,"Ukjent",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{percent}% are unknown",,"%{percent}% er ukjent",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Welcome to your insights",,"Velkommen til innsikt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hashtags",,"Hashtagger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hashtags that appear in tweets.",,"Hashtagger som vises i tweets.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Administrator",,"Administrator",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analyst",,"Analytiker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Don't show this again",,"Ikke vis denne igjen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To learn more about Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights, visit the Help Center.",,"Hvis du vil finne ut mer om Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights, kan du gå til hjelpesenteret.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manager",,"Overordnet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No, thanks",,"Nei takk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Power Analyst",,"Privilegert analytiker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reader",,"Leser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Responder",,"Svarer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"First things first",,"Dette kommer først",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add and share social profiles link contains the help for managing social profiles",,"Koblingen Legg til og del sosiale profiler inneholder hjelpen for administrasjon av sosiale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add users and assign roles link contains the help for app licenses",,"Koblingen Legg til brukere og tilordne roller inneholder hjelpen for applisensene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create search topics to gather data link contains the help for creating a new search topic in order to listen to social media conversations",,"Koblingen Opprett søkeemner for datainnhenting inneholder hjelpen for å opprette et nytt søkeemne for å lytte til diskusjoner i sosiale medier",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set solution defaults link contains the help for global settings",,"Koblingen Angi løsningsstandarder inneholder hjelpen for globale innstillinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set up streams in social center link contains the help for creating streams and keeping track of live data streams in social center",,"Koblingen Konfigurer strømmer i Sosialt senter inneholder hjelpen for å opprette strømmer og holde oversikt over datastrømmer i sanntid i Sosialt senter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set solution defaults",,"Angi løsningsstandarder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add users and assign roles",,"Legg til brukere og tilordne roller",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create search topics to gather data",,"Opprett søkeemner for datainnhenting",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create an alert link contains the help to help you stay up to date with alerts",,"Koblingen Opprett et varsel inneholder hjelpen for å holde deg oppdatert med varsler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set your user preferences link contains the help to set your preferences for the user interface",,"Koblingen Angi brukerinnstillinger inneholder hjelpen for å angi preferanser for brukergrensesnittet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start analyzing data link contains the help to start analyzing social data using widgets",,"Koblingen Begynn å analysere data inneholder hjelpen for å begynne å analysere sosiale data ved hjelp av kontrollprogrammer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set your user preferences",,"Angi brukerinnstillinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start analyzing data",,"Begynn å analysere data",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create an alert",,"Opprett et varsel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To re-open this page, click the help icon in the nav bar from anywhere in the application and select “First things first“.",,"Hvis du vil åpne denne siden på nytt, klikker du hjelpeikonet i navigasjonsfeltet fra et valgfritt sted i programmet og velger Dette kommer først.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add and share social profiles",,"Legg til og del sosiale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set up streams in Social Center",,"Konfigurer strømmer i Sosialt senter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Close. ",,"Lukk ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Take a few moments to look at key scenarios according to your user role.",,"Se nærmere på nøkkelscenarier i henhold til brukerrollen din.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your configuration role is %{config_role}. Here's a list of activities to get you started:",,"Du har konfigurasjonsrollen %{config_role}. Her er en liste over aktiviteter for å komme i gang:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage data quality link contains the help for quality management of your search results",,"Koblingen Administrer datakvalitet inneholder hjelpen for kvalitetsadministrasjon av søkeresultatene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage data quality",,"Administrer datakvalitet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Visit the Help Center to learn more about Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.",,"Gå til hjelpesenteret for å finne ut mer om Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Work with your inbox and shared streams in Social Center",,"Arbeid med innboksen og delte strømmer i Sosialt senter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add social profiles link contains the help for managing social profiles",,"Koblingen Legg til sosiale profiler inneholder hjelpen for administrasjon av sosiale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add social profiles",,"Legg til sosiale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your interaction role is %{interaction_role}. Find out what you can do:",,"Du har samhandlingsrollen %{interaction_role}. Finn ut hva du kan gjøre:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Doughnut chart. Share of voice of intentions in your data set.",,"Hjuldiagram. Andelen omtale for intensjoner i datasettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Intention: %{intention}",,"Intensjon: %{intention}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share: %{intentionsShare}%",,"Andel: %{intentionsShare} %",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts: %{postsCount}",,"Innlegg: %{postsCount}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Others",,"Andre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} posts are labeled with %{intention} intention",,"%{smart_count} innlegg er merket med intensjonen %{intention}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Intentions",,"Intensjoner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Probable actions that people are taking or will take in the context of their social posts, such as purchase, complaint, support, and so on.",,"Sannsynlige handlinger som personer tar eller vil ta med i konteksten for sosiale innlegg, for eksempel innkjøp, klager, støtte og så videre.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Total posts matching data set",,"Totalt antall innlegg som samsvarer med datasett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location",,"Sted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author location",,"Forfattersted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Doughnut chart. Displays location coverage data in your data set.",,"Hjuldiagram. Viser dekningen for stedsdata i datasettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{volume}% have author location",,"%{volume} % har forfattersted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{volume}% have post location",,"%{volume} % har innleggssted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{volume}% have no location",,"%{volume} % har ikke sted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post location",,"Innleggssted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location Coverage",,"Stedsdekning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the coverage of location data in your current data set",,"Se dekningen for stedsdata i gjeldende datasett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location Insights",,"Stedsinnsikt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Map. Get insights about the location of posts.",,"Kart. Få kunnskap om plasseringen av innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index:",,"Sentimentindeks:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{volume} posts",,"%{volume} innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{volume} search interest",,"%{volume} søkeinteresse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{volume} post |||| %{volume} posts",,"%{volume} innlegg |||| %{volume} innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend:",,"Trend:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get insights about where people are posting from",,"Få kunnskap om hvor folk publiserer fra",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Latitude",,"Breddegrad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Longitude",,"Lengdegrad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Locations mentioned",,"Steder nevnt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Locations that are mentioned in social posts (not the location of who wrote the posts).",,"Steder som er nevnt i sosiale innlegg (ikke stedet til den som skrev innleggene).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Buzz Volume",,"Interessevolum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Clusters",,"Klynger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post",,"Innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mentions",,"Omtaler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mentions or handles that appear in tweets.",,"Omtaler eller håndtak som vises i tweets.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no data available in this section for your data set.",,"Ingen data er tilgjengelige i denne delen for datasettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} filter is active |||| %{smart_count} filters are active",,"%{smart_count} filter er aktivt |||| %{smart_count} filtre er aktive",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Orgs mentioned",,"Organisasjoner nevnt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Names of organizations, companies, or brands mentioned in social posts.",,"Navn på organisasjoner, selskaper eller merker nevnt i sosiale innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date/time: %{value}",,"Dato/klokkeslett: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Doughnut chart. Displays sentiment score for posts with a known sentiment value.",,"Hjuldiagram. Viser sentimentpoengsum for innlegg med en kjent sentimentverdi.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"index",,"indeks",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index: %{value}",,"Sentimentindeks: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index change: %{value}",,"Sentimentindeksendring: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"negative",,"negativ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"neutral",,"nøytral",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"positive",,"positiv",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment",,"Sentiment",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the overall sentiment score for posts with known sentiment value",,"Se den totale sentimentpoengsummen for innlegg med kjent sentimentverdi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"change",,"endring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Overview",,"Oversikt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"People mentioned",,"Personer nevnt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Names of individuals who are mentioned in social posts (not who wrote the posts themselves).",,"Navn på personer som er nevnt i sosiale innlegg (ikke hvem som skrev selve innleggene).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Word cloud. Get insights about what people post about most.",,"Ordsky. Få kunnskap om hva folk oftest publiserer innlegg om.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Buzz",,"Interesse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment/Buzz",,"Sentiment/interesse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend/Buzz",,"Trend/interesse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Phrases",,"Uttrykk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Common words or phrases appearing in social posts.",,"Vanlige ord eller uttrykk som vises i sosiale innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the top phrases sorted by sources (based on volume).",,"Liste. Viser de mest populære uttrykkene sortert etter kilder (basert på volum).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any phrases available for any sources in the current data set. Try selecting another topic or change your filters.",,"Ingen uttrykk er tilgjengelige for noen av kildene i gjeldende datasett. Prøv å velge et annet emne eller endre filtrene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Phrases by Source",,"Uttrykk etter kilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add channel filter: %{name}",,"Legg til kanalfilter: %{name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add phrase filter: %{name}",,"Legg til uttrykksfilter: %{name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See significant phrases sorted by sources (based on volume)",,"Se betydelige uttrykk sortert etter kilder (basert på volum)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the top phrases by country/region (based on volume).",,"Liste. Viser de mest populære uttrykkene sortert etter land/område (basert på volum).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any phrases available for any country/region. Try selecting another topic or change your filters.",,"Ingen uttrykk er tilgjengelige for noe land/område. Prøv å velge et annet emne eller endre filtrene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Phrases by Country/Region",,"Uttrykk etter land/område",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add location filter: %{name}",,"Legg til stedsfilter: %{name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See significant phrases sorted by countries/regions (based on volume)",,"Se betydelige uttrykk sortert etter land/områder (basert på volum)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Line chart. Displays the number of posts per top phrase in the selected time frame.",,"Linjediagram. Viser antallet innlegg per populære uttrykk i den valgte tidsrammen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Phrases History",,"Uttrykkshistorikk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See how the volume of posts per top phrase has changed in the selected time frame",,"Se hvordan innleggsvolumet per topputtrykk har endret seg i den valgte tidsrammen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add phrase filter: %{phrase}",,"Legg til uttrykksfilter: %{phrase}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"posts",,"innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{count} post |||| %{count} posts",,"%{count} innlegg |||| %{count} innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hide post list",,"Skjul innleggsliste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show post list",,"Vis innleggsliste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} author |||| %{smart_count} authors",,"%{smart_count} forfatter |||| %{smart_count} forfattere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{count} author |||| %{count} authors",,"%{count} forfatter |||| %{count} forfattere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Doughnut chart. Displays the number of unique authors per source.",,"Hjuldiagram. Viser antall unike forfattere per kilde.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authors: %{authorsCount}",,"Forfattere: %{authorsCount}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share: %{authorsShare}%",,"Deling: %{authorsShare} %",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Source: %{channel}",,"Kilde: %{channel}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authors by Source",,"Forfattere etter kilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the number of unique authors per source",,"Se antall unike forfattere per kilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"authors",,"forfattere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If you want to perform sentiment analysis, your data set needs to contain posts with a sentiment value.",,"Hvis du vil utføre sentimentanalyse, må datasettet ditt inneholde innlegg med sentimentverdi.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To continue with your previous analysis, click the browser's back button.",,"Klikk tilbakeknappen i nettleseren for å fortsette med den foregående analysen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment is available for %{languages}.",,"Sentiment er tilgjengelig for %{languages}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the sentiment index of your top categories.",,"Liste. Viser sentimentindeksen for de mest populære kategoriene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Categories",,"Kategorier",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment by Category",,"Sentiment etter kategori",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the sentiment index for your top categories",,"Se sentimentindeksen for de viktigste kategoriene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zero-centered bar chart. Displays the sentiment index of your top categories.",,"Null-midtstilt stolpediagram. Viser sentimentindeksen for de mest populære kategoriene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zero-centered bar chart. Displays the sentiment index of each country/region.",,"Null-midtstilt stolpediagram. Viser sentimentindeksen for hvert land/område.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment by Country/Region",,"Sentiment etter land/område",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the sentiment index for each country/region",,"Se sentimentindeksen for hvert land/område",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{location} sentiment index: %{sentimentIndex}",,"Sentimentindeks for %{location}: %{sentimentIndex}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{topic} sentiment index: %{value}",,"Sentimentindeks for %{topic}: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the sentiment index of your top topics.",,"Liste. Viser sentimentindeksen for de mest populære emnene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Negative Posts",,"Negative innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Neutral Posts",,"Nøytrale innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Positive Posts",,"Positive innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment Change",,"Sentimentendring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment Index",,"Sentimentindeks",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Topics",,"Emner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment by Topic",,"Sentiment etter emne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the sentiment index for your top topics",,"Se sentimentindeksen for de viktigste emnene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zero-centered bar chart. Displays the sentiment index of your top topics.",,"Null-midtstilt stolpediagram. Viser sentimentindeksen for de mest populære emnene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Doughnut chart. Displays the sentiment coverage of your current data set.",,"Hjuldiagram. Viser sentimentdekningen for det gjeldende datasettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{volume}% are edited sentiment",,"%{volume} % er redigert sentiment",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{volume}% are system-rated",,"%{volume} % er systemrangert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edited sentiment",,"Redigert sentiment",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"System-rated",,"Systemrangert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment Coverage",,"Sentimentdekning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the sentiment coverage of your current data set",,"Se sentimentdekningen for gjeldende datasett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment History",,"Sentimenthistorikk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Line chart. Displays the sentiment trending over time.",,"Linjediagram. Viser sentimenttrender over tid.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Index",,"Indeks",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Last month",,"Forrige måned",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Last week",,"Forrige uke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Negative",,"Negativ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Positive",,"Positiv",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Previous period",,"Forrige periode",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Yesterday",,"I går",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add sentiment filter: negative.",,"Legg til sentimentfilter: negativt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add sentiment filter: positive.",,"Legg til sentimentfilter: positivt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index",,"Sentimentindeks",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts with negative sentiment value",,"Innlegg med negativ sentimentverdi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of negative posts: %{value}",,"Antall negative innlegg: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts with positive sentiment value",,"Innlegg med positiv sentimentverdi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of positive posts: %{value}",,"Antall positive innlegg: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index in previous period",,"Sentimentindeks i forrige periode",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See how the sentiment changed in the selected time frame",,"Se hvordan sentimentet endret seg i den valgte tidsrammen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author location volume",,"Volum for forfattersted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile image not available for user %{username}",,"Profilbildet er ikke tilgjengelig for brukeren %{username}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Link to profile image for user %{username}",,"Kobling til profilbilde for brukeren %{username}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Average number of posts",,"Gjennomsnittlig antall innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Country/Region",,"Land/område",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date / time",,"Dato/klokkeslett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Importance score",,"Viktighetspoengsum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Language",,"Språk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Name",,"Navn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Negative sentiment",,"Negativt sentiment",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Neutral sentiment",,"Nøytralt sentiment",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of authors",,"Antall forfattere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of negative posts",,"Antall negative innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of positive posts",,"Antall positive innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of posts",,"Antall innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Percentage of authors",,"Prosentandel av forfattere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Percentage of posts",,"Prosentandel av innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Percentage of sources",,"Prosentandel av kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Phrase",,"Uttrykk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Positive sentiment",,"Positivt sentiment",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post location volume",,"Volum for innleggssted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile icon",,"Profilikon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment trend",,"Sentimenttrend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index change",,"Sentimentindeksendring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment Value",,"Sentimentverdi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Source",,"Kilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend",,"Trend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Volume change",,"Volumendring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show filter |||| Show filters",,"Vis filter |||| Vis filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bar chart. Displays the top sources by number of posts.",,"Stolpediagram. Viser de mest populære kildene etter antall innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources",,"Kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top sources by volume of posts",,"Se de viktigste kildene etter innleggsvolum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% of posts in your data set",,"%{posts} % av innlegg i datasettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zero-centered bar chart. Displays the sentiment index of each source.",,"Null-midtstilt stolpediagram. Viser sentimentindeksen for hver kilde.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any posts to show that have sentiment data. Try selecting another topic or change your filters.",,"Det finnes ingen innlegg som har sentimentdata. Prøv å velge et annet emne eller endre filtrene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment by Source",,"Sentiment etter kilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the sentiment index for each source",,"Se sentimentindeksen for hver kilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tags",,"Merker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tags you or someone in your org have created that appear with the highest numbers of social posts.",,"Merker du eller noen i organisasjonen din har opprettet, som vises med høyest antall sosiale innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. The share of voice of your tags",,"Liste. Andel av omtale for merkene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tag: %{tag}",,"Merke: %{tag}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share: %{tagsShare}%",,"Deling: %{tagsShare} %",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"others",,"andre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} post tagged |||| %{smart_count} posts tagged",,"%{smart_count} innlegg merket |||| %{smart_count} innlegg merket",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the share of voice of your tags",,"Se andel av omtale for merkene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tag name",,"Navn på merke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Doughnut chart. The share of voice of your tags",,"Hjuldiagram. Andelen omtale for merkene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Promote to Social Selling Assistant",,"Forfrem til Social Selling Assistant",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Themes",,"Temaer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Common topical categories that people are talking about.",,"Vanlige aktuelle kategorier som folk snakker om.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the authors with the most posts.",,"Liste. Viser forfatterne med flest innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authors",,"Forfattere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top authors with the most posts",,"Se forfatterne med flest innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the top cities in your current data set.",,"Liste. Viser de mest populære byene i gjeldende datasett.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any posts to show that have location data at the city level. Try selecting another topic or change your filters.",,"Det finnes ingen innlegg som har stedsdata på bynivå. Prøv å velge et annet emne eller endre filtrene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cities",,"Byer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top cities in your current data set",,"Se de viktigste byene i gjeldende datasett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the critics with the most posts.",,"Liste. Viser kritikerne med flest innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top Critics",,"Ivrigste kritikere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts} negative posts",,"%{posts} negative innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View who are your top critics",,"Se hvem som er dine viktigste kritikere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the fans with the most posts.",,"Liste. Viser tilhengerne med flest innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top Fans",,"Ivrigste tilhengere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts} positive posts",,"%{posts} positive innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View who are your top fans",,"Se hvem som er dine viktigste tilhengere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the top Twitter hashtags by number of posts.",,"Liste. Viser de mest populære Twitter-hashtaggene etter antall innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any Twitter hashtags to show. Try selecting another topic or change your filters.",,"Det finnes ingen Twitter-hashtagger å vise. Prøv å velge et annet emne eller endre filtrene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top Twitter hashtags by volume of posts",,"Se de viktigste Twitter-hashtaggene etter innleggsvolum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bar chart. Displays the top languages by number of posts.",,"Stolpediagram. Viser de mest populære språkene etter antall innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Languages",,"Språk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the most spoken languages by volume of posts",,"Se de mest brukte språkene etter innleggsvolum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bar chart. Displays the top location groups in your data set.",,"Stolpediagram. Viser de mest populære stedsgruppene i datasettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location Groups",,"Stedsgrupper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top location groups in your data set",,"Se de viktigste stedsgruppene i datasettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bar chart. Displays the top locations in your current data set.",,"Stolpediagram. Viser de mest populære stedene i det gjeldende i datasettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Locations",,"Steder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top locations in your current data set",,"Se de viktigste stedene i gjeldende datasett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Word cloud. Displays the top phrases of negative posts.",,"Ordsky. Viser de mest populære uttrykkene i negative innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Negative Phrases",,"Negative uttrykk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See significant phrases of negative posts",,"Se betydelige uttrykk i negative innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index: %{sentiment}",,"Sentimentindeks: %{sentiment}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Word Cloud. Displays the top phrases on %{source}.",,"Ordsky. Viser de mest populære uttrykkene på %{source}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Phrases on %{source}",,"Uttrykk på %{source}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top significant phrases on %{source}",,"Se de mest betydelige uttrykkene på %{source}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top significant phrases",,"Se de mest betydelige uttrykkene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top Phrases",,"Topputtrykk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Word cloud. Displays the top phrases in positive posts.",,"Ordsky. Viser de mest populære uttrykkene i positive innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Positive Phrases",,"Positive uttrykk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See significant phrases of positive posts",,"Se betydelige uttrykk i positive innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author",,"Forfatter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cancel",,"Avbryt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm",,"Bekreft",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The author couldn't be deleted, please try again.",,"Forfatteren kan ikke slettes. Prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete %{publisher_name} with %{number_of_posts} posts?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette %{publisher_name} med %{number_of_posts} innlegg?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The author %{publisher_name} was successfully deleted and %{number_of_posts} posts were deleted from the database.",,"Forfatteren %{publisher_name} er slettet, og %{number_of_posts} innlegg er slettet fra databasen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"INCLUDE",,"INKLUDER",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Latest Post",,"Siste innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{post_time} ago",,"%{post_time} siden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reach",,"Rekkevidde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove Author",,"Fjern forfatter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"SELECT ALL",,"VELG ALLE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Category",,"Søkekategori",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Doughnut chart. Displays the share of voice of top topics or categories by number of posts.",,"Hjuldiagram. Viser andelen omtale for de mest populære emnene eller kategoriene etter antall innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{name}: %{volume}% of posts in your top categories",,"%{name}: %{volume} % av innlegg i de viktigste kategoriene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{name}: %{volume}% of posts in its category",,"%{name}: %{volume} % av innlegg i den tilhørende kategorien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{name}: %{volume}% of posts in your top topics",,"%{name}: %{volume} % av innlegg i de viktigste emnene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"in the category",,"i kategorien",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"in your data set",,"i datasettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"of posts in",,"av innlegg i",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}%",,"%{posts} %",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Topics",,"Søkeemner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{percentage} of posts in %{topic}",,"%{percentage} av innleggene i %{topic}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Topic",,"Søkeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the share of voice of top topics / categories by volume of posts",,"Se andel av omtale for de viktigste emnene/kategoriene etter innleggsvolum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Not enough data available to calculate trend",,"Ikke nok tilgjengelige data til å beregne trend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend: %{value}",,"Trend: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend: %{value}%",,"Trend: %{value} %",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Word cloud. Displays the current top phrases compared to the previous period.",,"Ordsky. Viser de gjeldende mest populære uttrykkene sammenlignet med forrige periode.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trending Phrases",,"Trenduttrykk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top current significant phrases as compared to the previous period",,"Se de mest betydelige gjeldende uttrykkene sammenlignet med forrige periode",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend: %{trend}",,"Trend: %{trend}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zero-centered bar chart. Displays the source volume in the selected time frame.",,"Null-midtstilt stolpediagram. Viser kildevolumet i den valgte tidsrammen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Volume Change by Source",,"Volumendring etter kilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the volume change for each source",,"Se volumendringen for hver kilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{source} %{volume}% %{volume_trend}",,"%{source} %{volume}% %{volume_trend}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"decrease",,"reduser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"increase",,"økning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comparison",,"Sammenligning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Complaint",,"Klage",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Information request",,"Informasjonsforespørsel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Purchase",,"Kjøp",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Support request",,"Støtteforespørsel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activity map",,"Aktivitetskart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collapse insights",,"Skjul innsikt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expand insights",,"Vis innsikt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Insights",,"Innsikt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Live update",,"Direkteoppdatering",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New post |||| New posts",,"Nytt innlegg |||| Nye innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Refresh",,"Oppdater",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Display incoming live data.",,"Vis innkommende direktedata.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Stop displaying live data on the activity map while accumulating posts until you select Refresh or turn on Live update.",,"Stopp visning av direktedata på aktivitetskartet under akkumulering av innlegg til du velger Oppdater eller aktiverer Direkteoppdatering.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts on the map from %{location}. Select the following keys to view the posts: Spacebar or Enter key to view posts; Down arrow key for posts to the south; Up arrow key for posts to the north; Left arrow key for posts to the west; Right arrow key for posts to the east",,"Innlegg på kartet fra %{location}. Velg følgende nøkler for å vise innleggene: Mellomrom- eller Enter-tasten for å vise innlegg; Pil ned for innleggene lenger nede; Pil opp for innleggene lenger oppe; Pil venstre for innlegg til venstre; Pil høyre for innlegg til høyre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get insights about what are people talking about",,"Få kunnskap om hva folk snakker om",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Back to POSTS",,"Tilbake til INNLEGG",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Selected posts cluster",,"Valgt innleggsklynge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collapse posts",,"Skjul innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expand posts",,"Vis innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} ~ New post available. |||| %{smart_count} ~ New posts available.",,"%{smart_count} ~ Nytt innlegg er tilgjengelig. |||| %{smart_count} ~ Nye innlegg er tilgjengelige.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New activity map",,"Nytt aktivitetskart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add an activity map",,"Legg til et aktivitetskart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activity maps",,"Aktivitetskart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete this activity map",,"Slett dette aktivitetskartet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Invalid Author",,"Ugyldig forfatter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open this activity map",,"Åpne dette aktivitetskartet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete",,"Slett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Map",,"Kart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Status",,"Status",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data Sources",,"Datakilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activity maps don't support instant sentiment filtering if you apply sentiment filters in this configuration.",,"Aktivitetskart støtter ikke direkte sentimentfiltrering hvis du bruker sentimentfiltre i denne konfigurasjonen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Buzz map",,"Interessekart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment map",,"Sentimentskart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Default map type",,"Standard karttype",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Past 30 minutes",,"Siste 30 minutter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Past hour",,"Siste time",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Past 12 hours",,"Siste 12 timer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Past 24 hours",,"Siste 24 timer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Default time span",,"Standard tidsrom",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open",,"Åpne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Save",,"Lagre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Save this activity map",,"Lagre dette aktivitetskartet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activity map details",,"Aktivitetskartdetaljer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You haven't created any activity maps yet. To start using activity maps, click ""Add an activity map""."",,"Du har ikke opprettet aktivitetskart. Hvis du vil begynne å bruke aktivitetskart, klikker du Legg til et aktivitetskart.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"OK",,"OK",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldnt delete your activity map. Please try again.",,"Kan ikke slette aktivitetskartet. Prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldnt save your activity map. Please try again.",,"Kan ikke lagre aktivitetskartet. Prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"That didnt work",,"Dette fungerte ikke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Specify a name before saving.",,"Angi et navn før du lagrer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This name is already taken. Choose a different name.",,"Dette navnet er allerede i bruk. Velg et annet navn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Do you really want to delete activity map %{cockpitName}?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette aktivitetskartet %{cockpitName}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have unsaved changes that will be lost. Are you sure you want to discard your changes?",,"Du har ulagrede endringer som vil gå tapt. Er du sikker på at du vil forkaste endringene?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Success",,"Fullført",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete activity map",,"Slett aktivitetskart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have unsaved changes",,"Du har endringer som ikke er lagret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts on the map from %{location}. Select Spacebar or Enter key to view the post. Select Up arrow key to view posts to the north. Select Down arrow key to view posts to the south. Select Left arrow key to view posts to the west. Select Right arrow key to view posts to the east.",,"Innlegg på kartet fra %{location}. Velg Mellomrom- eller Enter-tasten for å vise innlegget. Velg Pil opp for å vise innlegg lenger oppe. Velg Pil ned for å vise innlegg lenger nede. Velg Pil venstre for å vise innlegg til venstre. Velg Pil høyre for å vise innlegg til høyre.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activate area filter",,"Aktiver områdefilter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Deactivate area filter",,"Deaktiver områdefilter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collapse header",,"Skjul topptekst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expand header",,"Vis topptekst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Exit full screen mode.",,"Avslutt fullskjermmodus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open the activity map in full screen.",,"Åpne aktivitetskartet i fullskjermmodus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change the map's time span",,"Endre tidsrommet for kartet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change the map type",,"Endre karttypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Filter by sentiment value",,"Filtrer etter sentimentverdi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% negative posts",,"%{posts} % negative innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% neutral posts",,"%{posts} % nøytrale innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To filter the map by sentiment, remove the sentiment filters in your map configuration.",,"Hvis du vil filtrere kartet etter sentiment, fjerner du sentimentfiltrene i kartkonfigurasjonen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% positive posts",,"%{posts} % positive innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Area filter",,"Områdefilter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open data set in Analytics",,"Åpne datasett i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts} P",,"%{posts} I",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"-%{hours}h",,"-%{hours}t",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Now",,"Nå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Neutral",,"Nøytral",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiments",,"Sentimenter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Past 30 m",,"Siste 30 m",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Past 12 h",,"Siste 12 t",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Past 24 h",,"Siste 24 t",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Point B: Latitude",,"Punkt B: Breddegrad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter ending latitude",,"Angi avsluttende breddegrad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Point B: Longitude",,"Punkt B: Lengdegrad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter ending longitude",,"Angi avsluttende lengdegrad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Point A: Latitude",,"Punkt A: Breddegrad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter starting latitude",,"Angi innledende breddegrad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Point A: Longitude",,"Punkt A: Lengdegrad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter starting longitude",,"Angi innledende lengdegrad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bar chart. Post distribution over time.",,"Stolpediagram. Distribusjon av innlegg over tid.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{intervalStart} to %{intervalEnd} %{timeUnit} ago: %{numberOfPosts} posts.",,"For %{intervalStart} til %{intervalEnd} %{timeUnit} siden: %{numberOfPosts} innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Press Esc to exit full screen mode.",,"Trykk Esc for å avslutte fullskjermmodus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{cockpitName} is now shown in full screen.",,"%{cockpitName} vises nå i fullskjermmodus.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Missing connection: There was a connection error. We cant show recent posts on the map. Try refreshing the activity map.",,"Mangler tilkobling: Det har oppstått en tilkoblingsfeil. Nylige innlegg kan ikke vises på kartet. Prøv å oppdatere aktivitetskartet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There are too many posts to show. Try shortening the time span.",,"Det er for mange innlegg til at de kan vises. Prøv å forkorte tidsrommet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No posts are available for your current data set. Try extending your map's time span or changing your activity map configuration.",,"Ingen innlegg er tilgjengelige for gjeldende datasett. Prøv å utvide tidsrommet for kartet eller endre konfigurasjonen av aktivitetskartet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't do this action because the number of requests is too high. Please try again later.",,"Du kan ikke utføre denne handlingen fordi antall forespørsler er for høyt. Prøv på nytt senere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're sorry, but you can't perform this action with your user role.",,"Du kan ikke utføre denne handlingen med brukerrollen din.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Insufficient permission",,"Utilstrekkelig tillatelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This social profile is missing a valid token. Please reauthenticate its token in %{social_profiles}",,"Denne sosiale profilen mangler et gyldig token. Godkjenn dette tokenet på nytt i %{social_profiles}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author details: %{author_name}",,"Forfatterdetaljer: %{author_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{widget_name} full screen widget. %{widget_description}.",,"Fullskjermmodus for kontrollprogrammet%{widget_name}. %{widget_description}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics header. Contains current dataset setup and Analytics sub-navigation.",,"Analyse-topptekst. Inneholder gjeldende oppsett for datasett og delnavigering i Analyse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics page content: %{page_name}.",,"Innhold på Analyse-side: %{page_name}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics sub-navigation. Change the type of analytics you want to be displayed.",,"Delnavigering i Analyse. Endre typen analyse du vil skal vises.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{widget_name} widget. %{widget_description}.",,"Kontrollprogrammet %{widget_name}. %{widget_description}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics widgets. Metrics about your current dataset.",,"Kontrollprogrammer i Analyse. Metrikkverdier om det gjeldende datasettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete in progress",,"Sletting pågår",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Deletion completed",,"Sletting fullført",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Save completed",,"Lagring fullført",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Save in progress",,"Lagring pågår",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics filter bar. Contains current data set setup: search topic, custom filters, time frame, and total number of posts matching the data set.",,"Analysefilterlinje. Inneholder oppsett for gjeldende datasett: søkeemne, egendefinerte filtre, tidsramme og totalt antall innlegg som samsvarer med datasettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Contains copyright and privacy information.",,"Inneholder informasjon om opphavsrett og personvern.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Details for the selected post.",,"Detaljer for det valgte innlegget.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List of posts sorted by publication date.",,"Liste med innlegg sortert etter publiseringsdato.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Showing latest posts of the current dataset.",,"Viser nyligste innlegg for det gjeldende datasettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Analytics page is ready for use.",,"Analyse-siden er klar til bruk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're loading the Analytics page.",,"Analyse-siden lastes inn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
" and ",," og ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Operation completed.",,"Operasjonen er fullført.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Operation in progress.",,"Operasjonen pågår.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The current data set configuration is: %{search_topic} %{filter_set} %{time_frame} %{dataset_volume}",,"Den gjeldende datasettkonfigurasjonen er: %{search_topic} %{filter_set} %{time_frame} %{dataset_volume}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The current data set contains %{posts_count} posts with a trend of %{trend_value}%.",,"Det gjeldende datasettet inneholder %{posts_count} innlegg med trenden %{trend_value}%.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The selected filters are: %{filters}.",,"De valgte filtrene er: %{filters}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No selected filters.",,"Ingen valgte filtre.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The search topic is: %{Search_topic_name}.",,"Søkeemnet er: %{Search_topic_name}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The selected time interval is: %{selected_time_frame} from %{selectedFromDate} to %{selectedToDate}.",,"Det valgte tidsintervallet er: %{selected_time_frame} fra %{selectedFromDate} til %{selectedToDate}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The selected time interval is: %{selected_time_frame} %{selectedDate}.",,"Det valgte tidsintervallet er: %{selected_time_frame} %{selectedDate}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
" or ",," eller ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{panel_name} panel is now closed.",,"%{panel_name}-panelet er nå lukket.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{panel_name} panel is now open.",,"%{panel_name}-panelet er nå åpent.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open details panel for %{entityName}",,"Åpne detaljpanel for %{entityName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To cancel the selected time filter, select the Esc key. ",,"Hvis du vil skjule det valgte tidsfilteret, trykker du Esc-tasten. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To expand the time filter, select the Spacebar or Enter key. ",,"Hvis du vil vise tidsfilteret, trykker du Mellomrom- eller Enter-tasten. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To move between time filter options, select the Down arrow key or Up arrow key. ",,"Hvis du vil veksle mellom alternativer for tidsfilter, trykker du Pil opp- eller Pil ned-tasten. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To select a time filter, select the Spacebar. ",,"Hvis du vil velge et tidsfilter, trykker du Mellomrom. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} form field is invalid.||||%{smart_count} form fields are invalid.",,"Skjemafeltet %{smart_count} er ugyldig. |||Skjemafeltet %{smart_count} er ugyldig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} profile |||| %{smart_count} profiles",,"%{smart_count} profil |||| %{smart_count} profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add",,"Legg til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Facebook page profile to use within Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Comment on a post on Facebook; Like a post on Facebook; Share a post on Facebook; Allow data acquisition for private messages; Retrieve author information for posts and comments on the Facebook page.",,"Legg til en Facebook-sideprofil for bruk i Market Insights. Du kan bruke denne profilen til å kommentere, like eller dele innlegg på Facebook, tillate datainnhenting for private meldinger og hente forfatterinformasjon om innlegg og kommentarer på Facebook-siden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Social Profile",,"Legg til sosial profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Posts and comments from authors on Facebook pages surface without author information starting February 6<sup>th</sup> 2018. Author information for Facebook pages can only be provided with a valid Facebook page profile. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Learn more about unknown Facebook authors.</a>"",,""Innlegg og kommentarer fra forfattere på Facebook-sider vises uten forfatterinformasjon fra 6. februar<sup></sup> 2018. Forfatterinformasjon på Facebook-sider kan bare vises med en gyldig Facebook-sideprofil. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Finn ut mer om ukjente Facebook-forfattere.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Anonymous",,"Anonym",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Apply",,"Bruk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search for an assignee.",,"Søk etter en tilordningsperson.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show group, user, or all assignee types.",,"Vis gruppe, bruker eller alle typer tilordningspersoner.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{group_name} (%{group_membership_count})",,"%{group_name} (%{group_membership_count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Type",,"Type",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assignee is a group.",,"Tilordningsperson er en gruppe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assignee is a user.",,"Tilordningsperson er en bruker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select users",,"Velg brukere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select users or groups",,"Velg brukere eller grupper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set assignee",,"Angi tilordningsperson",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All user types",,"Alle brukertyper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Groups",,"Grupper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Users",,"Brukere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"unassign",,"opphev tilordning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't find this author tag. Enter a valid author tag and try again.",,"Finner ikke dette forfattermerket. Angi et gyldig forfattermerke og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author Tags",,"Forfattermerker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search author tags",,"Søk i forfattermerker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"DIRECT MESSAGE",,"DIREKTEMELDING",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Send a direct message to the author.",,"Send en direktemelding til forfatteren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Follow",,"Følg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start following with your social profiles.",,"Begynn å følge med dine sosiale profiler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get Relationships",,"Hent relasjoner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unfollow",,"Slutt å følge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Stop following this author.",,"Slutt å følge denne forfatteren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cancel this action.",,"Avbryt denne handlingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start following",,"Begynn å følge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Follow this author with the selected social profiles",,"Følg denne forfatteren med de sosiale profilene du har valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start following with",,"Begynn å følge med",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select social profiles to follow this author",,"Velg sosiale profiler for å følge denne forfatteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connected Social Profiles: ",,"Tilkoblede sosiale profiler: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Getting author relationships",,"Henter forfatterrelasjoner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your social profiles don't have a relationship with this author.",,"De sosiale profilene dine har ikke noen relasjon til denne forfatteren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Couldn't start following: ",,"Kan ikke begynne å følge: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please try again.",,"Prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This social profile isnt valid anymore.",,"Denne sosiale profilen er ikke gyldig lenger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Can't follow: You must have a valid Twitter social profile to follow this author.",,"Kan ikke følge: Du må ha en gyldig Twitter-profil for å følge denne forfatteren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Success: %{social_profile_name} is following %{author_name}.",,"Vellykket: %{social_profile_name} følger %{author_name}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're sorry, this action didn't work: ",,"Denne handlingen fungerte ikke: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't retrieve the relationships, because there were too many requests made recently. Please try again in a while.",,"Kan ikke hente relasjonene, fordi det kom for mange forespørsler. Prøv på nytt om en stund.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Couldn't stop following: ",,"Kan ikke slutte å følge: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You're following",,"Du følger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{name} is following you",,"%{name} følger deg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Relationships",,"Relasjoner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unfollowing...",,"Stopper å følge...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connected social profiles: %{count}",,"Tilkoblede sosiale profiler: %{count}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author name",,"Forfatternavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author website",,"Forfatternettsted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Back",,"Tilbake",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Header Image",,"Overskriftsbilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The author was updated to the latest version. Make sure you still want to apply your changes.",,"Forfatteren er oppdatert til nyeste versjon. Bestem deg om du fortsatt vil ta i bruk endringene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Followers",,"Følgere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Following",,"Følger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No author details are available.",,"Ingen forfatterdetaljer er tilgjengelige.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tweets",,"Tweeter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Getting author details...",,"Henter forfatterdetaljer...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author details are not available.",,"Forfatterdetaljer er ikke tilgjengelige.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Post Timeline widget is an external service provided by Twitter",,"Kontrollprogrammet som viser tidslinjen for innlegg, er en ekstern tjeneste fra Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post timeline",,"Publiser tidslinje",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile details",,"Profildetaljer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author Details",,"Forfatterdetaljer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Verified Twitter author",,"Verifisert Twitter-forfatter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter profile bio",,"Bio for Twitter-profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter handle",,"Twitter-brukernavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter profile location",,"Sted for Twitter-profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Post Timeline is an external service powered by Twitter",,"Tidslinjen for innlegg er en ekstern tjeneste som leveres av Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter profile website",,"Nettsted for Twitter-profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View author details",,"Vis forfatterinformasjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open new tab for author on twitter.com",,"Åpne en ny fane for forfatter på twitter.com",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"REFRESH",,"OPPDATER",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data didn't load. Please try refreshing the section.",,"Data ble ikke lastet. Prøv å oppdatere inndelingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hashtags",," Hashtagger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Uses of %{hashtagName}: %{numberOfOccurences}",,"Bruk av %{hashtagName}: %{numberOfOccurences}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Recent tweets are currently not available. They will show again with a future update.",,"Nylige tweeter er ikke tilgjengelige for øyeblikket. De blir synlige igjen ved en fremtidig oppdatering.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create automation rule",,"Opprett automatiseringsregel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM Instances in the North America 2 location are not supported for this action and will not be displayed.",,"CRM-forekomster på stedet Nord-Amerika 2 støttes ikke for denne handlingen og vises ikke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 instances in the North America 2 location arent supported for this action and will not be displayed.",,"Dynamics 365-forekomster på stedet Nord-Amerika 2 støttes ikke for denne handlingen og vises ikke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Available",,"Tilgjengelig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile picture",,"Profilbilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile picture placeholder",,"Plassholder for profilbilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This post is not available externally",,"Dette innlegget er ikke tilgjengelig eksternt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All Categories",,"Alle kategorier",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Blogs",,"Blogger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Forums",,"Fora",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook",,"Facebook",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instagram",,"Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LinkedIn",,"LinkedIn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"News",,"Nyheter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter",,"Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"YouTube",,"YouTube",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select to view the chart as a graph or table",,"Velg for å vise diagrammet som graf eller tabell",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cluster",,"Klynge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collapse all",,"Skjul alle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collecting conversations ...",,"Samler inn diskusjoner...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collecting social conversations across Twitter, and more",,"Samler inn sosiale diskusjoner på tvers av Twitter og mye mer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} item |||| %{smart_count} items",,"%{smart_count} element |||| %{smart_count} elementer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The group name can't be empty.",,"Gruppenavnet kan ikke være tomt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have not selected any topics yet. Select one or more topics.",,"Du har ikke valgt noen emner ennå. Velg ett eller flere emner.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please check your credentials and try again.",,"Kontroller legitimasjonen og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"That didn't work.",,"Dette fungerte ikke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This version of Dynamics CRM isn't compatible.",,"Denne versjonen av Dynamics CRM er ikke kompatibel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This version of Dynamics CRM isn't supported.",,"Denne versjonen av Dynamics CRM støttes ikke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your CRM administrator.",,"Prøv på nytt senere. Kontakt CRM-administratoren hvis problemet vedvarer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Market Insights cant communicate with Dynamics 365 right now. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Market Insights kan ikke kommunisere med Dynamics 365 nå. Prøv på nytt senere. Kontakt systemansvarlig hvis problemet vedvarer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There's a problem communicating with Dynamics CRM.",,"Det er problemer med kommunikasjonen med Dynamics CRM.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Communication issue",,"Kommunikasjonsproblem",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Were having trouble performing this action in your Dynamics CRM instance. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.",,"Vi har problemer med å utføre denne handlingen i Dynamics CRM-forekomsten din. Prøv på nytt om noen minutter. Kontakt administratoren hvis problemet vedvarer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Were having trouble performing this action in your Dynamics 365 instance. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Vi har problemer med å utføre denne handlingen i Dynamics 365-forekomsten. Prøv på nytt senere. Kontakt systemansvarlig hvis problemet vedvarer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't find the requested Dynamics CRM resource or instance, as it is either unavailable or removed. Contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Vi finner ikke den forespurte Dynamics CRM-ressursen eller -forekomsten fordi den enten er utilgjengelig eller har blitt fjernet. Kontakt systemansvarlig for CRM.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"That Dynamics 365 resource or instance is unavailable or has been removed. Contact your system administrator.",,"Denne Dynamics 365-ressursen eller -forekomsten er utilgjengelig eller fjernet. Kontakt systemansvarlig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There was no entity found for this link. Dynamics CRM may still be processing, or it's not set up to create entities from a social activity. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Det ble ikke funnet noen enhet for denne koblingen. Det kan være at Dynamics CRM fortsatt utfører behandling eller at enheter ikke er definert for opprettelse fra en sosial aktivitet. Prøv på nytt om noen minutter. Kontakt systemansvarlig for CRM hvis problemet vedvarer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We didn't find an entity for this link. Dynamics 365 may still be processing, or it's not set up to create entities from a social activity. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Det ble ikke funnet noen enhet for denne koblingen. Det kan være at Dynamics 365 fortsatt utfører behandling eller at enheter ikke er definert for opprettelse fra en sosial aktivitet. Prøv på nytt om noen minutter. Kontakt systemansvarlig hvis problemet vedvarer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're having trouble connecting to your Dynamics CRM instance. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Vi har problemer med å koble til Dynamics CRM-forekomsten din. Prøv på nytt om noen minutter. Kontakt systemansvarlig for CRM hvis problemet vedvarer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're having trouble connecting to this Dynamics 365 instance. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Vi har problemer med å koble til denne Dynamics 365-forekomsten. Prøv på nytt senere. Kontakt systemansvarlig hvis problemet vedvarer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're having trouble connecting to your Dynamics CRM instance. Please check the Dynamics CRM URL and try again. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.",,"Vi har problemer med å koble til Dynamics CRM-forekomsten din. Kontroller nettadressen til Dynamics CRM, og prøv på nytt. Kontakt administratoren hvis problemet vedvarer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're having trouble connecting to this Dynamics 365 instance. Please check the URL and try again. If the problem continues, contact your system administrator.",,"Vi har problemer med å koble til denne Dynamics 365-forekomsten. Kontroller URL-adressen, og prøv på nytt. Kontakt systemansvarlig hvis problemet vedvarer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Dynamics CRM instance you selected doesn't support server-based authentication, which is required to perform this action. Contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Dynamics CRM-forekomsten du valgte, støtter ikke serverbasert godkjenning, noe som er påkrevd for denne handlingen. Kontakt systemansvarlig for CRM.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This Dynamics 365 instance doesn't support server-based authentication, which is required to perform this action. Contact your system administrator.",,"Denne Dynamics 365-forekomsten støtter ikke serverbasert godkjenning, noe som er påkrevd for denne handlingen. Kontakt systemansvarlig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You don't have sufficient permissions in Dynamics CRM to perform this action.",,"Du har ikke tilstrekkelige tillatelser i Dynamics CRM til å utføre denne handlingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You don't have sufficient permissions in Dynamics 365 to perform this action.",,"Du har ikke tilstrekkelige tillatelser i Dynamics 365 til å utføre denne handlingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You don't have a Dynamics CRM license, which is required to perform this action. Contact your CRM administrator.",,"Du har ikke en Dynamics CRM-lisens, noe som er påkrevd for denne handlingen. Kontakt systemansvarlig for CRM.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You need a Dynamics 365 license to perform this action. Contact your system administrator.",,"Du trenger en Dynamics 365-lisens for utføre å denne handlingen. Kontakt systemansvarlig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't connect to your Dynamics CRM instance because it isn't enabled for OAuth 2.0. Contact your Dynamics CRM system administrator.",,"Vi kan ikke koble til Dynamics CRM-forekomsten fordi OAuth 2.0 ikke aktivert for den. Kontakt systemansvarlig for Dynamics CRM.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't connect to your Dynamics 365 instance because it isn't enabled for OAuth 2.0. Contact your system administrator. ",,"Vi kan ikke koble til Dynamics 365-forekomsten fordi den ikke er aktivert for OAuth 2.0. Kontakt systemansvarlig. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sign in",,"Logg på",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You must be signed into CRM to perform this action.",,"Du må være logget på CRM for å utføre denne handlingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You must be signed in to Dynamics 365 to perform this action. ",,"Du må være logget på Dynamics 365 for å utføre denne handlingen. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authentication required",,"Godkjenning kreves",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""A record hasn't yet been created from this social activity. Make sure you have a <a class=""DisplayCrmLinkData-Header-Info-Link"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=624394"" title=""Set up rules to automatically create or update records in Dynamics 365"">record creation rule</a> set up in CRM and try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your CRM admin."",,""En oppføring er ikke opprettet for denne sosiale aktiviteten. Sørg for at du har en <a class=""DisplayCrmLinkData-Header-Info-Link"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=624394"" title=""Konfigurer regler for å opprette eller oppdatere oppføringer automatisk i Dynamics 365"">regel for oppretting av oppføringer</a> konfigurert i CRM, og prøv på nytt om noen minutter. Kontakt systemansvarlig for CRM hvis problemet vedvarer."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""A record hasn't been created from this social activity. Make sure you have a <a class=""DisplayCrmLinkData-Header-Info-Link"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=624394"" title=""Set up rules to automatically create or update records in Dynamics 365"">record creation rule</a> set up in Dynamics 365 and try again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator."",,""En oppføring er ikke opprettet for denne sosiale aktiviteten. Sørg for at du har en <a class=""DisplayCrmLinkData-Header-Info-Link"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=624394"" title=""Konfigurer regler for å opprette eller oppdatere oppføringer automatisk i Dynamics 365"">regel for oppretting av oppføringer</a> konfigurert i Dynamics 365, og prøv på nytt. Kontakt systemansvarlig hvis problemet vedvarer."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Owner",,"Eier",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Received as",,"Mottatt som",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Title",,"Tittel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Continue",,"Fortsett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Entity",,"Enhet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instance",,"Forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Notes",,"Notater",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM cant receive social data from Market Insights. Contact your CRM administrator to review the Disable Market Insights system settings.",,"CRM kan ikke motta sosiale data fra Market Insights. Kontakt CRM-administratoren for å gå gjennom systeminnstillingene for deaktivering av Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 can't receive social data from Market Insights. Ask your system administrator to review the Disable Market Insights system settings.",,"Dynamics 365 kan ikke motta sosiale data fra Market Insights. Be systemansvarlig om å gå gjennom systeminnstillingene for deaktivering av Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom sources",,"Egendefinerte kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This day doesn't exist for that month.",,"Denne dagen finnes ikke i denne måneden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This date can't be in the future.",,"Denne datoen kan ikke være i fremtiden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This date can't be older than 15 months.",,"Denne datoen kan ikke være lenger tilbake i tid enn 15 måneder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This date can't be older than 3 months.",,"Denne datoen kan ikke være lenger tilbake i tid enn 3 måneder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"activity maps",,"aktivitetskart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"automation rules",,"automatiseringsregler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""This data set doesn't work in this area. Filter ""%{filter_name}"" isn't supported by %{action}. To make this data set work, review your filters. |||| This data set doesn't work in this area. Filters ""%{filter_name}"" aren't supported by %{action}. To make this data set work, review your filters."",,""Dette datasettet virker ikke i dette området. Filteret ""%{filter_name}"" støttes ikke av %{action}. Gå gjennom filtrene for å få datasettet til å fungere. |||| Dette datasettet fungerer ikke i dette området. Filtrene ""%{filter_name}"" støttes ikke av %{action}. Gå gjennom filtrene for å få datasettet til å fungere."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The owner removed this alert and the links don't work anymore. We'll redirect you to Market Insights.",,"Eieren fjernet dette varselet, og koblingene fungerer ikke lenger. Vi omdirigerer deg til Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alert configuration deleted",,"Varselkonfigurasjon er slettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select filters to narrow the posts to the data set you want to work with.",,"Velg filtre for å avgrense innleggene til datasettet du vil arbeide med.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"last month",,"forrige måned",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"last week",,"forrige uke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Filters",,"Filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"today",,"i dag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View in Analytics",,"Vis i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View in Analytics (Opens in a new tab)",,"Vis i Analyse (åpnes i en ny fane)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<span class=""%{smart_count_classname}"">%{formatted_count}</span> post matches your filters (%{time_frame}) |||| <span class=""%{smart_count_classname}"">%{formatted_count}</span> posts match your filters (%{time_frame})"",,""<span class=""%{smart_count_classname}"">%{formatted_count}</span> innlegg samsvarer med filtrene (%{time_frame}) |||| <span class=""%{smart_count_classname}"">%{formatted_count}</span> innlegg samsvarer med filtrene (%{time_frame})"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your data set is in an invalid state due to a deleted author. Remove the deleted author from your filters and select Save.",,"Datasettet har en ugyldig tilstand på grunn av en slettet forfatter. Fjern den slettede forfatteren fra filtrene og velg Lagre.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date",,"Dato",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"day",,"dag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Apr",,"%{day_of_month}. apr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Aug",,"%{day_of_month}. aug",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Dec",,"%{day_of_month}. des",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Feb",,"%{day_of_month}. feb",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Jan",,"%{day_of_month}. jan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Jul",,"%{day_of_month}. jul",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Jun",,"%{day_of_month}. jun",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Mar",,"%{day_of_month}. mar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. May",,"%{day_of_month}. mai",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Nov",,"%{day_of_month}. nov",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Oct",,"%{day_of_month}. okt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Sep",,"%{day_of_month}. sep",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Default",,"Standard",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Default time frame",,"Standard tidsramme",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Default (%{value})",,"Standard (%{value})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Deleted Author",,"Slettet forfatter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Clear all",,"Fjern alle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Couldn't send this message because it's too long. Please shorten your message and try again.",,"Meldingen kunne ikke sendes fordi den er for lang. Kort ned meldingen og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Couldn't send the direct message because the recipient isn't valid.",,"Direktemeldingen ble ikke sendt fordi mottakeren er ugyldig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Accept",,"Godta",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Decline",,"Avslå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Couldn't post this status because it's a duplicate of a previous post. Make sure to not post the same content twice in a short time window.",,"Statusen kunne ikke postes fordi den er et duplikat av et tidligere innlegg. Sørg for at du ikke poster samme innhold to ganger på kort tid.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Earned",,"Opptjent",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit",,"Rediger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete keyword: %{keywordName}",,"Slett nøkkelord: %{keywordName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"End of list. Select the Backspace key to remove %{tag1} keyword.",,"Slutten av listen. Bruk Tilbake-tasten til å fjerne nøkkelordet %{tag1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Between %{tag1} and %{tag2}. Select the Delete key to remove %{tag2} keyword. Select the Backspace key to remove %{tag1} keyword.",,"Mellom %{tag1} og %{tag2}. Bruk Delete-tasten til å fjerne nøkkelordet %{tag2}. Bruk Tilbake-tasten til å fjerne nøkkelordet %{tag1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Beginning of list. Select the Delete key to remove %{tag1} keyword.",,"Starten av listen. Bruk Delete-tasten til å fjerne nøkkelordet %{tag1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Error",,"Feil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're sorry, but you aren't allowed to access the solution. Try signing in as a different user, or go to the",,"Du har ikke tilgang til løsningen. Prøv å logge på som en annen bruker, eller gå til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"and open Market Insights from there. If you still can't sign in, contact your system administrator.",,"og åpne Market Insights herfra. Kontakt systemansvarlig hvis du fortsatt ikke får logget på.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=403278",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=403278",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Office 365 site",,"Office 365-nettstedet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authentication failed",,"Godkjenning mislyktes",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Authentication failed",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Godkjenning mislyktes",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Too many requests have been made. Please try again later.",,"For mange forespørsler er opprettet. Prøv på nytt senere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"429 - Too Many Requests",,"429 - For mange forespørsler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Too Many Requests",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | For mange forespørsler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rate limit exceeded, please try again in a couple of minutes",,"Ratebegrensningen er overskredet. Prøv på nytt om noen minutter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expand all",,"Vis alle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"External Handle",,"External Handle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"External video. Market Insights cannot guarantee that video has captions",,"Ekstern video. Market Insights kan ikke garantere at video har bildetekst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<strong>Important:</strong> Posts and comments from authors on Facebook pages surface in Market Insights without author information unless you provide a valid Facebook page profile for every Facebook page. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Learn more about unknown Facebook authors.</a>"",,""<strong>Obs!</strong> Innlegg og kommentarer fra forfattere på Facebook-sider vises uten informasjon om forfatteren i Market Insights med mindre du angir en gyldig Facebook-sideprofil for hver Facebook-side. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Finn ut om ukjente Facebook-forfattere.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook page",,"Facebook-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""There isn't a valid Facebook page profile for this page. Author information for this Facebook page won't show in Market Insights. To receive author information you must add a social profile for this page in <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Social Profiles.</a>"",,""Det finnes ikke en gyldig Facebook-sideprofil for denne siden. Forfatterinformasjon for denne Facebook-siden vises ikke i Market Insights. Hvis du vil ha forfatterinformasjon, må du legge til en sosial profil for denne siden i <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">sosiale profiler.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is a valid Facebook page profile for this page. Author information for this Facebook page will show in Market Insights.",,"Det finnes en gyldig Facebook-sideprofil for denne siden. Forfatterinformasjon for denne Facebook-siden vil vises i Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"File",,"Fil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't find this assignee. Please enter a valid assignee and try again.",,"Finner ikke denne tilordningspersonen. Angi en gyldig tilordningsperson og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"unassigned",,"ikke tilordnet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assignee",,"Tilordningsperson",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add posts without assignee to your data set",,"Legg til innlegg uten tilordningsperson i datasettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add assignee filter",,"Legg til tilordningspersonfilter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add author filter",,"Legg til forfatterfilter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add author tags filter",,"Legg til forfattermerkefilter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"By others",,"Etter andre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"By owner",,"Etter eier",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Include Groups",,"Inkluder grupper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add posts that are assigned to a group where the current user is part of to your data set",,"Legg til innlegg som er tilordnet til en gruppe der den gjeldende brukeren er en del av datasettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search assignee",,"Søk etter tilordningsperson",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User and groups",,"Brukere og grupper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User only",,"Bare bruker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authors are sources-dependent",,"Forfattere er kildeavhengige",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search author",,"Søk etter forfatter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Linked to a CRM record",,"Koblet til en CRM-oppføring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Linked to a Dynamics 365 record",,"Koblet til en Dynamics 365-oppføring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Not linked to a CRM record",,"Ikke koblet til en CRM-oppføring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Not linked to a Dynamics 365 record",,"Ikke koblet til en Dynamics 365-oppføring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Link to CRM",,"Kobling til CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Link to Dynamics 365",,"Koble til Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Contributor is available for Facebook pages only.",,"Bidragsyter er bare tilgjengelig for Facebook-sider.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Intention tags are only available for English posts from Twitter and Facebook.",,"Intensjonsmerker er bare tilgjengelige for innlegg på engelsk fra Twitter og Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Intention",,"Intensjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add keywords",,"Legg til nøkkelord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location is available for Twitter and News",,"Sted er tilgjengelig for Twitter og Nyheter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location is available for Twitter, News, Facebook and Forums",,"Sted er tilgjengelig for Twitter, Nyheter, Facebook og Fora",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location is available for Twitter, News, Facebook, Forums and Instagram",,"Sted er tilgjengelig for Twitter, Nyheter, Facebook, Fora og Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search location",,"Søk etter sted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author location is available for Twitter and News",,"Forfattersted er tilgjengelig for Twitter og Nyheter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author location is available for Twitter, News and Forums",,"Forfattersted er tilgjengelig for Twitter, Nyheter og Fora",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post location is available for Twitter",,"Innleggssted er tilgjengelig for Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post location is available for Twitter and Facebook",,"Innleggssted er tilgjengelig for Twitter og Facebook",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post location is available for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram",,"Innleggssted er tilgjengelig for Twitter, Facebook og Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post type is available for Twitter and Facebook",,"Innleggstype er tilgjengelig for Twitter og Facebook",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reply",,"Svar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share",,"Del",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{value} (High reach)",,"%{value} (stor rekkevidde)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{value} (Highest reach)",,"%{value} (størst rekkevidde)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reach is available for Twitter",,"Rekkevidde er tilgjengelig for Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{value} (Low reach)",,"%{value} (liten rekkevidde)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{value} (Lowest reach)",,"%{value} (minst rekkevidde)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{value} (Medium reach)",,"%{value} (middels rekkevidde)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment is available for English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian",,"Sentiment er tilgjengelig for engelsk, tysk, fransk, spansk, portugisisk og italiensk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment is available for Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish",,"Sentiment er tilgjengelig for dansk, engelsk, finsk, fransk, italiensk, nederlandsk, norsk, polsk, portugisisk, spansk, svensk og tysk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment is available for %{lang}",,"Sentiment er tilgjengelig for %{lang}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manually edited",,"Manuelt redigert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tags are only available for English posts from Twitter and Facebook.",,"Merker er bare tilgjengelige for innlegg på engelsk fra Twitter og Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private messages",,"Private meldinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't find this author. Please enter a valid author and try again.",,"Finner ikke denne forfatteren. Angi en gyldig forfatter og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Exclude author tag",,"Utelat forfattermerke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Include author tag",,"Inkluder forfattermerke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add keywords filter",,"Legg til nøkkelordfilter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Exclude",,"Utelat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Exclude posts with the following labels from your data set",,"Utelat innlegg med følgende etiketter fra datasettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Include",,"Inkluder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Include posts with the following labels in your data set",,"Inkluder innlegg med følgende etiketter i datasettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No Label",,"Ingen etikett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add location filter",,"Legg til stedsfilter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Contributor",,"Bidragsyter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Keywords",,"Nøkkelord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Labels",,"Etiketter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location type",,"Stedstype",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post type",,"Innleggstype",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment status",,"Sentimentsstatus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"and ",,"og ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cancel filter change",,"Avbryt filterendring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change",,"Endre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Clear",,"Fjern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Clear current filters",,"Fjern gjeldende filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Apply filters",,"Bruk filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No filters",,"Ingen filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} filter |||| %{smart_count} filters",,"%{smart_count} filter |||| %{smart_count} filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select",,"Velg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select search topic",,"Velg søkeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Clear all active filters",,"Fjern alle aktive filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage filters",,"Administrer filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove",,"Fjern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add tags filter",,"Legg til merkefilter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Languages %{languages}/%{total}",,"Språk %{languages}/%{total}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"An error occurred. Please try again.",,"Det oppstod en feil. Prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"(Maximum %{numChars} characters)",,"(Maksimalt %{numChars} tegn)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{placeholderText} (maximum %{numChars} characters)",,"%{placeholderText} (maksimalt %{numChars} tegn)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Pause gif",,"Sett gif på pause",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Play gif",,"Spill av gif",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Global Notification Dialog",,"Global varsling, dialogboks",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to Analytics, Posts view filtered for private messages.",,"Gå til Analyse og se innlegg filtrert etter private meldinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"By clicking “Accept,” you agree that you are not using this product on behalf of a government agency.",,"Hvis du klikker Godta, godtar du at du ikke bruker dette produktet på vegne av et offentlig kontor.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Before you continue ...",,"Før du fortsetter...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Graph View",,"Grafvisning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""View ""%{chart_name}"" as a graph"",,"Vis %{chart_name} som en graf",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Valid",,"Gyldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Home",,"Startside for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Image",,"Bilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Error message",,"Feilmelding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Information message",,"Informasjonsmelding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Success message",,"Melding om at noe var vellykket",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Warning message",,"Varselmelding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Information",,"Informasjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Searches on Instagram require a #hashtag to search for.",,"Søk på Instagram krever en #hashtag det skal søkes etter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To acquire data from Instagram, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>. Authenticate an Instagram account and allow the acquisition.",,"For å hente data fra Instagram går du til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sosiale profiler</a>. Godkjenn en Instagram-konto og tillat henting.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no valid Instagram account authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Instagram has stopped. To start data acquisition for Instagram, go to Social Profiles, authenticate an Instagram account, and then allow the data acquisition.",,"Ingen gyldig Instagram-konto er logget på i denne løsningen, og datainnhenting for Instagram har stoppet. Du kan starte datainnhenting for Instagram ved å gå til Sosiale profiler, logge på med en Instagram-konto og deretter tillate datainnhenting.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no valid Instagram account authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Instagram has stopped. To start data acquisition for Instagram, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate an Instagram account, and then allow the data acquisition.",,"Ingen gyldig Instagram-konto er logget på i denne løsningen, og datainnhenting for Instagram har stoppet. Du kan starte datainnhenting for Instagram ved å gå til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sosiale profiler</a>, logge på med en Instagram-konto og deretter tillate datainnhenting.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"ACTION REQUIRED",,"HANDLING KREVES",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This social profile doesn't have the required permissions for this action.",,"Denne sosiale profilen har ikke de nødvendige tillatelsene for denne handlingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Invalid",,"Ugyldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Link",,"Kobling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your network only",,"Bare ditt nettverk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Everyone on LinkedIn",,"Alle på LinkedIn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LinkedIn data can't be exported. LinkedIn posts will be excluded from your automation rule.",,"Kan ikke eksportere LinkedIn-data. LinkedIn-innlegg blir utelatt fra automatiseringsregelen din.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't work with LinkedIn posts outside of Market Insights.",,"Du kan ikke arbeide med LinkedIn innlegg utenfor Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no valid LinkedIn organization page for this solution and data acquisition has stopped. Go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a LinkedIn organization page, and then allow data acquisition.",,"Ingen gyldig LinkedIn-organisasjonsside for denne løsningen, og datainnhenting har stoppet. Gå til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sosiale profiler</a>, godkjenn en LinkedIn-organisasjonsside, og tillat deretter datainnhenting.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't work with LinkedIn posts outside of Market Insights. You can't export LinkedIn data.",,"Du kan ikke arbeide med LinkedIn innlegg utenfor Market Insights. Kan ikke eksportere LinkedIn-data.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Validating social profiles",,"Validerer sosiale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Main menu",,"Hovedmeny",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"© 2019 Microsoft Corporation © 2019 HERE",,"© 2019 Microsoft Corporation © 2019 HERE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zoom in",,"Zoom inn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zoom out",,"Zoom ut",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Media list",,"Medieliste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} Source |||| %{smart_count} Sources",,"%{smart_count} kilde |||| %{smart_count} kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Menu",,"Meny",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"In order to add and reauthenticate social profiles, please open this application on a browser.",,"Hvis du vil legge til og godkjenne sosiale profiler på nytt, åpner du dette programmet i en nettleser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"month",,"måned",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"April",,"April",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"August",,"August",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"December",,"Desember",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"February",,"Februar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"January",,"Januar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"July",,"Juli",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"June",,"Juni",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"March",,"Mars",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"May",,"Mai",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"November",,"November",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"October",,"Oktober",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"September",,"September",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Apr",,"Apr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Aug",,"Aug",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dec",,"Des",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Feb",,"Feb",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Jan",,"Jan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Jul",,"Jul",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Jun",,"Jun",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mar",,"Mar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Nov",,"Nov",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Oct",,"Okt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sep",,"Sep",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"More actions",,"Flere handlinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{more_than}+",,"%{more_than}+",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Name can't be empty.",,"Navn må angis.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The name is already taken.",,"Navnet er allerede tatt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The name is too long.",,"Navnet er for langt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to Office 365 or other applications.",,"Gå til Office 365 eller andre programmer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"About",,"Om",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Community",,"Fellesskap",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Help",,"Hjelp",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View Office 365 profile",,"Se Office 365-profilen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sign out",,"Logg av",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Support",,"Kundestøtte",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"My preferences",,"Mine innstillinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit profile picture",,"Rediger profilbilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activity Maps",,"Aktivitetskart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics",,"Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Feedback",,"Tilbakemelding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Give feedback.",,"Gi tilbakemelding.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get help using Market Insights.",,"Få hjelp med å bruke Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alerts",,"Varsler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Setup",,"Søkeoppsett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Settings",,"Innstillinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Review or update Market Insights settings.",,"Se gjennom eller oppdater innstillinger for Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Center",,"Sosialt senter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Selling",,"Social Selling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Home",,"Startside",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have the right to reproduce, display and distribute copyrighted News for your internal business purposes only, and shall not modify or publicly display copyrighted News.",,"Du har bare rett til å reprodusere, vise og distribuere opphavsrettslig beskyttede nyheter til egne interne forretningsformål, og det er ikke tillatt å endre opphavsrettslig beskyttede nyheter eller publisere dem offentlig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"News coverage is limited to the following languages: English, French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese.",,"Nyhetsdekning er begrenset til følgende språk: engelsk, fransk, tysk, spansk og portugisisk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No",,"Nei",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Not available",,"Ikke tilgjengelig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't find this location. Please enter a valid location.",,"Finner ikke dette stedet. Angi et gyldig sted.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This term has already been added to your keywords filter.",,"Denne termen er allerede lagt til i nøkkelordfilteret ditt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"A single keyword cannot exceed 128 characters.",,"Ett nøkkelord kan ikke overstige 128 tegn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{number}M",,"%{number}M",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{number}k",,"%{number}k",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Office 365 account actions",,"Handlinger for Office 365-regnskap",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ok",,"OK",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't do this action, because this social profile isn't a friend of the target user.",,"Du kan ikke utføre denne handlingen fordi denne sosiale profilen ikke lenger er venn av en målrettet bruker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Owned",,"Eid",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If you or your organization owns the social account, set the toggle to <strong>Owned</strong>. If you or your organization doesn't own the social account, set the toggle to <strong>Earned</strong>. <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=841903'>Learn more</a>",,"Hvis du eller organisasjonen eier den sosiale kontoen, setter du veksleinnstillingen til <strong>Eid</strong>. Hvis du eller organisasjonen ikke eier den sosiale kontoen, setter du veksleinnstillingen til <strong>Opptjent</strong>. <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=841903'>Finn ut mer</a>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{pageTitle} - Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"%{pageTitle} - Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to the first page.",,"Gå til den første siden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to the last page.",,"Gå til den siste siden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to the next page.",,"Gå til den neste siden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"of",,"av",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to the previous page.",,"Gå til den forrige siden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{startIndex} - %{endIndex} of %{rowCount}",,"%{startIndex} - %{endIndex} av %{rowCount}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Showing rows %{startIndex} to %{endIndex} of %{rowCount}",,"Viser rad %{startIndex} til %{endIndex} av %{rowCount}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search in this panel",,"Søk i dette panelet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search",,"Søk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No results were found for this keyword.",,"Fant ingen resultater for dette nøkkelordet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instagram Account",,"Instagram-konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LinkedIn Account",,"LinkedIn-konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LinkedIn Organization Page",,"LinkedIn-organisasjonsside",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"YouTube Account",,"YouTube-konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the type of social profile you want to authenticate and add to your user account.",,"Velg hvilken type sosial profil du vil godkjenne og legge til i brukerkontoen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{source} Acquisition",,"Innhenting fra %{source}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook and Instagram user",,"Facebook- og Instagram-bruker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{source} Page",,"%{source}-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{source} Profile",,"%{source}-profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{source} User",,"%{source}-bruker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add an Facebook user account to use within Market Insights. You can use this profile to allow data acquisition for Facebook. Note that, to receive data from Facebook pages, you have to allow data acquisition for at least one Facebook Acquisition profile.",,"Legg til en Facebook-brukerkonto til bruk i Market Insights. Du kan bruke denne profilen for å tillate datainnhenting fra Facebook-sider. Vær oppmerksom på at du må tillate datainnhenting for minst én Facebook-profil for innhenting for å motta data fra Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Facebook user account to acquire data from Facebook pages and your own Instagram business accounts. We recommend adding several Facebook user accounts to ensure a stable data acquisition on Facebook pages and Instagram business accounts. Note: By adding a Facebook user account, acquisition permissions for Facebook and Instagram are enabled. Acquisition for only Facebook or only Instagram isn't supported. To receive data from Facebook pages and Instagram accounts, you also need to configure search rules.",,"Legg til en Facebook-brukerkonto for å hente data fra Facebook-sider og dine egne Instagram-forretningskontoer. Det anbefales at du legger til flere Facebook-brukerkontoer for å sørge for stabil datainnhenting på Facebook-sider og Instagram-forretningskontoer. Obs! Når du legger til en Facebook-brukerkonto, aktiveres innhentingstillatelser for Facebook og Instagram. Innhenting for bare Facebook eller bare Instagram støttes ikke. Hvis du vil motta data fra Facebook-sider og Instagram-kontoer, må du også konfigurere søkeregler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add your Facebook user profile to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can use this profile to share a post on Facebook.",,"Legg til Facebook-brukerprofilen din til bruk i Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Du kan bruke denne profilen til å dele et innlegg på Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a personal Facebook user profile to use in Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights to allow data acquisition of Facebook pages. You can also use this profile to like, share, or comment on a post on Facebook.",,"Legg til en personlig Facebook-brukerprofil til bruk i Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights for å tillate datainnhenting fra Facebook-sider. Du kan også bruke denne profilen for å like, dele eller kommentere innlegg på Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Facebook  Instagram acquisition profile to associate with your Market Insights account. This profile will allow data acquisition from your own Instagram business accounts and Facebook pages.",,"Legg til en profil for Facebook- og Instagram-datainnhenting som knyttes til Market Insights-kontoen din. Denne profilen tillater datainnhenting fra dine egne Instagram-forretningskontoer og Facebook-sider.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a LinkedIn organization page to use within Market Insights. You can use this page to reply to a post on LinkedIn, like a post on LinkedIn, and acquire posts from this page.",,"Legg til en LinkedIn-organisasjonsside som skal brukes i Market Insights. Du kan bruke denne siden til å svare på et innlegg på LinkedIn, like et innlegg på LinkedIn og hente innlegg fra denne siden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a LinkedIn profile to use within Market Insights. You can use this profile to share a post on LinkedIn.",,"Legg til en LinkedIn-profil som skal brukes i Market Insights. Du kan bruke denne profilen for å dele et innlegg på LinkedIn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Twitter profile to use within Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Reply to a post on Twitter; Like a post on Twitter; Retweet a post on Twitter; Allow data acquisition for direct messages.",,"Legg til en Twitter-profil til bruk i Market Insights. Du kan bruke denne profilen til å svare på et Twitter-innlegg, like et Twitter-innlegg, retweete et Twitter-innlegg eller tillate datainnhenting for direktemeldinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a YouTube account to use within Market Insights. You can use this account to:  Comment on a YouTube video; Like or dislike a YouTube video or a YouTube video comment.",,"Legg til en YouTube-konto for å bruke den i Market Insights. Du kan bruke denne kontoen til å: kommentere en YouTube-video, og angi at du liker eller ikke liker en YouTube-video eller YouTube-videokommentar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't authorize this social profile due to the maximum number of application requests reached.",,"Vi kan ikke godkjenne denne sosiale profilen fordi det maksimale antallet søknadsforespørsler er nådd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook and Instagram acquisition",,"Facebook- og Instagram-innhenting",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't given this social profile the required permissions: “%{socialProfileName}“. Please add this social profile again and provide the required permissions.",,"Du har ikke gitt denne sosiale profilen de nødvendige tillatelsene: %{socialProfileName}. Legg til denne sosiale profilen på nytt, og angi de nødvendige tillatelsene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Acquisition",,"Henting",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure that you want to delete the %{socialProfileName} social profile?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette den sosiale profilen %{socialProfileName}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Removing this profile will stop data acquisition. Are you sure that you want to delete the %{socialProfileName} social profile?",,"Hvis du fjerner denne profilen, stopper hentingen av data. Er du sikker på at du vil slette den sosiale profilen %{socialProfileName}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete Social Profile?",,"Slette den sosiale profilen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Removing this token will stop data acquisition. Are you sure that you want to delete the token?",,"Hvis du fjerner denne tokenen, stopper hentingen av data. Er du sikker på at du vil slette tokenen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete Token?",,"Slett token?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Personalize",,"Tilpasse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Privacy notice",,"Personvernerklæring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights connects to third-party services in order to retrieve the Social Content that you request, and to enable certain functionalities of the Service. In order to establish these connections, certain data may be shared with these external services. Please refer to the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=699489'>product technical documentation</a>",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights kobler til tredjepartstjenester for å hente det sosiale innholdet du ber om, og for å aktivere enkelte funksjoner i tjenesten. For å opprette disse tilkoblingene må enkelte data deles med disse eksterne tjenestene. Se den <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=699489'>tekniske dokumentasjonen for produktet</a>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Privacy Statement",,"Personvernerklæring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Online Services Privacy Statement.",,"Personvernerklæring for Microsoft online tjenester.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private message",,"Privat melding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private Messages",,"Private meldinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"© 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"© 2019 Microsoft Corporation. Med enerett.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Copyright information for this service.",,"Opphavsrettsinformasjon for denne tjenesten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile Photo",,"Profilbilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Content is loading...",,"Laster inn innhold ...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Getting social profiles...",,"Henter sosiale profiler...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tweet",,"Tweet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"colon",,"kolon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"hyphen",,"bindestrek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"period",,"punktum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"slash",,"skråstrek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Keywords rule",,"Nøkkelordregel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The keyword search rule allows you to set up a search query with keywords, inclusions, and exclusions, as well as choosing in which languages and on which sources to search. For example, if you use Microsoft, MSFT as keywords, and CRM as inclusions, youll get posts that contain Microsoft OR MSFT AND CRM.",,"Ved hjelp av nøkkelordsøkeregelen kan du konfigurere en søkespørring med nøkkelord, inkluderinger og utelatelser. Du kan også velge språk og kilder for søket. Hvis du for eksempel bruker Microsoft, MSFT som nøkkelord og CRM som inkluderinger, får du opp innlegg som inneholder Microsoft ELLER MSFT OG CRM.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The keyword search rule lets you set up a search query with keywords, inclusions, and exclusions, and choose which languages and sources to search. For example, if you use Microsoft, MSFT as keywords, and Dynamics 365 as inclusions, youll get posts that contain Microsoft OR MSFT AND Dynamics 365.",,"Ved hjelp av nøkkelordsøkeregelen kan du konfigurere en søkespørring med nøkkelord, inkluderinger og utelatelser og velge språk og kilder for søket. Hvis du for eksempel bruker Microsoft, MSFT som nøkkelord og Dynamics 365 som inkluderinger, får du opp innlegg som inneholder Microsoft ELLER MSFT OG Dynamics 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook page rule",,"Regel for Facebook-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Facebook page rule allows you to capture all conversations on a public Facebook page. The conversations are captured regardless of any previously defined keyword search rule in the same search topic.",,"Ved hjelp av Facebook-sideregelen kan du hente ut alle diskusjoner på en offentlig Facebook-side. Diskusjonene hentes uavhengig av en eventuell nøkkelordsøkeregel som tidligere er definert i det samme søkeemnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter rule",,"Twitter-regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Twitter rule allows you to track the conversations for a specific Twitter profile. The Twitter profiles are captured regardless of any previously set keyword search rule in the same topic.",,"Ved hjelp av Twitter-regelen kan du spore diskusjonene for en bestemt Twitter-profil. Twitter-profilene hentes uavhengig av en eventuell nøkkelordsøkeregel som tidligere er angitt i det samme emnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private messages rule",,"Regel for private meldinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can acquire private messages from authenticated Twitter and Facebook Accounts when (i) a Facebook or Twitter Profile is authenticated on the Social Profiles page; and (ii) the acquisition of private messages has been enabled by the owner of the profile.",,"Du kan hente inn private meldinger fra godkjente Twitter- og Facebook-kontoer når (i) en Facebook- eller Twitter-profil er godkjent på Sosiale profiler-siden, og (ii) innhenting av private meldinger er aktivert av eieren av profilen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instagram rule",,"Instagram-regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Instagram rule allows you to track the posts and comments for a specific Instagram account. The posts and comments are captured regardless of any previously set keyword search rule in the same topic.",,"Ved hjelp av Instagram-regelen kan du spore innleggene og kommentarene for en bestemt Instagram-konto. Innleggene og kommentarene hentes uavhengig av en eventuell nøkkelordsøkeregel som tidligere er angitt i det samme emnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LinkedIn rule",,"LinkedIn-regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The LinkedIn rule allows you to track the posts and comments for a specific LinkedIn organization page. Posts and comments are captured regardless of any previously set keyword rule in the same topic.",,"Med LinkedIn-regelen kan du spore innleggene og kommentarene til en bestemt LinkedIn-organisasjonsside. Innleggene og kommentarene hentes uavhengig av en eventuell nøkkelordregel som tidligere er angitt i det samme emnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"YouTube rule",,"YouTube-regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The YouTube rule allows you to track the posts and comments for a specific YouTube channel. Posts and comments are captured regardless of any previously set keyword rule in the same topic.",,"Med YouTube-regelen kan du spore innleggene og kommentarene til en bestemt YouTube-kanal. Innleggene og kommentarene hentes uavhengig av en eventuell nøkkelordregel som tidligere er angitt i det samme emnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This social profile doesn't have the required permissions for this action. Please make sure you're using the correct social profile.",,"Denne sosiale profilen har ikke de nødvendige tillatelsene for denne handlingen. Sørg for at du bruker korrekt sosial profil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom sources rule",,"Regel for egendefinerte kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Gather all posts from a previously created group of custom sources without matching any keywords.",,"Innhent alle innlegg fra en tidligere opprettet gruppe med egendefinerte kilder uten nøkkelord som samsvarer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom Sources.",,"Egendefinerte kilder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This name already exists in categories or search topics. Choose a different name.",,"Dette navnet finnes allerede i kategorier eller søkeemner. Velg et annet navn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No results found.",,"Finner ingen resultater.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No groups found. Please change filter and try again.",,"Fant ingen grupper. Endre filter og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No users selected",,"Ingen brukere er valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"""" and """",,"""" og """",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""results for ""%{searchTerms}"""",,""resultater for ""%{searchTerms}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Widgets",,"Kontrollprogrammer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See private messages",,"Se private meldinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select all",,"Velg alle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select entity %{entityName}",,"Velg enhet %{entityName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select user %{displayName}",,"Velg bruker %{displayName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Selected",,"Valgte",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Send email to %{emailAddress}",,"Sende e-post til %{emailAddress}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share this stream with other users",,"Del denne strømmen med andre brukere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share with all users",,"Del med alle brukere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} User (Ownership %{ownership_count}) |||| %{smart_count} Users (Ownership %{ownership_count})",,"%{smart_count} bruker (Eierskap %{ownership_count}) |||| %{smart_count} brukere (Eierskap %{ownership_count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} User |||| %{smart_count} Users",,"%{smart_count} bruker |||| %{smart_count} brukere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collapse navigation",,"Skjul navigasjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expand navigation",,"Vis navigasjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open navigation",,"Åpne navigasjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Value: ",,"Verdi: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Can't authenticate this page. The user needs to be one of the administrators of the page.",,"Kan ikke godkjenne denne siden. Brukeren må være én av administratorene for siden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authenticate",,"Godkjenn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Before you can search for Twitter accounts, add a Twitter profile to your social profiles.",,"Før du kan søke etter Twitter-kontoer, må du legge til en Twitter-profil i dine sosiale profiler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Note",,"Obs!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile picture on %{sourceType}",,"Profilbilde i %{sourceType}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile picture placeholder on %{sourceType}",,"Plassholder for profilbilde på %{sourceType}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social profile valid",,"Sosial profil er gyldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social profile invalid",,"Sosial profil er ugyldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't authorize this social profile due to the maximum number of application requests reached.",,"Kan ikke godkjenne denne sosiale profilen på grunn av at det maksimale antallet programforespørsler er nådd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Selling Assistant",,"Social Selling Assistant",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Solution %{solution_id}",,"Løsning %{solution_id}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sort column %{colName} in ascending order",,"Sorter kolonnen %{colName} i stigende rekkefølge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sort column %{colName} in descending order",,"Sorter kolonnen %{colName} i synkende rekkefølge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add one or two characters.",,"Legg til ett eller to tegn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This name already exists. Choose a different name and try again.",,"Dette navnet finnes allerede. Velg et annet navn, og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom source couldn't be saved",,"Egendefinert kilde kan ikke lagres",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't added any custom sources to this group yet.",,"Du har ikke lagt til noen egendefinerte kilder i denne gruppen ennå.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To acquire posts from Facebook pages, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"For å hente innlegg fra Facebook-sider går du til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sosiale profiler</a>, godkjenner en Facebook-bruker, og tillater deretter henting fra Facebook-sider.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To acquire posts from Facebook pages, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a Facebook Acquisition profile, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"For å hente innlegg fra Facebook-sider går du til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sosiale profiler</a>, godkjenner en Facebook-henteprofil, og tillater deretter henting fra Facebook-sider.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data acquisition for this LinkedIn page has stopped because there is no longer a valid token for the LinkedIn Page. To restart data acquisition, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a> and re-authenticate the LinkedIn page profile.",,"Henting av data for denne LinkedIn-siden har stoppet, fordi det ikke lenger finnes en gyldig token for LinkedIn-siden. Hvis du vil starte henting av data på nytt, går du til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sosiale profiler</a> og godkjenner profilen for LinkedIn-siden på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To get ready for the new and faster Facebook data acquisition, authenticate your Facebook user profile in Social Profiles. Once you have authenticated your profile and we have enabled new data acquisition for your solution, we'll inform you by email. Authenticating a Facebook user profile gives you a valid access token, which is required to continue future data acquisition from Facebook pages. A token is usually valid for 60 days, and youll get reminders to take action when it's about to expire.",,"Når du skal komme i gang med den nye og raskere Facebook-datainnhentingen, godkjenner du Facebook-brukerprofilen i Sosiale profiler. Når du har godkjent profilen og vi har aktivert ny datainnhenting for løsningen din, informerer vi deg via e-post. Når du godkjenner en Facebook-brukerprofil, får du et gyldig tilgangstoken, som er nødvendig for å fortsette med datainnhenting fra Facebook-sider i fremtiden. Et token er vanligvis gyldig i 60 dager, og du får påminnelser om å utføre handlinger når det er i ferd med å utløpe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To get ready for the new and faster Facebook data acquisition, authenticate your Facebook Acquisition profile in Social Profiles. Once you have authenticated your profile and we have enabled new data acquisition for your solution, we'll inform you by email. Authenticating a Facebook Acquisition profile gives you a valid access token, which is required to continue future data acquisition from Facebook pages. A token is usually valid for 60 days, and youll get reminders to take action when it's about to expire.",,"Når du skal komme i gang med den nye og raskere Facebook-datainnhentingen, godkjenner du Facebook-profilen for innhenting i Sosiale profiler. Når du har godkjent profilen, og vi har aktivert ny datainnhenting for løsningen din, informerer vi deg via e-post. Når du godkjenner en Facebook-profil for innhenting, får du et gyldig tilgangstoken som er nødvendig for å fortsette med datainnhenting fra Facebook-sider i fremtiden. Et token er vanligvis gyldig i 60 dager, og du får påminnelser om å utføre handlinger når det er i ferd med å utløpe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To get ready for the new and faster Facebook data acquisition, authenticate your Facebook user profile in <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>. Once you have authenticated your profile and we have enabled new data acquisition for your solution, we'll inform you by email.<br>Authenticating a Facebook user profile gives you a valid access token, which is required to continue future data acquisition from Facebook pages. A token is usually valid for 60 days, and youll get reminders to take action when it's about to expire.",,"Når du skal komme i gang med den nye og raskere Facebook-datainnhentingen, godkjenner du Facebook-brukerprofilen i <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sosiale profiler</a>. Når du har godkjent profilen og vi har aktivert ny datainnhenting for løsningen din, informerer vi deg via e-post.<br>Når du godkjenner en Facebook-brukerprofil, får du et gyldig tilgangstoken, som er nødvendig for å fortsette med datainnhenting fra Facebook-sider i fremtiden. Et token er vanligvis gyldig i 60 dager, og du får påminnelser om å utføre handlinger når det er i ferd med å utløpe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To get ready for the new and faster Facebook data acquisition, authenticate your Facebook Acquisition profile in <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>. Once you have authenticated your profile and we have enabled new data acquisition for your solution, we'll inform you by email.<br>Authenticating a Facebook Acquisition profile gives you a valid access token, which is required to continue future data acquisition from Facebook pages. A token is usually valid for 60 days, and youll get reminders to take action when it's about to expire.",,"Når du skal komme i gang med den nye og raskere Facebook-datainnhentingen, godkjenner du Facebook-profilen for innhenting i <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sosiale profiler</a>. Når du har godkjent profilen, og vi har aktivert ny datainnhenting for løsningen din, informerer vi deg via e-post.<br>Når du godkjenner en Facebook-profil for innhenting, får du et gyldig tilgangstoken som er nødvendig for å fortsette med datainnhenting fra Facebook-sider i fremtiden. Et token er vanligvis gyldig i 60 dager, og du får påminnelser om å utføre handlinger når det er i ferd med å utløpe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no valid Facebook user authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to Social Profiles, authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Ingen gyldig Facebook-bruker er logget på i denne løsningen, og datainnhenting for Facebook-sider har stoppet. Du kan starte henting av data for Facebook-sider ved å gå til Sosiale profiler, logge på som en Facebook-bruker og deretter tillate henting av Facebook-sider.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no valid Facebook Acquisition profile authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to Social Profiles, authenticate a Facebook Acquisition profile, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Det finnes ingen godkjent profil for Facebook-innhenting i denne løsningen, og datainnhenting for Facebook-sider har stoppet. Hvis du vil starte datainnhenting for Facebook-sider, går du til Sosiale profiler, godkjenner en profil for Facebook-innhenting, og tillater deretter innhenting av Facebook-sider. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no valid Facebook user authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Ingen gyldig Facebook-bruker er logget på i denne løsningen, og datainnhenting for Facebook-sider har stoppet. Du kan starte henting av data for Facebook-sider ved å gå til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sosiale profiler</a>, logge på som en Facebook-bruker og deretter tillate henting av Facebook-sider.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no valid Facebook Acquisition profile authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a Facebook Acquisition profile, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Det finnes ingen godkjent profil for Facebook-innhenting i denne løsningen, og datainnhenting for Facebook-sider har stoppet. Hvis du vil starte datainnhenting for Facebook-sider, går du til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sosiale profiler</a>, godkjenner en profil for Facebook-innhenting, og tillater deretter innhenting av Facebook-sider. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Loading",,"Laster inn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Page is loading.",,"Siden lastes inn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{subPageTitle} - %{pageTitle} - Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"%{subPageTitle} - %{pageTitle} - Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Off",,"Av",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"On",,"På",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Table View",,"Tabellvisning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""View ""%{chart_name}"" as a table"",,"Vis %{chart_name} som en tabell",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sorting column ascending order",,"Stigende rekkefølge for sorteringskolonne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sorting column descending order",,"Synkende rekkefølge for sorteringskolonne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Action",,"Handling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User",,"Bruker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top authors",,"Mest populære forfattere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automation rule statistics",,"Statistikk for automatiseringsregel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automation rules",,"Automatiseringsregler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All available entities",,"Alle tilgjengelige enheter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Blocked domains",,"Blokkerte domener",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Blocked keywords",,"Blokkerte nøkkelord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Category",,"Kategori",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connection entity",,"Tilkoblingsenhet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connection",,"Tilkobling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom tags",,"Egendefinerte merker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Domain",,"Domene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Event Hub",,"Hendelseshub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Intention tags",,"Intensjonsmerker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location group",,"Stedsgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Map pin",,"Kartstift",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota usage",,"Bruk av kvote",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"RSS feeds",,"RSS-feeder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search topic rules",,"Regler for søkeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search topic",,"Søkeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment of search terms.",,"Sentiment for søkeord.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Smart tags history",,"Historikk for smartmerker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social profile",,"Sosial profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom tag distribution",,"Distribusjon av egendefinert kode",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tag score",,"Merkepoengsum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"time interval",,"tidsintervall",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{cellValue}. Select to filter by time interval and %{fieldName}=%{fieldValue}.",,"%{cellValue}. Merk for å filtrere etter tidsintervall og %{fieldName}=%{fieldValue}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{cellValue}. Select to filter by %{filterField}.",,"%{cellValue}. Merk for å filtrere etter %{filterField}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create new tag «%{tagname}»",,"Opprett nytt merke «%{tagname}»",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There was a conflict with the latest version. Please confirm again your changes.",,"Det oppstod en konflikt med den nyeste versjonen. Bekreft endringene på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Updating the author failed. Please try again.",,"Oppdatering av forfatteren mislyktes. Prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't find this tag. Please enter a valid tag.",,"Finner ikke dette merket. Angi et gyldig merke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post Tags and Intentions",,"Publiser merker og intensjoner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search tags",,"Søk etter merker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rating type",,"Vurderingstype",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Auto",,"Automatisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom",,"Egendefinert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tag type",,"Merketype",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a tag",,"Legg til et merke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Added tag %{tagName}.",,"La til merke %{tagName}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Auto Tag: %{string}",,"Automatisk merke: %{string}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Close this pane.",,"Lukk denne ruten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm this auto tag",,"Bekreft dette automatiske merket",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirmed",,"Bekreftet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom Tag: %{string}",,"Egendefinert merke: %{string}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add or remove tags",,"Legge til eller fjern merker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove this tag",,"Fjern dette merket",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Removed tag %{tagName}.",,"Fjernet merke %{tagName}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This didn't work. The tag is already added to this post.",,"Dette fungerte ikke. Merket er allerede lagt til i dette innlegget.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"TAGS",,"MERKER",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tags:",,"Merker:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"and %{smart_count} other |||| and %{smart_count} others",,"og %{smart_count} andre |||| og %{smart_count} andre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All rating types",,"Alle rangeringstyper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To add another one, remove an existing tag from the post.",,"Hvis du vil legge til et nytt, fjerner du et eksisterende merke fra innlegget.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can add a maximum of %{number} tags to a post.",,"Du kan maksimalt legge til %{number} merker i et innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>You can only add %{tags} tags to an author.</strong> To add a new tag, first remove another tag.",,"<strong>Du kan bare legge til %{tags} merker for en forfatter.</strong> Du må fjerne et merke før du kan legge til et nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>You can add only %{tags} tags to an author.</strong>",,"<strong>Du kan bare legge til %{tags}-merker for en forfatter.</strong>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>You can only add %{tags} tags to a post.</strong> To add a new tag, first remove another tag.",,"<strong>Du kan bare legge til %{tags} merker i et innlegg.</strong> Du må fjerne et merke før du kan legge til et nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a href=""https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about.html#terms"" title=""Third Party Social Content Terms of Service"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Third Party Social Content Terms of Service</a>."",,""<a href=""https://listening.microsoft.com/static/no/about.html#terms"" title=""Vilkår for bruk for sosialt innhold fra tredjepart"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Vilkår for bruk for sosialt innhold fra tredjepart</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a href=""https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about_mse.html#terms"" title=""Third Party Social Content Terms of Service"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Third Party Social Content Terms of Service</a>."",,""<a href=""https://listening.microsoft.com/static/no/about_mse.html#terms"" title=""Vilkår for bruk for sosialt innhold fra tredjepart"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Vilkår for bruk for sosialt innhold fra tredjepart</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Time",,"Tid",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} day |||| %{smart_count} days",,"%{smart_count} dag |||| %{smart_count} dager",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"hr",,"tim",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"min",,"min",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"mth",,"mnd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"sec",,"sek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"wk",,"uke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"yr",,"år",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom time frame",,"Egendefinert tidsramme",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Choose Custom Time Filter",,"Velg egendefinert tidsfilter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"End date",,"Sluttdato",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Month",,"Måned",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start date",,"Startdato",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Today",,"I dag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change time frame",,"Endre tidsramme",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Week",,"Uke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Daily",,"Daglig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hourly",,"Hver time",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Monthly",,"Månedlig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Weekly",,"Ukentlig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Market Insights",,"Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show More",,"Vis flere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{likes} likes",,"%{likes} liker-klikk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{about} talking about",,"%{about} snakker om",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To add one, go to <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Social Profiles</a>."",,""Du kan legge til en konto ved å gå til <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Sosiale profiler</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"followers",,"følgere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"following",,"følger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a> to see if the profile allows data acquisition or requires reauthentication.",,"Gå til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sosiale profiler</a> for å finne ut om profilen tillater datainnhenting eller krever ny godkjenning.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Retweets",,"Retweeter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"tweets",,"tweeter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Specify a name.",,"Angi et navn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select at least one source.",,"Velg minst én kilde.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"A term can't be longer than 128 characters.",,"En betingelse kan ikke inneholde mer enn 128 tegn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please select a custom sources group and try again.",,"Velg en gruppe med egendefinerte kilder og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter at least one keyword.",,"Angi minst ett nøkkelord.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select a page and try again.",,"Velg en side og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select at least one search language.",,"Velg minst ett søkespråk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Keywords can't contain quotation marks.",,"Nøkkelord kan ikke inneholde anførselstegn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select a Facebook page or Twitter handle from your Social Accounts and try again.",,"Velg en Facebook-side eller et Twitter-brukernavn fra sosiale kontoer, og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota estimation failed.",,"Kvoteberegning mislyktes.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota estimation completed successfully. The results are displayed.",,"Kvoteberegning ble fullført. Resultatene vises.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota estimation is loading.",,"Kvoteberegning lastes inn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""""%{ruleName}"" rule already exists in this search topic."",,""Regelen ""%{ruleName}"" finnes allerede i søkeemnet."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rule isn't valid",,"Regelen er ikke gyldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Selecting approximately \n%{posts} POSTS/MONTH",,"Velger omtrent \n%{posts} INNLEGG/MÅNED",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your configured rule will collect approximately %{posts} posts per month and exceeds your monthly post limit. Refine your rule to stay within your monthly post limit or add more post quota.",,"Den konfigurerte regelen vil hente inn omtrent %{posts} innlegg per måned, og dette overskrider den månedlige innleggsgrensen. Rediger regelen slik at du holder deg innenfor den månedlige innleggsgrensen, eller legg til ekstra innleggskvote.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Exceeded quota",,"Overskredet kvote",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No hashtags were specified for Instagram. Enter a keyword prefixed with a hashtag (#).",,"Ingen hashtagger er spesifisert for Instagram. Skriv inn et søkeord med en hashtagg (#) foran.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your configured rule will collect approximately %{posts} posts per month. You can save your search topic now.",,"Den konfigurerte regelen vil hente inn omtrent %{posts} innlegg per måned. Du kan lagre søkeemnet nå.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can save your search topic now.",,"Du kan lagre søkeemnet nå.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Within quota",,"Innenfor kvote",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your configured rule will collect approximately %{posts} posts per month. Your rule exceeds your monthly post limit. You can save your search topic now, but we advise you to monitor your quota regularly to avoid surpassing your monthly quota.",,"Den konfigurerte regelen vil hente inn omtrent %{posts} innlegg per måned. Regelen overskrider den månedlige innleggsgrensen. Du kan lagre søkeemnet nå, men vi anbefaler at du sjekker den månedlige kvoten regelmessig for å unngå overskridelser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Possible to exceed quota",,"Mulig å overskride kvote",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The search topic needs at least one search rule.",,"Søkeemnet må ha minst én søkeregel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search topic couldn't be saved",,"Søkeemnet kan ikke lagres",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search topic selection",,"Valg av søkeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select a twitter handle and at least one message type before trying again.",,"Velg et twitter-brukernavn og minst én meldingstype, og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The number of keywords exceeds the limit.",,"Antall nøkkelord overskrider grensen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select an organization page and try again.",,"Velg en organisasjonsside og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select a channel or account and try again.",,"Velg en kanal eller forretningsforbindelse og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"subscribers",,"abonnenter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please try to provide authorization again.",,"Prøv å angi godkjenningen på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter authorization was not successful",,"Twitter-godkjenning mislyktes",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Sign in to <a href=""#"" title=""%{linkTitle}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Twitter</a> to look up Twitter users."",,""Logg på <a href=""#"" title=""%{linkTitle}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Twitter</a> for å slå opp Twitter-brukere."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authenticate your Twitter profile.",,"Godkjenn Twitter-profilen din.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unknown author",,"Ukjent forfatter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<strong>Note:</strong> There are unknown authors on Facebook posts and comments. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Learn more about unknown Facebook authors.</a>"",,""<strong>Obs! </strong> Det finnes ukjente forfattere i Facebook-innlegg og -kommentarer. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Finn ut mer om ukjente Facebook-forfattere.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There are unknown authors on Facebook posts and comments",,"Det finnes ukjente forfattere i Facebook-innlegg og -kommentarer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The action failed because this social profile doesn't have an admin role for this Facebook page. Please make sure you're using the correct social profile.",,"Handlingen mislyktes fordi denne sosiale profilen ikke har en administratorrolle for denne Facebook-siden. Sørg for at du bruker korrekt sosial profil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Video",,"Video",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posting this video failed because this Facebook page doesn't allow video posts. Please remove the video and try again.",,"Denne videoen kunne ikke postes fordi denne Facebook-siden ikke tillater videoinnlegg. Fjern videoen og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Fr",,"Fr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mo",,"Ma",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sa",,"Lø",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Su",,"Sø",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Th",,"To",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tu",,"Ti",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We",,"On",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Widget actions",,"Handlinger for kontrollprogram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Actions for the %{widget_name} widget.",,"Handlinger for kontrollprogrammet %{widget_name}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Adding intentions to non-English posts is not supported",,"Det er ikke støtte for å legge til intensjoner i innlegg som ikke er på engelsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"year",,"år",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Yes",,"Ja",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no valid YouTube account for this solution and data acquisition has stopped. Go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a YouTube account, and then allow data acquisition.",,"Ingen gyldig YouTube-konto for denne løsningen, og datainnhenting har stoppet. Gå til <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sosiale profiler</a>, godkjenn en YouTube-konto, og tillat deretter datainnhenting.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Arabic",,"arabisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bulgarian",,"bulgarsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bosnian",,"bosnisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Catalan",,"katalansk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Czech",,"tsjekkisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Danish",,"dansk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"German",,"tysk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Greek",,"gresk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"English",,"engelsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Spanish",,"spansk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Estonian",,"estisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Basque",,"baskisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Finnish",,"finsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"French",,"fransk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Galician",,"galisisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hindi",,"hindi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Croatian",,"kroatisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hungarian",,"ungarsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Indonesian",,"indonesisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Italian",,"italiensk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hebrew",,"hebraisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Japanese",,"japansk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kazakh",,"kasakhisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Korean",,"koreansk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Lithuanian",,"litauisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Latvian",,"latvisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dutch",,"nederlandsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Norwegian",,"norsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Polish",,"polsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Portuguese",,"portugisisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Portuguese Brazil",,"portugisisk  Brasil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Romanian",,"rumensk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Russian",,"russisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Slovak",,"slovakisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Slovenian",,"slovensk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Serbian",,"serbisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Swedish",,"svensk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Thai",,"thai",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Turkish",,"tyrkisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ukrainian",,"ukrainsk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chinese (Traditional)",,"kinesisk (tradisjonell)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chinese Simplified",,"kinesisk (forenklet)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chinese Hong Kong",,"kinesisk (Hongkong)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chinese Traditional",,"kinesisk (tradisjonell)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about.html",,"https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about.html",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about_mse.html",,"https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about_mse.html",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add %{item}",,"Legg til %{item}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter a topic, keyword or brand",,"Angi et emne, nøkkelord eller merke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Term",,"Søkeord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All posts",,"Alle innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All private messages",,"Alle private meldinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Display name",,"Visningsnavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Export personal data for this author",,"Eksporter personlige data for denne forfatteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Full name",,"Fullt navn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"N/A",,"I/T",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Info",,"Informasjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{list_of_filters} account query",," forretningsforbindelsesspørring for %{list_of_filters}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{list_of_filters} for %{author_name}",,"%{list_of_filters} for %{author_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Value",,"Verdi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Summary",,"Sammendrag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile picture large",,"Stort profilbilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Brand name: <strong>%{brand}</strong>",,"Merkenavn: <strong>%{brand}</strong>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Are you sure you want to discard your input? We would like to understand what made you cancel this setup experience: <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=874754"">Please provide your feedback on this insider portal feedback form</a>"",,""Er du sikker på at du vil forkaste inndataene? Vi vil gjerne vite hvorfor du avbrøt dette oppsettet: <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=874754"">Gi en tilbakemelding i dette tilbakemeldingsskjemaet i insider-portalen</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""By clicking ""Done"" you finalize this search. This means we will start acquiring social data for your brand name. You will have a chance to edit the search rules created by this to improve the quality of the social data in ""Search Setup""."",,""Du fullfører dette søket ved å klikke på ""Ferdig"". Dette betyr at vi begynner å hente sosiale data for merkenavnet ditt. Du har mulighet til å redigere søkereglene som opprettes, for å forbedre kvaliteten på sosiale data i ""Søkeoppsett""."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Projected monthly social posts: %{num}",,"Forventede månedlige sosiale innlegg: %{num}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expected volume",,"Forventet volum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Brand, keyword, or topic",,"Merke, nøkkelord eller emne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Brand name to search for",,"Merkenavn du vil søke etter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Just so you know",,"Bare så du vet det",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To get you started quickly, simply tell us your brand's most common name. We will use that input to build search rules. Those rules will include common social media semantics like #-hashtags and different spellings.",,"For at du skal komme raskt i gang, forteller du oss hva som er det vanligste navnet på ditt merke. Vi bruker disse inndataene til å bygge søkeregler. Reglene vil inkludere vanlig semantikk for sosiale medier, for eksempel #-hashtagger og andre stavemåter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You will see the example of results based on those search rules as a list of Tweets. Have a look at those examples and if their content is relevant for your brand, then confirm by activating the button ""next"". If not all of those tweets match your brand, then you will have a chance to improve the rules after the initial setup. To do so, you will navigate to ""Search Setup""."",,""Du ser eksemplet på resultater basert på disse søkereglene som en liste over tweeter. Ta en titt på disse eksemplene, og bekreft ved å aktivere knappen ""neste"" hvis innholdet er relevant for ditt merke. Hvis ikke alle disse tweetene samsvarer med ditt merke, kan du forbedre reglene etter det første oppsettet. Hvis du vil gjøre dette, går du til ""Søkeoppsett""."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"What are people saying?",,"Hva sier man?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Languages to search in",,"Språk du kan søke i",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post preview",,"Forhåndsvisning av innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please wait while we are loading your tweets, this might take a moment",,"Vent litt mens vi laster inn tweetene dine, dette kan ta litt tid",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a brand name to view example tweets",,"Legg til et merkenavn for å vise eksempler på tweeter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There were no exact matches. Check the spelling or try another term.",,"Ingen eksakte samsvar. Kontroller stavemåten, eller prøv et annet vilkår.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Oops. Something went wrong, we were unable to retrieve the data from Twitter. Please try again in a moment.",,"Beklager, noe gikk galt. Kan ikke hente data fra Twitter. Prøv på nytt om noen minutter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Heres what we found",,"Dette er det vi fant",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Previous",,"Forrige",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This search can't be completed - it would put you %{num} over your plan's monthly allocation of %{quota} results.",,"Dette søket kan ikke fullføres. Det vil føre til at du er %{num} over planens månedlige tildeling av %{quota} resultater.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Your solution is expected to stay in its monthly quota limit of %{quota} posts. <a class=""%{className}"" href=""#"">Learn more about monthly quota and how to increase it.</a>"",,""Løsningen forventes å holde seg innenfor den månedlige kvotegrensen på %{quota} innlegg. <a class=""%{className}"" href=""#"">Finn ut mer om den månedlige kvoten og hvordan du øker den.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Just one thing first ...",,"Bare en liten ting først ...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota Check",,"Kvotekontroll",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This search will likely max out your monthly quota. Change the search terms for fewer results, update your plan, or choose Continue anyway.",,"Dette søket vil sannsynligvis fylle den månedlige kvoten. Endre søkevilkårene for å generere færre resultater, oppdater planen eller velg Fortsett likevel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Step %{step}/%{numSteps}",,"Trinn %{step}/%{numSteps}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Brand",,"Merke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your Brand Search",,"Søk etter ditt merke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Slide %{currentSlide} of %{totalSlides}",,"Lysbilde %{currentSlide} av %{totalSlides}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bing search trends",,"Bing-søketrender",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Done",,"Ferdig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Theres no available data. Change your search or filters.",,"Det finnes ingen tilgjengelige data. Endre søket eller filtrene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No data is available. Try changing your search topic or the time frame.",,"Ingen data er tilgjengelige. Prøv å endre søkeemnet eller tidsrammen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Export",,"Eksporter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Document ID",,"Dokument-ID",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"ID: %{docid}",,"ID: %{docid}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics onboarding",,"Startveiledning for Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"represents the charts and widgets",,"representerer diagrammer og kontrollprogrammer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics charts and widgets",,"Diagrammer og kontrollprogrammer for Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You'll find a set of charts in Analytics, such as the ""Sentiment"" widget which shows the public perception, or the ""Authors"" widget which lists potential influencers for your brand."",,""Du finner et sett med diagrammer i Analyse, for eksempel kontrollprogrammet ""Sentiment"" som viser publikums oppfatning, eller kontrollprogrammet ""Forfattere"" som viser mulige påvirkere for ditt merke."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get insights about your brand.",,"Få innsikt om ditt merke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"represents how to add visual filters",,"representerer hvordan du legger til visuelle filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Using filters",,"Bruke filtre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Select clickable areas of charts to add more filters. Additionally, you can edit the filters in the ""Add filter"" dialog."",,""Velg klikkbare områder i diagrammer for å legge til flere filtre. I tillegg kan du redigere filtre i dialogboksen ""Legg til filter""."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Apply filters to change your data set.",,"Bruk filtre for å endre datasettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"represents the post layout",,"representerer innleggsoppsettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social posts",,"Sosiale innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Select ""Posts"" on the right-hand side of the screen to see the chronological list of posts."",,""Velg ""Innlegg"" til høyre på skjermen for å vise den kronologiske listen over innlegg."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Read social media posts matching your data set.",,"Les innlegg på sosiale medier som samsvarer med datasettet ditt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"represents the analytics layout",,"representerer analyseoppsettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Brand and data set",,"Merke og datasett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You'll find your brand in the upper-left corner. In the upper-right corner you can change the time frame for your analysis. Your selection determines which data is shown in the charts.",,"Du finner ditt merke øverst til venstre. Du kan endre tidsrammen for analysen øverst til høyre. Valget ditt bestemmer hvilke data som vises i diagrammene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Work in the Analytics area and change your data set.",,"Arbeid i Analyser-området og endre datasettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You need a valid, authenticated Facebook  Instagram acquisition profile to enable data acquisition for Facebook pages and Instagram. To do this, go to Social Profiles, then authenticate a Facebook & Instagram acquisition profile.",,"Du trenger en gyldig, godkjent innhentingsprofil for Facebook og Instagram for å aktivere datainnhenting for Facebook-sider og Instagram. Dette gjør du ved å gå til Sosiale profiler og deretter godkjenne en innhentingsprofil for Facebook og Instagram.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You only have one Facebook  Instagram acquisition profile allowing data acquisition for Facebook pages and Instagram. We recommend you add additional Facebook & Instagram acquisition profiles for more stable data acquisition.",,"Du har bare én innhentingsprofil for Facebook og Instagram som tillater datainnhenting for Facebook-sider og Instagram. Det anbefales at du legger til flere innhentingsprofiler for Facebook og Instagram for en mer stabil datainnhenting.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402188",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402188",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524261",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524261",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402180",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402180",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524260",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524260",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402182",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402182",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402176",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402176",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526484",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526484",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526481",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526481",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524263",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524263",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389040",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389040",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389038",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389038",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526486",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526486",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526480",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526480",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402194",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402194",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526483",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526483",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627197",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627197",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402192",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402192",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526482",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526482",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=691176",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=691176",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=724275",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=724275",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402191",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402191",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524264",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524264",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402190",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402190",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402196",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402196",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526488",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526488",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526485",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526485",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Existing search rules for Instagram accounts dont acquire any data. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=872510"">Learn more about the recent changes for Instagram.</a>"",,""Eksisterende søkeregler for Instagram-kontoer krever ikke innhenting av data. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=872510"">Lær mer om de siste endringene for Instagram.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Languages: <span class=""%{className}"">%{count}/%{total}</span>"",,""Språk: <span class=""%{className}"">%{count}/%{total}</span>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Language: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language}</span>"",,""Språk: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language}</span>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Languages: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language1} and %{language2}</span>"",,""Språk: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language1} og %{language2}</span>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Languages: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language1}, %{language2}, and %{language3}</span>"",,""Språk: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language1}, %{language2} og %{language3}</span>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This action is not supported by your browser. If you are using Private Browsing or Incognito mode then try again from a normal session.",,"Denne handlingen støttes ikke av nettleseren din. Hvis du bruker Privat nettlesing eller inkognitomodus, kan du prøve på nytt fra en normal økt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Page menu",,"Side-meny",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Next",,"Neste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post preview is loading.",,"Forhåndsvisning av innlegg lastes inn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post preview is now shown.",,"Forhåndsvisning av innlegg vises nå.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=389041",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=389041",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{percent}% completed",,"%{percent}% fullført",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove %{item}",,"Fjern %{item}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Score",,"Poengsum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{source} sentiment index: %{sentiment_index}",,"Sentimentindeks for %{source}: %{sentiment_index}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Access to Market Insights for your organization is now managed by your IT admin, including your role and all associated data and settings. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2012683"">Learn more about admin takeover</a>."",,""Tilgang til Market Insights for organisasjonen administreres nå av IT-administratoren, inkludert rollen din og alle tilknyttede data og innstillinger. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2012683"">Finn ut mer om overtakelse av administrator</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Account update",,"Oppdatering av forretningsforbindelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Keyword rules for Instagram have been discontinued; please remove Instagram as a source. This also means you won't be able to see any previously acquired Instagram posts for this rule.",,"Nøkkelordregler for Instagram er utgått; Fjern Instagram som en kilde. Dette betyr også at du ikke kan se tidligere innhentede Instagram-innlegg for denne regelen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Like",,"Liker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Retweet",,"Retweet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Like |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Likes",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Liker-klikk |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Liker-klikk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Retweet |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Retweets",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Retweet |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Retweeter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Contact us",,"Kontakt oss",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get info as it happens",,"Få informasjon kontinuerlig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Broaden your insights",,"Utvid innsikten din",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add another brand or keyword",,"Legg til et annet merke eller nøkkelord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Don't miss anything",,"Ikke gå glipp av noe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Have a good idea?",,"Har du en god idé?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a class=""%{className}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2014059"">Share your idea in the forum</a>"",,""<a class=""%{className}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2014059"">Del ideen din i forumet</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a class=""%{className}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389040"">Talk to support</a>"",,""<a class=""%{className}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389040"">Snakk med kundestøtte</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Need a little help?",,"Vil du ha litt hjelp?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Were sorry, but you arent allowed to access Social Engagement for the requested customerorganization. Contact your customer organizations system administrator to ensure you havethe appropriate Delegated Administration access.",,"Du har ikke tilgang til Social Engagement for den forespurte kundeorganisasjonen. Kontakt systemansvarlig i kundeorganisasjonen for å sikre at du har riktig tilgang som delegert administrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Access denied",,"Ingen tilgang",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Social Engagement | Access denied",,"Microsoft Social Engagement | Ingen tilgang",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Were sorry, but the customer organization youre trying to access doesnt have aSocial Engagement solution. If you recently provisioned Social Engagement, please try againlater because we might still be setting it up. Otherwise, please<a href=""http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=614975"" target=""_blank"">request or purchase aSocial Engagement subscription for this customer organization</a>."",,""Kundeorganisasjonen du prøver å få tilgang til, har ikke en Social Engagement-løsning. Hvis du nylig har klargjort Social Engagement, kan du prøve på nytt om en stund siden det kan være at konfigureringen fortsatt pågår. Hvis ikke<a href=""http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=614975"" target=""_blank"">kan du be om eller kjøpe et Social Engagement-abonnement for denne kundeorganisasjonen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Solution not found",,"Finner ikke løsning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Social Engagement | Solution not found",,"Microsoft Social Engagement | Finner ikke løsning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2019485"">Explore Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights</a>."",,""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2019485"">Utforsk Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 paid and trial subscriptions obtained on or after January 16, 2019 do not include access to Microsoft Social Engagement.",,"Betalte abonnementer for og prøveversjoner av Dynamics 365 som registreres på eller etter 16. januar 2019, inkluderer ikke tilgang til Microsoft Social Engagement.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"However, if you are interested in developing a deeper understanding of what your target audience is saying, feeling, and searching for, check out Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. This powerful business app analyzes social and web data, applying AI to deliver insights about your customers, brands, and competitors.",,"Hvis du imidlertid er interessert i å få en større forståelse av hva målgruppen din sier, føler og leter etter, kan du se Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Denne kraftige forretningsappen analyserer sosiale data og nettdata ved å bruke AI til å formidle innsikt om dine kunder, merker og konkurrenter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Social Engagement is no longer available.",,"Microsoft Social Engagement er ikke tilgjengelig lenger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To prevent your solution from exceeding the quota in the future, we recommend you do the following:",,"Vi anbefaler at du gjør følgende for å hindre at løsningen overskrider kvoten i fremtiden:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The data acquisition for your solution was stopped because your search topics yielded more results than your post quota allows.",,"Datainnhentingen for løsningen er stoppet fordi søkeemnene dine har generert flere resultater enn innleggskvoten tillater.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Data acquisition of your solution restarted",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Datainnhenting for løsningen er startet på nytt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The data acquisition of your Market Insights solution {1} restarted on {2}. ",,"Datainnhentingen for Market Insights-løsningen {1} startet på nytt {2}. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Increase your monthly limit of posts for your solution by buying additional packages in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365 admin center</a>."",,""Øk den månedlige innleggsgrensen for løsningen ved å kjøpe ekstra pakker i <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">administrasjonssenteret for Office 365</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Review your quota and edit or delete search topics or Facebook pages that you added to your sources to reduce the number of acquired posts.",,"Se gjennom kvoten, og rediger eller slett søkeemner eller Facebook-sider som du har lagt til i kildene dine, for å redusere antall innhentede innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your Market Insights solution {1} exceeded the limits on number of posts per month. ",,"Market Insights-løsningen {1} har overskredet grensene for antall innlegg per måned. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data acquisition stopped on:",,"Datainnhenting stoppet:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The data acquisition was automatically stopped for the rest of this month. ",,"Datainnhentingen er automatisk stoppet for resten av denne måneden. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Note that the data acquisition for your solution will restart automatically on the first day of the next month.",,"Merk at datainnhentingen for løsningen starter på nytt automatisk den første dagen i neste måned.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You can restart the data acquisition of your solution immediately by buying additional packages in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365 admin center</a>. "",,""Du kan starte datainnhentingen for løsningen på nytt umiddelbart ved å kjøpe ekstra pakker i <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">administrasjonssenteret for Office 365</a>. "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Data acquisition of your solution stopped",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Datainnhenting for løsningen er stoppet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""We recommend that you increase your solution's monthly post limit by buying additional packages in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365 admin center</a>. "",,""Vi anbefaler at du øker den månedlige innleggsgrensen for løsningen ved å kjøpe ekstra pakker i <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">administrasjonssenteret for Office 365</a>. "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alternatively, you can edit or delete search topics to reduce the number of acquired. Posts that you've already acquired still count towards your quota limit for this month. ",,"Du kan eventuelt redigere eller slette søkeemner for å redusere antall innhentinger. Innlegg som allerede er innhentet, regnes fortsatt med i forhold til kvotegrensen for denne måneden. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Your solution will probably exceed the monthly post limit",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Løsningen vil sannsynligvis overskride den månedlige innleggsgrensen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your Market Insights solution {1} will probably exceed your monthly post limit in the next few days.",,"Market Insights-løsningen {1} vil sannsynligvis overskride den månedlige innleggsgrensen i løpet av noen få dager.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please take immediate action. Your solution will stop acquiring new posts after {1} if your quota has been reached, or as soon as {0} posts have been acquired. Note that missed posts can''t be acquired retroactively.",,"Utfør nødvendige handlinger umiddelbart. Innhentingen av nye innlegg i løsningen stopper etter {1} hvis kvoten er nådd, eller så snart {0} innlegg er innhentet. Vær oppmerksom på at tapte innlegg ikke kan innhentes i ettertid.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution {0} might exceed your monthly post limit.",,"Løsningen din for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights {0} vil kanskje overskride den månedlige innleggsgrensen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This is an automated message from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution: {1}.",,"Dette er en automatisk melding fra følgende løsning for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dear {1}",,"Kjære {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"A user has been removed from your solution. To keep the data complete and existing alerts active, we removed the ownership of the following search topics:",,"En bruker er fjernet fra løsningen. Vi har fjernet eierskapet til følgende søkeemner for å holde dataene intakte og eksisterende varsler aktive:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Removal of search topic ownership",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Fjerning av eierskap for søkeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Current health status of your solution",,"Gjeldende tilstandsstatus for løsningen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alternatively, you can edit or delete search topics to reduce the number of posts. Posts that you've already acquired still count towards your quota limit for this month. ",,"Du kan eventuelt redigere eller slette søkeemner for å redusere antall innlegg. Innlegg som allerede er innhentet, regnes fortsatt med i forhold til kvotegrensen for denne måneden. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We'll inform you again if your Market Insights solution reaches a critical limit on the number of posts. ",,"Vi sender deg ny informasjon hvis Market Insights-løsningen når en kritisk grense for antall innlegg. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Note that you can increase your monthly post limit for your solution by buying additional packages in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365 admin center</a>. "",,""Merk at du kan øke den månedlige innleggsgrensen for løsningen ved å kjøpe ekstra pakker i <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">administrasjonssenteret for Office 365</a>. "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Monitor your quota on Settings > Search Setup.",,"Overvåk kvoten i Innstillinger > Søkeoppsett.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of posts acquired this month:",,"Antall innhentede innlegg denne måneden:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expected number of posts for the month:",,"Forventet antall innlegg for måneden:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota limit per month:",,"Kvotegrense per måned:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Your solution {0} might exceed the monthly post limit",,"Løsningen din for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights {0} vil kanskje overskride den månedlige innleggsgrensen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This email was sent by an automated system. ©2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"Denne e-posten ble sendt av et automatisk system. ©2019 Microsoft Corporation. Med enerett.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hello,",,"Hei!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights is part of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional subscription only if you have at least 10 licenses.",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights inngår bare i Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional-abonnementet hvis du har minst 10 lisenser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You need 10 or more licenses to get Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights as part of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional subscription.",,"Du trenger 10 eller flere lisenser for å få Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights som en del av Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional-abonnementet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your organization must be in a country/region where Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights is currently supported.",,"Organisasjonen må være i et land/område der Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights støttes.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Were sorry, but we cant process your recent Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights add-on purchase as you dont yet have a Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution set up. Before we can set up your solution, you have to meet the following criteria:",,"Vi kan ikke behandle ditt kjøp av et tillegg for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights fordi du ennå ikke har en konfigurert løsning for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Du må oppfylle følgende kriterier før vi kan konfigurere løsningen:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"For more information about eligibility criteria and additional purchasing options, please see <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics CRM pricing and licensing</a>. Please note that Dynamics CRM trials aren't eligible for Market Insights",,"Hvis du vil ha mer informasjon om berettigelseskriterier og ytterligere innkjøpsalternativer, kan du se <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>priser og lisenser for Dynamics CRM</a>. Vær oppmerksom på at Dynamics CRM-prøveversjoner ikke kvalifiserer for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"For more information about eligibility criteria and additional purchasing options, please see <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics CRM pricing and licensing</a>. Please note that trial versions aren't eligible for Market Insights",,"Hvis du vil ha mer informasjon om berettigelseskriterier og ytterligere innkjøpsalternativer, kan du se <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Priser og lisenser for Dynamics CRM</a>. Vær oppmerksom på at prøveversjoner ikke kvalifiserer for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please reach out to your Partner or your Microsoft Account team for further action regarding this purchase.",,"Kontakt partneren eller kundeteamet hos Microsoft for ytterligere informasjon om dette kjøpet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alert: Unable to process your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights add-on purchase",,"Varsel: Kan ikke behandle ditt kjøp av et tillegg for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Thank you,",,"Takk!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Market Insights team",,"Market Insights-teamet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You are getting this notification as the owner of the following alert: {0}. All recipients of this alert have been removed and the alert has been set to inactive. To reactivate it, edit the alert in your Market Insights solution.",,"Du får denne varslingen som eier av følgende varsel: {0}. Alle mottakere av dette varslet har blitt fjernet, og varslet har blitt satt til statusen Inaktiv. Hvis du vil aktivere det på nytt, redigerer du varslet i Market Insights-løsningen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alert deactivated for: {0}",,"Varsel deaktivert for: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Alert {0} deactivated",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Varselet {0} deaktivert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Post alert: ""{0}"""",,"Innleggsvarsel: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""If you don''t want to receive this alert, contact <a href=""{2}"" <target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">the owner of this alert {1}<a/>."",,""Hvis du ikke ønsker å motta dette varselet, kontakter du <a href={2} <target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">eieren av dette varslet {1}<a/>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""This alert was triggered by <a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution {1}</a>"",,""Dette varselet ble utløst av løsningen for <a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights {1}</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"posts found",,"innlegg ble funnet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Post Alert ""{0}"": {1} posts"",,""Innleggsvarsel for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights ""{0}"": {1} innlegg"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The {0} category has been deleted.",,"Kategorien {0} er slettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Category deleted for: {0}",,"Kategori slettet for: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Category {0} deleted",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Kategorien {0} slettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The {0} category has been renamed to {1}.",,"Navnet på kategorien {0} er endret til {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Category renamed for: {0}",,"Kategorinavn endret for: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Category {0} renamed",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Kategorien {0} gitt nytt navn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To understand alert mails and how they are triggered, <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=860345"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">go to the alert documentation</a>."",,""Hvis du vil forstå e-postvarsler og hvordan de utløses, <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=860345"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">går du til varseldokumentasjonen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Print Media",,"Skriv ut medier",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"RSS",,"RSS",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Web",,"Internett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"2019 Microsoft Corporation. Med enerett.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You are currently subscribed as:",,"Du abonnerer som:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Translation Guide",,"Oversettingsveiledning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Domain: ",,"Domene: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This email was sent by an automated system.",,"Denne e-posten ble sendt av et automatisk system.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See posts for this alert in Analytics",,"Se innlegg for dette varselet i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""This is an automated message from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution: <a href=""{1}"">{0}</a>"",,""Dette er en automatisk melding fra følgende løsning for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: <a href=""{1}"">{0}</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft logo",,"Microsoft-logo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights logo",,"Logo for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This is an automated message from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution: {0}",,"Dette er en automatisk melding fra følgende løsning for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Organization: ",,"Organisasjon: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Privacy statement",,"Personvernerklæring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This is an automated notification.",,"Dette er en automatisk varsling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dear Administrators,",,"Kjære administratorer!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dear {0},",,"Kjære {0}!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unknown sentiment",,"Ukjent sentiment",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn more about admin takeover",,"Finn ut mer om overtakelse av administrator",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2012683",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2012683",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""We couldnt execute the action ""{0}"" in your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution <a href=""{2}"">{1}</a> for the following automation rules:"",,""Kan ikke utføre handlingen {0} i løsningen for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights <a href=""{2}"">{1}</a> for følgende automatiseringsregler:"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""More information about what you can do to resolve this is available in the <a href=""{0}"">technical documentation</a>.<br/>For further assistance, please contact <a href=""{1}"">customer support</a>, referencing tracking id: {2}<br/><br/>If you dont want to receive these notifications, you can turn them off in <a href=""{3}"">Settings > Automation Rules</a>."",,""Du finner mer informasjon om hva du kan gjøre for å løse dette, i den <a href=""{0}"">tekniske dokumentasjonen</a>.<br/>Hvis du trenger mer hjelp, kan du kontakte <a href=""{1}"">kundestøtte</a> og oppgi sporings-ID-en: {2}<br/><br/>Hvis du ikke ønsker å motta disse varslene, kan du slå dem av ved å gå til <a href=""{3}"">Innstillinger > Automatiseringsregler</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Market Insights cant connect to the configured service to execute the action. Please verify the CRM connection: ""{0}"""",,""Market Insights kan ikke koble til den konfigurerte tjenesten for å utføre handlingen. Kontroller CRM-tilkoblingen: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Market Insights cant connect to the configured service to execute the action. Please verify the Dynamics 365 connection: ""{0}"""",,""Market Insights kan ikke koble til den konfigurerte tjenesten for å utføre handlingen. Kontroller Dynamics 365-tilkoblingen: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Market Insights cant connect to the configured service to execute the action. Please verify the Event Hubs connection: ""{0}"""",,""Market Insights kan ikke koble til den konfigurerte tjenesten for å utføre handlingen. Kontroller tilkoblingen til Event Hubs: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We reached the limit on the number of posts we can execute this action on. This happens when theres an unusually high volume of posts matching the automation rules in a short period of time. Please check your settings to investigate this further.",,"Vi har nådd grensen for antall innlegg denne handlingen kan utføres på. Dette skjer når det er uvanlig mange innlegg som samsvarer med automatiseringsreglene i løpet av kort tid. Kontroller innstillingene for å undersøke dette nærmere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This can happen due to the following reasons:",,"Dette kan skyldes ett av følgende:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Execution of {0} action failed in one or more automation rules",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Utførelse av handlingen {0} mislyktes i én eller flere automatiseringsregler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"For product details, go to the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=391741' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics 365 Documentation site</a>.",,"Hvis du vil ha produktdetaljer, kan du gå til <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=391741' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>nettstedet for Dynamics 365-dokumentasjon</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"For product details, go to the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=391741' target_blank'>Dynamics 365 release preview page</a> or the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=826016' target_blank'>Dynamics 365 Roadmap</a>.",,"Hvis du vil ha produktbeskrivelser, går du til <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=391741' target_blank'>forhåndsvisningssiden for Dynamics 365-utgaven</a> eller <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=826016' target_blank'>Dynamics 365-veiledningen</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To plan for using this new solution, go to the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=391742' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Get started page</a>.",,"Hvis du vil planlegge å bruke denne nye løsningen, går du til siden <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=391742' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Komme i gang</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn about the languages and translations that Market Insights supports in the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=391086' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Translation Guide</a>.",,"Du finner informasjon om språkene og oversettelsene som Market Insights støtter, i <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=391086' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>oversettingsveiledningen</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn more about <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=392751' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>social CRM</a>.",,"Finn ut mer om <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=392751' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Social CRM</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn more about <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=392751' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>social for everyone</a>.",,"Finn ut mer om <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=392751' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Sosialt for alle</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get help in the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=394325' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Help  Training site</a>.",,"Få hjelp på nettstedet <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=394325' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Hjelp og opplæring</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assign Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights licenses to users in your organization and start listening to the social web!",,"Tilordne lisenser for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights til brukere i organisasjonen, og begynn å lytte til det sosiale nettet!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Prepare for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Klargjør for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We are thrilled to let you know that you are now eligible to get Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights at no additional subscription charge, as part of your Dynamics CRM subscription.",,"Det er en glede å informere deg om at du nå er kvalifisert for å få Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights uten ekstra abonnementskostnad som en del av Dynamics CRM-abonnementet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're thrilled to let you know that youre now eligible to get Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights at no additional subscription charge, as part of your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online subscription.",,"Det er en glede å informere deg om at du nå er kvalifisert for å få Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights uten ekstra abonnementskostnad som en del av Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online-abonnementet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To get started, assign Market Insights licenses to one or more users in your organization and we will set up your solution right away.",,"Det første du må gjøre, er å tilordne Market Insights-lisenser til én eller flere brukere i organisasjonen. Deretter konfigurerer vi løsningen umiddelbart.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to your Partner or your Microsoft Account team.",,"Kontakt gjerne partneren eller kundeteamet hos Microsoft hvis du har spørsmål.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You are now eligible to get Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights!",,"Du er kvalifisert for å få Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights is part of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional subscription only if you have 10 or more licenses.",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights inngår bare i Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional-abonnementet hvis du har minst 10 eller flere lisenser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Were sorry, but you dont yet meet the eligibility criteria to add Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights to your subscription. There are a few eligibility requirements:",,"Du oppfyller ikke berettigelseskriteriene for å få lagt til Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights i abonnementet. Det finnes noen berettigelseskrav:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"For more information about eligibility criteria and additional purchasing options, go to <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics 365 pricing and licensing</a>. Please note that trial versions aren't eligible for Market Insights.",,"Hvis du vil ha mer informasjon om berettigelseskriterier og ytterligere innkjøpsalternativer, kan du gå til <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>prissetting og lisensiering for Dynamics 365</a>. Vær oppmerksom på at prøveversjoner ikke er kvalifisert for Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You are not yet eligible for a Market Insights solution",,"Du er foreløpig ikke kvalifisert for en Market Insights-løsning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The {0} location group has been removed by {1}.",,"Stedsgruppen {0} er fjernet av {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If you have questions, please contact {0}.",,"Kontakt {0} hvis du har spørsmål.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To reactivate your alert or update its configuration go to <a href=""{0}"">Your Alerts</a>."",,""Hvis du vil reaktivere varselet eller oppdatere konfigurasjonen, går du til <a href=""{0}"">Dine varsler</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} was used as a filter in your {1} alert but isn't available anymore. We have set your alert to inactive.",,"{0} ble brukt som filter i varselet {1}, men er ikke tilgjengelig lenger. Vi har deaktivert varselet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your {0} alert has been deactivated",,"Varselet {0} er deaktivert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Approve or deny</a>"",,""<a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Godkjenn eller avslå</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""{0} wants permission to use <a href=""{1}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Market Insights solution {2}</a>."",,""{0} ønsker tillatelse til å bruke < en href = ""{1}"" mål = ""_blank"" rel = ""noopener noreferrer"" >Market Insights-løsningen {2}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sign in to approve or deny their request.",,"Logg på for å godta eller avslå forespørselen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Access Request",,"Tilgangsforespørsel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{2} posts have been acquired for solution {0} so far this month, but it's quota is limited to {1}.",,"{2} innlegg er innhentet for løsningen {0} hittil denne måneden, men kvoten er begrenset til {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Critical: quota of solution {0} exceeded",,"Kritisk: kvoten for løsningen {0} er overskredet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Warning: post quota of solution {0} almost reached",,"Advarsel: innleggskvoten for løsningen {0} er nesten nådd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your user role has changed in the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution: {0}",,"Din brukerrolle er endret i følgende løsning for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your new user role is: {0}",,"Din nye brukerrolle er: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your user roles are: ",,"Dine brukerroller er: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can only edit User Preferences in Settings.",,"Du kan bare redigere brukerpreferanser i Innstillinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't access User Management and Solution Defaults.",,"Du har ikke tilgang til Brukeradministrasjon og Løsningsstandarder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't exclude authors and delete posts from the analysis.",,"Du kan ikke utelate forfattere og slette innlegg fra analysen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can access and edit User Management and Solution Defaults.",,"Du har tilgang til og kan gjøre endringer i Brukeradministrasjon og Løsningsstandarder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can edit all values in Settings.",,"Du kan redigere alle verdier i Innstillinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can exclude authors and delete posts from the analysis.",,"Du kan utelate forfattere og slette innlegg fra analysen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can only edit User Preferences and search topics you own in Settings.",,"Du kan bare redigere brukerpreferanser og søkeemner du eier, i Innstillinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't edit search topics you owned as a Power Analyst.",,"Du kan ikke redigere søkeemner du eide som privilegert analytiker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can create new search topics and edit topics you own.",,"Du kan opprette nye søkeemner og redigere emner du eier.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Configuration role: ",,"Konfigurasjonsrolle: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To find out more about your current permissions, go to our <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Help  Training site</a>."",,""Hvis du vil vite mer om gjeldende tillatelser, kan du gå til nettstedet <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Hjelp og opplæring</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Interaction role: ",,"Samhandlingsrolle: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please note the following changes to your permissions:",,"Vær oppmerksom på følgende endringer i tillatelsene:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can check your permission any time by visiting ",,"Du kan når som helst kontrollere tillatelsen ved å gå til ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Your user role was updated",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Brukerrollen din ble oppdatert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search topic deleted for: {0}",,"Søkeemne slettet for: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This removal has the following impact:",,"Denne fjerningen har følgende virkning:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The user {0} deleted the search topic {1}.",,"Brukeren {0} har slettet søkeemnet {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""If you have questions, please contact <a href=""mailto:{1}"">{0}</a>."",,""Hvis du har spørsmål, kan du kontakte <a href=""mailto:{1}"">{0}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The {1} search topic has been removed by {2}.",,"Søkeemnet {1} er fjernet av {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Search topic {0} removed",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Søkeemnet {0} fjernet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526480"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Set solution defaults</a> "",,""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526480"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Angi løsningsstandarder</a> "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526481"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Add users and assign roles</a> "",,""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526481"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Legg til brukere og tilordne roller</a> "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526483"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Create search topics to gather data</a> "",,""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526483"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Opprett søkeemner for datainnhenting</a> "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To get started, here are your next steps:",,"Slik kommer du i gang:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The creation of the solution {0} was unfortunately unsuccessful.",,"Oppretting av løsningen {0} mislyktes.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The creation of the solution {0} was successful.",,"Løsningen {0} er opprettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""For more information about working with your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution, go to our <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=394325"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Help  Training site</a>."",,""Hvis du vil ha mer informasjon om hvordan du arbeider med løsningen for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights, kan du gå til nettstedet <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=394325"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Hjelp og opplæring</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We've successfully created your Market Insights solution and you're ready to set up your solution.",,"Market Insights-løsningen er opprettet, og du kan nå konfigurere den.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please share this link with your users so that they can access Market Insights as well.",,"Del denne koblingen med brukerne dine slik at de også får tilgang til Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To access your solution, go to:",,"Du får tilgang til løsningen ved å gå til:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Creation of solution {0}: UNSUCCESSFUL",,"Oppretting av løsningen {0}: MISLYKKET",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Creation of solution {0}: SUCCESSFUL",,"Oppretting av løsningen {0}: VELLYKKET",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Your solution is ready to use",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Løsningen din er klar til bruk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Welcome to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights!",,"Velkommen til Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Market Insights for your organization is now managed by your IT admin.<br/>This means your old preferences and data are no longer available, and you will need to recreate any search topics, profiles, etc you might have previously created. Additionally, your admin will need to approve access and set a new role for you in the app. You can contact your admin at <a href=""mailto:{0}"">{0}</a> with questions, to request access, or to request a change in role."",,""Market Insights for organisasjonen blir nå styrt av IT-administratoren din.<br/>Det betyr at de gamle innstillingene og dataene dine ikke lenger er tilgjengelige, og du må opprette søkeemner, profiler osv. som du tidligere kanskje hadde opprettet. I tillegg må administratoren å godkjenne tilgang og angi en ny rolle for deg i appen. Du kan også kontakte administratoren på <a href=""mailto:{0}"">{0}</a> med spørsmål, be om tilgang eller be om en endring i rollen din."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Changes to your Marketing Insights account",,"Endringer i Marketing Insights-kontoen din",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This email was sent from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution:",,"Denne e-posten ble sendt fra følgende løsning for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Our records indicate that the authentication token for your social profile {0} has been active for 59 days, and it will stay active for one more day. To ensure the authentication token stays valid and data acquisition for {1} continues seamlessly, we strongly recommend that you re-authorize your social profile {0} right away. <strong>If you dont reauthorize today, data acquisition for {1} will stop tomorrow.<strong>",,"Opplysningene våre tyder på at godkjenningstokenen for din sosiale profil ({0}) har vært aktivt i 59 dager, og det vil forbli aktivt i én dag til. For å sikre at godkjenningstokenen forblir gyldig og at datainnhenting for {1} fortsetter sømløst, anbefaler vi på det sterkeste at du godkjenner den sosiale profilen ({0}) på nytt med én gang. <strong>Hvis du ikke godkjenner på nytt i dag, stopper datainnhenting for {1} i morgen.<strong>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Action Required: Re-authenticate your {0} user account today",,"Handling kreves: Autentiser {0}-brukerkontoen på nytt din i dag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Our records indicate that the authentication token for your social profile {0} has been active for {2} days, and it will stay active for another {1} days. To ensure that the authentication token stays valid and data acquisition for {3} continues seamlessly, we recommend that you re-authorize your social profile {0} within {1} days.",,"Opplysningene våre tyder på at godkjenningstokenen for din sosiale profil ({0}) har vært aktivt i {2} dager, og det vil forbli aktivt i {1} dager til. For å sikre at godkjenningstokenen forblir gyldig og at datainnhenting for {3} fortsetter sømløst anbefaler vi at du godkjenner den sosiale profilen ({0}) på nytt innen {1} dager.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{1} token expires in {0} days",,"{1}-tokenen utløper om {0} dager",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We noticed that there are no more valid authentication tokens enabled for a Facebook user to acquire data from Facebook pages. This means that the <strong>data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped</strong>.",,"Vi har oppdaget at det ikke finnes flere gyldige godkjenningskapsler aktivert for en Facebook-bruker som skal hente data fra Facebook-sider. Dette betyr at <strong>datainnhenting for Facebook-sider har stoppet</strong>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To resume the acquisition of posts, we strongly advise you to immediately enable at least one <a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">social profile</a> for a Facebook user who allows data acquisition from Facebook pages."",,""Hvis du vil fortsette innhentingen av innlegg, anbefaler vi på det sterkeste at du umiddelbart aktiverer minst én <a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">sosial profil</a> for en Facebook-bruker som tillager innhenting av data fra Facebook-sider."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Action Required: Facebook user token expired",,"Handling kreves: Facebook-brukertokenet er utløpt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We noticed that there are no more valid authentication tokens enabled for a Facebook user to acquire data from Facebook pages and Instagram business accounts. This means that the <strong>data acquisition for Facebook pages and Instagram business accounts has stopped</strong>.",,"Vi har oppdaget at det ikke finnes flere gyldige godkjenningstokener aktivert for en Facebook-bruker som skal hente data fra Facebook-sider og forretningskontoer i Instagram. Dette betyr at <strong>datainnhenting for Facebook-sider og forretningskontoer i Instagram har stoppet</strong>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To resume the acquisition of posts, enable at least one <a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">social profile</a> for a Facebook  Instagram acquisition profile."",,""Hvis du vil fortsette innhentingen av innlegg, må du aktivere minst én <a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">sosial profil</a> for en Facebook- og Instagram-innhentingsprofil."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""We noticed that there are no more valid Instagram accounts for data acquisition from Instagram. This means that <strong>the data acquisition for Instagram has stopped</strong>. To resume the acquisition of posts, we strongly advise you to allow at least one Instagram account in <strong><a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Settings > Social Profiles</a></strong> for data acquisition."",,""Vi har oppdaget at det ikke finnes flere gyldige Instagram-kontoer for datainnhenting fra Instagram. Det betyr at <strong>datainnhentingen for Instagram har stoppet</strong>. Hvis du vil gjenoppta innhenting av innlegg, anbefaler vi på det sterkeste at du tillater datainnhenting for minst én Instagram-konto i <strong><a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Innstillinger > Sosiale profiler</a></strong>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Action Required: Allow Instagram accounts for data acquisition",,"Handling kreves: Tillat datainnhenting for Instagram-kontoer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""We noticed that you dont have any valid authentication tokens for LinkedIn, which means that <strong>data acquisition for LinkedIn Organization pages has stopped</strong>. To resume getting posts, we strongly recommend enabling a social profile for LinkedIn in <strong><a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Settings > Social Profiles</a></strong> for data acquisition."",,""Vi har oppdaget at du ikke har noen gyldige godkjenningstokener for LinkedIn, noe som betyr at <strong>datainnhentingen for LinkedIn-organisasjonssidene har stoppet</strong>. Hvis du vil gjenoppta innhenting av innlegg, anbefaler vi på det sterkeste at du aktiverer en sosial profil for datainnhenting for LinkedIn i <strong><a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Innstillinger > Sosiale profiler</a></strong>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Action Required: LinkedIn acquisition token expired",,"Handling kreves: LinkedIn-innhentingstokenet er utløpt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Trend alert: ""{0}"""",,""Trendvarsel: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The post volume changed significantly as measured on {0}.",,"Innleggsvolumet er betydelig endret, som målt i {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""If you don''t want to receive this alert, contact <a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">the owner of this alert {1}</a>."",,""Hvis du ikke vil motta dette varselet, kan du kontakte <a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">eieren av dette varslet {1}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Weekly average: {0} posts",,"Ukentlig gjennomsnitt: {0} innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Daily average: {0} posts",,"Daglig gjennomsnitt: {0} innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post volume for all active sources:",,"Innleggsvolum for alle aktive kilder:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Most significant change:",,"Mest betydelige endring:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts found",,"Innlegg ble funnet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Trend Alert: {1}",,"Trendvarsel for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your request to join Market Insights was approved.",,"Forespørselen din om å bli med i Market Insights ble godkjent.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your request to join Market Insights was denied.",,"Forespørselen din om å bli med i Market Insights ble avslått.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To get started, sign in to Market Insights with your organization email account.",,"Hvis du vil komme i gang, logger du på Market Insights med e-postkontoen til organisasjonen din.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Questions? Contact your admin at <a href=""mailto:{0}"">{0}</a>"",,""Har du spørsmål? Kontakt administratoren din på <a href=""mailto:{0}"">{0}</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Request to join approved",,"Forespørsel om å bli med ble godkjent",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Request to join denied",,"Forespørsel om å bli med ble avslått",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"average is {0} posts",,"gjennomsnittet er {0} innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"in 24 h for {0} till {1}",,"i 24 timer for {0} til {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"in 7 days for {0} till {1}",,"i 7 dager for {0} til {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"for last 24 hours",,"for siste 24 timer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"more",,"mer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trendscout Alert-Notification",,"Melding om Trendscout-varsel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This alert was triggered in Solution",,"Dette varselet ble utløst i løsningen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reference post volume of Focus Item",,"Referanseinnleggsvolum for fokuselement",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"over all sources",,"over alle kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Configured sources",,"Konfigurerte kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"on",,"den",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"less",,"mindre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dear Recipient",,"Kjære mottaker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This is an automated message from the alert",,"Dette er en automatisk melding fra varselet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The post volume on the Focus Item",,"Innleggsvolumet i fokuselementet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"in the ComMonitor Insights",,"i ComMonitor-innsikt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You don't want to receive this alert anymore? Contact",,"Vil du ikke motta dette varselet lenger? Kontakt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"who has sent you this alert.",,"som har sendt deg dette varselet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please do not reply or forward to this alias. For feedback and support, please refer to",,"Ikke send svar eller videresendinger til dette aliaset. For tilbakemelding og kundestøtte henviser vi til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"exceeded the expectation for the following sources",,"overskredet forventningen for følgende kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Gå til Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"to find out more.",,"for å finne ut mer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} post",,"{0} innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} posts",,"{0} innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"than expected",,"enn forventet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"than the",,"enn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"weekly average",,"ukentlig gjennomsnitt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trendscout Alert",,"Trendscout-varsel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Several sources are publishing more than expected.",,"Flere kilder publiserer mer enn forventet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're sorry, but you aren't authorized to access this organization's Market Insights solution. Please contact the organization's system administrator to get appropriate access.\n",,"Beklager, men du er ikke autorisert til å få tilgang til denne organisasjonens Market Insights-løsning. Kontakt organisasjonens systemansvarlige for å få riktig tilgang.\n",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Access denied",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Ingen tilgang",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""We're sorry, but the customer organization you're trying to access doesn't have a Market Insights solution. If you recently provisioned Market Insights, please try again later because we might still be setting it up. Otherwise, please <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">request or purchase a Market Insights subscription for this customer organization</a>.\n"",,""Kundeorganisasjonen du prøver å få tilgang til, har ikke en Market Insights-løsning. Hvis du nylig har klargjort Market Insights, kan du prøve på nytt om en stund siden det kan være at konfigureringen fortsatt pågår. Hvis ikke <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">kan du be om eller kjøpe et Market Insights-abonnement for denne kundeorganisasjonen</a>.\n"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Solution not found",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Finner ingen løsning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're getting everything set up for you. This should only take a minute or two.",,"Alt blir satt opp for deg. Dette tar bare noen minutter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Welcome to Market Insights",,"Velkommen til Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Almost there",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Nesten ferdig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We will load your Market Insights solution as soon as it's ready.",,"Market Insights-løsningen blir lastet så snart den er klar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The request appears to be invalid or improperly formatted.",,"Forespørselen er ugyldig eller har feil format.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bad Request",,"Ugyldig forespørsel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Bad Request",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Ugyldig forespørsel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Sorry, your authentication to Dynamics 365 failed. Try <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2053019"">signing in again</a>. To get access to Dynamics 365 go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">Dynamics 365 portal</a> or contact the organization's system administrator."",,""Beklager, godkjenningen til Dynamics 365 mislyktes. Prøv å <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2053019"">logge på en gang til</a>. Hvis du vil ha tilgang til Dynamics 365, går du til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">Dynamics 365-portalen</a> eller kontakter organisasjonens systemansvarlige."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Access Denied",,"Ingen tilgang",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Unauthorized",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Ikke autorisert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Sorry, you're not authorized to access this page. Try signing in as a different user in the<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=403278"" target=""_blank""> Office 365 portal</a>. If you still don't have permission to access this resource, contact the organization's system administrator."",,""Beklager, du har ikke tilgang til denne siden. Prøv å logge på som en annen bruker i<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=403278"" target=""_blank""> Office 365-portalen</a>. Hvis du fortsatt ikke har tilgang til denne ressursen, kontakter du organisasjonens systemansvarlige."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Forbidden",,"Forbudt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Forbidden",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Forbudt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You can contact your admin at <a href=""mailto:${admin_emails?first}"" title=""Send email to ${admin_emails?first}"">${admin_emails?first}</a>."",,""Du kan kontakte administratoren på <a href=""mailto:${admin_emails?first}"" title=""Send email to ${admin_emails?first}"">${admin_emails?first}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your access to Market Insights is blocked. Contact your admin with any questions you might have.",,"Tilgangen din til Market Insights er blokkert. Kontakt administratoren med spørsmål du har kanskje har.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Forbidden",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Forbudt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please contact your system administrator to take further action in the Office 365 Message Center",,"Kontakt systemansvarlig for å gjøre mer i Meldingssenter for Office 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Blocked",,"Blokkert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Blocked",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Blokkert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Questions? Contact your admin at <a href=""mailto:${admin_emails?first}"" title=""Send email to ${admin_emails?first}"">${admin_emails?first}</a>."",,""Har du spørsmål? Kontakt administratoren på <a href=""mailto:${admin_emails?first}"" title=""Send e-post til ${admin_emails?first}"">${admin_emails?first}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"It looks like your access to Market Insights needs approval from an admin. We've already sent your admin a request to give you access. We'll notify you at ${email} once the request is processed.",,"Det ser ut som at tilgangen din til Market Insights trenger godkjenning fra en administrator. Vi har allerede sendt en forespørsel om å gi deg tilgang til administratoren. Du får beskjed via ${email} når forespørselen er behandlet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Almost there",,"Nesten ferdig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't find the page you were looking for.",,"Finner ikke siden du leter etter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Page Not Found",,"Finner ikke side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Page not found",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Finner ikke side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""We're sorry, but you aren't allowed to access the solution. Try signing in as a different user in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=403278"" target=""_blank"">Office 365 portal</a>, or <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2053019"">sign in</a> to open Dynamics 365. To get access to Dynamics 365 go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">Dynamics 365 portal</a> or contact the organization's system administrator.\n"",,""Vi beklager, men du har ikke tilgang til løsningen. Prøv å logge på som en annen bruker i <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=403278"" target=""_blank"">Office 365-portalen</a>, eller <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2053019"">logg på</a> for å åpne Dynamics 365. Hvis du vil ha tilgang til Dynamics 365, går du til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">Dynamics 365-portalen</a> eller kontakter organisasjonens systemansvarlige.\n"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Authentication failed",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Godkjenning mislyktes",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The server didn't receive the request in time. Please try again.",,"Serveren mottok ikke forespørselen tidsnok. Prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Request Timeout",,"Tidsavbrudd for forespørsel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Request timeout",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Tidsavbrudd for forespørsel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Too Many Requests",,"For mange forespørsler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Too many requests",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | For mange forespørsler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Oops &#8230; something went wrong. Please try again later or if this problem persists, <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=390992"" target=""_blank"">contact Support</a> with the error timestamp below. <br>"",,""Ops! Noe gikk galt. Prøv på nytt senere. Hvis problemet vedvarer, kan du <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=390992"" target=""_blank"">kontakte kundestøtte</a> med tidsstempelet for feil nedenfor. <br>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Internal Server Error",,"Intern serverfeil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Internal server error",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Intern serverfeil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The gateway or proxy received an invalid response from the server.",,"Gatewayen eller proxyen mottok et ugyldig svar fra serveren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bad Gateway",,"Ugyldig gateway",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Bad gateway",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Ugyldig gateway",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The service isn't available right now. Please try again in a few minutes.",,"Tjenesten er ikke tilgjengelig for øyeblikket. Prøv på nytt om noen minutter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Service Unavailable",,"Utilgjengelig tjeneste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Service unavailable",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Utilgjengelig tjeneste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The gateway or proxy didn't receive a timely response from the server.",,"Gatewayen eller proxyen mottok ikke et svar fra serveren i tide.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Gateway Timeout",,"Tidsavbrudd for gateway",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Gateway Timeout",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Tidsavbrudd for gateway",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365",,"Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 isn't quite ready to use.",,"Dynamics 365 er ikke helt klar til bruk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please check back in a few minutes.",,"Prøv på nytt om noen minutter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If this issue continues, contact your Office 365 admin.",,"Kontakt Office 365-administratoren hvis dette problemet vedvarer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Setup ongoing - Dynamics 365",,"Installasjon pågår  Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're sorry, an unexpected error has occurred.",,"Det har oppstått en uventet feil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unknown Error",,"Ukjent feil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Unknown Error",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Ukjent feil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your data is ready to go to analytics",,"Dataene dine er klare til å sendes til analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You need to wait for your data",,"Du må vente på dataene dine",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guides you through your first steps in your fresh solution.",,"Veileder deg gjennom de første trinnene dine i den nye løsningen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All done!",,"Ferdig!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Welcome %{user_name}",,"Velkommen til %{user_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Approve everyone",,"Godkjenn alle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Not now",,"Ikke nå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"When others at your company ask to use this app, do you want to automatically approve all their requests?",,"Når andre i firmaet ditt ber om å få bruke denne appen, vil du da godkjenne alle forespørsler automatisk?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Approving permission requests",,"Godkjenner forespørsler om tillatelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Let's go",,"Sett i gang",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to Analytics for your brand",,"Gå til Analyse for ditt merke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Now you can switch to the Analytics app to explore insights based on those tweets.",,"Nå kan du bytte til analyseappen for å utforske innsikt basert på de tweetene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start",,"Start",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ready to see what we found on Twitter, and more?",,"Er du klar til å se hva vi fant på Twitter og mer?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Once we acquired the historical data, you can switch to the Analytics app to explore insight based on those tweets.",,"Etter at vi fikk tak i de historiske dataene, kan du bytte til analyseappen for å utforske innsikt basert på de tweetene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please wait while we are loading historical data for your brand, this will take a minute. You will get tweets matching the search rules we setup for you. This historical acquisition is limited by a maximum of a thousand tweets and max 30 days back.",,"Vent mens de historiske dataene for merkenavnet ditt blir lastet. Dette tar omtrent et minutt. Du mottar tweeter som samsvarer med søkereglene som blir satt opp for deg. Denne historiske innhentingen blir begrenset av maksimalt tusen tweeter og maksimalt 30 dager tilbake i tid.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Thank you for adding your brand keywoard search topic. If you would like to edit it, go to ""Search Setup"" and open search topic ""%{search_topic_name}"""",,"Takk for at du legger til et søkeemne for nøkkelordet for merkevaren din. Hvis du vil redigere det, går du til Søkeoppsett og åpner søkeemnet %{search_topic_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This is your fresh solution, let's help you get started by adding social data relevant for your brand.",,"Dette er den nye løsningen din. La oss hjelpe deg med å komme i gang ved å legge til sosiale data som er relevante for merkevaren din.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"I would like to know how is my brand mentioned on social networks",,"Jeg vil vite hvordan merkevaren min blir nevnt på sosiale nettverk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start setup",,"Start installasjonsprogrammet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tell us what would you like to do?",,"Fortell oss hva vil du gjøre?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guides you in searching for a brand name. (no preload)",,"Veileder deg i søket etter navnet på en merkevare. (ingen forhåndslasting)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start keyword wizard",,"Start veiviseren for nøkkelord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to my analytics",,"Gå til analysene mine",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dont worry, your analytics are just a click away. But before you go, check out your new Market Insights homepage. Its designed to make it easier than ever to keep up to date on new features, system health, and more.",,"Ikke bekymre deg. Analysene dine er bare et klikk unna. Men før du går dit, bør du sjekke den nye startsiden for Market Insights. Den er utformet for å gjøre det enklere å holde seg oppdatert om nye funksjoner, systemets tilstand og mer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Wheres my dashboard?",,"Hvor er instrumentbordet mitt?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to analytics",,"Gå til analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Find out more about what your audience is searching for, saying, and feeling, and what that means for your business. Set up or refine topics to monitor, or go straight to the analytics dashboard to explore your insights.",,"Finn ut mer om hva målgruppen din søker etter, sier og føler, og hva dette betyr for virksomheten din. Definer eller finjuster emner du vil overvåke, eller gå rett til analyseinstrumentbordet for å utforske innsikten din.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Say hello to Market Insights",,"Si hei til Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Were updating the Market Insights service frequently. To learn more about recent changes, visit <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2043581"">Whats new in Market Insights</a>."",,""Market Insights-tjenesten oppdateres ofte. Hvis du vil finne ut mer om nylige endringer, kan du gå til <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2043581"">Nyheter på Market Insights</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Most recent release",,"Nyeste versjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Market Insights product update 1.1",,"Market Insights-produktoppdatering 1.1",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Your data from Social Engagement is still available, but now it shows up in Market Insights, along with improved features and capabilities. If youd rather return to using Social Engagement, ask your admin to remove your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights preview license in the Office 365 admin center. <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2043193"">Learn more about managing licenses</a>."",,""Dataene fra Social Engagement er fremdeles tilgjengelige, men nå vises de i Market Insights sammen med forbedrede funksjoner. Hvis du heller vil gå tilbake til Social Engagement, ber du administratoren din om å fjerne lisensen på Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-forhåndsversjonen i administrasjonssenteret for Office 365. <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2043193"">Finn ut mer om administrasjon av lisenser</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Have you been using Social Engagement?",,"Har du brukt Social Engagement?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You can continue to access the service until your subscription expires or until January 16, 2020, whichever comes sooner. Your organization may need to act and transition to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2043586"">Learn more about transitioning</a>."",,""Du kan fortsette å ha tilgang til tjenesten til abonnementet utløper eller til 16. januar 2020, avhengig av hva som kommer først. Organisasjonen din må kanskje handle og overføres til Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2043586"">Finn ut mer om overganger</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Social Engagement will be discontinued",,"Det vil ikke være støtte for Microsoft Social Engagement lenger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"What's New",,"Nyheter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Andorra",,"Andorra",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"United Arab Emirates",,"De forente arabiske emirater",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Afghanistan",,"Afghanistan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Antigua and Barbuda",,"Antigua og Barbuda",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Anguilla",,"Anguilla",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alaska",,"Alaska",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Albania",,"Albania",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alabama",,"Alabama",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Armenia",,"Armenia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Angola",,"Angola",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Antarctica",,"Antarktis",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Argentina",,"Argentina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Arkansas",,"Arkansas",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"American Samoa",,"Amerikansk Samoa",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Austria",,"Østerrike",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Australia",,"Australia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Aruba",,"Aruba",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Åland Islands",,"Åland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Azerbaijan",,"Aserbajdsjan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Arizona",,"Arizona",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",,"Bosnia-Hercegovina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Barbados",,"Barbados",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bangladesh",,"Bangladesh",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Belgium",,"Belgia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Burkina Faso",,"Burkina Faso",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bulgaria",,"Bulgaria",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bahrain",,"Bahrain",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Burundi",,"Burundi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Benin",,"Benin",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saint Barthélemy",,"Saint-Barthélemy",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bermuda",,"Bermuda",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Brunei",,"Brunei",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bolivia",,"Bolivia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bonaire",,"Bonaire",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Brazil",,"Brasil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bahamas, The",,"Bahamas",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bhutan",,"Bhutan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bouvet Island",,"Bouvetøya",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Botswana",,"Botswana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Belarus",,"Hviterussland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Belize",,"Belize",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Canada",,"Canada",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"California",,"California",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cocos (Keeling) Islands",,"Kokosøyene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Congo (DRC)",,"Den demokratiske republikken Kongo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Central African Republic",,"Den sentralafrikanske republikk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Congo",,"Republikken Kongo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Switzerland",,"Sveits",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Côte d'Ivoire",,"Elfenbenskysten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cook Islands",,"Cookøyene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chile",,"Chile",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cameroon",,"Kamerun",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"China",,"Kina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Colombia",,"Colombia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Colorado",,"Colorado",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Costa Rica",,"Costa Rica",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connecticut",,"Connecticut",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cuba",,"Cuba",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cabo Verde",,"Kapp Verde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Curaçao",,"Curaçao",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Christmas Island",,"Christmasøya",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cyprus",,"Kypros",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Czech Republic",,"Tsjekkia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"District of Columbia",,"District of Columbia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Germany",,"Tyskland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delaware",,"Delaware",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Djibouti",,"Djibouti",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Denmark",,"Danmark",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dominica",,"Dominica",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dominican Republic",,"Den dominikanske republikken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Algeria",,"Algerie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ecuador",,"Ecuador",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Estonia",,"Estland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Egypt",,"Egypt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Eritrea",,"Eritrea",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Spain",,"Spania",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ethiopia",,"Etiopia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Finland",,"Finland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Fiji",,"Fiji",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Falkland Islands",,"Falklandsøyene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Florida",,"Florida",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Micronesia",,"Mikronesiaføderasjonen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Faroe Islands",,"Færøyene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"France",,"Frankrike",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Gabon",,"Gabon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Georgia",,"Georgia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"United Kingdom",,"Storbritannia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Grenada",,"Grenada",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"French Guiana",,"Fransk Guiana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guernsey",,"Guernsey",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ghana",,"Ghana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Gibraltar",,"Gibraltar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Greenland",,"Grønland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Gambia, The",,"Gambia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guinea",,"Guinea",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guadeloupe",,"Guadeloupe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Equatorial Guinea",,"Ekvatorial-Guinea",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Greece",,"Hellas",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",,"South Georgia og South Sandwich-øyene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guatemala",,"Guatemala",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guam",,"Guam",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guinea-Bissau",,"Guinea-Bissau",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guyana",,"Guyana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hawaii",,"Hawaii",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hong Kong (SAR)",,"Hongkong (SAR)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Heard Island and McDonald Islands",,"Heardøya og McDonaldøyene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Honduras",,"Honduras",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Croatia",,"Kroatia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Haiti",,"Haiti",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hungary",,"Ungarn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Iowa",,"Iowa",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Indonesia",,"Indonesia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Idaho",,"Idaho",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ireland",,"Irland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Israel",,"Israel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Illinois",,"Illinois",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Isle of Man",,"Isle of Man",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"India",,"India",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Indiana",,"Indiana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"British Indian Ocean Territory",,"Det britiske territoriet i Indiahavet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Iraq",,"Irak",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Iran",,"Iran",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Iceland",,"Island",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Italy",,"Italia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Jersey",,"Jersey",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Jamaica",,"Jamaica",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Jordan",,"Jordan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Japan",,"Japan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kenya",,"Kenya",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kyrgyzstan",,"Kirgisistan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cambodia",,"Kambodsja",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kiribati",,"Kiribati",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comoros",,"Komorene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saint Kitts and Nevis",,"Saint Kitts og Nevis",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"North Korea",,"Nord-Korea",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Korea",,"Sør-Korea",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kansas",,"Kansas",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kuwait",,"Kuwait",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cayman Islands",,"Caymanøyene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kentucky",,"Kentucky",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kazakhstan",,"Kasakhstan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Laos",,"Laos",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Louisiana",,"Louisiana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Lebanon",,"Libanon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saint Lucia",,"Saint Lucia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Liechtenstein",,"Liechtenstein",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sri Lanka",,"Sri Lanka",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Liberia",,"Liberia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Lesotho",,"Lesotho",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Lithuania",,"Litauen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Luxembourg",,"Luxemburg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Latvia",,"Latvia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Libya",,"Libya",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Morocco",,"Marokko",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Massachusetts",,"Massachusetts",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Monaco",,"Monaco",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Moldova",,"Moldova",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Maryland",,"Maryland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Montenegro",,"Montenegro",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Maine",,"Maine",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saint Martin",,"Saint-Martin",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Madagascar",,"Madagaskar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Marshall Islands",,"Marshalløyene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Michigan",,"Michigan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Macedonia, FYRO",,"Makedonia, den tidligere jugoslaviske republikken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mali",,"Mali",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Myanmar",,"Myanmar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mongolia",,"Mongolia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Minnesota",,"Minnesota",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Macao SAR",,"Macao (SAR)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Missouri",,"Missouri",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Northern Mariana Islands",,"Marianerøyene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Martinique",,"Martinique",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mauritania",,"Mauritania",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Montserrat",,"Montserrat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mississippi",,"Mississippi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Malta",,"Malta",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Montana",,"Montana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mauritius",,"Mauritius",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Maldives",,"Maldivene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Malawi",,"Malawi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mexico",,"Mexico",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Malaysia",,"Malaysia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mozambique",,"Mosambik",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Namibia",,"Namibia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New Caledonia",,"Ny-Caledonia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"North Carolina",,"North Carolina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"North Dakota",,"North Dakota",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Niger",,"Niger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Nebraska",,"Nebraska",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Norfolk Island",,"Norfolkøya",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Nigeria",,"Nigeria",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New Hampshire",,"New Hampshire",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Nicaragua",,"Nicaragua",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New Jersey",,"New Jersey",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Netherlands",,"Nederland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New Mexico",,"New Mexico",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Norway",,"Norge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Nepal",,"Nepal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Nauru",,"Nauru",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Niue",,"Niue",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Nevada",,"Nevada",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New York",,"New York",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New Zealand",,"New Zealand",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ohio",,"Ohio",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Oklahoma",,"Oklahoma",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Oman",,"Oman",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Oregon",,"Oregon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Panama",,"Panama",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Pennsylvania",,"Pennsylvania",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Peru",,"Peru",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"French Polynesia",,"Fransk Polynesia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Papua New Guinea",,"Papua Ny-Guinea",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Philippines",,"Filippinene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Pakistan",,"Pakistan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Poland",,"Polen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saint Pierre and Miquelon",,"Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Pitcairn Islands",,"Pitcairn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Puerto Rico",,"Puerto Rico",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Palestinian Authority",,"Det palestinske området",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Portugal",,"Portugal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Palau",,"Palau",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Paraguay",,"Paraguay",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Qatar",,"Qatar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Réunion",,"Réunion",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rhode Island",,"Rhode Island",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Romania",,"Romania",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Serbia",,"Serbia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Russia",,"Russland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rwanda",,"Rwanda",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saudi Arabia",,"Saudi-Arabia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Solomon Islands",,"Salomonøyene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Seychelles",,"Seychellene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"South Carolina",,"South Carolina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sudan",,"Sudan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"South Dakota",,"South Dakota",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sweden",,"Sverige",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Singapore",,"Singapore",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha",,"St. Helena, Ascension og Tristan da Cunha",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Slovenia",,"Slovenia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Svalbard",,"Svalbard",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Slovakia",,"Slovakia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sierra Leone",,"Sierra Leone",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"San Marino",,"San Marino",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Senegal",,"Republikken Senegal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Somalia",,"Somalia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Suriname",,"Surinam",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"South Sudan",,"Sør-Sudan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"São Tomé and Príncipe",,"São Tomé og Príncipe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"El Salvador",,"El Salvador",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sint Maarten",,"Sint Maarten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Syria",,"Syria",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Swaziland",,"Swaziland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Turks and Caicos Islands",,"Turks- og Caicosøyene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chad",,"Tsjad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"French Southern and Antarctic Lands",,"De franske sørterritorier",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Togo",,"Togo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Thailand",,"Thailand",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tajikistan",,"Tadsjikistan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tokelau",,"Tokelau",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Timor-Leste",,"Øst-Timor",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Turkmenistan",,"Turkmenistan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tunisia",,"Tunisia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tennessee",,"Tennessee",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tonga",,"Tonga",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Turkey",,"Tyrkia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trinidad and Tobago",,"Trinidad og Tobago",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tuvalu",,"Tuvalu",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Taiwan",,"Taiwan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Texas",,"Texas",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tanzania",,"Tanzania",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ukraine",,"Ukraina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Uganda",,"Uganda",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"US Minor Outlying Islands",,"USA, mindre og avsidesliggende øyer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"United States",,"USA",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Utah",,"Utah",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Uruguay",,"Uruguay",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Uzbekistan",,"Usbekistan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Holy See (Vatican City)",,"Vatikanstaten (Vatikanbyen)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Virginia",,"Virginia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",,"Saint Vincent og Grenadinene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Venezuela",,"Venezuela",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"British Virgin Islands",,"De britiske jomfruøyene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"US Virgin Islands",,"De amerikanske jomfruøyene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Viet Nam",,"Vietnam",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Vermont",,"Vermont",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Vanuatu",,"Republikken Vanuatu",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Washington",,"Washington",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Wallis and Futuna",,"Wallis og Futuna",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Wisconsin",,"Wisconsin",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Samoa",,"Samoa",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"West Virginia",,"West Virginia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Wyoming",,"Wyoming",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sint Eustatius",,"Sint Eustatius",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Jan Mayen",,"Jan Mayen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kosovo",,"Kosovo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saba",,"Saba",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Yemen",,"Jemen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mayotte",,"Mayotte",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"South Africa",,"Sør-Afrika",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zambia",,"Zambia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zimbabwe",,"Zimbabwe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Asia Pacific Area (APAC)",,"Asia/Stillehavskysten (APAC)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)",,"Europa, Midt-Østen og Afrika (EMEA)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Japan (JPN)",,"Japan (JPN)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"North America",,"Nord-Amerika",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"North America 2",,"Nord-Amerika 2",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Oceania",,"Oseania",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"South America",,"Sør-Amerika",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"AFRICA",,"AFRIKA",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"ANTARCTICA",,"ANTARKTIS",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"ASIA",,"ASIA",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"AUSTRALIA",,"AUSTRALIA",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"AUSTRALIA / PACIFIC",,"AUSTRALIA/STILLEHAVET",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CENTRAL AMERICA",,"SENTRAL-AMERIKA",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"EUROPE",,"EUROPA",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"MIDDLE EAST",,"MIDTØSTEN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"NORTH AMERICA / CENTRAL",,"NORD-AMERIKA / SENTRAL",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"PACIFIC",,"STILLEHAVET",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"SOUTH AMERICA",,"SØR-AMERIKA",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"UNITED STATES",,"USA",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This email address is already added to the list of recipients.",,"Denne e-postadressen er allerede lagt til i listen over mottakere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This name is already taken. Choose a different one.",,"Dette navnet er allerede i bruk. Velg et annet navn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You haven't created any alerts yet. To create one, click on ""Add new alert"" button."",,"Du har ikke opprettet varsler ennå. Hvis du vil opprette et varsel, klikker du knappen Legg til nytt varsel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Specify an alert name to save the alert.",,"Du må angi et varselnavn før du kan lagre varselet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add at least one recipient.",,"Legg til minst én mottaker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Do you really want to delete alert %{alertName}?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette varselet %{alertName}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete alert",,"Slett varsel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The alert couldn't be deleted. Please try again.",,"Varselet kan ikke slettes. Prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Something went wrong",,"Noe gikk galt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Active",,"Aktiv",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete %{email} as recipient?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette %{email} som mottaker?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Recipient %{email} successfully removed",,"Mottakeren %{email} er slettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Export search results into Excel",,"Eksporter søkeresultater til Excel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search email address",,"Søk i e-postadresser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove recipient",,"Fjern mottaker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove recipient from all alerts",,"Fjern mottaker fra alle varsler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alert Name",,"Varselnavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Owner Name",,"Navn på eier",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search for %{email}: <strong> %{count} </strong> results",,"Søk etter %{email}: <strong> %{count} </strong> resultater",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Use the search field below to enter an email address and get a list of alerts where the email address is part of the recipients",,"Bruk søkefeltet nedenfor for å angi en e-postadresse, og få en liste med varsler der e-postadressen er en del av mottakerne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage Recipient",,"Behandle mottaker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The specified name is too long. It can't have more than 128 characters.",,"Det angitte navnet er for langt. Det kan ikke inneholde mer enn 128 tegn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alert Configuration",,"Varselkonfigurasjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage Recipients",,"Behandle mottakere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alert Type",,"Varseltype",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post alert",,"Innleggsvarsel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"An email notification is delivered to all specified email addresses within a few hours if any new posts match the selected filters.",,"Alle angitte e-postadresser mottar en e-postvarsling i løpet av et par timer hvis nye innlegg samsvarer med de valgte filtrene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To avoid alerts if the same content is found on multiple sources, select the no duplicates check box.",,"Merk av i boksen Ingen duplikater hvis du vil unngå dupliserte varsler når det samme innholdet blir funnet i flere kilder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No duplicates",,"Ingen duplikater",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend alert",,"Trendvarsel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Balanced",,"Balansert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You'll get notifications occasionally when moderate changes trigger this alert.",,"Du blir varslet av og til når moderate endringer utløser dette varselet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"When the post volume for the active filters exceeds the statistical expectation you'll receive a trend alert.",,"Du mottar et trendvarsel når innleggsvolumet for de aktive filtrene overskrider den statistiske forventningen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Adjust the level of sensitivity for the statistical expectations.",,"Juster sensitivitetsnivået for de statistiske forventningene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Fewer alerts",,"Færre varsler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"High",,"Høy",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You'll get notifications more often because small changes will trigger this alert.",,"Du blir varslet oftere fordi små endringer vil utløse dette varselet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Low",,"Lav",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You'll get notifications less often because only large changes will trigger this alert.",,"Du blir varslet sjeldnere fordi bare store endringer vil utløse dette varselet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"More alerts",,"Flere varsler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sensitivity",,"Sensitivitet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Very high",,"Svært høy",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You'll get a lot of notifications because even tiny changes will trigger this alert.",,"Du vil motta mange varslinger fordi selv de minste endringer vil utløse dette varselet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Very low",,"Svært lav",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You'll rarely get notifications because only the largest changes will trigger this alert.",,"Du blir sjelden varslet fordi bare de største endringene vil utløse dette varselet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Save this alert",,"Lagre dette varselet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View this alert in Analytics",,"Vis dette varselet i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Recipients",,"Mottakere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add recipient",,"Legg til mottaker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Email recipients:",,"E-postmottakere:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter an email address",,"Angi en e-postadresse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter a valid email address",,"Angi en gyldig e-postadresse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please be aware that you might be sharing confidential information outside of Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.",,"Vær oppmerksom på at konfidensiell informasjon kan bli delt utenfor Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Inactive",,"Inaktiv",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alert details",,"Varseldetaljer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add new alert",,"Legg til nytt varsel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add email recipients to this alert",,"Legg til e-postmottakere for dette varselet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete this alert",,"Slett dette varselet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add an email address",,"Legg til en e-postadresse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Retry",,"Prøv på nytt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"profile |||| profiles",,"profil |||| profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} account selected for %{action_name} is no longer available. |||| %{smart_count} accounts with which you wanted to %{action_name} this post are no longer available.",,"%{smart_count} forretningsforbindelse som er valgt for %{action_name}, er ikke lenger tilgjengelig. |||| %{smart_count} forretningsforbindelser som du ønsker å %{action_name} dette innlegget med, er ikke lenger tilgjengelige.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The user you wanted to assign to the post is no longer available.",,"Brukeren du ønsker å tilordne til innlegget, er ikke lenger tilgjengelig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{action_name}. %{smart_count} action from your team||||%{action_name}. %{smart_count} actions from your team",,"%{action_name}. %{smart_count} handling fra ditt team||||%{action_name}. %{smart_count} handlinger fra ditt team",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{action_name}. There was an action from your team",,"%{action_name}. Det kom en handling fra teamet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Processing actions: <span> %{action_count} </span>",,"Behandlingshandlinger: <span> %{action_count} </span>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of errors: <span>%{error_count}</span>",,"Antall feil: <span>%{error_count}</span>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The action couldn't be completed. Refresh the post list.",,"Handlingen kan ikke fullføres. Oppdater innleggslisten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The action couldn't be completed. The YouTube account must first be linked with the user's Google account",,"Handlingen kan ikke fullføres. YouTube-kontoen må først kobles til brukerens Google-konto.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"SHOW NEXT",,"VIS NESTE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sending Failed",,"Sending mislyktes",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please revisit the action in the flyout",,"Gå tilbake til handlingen på undermenyen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sending failed for the following social accounts:",,"Sending mislyktes for følgende sosiale kontoer:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post successfully send for:",,"Innlegget ble sendt for:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This social profile is missing a valid token. Please reauthenticate its token in",,"Denne sosiale profilen mangler et gyldig token. Godkjenn dette tokenet på nytt i",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This post is no longer available because it was removed.",,"Dette innlegget er ikke lenger tilgjengelig fordi det ble fjernet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Choose type of message you want to send",,"Velg den typen melding du vil sende",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The user you wanted assigned to the selected posts is no longer available.",,"Brukeren du ønsker å tilordne til de valgte innleggene, er ikke lenger tilgjengelig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The label you wanted to apply to the post is no longer available.",,"Etiketten du ønsker å bruke for innlegget, er ikke lenger tilgjengelig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sorry, something went wrong with %{social_provider}.",,"Beklager, men noe gikk galt med %{social_provider}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The post was updated to the latest version. Make sure you still want to %{action_name} it.",,"Innlegget er oppdatert til nyeste versjon. Kontroller at du fortsatt vil %{action_name} det.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The post was updated to the latest version. Make sure you still want to change it.",,"Innlegget ble oppdatert til nyeste versjon. Sørg for at du fortsatt vil endre det.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't reply to this comment from here. You can go to YouTube and try there.",,"Du kan ikke svare på denne kommentaren herfra. Du kan gå til YouTube og prøve der.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"An error occurred while executing the action. %{value} pending error left. |||| An error occurred while executing the action. %{value} pending errors left.",,"Det oppstod en feil under utførelse av handlingen. %{value} ventende feil gjenstår. |||| Det oppstod en feil under utførelse av handlingen. %{value} ventende feil gjenstår.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Conversation view pane.",,"Rute for konversasjonsvisning.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Total number of posts %{value}",,"Totalt antall innlegg: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of posts loaded %{value}",,"Antall lastede innlegg: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post details header navigation",,"Navigering i topptekst for innleggsdetaljer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post details panel",,"Innleggsdetaljpanel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"OPEN",,"ÅPNE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open the details view for this post",,"Åpne detaljvisningen for dette innlegget",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post list panel",,"Innleggslistepanel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post preview panel",,"Panel for forhåndsvisning av innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List of posts",,"Liste over innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go back to post list",,"Gå tilbake til innleggsliste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To access the post list, select the Down arrow. To navigate between posts, use the Up/Down arrow keys. To open post details, select Enter or the Spacebar.",,"Hvis du vil ha tilgang til innleggslisten, velger du Pil ned. Hvis du vil navigere mellom innlegg, bruker du Pil opp- / Pil ned-tastene. Hvis du vil åpne innleggsdetaljer, velger du Enter- eller mellomromstasten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To access the thread post list, select the Down arrow. To navigate between posts, use the Up/Down arrow keys.",,"Hvis du vil ha tilgang til listen over trådinnlegg, velger du Pil ned. Hvis du vil navigere mellom innlegg, bruker du Pil opp-/Pil ned-tastene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post details stepper buttons",,"Knapper for innleggsdetaljtrinn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View action error details in the post details panel.",,"Vis handlingsfeildetaljer i innleggsdetaljpanelet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"assign",,"tilordne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"assign to",,"tilordne til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assign this post",,"Tilordne dette innlegget",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assigned to %{value}",,"Tilordnet til %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Check if the attachment was deleted on the source or try again later.",,"Kontroller om vedlegget ble slettet på kilden, eller prøv på nytt senere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't retrieve the attachment.",,"Kan ikke hente vedlegget.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Verify if your social profile is valid on the <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Social Profiles</a> page."",,""Kontroller om din sosiale profil er gyldig på siden <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Sosiale profiler</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open attachment %{name} in a new tab",,"Åpne vedlegget %{name} i en ny fane",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Getting attachments...",,"Henter vedlegg ...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You don't have permission to do bulk actions.",,"Du har ikke tillatelse til å utføre massehandlinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assign",,"Tilordne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assign posts",,"Tilordne innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change label",,"Endre etikett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit sentiment",,"Rediger sentiment",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete the selected posts",,"Slett de valgte innleggene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change sentiment value...",,"Endre sentimentverdi ...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change to negative",,"Endre til negativ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change to neutral",,"Endre til nøytral",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change to positive",,"Endre til positiv",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Child post",,"Underordnet innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Clear the post from the list",,"Fjern innlegget fra listen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Clear Label",,"Fjern etikett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collapse",,"Skjul",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collapse the expanded section.",,"Skjul den utvidede inndelingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comment",,"Kommentar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"comment as",,"kommentar som",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter comment text here.",,"Skriv inn kommentartekst her.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comment |||| Comments",,"Kommentar |||| Kommentarer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{count} comment on the child post |||| %{count} comments on the child post",,"%{count} kommentar om det underordnede innlegget |||| %{count} kommentarer om det underordnede innlegget",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{count} comment on the parent post |||| %{count} comments on the parent post",,"%{count} kommentar om det overordnede innlegget |||| %{count} kommentarer om det overordnede innlegget",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm negative",,"Bekreft negativ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm neutral",,"Bekreft nøytral",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm positive",,"Bekreft positiv",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"That didn't work. Please try again.",,"Dette fungerte ikke. Prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Conversation",,"Diskusjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Message sent",,"Melding sendt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Conversation switched to private from public",,"Diskusjonen ble endret til privat fra offentlig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Conversation switched to public from private",,"Diskusjonen ble endret til offentlig fra privat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Team",,"Team",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Conversation with %{recipient}",,"Diskusjon med %{recipient}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create link to CRM",,"Opprett kobling til CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create a link to Dynamics 365.",,"Opprett kobling til Dynamics 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Copy internal URL",,"Kopier den interne nettadressen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get a link to open this post in Analytics",,"Få en kobling for å åpne dette innlegget i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get a link to open this post in Analytics. Select CTRL+C to copy to the clipboard.",,"Hent en kobling for å åpne dette innlegget i Analytics. Velg CTRL + C for å kopiere til utklippstavlen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create",,"Opprett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hide Notes",,"Skjul notater",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open Record",,"Åpne oppføring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show Notes",,"Vis notater",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create record in Dynamics CRM",,"Opprett oppføring i Dynamics CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create record in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Opprett oppføring i Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Fetching information about record in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Henter informasjon om oppføring i Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Failed to fetch information about record in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Kan ikke hente informasjon om oppføring i Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Successfully fetched information about record in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Hentet informasjon om oppføring i Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post has been successfully submitted to Dynamics CRM.",,"Innlegget er sendt til Dynamics CRM.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The post was successfully submitted to Dynamics 365.",,"Innlegget er sendt til Dynamics 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Record owner in Dynamics CRM",,"Eier av oppføring i Dynamics CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to remove the link to CRM from this post? This will also remove the notes attached to this link.",,"Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne koblingen til CRM fra dette innlegget? I så fall fjernes også notatene som er tilknyttet koblingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to remove the link to Dynamics 365 from this post? This will also remove the notes attached to this link.",,"Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne koblingen til Dynamics 365 fra dette innlegget? I så fall fjernes også notatene som er tilknyttet koblingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Entity: %{value}",,"Enhet: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instance: %{value}",,"Forekomst: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Information not available, please try again.",,"Ingen tilgjengelig informasjon. Prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM Record Insights",,"Innsikt i CRM-oppføring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 record insights",,"Innsikt i Dynamics 365-oppføringer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Deleting a post",,"Sletter et innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to remove this post and its associated data?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne dette innlegget og alle tilknyttede data?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete %{smart_count} post and its associated data?||||Are you sure you want to delete %{smart_count} posts and their associated data?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette %{smart_count} innlegg og alle tilknyttede data?||||Er du sikker på at du vil slette %{smart_count} innlegg og alle tilknyttede data?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post details finished loading",,"Innleggsdetaljer er lastet inn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Loading post details",,"Laster inn innleggsdetaljer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to discard this post?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil forkaste dette innlegget?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter direct message text here.",,"Skriv inn teksten for direktemelding her.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your text here...",,"Din tekst her ...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No more posts to show",,"Ingen flere innlegg å vise",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't show all posts in this thread.",,"Vi kan ikke vise alle innleggene i denne tråden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Extend time frame to %{smart_count} day. |||| Extend time frame to %{smart_count} days.",,"Utvid tidsrammen til %{smart_count} dag. |||| Utvid tidsrammen til %{smart_count} dager.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This thread shows posts from the last %{smart_count} day. |||| This thread shows posts from the last %{smart_count} days.",,"Denne tråden viser innlegg fra den siste %{smart_count} dagen. |||| Denne tråden viser innlegg fra de siste %{smart_count} dagene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show more posts for an extended time frame.",,"Vis flere innlegg for en utvidet tidsramme.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can only show posts from the past 30 days in this thread.",,"Vi kan bare vise innlegg fra de siste 30 dagene i denne tråden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expand",,"Utvid",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter text for the Facebook message here.",,"Skriv inn teksten for Facebook-meldingen her.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{postType} on %{facebookPageName}",,"%{postType} på %{facebookPageName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Like as",,"Liker som",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Like on Twitter",,"Liker på Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> comment from your team |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> comments from your team",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong>kommentar fra teamet |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> kommentarer fra teamet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> like from your team |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> likes from your team",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> liker-klikk fra teamet |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> liker-klikk fra teamet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> share from your team |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> shares from your team",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> deling fra teamet |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> delinger fra teamet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> comment from your team |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> comments from your team",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> kommentar fra teamet |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> kommentarer fra teamet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> post with link from your team |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> posts with link from your team",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> innlegg med kobling fra teamet |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> innlegg med kobling fra teamet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> reply from your team |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> replies from your team",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> svar fra teamet |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> svar fra teamet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> retweet from your team |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> retweets from your team",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> retweet fra teamet |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> retweeter fra teamet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> rating from your team |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> ratings from your team",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> rangering fra teamet |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> rangeringer fra teamet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reply on Twitter",,"Svar på Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Label:%{value}",,"Etikett:%{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You are not able to use this functionality with your current license type, please contact your administrator to request an upgrade to your license",,"Du kan ikke bruke denne funksjonaliteten med gjeldende lisenstype. Kontakt administratoren og be om å få lisensen din oppgradert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"like as",,"liker som",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Load more posts",,"Last inn flere innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"An error occurred while loading more posts.",,"Det oppstod en feil under innlasting flere innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"An error occurred while loading posts.",,"Det oppstod en feil under innlasting av innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"loading publish history...",,"laster inn publiseringshistorikk ...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Loading posts...",,"Laster inn innlegg ...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"no publish history...",,"ingen publiseringshistorikk ...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Message is under character limit. Add some text to submit the post.",,"Meldingen er under tegngrensen. Legg til tekst for å sende innlegget.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No posts found",,"Fant ingen innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No results found. Please change filter and try again.",,"Fant ingen resultater. Endre filter og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No threads available",,"Ingen tilgjengelige tråder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No valid social profiles",,"Ingen gyldige sosiale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">help content</a>."",,""Hvis du vil ha mer informasjon om Engagement-scenarier, kan du gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">hjelpeinnholdet</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Your social profile tokens aren't valid. For more information, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">help content</a>."",,""Tokenene for din sosiale profil er ikke gyldige. Hvis du vil ha mer informasjon, kan du gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">hjelpeinnholdet</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To perform this action, you must have a Manager or Responder user role. For more information, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">help content</a>."",,""Hvis du vil utføre denne handlingen, må du ga rollen Overordnet eller Svarer. Hvis du vil ha mer informasjon, kan du gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">hjelpeinnholdet</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You need to configure a social profile first. For more information, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">help content</a>."",,""Du må først konfigurere en sosial profil. Hvis du vil ha mer informasjon, kan du gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">hjelpeinnholdet</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} author tag |||| %{smart_count} author tags",,"%{smart_count} forfattermerke |||| %{smart_count} forfattermerker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Open earlier posts in Analytics",,"Åpne tidligere innlegg i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open original post",,"Åpne opprinnelig innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Parent post",,"Overordnet innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post not found",,"Fant ikke innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This post is no longer available. It will be removed from the post list when it's refreshed.",,"Dette innlegget er ikke lenger tilgjengelig. Det blir fjernet fra innleggslisten når den oppdateres.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post text content",,"Publiser tekstinnhold",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"POST THREAD |||| POST THREADS",,"INNLEGGSTRÅD |||| INNLEGGSTRÅDER",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't work with this post because it isn't available.",,"Du kan ikke arbeidet med dette innlegget, fordi det ikke er tilgjengelig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"private message",,"privat melding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Send private message to",,"Send privat melding til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"direct message",,"direktemelding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} attachment |||| %{smart_count} attachments",,"%{smart_count} vedlegg |||| %{smart_count} vedlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Direct message",,"Direktemelding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reach value: %{value}",,"Rekkeviddeverdi: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reply |||| Replies",,"Svar |||| Svar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{count} reply to the child post |||| %{count} replies to the child post",,"%{count} svar på det underordnede innlegget |||| %{count} svar på det underordnede innlegget",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{count} reply to the parent post |||| %{count} replies to the parent post",,"%{count} svar på det overordnede innlegget |||| %{count} svar på det overordnede innlegget",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"reply as",,"svar som",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter text for the reply message here.",,"Skriv inn teksten for svarmeldingen her.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Restricted response",,"Begrenset svar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentation</a>."",,""Hvis du vil ha mer informasjon om Engagement-scenarier, kan du gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">dokumentasjonen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Your social profile tokens aren't valid. To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentation</a>."",,""Tokenene for din sosiale profil er ikke gyldige. Hvis du vil ha mer informasjon om Engagement-scenarier, kan du gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">dokumentasjonen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To perform this action, you must have a Manager or Responder user role. To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentation</a>."",,""Hvis du vil utføre denne handlingen, må du ga rollen Overordnet eller Svarer. Tokenene for din sosiale profil er ikke gyldige. Hvis du vil ha mer informasjon om Engagement-scenarier, kan du gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">dokumentasjonen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You need to configure a social profile first. To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentation</a>."",,""Du må først konfigurere en sosial profil. Hvis du vil ha mer informasjon om Engagement-scenarier, kan du gå til <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">dokumentasjonen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Retweeted this post",,"Retweetet dette innlegget",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"%{count} retweet of the parent post |||| %{count} retweets of the parent post",,"%{count} retweet på det overordnede innlegget |||| %{count} retweeter på det overordnede innlegget",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Sentiment value: %{value}",,"Sentimentverdi: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Error: Sentiment can't be set because this posts's language isn't supported for sentiment analysis.",,"Feil: Kan ikke angi sentimentet fordi språket for dette innlegget ikke støttes for sentimentanalyse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Assign a label to a post",,"Tilordne en etikett til et innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"You can also share this post on LinkedIn",,"Du kan også dele dette innlegget på LinkedIn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"%{recommendationDescription} - %{channelName} from %{sourceName}",,"%{recommendationDescription} - %{channelName} fra %{sourceName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{channelName} from %{sourceName}",,"%{channelName} fra %{sourceName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't access your clipboard. Here is the <a href='%{url}'>link to the original document</a>.",,"Ingen tilgang til utklippstavlen din. Her er <a href='%{url}'>koblingen til originaldokumentet</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"trending",,"populært nå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"owned",,"eid",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"curated",,"moderert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"ML",,"ML",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"promoted",,"forfremmet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"recent",,"nylig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Advanced",,"Avanserte",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Create Lead",,"Opprett kundeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"More actions available for this recommendation.",,"Flere handlinger er tilgjengelige for denne anbefalingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Not Interested",,"Ikke interessert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Notify the system that you are not interested in this recommendation and remove it from the list of recommendations.",,"Fortell systemet at du ikke er interessert i anbefalingen og fjern den fra listen med anbefalinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View",,"Visning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"recommended",,"anbefalt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Link to post successfully shared to social profile.",,"Kobling til innlegg ble delt til sosial profil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"%{charCount} characters until the message limit is reached.",,"%{charCount} tegn til meldingsgrensen nås.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"to %{to}",,"til %{to}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Message exceeds character limit. Remove some text to submit the post.",,"Meldingen overskrider tegngrensen. Fjern tekst for å sende innlegget.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"%{type}: %{media_type}",,"%{type}: %{media_type}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"To be able to compose a post, you need to have at least one social profile for that post type.",,"Hvis du skal skrive et innlegg, må du ha minst én sosial profil for den innleggstypen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Include the content from the previous post",,"Ta med innhold fra forrige innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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""Add ""Send a private message"" link"",,""Legg til koblingen ""Send en privat melding"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Selected Media",,"Valgte medier",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Sent as",,"Sendt som",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn more",,"Lær mer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Your message wasnt posted because its a duplicate of an earlier post.",,"Meldingen din ble ikke delt, fordi det er en duplikat av et tidligere innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your post hasnt been sent. Please try again.",,"Innlegget ditt ble ikke sendt. Prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"The file cant be posted because its too large. The maximum file size is %{limit_value} for %{post_type}.",,"Filen kan ikke deles fordi den er for stor. Maksimal filstørrelse er %{limit_value} for %{post_type}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This social profile cant be authenticated. Check the social profiles status.",,"Denne sosiale profilen kan ikke bekreftes. Kontroller status for den sosiale profilen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Actions with multiple Twitter profiles aren't possible.",,"Handlinger med flere Twitter-profiler er ikke mulig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{action} successfully sent",,"%{action} ble sendt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Supported file types: png, jpg, and gif.",,"Støttede filtyper: png, jpg og gif.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Rate as",,"Ranger som",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"No Rating",,"Ingen vurdering",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Were sorry, this action didnt work. Please try again.",,"Denne handlingen fungerte ikke. Prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The changes are saved for this stream.",,"Endringene er lagret for denne strømmen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your access to this stream was removed by the owner: %{streamName}",,"Din tilgang til denne strømmen er fjernet av eieren: %{streamName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You received a new shared stream: %{streamName}",,"Du har mottatt en ny delt strøm: %{streamName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reload stream",,"Last strømmen på nytt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The stream has been removed.",,"Strømmen er fjernet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This stream was changed by the owner. To receive the updated configuration please finish all work, then reload this stream.",,"Denne strømmen ble endret av eieren. Fullfør arbeidet og last inn strømmen på nytt for å motta den oppdaterte konfigurasjonen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You must be the owner of the alert to change it.",,"Du må være eieren av varselet for å kunne endre det.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The alert configuration wasn't found: {0}",,"Finner ikke varselkonfigurasjonen: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data is missing for the alert configuration.",,"Data mangler for varselkonfigurasjonen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom source queries are not supported by this version.",,"Egendefinerte kildespørringer støttes ikke i denne versjonen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instagram user queries are not supported by this version.",,"Spørringer for Instagram-bruker støttes ikke i denne versjonen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The language isn't valid: {0}",,"Språket er ikke gyldig: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Specify a language parameter.",,"Angi en språkparameter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select at least one language.",,"Velg minst ett språk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add at least one Label.",,"Legg til minst én etikett.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Privacy policy URL invalid.",,"URL-adressen til personvernerklæringen er ugyldig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Owner id and name are not matching.",,"Eierens ID og navn stemmer ikke overens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search item owner must be a user.",,"Eieren av søkeelementet må være en bruker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User wasn't found.",,"Fant ikke brukeren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Define at least one language.",,"Definer minst ett språk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data is missing for search topic defaults.",,"Data mangler for søkeemnestandarder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There are no facebook or twitter queries in this search topic.",,"Det finnes ingen facebook- eller twitter-spørringer i dette søkeemnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There's no category assigned to the search topic.",,"Ingen kategori er tilordnet til søkeemnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You must be the owner of a search topic to delete it.",,"Du må være eieren av et søkeemne for å kunne slette det.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data isn't available for the search topic.",,"Data er ikke tilgjengelige for søkeemnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There are no queries in this search topic.",,"Det finnes ingen spørringer i dette søkeemnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social account queries are not supported by this version.",,"Spørringer for sosiale kontoer støttes ikke i denne versjonen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Status not posted because it's a duplicate.",,"Status ikke publisert fordi den er et duplikat.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Direct message was not sent because the recipient is invalid.",,"Direktemeldingen ble ikke sendt fordi mottakeren er ugyldig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Invalid request.",,"Ugyldig forespørsel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Direct message length exceeds Twitter's 140 character limit.",,"Lengden på direktemeldingen overskrider Twitter-grensen på 140 tegn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please select at least one social profile.",,"Velg minst én sosial profil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Operation is not permitted because the target user is not a friend.",,"Operasjonen er ikke tillatt fordi målbrukeren ikke er en venn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Access token was revoked or is expired.",,"Tilgangstokenet er opphevet eller utløpt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Operation is not permitted.",,"Operasjonen er ikke tillatt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Attempting to perform an operation on a page by a user who is not a page administrator.",,"Forsøk på å utføre en operasjon på en side av en bruker som ikke er sideadministrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"API calls are being rate-limited.",,"API-kall har ratebegrensninger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Requested provider API resource could not be found.",,"Finner ikke den forespurte leverandør-API-ressursen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Attempting to perform operation on a resource that must be owned by the authenticated user, but is not",,"Forsøk på å utføre operasjon på en ressurs som må eies av den godkjente brukeren, men dette er ikke tilfelle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unexpected error",,"Uventet feil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Invalid version for document",,"Ugyldig versjon for dokument",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chart data representation mode is not supported: {0}",,"Modus for representasjon av diagramdata støttes ikke: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Charts filling mode is not supported: {0}",,"Diagramutfyllingsmodus støttes ikke: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number format not supported: {0}.",,"Tallformatet støttes ikke: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Theme not supported: {0}.",,"Temaet støttes ikke: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cannot change preference.",,"Kan ikke endre innstillingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The user wasn't found: {0}",,"Finner ikke brukeren: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Access to the solution wasn't found.",,"Finner ikke tilgang til løsningen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Created",,"Opprettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alert Report",,"Varselrapport",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Detailed report for author",,"Detaljert rapport for forfatter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post, Author",,"Innlegg, forfatter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edited",,"Redigert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Configuration",,"Konfigurasjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data",,"Data",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assigned to",,"Tilordnet til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Site",,"Område",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"URL",,"URL-adresse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Generated",,"Generert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Organization",,"Organisasjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Detail",,"Detalj",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Time frame",,"Tidsramme",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Time frame from",,"Tidsramme fra",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Time frame to",,"Tidsramme til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Link to solution",,"Kobling til løsning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Accounts",,"Forretningsforbindelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Campaigns",,"Kampanjer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Competitors",,"Konkurrenter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Contacts",,"Kontakter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Leads",,"Kundeemner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Products",,"Produkter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Uncategorized",,"Ikke kategorisert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"blue",,"blå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"cyan",,"cyan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"green",,"grønn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"lime",,"sitrusgrønn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"magenta",,"magenta",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"orange",,"oransje",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"purple",,"lilla",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"red",,"rød",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"teal",,"blågrønn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"yellow",,"gul",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Heisei",,"Heisei",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All Search Topics",,"Alle søkeemner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook Pages",,"Facebook-sider",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>ACTION REQUIRED</strong>: There is no valid Facebook user authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to Social Profiles, authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"<strong>HANDLING KREVES</strong>: Ingen gyldig Facebook-bruker er logget på i denne løsningen, og datainnhenting for Facebook-sider har stoppet. Du kan starte henting av data for Facebook-sider ved å gå til Sosiale profiler, logge på som en Facebook-bruker og deretter tillate henting av Facebook-sider.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is only one Facebook user allowing data acquisition for Facebook pages in this solution. We recommend that you allow data acquisition on additional Facebook users.",,"Det finnes bare én Facebook-bruker som tillater henting av Facebook-sider i denne løsningen. Vi anbefaler at du tillater henting av data med flere Facebook-brukere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a custom source",,"Legg til egendefinert kilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Validate and add a source",,"Valider og legg til kilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Blocked Content",,"Blokkert innhold",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add your keywords here",,"Legg til nøkkelord her",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} Keyword blocked |||| %{smart_count} Keywords blocked",,"%{smart_count} nøkkelord blokkert |||| %{smart_count} nøkkelord blokkert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add your domains here",,"Legg til domener her",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} Domain blocked |||| %{smart_count} Domains blocked",,"%{smart_count} domene blokkert |||| %{smart_count} domener blokkert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Domains",,"Domener",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data acquisition stops immediately for the entered terms. Already acquired posts matching the terms won't be displayed anymore.\n Posts will be deleted 4 hours after adding the terms. Within this time frame, you can restore the posts by deleting the newly entered terms.",,"Datainnhentingen stopper umiddelbart for de angitte betingelsene. Allerede innhentede innlegg som samsvarer med betingelsene, vil ikke bli vist lenger.\n Innlegg vil bli slettet 4 timer etter at betingelsene er lagt til. I løpet av dette tidsrommet kan du gjenopprette innleggene ved å slette de nylig angitte betingelsene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{contentName} is already on the list of excluded contents.",,"%{contentName} er allerede i listen over utelukket innhold.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have successfully removed %{contentName}",,"Du har fjernet %{contentName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Keywords can't be empty.",,"Nøkkelord må angis.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Domains can't be empty.",,"Domener må angis.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your changes have been successfully saved",,"Endringene er lagret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The term %{termName} is not supported for excluding content.",,"Betingelsen %{termName} støttes ikke for utelukkelse av innhold.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The term %{termName} contains invalid characters.",,"Termen %{termName} inneholder ugyldige tegn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Content already added",,"Innhold er allerede lagt til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Content deleted",,"Innhold slettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Content saved",,"Innhold lagret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete Keyword",,"Slett nøkkelord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Do you really want to delete the Keyword %{keywordName}?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette nøkkelordet %{keywordName}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete Domain",,"Slett domene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Do you really want to delete the Domain %{domainName}?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette domenet %{domainName}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Category Details",,"Kategoridetaljer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} category was found. |||| %{smart_count} categories were found.",,"%{smart_count} kategori ble funnet. |||| %{smart_count} kategorier ble funnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"add category name",,"legg til kategorinavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add category",,"Legg til kategori",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""""%{name}"" cant be deleted because it contains search topics. Assign the search topics to another category or delete them in the search topic list before you delete the category."",,"%{name} kan ikke slettes fordi den inneholder søkeemner. Tilordne søkeemnene til en annen kategori eller slett dem i søkeemnelisten før du sletter kategorien.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Are you sure you want to delete the category ""%{name}""?"",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette kategorien %{name}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rename category",,"Gi nytt navn til kategori",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rename",,"Gi nytt navn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The RSS feed has been removed.",,"RSS-feeden er fjernet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"RSS feed has been added.",,"RSS-feed er lagt til.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"RSS feed is being validated.",,"RSS-feed valideres.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You successfully deleted: %{groupName}.",,"Du har slettet: %{groupName}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Group Details",,"Gruppedetaljer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{groupName} successfully saved.",,"%{groupName} ble lagret.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources %{channels}/%{total}",,"Kilder %{channels}/%{total}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Filter",,"Filter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter up to 15 exclusions in a comma-separated list",,"Angi opptil 15 utelatelser i en kommadelt liste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Exclusions",,"Utelatelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter up to 15 inclusions in a comma-separated list",,"Angi opptil 15 inkluderinger i en kommadelt liste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Inclusions",,"Inkluderinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Keywords and inclusions must appear in the same:",,"Nøkkelord og inkluderinger må forekomme i samme:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentence",,"Setning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Paragraph",,"Avsnitt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter up to 15 keywords in a comma-separated list",,"Angi opptil 15 nøkkelord i en kommadelt liste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} language was found. |||| %{smart_count} languages were found.",,"%{smart_count} språk ble funnet. |||| %{smart_count} språk ble funnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} source was found. |||| %{smart_count} sources were found.",,"%{smart_count} kilde ble funnet. |||| %{smart_count} kilder ble funnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Rules",,"Legg til regler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"At least one of the rules already exists in this search topic. ",,"Minst én av reglene finnes allerede i søkeemnet. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} custom sources group selected |||| %{smart_count} custom sources groups selected",,"%{smart_count} gruppe med egendefinerte kilder valgt |||| %{smart_count} grupper med egendefinerte kilder valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't selected a custom source group",,"Du har ikke valgt en gruppe med egendefinerte kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Select custom sources from the list below. To create or edit a group of custom sources, go to <a href=""%{navigateToCustomSourcesLink}"">Custom Sources.</a>"",,""Velg egendefinerte kilder fra listen nedenfor. Hvis du vil opprette eller redigere en gruppe med egendefinerte kilder, kan du gå til <a href=""%{navigateToCustomSourcesLink}"">Egendefinerte kilder</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} Facebook page selected |||| %{smart_count} Facebook pages selected",,"%{smart_count} Facebook-side valgt |||| %{smart_count} Facebook-sider valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't selected a Facebook page",,"Du har ikke valgt en Facebook-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Or select existing Facebook pages",,"Eller velg eksisterende Facebook-sider",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} Instagram account selected |||| %{smart_count} Instagram accounts selected",,"%{smart_count} Instagram-konto valgt |||| %{smart_count} Instagram-kontoer valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't selected an Instagram account",,"Du har ikke valgt en Instagram-konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select existing Instagram accounts",,"Velg eksisterende Instagram-kontoer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} social profile selected |||| %{smart_count} social profiles selected",,"%{smart_count} sosial profil valgt |||| %{smart_count} sosiale profiler valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't selected a social profile",,"Du har ikke valgt en sosial profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select social profiles",,"Velg sosiale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your rules are within your monthly post quota. You can now save your search topic. ",,"Reglene er innenfor din månedlige innleggskvote. Du kan nå lagre søkeemnet. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} profile selected |||| %{smart_count} profiles selected",,"%{smart_count}-profil valgt |||| %{smart_count}-profiler valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't selected a Twitter profile",,"Du har ikke valgt en Twitter-profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Or select existing Twitter profiles",,"Eller velg eksisterende Twitter-profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Provide a name",,"Angi et navn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook no longer supports keyword searches.",,"Facebook støtter ikke lenger nøkkelordsøk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook no longer supports keyword searches. New data wont be acquired, but your existing Facebook data will be retained.",,"Facebook støtter ikke lenger nøkkelordsøk. Nye data kan ikke hentes, men eksisterende Facebook-data beholdes.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Specify a name for this category.",,"Angi et navn for denne kategorien.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No search rules yet",,"Det finnes ingen søkeregler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add rule",,"Legg til regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Active rule",,"Aktiv regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Rule",,"Legg til regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Choose the type of search rule to configure.",,"Velg hvilken type søkeregel som skal konfigureres.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Limit",,"Grense",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota types",,"Kvotetyper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expected number of posts",,"Forventet antall innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Current number of posts",,"Gjeldende antall innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Monthly post quota",,"Månedlig innleggskvote",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of visible posts",,"Antall synlige innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any groups of custom sources yet. To create or edit a group of custom sources, go to",,"Det finnes ingen grupper med egendefinerte kilder ennå. Hvis du vil opprette eller redigere en gruppe med egendefinerte kilder, kan du gå til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select a group of custom sources from the list below. To create or edit a group of custom sources, go to",,"Velg en gruppe med egendefinerte kilder fra listen nedenfor. Hvis du vil opprette eller redigere en gruppe med egendefinerte kilder, kan du gå til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} result |||| %{smart_count} results",,"%{smart_count} resultat |||| %{smart_count} resultater",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Showing %{itemsCount} results, more available",,"Viser %{itemsCount} resultater, flere tilgjengelig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add %{ruleType} Rules",,"Legg til %{ruleType}-regler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add %{ruleType} Rule",,"Legg til %{ruleType}-regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Setup Summary",,"Søk i konfigurasjonssammendrag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set Owner",,"Angi eier",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit Owner",,"Rediger eier",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} search topic was found. |||| %{smart_count} search topics were found.",,"%{smart_count} søkeemne ble funnet. |||| %{smart_count} søkeemner ble funnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove this custom source from the group",,"Fjern denne egendefinerte kilden fra gruppen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This source is already added to the group: %{name}. You can't add the same source to more than one group.",,"Denne kilden er allerede lagt til i gruppen: %{name}. Du kan ikke legge til samme kilde i mer enn én gruppe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Validation failed. Verify the provided URL.",,"Valideringen mislyktes. Kontroller den angitte URL-adressen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The provided URL cannot be empty.",,"Den angitte URL-adressen kan ikke være tom.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start adding sources in the input field above.",,"Begynn å legge til kilder i innskrivingsfeltet ovenfor.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any groups of custom sources.",,"Det finnes ingen grupper med egendefinerte kilder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Click Add to create a group.",,"Klikk Legg til for å opprette en gruppe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter an RSS or Atom feed URL",,"Angi en URL-adresse til RSS- eller Atom-feed",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete group of custom sources",,"Slett gruppe med egendefinerte kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} custom source was found. |||| %{smart_count} custom sources were found.",,"%{smart_count} egendefinert kilde ble funnet. |||| %{smart_count} egendefinerte kilder ble funnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Do you really want to delete this group of custom sources: %{name}?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne gruppen med egendefinerte kilder: %{name}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete Custom Group",,"Slett egendefinert gruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage groups of custom sources to use in Search Setup and as filters in Analytics.",,"Administrer grupper med egendefinerte kilder som skal brukes i søkeoppsett og som filtre i Analyse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Note that just adding custom sources to a group wont start the acquisition of posts from those sources. You have to first set up a search topic that includes the custom sources in a rule.",,"Legg merke til at hvis egendefinerte kilder bare legges til i en gruppe, starter ikke innhentingen av innlegg fra disse kildene. Du må først opprette et søkeemne som inneholder de egendefinerte kildene i en regel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your solution exceeded the quota limit. We stopped the data acquisition on %{date} at %{time}. It will automatically restart at the beginning of next month. To avoid this in the future, purchase additional post quota in the Office 365 admin center or optimize your search topics. Note that missed posts can't be retrieved retroactively.",,"Løsningen har overskredet kvotegrensen. Datainnhentingen ble stoppet %{date} kl. %{time}. Den starter automatisk på nytt i begynnelsen av neste måned. Du kan unngå dette i fremtiden ved å kjøpe ekstra innleggskvote i administrasjonssenteret for Office 365 eller optimalisere søkeemnene. Vær oppmerksom på at tapte innlegg ikke kan hentes i ettertid.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data acquisition stopped:",,"Datainnhenting stoppet:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{topicName} successfully deleted.",,"%{topicName} er slettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your solution exceeded the post quota. If you take no action, data acquisition will stop on %{date} at %{time} or when %{posts} posts are acquired by your searches. To avoid this, you can purchase additional post quota in the Office 365 admin center, or remove search topics from your solution.",,"Løsningen har overskredet innleggskvoten. Hvis du ikke gjør noe, blir datainnhentingen stoppet %{date} kl. %{time} eller når %{posts} innlegg er innhentet via søk. Du kan unngå dette ved å kjøpe ekstra innleggskvote i administrasjonssenteret for Office 365 eller fjerne søkeemner fra løsningen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Limits exceeded:",,"Grenser overskredet:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your solution is expected to exceed the post quota. Edit search topics to reduce the number of posts, or you can purchase additional post quota in the Office 365 admin center.",,"Løsningen forventes å overskride innleggskvoten. Du må redigere søkeemner for å redusere antall innlegg, eller kjøpe ekstra innleggskvote i administrasjonssenteret for Office 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expected to exceed limits:",,"Forventes å overskride grenser:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No Facebook account available.",,"Ingen Facebook-konto er tilgjengelig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter URL of Facebook page",,"Angi URL-adresse for Facebook-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Facebook Pages",,"Søk etter Facebook-sider",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Or select a Facebook Page from your Social Accounts",,"Eller velg en Facebook-side fra sosiale kontoer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook Page",,"Facebook-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To be able to search for Instagram accounts, you need to add an instagram account to your <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>.",,"For å kunne søke etter Instagram-kontoer må du legge til en Instagram-konto i <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sosiale profiler</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No Instagram account available.",,"Ingen Instagram-konto er tilgjengelig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter Instagram account to search for",,"Angi Instagram-konto det skal søkes etter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Instagram Account",,"Søk etter Instagram-konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Or select an Instagram account from your social profiles",,"Eller velg en Instagram-konto fra sosiale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This social profile doesnt allow the acquisition of private messages.",,"Denne sosiale profilen tillater ikke innhenting av private meldinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allowing the acquisition of Private Messages from authenticated Twitter and Facebook Accounts (i) will allow authorized users of your Market Insights instance to set search rules to acquire Private Messages; and (ii) will display Private Messages to every user having access to Market Insights. Private Messages are only displayed in the Market Insights instance where you configure the acquisition.",,"Hvis du tillater innhenting av private meldinger fra godkjente Twitter- og Facebook-kontoer, skjer følgende: (i) Autoriserte brukere av Market Insights-forekomsten får tillatelse til å angi søkeregler for innhenting av private meldinger. (ii) Private meldinger blir vist til alle brukere som har tilgang til Market Insights. Private meldinger vises bare i Market Insights-forekomsten der du konfigurerer innhentingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Disclaimer",,"Ansvarsfraskrivelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private Messages of Facebook Page",,"Private meldinger på Facebook-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private Messages of Twitter Handle",,"Private meldinger i Twitter-brukernavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can acquire private messages from authenticated Twitter and Facebook Accounts when (i) a Facebook or Twitter Profile is authenticated on the <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a> page; and (ii) the acquisition of private messages has been enabled by the owner of the profile.",,"Du kan hente inn private meldinger fra godkjente Twitter- og Facebook-kontoer når (i) en Facebook- eller Twitter-profil er godkjent på <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sosiale profiler</a>-siden, og (ii) innhenting av private meldinger er aktivert av eieren av profilen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No social accounts are available.",,"Ingen sosiale kontoer er tilgjengelige.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select a social account",,"Velg en sosial konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No posts acquired yet",,"Ingen innlegg er hentet ennå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts per language",,"Innlegg per språk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts per source",,"Innlegg per kilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota Information Table",,"Tabellen Kvoteinformasjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota Information",,"Kvoteinformasjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{topicName} successfully saved.",,"%{topicName} ble lagret.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{count}/%{total} Message types",,"%{count}/%{total} meldingstyper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No Twitter account available.",,"Ingen Twitter-konto er tilgjengelig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please sign in to",,"Logg på",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"to look up Twitter users.",,"for å slå opp Twitter-brukere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Handle or keyword",,"Håndtak eller nøkkelord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Or select a Handle from your Social Accounts",,"Eller velg et håndtak fra sosiale kontoer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter Handle",,"Twitter-brukernavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Profile invalid",,"Sosial profil ugyldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your solution with the current configuration is expected to stay within the post quota. No action is required.",,"Løsningen med gjeldende konfigurasjon forventes å holde seg innenfor innleggskvoten. Du trenger ikke å gjøre noe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Within limits:",,"Innenfor grenser:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} organization page selected |||| %{smart_count} organization pages selected",,"%{smart_count} organisasjonsside valgt |||| %{smart_count} organisasjonssider valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To search for LinkedIn organization pages, you need to add a LinkedIn organization page to your <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>.",,"For å kunne søke etter LinkedIn-organisasjonssider må du legge til en LinkedIn-organisasjonsside i <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sosiale profiler</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No LinkedIn organization page available.",,"Ingen LinkedIn-organisasjonsside tilgjengelig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't selected a LinkedIn organization page",,"Du har ikke valgt en LinkedIn-organisasjonsside",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select LinkedIn organization pages from your social profiles",,"Velg LinkedIn-organisasjonssider fra sosiale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LinkedIn Organization page",,"LinkedIn-organisasjonsside",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} channel selected |||| %{smart_count} channels selected",,"%{smart_count} kanal valgt |||| %{smart_count} kanaler valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To search for YouTube channels, you need to add a YouTube channel to your <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>.",,"For å kunne søke etter YouTube-kanaler må du legge til en YouTube-kanal i <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sosiale profiler</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No YouTube channel available.",,"Ingen YouTube-kanal tilgjengelig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't selected a YouTube channel",,"Du har ikke valgt en YouTube-kanal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter YouTube channel to search for",,"Angi YouTube-kanalen det skal søkes etter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search YouTube Channel",,"Søk etter YouTube-kanal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Or select YouTube channels from your social profiles",,"Eller velg YouTube-kanaler fra sosiale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"YouTube Channel",,"YouTube-kanal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Initials",,"Forbokstaver",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CG",,"KG",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"add search topic name",,"legg til søkeemnenavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Topic Settings",,"Innstillinger for søkeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No owner",,"Ingen eier",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rule Types",,"Regeltyper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rules",,"Regler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New Search Topic",,"Nytt søkeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"State",,"Tilstand",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Filter by rule health state",,"Filtrer etter helsestatus for regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete search topic",,"Slett søkeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Twitter Handle",,"Søk etter Twitter-brukernavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Do you really want to delete the rule ""%{name}""?"",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette regelen %{name}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete Rule",,"Slett regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Are you sure you want to delete this search topic and its rules: ""%{name}""? This action will stop data acquisition for this search topic immediately and hide the posts from your analysis"",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette søkeemnet %{name} og tilhørende regler? Denne handlingen fører til at datainnhentingen for dette søkeemnet stoppes umiddelbart, og innleggene skjules fra analysen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't added any search topics yet. To add a search topic click the button above.",,"Du har ikke lagt til noen søkeemner ennå. Klikk knappen ovenfor for å legge til et søkeemne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post Preview",,"Forhåndsvisning av innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Powered By",,"Drevet av",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't estimate your search rule. Please try again later.",,"Kan ikke beregne søkeregelen. Prøv på nytt senere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your search topic was saved. Please be patient while we process your changes to keywords, inclusions, and exclusions.",,"Søkeemnet er lagret. Vent mens endringene i nøkkelord, inkluderinger og utelatelser behandles.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't save your search topic. Test your rule and try again.",,"Kan ikke lagre søkeemnet. Test regelen og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The search topic name can't be empty.",,"Søkeemnenavnet kan ikke være tomt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your rule contains keywords with special characters only. Please remove those keywords and save your rule again.",,"Regelen din inneholder nøkkelord som bare består av spesialtegn. Fjern disse nøkkelordene og lagre regelen på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Update the rule and try again.",,"Oppdater regelen og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search topic cannot be saved as expected volume estimation did not succeed. Try again later.",,"Søkeemnet kan ikke lagres siden beregning av forventet volum mislyktes. Prøv på nytt senere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""There are no search topics defined for this category. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526482"">Learn more about setting up searches.</a>"",,""Det finnes ingen søkeemner definert for denne kategorien. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526482"">Lær mer om hvordan du konfigurerer søk.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota",,"Kvote",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Search Topic",,"Legg til søkeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User preferences changed. You can save your changes now.",,"Brukerinnstillinger er endret. Du kan lagre endringene nå.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Update 2016 or later (Dynamics 365) is required for this action.",,"Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Update 2016 eller nyere (Dynamics 365) er nødvendig for denne handlingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365) is required for this action.",,"Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update eller senere (Dynamics 365) er nødvendig for denne handlingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automation rule action active",,"Aktiv handling for automatiseringsregel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automation rule action inactive",,"Inaktiv handling for automatiseringsregel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the actions to execute automatically on each newly found post matching the filters.",,"Velg handlingene som skal utføres på hvert nye innlegg som passer til filtrene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{eventhubName}, Additional Information (%{infoCount})",,"%{eventhubName}, Tilleggsinformasjon (%{infoCount})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{entityName} (Instance: %{instanceName})",,"%{entityName} (Forekomst: %{instanceName})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""There was a problem saving the action: ""%{actionName}"". Please try again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator."",,"Det oppstod et problem under lagring av handlingen: %{actionName}. Prøv på nytt. Kontakt systemansvarlig hvis problemet vedvarer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to remove this action?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne denne handlingen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm removal",,"Bekreft fjerning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove this action",,"Fjern denne handlingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"ACTIONS",,"HANDLINGER",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add new rule",,"Legg til ny regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open filters in Analytics",,"Åpne filtre i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automatically assign each post matching the filters to a user or a group.",,"Tilordne automatisk hvert innlegg som passer til filtrene, til en bruker eller gruppe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assign to",,"Tilordne til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete rule",,"Slett regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add new action",,"Legg til ny handling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit Rule",,"Rediger regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create Rule",,"Opprett regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Pair",,"Legg til par",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a new key-value pair",,"Legg til et nytt nøkkelverdipar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Include optional key-value pairs with each post streamed to the event hub.",,"Inkluder valgfrie nøkkelverdipar med hvert innlegg strømmet til Event Hub.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The key must be unique.",,"Nøkkelen må være unik.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Specify a key.",,"Angi en nøkkel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Example: categoryName",,"Eksempel: kategorinavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Key",,"Nøkkel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove this key-value pair",,"Fjern dette nøkkelverdiparet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Additional Information (%{infoCount})",,"Tilleggsinformasjon (%{infoCount})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Example: Products",,"Eksempel: Produkter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This Azure Event Hub is managed by your Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights connector. <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=849042'>Learn more about Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights.</a>",,"Denne forekomsten av Azure Event Hub administreres av Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights-koblingen. <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=849042'>Finn ut mer om Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights.</a>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automatically stream each post matching the filters to Azure Event Hubs.",,"Strøm hvert innlegg som samsvarer med filtrene, automatisk til Azure Event Hubs.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Azure Event Hubs",,"Azure Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Stream to Event Hubs: %{eventHubName}",,"Strøm til Event Hubs: %{eventHubName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Stream to Event Hubs",,"Strøm til Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You must select at least one action.",,"Du må velge minst én handling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LAST MONTH",,"FORRIGE MÅNED",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LAST WEEK",,"FORRIGE UKE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Based on the selected filters, actions in this automation rule could potentially be executed on a similar number of posts. Please ensure this is within your expectations. You can narrow the data set by adding more filters. For validation purposes, we recommend to view the data set in Analytics after you save the automation rule.",,"Basert på de valgte filtrene kan handlinger i denne automatiseringsregelen potensielt utføres på et lignende antall innlegg. Pass på at dette er som forventet. Du kan begrense datasettet ved å legge til flere filtre. For valideringsformål anbefaler vi å vise datasettet i Analyse etter at du har lagret automatiseringsregelen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expect %{postCount} posts a day (based on %{timeFrame})",,"Forvent %{postCount} innlegg per dag (basert på %{timeFrame})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"TODAY",,"I DAG",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rules history",,"Regellogg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Label",,"Etikett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automatically set a label for each post that matches the data set.",,"Angi automatisk en etikett for hvert innlegg som passer til datasettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set label",,"Angi etikett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automatically create records in CRM for each post matching the filters.",,"Opprett automatisk oppføringer i CRM for hvert innlegg som samsvarer med filtrene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automatically create records in Dynamics 365 for each post that matches the filters.",,"Opprett automatisk oppføringer i Dynamics 365 for hvert innlegg som samsvarer med filtrene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't work with LinkedIn posts outside of Market Insights or export LinkedIn data. LinkedIn posts will be excluded from your automation rule.",,"Du kan ikke arbeide med LinkedIn-innlegg utenfor Market Insights eller eksportere LinkedIn-data. LinkedIn-innlegg blir utelatt fra automatiseringsregelen din.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There are no automation rules defined yet. To create the first automation rule, click the Add button.",,"Ingen automatiseringsregler er definert. Klikk Legg til for å opprette den første automatiseringsregelen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Actions",,"Handlinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rule",,"Regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Actions aren't available yet. Add a connection to enable actions or contact your system administrator.",,"Handlinger er ikke tilgjengelige ennå. Legg til en tilkobling for å aktivere handlinger, eller kontakt systemansvarlig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Important: No actions are enabled for this automation rule.",,"Viktig: Ingen handlinger er aktivert for denne automatiseringsregelen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There are no active actions for this automation rule. To add an action, click the Add button.",,"Det finnes ingen aktive handlinger for denne automatiseringsregelen. Klikk Legg til-knappen for å legge til en handling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The version of this Dynamics CRM instance is not supported: %{Connection}. Please install Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365)",,"Versjonen av denne Dynamics CRM-forekomsten støttes ikke: %{Connection}. Installer Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update eller nyere (Dynamics 365).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rule not saved",,"Regelen er ikke lagret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Email notifications are sent to all administrators when execution failures are detected for any actions on automation rules. Select the check box to enable these notifications.",,"E-postvarsler sendes til alle administratorer når det blir oppdaget utførelsesfeil for handlinger i automatiseringsregler. Merk av for dette alternativet hvis du vil aktivere slike varsler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Send failure notifications",,"Send feilvarsler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Email notifications are sent to all administrators when execution failures are detected for any actions on automation rules. To enable these notifications, turn on this option.",,"E-postvarsler sendes til alle administratorer når det blir oppdaget utførelsesfeil for handlinger i automatiseringsregler. Aktiver dette alternativet hvis du vil aktivere slike varsler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automation Rules",,"Automatiseringsregler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Define rules to automatically take actions on newly found social posts.",,"Definer regler for automatisk utføring av handlinger på nye sosiale innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assigned",,"Tilordnet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Streamed to event hubs",,"Strømmes til Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Labeled",,"Med etikett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Linked to CRM",,"Koblet til CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Linked to Dynamics 365",,"Koblet til Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts changed by automation rule(s) within last %{days_count} days",,"Innlegg som er endret av automatiseringsreglene i løpet av de siste %{days_count} dagene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your access to this functionality is restricted due to your current license type or role. For full access, please contact your administrator to request an upgrade to your license type and/or role.",,"Tilgangen til denne funksjonaliteten er begrenset på grunn av den gjeldende lisenstypen eller rollen din. Hvis du vil ha full tilgang, må du kontakte administratoren for å be om en oppgradering av lisenstypen og/eller rollen din.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Restricted access",,"Begrenset tilgang",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{ruleName}: Automation rule was successfully deleted.",,"%{ruleName}: Automatiseringsregelen ble slettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete this automation rule: %{ruleName}? This will remove the rule permanently and stop the execution of the rule's actions.",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette denne automatiseringsregelen: %{ruleName}? Regelen blir fjernet permanent, og regelens handlinger blir ikke lenger utført.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There was a problem saving your filters. Please review or update your filters and try again.",,"Det oppstod et problem under lagring av filtrene. Se gjennom eller oppdater filtrene, og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Date: ""%{date}"""",,""Dato: ""%{date}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts with Actions: %{post_number}",,"Innlegg med handlinger: %{post_number}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User / Group",,"Bruker/gruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Event Hub Name",,"Navn på Event Hub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assigned posts",,"Tilordnede innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts streamed to event hubs",,"Innlegg som strømmes til Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Labeled posts",,"Merkede innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts linked to CRM",,"Innlegg koblet til CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts linked to Dynamics 365",,"Innlegg koblet til Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Stats (Last %{days_count} days)",,"Status (siste %{days_count} dager)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the type of CRM instance",,"Velg type CRM-forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the type of Dynamics 365 instance",,"Velg type Dynamics 365-forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connection type",,"Tilkoblingstype",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a name for your connection",,"Legg til et navn for tilkoblingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365)",,"Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update eller nyere (Dynamics 365)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 (online)",,"Dynamics 365 (Online)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM (On-Premises)",,"CRM (lokal)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 (on-premises)",,"Dynamics 365 (on-premises)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connecting Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights with Microsoft Dynamics CRM will enable certain Social Content and Customer Data to be shared between the two online services. At the direction of you or your end users <br> (i) Social Content stored in Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights such as social profile contact  etc.) from Microsoft Dynamics CRM will be transmitted to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.<br> We encourage you to review the <a href='%{technicalDocumentationLink}'>privacy statement applicable to each online service</a>.",,"Når Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights kobles til Microsoft Dynamics CRM, beholdes noe av det sosiale innholdet og noen av kundedataene, slik at dette kan deles mellom de to nettjenestene. Etter anvisning fra deg eller dine sluttbrukere vil <br> (i) sosialt innhold som lagres i Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights, for eksempel sosial profil, kontakt og så videre, (ii) fra Microsoft Dynamics CRM, overføres til Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.<br> Du oppfordres til å se gjennom <a href='%{technicalDocumentationLink}'>personvernerklæringen som gjelder for hver av nettjenestene</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connecting Market Insights with Dynamics 365 will allow some social content and customer data to be shared between the two online services. At the direction of you or your end users <br> (i) social content stored in Market Insights, like social profiles, posts, and corresponding metadata, will be sent to Dynamics 365; <br> (ii) Social content sent to Dynamics 365 may be overridden by default; and, <br> (iii) customer data (case, contact, etc.) from Dynamics 365 will be sent to Market Insights.<br> We encourage you to review the <a href='%{technicalDocumentationLink}'>privacy statement applicable to each online service</a>.",,"Hvis du kobler Market Insights til Dynamics 365, kan du dele visse data for sosialt innhold og kunder mellom de to nettjenestene. Etter anvisning fra deg eller dine sluttbrukere <br> (i) sendes sosialt innhold som er lagret i Market Insights, for eksempel i sosiale profiler, innlegg og tilhørende metadata, til Dynamics 365, <br> (ii) overstyres som standard sosialt innhold som overføres til Dynamics 365, og <br> (iii) sendes kundedata (sak, kontakt og så videre) fra Dynamics 365 til Market Insights.<br> Du oppfordres til å lese gjennom <a href='%{technicalDocumentationLink}'>personvernerklæringen som gjelder for hver av nettjenestene</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The location is the region where your Dynamics CRM instances are located. Your Dynamics CRM instances will be supplied (automatically discovered) after you select a location. Otherwise, you can provide the URL of a Dynamics CRM instance without selecting a location.",,"Dette stedet er området der Dynamics CRM-forekomstene dine befinner seg. Dynamics CRM-forekomstene angis (registreres automatisk) når du har valgt et sted. Du kan også angi nettadressen for en Dynamics CRM-forekomst uten å velge et sted.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The location is the region where your Dynamics 365 instances are located. Your instances will be supplied (automatically discovered) after you select a location. Otherwise, you can provide the URL for a Dynamics 365 instance without selecting a location.",,"Stedet er området der Dynamics 365-forekomstene dine befinner seg. Forekomstene angis (registreres automatisk) når du har valgt et sted. Du kan også angi URL-adressen for en Dynamics 365-forekomst uten å velge et sted.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No Dynamics CRM instances were automatically discovered. You can provide the URL for your Dynamics CRM instance, or contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Ingen Dynamics CRM-forekomster ble automatisk oppdaget. Du kan angi nettadressen for Dynamics CRM-forekomsten eller kontakte CRM-systemansvarlig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We didnt discover any Dynamics 365 instances. Enter the URL for your Dynamics 365 instance, or contact your system administrator.",,"Vi oppdaget ingen Dynamics 365-forekomster. Angi URL-adressen for Dynamics 365-forekomsten, eller kontakt systemansvarlig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM Instance can't be empty.",,"CRM-forekomst må angis.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You havent provided a Dynamics 365 instance.",,"Du har ikke angitt en Dynamics 365-forekomst.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can only create a connection to an HTTP Secure (https) URL.",,"Vi kan bare opprette en tilkobling til en HTTP Secure-nettadresse (https).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter a valid URL.",,"Angi en gyldig URL-adresse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM Instance URL",,"URL for CRM-forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 instance URL",,"URL-adresse for Dynamics 365-forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM Instance should be in a URL format.",,"CRM-forekomsten bør ha et URL-format.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter the Dynamics 365 instance in a URL format.",,"Angi Dynamics 365-forekomsten i et URL-format.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We are testing the connection. You'll be prompted to enter the credentials for your instance. If you do not see the authentication dialog box, verify that your browser allows pop-ups on this page. As soon as the connection is established, we'll take you to the next step.",,"Vi tester koblingen. Du blir bedt om å angi påloggingsinformasjonen for forekomsten. Hvis du ikke ser dialogboksen for autentisering, må du bekrefte at nettleseren tillater popup-vinduer på denne siden. Så snart koblingen er opprettet, videresender vi deg til neste trinn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're testing the connection. You may be asked to enter the credentials for your CRM instance. When the connection is established, we'll take you to the next step.",,"Vi tester tilkoblingen. Du kan bli bedt om å angi påloggingsinformasjonen for CRM-forekomsten. Når tilkoblingen er opprettet, videresender vi deg til neste trinn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're testing the connection. You may be asked to enter the credentials for your Dynamics 365 instance. When the connection is established, we'll take you to the next step.",,"Vi tester tilkoblingen. Du kan bli bedt om å angi påloggingsinformasjonen for Dynamics 365-forekomsten. Når tilkoblingen er opprettet, videresender vi deg til neste trinn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't find any Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365) instance.",,"Vi vinner ingen forekomst av Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update eller nyere (Dynamics 365).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't find a Dynamics 365 (online) instance.",,"Finner ikke en Dynamics 365 (Online)-forekomst.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Check Instances",,"Kontroller forekomster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Discovered CRM Instances",,"Oppdagede CRM-forekomster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Discovered Dynamics 365 instances",,"Oppdaget Dynamics 365-forekomster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Discover Dynamics 365 instances",,"Oppdag Dynamics 365-forekomster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Click the Check Instances button to automatically find Dynamics CRM instances you have access to. You can also  directly provide the URL of your Dynamics CRM instance below.",,"Klikk Kontroller forekomster-knappen for automatisk å finne Dynamics CRM-forekomster du har tilgang til. Du kan også angi den direkte nettadressen til Dynamics CRM-forekomsten nedenfor.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Click the Check Instances button to automatically find Dynamics 365 instances you have access to. You can also enter your Dynamics 365 instance URL below.",,"Klikk Kontroller forekomster-knappen for automatisk å finne Dynamics 365-forekomster du har tilgang til. Du kan også angi URL-adressen til Dynamics 365-forekomsten nedenfor.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We found Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365) instance. Found Dynamics 365 instances can now be selected from the Discovered Dynamics 365 instances drop down",,"Fant forekomsten av Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update eller nyere (Dynamics 365). Forekomstene for Dynamics 365 som ble funnet, kan velges fra rullegardinlisten Oppdagede Dynamics 365-forekomster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the location of your CRM instance",,"Velg stedet for CRM-forekomsten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the location of your Dynamics 365 instance",,"Velg stedet for Dynamics 365-forekomsten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Connection",,"Legg til tilkobling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have another Dynamics CRM instance selected as default. Do you want to change the default?",,"Du har valgt en annen Dynamics CRM-forekomst som standard. Vil du endre standardvalget?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have another Dynamics 365 instance selected as the default. Do you want to change the default?",,"Du har valgt en annen Dynamics 365-forekomst som standard. Vil du endre standardvalget?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change Default CRM instance",,"Endre standard CRM-forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change Default Dynamics 365 Instance",,"Endre standard Dynamics 365-forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM instance",,"CRM-forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 instance",,"Dynamics 365-forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't disable this connection because it's used for automation rules. Review the automation rules and try again.",,"Vi kan ikke deaktivere denne tilkoblingen fordi den brukes i automatiseringsregler. Gå gjennom automatiseringsreglene, og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connected on",,"Tilkoblet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enable instance",,"Aktiver forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Organization language",,"Organisasjonsspråk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't save your changes because some entities you tried to remove are used in automation rules. Please review the automation rules and try again.",,"Vi kan ikke lagre endringene dine fordi noen enheter du forsøkte å fjerne, brukes i automatiseringsregler. Gå gjennom automatiseringsreglene og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set as default",,"Angi som standard",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Last updated on",,"Sist oppdatert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enable this Dynamics CRM instance so you can create records in this instance from a post.",,"Aktiver denne Dynamics CRM-forekomsten slik at du kan opprette oppføringer i denne forekomsten fra et innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enable this Dynamics 365 instance so you can create records in this instance from a post.",,"Aktiver denne Dynamics 365-forekomsten slik at du kan opprette oppføringer i denne forekomsten fra et innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Define record details form for Dynamics CRM entities",,"Definer et skjema for oppføringsdetaljer for Dynamics CRM-enheter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Define record details for Dynamics 365 entities",,"Definer oppføringsdetaljer for Dynamics 365-enheter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To define the information to be shown in the record details form, select the CRM attributes that are available for this entity.",,"For å definere informasjonen som skal vises i skjemaet for oppføringsdetaljer velger du CRM-attributtene som er tilgjengelige for denne enheten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To define what information will be included in record details, select the Dynamics 365 attributes that are available for this entity.",,"Hvis du vil definere hva slags informasjon som skal inkluderes i oppføringsdetaljer, velger du Dynamics 365-attributtene som er tilgjengelige for denne enheten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add more",,"Legg til flere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We removed CRM entities and attributes that are no longer available in your CRM instance. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}.",,"Vi fjernet CRM-enheter og attributter som ikke lenger er tilgjengelige i din CRM-forekomst. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We removed Dynamics 365 entities and attributes that are no longer available in your  instance. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}.",,"Vi har fjernet Dynamics 365-enheter og -attributter som ikke lenger er tilgjengelige i forekomsten din. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Description",,"Beskrivelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Entity details",,"Enhetsdetaljer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Attribute",,"Attributt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Move down",,"Flytt ned",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Move up",,"Flytt opp",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"A new row has been added.",,"En ny rad har blitt lagt til.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The row has been moved downward. Focus kept its position.",,"Raden har blitt flyttet nedover. Fokuset beholdt plasseringen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The row has been moved upward. Focus kept its position.",,"Raden har blitt flyttet oppover. Fokuset beholdt plasseringen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The row has been removed.",,"Raden har blitt fjernet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Display Name",,"Visningsnavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Record Form",,"Oppføringsskjema",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Record details",,"Oppføringsdetaljer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select entities",,"Velg enheter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the entities that you can automatically create Dynamics CRM records for from a social post.",,"Velg enhetene som du kan opprette Dynamics CRM-oppføringer for automatisk fra et sosialt innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the entities that you can automatically create Dynamics 365 records for from a social post.",,"Velg enhetene som du kan opprette Dynamics 365-oppføringer for automatisk fra et sosialt innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Fetching all entities can take a while. Please be patient while we're getting the information.",,"Det kan ta en stund å hente alle enheter. Vær tålmodig mens vi henter informasjonen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unique Name",,"Unikt navn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Changes not saved",,"Endringene er ikke lagret",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm changes: Your updated Event Hubs connection will automatically apply to all automation rules that have an active Event Hubs action. Confirm your changes to proceed.",,"Bekreft endringer: Den oppdaterte tilkoblingen til Event Hubs gjelder automatisk for alle automatiseringsregler som har en aktiv handling for Event Hubs. Bekreft endringene for å fortsette.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set this event hub as the default selection for automation rules.",,"Angi denne Event Hub som standardvalg for automatiseringsregler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Provide the Name and Connection string for the Azure Event Hubs as configured in your Microsoft Azure subscription. We recommend you use a connection string that has only the Send permission for the event hub.",,"Angi navnet og tilkoblingsstrengen for Azure Event Hubs slik det er konfigurert i Microsoft Azure-abonnementet. Vi anbefaler at du bruker en tilkoblingsstreng som bare har sendetillatelse, for Event Hub.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Event hub disabled",,"Event Hub deaktivert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Connecting Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights with your Azure Event Hubs account will enable certain Social Content and Customer Data to be shared with Azure Event Hubs. We encourage you to review the Azure Event Hubs privacy statement and the <a href=""%{technicalDocumentationLink}"" class=""%{technicalDocumentationClassName}"">technical documentation</a> for this feature for further details."",,""Når du kobler Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights til Azure Event Hubs-kontoen, kan en del sosialt innhold og kundedata deles med Azure Event Hubs. Vi oppfordrer deg til å lese gjennom personvernerklæringen og den <a href=""%{technicalDocumentationLink}"" class=""%{technicalDocumentationClassName}"">tekniske dokumentasjonen</a> for Azure Event Hubs for denne funksjonen for å få mer informasjon."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Event hub enabled",,"Event Hub aktivert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Event hub is default hub",,"Event Hub er standard hub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Event hub is not default hub",,"Event Hub er ikke standard hub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connection string",,"Tilkoblingsstreng",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enabled",,"Aktivert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't delete this connection because it's used for automation rules. Please review the automation rules and try again.",,"Vi kan ikke slette denne tilkoblingen fordi den brukes i automatiseringsregler. Se gjennom automatiseringsreglene, og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this event hub: '%{eventHubName}'? You will remove this connection permanently and will no longer be able to stream social data to it.",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette tilkoblingen til Event Hub: %{eventHubName}? Du fjerner da denne tilkoblingen for godt og kan ikke lenger strømme sosiale data til den.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"'%{eventHubName}' : Azure Event Hubs connection was successfully deleted",,"%{eventHubName}: Tilkoblingen til Azure Event Hubs er slettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete this connection",,"Slett denne tilkoblingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Establish connections between Market Insights and Azure Event Hubs. This allows streaming of social data from Market Insights to Azure Event Hubs.",,"Opprett tilkoblinger mellom Market Insights og Azure Event Hubs. Dette gjør det mulig å strømme sosiale data fra Market Insights til Azure Event Hubs.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There are no Azure Event Hubs connected yet.",,"Ingen forekomster av Azure Event Hubs er koblet til ennå.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Azure Event Hubs Connections",,"Tilkoblinger til Microsoft Azure Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Provide the Event hub name",,"Angi navnet på Event Hub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Event hub name",,"Navn på Event Hub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Establish a connection between Market Insights and Azure Event Hubs. This allows streaming of social data from Market Insights to an event hub.",,"Opprett en tilkobling mellom Market Insights og Azure Event Hubs. Dette gjør det mulig å strømme sosiale data fra Market Insights til en hendelseshub.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connect to Azure Event Hubs",,"Koble til Azure Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unable to connect to the event hub. Please check the connection string and try again.",,"Kan ikke koble til Event Hub. Kontroller tilkoblingsstrengen og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unable to connect to the event hub. Please check the event hub name or connection string and try again.",,"Kan ikke koble til Event Hub. Kontroller navnet på Event Hub eller tilkoblingsstrengen, og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You are now connected to Azure Event Hubs '%{eventHubName}'",,"Du er nå koblet til Azure Event Hubs %{eventHubName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enable the connection between Market Insights and the event hub.",,"Aktiver tilkoblingen mellom Market Insights og hendelseshuben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enable connection",,"Aktiver tilkobling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't entered a connection string.",,"Du har ikke angitt en tilkoblingsstreng.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Example: Endpoint=sb://eventhub-ns.servicebus.afdf.windows-int.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=…",,"Eksempel: Endpoint=sb://eventhub-ns.servicebus.afdf.windows-int.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=…",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have selected a default instance to disable. When you disable a connection, links of Market Insights posts to CRM records will no longer work and no new records can be created in that CRM instance from a post.",,"Du har valgt en standardforekomst som skal deaktiveres. Når du deaktiverer en kobling, vil koblinger fra Market Insights-innlegg til CRM-oppføringer ikke lenger fungere, og ingen nye oppføringer kan opprettes fra et innlegg i den aktuelle CRM-forekomsten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have selected a default instance to disable. When you disable a connection, links from Market Insights posts to Dynamics 365, records will no longer work and no records can be created in that instance from a post.",,"Du har valgt en standardforekomst som skal deaktiveres. Når du deaktiverer en kobling, vil koblinger fra Market Insights-innlegg til Dynamics 365-oppføringer ikke lenger fungere, og ingen oppføringer kan opprettes fra et innlegg i den aktuelle forekomsten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm Disabling of Default Instance",,"Bekreft deaktivering av standardforekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to disable the connection to the selected CRM Instance? When you disable a connection, links of Market Insights posts to CRM records will no longer work and no new records can be created in that CRM instance from a post.",,"Er du sikker på at du vil deaktivere koblingen til den valgte CRM-forekomsten? Når du deaktiverer en kobling, vil koblinger fra Market Insights-innlegg til CRM-oppføringer ikke lenger fungere, og ingen nye oppføringer kan opprettes fra et innlegg i den aktuelle CRM-forekomsten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to disable the connection to the selected Dynamics 365 Instance? When you disable a connection, links from Market Insights posts to Dynamics 365 records will no longer work and no records can be created in that instance from a post.",,"Er du sikker på at du vil deaktivere koblingen til den valgte Dynamics 365-forekomsten? Når du deaktiverer en kobling, vil koblinger fra Market Insights-innlegg til Dynamics 365-oppføringer ikke lenger fungere, og ingen oppføringer kan opprettes i denne forekomsten fra et innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm Disabling of Instance",,"Bekreft deaktivering av forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to enable the connection to the selected CRM instance? When you enable a connection, youll be able to create records in that CRM instance from a post.",,"Er du sikker på at du vil aktivere koblingen til den valgte CRM-forekomsten? Når du aktiverer en kobling, kan du opprette oppføringer fra et innlegg i den aktuelle CRM-forekomsten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to enable the connection to the selected Dynamics 365 instance? When you enable a connection, you can create records in that Dynamics 365 instance from a post.",,"Er du sikker på at du vil aktivere koblingen til den valgte Dynamics 365-forekomsten? Når du aktiverer en kobling, kan du opprette oppføringer fra et innlegg i den aktuelle Dynamics 365-forekomsten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm Enabling of Instance",,"Bekreft aktivering av forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to disable the selected CRM instance? You need to have at least one CRM instance enabled to create records from a post. When you disable a connection, existing links between Market Insights posts and CRM records will no longer work and no new records can be created in that CRM instance from a post. This will set the CRM Instance to the Disabled state.",,"Er du sikker på at du vil deaktivere den valgte CRM-forekomsten? Du må ha minst én aktivert CRM-forekomst for å kunne opprette oppføringer fra et innlegg. Når du deaktiverer en kobling, vil nåværende koblinger mellom Market Insights-innlegg og CRM-innlegg ikke lenger fungere, og ingen nye oppføringer kan opprettes i den aktuelle CRM-forekomsten fra et innlegg. Hvis du gjør dette, blir CRM-forekomsten deaktivert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to disable the selected Dynamics 365 instance? You need to have at least one instance enabled to create records from a post. When you disable a connection, existing links between Market Insights posts and Dynamics 365 records will no longer work and no records can be created in that instance from a post. This will set the Dynamics 365 instance state to Disabled.",,"Er du sikker på at du vil deaktivere den valgte Dynamics 365-forekomsten? Du må ha minst én aktivert forekomst for å kunne opprette oppføringer fra et innlegg. Når du deaktiverer en kobling, vil nåværende koblinger mellom Market Insights-innlegg og Dynamics 365-oppføringer ikke lenger fungere, og ingen oppføringer kan opprettes i den aktuelle forekomsten fra et innlegg. Dermed settes tilstanden for Dynamics 365-forekomsten til Deaktivert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allowed Domains",,"Tillatte domener",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connection disabled",,"Tilkobling deaktivert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connection enabled",,"Tilkobling aktivert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connection is default instance",,"Tilkoblingen er standardforekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connection is not default instance",,"Tilkoblingen er ikke standardforekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics CRM",,"Microsoft Dynamics CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Establish a connection between Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights and Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This allows users to create and access Dynamics CRM records from within Market Insights.",,"Opprett en tilkobling mellom Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights og Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Da kan brukerne opprette og åpne Dynamics CRM-oppføringer direkte fra Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Establish a connection between Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights and Microsoft Dynamics 365 to let users create and access those records from Market Insights.",,"Opprett en tilkobling mellom Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights og Microsoft Dynamics 365 slik at brukere kan opprette og åpne de oppføringene fra Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't created any Connections yet. To start adding Connections, click the Add button",,"Du har ikke opprettet tilkoblinger. Klikk Legg til-knappen hvis du vil legge til tilkoblinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Azure Event Hubs",,"Microsoft Azure Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instance URL",,"URL-adresse til forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM Version",,"CRM-versjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 Version",,"Dynamics 365-versjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Version",,"Versjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't delete this connection because it's used for automation rules. Please review the automation rules and try again.",,"Vi kan ikke slette denne tilkoblingen fordi den brukes i automatiseringsregler. Gå gjennom automatiseringsreglene og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have selected a default Dynamics CRM instance. Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this instance? All links to the CRM records of this instance will be removed from Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Du har valgt en standardforekomst av Dynamics CRM. Er du sikker på at du vil slette tilkoblingen til denne forekomsten? Alle koblinger til CRM-oppføringer i denne forekomsten blir fjernet fra Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Du kan ikke angre denne handlingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You've selected a default Dynamics 365 instance. Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this instance? All links to the Dynamics 365 records of this instance will be removed from Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Du har valgt en standardforekomst av Dynamics 365. Er du sikker på at du vil slette tilkoblingen til denne forekomsten? Alle koblinger til Dynamics 365-oppføringer i denne forekomsten blir fjernet fra Market Insights. Du kan ikke angre denne handlingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this Dynamics CRM instance? You need to have at least one Dynamics CRM instance connection enabled to create records from a post. All links to the CRM records of this instance will be removed from Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette tilkoblingen til denne Dynamics CRM-forekomsten? Du må ha minst én aktiv tilkobling til en Dynamics CRM-forekomst for å kunne opprette oppføringer fra et innlegg. Alle koblinger til CRM-oppføringer i denne forekomsten blir fjernet fra Market Insights. Du kan ikke angre denne handlingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this instance? You need at least one Dynamics 365 connection enabled to create records from a post. All links to the Dynamics 365 records for this instance will be removed from Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette tilkoblingen til denne forekomsten? Du må ha minst én Dynamics 365-tilkobling aktivert for å opprette oppføringer fra et innlegg. Alle koblinger til Dynamics 365-oppføringer for denne forekomsten blir fjernet fra Market Insights. Du kan ikke angre denne handlingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this Microsoft Dynamics CRM instance? This will remove all links to CRM records from Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette tilkoblingen til denne Microsoft Dynamics CRM-forekomsten? I så fall fjernes alle koblinger til CRM-oppføringer fra Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Du kan ikke angre denne handlingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this Dynamics 365 instance? This will remove all links to Dynamics 365 records from Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette tilkoblingen til denne Dynamics 365-forekomsten? I så fall fjernes alle koblinger til Dynamics 365-oppføringer fra Market Insights. Du kan ikke angre denne handlingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete this connection to Dynamics CRM",,"Slett denne koblingen til Dynamics CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete this connection to Dynamics 365.",,"Slett denne koblingen til Dynamics 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connections",,"Microsoft Dynamics CRM-tilkoblinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connections",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365-tilkoblinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connections",,"Tilkoblinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add connection",,"Legg til tilkobling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Establish connections to other applications from Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights and specify domains that can make requests for your Market Insights data.",,"Opprett tilkoblinger til andre programmer fra Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights, og angi domener som kan sende forespørsler om Market Insights-dataene dine.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If you do not see the authentication dialog box, verify that your browser allows pop-ups on this page.",,"Hvis du ikke ser dialogboksen for godkjenning, må du kontrollere at nettleseren tillater popup-vinduer på denne siden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to set the selected Dynamics CRM instance as the default for record creation?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil angi den valgte Dynamics CRM-forekomsten som standard for oppretting av oppføringer?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to set the selected Dynamics 365 instance as the default for record creation?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil angi den valgte Dynamics 365-forekomsten som standard for oppretting av oppføringer?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm Default CRM Instance",,"Bekreft standard CRM-forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm Default Dynamics 365 Instance",,"Bekreft standard Dynamics 365-forekomst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set this Dynamics CRM instance as the default instance to use when you create records from posts.",,"Angi denne Dynamics CRM-forekomsten som standard når du oppretter oppføringer fra innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set this Dynamics 365 instance as the default instance to use when you create records from posts.",,"Angi denne Dynamics 365-forekomsten som standard når du oppretter oppføringer fra innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Available search languages",,"Tilgjengelige søkespråk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Available sources",,"Tilgjengelige kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the sources and languages to use by default for new search topics. Users creating new search topics can override this selection.",,"Velg kildene og språkene som skal brukes som standard for nye søkeemner. Brukere som oppretter nye søkeemner, kan overstyre dette valget.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Setup Defaults",,"Standarder for søkeoppsett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"MM/dd/yy",,"MM/dd/åå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"MM/dd/yyyy",,"MM/dd/åååå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"M/d/yy",,"M/d/åå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"M/d/yyyy",,"M/d/åååå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"dd/MM/yy",,"dd/MM/åå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"dd/MM/yyyy",,"dd/MM/åååå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"yyyy年MM月dd日",,"dd/mm/åååå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date format",,"Datoformat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date separator",,"Datoskilletegn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number format",,"Tallformat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Default Preferences",,"Standardinnstillinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Screen language",,"Skjermspråk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"12h",,"12t",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"24h",,"24t",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Time format",,"Klokkeslettformat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Time separator",,"Skilletegn i klokkeslett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Example: app.contoso.com, *.contoso.com, http://companyname",,"Eksempel: app.contoso.com, *.contoso.com, http://companyname",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add domain",,"Legg til domene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The domain isn't valid: %{domainName}",,"Domenet er ikke gyldig: %{domainName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Help to protect your information by specifying the domains that can make requests for your Market Insights data.",,"Beskytt informasjonen din ved å angi domenene som kan sende forespørsler om Market Insights-data.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The domain must be unique.",,"Domenet må være unikt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't added any domains yet. Add domains by entering the URL into the input field above.",,"Du har ikke lagt til domener. Legg til domener ved å angi URL-adressen i innskrivingsfeltet ovenfor.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allowed Domains List",,"Liste over tillatte domener",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"A new domain was added.",,"Et nytt domene ble lagt til.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The domain was deleted.",,"Domenet ble slettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This domain will be removed: %{domainName}",,"Dette domenet vil bli fjernet: %{domainName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove Allowed Domain",,"Fjern tillatt domene",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Copy this solution URL to connect to your Market Insights data.",,"Kopier URL-adressen for denne løsningen for å koble til Market Insights-dataene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Solution URL",,"URL-adresse for løsning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date: %{date}",,"Dato: %{date}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"F-score: %{fscore}",,"F-poengsum: %{fscore}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"F-score",,"F-poengsum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Group",,"Legg til gruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"add Locations",,"legg til steder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"My Location Group",,"Min stedsgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't added any locations to this location group yet. Add locations by using the search field above.",,"Du har ikke lagt til steder i denne stedsgruppen. Legg til steder ved å bruke søkefeltet ovenfor.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of Locations",,"Antall steder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The location group name can't be blank.",,"Du må angi et navn på stedsgruppen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The location group name is already used by another location group.",,"En annen stedsgruppe har allerede dette navnet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Not editable",,"Kan ikke redigeres",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Predefined Location",,"Forhåndsdefinert sted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove Location",,"Fjern sted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create location group.",,"Opprett stedsgruppe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create and edit location groups to use as filters in your analysis.",,"Opprett og rediger stedsgrupper til bruk som filtre i analysen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Predefined",,"Forhåndsdefinert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete location group?",,"Vil du slette stedsgruppen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure that you want to delete the %{groupName} location group?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette stedsgruppen %{groupName}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure that you want to delete the %{groupName} location group? This group is owned by %{owner}.",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette stedsgruppen %{groupName}? Denne gruppen eies av %{owner}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove Location Group",,"Fjern stedsgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The location group has been removed.",,"Stedsgruppen har blitt fjernet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The location has been removed.",,"Stedet har blitt fjernet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Gregorian",,"Gregoriansk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Japanese Era",,"Japansk æra",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Taiwan Calendar",,"Taiwansk kalender",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Calendar",,"Kalender",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chart data representation mode",,"Modus for representasjon av diagramdata",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chart",,"Diagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Table",,"Tabell",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chart filling mode",,"Diagramutfyllingsmodus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Pattern",,"Mønster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Solid Color",,"Heldekkende farge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chart format",,"Diagramformat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Configuration role",,"Konfigurasjonsrolle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Default time frame in Analytics",,"Standard tidsramme i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Home page",,"Startside",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Interaction role",,"Samhandlingsrolle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Last Month",,"Forrige måned",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Last Week",,"Forrige uke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn more about your user roles.",,"Lær mer om brukerrollene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Screen Language",,"Skjermspråk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Profiles",,"Sosiale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Acquisition",,"Innhenting",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The acquisition of private messages is allowed and activated in Search Setup",,"Innhenting av private meldinger er tillatt og aktivert i Søkeoppsett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The acquisition of private messages is allowed, but acquisition isn't active in Search Setup",,"Innhenting av private meldinger er tillatt, men innhenting er ikke aktivert iSøkeoppsett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private messages for this account won't be available in Search Setup",,"Private meldinger for denne kontoen vil ikke være tilgjengelige i Søkeoppsett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allowing the acquisition of private messages from authenticated external sources will enable authorized users of your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights instance to set search rules to acquire private messages and will display private messages to every user having access to this instance of Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Private messages are translated using an external translator service and your use of this feature is subject to the privacy and security practices of the translator service. Please <a href='%{navigateToDocumentation}'>review the feature documentation</a> here for further details.",,"Hvis du tillater innhenting av private meldinger fra godkjente eksterne kilder, får autoriserte brukere av forekomsten av Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights tillatelse til å angi søkeregler for innhenting av private meldinger, og private meldinger vises til alle brukere som har tilgang til denne forekomsten av Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Private meldinger oversettes med en ekstern oversettingstjeneste, og din bruk av denne funksjonen er underlagt retningslinjene for personvern og sikkerhet for oversettingstjenesten. <a href='%{navigateToDocumentation}'>Les gjennom dokumentasjonen for funksjonen</a> her hvis du vil ha mer informasjon.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allow interactions and data acquisition",,"Tillat samhandlinger og datainnhenting",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allow data acquisition",,"Tillat datainnhenting",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Acquisition of Facebook pages",,"Innhenting av Facebook-sider",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Acquire Instagram data",,"Hent inn Instagram-data",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Acquisition of private messages",,"Innhenting av private meldinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Acquisition social profiles",,"Henting av sosiale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Acquisition token status overview",,"Statusoversikt for innhentingstoken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're waiting for you to give the Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights app permission for %{type}. If you don't see the authentication dialog box, verify that you allow pop-ups on this page. You can close this dialog box when you have authenticated the app.",,"Vi venter på at du skal gi appen Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights tillatelse for %{type}. Hvis du ikke ser dialogboksen for godkjenning, må du kontrollere at popup-vinduer er tillatt på denne siden. Du kan lukke denne dialogboksen når du har godkjent programmet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Permit the app to connect with your profile",,"Tillat at programmet kobler til profilen din",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add %{social_platform} Pages",,"Legg til %{social_platform}-sider",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Profile",,"Legg til profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You successfully added a social profile.",,"Du har lagt til en sosial profil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You successfully added a social profile: %{socialProfileName}",,"Du har lagt til en sosial profil: %{socialProfileName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reauthenticate your token",,"Godkjenn tokenet på nytt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allow",,"Tillat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allowed",,"Tillatt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Token valid",,"Tokenet er gyldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your token valid, app valid",,"Tokenet er gyldig, appen er gyldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No token",,"Token mangler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No valid tokens for this profile. You need to reauthenticate.",,"Ingen gyldige tokener for denne profilen. Du må godkjenne på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Token invalid",,"Tokenet er ugyldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your token expired, but you can still work with the social profile.",,"Tokenet har utløpt, men du kan fortsatt jobbe med den sosiale profilen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"App invalid",,"Appen er ugyldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Check Tokens",,"Kontroller tokener",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Check done. All tokens verified.",,"Kontrollen er ferdig. Alle tokener er verifisert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Claim ownership",,"Krev eierskap",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete your token",,"Slett tokenet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete social profile",,"Slett sosial profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allow interactions",,"Tillat samhandling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"PROFILES SHARED WITH YOU",,"PROFILER SOM ER DELT MED DEG",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To create Facebook pages rules and acquire data, you need to allow data acquisition for Facebook pages for at least one authenticated Facebook user.",,"For å opprette Facebook-sideregler og innhente data må du tillate datainnhenting for Facebook-sider for minst én godkjent Facebook-bruker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To create Facebook pages rules and acquire data, you need to allow data acquisition for Facebook pages for at least one authenticated Facebook Acquisition profile.",,"Hvis du vil opprette Facebook-sideregler og innhente data, må du tillate datainnhenting for Facebook-sider for minst én godkjent profil for Facebook-innhenting.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have only one Facebook user available to acquire data. If you disallow acquisition of Facebook pages, your solution will stop acquiring data from Facebook pages.",,"Du har bare én Facebook-bruker tilgjengelig for innhenting av data. Hvis du ikke lenger tillater innhenting av Facebook-sider, stopper løsningen din innhentingen av data fra Facebook-sider.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have only one Facebook Acquisition profile available to acquire data. If you disallow acquisition of Facebook pages, your solution will stop acquiring data from Facebook pages.",,"Du har bare én tilgjengelig profil for Facebook-innhenting for innhenting av data. Hvis du ikke lenger tillater innhenting av Facebook-sider, stopper løsningen din innhentingen av data fra Facebook-sider. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You must be an administrator for this Facebook page to re-authenticate it.",,"Du må være administrator for denne Facebook-siden for å godkjenne den på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile, State, User",,"Profil, Delstat, Bruker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private messages acquisition allowed, private messages rules active",,"Innhenting av private meldinger er tillatt, regler for private meldinger er aktive",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data acquisition allowed, Facebook pages rules active",,"Datainnhenting er tillatt, regler for Facebook-sider er aktive",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private messages acquisition allowed, no active private messages rules",,"Innhenting av private meldinger er tillatt, ingen aktive regler for private meldinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data acquisition allowed, no active Facebook pages rules",,"Datainnhenting er tillatt, ingen aktive regler for Facebook-sider",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Note that the acquisition for Facebook pages allowed by this user is valid for a maximum period of 60 days. Check back regularly and re-authenticate your Facebook user to ensure continuous data acquisition.",,"Merk at innhenting av data for Facebook-sider tillatt av denne brukeren er gyldig i maksimalt 60 dager. Kom tilbake med jevne mellomrom og forny godkjenningen av Facebook-brukeren for å sikre kontinuerlig datainnhenting.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Note that the acquisition for Facebook pages allowed by this user is valid for a maximum period of 60 days. Check back regularly and re-authenticate your Facebook Acquisition profile to ensure continuous data acquisition.",,"Vær oppmerksom på at innhenting av data for Facebook-sider som tillates av denne brukeren, er gyldig i maksimalt 60 dager. Kom tilbake med jevne mellomrom og forny godkjenningen av Facebook-brukeren for å sikre kontinuerlig datainnhenting.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To create Instagram rules and acquire data, you need to allow data acquisition for at least one Instagram account.",,"Du må tillatte datainnhenting for minst én Instagram-konto for å kunne opprette Instagram-regler og hente inn data.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please note that the acquisition for Instagram allowed by this user is only valid for a certain period of time. We will inform you if an action is required.",,"Vær oppmerksom på at innhentingen for Instagram som tillates av denne brukeren, bare er gyldig en kort periode. Vi informerer deg hvis en handling kreves.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Invalid Account: ",,"Ugyldig konto: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The provided credentials didn't match the social profile you tried to authenticate for. Please try again with different credentials.",,"Den angitte legitimasjonen samsvarer ikke med den sosiale profilen som du forsøker å få tilgang til. Prøv på nytt med annen legitimasjon.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authorization is missing for all owners",,"Mangler godkjenning av alle eiere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} like |||| %{smart_count} likes",,"%{smart_count} liker-klikk |||| %{smart_count} liker-klikk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage",,"Administrer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn more about how to manage social profiles.",,"Finn ut mer om administrasjon av sosiale profiler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Token expired",,"Tokenet har utløpt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Missing authentication",,"Godkjenning mangler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All tokens for this social profile have expired. Reauthenticate your token.",,"Alle tokener for denne sosiale profilen har utløpt. Godkjenn tokenet på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Acquisition for Instagram not yet active: To start acquiring data from Instagram, please add an Instagram account to your social profiles and allow it for data acquisition.",,"Innhenting for Instagram er ikke aktivert ennå: Hvis du vil begynne å hente inn data fra Instagram, må du legge til en Instagram-konto i de sosiale profilene og tillate datainnhenting for den.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profiles without owners",,"Profiler uten eiere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any Facebook pages that you can add. You can only add a Facebook page if you have the Admin role for it.",,"Det finnes ingen Facebook-sider du kan legge til. Du kan bare legge til en Facebook-side hvis du har rollen Administrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any LinkedIn organization pages that you can add. You can only add a LinkedIn organization page if you have the Admin role for it.",,"Det finnes ingen LinkedIn-organisasjonssider du kan legge til. Du kan bare legge til en LinkedIn-organisasjonsside hvis du har rollen Administrator.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Not allowed",,"Ikke tillatt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The specified social profile couldnt be authorized. Check your credentials and try again.",,"Den angitte sosiale profilen kan ikke autoriseres. Kontroller legitimasjonen og prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Owned Profiles",,"Eide profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sharing/Owned",,"Deler/eid",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Owners",,"Eiere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"(Ownership %{ownership_count})",,"(Eierskap %{ownership_count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"For private messages",,"For private meldinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profiles for private messages acquisition",,"Profiler for innhenting av private meldinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile",,"Profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"For Facebook pages",,"For Facebook-sider",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You successfully reauthenticated a social profile.",,"Du har godkjent denne sosiale profilen på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You successfully reauthenticated a social profile: %{socialProfileName}",,"Du har godkjent denne sosiale profilen på nytt: %{socialProfileName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reauthorize",,"Autoriser på nytt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove my ownership",,"Fjern mitt eierskap",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove invalid token",,"Fjern det ugyldige tokenet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Running",,"Kjører",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This social profile has valid tokens and is used for data acquisition.",,"Denne sosiale profilen har gyldige tokener og brukes til datainnhenting.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your Social Profiles",,"Dine sosiale profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profiles for data acquisition",,"Profiler for datainnhenting",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share with everyone",,"Del med alle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Shared Profiles",,"Delte profiler",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sharing",,"Deling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sharing a profile with users allows those to use this account for publish actions within Market Insights",,"Hvis du deler en profil med andre brukere, kan de bruke denne kontoen for publiseringshandlinger i Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sharing / Owners",,"Deler/eiere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is only one Facebook Acquisition profile allowing data acquisition for Facebook pages in this solution. We recommend that you allow data acquisition on additional Facebook Acquisition profiles.",,"Det finnes bare én profil for Facebook-innhenting som tillater datainnhenting for Facebook-sider i denne løsningen. Det anbefales at du tillater datainnhenting for flere profiler for Facebook-innhenting. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is only one Instagram account allowing data acquisition for Instagram in this solution. We recommend that you allow data acquisition on additional Instagram accounts.",,"Det finnes bare én Instagram-konto som tillater datainnhenting for Instagram i denne løsningen. Vi anbefaler at du tillater datainnhenting for flere Instagram-kontoer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} is talking about you |||| %{smart_count} are talking about you",,"%{smart_count} snakker om deg |||| %{smart_count} snakker om deg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{source} Profile",,"%{source} profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Use for Acquisition",,"Bruk til innhenting",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Use for Search Acquisition",,"Bruk til søkeinnhenting",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Without at least allowing 1 Instagram User account to serve as acquisition token, you won't be able to acquire Instagram data",,"Du kan ikke hente inn Instagram-data med mindre du tillater at minst 1 Instagram-brukerkonto fungerer som innhentingstoken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} user |||| %{smart_count} users",,"%{smart_count} bruker |||| %{smart_count} brukere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Theme",,"Tema",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dark",,"Mørk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Light",,"Lys",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User Roles",,"Brukerroller",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your Preferences",,"Dine innstillinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Privacy statement configuration",,"Konfigurasjon av personvernerklæring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=389041",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=389041",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"An administrator of a Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights tenant can specify whether to show a privacy link and what to show.",,"En administrator av en leier for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights kan angi om en personvernkobling skal vises og hva som skal vises.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show link to privacy statement",,"Vis kobling til personvernerklæring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Privacy",,"Personvern",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Associated Search Topics",,"Tilknyttede søkeemner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} Search topic |||| %{smart_count} Search topics",,"%{smart_count} søkeemne |||| %{smart_count} søkeemner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No search topics",,"Ingen søkeemner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View search topic",,"Vis søkeemne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create Facebook rule (Open in new tab)",,"Opprett Facebook-regel (åpne i ny fane)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create Instagram rule (Open in new tab)",,"Opprett Instagram-regel (åpne i ny fane)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create LinkedIn rule (Open in new tab)",,"Opprett LinkedIn-regel (åpne i ny fane)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create Private Message rule (Open in new tab)",,"Opprett Privat melding-regel (åpne i ny fane)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create Twitter rule (Open in new tab)",,"Opprett Twitter-regel (åpne i ny fane)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create YouTube rule (Open in new tab)",,"Opprett YouTube-regel (åpne i ny fane)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage the languages available for Search Setup.",,"Angi språkene som skal være tilgjengelige for søk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Languages",,"Søkespråk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Removing a search language deletes all search rules that contain only this language.",,"Hvis du fjerner språk, fjernes også alle søkeregler som er definert bare for disse språkene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Adaptive learning",,"Tilpasset læring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If adaptive learning is turned off, the system will stop learning from your users' edits of sentiment values and continue to use the existing values. If it's turned back on, the system will resume learning from your users' edits.",,"Hvis tilpasset læring er deaktivert, slutter systemet å lære av brukerens redigeringer av sentimentverdier og fortsetter å bruke eksisterende verdier. Hvis det aktiveres igjen, gjenopptar systemet læringen av brukerens redigeringer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to reset all edited sentiment values?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil tilbakestille alle redigerte sentimentverdier?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm reset",,"Bekreft tilbakestilling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learning from all manual user edits",,"Lære fra alle manuelle brukerredigeringer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reset",,"Tilbakestill",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If sentiment analysis has become inaccurate due to manually edited sentiment values, you can reset the entire learning process. Resetting discards all manually edited sentiment values and the learning process restarts from the beginning. You cant undo this action.",,"Hvis sentimentanalysen har blitt unøyaktig på grunn av manuelt redigerte sentimentverdier, kan du tilbakestille hele læringsprosessen. Ved tilbakestillingen forkastes alle manuelt redigerte sentimentverdier, og læringsprossesen starter fra begynnelsen. Du kan ikke angre denne handlingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Adaptive learning allows the system to learn from your users' edit of sentiment values on posts. Periodically, the system will use the edited sentiment values to re-train and update your organization's sentiment analysis.",,"Med tilpasset læring kan systemet lære av brukerens redigering av sentimentverdier i innlegg. Systemet vil bruke de redigerte sentimentverdiene regelmessig til å lære på nytt og oppdatere organisasjonens sentimentanalyse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learning from manually edited sentiment values since",,"Læring fra manuelt redigerte sentimentverdier siden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Auto Tag",,"Legg til automatisk merke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select one of your existing custom tags  to automatically assign this tag to new posts.",,"Velg ett av de eksisterende egendefinerte merkene hvis du tilordne dette merket automatisk til nye innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""The tag ""%{tagName}"" will be converted to an auto tag."",,"Merket %{tagName} vil bli konvertert til et automatisk merke.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open in Analytics",,"Åpne i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Selected tag",,"Valgt merke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All slots for auto tags are in use. To add a new tag, first remove another tag.",,"Alle luker for automatiske merker er i bruk. Du må fjerne et merke før du kan legge til et nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom Tags %{count}/%{maxCount}",,"Egendefinerte merker %{count}/%{maxCount}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add custom tags to the list of auto tags to enable adaptive learning on them. This allows the system to learn from your users' edits on tags and tag actions on future posts. Periodically, the system will use the edited tag values to re-train the model and score incoming posts with the tags that have auto tagging activated.",,"Legg til egendefinerte merker i listen over automatiske merker hvis du vil aktivere tilpasset læring for dem. Dette gjør at systemet lærer fra brukernes redigeringer for merker og merkehandlinger i fremtidige innlegg. Systemet vil av og til bruke de redigerte merkeverdiene til å lære opp modellen på nytt og registrere innkommende innlegg med merkene som har automatisk merking aktivert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Existing posts with this tag will still have this tag, but automatic tagging will stop for newly acquired posts.",,"Eksisterende innlegg med dette merket vil fortsatt ha merket, men automatisk merking vil stoppe for nylig innhentede innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to remove this tag from the list of auto tags?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne dette merket fra listen over automatiske merker?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Auto tagging",,"Automatisk merking",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The F-score of the selected tag meets the minimum quality requirements and a decent model quality is expected. To improve it even more, tag more posts with the selected tag or confirm / remove automatically added tags.",,"F-resultatet for det valgte merket oppfyller minimumskravene til kvalitet, og en tilfredsstillende modellkvalitet forventes. Hvis du vil forbedre den ytterligere, merker du flere innlegg med det valgte merket eller bekrefter/fjerner merker som er lagt til automatisk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Average quality",,"Gjennomsnittlig kvalitet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data of last month",,"Data fra forrige måned",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date created",,"Opprettelsesdato",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quality history",,"Kvalitetshistorikk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The F-score of the selected tag exceeds the minimum model quality requirements and a good model quality is expected. To improve it even more, tag more posts with the selected tag or confirm / remove automatically added tags.",,"F-resultatet for det valgte merket overskrider minimumskravene til modellkvalitet, og god modellkvalitet forventes. Hvis du vil forbedre den ytterligere, merker du flere innlegg med det valgte merket eller bekrefter/fjerner merker som er lagt til automatisk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Good",,"God",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Good quality",,"God kvalitet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The F-score of the selected tag does not meet the minimum quality requirements. Try tagging more posts with the selected tag or confirm / remove automatically added tags.",,"F-resultatet for det valgte merket oppfyller ikke minimumskravene til kvalitet. Prøv å merke flere innlegg med det valgte merket, eller bekreft/fjern merker som er lagt til automatisk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Low quality",,"Lav kvalitet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts tagged",,"Merkede innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quality is not available yet. It may take up to six hours to calculate.",,"Kvalitet er ikke tilgjengelig ennå. Det kan ta opptil seks timer å beregne dette.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{tagName} posts",,"%{tagName} innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tag Details",,"Merkedetaljer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"It may take up to six hours for the model to be initiated and for the first posts to be automatically tagged.",,"Det kan ta opptil seks timer før modellen startes og de første innleggene merkes automatisk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quality",,"Kvalitet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To achieve good results you need to have at least %{postsCount} posts tagged.",,"Minst %{postsCount} innlegg må være merket for å oppnå gode resultater.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn more about the score and quality",,"Lær mer om registreringen og kvaliteten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"here.",,"her.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=746709",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=746709",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The score of the selected tag meets the minimum quality requirements and a decent model quality is expected. To help improve the quality, tag more posts with the selected tag. You can also try confirming or removing automatically added tags.",,"Registreringen for det valgte merket oppfyller minimumskravene til kvalitet, og en tilfredsstillende modellkvalitet forventes. Hvis du vil forbedre kvaliteten, kan du merke flere innlegg med det valgte merket. Du kan også prøve å bekrefte eller fjerne merker som er lagt til automatisk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The score of the selected tag exceeds the minimum model quality requirements and a good model quality is expected. To help improve the quality, tag more posts with the selected tag. You can also try confirming or removing automatically added tags.",,"Registreringen for det valgte merket overskrider minimumskravene til modellkvalitet, og god modellkvalitet forventes. Hvis du vil forbedre kvaliteten, kan du merke flere innlegg med det valgte merket. Du kan også prøve å bekrefte eller fjerne merker som er lagt til automatisk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The score of the selected tag doesn't meet the minimum quality requirements. Try tagging more posts with the selected tag. You can also try confirming or removing automatically added tags.",,"Registreringen for det valgte merket oppfyller ikke minimumskravene til kvalitet. Prøv å merke flere innlegg med det valgte merket. Du kan også prøve å bekrefte eller fjerne merker som er lagt til automatisk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"F-score: %{qualityScore}",,"F-poengsum: %{qualityScore}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tagged posts history",,"Historikk for merkede innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Intention Tags",,"Intensjonsmerker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Auto Tags",,"Automatiske merker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove tag from list of custom tags",,"Fjern merke fra liste over egendefinerte merker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Click the Add button to start using them.",,"Klikk Legg til-knappen for å begynne å bruke dem.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't added any custom tags yet.",,"Du har ikke lagt til noen egendefinerte merker ennå.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Last learning date",,"Forrige opplæringsdato",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts for training",,"Innlegg for opplæring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Auto tagging off",,"Automatisk merking av",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Auto tagging on",,"Automatisk merking på",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Selling Assistant is disabled",,"Social Selling Assistant er deaktivert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Selling Assistant is enabled",,"Social Selling Assistant er aktivert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook and Instagram",,"Facebook og Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} Facebook acquisition token was found. |||| %{smart_count} Facebook acquisition tokens were found.",,"Fant %{smart_count} innhentingstoken for Facebook. |||| Fant %{smart_count} innhentingstokener for Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No Facebook acquisition tokens were found.",,"Fant ingen innhentingstokener for Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} Instagram acquisition token was found. |||| %{smart_count} Instagram acquisition tokens were found.",,"Fant %{smart_count} innhentingstoken for Instagram. |||| Fant %{smart_count} innhentingstokener for Instagram.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No Instagram acquisition tokens were found.",,"Fant ingen innhentingstokener for Instagram.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} profile without owners was found. |||| %{smart_count} profiles without owners were found.",,"Fant %{smart_count} profil uten eiere. |||| Fant %{smart_count} profiler uten eiere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No profiles without owners were found.",,"Fant ingen profiler uten eiere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} owned profile was found. |||| %{smart_count} owned profiles were found.",,"Fant %{smart_count} eid profil. |||| Fant %{smart_count} eide profiler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No owned profiles were found.",,"Fant ingen eide profiler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} private message acquisition token was found. |||| %{smart_count} private message acquisition tokens were found.",,"Fant %{smart_count} innhentingstoken for privat melding. |||| Fant %{smart_count} innhentingstokener for privat melding.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No private message acquisition tokens were found.",,"Fant ingen innhentingstokener for privat melding.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} shared profile was found. |||| %{smart_count} shared profiles were found.",,"Fant %{smart_count} delt profil. |||| Fant %{smart_count} delte profiler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No shared profiles were found.",,"Fant ingen delte profiler.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Global Settings",,"Globale innstillinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Label",,"Legg til etikett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Define labels",,"Definer etiketter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't delete this label because it's used for automation rules. Remove the label from the automation rule and try again. Label: %{label_name} |||| We can't delete these labels because they are used for automation rules. Remove the labels from the automation rules and try again. Labels: %{label_name}",,"Vi kan ikke slette denne etiketten fordi den brukes i automatiseringsregler. Fjern etiketten fra automatiseringsregelen, og prøv på nytt. Etikett: %{label_name} |||| Vi kan ikke slette disse etikettene fordi de brukes i automatiseringsregler. Fjern etikettene fra automatiseringsreglene, og prøv på nytt. Etiketter: %{label_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Label not deleted |||| Labels not deleted",,"Etikett ikke slettet |||| Etiketter ikke slettet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Define labels to tag posts in Analytics and Social Center.",,"Definer etiketter for å merke innlegg i Analyse og Sosialt senter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please enter unique descriptions",,"Angi unike beskrivelser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please enter a valid description",,"Angi en gyldig beskrivelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please enter at least one label",,"Angi minst én etikett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"1 form field is invalid.",,"1 skjemafelt er ugyldig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{errorCount} form fields are invalid.",,"%{errorCount} skjemafelt er ugyldige.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Color",,"Farge",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"A new label was added.",,"En ny etikett ble lagt til.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The label was deleted.",,"Etiketten ble slettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Row was moved down. Focus kept its position.",,"Raden ble flyttet nedover. Fokuset beholdt plasseringen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Row was moved up. Focus kept its position.",,"Raden ble flyttet oppover. Fokuset beholdt plasseringen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Removing the label ""%{label}"" will remove it from all posts it was added to."",,"Hvis du fjerner etiketten %{label}, fjernes den fra alle innleggene du har lagt den til i.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If you remove this label and save your changes %{posts} posts in your database will be updated.",,"Hvis du fjerner denne etiketten og lagrer endringene, oppdateres %{posts} innlegg i databasen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"ADD TAG",,"LEGG TIL MERKE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage the tags your organization has created.",,"Behandle merkene som organisasjonen din har opprettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Auto tag",,"Automatisk merke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Are you sure you want to permanently delete the tag ""%{tag_name}""?"",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette merket %{tag_name} permanent?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"It will be removed from all posts and you can't undo this action.",,"Det vil bli fjernet fra alle innlegg, og du kan ikke angre denne handlingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete this tag",,"Slett dette merket",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rename this tag",,"Gi nytt navn til dette merket",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Find a tag",,"Søk etter et merke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Set Social Selling Assistant to On for a custom tag if you want to promote posts with that tag to your sales people. <a href=""%{socialSellingDocumentationLink}"">Learn more.</a>"",,""Sett Social Selling Assistant til På for et egendefinert merke hvis du vil forfremme innlegg med det merket til selgerne dine. <a href=""%{socialSellingDocumentationLink}"">Finn ut mer.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom Tags",,"Egendefinerte merker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} custom tag was found |||| %{smart_count} custom tags were found",,"Fant %{smart_count} egendefinert merke. |||| Fant %{smart_count} egendefinerte merker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Access allowed",,"Tilgang tillatt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Approve",,"Godkjenn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Approve the pending requests before editing the configuration and interaction roles for the people you've selected.",,"Godkjenn de ventende forespørslene før du redigerer konfigurasjon og samhandlingsrollene for personene du har valgt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are the people selected approved to use Market Insights?",,"Er de valgte personene godkjent for å bruke Market Insights?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Approve the pending request before editing the configuration and interaction roles for the person you've selected.",,"Godkjenn den ventende forespørselen før du redigerer konfigurasjon og samhandlingsrollene for personen du har valgt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Is the person selected approved to use Market Insights?",,"Er personen godkjent for å bruke Market Insights?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automatically approve all pending requests",,"Godkjenn alle ventende forespørsler automatisk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Available users",,"Tilgjengelige brukere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Deny",,"Avslå",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delegated Administrator roles cant be edited",,"Delegert administrator-roller kan ikke redigeres",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set the roles for the selected people. These roles can be changed at any time.",,"Angi rollene for de valgte personene. Disse rollene kan endres når som helst.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit User Role",,"Rediger brukerrolle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User email",,"Bruker-e-post",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User name",,"Brukernavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Configuration Role",,"Konfigurasjonsrolle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Email User",,"Send e-post til bruker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Interaction Role",,"Samhandlingsrolle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{userName} (Delegated)",,"%{userName} (delegert)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set permissions for individual users, or turn on automatic approvals to grant all pending and future requests with a configuration role of Power Analyst and interaction role of Responder. To delete users, visit the Office 365 admin center. <a href='%{userManagementInfoLink}'>Learn more about user management</a>",,"Angi tillatelser for enkeltbrukere, eller aktiver automatisk godkjenning for å gi tillatelser til alle ventende og fremtidige forespørsler som har konfigurasjonsrollen Privilegert analytiker og samhandlingsrollen Svarer. Hvis du vil slette brukere, går du til administrasjonssenteret for Office 365. <a href='%{userManagementInfoLink}'>Finn ut mer om brukeradministrasjon</a>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All user roles",,"Alle brukerroller",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Newly invited",,"Nylig invitert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Newly invited (%{userRole})",,"Nylig invitert (%{userRole})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search for users",,"Søk etter brukere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit Selected",,"Rediger valgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User Management",,"Brukeradministrasjon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Active (All)",,"Aktive (alle)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Active (New)",,"Aktive (nye)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All user status",,"Alle brukerstatuser",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Pending",,"Venter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Withdrawn",,"Trukket tilbake",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Personal Settings",,"Personlige innstillinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Changes to your Office 365 account take time to sync.",,"Det tar tid å synkronisere endringer i Office 365-kontoen din.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"EDIT",,"REDIGER",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change photo in Office 365.",,"Endre bilde i Office 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're sorry. An unknown error occurred.",,"Det har oppstått en ukjent feil.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Discard",,"Forkast",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Stream Settings",,"Strøminnstillinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Facebook page",,"Legg til en Facebook-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Facebook page to use within Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Comment on a post on Facebook; Like a post on Facebook; Share a post on Facebook; Allow data acquisition for private messages.",,"Legg til en Facebook-side til bruk i Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Du kan bruke denne profilen til å kommentere, like eller dele innlegg på Facebook, eller tillate datainnhenting for private meldinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Facebook user profile",,"Legg til en Facebook-brukerprofil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a personal Facebook user profile to use within Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Comment on a post on Facebook; Like a post on Facebook; Share a post on Facebook.",,"Legg til en personlig Facebook-brukerprofil til bruk i Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Du kan bruke denne profilen til å kommentere, like eller dele innlegg på Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Twitter profile",,"Legg til en Twitter-profil",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Twitter profile to use within Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Reply to a post on Twitter; Like a post on Twitter; Retweet a post on Twitter; Allow data acquisition for direct messages.",,"Legg til en Twitter-profil til bruk i Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Du kan bruke denne profilen til å svare på et Twitter-innlegg, like et Twitter-innlegg, retweete et Twitter-innlegg eller tillate datainnhenting for direktemeldinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Users",,"Legg til brukere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook User",,"Facebook-bruker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter Account",,"Twitter-konto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Streamed data",,"Strømmede data",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Shared with %{smart_count} user |||| Shared with %{smart_count} users",,"Delt med %{smart_count} bruker |||| Delt med %{smart_count} brukere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Shared with all users",,"Delt med alle brukere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sorting",,"Sortering",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date Modified",,"Endringsdato",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date Published",,"Publiseringsdato",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"How do you want to handle posts in this stream that stop matching the data set?",,"Hvordan vil du behandle innlegg i denne strømmen som ikke samsvarer med datasettet?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Notify me before hiding",,"Varsle meg før skjuling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Just hide them for me",,"Bare skjul dem for meg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hide unmatched posts",,"Skjul innlegg som ikke samsvarer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a new stream",,"Legg til en ny strøm",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add stream",,"Legg til strøm",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Current stream position: %{position} of %{total}",,"Posisjon for gjeldende strøm: %{position} av %{total}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Everyone",,"Alle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Back to",,"Tilbake til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Do you really want to delete stream %{streamName}?",,"Er du sikker på at du vil slette strømmen %{streamName}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete stream",,"Slett strøm",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete this stream",,"Slett denne strømmen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All currently loaded posts will be hidden and the stream will display the latest 30 posts.",,"Alle gjeldende lastede innlegg blir skjult, og de siste 30 innleggene vises i strømmen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Position change failed. Please try again.",,"Endring av posisjon mislyktes. Prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Resize to larger width.",,"Endre til større bredde.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View in analytics",,"Vis i Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Less options",,"Færre alternativer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your access to %{streamName} stream was removed by the owner: %{ownerName}",,"Din tilgang til strømmen %{streamName} er fjernet av eieren %{ownerName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You already own the maximum number of streams. Please delete one of your existing streams or contact your administrator to request an upgrade to your license",,"Du eier allerede maksimalt antall strømmer. Slett en av de eksisterende strømmene, eller kontakt administratoren og be om å få lisensen din oppgradert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"More options",,"Flere alternativer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Move stream %{streamName} one position to the left.",,"Flytt strømmen %{streamName} én posisjon til venstre.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Move stream %{streamName} one position to the right.",,"Flytt strømmen %{streamName} én posisjon til høyre.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add the new posts in the stream post view.",,"Legg til de nye innleggene i visningen av strøminnlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Refresh stream.",,"Oppdater strøm.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New stream",,"Ny strøm",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't created any streams yet. To create a stream, click the Add stream button.",,"Du har ikke opprettet noen strømmer ennå. Hvis du vil opprette en strøm, klikker du knappen Legg til strøm.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any streams configured for you. You can't create streams in your current user role, but other users can share their streams with you.",,"Ingen strømmer er konfigurert for deg. Du kan ikke opprette strømmer med den gjeldende brukerrollen, men andre brukere kan dele sine strømmer med deg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
" new post available. |||| new posts available.",," nytt innlegg er tilgjengelig. |||| nye innlegg er tilgjengelige.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Resize",,"Endre størrelse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to discard them?",,"Du har endringer som ikke er lagret. Er du sikker på at du vil forkaste dem?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Resize to smaller width.",,"Gjør bredden mindre.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go To Stream",,"Gå til strøm",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"POST LIST",,"INNLEGGSLISTE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Scroll left",,"Bla mot venstre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Scroll right",,"Bla mot høyre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"owned by you",,"eies av deg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Stream collapsed",,"Strømmen er skjult",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Stream expanded",,"Strømmen er utvidet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
" %{streamName} stream was changed by the owner.",," Strømmen %{streamName} ble endret av eieren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unsaved changes:",,"Endringer som ikke er lagret:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage the authors you want to get insightful recommendations from.",,"Administrer forfatterne som du vil få nyttige anbefalinger fra.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage the topics and accounts you want us to provide recommendations for.",,"Behandle emnene og forretningsforbindelsene du vil vi skal gi anbefalinger for.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit search topics",,"Rediger søkeemner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The current number of selected topics is: %{topics_number}",,"Det gjeldende antallet valgte emner er: %{topics_number}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{user_name} - %{group_name} Insights",,"Innsikt fra %{user_name}  %{group_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get recommendations for posts about your customers, competitors, and other topics of interest, so you can stay on top of the latest developments.",,"Få anbefalinger om innlegg som handler om kunder, konkurrenter og andre interesseemner, slik at du kan følge med på den siste utviklingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enable",,"Aktiver",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a new Insights group.",,"Legg til en ny Innsikt-gruppe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete this Insights group.",,"Slett denne Innsikt-gruppen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit this Insights group.",,"Rediger denne Innsikt-gruppen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Insights group name",,"Navn på Innsikt-gruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage and group the topics you want insights for.",,"Administrer og grupper emnene du ønsker innsikt om.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Insight groups",,"Innsikt-grupper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show on separate page",,"Vis på en egen side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage the groups of topics about which you want insightful recommendations.",,"Administrer emnegruppene som du vil få nyttige anbefalinger fra.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Get recommendations for posts you might want to share on your social networks to grow your presence and gain trust from your followers!",,"Få anbefalinger for innlegg du kanskje vil dele på dine sosiale nettverk for å øke din tilstedeværelse og få tillit av følgerne dine!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage topics you want to get recommendations for and share on social networks.",,"Behandle emner du vil motta anbefalinger for og dele på sosiale nettverk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"To manage your social profiles, tap Open in Browser on the command bar to open this dashboard in your browser. You can also manage social profiles directly in your Market Insights solution.",,"Hvis du vil behandle dine sosiale profiler, trykker du Åpne i nettleser på kommandolinjen for å åpne dette instrumentbordet i nettleseren. Du kan også behandle sosiale profiler direkte i Market Insights-løsningen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Your social profiles let us access your social networks so we can give you meaningful recommendations that help you engage on your social networks. We don't store your social profile credentials and will never share your profile info.",,"Dine sosiale profiler gir oss tilgang til dine sosiale nettverk, slik at vi kan gi deg nyttige anbefalinger som bidrar til å gi deg økt engasjement på sosiale nettverk. Vi lagrer ikke legitimasjonen for din sosiale profil, og vi vil aldri dele profilinformasjonen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search topics",,"Søkeemner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"No recommendations are available. To see recommendations, enable at least one recommendation type (Share Content or Get Insights) in your personal settings.",,"Ingen anbefalinger er tilgjengelige. Hvis du vil vise anbefalinger, må du aktivere minst én anbefalingstype (Del innhold eller Få innsikt) i dine personlige innstillinger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"curated",,"kuratert",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"earned",,"tjent",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"owned",,"eies",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Showing %{current_shown} of %{total_posts} recommendations for you.",,"Viser %{current_shown} av %{total_posts} anbefalinger for deg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"No problem! Tap this button anytime you want to personalize this view.",,"Ikke noe problem! Trykk denne knappen når som helst hvis du vil tilpasse denne visningen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hello %{user_name}",,"Hei, %{user_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hello %{user_name},",,"Hei, %{user_name}!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get insights, recommendations, and engage on social media. It will only take a few minutes to personalize this view. Would you like to do it now?",,"Få innsikt, anbefalinger og engasjer deg på sosiale medier. Det tar bare noen få minutter å tilpasse denne visningen. Vil du gjøre dette nå?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Recommendations",,"Anbefalinger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Last Updated: September 2018",,"Sist oppdatert: september 2018",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""This <b>Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights (""Agreement"")</b> is a contract between Microsoft Corporation (or based on where you live, one of Microsofts affiliates) (<b><i>""Microsoft""</i></b>) and you (if you are participating as an individual) or the entity you represent (if you are entering into this Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity). <b><i>""Participant""</i></b> or <b><i>""you""</i></b> means the individual or entity entering into this Agreement with Microsoft."",,"Denne avtalen om <b>Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights («Avtalen»)</b> er en kontrakt mellom Microsoft Corporation (eller et av dets tilknyttede selskaper, avhengig av hvor du bor) (<b><i>«Microsoft»</i></b>) og deg (hvis du inngår avtalen som en enkeltperson) eller enheten du representerer (hvis du inngår denne avtalen på vegne av arbeidsgiveren din eller en annen enhet). <b><i>«Deltaker»</i></b> eller <b><i>«du»</i></b> betyr enkeltpersonen eller enheten som inngår denne avtalen med Microsoft.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<strong>By accessing or using the Preview (defined below), you accept this Agreement, effective as of the date of first access or use (<i>""Effective Date""</i>). You also represent and warrant that if you are entering into this Agreement: (a) as an individual, you have capacity to accept this Agreement; or (b) through the acts of an agent or employee, that person has authority to act on behalf of and to bind you to this Agreement. If you do not accept these terms, you must not (and have no right to) access or use the Preview.</strong>"",,"<strong>Ved å åpne eller bruke forhåndsversjonen (definert under) godtar du denne avtalen, som trer i kraft på datoen for første gangs tilgang eller bruk (<i>«ikrafttredelsesdato»</i>). Du erklærer og garanterer også, hvis du inngår denne avtalen: (a) som enkeltperson, at du har myndighet til å godta denne avtalen, eller (b) via en agent eller ansatt, at denne personen har myndighet til å handle på vegne av deg og kan binde deg til denne avtalen. Hvis du ikke aksepterer disse vilkårene, må du ikke (og du har ikke rett til å) åpne eller bruke forhåndsversjonen.</strong>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The parties agree as follows:",,"Partene inngår følgende avtale:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Participant will defend Microsoft against any claims made by an unaffiliated third party that <b>(i)</b> any Customer Data, non-Microsoft Products, Marks, or services you provide, directly or indirectly, in using the Preview or the Program Materials infringes the third party's patent, copyright, or trademark or makes unlawful use of its trade secret; <b>(ii)</b> arise from violation of Section 2(d) (Acceptable use) of this Agreement or any other policy that governs Participants use of the Preview or Program Materials; or <b>(iii)</b> arise from use of the Preview in a ""live"" or production environment or to process ""live"" or production Customer Data or any Personal Data."",,"Deltakeren skal forsvare Microsoft mot ethvert krav som fremsettes av en ikke-tilknyttet tredjepart <b>(i)</b> om at kundedata, ikke-Microsoft-produkter, merker eller tjenester som du leverer, direkte eller indirekte, i forbindelse med bruken av forhåndsversjonen eller programmaterialet, krenker tredjeparts patent, opphavsrett eller varemerke, eller at tredjeparts forretningshemmeligheter brukes bevisst og ulovlig, <b>(ii)</b> som oppstår som følge av krenkelse av del 2(d) (Akseptabel bruk) i denne avtalen eller en annen policy som gjelder for deltakerens bruk av forhåndsversjonen eller programmaterialet, eller <b>(iii)</b> som oppstår som følge av bruk av forhåndsversjonen i et «live» miljø eller produksjonsmiljø eller for å behandle «live» kundedata eller produksjonskundedata eller personopplysninger.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 10. Indemnification.",,"Del 10. Skadesløshet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(a) Non-Exclusivity.</b> This Agreement is nonexclusive. It does not restrict either party from entering into the same or similar arrangement with any third party.",,"<b>(a) Ikke-eksklusivitet.</b> Denne avtalen er ikke-eksklusiv. Den hindrer ingen av partene i å inngå samme eller tilsvarende ordning med en tredjepart.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(b) Notices.</b> Participant consents to receive notices, and any information the law requires Microsoft to provide, by email to the address Participant provided to Microsoft to use or access the Preview (<b><i>""Participants Email""</i></b>). Notices emailed to Participant will be deemed given and received when sent to Participants Email. All notices to Microsoft related to this Agreement: <b>(i)</b> must be in writing (excluding email), sent to Microsoft Corporation; Attn: Dynamics, Market Intelligence; One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052; <b>(ii)</b> will be deemed given when actually received by the Microsoft recipient below; and <b>(iii)</b> will be copied via facsimile to: Microsoft Corporation; Attn: Corporate, External, and Legal Affairs for Dynamics, Market Intelligence at (425) 936-7329."",,"<b>(b) Meddelelser.</b> Deltakeren samtykker i å motta meddelelser og eventuelle opplysninger Microsoft er pålagt å levere i henhold til loven, via e-post til adressen deltakeren har gitt til Microsoft i forbindelse med bruk eller tilgang til forhåndsversjonen (<b><i>«deltakerens e-post»</i></b>). Meddelelser som sendes til deltakeren, anses som levert og mottatt når de er sendt til deltakerens e-post. Alle meddelelser til Microsoft vedrørende denne avtalen: <b>(i)</b> må sendes skriftlig (men ikke via e-post) til Microsoft Corporation; Attn: Dynamics, Market Intelligence, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052, <b>(ii)</b> regnes som levert når de faktisk er mottatt av Microsoft-mottakeren nedenfor, og <b>(iii)</b> kopieres via faks til Microsoft Corporation; Attn: Corporate, External, and Legal Affairs for Dynamics, Market Intelligence på (425) 936-7329.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(c) Jurisdiction; law.</b> The laws of Washington State, excluding conflicts of law provisions, govern this Agreement. If federal jurisdiction exists, then each party consents to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the federal courts in King County, Washington. If no federal jurisdiction exists, then each party consents to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the Superior Court of King County, Washington. If a party employs attorneys to enforce any rights relating to this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys fees, costs, and other expenses.",,"<b>(c) Jurisdiksjon, lov.</b> Denne avtalen er underlagt lovgivningen i staten Washington, med unntak av konflikter mellom lovbestemmelser. Hvis det finnes en føderal jurisdiksjon, gir hver part sitt samtykke til jurisdiksjonen og vernetinget til de føderale domstolene i King County, Washington. Hvis det ikke finnes noen føderal jurisdiksjon, gir hver av partene sitt samtykke til Superior Court of King County, Washington som eneste jurisdiksjon og verneting. Hvis en av partene bruker advokater for å hevde noen av rettighetene i forbindelse med denne avtalen, skal den seirende parten ha rett til å få dekket rimelige advokatsalærer, kostnader og andre utgifter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(d) Force majeure.</b> A party will not be liable for failure to perform under this Agreement to the extent that failure is due to a cause beyond that partys reasonable control, including natural disaster, war, civil disturbance, or government action.",,"<b>(d) Force majeure.</b> En part holdes ikke ansvarlig for manglende oppfyllelse av denne avtalen i den grad den manglende oppfyllelsen skyldes hendelser som er utenfor den gjeldende partens rimelige kontroll, herunder naturkatastrofe, krig, uroligheter eller inngripen fra offentlig sektor.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(e) Limitation on claims.</b> Any claim related to this Agreement or the Preview is barred unless brought within one year from the date it could first be filed. This limitation applies to each partys successors and any permitted assigns.",,"<b>(e) Begrensning av krav.</b> Eventuelle krav relatert til denne avtalen eller forhåndsversjonen, avvises med mindre de fremsettes innen ett år etter datoen kravet kunne blitt fremmet første gang. Denne begrensningen gjelder begge partenes etterfølgere og eventuelle tillatte stedfortredere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(f) Miscellaneous.</b> Participant may not assign this Agreement without Microsofts prior, written consent. Each party is an independent contractor, and this Agreement does not create any other relationship. If any court of competent jurisdiction determines that any part of this Agreement is illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the rest of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. Only written waivers are effective. This Agreement (including any NDA, which are incorporated in this Agreement by this reference) is the parties entire agreement regarding (and replaces all prior agreements, communications, and representations between the parties on) this subject. This Agreement supersedes any other Microsoft terms or agreements that may be linked from the Preview.",,"<b>(f) Diverse.</b> Deltakeren kan ikke overdra denne avtalen uten skriftlig forhåndssamtykke fra Microsoft. Hver part utgjør en uavhengig kontraktør, og denne avtalen innebærer ingen andre relasjoner. Hvis en kompetent domstol finner at noen deler av denne avtalen er ulovlige, ugyldige eller urettskraftige, skal de øvrige bestemmelsene i denne avtalen fortsatt ha full gyldighet. Bare skriftlige avkall er gyldige. Denne avtalen (inkludert enhver NDA som inngår i denne avtalen ved referanse) er partenes fullstendige avtale vedrørende (og erstatter enhver tidligere avtale, kommunikasjon og garanti mellom partene om) dette emnet. Denne avtalen erstatter alle andre Microsoft-vilkår eller -avtaler som denne forhåndsversjonen har koblinger til.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(g) Interpretation.</b> This Agreement will be interpreted according to its plain meaning without presuming it should favor either party. Unless stated or context requires otherwise: <b>(i)</b> all internal references are to this Agreement and its parties; <b>(ii)</b> <b><i>""days""</i></b> means calendar days; <b>(iii)</b> <b><i>""may""</i></b> means that the applicable party has a right, but not a concomitant duty; <b>(iv)</b> <b><i>""notify""</i></b> means to give notice under (and <b><i>""notice""</i></b> means a notice that complies with) Section 11(b); <b>(v)</b> <b><i>""current""</i></b> or <b><i>""currently""</i></b> means ""as of the Effective Date"" but <b><i>""then-current""</i></b> means the present time when the applicable right is exercised or performance rendered or measured; <b>(vi)</b> URLs are understood to also refer to successors, localizations, and information or resources linked from within websites at such URLs; <b>(vii)</b> lists of examples following ""including"", ""e.g."", ""such as"", ""excludes"", ""for example"", or similar words are deemed to include ""without limitation""; (viii) the word ""or"" is deemed to be an inclusive ""or""; and (ix) a partys choices under this Agreement are in its sole discretion."",,"<b>(g) Tolkning.</b> Denne avtalen skal leses uten å tolke den i retning av at en av partene favoriseres. Med mindre annet er fastsatt eller det fremgår av konteksten, gjelder følgende: <b>(i)</b> alle interne referanser er til denne avtalen og dens parter, <b>(ii)</b> med <b><i>«dager»</i></b> menes kalenderdager, <b>(iii)</b> med <b><i>«kan»</i></b> menes at den gjeldende parten har en rettighet, men ikke en medfølgende plikt, <b>(iv)</b> med <b><i>«varsle»</i></b> menes å meddele i henhold til (og <b><i>«meddelelse»</i></b> betyr en meddelelse som samsvarer med) del 11(b), <b>(v)</b> <b><i>«aktuell»</i></b> eller <b><i>«aktuelt»</i></b> betyr «på gyldighetsdatoen», men <b><i>«til enhver tid gjeldende»</i></b> betyr tidspunktet den gjeldende rettigheten gjøres gjeldende eller ytelsen leveres eller måles, <b>(vi)</b> med URL-er menes også URL-er som henviser til senere versjoner, lokaliseringer og informasjon eller ressurser det kobles til fra nettsteder som det gis tilgang til fra slike URL-er, <b>(vii)</b> lister med eksempler som etterfølger «inkludert», «f.eks.», «som for eksempel», «bortsett fra», «for eksempel» eller lignende ord, anses for å inkludere «uten begrensning», (viii) ordet «eller» anses for å være et inkluderende «eller», og (ix) en parts valgmuligheter i henhold til denne avtalen brukes etter eget valg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(h) Modification.</b> Microsoft may modify this Agreement, solely with prospective effect. By continuing to access or use the Preview after notice of such modification, Participant is deemed to have agreed to such modified Agreement. If Participant does not agree, it must immediately terminate this Agreement under Section 9(a).",,"<b>(h) Endring.</b> Microsoft kan endre denne avtalen, og endringene vil ikke ha tilbakevirkende kraft. Ved å fortsette tilgangen til og bruken av forhåndsversjonen etter å ha blitt varslet om en slik endring, anses deltakeren for å ha samtykket til den endrede avtalen. Hvis deltakeren ikke samtykker til den endrede avtalen, må deltakeren omgående bringe avtalen til opphør i henhold til del 9(a).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 11. General.",,"Del 11. Generelt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""This Agreement governs Participants early use and access to a preview version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights (<b><i>""Preview""</i></b>)."",,"Denne avtalen gjelder deltakerens tidlige bruk av og tilgang til en forhåndsversjon av Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights (<b><i>«forhåndsversjon»</i></b>).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(a) Program Materials.</b> Each party will comply with the Program Materials related to its use or access of the Preview. <b><i>""Program Materials""</i></b> means, collectively, all materials that describe the Preview that Microsoft makes available to Participant, including invitations, materials specifying requirements or eligibility criteria, program participation guides, and Preview documentation."",,"<b>(a) Programmateriale.</b> Hver part må overholde programmaterialet som gjelder bruken eller tilgangen til forhåndsversjonen. <b><i>«Programmateriale»</i></b> betyr, samlet, alt materiale som beskriver forhåndsversjonen som Microsoft gjør tilgjengelig for deltakeren, inkludert invitasjoner, materiale som angir krav og kriterier for berettigelse, retningslinjer for deltakelse i programmet og dokumentasjon for forhåndsversjonen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(b) Feedback.</b> Participant will give Microsoft suggestions, comments, input, ideas, or know-how, in any form (<b><i>""Feedback""</i></b>) about the Preview. However, Participant will not provide Microsoft with Feedback containing Personal Data or other data that is subject to legal or regulatory compliance requirements. Participant gives to Microsoft, without charge, the right to use, share, and freely commercialize Feedback in any way and for any purpose. Participant also gives third parties, without charge, the right to use, or interface with, any Microsoft products or services that include the Feedback. Participant represents and warrants that it owns or otherwise controls all rights to such Feedback and that no such Feedback is subject to any third-party rights."",,"<b>(b) Tilbakemelding.</b> Deltakeren gir Microsoft forslag, kommentarer, innspill, ideer eller knowhow i ethvert format (<b><i>«tilbakemelding»</i></b>) om forhåndsversjonen. Deltakeren gir imidlertid ikke Microsoft tilbakemelding som inneholder personopplysninger eller andre data som er underlagt juridiske krav eller påbud om samsvar. Deltakeren gir Microsoft, vederlagsfritt, rett til å bruke, dele og fritt kommersialisere tilbakemeldingen på enhver måte og for ethvert formål. Deltakeren gir også tredjeparter, vederlagsfritt, rett til å bruke, eller samvirke med, Microsoft-produkter eller -tjenester som inneholder tilbakemeldingen. Deltakeren erklærer og garanterer at han eier eller på andre måter kontrollerer alle rettigheter til en slik tilbakemelding, og at slik tilbakemelding ikke er underlagt tredjeparts rettigheter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 1. Overview.",,"Del 1. Oversikt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(a) Required Offerings.</b> Certain Microsoft services or software may be necessary to use the Preview (<b><i>""Required Offerings""</i></b>). Microsoft does not grant any rights under this Agreement to access or use Required Offerings; rather, Required Offerings are separately licensed to Participant under a Microsoft Licensing Agreement, which may require paying a fee. ""Microsoft Licensing Agreement"" or ""MLA"" means the <a href=""http://microsoftvolumelicensing.com/"">Microsoft Online Services Terms</a> and Participants Microsoft volume licensing agreement, or any other applicable agreement, under which Participant subscribed or was granted a license to any Required Offerings."",,""<b>(a) Påkrevde tilbud.</b> Noen Microsoft-tjenester eller -programvareprodukter kan være påkrevde for å bruke forhåndsversjonen (<b><i>«Påkrevde tilbud»</i></b>). I denne avtalen gir Microsoft ingen rettigheter til å få tilgang til eller bruke påkrevde tilbud. Påkrevde tilbud lisensieres derimot separat til deltakeren i henhold til en Microsoft-lisensavtale, som kan innebære betaling av en avgift. «Microsoft-lisensavtale» eller «MLA» betyr <a href=""http://microsoftvolumelicensing.com/"">Microsofts vilkår for elektroniske tjenester</a> og deltakerens Microsoft-volumlisensavtale, eller en annen gjeldende avtale, som danner grunnlaget for deltakerens abonnement eller lisens på et påkrevd tilbud."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(b) Rights.</b> During the Term, Microsoft grants Participant a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable right to access and use, solely in accordance with this Agreement, the Preview. This Section 2(b) extends to Participants authorized users, and Participant is fully liable for their use.",,"<b>(b) Rettigheter.</b> I løpet av avtalens varighet gir Microsoft deltakeren en ikke-eksklusiv, ikke-overførbar rett som ikke kan viderelisensieres, til å få tilgang til og bruke forhåndsversjonen utelukkende i henhold til denne avtalen. Denne delen (del 2(b)) gjelder også for deltakerens autoriserte brukere, og deltakeren har det fulle ansvaret for deres bruk av forhåndsversjonen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(c) Use terms.</b> Participant acknowledges that: <b>(i)</b> Previews may not work correctly or the same way that a commercial version may work; <b>(ii)</b> if Microsoft elects to provide support for the Preview, such support will be provided ""as is"", ""with all faults"", and without warranty, and Microsoft may cease providing support at any time, without notice; <b>(iii)</b> except as otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, the MLA does not apply to the Preview; <b>(iv)</b> Microsoft has no obligation to hold, export, or return any Customer Data (defined in the MLA) in relation to the Preview; <b>(v)</b> Participant may use the Preview for testing and evaluation purposes only; <b>(vi)</b> Participant may not use the Preview to access or process any ""live"" or production Customer Data, or Personal Data or other data that is subject to legal or regulatory compliance requirements; and <b>(vii)</b> Microsoft may choose not to make a Preview generally commercially available. Previews are subject to reduced or different security, compliance and privacy commitments. Any data provided to Microsoft through Customers use of Previews may be transferred, stored, and processed in the United States, or in any other country where Microsoft or its subcontractors operate."",,"<b>(c) Vilkår for bruk.</b> Deltakeren bekrefter at: <b>(i)</b> forhåndsversjonen kanskje ikke fungerer korrekt eller på samme måte som en kommersiell versjon, <b>(ii)</b> hvis Microsoft velger å yte støtte til forhåndsversjonen, leveres denne støtten «som den er», «med eventuelle feil» og uten garanti, og Microsoft kan til enhver tid slutte å levere støtten uten forvarsel, <b>(iii)</b> med mindre annet er uttrykkelig angitt i denne avtalen, gjelder MLA-en ikke for forhåndsversjonen, <b>(iv)</b> Microsoft ikke er forpliktet til å oppbevare, eksportere eller returnere kundedata (i henhold til MLA-en) i forbindelse med forhåndsversjonen, <b>(v)</b> deltakeren bare kan bruke forhåndsversjonen til test- og evalueringsformål, <b>(vi)</b> deltakeren ikke kan bruke forhåndsversjonen til å få tilgang til eller behandle «live» kundedata eller kundeproduksjonsdata eller personopplysninger eller andre data som er underlagt juridiske eller lovmessige krav om overensstemmelse, og <b>(vii)</b> Microsoft kan velge å ikke gjøre en forhåndsversjon tilgengelig. Forhåndsversjoner er underlagt begrensede eller andre sikkerhets-, samsvars- og personvernforpliktelser. Data som blir gitt til Microsoft via kundens bruk av forhåndsversjoner, kan overføres, lagres og behandles i USA eller i et annet land der Microsoft eller dets underleverandører har virksomhet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(d) Acceptable use.</b> Participant will not: <b>(i)</b> use the Preview <b>(A)</b> in a way prohibited by law, regulation, or government order or decree; <b>(B)</b> to violate others rights; <b>(C)</b> to try to gain unauthorized access to or disrupt any service, device, account, or network; <b>(D)</b> to distribute unsolicited commercial email or malware; <b>(E)</b> in a way that could harm the Preview or impair anyone elses use of them; or <b>(ii)</b> reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or work around any technical limits in the Preview. Participant will respond to any third-party claims regarding its use of the Preview or Customer Data (e.g., under the DMCA), and will comply with them as necessary to comply with laws.",,"<b>(d) Akseptabel bruk.</b> Deltakeren kan ikke: <b>(i)</b> bruke forhåndsversjonen <b>(A)</b> på noen måte som er forbudt ved lov, forskrift, myndighetsordre eller forordning, <b>(B)</b> til å krenke andres rettigheter, <b>(C)</b> til å prøve å få uautorisert tilgang til eller skade tjenester, enheter, kontoer eller nettverk, <b>(D)</b> til å distribuere uanmodet masseutsending av e-post eller skadelig programvare, <b>(E)</b> på en måte som kan skade forhåndsversjonen eller andres bruk av den, eller <b>(ii)</b> foreta omvendt utvikling av, dekompilere, demontere eller omgå de tekniske begrensningene i forhåndsversjonen. Deltakeren skal svare på eventuelle tredjepartskrav som gjelder dennes bruk av forhåndsversjonen eller kundedata (f.eks. i henhold til den amerikanske loven om opphavsrett, DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act)), og skal overholde kravene hvis det er nødvendig for å overholde lover.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(e) Software.</b> If the Preview includes any software, Participant may install and use it on its devices only with (and for so long as Participant has the right to use) such Preview under this Agreement. Participant will comply with any additional terms that may accompany such software. Participant must uninstall any such software when its right to use the Preview ends (and Microsoft may also disable it at that time).",,"<b>(e) Programvare.</b> Hvis forhåndsversjonen omfatter programvare, kan deltakeren bare installere og bruke den på enhetene sine sammen med (eller så lenge deltakeren har rett til å bruke) en slik forhåndsversjon i henhold til denne avtalen. Deltakeren skal overholde eventuelle ytterligere vilkår som måtte gjelde for denne programvaren. Deltakeren må avinstallere en slik programvare når dennes rett til å bruke forhåndsversjonen opphører (og Microsoft kan deaktivere den på dette tidspunktet).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(f) Updates.</b> Microsoft may (but is not obligated to) provide updated versions of the Preview, including by downloading updated software to Participants devices. Any such update may add, remove, or change features of the Preview. Participant will install (if applicable) and will use only such updated versions after Microsoft provides such updates.",,"<b>(f) Oppdateringer.</b> Microsoft kan (men er ikke forpliktet til å) levere oppdaterte versjoner av forhåndsversjonen, inkludert ved å laste ned oppdatert programvare til deltakerens enheter. Slike oppdateringer kan legge til, fjerne eller endre funksjoner i forhåndsversjonen. Deltakeren kan bare installere (hvis det er relevant) og bruke slike oppdaterte versjoner etter at Microsoft har levert slike oppdateringer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(g) Third party sites.</b> Any links to third-party websites included in the Preview is provided for convenience only, and Microsoft is not responsible for the content of any such sites.",,"<b>(g) Tredjepartsnettsteder.</b> Koblinger til tredjepartsnettsteder som er inkludert i forhåndsversjonen, leveres bare for å gjøre bruken din enklere, og Microsoft er ikke ansvarlig for innholdet på slike nettsteder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(h) Non-Microsoft software.</b> If Participant installs or uses any non-Microsoft software with the Preview: <b>(i)</b> Microsoft is not bound by any terms governing Participants use of such software; <b>(ii)</b> Participant directs and controls such installation and use (e.g., through use of application programming interfaces and other means that may be part of the Preview); and <b>(iii)</b> Participant may not do so in a way that would subject Microsoft intellectual property rights or technology to obligations beyond those in this Agreement. Microsoft will not run or copy such non-Microsoft software outside of its relationship with Participant.",,"<b>(h) Programvare som ikke er levert av Microsoft.</b> Hvis deltakeren installerer eller bruker programvare som ikke er fra Microsoft, sammen med forhåndsversjonen: <b>(i)</b> er Microsoft ikke bundet av vilkår som gjelder for deltakerens bruk av slik programvare, <b>(ii)</b> skal deltakeren lede og administrere en slik installasjon og bruk (f.eks. ved hjelp av grensesnitt for applikasjonsprogrammering eller andre funksjoner som kan være en del av forhåndsversjonen), og <b>(iii)</b> deltakeren kan ikke gjøre dette på en måte som fører til at Microsofts immaterielle rettigheter eller teknologi påføres forpliktelser utover de som uttrykkelig inngår i avtalen. Microsoft skal ikke kjøre eller kopiere slik programvare som ikke er fra Microsoft, med mindre det skjer i forbindelse med Microsofts relasjon til deltakeren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(i) Competitive Benchmarking.</b> If Participant offers a service competitive to the Preview, Participant waives any restrictions on competitive use and benchmark testing in the terms governing its competitive service by using the Preview. If Participant does not intend to waive such restrictions in its terms of use, Participant may not use the Preview.",,"<b>(i) Konkurrerende ytelsestesting.</b> Hvis deltakeren tilbyr en tjeneste som konkurrerer med forhåndsversjonen, gir deltakeren, ved å bruke forhåndsversjonen, avkall på alle restriksjoner for konkurrerende bruk og ytelsestesting i vilkårene som gjelder for den konkurrerende tjenesten. Hvis deltakeren ikke har til hensikt å gi avkall på slike restriksjoner i vilkårene for bruk, kan deltakeren ikke bruke forhåndsversjonen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 2. Use of Previews.",,"Del 2. Bruk av forhåndsversjoner.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The applicable MLA terms (which may be incorporated in the MLA by reference) pertaining to collection, use, and location of Customer Data (as such terms are modified in the MLA to apply to previews) will apply to collection, use, and location of Customer Data under this Agreement. The accuracy and performance of the Preview improves by having had access to large volumes of data. Microsoft will solely own any enhancements or improvements to the Preview arising from access to and use of Customer Data. Microsoft may also use information derived from Customer Data if such use does not include Customer Data and no Customer Data can be reverse engineered from such use.",,"De gjeldende MLA-vilkårene (som kan være inkorporert i MLA-en som referanse) som gjelder innsamling, bruk og plassering av kundedata (ettersom slike vilkår er endret i MLA-en til å gjelde for forhåndsversjoner), vil gjelde for innsamling, bruk og plassering av kundedata i henhold til denne avtalen. Nøyaktigheten og yteevnen til forhåndsversjonen forbedres ved å ha hatt tilgang til store datamengder. Microsoft eier bare forbedringer av forhåndsversjonen som oppstår som følge av tilgang til og bruk av kundedata. Microsoft kan også bruke informasjon som er utledet fra kundedata, hvis slik bruk ikke omfatter kundedata, og det ikke kan foretas omvendt utvikling av slik bruk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(a) Data Transfers.</b> Customer Data and Personal Data that Microsoft processes on Customers behalf may be transferred to, and stored and processed in, the United States or any other country in which Microsoft or its subprocessors operate. Customer appoints Microsoft to perform any such transfer of Customer Data and Personal Data to any such country and to store and process Customer Data and Personal Data to provide the Preview. Microsoft will abide by the requirements of European Economic Area and Swiss data protection law regarding the collection, use, transfer, retention, and other processing of Personal Data from the European Economic Area and Switzerland. All transfers of Personal Data to a third country or an international organization will be subject to appropriate safeguards as described in Article 46 of the GDPR ((EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC) and such transfers and safeguards will be documented according to Article 30(2) of the GDPR. In addition, Microsoft is certified to the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks and the commitments they entail. Microsoft agrees to notify Customer if it makes a determination that it can no longer meet its obligation to provide the same level of protection as is required by the Privacy Shield principles.",,"<b>(a) Dataoverføringer.</b> Kundedata og personopplysninger som Microsoft behandler på kundens vegne, kan overføres til, og lagres og behandles i, USA eller et annet land der Microsoft eller dets underleverandører har virksomhet. Kunden utpeker Microsoft til å utføre slike overføringer av kundedata og personopplysninger til et slikt land, og til å lagre og behandle kundedata og personopplysninger for å kunne levere forhåndsversjonen. Microsoft vil overholde alle lover om beskyttelse av personvern i EU, EØS og Sveits vedrørende innsamling, bruk, overførsel, oppbevaring og annen behandling av personopplysninger fra EU, EØS og Sveits. Alle overføringer av personopplysninger til et tredje land eller en internasjonal organisasjon er underlagt hensiktsmessig beskyttelse, som beskrevet i artikkel 46 i GDPR ((EU) 2016/679 for Europaparlamentet og Rådet av 27. april 2016 om beskyttelse av fysiske personer i forbindelse med behandling av personopplysninger og om fri utveksling av slike opplysninger samt opphevelse av direktiv 95/46/EF), og slike overføringer og slik beskyttelse skal dokumenteres i henhold til Artikkel 30(2) i GDPR. Dessuten er Microsoft sertifisert i henhold til Privacy Shield-rammeverkene for EU-USA og Sveits-USA og forpliktelsene de innebærer. Microsoft samtykker i å varsle kunden hvis de beslutter at de ikke lenger kan oppfylle sin forpliktelse om å levere det samme beskyttelsesnivået som kreves i henhold til Privacy Shield-prinsippene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 3. Customer Data.",,"Del 3. Kundedata.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All rights not expressly granted are reserved by the applicable rights holder, and no rights or licenses are granted (or deemed granted) by implication, estoppel, or exhaustion.",,"Alle rettigheter som ikke er uttrykkelig tildelt, forbeholdes den gjeldende rettighetsinnehaveren, og det gis ikke rettigheter eller lisenser (og ingen rettigheter eller lisenser anses for å være gitt) ved implikasjon, innsigelsesavskjæring eller konsumpsjon.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 4. Reservation of rights.",,"Del 4. Reservasjon av rettigheter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(a) Existing NDA.</b> The information shared under this Agreement (except Feedback) is Confidential Information (defined in the NDA) subject to the Microsoft non-disclosure agreement, if any, between the parties (<b><i>""NDA""</i></b>). If the parties do not have an NDA that is in effect, then Sections 5(b)  (c) will apply."",,"<b>(a) Eksisterende NDA.</b> Opplysningene som deles i henhold til denne avtalen (unntatt tilbakemelding), er konfidensielle opplysninger (definert i NDA) som er underlagt Microsofts konfidensialitetsavtale, hvis det er relevant, mellom partene (<b><i>«NDA»</i></b>). Hvis det ikke finnes en gjeldende NDA mellom partene, gjelder del 5(b)(c).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(b) Definition.</b> ""Confidential Information"" means non-public information, know-how, or trade secrets in any form that are designated confidential or that a reasonable person knows or reasonably should know to be confidential. Confidential Information does not include any information, however designated, that: <b>(i)</b> is or becomes publicly available without a breach of this Agreement; <b>(ii)</b> was lawfully known to the receiver of the information without an obligation to keep it confidential; <b>(iii)</b> is received from another source who can disclose it lawfully and without an obligation to keep it confidential; <b>(iv)</b> is independently developed; or <b>(v)</b> is Feedback."",,"<b>(b) Definisjon.</b> «Konfidensielle opplysninger» betyr ikke-offentlige opplysninger, knowhow eller forretningshemmeligheter i enhver form som er definert som fortrolige, eller som en rimelig person vet eller med rimelighet burde vite er fortrolige. Konfidensielle opplysninger inkluderer ikke opplysninger som, selv om de er angitt: <b>(i)</b> er eller blir offentlig tilgjengelige uten at dette utgjør et brudd på denne avtalen, <b>(ii)</b> var lovlig kjent av mottakeren av opplysningene, <b>(iii)</b> er mottatt fra en annen kilde som kan offentliggjøre dem lovlig og uten å være forpliktet til å behandle dem fortrolig, <b>(iv)</b> er utviklet uavhengig eller <b>(v)</b> er tilbakemelding.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(c) Use.</b> Neither party will disclose the others Confidential Information to a third party for five years. Each party will: <b>(i)</b> use such information only for purposes of this business relationship; and <b>(ii)</b> take reasonable steps to protect the others Confidential Information. Each party may disclose the others Confidential Information to its affiliates, employees, and contractors only on a need-to-know basis, subject to this Section 5. In addition, Confidential Information may also be disclosed as necessary to comply with a judicial or other governmental order, if receiving party either gives: reasonable notice of such disclosure to allow disclosing party a reasonable opportunity to seek a protective order or equivalent; or obtains written assurance from the applicable judicial or governmental entity that it will afford the Confidential Information the highest level of protection available under applicable law, or otherwise as may be required by law.",,"<b>(c) Bruk.</b> Ingen av partene vil offentliggjøre den andres konfidensielle opplysninger til en tredjepart i løpet av fem. Hver part skal: <b>(i)</b> bare bruke slike opplysninger til formål som gjelder dette forretningsforholdet, og <b>(ii)</b> iverksette rimelige tiltak for å beskytte den andres konfidensielle opplysninger. Hver part kan fremlegge den andre partens konfidensielle opplysninger for sine tilknyttede selskaper, ansatte og underleverandører bare hvis det er nødvendig og i overensstemmelse med denne delen (del 5). Dessuten kan konfidensielle opplysninger også bli offentliggjort etter ordre fra en domstol eller annen myndighet hvis den mottakende parten enten avslører opplysninger med et rimelig varsel, slik at den andre parten som avslører opplysningene, får rimelig mulighet til å iverksette en beskyttelsesordre eller lignende eller får en skriftlig forsikring fra den gjeldende juridiske eller offentlige enheten om at den så langt som mulig vil beskytte de konfidensielle opplysningene i den grad det er mulig i henhold til gjeldende lov, eller på annen måte i henhold til lovgivningen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 5. Confidentiality.",,"Del 5. Konfidensialitet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""In connection with the Preview, Microsoft may create documentation, films, photographs, referrals, quotations, or other recordings or materials (<b><i>""Publicity Materials""</i></b>)."",,"I forbindelse med forhåndsversjonen kan Microsoft utarbeide dokumentasjon, filmer, bilder, henvisninger, sitater eller andre innspillinger eller annet materiale (<b><i>«reklamemateriale»</i></b>).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(a) Rights.</b> Participant grants Microsoft the non-exclusive right to: <b>(i)</b> use Participants name, trademarks and service marks, and logos (<b><i>""Marks""</i></b>) in such Publicity Materials; <b>(ii)</b> interview and film, photograph, and record its employees and business operations at mutually agreed times and locations; and <b>(iii)</b> use Participants or its employees names, voices, statements, and likenesses (<b><i>""Name and Likeness""</i></b>) as embodied in the Publicity Materials for advertising, marketing, promotional, editorial, and public relations purposes in relation to the Preview, in any and all media and formats. Participant will obtain (and represents and warrants that it has obtained) all releases and clearances necessary to grant all rights required under this Section 6."",,"<b>(a) Rettigheter.</b> Deltakeren gir Microsoft en ikke-eksklusiv rett til å: <b>(i)</b> bruke deltakerens navn, varemerker, tjenestemerker og logoer (<b><i>«merker»</i></b>) i slikt reklamemateriale, <b>(ii)</b> intervjue og filme, ta bilder og gjøre opptak av deltakerens ansatte og forretningsaktiviteter på gjensidig avtalte tidspunkter og steder, og <b>(iii)</b> bruke deltakerens og deltakerens ansattes navn, stemmer, uttalelser og lignende (<b><i>«navn og bilde»</i></b>) som er fremsatt i reklamemateriale, til annonserings-, markedsførings- og reklameformål samt salgsfremmende og redaksjonelle formål i forbindelse med forhåndsversjonen, i valgfrie medier og formater. Deltakerne skal innhente (og erklærer og garanterer å ha innhentet) alle samtykker og godkjennelser som er nødvendige for å gi alle rettigheter som kreves i henhold til denne delen (del 6).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(b) Approvals.</b> Participant will have the right to approve, before Microsofts first use, any Publicity Materials that include Marks or Name and Likeness. Participant will promptly review and either approve or disapprove them (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld) within five business days of receipt. Failure to respond within such five-day period will be deemed approval. Participant is solely responsible for bringing to Microsofts attention any factual errors or removing Participants Confidential Information from Publicity Materials.",,"<b>(b) Godkjenninger.</b> Før Microsoft begynner å bruke reklamematerialet har deltakeren rett til å godkjenne alt reklamemateriale som inneholder merker eller navn og bilde. Deltakeren må raskt gjennomgå og enten godkjenne eller avvise reklamematerialet (en slik godkjenning skal ikke holdes tilbake uten grunn) senest fem dager etter mottaksdatoen. Hvis deltakeren ikke svarer innen fem dager, vil det manglende svaret anses som et samtykke. Deltakeren er bare ansvarlig for å gjøre Microsoft oppmerksom på reelle feil eller fjerne deltakerens konfidensielle opplysninger fra reklamemateriale.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 6. Publicity.",,"Del 6. Reklame.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(a) Mutual.</b> Each party represents and warrants to the other that: <b>(i)</b> it has all necessary rights, title, and authority to enter into and perform under this Agreement; <b>(ii)</b> its performance under this Agreement will not breach any agreement with a third party; and <b>(iii)</b> it will comply with any and all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to its performance under this Agreement.",,"<b>(a) Gjensidig.</b> Hver av partene erklærer og garanterer til den andre parten at: <b>(i)</b> parten har alle nødvendige rettigheter og tillatelser til å inngå og handle i henhold til denne avtalen, <b>(ii)</b> partens aktiviteter i henhold til denne avtalen ikke utgjør et brudd på en avtale med en tredjepart, og <b>(iii)</b> parten vil overholde alle lover, regler og bestemmelser som gjelder for partens aktiviteter i henhold til denne avtalen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(b) Disclaimer.</b> Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement and to the extent applicable law permits, Microsoft: <b>(i)</b> provides the Preview ""as-is""; <b>(ii)</b> provides no warranties (express, implied, statutory, or otherwise), including of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose; and <b>(iii)</b> does not guarantee that the Preview will be uninterrupted, available, or error-free, or that loss of Participants Customer Data will not occur. Without limiting the above, Microsoft is not liable for any damage to hardware or software or loss of files or data related to use of the Preview."",,"<b>(b) Ansvarsfraskrivelse.</b> Med mindre annet er uttrykkelig angitt i denne avtalen, og i den grad det er tillatt i henhold til gjeldende lov: <b>(i)</b> leverer Microsoft forhåndsversjonen «som den er», <b>(ii)</b> gir Microsoft ingen garantier (uttrykkelige, underforståtte, lovbestemte eller andre), herunder garantier om salgbarhet eller egnethet for et bestemt formål, og <b>(iii)</b> garanterer ikke Microsoft at forhåndsversjonen vil fungere uavbrutt, til rett tid eller feilfritt, eller at deltakerens kundedata ikke går tapt. Uten begrensing av det ovenstående påtar Microsoft seg ikke ansvar for skader på maskinvare eller programvare eller tap av filer eller data i forbindelse med bruk av forhåndsversjonen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(c) Ineffective disclaimer.</b> Liability for breach of an implied warranty that cannot, under applicable law, be disclaimed or excluded is, if permitted by applicable law, limited, at breaching partys election: <b>(i)</b> for goods, to replacing, repairing, or supplying equivalent goods (or paying the cost of the foregoing or refunding the purchase price); and <b>(ii)</b> for services, to supplying (or paying a third party to supply) the services again or refunding the purchase price.",,"<b>(c) Ugyldig ansvarsfraskrivelse.</b> Ansvar for brudd på en underforstått garanti som i henhold til gjeldende lov ikke kan fraskrives eller ekskluderes, er, hvis gjeldende lov tillater det, begrenset i henhold den krenkede partens valg: <b>(i)</b> for varer, til erstatning, reparasjon eller levering av tilsvarende varer (eller betaling av det foregående eller tilbakebetaling av kjøpesummen), og <b>(ii)</b> for tjenester, til ny levering av tjenestene (eller betale en tredjepart for levering) eller tilbakebetaling av kjøpesummen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 7. Representations and warranties.",,"Del 7. Erklæringer og garantier.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Except as otherwise described in this Section 8 or in Section 7(c), each partys exclusive remedy for claims under this Agreement is to terminate this Agreement or Participants participation in the Preview. Each partys maximum, aggregate, liability arising out of or related to this Agreement (including related to access or use of the Preview) to you and anyone else, to the maximum extent allowed by law, is limited to direct damages incurred in reasonable reliance, in an amount not to exceed $500. Neither party will be liable for any other damages, including indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages, or for lost revenue, lost profits, lost business information, or business interruption, related to this Agreement, even if the at-fault party knew or should have known such damages were possible. This Section 8 does not apply to claims arising from any breach of confidentiality obligations under Section 5 or to obligations under (or breach of) Section 10.",,"Med unntak av det som er nevnt i del 8 eller 7(c), er hver parts eneste beføyelse ved krav i henhold til denne avtalen å si opp denne avtalen eller deltakerens bruk av forhåndsversjonen. Hver av partenes maksimale, samlede ansvar i forbindelse med denne avtalen (inkludert i forbindelse med tilgang til eller bruk av forhåndsversjonen) i forhold til deg eller andre er, i den grad det er tillatt i henhold til gjeldende lov, begrenset til direkte skader du med rimelighet har pådratt deg, til et beløp på maksimalt USD 500. Ingen part kan holdes ansvarlig for andre skader, herunder indirekte, spesielle, tilfeldige eller typiske skader eller følgeskader eller straffeerstatning, eller for tap av inntekt eller fortjeneste, tap av informasjon i virksomheten eller driftsforstyrrelser i forbindelse med denne avtalen, selv om den skadevoldende parten visste eller burde ha visst om muligheten for slike skader. Del 8 gjelder ikke for krav som følge av brudd på taushetsplikten i henhold til del 5 eller forpliktelsene i henhold til (eller brudd på) del 10.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 8. Limited liability.",,"Del 8. Begrenset ansvar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(a) Term;</b> termination rights. The term of this Agreement (""Term"") begins on the Effective Date and continues until terminated or until Microsoft terminates the Preview, whichever occurs first. Either party may terminate this Agreement on 30 days notice for any or no reason. Microsoft may also terminate or suspend this Agreement, in whole or part, immediately on notice if Participant breaches this Agreement and the breach is one that cannot be cured. Moreover, this Agreement will terminate automatically following notice to Participant of breach if Participant fails to cure the breach within five days of such notice. This Agreement also terminates automatically and without notice with respect to the Preview when it becomes generally publicly available, other than as a pre-release or ""beta"" product or service, or Microsoft ceases to offer the Preview."",,"<b>(a) Gyldighetsperiode,</b> rettigheter i forbindelse med opphør. Gyldighetsperioden for denne avtalen («gyldighetsperiode») starter på ikrafttredelsesdatoen og fortsetter til avtalen utløper eller Microsoft avslutter forsøksversjonen, alt etter hva som kommer først. Hver av partene kan bringe avtalen til opphør, uten grunn, med 30 dagers forvarsel. Microsoft kan dessuten omgående bringe denne avtalen til opphør eller sette den ut av kraft midlertidig, helt eller delvis, hvis deltakeren bryter denne avtalen og bruddet ikke kan avhjelpes. Dessuten opphører denne avtalen automatisk etter at deltakeren er varslet om bruddet, hvis deltakeren unnlater å avhjelpe bruddet innen fem dager etter et slikt varsel. Denne avtalen opphører også automatisk og uten varsel når forhåndsversjonen blir allment tilgjengelig og ikke lenger er en foreløpig versjon eller et «betaprodukt» eller en «betatjeneste», eller når Microsoft ikke lenger tilbyr forhåndsversjonen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(b) Effect of Termination.</b> On termination or expiration of this Agreement, Participant must stop using the Preview. Sections 1(b), 2(i), 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 will survive such expiration or termination.",,"<b>(b) Virkning av opphør.</b> Deltakeren må slutte å bruke forhåndsversjonen når denne avtalen bringes til opphør eller utløper: Del 1(b), 2(i), 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 og 11 skal fortsette å gjelde etter opphør eller utløp av avtalen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 9. Term and termination.",,"Del 9. Gyldighetsperiode og opphør.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Agreement",,"Avtale om Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't validate all characters. You can use @, #, $ and alphanumeric characters.",,"Kan ikke validere alle tegn. Du kan bruke @, #, $ og alfanumeriske tegn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Loading, please wait...",,"Laster inn. Vent litt ...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No results found",,"Finner ingen resultater",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sort ascending",,"Sorter stigende",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sort descending",,"Sorter synkende",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please close this page to return to your application.",,"Lukk denne siden for å gå tilbake til programmet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You are authenticated",,"Du er godkjent",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your web browser must have JavaScript enabled in order for this application to display correctly.",,"JavaScript må være aktivert i nettleseren for at dette programmet skal vises på riktig måte.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comments by audience",,"Kommentarer etter målgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comments by page",,"Kommentarer etter side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Posts by audience",,"Innlegg etter målgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts by page",,"Innlegg etter side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Additional filters",,"Tilleggsfiltre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All posts by sentiment value for {0}",,"Alle innlegg etter sentimentverdi for {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} / Analytics",,"{0} / Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Source name",,"Kildenavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources share of voice for {0}",,"Andel av omtale for kilder for {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chart generated on {0}",,"Diagram generert {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts for {0}",,"Innlegg for {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Infinite",,"Uendelig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No data is available for export.",,"Ingen data er tilgjengelige for eksport.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No posts are selected for export.",,"Ingen innlegg er valgt for eksport.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"% compared to average",,"% sammenlignet med gjennomsnitt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author Name",,"Forfatternavn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} authors found",,"{0} forfattere funnet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Save as data",,"Lagre som data",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Save as document",,"Lagre som dokument",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Save as picture",,"Lagre som bilde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources share of voice by language for {0}",,"Andel av omtale for kilder etter språk for {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author share of voice in all posts",,"Andel av omtale for forfatter i alle innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment share of voice",,"Andel av omtale for sentiment",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top search topics",,"Øverste søkeemner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top search topics in all sources",,"Øverste søkeemner i alle kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top {0} authors for {1}",,"Øverste {0} forfattere for {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top authors over all sources for {0}",,"Øverste forfattere over alle kilder for {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top authors {0} for {1}",,"Øverste forfattere {0} for {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top search topics for {0}",,"Øverste søkeemner for {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Total posts",,"Innlegg totalt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend compared to average time frame",,"Trend sammenlignet med gjennomsnittlig tidsramme",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Volume history for {0}",,"Volumhistorikk for {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"as",,"som",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"By audience",,"Etter målgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Data points",,"Datapunkt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the time span between data points that you want to see in your charts.",,"Velg tidsrommet mellom datapunktene som du vil se i diagrammer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom date",,"Egendefinert dato",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"An error occurred while picking a date. Please try again.",,"Det oppstod en feil under valg av dato. Prøv på nytt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date format not valid.",,"Datoformatet er ikke gyldig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start date must be before end date.",,"Startdatoen må være før sluttdatoen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Display by {0}",,"Vis etter {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Choose your focus",,"Velg fokus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"From",,"Fra",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to top",,"Gå til toppen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"hour",,"time",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"no",,"nei",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There's no data in your solution that matches the current filters.",,"Det finnes ingen data i løsningen som samsvarer med gjeldende filtre.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"not",,"ikke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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" Posts",," Innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"powered by",,"drevet av",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Sorted by: ",,"Sortert etter: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"in percentage",,"i prosent",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Undo",,"Angre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Until",,"Til",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View in posts",,"Vis i innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"week",,"uke",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your selection",,"Ditt valg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"{0} Locations",,"{0} steder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"1 Location ({0})",,"1 sted ({0})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your selected locations:",,"Valgte steder:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of posts per topic",,"Antall innlegg per emne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post location: {0}%",,"Innleggssted: {0} %",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author location: {0}%",,"Forfattersted: {0} %",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top cities",,"Øverste byer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Topic buzz by countries/regions",,"Emneinteresse etter land/områder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0}% Post location",,"{0} % innleggssted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0}% Author location",,"{0} % forfattersted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unfortunately, this feature isn't part of the preview.",,"Denne funksjonen inngår ikke i forhåndsvisningen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're sorry, we can't show the data right now. Please check back later.",,"Dataene kan ikke vises for øyeblikket. Prøv på nytt senere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Successfully restored the post.",,"Innlegget er gjenopprettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>Limited functionality:</b> We're sorry, but you can't perform this action during the trial session.",,"<b>Begrenset funksjonalitet:</b> Du kan ikke utføre denne handlingen i prøveøkten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The requested search topic wasn't found. Instead, results from all search topics in your solution are being displayed.",,"Finner ikke det forespurte søkeemnet. I stedet vises resultater fra alle søkeemner i løsningen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Welcome to Microsoft Social Engagement",,"Velkommen til Microsoft Social Engagement",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You deleted a post.",,"Du har slettet et innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hot Topics",,"Aktuelle emner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Influencers",,"Påvirkere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author Detail",,"Forfatterdetaljer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author List",,"Forfatterliste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment history",,"Sentimenthistorikk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment summary by sources",,"Sentimentsammendrag etter kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0}% ({1} posts) are {2} for {3}",,"{0} % ({1} innlegg) er {2} for {3}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Negative posts",,"Negative innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Before you can perform sentiment analysis, you need to select a search topic from the drop-down list in the filter section.",,"Før du kan foreta sentimentanalyse, må du velge et søkeemne fra rullegardinlisten i filterdelen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To continue with your previous analysis, click or tap the browser's back button. Or to start over, ",,"Hvis du vil fortsette med den forrige analysen, klikker eller trykker du tilbakeknappen i nettleseren. Hvis du vil begynne på nytt, ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"go to Analytics Overview.",,"går du til analyseoversikten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Positive posts",,"Positive innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Processing sentiment history",,"Behandler sentimenthistorikk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Recent posts by sentiment",,"Nylige innlegg etter sentiment",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index value",,"Sentimentindeksverdi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment ratio",,"Sentimentforhold",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0}% of all posts are {1}",,"{0} % av alle innlegg er {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment change",,"Sentimentendring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<span>{0}</span> sorted by:",,"<span>{0}</span> sortert etter:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All {0} sorted by:",,"Alle {0} sortert etter:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top 10 {0} sorted by:",,"Øverste 10 {0} sortert etter:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"uncategorized topics",,"ukategoriserte emner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top topics",,"Øverste emner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Total",,"Totalt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources share Of voice",,"Andel av omtale for kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comment:",,"Kommentar:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activity",,"Aktivitet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"No post found",,"Fant ingen innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New photo added by {0}",,"Nytt bilde lagt til av {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Photo:",,"Bilde:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Retweeted by {0}",,"Retweetet av {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share of voice",,"Andel av omtale",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Status:",,"Status:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Video:",,"Video:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top {0} authors",,"Øverste {0} forfattere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Buzz history",,"Interessehistorikk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} per day",,"{0} per dag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show as history chart",,"Vis som historikkdiagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show as ranking chart",,"Vis som rangeringsdiagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of posts in your time frame",,"Antall innlegg i din tidsramme",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of posts by Facebook activity",,"Antall innlegg etter Facebook-aktivitet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook page activity",,"Aktivitet på Facebook-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>{0}</strong>: {1} posts<br />{2}",,"<strong>{0}</strong>: {1} innlegg<br />{2}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit status",,"Rediger status",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't find data for the following Facebook page because its ID has changed: {0}.",,"Finner ikke data for følgende Facebook-side fordi ID-en er endret: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Notify Administrator",,"Varsle administrator",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"likes",,"liker-klikk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of posts by audience",,"Antall innlegg etter målgruppe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of posts by page",,"Antall innlegg etter side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index / change in sentiment index",,"Sentimentindeks / endring i sentimentindeks",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"talking about",,"snakker om",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend change",,"Trendendring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} likes",,"{0} liker-klikk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} talking about",,"{0} snakker om",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook data",,"Facebook-data",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"In percentage per language",,"I prosent per språk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activities by language",,"Aktiviteter etter språk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>{0}:</strong>{1} %<br/>{2} posts",,"<strong>{0}:</strong>{1} %<br/>{2} innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} K posts",,"{0} K innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of posts per Facebook page",,"Antall innlegg per Facebook-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activities by Facebook page",,"Aktiviteter etter Facebook-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show as relative",,"Vis som relativ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show as absolute",,"Vis som absolutt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>{0}:</strong>{1} <br/>{2} posts",,"<strong>{0}:</strong>{1} <br/>{2} innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activity by Facebook page",,"Aktivitet etter Facebook-side",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Languages share of voice",,"Andel av omtale for språk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"author location",,"forfattersted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0}% author location",,"{0} % forfattersted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No location data: {0}%",,"Ingen stedsdata: {0} %",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0}% of {1}",,"{0} % av {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"post location",,"innleggssted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0}% post location",,"{0} % innleggssted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location buzz",,"Stedsinteresse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"With location data: {0}%",,"Med stedsdata: {0} %",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"with location data",,"med stedsdata",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post locations",,"Innleggssteder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter post location map",,"Innleggsstedskart for Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} posts in this location",,"{0} innlegg på dette stedet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} posts with author location",,"{0} innlegg med forfattersted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Grouping level:",,"Grupperingsnivå:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Subregions",,"Underområder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0}k",,"{0}k",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0}M",,"{0}M",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index: negative",,"Sentimentindeks: negativ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index: neutral",,"Sentimentindeks: nøytral",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index: positive",,"Sentimentindeks: positiv",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend: falling",,"Trend: fallende",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend: no change",,"Trend: ingen endring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend: rising",,"Trend: stigende",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author location: {0} Posts",,"Forfattersted: {0} innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date posted",,"Publiseringsdato",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Favorite",,"Favoritt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post location: {0} Posts",,"Innleggssted: {0} innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reach: {0} of {1}",,"Rekkevidde: {0} av {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment value: {0}",,"Sentimentverdi: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index: ",,"Sentimentindeks: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend: ",,"Trend: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Map type:",,"Karttype:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment / Buzz",,"Sentiment/interesse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment / Buzz map",,"Sentiment/interessekart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend / Buzz",,"Trend/interesse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend / Buzz map",,"Trend/interessekart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're sorry, we can't access Bing maps right now. Please check back later.",,"Ingen tilgang til Bing-kart for øyeblikket. Prøv på nytt senere.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your current data set doesn't contain post location data. Consider removing active filters, editing the time frame, or selecting a different search topic.",,"Gjeldende datasett inneholder ikke innleggsstedsdata. Du må vurdere å fjerne aktive filtre, redigere tidsrammen eller velge et annet søkeemne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Shows only post location",,"Viser bare innleggssted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Shows author location and post location",,"Viser forfattersted og innleggssted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"({0} posts in average)",,"({0} innlegg i gjennomsnitt)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"authors found",,"forfattere funnet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook pages buzz",,"Interesse for Facebook-sider",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show bar chart",,"Vis stolpediagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show line chart",,"Vis linjediagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>{0}</strong>: {1} posts",,"<strong>{0}</strong>: {1} innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Recent posts",,"Nylige innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"average {0} / change {1}",,"gjennomsnitt {0} / endring {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>{0}:</b>{1} %<br/>({2} posts)",,"<b>{0}:</b>{1} %<br/>({2} innlegg)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index in your time frame",,"Sentimentindeks i din tidsramme",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index: {0}, {1}",,"Sentimentindeks: {0}, {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment volume",,"Sentimentvolum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0}: {1} posts, {2}",,"{0}: {1} innlegg, {2}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Negative sentiment ratio",,"Negativt sentimentforhold",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Neutral sentiment ratio",,"Nøytralt sentimentforhold",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Positive sentiment ratio",,"Positivt sentimentforhold",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment summary",,"Sentimentsammendrag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources summary",,"Sammendrag av kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources share of voice by language",,"Andel av omtale for kilder etter språk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"average",,"gjennomsnitt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} posts, {1}% of all posts",,"{0} innlegg, {1} % av alle innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Buzz shows you how many posts were found in your current data set. We calculate the trend value by comparing the buzz in your time frame to the buzz in the past five time frames. Click or tap an element to drill down into the information.",,"Interessen viser hvor mange innlegg som ble funnet i gjeldende datasett. Vi beregner trendverdien ved å sammenligne interessen i din tidsramme med interessen i de fem foregående tidsrammene. Klikk eller trykk et element for å vise detaljert informasjon.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your data set",,"Ditt datasett",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"less than average",,"mindre enn gjennomsnittet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"more than average",,"mer enn gjennomsnittet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} Posts, {1} of all Sources",,"{0} innlegg, {1} av alle kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share of voice of all sources",,"Andel av omtale for alle kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top 5 authors by sources",,"Øverste 5 forfattere etter kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top countries/regions",,"Øverste land/områder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top location groups",,"Øverste stedsgrupper",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Topic buzz",,"Emneinteresse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Topic buzz by sources",,"Emneinteresse etter kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"average {0}",,"gjennomsnitt {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"< average",,"< gjennomsnitt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"> average",,"> gjennomsnitt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Volume history",,"Volumhistorikk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources history",,"Historikk for kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get a quick summary of the number of posts, how your search is trending, where your posts are coming from, and the current sentiment.",,"Få et raskt sammendrag av antall innlegg, søketrender, hvor innleggene dine kommer fra og det gjeldende sentimentet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics summary",,"Analysesammendrag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Check the volume on your search topic or category. See the total number of posts and the average number of posts per day.",,"Sjekk omfanget av et søkeemne eller en kategori. Se totalt antall innlegg og gjennomsnittlig antall innlegg per dag.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bing search trends: Get trend data based on consumer search volumes, scaled from 0 (no volume) to 100 (peak volume).",,"Bing-søketrender: Hent trenddata basert på kundesøkvolumer, skalert fra 0 (ingen volum) til 100 (topp volum).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expand to full view",,"Utvid til full visning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526487",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526487",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526489",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526489",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Take a few moments to look at key scenarios according to your user role.",,"Se nærmere på nøkkelscenarioer i henhold til brukerrollen din.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{formatted_count} post with intentions |||| %{formatted_count} posts with intentions",,"%{formatted_count} innlegg med intensjoner |||| %{formatted_count} innlegg med intensjoner",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the share of voice of intentions in your data set.",,"Se andel av omtale for intensjoner i datasettet ditt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author location cluster",,"Klynge for forfattersted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post location cluster",,"Klynge for innleggssted",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This widget is deprecated. Please reconfigure Social Insights or contact your system administrator.",,"Dette kontrollprogrammet er avskrevet. Konfigurer sosial innsikt på nytt eller kontakt systemansvarlig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Widget not found",,"Finner ikke kontrollprogram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get insights about what people are talking about",,"Få kunnskap om hva folk snakker om",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{formatted_count} other |||| %{formatted_count} others",,"%{formatted_count} andre |||| %{formatted_count} andre",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See an excerpt for the 5 most recent posts.",,"Se et utdrag for de fem nyeste innleggene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open in Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Åpne i Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Line chart. Displays the search and social activity in the selected time frame.",,"Linjediagram. Viser søkeaktiviteten og den sosiale aktiviteten i den valgte tidsrammen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social average",,"Sosialt gjennomsnitt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social volume",,"Sosialt volum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Volume (All Sources)",,"Volum (alle kilder)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get trend data based on consumer search volumes, scaled from 0 (no volume) to 100 (peak volume).",,"Hent trenddata basert på kundesøkvolumer, skalert fra 0 (ingen volum) til 100 (topp volum).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bing search trend: %{value}",,"Bing-søketrend: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See how the volume of activity changed in the selected time frame",,"Se hvordan aktivitetsvolumet endret seg i den valgte tidsrammen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Normalized Value",,"Normalisert verdi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{formatted_count} post with tags |||| %{formatted_count} posts with tags",,"%{formatted_count} innlegg med merker |||| %{formatted_count} innlegg med merker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View who are your top critics",,"Se hvem som er dine ivrigste kritikere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View who are your top fans",,"Se hvem som er dine ivrigste tilhengere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Volume: %{count} post |||| Volume: %{count} posts",,"Volum: %{count} innlegg |||| Volum: %{count} innlegg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share: %{post_share}%",,"Deling: %{post_share} %",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bar chart. Displays the top locations in your current data set.",,"Stolpediagram. Viser de mest populære stedene i det gjeldende datasettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the top Twitter mentions by number of posts.",,"Liste. Viser de mest populære Twitter-omtalene etter antall innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any Twitter mentions to show. Try selecting another topic or change your filters.",,"Det finnes ingen Twitter-omtaler å vise. Prøv å velge et annet emne eller endre filtrene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top Twitter mentions by volume of posts",,"Se de viktigste Twitter-omtalene etter innleggsvolum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't undo this action. All posts from this author are removed from your solution. No new posts from this author get acquired in the future and all social profile search rules for this author are deleted.",,"Du kan ikke angre denne handlingen. Alle innlegg fra denne forfatteren blir fjernet fra løsningen. Ingen nye innlegg fra denne forfatteren blir hentet i fremtiden, og alle søkeregler for sosial profil for denne forfatteren blir slettet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See how the number of posts is trending over time.",,"Se trender for antall innlegg over tid.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"(%{trend} %{icon})",,"(%{trend} %{icon})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Negative trend",,"Negativ trend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Neutral trend",,"Nøytral trend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Positive trend",,"Positiv trend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unknown trend",,"Ukjent trend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Switch to chart view",,"Bytt til diagramvisning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Switch to table view",,"Bytt til tabellvisning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{source} %{volume}% %{volume_trend}",,"%{source} %{volume} % %{volume_trend}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get a quick summary of the number of posts, how your search is trending, where your posts are coming from and the current sentiment.",,"Få et raskt sammendrag av antall innlegg, søketrender, hvor innleggene dine kommer fra og gjeldende sentiment.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Find details about how many posts are showing up, and how the search topic or category you're interested in is trending. You'll also see the sentiment that is being associated with your topic--positive, negative, or neutral--what languages are being used to discuss your topic or category, and where your posts are coming from.",,"Finn informasjon om hvor mange innlegg som vises, og trender for søkeemnet eller kategorien du er interessert i. Du ser også sentimentet som er knyttet til et emne  positivt, negativt eller nøytralt, hvilke språk som brukes til å diskutere et emne eller en kategori, og hvor innleggene dine kommer fra.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Check the buzz on your search topic or category. See the total number of posts and the average number of posts per day.",,"Sjekk interessen for et søkeemne eller en kategori. Se totalt antall innlegg og gjennomsnittlig antall innlegg per dag.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Buzz will help you keep track of the volume of posts overall on all active sources for your search topic or category.",,"Interessen hjelper deg med å holde rede på det totale volumet av innlegg i alle aktive kilder for et søkeemne eller en kategori.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See how the sentiment varies among sources. Is Facebook positive while Twitter is neutral? Find out.",,"Se hvordan sentimentet varierer blant ulike kilder. Eksempelvis kan Facebook ha et positivt og Twitter et nøytralt sentiment.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Find details about the number of posts, the sentiment index and the change in sentiment index of your active sources.",,"Finn informasjon om antall innlegg, sentimentindeksen og endringen i sentimentindeksen for aktive kilder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See a chart that compares where the posts are coming from.",,"Se et diagram som sammenligner hvor innleggene kommer fra.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"At a glance, you can see the most active sources associated with your search topic or category.",,"Her får du raskt oversikt over de mest aktive kildene som er knyttet til et søkeemne eller en kategori.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources share of voice",,"Andel av omtale for kilder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See peaks and valleys in the volume of posts for each source separately over time.",,"Se topper og bølgedaler i innleggsvolumet for hver separate kilde over tid.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"At a glance, you can identify significant peaks in your post volume on specific sources.",,"Her kan du raskt finne betydelige topper i innleggsvolumet for bestemte kilder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top 5 languages with the most posts about your search topic or category.",,"Se de fem språkene med flest innlegg om et søkeemne eller en kategori.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"At a glance, you can see which languages were used the most.",,"Her får du raskt oversikt over hvilke språk som er mest brukt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top languages with the most posts.",,"Se språkene med flest innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Find details about the most active languages that were used in the posts of your search topic or category.",,"Finn informasjon om de mest aktive språkene som er brukt i innleggene for et søkeemne eller en kategori.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top 5 authors who are posting the most about your search topic or category.",,"Se de fem forfatterne med flest innlegg om et søkeemne eller en kategori.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See which authors are mentioning your search topic or category the most. You'll find details about the author's reach, the number of posts, the author's share of voice, and the trend change.",,"Se hvilke forfattere som nevner søkeemnet eller kategorien mest. Du finner detaljer om forfatterens rekkevidde, antall innlegg, forfatterens andel av omtale og trendendringen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Most active authors",,"Mest aktive forfattere",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Find details about the most recent posts in your search topic or category, including the source, an author's reach, and the language of the posts.",,"Finn informasjon om de nyeste innleggene i et søkeemne eller en kategori, herunder kilde, en forfatters rekkevidde og språket i innleggene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Correlate sentiment about the search topic with dates and events. See the history for a time frame.",,"Koordiner sentiment for søkeemnet med datoer og hendelser. Se historikken for en tidsramme.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See when significant changes in sentiment occurred. The black line indicates the sentiment index. The green line indicates the average sentiment index in your time frame.",,"Se når det har skjedd betydelige endringer i sentiment. Den svarte linjen indikerer sentimentindeksen. Den grønne linjen indikerer den gjennomsnittlige sentimentindeksen i en tidsramme.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See a chart that compares the positive, negative, or neutral posts.",,"Se et diagram som sammenligner positive, negative eller nøytrale innlegg.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"At a glance, you can see the sentiment of your search topic.",,"Her får du raskt oversikt over sentimentet for et søkeemne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See a bar graph comparing the number of positive and negative posts by day.",,"Se et stolpediagram som sammenligner antall positive og negative innlegg per dag.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Find details about the number of posts with positive or negative sentiment in your search topic.",,"Finn informasjon om antall innlegg med positivt eller negativt sentiment i et søkeemne.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See where the posts are coming from. Quickly check sources like Facebook and Twitter.",,"Se hvor innleggene kommer fra. Sjekk kilder raskt, for eksempel Facebook og Twitter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get the details about the number of posts, the trend change, and the share of voice of your active sources.",,"Få informasjon om antall innlegg, trendendring og andel av omtale for aktive kilder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See where your posts are coming from.",,"Se hvor innleggene dine kommer fra.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"At a glance, you can see the top 5 locations where most of your posts are coming from.",,"Her får du raskt oversikt over de fem stedene der flesteparten av innleggene dine kommer fra.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Word cloud. Get insights about the most significant phrases.",,"Ordsky. Få kunnskap om de mest populære uttrykkene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top phrases",,"Topputtrykk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Find details about how the post volume of your search topic or category is trending. The Trend change compares the past five time frames to your current time frame.",,"Finn informasjon om trender i innleggsvolumet for et søkeemne eller en kategori. I trendendringen sammenlignes de fem foregående tidsrammene med gjeldende tidsramme.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See peaks and valleys in the volume of posts for all sources over time.",,"Se topper og bølgedaler i innleggsvolumet for alle kilder over tid.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quickly identify significant peaks in your post volume. The red line indicates the total number of posts. The grey line indicates the average number of posts from the past five time frames.",,"Her kan du raskt finne betydelige topper i innleggsvolumet. Den røde linjen indikerer totalt antall innlegg. Den grå linjen indikerer gjennomsnittlig antall innlegg fra de fem foregående tidsrammene.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Insights for Dynamics 365.",,"Sosial innsikt for Dynamics 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Insights",,"Sosial innsikt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Shows the dialog for configuring Social Insights in Dynamics 365",,"Viser dialogboksen for å konfigurere Sosial innsikt i Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Insights Configuration",,"Konfigurasjon av Sosial innsikt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Configure Social Insights",,"Konfigurer Sosial innsikt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unable to connect to Social Engagement. Try again or if the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Kan ikke koble til Social Engagement akkurat nå. Prøv på nytt senere, og kontakt systemansvarlig hvis problemet vedvarer.",,"T