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The Microsoft “Terms of Use” (available at the www.microsoft.com website) govern all glossary terms in this document (“Glossary Terms”).  The following supplemental terms and conditions also apply.  If there is any conflict between the Terms of Use and the following terms and conditions, the following terms and conditions will take
Precedence over the Terms of Use.
1. No part of the Glossary Terms may be reproduced, adapted, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, including photocopying and entry into an information storage and/or retrieval system, for any purpose without the prior express consent of Microsoft Corporation. 

2. You may use the Glossary Terms in the development of any application software and you may also use the Glossary Terms for personal or non-commercial purposes only without the prior written consent of Microsoft Corporation, and only if all copies contain this Permission Notice and the Microsoft copyright notice in the Terms of Use.         
3. You are not permitted to make any modifications, deletions or additions to the Glossary Terms.
4. Except as expressly set forth above, Microsofts publication of the Glossary Terms does not grant any rights to use, distribute, or implement any technology or intellectual property rights. All rights not expressly granted herein are expressly reserved by Microsoft.
"Source Term",,"Translation",,"String Category",,"Platform",,"Product",,"Version"
"The following files were originally licensed under the Apache License (reproduced below):",,"De volgende bestanden zijn oorspronkelijk in licentie gegeven onder de Apache-licentie (zie vertaling hieronder):",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.",,"Raadpleeg de Apache versie 2.0-licentie voor specifieke taalafhankelijke bevoegdheden en beperkingen onder de Licentie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Apache 2.0 License",,"Apache versie 2.0-licentie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Apache Licensed Files",,"Bestanden die onder de Apache-licentie vallen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The following files were originally licensed under the BSD License (2-clause) (reproduced below):",,"De volgende bestanden zijn oorspronkelijk in licentie gegeven onder de BSD 2-Clause License (zie vertaling hieronder):",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The following files were originally licensed under the BSD License (3-clause) (reproduced below):",,"De volgende bestanden zijn oorspronkelijk in licentie gegeven onder de BSD 3-Clause License (zie vertaling hieronder):",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Newer BSD License (3-clause)",,"Recentere BSD 3-Clause License",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.",,"In herdistributies van broncode moet de bovenstaande copyrightvermelding worden opgenomen, plus deze lijst met voorwaarden en de volgende vrijwaring.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.",,"In herdistributies in binaire vorm moet de bovenstaande copyrightvermelding, plus deze lijst met voorwaarden en de volgende vrijwaring worden opgenomen in de documentatie en/of andere materialen die bij de distributie worden geleverd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Neither the name Copyright Holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.",,"Noch de naam van de copyrighthouder noch de namen van personen die daaraan hebben bijgedragen, mogen worden gebruikt om producten aan te bevelen of onder de aandacht te brengen die zijn afgeleid van deze software, zonder dat hiervoor vooraf expliciete schriftelijke toestemming is verkregen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:",,"Herdistributie en gebruik in bron- en binaire vormen, met of zonder aanpassing, zijn toegestaan mits aan de volgende voorwaarden wordt voldaan:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"BSD Licensed Files",,"Bestanden die onder de BSD-licentie vallen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Disqus Terms of Service",,"Servicevoorwaarden Disqus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook Terms of Service",,"Servicevoorwaarden Facebook",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Portions utilize HighCharts, © Highsoft Solutions AS. All Rights Reserved.",,"In bepaalde gedeelten wordt gebruikgemaakt van HighCharts, © Highsoft Solutions AS. Alle rechten voorbehouden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instagram Terms of Use",,"Gebruiksvoorwaarden Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""For technical support with Market Insights, go to <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=390992"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights support</a>."",,""Voor technische ondersteuning voor Market Insights, gaat u naar <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=390992"">Ondersteuning voor Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Find help contents in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Help Center</a>."",,""Zoeken naar help-inhoud in het <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Helpcentrum</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.",,"Waarschuwing: dit computerprogramma is auteursrechtelijk en door internationale verdragen beschermd. Onrechtmatige verveelvoudiging of distributie van dit programma, of een gedeelte ervan, is verboden en strafbaar, en zal met alle beschikbare juridische middelen worden bestreden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"&copy; 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"&copy; 2019 Microsoft Corporation. Alle rechten voorbehouden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LinkedIn User agreement",,"Gebruikersovereenkomst LinkedIn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The following files were originally licensed under the MIT License (reproduced below):",,"De volgende bestanden zijn oorspronkelijk in licentie gegeven onder de MIT-licentie (zie vertaling hieronder):",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ""Software""), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:"",,""Hierbij wordt aan elke persoon toestemming verleend om gratis een kopie van deze software en bijbehorende documentatiebestanden (de ""Software"";) te verwerven, om zonder beperking deze Software te verhandelen, waaronder het recht om zonder beperking de Software te gebruiken, te kopiëren, te wijzigen, samen te voegen, te publiceren, te verspreiden, in sublicentie te gebruiken en/of kopieën van de Software te verkopen, en om personen aan wie de Software ter beschikking is gesteld, dit te doen en wel onder de volgende voorwaarden:"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.",,"De bovenstaande copyrightvermelding zal op alle kopieën of substantiële gedeelten van de Software worden vermeld.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"MIT License",,"MIT-licentie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"MIT Licensed Files",,"Bestanden die onder de MIT-Licentie vallen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Original copyright",,"Oorspronkelijk copyright",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Original file",,"Oorspronkelijk bestand",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Original license",,"Oorspronkelijke licentie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Original source",,"Oorspronkelijke bron",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reddit",,"Reddit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This service depends on third parties to provide data. The use of all Social Content is subject to the terms of use or terms of service agreements associated with the social media network providing such content.",,"Deze service is afhankelijk van derden voor het aanleveren van gegevens. Op het gebruik van alle sociale inhoud zijn de overeenkomsten voor gebruiksvoorwaarden of servicevoorwaarden van toepassing die samenhangen met het socialemedianetwerk dat deze inhoud aanbiedt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Links to third party terms of use/service",,"Koppelingen naar service-/gebruiksvoorwaarden van derden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Third party data provider",,"Derde gegevensprovider",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""This software may be based on or incorporates material from the files listed below (collectively, ""Third Party Code""). Please Note: Microsoft is not the original author of the Third Party Code. The URL for the original file source, the original copyright notice and the license under which Microsoft received Third Party Code are set forth below together with the text of such license. Such notices and license are provided solely for your information. Microsoft, not the third party, licenses this Third Party Code to you under the terms set forth in the Subscription License Terms for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Unless applicable law gives you more rights, Microsoft reserves all other rights not expressly granted under this agreement, whether by implication, estoppel or otherwise."",,""Deze software kan zijn gebaseerd op of bevat mogelijk materiaal uit de onderstaande bestanden (gezamenlijk ""Code van derden""). Let op: Microsoft is niet de oorspronkelijke auteur van de Code van derden. De URL voor de oorspronkelijke bestandsbron, de oorspronkelijke copyrightinformatie en de gebruiksrechtovereenkomst waaronder Microsoft de Code van derden heeft ontvangen, zijn hieronder vermeld, samen met de volledige tekst van deze gebruiksrechtovereenkomst. Deze informatie en gebruiksrechtovereenkomst worden alleen ter informatie verstrekt. Microsoft, en niet de derde partij, verstrekt deze Code van derden in licentie aan u onder de voorwaarden in de abonnementsovereenkomst voor Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Tenzij u over meer rechten beschikt volgens de toepasselijke wetgeving, behoudt Microsoft zich alle overige rechten voor die niet nadrukkelijk zijn verleend onder deze overeenkomst, hetzij bij implicatie, volgens het estoppelbeginsel dan wel uit andere hoofde."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Third party notices",,"Verklaring van derden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"About Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Info over Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tumblr Terms of Service",,"Servicevoorwaarden Tumblr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter Terms of Service",,"Servicevoorwaarden Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Wordpress Terms of Service",,"Servicevoorwaarden Wordpress",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"YouTube Terms of Service",,"Servicevoorwaarden YouTube",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{panel_title} is closed.",,"%{panel_title} is gesloten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{panel_title} is open.",,"%{panel_title} is open.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{panel_name} panel",,"Paneel %{panel_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Doughnut chart. Displays types of posts in your data set.",,"Ringdiagram. Hierin worden de soorten berichten in uw gegevensset weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% are %{type}",,"%{posts}% zijn %{type}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts",,"Berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% are Posts",,"%{posts}% zijn berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Replies",,"Antwoorden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% are Replies",,"%{posts}% zijn antwoorden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Shares",,"Shares",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% are Shares",,"%{posts}% zijn shares",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activities",,"Activiteiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the types of posts in your data set",,"De soorten berichten in uw gegevensset bekijken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Age data representation of consumer search volumes in US for the selected topic. Determined by available Bing search data.",,"Weergave van leeftijdsgegevens voor zoekvolumes van consumenten in de VS voor het geselecteerde onderwerp. Bepaald door beschikbare Bing-zoekgegevens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{percent}% are %{type}",,"%{percent}% zijn %{type}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Age Group",,"Leeftijdsgroep",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Percentage",,"Percentage",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Age",,"Leeftijd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Determined by available Bing search data.",,"Bepaald door beschikbaar Bing-zoekgegevens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Line chart. Displays the number of posts in the selected time frame.",,"Lijndiagram. Hierin wordt het aantal berichten in het geselecteerde tijdsbestek weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Average",,"Gemiddeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Volume",,"Volume",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Average number of posts: %{value}",,"Gemiddeld aantal berichten: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Average volume of posts based on previous periods",,"Gemiddeld aantal berichten gebaseerd op eerdere perioden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Volume of posts",,"Aantal berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of posts: %{value}",,"Aantal berichten: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See how the volume of posts changed in the selected time frame",,"Kijken hoe het aantal berichten is gewijzigd in het geselecteerde tijdsbestek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom Sources",,"Aangepaste bronnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Line chart. Displays the number of posts per source in the selected time frame.",,"Lijndiagram. Hierin wordt het aantal berichten per bron in het geselecteerde tijdsbestek weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources History",,"Bronnengeschiedenis",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Source: %{type}",,"Bron: %{type}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See how the volume of posts per source has changed in the selected time frame",,"Kijken hoe het aantal berichten per bron is gewijzigd in het geselecteerde tijdsbestek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add source filter: %{channel}",,"Bronfilter toevoegen: %{channel}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Blogs posts",,"Blogberichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Forum posts",,"Forumberichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom source posts",,"Aangepaste bronberichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook posts",,"Facebook-berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instagram posts",,"Instagram-berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LinkedIn posts",,"LinkedIn-berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"News posts",,"Nieuwsberichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter posts",,"Twitter-berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Videos",,"Video's",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Close",,"Sluiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Conversations",,"Gesprekken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"activity",,"activiteit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"alerts",,"waarschuwingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"automation",,"automatisering",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"maps",,"overzichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"rules",,"regels",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Download the data into Excel",,"De gegevens downloaden in Excel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} filter is active. Change filters. |||| %{smart_count} filters are active. Change filters.",,"%{smart_count} filter is actief. Wijzig filters. |||| %{smart_count} filters zijn actief. Wijzig filters.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No matching posts found. Try changing your search topic, the time frame, or your filters.",,"Geen overeenkomende berichten gevonden. Wijzig het onderwerp, het tijdsbestek of de filters voor de zoekopdracht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"BY AUDIENCE",,"OP PUBLIEK",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"BY PAGE",,"OP PAGINA",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comments",,"Reacties",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comments by Audience",,"Reacties per publiek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comments by Page",,"Reacties per pagina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bar chart. Displays the types of Facebook posts in your data set.",,"Staafdiagram. Hierin worden de soorten Facebook-berichten in uw gegevensset weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts by Audience",,"Berichten per publiek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts by Page",,"Berichten per pagina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add contributor filter: %{name}",,"Inzenderfilter toevoegen: %{name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post Types",,"Berichttypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the post types for Facebook pages in your data set",,"De soorten berichten voor Facebook-paginas bekijken in uw gegevensset",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% of posts and comments on your Facebook pages",,"%{posts}% berichten en reacties op uw Facebook-paginas",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Filtered View",,"Gefilterde weergave",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Page focus:",,"Paginafocus:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Close this menu.",,"Sluit dit menu.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create alert",,"Waarschuwing maken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create activity map",,"Activiteitsoverzicht maken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"More options with current filters",,"Meer opties met huidige filters",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add filters",,"Filters toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change filters",,"Filters wijzigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove all filters",,"Alle filters verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change your analysis focus",,"Uw analysefocus wijzigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to search setup",,"Naar zoekinstellingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Gender data representation of consumer search volumes in US for the selected topic. Determined by available Bing search data.",,"Weergave van geslachtsgegevens voor zoekvolumes van consumenten in de VS voor het geselecteerde onderwerp. Bepaald door beschikbare Bing-zoekgegevens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Female",,"Vrouw",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{percent}% are female",,"%{percent}% is vrouw",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Male",,"Man",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{percent}% are male",,"%{percent}% is man",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Gender",,"Geslacht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unknown",,"Onbekend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{percent}% are unknown",,"%{percent}% is onbekend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Welcome to your insights",,"Welkom bij uw inzichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hashtags",,"Hashtags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hashtags that appear in tweets.",,"Hashtags die worden weergegeven in tweets.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Administrator",,"Beheerder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analyst",,"Analist",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Don't show this again",,"Niet meer weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To learn more about Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights, visit the Help Center.",,"Bezoek het Helpcentrum voor meer informatie over Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manager",,"Manager",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No, thanks",,"Nee, bedankt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Power Analyst",,"Hoofdanalist",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reader",,"Lezer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Responder",,"Antwoorder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"First things first",,"Eerste stappen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add and share social profiles link contains the help for managing social profiles",,"De koppeling Sociale profielen toevoegen en delen bevat de help voor het beheren van sociale profielen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add users and assign roles link contains the help for app licenses",,"De koppeling Gebruikers toevoegen en rollen toewijzen bevat de help voor applicenties",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create search topics to gather data link contains the help for creating a new search topic in order to listen to social media conversations",,"De koppeling Zoekonderwerpen maken om gegevens te verzamelen bevat de help voor het maken van een nieuw zoekonderwerp om te luisteren naar gesprekken in de sociale media",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set solution defaults link contains the help for global settings",,"De koppeling Standaardinstellingen van oplossing opgeven bevat de help voor algemene instellingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set up streams in social center link contains the help for creating streams and keeping track of live data streams in social center",,"De koppeling Streams in Sociaal centrum instellen bevat de help voor het maken van streams en het bijhouden van live gegevensstreams in Sociaal centrum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set solution defaults",,"Standaardinstellingen voor oplossing opgeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add users and assign roles",,"Gebruikers toevoegen en rollen toewijzen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create search topics to gather data",,"Zoekonderwerpen maken om gegevens te verzamelen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create an alert link contains the help to help you stay up to date with alerts",,"De koppeling Een waarschuwing maken bevat de help om op de hoogte te blijven van waarschuwingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set your user preferences link contains the help to set your preferences for the user interface",,"De koppeling uw gebruikersvoorkeuren instellen bevat de help voor het instellen van uw voorkeuren voor de gebruikersinterface",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start analyzing data link contains the help to start analyzing social data using widgets",,"De koppeling Beginnen met het analyseren van gegevens bevat de help voor het beginnen analyseren van sociale gegevens via widgets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set your user preferences",,"Uw gebruikersvoorkeuren instellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start analyzing data",,"Gegevens analyseren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create an alert",,"Een waarschuwing maken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To re-open this page, click the help icon in the nav bar from anywhere in the application and select “First things first“.",,"Als u deze pagina opnieuw wilt openen, klikt u ergens in de toepassing op het helppictogram in de navigatiebalk. Kies vervolgens Eerste stappen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add and share social profiles",,"Sociale profielen toevoegen en delen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set up streams in Social Center",,"Streams instellen in Sociaal centrum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Close. ",,"Sluiten ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Take a few moments to look at key scenarios according to your user role.",,"Neem even de tijd om belangrijke scenarios voor uw gebruikersrol te bekijken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your configuration role is %{config_role}. Here's a list of activities to get you started:",,"Uw configuratierol is %{config_role}. Hier ziet u een lijst met activiteiten om aan de slag te gaan:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage data quality link contains the help for quality management of your search results",,"De koppeling Gegevenskwaliteit beheren bevat de help voor kwaliteitsbeheer van uw zoekresultaten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage data quality",,"Gegevenskwaliteit beheren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Visit the Help Center to learn more about Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.",,"Bezoek het Helpcentrum voor meer informatie over Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Work with your inbox and shared streams in Social Center",,"Werken met uw Postvak IN en met gedeelde streams in Sociaal centrum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add social profiles link contains the help for managing social profiles",,"De koppeling Sociale profielen toevoegen bevat de help voor het beheren van sociale profielen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add social profiles",,"Sociale profielen toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your interaction role is %{interaction_role}. Find out what you can do:",,"Uw interactierol is %{interaction_role}. Lees hier wat u allemaal kunt doen:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Doughnut chart. Share of voice of intentions in your data set.",,"Ringdiagram. Het opinie-aandeel van intenties in uw gegevensset.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Intention: %{intention}",,"Intentie: %{intention}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share: %{intentionsShare}%",,"Delen: %{intentionsShare}%",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts: %{postsCount}",,"Berichten: %{postsCount}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Others",,"Overige",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} posts are labeled with %{intention} intention",,"%{smart_count} berichten zijn gelabeld met de intentie %{intention}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Intentions",,"Intenties",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Probable actions that people are taking or will take in the context of their social posts, such as purchase, complaint, support, and so on.",,"Waarschijnlijk acties die mensen hebben uitgevoerd of nog gaan uitvoeren in de context van hun sociale berichten zoals aankoop, klacht, ondersteuning enzovoort.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Total posts matching data set",,"Totale aantal berichten dat overeenkomt met de gegevensset",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location",,"Locatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author location",,"Auteurslocatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Doughnut chart. Displays location coverage data in your data set.",,"Ringdiagram. Hierin worden locatiedekkingsgegevens in uw gegevensset weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{volume}% have author location",,"%{volume}% heeft een auteurslocatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{volume}% have post location",,"%{volume}% heeft een berichtlocatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{volume}% have no location",,"%{volume}% heeft geen locatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post location",,"Berichtlocatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location Coverage",,"Locatiedekking",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the coverage of location data in your current data set",,"De dekking van locatiegegevens in uw huidige gegevensset bekijken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location Insights",,"Locatie-inzichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Map. Get insights about the location of posts.",,"Kaart. Krijg inzicht in de locatie van berichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index:",,"Gevoelsindex:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{volume} posts",,"%{volume} berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{volume} search interest",,"%{volume} zoekinteresse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{volume} post |||| %{volume} posts",,"%{volume} bericht |||| %{volume} berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend:",,"Trend:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get insights about where people are posting from",,"Inzichten verzamelen over de locaties van mensen die een bericht posten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Latitude",,"Breedtegraad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Longitude",,"Lengtegraad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Locations mentioned",,"Genoemde locaties",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Locations that are mentioned in social posts (not the location of who wrote the posts).",,"Locaties die worden genoemd in sociale berichten (niet de locatie van degene die de berichten heeft geschreven).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Buzz Volume",,"Alle berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Clusters",,"Clusters",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post",,"Bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mentions",,"Vermeldingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mentions or handles that appear in tweets.",,"Vermeldingen of handles die worden weergegeven in tweets.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no data available in this section for your data set.",,"Er zijn in deze sectie geen gegevens beschikbaar voor uw gegevensset.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} filter is active |||| %{smart_count} filters are active",,"%{smart_count} filter is actief |||| %{smart_count} filters zijn actief",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Orgs mentioned",,"Genoemde organisaties",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Names of organizations, companies, or brands mentioned in social posts.",,"De namen van organisaties, bedrijven of merken die worden genoemd in de sociale berichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date/time: %{value}",,"Datum/tijd: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Doughnut chart. Displays sentiment score for posts with a known sentiment value.",,"Ringdiagram. Hierin wordt de gevoelsscore voor berichten met een bekende gevoelswaarde weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"index",,"index",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index: %{value}",,"Gevoelsindex: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index change: %{value}",,"Wijziging gevoelsindex: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"negative",,"negatief",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"neutral",,"neutraal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"positive",,"positief",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment",,"Gevoel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the overall sentiment score for posts with known sentiment value",,"De algemene gevoelsscore bekijken voor berichten met een bekende gevoelswaarde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"change",,"wijziging",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Overview",,"Overzicht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"People mentioned",,"Genoemde personen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Names of individuals who are mentioned in social posts (not who wrote the posts themselves).",,"Namen van personen die worden genoemd in sociale berichten (niet de degenen die de berichten hebben geschreven).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Word cloud. Get insights about what people post about most.",,"Woordcloud. Verzamel inzichten over de populairste berichtonderwerpen van mensen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Buzz",,"Alle berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment/Buzz",,"Gevoel/alle berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend/Buzz",,"Trend/alle berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Phrases",,"Zinnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Common words or phrases appearing in social posts.",,"Veelgebruikte woorden of woordgroepen die in sociale berichten verschijnen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the top phrases sorted by sources (based on volume).",,"Lijst. Hierin worden de populairste woordgroepen per bron weergeven (op basis van volume).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any phrases available for any sources in the current data set. Try selecting another topic or change your filters.",,"Er zijn geen zinnen beschikbaar voor bronnen in de huidige gegevensset. Selecteer een ander onderwerp of pas de filters aan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Phrases by Source",,"Woordgroepen per bron",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add channel filter: %{name}",,"Kanaalfilter toevoegen: %{name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add phrase filter: %{name}",,"Woordgroepenfilter toevoegen: %{name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See significant phrases sorted by sources (based on volume)",,"Significante zinnen weergeven gesorteerd op bronnen (gebaseerd op volume)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the top phrases by country/region (based on volume).",,"Lijst. Hierin worden de populairste woordgroepen per land/regio weergeven (op basis van volume).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any phrases available for any country/region. Try selecting another topic or change your filters.",,"Er zijn geen zinnen beschikbaar voor een land/regio. Selecteer een ander onderwerp of pas de filters aan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Phrases by Country/Region",,"Zinnen per land/regio",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add location filter: %{name}",,"Locatiefilter toevoegen: %{name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See significant phrases sorted by countries/regions (based on volume)",,"Significante zinnen weergeven gesorteerd op landen/regios (gebaseerd op volume)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Line chart. Displays the number of posts per top phrase in the selected time frame.",,"Lijndiagram. Hierin wordt het aantal berichten per populairste woordgroep in het geselecteerde tijdsbestek weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Phrases History",,"Woordgroepgeschiedenis",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See how the volume of posts per top phrase has changed in the selected time frame",,"Kijken hoe het berichtenvolume per belangrijkste zin is gewijzigd in het geselecteerde tijdsbestek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add phrase filter: %{phrase}",,"Woordgroepenfilter toevoegen: %{phrase}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"posts",,"berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{count} post |||| %{count} posts",,"%{count} bericht |||| %{count} berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hide post list",,"Berichtenlijst verbergen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show post list",,"Berichtenlijst weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} author |||| %{smart_count} authors",,"%{smart_count} auteur |||| %{smart_count} auteurs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{count} author |||| %{count} authors",,"%{count} auteur |||| %{count} auteurs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Others",,"Anderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Doughnut chart. Displays the number of unique authors per source.",,"Ringdiagram. Hierin wordt het aantal unieke auteurs per bron weergeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authors: %{authorsCount}",,"Auteurs: %{authorsCount}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share: %{authorsShare}%",,"Delen: %{authorsShare}%",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Source: %{channel}",,"Bron: %{channel}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authors by Source",,"Auteurs op bron",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the number of unique authors per source",,"Het aantal unieke auteurs per bron weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"authors",,"auteurs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If you want to perform sentiment analysis, your data set needs to contain posts with a sentiment value.",,"Als u een gevoelsanalyse wilt uitvoeren, moet uw gegevensset berichten met een gevoelswaarde bevatten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To continue with your previous analysis, click the browser's back button.",,"Als u verder wilt gaan met uw vorige analyse, klikt u op de knop Terug of Vorige van uw browser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment is available for %{languages}.",,"Gevoel is beschikbaar voor %{languages}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the sentiment index of your top categories.",,"Lijst. Hierin wordt de gevoelsindex van uw belangrijkste categorieën weergeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Categories",,"Categorieën",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment by Category",,"Gevoel per categorie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the sentiment index for your top categories",,"De gevoelsindex voor uw belangrijkste categorieën weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zero-centered bar chart. Displays the sentiment index of your top categories.",,"Op nul gebaseerd staafdiagram. Hierin wordt de gevoelsindex van uw belangrijkste categorieën weergeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zero-centered bar chart. Displays the sentiment index of each country/region.",,"Op nul gebaseerd staafdiagram. Hierin wordt de gevoelsindex van elk(e) land/regio weergeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment by Country/Region",,"Gevoel op volgorde van land/regio",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the sentiment index for each country/region",,"De gevoelsindex voor elk land of elke regio weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{location} sentiment index: %{sentimentIndex}",,"%{location} gevoelsindex: %{sentimentIndex}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{topic} sentiment index: %{value}",,"Gevoelsindex %{topic}: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the sentiment index of your top topics.",,"Lijst. Hierin wordt de gevoelsindex van uw belangrijkste onderwerpen weergeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Negative Posts",,"Negatieve berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Neutral Posts",,"Neutrale berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Positive Posts",,"Positieve berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment Change",,"Gevoelswijziging",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment Index",,"Gevoelsindex",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Topics",,"Onderwerpen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment by Topic",,"Gevoel per onderwerp",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the sentiment index for your top topics",,"De gevoelsindex voor uw belangrijkste onderwerpen weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zero-centered bar chart. Displays the sentiment index of your top topics.",,"Op nul gebaseerd staafdiagram. Hierin wordt de gevoelsindex van uw belangrijkste onderwerpen weergeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Doughnut chart. Displays the sentiment coverage of your current data set.",,"Ringdiagram. Hierin wordt de gevoelsdekking van uw huidige gegevensset weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{volume}% are edited sentiment",,"%{volume}% is bewerkt gevoel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{volume}% are system-rated",,"%{volume}% is door het systeem beoordeeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edited sentiment",,"Bewerkt gevoel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"System-rated",,"Door systeem beoordeeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment Coverage",,"Gevoelbereik",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the sentiment coverage of your current data set",,"De gevoelsdekking van uw huidige gegevensset bekijken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment History",,"Gevoelsgeschiedenis",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Line chart. Displays the sentiment trending over time.",,"Lijndiagram. Hierin wordt de gevoelstrend gedurende een periode weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Index",,"Index",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Last month",,"Vorige maand",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Last week",,"Vorige week",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Negative",,"Negatief",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Positive",,"Positief",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Previous period",,"Vorige periodes",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Yesterday",,"Gisteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add sentiment filter: negative.",,"Gevoelsfilter toevoegen: negatief.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add sentiment filter: positive.",,"Gevoelsfilter toevoegen: positief.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index",,"Gevoelsindex",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts with negative sentiment value",,"Berichten met negatieve gevoelswaarde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of negative posts: %{value}",,"Aantal negatieve berichten: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts with positive sentiment value",,"Berichten met positieve gevoelswaarde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of positive posts: %{value}",,"Aantal positieve berichten: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index in previous period",,"Gevoelsindex in vorige periode",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See how the sentiment changed in the selected time frame",,"Kijken hoe het gevoel is gewijzigd in het geselecteerde tijdsbestek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author location volume",,"Volume auteurslocatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile image not available for user %{username}",,"Profielafbeelding niet beschikbaar voor gebruiker %{username}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Link to profile image for user %{username}",,"Koppelen aan profielafbeelding voor gebruiker %{username}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Average number of posts",,"Gemiddeld aantal berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Country/Region",,"Land/regio",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date / time",,"Datum/tijd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Importance score",,"Belangrijkheidsscore",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Language",,"Taal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Name",,"Naam",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Negative sentiment",,"Negatief gevoel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Neutral sentiment",,"Neutraal gevoel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of authors",,"Aantal auteurs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of negative posts",,"Aantal negatieve berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of positive posts",,"Aantal positieve berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of posts",,"Aantal berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Percentage of authors",,"Percentage auteurs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Percentage of posts",,"Percentage berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Percentage of sources",,"Percentage bronnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Phrase",,"Zin",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Positive sentiment",,"Positief gevoel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post location volume",,"Volume berichtlocatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile icon",,"Profielpictogram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment trend",,"Gevoelstrend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index change",,"Wijziging gevoelsindex",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment Value",,"Gevoelswaarde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Source",,"Bron",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend",,"Trend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Volume change",,"Volumewijziging",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show filter |||| Show filters",,"Filter weergeven |||| Filters weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bar chart. Displays the top sources by number of posts.",,"Staafdiagram. Hierin worden de belangrijkste bronnen op basis van het aantal berichten weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources",,"Bronnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top sources by volume of posts",,"De belangrijkste bronnen weergeven naar berichtenvolume",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% of posts in your data set",,"%{posts}% berichten in uw gegevensset",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zero-centered bar chart. Displays the sentiment index of each source.",,"Op nul gebaseerd staafdiagram. Hierin wordt de gevoelsindex van elke bron weergeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any posts to show that have sentiment data. Try selecting another topic or change your filters.",,"Er zijn geen berichten met gevoelsgegevens. Selecteer een ander onderwerp of pas de filters aan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment by Source",,"Gevoel per bron",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the sentiment index for each source",,"De gevoelsindex voor elke bron weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tags",,"Tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tags you or someone in your org have created that appear with the highest numbers of social posts.",,"Tags die door u of iemand in uw organisatie zijn gemaakt en die verschijnen bij de hoogste aantallen sociale berichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. The share of voice of your tags",,"Lijst. Het opinie-aandeel van uw tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tag: %{tag}",,"Tag: %{tag}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share: %{tagsShare}%",,"Delen: %{tagsShare}%",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"others",,"overige",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} post tagged |||| %{smart_count} posts tagged",,"%{smart_count} bericht gemarkeerd |||| %{smart_count} berichten gemarkeerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the share of voice of your tags",,"Opinie-aandeel van uw tags bekijken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tag name",,"Tagnaam",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Doughnut chart. The share of voice of your tags",,"Ringdiagram. Het opinie-aandeel van uw tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Promote to Social Selling Assistant",,"Promoveren tot Social Selling Assistant",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Themes",,"Thema's",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Common topical categories that people are talking about.",,"Algemene plaatselijke categorieën waarover mensen praten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the authors with the most posts.",,"Lijst. Hierin worden de auteurs met de meeste berichten weergeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authors",,"Auteurs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top authors with the most posts",,"De belangrijkste auteurs met de meeste berichten weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the top cities in your current data set.",,"Lijst. Hierin worden de belangrijkste plaatsen in uw huidige gegevensset weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any posts to show that have location data at the city level. Try selecting another topic or change your filters.",,"Er zijn geen berichten met locatiegegevens op plaatsniveau. Selecteer een ander onderwerp of pas de filters aan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cities",,"Plaatsen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top cities in your current data set",,"De belangrijkste plaatsen in uw huidige gegevensset bekijken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the critics with the most posts.",,"Lijst. Hierin worden de recensenten met de meeste berichten weergeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top Critics",,"Belangrijkste critici",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts} negative posts",,"%{posts} negatieve berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View who are your top critics",,"Uw belangrijkste critici weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the fans with the most posts.",,"Lijst. Hierin worden de fans met de meeste berichten weergeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top Fans",,"Grootste fans",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts} positive posts",,"%{posts} positieve berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View who are your top fans",,"Uw grootste fans weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the top Twitter hashtags by number of posts.",,"Lijst. Hierin worden de belangrijkste Twitter-hashtags op basis van het aantal berichten weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any Twitter hashtags to show. Try selecting another topic or change your filters.",,"Er zijn geen Twitter-hashtags om weer te geven. Selecteer een ander onderwerp of pas de filters aan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top Twitter hashtags by volume of posts",,"De belangrijkste Twitter-hashtags weergeven naar berichtenvolume",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bar chart. Displays the top languages by number of posts.",,"Staafdiagram. Hierin worden de belangrijkste talen op basis van het aantal berichten weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Languages",,"Talen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the most spoken languages by volume of posts",,"De meest gesproken talen weergeven naar berichtenvolume",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bar chart. Displays the top location groups in your data set.",,"Staafdiagram. Hierin worden de belangrijkste locatiegroepen in uw gegevensset weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location Groups",,"Locatiegroepen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top location groups in your data set",,"De belangrijkste locatiegroepen in uw gegevensset bekijken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bar chart. Displays the top locations in your current data set.",,"Staafdiagram. Hierin worden de belangrijkste locaties in uw huidige gegevensset weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Locations",,"Locaties",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top locations in your current data set",,"De belangrijkste locaties in uw huidige gegevensset bekijken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Word cloud. Displays the top phrases of negative posts.",,"Woordcloud. Hierin worden de belangrijkste woordgroepen uit negatieve berichten weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Negative Phrases",,"Negatieve zinnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See significant phrases of negative posts",,"Significante zinnen uit negatieve berichten weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment index: %{sentiment}",,"Gevoelsindex: %{sentiment}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Word Cloud. Displays the top phrases on %{source}.",,"Woordcloud. Hierin worden de belangrijkste woordgroepen van %{source} weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Phrases on %{source}",,"Zinnen in %{source}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top significant phrases on %{source}",,"De belangrijkste significante zinnen in %{source} weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top significant phrases",,"De belangrijkste significante zinnen weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top Phrases",,"Populairste woordgroepen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Word cloud. Displays the top phrases in positive posts.",,"Woordcloud. Hierin worden de belangrijkste woordgroepen in positieve berichten weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Positive Phrases",,"Positieve zinnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See significant phrases of positive posts",,"Significante zinnen uit positieve berichten weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author",,"Auteur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cancel",,"Annuleren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm",,"Bevestigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The author couldn't be deleted, please try again.",,"De auteur is niet verwijderd, probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete %{publisher_name} with %{number_of_posts} posts?",,"Weet u zeker dat u %{publisher_name} inclusief %{number_of_posts} berichten wilt verwijderen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The author %{publisher_name} was successfully deleted and %{number_of_posts} posts were deleted from the database.",,"De auteur %{publisher_name} is verwijderd en %{number_of_posts} berichten zijn verwijderd uit de database.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"INCLUDE",,"OPNEMEN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Latest Post",,"Nieuwste bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{post_time} ago",,"%{post_time} geleden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reach",,"Bereik",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove Author",,"Auteur verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"SELECT ALL",,"ALLES SELECTEREN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Category",,"Zoeken in categorie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Doughnut chart. Displays the share of voice of top topics or categories by number of posts.",,"Ringdiagram. Hierin wordt het opinie-aandeel van de belangrijkste onderwerpen of categorieën op basis van het aantal berichten weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{name}: %{volume}% of posts in your top categories",,"%{name}: %{volume}% berichten in uw belangrijkste categorieën",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{name}: %{volume}% of posts in its category",,"%{name}: %{volume}% berichten in bijbehorende categorie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{name}: %{volume}% of posts in your top topics",,"%{name}: %{volume}% berichten in uw belangrijkste onderwerpen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"in the category",,"in de categorie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"in your data set",,"in uw gegevensset",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"of posts in",,"van berichten in",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% of posts in your data set",,"%{posts}% van de berichten in uw gegevensset",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}%",,"%{posts}%",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Topics",,"Zoekonderwerpen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{percentage} of posts in %{topic}",,"%{percentage} van berichten in %{topic}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Topic",,"Zoekonderwerp",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the share of voice of top topics / categories by volume of posts",,"Het opinie-aandeel van de belangrijkste onderwerpen/categorieën weergeven naar berichtenvolume",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Not enough data available to calculate trend",,"Onvoldoende gegevens om trend te berekenen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend: %{value}",,"Trend: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend: %{value}%",,"Trend: %{value}%",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Word cloud. Displays the current top phrases compared to the previous period.",,"Woordcloud. Hierin worden de belangrijkste woordgroepen vergeleken met de vorige periode weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trending Phrases",,"Trending zinnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top current significant phrases as compared to the previous period",,"De belangrijkste significante zinnen van dit moment zien in vergelijking met de vorige periode",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend: %{trend}",,"Trend: %{trend}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zero-centered bar chart. Displays the source volume in the selected time frame.",,"Op nul gebaseerd staafdiagram. Hierin wordt het bronvolume in het geselecteerde tijdsbestek weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Volume Change by Source",,"Volumewijziging per bron",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the volume change for each source",,"De volumewijziging voor elke bron weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{source} %{volume}% %{volume_trend}",,"%{source} %{volume}% %{volume_trend}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"decrease",,"afname",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"increase",,"toename",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comparison",,"Vergelijking",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Complaint",,"Klacht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Information request",,"Verzoek om informatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Purchase",,"Aankoop",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Promote to Social Selling Assistant",,"Promoveren naar Social Selling Assistant",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Support request",,"Ondersteuningsaanvraag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activity map",,"Activiteitsoverzicht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collapse insights",,"Inzichten samenvouwen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expand insights",,"Inzichten uitvouwen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Insights",,"Inzichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Live update",,"Live update",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New post |||| New posts",,"Nieuwe berichten |||| Nieuwe berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Refresh",,"Vernieuwen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Display incoming live data.",,"Geef binnenkomende live gegevens weer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Stop displaying live data on the activity map while accumulating posts until you select Refresh or turn on Live update.",,"Stop met het weergeven van live gegevens in het activiteitsoverzicht terwijl er berichten worden verzameld, totdat u Vernieuwen selecteert of Live update inschakelt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts on the map from %{location}. Select the following keys to view the posts: Spacebar or Enter key to view posts; Down arrow key for posts to the south; Up arrow key for posts to the north; Left arrow key for posts to the west; Right arrow key for posts to the east",,"Berichten op de kaart van %{location}. Gebruik de volgende toetsen om de berichten weer te geven: de spatiebalk of Enter om berichten weer te geven, Pijl-omlaag voor berichten in het zuiden, Pijl-omhoog voor berichten in het noorden, Pijl-links voor berichten in het westen en Pijl-rechts voor berichten in het oosten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get insights about what are people talking about",,"Inzichten verzamelen over de onderwerpen waarover mensen het hebben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Back to POSTS",,"Terug naar BERICHTEN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Selected posts cluster",,"Geselecteerd berichtencluster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collapse posts",,"Berichten samenvouwen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expand posts",,"Berichten uitvouwen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} ~ New post available. |||| %{smart_count} ~ New posts available.",,"%{smart_count} ~ Nieuw bericht beschikbaar. |||| %{smart_count} ~ Nieuwe berichten beschikbaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New activity map",,"Nieuw activiteitsoverzicht toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add an activity map",,"Een activiteitsoverzicht toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activity maps",,"Activiteitsoverzichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete this activity map",,"Dit activiteitsoverzicht verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Invalid Author",,"Ongeldige auteur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open this activity map",,"Dit activiteitsoverzicht openen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete",,"Verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Map",,"Kaart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Status",,"Status",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data Sources",,"Gegevensbronnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activity maps don't support instant sentiment filtering if you apply sentiment filters in this configuration.",,"In Activiteitsoverzichten kunt u gevoelens niet rechtstreeks filteren als u gevoelsfilters in deze configuratie hebt toegepast.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Buzz map",,"Alle berichten-kaart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment map",,"Gevoelskaart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Default map type",,"Standaardkaarttype",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Past 30 minutes",,"Afgelopen 30 minuten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Past hour",,"Afgelopen uur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Past 12 hours",,"Afgelopen 12 uur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Past 24 hours",,"Afgelopen 24 uur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Default time span",,"Standaardtijdsperiode",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open",,"Openen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Save",,"Opslaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Save this activity map",,"Dit activiteitsoverzicht opslaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activity map details",,"Details Activiteitsoverzicht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You haven't created any activity maps yet. To start using activity maps, click ""Add an activity map""."",,""U hebt nog geen activiteitsoverzichten gemaakt. Als u wilt werken met activiteitsoverzichten, klikt u op ""Een activiteitsoverzicht toevoegen""."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"OK",,"OK",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldnt delete your activity map. Please try again.",,"Het activiteitsoverzicht kan niet worden verwijderd. Probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldnt save your activity map. Please try again.",,"Het activiteitsoverzicht kan niet worden opgeslagen. Probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"That didnt work",,"Er is iets misgegaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Specify a name before saving.",,"U moet een naam opgeven om het overzicht op te slaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This name is already taken. Choose a different name.",,"Deze naam is al in gebruik. Kies een andere naam.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Do you really want to delete activity map %{cockpitName}?",,"Weet u zeker dat u het activiteitsoverzicht %{cockpitName} wilt verwijderen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have unsaved changes that will be lost. Are you sure you want to discard your changes?",,"U hebt niet-opgeslagen wijzigingen die verloren zullen gaan. Weet u zeker dat u de wijzigingen wilt verwijderen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Success",,"Geslaagd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete activity map",,"Activiteitsoverzicht verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have unsaved changes",,"Er zijn niet-opgeslagen wijzigingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts on the map from %{location}. Select Spacebar or Enter key to view the post. Select Up arrow key to view posts to the north. Select Down arrow key to view posts to the south. Select Left arrow key to view posts to the west. Select Right arrow key to view posts to the east.",,"Berichten op de kaart van %{location}. Druk op de spatiebalk of Enter om het bericht weer te geven. Berichten in het noorden, zuiden, westen of oosten kunt u weergeven door respectievelijk op Pijl-omhoog, Pijl-omlaag, Pijl-links of Pijl-rechts te drukken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activate area filter",,"Gebiedsfilter activeren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Deactivate area filter",,"Gebiedsfilter deactiveren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collapse header",,"Koptekst samenvouwen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expand header",,"Koptekst uitvouwen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Exit full screen mode.",,"Schermvullende modus verlaten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open the activity map in full screen.",,"Het activiteitsoverzicht in volledig scherm openen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change the map's time span",,"De tijdsperiode van het overzicht wijzigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change the map type",,"Overzichttype wijzigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Filter by sentiment value",,"Filteren op gevoelswaarde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% negative posts",,"%{posts}% negatieve berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% neutral posts",,"%{posts}% neutrale berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To filter the map by sentiment, remove the sentiment filters in your map configuration.",,"Filter het overzicht op gevoelens door de gevoelsfilters in de configuratie van het overzicht te verwijderen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts}% positive posts",,"%{posts}% positieve berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Area filter",,"Gebiedsfilter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open data set in Analytics",,"Gegevensset openen in Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{posts} P",,"%{posts} B",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"-%{hours}h",,"-%{hours}u",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Now",,"Nu",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Neutral",,"Neutraal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiments",,"Gevoelens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Past 30 m",,"Afgelopen 30 min",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Past 12 h",,"Afgelopen 12 uur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Past 24 h",,"Afgelopen 24 uur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Point B: Latitude",,"Punt B: breedtegraad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter ending latitude",,"Breedtegraad voor einde invoeren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Point B: Longitude",,"Punt B: lengtegraad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter ending longitude",,"Lengtegraad voor einde invoeren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Point A: Latitude",,"Punt A: breedtegraad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter starting latitude",,"Breedtegraad voor begin invoeren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Point A: Longitude",,"Punt A: lengtegraad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter starting longitude",,"Lengtegraad voor begin invoeren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bar chart. Post distribution over time.",,"Staafdiagram. Berichtverdeling in de loop van de tijd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{intervalStart} to %{intervalEnd} %{timeUnit} ago: %{numberOfPosts} posts.",,"%{intervalStart} tot %{intervalEnd} %{timeUnit} geleden: %{numberOfPosts} berichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Press Esc to exit full screen mode.",,"Druk op Esc om volledig scherm af te sluiten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{cockpitName} is now shown in full screen.",,"%{cockpitName} wordt nu schermvullend weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Missing connection: There was a connection error. We cant show recent posts on the map. Try refreshing the activity map.",,"Ontbrekende verbinding: Er is een verbindingsfout opgetreden. Recente berichten kunnen niet worden weergegeven in het overzicht. Vernieuw het activiteitsoverzicht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There are too many posts to show. Try shortening the time span.",,"Er zijn te veel berichten om weer te geven. Maak de tijdsperiode korter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No posts are available for your current data set. Try extending your map's time span or changing your activity map configuration.",,"Er zijn geen berichten beschikbaar voor de huidige gegevensset. Vergroot de tijdsperiode van het overzicht of wijzig de configuratie van het activiteitsoverzicht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't do this action because the number of requests is too high. Please try again later.",,"U kunt deze actie niet uitvoeren omdat het aantal aanvragen te hoog is. Probeer het later opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're sorry, but you can't perform this action with your user role.",,"Deze actie kan niet worden uitgevoerd met uw gebruikersrol.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Insufficient permission",,"Onvoldoende machtigingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This social profile is missing a valid token. Please reauthenticate its token in %{social_profiles}",,"In dit sociale profiel ontbreekt een geldig token. Verifieer het token opnieuw in %{social_profiles}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author details: %{author_name}",,"Auteursgegevens: %{author_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{widget_name} full screen widget. %{widget_description}.",,"Schermvullende widget %{widget_name}. %{widget_description}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics header. Contains current dataset setup and Analytics sub-navigation.",,"Koptekst in Analyse. Bevat de instelling van de huidige gegevensset en de subnavigatie in Analyse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics page content: %{page_name}.",,"Inhoud Analyse-pagina: %{page_name}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics sub-navigation. Change the type of analytics you want to be displayed.",,"Subnavigatie van Analyse. Wijzig het type analyse dat u wilt weergeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{widget_name} widget. %{widget_description}.",,"Widget %{widget_name}. %{widget_description}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics widgets. Metrics about your current dataset.",,"Analyse-widgets. Metrische gegevens over uw huidige gegevensset.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete in progress",,"Bezig met verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Deletion completed",,"Verwijderen voltooid",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Save completed",,"Opslaan voltooid",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Save in progress",,"Bezig met opslaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics filter bar. Contains current data set setup: search topic, custom filters, time frame, and total number of posts matching the data set.",,"Analysefilterbalk. Bevat de instellingen van de huidige gegevensset: zoekonderwerp, aangepaste filters, tijdsbestek en het totale aantal berichten dat overeenkomt met de gegevensset.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Contains copyright and privacy information.",,"Bevat copyright- en privacygegevens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Details for the selected post.",,"Gegevens over het geselecteerde bericht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List of posts sorted by publication date.",,"Lijst met berichten gesorteerd op publicatiedatum.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Showing latest posts of the current dataset.",,"Hiermee worden de nieuwste berichten van de huidige gegevensset weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Analytics page is ready for use.",,"De analysepagina is gereed voor gebruik.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're loading the Analytics page.",,"De analysepagina wordt geladen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
" and ",," en ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Operation completed.",,"Bewerking voltooid.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Operation in progress.",,"Bewerking wordt uitgevoerd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The current data set configuration is: %{search_topic} %{filter_set} %{time_frame} %{dataset_volume}",,"De configuratie van de huidige gegevensset is: %{search_topic} %{filter_set} %{time_frame} %{dataset_volume}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The current data set contains %{posts_count} posts with a trend of %{trend_value}%.",,"De huidige gegevensset bevat %{posts_count} berichten met een trend van %{trend_value}%.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The selected filters are: %{filters}.",,"De geselecteerde filters zijn: %{filters}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No selected filters.",,"Geen geselecteerde filters.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The search topic is: %{Search_topic_name}.",,"Het zoekonderwerp is: %{Search_topic_name}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The selected time interval is: %{selected_time_frame} from %{selectedFromDate} to %{selectedToDate}.",,"Het geselecteerde tijdsinterval is: %{selected_time_frame} van %{selectedFromDate} tot %{selectedToDate}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The selected time interval is: %{selected_time_frame} %{selectedDate}.",,"Het geselecteerde tijdsinterval is: %{selected_time_frame} %{selectedDate}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
" or ",," of ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{panel_name} panel is now closed.",,"Het paneel %{panel_name} is nu gesloten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{panel_name} panel is now open.",,"Het paneel %{panel_name} is nu open.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open details panel for %{entityName}",,"Detailpaneel openen voor %{entityName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To cancel the selected time filter, select the Esc key. ",,"Selecteer de toets Esc om het geselecteerde tijdfilter te annuleren. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To expand the time filter, select the Spacebar or Enter key. ",,"Vouw het tijdfilter uit door de spatiebalk of de toets Enter te selecteren. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To move between time filter options, select the Down arrow key or Up arrow key. ",,"Selecteer de toets pijl-omlaag of pijl-omhoog voor verplaatsing tussen tijdfilteropties. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To select a time filter, select the Spacebar. ",,"Selecteer de spatiebalk om een tijdfilter te selecteren. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} form field is invalid.||||%{smart_count} form fields are invalid.",,"%{smart_count} formulierveld is ongeldig.|||%{smart_count} formuliervelden zijn ongeldig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} profile |||| %{smart_count} profiles",,"%{smart_count} profiel |||| %{smart_count} profielen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add",,"Toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Facebook page profile to use within Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Comment on a post on Facebook; Like a post on Facebook; Share a post on Facebook; Allow data acquisition for private messages; Retrieve author information for posts and comments on the Facebook page.",,"Voeg een Facebook-paginaprofiel toe voor gebruik binnen Market Insights. U kunt dit profiel gebruiken om: te reageren op een bericht op Facebook, een bericht leuk te vinden op Facebook, een bericht te delen op Facebook, het verkrijgen van gegevens voor privéberichten toe te staan, auteursgegevens op te halen voor berichten en reacties op de Facebook-pagina.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Social Profile",,"Sociaal profiel toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Posts and comments from authors on Facebook pages surface without author information starting February 6<sup>th</sup> 2018. Author information for Facebook pages can only be provided with a valid Facebook page profile. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Learn more about unknown Facebook authors.</a>"",,""Met ingang van 6 februari 2018 worden berichten en reacties van auteurs op Facebook-pagina's weergegeven zonder gegevens over de auteur. Gegevens over de auteur voor Facebook-pagina's kunnen alleen worden verstrekt met een geldig Facebook-paginaprofiel. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Meer informatie over onbekende Facebook-auteurs.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Anonymous",,"Anoniem",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Apply",,"Toepassen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search for an assignee.",,"Een toegewezen persoon zoeken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show group, user, or all assignee types.",,"Groep, gebruiker of alle typen toegewezen personen weergeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{group_name} (%{group_membership_count})",,"%{group_name} (%{group_membership_count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Type",,"Type",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assignee is a group.",,"Toegewezen persoon is een groep.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assignee is a user.",,"Toegewezen persoon is een gebruiker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select users",,"Gebruikers selecteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select users or groups",,"Gebruikers of groepen selecteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set assignee",,"Toegewezen persoon instellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All user types",,"Alle gebruikerstypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Groups",,"Groepen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Users",,"Gebruikers",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"unassign",,"toewijzing intrekken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't find this author tag. Enter a valid author tag and try again.",,"Deze auteurstag is niet gevonden. Voer een geldige auteurstag in en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author Tags",,"Auteurstags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search author tags",,"Auteurstags zoeken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"DIRECT MESSAGE",,"DIRECT BERICHT",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Send a direct message to the author.",,"Verzend een direct bericht naar de auteur.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Follow",,"Volgen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start following with your social profiles.",,"Begin met volgen met uw sociale profielen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get Relationships",,"Relaties ophalen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unfollow",,"Volgen ongedaan maken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Stop following this author.",,"Stop met het volgen van deze auteur.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cancel this action.",,"Annuleer deze actie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start following",,"Beginnen met volgen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Follow this author with the selected social profiles",,"Deze auteur volgen met de geselecteerde sociale profielen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start following with",,"Beginnen met volgen met",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select social profiles to follow this author",,"Sociale profielen selecteren om deze auteur te volgen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connected Social Profiles: ",,"Verbonden sociale profielen: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Getting author relationships",,"Relaties van auteur ophalen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your social profiles don't have a relationship with this author.",,"Uw sociale profielen hebben geen relatie met deze auteur.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Couldn't start following: ",,"Kon niet beginnen met volgen: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please try again.",,"Probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This social profile isnt valid anymore.",,"Dit sociaal profiel is niet meer geldig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Can't follow: You must have a valid Twitter social profile to follow this author.",,"Kan niet volgen: u moet een geldig sociaal Twitter-profiel hebben om deze auteur te volgen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Success: %{social_profile_name} is following %{author_name}.",,"Succes: %{social_profile_name} volgt %{author_name}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're sorry, this action didn't work: ",,"Deze actie heeft helaas niet gewerkt: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't retrieve the relationships, because there were too many requests made recently. Please try again in a while.",,"Wij konden de relaties niet ophalen omdat er onlangs te veel aanvragen zijn ingediend. Probeer het over een tijdje opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Couldn't stop following: ",,"Kon niet stoppen met volgen: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You're following",,"U volgt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{name} is following you",,"%{name} volgt u",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Relationships",,"Relaties",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unfollowing...",,"Volgen ongedaan maken...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connected social profiles: %{count}",,"Verbonden sociale profielen: %{count}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author name",,"Naam van auteur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author website",,"Auteur van website",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Back",,"Terug",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Header Image",,"Afbeelding van koptekst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The author was updated to the latest version. Make sure you still want to apply your changes.",,"De auteur is bijgewerkt naar de nieuwste versie. Controleer of u uw wijzigingen nog steeds wilt toepassen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Followers",,"Volgers",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Following",,"Volgend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No author details are available.",,"Er zijn geen auteursgegevens beschikbaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tweets",,"Tweets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Getting author details...",,"Auteursgegevens ophalen...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author details are not available.",,"Auteursgegevens zijn niet beschikbaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Post Timeline widget is an external service provided by Twitter",,"De widget Tijdlijn publiceren is een externe service die door Twitter wordt geleverd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post timeline",,"Bericht tijdlijn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile details",,"Profieldetails",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author Details",,"Details van auteur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Verified Twitter author",,"Geverifieerde Twitter-auteur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter profile bio",,"Biografie Twitter-profiel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter handle",,"Twitter-handle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter profile location",,"Twitter-profiellocatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Post Timeline is an external service powered by Twitter",,"Tijdlijn publiceren is een externe service die door Twitter wordt geleverd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter profile website",,"Website Twitter-profiel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View author details",,"Details van auteur weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open new tab for author on twitter.com",,"Nieuw tabblad voor auteur openen op twitter.com",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"REFRESH",,"VERNIEUWEN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data didn't load. Please try refreshing the section.",,"Gegevens zijn niet geladen. Probeer de sectie te vernieuwen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Uses of %{hashtagName}: %{numberOfOccurences}",,"Gebruik van %{hashtagName}: %{numberOfOccurences}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Recent tweets are currently not available. They will show again with a future update.",,"Er zijn momenteel geen recente tweets beschikbaar. Deze worden opnieuw weergegeven bij een toekomstige update.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create automation rule",,"Automatiseringsregel maken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM Instances in the North America 2 location are not supported for this action and will not be displayed.",,"CRM-exemplaren op de locatie Noord-Amerika 2 worden niet ondersteund voor deze actie en worden niet weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 instances in the North America 2 location arent supported for this action and will not be displayed.",,"Dynamics 365-exemplaren op de locatie Noord-Amerika 2 worden niet ondersteund voor deze actie en worden niet weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Available",,"Beschikbaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile picture",,"Profielafbeelding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile picture placeholder",,"Tijdelijke aanduiding profielafbeelding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This post is not available externally",,"Dit bericht is niet extern beschikbaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All Categories",,"Alle categorieën",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Blogs",,"Blogs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Forums",,"Forums",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook",,"Facebook",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instagram",,"Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LinkedIn",,"LinkedIn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"News",,"Nieuws",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter",,"Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"YouTube",,"YouTube",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select to view the chart as a graph or table",,"Selecteer om het diagram weer te geven als een grafiek of tabel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cluster",,"Cluster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collapse all",,"Alles samenvouwen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collecting conversations ...",,"Gesprekken verzamelen...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collecting social conversations across Twitter, and more",,"Sociale gesprekken verzamelen via Twitter en meer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} item |||| %{smart_count} items",,"%{smart_count} item |||| %{smart_count} items",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The group name can't be empty.",,"De groepsnaam kan niet leeg zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have not selected any topics yet. Select one or more topics.",,"U hebt nog geen onderwerpen geselecteerd. Selecteer een of meer onderwerpen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please check your credentials and try again.",,"Controleer uw referenties en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"That didn't work.",,"Er is iets misgegaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This version of Dynamics CRM isn't compatible.",,"Deze versie van Dynamics CRM is niet compatibel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This version of Dynamics CRM isn't supported.",,"Deze versie van Dynamics CRM wordt niet ondersteund.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your CRM administrator.",,"Probeer het later opnieuw. Neem contact op met de CRM-beheerder als het probleem blijft bestaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Market Insights cant communicate with Dynamics 365 right now. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Market Insights kan nu niet communiceren met Dynamics 365. Probeer het later opnieuw. Als het probleem blijft bestaan, neemt u contact op met de systeembeheerder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There's a problem communicating with Dynamics CRM.",,"Er is een probleem opgetreden bij de communicatie met Dynamics CRM.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Communication issue",,"Communicatieprobleem",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Were having trouble performing this action in your Dynamics CRM instance. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.",,"Er zijn problemen met het uitvoeren van deze actie in uw Dynamics CRM-exemplaar. Probeer het over enkele minuten opnieuw. Neem contact op met de beheerder als het probleem blijft bestaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Were having trouble performing this action in your Dynamics 365 instance. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"Er zijn problemen met het uitvoeren van deze actie in uw Dynamics 365-exemplaar. Probeer het later opnieuw. Neem contact op met de systeembeheerder als het probleem blijft bestaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't find the requested Dynamics CRM resource or instance, as it is either unavailable or removed. Contact your CRM system administrator.",,"De aangevraagde resource of het aangevraagde exemplaar van Dynamics CRM is niet gevonden. De resource of het exemplaar is niet beschikbaar of is verwijderd. Neem contact op met de CRM-systeembeheerder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"That Dynamics 365 resource or instance is unavailable or has been removed. Contact your system administrator.",,"Die Dynamics 365-resource of dat Dynamics 365-exemplaar is niet beschikbaar of is verwijderd. Neem contact op met de systeembeheerder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There was no entity found for this link. Dynamics CRM may still be processing, or it's not set up to create entities from a social activity. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Er is geen entiteit gevonden voor deze koppeling. Dynamics CRM is mogelijk nog bezig met verwerking of is niet ingesteld om entiteiten te maken van een sociale activiteit. Probeer het over enkele minuten opnieuw. Neem contact met de CRM-systeembeheerder op als het probleem blijft bestaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We didn't find an entity for this link. Dynamics 365 may still be processing, or it's not set up to create entities from a social activity. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"We hebben geen entiteit gevonden voor deze koppeling. Dynamics 365 is mogelijk nog bezig met verwerking of is niet ingesteld om entiteiten te maken van een sociale activiteit. Probeer het over enkele minuten opnieuw. Neem contact met de systeembeheerder op als het probleem blijft bestaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're having trouble connecting to your Dynamics CRM instance. Try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Er zijn problemen met het maken van verbinding met uw Dynamics CRM-exemplaar. Probeer het over enkele minuten opnieuw. Neem contact met de CRM-systeembeheerder op als het probleem blijft bestaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're having trouble connecting to this Dynamics 365 instance. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.",,"We hebben problemen bij het maken van een verbinding met dit Dynamics 365-exemplaar. Probeer het later opnieuw. Neem contact op met de systeembeheerder als het probleem blijft bestaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're having trouble connecting to your Dynamics CRM instance. Please check the Dynamics CRM URL and try again. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.",,"Er zijn problemen met het maken van verbinding met uw Dynamics CRM-exemplaar. Controleer de Dynamics CRM-URL en probeer het opnieuw. Neem contact op met de beheerder als het probleem aanhoudt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're having trouble connecting to this Dynamics 365 instance. Please check the URL and try again. If the problem continues, contact your system administrator.",,"Er zijn problemen met het maken van verbinding met dit Dynamics 365-exemplaar. Controleer de URL en probeer opnieuw. Neem contact met de systeembeheerder op als het probleem aanhoudt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Dynamics CRM instance you selected doesn't support server-based authentication, which is required to perform this action. Contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Voor het door u geselecteerde Dynamics CRM-exemplaar wordt geen servergebaseerde verificatie ondersteund en dit is vereist om deze actie uit te voeren. Neem contact op met de CRM-systeembeheerder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This Dynamics 365 instance doesn't support server-based authentication, which is required to perform this action. Contact your system administrator.",,"Dit Dynamics 365-exemplaar ondersteunt geen servergebaseerde verificatie en dit is vereist om deze actie uit te voeren. Neem contact op met de systeembeheerder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You don't have sufficient permissions in Dynamics CRM to perform this action.",,"U hebt niet voldoende machtigingen in Dynamics CRM om deze actie uit te voeren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You don't have sufficient permissions in Dynamics 365 to perform this action.",,"U hebt niet voldoende machtigingen in Dynamics 365 om deze actie uit te voeren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You don't have a Dynamics CRM license, which is required to perform this action. Contact your CRM administrator.",,"U hebt geen Dynamics CRM-licentie en dit is vereist om deze actie uit te voeren. Neem contact op met de CRM-systeembeheerder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You need a Dynamics 365 license to perform this action. Contact your system administrator.",,"U hebt een Dynamics 365-licentie nodig om deze actie uit te voeren. Neem contact op met de systeembeheerder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't connect to your Dynamics CRM instance because it isn't enabled for OAuth 2.0. Contact your Dynamics CRM system administrator.",,"Er kan geen verbinding met uw Dynamics CRM-exemplaar worden gemaakt, omdat het niet is geactiveerd voor OAuth 2.0. Neem contact met de Dynamics CRM-systeembeheerder op voor hulp.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't connect to your Dynamics 365 instance because it isn't enabled for OAuth 2.0. Contact your system administrator. ",,"Er kan geen verbinding met uw Dynamics 365-exemplaar worden gemaakt, omdat het niet is geactiveerd voor OAuth 2.0. Neem contact met de systeembeheerder op voor hulp. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sign in",,"Aanmelden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You must be signed into CRM to perform this action.",,"U moet aangemeld zijn bij CRM om deze actie uit te voeren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You must be signed in to Dynamics 365 to perform this action. ",,"U moet zijn aangemeld bij Dynamics 365 om deze actie uit te voeren. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authentication required",,"Verificatie vereist",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""A record hasn't yet been created from this social activity. Make sure you have a <a class=""DisplayCrmLinkData-Header-Info-Link"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=624394"" title=""Set up rules to automatically create or update records in Dynamics 365"">record creation rule</a> set up in CRM and try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, contact your CRM admin."",,""Er is nog geen record gemaakt van deze sociale activiteit. Zorg ervoor dat u een <a class=""DisplayCrmLinkData-Header-Info-Link"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=624394"" title=""Regels instellen om automatisch records te maken of bij te werken in Dynamics 365"">regel voor het maken van records</a> hebt ingesteld in CRM en probeer het over enkele minuten opnieuw. Neem contact met de CRM-systeembeheerder op als het probleem blijft bestaan."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""A record hasn't been created from this social activity. Make sure you have a <a class=""DisplayCrmLinkData-Header-Info-Link"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=624394"" title=""Set up rules to automatically create or update records in Dynamics 365"">record creation rule</a> set up in Dynamics 365 and try again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator."",,""Er is nog geen record gemaakt van deze sociale activiteit. Zorg ervoor dat u een <a class=""DisplayCrmLinkData-Header-Info-Link"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=624394"" title=""Regels instellen om automatisch records te maken of bij te werken in Dynamics 365"">regel voor het maken van records</a> hebt ingesteld in Dynamics 365 en probeer het over enkele minuten opnieuw. Neem contact met de systeembeheerder op als het probleem blijft bestaan."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Owner",,"Eigenaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Received as",,"Ontvangen als",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Title",,"Titel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Continue",,"Doorgaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Entity",,"Entiteit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instance",,"Exemplaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Notes",,"Opmerkingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM cant receive social data from Market Insights. Contact your CRM administrator to review the Disable Market Insights system settings.",,"CRM kan geen sociale gegevens ontvangen van Market Insights. Neem contact op met uw CRM-beheerder om de systeeminstellingen voor Market Insights uitschakelen te controleren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 can't receive social data from Market Insights. Ask your system administrator to review the Disable Market Insights system settings.",,"Dynamics 365 kan geen sociale gegevens ontvangen van Market Insights. Vraag de systeembeheerder om de systeeminstellingen voor Market Insights uitschakelen te controleren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom sources",,"Aangepaste bronnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This day doesn't exist for that month.",,"Deze dag bestaat niet voor die maand.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This date can't be in the future.",,"Deze datum kan niet in de toekomst liggen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This date can't be older than 15 months.",,"Deze datum kan niet ouder zijn dan 15 maanden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This date can't be older than 3 months.",,"Deze datum kan niet ouder zijn dan 3 maanden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"activity maps",,"activiteitsoverzichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"automation rules",,"automatiseringsregels",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""This data set doesn't work in this area. Filter ""%{filter_name}"" isn't supported by %{action}. To make this data set work, review your filters. |||| This data set doesn't work in this area. Filters ""%{filter_name}"" aren't supported by %{action}. To make this data set work, review your filters."",,""Deze gegevensset werkt niet in dit gebied. Filter ""%{filter_name}"" wordt niet ondersteund door %{action}. Als u deze gegevensset wilt laten werken, controleert u uw filters. |||| Deze gegevensset werkt niet in dit gebied. Filters ""%{filter_name}"" worden niet ondersteund door %{action}. Als u deze gegevensset wilt laten werken, controleert u uw filters."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The owner removed this alert and the links don't work anymore. We'll redirect you to Market Insights.",,"De eigenaar heeft deze waarschuwing verwijderd en de koppelingen werken niet meer. Wij leiden u om naar Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alert configuration deleted",,"Waarschuwingsconfiguratie verwijderd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select filters to narrow the posts to the data set you want to work with.",,"Selecteer filters om de berichten te beperken tot de gegevensset waarmee u wilt werken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"last month",,"vorige maand",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"last week",,"vorige week",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Filters",,"Filters",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"today",,"vandaag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View in Analytics",,"Weergeven in Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View in Analytics (Opens in a new tab)",,"Weergeven in Analyse (wordt geopend in een nieuw tabblad)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<span class=""%{smart_count_classname}"">%{formatted_count}</span> post matches your filters (%{time_frame}) |||| <span class=""%{smart_count_classname}"">%{formatted_count}</span> posts match your filters (%{time_frame})"",,""<span class=""%{smart_count_classname}"">%{formatted_count}</span> bericht komt overeen met uw filters (%{time_frame}) |||| <span class=""%{smart_count_classname}"">%{formatted_count}</span> berichten komen overeen met uw filters (%{time_frame})"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your data set is in an invalid state due to a deleted author. Remove the deleted author from your filters and select Save.",,"Uw gegevensset heeft een ongeldige status vanwege een verwijderde auteur. Verwijder de verwijderde auteur uit uw filters en selecteer Opslaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date",,"Datum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"day",,"dag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Apr",,"%{day_of_month} apr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Aug",,"%{day_of_month} aug",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Dec",,"%{day_of_month} dec",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Feb",,"%{day_of_month} feb",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Jan",,"%{day_of_month} jan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Jul",,"%{day_of_month} jul",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Jun",,"%{day_of_month} jun",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Mar",,"%{day_of_month} mrt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. May",,"%{day_of_month} mei",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Nov",,"%{day_of_month} nov",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Oct",,"%{day_of_month} okt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{day_of_month}. Sep",,"%{day_of_month} sep",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Default",,"Standaard",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Default time frame",,"Standaardtijdsbestek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Default (%{value})",,"Standaard (%{value})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Deleted Author",,"Verwijderde auteur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Clear all",,"Alles wissen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Couldn't send this message because it's too long. Please shorten your message and try again.",,"Dit bericht kan niet worden verzonden omdat het te lang is. Kort uw bericht in en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Couldn't send the direct message because the recipient isn't valid.",,"Het directe bericht kan niet worden verzonden omdat de geadresseerde niet geldig is.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Accept",,"Accepteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Decline",,"Niet akkoord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Couldn't post this status because it's a duplicate of a previous post. Make sure to not post the same content twice in a short time window.",,"Deze status kan niet worden gepubliceerd omdat het bericht een duplicaat is van een vorig bericht. Zorg ervoor dat u dezelfde inhoud niet tweemaal in een kort tijdsbestek plaatst.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Earned",,"Binnengehaald",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit",,"Bewerken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete keyword: %{keywordName}",,"Verwijder trefwoord: %{keywordName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"End of list. Select the Backspace key to remove %{tag1} keyword.",,"Einde van de lijst. Druk op Backspace om het trefwoord %{tag1} te verwijderen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Between %{tag1} and %{tag2}. Select the Delete key to remove %{tag2} keyword. Select the Backspace key to remove %{tag1} keyword.",,"Tussen %{tag1} en %{tag2}. Druk op Delete om het trefwoord %{tag2} te verwijderen. Druk op Backspace om het trefwoord %{tag1} te verwijderen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Beginning of list. Select the Delete key to remove %{tag1} keyword.",,"Begin van de lijst. Druk op Delete om het trefwoord %{tag1} te verwijderen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Error",,"Fout",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're sorry, but you aren't allowed to access the solution. Try signing in as a different user, or go to the",,"U hebt helaas geen toegang tot de oplossing. Probeer u aan te melden als een andere gebruiker of ga naar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"and open Market Insights from there. If you still can't sign in, contact your system administrator.",,"en open Market Insights daar. Als u zich nog steeds niet kunt aanmelden, neemt u contact op met de systeembeheerder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=403278",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=403278",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Office 365 site",,"Office 365-site",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authentication failed",,"Verificatie mislukt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Authentication failed",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Verificatie is mislukt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Too many requests have been made. Please try again later.",,"Er zijn te veel aanvragen gemaakt. Probeer het later opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"429 - Too Many Requests",,"429 - Te veel aanvragen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Too Many Requests",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Te veel aanvragen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rate limit exceeded, please try again in a couple of minutes",,"Limiet overschreden, probeer het over enkele minuten opnieuw",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expand all",,"Alles uitvouwen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"External Handle",,"External Handle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"External video. Market Insights cannot guarantee that video has captions",,"Externe video. Market Insights kan niet garanderen dat video bijschriften heeft",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<strong>Important:</strong> Posts and comments from authors on Facebook pages surface in Market Insights without author information unless you provide a valid Facebook page profile for every Facebook page. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Learn more about unknown Facebook authors.</a>"",,""<strong>Belangrijk:</strong> berichten en reacties van auteurs op Facebook-pagina's worden in Market Insights weergegeven zonder gegevens over de auteur, tenzij u een geldig Facebook-paginaprofiel opgeeft voor elke Facebook-pagina. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Informatie over onbekende Facebook-auteurs.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook page",,"Facebook-pagina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""There isn't a valid Facebook page profile for this page. Author information for this Facebook page won't show in Market Insights. To receive author information you must add a social profile for this page in <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Social Profiles.</a>"",,""Er is geen geldig Facebook-paginaprofiel voor deze pagina. Gegevens over de auteur voor deze Facebook-pagina worden niet weergegeven in Market Insights. Als u gegevens over de auteur wilt ontvangen, moet u een sociaal profiel voor deze pagina toevoegen in <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Sociale profielen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is a valid Facebook page profile for this page. Author information for this Facebook page will show in Market Insights.",,"Er is een geldig Facebook-paginaprofiel voor deze pagina. Gegevens over de auteur voor deze Facebook-pagina worden weergegeven in Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"File",,"Bestand",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't find this assignee. Please enter a valid assignee and try again.",,"Deze toegewezen persoon is niet gevonden. Voer een geldige toegewezen persoon in en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"unassigned",,"niet toegewezen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assignee",,"Toegewezen persoon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add posts without assignee to your data set",,"Berichten zonder toegewezen persoon toevoegen aan uw gegevensset",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add assignee filter",,"Toegewezen persoonfilter toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add author filter",,"Auteurfilter toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add author tags filter",,"Filter voor auteurstags toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"By others",,"Door anderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"By owner",,"Door eigenaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Include Groups",,"Groepen opnemen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add posts that are assigned to a group where the current user is part of to your data set",,"Berichten die zijn toegewezen aan een groep waarvan de huidige gebruiker deel uitmaakt toevoegen aan uw gegevensset",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search assignee",,"Toegewezen persoon zoeken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User and groups",,"Gebruiker en groepen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User only",,"Uitsluitend gebruiker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authors are sources-dependent",,"Auteurs zijn bronafhankelijk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search author",,"Auteur zoeken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Linked to a CRM record",,"Gekoppeld aan een CRM-record",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Linked to a Dynamics 365 record",,"Gekoppeld aan een Dynamics 365-record",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Not linked to a CRM record",,"Niet gekoppeld aan een CRM-record",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Not linked to a Dynamics 365 record",,"Niet gekoppeld aan een Dynamics 365-record",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Link to CRM",,"Koppeling naar CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Link to Dynamics 365",,"Koppelen met Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Contributor is available for Facebook pages only.",,"Inzender is alleen beschikbaar voor Facebook-paginas.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Intention tags are only available for English posts from Twitter and Facebook.",,"Intentietags zijn alleen beschikbaar voor Engelse berichten vanuit Twitter en Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Intention",,"Intentie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add keywords",,"Trefwoorden toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location is available for Twitter and News",,"Locatie is beschikbaar voor Twitter en Nieuws",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location is available for Twitter, News, Facebook and Forums",,"Locatie is beschikbaar voor Twitter, Nieuws, Facebook en Forums",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location is available for Twitter, News, Facebook, Forums and Instagram",,"Locatie is beschikbaar voor Twitter, Nieuws, Facebook, Forums en Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search location",,"Locatie zoeken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author location is available for Twitter and News",,"Auteurslocatie is beschikbaar voor Twitter en Nieuws",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author location is available for Twitter, News and Forums",,"Auteurslocatie is beschikbaar voor Twitter, Nieuws en Forums",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post location is available for Twitter",,"Berichtlocatie is beschikbaar voor Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post location is available for Twitter and Facebook",,"Berichtlocatie is beschikbaar voor Twitter en Facebook",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post location is available for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram",,"Berichtlocatie is beschikbaar voor Twitter, Facebook en Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post type is available for Twitter and Facebook",,"Berichttype is beschikbaar voor Twitter en Facebook",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reply",,"Antwoord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share",,"Delen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{value} (High reach)",,"%{value} (groot bereik)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{value} (Highest reach)",,"%{value} (grootste bereik)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reach is available for Twitter",,"Bereik is beschikbaar voor Twitter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{value} (Low reach)",,"%{value} (klein bereik)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{value} (Lowest reach)",,"%{value} (kleinste bereik)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{value} (Medium reach)",,"%{value} (gemiddeld bereik)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment is available for English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian",,"Gevoel is beschikbaar voor Engels, Frans, Duits, Italiaans, Portugees en Spaans",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment is available for Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish",,"Gevoel is beschikbaar voor Deens, Duits, Engels, Fins, Frans, Italiaans, Nederlands, Noors, Pools, Portugees, Spaans en Zweeds",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment is available for %{lang}",,"Gevoel is beschikbaar voor %{lang}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manually edited",,"Handmatig bewerkt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tags are only available for English posts from Twitter and Facebook.",,"Tags zijn alleen beschikbaar voor Engelse berichten vanuit Twitter en Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private messages",,"Privéberichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't find this author. Please enter a valid author and try again.",,"Deze auteur is niet gevonden. Voer een geldige auteur in en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Exclude author tag",,"Auteurstag uitsluiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Include author tag",,"Auteurstag opnemen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add keywords filter",,"Trefwoordenfilter toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Exclude",,"Niet opnemen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Exclude posts with the following labels from your data set",,"Berichten met de volgende labels uitsluiten van uw gegevensset",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Include",,"Opnemen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Include posts with the following labels in your data set",,"Berichten met de volgende labels opnemen in uw gegevensset",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No Label",,"Geen label",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add location filter",,"Locatiefilter toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Contributor",,"Inzender",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Keywords",,"Trefwoorden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Labels",,"Labels",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location type",,"Locatietype",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post type",,"Berichttype",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment status",,"Gevoelsstatus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"and ",,"en ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cancel filter change",,"Filterwijziging annuleren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change",,"Wijzigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Clear",,"Wissen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Clear current filters",,"Huidige filters wissen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Apply filters",,"Filters toepassen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No filters",,"Geen filters",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} filter |||| %{smart_count} filters",,"%{smart_count} filter |||| %{smart_count} filters",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select",,"Selecteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select search topic",,"Zoekonderwerp selecteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Clear all active filters",,"Alle actieve filters wissen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage filters",,"Filters beheren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove",,"Verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add tags filter",,"Tagsfilter toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Languages %{languages}/%{total}",,"Talen %{languages}/%{total}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"An error occurred. Please try again.",,"Er is een fout opgetreden. Probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"(Maximum %{numChars} characters)",,"(Maximaal %{numChars} tekens)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{placeholderText} (maximum %{numChars} characters)",,"%{placeholderText} (maximaal %{numChars} tekens)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Pause gif",,"GIF onderbreken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Play gif",,"GIF afspelen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Global Notification Dialog",,"Dialoogvenster Algemene melding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to Analytics, Posts view filtered for private messages.",,"Ga naar Analytics, weergave Berichten gefilterd voor privéberichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"By clicking “Accept,” you agree that you are not using this product on behalf of a government agency.",,""Door op ""Accepteren"" te klikken, stemt u ermee in dat u dit product niet namens een overheidsinstantie gebruikt."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Before you continue ...",,"Voordat u doorgaat...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Graph View",,"Grafiekweergave",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""View ""%{chart_name}"" as a graph"",,""""%{chart_name}"" weergeven als een grafiek"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Valid",,"Geldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Home",,"Startpagina van Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Image",,"Afbeelding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Error message",,"Foutbericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Information message",,"Informatiebericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Success message",,"Succesbericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Warning message",,"Waarschuwingsbericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Information",,"Informatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Searches on Instagram require a #hashtag to search for.",,"Voor zoekopdrachten op Instagram is een #hashtag nodig om op te zoeken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To acquire data from Instagram, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>. Authenticate an Instagram account and allow the acquisition.",,"Als u gegevens van Instagram wilt verzamelen, gaat u naar <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sociale profielen</a>. Verifieer een Instagram-account en sta verzamelen toe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no valid Instagram account authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Instagram has stopped. To start data acquisition for Instagram, go to Social Profiles, authenticate an Instagram account, and then allow the data acquisition.",,"Er is geen geldig Instagram-account geverifieerd in deze oplossing en gegevensverzameling voor Instagram is gestopt. Als u gegevensverzameling voor Instagram wilt starten, gaat u naar Sociale profielen, verifieert u een Instagram-account en staat u vervolgens gegevensverzameling toe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no valid Instagram account authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Instagram has stopped. To start data acquisition for Instagram, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate an Instagram account, and then allow the data acquisition.",,"Er is geen geldig Instagram-account geverifieerd in deze oplossing en gegevensverzameling voor Instagram is gestopt. Als u gegevensverzameling voor Instagram wilt starten, gaat u naar <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sociale profielen</a>, verifieert u een Instagram-account en staat u vervolgens gegevensverzameling toe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"ACTION REQUIRED",,"ACTIE VEREIST",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This social profile doesn't have the required permissions for this action.",,"Dit sociale profiel heeft niet de vereiste machtigingen voor deze actie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Invalid",,"Ongeldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Link",,"Koppeling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your network only",,"Alleen uw netwerk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Everyone on LinkedIn",,"Iedereen op LinkedIn",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LinkedIn data can't be exported. LinkedIn posts will be excluded from your automation rule.",,"Er kunnen geen LinkedIn-gegevens worden geëxporteerd. LinkedIn-berichten worden uitgesloten van uw automatiseringsregel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't work with LinkedIn posts outside of Market Insights.",,"U kunt niet werken met LinkedIn berichten buiten Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no valid LinkedIn organization page for this solution and data acquisition has stopped. Go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a LinkedIn organization page, and then allow data acquisition.",,"Er is geen geldige LinkedIn-organisatiepagina voor deze oplossing en het ophalen van gegevens is gestopt. Ga naar <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sociale profielen</a>, verifieer een LinkedIn-organisatiepagina en sta vervolgens het ophalen van gegevens toe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't work with LinkedIn posts outside of Market Insights. You can't export LinkedIn data.",,"U kunt niet werken met LinkedIn-berichten buiten Market Insights. U kunt geen LinkedIn-gegevens exporteren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Validating social profiles",,"Sociale profielen worden gevalideerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Main menu",,"Hoofdmenu",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"© 2019 Microsoft Corporation © 2019 HERE",,"© 2019 Microsoft Corporation © 2019 HERE",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zoom in",,"Inzoomen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zoom out",,"Uitzoomen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Media list",,"Lijst met media",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} Source |||| %{smart_count} Sources",,"%{smart_count} bron |||| %{smart_count} bronnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Menu",,"Menu",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"In order to add and reauthenticate social profiles, please open this application on a browser.",,"Als u sociale profielen wilt toevoegen en opnieuw wilt verifiëren, opent u deze toepassing op een browser.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"month",,"maand",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"April",,"April",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"August",,"Augustus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"December",,"December",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"February",,"Februari",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"January",,"Januari",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"July",,"Juli",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"June",,"Juni",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"March",,"Maart",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"May",,"Mei",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"November",,"November",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"October",,"Oktober",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"September",,"September",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Apr",,"Apr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Aug",,"Aug",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dec",,"Dec",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Feb",,"Feb",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Jan",,"Jan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Jul",,"Jul",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Jun",,"Jun",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mar",,"Mrt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Nov",,"Nov",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Oct",,"Okt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sep",,"Sep",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"More actions",,"Meer acties",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{more_than}+",,"%{more_than}+",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Name can't be empty.",,"Naam kan niet leeg zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The name is already taken.",,"De naam wordt al gebruikt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The name is too long.",,"De naam is te lang.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to Office 365 or other applications.",,"Overschakelen naar Office 365 of andere toepassingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"About",,"Info",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Community",,"Community",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Help",,"Help",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View Office 365 profile",,"Office 365-profiel weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sign out",,"Afmelden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Support",,"Ondersteuning",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"My preferences",,"Mijn voorkeuren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit profile picture",,"Profielafbeelding bewerken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Activity Maps",,"Activiteitsoverzichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics",,"Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Feedback",,"Feedback",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Give feedback.",,"Geef feedback.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get help using Market Insights.",,"Krijg hulp bij het gebruiken van Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alerts",,"Waarschuwingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Setup",,"Zoekinstellingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Settings",,"Instellingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Review or update Market Insights settings.",,"Controleer de instellingen voor Market Insights of werk deze bij.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Center",,"Sociaal centrum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Selling",,"Social Selling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Home",,"Startpagina◘",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have the right to reproduce, display and distribute copyrighted News for your internal business purposes only, and shall not modify or publicly display copyrighted News.",,"U hebt het recht om onder het auteursrecht vallend nieuws uitsluitend voor interne bedrijfsdoeleinden te reproduceren, weergeven en distribueren, en het is niet toegestaan om onder het auteursrecht vallend nieuws te wijzigen of openbaar weer te geven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"News coverage is limited to the following languages: English, French, German, Spanish, and Portuguese.",,"Nieuws is beperkt tot de volgende talen: Engels, Frans, Duits, Spaans en Portugees.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No",,"Nee",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Not available",,"Niet beschikbaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't find this location. Please enter a valid location.",,"We kunnen deze locatie niet vinden. Voer een geldige locatie in.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This term has already been added to your keywords filter.",,"Deze term is al toegevoegd aan uw trefwoordenfilter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"A single keyword cannot exceed 128 characters.",,"Een enkel trefwoord mag maximaal 128 tekens lang zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{number}M",,"%{number}M",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{number}k",,"%{number}k",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Office 365 account actions",,"Acties Office 365-account",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ok",,"OK",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't do this action, because this social profile isn't a friend of the target user.",,"U kunt deze actie niet uitvoeren, omdat dit sociale profiel geen vriend is van de doelgebruiker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Owned",,"In eigendom",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If you or your organization owns the social account, set the toggle to <strong>Owned</strong>. If you or your organization doesn't own the social account, set the toggle to <strong>Earned</strong>. <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=841903'>Learn more</a>",,"Als het sociale account het eigendom is van u of uw organisatie, stelt u de wisselknop in op <strong>In eigendom</strong>. Als het sociale account niet het eigendom is van u of uw organisatie, stelt u de wisselknop in op <strong>Binnengehaald</strong>. <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=841903'>Meer informatie</a>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{pageTitle} - Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"%{pageTitle} - Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to the first page.",,"Ga naar de eerste pagina.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to the last page.",,"Ga naar de laatste pagina.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to the next page.",,"Ga naar de volgende pagina.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"of",,"van",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to the previous page.",,"Ga naar de vorige pagina.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{startIndex} - %{endIndex} of %{rowCount}",,"%{startIndex} - %{endIndex} van %{rowCount}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Showing rows %{startIndex} to %{endIndex} of %{rowCount}",,"Rijen %{startIndex} - %{endIndex} van %{rowCount} weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search in this panel",,"Zoeken in dit paneel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search",,"Zoeken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No results were found for this keyword.",,"Er zijn geen resultaten gevonden voor dit trefwoord.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instagram Account",,"Instagram-account",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LinkedIn Account",,"LinkedIn-account",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LinkedIn Organization Page",,"LinkedIn-organisatiepagina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"YouTube Account",,"YouTube-Account",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the type of social profile you want to authenticate and add to your user account.",,"Selecteer het type sociaal profiel dat u wilt verifiëren en toevoegen aan uw gebruikersaccount.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{source} Acquisition",,"%{source}-gegevens verzamelen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook and Instagram user",,"Facebook- en Instagram-gebruiker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{source} Page",,"%{source}-pagina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{source} Profile",,"%{source}-profiel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{source} User",,"%{source}-gebruiker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add an Facebook user account to use within Market Insights. You can use this profile to allow data acquisition for Facebook. Note that, to receive data from Facebook pages, you have to allow data acquisition for at least one Facebook Acquisition profile.",,"Voeg een Facebook-gebruikersaccount voor gebruik binnen Market Insights toe. U kunt dit profiel gebruiken om gegevensverzameling voor Facebook toe te staan. Houd er rekening mee dat als u gegevens van Facebook-pagina's wilt ontvangen, u gegevensverzameling voor minimaal één Facebook-verzamelprofiel moet toestaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Facebook user account to acquire data from Facebook pages and your own Instagram business accounts. We recommend adding several Facebook user accounts to ensure a stable data acquisition on Facebook pages and Instagram business accounts. Note: By adding a Facebook user account, acquisition permissions for Facebook and Instagram are enabled. Acquisition for only Facebook or only Instagram isn't supported. To receive data from Facebook pages and Instagram accounts, you also need to configure search rules.",,"Voeg een Facebook-gebruikersaccount toe om gegevens van Facebook-pagina's en uw eigen zakelijke Instagram-accounts te verzamelen. U wordt aangeraden meerdere Facebook-gebruikersaccounts toe te voegen om te waarborgen dat op stabiele wijze gegevens worden verzameld op Facebook-pagina's en in zakelijke Instagram-accounts. Opmerking: door een Facebook-gebruikersaccount toe te voegen, schakelt u machtigingen voor verzamelen op Facebook en in Instagram in. Verzamelen voor alleen Facebook of alleen Instagram wordt niet ondersteund. Als u gegevens wilt ontvangen van Facebook-pagina's en Instagram-accounts, moet u ook zoekregels configureren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add your Facebook user profile to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can use this profile to share a post on Facebook.",,"Voeg uw Facebook-gebruikersprofiel toe aan Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. U kunt dit profiel ook gebruiken om een bericht te delen op Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a personal Facebook user profile to use in Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights to allow data acquisition of Facebook pages. You can also use this profile to like, share, or comment on a post on Facebook.",,"Voeg een persoonlijk Facebook-gebruikersprofiel voor gebruik binnen Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights toe om gegevensverzameling van Facebook-pagina´s toe te staan. U kunt dit profiel ook gebruiken om te reageren op een bericht op Facebook, een bericht leuk te vinden op Facebook of een bericht te delen op Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Facebook  Instagram acquisition profile to associate with your Market Insights account. This profile will allow data acquisition from your own Instagram business accounts and Facebook pages.",,"Voeg een Facebook- en Instagram-verzamelingsprofiel toe om te koppelen aan uw Market Insights-account. Met dit profiel kunt u gegevens verzamelen van uw eigen zakelijke Instagram-accounts en Facebook-pagina's.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a LinkedIn organization page to use within Market Insights. You can use this page to reply to a post on LinkedIn, like a post on LinkedIn, and acquire posts from this page.",,"Voeg een LinkedIn-organisatiepagina toe die moet worden gebruikt in Market Insights. U kunt deze pagina gebruiken om een bericht op LinkedIn te beantwoorden, een bericht op LinkedIn leuk te vinden en berichten van deze pagina te verzamelen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a LinkedIn profile to use within Market Insights. You can use this profile to share a post on LinkedIn.",,"Voeg een LinkedIn-profiel toe voor gebruik binnen Market Insights. U kunt dit profiel gebruiken om een bericht te delen op LinkedIn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Twitter profile to use within Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Reply to a post on Twitter; Like a post on Twitter; Retweet a post on Twitter; Allow data acquisition for direct messages.",,"Hier kunt u een Twitter-profiel toevoegen voor gebruik binnen Market Insights. U kunt dit profiel gebruiken om: te reageren op een bericht op Twitter, een bericht op Twitter leuk te vinden, een bericht op Twitter te retweeten, het verkrijgen van gegevens voor directe berichten toe te staan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a YouTube account to use within Market Insights. You can use this account to:  Comment on a YouTube video; Like or dislike a YouTube video or a YouTube video comment.",,"Voeg een YouTube-account toe om te gebruiken in Market Insights. Met dit account kunt u: een reactie toevoegen over een YouTube-video, of een YouTube-video of een reactie over een YouTube-video leuk of niet leuk vinden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't authorize this social profile due to the maximum number of application requests reached.",,"Dit sociale profiel kan niet worden geautoriseerd omdat het maximale aantal toepassingsaanvragen is bereikt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook and Instagram acquisition",,"Verzamelen van Facebook en Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't given this social profile the required permissions: “%{socialProfileName}“. Please add this social profile again and provide the required permissions.",,""U hebt niet de vereiste machtigingen gegeven aan dit sociale profiel: ""%{socialProfileName}"". Voeg dit sociale profiel opnieuw toe en verstrek de vereiste machtigingen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Acquisition",,"Acquisitie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure that you want to delete the %{socialProfileName} social profile?",,"Weet u zeker dat u het sociaal profiel %{socialProfileName} wilt verwijderen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Removing this profile will stop data acquisition. Are you sure that you want to delete the %{socialProfileName} social profile?",,"Wanneer u dit profiel verwijdert, worden er niet langer gegevens opgehaald. Weet u zeker dat u het sociale profiel %{socialProfileName} wilt verwijderen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete Social Profile?",,"Sociaal profiel verwijderen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Removing this token will stop data acquisition. Are you sure that you want to delete the token?",,"Wanneer u dit token verwijdert, worden er niet langer gegevens opgehaald. Weet u zeker dat u het token wilt verwijderen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete Token?",,"Token verwijderen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Personalize",,"Personaliseren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Privacy notice",,"Privacyverklaring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights connects to third-party services in order to retrieve the Social Content that you request, and to enable certain functionalities of the Service. In order to establish these connections, certain data may be shared with these external services. Please refer to the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=699489'>product technical documentation</a>",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights maakt verbinding met services van derden om de sociale inhoud op te halen waarom u vraagt en om bepaalde functies van de service te activeren. Om deze verbindingen tot stand te kunnen brengen, worden mogelijk bepaalde gegevens gedeeld met deze externe service. Raadpleeg de <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=699489'>technische documentatie voor het product</a>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Privacy Statement",,"Privacyverklaring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Online Services Privacy Statement.",,"Privacyverklaring van Microsoft Online Services.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private message",,"Privébericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private Messages",,"Privéberichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"© 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"© 2019 Microsoft Corporation. Alle rechten voorbehouden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Copyright information for this service.",,"Copyright-informatie voor deze service.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile Photo",,"Profielfoto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Content is loading...",,"Inhoud wordt geladen...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Getting social profiles...",,"Sociale profielen ophalen...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tweet",,"Tweet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"colon",,"dubbele punt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"hyphen",,"koppelteken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"period",,"punt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"slash",,"slash",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Keywords rule",,"Trefwoordenregel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The keyword search rule allows you to set up a search query with keywords, inclusions, and exclusions, as well as choosing in which languages and on which sources to search. For example, if you use Microsoft, MSFT as keywords, and CRM as inclusions, youll get posts that contain Microsoft OR MSFT AND CRM.",,"Met behulp van een zoekregel voor trefwoorden kunt u een zoekquery definiëren met trefwoorden, opnamen en uitsluitingen. Bovendien kunt u aangeven in welke talen en in welke bronnen er moet worden gezocht. Als u bijvoorbeeld Microsoft, MSFT als trefwoorden gebruikt en CRM opgeeft als een opname, worden er berichten geretourneerd die Microsoft OF MSFT EN CRM bevatten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The keyword search rule lets you set up a search query with keywords, inclusions, and exclusions, and choose which languages and sources to search. For example, if you use Microsoft, MSFT as keywords, and Dynamics 365 as inclusions, youll get posts that contain Microsoft OR MSFT AND Dynamics 365.",,"Met behulp van een zoekregel voor trefwoorden kunt u een zoekquery definiëren met trefwoorden, opnamen en uitsluitingen. Bovendien kunt u aangeven in welke talen en in welke bronnen er moet worden gezocht. Als u bijvoorbeeld Microsoft, MSFT als trefwoorden gebruikt en Dynamics 365 opgeeft als een opname, worden er berichten geretourneerd die Microsoft OF MSFT EN Dynamics 365 bevatten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook page rule",,"Regel voor Facebook-pagina's",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Facebook page rule allows you to capture all conversations on a public Facebook page. The conversations are captured regardless of any previously defined keyword search rule in the same search topic.",,"Met behulp van een zoekregel voor Facebook-paginas kunt u alle gesprekken vastleggen die worden gehouden op een openbare Facebook-pagina. De gesprekken worden vastgelegd ongeacht eventuele eerder gedefinieerde zoekregels voor trefwoorden in hetzelfde zoekonderwerp.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter rule",,"Twitter-regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Twitter rule allows you to track the conversations for a specific Twitter profile. The Twitter profiles are captured regardless of any previously set keyword search rule in the same topic.",,"Met behulp van een zoekregel voor Twitter kunt u alle gesprekken voor een bepaald Twitter-profiel volgen. De profielen worden gevolgd ongeacht eventuele eerder ingestelde zoekregels voor trefwoorden in hetzelfde onderwerp.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private messages rule",,"Regel voor privéberichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can acquire private messages from authenticated Twitter and Facebook Accounts when (i) a Facebook or Twitter Profile is authenticated on the Social Profiles page; and (ii) the acquisition of private messages has been enabled by the owner of the profile.",,"U kunt privéberichten ophalen van geverifieerde Twitter- en Facebook-accounts als (i) er een Facebook- of Twitter-profiel is geverifieerd op de pagina Sociale profielen; en (ii) het verkrijgen van privéberichten is ingeschakeld door de eigenaar van het profiel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instagram rule",,"Instagram-regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Instagram rule allows you to track the posts and comments for a specific Instagram account. The posts and comments are captured regardless of any previously set keyword search rule in the same topic.",,"Met behulp van een Instagram-regel kunt u de berichten en reacties voor een specifiek Instagram-account volgen. De berichten en reacties worden vastgelegd, ongeacht eventuele eerder ingestelde zoekregels voor trefwoorden in hetzelfde onderwerp.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LinkedIn rule",,"LinkedIn-regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The LinkedIn rule allows you to track the posts and comments for a specific LinkedIn organization page. Posts and comments are captured regardless of any previously set keyword rule in the same topic.",,"Met de LinkedIn-regel kunt u de berichten en reacties voor een specifieke LinkedIn-organisatiepagina bijhouden. Berichten en reacties worden vastgelegd, ongeacht een eventueel eerder ingestelde trefwoordregel in hetzelfde onderwerp.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"YouTube rule",,"YouTube-regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The YouTube rule allows you to track the posts and comments for a specific YouTube channel. Posts and comments are captured regardless of any previously set keyword rule in the same topic.",,"Met de YouTube-regel kunt u de berichten en reacties voor een specifieke YouTube-methode bijhouden. Berichten en reacties worden vastgelegd, ongeacht een eventueel eerder ingestelde trefwoordregel in hetzelfde onderwerp.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This social profile doesn't have the required permissions for this action. Please make sure you're using the correct social profile.",,"Dit sociale profiel heeft niet de vereiste machtigingen voor deze actie. Zorg ervoor dat u het juiste sociale profiel gebruikt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom sources rule",,"Aangepaste bronnenregel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Gather all posts from a previously created group of custom sources without matching any keywords.",,"Verzamel alle berichten van een eerder gemaakte groep aangepaste bronnen zonder overeenkomende trefwoorden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom Sources.",,"Aangepaste bronnen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This name already exists in categories or search topics. Choose a different name.",,"Deze naam bestaat al in categorieën of zoekonderwerpen. Kies een andere naam.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No results found.",,"Geen resultaten gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No groups found. Please change filter and try again.",,"Geen groepen gevonden. Wijzig filter en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No users selected",,"Geen gebruikers geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"""" and """",,"""" en """",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""results for ""%{searchTerms}"""",,""resultaten voor ""%{searchTerms}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Widgets",,"Widgets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See private messages",,"Zie privéberichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select all",,"Alles selecteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select entity %{entityName}",,"Entiteit %{entityName} selecteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select user %{displayName}",,"Gebruiker %{displayName} selecteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Selected",,"Geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Send email to %{emailAddress}",,"Een e-mail sturen naar %{emailAddress}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share this stream with other users",,"Deze stream delen met andere gebruikers",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share with all users",,"Delen met alle gebruikers",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} User (Ownership %{ownership_count}) |||| %{smart_count} Users (Ownership %{ownership_count})",,"%{smart_count} gebruiker (eigendom %{ownership_count}) |||| %{smart_count} gebruikers (eigendom %{ownership_count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} User |||| %{smart_count} Users",,"%{smart_count} gebruiker |||| %{smart_count} gebruikers",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collapse navigation",,"Navigatie samenvouwen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expand navigation",,"Navigatie uitvouwen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open navigation",,"Navigatie openen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Value: ",,"Waarde: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Can't authenticate this page. The user needs to be one of the administrators of the page.",,"Deze pagina kan niet worden geverifieerd. De gebruiker moet een van de beheerders van de pagina zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authenticate",,"Verifiëren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Before you can search for Twitter accounts, add a Twitter profile to your social profiles.",,"Voordat u gaat zoeken naar Twitter-accounts, moet u een Twitter-profiel toevoegen aan uw sociale profielen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Note",,"Notitie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile picture on %{sourceType}",,"Profielafbeelding op %{sourceType}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile picture placeholder on %{sourceType}",,"Tijdelijke aanduiding profielafbeelding op %{sourceType}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social profile valid",,"Sociaal profiel geldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social profile invalid",,"Sociaal profiel ongeldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't authorize this social profile due to the maximum number of application requests reached.",,"Dit sociale profiel kan niet worden geautoriseerd omdat het maximale aantal toepassingsaanvragen is bereikt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Selling Assistant",,"Social Selling Assistant",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Solution %{solution_id}",,"Oplossing %{solution_id}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sort column %{colName} in ascending order",,"Kolom %{colName} sorteren in oplopende volgorde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sort column %{colName} in descending order",,"Kolom %{colName} sorteren in aflopende volgorde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add one or two characters.",,"Voeg een of meer tekens toe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This name already exists. Choose a different name and try again.",,"Deze naam is al in gebruik. Kies een andere naam en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom source couldn't be saved",,"Aangepaste bron kan niet worden opgeslagen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't added any custom sources to this group yet.",,"U hebt nog geen aangepaste bronnen aan deze groep toegevoegd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To acquire posts from Facebook pages, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Als u berichten van Facebook-pagina's wilt verzamelen, gaat u naar <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sociale profielen</a>, verifieert u een Facebook-gebruiker en staat u vervolgens verzameling van Facebook-pagina's toe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To acquire posts from Facebook pages, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a Facebook Acquisition profile, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Als u berichten van Facebook-pagina's wilt verzamelen, gaat u naar <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sociale profielen</a>, verifieert u een Facebook-verzamelprofiel en staat u vervolgens verzameling van Facebook-pagina's toe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data acquisition for this LinkedIn page has stopped because there is no longer a valid token for the LinkedIn Page. To restart data acquisition, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a> and re-authenticate the LinkedIn page profile.",,"Het ophalen van gegevens van LinkedIn is gestopt omdat er niet langer een geldig token voor de LinkedIn-pagina is. Als u het ophalen van gegevens opnieuw wilt starten, moet u het LinkedIn-paginaprofiel opnieuw verifiëren via <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sociale profielen</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To get ready for the new and faster Facebook data acquisition, authenticate your Facebook user profile in Social Profiles. Once you have authenticated your profile and we have enabled new data acquisition for your solution, we'll inform you by email. Authenticating a Facebook user profile gives you a valid access token, which is required to continue future data acquisition from Facebook pages. A token is usually valid for 60 days, and youll get reminders to take action when it's about to expire.",,"Als u zich wilt voorbereiden op de nieuwe, snellere Facebook-gegevensverzameling, verifieert u uw Facebook-gebruikersprofiel in Sociale profielen. Nadat u uw profiel hebt geverifieerd en verzameling van nieuwe gegevens voor uw oplossing is ingeschakeld, informeren we u via e-mail. Als u een Facebook-gebruikersprofiel verifieert, krijgt u een geldig toegangstoken, dat vereist is om in de toekomst door te gaan met gegevensverzameling vanaf Facebook-pagina's. Een token is meestal 60 dagen geldig en u ontvangt herinneringen wanneer het token op het punt staat te verlopen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To get ready for the new and faster Facebook data acquisition, authenticate your Facebook Acquisition profile in Social Profiles. Once you have authenticated your profile and we have enabled new data acquisition for your solution, we'll inform you by email. Authenticating a Facebook Acquisition profile gives you a valid access token, which is required to continue future data acquisition from Facebook pages. A token is usually valid for 60 days, and youll get reminders to take action when it's about to expire.",,"Als u zich wilt voorbereiden op de nieuwe, snellere Facebook-gegevensverzameling, verifieert u uw Facebook-verzamelprofiel in Sociale profielen. Nadat u uw profiel hebt geverifieerd en verzameling van nieuwe gegevens voor uw oplossing is ingeschakeld, informeren we u via e-mail. Als u een Facebook-verzamelprofiel verifieert, krijgt u een geldig toegangstoken, dat vereist is om in de toekomst door te gaan met gegevensverzameling vanaf Facebook-pagina's. Een token is meestal 60 dagen geldig en u ontvangt herinneringen wanneer het token op het punt staat te verlopen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To get ready for the new and faster Facebook data acquisition, authenticate your Facebook user profile in <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>. Once you have authenticated your profile and we have enabled new data acquisition for your solution, we'll inform you by email.<br>Authenticating a Facebook user profile gives you a valid access token, which is required to continue future data acquisition from Facebook pages. A token is usually valid for 60 days, and youll get reminders to take action when it's about to expire.",,"Als u zich wilt voorbereiden op de nieuwe, snellere Facebook-gegevensverzameling, verifieert u uw Facebook-gebruikersprofiel in <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sociale profielen</a>. Nadat u uw profiel hebt geverifieerd en we verzameling van nieuwe gegevens voor uw oplossing hebben ingeschakeld, informeren we u via e-mail.<br>Als u een Facebook-gebruikersprofiel verifieert, krijgt u een geldig toegangstoken, dat vereist is om in de toekomst door te gaan met gegevensverzameling vanaf Facebook-pagina's. Een token is meestal 60 dagen geldig en u ontvangt herinneringen wanneer het token dreigt te verlopen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To get ready for the new and faster Facebook data acquisition, authenticate your Facebook Acquisition profile in <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>. Once you have authenticated your profile and we have enabled new data acquisition for your solution, we'll inform you by email.<br>Authenticating a Facebook Acquisition profile gives you a valid access token, which is required to continue future data acquisition from Facebook pages. A token is usually valid for 60 days, and youll get reminders to take action when it's about to expire.",,"Als u zich wilt voorbereiden op de nieuwe, snellere Facebook-gegevensverzameling, verifieert u uw Facebook-verzamelprofiel in <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sociale profielen</a>. Nadat u uw profiel hebt geverifieerd en we verzameling van nieuwe gegevens voor uw oplossing hebben ingeschakeld, informeren we u via e-mail.<br>Als u een Facebook-verzamelprofiel verifieert, krijgt u een geldig toegangstoken, dat vereist is om in de toekomst door te gaan met gegevensverzameling vanaf Facebook-pagina's. Een token is meestal 60 dagen geldig en u ontvangt herinneringen wanneer het token op het punt staat te verlopen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no valid Facebook user authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to Social Profiles, authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Er is geen geldige Facebook-gebruiker geverifieerd in deze oplossing en het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's is gestopt. Als u het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's wilt starten, gaat u naar Sociale profielen, verifieert u een Facebook-gebruiker en staat u vervolgens het verzamelen van gegevens van Facebook-pagina's toe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no valid Facebook Acquisition profile authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to Social Profiles, authenticate a Facebook Acquisition profile, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Er is geen geldig Facebook-verzamelprofiel geverifieerd in deze oplossing en het verzamelen van gegevens op Facebook-pagina's is gestopt. Als het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's wilt starten, gaat u naar Sociale profielen, verifieert u een Facebook-verzamelprofiel en staat u vervolgens verzameling van Facebook-pagina's toe. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no valid Facebook user authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Er is geen geldige Facebook-gebruiker geverifieerd in deze oplossing en het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's is gestopt. Als u het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's wilt starten, gaat u naar <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sociale profielen</a>, verifieert u een Facebook-gebruiker en staat u vervolgens het verzamelen van gegevens van Facebook-pagina's toe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no valid Facebook Acquisition profile authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a Facebook Acquisition profile, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"Er is geen geldig Facebook-verzamelprofiel geverifieerd in deze oplossing en het verzamelen van gegevens op Facebook-pagina's is gestopt. Als het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's wilt starten, gaat u naar <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sociale profielen</a>, verifieert u een Facebook-verzamelprofiel en staat u vervolgens verzameling van Facebook-pagina's toe. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Loading",,"Laden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Page is loading.",,"Pagina wordt geladen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{subPageTitle} - %{pageTitle} - Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"%{subPageTitle} - %{pageTitle} - Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Off",,"Uit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"On",,"Aan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Table View",,"Tabelweergave",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""View ""%{chart_name}"" as a table"",,""""%{chart_name}"" weergeven als een tabel"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sorting column ascending order",,"Kolom in oplopende volgorde sorteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sorting column descending order",,"Kolom in aflopende volgorde sorteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Action",,"Actie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User",,"Gebruiker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top authors",,"Belangrijkste auteurs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automation rule statistics",,"Statistieken voor automatiseringsregels",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automation rules",,"Automatiseringsregels",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All available entities",,"Alle beschikbare entiteiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Blocked domains",,"Geblokkeerde domeinen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Blocked keywords",,"Geblokkeerde trefwoorden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Category",,"Categorie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connection entity",,"Verbindingsentiteit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connection",,"Verbinding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom tags",,"Aangepaste tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Domain",,"Domein",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Event Hub",,"Event Hub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Intention tags",,"Intentietags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Location group",,"Locatiegroep",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Map pin",,"Kaartspeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota usage",,"Quotumgebruik",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"RSS feeds",,"RSS-feeds",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search topic rules",,"Regels voor zoekonderwerpen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search topic",,"Zoekonderwerp",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment of search terms.",,"Gevoel van zoektermen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Smart tags history",,"Geschiedenis van infolabels",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social profile",,"Sociaal profiel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom tag distribution",,"Verdeling van aangepaste tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tag score",,"Tagscore",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"time interval",,"tijdsinterval",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{cellValue}. Select to filter by time interval and %{fieldName}=%{fieldValue}.",,"%{cellValue}. Selecteer dit om te filteren op tijdsinterval en %{fieldName}=%{fieldValue}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{cellValue}. Select to filter by %{filterField}.",,"%{cellValue}. Selecteer dit om te filteren op %{filterField}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create new tag «%{tagname}»",,"Nieuwe tag «%{tagname}» maken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There was a conflict with the latest version. Please confirm again your changes.",,"Er was een conflict met de meest recente versie. Bevestig uw wijzigingen opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Updating the author failed. Please try again.",,"Bijwerken van de auteur is mislukt. Probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't find this tag. Please enter a valid tag.",,"We kunnen deze tag niet vinden. Voer een geldige tag in.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post Tags and Intentions",,"Tags en intenties plaatsen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search tags",,"Tags zoeken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rating type",,"Beoordelingstype",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Auto",,"Auto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom",,"Aangepast",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tag type",,"Type tag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a tag",,"Een tag toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Added tag %{tagName}.",,"Tag %{tagName} toegevoegd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Auto Tag: %{string}",,"Automatische tag: %{string}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Close this pane.",,"Sluit dit deelvenster.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm this auto tag",,"Deze automatische tag bevestigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirmed",,"Bevestigd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom Tag: %{string}",,"Aangepaste tag: %{string}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add or remove tags",,"Tags toevoegen of verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove this tag",,"Deze tag verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Removed tag %{tagName}.",,"Tag %{tagName} verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This didn't work. The tag is already added to this post.",,"Dit werkte niet. Deze tag is al toegevoegd aan dit bericht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"TAGS",,"TAGS",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tags:",,"Tags:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"and %{smart_count} other |||| and %{smart_count} others",,"en %{smart_count} meer |||| en %{smart_count} meer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All rating types",,"Alle kwalificatietypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To add another one, remove an existing tag from the post.",,"Als u er een wilt toevoegen, verwijdert u een bestaande tag uit het bericht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can add a maximum of %{number} tags to a post.",,"U kunt maximaal %{number} tags toevoegen aan een bericht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>You can only add %{tags} tags to an author.</strong> To add a new tag, first remove another tag.",,"<strong>U kunt slechts %{tags} tags aan een auteur toevoegen.</strong> Als u een nieuwe tag wilt toevoegen, verwijdert u eerst een andere tag.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>You can add only %{tags} tags to an author.</strong>",,"<strong>U kunt alleen %{tags} codes toevoegen aan een auteur.</strong>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>You can only add %{tags} tags to a post.</strong> To add a new tag, first remove another tag.",,"<strong>U kunt slechts %{tags} tags aan een bericht toevoegen.</strong> Als u een nieuwe tag wilt toevoegen, verwijdert u eerst een andere tag.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a href=""https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about.html#terms"" title=""Third Party Social Content Terms of Service"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Third Party Social Content Terms of Service</a>."",,""<a href=""https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about.html#terms"" title=""Servicevoorwaarden voor sociale inhoud van derden"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Servicevoorwaarden voor sociale inhoud van derden</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a href=""https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about_mse.html#terms"" title=""Third Party Social Content Terms of Service"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Third Party Social Content Terms of Service</a>."",,""<a href=""https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about_mse.html#terms"" title=""Servicevoorwaarden voor sociale inhoud van derden"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Servicevoorwaarden voor sociale inhoud van derden</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Time",,"Tijd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} day |||| %{smart_count} days",,"%{smart_count} dag |||| %{smart_count} dagen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"hr",,"uur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"min",,"min.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"mth",,"mnd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"sec",,"sec.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"wk",,"wk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"yr",,"jr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom time frame",,"Aangepast tijdsbestek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Choose Custom Time Filter",,"Aangepast tijdfilter kiezen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"End date",,"Einddatum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Month",,"Maand",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start date",,"Begindatum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Today",,"Vandaag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change time frame",,"Tijdsbestek wijzigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Week",,"Week",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Daily",,"Dagelijks",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hourly",,"Elk uur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Monthly",,"Maandelijks",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Weekly",,"Wekelijks",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Market Insights",,"Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show More",,"Meer weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{likes} likes",,"%{likes} vind-ik-leuks",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{about} talking about",,"%{about} die hierover praten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To add one, go to <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Social Profiles</a>."",,""Als u er een wilt toevoegen, gaat u naar <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Sociale profielen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"followers",,"volgers",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"following",,"volgend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a> to see if the profile allows data acquisition or requires reauthentication.",,"Ga naar <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sociale profielen</a> om te bepalen of het profiel het verzamelen van gegevens toestaat of verificatie vereist.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Retweets",,"Retweets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"tweets",,"tweets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Specify a name.",,"Geef een naam op.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select at least one source.",,"Selecteer ten minste één bron.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"A term can't be longer than 128 characters.",,"Een term mag niet langer zijn dan 128 tekens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please select a custom sources group and try again.",,"Selecteer een groep aangepaste bronnen en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter at least one keyword.",,"Voer ten minste één trefwoord in.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select a page and try again.",,"Selecteer een pagina en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select at least one search language.",,"Selecteer ten minste één zoektaal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Keywords can't contain quotation marks.",,"Trefwoorden mogen geen aanhalingstekens bevatten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select a Facebook page or Twitter handle from your Social Accounts and try again.",,"Selecteer een Facebook-pagina of Twitter-handle uit uw sociale accounts en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota estimation failed.",,"Quotumschatting is mislukt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota estimation completed successfully. The results are displayed.",,"Quotumschatting is voltooid. De resultaten worden weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota estimation is loading.",,"Quotumschatting wordt geladen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""""%{ruleName}"" rule already exists in this search topic."",,""Regel ""%{ruleName}"" bestaat al in dit zoekonderwerp."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rule isn't valid",,"Regel is ongeldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Selecting approximately \n%{posts} POSTS/MONTH",,"Er worden ongeveer \n%{posts} BERICHTEN/MAAND geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your configured rule will collect approximately %{posts} posts per month and exceeds your monthly post limit. Refine your rule to stay within your monthly post limit or add more post quota.",,"Met de geconfigureerde regel worden ongeveer %{posts} berichten per maand verzameld. Hierdoor zal de maandelijkse limiet voor berichten worden overschreden. Verfijn de regel om binnen de maandelijkse limiet te blijven of koop aanvullende quota voor berichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Exceeded quota",,"Quotum overschreden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No hashtags were specified for Instagram. Enter a keyword prefixed with a hashtag (#).",,"Er zijn geen hashtags opgegeven voor Instagram. Voer een trefwoord in met een hashtag (#) als prefix.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your configured rule will collect approximately %{posts} posts per month. You can save your search topic now.",,"Met de geconfigureerde regel worden ongeveer %{posts} berichten per maand verzameld. U kunt het zoekonderwerp nu opslaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can save your search topic now.",,"U kunt het zoekonderwerp nu opslaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Within quota",,"binnen quotum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your configured rule will collect approximately %{posts} posts per month. Your rule exceeds your monthly post limit. You can save your search topic now, but we advise you to monitor your quota regularly to avoid surpassing your monthly quota.",,"Met de geconfigureerde regel worden ongeveer %{posts} berichten per maand verzameld. Hierdoor wordt de maandelijkse limiet voor berichten overschreden. U kunt het zoekonderwerp nu opslaan, maar het is raadzaam om uw quotum regelmatig te controleren om te voorkomen dat de maandelijkse limiet wordt overschreden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Possible to exceed quota",,"Kans dat quotum wordt overschreden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The search topic needs at least one search rule.",,"Er is minstens één zoekregel nodig voor het zoekonderwerp.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search topic couldn't be saved",,"Het zoekonderwerp kan niet worden opgeslagen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search topic selection",,"Selectie van zoekonderwerp",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select a twitter handle and at least one message type before trying again.",,"Selecteer een Twitter-handle en ten minste één berichttype voordat u het opnieuw probeert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The number of keywords exceeds the limit.",,"Het aantal trefwoorden overschrijdt de limiet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select an organization page and try again.",,"Selecteer een organisatiepagina en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select a channel or account and try again.",,"Selecteer een methode of account en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"subscribers",,"abonnees",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please try to provide authorization again.",,"Probeer opnieuw autorisatie op te geven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter authorization was not successful",,"Twitter-autorisatie is niet gelukt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Sign in to <a href=""#"" title=""%{linkTitle}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Twitter</a> to look up Twitter users."",,""Meld u aan bij <a href=""#"" title=""%{linkTitle}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" class=""%{linkClassName}"">Twitter</a> om Twitter-gebruikers op te zoeken."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authenticate your Twitter profile.",,"Verifieer uw Twitter-profiel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unknown author",,"Onbekende auteur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<strong>Note:</strong> There are unknown authors on Facebook posts and comments. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Learn more about unknown Facebook authors.</a>"",,""<strong>Opmerking:</strong> er zijn onbekende auteurs voor Facebook-berichten en -reacties. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=865514"">Meer informatie over onbekende Facebook-auteurs.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There are unknown authors on Facebook posts and comments",,"Er zijn onbekende auteurs voor Facebook-berichten en -reacties",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The action failed because this social profile doesn't have an admin role for this Facebook page. Please make sure you're using the correct social profile.",,"De actie is mislukt omdat dit sociale profiel geen beheerdersrol heeft voor deze Facebook-pagina. Zorg ervoor dat u het juiste sociale profiel gebruikt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Video",,"Video",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posting this video failed because this Facebook page doesn't allow video posts. Please remove the video and try again.",,"Het plaatsen van deze video is mislukt omdat op deze Facebook-pagina geen videoberichten zijn toegestaan. Verwijder de video en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Fr",,"Vr",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mo",,"Ma",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sa",,"Za",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Su",,"Zo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Th",,"Do",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tu",,"Di",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We",,"Wo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Widget actions",,"Widgetacties",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Actions for the %{widget_name} widget.",,"Acties voor de %{widget_name}-widget.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Adding intentions to non-English posts is not supported",,"Intenties toevoegen aan niet-Engelse berichten wordt niet ondersteund",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"year",,"jaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Yes",,"Ja",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is no valid YouTube account for this solution and data acquisition has stopped. Go to <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Social Profiles</a>, authenticate a YouTube account, and then allow data acquisition.",,"Er is geen geldig YouTube-account voor deze oplossing en het ophalen van gegevens is gestopt. Ga naar <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfiles}'>Sociale profielen</a>, verifieer een YouTube-account en sta vervolgens het ophalen van gegevens toe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Arabic",,"Arabisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bulgarian",,"Bulgaars",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bosnian",,"bosnisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Catalan",,"Catalaans",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Czech",,"Tsjechisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Danish",,"Deens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"German",,"Duits",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Greek",,"Grieks",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"English",,"Engels",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Spanish",,"Spaans",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Estonian",,"Ests",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Basque",,"Baskisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Finnish",,"Fins",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"French",,"Frans",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Galician",,"Galicisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hindi",,"Hindi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Croatian",,"Kroatisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hungarian",,"Hongaars",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Indonesian",,"Indonesisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Italian",,"Italiaans",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hebrew",,"Hebreeuws",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Japanese",,"Japans",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kazakh",,"Kazachs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Korean",,"Koreaans",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Lithuanian",,"Litouws",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Latvian",,"Lets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dutch",,"Nederlands",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Norwegian",,"Noors",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Polish",,"Pools",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Portuguese",,"Portugees",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Portuguese Brazil",,"Portugees (Brazilië)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Romanian",,"Roemeens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Russian",,"Russisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Slovak",,"Slowaaks",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Slovenian",,"Sloveens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Serbian",,"Servisch",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Swedish",,"Zweeds",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Thai",,"Thais",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Turkish",,"Turks",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ukrainian",,"Oekraïens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chinese (Traditional)",,"chinees (traditioneel)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chinese Simplified",,"Chinees (Vereenvoudigd)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chinese Hong Kong",,"Chinees (Hongkong)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chinese Traditional",,"chinees (traditioneel)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about.html",,"https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about.html",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about_mse.html",,"https://listening.microsoft.com/static/en/about_mse.html",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add %{item}",,"%{item} toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter a topic, keyword or brand",,"Een onderwerp, trefwoord of merk invoeren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Term",,"Zoekterm",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All posts",,"Alle berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All private messages",,"Alle privéberichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Display name",,"Weergavenaam",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Export personal data for this author",,"Persoonlijke gegevens exporteren voor deze auteur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Full name",,"Volledige naam",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"N/A",,"N.v.t.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Info",,"Info",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{list_of_filters} account query",,"%{list_of_filters}-accountquery",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{list_of_filters} for %{author_name}",,"%{list_of_filters} voor %{author_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Value",,"Waarde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Summary",,"Overzicht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile picture large",,"Profielafbeelding groot",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Brand name: <strong>%{brand}</strong>",,"Merknaam: <strong>%{brand}</strong>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Are you sure you want to discard your input? We would like to understand what made you cancel this setup experience: <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=874754"">Please provide your feedback on this insider portal feedback form</a>"",,""Weet u zeker dat u uw invoer wilt verwijderen? We willen begrijpen waarom u deze installatie hebt geannuleerd: <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=874754"">Geef uw feedback in dit feedbackformulier voor de Insider-portal</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""By clicking ""Done"" you finalize this search. This means we will start acquiring social data for your brand name. You will have a chance to edit the search rules created by this to improve the quality of the social data in ""Search Setup""."",,"U voltooit deze zoekopdracht door te klikken op Gereed. Vervolgens beginnen wij met het verzamelen van sociale gegevens voor uw merknaam. Vervolgens krijgt u de kans om de gemaakte zoekregels in de zoekinstellingen te bewerken om de kwaliteit van de sociale gegevens te verbeteren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Projected monthly social posts: %{num}",,"Verwachte aantal maandelijkse sociale berichten: %{num}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expected volume",,"Verwacht volume",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Brand, keyword, or topic",,"Merk, trefwoord of onderwerp",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Brand name to search for",,"Merknaam om op te zoeken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Just so you know",,"Ter informatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To get you started quickly, simply tell us your brand's most common name. We will use that input to build search rules. Those rules will include common social media semantics like #-hashtags and different spellings.",,"U kunt snel aan de slag gaan door uw bekendste merknaam door te geven. Op basis hiervan maken wij vervolgens zoekregels. Deze regels omvatten populaire schrijfwijzen op sociale media, zoals #-hashtags, en verschillende spellingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You will see the example of results based on those search rules as a list of Tweets. Have a look at those examples and if their content is relevant for your brand, then confirm by activating the button ""next"". If not all of those tweets match your brand, then you will have a chance to improve the rules after the initial setup. To do so, you will navigate to ""Search Setup""."",,"Het voorbeeld van de resultaten op basis van deze zoekregels wordt weergegeven als een lijst met tweets. Bekijk deze resultaten om te bepalen of de inhoud relevant is voor uw merk en activeer de knop Volgende als dit het geval is. Als niet alle tweets relevant zijn voor uw merk, krijgt u de kans om de regels te verbeteren na de eerste installatie. Hiervoor gaat u naar Zoekinstellingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"What are people saying?",,"Wat zeggen mensen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Languages to search in",,"Zoektalen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post preview",,"Berichtvoorbeeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please wait while we are loading your tweets, this might take a moment",,"Een ogenblik geduld, uw tweets worden geladen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a brand name to view example tweets",,"Een merknaam toevoegen om voorbeelden van tweets weer te geven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There were no exact matches. Check the spelling or try another term.",,"Er zijn geen exacte overeenkomsten. Controleer de spelling of probeer een andere term.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Oops. Something went wrong, we were unable to retrieve the data from Twitter. Please try again in a moment.",,"Oeps. Er is iets misgegaan. We hebben de gegevens niet kunnen ophalen vanuit Twitter. Wacht even en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Heres what we found",,"Dit hebben we gevonden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Previous",,"Vorige",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This search can't be completed - it would put you %{num} over your plan's monthly allocation of %{quota} results.",,"Deze zoekactie kan niet worden voltooid. U zou hiermee de maandelijkse toewijzing van %{quota} resultaten van uw abonnement met %{num} overschrijden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Your solution is expected to stay in its monthly quota limit of %{quota} posts. <a class=""%{className}"" href=""#"">Learn more about monthly quota and how to increase it.</a>"",,""Naar verwachting overschrijdt uw oplossing het maandelijkse target van %{quota} berichten niet. <a class=""%{className}"" href=""#"">Lees hier meer over het maandelijkse target en hoe u dit verhoogt.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Just one thing first ...",,"Nog één ding ...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota Check",,"Targetcontrole",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This search will likely max out your monthly quota. Change the search terms for fewer results, update your plan, or choose Continue anyway.",,"Door deze zoekactie wordt uw maandelijkse target waarschijnlijk overschreden. Wijzig de zoektermen voor minder resultaten, werk uw abonnement bij of kies toch Doorgaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Step %{step}/%{numSteps}",,"Stap %{step}/%{numSteps}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Brand",,"Merk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your Brand Search",,"Uw merkzoekopdracht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Slide %{currentSlide} of %{totalSlides}",,"Dia %{currentSlide} van %{totalSlides}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bing search trends",,"Zoektrends in Bing",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Done",,"Gereed",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Theres no available data. Change your search or filters.",,"Er zijn geen gegevens beschikbaar. Wijzig uw zoekopdracht of filters.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No data is available. Try changing your search topic or the time frame.",,"Er zijn geen gegevens beschikbaar. Probeer het zoekonderwerp of het tijdsbestek te wijzigen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Export",,"Exporteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Document ID",,"Document-id",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"ID: %{docid}",,"Id: %{docid}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics onboarding",,"Introductie van Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"represents the charts and widgets",,"biedt informatie over de grafieken en widgets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics charts and widgets",,"Grafieken en widgets in Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You'll find a set of charts in Analytics, such as the ""Sentiment"" widget which shows the public perception, or the ""Authors"" widget which lists potential influencers for your brand."",,"In Analyse is een aantal grafieken beschikbaar, zoals de widget Gevoel waarin de mening van het publiek wordt weergegeven en de widget Auteurs waarin potentiële beïnvloeders voor uw merk worden weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get insights about your brand.",,"Verzamel inzichten over uw merk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"represents how to add visual filters",,"biedt informatie over het toevoegen van visuele filters",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Using filters",,"Filters gebruiken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Select clickable areas of charts to add more filters. Additionally, you can edit the filters in the ""Add filter"" dialog."",,"U voegt meer filters toe door gebieden van grafieken te selecteren waarop kan worden geklikt. U kunt de filters bewerken in het dialoogvenster Filter toevoegen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Apply filters to change your data set.",,"Pas filters toe om uw gegevensset te wijzigen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"represents the post layout",,"biedt informatie over de weergave van berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social posts",,"Sociale berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Select ""Posts"" on the right-hand side of the screen to see the chronological list of posts."",,"Selecteer Berichten aan de rechterzijde van het scherm om de chronologische lijst met berichten weer te geven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Read social media posts matching your data set.",,"Lees berichten van sociale media die overeenkomen met uw gegevensset.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"represents the analytics layout",,"biedt informatie over de weergave van analyses",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Brand and data set",,"Merk en gegevensset",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You'll find your brand in the upper-left corner. In the upper-right corner you can change the time frame for your analysis. Your selection determines which data is shown in the charts.",,"Uw merk wordt in de linkerbovenhoek weergegeven. In de rechterbovenhoek kunt u het tijdsbestek voor uw analyse wijzigen. Uw keuze bepaalt welke gegevens worden weergegeven in de grafieken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Work in the Analytics area and change your data set.",,"Werk in het gedeelte Analyse en wijzig uw gegevensset.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You need a valid, authenticated Facebook  Instagram acquisition profile to enable data acquisition for Facebook pages and Instagram. To do this, go to Social Profiles, then authenticate a Facebook & Instagram acquisition profile.",,"U hebt een geldig, geverifieerd Facebook- en Instagram-verzamelprofiel nodig om het verzamelen gegevens op Facebook-pagina's en in Instagram in te schakelen. Hiertoe gaat u naar sociale profielen en verifieert u vervolgens een Facebook- en Instagram-verzamelprofiel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You only have one Facebook  Instagram acquisition profile allowing data acquisition for Facebook pages and Instagram. We recommend you add additional Facebook & Instagram acquisition profiles for more stable data acquisition.",,"U hebt slechts één Facebook- en Instagram-verzamelprofiel dat het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's en Instagram toestaat. Wij adviseren u extra Facebook- en Instagram-verzamelprofielen toe te voegen zodat u op stabielere wijze gegevens kunt verzamelen. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402188",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402188",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524261",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524261",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402180",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402180",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524260",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524260",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402182",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402182",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402176",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402176",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526484",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526484",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526481",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526481",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524263",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524263",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389040",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389040",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389038",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389038",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526486",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526486",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526480",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526480",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402194",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402194",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526483",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526483",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627197",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=627197",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402192",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402192",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526482",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526482",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=691176",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=691176",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=724275",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=724275",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402191",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402191",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524264",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=524264",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402190",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402190",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402196",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=402196",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526488",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526488",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526485",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526485",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Existing search rules for Instagram accounts dont acquire any data. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=872510"">Learn more about the recent changes for Instagram.</a>"",,""Bestaande zoekregels voor Instagram-accounts verzamelen geen gegevens niet. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=872510"">Meer informatie over de meest recente wijzigingen voor Instagram.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Languages: <span class=""%{className}"">%{count}/%{total}</span>"",,""Talen: <span class=""%{className}"">%{count}/%{total}</span>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Language: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language}</span>"",,""Taal: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language}</span>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Languages: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language1} and %{language2}</span>"",,""Talen: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language1} en %{language2}</span>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Languages: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language1}, %{language2}, and %{language3}</span>"",,""Talen: <span class=""%{className}"">%{language1}, %{language2} en %{language3}</span>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This action is not supported by your browser. If you are using Private Browsing or Incognito mode then try again from a normal session.",,"Deze actie wordt niet ondersteund door uw browser. Als u Privé surfen of Incognito-modus gebruikt, kunt u het opnieuw proberen vanuit een normale sessie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Page menu",,"Paginamenu",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Next",,"Volgende",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post preview is loading.",,"Berichtvoorbeeld wordt geladen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post preview is now shown.",,"Berichtvoorbeeld wordt nu weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=389041",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=389041",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{percent}% completed",,"%{percent}% voltooid",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove %{item}",,"%{item} verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Score",,"Score",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{source} sentiment index: %{sentiment_index}",,"%{source} gevoelsindex: %{sentiment_index}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Access to Market Insights for your organization is now managed by your IT admin, including your role and all associated data and settings. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2012683"">Learn more about admin takeover</a>."",,""De toegang tot Market Insights voor uw organisatie wordt nu beheerd door uw IT-beheerder, met inbegrip van uw rol en alle bijbehorende gegevens en instellingen. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2012683"">Meer informatie over overname door de beheerder</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Account update",,"Accountupdate",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Keyword rules for Instagram have been discontinued; please remove Instagram as a source. This also means you won't be able to see any previously acquired Instagram posts for this rule.",,"Trefwoordregels voor Instagram zijn niet langer beschikbaar. Verwijder Instagram als bron. Dit betekent ook dat u geen eerder verzamelde Instagram-berichten voor deze regel kunt bekijken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Like",,"Leuk vinden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reply",,"Antwoorden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Retweet",,"Retweeten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Like |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Likes",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> ik-vind-leuk |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> ik-vind-leuks",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Retweet |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> Retweets",,"<strong>%{smart_count}</strong> retweet |||| <strong>%{smart_count}</strong> retweets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Contact us",,"Contact opnemen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get info as it happens",,"Live info ophalen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Broaden your insights",,"Uw inzichten uitbreiden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add another brand or keyword",,"Een ander merk of trefwoord toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Don't miss anything",,"Mis niets",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Have a good idea?",,"Hebt u een goed idee?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a class=""%{className}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2014059"">Share your idea in the forum</a>"",,""<a class=""%{className}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2014059"">Uw idee in het forum delen</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a class=""%{className}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389040"">Talk to support</a>"",,""<a class=""%{className}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389040"">Raadpleeg de ondersteuning</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Need a little help?",,"Wat hulp nodig?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Were sorry, but you arent allowed to access Social Engagement for the requested customerorganization. Contact your customer organizations system administrator to ensure you havethe appropriate Delegated Administration access.",,"U hebt helaas geen toegang tot Social Engagement voor de gevraagde klantorganisatie. Ga bij de systeembeheerder van de organisatie van uw klant na of u de juiste toegang als Gedelegeerde beheerder hebt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Access denied",,"Toegang geweigerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Social Engagement | Access denied",,"Microsoft Social Engagement | Toegang geweigerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Were sorry, but the customer organization youre trying to access doesnt have aSocial Engagement solution. If you recently provisioned Social Engagement, please try againlater because we might still be setting it up. Otherwise, please<a href=""http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=614975"" target=""_blank"">request or purchase aSocial Engagement subscription for this customer organization</a>."",,""De klantorganisatie die u wilt gebruiken, heeft geen Social Engagement-oplossing. Als u Social Engagement onlangs hebt ingericht, probeert u het later opnieuw. Mogelijk wordt de oplossing nog geconfigureerd. Anders kunt u <a href=""http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=614975"" target=""_blank"">een Social Engagement-abonnement aanvragen of aanschaffen voor deze klantorganisatie</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Solution not found",,"Oplossing niet gevonden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Social Engagement | Solution not found",,"Microsoft Social Engagement | Oplossing niet gevonden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2019485"">Explore Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights</a>."",,""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2019485"">Verken Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 paid and trial subscriptions obtained on or after January 16, 2019 do not include access to Microsoft Social Engagement.",,"Betaalde abonnementen en proefabonnementen voor Dynamics 365 die op of na 16 januari 2019 worden verkregen, bieden geen toegang tot Microsoft Social Engagement.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"However, if you are interested in developing a deeper understanding of what your target audience is saying, feeling, and searching for, check out Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. This powerful business app analyzes social and web data, applying AI to deliver insights about your customers, brands, and competitors.",,"Maar als u geïnteresseerd bent in het ontwikkelen van beter inzicht in wat uw doelgroep zegt, voelt en zoekt, bekijkt u Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Deze krachtige zakelijke app analyseert sociale en webgegevens aan de hand van AI om inzichten over uw klanten, merken en concurrenten te bieden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Social Engagement is no longer available.",,"Microsoft Social Engagement is niet langer beschikbaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To prevent your solution from exceeding the quota in the future, we recommend you do the following:",,"Om te voorkomen dat uw oplossing in de toekomst het quotum overschrijdt, adviseren we het volgende:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The data acquisition for your solution was stopped because your search topics yielded more results than your post quota allows.",,"Het verzamelen van gegevens is gestopt voor uw oplossing omdat de zoekonderwerpen meer resultaten hebben opgeleverd dan het toegestane quotum voor berichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Data acquisition of your solution restarted",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: er worden nu weer gegevens verzameld voor uw oplossing",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The data acquisition of your Market Insights solution {1} restarted on {2}. ",,"Er worden vanaf {2} weer gegevens verzameld voor uw Market Insights-oplossing {1}. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Increase your monthly limit of posts for your solution by buying additional packages in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365 admin center</a>."",,""Verhoog de maandelijkse limiet voor het aantal berichten voor uw oplossing door aanvullende pakketten te kopen in het <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365-beheercentrum</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Review your quota and edit or delete search topics or Facebook pages that you added to your sources to reduce the number of acquired posts.",,"Controleer het quotum en bewerk of verwijder zoekonderwerpen of Facebook-pagina's die u hebt toegevoegd aan uw bronnen om het aantal verkregen berichten te verkleinen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your Market Insights solution {1} exceeded the limits on number of posts per month. ",,"Uw Market Insights-oplossing {1} heeft de limiet overschreden voor het aantal berichten per maand. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data acquisition stopped on:",,"Verzamelen van gegevens gestopt op:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The data acquisition was automatically stopped for the rest of this month. ",,"Het verzamelen van gegevens is automatisch gestopt voor de rest van deze maand. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Note that the data acquisition for your solution will restart automatically on the first day of the next month.",,"Het verzamelen van gegevens voor uw oplossing wordt automatisch opnieuw gestart op de eerste dag van de volgende maand.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You can restart the data acquisition of your solution immediately by buying additional packages in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365 admin center</a>. "",,""U kunt het verzamelen van gegevens voor uw oplossing direct opnieuw starten door aanvullende pakketten te kopen in het <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365-beheercentrum</a>. "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Data acquisition of your solution stopped",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: het verzamelen van gegevens voor uw oplossing is gestopt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""We recommend that you increase your solution's monthly post limit by buying additional packages in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365 admin center</a>. "",,""We raden u aan om de maandelijkse limiet voor het aantal berichten voor uw oplossing te verhogen door aanvullende pakketten te kopen in het <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365-beheercentrum</a>. "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alternatively, you can edit or delete search topics to reduce the number of acquired. Posts that you've already acquired still count towards your quota limit for this month. ",,"U kunt ook zoekonderwerpen bewerken of verwijderen om het aantal verkregen berichten te verkleinen. Berichten die al zijn verkregen, tellen mee voor het quotum voor deze maand. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Your solution will probably exceed the monthly post limit",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: het lijkt erop dat uw oplossing de maandelijkse limiet voor het aantal berichten gaat overschrijden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your Market Insights solution {1} will probably exceed your monthly post limit in the next few days.",,"De kans is groot dat uw Market Insights-oplossing {1} de maandelijkse limiet voor het aantal berichten zal overschrijden in de komende dagen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please take immediate action. Your solution will stop acquiring new posts after {1} if your quota has been reached, or as soon as {0} posts have been acquired. Note that missed posts can''t be acquired retroactively.",,"Het is verstandig om direct actie te ondernemen. Er worden geen berichten meer verkregen voor de oplossing na {1} als het quotum is bereikt, of op het moment dat {0} berichten zijn verkregen. Het is niet mogelijk om ontbrekende berichten achteraf nog te verkrijgen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution {0} might exceed your monthly post limit.",,"Uw Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-oplossing {0} zal mogelijk uw maandelijkse limiet voor het aantal berichten overschrijden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This is an automated message from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution: {1}.",,"Dit is een automatisch bericht van de volgende Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-oplossing: {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dear {1}",,"Beste {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"A user has been removed from your solution. To keep the data complete and existing alerts active, we removed the ownership of the following search topics:",,"Er is een gebruiker verwijderd uit uw oplossing. Om de gegevens volledig te houden en bestaande waarschuwingen actief te laten blijven, is de eigenaar van de volgende zoekonderwerpen verwijderd:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Removal of search topic ownership",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: eigenaar van zoekonderwerp verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Current health status of your solution",,"Huidige status van uw oplossing",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alternatively, you can edit or delete search topics to reduce the number of posts. Posts that you've already acquired still count towards your quota limit for this month. ",,"U kunt ook zoekonderwerpen bewerken of verwijderen om het aantal berichten te verkleinen. Berichten die al zijn verkregen, tellen mee voor het quotum voor deze maand. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We'll inform you again if your Market Insights solution reaches a critical limit on the number of posts. ",,"We nemen opnieuw contact op als er een kritieke limiet is bereikt voor het aantal berichten voor uw Market Insights-oplossing. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Note that you can increase your monthly post limit for your solution by buying additional packages in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365 admin center</a>. "",,""U kunt de maandelijkse limiet voor het aantal berichten voor uw oplossing verhogen door aanvullende pakketten te kopen in het <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=403278"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Office 365-beheercentrum</a>. "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Monitor your quota on Settings > Search Setup.",,"Controleer uw quotum via Instellingen > Zoekinstellingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of posts acquired this month:",,"Aantal verkregen berichten deze maand:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expected number of posts for the month:",,"Verwacht aantal berichten voor de maand:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota limit per month:",,"Quotum per maand:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Your solution {0} might exceed the monthly post limit",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: uw oplossing {0} zal mogelijk de maandelijkse limiet voor het aantal berichten overschrijden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This email was sent by an automated system. ©2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"Dit e-mailbericht is verzonden door een geautomatiseerd systeem. ©2019 Microsoft Corporation. Alle rechten voorbehouden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hello,",,"Hallo,",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights is part of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional subscription only if you have at least 10 licenses.",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights maakt alleen deel uit van uw abonnement op Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional als u minimaal 10 licenties hebt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You need 10 or more licenses to get Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights as part of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional subscription.",,"U hebt 10 of meer licenties nodig om Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights te ontvangen als onderdeel van uw abonnement op Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your organization must be in a country/region where Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights is currently supported.",,"Uw organisatie moet zijn gevestigd in een land/regio waar Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights op dit moment wordt ondersteund.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Were sorry, but we cant process your recent Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights add-on purchase as you dont yet have a Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution set up. Before we can set up your solution, you have to meet the following criteria:",,"We kunnen uw recente aankoop van een invoegtoepassing voor Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights niet verwerken omdat u nog geen oplossing van Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights hebt geconfigureerd. We kunnen uw oplossing pas configureren als aan de volgende criteria wordt voldaan:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"For more information about eligibility criteria and additional purchasing options, please see <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics CRM pricing and licensing</a>. Please note that Dynamics CRM trials aren't eligible for Market Insights",,"Als u meer wilt lezen over criteria en extra opties die beschikbaar zijn, raadpleegt u <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics CRM - prijzen en licenties</a>. Proefversies van Dynamics CRM komen niet in aanmerking voor Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"For more information about eligibility criteria and additional purchasing options, please see <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics CRM pricing and licensing</a>. Please note that trial versions aren't eligible for Market Insights",,"Als u meer wilt lezen over criteria en extra aankoopopties, raadpleegt u <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics CRM - prijzen en licenties</a>. Proefversies komen niet in aanmerking voor Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please reach out to your Partner or your Microsoft Account team for further action regarding this purchase.",,"Als u extra informatie wilt over deze aankoop, kunt u contact opnemen met uw partner of het Microsoft Account-team.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alert: Unable to process your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights add-on purchase",,"Waarschuwing: de aankoop van een invoegtoepassing voor Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights kan niet worden verwerkt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Thank you,",,"Dank u,",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Market Insights team",,"Het Market Insights-team",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You are getting this notification as the owner of the following alert: {0}. All recipients of this alert have been removed and the alert has been set to inactive. To reactivate it, edit the alert in your Market Insights solution.",,"U ontvangt deze melding als eigenaar van de volgende waarschuwing: {0}. Alle ontvangers van deze waarschuwing zijn verwijderd en de waarschuwing is ingesteld op inactief. U kunt de waarschuwing opnieuw activeren door deze te bewerken in de Market Insights-oplossing.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alert deactivated for: {0}",,"Waarschuwing gedeactiveerd voor: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Alert {0} deactivated",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: waarschuwing {0} gedeactiveerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Post alert: ""{0}"""",,""Berichtmelding: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""If you don''t want to receive this alert, contact <a href=""{2}"" <target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">the owner of this alert {1}<a/>."",,""Als u deze waarschuwing niet wilt ontvangen, neemt u contact op met <a href=""{2}"" <target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">de eigenaar van deze waarschuwing {1}<a/>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""This alert was triggered by <a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution {1}</a>"",,""Deze waarschuwing is geactiveerd door de <a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-oplossing {1}</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"posts found",,"berichten gevonden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Post Alert ""{0}"": {1} posts"",,""Berichtmelding voor Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights ""{0}"": {1} berichten"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The {0} category has been deleted.",,"De categorie {0} is verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Category deleted for: {0}",,"Categorie verwijderd voor: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Category {0} deleted",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: categorie {0} verwijderd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The {0} category has been renamed to {1}.",,"De naam van de categorie {0} is gewijzigd in {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Category renamed for: {0}",,"Naam van categorie gewijzigd voor: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Category {0} renamed",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: naam van categorie {0} gewijzigd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To understand alert mails and how they are triggered, <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=860345"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">go to the alert documentation</a>."",,""Meer informatie over waarschuwingsberichten en de wijze waarop deze worden geactiveerd, <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=860345"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">vindt u in de documentatie over waarschuwingen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Print Media",,"Gedrukte media",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"RSS",,"RSS",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Web",,"Web",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"2019 Microsoft Corporation. Alle rechten voorbehouden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You are currently subscribed as:",,"U bent momenteel geabonneerd als:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Translation Guide",,"Vertaalhandleiding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Domain: ",,"Domein: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This email was sent by an automated system.",,"Dit e-mailbericht is verzonden door een geautomatiseerd systeem.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See posts for this alert in Analytics",,"Berichten voor deze waarschuwing in Analytics bekijken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""This is an automated message from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution: <a href=""{1}"">{0}</a>"",,""Dit is een automatisch bericht van de volgende Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-oplossing: <a href=""{1}"">{0}</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft logo",,"Microsoft-logo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights logo",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-logo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This is an automated message from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution: {0}",,"Dit is een automatisch bericht van de volgende Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-oplossing: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Organization: ",,"Organisatie: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Privacy statement",,"Privacyverklaring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This is an automated notification.",,"Dit is een automatische melding.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dear Administrators,",,"Beste beheerders,",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dear {0},",,"Beste {0},",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unknown sentiment",,"Onbekend gevoel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn more about admin takeover",,"Meer informatie over overname door de beheerder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2012683",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2012683",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""We couldnt execute the action ""{0}"" in your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution <a href=""{2}"">{1}</a> for the following automation rules:"",,""De actie ""{0}"" kan niet in uw Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights-oplossing <a href=""{2}"">{1}</a> worden uitgevoerd voor de volgende automatiseringsregels:"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""More information about what you can do to resolve this is available in the <a href=""{0}"">technical documentation</a>.<br/>For further assistance, please contact <a href=""{1}"">customer support</a>, referencing tracking id: {2}<br/><br/>If you dont want to receive these notifications, you can turn them off in <a href=""{3}"">Settings > Automation Rules</a>."",,""Meer informatie over wat u kunt doen om dit op te lossen is beschikbaar in de <a href=""{0}"">technische documentatie</a>.<br/>Voor nadere informatie neemt u contact op met de <a href=""{1}"">klantondersteuning</a>, onder verwijzing naar aanvraag-id: {2}<br/><br/>Als u deze meldingen niet wilt ontvangen, kunt u deze uitschakelen onder <a href=""{3}"">Instellingen > Automatiseringsregels</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Market Insights cant connect to the configured service to execute the action. Please verify the CRM connection: ""{0}"""",,""Er kan vanuit Market Insights geen verbinding met de geconfigureerde service worden gemaakt om de actie uit te voeren. Controleer de CRM-verbinding: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Market Insights cant connect to the configured service to execute the action. Please verify the Dynamics 365 connection: ""{0}"""",,""Er kan vanuit Market Insights geen verbinding met de geconfigureerde service worden gemaakt om de actie uit te voeren. Controleer de Dynamics 365-verbinding: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Market Insights cant connect to the configured service to execute the action. Please verify the Event Hubs connection: ""{0}"""",,""Er kan vanuit Market Insights geen verbinding met de geconfigureerde service worden gemaakt om de actie uit te voeren. Controleer de Event Hubs-verbinding: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We reached the limit on the number of posts we can execute this action on. This happens when theres an unusually high volume of posts matching the automation rules in a short period of time. Please check your settings to investigate this further.",,"Het aantal berichten waarop deze actie kan worden uitgevoerd, is bereikt. Dat gebeurt wanneer er in korte tijd een ongebruikelijk groot aantal berichten is dat overeenkomt met de automatiseringsregels. Controleer uw instellingen om dit verder te onderzoeken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This can happen due to the following reasons:",,"Dat kan de volgende oorzaken hebben:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Execution of {0} action failed in one or more automation rules",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: uitvoering van actie {0} mislukt in een of meer automatiseringsregels",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"For product details, go to the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=391741' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics 365 Documentation site</a>.",,"Voor productgegevens gaat u naar <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=391741' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>de documentatiesite van Dynamics 365</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"For product details, go to the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=391741' target_blank'>Dynamics 365 release preview page</a> or the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=826016' target_blank'>Dynamics 365 Roadmap</a>.",,"Productgegevens zijn beschikbaar op de <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=391741' target_blank'>informatiepagina voor Dynamics 365</a> en in <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=826016' target_blank'>Dynamics 365 Roadmap</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To plan for using this new solution, go to the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=391742' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Get started page</a>.",,"Lees de <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=391742' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>pagina Aan de slag</a> om het werken met deze nieuwe oplossing voor te bereiden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn about the languages and translations that Market Insights supports in the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=391086' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Translation Guide</a>.",,"Lees in de <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=391086' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>vertaalhandleiding</a> over de talen en vertalingen die door Market Insights worden ondersteund.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn more about <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=392751' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>social CRM</a>.",,"Lees hier meer over <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=392751' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Social CRM</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn more about <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=392751' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>social for everyone</a>.",,"Lees hier meer over <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=392751' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Social voor iedereen</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get help in the <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=394325' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Help  Training site</a>.",,"Help-informatie kunt u vinden op de site <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=394325' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Help en training</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assign Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights licenses to users in your organization and start listening to the social web!",,"Wijs licenties van Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights toe aan gebruikers in uw organisatie en ontdek wat er op het sociale web gebeurt!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Prepare for Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Voorbereiden voor Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We are thrilled to let you know that you are now eligible to get Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights at no additional subscription charge, as part of your Dynamics CRM subscription.",,"We zijn blij u te informeren dat u nu zonder extra abonnementskosten in aanmerking komt voor Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights, als onderdeel van uw abonnement op Dynamics CRM.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're thrilled to let you know that youre now eligible to get Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights at no additional subscription charge, as part of your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online subscription.",,"We zijn blij u te informeren dat u nu zonder extra abonnementskosten in aanmerking komt voor Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights, als onderdeel van uw abonnement op Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To get started, assign Market Insights licenses to one or more users in your organization and we will set up your solution right away.",,"U kunt aan de slag door licenties van Market Insights toe te wijzen aan een of meer gebruikers in uw organisatie. Wij zullen er dan voor zorgen dat uw oplossing direct wordt geconfigureerd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to your Partner or your Microsoft Account team.",,"Als u vragen hebt, kunt u altijd contact op nemen met uw partner of met het Microsoft Account-team.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You are now eligible to get Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights!",,"U komt nu in aanmerking voor het downloaden van Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights is part of your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional subscription only if you have 10 or more licenses.",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights maakt alleen deel uit van uw abonnement op Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Professional als u 10 licenties of meer hebt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Were sorry, but you dont yet meet the eligibility criteria to add Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights to your subscription. There are a few eligibility requirements:",,"U voldoet niet aan de criteria om Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights toe te voegen aan uw abonnement. Dit zijn de criteria:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"For more information about eligibility criteria and additional purchasing options, go to <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics 365 pricing and licensing</a>. Please note that trial versions aren't eligible for Market Insights.",,"Als u meer wilt lezen over criteria en extra aankoopopties, raadpleegt u <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=401462' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Dynamics 365 - prijzen en licenties</a>. Proefversies komen niet in aanmerking voor Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You are not yet eligible for a Market Insights solution",,"U komt nog niet in aanmerking voor een oplossing van Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The {0} location group has been removed by {1}.",,"De locatiegroep {0} is verwijderd door {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If you have questions, please contact {0}.",,"Als u vragen hebt, kunt u contact opnemen met {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To reactivate your alert or update its configuration go to <a href=""{0}"">Your Alerts</a>."",,""Ga naar <a href=""{0}"">Uw waarschuwingen</a> om uw waarschuwing opnieuw te activeren of de configuratie ervan bij te werken."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} was used as a filter in your {1} alert but isn't available anymore. We have set your alert to inactive.",,"{0}wordt als een filter gebruikt in de waarschuwing {1}, maar is niet meer beschikbaar. We hebben de waarschuwing op inactief gezet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your {0} alert has been deactivated",,"Uw waarschuwing {0} is gedeactiveerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Approve or deny</a>"",,""<a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Goedkeuren of weigeren</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""{0} wants permission to use <a href=""{1}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Market Insights solution {2}</a>."",,""{0} wil een machtiging voor het gebruik van de <a href=""{1}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Market Insights-oplossing {2}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sign in to approve or deny their request.",,"Meld u aan om de aanvraag goed te keuren of te weigeren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Access Request",,"Toegangsaanvraag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{2} posts have been acquired for solution {0} so far this month, but it's quota is limited to {1}.",,"Tot nu toe zijn deze maand {2} berichten verkregen voor de oplossing {0}, maar het quotum is beperkt tot {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Critical: quota of solution {0} exceeded",,"Kritiek: quotum van oplossing {0} overschreden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Warning: post quota of solution {0} almost reached",,"Waarschuwing: berichtenquotum van oplossing {0} bijna bereikt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your user role has changed in the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution: {0}",,"Uw gebruikersrol is gewijzigd in de volgende oplossing van Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your new user role is: {0}",,"Uw nieuwe gebruikersrol is: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your user roles are: ",,"Uw gebruikersrollen zijn: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can only edit User Preferences in Settings.",,"U kunt alleen gebruikersvoorkeuren wijzigen in Instellingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't access User Management and Solution Defaults.",,"U hebt geen toegang tot Gebruikersbeheer en Standaardinstellingen van oplossing.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't exclude authors and delete posts from the analysis.",,"U kunt auteurs niet uitsluiten en berichten verwijderen uit de analyse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can access and edit User Management and Solution Defaults.",,"U hebt toegang tot Gebruikersbeheer en Standaardinstellingen van oplossing.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can edit all values in Settings.",,"U kunt alle waarden in Instellingen wijzigen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can exclude authors and delete posts from the analysis.",,"U kunt auteurs uitsluiten en berichten verwijderen uit de analyse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can only edit User Preferences and search topics you own in Settings.",,"U kunt alleen gebruikersvoorkeuren en zoekonderwerpen wijzigen in Instellingen waarvan u de eigenaar bent.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't edit search topics you owned as a Power Analyst.",,"U kunt geen zoekonderwerpen wijzigen waarvan u als hoofdanalist eigenaar bent geweest.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can create new search topics and edit topics you own.",,"U kunt nieuwe zoekonderwerpen definiëren en onderwerpen wijzigen waarvan u de eigenaar bent.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Configuration role: ",,"Configuratierol: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To find out more about your current permissions, go to our <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Help  Training site</a>."",,""Als u meer wilt weten over uw huidige machtigingen, gaat u naar onze site <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=394325"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Help en training</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Interaction role: ",,"Interactierol: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please note the following changes to your permissions:",,"Uw machtigingen zijn als volgt gewijzigd:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can check your permission any time by visiting ",,"U kunt uw machtiging hier controleren: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Your user role was updated",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: uw gebruikersrol is bijgewerkt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search topic deleted for: {0}",,"Zoekonderwerp verwijderd voor: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This removal has the following impact:",,"Deze verwijdering heeft de volgende gevolgen:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The user {0} deleted the search topic {1}.",,"De gebruiker {0} heeft het zoekonderwerp {1} verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""If you have questions, please contact <a href=""mailto:{1}"">{0}</a>."",,""Als u vragen hebt, kunt u contact opnemen met <a href=""mailto:{1}"">{0}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The {1} search topic has been removed by {2}.",,"Het zoekonderwerp {1} is verwijderd door {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Search topic {0} removed",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: zoekonderwerp {0} verwijderd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526480"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Set solution defaults</a> "",,""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526480"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Standaardinstellingen van oplossing opgeven</a> "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526481"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Add users and assign roles</a> "",,""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526481"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Gebruikers toevoegen en rollen toewijzen</a> "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526483"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Create search topics to gather data</a> "",,""<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526483"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Zoekonderwerpen definiëren om gegevens te verzamelen</a> "",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To get started, here are your next steps:",,"Dit zijn de volgende stappen om aan de slag te gaan:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The creation of the solution {0} was unfortunately unsuccessful.",,"Het aanmaken van de oplossing {0} is helaas mislukt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The creation of the solution {0} was successful.",,"Het aanmaken van de oplossing {0} is voltooid.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""For more information about working with your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution, go to our <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=394325"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Help  Training site</a>."",,""Ga voor meer informatie over het werken met uw oplossing van Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights naar onze site <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=394325"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Help en training</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We've successfully created your Market Insights solution and you're ready to set up your solution.",,"Uw oplossing van Market Insights is aangemaakt en u kunt de oplossing nu gaan configureren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please share this link with your users so that they can access Market Insights as well.",,"Deel deze koppeling met uw gebruikers, zodat zij ook toegang hebben tot Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To access your solution, go to:",,"Ga naar deze URL voor toegang tot uw oplossing:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Creation of solution {0}: UNSUCCESSFUL",,"Aanmaken van de oplossing {0}: NIET GELUKT.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Creation of solution {0}: SUCCESSFUL",,"Aanmaken van de oplossing {0}: GELUKT.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: Your solution is ready to use",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: uw oplossing is gereed voor gebruik",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Welcome to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights!",,"Welkom bij Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Market Insights for your organization is now managed by your IT admin.<br/>This means your old preferences and data are no longer available, and you will need to recreate any search topics, profiles, etc you might have previously created. Additionally, your admin will need to approve access and set a new role for you in the app. You can contact your admin at <a href=""mailto:{0}"">{0}</a> with questions, to request access, or to request a change in role."",,""Market Insights voor uw organisatie wordt nu beheerd door uw IT-beheerder.<br/>Dit betekent dat uw oude voorkeuren en gegevens niet langer beschikbaar zijn en dat u zoekonderwerpen, profielen enz. die u eerder hebt gemaakt, opnieuw moet maken. Verder moet uw beheerder de toegang goedkeuren en een nieuwe rol voor in instellen in de app. U kunt contact opnemen met uw beheerder op <a href=""mailto:{0}"">{0}</a> als u vragen hebt, wilt verzoeken om toegang of een wijziging in de rol wilt aanvragen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Changes to your Marketing Insights account",,"Wijzigingen in uw Marketing Insights-account",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This email was sent from the following Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights solution:",,"Dit e-mailbericht is verzonden via de volgende oplossing van Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Our records indicate that the authentication token for your social profile {0} has been active for 59 days, and it will stay active for one more day. To ensure the authentication token stays valid and data acquisition for {1} continues seamlessly, we strongly recommend that you re-authorize your social profile {0} right away. <strong>If you dont reauthorize today, data acquisition for {1} will stop tomorrow.<strong>",,"Volgens onze administratie is het verificatietoken voor uw sociale profiel {0} 59 dagen actief geweest en is het nog één dag actief. Als u er zeker van wilt zijn dat het verificatietoken actief blijft en dat gegevensverzameling voor {1} naadloos doorgaat, raden we u sterk aan uw sociale profiel {0} direct opnieuw te autoriseren. <strong>Als u vandaag niet opnieuw autoriseert, stopt de gegevensverzameling voor {1} morgen.<strong>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Action Required: Re-authenticate your {0} user account today",,"Actie vereist: verifieer uw {0}-gebruikersaccount vandaag opnieuw",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Our records indicate that the authentication token for your social profile {0} has been active for {2} days, and it will stay active for another {1} days. To ensure that the authentication token stays valid and data acquisition for {3} continues seamlessly, we recommend that you re-authorize your social profile {0} within {1} days.",,"Volgens onze administratie is het verificatietoken voor uw sociale profiel {0} {2} dagen actief geweest en is het nog {1} dagen actief. Als u er zeker van wilt zijn dat het verificatietoken actief blijft en dat gegevensverzameling voor {3} naadloos doorgaat, raden we u aan uw sociale profiel {0} binnen {1} dagen opnieuw te autoriseren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{1} token expires in {0} days",,"{1}-token verloopt over {0} dagen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We noticed that there are no more valid authentication tokens enabled for a Facebook user to acquire data from Facebook pages. This means that the <strong>data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped</strong>.",,"Wij hebben vastgesteld dat er geen geldige verificatietokens meer zijn ingeschakeld voor het verzamelen van gegevens op Facebook-pagina's door een Facebook-gebruiker. Dit betekent dat <strong>het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's is gestopt</strong>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To resume the acquisition of posts, we strongly advise you to immediately enable at least one <a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">social profile</a> for a Facebook user who allows data acquisition from Facebook pages."",,""Als u het verzamelen van berichten wilt hervatten, adviseren wij u dringend onmiddellijk minimaal één <a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">sociaal profiel</a> in te schakelen voor een Facebook-gebruiker die het verzamelen van gegevens van Facebook-pagina's toestaat."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Action Required: Facebook user token expired",,"Actie vereist: Facebook-gebruikerstoken verlopen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We noticed that there are no more valid authentication tokens enabled for a Facebook user to acquire data from Facebook pages and Instagram business accounts. This means that the <strong>data acquisition for Facebook pages and Instagram business accounts has stopped</strong>.",,"Wij hebben vastgesteld dat er geen geldige verificatietokens meer zijn ingeschakeld voor het verzamelen van gegevens op Facebook-pagina's en in zakelijke Instagram-accounts door een Facebook-gebruiker. Dit betekent dat <strong>het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's en zakelijke Instagram-accounts is gestopt</strong>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To resume the acquisition of posts, enable at least one <a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">social profile</a> for a Facebook  Instagram acquisition profile."",,""Als u wilt doorgaan met het verzamelen van berichten, schakelt u ten minste één <a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">sociaal profiel</a> voor een Facebook- en Instagram-verzamelingsprofiel in."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""We noticed that there are no more valid Instagram accounts for data acquisition from Instagram. This means that <strong>the data acquisition for Instagram has stopped</strong>. To resume the acquisition of posts, we strongly advise you to allow at least one Instagram account in <strong><a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Settings > Social Profiles</a></strong> for data acquisition."",,""Er zijn geen geldige Instagram-accounts meer voor gegevensverzameling vanuit Instagram. Dat betekent dat <strong>gegevensverzameling voor Instagram is gestopt</strong>. Als u de verzameling van berichten wilt hervatten, raden we aan ten minste één Instagram-account in <strong><a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Instellingen > Sociale profielen</a></strong> toe te staan voor gegevensverzameling."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Action Required: Allow Instagram accounts for data acquisition",,"Actie vereist: Instagram-accounts toestaan voor gegevensverzameling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""We noticed that you dont have any valid authentication tokens for LinkedIn, which means that <strong>data acquisition for LinkedIn Organization pages has stopped</strong>. To resume getting posts, we strongly recommend enabling a social profile for LinkedIn in <strong><a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Settings > Social Profiles</a></strong> for data acquisition."",,""Er is geconstateerd dat u geen geldige verificatietokens voor LinkedIn hebt, waardoor het <strong>ophalen van gegevens voor LinkedIn-organisatiepagina's is gestopt</strong>. Als u het ophalen van berichten wilt hervatten, wordt het aanbevolen voor het ophalen van gegevens een sociaal profiel in te schakelen voor LinkedIn in <strong><a href=""{0}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Instellingen > Sociale profielen</a></strong>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Action Required: LinkedIn acquisition token expired",,"Actie vereist: LinkedIn-verzamelingstoken verlopen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Trend alert: ""{0}"""",,""Trendwaarschuwing: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The post volume changed significantly as measured on {0}.",,"Het berichtenvolume is aanzienlijk gewijzigd op {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""If you don''t want to receive this alert, contact <a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">the owner of this alert {1}</a>."",,""Als u deze waarschuwing niet wilt ontvangen, neemt u contact op met <a href=""{2}"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">de eigenaar van deze waarschuwing {1}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Weekly average: {0} posts",,"Wekelijkse gemiddelde: {0} berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Daily average: {0} posts",,"Dagelijkse gemiddelde: {0} berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post volume for all active sources:",,"Berichtenvolume voor alle actieve bronnen:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Most significant change:",,"Meest significante wijziging:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts found",,"Berichten gevonden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Trend Alert: {1}",,"Trendwaarschuwing voor Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your request to join Market Insights was approved.",,"Uw aanvraag voor deelname aan Market Insights is goedgekeurd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your request to join Market Insights was denied.",,"Uw aanvraag voor deelname aan Market Insights is afgewezen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To get started, sign in to Market Insights with your organization email account.",,"Meld u, om te beginnen, aan bij Market Insights met het e-mailaccount van uw organisatie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Questions? Contact your admin at <a href=""mailto:{0}"">{0}</a>"",,""Vragen? Neem dan contact op met uw beheerder op <a href=""mailto:{0}"">{0}</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Request to join approved",,"Aanvraag voor deelname goedgekeurd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Request to join denied",,"Aanvraag voor deelname afgewezen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"average is {0} posts",,"gemiddelde is {0} berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"in 24 h for {0} till {1}",,"in 24 uur voor {0} tot {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"in 7 days for {0} till {1}",,"in 7 dagen voor {0} tot {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"for last 24 hours",,"voor de afgelopen 24 uur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"more",,"meer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trendscout Alert-Notification",,"Melding voor waarschuwing van Trendscout",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This alert was triggered in Solution",,"Deze waarschuwing is geactiveerd in oplossing",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reference post volume of Focus Item",,"Berichtenvolume van focusitem als referentie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"over all sources",,"voor alle bronnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Configured sources",,"Geconfigureerde bronnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"on",,"op",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"less",,"minder",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dear Recipient",,"Hallo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This is an automated message from the alert",,"Dit is een automatisch bericht van de waarschuwing",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The post volume on the Focus Item",,"Het berichtenvolume op het focusitem",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"in the ComMonitor Insights",,"in de ComMonitor Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You don't want to receive this alert anymore? Contact",,"Wilt u deze waarschuwing niet meer ontvangen? Neem dan contact op met",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"who has sent you this alert.",,"aangezien dit de persoon is die deze waarschuwing heeft verstuurd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please do not reply or forward to this alias. For feedback and support, please refer to",,"U kunt geen reactie versturen of doorsturen naar deze alias. Voor feedback en ondersteuning raadpleegt u",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"exceeded the expectation for the following sources",,"heeft de verwachting overschreden voor de volgende bronnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Ga naar Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"to find out more.",,"voor meer informatie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} post",,"{0} bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} posts",,"{0} berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"than expected",,"dan verwacht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"than the",,"dan het",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"weekly average",,"wekelijkse gemiddelde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trendscout Alert",,"Waarschuwing van Trendscout",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Several sources are publishing more than expected.",,"Verschillende bronnen publiceren meer dan verwacht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're sorry, but you aren't authorized to access this organization's Market Insights solution. Please contact the organization's system administrator to get appropriate access.\n",,"Helaas hebt u geen machtiging voor toegang tot de Market Insights-oplossing van deze organisatie. Neem contact op met de systeembeheerder van de organisatie om de vereiste toegang te verkrijgen.\n",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Access denied",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Toegang geweigerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""We're sorry, but the customer organization you're trying to access doesn't have a Market Insights solution. If you recently provisioned Market Insights, please try again later because we might still be setting it up. Otherwise, please <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">request or purchase a Market Insights subscription for this customer organization</a>.\n"",,""De klantorganisatie die u wilt gebruiken, heeft geen Market Insights-oplossing. Als u Market Insights onlangs hebt ingericht, probeert u het later dan opnieuw. Mogelijk wordt de oplossing nog geconfigureerd. Anders kunt u <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">een Market Insights-abonnement aanvragen of aanschaffen voor deze klantorganisatie</a>.\n"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Solution not found",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Oplossing niet gevonden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're getting everything set up for you. This should only take a minute or two.",,"We zijn alles voor u aan het instellen. Dit duurt slechts een paar minuten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Welcome to Market Insights",,"Welkom bij Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Almost there",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Bijna klaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We will load your Market Insights solution as soon as it's ready.",,"Uw Market Insights-oplossing wordt geladen zodra deze gereed is.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The request appears to be invalid or improperly formatted.",,"Het lijkt erop dat de aanvraag ongeldig is of een onjuiste indeling heeft.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bad Request",,"Ongeldige aanvraag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Bad Request",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Ongeldige aanvraag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Sorry, your authentication to Dynamics 365 failed. Try <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2053019"">signing in again</a>. To get access to Dynamics 365 go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">Dynamics 365 portal</a> or contact the organization's system administrator."",,""Uw verificatie voor Dynamics 365 is mislukt. Probeer u <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2053019"">opnieuw aan te melden</a>. Ga naar de <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">Dynamics 365-portal</a> of neem contact op met de systeembeheerder van de organisatie om toegang te krijgen tot Dynamics 365."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Access Denied",,"Toegang geweigerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Unauthorized",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Niet gemachtigd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Sorry, you're not authorized to access this page. Try signing in as a different user in the<a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=403278"" target=""_blank""> Office 365 portal</a>. If you still don't have permission to access this resource, contact the organization's system administrator."",,""U bent niet gemachtigd om deze pagina te openen. Probeer u als een andere gebruiker aan te melden bij de <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=403278"" target=""_blank"">Office 365-portal</a>. Als u ook op deze manier geen toegang krijgt tot deze resource, neemt u contact op met de systeembeheerder."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Forbidden",,"Niet toegestaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Forbidden",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Niet toegestaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You can contact your admin at <a href=""mailto:${admin_emails?first}"" title=""Send email to ${admin_emails?first}"">${admin_emails?first}</a>."",,""U kunt contact opnemen met uw beheerder op <a href=""mailto:${admin_emails?first}"" title=""Send email to ${admin_emails?first}"">${admin_emails?first}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your access to Market Insights is blocked. Contact your admin with any questions you might have.",,"Uw toegang tot Market Insights is geblokkeerd. Neem contact op met uw beheerder als u vragen hebt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Forbidden",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Verboden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please contact your system administrator to take further action in the Office 365 Message Center",,"Neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder om verdere actie te ondernemen in het Office 365-berichtencentrum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Blocked",,"Geblokkeerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Blocked",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Geblokkeerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Questions? Contact your admin at <a href=""mailto:${admin_emails?first}"" title=""Send email to ${admin_emails?first}"">${admin_emails?first}</a>."",,""Vragen? Neem contact op met uw beheerder op <a href=""mailto:${admin_emails?first}"" title=""Een e-mail sturen naar  ${admin_emails?first}"">${admin_emails?first}</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"It looks like your access to Market Insights needs approval from an admin. We've already sent your admin a request to give you access. We'll notify you at ${email} once the request is processed.",,"Het lijkt erop dat u goedkeuring van een beheerder nodig hebt voor toegang tot Market Insights. We hebben uw beheerder al een aanvraag gestuurd om u toegang te verlenen. We sturen u bericht op ${email} wanneer de aanvraag is verwerkt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Almost there",,"Bijna klaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't find the page you were looking for.",,"De gewenste pagina is niet gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Page Not Found",,"Pagina niet gevonden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Page not found",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Pagina niet gevonden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""We're sorry, but you aren't allowed to access the solution. Try signing in as a different user in the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=403278"" target=""_blank"">Office 365 portal</a>, or <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2053019"">sign in</a> to open Dynamics 365. To get access to Dynamics 365 go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">Dynamics 365 portal</a> or contact the organization's system administrator.\n"",,""U hebt geen toegang tot de oplossing. Probeer u als een andere gebruiker aan te melden bij de <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=403278"" target=""_blank"">Office 365-portal</a> of <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2053019"">meld u aan</a> om Dynamics 365 te openen. U krijgt toegang tot Dynamics 365 door naar de <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=614975"" target=""_blank"">Dynamics 365-portal</a> te gaan of contact op te nemen met de systeembeheerder van de organisatie.\n"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Authentication failed",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Verificatie mislukt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The server didn't receive the request in time. Please try again.",,"De aanvraag is niet op tijd ontvangen door de server. Probeer het nogmaals.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Request Timeout",,"Time-out voor aanvraag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Request timeout",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Time-out voor aanvraag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Too Many Requests",,"Te veel aanvragen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Too many requests",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Te veel aanvragen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Oops &#8230; something went wrong. Please try again later or if this problem persists, <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=390992"" target=""_blank"">contact Support</a> with the error timestamp below. <br>"",,""Er is iets misgegaan. Probeer het later opnieuw of neem <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=390992"" target=""_blank"">contact op met de ondersteuning</a> als het probleem zich blijft voordoen. Geef in dat geval het onderstaande fouttijdstempel door. <br>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Internal Server Error",,"Interne serverfout",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Internal server error",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Interne serverfout",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The gateway or proxy received an invalid response from the server.",,"De gateway of proxy heeft een ongeldige respons ontvangen van de server.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bad Gateway",,"Ongeldige gateway",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Bad gateway",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Ongeldige gateway",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The service isn't available right now. Please try again in a few minutes.",,"De service is nu niet beschikbaar. Probeer het over een paar minuten nog een keer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Service Unavailable",,"Service niet beschikbaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Service unavailable",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365 | Service niet beschikbaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The gateway or proxy didn't receive a timely response from the server.",,"De gateway of proxy heeft te laat een respons ontvangen van de server.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Gateway Timeout",,"Time-out voor gateway",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Gateway Timeout",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Time-out voor gateway",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365",,"Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 isn't quite ready to use.",,"Dynamics 365 is nog niet helemaal klaar voor gebruik.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please check back in a few minutes.",,"Kom over een paar minuten nog eens terug.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If this issue continues, contact your Office 365 admin.",,"Als deze fout blijft optreden, neemt u contact op met de beheerder van Office 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Setup ongoing - Dynamics 365",,"Bezig met installeren - Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're sorry, an unexpected error has occurred.",,"Er is een onverwachte fout opgetreden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unknown Error",,"Onbekende fout",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Unknown Error",,"Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights | Onbekende fout",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your data is ready to go to analytics",,"Uw gegevens zijn gereed om te worden geanalyseerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You need to wait for your data",,"U moet wachten op uw gegevens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guides you through your first steps in your fresh solution.",,"Begeleidt u bij uw eerste stappen in de nieuwe oplossing.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All done!",,"Helemaal klaar!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Welcome %{user_name}",,"Welkom %{user_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Approve everyone",,"Iedereen goedkeuren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Not now",,"Niet nu",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"When others at your company ask to use this app, do you want to automatically approve all their requests?",,"Wanneer andere gebruikers in uw bedrijf vragen om gebruik te maken van deze app, wilt u dan automatisch al hun aanvragen goedkeuren?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Approving permission requests",,"Machtigingsaanvragen goedkeuren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Let's go",,"We kunnen beginnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to Analytics for your brand",,"Naar Analyse gaan voor uw merk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Now you can switch to the Analytics app to explore insights based on those tweets.",,"U kunt nu overschakelen naar de Analytics-app om inzichten op basis van deze tweets te onderzoeken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start",,"Beginnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ready to see what we found on Twitter, and more?",,"Wilt u zien wat er op Twitter is aangetroffen, en verder?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Once we acquired the historical data, you can switch to the Analytics app to explore insight based on those tweets.",,"Als we de historische gegevens hebben ontvangen, kunt u overschakelen naar de Analyse-app om inzichten op basis van deze tweets te onderzoeken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please wait while we are loading historical data for your brand, this will take a minute. You will get tweets matching the search rules we setup for you. This historical acquisition is limited by a maximum of a thousand tweets and max 30 days back.",,"Wacht tot de historische gegevens voor uw merk zijn geladen. Dit duurt even. U ontvangt tweets die overeenkomen met de zoekregels die wij voor u hebben ingesteld. Het ophalen van deze historische gegevens is beperkt tot maximaal duizend tweets en tot 30 dagen in het verleden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Thank you for adding your brand keywoard search topic. If you would like to edit it, go to ""Search Setup"" and open search topic ""%{search_topic_name}"""",,""Hartelijk dank voor het toevoegen van het zoekonderwerp met uw merk als trefwoord. Als u dit wilt bewerken, gaat u naar ""Zoekinstellingen"" en opent u het zoekonderwerp ""%{search_topic_name}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This is your fresh solution, let's help you get started by adding social data relevant for your brand.",,"Dit is de nieuwe oplossing. Wij helpen u om aan de slag te gaan door sociale gegevens toe te voegen die relevant zijn voor uw merk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"I would like to know how is my brand mentioned on social networks",,"Ik wil graag weten hoe mijn merk wordt vermeld in sociale netwerken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start setup",,"Instellen starten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tell us what would you like to do?",,"Laat ons weten wat u wilt doen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guides you in searching for a brand name. (no preload)",,"Helpt u bij het zoeken naar een merknaam (zonder vooraf laden).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start keyword wizard",,"Trefwoordwizard starten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to my analytics",,"Ga naar mijn analyses",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dont worry, your analytics are just a click away. But before you go, check out your new Market Insights homepage. Its designed to make it easier than ever to keep up to date on new features, system health, and more.",,"Maak u geen zorgen, uw analyses zijn met één klik bereikbaar. Maar bekijk, voordat u verdergaat, vooral uw nieuwe startpagina van Market Insights. Deze is ontworpen om het gemakkelijker dan ooit te maken om op de hoogte te blijven van nieuwe functies, systeemstatus en meer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Wheres my dashboard?",,"Waar is mijn dashboard?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go to analytics",,"Ga naar analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Find out more about what your audience is searching for, saying, and feeling, and what that means for your business. Set up or refine topics to monitor, or go straight to the analytics dashboard to explore your insights.",,"Krijg meer informatie over wat uw doelgroep zoekt, zegt en voelt, en wat dat betekent voor uw bedrijf. Stel in of wijzig welke onderwerpen u wilt controleren of ga rechtstreeks aan het analysedashboard om uw inzichten te bekijken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Say hello to Market Insights",,"Welkom bij Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Were updating the Market Insights service frequently. To learn more about recent changes, visit <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2043581"">Whats new in Market Insights</a>."",,""De Market Insights-service wordt veelvuldig bijgewerkt. Voor meer informatie over recente wijzigingen gaat u naar <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2043581"">Nieuw in Market Insights</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Most recent release",,"Meest recente versie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Market Insights product update 1.1",,"Productupdate 1.1 voor Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Your data from Social Engagement is still available, but now it shows up in Market Insights, along with improved features and capabilities. If youd rather return to using Social Engagement, ask your admin to remove your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights preview license in the Office 365 admin center. <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2043193"">Learn more about managing licenses</a>."",,""Uw gegevens vanuit Social Engagement zijn nog steeds beschikbaar, maar worden nu weergegeven in Market Insights, samen met verbeterde functies en voorzieningen. Als u liever Social Engagement blijft gebruiken, vraagt u uw beheerder om uw licentie voor Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights preview te verwijderen in het Office 365-beheercentrum. <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2043193"">Meer informatie over licenties beheren</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Have you been using Social Engagement?",,"Maakt u gebruik van Social Engagement?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You can continue to access the service until your subscription expires or until January 16, 2020, whichever comes sooner. Your organization may need to act and transition to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2043586"">Learn more about transitioning</a>."",,""U kunt de service blijven gebruiken totdat het abonnement is verlopen of tot 16 januari 2020, wat het eerste komt. Uw organisatie moet mogelijk in actie komen en de overstap maken naar Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. <a class=""HomeBanner-ProductBoxLink"" href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=2043586"">Meer informatie over de overstap</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Social Engagement will be discontinued",,"Microsoft Social Engagement wordt afgeschaft",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"What's New",,"Nieuw",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Andorra",,"Andorra",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"United Arab Emirates",,"Verenigde Arabische Emiraten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Afghanistan",,"Afghanistan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Antigua and Barbuda",,"Antigua en Barbuda",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Anguilla",,"Anguilla",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alaska",,"Alaska",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Albania",,"Albanië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alabama",,"Alabama",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Armenia",,"Armenië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Angola",,"Angola",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Antarctica",,"Antarctica",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Argentina",,"Argentinië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Arkansas",,"Arkansas",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"American Samoa",,"Amerikaans-Samoa",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Austria",,"Oostenrijk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Australia",,"Australië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Aruba",,"Aruba",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Åland Islands",,"Ålandseilanden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Azerbaijan",,"Azerbeidzjan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Arizona",,"Arizona",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",,"Bosnië en Herzegovina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Barbados",,"Barbados",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bangladesh",,"Bangladesh",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Belgium",,"België",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Burkina Faso",,"Burkina Faso",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bulgaria",,"Bulgarije",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bahrain",,"Bahrein",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Burundi",,"Burundi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Benin",,"Benin",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saint Barthélemy",,"Sint-Bartholomeus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bermuda",,"Bermuda",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Brunei",,"Brunei",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bolivia",,"Bolivia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bonaire",,"Bonaire",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Brazil",,"Brazilië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bahamas, The",,"Bahama's",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bhutan",,"Bhutan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bouvet Island",,"Bouveteiland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Botswana",,"Botswana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Belarus",,"Republiek Belarus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Belize",,"Belize",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Canada",,"Canada",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"California",,"Californië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cocos (Keeling) Islands",,"Cocoseilanden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Congo (DRC)",,"Congo-Kinshasa",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Central African Republic",,"Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Congo",,"Congo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Switzerland",,"Zwitserland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Côte d'Ivoire",,"Ivoorkust",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cook Islands",,"Cookeilanden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chile",,"Chili",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cameroon",,"Kameroen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"China",,"China",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Colombia",,"Colombia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Colorado",,"Colorado",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Costa Rica",,"Costa Rica",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connecticut",,"Connecticut",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cuba",,"Cuba",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cabo Verde",,"Cabo Verde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Curaçao",,"Curaçao",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Christmas Island",,"Christmaseiland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cyprus",,"Cyprus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Czech Republic",,"Tsjechië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"District of Columbia",,"District of Columbia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Germany",,"Duitsland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delaware",,"Delaware",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Djibouti",,"Djibouti",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Denmark",,"Denemarken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dominica",,"Dominica",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dominican Republic",,"Dominicaanse Republiek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Algeria",,"Algerije",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ecuador",,"Ecuador",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Estonia",,"Estland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Egypt",,"Egypte",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Eritrea",,"Eritrea",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Spain",,"Spanje",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ethiopia",,"Ethiopië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Finland",,"Finland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Fiji",,"Fiji",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Falkland Islands",,"Falklandeilanden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Florida",,"Florida",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Micronesia",,"Micronesië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Faroe Islands",,"Faeröer ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"France",,"Frankrijk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Gabon",,"Gabon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Georgia",,"Georgia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"United Kingdom",,"Verenigd Koninkrijk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Grenada",,"Grenada",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Georgia",,"Georgië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"French Guiana",,"Frans-Guyana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guernsey",,"Guernsey",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ghana",,"Ghana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Gibraltar",,"Gibraltar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Greenland",,"Groenland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Gambia, The",,"Gambia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guinea",,"Guinee",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guadeloupe",,"Guadeloupe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Equatorial Guinea",,"Equatoriaal-Guinea",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Greece",,"Griekenland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",,"Zuid-Georgia en Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guatemala",,"Guatemala",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guam",,"Guam",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guinea-Bissau",,"Guinee-Bissau",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Guyana",,"Guyana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hawaii",,"Hawaï",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hong Kong (SAR)",,"Hongkong (SAR)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Heard Island and McDonald Islands",,"Heardeiland en McDonaldeilanden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Honduras",,"Honduras",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Croatia",,"Kroatië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Haiti",,"Haïti",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hungary",,"Hongarije",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Iowa",,"Iowa",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Indonesia",,"Indonesië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Idaho",,"Idaho",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ireland",,"Ierland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Israel",,"Israël",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Illinois",,"Illinois",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Isle of Man",,"Eiland Man",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"India",,"India",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Indiana",,"Indiana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"British Indian Ocean Territory",,"Brits Territorium in de Indische Oceaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Iraq",,"Irak",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Iran",,"Iran",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Iceland",,"IJsland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Italy",,"Italië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Jersey",,"Jersey",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Jamaica",,"Jamaica",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Jordan",,"Jordanië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Japan",,"Japan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kenya",,"Kenia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kyrgyzstan",,"Kirgizië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cambodia",,"Cambodja",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kiribati",,"Kiribati",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comoros",,"Comoren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saint Kitts and Nevis",,"Saint Kitts en Nevis",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"North Korea",,"Noord-Korea",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Korea",,"Korea",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kansas",,"Kansas",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kuwait",,"Koeweit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cayman Islands",,"Caymaneilanden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kentucky",,"Kentucky",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kazakhstan",,"Kazachstan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Laos",,"Laos",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Louisiana",,"Louisiana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Lebanon",,"Libanon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saint Lucia",,"Saint Lucia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Liechtenstein",,"Liechtenstein",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sri Lanka",,"Sri Lanka",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Liberia",,"Liberia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Lesotho",,"Lesotho",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Lithuania",,"Litouwen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Luxembourg",,"Luxemburg",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Latvia",,"Letland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Libya",,"Libië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Morocco",,"Marokko",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Massachusetts",,"Massachusetts",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Monaco",,"Monaco",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Moldova",,"Moldavië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Maryland",,"Maryland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Montenegro",,"Montenegro",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Maine",,"Maine",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saint Martin",,"Sint Maarten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Madagascar",,"Madagaskar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Marshall Islands",,"Marshalleilanden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Michigan",,"Michigan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Macedonia, FYRO",,"Macedonië, voormalige Joegoslavische Republiek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mali",,"Mali",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Myanmar",,"Myanmar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mongolia",,"Mongolië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Minnesota",,"Minnesota",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Macao SAR",,"Macau SAR",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Missouri",,"Missouri",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Northern Mariana Islands",,"Noordelijke Marianen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Martinique",,"Martinique",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mauritania",,"Mauritanië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Montserrat",,"Montserrat",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mississippi",,"Mississippi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Malta",,"Malta",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Montana",,"Montana",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mauritius",,"Mauritius",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Maldives",,"Maldiven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Malawi",,"Malawi",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mexico",,"Mexico",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Malaysia",,"Maleisië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mozambique",,"Mozambique",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Namibia",,"Namibië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New Caledonia",,"Nieuw-Caledonië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"North Carolina",,"Noord-Carolina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"North Dakota",,"Noord-Dakota",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Niger",,"Niger",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Nebraska",,"Nebraska",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Norfolk Island",,"Norfolkeiland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Nigeria",,"Nigeria",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New Hampshire",,"New Hampshire",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Nicaragua",,"Nicaragua",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New Jersey",,"New Jersey",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Netherlands",,"Nederland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New Mexico",,"Nieuw-Mexico",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Norway",,"Noorwegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Nepal",,"Nepal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Nauru",,"Nauru",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Niue",,"Niue",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Nevada",,"Nevada",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New York",,"New York",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New Zealand",,"Nieuw-Zeeland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ohio",,"Ohio",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Oklahoma",,"Oklahoma",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Oman",,"Oman",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Oregon",,"Oregon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Panama",,"Panama",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Pennsylvania",,"Pennsylvania",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Peru",,"Peru",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"French Polynesia",,"Frans-Polynesië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Papua New Guinea",,"Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Philippines",,"Filipijnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Pakistan",,"Pakistan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Poland",,"Polen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saint Pierre and Miquelon",,"Saint-Pierre en Miquelon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Pitcairn Islands",,"Pitcairneilanden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Puerto Rico",,"Puerto Rico",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Palestinian Authority",,"Palestijnse Autoriteit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Portugal",,"Portugal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Palau",,"Palau",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Paraguay",,"Paraguay",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Qatar",,"Qatar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Réunion",,"Réunion",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rhode Island",,"Rhode Island",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Romania",,"Roemenië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Serbia",,"Servië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Russia",,"Rusland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rwanda",,"Rwanda",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saudi Arabia",,"Saudi-Arabië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Solomon Islands",,"Salomonseilanden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Seychelles",,"Seychellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"South Carolina",,"Zuid-Carolina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sudan",,"Soedan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"South Dakota",,"Zuid-Dakota",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sweden",,"Zweden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Singapore",,"Singapore",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha",,"Sint-Helena, Ascension en Tristan da Cunha",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Slovenia",,"Slovenië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Svalbard",,"Spitsbergen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Slovakia",,"Slowakije",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sierra Leone",,"Sierra Leone",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"San Marino",,"San Marino",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Senegal",,"Senegal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Somalia",,"Somalië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Suriname",,"Suriname",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"South Sudan",,"Zuid-Soedan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"São Tomé and Príncipe",,"Sao Tomé en Principe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"El Salvador",,"El Salvador",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sint Maarten",,"Sint Maarten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Syria",,"Syrië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Swaziland",,"Swaziland",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Turks and Caicos Islands",,"Turks- en Caicoseilanden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chad",,"Tsjaad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"French Southern and Antarctic Lands",,"Franse Gebieden in de zuidelijke Indische Oceaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Togo",,"Togo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Thailand",,"Thailand",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tajikistan",,"Tadzjikistan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tokelau",,"Tokelau",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Timor-Leste",,"Timor-Leste",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Turkmenistan",,"Turkmenistan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tunisia",,"Tunesië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tennessee",,"Tennessee",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tonga",,"Tonga",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Turkey",,"Turkije",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trinidad and Tobago",,"Trinidad en Tobago",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tuvalu",,"Tuvalu",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Taiwan",,"Taiwan ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Texas",,"Texas",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tanzania",,"Tanzania",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Ukraine",,"Oekraïne",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Uganda",,"Uganda",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"US Minor Outlying Islands",,"Kleine afgelegen eilanden van de Verenigde Staten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"United States",,"Verenigde Staten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Utah",,"Utah",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Uruguay",,"Uruguay",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Uzbekistan",,"Oezbekistan ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Holy See (Vatican City)",,"Heilige Stoel (Vaticaanstad)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Virginia",,"Virginia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",,"Saint Vincent en de Grenadines",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Venezuela",,"Venezuela",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"British Virgin Islands",,"Britse Maagdeneilanden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"US Virgin Islands",,"Maagdeneilanden (VS)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Viet Nam",,"Vietnam",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Vermont",,"Vermont",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Vanuatu",,"Vanuatu",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Washington",,"Washington",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Wallis and Futuna",,"Wallis en Futuna",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Wisconsin",,"Wisconsin",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Samoa",,"Samoa",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"West Virginia",,"West Virginia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Wyoming",,"Wyoming",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sint Eustatius",,"Sint Eustatius",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Jan Mayen",,"Jan Mayen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Kosovo",,"Kosovo",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Saba",,"Saba",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Yemen",,"Jemen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Mayotte",,"Mayotte",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"South Africa",,"Zuid-Afrika",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zambia",,"Zambia",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Zimbabwe",,"Zimbabwe ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Asia Pacific Area (APAC)",,"Azië en Stille Oceaan (APAC)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)",,"Europa, Midden-Oosten en Afrika (EMEA)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Japan (JPN)",,"Japan (JPN)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"North America",,"Noord-Amerika",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"North America 2",,"Noord-Amerika 2",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Oceania",,"Oceanië",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"South America",,"Zuid-Amerika",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"AFRICA",,"AFRIKA",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"ANTARCTICA",,"ANTARCTICA",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"ASIA",,"AZIË",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"AUSTRALIA",,"AUSTRALIË",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"AUSTRALIA / PACIFIC",,"AUSTRALIË / STILLE OCEAAN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CENTRAL AMERICA",,"MIDDEN-AMERIKA",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"EUROPE",,"EUROPA",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"MIDDLE EAST",,"MIDDEN-OOSTEN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"NORTH AMERICA / CENTRAL",,"NOORD- EN MIDDEN-AMERIKA",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"PACIFIC",,"STILLE OCEAAN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"SOUTH AMERICA",,"ZUID-AMERIKA",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"UNITED STATES",,"VERENIGDE STATEN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This email address is already added to the list of recipients.",,"Dit e-mailadres is al toegevoegd aan de lijst met geadresseerden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This name is already taken. Choose a different one.",,"Deze naam is al in gebruik. Kies een andere naam.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You haven't created any alerts yet. To create one, click on ""Add new alert"" button."",,""U hebt nog geen waarschuwingen gemaakt. Klik op de knop ""Nieuwe waarschuwing toevoegen"" om een waarschuwing te maken."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Specify an alert name to save the alert.",,"Geef een naam op om de waarschuwing op te slaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add at least one recipient.",,"Voeg minimaal één geadresseerde toe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Do you really want to delete alert %{alertName}?",,"Weet u zeker dat u de waarschuwing %{alertName} wilt verwijderen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete alert",,"Waarschuwing verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The alert couldn't be deleted. Please try again.",,"De waarschuwing kan niet worden verwijderd. Probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Something went wrong",,"Er is iets misgegaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Active",,"Actief",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete %{email} as recipient?",,"Weet u zeker dat u %{email} wilt verwijderen als geadresseerde?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Recipient %{email} successfully removed",,"Geadresseerde %{email} is verwijderd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Export search results into Excel",,"Zoekresultaten exporteren naar Excel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search email address",,"E-mailadres zoeken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove recipient",,"Geadresseerde verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove recipient from all alerts",,"Geadresseerde uit alle waarschuwingen verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alert Name",,"Waarschuwingsnaam",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Owner Name",,"Naam van eigenaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search for %{email}: <strong> %{count} </strong> results",,"Zoeken naar %{email}: <strong> %{count} </strong> resultaten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Use the search field below to enter an email address and get a list of alerts where the email address is part of the recipients",,"Gebruik het onderstaande zoekveld voor het invoeren van een e-mailadres en haal een lijst op met waarschuwingen waarbij het e-mailadres onderdeel is van de geadresseerden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage Recipient",,"Geadresseerde beheren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The specified name is too long. It can't have more than 128 characters.",,"De opgegeven naam is te lang. U kunt maximaal 128 tekens gebruiken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alert Configuration",,"Waarschuwingsconfiguratie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage Recipients",,"Geadresseerden beheren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alert Type",,"Type waarschuwing",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post alert",,"Berichtmelding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"An email notification is delivered to all specified email addresses within a few hours if any new posts match the selected filters.",,"Er wordt binnen enkele uren een e-mailmelding afgeleverd bij alle opgegeven e-mailadressen als nieuwe berichten overeenkomen met de geselecteerde filters.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To avoid alerts if the same content is found on multiple sources, select the no duplicates check box.",,"Schakel het selectievakje Geen duplicaten in om te voorkomen dat er meerdere waarschuwingen worden verstuurd voor dezelfde inhoud uit verschillende bronnen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No duplicates",,"Geen duplicaten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend alert",,"Trendwaarschuwing",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Balanced",,"Evenwichtig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You'll get notifications occasionally when moderate changes trigger this alert.",,"U krijgt soms meldingen wanneer beperkte wijzigingen deze waarschuwing activeren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"When the post volume for the active filters exceeds the statistical expectation you'll receive a trend alert.",,"Wanneer het berichtenvolume voor de actieve filters de statistische verwachting overschrijdt, ontvangt u een trendwaarschuwing.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Adjust the level of sensitivity for the statistical expectations.",,"Pas het gevoeligheidsniveau aan voor de statistische verwachtingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Fewer alerts",,"Minder waarschuwingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"High",,"Hoog",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You'll get notifications more often because small changes will trigger this alert.",,"U krijgt vaker meldingen omdat deze waarschuwing zal worden geactiveerd door kleine wijzigingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Low",,"Laag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You'll get notifications less often because only large changes will trigger this alert.",,"U krijgt minder vaak meldingen omdat deze waarschuwing alleen zal worden geactiveerd door grote wijzigingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"More alerts",,"Meer waarschuwingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sensitivity",,"Gevoeligheid",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Very high",,"Zeer hoog",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You'll get a lot of notifications because even tiny changes will trigger this alert.",,"U krijgt een groot aantal meldingen omdat deze waarschuwing zelfs door minieme wijzigingen zal worden geactiveerd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Very low",,"Zeer laag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You'll rarely get notifications because only the largest changes will trigger this alert.",,"U krijgt zelden meldingen omdat deze waarschuwing alleen zal worden geactiveerd door de allergrootste wijzigingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Save this alert",,"Deze waarschuwing opslaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View this alert in Analytics",,"Deze waarschuwing weergeven in Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Recipients",,"Geadresseerden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add recipient",,"Geadresseerde toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Email recipients:",,"Geadresseerden e-mail:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter an email address",,"Voer een e-mailadres in",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter a valid email address",,"Voer een geldig e-mailadres in",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please be aware that you might be sharing confidential information outside of Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.",,"Het is belangrijk om te weten dat u mogelijk vertrouwelijke informatie deelt buiten Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Inactive",,"Inactief",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alert details",,"Details van waarschuwing",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add new alert",,"Nieuwe waarschuwing toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add email recipients to this alert",,"Geadresseerden voor e-mail toevoegen aan deze waarschuwing",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete this alert",,"Deze waarschuwing verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add an email address",,"Een e-mailadres toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Retry",,"Opnieuw",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"profile |||| profiles",,"profiel |||| profielen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} account selected for %{action_name} is no longer available. |||| %{smart_count} accounts with which you wanted to %{action_name} this post are no longer available.",,"%{smart_count} account dat is geselecteerd voor %{action_name} is niet meer beschikbaar. |||| %{smart_count} accounts waarmee u dit bericht wilde %{action_name} zijn niet meer beschikbaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The user you wanted to assign to the post is no longer available.",,"De gebruiker die u aan het bericht wilt toewijzen is niet meer beschikbaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{action_name}. %{smart_count} action from your team||||%{action_name}. %{smart_count} actions from your team",,"%{action_name}. %{smart_count} actie van uw team||||%{action_name}. %{smart_count} acties van uw team",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{action_name}. There was an action from your team",,"%{action_name}. Er was een actie van uw team",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Processing actions: <span> %{action_count} </span>",,"Verwerkingsacties: <span> %{action_count} </span>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of errors: <span>%{error_count}</span>",,"Aantal fouten: <span>%{error_count}</span>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The action couldn't be completed. Refresh the post list.",,"De actie kan niet worden voltooid. Vernieuw de berichtenlijst.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The action couldn't be completed. The YouTube account must first be linked with the user's Google account",,"De actie kan niet worden voltooid. Het account YouTube moet eerst worden gekoppeld aan de Google-account van de gebruiker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"SHOW NEXT",,"VOLGENDE WEERGEVEN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sending Failed",,"Verzenden mislukt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please revisit the action in the flyout",,"Ga terug naar de actie in de flyout",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sending failed for the following social accounts:",,"Verzenden mislukt voor de volgende sociale accounts:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post successfully send for:",,"Bericht verzonden voor:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This social profile is missing a valid token. Please reauthenticate its token in",,"In dit sociale profiel ontbreekt een geldig token. Verifieer het token opnieuw in",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This post is no longer available because it was removed.",,"Dit bericht is niet meer beschikbaar omdat het is verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Choose type of message you want to send",,"Kies het type bericht dat u wilt verzenden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The user you wanted assigned to the selected posts is no longer available.",,"De gebruiker die u aan de geselecteerde berichten wilt toewijzen is niet meer beschikbaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The label you wanted to apply to the post is no longer available.",,"Het label dat u op het bericht wilt toepassen is niet meer beschikbaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sorry, something went wrong with %{social_provider}.",,"Er is iets misgegaan met %{social_provider}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The post was updated to the latest version. Make sure you still want to %{action_name} it.",,"Het bericht is bijgewerkt naar de nieuwste versie. Controleer of u het nog steeds wilt %{action_name}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The post was updated to the latest version. Make sure you still want to change it.",,"Het bericht is bijgewerkt naar de nieuwste versie. Controleer of u het nog steeds wilt wijzigen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't reply to this comment from here. You can go to YouTube and try there.",,"U kunt deze reactie van hieruit niet beantwoorden. U kunt naar YouTube gaan en het daar proberen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"An error occurred while executing the action. %{value} pending error left. |||| An error occurred while executing the action. %{value} pending errors left.",,"Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het uitvoeren van de actie. %{value} openstaande fout resteert. |||| Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het uitvoeren van de actie. %{value} openstaande fouten resteren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Conversation view pane.",,"Deelvenster Gespreksweergave.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Total number of posts %{value}",,"Totale aantal berichten %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of posts loaded %{value}",,"Aantal geladen berichten %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post details header navigation",,"Navigatie in koptekst van berichtdetails",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post details panel",,"Paneel met berichtdetails",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"OPEN",,"OPENEN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open the details view for this post",,"Open de detailweergave voor dit bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post list panel",,"Paneel met berichtenlijst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post preview panel",,"Paneel met berichtvoorbeeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List of posts",,"Lijst met berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go back to post list",,"Teruggaan naar berichtenlijst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To access the post list, select the Down arrow. To navigate between posts, use the Up/Down arrow keys. To open post details, select Enter or the Spacebar.",,"Als u de berichtenlijst wilt openen, selecteert u de pijl-omlaag. Als u wilt navigeren tussen berichten, gebruikt u de pijltoetsen omhoog/omlaag. Als u details van berichten wilt openen, drukt u op Enter of de spatiebalk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To access the thread post list, select the Down arrow. To navigate between posts, use the Up/Down arrow keys.",,"Als u de berichtenlijst voor de thread wilt openen, selecteert u de pijl-omlaag. Als u wilt navigeren tussen berichten, gebruikt u de pijltoetsen omhoog/omlaag.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post details stepper buttons",,"Stapknoppen voor berichtdetails",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View action error details in the post details panel.",,"Bekijk details van fouten bij acties in het paneel met berichtdetails.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"assign",,"toewijzen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"assign to",,"toewijzen aan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assign this post",,"Dit bericht toewijzen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assigned to %{value}",,"Toegewezen aan %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Check if the attachment was deleted on the source or try again later.",,"Controleer of de bijlage is verwijderd uit de bron of probeer het later opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't retrieve the attachment.",,"De bijlage kon niet worden opgehaald.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Verify if your social profile is valid on the <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Social Profiles</a> page."",,""Controleer of uw sociale profiel geldig is op de pagina <a href=""%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}"">Sociale profielen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open attachment %{name} in a new tab",,"Bijlage %{name} openen op een nieuw tabblad",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Getting attachments...",,"Bijlagen worden opgehaald...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You don't have permission to do bulk actions.",,"U hebt geen machtiging voor het uitvoeren van bulksgewijze acties.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assign",,"Toewijzen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assign posts",,"Berichten toewijzen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change label",,"Label wijzigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit sentiment",,"Gevoel bewerken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete the selected posts",,"De geselecteerde berichten verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change sentiment value...",,"Gevoelswaarde wijzigen...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change to negative",,"Wijzigen in negatief",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change to neutral",,"Wijzigen in neutraal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change to positive",,"Wijzigen in positief",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Child post",,"Onderliggend bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Clear the post from the list",,"Verwijder het bericht uit de lijst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Clear Label",,"Label wissen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collapse",,"Samenvouwen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Collapse the expanded section.",,"De uitgevouwen sectie samenvouwen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comment",,"Reactie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"comment as",,"reageren als",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter comment text here.",,"Voer hier de tekst van de opmerking in.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Comment |||| Comments",,"Reactie |||| Reacties",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{count} comment on the child post |||| %{count} comments on the child post",,"%{count} reactie op het onderliggende bericht |||| %{count} reacties op het onderliggende bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{count} comment on the parent post |||| %{count} comments on the parent post",,"%{count} reactie op het bovenliggende bericht |||| %{count} reacties op het bovenliggende bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm negative",,"Negatief bevestigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm neutral",,"Neutraal bevestigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm positive",,"Positief bevestigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"That didn't work. Please try again.",,"Dat werkte niet. Probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Conversation",,"Gesprek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Message sent",,"Bericht verzonden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Conversation switched to private from public",,"Gesprek overgeschakeld van privé naar openbaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Conversation switched to public from private",,"Gesprek overgeschakeld van openbaar naar privé",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Team",,"Team",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Conversation with %{recipient}",,"Gesprek met %{recipient}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create link to CRM",,"Koppeling naar CRM maken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create a link to Dynamics 365.",,"Maak een koppeling naar Dynamics 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Copy internal URL",,"Interne URL kopiëren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get a link to open this post in Analytics",,"Een koppeling ophalen om dit bericht in Analyse te openen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get a link to open this post in Analytics. Select CTRL+C to copy to the clipboard.",,"Haal een koppeling op om dit bericht in Analyse te openen. Selecteer CTRL+C om naar het Klembord te kopiëren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create",,"Maken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hide Notes",,"Notities verbergen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open Record",,"Record openen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show Notes",,"Opmerkingen weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create record in Dynamics CRM",,"Record maken in Dynamics CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create record in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Record maken in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Fetching information about record in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Gegevens over de record in Microsoft Dynamics 365 ophalen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Failed to fetch information about record in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Ophalen van gegevens over de record in Microsoft Dynamics 365 is mislukt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Successfully fetched information about record in Microsoft Dynamics 365",,"Ophalen van gegevens over de record in Microsoft Dynamics 365 is geslaagd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post has been successfully submitted to Dynamics CRM.",,"Bericht is verzonden naar Dynamics CRM.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The post was successfully submitted to Dynamics 365.",,"Het bericht is verzonden naar Dynamics 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Record owner in Dynamics CRM",,"Eigenaar van record in Dynamics CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Are you sure you want to remove the link to Dynamics 365 from this post? This will also remove the notes attached to this link.",,"Weet u zeker dat u de koppeling naar Dynamics 365 uit dit bericht wilt verwijderen? Hierdoor worden ook de notities verwijderd die aan deze koppeling zijn gekoppeld.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Entity: %{value}",,"Entiteit: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instance: %{value}",,"Exemplaar: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Information not available, please try again.",,"Informatie is niet beschikbaar. Probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM Record Insights",,"CRM-recordinzichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Like",,"Ik-vind-leuk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"loading publish history...",,"publicatiegeschiedenis laden...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Loading posts...",,"Berichten laden...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Message is under character limit. Add some text to submit the post.",,"Bericht bevat te weinig tekens. Voeg tekst toe om het bericht te verzenden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No posts found",,"Geen berichten gevonden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"No valid social profiles",,"Geen geldige sociale profielen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">help content</a>."",,""Als u meer wilt weten over Engagement-scenario's, raadpleegt u de <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Help</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Your social profile tokens aren't valid. For more information, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">help content</a>."",,""Uw tokens voor sociale profielen zijn niet geldig. Voor meer informatie raadpleegt u de <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Help</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To perform this action, you must have a Manager or Responder user role. For more information, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">help content</a>."",,""Als u deze actie wilt uitvoeren, moet u over de gebruikersrol Manager of Antwoorder beschikken. Voor meer informatie raadpleegt u de <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Help</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You need to configure a social profile first. For more information, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">help content</a>."",,""U moet eerst een sociaal profiel configureren. Voor meer informatie raadpleegt u de <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">Help</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Open earlier posts in Analytics",,"Eerdere berichten openen in Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Parent post",,"Bovenliggend bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post not found",,"Bericht niet gevonden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Post text content",,"Tekstinhoud van bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"POST THREAD |||| POST THREADS",,"BERICHTTHREAD |||| BERICHTTHREADS",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't work with this post because it isn't available.",,"U kunt niet met dit bericht werken omdat het niet beschikbaar is.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"private message",,"privébericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Send private message to",,"Privébericht verzenden aan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"direct message",,"direct bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} attachment |||| %{smart_count} attachments",,"%{smart_count} bijlage |||| %{smart_count} bijlagen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Direct message",,"Direct bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reach value: %{value}",,"Bereikwaarde: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reply |||| Replies",,"Antwoord |||| Antwoorden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{count} reply to the child post |||| %{count} replies to the child post",,"%{count} antwoord op het onderliggende bericht |||| %{count} antwoorden op het onderliggende bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{count} reply to the parent post |||| %{count} replies to the parent post",,"%{count} antwoord op het bovenliggende bericht |||| %{count} antwoorden op het bovenliggende bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"reply as",,"antwoorden als",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter text for the reply message here.",,"Voer hier tekst in voor het antwoordbericht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Restricted response",,"Beperkte respons",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentation</a>."",,""Als u meer wilt weten over Engagement-scenario's, raadpleegt u de <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentatie</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Your social profile tokens aren't valid. To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentation</a>."",,""Uw tokens voor sociale profielen zijn niet geldig. Als u meer wilt weten over Engagement-scenario's, raadpleegt u de <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentatie</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""To perform this action, you must have a Manager or Responder user role. To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentation</a>."",,""Als u deze actie wilt uitvoeren, moet u over de gebruikersrol Manager of Antwoorder beschikken. Als u meer wilt weten over Engagement-scenario's, raadpleegt u de <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentatie</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""You need to configure a social profile first. To learn more about engagement scenarios, go to the <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentation</a>."",,""U moet eerst een sociaal profiel configureren. Als u meer wilt weten over Engagement-scenario's, raadpleegt u de <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=798472"" target=""_blank"" rel=""noopener noreferrer"">documentatie</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Retweeted this post",,"Retweet van dit bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"%{count} retweet of the parent post |||| %{count} retweets of the parent post",,"%{count} retweet van het bovenliggende bericht |||| %{count} retweets van het bovenliggende bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post tags %{post_tags}",,"Berichttags %{post_tags}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Header %{channel} From %{author}, %{numberOfAuthorTags} On %{date} Content %{postAndContentType}",,"Koptekst %{channel} van %{author}, %{numberOfAuthorTags} op %{date} inhoud %{postAndContentType}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Header %{channel} From %{author} On %{date} Content %{postAndContentType}",,"Koptekst %{channel} van %{author} op %{date} inhoud %{postAndContentType}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Opened Post Details",,"Berichtdetails zijn geopend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Sentiment value: %{value}",,"Gevoelswaarde: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Error: Sentiment can't be set because this posts's language isn't supported for sentiment analysis.",,"Fout: Er kan geen gevoel worden ingesteld omdat gevoelsanalyse niet wordt ondersteund voor de taal van dit bericht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"set label",,"label instellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assign a label to a post",,"Een label toewijzen aan een bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"%{count} share of the child post |||| %{count} shares of the child post",,"onderliggende bericht %{count} keer gedeeld |||| onderliggende bericht %{count} keren gedeeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{count} share of the parent post |||| %{count} shares of the parent post",,"bovenliggende bericht %{count} keer gedeeld |||| bovenliggende bericht %{count} keren gedeeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"%{recommendationDescription} - %{channelName} from %{sourceName}",,"%{recommendationDescription} - %{channelName} van %{sourceName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"ML",,"ML",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"promoted",,"gepromoveerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Insight: %{insightGroupNames}",,"Inzicht: %{insightGroupNames}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Insight",,"Inzicht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New Lead",,"Nieuwe potentiële klant",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share Content",,"Inhoud delen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Read",,"Lezen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Notify the system that you are done with this recommendation and remove it from the list of recommendations.",,"Het systeem informeren dat u klaar bent met deze aanbeveling en de aanbeveling verwijderen uit de lijst met aanbevelingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create Lead",,"Potentiële klant maken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"More actions available for this recommendation.",,"Meer acties die beschikbaar zijn voor deze aanbeveling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Not Interested",,"Niet geïnteresseerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Notify the system that you are not interested in this recommendation and remove it from the list of recommendations.",,"Het systeem informeren dat u niet geïnteresseerd bent in deze aanbeveling en de aanbeveling verwijderen uit de lijst met aanbevelingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View",,"Weergave",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"recommended",,"aanbevolen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Link to post successfully shared to social profile.",,"De koppeling naar het bericht is met het sociaal profiel gedeeld.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Next post",,"Volgend bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Previous Post",,"Vorig bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"A stream only shows posts within the last 14 days",,"Een stream geeft alleen berichten in de afgelopen 14 dagen weer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tag",,"Tag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{charCount} characters until the message limit is reached.",,"%{charCount} tekens totdat de limiet voor het bericht is bereikt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Message exceeds character limit. Remove %{charCount} characters to submit the message.",,"Bericht bevat te veel tekens. Verwijder %{charCount} tekens om het bericht te verzenden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Thread to child post",,"Thread naar onderliggend bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Thread to parent post",,"Thread naar bovenliggend bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Thread to this post",,"Thread naar dit bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"to %{to}",,"naar %{to}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Message exceeds character limit. Remove some text to submit the post.",,"Bericht bevat te veel tekens. Verwijder tekst om het bericht te verzenden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter text for the Twitter message here.",,"Voer hier tekst in voor het Twitter-bericht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{type}: %{media_type}",,"%{type}: %{media_type}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Feature not available for your license",,"Functie niet beschikbaar voor uw licentie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post not sent",,"Bericht niet verzonden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Back to post types",,"Terug naar berichttypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Publish",,"Publiceren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Close publish panel.",,"Sluit deelvenster voor publiceren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Choose what kind of post to compose",,"Kies welk type bericht u wilt opstellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add media",,"Media toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To be able to compose a post, you need to have at least one social profile for that post type.",,"Als u een bericht wilt schrijven, hebt u minimaal één sociaal profiel voor dat berichttype nodig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Include the content from the previous post",,"De inhoud van het voorgaande bericht opnemen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Photo",,"Foto",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Send a private message",,"Een privébericht verzenden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Add ""Send a private message"" link"",,""""Een privébericht verzenden""-koppeling toevoegen"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove media",,"Media verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Selected Media",,"Geselecteerde media",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Send as",,"Verzenden als",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sent as",,"Verzonden als",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn more",,"Meer informatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn more about sending a private message.",,"Meer informatie over het verzenden van een privébericht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't upload the file: Please try again.",,"Het bestand kon niet worden geüpload. Probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your message wasnt posted because its a duplicate of an earlier post.",,"Uw bericht is niet geplaatst omdat het een duplicaat van een eerder bericht is.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your post hasnt been sent. Please try again.",,"Uw bericht is niet verzonden. Probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This file type isnt supported.",,"Dit bestandstype wordt niet ondersteund.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The file cant be posted because its too large. The maximum file size is %{limit_value} for %{post_type}.",,"Het bestand kan niet worden geplaatst omdat het te groot is. De maximale bestandsgrootte bedraagt %{limit_value} voor %{post_type}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This social profile cant be authenticated. Check the social profiles status.",,"Dit sociale profiel kan niet worden geverifieerd. Controleer de status van het sociale profiel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Actions with multiple Twitter profiles aren't possible.",,"Acties met meerdere Twitter-profielen zijn niet mogelijk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{action} successfully sent",,"%{action} is verzonden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Supported file types: png, jpg, and gif.",,"Ondersteunde bestandstypen: png, jpg en gif.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open publish panel.",,"Open deelvenster voor publiceren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Publishing in progress...",,"Bezig met publiceren...",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post types",,"Berichttypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New post",,"Nieuw bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New tweet",,"Nieuwe tweet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Send new",,"Nieuw verzenden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rate",,"Beoordelen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rate as",,"Beoordelen als",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dislike",,"Vind-ik-niet-leuk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Like",,"Vind-ik-leuk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No Rating",,"Geen kwalificatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Were sorry, this action didnt work. Please try again.",,"Deze actie kan niet worden uitgevoerd. Probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The changes are saved for this stream.",,"De wijzigingen zijn opgeslagen voor deze stream.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your access to this stream was removed by the owner: %{streamName}",,"Uw toegang tot deze stream is ingetrokken door de eigenaar: %{streamName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You received a new shared stream: %{streamName}",,"U hebt een nieuwe gedeelde stream ontvangen: %{streamName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reload stream",,"Stream opnieuw laden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The stream has been removed.",,"De stream is verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This stream was changed by the owner. To receive the updated configuration please finish all work, then reload this stream.",,"Deze stream is gewijzigd door de eigenaar. Als u de bijgewerkte configuratie wilt ontvangen, voltooit u al het werk en laadt u vervolgens deze stream opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You must be the owner of the alert to change it.",,"Als u een waarschuwing wilt wijzigen, moet u de eigenaar van de waarschuwing zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The alert configuration wasn't found: {0}",,"De configuratie van de waarschuwing is niet gevonden: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data is missing for the alert configuration.",,"Er ontbreken gegevens voor de configuratie van de waarschuwing.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom source queries are not supported by this version.",,"Querys voor aangepaste bronnen worden niet ondersteund in deze versie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instagram user queries are not supported by this version.",,"Querys voor Instagram-gebruikers worden niet ondersteund in deze versie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The language isn't valid: {0}",,"De taal is niet geldig: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Specify a language parameter.",,"Geef een taalparameter op.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select at least one language.",,"Selecteer ten minste één taal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add at least one Label.",,"Voeg minimaal één label toe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Privacy policy URL invalid.",,"URL voor privacybeleid ongeldig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Owner id and name are not matching.",,"Id en naam van eigenaar komen niet overeen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search item owner must be a user.",,"Eigenaar van zoekitem moet een gebruiker zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User wasn't found.",,"Gebruiker is niet gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Define at least one language.",,"Definieer ten minste één taal.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data is missing for search topic defaults.",,"Er ontbreken gegevens voor de standaardinstellingen voor zoekonderwerpen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There are no facebook or twitter queries in this search topic.",,"Er bevinden zich geen Facebook- of Twitter-querys in dit zoekonderwerp.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There's no category assigned to the search topic.",,"Er is geen categorie toegewezen aan het zoekonderwerp.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You must be the owner of a search topic to delete it.",,"Als u een zoekonderwerp wilt verwijderen, moet u de eigenaar van het onderwerp zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data isn't available for the search topic.",,"Er zijn geen gegevens beschikbaar voor het zoekonderwerp.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There are no queries in this search topic.",,"Er bevinden zich geen querys in dit zoekonderwerp.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social account queries are not supported by this version.",,"Querys voor sociale accounts worden niet ondersteund in deze versie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Status not posted because it's a duplicate.",,"Status niet gepubliceerd omdat het een duplicaat is.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Direct message was not sent because the recipient is invalid.",,"Het directe bericht is niet verzonden omdat de geadresseerde ongeldig is.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Invalid request.",,"Ongeldige aanvraag.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Direct message length exceeds Twitter's 140 character limit.",,"Het directe bericht is langer dan de 140 tekens die zijn toegestaan op Twitter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please select at least one social profile.",,"Selecteer ten minste één sociaal profiel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Operation is not permitted because the target user is not a friend.",,"De bewerking is niet toegestaan omdat de doelgebruiker geen vriend is.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Access token was revoked or is expired.",,"Het toegangstoken is ingetrokken of verlopen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Operation is not permitted.",,"De bewerking is niet toegestaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Attempting to perform an operation on a page by a user who is not a page administrator.",,"Er wordt geprobeerd om een bewerking uit te voeren op een pagina door een gebruiker die geen paginabeheerder is.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"API calls are being rate-limited.",,"Er gelden beperkingen voor het aantal API-aanroepen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Requested provider API resource could not be found.",,"De aanvraagde provider-API-resource is niet gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Attempting to perform operation on a resource that must be owned by the authenticated user, but is not",,"Er wordt geprobeerd om een bewerking uit te voeren op een resource die het eigendom moet zijn van de geverifieerde gebruiker, maar wat niet het geval is.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unexpected error",,"Onverwachte fout",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Invalid version for document",,"Ongeldige versie voor document",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chart data representation mode is not supported: {0}",,"Modus voor weergave van diagramgegevens wordt niet ondersteund: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Charts filling mode is not supported: {0}",,"Modus voor opvullen van diagrammen wordt niet ondersteund: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number format not supported: {0}.",,"Getalnotatie niet ondersteund: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Theme not supported: {0}.",,"Thema niet ondersteund: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Cannot change preference.",,"Kan voorkeur niet wijzigen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The user wasn't found: {0}",,"De gebruiker is niet gevonden: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Access to the solution wasn't found.",,"Toegang tot de oplossing is niet gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Created",,"Gemaakt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Alert Report",,"Waarschuwingsrapport",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Detailed report for author",,"Gedetailleerd rapport van auteur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post, Author",,"Bericht, auteur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edited",,"Bewerkt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Configuration",,"Configuratie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data",,"Gegevens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assigned to",,"Toegewezen aan ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Site",,"Site",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"URL",,"URL",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Generated",,"Gegenereerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Organization",,"Organisatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Detail",,"Details",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Time frame",,"Tijdsbestek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Time frame from",,"Tijdsbestek vanaf",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Time frame to",,"Tijdsbestek tot",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Link to solution",,"Koppeling naar oplossing",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Accounts",,"Accounts",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Campaigns",,"Campagnes",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Competitors",,"Concurrenten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Contacts",,"Contactpersonen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Leads",,"Potentiële klanten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Products",,"Producten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Uncategorized",,"Niet-gecategoriseerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"blue",,"blauw",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"cyan",,"cyaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"green",,"groen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"lime",,"groengeel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"magenta",,"magenta",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"orange",,"oranje",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"purple",,"paars",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"red",,"rood",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"teal",,"groenblauw",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"yellow",,"geel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Heisei",,"Heisei",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All Search Topics",,"Alle zoekonderwerpen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook Pages",,"Facebook-pagina's",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>ACTION REQUIRED</strong>: There is no valid Facebook user authenticated in this solution and data acquisition for Facebook pages has stopped. To start data acquisition for Facebook pages, go to Social Profiles, authenticate a Facebook user, and then allow the acquisition of Facebook pages.",,"<strong>ACTIE VEREIST</strong>: Er is geen geldige Facebook-gebruiker geverifieerd in deze oplossing en het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's is gestopt. Als u het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's wilt starten, gaat u naar Sociale profielen, verifieert u een Facebook-gebruiker en staat u vervolgens het verzamelen van gegevens van Facebook-pagina's toe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is only one Facebook user allowing data acquisition for Facebook pages in this solution. We recommend that you allow data acquisition on additional Facebook users.",,"Deze oplossing bevat slechts één Facebook-gebruiker die het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's toestaat. Wij adviseren u ook voor andere Facebook-gebruikers het verzamelen van gegevens op Facebook-pagina's toe te staan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a custom source",,"Een aangepaste bron toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Validate and add a source",,"Een bron valideren en toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Blocked Content",,"Geblokkeerde inhoud",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add your keywords here",,"Voeg hier uw trefwoorden toe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} Keyword blocked |||| %{smart_count} Keywords blocked",,"%{smart_count} trefwoord geblokkeerd |||| %{smart_count} trefwoorden geblokkeerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add your domains here",,"Voeg hier uw domeinen toe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} Domain blocked |||| %{smart_count} Domains blocked",,"%{smart_count} domein geblokkeerd |||| %{smart_count} domeinen geblokkeerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Domains",,"Domeinen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data acquisition stops immediately for the entered terms. Already acquired posts matching the terms won't be displayed anymore.\n Posts will be deleted 4 hours after adding the terms. Within this time frame, you can restore the posts by deleting the newly entered terms.",,"Het verzamelen van gegevens wordt direct gestopt voor de ingevoerde termen. Verzamelde berichten die overeenkomen met de termen, worden niet meer weergegeven.\nBerichten worden verwijderd nadat er 4 uur zijn verstreken na het toevoegen van de termen. Binnen dit tijdsbestek kunt u de berichten herstellen door de nieuw ingevoerde termen te verwijderen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{contentName} is already on the list of excluded contents.",,"%{contentName} staat al in de lijst met uitgesloten inhoud.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have successfully removed %{contentName}",,"%{contentName} is verwijderd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Keywords can't be empty.",,"Trefwoorden kunnen niet leeg zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Domains can't be empty.",,"Domeinen kunnen niet leeg zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your changes have been successfully saved",,"De wijzigingen zijn opgeslagen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The term %{termName} is not supported for excluding content.",,"De term %{termName} wordt niet ondersteund voor het uitsluiten van inhoud.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The term %{termName} contains invalid characters.",,"De term %{termName} bevat ongeldige tekens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Content already added",,"Inhoud is al toegevoegd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Content deleted",,"Inhoud verwijderd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Content saved",,"Inhoud opgeslagen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete Keyword",,"Trefwoord verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Do you really want to delete the Keyword %{keywordName}?",,"Weet u zeker dat u het trefwoord %{keywordName} wilt verwijderen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete Domain",,"Domein verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Do you really want to delete the Domain %{domainName}?",,"Weet u zeker dat u het domein %{domainName} wilt verwijderen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Category Details",,"Categoriedetails",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} category was found. |||| %{smart_count} categories were found.",,"Er isw %{smart_count} categorie gevonden. |||| Er zijn %{smart_count} categorieën gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"add category name",,"categorienaam toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add category",,"Categorie toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""""%{name}"" cant be deleted because it contains search topics. Assign the search topics to another category or delete them in the search topic list before you delete the category."",,""""%{name}"" kan niet worden verwijderd omdat het zoekonderwerpen bevat. Wijs de zoekonderwerpen toe aan een andere categorie of verwijder ze uit de lijst met zoekonderwerpen voordat u de categorie verwijdert."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Are you sure you want to delete the category ""%{name}""?"",,""Weet u zeker dat u de categorie ""%{name}"" wilt verwijderen?"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rename category",,"Naam categorie wijzigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rename",,"Naam wijzigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The RSS feed has been removed.",,"De RSS-feed is verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"RSS feed has been added.",,"RSS-feed is toegevoegd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"RSS feed is being validated.",,"RSS-feed wordt gecontroleerd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You successfully deleted: %{groupName}.",,"U hebt %{groupName} verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Group Details",,"Groepsdetails",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{groupName} successfully saved.",,"%{groupName} is opgeslagen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources %{channels}/%{total}",,"Bronnen %{channels}/%{total}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Filter",,"Filter",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter up to 15 exclusions in a comma-separated list",,"Voeg maximaal 15 uitsluitingen toe aan een door kommas gescheiden lijst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Exclusions",,"Uitsluitingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter up to 15 inclusions in a comma-separated list",,"Voeg maximaal 15 opnamen toe aan een door kommas gescheiden lijst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Inclusions",,"Opnamen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Keywords and inclusions must appear in the same:",,"Trefwoorden en opnamen moeten voorkomen in:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentence",,"Dezelfde zin",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Paragraph",,"Dezelfde alinea",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post",,"Hetzelfde bericht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter up to 15 keywords in a comma-separated list",,"Voeg maximaal 15 trefwoorden toe aan een door kommas gescheiden lijst",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} language was found. |||| %{smart_count} languages were found.",,"Er is %{smart_count} taal gevonden. |||| Er zijn %{smart_count} talen gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} source was found. |||| %{smart_count} sources were found.",,"Er is %{smart_count} bron gevonden. |||| Er zijn %{smart_count} bronnen gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Rules",,"Regels toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"At least one of the rules already exists in this search topic. ",,"Minimaal één van de regels bestaat al in dit zoekonderwerp. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} custom sources group selected |||| %{smart_count} custom sources groups selected",,"%{smart_count} aangepaste bronnengroep geselecteerd |||| %{smart_count} aangepaste bronnengroepen geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't selected a custom source group",,"U hebt geen aangepaste brongroep geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Select custom sources from the list below. To create or edit a group of custom sources, go to <a href=""%{navigateToCustomSourcesLink}"">Custom Sources.</a>"",,""Selecteer aangepaste bronnen uit de onderstaande lijst. Als u een groep aangepaste bronnen wilt maken of bewerken, gaat u naar <a href=""%{navigateToCustomSourcesLink}"">Aangepaste bronnen</a>."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} Facebook page selected |||| %{smart_count} Facebook pages selected",,"%{smart_count} Facebook-pagina geselecteerd |||| %{smart_count} Facebook-pagina's geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't selected a Facebook page",,"U hebt geen Facebook-pagina geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Or select existing Facebook pages",,"Of selecteer bestaande Facebook-pagina's",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} Instagram account selected |||| %{smart_count} Instagram accounts selected",,"%{smart_count} Instagram-account geselecteerd |||| %{smart_count} Instagram-accounts geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't selected an Instagram account",,"U hebt geen Instagram-account geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select existing Instagram accounts",,"Selecteer bestaande Instagram-accounts",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} social profile selected |||| %{smart_count} social profiles selected",,"%{smart_count} sociaal profiel geselecteerd |||| %{smart_count} sociale profielen geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't selected a social profile",,"U hebt geen sociaal profiel geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select social profiles",,"Sociale profielen selecteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your rules are within your monthly post quota. You can now save your search topic. ",,"Uw regels vallen binnen uw maandelijkse berichtenquotum. U kunt het zoekonderwerp nu opslaan. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} profile selected |||| %{smart_count} profiles selected",,"%{smart_count} profiel geselecteerd |||| %{smart_count} profielen geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't selected a Twitter profile",,"U hebt geen Twitter-profiel geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Or select existing Twitter profiles",,"Of selecteer bestaande Twitter-profielen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Provide a name",,"Geef een naam op",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook no longer supports keyword searches.",,"Zoeken met trefwoorden wordt niet meer ondersteund door Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook no longer supports keyword searches. New data wont be acquired, but your existing Facebook data will be retained.",,"Facebook ondersteunt niet langer het zoeken met trefwoorden. Er worden geen nieuwe gegevens verzameld, maar uw bestaande Facebook-gegevens worden bewaard.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Specify a name for this category.",,"Geef een naam op voor deze categorie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No search rules yet",,"Er zijn nog geen zoekregels gedefinieerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add rule",,"Regel toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Active rule",,"Actieve regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Rule",,"Regel toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Choose the type of search rule to configure.",,"Kies het type zoekregel dat u wilt configureren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Limit",,"Limiet",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota types",,"Quotumtypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expected number of posts",,"Verwachte aantal berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Current number of posts",,"Huidige aantal berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Monthly post quota",,"Maandelijks berichtenquotum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of visible posts",,"Aantal zichtbare berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any groups of custom sources yet. To create or edit a group of custom sources, go to",,"Er zijn nog geen groepen aangepaste bronnen. Als u een groep aangepaste bronnen wilt maken of bewerken, gaat u naar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select a group of custom sources from the list below. To create or edit a group of custom sources, go to",,"Selecteer een groep aangepaste bronnen uit de onderstaande lijst. Als u een groep aangepaste bronnen wilt maken of bewerken, gaat u naar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} result |||| %{smart_count} results",,"%{smart_count} resultaat |||| %{smart_count} resultaten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Showing %{itemsCount} results, more available",,"Er worden %{itemsCount} resulteren weergegeven. Er zijn er meer beschikbaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add %{ruleType} Rules",,"Regels voor %{ruleType} toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add %{ruleType} Rule",,"Regel voor %{ruleType} toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Setup Summary",,"Overzicht van zoekinstellingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set Owner",,"Eigenaar instellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit Owner",,"Eigenaar bewerken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} search topic was found. |||| %{smart_count} search topics were found.",,"Er is %{smart_count} zoekonderwerp gevonden. |||| Er zijn %{smart_count} zoekonderwerpen gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove this custom source from the group",,"Deze aangepaste bron uit de groep verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This source is already added to the group: %{name}. You can't add the same source to more than one group.",,"Deze bron is al toegevoegd aan de groep: %{name}. U kunt niet dezelfde bron aan meer dan één groep toevoegen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Validation failed. Verify the provided URL.",,"Validatie is mislukt. Controleer de opgegeven URL.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The provided URL cannot be empty.",,"De opgegeven URL kan niet leeg zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start adding sources in the input field above.",,"Begin met het toevoegen van bronnen in het invoerveld hierboven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any groups of custom sources.",,"Er zijn geen groepen aangepaste bronnen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Click Add to create a group.",,"Klik op Toevoegen om een groep te maken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter an RSS or Atom feed URL",,"Voer RSS- of Atom-feed-URL in",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete group of custom sources",,"Groep aangepaste bronnen verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} custom source was found. |||| %{smart_count} custom sources were found.",,"Er is %{smart_count} aangepaste bron gevonden |||| Er zijn %{smart_count} aangepaste bronnen gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Do you really want to delete this group of custom sources: %{name}?",,"Weet u zeker dat u deze groep aangepaste bronnen wilt verwijderen: %{name}?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete Custom Group",,"Aangepaste groep verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage groups of custom sources to use in Search Setup and as filters in Analytics.",,"Beheer groepen aangepaste bronnen voor gebruik in Zoekinstellingen en als filters in Analyse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Note that just adding custom sources to a group wont start the acquisition of posts from those sources. You have to first set up a search topic that includes the custom sources in a rule.",,"Let op: als u alleen aangepaste bronnen aan een groep toevoegt, wordt het verzamelen van berichten uit deze bronnen nog niet gestart. U moet eerst een zoekonderwerp instellen waarbij de aangepaste bronnen in een regel worden opgenomen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your solution exceeded the quota limit. We stopped the data acquisition on %{date} at %{time}. It will automatically restart at the beginning of next month. To avoid this in the future, purchase additional post quota in the Office 365 admin center or optimize your search topics. Note that missed posts can't be retrieved retroactively.",,"Het quotum voor uw oplossing is overschreden. Het verzamelen van gegevens is gestopt op %{date} om %{time}. Met ingang van de volgende maand wordt het verzamelen van gegevens automatisch opnieuw gestart. U kunt dit probleem voorkomen in de toekomst door aanvullende quota voor berichten te kopen in het Office 365-beheercentrum of door uw zoekonderwerpen te optimaliseren. Het is niet mogelijk om ontbrekende berichten achteraf nog te verkrijgen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data acquisition stopped:",,"Verzamelen van gegevens gestopt:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{topicName} successfully deleted.",,"%{topicName} verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your solution exceeded the post quota. If you take no action, data acquisition will stop on %{date} at %{time} or when %{posts} posts are acquired by your searches. To avoid this, you can purchase additional post quota in the Office 365 admin center, or remove search topics from your solution.",,"Het quotum voor uw oplossing is overschreden. Als u geen actie onderneemt, wordt het verzamelen van gegevens gestopt op %{date} om %{time} of nadat %{posts} berichten zijn verkregen via uw zoekopdrachten. U kunt dit voorkomen door aanvullende quota voor berichten te kopen in het Office 365-beheercentrum of door zoekonderwerpen te verwijderen uit uw oplossing.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Limits exceeded:",,"Overschreden limieten:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your solution is expected to exceed the post quota. Edit search topics to reduce the number of posts, or you can purchase additional post quota in the Office 365 admin center.",,"Het is de verwachting dat het quotum voor het aantal berichten zal worden overschreden door uw oplossing. Wijzig zoekonderwerpen om het aantal berichten te verlagen of koop aanvullende quota voor berichten te kopen in het Office 365-beheercentrum.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expected to exceed limits:",,"Verwachte overschrijding van limieten:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No Facebook account available.",,"Geen Facebook-account beschikbaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter URL of Facebook page",,"URL van Facebook-pagina invoeren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Facebook Pages",,"Zoeken op Facebook-pagina's",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Or select a Facebook Page from your Social Accounts",,"Of selecteer een Facebook-pagina uit uw sociale accounts",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook Page",,"Facebook-pagina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To be able to search for Instagram accounts, you need to add an instagram account to your <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>.",,"Als u Instagram-accounts wilt kunnen zoeken, moet u een Instagram-account toevoegen aan uw <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sociale profielen</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No Instagram account available.",,"Geen Instagram-account beschikbaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter Instagram account to search for",,"Voer Instagram-account in waarnaar moet worden gezocht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Instagram Account",,"Zoeken in Instagram-account",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Or select an Instagram account from your social profiles",,"Of selecteer een Instagram-account uit uw sociale profielen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This social profile doesnt allow the acquisition of private messages.",,"Met dit sociale profiel is het niet toegestaan om privéberichten te verkrijgen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allowing the acquisition of Private Messages from authenticated Twitter and Facebook Accounts (i) will allow authorized users of your Market Insights instance to set search rules to acquire Private Messages; and (ii) will display Private Messages to every user having access to Market Insights. Private Messages are only displayed in the Market Insights instance where you configure the acquisition.",,"Het toestaan van het verkrijgen van privéberichten van geverifieerde Twitter- en Facebook-accounts (i) stelt geautoriseerde gebruikers van uw exemplaar van Market Insights in staat om zoekregels te definiëren voor het verkrijgen van privéberichten; en (ii) betekent dat privéberichten worden weergegeven aan elke gebruiker met toegang tot Market Insights. Privéberichten worden alleen weergegeven in het exemplaar van Market Insights waarin u het verkrijgen van de berichten configureert.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Disclaimer",,"Vrijwaring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private Messages of Facebook Page",,"Privéberichten van Facebook-pagina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private Messages of Twitter Handle",,"Privéberichten van Twitter-handle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can acquire private messages from authenticated Twitter and Facebook Accounts when (i) a Facebook or Twitter Profile is authenticated on the <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a> page; and (ii) the acquisition of private messages has been enabled by the owner of the profile.",,"U kunt privéberichten verkrijgen van geverifieerde Twitter- en Facebook-accounts als (i) er een Facebook- of Twitter-profiel is geverifieerd op de pagina <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sociale profielen</a> en (ii) het verkrijgen van privéberichten is ingeschakeld door de eigenaar van het profiel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No social accounts are available.",,"Er zijn geen sociale accounts beschikbaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select a social account",,"Selecteer een sociale account",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota Check",,"Quotumcontrole",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No posts acquired yet",,"Nog geen berichten verzameld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts per language",,"Berichten per taal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts per source",,"Berichten per bron",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota Information Table",,"Tabel met targetinformatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota Information",,"Targetinformatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{topicName} successfully saved.",,"%{topicName} is opgeslagen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{count}/%{total} Message types",,"%{count}/%{total} berichttypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No Twitter account available.",,"Geen Twitter-account beschikbaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please sign in to",,"Meld u aan bij",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"to look up Twitter users.",,"om Twitter-gebruikers op te zoeken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Handle or keyword",,"Handle of trefwoord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Or select a Handle from your Social Accounts",,"Of selecteer een handle uit uw sociale accounts",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter Handle",,"Twitter-handle",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Profile invalid",,"Sociaal profiel ongeldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your solution with the current configuration is expected to stay within the post quota. No action is required.",,"De verwachting is dat uw oplossing met de huidige configuratie het quotum voor het aantal berichten niet gaat overschrijden. Er is dan ook geen actie vereist.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Within limits:",,"Binnen limieten:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} organization page selected |||| %{smart_count} organization pages selected",,"%{smart_count}-organisatiepagina geselecteerd |||| %{smart_count}-organisatiepagina's geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To search for LinkedIn organization pages, you need to add a LinkedIn organization page to your <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>.",,"Als u wilt zoeken naar LinkedIn-organisatiepagina's, moet u een LinkedIn-organisatiepagina toevoegen aan uw <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sociale profielen</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No LinkedIn organization page available.",,"Er is geen LinkedIn-organisatiepagina beschikbaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't selected a LinkedIn organization page",,"U hebt geen LinkedIn-organisatiepagina geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select LinkedIn organization pages from your social profiles",,"LinkedIn-organisatiepagina's selecteren uit uw sociale profielen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LinkedIn Organization page",,"LinkedIn-organisatiepagina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} channel selected |||| %{smart_count} channels selected",,"%{smart_count}-methode geselecteerd |||| %{smart_count}-methoden geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To search for YouTube channels, you need to add a YouTube channel to your <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Social Profiles</a>.",,"Als u wilt zoeken naar YouTube-methoden, moet u een YouTube-methode toevoegen aan uw <a href='%{navigateToSocialProfilesLink}'>Sociale profielen</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No YouTube channel available.",,"Er is geen YouTube-methode beschikbaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't selected a YouTube channel",,"U hebt geen YouTube-methode geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter YouTube channel to search for",,"YouTube-methode invoeren waarnaar moet worden gezocht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search YouTube Channel",,"YouTube-methode zoeken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Or select YouTube channels from your social profiles",,"Of selecteer YouTube-methoden uit uw sociale profielen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"YouTube Channel",,"YouTube-methode",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Initials",,"Initialen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CG",,"AG",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"add search topic name",,"naam van zoekonderwerp toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Topic Settings",,"Instellingen zoekonderwerp",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No owner",,"Geen eigenaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rule Types",,"Regeltypen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rules",,"Regels",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New Search Topic",,"Nieuw zoekonderwerp",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"State",,"Status",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Filter by rule health state",,"Filteren op regelstatus",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete search topic",,"Zoekonderwerp verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Twitter Handle",,"Twitter-handle zoeken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Do you really want to delete the rule ""%{name}""?"",,"Weet u zeker dat u de regel %{name} wilt verwijderen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete Rule",,"Regel verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Are you sure you want to delete this search topic and its rules: ""%{name}""? This action will stop data acquisition for this search topic immediately and hide the posts from your analysis"",,""Weet u zeker dat dit zoekonderwerp en de bijbehorende regels wilt verwijderen: ""%{name}""? Er worden dan per direct geen gegevens meer verzameld voor dit zoekonderwerp en de berichten worden verborgen in uw analyse."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't added any search topics yet. To add a search topic click the button above.",,"U hebt nog geen zoekonderwerpen toegevoegd. Klik op de bovenstaande knop om een zoekonderwerp toe te voegen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post Preview",,"Berichtvoorbeeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Powered By",,"Powered by",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't estimate your search rule. Please try again later.",,"Er kan geen schatting worden gemaakt voor uw zoekregel. Probeer het later opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your search topic was saved. Please be patient while we process your changes to keywords, inclusions, and exclusions.",,"Uw zoekonderwerp is opgeslagen. Er is nu tijd nodig om de wijzigingen van uw trefwoorden, opnamen en uitsluitingen te verwerken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't save your search topic. Test your rule and try again.",,"Het is niet gelukt om het zoekonderwerp op te slaan. Test de regel en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The search topic name can't be empty.",,"De naam van het zoekonderwerp kan niet leeg zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your rule contains keywords with special characters only. Please remove those keywords and save your rule again.",,"Uw regel bevat trefwoorden met alleen speciale tekens. Verwijder deze trefwoorden en sla uw regel opnieuw op.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Update the rule and try again.",,"werk de regel bij en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search topic cannot be saved as expected volume estimation did not succeed. Try again later.",,"Zoekonderwerp kan niet worden opgeslagen aangezien schatting van verwacht volume is mislukt. Probeer het later opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""There are no search topics defined for this category. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526482"">Learn more about setting up searches.</a>"",,""Er zijn geen zoekonderwerpen gedefinieerd voor deze categorie. <a href=""https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=526482"">Meer informatie over het instellen van zoekacties.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quota",,"Quotum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Search Topic",,"Zoekonderwerp toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Leads",,"Leads",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User preferences changed. You can save your changes now.",,"Gebruikersvoorkeuren gewijzigd. U kunt nu uw wijzigingen opslaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Update 2016 or later (Dynamics 365) is required for this action.",,"Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Update 2016 of hoger (Dynamics 365) is vereist voor deze actie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365) is required for this action.",,"Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update of hoger (Dynamics 365) is vereist voor deze actie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automation rule action active",,"Actie voor automatiseringsregel actief",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automation rule action inactive",,"Actie voor automatiseringsregel inactief",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the actions to execute automatically on each newly found post matching the filters.",,"Selecteer de acties die automatisch moeten worden uitgevoerd op elk nieuw gevonden bericht dat overeenkomt met de filters.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{eventhubName}, Additional Information (%{infoCount})",,"%{eventhubName}, aanvullende gegevens (%{infoCount})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{entityName} (Instance: %{instanceName})",,"%{entityName} (Exemplaar: %{instanceName})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""There was a problem saving the action: ""%{actionName}"". Please try again. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator."",,""Er is een probleem opgetreden bij het opslaan van de actie: ""%{actionName}"". Probeer het opnieuw. Als het probleem blijft bestaan, neemt u contact op met de systeembeheerder."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to remove this action?",,"Weet u zeker dat u deze actie wilt verwijderen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm removal",,"Verwijdering bevestigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove this action",,"Deze actie verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"ACTIONS",,"ACTIES",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add new rule",,"Nieuwe regel toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open filters in Analytics",,"Filters openen in Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automatically assign each post matching the filters to a user or a group.",,"Automatisch elk bericht dat overeenkomt met de filters, toewijzen aan een gebruiker of een groep.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assign to",,"Toewijzen aan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete rule",,"Regel verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add new action",,"Nieuwe actie toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit Rule",,"Regel bewerken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create Rule",,"Regel maken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The name is already taken.",,"De naam bestaat al.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Pair",,"Paar toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a new key-value pair",,"Een nieuw sleutelwaardepaar toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Include optional key-value pairs with each post streamed to the event hub.",,"Optionele sleutelwaardeparen opnemen in elk bericht dat naar de event hub wordt gestreamd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The key must be unique.",,"De sleutel moet uniek zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Specify a key.",,"Geef een sleutel op.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Example: categoryName",,"Voorbeeld: categorienaam",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Key",,"Sleutel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove this key-value pair",,"Dit sleutelwaardepaar verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Additional Information (%{infoCount})",,"Aanvullende gegevens (%{infoCount})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Example: Products",,"Voorbeeld: producten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This Azure Event Hub is managed by your Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights connector. <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=849042'>Learn more about Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights.</a>",,"Deze Azure Event Hub wordt beheerd door uw Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights-connector. <a href='https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=849042'>Meer informatie over Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Insights.</a>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automatically stream each post matching the filters to Azure Event Hubs.",,"Stream automatisch elk bericht dat overeenkomt met de filters naar Azure Event Hubs.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Azure Event Hubs",,"Azure Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Stream to Event Hubs: %{eventHubName}",,"Streamen naar Event Hubs: %{eventHubName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Stream to Event Hubs",,"Streamen naar Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You must select at least one action.",,"U moet ten minste één actie selecteren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LAST MONTH",,"VORIGE MAAND",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"LAST WEEK",,"VORIGE WEEK",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Based on the selected filters, actions in this automation rule could potentially be executed on a similar number of posts. Please ensure this is within your expectations. You can narrow the data set by adding more filters. For validation purposes, we recommend to view the data set in Analytics after you save the automation rule.",,"Op basis van de geselecteerde filters kunnen acties in deze automatiseringsregel mogelijk worden uitgevoerd op een vergelijkbaar aantal berichten. Controleer of dit is wat u verwacht. U kunt de gegevensset beperken door meer filters toe te voegen. Voor validatiedoeleinden adviseren wij de gegevensset in Analyse te bekijken nadat u de automatiseringsregel hebt opgeslagen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expect %{postCount} posts a day (based on %{timeFrame})",,"Verwacht %{postCount} berichten per dag (op basis van %{timeFrame})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"TODAY",,"VANDAAG",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rules history",,"Regelgeschiedenis",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Label",,"Label",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automatically set a label for each post that matches the data set.",,"Automatisch een label instellen voor elk bericht dat overeenkomt met de gegevensset.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set label",,"Label instellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automatically create records in CRM for each post matching the filters.",,"Maak automatisch records in CRM voor elk bericht dat overeenkomt met de filters.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automatically create records in Dynamics 365 for each post that matches the filters.",,"Maak automatisch records in Dynamics 365 voor elk bericht dat overeenkomt met de filters.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't work with LinkedIn posts outside of Market Insights or export LinkedIn data. LinkedIn posts will be excluded from your automation rule.",,"U kunt niet werken met LinkedIn-berichten buiten Market Insights of LinkedIn-gegevens exporteren. LinkedIn-berichten zullen worden uitgesloten van uw automatiseringsregel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There are no automation rules defined yet. To create the first automation rule, click the Add button.",,"Er zijn nog geen automatiseringsregels gedefinieerd. Maak de eerste automatiseringsregel door op de knop Toevoegen te klikken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Actions",,"Acties",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rule",,"Regel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Actions aren't available yet. Add a connection to enable actions or contact your system administrator.",,"Acties zijn nog niet beschikbaar. Voeg een verbinding toe om acties in te schakelen of neem contact op met de systeembeheerder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Important: No actions are enabled for this automation rule.",,"Belangrijk: er zijn geen acties ingeschakeld voor deze automatiseringsregel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There are no active actions for this automation rule. To add an action, click the Add button.",,"Er zijn geen actieve acties voor deze automatiseringsregel. Als u een actie wilt toevoegen, klikt u op de knop Toevoegen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The version of this Dynamics CRM instance is not supported: %{Connection}. Please install Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365)",,"De versie van het geselecteerde exemplaar van Dynamics CRM wordt niet ondersteund: %{Connection}. Installeer Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update of hoger (Dynamics 365)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rule not saved",,"Regel niet opgeslagen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Email notifications are sent to all administrators when execution failures are detected for any actions on automation rules. Select the check box to enable these notifications.",,"E-mailmeldingen worden naar alle beheerders verzonden wanneer uitvoeringsfouten worden gedetecteerd voor acties in automatiseringsregels. Schakel het selectievakje in om deze meldingen in te schakelen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Send failure notifications",,"Meldingen over uitvoeringsfouten verzenden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Email notifications are sent to all administrators when execution failures are detected for any actions on automation rules. To enable these notifications, turn on this option.",,"E-mailmeldingen worden naar alle beheerders verzonden wanneer uitvoeringsfouten worden gedetecteerd voor acties in automatiseringsregels. Schakel deze optie in om deze meldingen in te schakelen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automation Rules",,"Automatiseringsregels",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Define rules to automatically take actions on newly found social posts.",,"Definieer regels om automatisch acties te ondernemen op nieuw gevonden sociale berichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assigned",,"Toegewezen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Streamed to event hubs",,"Gestreamd naar event hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Labeled",,"Met label",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Linked to CRM",,"Gekoppeld aan CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Linked to Dynamics 365",,"Gekoppeld aan Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts changed by automation rule(s) within last %{days_count} days",,"Berichten gewijzigd door de automatiseringsregel(s) binnen de laatste %{days_count} dagen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your access to this functionality is restricted due to your current license type or role. For full access, please contact your administrator to request an upgrade to your license type and/or role.",,"Uw toegang tot deze functionaliteit is beperkt vanwege uw huidige licentietype of rol. Als u volledige toegang wilt, neemt u contact op met de beheerder en vraagt u om een upgrade van uw licentietype en/of rol.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Restricted access",,"Beperkte toegang",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{ruleName}: Automation rule was successfully deleted.",,"%{ruleName}: automatiseringsregel is verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete this automation rule: %{ruleName}? This will remove the rule permanently and stop the execution of the rule's actions.",,"Weet u zeker dat u deze automatiseringsregel wilt verwijderen: %{ruleName}? De regel wordt hiermee permanent verwijderd en de acties van de regel worden niet langer uitgevoerd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There was a problem saving your filters. Please review or update your filters and try again.",,"Er is een probleem opgetreden bij het opslaan van uw filters. Controleer of werk uw filters bij en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Date: ""%{date}"""",,""Datum: ""%{date}"""",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts with Actions: %{post_number}",,"Berichten met acties: %{post_number}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User / Group",,"Gebruiker/Groep",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Event Hub Name",,"Naam van event hub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Assigned posts",,"Toegewezen berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts streamed to event hubs",,"Berichten die worden gestreamd naar event hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Labeled posts",,"Gelabelde berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts linked to CRM",,"Berichten die zijn gekoppeld aan CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts linked to Dynamics 365",,"Berichten die zijn gekoppeld aan Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Stats (Last %{days_count} days)",,"Statistieken (afgelopen %{days_count} dagen)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the type of CRM instance",,"Het type CRM-exemplaar selecteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the type of Dynamics 365 instance",,"Het type Dynamics 365-exemplaar selecteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connection type",,"Type verbinding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a name for your connection",,"Voeg een naam voor uw verbinding toe",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365)",,"Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update of hoger (Dynamics 365)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 (online)",,"Dynamics 365 (online)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM (On-Premises)",,"CRM (on-premises)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 (on-premises)",,"Dynamics 365 (on-premises)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connecting Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights with Microsoft Dynamics CRM will enable certain Social Content and Customer Data to be shared between the two online services. At the direction of you or your end users <br> (i) Social Content stored in Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights such as social profile contact  etc.) from Microsoft Dynamics CRM will be transmitted to Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.<br> We encourage you to review the <a href='%{technicalDocumentationLink}'>privacy statement applicable to each online service</a>.",,"Als u Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights verbindt met Microsoft Dynamics CRM, kunnen bepaalde Sociale inhoud en Klantgegevens worden gedeeld tussen de twee onlineservices. Met goedkeuring van u of uw eindgebruikers <br> wordt Sociale inhoud uit Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights zoals het sociale profiel van de contactpersoon enzovoort, vanuit Microsoft Dynamics CRM verzonden aan Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights.<br> We raden u aan om de <a href='%{technicalDocumentationLink}'>privacyverklaring te bekijken die geldt voor elke online service</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connecting Market Insights with Dynamics 365 will allow some social content and customer data to be shared between the two online services. At the direction of you or your end users <br> (i) social content stored in Market Insights, like social profiles, posts, and corresponding metadata, will be sent to Dynamics 365; <br> (ii) Social content sent to Dynamics 365 may be overridden by default; and, <br> (iii) customer data (case, contact, etc.) from Dynamics 365 will be sent to Market Insights.<br> We encourage you to review the <a href='%{technicalDocumentationLink}'>privacy statement applicable to each online service</a>.",,"Door Market Insights te verbinden met Dynamics 365 kunnen bepaalde sociale inhoud en klantgegevens worden gedeeld tussen de twee onlineservices. Met goedkeuring van uw eindgebruikers of u <br> (i) wordt sociale inhoud uit Market Insights, zoals sociale profielen, berichten en de bijbehorende metagegevens, verzonden naar Dynamics 365; <br> (ii) kan naar Dynamics 365 overgedragen sociale inhoud standaard worden genegeerd; en <br> (iii) worden klantgegevens (aanvraag, contact enzovoort) uit Dynamics 365 verzonden naar Market Insights.<br> We raden u aan de <a href='%{technicalDocumentationLink}'>privacyverklaring te lezen die geldt voor elke online service</a>.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The location is the region where your Dynamics CRM instances are located. Your Dynamics CRM instances will be supplied (automatically discovered) after you select a location. Otherwise, you can provide the URL of a Dynamics CRM instance without selecting a location.",,"De locatie is de regio waar uw Dynamics CRM-exemplaren zich bevinden. Uw Dynamics CRM-exemplaren worden verschaft (automatisch gedetecteerd) nadat u een locatie hebt geselecteerd. U kunt ook de URL van een Dynamics CRM-exemplaar opgeven zonder een locatie te selecteren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The location is the region where your Dynamics 365 instances are located. Your instances will be supplied (automatically discovered) after you select a location. Otherwise, you can provide the URL for a Dynamics 365 instance without selecting a location.",,"De locatie is de regio waar uw Dynamics 365-exemplaren zich bevinden. Uw exemplaren worden verschaft (automatisch gedetecteerd) nadat u een locatie hebt geselecteerd. U kunt ook de URL voor een Dynamics 365-exemplaar opgeven zonder een locatie te selecteren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No Dynamics CRM instances were automatically discovered. You can provide the URL for your Dynamics CRM instance, or contact your CRM system administrator.",,"Er zijn geen Dynamics CRM-exemplaren automatisch gedetecteerd. U kunt de URL van uw Dynamics CRM-exemplaar opgeven of contact opnemen met de CRM-systeembeheerder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We didnt discover any Dynamics 365 instances. Enter the URL for your Dynamics 365 instance, or contact your system administrator.",,"Er zijn geen Dynamics 365-exemplaren automatisch gedetecteerd. Voer de URL voor uw Dynamics 365-exemplaar in of neem contact op met de systeembeheerder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM Instance can't be empty.",,"CRM-exemplaar kan niet leeg zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You havent provided a Dynamics 365 instance.",,"U hebt geen Dynamics 365-exemplaar opgegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can only create a connection to an HTTP Secure (https) URL.",,"We kunnen alleen verbinding maken met een HTTPS-URL (HTTP Secure).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter a valid URL.",,"Voer een geldige URL in.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM Instance URL",,"URL CRM-exemplaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 instance URL",,"URL van Dynamics 365-exemplaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM Instance should be in a URL format.",,"CRM-exemplaar moet een URL-indeling hebben.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enter the Dynamics 365 instance in a URL format.",,"Geef het Dynamics 365-exemplaar op in URL-indeling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We are testing the connection. You'll be prompted to enter the credentials for your instance. If you do not see the authentication dialog box, verify that your browser allows pop-ups on this page. As soon as the connection is established, we'll take you to the next step.",,"We testen de verbinding. U zult worden gevraagd om de referenties voor uw exemplaar op te geven. Als u geen verificatievenster ziet, controleer dan of pop-ups door uw browser worden toegestaan op deze pagina. Zodra de verbinding is gemaakt, gaat u door naar de volgende stap.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're testing the connection. You may be asked to enter the credentials for your CRM instance. When the connection is established, we'll take you to the next step.",,"We testen de verbinding. Mogelijk wordt u gevraagd om de referenties voor uw CRM-exemplaar op te geven. Als de verbinding is gemaakt, gaat u door naar de volgende stap.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're testing the connection. You may be asked to enter the credentials for your Dynamics 365 instance. When the connection is established, we'll take you to the next step.",,"We testen de verbinding. Mogelijk wordt u gevraagd om de referenties voor uw Dynamics 365-exemplaar op te geven. Als de verbinding is gemaakt, gaat u door naar de volgende stap.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't find any Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365) instance.",,"Exemplaar van Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update of hoger (Dynamics 365) kan niet worden gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We couldn't find a Dynamics 365 (online) instance.",,"We hebben geen exemplaar van Dynamics 365 (online) kunnen vinden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Check Instances",,"Exemplaren controleren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Discovered CRM Instances",,"Gedetecteerde CRM-exemplaren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Discovered Dynamics 365 instances",,"Gedetecteerde Dynamics 365-exemplaren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Discover Dynamics 365 instances",,"Dynamics 365-exemplaren detecteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Click the Check Instances button to automatically find Dynamics CRM instances you have access to. You can also  directly provide the URL of your Dynamics CRM instance below.",,"Klik op de knop Exemplaren controleren om automatisch Dynamics CRM-exemplaren te zoeken waar u toegang toe hebt. U kunt ook de URL van uw Dynamics CRM-exemplaar rechtstreeks hieronder opgeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Click the Check Instances button to automatically find Dynamics 365 instances you have access to. You can also enter your Dynamics 365 instance URL below.",,"Klik op de knop Exemplaren controleren om automatisch Dynamics 365-exemplaren te zoeken waar u toegang toe hebt. U kunt ook de URL van uw Dynamics 365-exemplaar hieronder opgeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We found Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update or later (Dynamics 365) instance. Found Dynamics 365 instances can now be selected from the Discovered Dynamics 365 instances drop down",,"We hebben een exemplaar van Dynamics CRM Online 2016 Update of later (Dynamics 365) gevonden. Gevonden Dynamics 365-exemplaren kunnen nu worden geselecteerd in de vervolgkeuzelijst Gedetecteerde Dynamics 365-exemplaren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the location of your CRM instance",,"De locatie van uw CRM-exemplaar selecteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the location of your Dynamics 365 instance",,"De locatie van uw Dynamics 365-exemplaar selecteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Connection",,"Verbinding toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have another Dynamics CRM instance selected as default. Do you want to change the default?",,"U hebt een ander Dynamics CRM-exemplaar als standaard geselecteerd. Wilt u het standaardexemplaar wijzigen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have another Dynamics 365 instance selected as the default. Do you want to change the default?",,"U hebt een ander Dynamics 365-exemplaar als standaard geselecteerd. Wilt u het standaardexemplaar wijzigen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change Default CRM instance",,"Standaard-CRM-exemplaar wijzigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change Default Dynamics 365 Instance",,"Standaard Dynamics 365-exemplaar wijzigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM instance",,"CRM-exemplaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 instance",,"Dynamics 365-exemplaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't disable this connection because it's used for automation rules. Review the automation rules and try again.",,"Deze verbinding kan niet worden uitgeschakeld omdat deze wordt gebruikt voor automatiseringsregels. Controleer de automatiseringsregels en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connected on",,"Verbonden op",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enable instance",,"Exemplaar inschakelen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Organization language",,"Taal van organisatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't save your changes because some entities you tried to remove are used in automation rules. Please review the automation rules and try again.",,"Wij kunnen uw wijzigingen niet opslaan omdat sommige entiteiten die hebt geprobeerd te verwijderen worden gebruikt in automatiseringsregels. Controleer de automatiseringsregels en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set as default",,"Instellen als standaard",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Last updated on",,"Laatst bijgewerkt op",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enable this Dynamics CRM instance so you can create records in this instance from a post.",,"Schakel dit Dynamics CRM-exemplaar in zodat u records van een bericht in dit exemplaar kunt maken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enable this Dynamics 365 instance so you can create records in this instance from a post.",,"Schakel dit Dynamics 365-exemplaar in zodat u records van een bericht in dit exemplaar kunt maken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Define record details form for Dynamics CRM entities",,"Recorddetailsformulier definiëren voor Dynamics CRM-entiteiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Define record details for Dynamics 365 entities",,"Recorddetailsformulier definiëren voor Dynamics 365-entiteiten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To define the information to be shown in the record details form, select the CRM attributes that are available for this entity.",,"Als u de informatie wilt definiëren die wordt weergegeven in het recorddetailsformulier, selecteert u de CRM-kenmerken die voor deze entiteit beschikbaar zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To define what information will be included in record details, select the Dynamics 365 attributes that are available for this entity.",,"Als u de informatie wilt definiëren die wordt opgenomen in recorddetails, selecteert u de Dynamics 365-kenmerken die voor deze entiteit beschikbaar zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add more",,"Meer toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We removed CRM entities and attributes that are no longer available in your CRM instance. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}.",,"We hebben CRM-entiteiten en kenmerken die niet langer beschikbaar zijn in uw CRM-exemplaar verwijderd. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We removed Dynamics 365 entities and attributes that are no longer available in your  instance. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}.",,"Wij hebben Dynamics 365-entiteiten en -kenmerken die niet langer beschikbaar zijn in uw exemplaar verwijderd. %{instanceName}: %{entitiesName}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Description",,"Beschrijving",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Entity details",,"Details van entiteit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Attribute",,"Kenmerk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Move down",,"Omlaag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Move up",,"Omhoog",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"A new row has been added.",,"Er is een nieuwe rij toegevoegd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The row has been moved downward. Focus kept its position.",,"De rij is omlaag verplaatst. De focuspositie is behouden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The row has been moved upward. Focus kept its position.",,"De rij is omhoog verplaatst. De focuspositie is behouden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The row has been removed.",,"De rij is verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Display Name",,"Weergavenaam",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Record Form",,"Recordformulier",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Record details",,"Details van record",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select entities",,"Entiteiten selecteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the entities that you can automatically create Dynamics CRM records for from a social post.",,"Selecteer de entiteiten waarvoor u automatisch Dynamics CRM-records van een sociaal bericht kunt maken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the entities that you can automatically create Dynamics 365 records for from a social post.",,"Selecteer de entiteiten waarvoor u automatisch Dynamics 365-records van een sociaal bericht kunt maken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Fetching all entities can take a while. Please be patient while we're getting the information.",,"Het ophalen van alle entiteiten kan enige tijd in beslag nemen. Een ogenblik geduld graag.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unique Name",,"Unieke naam",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Changes not saved",,"Wijzigingen zijn niet opgeslagen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm changes: Your updated Event Hubs connection will automatically apply to all automation rules that have an active Event Hubs action. Confirm your changes to proceed.",,"Wijzigingen bevestigen: uw bijgewerkte verbinding met Event Hubs wordt automatisch gebruikt voor alle automatiseringsregels die een actieve Event Hubs-actie hebben. Bevestig uw wijzigingen om door te gaan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set this event hub as the default selection for automation rules.",,"Deze event hub instellen als de standaardselectie voor automatiseringsregels.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Provide the Name and Connection string for the Azure Event Hubs as configured in your Microsoft Azure subscription. We recommend you use a connection string that has only the Send permission for the event hub.",,"Geef de naam en de verbindingsreeks voor de Azure Event Hubs op, zoals deze zijn geconfigureerd in uw Microsoft Azure-abonnement. We bevelen aan een verbindingsreeks te gebruiken die alleen de machtiging Verzenden heeft voor de event hub.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Event hub disabled",,"Event hub uitgeschakeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Accept",,"Akkoord",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Connecting Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights with your Azure Event Hubs account will enable certain Social Content and Customer Data to be shared with Azure Event Hubs. We encourage you to review the Azure Event Hubs privacy statement and the <a href=""%{technicalDocumentationLink}"" class=""%{technicalDocumentationClassName}"">technical documentation</a> for this feature for further details."",,""Als u Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights verbindt met uw Azure Event Hubs-account, kunnen bepaalde sociale-inhoudgegevens en klantgegevens worden gedeeld met Azure Event Hubs. We raden u aan de privacyverklaring van Azure Event Hubs en de <a href=""%{technicalDocumentationLink}"" class=""%{technicalDocumentationClassName}"">technische documentatie</a> van deze functie te lezen voor meer informatie."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Event hub enabled",,"Event hub ingeschakeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Event hub is default hub",,"Event hub is standaardhub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Event hub is not default hub",,"Event hub is geen standaardhub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connection string",,"Verbindingsreeks",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enabled",,"Ingeschakeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't delete this connection because it's used for automation rules. Please review the automation rules and try again.",,"Deze verbinding kan niet worden verwijderd omdat deze wordt gebruikt voor automatiseringsregels. Controleer de automatiseringsregels en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this event hub: '%{eventHubName}'? You will remove this connection permanently and will no longer be able to stream social data to it.",,"Weet u zeker dat u de verbinding met deze event hub wilt verwijderen: %{eventHubName}? U verwijdert deze verbinding permanent en kunt er geen sociale gegevens meer naar streamen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"'%{eventHubName}' : Azure Event Hubs connection was successfully deleted",,"%{eventHubName}: Azure Event Hubs-verbinding is verwijderd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete this connection",,"Deze verbinding verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Establish connections between Market Insights and Azure Event Hubs. This allows streaming of social data from Market Insights to Azure Event Hubs.",,"Verbindingen tot stand brengen tussen Market Insights en Azure Event Hubs. Dit maakt streaming van sociale gegevens van Market Insights naar Azure Event Hubs mogelijk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There are no Azure Event Hubs connected yet.",,"Er zijn nog geen Azure Event Hubs verbonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Azure Event Hubs Connections",,"Microsoft Azure Event Hubs-verbindingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Provide the Event hub name",,"De naam van de event hub opgeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Event hub name",,"Naam van event hub",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Establish a connection between Market Insights and Azure Event Hubs. This allows streaming of social data from Market Insights to an event hub.",,"Breng een verbinding tot stand tussen Market Insights en Azure Event Hubs. Dit maakt streaming van sociale gegevens van Market Insights naar een event hub mogelijk.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connect to Azure Event Hubs",,"Verbinden met Azure Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unable to connect to the event hub. Please check the connection string and try again.",,"Kan geen verbinding maken met de event hub. Controleer de verbindingsreeks en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unable to connect to the event hub. Please check the event hub name or connection string and try again.",,"Kan geen verbinding maken met de event hub. Controleer de naam of de verbindingsreeks van de event hub en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You are now connected to Azure Event Hubs '%{eventHubName}'",,"U bent nu verbonden met Azure Event Hubs '%{eventHubName}'",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enable the connection between Market Insights and the event hub.",,"Schakel de verbinding tussen Market Insights en de event hub in.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enable connection",,"Verbinding inschakelen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't entered a connection string.",,"U hebt geen verbindingsreeks ingevoerd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Example: Endpoint=sb://eventhub-ns.servicebus.afdf.windows-int.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=…",,"Voorbeeld: Endpoint=sb://eventhub-ns.servicebus.afdf.windows-int.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=…",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have selected a default instance to disable. When you disable a connection, links of Market Insights posts to CRM records will no longer work and no new records can be created in that CRM instance from a post.",,"U hebt een standaardexemplaar geselecteerd dat u wilt uitschakelen. Wanneer u een verbinding uitschakelt, zullen koppelingen van Market Insights-berichten naar CRM-records niet meer werken en kunnen er geen nieuwe records van een bericht in dat CRM-exemplaar worden gemaakt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have selected a default instance to disable. When you disable a connection, links from Market Insights posts to Dynamics 365, records will no longer work and no records can be created in that instance from a post.",,"U hebt een standaardexemplaar geselecteerd dat u wilt uitschakelen. Wanneer u een verbinding uitschakelt, zullen koppelingen van Market Insights-berichten naar Dynamics 365-records niet meer werken en kunnen er geen nieuwe records van een bericht in dat exemplaar worden gemaakt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm Disabling of Default Instance",,"Uitschakelen van standaardexemplaar bevestigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to disable the connection to the selected CRM Instance? When you disable a connection, links of Market Insights posts to CRM records will no longer work and no new records can be created in that CRM instance from a post.",,"Weet u zeker dat u de verbinding met het geselecteerde CRM-exemplaar wilt uitschakelen? Wanneer u een verbinding uitschakelt, zullen koppelingen van Market Insights-berichten naar CRM-records niet meer werken en kunnen er geen nieuwe records van een bericht in dat CRM-exemplaar worden gemaakt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to disable the connection to the selected Dynamics 365 Instance? When you disable a connection, links from Market Insights posts to Dynamics 365 records will no longer work and no records can be created in that instance from a post.",,"Weet u zeker dat u de verbinding met het geselecteerde Dynamics 365-exemplaar wilt uitschakelen? Wanneer u een verbinding uitschakelt, zullen koppelingen van Market Insights-berichten naar Dynamics 365-records niet meer werken en kunnen er geen nieuwe records van een bericht in dat exemplaar worden gemaakt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm Disabling of Instance",,"Uitschakelen van exemplaar bevestigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to enable the connection to the selected CRM instance? When you enable a connection, youll be able to create records in that CRM instance from a post.",,"Weet u zeker dat u de verbinding met het geselecteerde CRM-exemplaar wilt inschakelen? Wanneer u een verbinding inschakelt, kunt u records van een bericht maken in dat CRM-exemplaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to enable the connection to the selected Dynamics 365 instance? When you enable a connection, you can create records in that Dynamics 365 instance from a post.",,"Weet u zeker dat u de verbinding met het geselecteerde Dynamics 365-exemplaar wilt inschakelen? Wanneer u een verbinding inschakelt, kunt u records van een bericht maken in dat Dynamics 365-exemplaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm Enabling of Instance",,"Inschakelen van exemplaar bevestigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to disable the selected CRM instance? You need to have at least one CRM instance enabled to create records from a post. When you disable a connection, existing links between Market Insights posts and CRM records will no longer work and no new records can be created in that CRM instance from a post. This will set the CRM Instance to the Disabled state.",,"Weet u zeker dat u het geselecteerde CRM-exemplaar wilt uitschakelen? U moet ten minste één CRM-exemplaar hebben ingeschakeld om records van een bericht te kunnen maken. Wanneer u een verbinding uitschakelt, zullen bestaande koppelingen tussen Market Insights-berichten en CRM-records niet meer werken en kunnen er geen nieuwe records van een bericht in dat CRM-exemplaar worden gemaakt. Hiermee wordt de status van het CRM-exemplaar ingesteld op Uitgeschakeld.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to disable the selected Dynamics 365 instance? You need to have at least one instance enabled to create records from a post. When you disable a connection, existing links between Market Insights posts and Dynamics 365 records will no longer work and no records can be created in that instance from a post. This will set the Dynamics 365 instance state to Disabled.",,"Weet u zeker dat u het geselecteerde Dynamics 365-exemplaar wilt uitschakelen? U moet ten minste één exemplaar hebben ingeschakeld om records van een bericht te kunnen maken. Wanneer u een verbinding uitschakelt, zullen bestaande koppelingen tussen Market Insights-berichten en Dynamics 365-records niet meer werken en kunnen er geen nieuwe records van een bericht in dat exemplaar worden gemaakt. Hiermee wordt de status van het Dynamics 365-exemplaar ingesteld op Uitgeschakeld.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allowed Domains",,"Toegestane domeinen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connection disabled",,"Verbinding uitgeschakeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connection enabled",,"Verbinding ingeschakeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connection is default instance",,"Verbinding is standaardexemplaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connection is not default instance",,"Verbinding is geen standaardexemplaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics CRM",,"Microsoft Dynamics CRM",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Establish a connection between Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights and Microsoft Dynamics CRM. This allows users to create and access Dynamics CRM records from within Market Insights.",,"Een verbinding opzetten tussen Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights en Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Hierdoor kunnen gebruikers Dynamics CRM-records maken en gebruiken vanuit Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Establish a connection between Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights and Microsoft Dynamics 365 to let users create and access those records from Market Insights.",,"Een verbinding opzetten tussen Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights en Microsoft Dynamics 365 om gebruikers in staat te stellen deze records te maken en gebruiken vanuit Market Insights.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't created any Connections yet. To start adding Connections, click the Add button",,"U hebt nog geen verbindingen gemaakt. Klik op de knop Toevoegen om een verbinding te maken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Azure Event Hubs",,"Microsoft Azure Event Hubs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Instance URL",,"URL exemplaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"CRM Version",,"CRM-versie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dynamics 365 Version",,"Versie van Dynamics 365",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Version",,"Versie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't delete this connection because it's used for automation rules. Please review the automation rules and try again.",,"Wij kunnen deze verbinding niet verwijderen omdat deze wordt gebruikt voor automatiseringsregels. Controleer de automatiseringsregels en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have selected a default Dynamics CRM instance. Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this instance? All links to the CRM records of this instance will be removed from Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"U hebt een standaardexemplaar van Dynamics CRM geselecteerd. Weet u zeker dat u de verbinding met dit exemplaar wilt verwijderen? Alle koppelingen naar de CRM-records van dit exemplaar worden verwijderd uit Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. U kunt deze actie niet ongedaan maken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You've selected a default Dynamics 365 instance. Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this instance? All links to the Dynamics 365 records of this instance will be removed from Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"U hebt een standaardexemplaar van Dynamics 365 geselecteerd. Weet u zeker dat u de verbinding met dit exemplaar wilt verwijderen? Alle koppelingen naar de Dynamics 365-records van dit exemplaar worden verwijderd uit Market Insights.. U kunt deze actie niet ongedaan maken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this Dynamics CRM instance? You need to have at least one Dynamics CRM instance connection enabled to create records from a post. All links to the CRM records of this instance will be removed from Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Weet u zeker dat u de verbinding met dit Dynamics CRM-exemplaar wilt verwijderen? U moet ten minste één verbinding met een Dynamics CRM-exemplaar inschakelen om records van een bericht te maken. Alle koppelingen naar de CRM-records van dit exemplaar worden verwijderd uit Market Insights. Deze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this instance? You need at least one Dynamics 365 connection enabled to create records from a post. All links to the Dynamics 365 records for this instance will be removed from Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Weet u zeker dat u de verbinding met dit exemplaar wilt verwijderen? U moet ten minste één verbinding met een Dynamics 365-exemplaar inschakelen om records van een bericht te maken. Alle koppelingen naar de Dynamics 365-records voor dit exemplaar worden verwijderd uit Market Insights. Deze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this Microsoft Dynamics CRM instance? This will remove all links to CRM records from Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Weet u zeker dat u de verbinding met dit Microsoft Dynamics CRM-exemplaar wilt verwijderen? Hierdoor worden alle koppelingen naar CRM-records uit Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights verwijderd. Deze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to delete the connection to this Dynamics 365 instance? This will remove all links to Dynamics 365 records from Market Insights. You can't undo this action.",,"Weet u zeker dat u de verbinding met dit Dynamics 365-exemplaar wilt verwijderen? Hierdoor worden alle koppelingen naar Dynamics 365-records uit Market Insights verwijderd. Deze actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete this connection to Dynamics CRM",,"Deze verbinding met Dynamics CRM verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete this connection to Dynamics 365.",,"Verwijder deze verbinding met Dynamics 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics CRM Connections",,"Microsoft Dynamics CRM-verbindingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connections",,"Microsoft Dynamics 365-verbindingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Connections",,"Verbindingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add connection",,"Verbinding toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Establish connections to other applications from Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights and specify domains that can make requests for your Market Insights data.",,"Breng verbindingen met andere toepassingen vanuit Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights tot stand en geef de domeinen op die aanvragen kunnen versturen voor uw Market Insights-gegevens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If you do not see the authentication dialog box, verify that your browser allows pop-ups on this page.",,"Als het dialoogvenster voor verificatie niet wordt weergegeven, controleert u of uw browser pop-ups op deze pagina toestaat.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to set the selected Dynamics CRM instance as the default for record creation?",,"Weet u zeker dat u het geselecteerde Dynamics CRM-exemplaar wilt instellen als de standaard voor het maken van records?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to set the selected Dynamics 365 instance as the default for record creation?",,"Weet u zeker dat u het geselecteerde Dynamics 365-exemplaar wilt instellen als de standaard voor het maken van records?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm Default CRM Instance",,"Standaard-CRM-exemplaar bevestigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm Default Dynamics 365 Instance",,"Standaard Dynamics 365-exemplaar bevestigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set this Dynamics CRM instance as the default instance to use when you create records from posts.",,"Stel dit Dynamics CRM-exemplaar in als het standaardexemplaar dat moet worden gebruikt wanneer u records van berichten maakt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set this Dynamics 365 instance as the default instance to use when you create records from posts.",,"Stel dit Dynamics 365-exemplaar in als het standaardexemplaar dat moet worden gebruikt wanneer u records van berichten maakt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Available search languages",,"Beschikbare zoektalen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Available sources",,"Beschikbare bronnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the sources and languages to use by default for new search topics. Users creating new search topics can override this selection.",,"Selecteer de bronnen en talen die standaard worden gebruikt voor nieuwe zoekonderwerpen. Deze selectie kan worden aangepast tijdens het maken van een nieuw zoekonderwerp.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Setup Defaults",,"Standaardinstellingen voor zoeken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"MM/dd/yy",,"mm/dd/jj",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"MM/dd/yyyy",,"mm/dd/jjjj",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"M/d/yy",,"M/d/jj",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"M/d/yyyy",,"M/d/jjjj",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"dd/MM/yy",,"dd/mm/jj",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"dd/MM/yyyy",,"dd/mm/jjjj",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"yyyy年MM月dd日",,"jjjj-MM-dd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date format",,"Datumnotatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date separator",,"Scheidingsteken voor datums",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number format",,"Getalnotatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Default Preferences",,"Standaardvoorkeuren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Screen language",,"Schermtaal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"12h",,"12 uur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"24h",,"24 uur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Time format",,"Tijdnotatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Time separator",,"Tijdscheidingsteken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Example: app.contoso.com, *.contoso.com, http://companyname",,"Voorbeeld: app.contoso.com, *.contoso.com, http://bedrijfsnaam",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add domain",,"Domein toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The domain isn't valid: %{domainName}",,"Het domein is niet geldig: %{domainName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Help to protect your information by specifying the domains that can make requests for your Market Insights data.",,"Help uw gegevens te beschermen door de domeinen op te geven waaruit aanvragen kunnen worden verstuurd voor Market Insights-gegevens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The domain must be unique.",,"Het domein moet uniek zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't added any domains yet. Add domains by entering the URL into the input field above.",,"U hebt nog geen domeinen toegevoegd. Voeg een domein toe door de URL in het bovenstaande invoerveld op te geven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allowed Domains List",,"Lijst met toegestane domeinen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"A new domain was added.",,"Er is een nieuw domein toegevoegd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The domain was deleted.",,"Het domein is verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This domain will be removed: %{domainName}",,"dit domein wordt verwijderd: %{domainName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove Allowed Domain",,"Toegestaan domein verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Copy this solution URL to connect to your Market Insights data.",,"Kopieer de URL van deze oplossing om verbinding te maken met Market Insights-gegevens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Solution URL",,"URL van oplossing",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date: %{date}",,"Datum: %{date}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"F-score: %{fscore}",,"F-score: %{fscore}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"F-score",,"F-score",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Group",,"Groep toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"add Locations",,"Locaties toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"My Location Group",,"Mijn locatiegroep",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't added any locations to this location group yet. Add locations by using the search field above.",,"U hebt nog geen locaties aan deze locatiegroep toegevoegd. Voeg een locatie toe via het bovenstaande zoekveld.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Number of Locations",,"Aantal locaties",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The location group name can't be blank.",,"De naam van de locatiegroep kan niet leeg zijn.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The location group name is already used by another location group.",,"De naam van de locatiegroep wordt al gebruikt voor een andere locatiegroep.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Not editable",,"Niet bewerkbaar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Predefined Location",,"Vooraf gedefinieerde locatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove Location",,"Locatie verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create location group.",,"Locatiegroep maken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create and edit location groups to use as filters in your analysis.",,"Locatiegroepen maken en bewerken om als filters te gebruiken in uw analyse.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Predefined",,"Vooraf gedefinieerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete location group?",,"Locatiegroep verwijderen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure that you want to delete the %{groupName} location group?",,"Weet u zeker dat u de locatiegroep %{groupName} wilt verwijderen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure that you want to delete the %{groupName} location group? This group is owned by %{owner}.",,"Weet u zeker dat u de locatiegroep %{groupName} wilt verwijderen? Deze groep wordt beheerd door %{owner}.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove Location Group",,"Locatiegroep verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The location group has been removed.",,"De locatiegroep is verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The location has been removed.",,"De locatie is verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Gregorian",,"Gregoriaans",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Japanese Era",,"Japans tijdperk",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Taiwan Calendar",,"Taiwanese kalender",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Calendar",,"Kalender",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chart data representation mode",,"Modus voor weergave van diagramgegevens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chart",,"Diagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Table",,"Tabel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chart filling mode",,"Modus voor opvullen van diagrammen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Pattern",,"Patroon",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Solid Color",,"Effen kleur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Chart format",,"Diagramindeling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Configuration role",,"Configuratierol",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Default time frame in Analytics",,"Standaardtijdsbestek in Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Home page",,"Startpagina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Interaction role",,"Interactierol",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Last Month",,"Vorige maand",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Last Week",,"Vorige week",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn more about your user roles.",,"Meer informatie over uw gebruikersrollen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Screen Language",,"Schermtaal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Profiles",,"Sociale profielen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The acquisition of private messages is allowed and activated in Search Setup",,"Het verkrijgen van privéberichten is toegestaan en geactiveerd in Zoekinstellingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The acquisition of private messages is allowed, but acquisition isn't active in Search Setup",,"Het verkrijgen van privéberichten is toegestaan, maar de functie is niet geactiveerd in Zoekinstellingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private messages for this account won't be available in Search Setup",,"Privéberichten voor deze account zijn niet beschikbaar in Zoekinstellingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allowing the acquisition of private messages from authenticated external sources will enable authorized users of your Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights instance to set search rules to acquire private messages and will display private messages to every user having access to this instance of Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Private messages are translated using an external translator service and your use of this feature is subject to the privacy and security practices of the translator service. Please <a href='%{navigateToDocumentation}'>review the feature documentation</a> here for further details.",,"Als u het ophalen van privéberichten van geverifieerde externe bronnen toestaat, kunnen geautoriseerde gebruikers van uw exemplaar van Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights zoekregels instellen om privéberichten op te halen en worden privéberichten weergegeven voor elke gebruiker die toegang heeft tot dit exemplaar van Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. Privéberichten worden vertaald met een externe vertaalservice en op uw gebruik van deze functie zijn de privacy- en beveiligingspraktijken van de vertaalservice van toepassing. <a href='%{navigateToDocumentation}'>Raadpleeg de functiedocumentatie</a> hier voor meer informatie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allow interactions and data acquisition",,"Interacties en gegevens ophalen toestaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allow data acquisition",,"Gegevensverzameling toestaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Acquisition of Facebook pages",,"Verkrijgen van Facebook-pagina's",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Acquire Instagram data",,"Instagram-gegevens verzamelen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Acquisition of private messages",,"Verkrijgen van privéberichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Acquisition social profiles",,"Sociale profielen verzamelen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Acquisition token status overview",,"Overzicht van status van verzamelingstoken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're waiting for you to give the Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights app permission for %{type}. If you don't see the authentication dialog box, verify that you allow pop-ups on this page. You can close this dialog box when you have authenticated the app.",,"We wachten op uw toestemming om de app Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights toegang te bieden tot %{type}. Als u geen authenticatievenster ziet, controleer dan of pop-ups zijn toegestaan op deze pagina. U kunt dit dialoogvenster sluiten wanneer u de app hebt geverifieerd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Permit the app to connect with your profile",,"De app toestaan verbinding te maken met uw profiel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add %{social_platform} Pages",,"%{social_platform}-pagina's toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Profile",,"Profiel toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You successfully added a social profile.",,"U hebt een sociaal profiel toegevoegd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You successfully added a social profile: %{socialProfileName}",,"U hebt een sociaal profiel toegevoegd: %{socialProfileName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reauthenticate your token",,"Uw token opnieuw verifiëren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allow",,"Toestaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allowed",,"Toegestaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Token valid",,"Token geldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your token valid, app valid",,"Uw token geldig, app geldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No token",,"Geen token",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No valid tokens for this profile. You need to reauthenticate.",,"Geen geldige tokens voor dit profiel. U moet opnieuw verifiëren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Token invalid",,"Token ongeldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your token expired, but you can still work with the social profile.",,"Uw token is verlopen, maar u kunt nog wel met het sociale profiel werken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"App invalid",,"App ongeldig",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Check Tokens",,"Tokens controleren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Check done. All tokens verified.",,"De controle is uitgevoerd en alle tokens zijn geverifieerd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Claim ownership",,"Eigendom claimen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete your token",,"Uw token verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete social profile",,"Sociaal profiel verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Allow interactions",,"Interactie toestaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"PROFILES SHARED WITH YOU",,"MET U GEDEELDE PROFIELEN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To create Facebook pages rules and acquire data, you need to allow data acquisition for Facebook pages for at least one authenticated Facebook user.",,"Als u regels voor Facebook-pagina's wilt opstellen en gegevens wilt verzamelen, moet u het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's toestaan voor minimaal één geverifieerde Facebook-gebruiker.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To create Facebook pages rules and acquire data, you need to allow data acquisition for Facebook pages for at least one authenticated Facebook Acquisition profile.",,"Als u regels voor Facebook-pagina's wilt opstellen en gegevens wilt verzamelen, moet u het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's toestaan voor minimaal één geverifieerd Facebook-verzamelprofiel.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have only one Facebook user available to acquire data. If you disallow acquisition of Facebook pages, your solution will stop acquiring data from Facebook pages.",,"U beschikt over slechts één Facebook-gebruiker voor het verzamelen van gegevens. Als u het verzamelen van gegevens op Facebook-pagina's niet toestaat, stopt uw oplossing met het verzamelen van gegevens op Facebook-pagina's.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have only one Facebook Acquisition profile available to acquire data. If you disallow acquisition of Facebook pages, your solution will stop acquiring data from Facebook pages.",,"Er is slechts één Facebook-verzamelprofiel beschikbaar voor het verzamelen van gegevens. Als u het verzamelen van gegevens op Facebook-pagina's niet toestaat, stopt uw oplossing met het verzamelen van gegevens op Facebook-pagina's. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You must be an administrator for this Facebook page to re-authenticate it.",,"U moet beheerder van deze Facebook-pagina zijn om deze opnieuw te kunnen verifiëren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile, State, User",,"Profiel, Status, Gebruiker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private messages acquisition allowed, private messages rules active",,"Het verzamelen van privéberichten is toegestaan, regels voor privéberichten zijn actief",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data acquisition allowed, Facebook pages rules active",,"Het verzamelen van gegevens is toegestaan, regels voor Facebook-pagina's zijn actief",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Private messages acquisition allowed, no active private messages rules",,"Het verzamelen van privéberichten is toegestaan, geen actieve regels voor privéberichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data acquisition allowed, no active Facebook pages rules",,"Het verzamelen van gegevens is toegestaan, geen actieve regels voor Facebook-pagina's",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Note that the acquisition for Facebook pages allowed by this user is valid for a maximum period of 60 days. Check back regularly and re-authenticate your Facebook user to ensure continuous data acquisition.",,"Houd er rekening mee dat het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's dat is toegestaan door deze gebruiker maximaal 60 dagen geldig blijft. Kom regelmatig terug en verifieer uw Facebook-gebruiker opnieuw om er zeker van te zijn dat het verzamelen van gegevens doorgaat.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Note that the acquisition for Facebook pages allowed by this user is valid for a maximum period of 60 days. Check back regularly and re-authenticate your Facebook Acquisition profile to ensure continuous data acquisition.",,"Houd er rekening mee dat de toestemming tot het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's door deze gebruiker maximaal 60 dagen geldig blijft. Bekijk regelmatig uw Facebook-verzamelprofiel en verifieer het opnieuw om ervoor te zorgen dat het verzamelen van gegevens doorgaat.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To create Instagram rules and acquire data, you need to allow data acquisition for at least one Instagram account.",,"Als u Instagram-regels wilt maken en gegevens wilt verzamelen, moet u gegevensverzameling toestaan voor minimaal één Instagram-account.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please note that the acquisition for Instagram allowed by this user is only valid for a certain period of time. We will inform you if an action is required.",,"Gegevensverzameling voor Instagram, wat door deze gebruiker wordt toegestaan, is slechts gedurende een bepaalde periode geldig. We informeren u als een actie vereist is.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Invalid Account: ",,"Ongeldig account: ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The provided credentials didn't match the social profile you tried to authenticate for. Please try again with different credentials.",,"De verschafte referenties kwamen niet overeen met het sociale profiel waarvoor u probeerde te verifiëren. Probeer het opnieuw met andere referenties.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Authorization is missing for all owners",,"Autorisatie ontbreekt voor alle eigenaars",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} like |||| %{smart_count} likes",,"%{smart_count} ik-vind-leuk |||| %{smart_count} ik-vind-leuks",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage",,"Beheren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn more about how to manage social profiles.",,"Lees meer over het beheren van sociale profielen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Token expired",,"Token verlopen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Missing authentication",,"Ontbrekende verificatie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All tokens for this social profile have expired. Reauthenticate your token.",,"Alle tokens voor dit sociale profiel zijn verlopen. Verifieer uw token opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Acquisition for Instagram not yet active: To start acquiring data from Instagram, please add an Instagram account to your social profiles and allow it for data acquisition.",,"Verzamelen voor Instagram is nog niet actief: als u wilt beginnen gegevens te verzamelen voor Instagram, voegt u een Instagram-account aan uw sociale profielen toe en staat u dit account toe voor gegevensverzameling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profiles without owners",,"Profielen zonder eigenaars",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any Facebook pages that you can add. You can only add a Facebook page if you have the Admin role for it.",,"Er zijn geen Facebook-pagina's die u kunt toevoegen. U kunt alleen een Facebook-pagina toevoegen als u er de beheerdersrol voor hebt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any LinkedIn organization pages that you can add. You can only add a LinkedIn organization page if you have the Admin role for it.",,"Er zijn geen LinkedIn-organisatiepagina's die u kunt toevoegen. U kunt alleen een LinkedIn-organisatiepagina toevoegen als u er de beheerdersrol voor hebt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Not allowed",,"Niet toegestaan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The specified social profile couldnt be authorized. Check your credentials and try again.",,"Het opgegeven sociale profiel kan niet worden geautoriseerd. Controleer uw referenties en probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Owned Profiles",,"Eigenaar van profielen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sharing/Owned",,"Delen/Eigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Owners",,"Eigenaars",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"(Ownership %{ownership_count})",,"(Eigendom %{ownership_count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"For private messages",,"Voor privéberichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profiles for private messages acquisition",,"Profielen voor het verzamelen van privéberichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profile",,"Profiel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"For Facebook pages",,"Voor Facebook-pagina's",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You successfully reauthenticated a social profile.",,"U hebt een sociaal profiel opnieuw geverifieerd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You successfully reauthenticated a social profile: %{socialProfileName}",,"U hebt een sociaal profiel opnieuw geverifieerd: %{socialProfileName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reauthorize",,"Opnieuw autoriseren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove my ownership",,"Mij als eigenaar verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove invalid token",,"Ongeldig token verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Running",,"Wordt uitgevoerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This social profile has valid tokens and is used for data acquisition.",,"Het sociale profiel bevat geldige tokens en wordt gebruikt voor gegevensverzameling.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your Social Profiles",,"Uw sociale profielen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Profiles for data acquisition",,"Profielen voor het verzamelen van gegevens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share with everyone",,"Delen met iedereen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Shared Profiles",,"Gedeelde profielen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sharing",,"Delen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sharing a profile with users allows those to use this account for publish actions within Market Insights",,"Als u een profiel deelt met gebruikers, kunnen ze dit account gebruiken om acties te publiceren binnen Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sharing / Owners",,"Delen/Eigenaars",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is only one Facebook Acquisition profile allowing data acquisition for Facebook pages in this solution. We recommend that you allow data acquisition on additional Facebook Acquisition profiles.",,"Er is slechts één Facebook-verzamelprofiel dat het verzamelen van gegevens voor Facebook-pagina's toestaat in deze oplossing. Wij adviseren u het verzamelen van gegevens toe te staan voor meer Facebook-verzamelprofielen. ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There is only one Instagram account allowing data acquisition for Instagram in this solution. We recommend that you allow data acquisition on additional Instagram accounts.",,"Deze oplossing bevat slechts één Instagram-account dat gegevensverzameling voor Instagram toestaat. Wij adviseren u gegevensverzameling voor meer Instagram-accounts toe te staan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} is talking about you |||| %{smart_count} are talking about you",,"%{smart_count} praat over u |||| %{smart_count} praten over u",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Use for Acquisition",,"Gebruiken voor gegevensverzameling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Use for Search Acquisition",,"Gebruiken voor verzameling door middel van zoeken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Without at least allowing 1 Instagram User account to serve as acquisition token, you won't be able to acquire Instagram data",,"Als u niet ten minste 1 Instagram-gebruikersaccount toestaat als verzamelingstoken te dienen, kunt u geen Instagram-gegevens verzamelen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} user |||| %{smart_count} users",,"%{smart_count} gebruiker |||| %{smart_count} gebruikers",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Theme",,"Thema",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Dark",,"Donker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Light",,"Licht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User Roles",,"Gebruikersrollen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your Preferences",,"Uw voorkeuren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Privacy statement configuration",,"Configuratie privacyverklaring",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=389041",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=389041",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"An administrator of a Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights tenant can specify whether to show a privacy link and what to show.",,"Een beheerder van een tenant van Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights kan opgeven of er een koppeling naar de privacyverklaring wordt weergegeven en wat er dan wordt weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show link to privacy statement",,"Koppeling naar privacyverklaring weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Privacy",,"Privacy",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Associated Search Topics",,"Gekoppelde zoekonderwerpen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} Search topic |||| %{smart_count} Search topics",,"%{smart_count} Zoekonderwerp |||| %{smart_count} Zoekonderwerpen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No search topics",,"Geen zoekonderwerpen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View search topic",,"Zoekonderwerp weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create Facebook rule (Open in new tab)",,"Facebook-regel maken (openen in nieuw tabblad)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create Instagram rule (Open in new tab)",,"Instagram-regel maken (openen in nieuw tabblad)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create LinkedIn rule (Open in new tab)",,"LinkedIn-regel maken (openen in nieuw tabblad)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create Private Message rule (Open in new tab)",,"Regel voor privébericht maken (openen in nieuw tabblad)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create Twitter rule (Open in new tab)",,"Twitter-regel maken (openen in nieuw tabblad)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Create YouTube rule (Open in new tab)",,"YouTube-regel maken (openen in nieuw tabblad)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage the languages available for Search Setup.",,"Talen instellen waarin kan worden gezocht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search Languages",,"Zoektalen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Removing a search language deletes all search rules that contain only this language.",,"Als u een taal verwijdert, worden alle zoekregels die alleen voor die taal zijn gedefinieerd ook verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Adaptive learning",,"Adaptief leren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If adaptive learning is turned off, the system will stop learning from your users' edits of sentiment values and continue to use the existing values. If it's turned back on, the system will resume learning from your users' edits.",,"Als adaptief leren is uitgeschakeld, worden gevoelswaarden die door uw gebruikers zijn bewerkt niet meer onthouden en worden de bestaande waarden opgeslagen. Als adaptief leren opnieuw wordt ingeschakeld, worden de aanpassingen van uw gebruikers weer onthouden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to reset all edited sentiment values?",,"Weet u zeker dat u alle bewerkte gevoelswaarden opnieuw wilt instellen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Confirm reset",,"Opnieuw instellen bevestigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learning from all manual user edits",,"Geleerde van alle handmatige gebruikersbewerkingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Reset",,"Opnieuw instellen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If sentiment analysis has become inaccurate due to manually edited sentiment values, you can reset the entire learning process. Resetting discards all manually edited sentiment values and the learning process restarts from the beginning. You cant undo this action.",,"Als gevoelsanalyse onnauwkeurig is geworden vanwege handmatig bewerkte gevoelswaarden, kunt u het complete leerproces opnieuw instellen. Bij opnieuw instellen worden alle handmatig bewerkte gevoelswaarden verwijderd en start het leerproces opnieuw vanaf het begin. U kunt deze actie niet ongedaan maken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Adaptive learning allows the system to learn from your users' edit of sentiment values on posts. Periodically, the system will use the edited sentiment values to re-train and update your organization's sentiment analysis.",,"Met adaptief leren kunnen gevoelswaarden voor berichten die door gebruikers zijn bewerkt worden onthouden. De bewerkte gevoelswaarden worden periodiek gebruikt om de gevoelsanalyse van uw organisatie opnieuw te trainen en bij te werken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learning from manually edited sentiment values since",,"Geleerde van handmatig bewerkte gevoelswaarden sinds",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Auto Tag",,"Automatische tag toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select one of your existing custom tags  to automatically assign this tag to new posts.",,"Selecteer een van uw bestaande aangepaste tags om deze automatisch toe te wijzen aan nieuwe berichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""The tag ""%{tagName}"" will be converted to an auto tag."",,"De tag %{tagName} wordt naar een automatische tag geconverteerd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open in Analytics",,"Openen in Analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Selected tag",,"Geselecteerde tag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All slots for auto tags are in use. To add a new tag, first remove another tag.",,"Alle posities voor automatische tags worden gebruikt. Als u een nieuwe tag wilt toevoegen, verwijdert u eerst een tag.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom Tags %{count}/%{maxCount}",,"Aangepaste tags %{count}%{maxCount}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add custom tags to the list of auto tags to enable adaptive learning on them. This allows the system to learn from your users' edits on tags and tag actions on future posts. Periodically, the system will use the edited tag values to re-train the model and score incoming posts with the tags that have auto tagging activated.",,"Voeg aangepaste tags aan de lijst met automatische tags toe om er adaptief leren voor in te schakelen. Het systeem kan dan leren van de bewerkingen die uw gebruikers aanbrengen in tags en tagacties voor toekomstige berichten. Het systeem zal de bewerkte tagwaarden af en toe gebruiken om het model opnieuw te trainen en binnenkomende berichten een score te geven met behulp van de tags waarvoor automatische tagging is geactiveerd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Existing posts with this tag will still have this tag, but automatic tagging will stop for newly acquired posts.",,"Bestaande berichten met deze tag houden deze tag, maar automatische tagging stopt voor nieuw verzamelde berichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are you sure you want to remove this tag from the list of auto tags?",,"Weet u zeker dat u deze tag wilt verwijderen uit de lijst met automatische tags?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Auto tagging",,"Automatisch labels toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The F-score of the selected tag meets the minimum quality requirements and a decent model quality is expected. To improve it even more, tag more posts with the selected tag or confirm / remove automatically added tags.",,"De F-score van de geselecteerde tag voldoet aan de minimale kwaliteitsvereisten en er wordt een redelijke modelkwaliteit verwacht. Als u dit nog verder wilt verbeteren, markeert u meer berichten met de geselecteerde tag of bevestigt/verwijdert u automatisch toegevoegde tags.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Average quality",,"Gemiddelde kwaliteit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Data of last month",,"Gegevens van vorige maand",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date created",,"Gemaakt op",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quality history",,"Kwaliteitsgeschiedenis",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The F-score of the selected tag exceeds the minimum model quality requirements and a good model quality is expected. To improve it even more, tag more posts with the selected tag or confirm / remove automatically added tags.",,"De F-score van de geselecteerde tag overschrijdt de minimale kwaliteitsvereisten voor het model en er wordt een goede modelkwaliteit verwacht. Als u dit nog verder wilt verbeteren, markeert u meer berichten met de geselecteerde tag of bevestigt/verwijdert u automatisch toegevoegde tags.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Good",,"Goed",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Good quality",,"Goede kwaliteit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The F-score of the selected tag does not meet the minimum quality requirements. Try tagging more posts with the selected tag or confirm / remove automatically added tags.",,"De F-score van de geselecteerde tag voldoet niet aan de minimale kwaliteitsvereisten. Probeer meer berichten met de geselecteerde tag te markeren of bevestig/verwijder automatisch toegevoegde tags.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Low quality",,"Lage kwaliteit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts tagged",,"Gemarkeerde berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quality is not available yet. It may take up to six hours to calculate.",,"Kwaliteit is nog niet beschikbaar. De berekening kan maximaal zes uur duren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{tagName} posts",,"%{tagName} berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tag Details",,"Tagdetails",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"It may take up to six hours for the model to be initiated and for the first posts to be automatically tagged.",,"Het kan maximaal zes uur duren voordat het model wordt gestart en de eerste berichten automatisch worden gemarkeerd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quality",,"Kwaliteit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To achieve good results you need to have at least %{postsCount} posts tagged.",,"Als u goede resultaten wilt bereiken, moet u ten minste %{postsCount} berichten hebben gemarkeerd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Learn more about the score and quality",,"Voor meer informatie over de score en de kwaliteit, klikt u",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"here.",,"hier.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=746709",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=746709",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The score of the selected tag meets the minimum quality requirements and a decent model quality is expected. To help improve the quality, tag more posts with the selected tag. You can also try confirming or removing automatically added tags.",,"De score van de geselecteerde tag voldoet aan de minimale kwaliteitsvereisten en er wordt een redelijke modelkwaliteit verwacht. Als u de kwaliteit wilt helpen verbeteren, markeert u meer berichten met de geselecteerde tag. U kunt ook proberen automatisch toegevoegde tags te bevestigen of te verwijderen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The score of the selected tag exceeds the minimum model quality requirements and a good model quality is expected. To help improve the quality, tag more posts with the selected tag. You can also try confirming or removing automatically added tags.",,"De score van de geselecteerde tag overschrijdt de minimale kwaliteitsvereisten voor het model en er wordt een goede modelkwaliteit verwacht. Als u de kwaliteit wilt helpen verbeteren, markeert u meer berichten met de geselecteerde tag. U kunt ook proberen automatisch toegevoegde tags te bevestigen of te verwijderen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The score of the selected tag doesn't meet the minimum quality requirements. Try tagging more posts with the selected tag. You can also try confirming or removing automatically added tags.",,"De score van de geselecteerde tag voldoet niet aan de minimale kwaliteitsvereisten. Probeer meer berichten met de geselecteerde tag te markeren. U kunt ook proberen automatisch toegevoegde tags te bevestigen of te verwijderen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"F-score: %{qualityScore}",,"F-score: %{qualityScore}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Tagged posts history",,"Historie van gemarkeerde berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Intention Tags",,"Intentietags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Auto Tags",,"Automatische tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Remove tag from list of custom tags",,"Tag verwijderen uit lijst met aangepaste tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Click the Add button to start using them.",,"Klik op de knop Toevoegen om ze te gaan gebruiken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't added any custom tags yet.",,"U hebt nog geen aangepaste tags toegevoegd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Auto tagging",,"Automatische tagging",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Last learning date",,"Laatste leerdatum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Posts for training",,"Berichten voor training",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Auto tagging off",,"Automatische tagging uit",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Auto tagging on",,"Automatische tagging aan",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Selling Assistant is disabled",,"Social Selling Assistant is uitgeschakeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social Selling Assistant is enabled",,"Social Selling Assistant is ingeschakeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook and Instagram",,"Facebook en Instagram",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} Facebook acquisition token was found. |||| %{smart_count} Facebook acquisition tokens were found.",,"Er is %{smart_count} verzamelingstoken voor Facebook gevonden. |||| Er zijn %{smart_count} verzamelingstokens voor Facebook gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No Facebook acquisition tokens were found.",,"Er zijn geen verzamelingstokens voor Facebook gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} Instagram acquisition token was found. |||| %{smart_count} Instagram acquisition tokens were found.",,"Er is %{smart_count} verzamelingstoken voor Instagram gevonden. |||| Er zijn %{smart_count} verzamelingstokens voor Instagram gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No Instagram acquisition tokens were found.",,"Er zijn geen verzamelingstokens voor Instagram gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} profile without owners was found. |||| %{smart_count} profiles without owners were found.",,"Er is %{smart_count} profiel zonder eigenaars gevonden. |||| Er zijn %{smart_count} profielen zonder eigenaars gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No profiles without owners were found.",,"Er zijn geen profielen zonder eigenaars gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} owned profile was found. |||| %{smart_count} owned profiles were found.",,"Er is %{smart_count} profiel in eigendom gevonden. |||| Er zijn %{smart_count} profielen in eigendom gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No owned profiles were found.",,"Er zijn geen profielen in eigendom gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} private message acquisition token was found. |||| %{smart_count} private message acquisition tokens were found.",,"Er is %{smart_count} verzamelingstoken voor privéberichten gevonden. |||| Er zijn %{smart_count} verzamelingstokens voor privéberichten gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No private message acquisition tokens were found.",,"Er zijn geen verzamelingstokens voor privéberichten gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} shared profile was found. |||| %{smart_count} shared profiles were found.",,"Er is %{smart_count} gedeeld profiel gevonden. |||| Er zijn %{smart_count} gedeelde profielen gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No shared profiles were found.",,"Er zijn geen gedeelde profielen gevonden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Global Settings",,"Algemene instellingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Label",,"Label toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Define labels",,"Definieer labels",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We can't delete this label because it's used for automation rules. Remove the label from the automation rule and try again. Label: %{label_name} |||| We can't delete these labels because they are used for automation rules. Remove the labels from the automation rules and try again. Labels: %{label_name}",,"Dit label kan niet worden verwijderd omdat deze wordt gebruikt voor automatiseringsregels. Verwijder het label uit de automatiseringsregel en probeer het opnieuw. Label: %{label_name} |||| Deze labels kunnen niet worden verwijderd omdat ze worden gebruikt voor automatiseringsregels. Verwijder de labels uit de automatiseringsregel en probeer het opnieuw. Labels: %{label_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Label not deleted |||| Labels not deleted",,"Label niet verwijderd |||| Labels niet verwijderd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Define labels to tag posts in Analytics and Social Center.",,"Definieer labels om berichten in Analyse en Sociaal centrum te taggen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please enter unique descriptions",,"Voer unieke beschrijvingen in",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please enter a valid description",,"Voer een geldige beschrijving in",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Please enter at least one label",,"Voer ten minste één label in",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"1 form field is invalid.",,"1 formulierveld is ongeldig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{errorCount} form fields are invalid.",,"%{errorCount} formuliervelden zijn ongeldig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Color",,"Kleur",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"A new label was added.",,"Er is een nieuw label toegevoegd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The label was deleted.",,"Het label is verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Row was moved down. Focus kept its position.",,"Rij is omlaag verplaatst. De focuspositie is behouden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Row was moved up. Focus kept its position.",,"Rij is omhoog verplaatst. De focuspositie is behouden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Removing the label ""%{label}"" will remove it from all posts it was added to."",,""Als het label ""%{label}"" wordt verwijderd, wordt het verwijderd uit alle berichten waaraan het is toegevoegd."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"If you remove this label and save your changes %{posts} posts in your database will be updated.",,"Als u dit label verwijdert en uw wijzigingen opslaat, worden %{posts} berichten in de database bijgewerkt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"ADD TAG",,"TAG TOEVOEGEN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage the tags your organization has created.",,"De tags beheren die uw organisatie heeft gemaakt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Auto tag",,"Automatische tag",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Are you sure you want to permanently delete the tag ""%{tag_name}""?"",,""Weet u zeker dat u de tag ""%{tag_name}"" permanent wilt verwijderen?"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"It will be removed from all posts and you can't undo this action.",,"Deze wordt verwijderd uit alle berichten en u kunt deze actie niet ongedaan maken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete this tag",,"Deze tag verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Rename this tag",,"Deze tag hernoemen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Find a tag",,"Een tag zoeken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Set Social Selling Assistant to On for a custom tag if you want to promote posts with that tag to your sales people. <a href=""%{socialSellingDocumentationLink}"">Learn more.</a>"",,""Schakel Social Selling Assistant in voor een aangepaste tag als u berichten met die tag wilt promoveren naar uw verkopers. <a href=""%{socialSellingDocumentationLink}"">Meer informatie.</a>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom Tags",,"Aangepaste tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} custom tag was found |||| %{smart_count} custom tags were found",,"Er is %{smart_count} aangepaste code gevonden |||| Er zijn %{smart_count} aangepaste codes gevonden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Access allowed",,"Toegang verleend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Approve",,"Goedkeuren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Approve the pending requests before editing the configuration and interaction roles for the people you've selected.",,"Keur de in behandeling zijnde aanvragen goed voordat u de configuratie en interactierollen bewerkt voor de personen die u hebt geselecteerd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Are the people selected approved to use Market Insights?",,"Zijn de geselecteerde personen goedgekeurd voor gebruik van Market Insights?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Approve the pending request before editing the configuration and interaction roles for the person you've selected.",,"Keur de in behandeling zijnde aanvraag goed voordat u de configuratie en interactierollen bewerkt voor de persoon die u hebt geselecteerd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Is the person selected approved to use Market Insights?",,"Is de geselecteerde persoon goedgekeurd voor gebruik van Market Insights?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Automatically approve all pending requests",,"Automatisch alle aanvragen die in behandeling zijn goedkeuren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Available users",,"Beschikbare gebruikers",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Deny",,"Weigeren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delegated Administrator roles cant be edited",,"Gedelegeerde-beheerdersrollen kunnen niet worden bewerkt",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set the roles for the selected people. These roles can be changed at any time.",,"Stel de rollen in voor de geselecteerde mensen. Deze rollen kunnen op elk gewenst moment worden gewijzigd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit User Role",,"Gebruikersrol bewerken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User email",,"E-mail van gebruiker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User name",,"Gebruikersnaam",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Configuration Role",,"Configuratierol",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Email User",,"E-mailgebruiker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Interaction Role",,"Interactierol",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{userName} (Delegated)",,"%{userName} (gedelegeerd)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set permissions for individual users, or turn on automatic approvals to grant all pending and future requests with a configuration role of Power Analyst and interaction role of Responder. To delete users, visit the Office 365 admin center. <a href='%{userManagementInfoLink}'>Learn more about user management</a>",,"Stel machtigingen in voor afzonderlijke gebruikers of schakel automatische goedkeuringen in om alle in behandeling zijnde en toekomstige aanvragen met een configuratierol van Hoofdanalist en een interactierol van Antwoorder toe te staan. Als u gebruikers wilt verwijderen, gaat u naar de Office 365-beheercentrum. <a href='%{userManagementInfoLink}'>Meer informatie over gebruikersbeheer</a>",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All user roles",,"Alle gebruikersrollen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Newly invited",,"Nieuw uitgenodigd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Newly invited (%{userRole})",,"Nieuw uitgenodigd (%{userRole})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search for users",,"Gebruikers zoeken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit Selected",,"Geselecteerde items bewerken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"User Management",,"Gebruikersbeheer",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Active (All)",,"Actief (alle)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Active (New)",,"Actief (nieuwe)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All user status",,"Status voor alle gebruikers",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Pending",,"In behandeling",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Withdrawn",,"Ingetrokken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Personal Settings",,"Persoonlijke instellingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Changes to your Office 365 account take time to sync.",,"Synchronisatie van wijzigingen in uw Office 365-account neemt tijd in beslag.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"EDIT",,"BEWERKEN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Change photo in Office 365.",,"Wijzig foto in Office 365.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"We're sorry. An unknown error occurred.",,"Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Discard",,"Verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Stream Settings",,"Stream-instellingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Facebook page",,"Een Facebook-pagina toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Facebook page to use within Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Comment on a post on Facebook; Like a post on Facebook; Share a post on Facebook; Allow data acquisition for private messages.",,"Hier kunt u een Facebook-pagina toevoegen voor gebruik binnen Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. U kunt dit profiel gebruiken om: te reageren op een bericht op Facebook; een bericht leuk te vinden op Facebook; een bericht te delen op Facebook; het verkrijgen van gegevens voor privéberichten toe te staan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Facebook user profile",,"Een Facebook-gebruikersprofiel toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a personal Facebook user profile to use within Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Comment on a post on Facebook; Like a post on Facebook; Share a post on Facebook.",,"Hier kunt u een persoonlijk Facebook-gebruikersprofiel toevoegen voor gebruik binnen Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. U kunt dit profiel gebruiken om: te reageren op een bericht op Facebook; een bericht leuk te vinden op Facebook; een bericht te delen op Facebook.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Twitter profile",,"Een Twitter-profiel toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a Twitter profile to use within Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. You can use this profile to: Reply to a post on Twitter; Like a post on Twitter; Retweet a post on Twitter; Allow data acquisition for direct messages.",,"Hier kunt u een Twitter-profiel toevoegen voor gebruik binnen Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights. U kunt dit profiel gebruiken om: te reageren op een bericht op Twitter, een bericht op Twitter leuk te vinden, een bericht op Twitter te retweeten, het verkrijgen van gegevens voor directe berichten toe te staan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add Users",,"Gebruikers toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Facebook User",,"Facebook-gebruiker",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Twitter Account",,"Twitter-account",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Streamed data",,"Gestreamde gegevens",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Shared with %{smart_count} user |||| Shared with %{smart_count} users",,"Gedeeld met %{smart_count} gebruiker |||| Gedeeld met %{smart_count} gebruikers",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Shared with all users",,"Gedeeld met alle gebruikers",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sorting",,"Sortering",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date Modified",,"Gewijzigd op",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date Published",,"Gepubliceerd op",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"How do you want to handle posts in this stream that stop matching the data set?",,"Hoe wilt u berichten in deze stream afhandelen die niet overeenkomen met de gegevensset?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Notify me before hiding",,"Aan mij melden alvorens ze te verbergen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Just hide them for me",,"Verbergen voor mij",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hide unmatched posts",,"Niet-overeenkomende berichten verbergen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a new stream",,"Een nieuwe stream toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add stream",,"Stream toevoegen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Current stream position: %{position} of %{total}",,"Huidige streampositie: %{position} van %{total}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Everyone",,"Iedereen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Back to",,"Terug naar",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Do you really want to delete stream %{streamName}?",,"Wilt u de stream %{streamName} echt verwijderen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete stream",,"Stream verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete this stream",,"Deze stream verwijderen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All currently loaded posts will be hidden and the stream will display the latest 30 posts.",,"Alle momenteel geladen berichten worden verborgen en in de stream worden de 30 meest recente berichten weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Position change failed. Please try again.",,"Positie wijzigen is mislukt. Probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Resize to larger width.",,"Maak breder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"View in analytics",,"Weergeven in analyse",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Less options",,"Minder opties",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your access to %{streamName} stream was removed by the owner: %{ownerName}",,"Uw toegang tot de stream %{streamName} is ingetrokken door de eigenaar: %{ownerName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You already own the maximum number of streams. Please delete one of your existing streams or contact your administrator to request an upgrade to your license",,"U bent al eigenaar van het maximum aantal toegestane streams. Verwijder één van uw bestaande streams of neem contact op met de beheerder om een upgrade van uw licentie aan te vragen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"More options",,"Meer opties",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Move stream %{streamName} one position to the left.",,"Verplaats stream %{streamName} één positie naar links.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Move stream %{streamName} one position to the right.",,"Verplaats stream %{streamName} één positie naar rechts.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add the new posts in the stream post view.",,"Voeg de nieuwe berichten toe in de berichtweergave van de stream.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Refresh stream.",,"Vernieuw stream.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"New stream",,"Nieuwe stream",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't created any streams yet. To create a stream, click the Add stream button.",,"U hebt nog geen streams gemaakt. Klik op de knop Stream toevoegen om een stream te maken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any streams configured for you. You can't create streams in your current user role, but other users can share their streams with you.",,"Er zijn geen streams voor u geconfigureerd. U kunt geen streams maken in uw huidige gebruikersrol, maar andere gebruikers kunnen hun streams wel met u delen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
" new post available. |||| new posts available.",," nieuw bericht beschikbaar. |||| nieuwe berichten beschikbaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Resize",,"Formaat wijzigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You have unsaved changes. Are you sure you want to discard them?",,"U hebt niet-opgeslagen wijzigingen. Weet u zeker dat u deze wilt weggooien?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Resize to smaller width.",,"Maak smaller.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Go To Stream",,"Ga naar stream",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"POST LIST",,"BERICHTENLIJST",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Scroll left",,"Naar links schuiven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Scroll right",,"Naar rechts schuiven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"owned by you",,"uw eigendom",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Stream collapsed",,"Stream samengevouwen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Stream expanded",,"Stream uitgevouwen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
" %{streamName} stream was changed by the owner.",," %{streamName}-stream is gewijzigd door de eigenaar.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unsaved changes:",,"Niet-opgeslagen wijzigingen:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage the authors you want to get insightful recommendations from.",,"Beheer de auteurs van wie u duidelijke aanbevelingen wilt ontvangen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage the topics and accounts you want us to provide recommendations for.",,"Beheer de onderwerpen en accounts waarvoor u ons aanbevelingen wilt laten geven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit search topics",,"Zoekonderwerpen bewerken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The current number of selected topics is: %{topics_number}",,"Het huidige aantal geselecteerde onderwerpen is: %{topics_number}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{user_name} - %{group_name} Insights",,"Inzichten van %{user_name} - %{group_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get recommendations for posts about your customers, competitors, and other topics of interest, so you can stay on top of the latest developments.",,"Ontvang aanbevelingen voor berichten over uw klanten, concurrenten en andere interessante onderwerpen, zodat u op de hoogte blijft van de allernieuwste ontwikkelingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Enable",,"Inschakelen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Add a new Insights group.",,"Voeg een nieuwe inzichtengroep toe.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Delete this Insights group.",,"Verwijder deze inzichtengroep.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Edit this Insights group.",,"Bewerk deze inzichtengroep.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Insights group name",,"Naam inzichtengroep",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage and group the topics you want insights for.",,"Beheer en groepeer de onderwerpen waarover u inzichten wilt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Insight groups",,"Inzichtengroepen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Show on separate page",,"Weergeven op aparte pagina",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage the groups of topics about which you want insightful recommendations.",,"Beheer de groepen met onderwerpen waarover wie u duidelijke aanbevelingen wilt ontvangen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get Insights",,"Inzichten downloaden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Set Owned to On if you or your organization owns the social account.",,"Stel In eigendom in op Aan als u of uw organisatie het sociale account in eigendom heeft.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Indicates that you or your organization owns the social account.",,"Geeft aan dat u of uw organisatie het sociale account in eigendom heeft.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get smart recommendations and intelligence from social media tailored for you!",,"Krijg speciaal op u afgestemde slimme aanbevelingen en informatie van sociale media.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search topics (%{smart_count})",,"Zoekonderwerpen (%{smart_count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't selected any topics or accounts. Tap the EDIT button to select a topic or account.",,"U hebt geen onderwerpen of accounts geselecteerd. Tik op de knop BEWERKEN om een onderwerp of account te selecteren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See More",,"Meer bekijken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You haven't selected any topics. Tap the EDIT button to select a topic.",,"U hebt geen onderwerpen geselecteerd. Tik op de knop BEWERKEN om een onderwerp te selecteren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search for search topics",,"Zoeken naar zoekonderwerpen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select all search topics.",,"Selecteer alle zoekonderwerpen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{smart_count} selected |||| %{smart_count} selected",,"%{smart_count} geselecteerd |||| %{smart_count} geselecteerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"UNSELECT ALL",,"ALLE SELECTIES OPHEFFEN",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Clear all search topics.",,"Wis alle zoekonderwerpen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{user_name} - Share Content",,"%{user_name} - Inhoud delen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get recommendations for posts you might want to share on your social networks to grow your presence and gain trust from your followers!",,"Verkrijg aanbevelingen voor berichten die u op uw sociale netwerken wilt delen om uw aanwezigheid te vergroten en vertrouwen van uw volgers te winnen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage topics you want to get recommendations for and share on social networks.",,"Beheer onderwerpen waarvoor u aanbevelingen wilt verkrijgen en die u op sociale netwerken wilt delen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage the topics and accounts you want to get recommendations for.",,"Beheer de onderwerpen en accounts waarvoor u aanbevelingen wilt verkrijgen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social accounts (%{count})",,"Sociale accounts (%{count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Manage the social profiles you want to use for sharing and recommendations.",,"Beheer de sociale profielen die u wilt gebruiken voor delen en aanbevelingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To manage your social profiles, tap Open in Browser on the command bar to open this dashboard in your browser. You can also manage social profiles directly in your Market Insights solution.",,"Als u uw sociale profielen wil beheren, tikt u op Openen in browser op de opdrachtbalk om dit dashboard in uw browser te openen. U kunt sociale profielen ook rechtstreeks in uw oplossing van Market Insights beheren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"My profiles (%{count})",,"Mijn profielen (%{count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You don't have any social profiles added yet.",,"U hebt nog geen sociale profielen toegevoegd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start by tapping the %{buttonName} button",,"Begin door te tikken op de knop %{buttonName}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Shared profiles (%{count})",,"Gedeelde profielen (%{count})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your social profiles let us access your social networks so we can give you meaningful recommendations that help you engage on your social networks. We don't store your social profile credentials and will never share your profile info.",,"Met uw sociale profielen kunt u toegang krijgen tot uw sociale netwerken zodat we u zinvolle aanbevelingen kunnen geven die u helpen deel te nemen aan uw sociale netwerken. De referenties van uw sociale profiel worden niet opgeslagen en uw profielinformatie wordt nooit gedeeld.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Search topics",,"Zoekonderwerpen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social accounts",,"Sociale accounts",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All done for now! Want more recommendations? Tap Refresh or check back later.",,"Voor het moment bent u klaar. Als u meer aanbevelingen wilt, tikt u op Vernieuwen of kijkt u later nog eens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No recommendations are available. To see recommendations, enable at least one recommendation type (Share Content or Get Insights) in your personal settings.",,"Er zijn nog geen aanbevelingen beschikbaar. Als u aanbevelingen wilt bekijken, schakelt u ten minste één aanbevelingstype in (Inhoud delen of Inzichten downloaden) in uw persoonlijke instellingen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"curated",,"beheerd",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"earned",,"binnengehaald",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Showing %{current_shown} of %{total_posts} recommendations for you.",,"%{current_shown} van %{total_posts} aanbevelingen worden voor u weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sort",,"Sorteren",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sort by date",,"Sorteren op datum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sort by recommendation reason",,"Sorteren op aanbevelingsreden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sort by Recommendation Reason",,"Sorteren op Aanbevelingsreden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Take a look at today's updates",,"De updates van vandaag bekijken",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Later",,"Later",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No problem! Tap this button anytime you want to personalize this view.",,"U kunt op elk gewenst moment op deze knop tikken om deze weergave te personaliseren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hello %{user_name}",,"Hallo %{user_name}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hello %{user_name},",,"Hallo %{user_name},",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get insights, recommendations, and engage on social media. It will only take a few minutes to personalize this view. Would you like to do it now?",,"Verkrijg inzichten en aanbevelingen en neem deel aan sociale media. Binnen enkele minuten hebt u deze weergave gepersonaliseerd. Wilt u dat nu doen?",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Welcome to Social Selling Assistant!",,"Welkom bij Social Selling Assistant!",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Recommendations",,"Aanbevelingen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Last Updated: September 2018",,"Laatst bijgewerkt: september 2018",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""This <b>Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights (""Agreement"")</b> is a contract between Microsoft Corporation (or based on where you live, one of Microsofts affiliates) (<b><i>""Microsoft""</i></b>) and you (if you are participating as an individual) or the entity you represent (if you are entering into this Agreement on behalf of your employer or other entity). <b><i>""Participant""</i></b> or <b><i>""you""</i></b> means the individual or entity entering into this Agreement with Microsoft."",,""Deze overeenkomst voor <b>Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights (""Overeenkomst"")</b> is een contract tussen Microsoft Corporation (of, afhankelijk van uw locatie, een van haar gelieerde ondernemingen) (<b><i>""Microsoft""</i></b>) en u (als u als individu deelneemt) of de entiteit die u vertegenwoordigt (indien u deze Overeenkomst aangaat in naam van uw werkgever of een andere entiteit). <b><i>""Deelnemer""</i></b> of <b><i>""u""</i></b> betekent het individu dat of de entiteit die deze Overeenkomst met Microsoft aangaat."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<strong>By accessing or using the Preview (defined below), you accept this Agreement, effective as of the date of first access or use (<i>""Effective Date""</i>). You also represent and warrant that if you are entering into this Agreement: (a) as an individual, you have capacity to accept this Agreement; or (b) through the acts of an agent or employee, that person has authority to act on behalf of and to bind you to this Agreement. If you do not accept these terms, you must not (and have no right to) access or use the Preview.</strong>"",,""<strong>Door de Preview (hieronder gedefinieerd) te openen of te gebruiken, accepteert u deze Overeenkomst, met ingang van de datum waarop u de Preview voor het eerst opent of gebruikt (<i>""Ingangsdatum""</i>). Daarnaast verklaart en garandeert u, indien u deze Overeenkomst aangaat: (a) als individu, dat u bevoegd bent om deze Overeenkomst te accepteren; of (b) als u dit door middel van een agent of medewerker doet, dat deze persoon bevoegd is om namens u te handelen en u te binden aan deze Overeenkomst. Als u deze voorwaarden niet accepteert, dient u de Preview niet te openen of te gebruiken (en hebt u niet het recht om dit te doen).</strong>"",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The parties agree as follows:",,"De partijen komen het volgende overeen:",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""Participant will defend Microsoft against any claims made by an unaffiliated third party that <b>(i)</b> any Customer Data, non-Microsoft Products, Marks, or services you provide, directly or indirectly, in using the Preview or the Program Materials infringes the third party's patent, copyright, or trademark or makes unlawful use of its trade secret; <b>(ii)</b> arise from violation of Section 2(d) (Acceptable use) of this Agreement or any other policy that governs Participants use of the Preview or Program Materials; or <b>(iii)</b> arise from use of the Preview in a ""live"" or production environment or to process ""live"" or production Customer Data or any Personal Data."",,"De Deelnemer verdedigt Microsoft tegen alle vorderingen van een niet-gelieerde derde <b>(i)</b> dat met enige Klantgegevens, niet-Microsoft-producten, Merktekens of door u geleverde services, direct of indirect, bij gebruik van de Preview of de Programmamaterialen inbreuk wordt gemaakt op haar octrooirecht, auteursrecht of handelsmerk of haar handelsgeheim onrechtmatig wordt gebruikt; <b>(ii)</b> die voortvloeien uit een schending van Artikel 2(d) (Gebruiksregels) van deze Overeenkomst of een ander beleid dat van toepassing is op het gebruik van de Preview of Programmamaterialen door de Deelnemer; of <b>(iii)</b> die voortvloeien uit het gebruik van de Preview in een actieve of productieomgeving of de verwerking van actieve Klantgegevens of Klantgegevens in productie of enige Persoonsgegevens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 10. Indemnification.",,"Artikel 10. Vrijwaring.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(a) Non-Exclusivity.</b> This Agreement is nonexclusive. It does not restrict either party from entering into the same or similar arrangement with any third party.",,"<b>(a) Niet-exclusiviteit.</b> Deze overeenkomst is niet-exclusief. Geen van beide partijen worden beperkingen opgelegd met betrekking tot het aangaan van eenzelfde of soortgelijke regeling met derden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(b) Notices.</b> Participant consents to receive notices, and any information the law requires Microsoft to provide, by email to the address Participant provided to Microsoft to use or access the Preview (<b><i>""Participants Email""</i></b>). Notices emailed to Participant will be deemed given and received when sent to Participants Email. All notices to Microsoft related to this Agreement: <b>(i)</b> must be in writing (excluding email), sent to Microsoft Corporation; Attn: Dynamics, Market Intelligence; One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052; <b>(ii)</b> will be deemed given when actually received by the Microsoft recipient below; and <b>(iii)</b> will be copied via facsimile to: Microsoft Corporation; Attn: Corporate, External, and Legal Affairs for Dynamics, Market Intelligence at (425) 936-7329."",,""<b>(b) Kennisgevingen.</b> De Deelnemer stemt ermee in om per e-mail kennisgevingen en wettelijk verplichte informatie van Microsoft te ontvangen op het door de Deelnemer bij Microsoft opgegeven adres voor gebruik van of toegang tot de Preview (<b><i>""E-mailadres van de Deelnemer""</i></b>). Kennisgevingen die via e-mail aan de Deelnemer worden verzonden, worden geacht te zijn verzonden en ontvangen op het E-mailadres van de Deelnemer. Alle kennisgevingen aan Microsoft in verband met deze Overeenkomst: <b>(i)</b> moeten (met uitzondering van e-mail) schriftelijk worden geadresseerd aan Microsoft Corporation; Attn: Dynamics, Market Intelligence; One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052; <b>(ii)</b> worden geacht te zijn gedaan op het moment dat deze worden ontvangen door de onderstaande Microsoft-ontvanger; en <b>(iii)</b> worden per fax gekopieerd naar: Microsoft Corporation; Attn: Corporate, External, and Legal Affairs for Dynamics, Market Intelligence op (425) 936-7329."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(c) Jurisdiction; law.</b> The laws of Washington State, excluding conflicts of law provisions, govern this Agreement. If federal jurisdiction exists, then each party consents to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the federal courts in King County, Washington. If no federal jurisdiction exists, then each party consents to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the Superior Court of King County, Washington. If a party employs attorneys to enforce any rights relating to this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys fees, costs, and other expenses.",,"<b>(c) Rechtsgebied; wet.</b> Met uitzondering van bepalingen voor wetsconflicten is het recht van de staat Washington van toepassing op deze Overeenkomst. Indien een federaal rechtsgebied bestaat, stemmen beide partijen in met de exclusieve rechtsbevoegdheid en zitting van het federale gerechtshof in King County, Washington. Indien dat niet het geval is, stemmen alle partijen in met de exclusieve rechtsbevoegdheid en zitting van het Superior Court van King County, Washington. Als een partij advocaten in dienst neemt om rechten af te dwingen die betrekking hebben op deze Overeenkomst, is de prevalerende partij gerechtigd om de acceptabele advocatenhonoraria, kosten en overige onkosten te verhalen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(d) Force majeure.</b> A party will not be liable for failure to perform under this Agreement to the extent that failure is due to a cause beyond that partys reasonable control, including natural disaster, war, civil disturbance, or government action.",,"<b>(d) Overmacht.</b> Een partij is niet aansprakelijk voor niet-nakoming van deze Overeenkomst voor zover deze partij redelijkerwijs geen invloed kan uitoefenen op de oorzaak hiervan, zoals in het geval van natuurrampen, oorlogen, burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid of overheidsmaatregelen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(e) Limitation on claims.</b> Any claim related to this Agreement or the Preview is barred unless brought within one year from the date it could first be filed. This limitation applies to each partys successors and any permitted assigns.",,"<b>(e) Beperking van vorderingen.</b> Vorderingen met betrekking tot deze Overeenkomst of de Preview zijn ongeldig, tenzij ze worden ingediend binnen een jaar na de eerste datum waarop deze hadden kunnen worden ingediend. Deze beperking geldt ook voor de opvolgers en toegestane toegewezenen van beide partijen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(f) Miscellaneous.</b> Participant may not assign this Agreement without Microsofts prior, written consent. Each party is an independent contractor, and this Agreement does not create any other relationship. If any court of competent jurisdiction determines that any part of this Agreement is illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the rest of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect. Only written waivers are effective. This Agreement (including any NDA, which are incorporated in this Agreement by this reference) is the parties entire agreement regarding (and replaces all prior agreements, communications, and representations between the parties on) this subject. This Agreement supersedes any other Microsoft terms or agreements that may be linked from the Preview.",,"<b>(f) Diversen.</b> De Deelnemer mag deze Overeenkomst niet overdragen zonder de voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van Microsoft. Beide partijen zijn onafhankelijke aannemers en met deze Overeenkomst wordt geen andere relatie tot stand gebracht. Indien een bevoegde rechtbank bepaalt dat enig onderdeel van deze Overeenkomst onwettig, ongeldig of niet-afdwingbaar is, blijft het restant van deze Overeenkomst onverminderd van kracht. Alleen schriftelijke verklaringen van afstand zijn geldig. Deze Overeenkomst (inclusief eventuele geheimhoudingsovereenkomsten, die door middel van verwijzing in deze Overeenkomst zijn opgenomen) vormt de gehele overeenkomst tussen de partijen (en vervangt alle eerdere overeenkomsten, communicatie en verklaringen tussen de partijen) ten aanzien van dit onderwerp. Deze Overeenkomst vervangt alle andere Microsoft-bepalingen of -overeenkomsten waarnaar mogelijk wordt verwezen in de Preview.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(g) Interpretation.</b> This Agreement will be interpreted according to its plain meaning without presuming it should favor either party. Unless stated or context requires otherwise: <b>(i)</b> all internal references are to this Agreement and its parties; <b>(ii)</b> <b><i>""days""</i></b> means calendar days; <b>(iii)</b> <b><i>""may""</i></b> means that the applicable party has a right, but not a concomitant duty; <b>(iv)</b> <b><i>""notify""</i></b> means to give notice under (and <b><i>""notice""</i></b> means a notice that complies with) Section 11(b); <b>(v)</b> <b><i>""current""</i></b> or <b><i>""currently""</i></b> means ""as of the Effective Date"" but <b><i>""then-current""</i></b> means the present time when the applicable right is exercised or performance rendered or measured; <b>(vi)</b> URLs are understood to also refer to successors, localizations, and information or resources linked from within websites at such URLs; <b>(vii)</b> lists of examples following ""including"", ""e.g."", ""such as"", ""excludes"", ""for example"", or similar words are deemed to include ""without limitation""; (viii) the word ""or"" is deemed to be an inclusive ""or""; and (ix) a partys choices under this Agreement are in its sole discretion."",,""<b>(g) Interpretatie.</b> Deze Overeenkomst wordt geïnterpreteerd op basis van de ondubbelzinnige betekenis zonder ervan uit te gaan dat een van beide partijen moet worden bevoordeeld. Tenzij anders wordt aangegeven of de context anders bepaalt: <b>(i)</b> hebben alle interne verwijzingen betrekking op deze Overeenkomst en de betrokken partijen; <b>(ii)</b> betekent <b><i>""dagen""</i></b> kalenderdagen; <b>(iii)</b> betekent <b><i>""mogelijk""</i></b> dat de betreffende partij een recht heeft, geen bijkomende plicht; <b>(iv)</b> betekent <b><i>""informeren""</i></b> in kennis stellen onder (en betekent <b><i>""kennisgeving""</i></b> een kennisgeving die voldoet aan) Artikel 11(b); <b>(v)</b> betekent <b><i>""actueel""</i></b> of <b><i>""geldend""</i></b> ""met ingang van de inwerkingtreding"" en betekent <b><i>""dan geldend""</i></b> de huidige tijd op het moment dat het toepasselijke recht wordt uitgevoerd of de prestatie wordt verricht of gemeten; <b>(vi)</b> verwijzen URL's ook naar opvolgers, gelokaliseerde versies en informatie of resources waarnaar door middel van koppelingen wordt verwezen van websites op deze URL's; <b>(vii)</b> dient ervan uitgegaan te worden dat lijsten met voorbeelden volgend op woorden zoals ""inclusief"", ""bijvoorbeeld"", ""zoals"", ""met uitzondering van"", ""met inbegrip van"" of woorden van vergelijkbare strekking de woorden ""zonder beperking"" bevatten; (viii) is het woord ""of"" inclusief; en (ix) kan een partij naar eigen goeddunken kiezen uit de mogelijkheden onder deze Overeenkomst."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(h) Modification.</b> Microsoft may modify this Agreement, solely with prospective effect. By continuing to access or use the Preview after notice of such modification, Participant is deemed to have agreed to such modified Agreement. If Participant does not agree, it must immediately terminate this Agreement under Section 9(a).",,"<b>(h) Wijziging.</b> Microsoft kan deze Overeenkomst uitsluitend zonder terugwerkende kracht wijzigen. Wanneer de Deelnemer na kennisgeving van een dergelijke wijziging de Preview blijft openen of gebruiken, wordt aangenomen dat de Deelnemer heeft ingestemd met deze gewijzigde Overeenkomst. Als de Deelnemer niet met deze wijziging akkoord gaat, moet hij of zij deze Overeenkomst onmiddellijk beëindigen onder Artikel 9(a).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 11. General.",,"Artikel 11. Algemeen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""This Agreement governs Participants early use and access to a preview version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights (<b><i>""Preview""</i></b>)."",,""Deze Overeenkomst is van toepassing op het vroege gebruik van en de toegang tot een previewversie van Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights (<b><i>""Preview""</i></b>) van een Deelnemer."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(a) Program Materials.</b> Each party will comply with the Program Materials related to its use or access of the Preview. <b><i>""Program Materials""</i></b> means, collectively, all materials that describe the Preview that Microsoft makes available to Participant, including invitations, materials specifying requirements or eligibility criteria, program participation guides, and Preview documentation."",,""<b>(a) Programmamaterialen.</b> Beide partijen houden zich aan de bepalingen van de Programmamaterialen met betrekking tot het gebruiken of openen van de Preview. <b><i>""Programmamaterialen""</i></b> betekent gezamenlijk alle materialen die de Preview beschrijven die Microsoft beschikbaar stelt aan de Deelnemer, inclusief uitnodigingen, materialen met vereisten of geschiktheidscriteria, richtlijnen voor deelname aan programma's en documentatie voor de Preview."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(b) Feedback.</b> Participant will give Microsoft suggestions, comments, input, ideas, or know-how, in any form (<b><i>""Feedback""</i></b>) about the Preview. However, Participant will not provide Microsoft with Feedback containing Personal Data or other data that is subject to legal or regulatory compliance requirements. Participant gives to Microsoft, without charge, the right to use, share, and freely commercialize Feedback in any way and for any purpose. Participant also gives third parties, without charge, the right to use, or interface with, any Microsoft products or services that include the Feedback. Participant represents and warrants that it owns or otherwise controls all rights to such Feedback and that no such Feedback is subject to any third-party rights."",,""<b>(b) Feedback.</b> De Deelnemer voorziet Microsoft van suggesties, opmerkingen, input, ideeën of kennis, in welke vorm dan ook (<b><i>""Feedback""</i></b>) over de Preview. De Deelnemer verstrekt aan Microsoft echter geen Feedback die Persoonsgegevens of andere gegevens bevat die onderhevig zijn aan juridische voorwaarden of wettelijke nalevingsvereisten. De Deelnemer geeft Microsoft kosteloos het recht om Feedback te gebruiken, te delen en zonder belemmeringen voor commerciële doeleinden te gebruiken, op elke manier en voor elk doeleinde. De Deelnemer geeft ook derden, zonder kosten, het recht gebruik te maken van of contact te maken met Microsoft-producten of -services waarin de Feedback aanwezig is. De Deelnemer verklaart en garandeert dat hij/zij de eigenaar is of anderszins zeggenschap heeft over alle rechten met betrekking tot dergelijke Feedback en dat dergelijke Feedback niet is onderworpen aan rechten van een derde partij."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 1. Overview.",,"Artikel 1. Overzicht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(a) Required Offerings.</b> Certain Microsoft services or software may be necessary to use the Preview (<b><i>""Required Offerings""</i></b>). Microsoft does not grant any rights under this Agreement to access or use Required Offerings; rather, Required Offerings are separately licensed to Participant under a Microsoft Licensing Agreement, which may require paying a fee. ""Microsoft Licensing Agreement"" or ""MLA"" means the <a href=""http://microsoftvolumelicensing.com/"">Microsoft Online Services Terms</a> and Participants Microsoft volume licensing agreement, or any other applicable agreement, under which Participant subscribed or was granted a license to any Required Offerings."",,""<b>(a) Vereist aanbod.</b> Bepaalde Microsoft-services of -software kunnen nodig zijn om de Preview te gebruiken (<b><i>""Vereist aanbod""</i></b>). Microsoft verleent onder deze Overeenkomst geen toegangs- of gebruiksrechten voor Vereist aanbod. In plaats daarvan wordt Vereist aanbod afzonderlijk in licentie gegeven onder een Microsoft-licentieovereenkomst, waarvoor de Deelnemer mogelijk dient te betalen. ""Microsoft-licentieovereenkomst"" of ""MLA"" betekent de <a href=""http://microsoftvolumelicensing.com/"">voorwaarden voor Microsoft Online Services</a> en de Microsoft-volumelicentieovereenkomst van de Deelnemer of een andere toepasselijke overeenkomst waaronder de Deelnemer zich heeft aangemeld of een licentie voor Vereist aanbod heeft verkregen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(b) Rights.</b> During the Term, Microsoft grants Participant a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable right to access and use, solely in accordance with this Agreement, the Preview. This Section 2(b) extends to Participants authorized users, and Participant is fully liable for their use.",,"<b>(b) Rechten.</b> Tijdens de Looptijd verleent Microsoft de Deelnemer een niet-exclusief, niet-overdraagbaar, niet-sublicentieerbaar recht om de Preview uitsluitend te gebruiken overeenkomstig deze Overeenkomst. Dit Artikel 2(b) geldt ook voor geautoriseerde gebruikers van de Deelnemer en de Deelnemer is volledig aansprakelijk voor hun gebruik.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(c) Use terms.</b> Participant acknowledges that: <b>(i)</b> Previews may not work correctly or the same way that a commercial version may work; <b>(ii)</b> if Microsoft elects to provide support for the Preview, such support will be provided ""as is"", ""with all faults"", and without warranty, and Microsoft may cease providing support at any time, without notice; <b>(iii)</b> except as otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement, the MLA does not apply to the Preview; <b>(iv)</b> Microsoft has no obligation to hold, export, or return any Customer Data (defined in the MLA) in relation to the Preview; <b>(v)</b> Participant may use the Preview for testing and evaluation purposes only; <b>(vi)</b> Participant may not use the Preview to access or process any ""live"" or production Customer Data, or Personal Data or other data that is subject to legal or regulatory compliance requirements; and <b>(vii)</b> Microsoft may choose not to make a Preview generally commercially available. Previews are subject to reduced or different security, compliance and privacy commitments. Any data provided to Microsoft through Customers use of Previews may be transferred, stored, and processed in the United States, or in any other country where Microsoft or its subcontractors operate."",,""<b>(c) Gebruiksvoorwaarden.</b> De Deelnemer erkent dat: <b>(i)</b> de Preview mogelijk niet goed werkt of niet werkt op de manier waarop de commerciële versie werkt; <b>(ii)</b> indien Microsoft ervoor kiest om ondersteuning te bieden voor de Preview, deze ondersteuning wordt geboden ""zoals deze is"", ""met alle tekortkomingen"" en zonder enige vorm van garantie. Deze ondersteuning kan op elk moment zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving door Microsoft worden beëindigd; <b>(iii)</b> tenzij uitdrukkelijk anders is bepaald in deze Overeenkomst, de MLA niet van toepassing is op de Preview; <b>(iv)</b> Microsoft geen verplichting heeft om Klantgegevens (gedefinieerd in de MLA) met betrekking tot de Preview te behouden, te exporteren of terug te geven; <b>(v)</b> de Deelnemer de Preview alleen voor test- en evaluatiedoeleinden mag gebruiken; <b>(vi)</b> de Deelnemer de Preview niet mag gebruiken voor toegang tot of de verwerking van 'live' of realistische Klantgegevens of Persoonsgegevens of andere gegevens die onderhevig zijn aan juridische voorwaarden of wettelijke nalevingsvereisten; <b>(vii)</b> Microsoft ervoor kan kiezen om een Preview niet algemeen commercieel beschikbaar te stellen. Voor Previews gelden minder of andere verplichtingen ten aanzien van beveiliging, naleving en privacy. Gegevens die aan Microsoft worden verschaft door middel van het gebruik van Previews door de Klant, kunnen worden overgedragen, opgeslagen en verwerkt in de Verenigde Staten of in een ander land waar Microsoft of haar toeleveranciers actief zijn."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(d) Acceptable use.</b> Participant will not: <b>(i)</b> use the Preview <b>(A)</b> in a way prohibited by law, regulation, or government order or decree; <b>(B)</b> to violate others rights; <b>(C)</b> to try to gain unauthorized access to or disrupt any service, device, account, or network; <b>(D)</b> to distribute unsolicited commercial email or malware; <b>(E)</b> in a way that could harm the Preview or impair anyone elses use of them; or <b>(ii)</b> reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or work around any technical limits in the Preview. Participant will respond to any third-party claims regarding its use of the Preview or Customer Data (e.g., under the DMCA), and will comply with them as necessary to comply with laws.",,"<b>(d) Gebruiksregels.</b> De Deelnemer mag niet: <b>(i)</b> gebruikmaken van de Preview <b>(A)</b> op een wijze die verboden is op grond van wet- en regelgeving of overheidsvoorschriften of -besluiten; <b>(B)</b> om de rechten van anderen te schenden; <b>(C)</b> om onbevoegd toegang trachten te verkrijgen tot een service, apparaat, account of netwerk, of deze te verstoren; <b>(D)</b> om ongevraagde commerciële e-mail of malware te verspreiden; of <b>(E)</b> op een wijze die schade zou kunnen toebrengen aan een Preview of het gebruik ervan door anderen zou kunnen belemmeren; of <b>(ii)</b> om de software te onderwerpen aan reverse-engineering, te decompileren of te disassembleren, of eventuele technische beperkingen in de Preview te omzeilen. De Deelnemer reageert op vorderingen van derden met betrekking tot het gebruik van de Preview of Klantgegevens (bijvoorbeeld onder de DMCA) en voldoet hieraan voor zover dit nodig is om te voldoen aan de wet.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(e) Software.</b> If the Preview includes any software, Participant may install and use it on its devices only with (and for so long as Participant has the right to use) such Preview under this Agreement. Participant will comply with any additional terms that may accompany such software. Participant must uninstall any such software when its right to use the Preview ends (and Microsoft may also disable it at that time).",,"<b>(e) Software.</b> Als de Preview software omvat, mag de Deelnemer deze alleen op zijn/haar apparaten installeren en gebruiken met (en zo lang de Deelnemer het recht heeft gebruik te maken van) deze Preview onder deze Overeenkomst. De Deelnemer voldoet aan alle aanvullende voorwaarden die bij dergelijke software hoort. De Deelnemer verwijdert deze software bij beëindiging van het recht op het gebruik van de Preview (mogelijk wordt deze software op dat moment ook door Microsoft uitgeschakeld).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(f) Updates.</b> Microsoft may (but is not obligated to) provide updated versions of the Preview, including by downloading updated software to Participants devices. Any such update may add, remove, or change features of the Preview. Participant will install (if applicable) and will use only such updated versions after Microsoft provides such updates.",,"<b>(f) Updates.</b> Microsoft heeft het recht (maar is niet verplicht) om bijgewerkte versies van de Preview te leveren, bijvoorbeeld door middel van downloads van bijgewerkte software naar de apparaten van de Deelnemer. Bij dergelijke updates kunnen functies worden toegevoegd aan, verwijderd uit of gewijzigd in de Preview. De Deelnemer installeert (indien van toepassing) dergelijke bijgewerkte versies uitsluitend nadat Microsoft dergelijke updates beschikbaar heeft gesteld.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(g) Third party sites.</b> Any links to third-party websites included in the Preview is provided for convenience only, and Microsoft is not responsible for the content of any such sites.",,"<b>(g) Websites van derden.</b> Eventuele koppelingen naar websites van derden in de Preview worden voor uw gemak aangeboden en Microsoft is niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud van dergelijke websites.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(h) Non-Microsoft software.</b> If Participant installs or uses any non-Microsoft software with the Preview: <b>(i)</b> Microsoft is not bound by any terms governing Participants use of such software; <b>(ii)</b> Participant directs and controls such installation and use (e.g., through use of application programming interfaces and other means that may be part of the Preview); and <b>(iii)</b> Participant may not do so in a way that would subject Microsoft intellectual property rights or technology to obligations beyond those in this Agreement. Microsoft will not run or copy such non-Microsoft software outside of its relationship with Participant.",,"<b>(h) Niet-Microsoft-software.</b> Als de Deelnemer niet-Microsoft-software installeert of gebruikt met de Preview: <b>(i)</b> is Microsoft niet gebonden aan enige voorwaarden die van toepassing zijn op het gebruik van dergelijke software door de Deelnemer; <b>(ii)</b> begeleidt en controleert de Deelnemer de installatie en het gebruik van dergelijke software (bijvoorbeeld door middel van API's (Application Programming Interface) en andere hulpmiddelen die mogelijk deel uitmaken van de Preview); en <b>(iii)</b> mag de Deelnemer dit niet doen op een manier die het intellectuele eigendom of technologie van Microsoft onderwerpt aan verplichtingen buiten hetgeen is opgenomen in deze Overeenkomst. Microsoft voert dergelijke niet-Microsoft-software niet uit buiten het kader van de relatie met de Deelnemer.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(i) Competitive Benchmarking.</b> If Participant offers a service competitive to the Preview, Participant waives any restrictions on competitive use and benchmark testing in the terms governing its competitive service by using the Preview. If Participant does not intend to waive such restrictions in its terms of use, Participant may not use the Preview.",,"<b>(i) Competitieve benchmarking.</b> Als de Deelnemer een service aanbiedt die concurreert met de Preview, doet de Deelnemer afstand van beperkingen betreffende competitief gebruik en benchmarktesten in de voorwaarden die van toepassing zijn op de concurrerende service door de Preview te gebruiken. Als de Deelnemer niet de intentie heeft om afstand van dergelijke beperkingen te doen in de gebruiksvoorwaarden, mag de Deelnemer de Preview niet gebruiken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 2. Use of Previews.",,"Artikel 2. Gebruik van Previews.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The applicable MLA terms (which may be incorporated in the MLA by reference) pertaining to collection, use, and location of Customer Data (as such terms are modified in the MLA to apply to previews) will apply to collection, use, and location of Customer Data under this Agreement. The accuracy and performance of the Preview improves by having had access to large volumes of data. Microsoft will solely own any enhancements or improvements to the Preview arising from access to and use of Customer Data. Microsoft may also use information derived from Customer Data if such use does not include Customer Data and no Customer Data can be reverse engineered from such use.",,"De toepasselijke MLA-voorwaarden (die mogelijk door middel van verwijzing zijn opgenomen in de MLA) met betrekking tot de verzameling, het gebruik en de locatie van Klantgegevens (waar dergelijke voorwaarden zijn gewijzigd in de MLA om van toepassing te zijn op previews) zijn van toepassing op de verzameling, het gebruik en de locatie van Klantgegevens onder deze Overeenkomst. Toegang tot grote volumes gegevens komen ten goede aan de nauwkeurigheid en prestaties van de Preview. Aanpassingen of verbeteringen in de Preview voortvloeiend uit het openen en gebruiken van Klantgegevens zijn het exclusieve eigendom van Microsoft. Microsoft kan ook gegevens afgeleid van Klantgegevens gebruiken als dit gebruik geen Klantgegevens omvat en uit dit gebruik niet op een of andere manier Klantgegevens kunnen worden afgeleid.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(a) Data Transfers.</b> Customer Data and Personal Data that Microsoft processes on Customers behalf may be transferred to, and stored and processed in, the United States or any other country in which Microsoft or its subprocessors operate. Customer appoints Microsoft to perform any such transfer of Customer Data and Personal Data to any such country and to store and process Customer Data and Personal Data to provide the Preview. Microsoft will abide by the requirements of European Economic Area and Swiss data protection law regarding the collection, use, transfer, retention, and other processing of Personal Data from the European Economic Area and Switzerland. All transfers of Personal Data to a third country or an international organization will be subject to appropriate safeguards as described in Article 46 of the GDPR ((EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC) and such transfers and safeguards will be documented according to Article 30(2) of the GDPR. In addition, Microsoft is certified to the EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks and the commitments they entail. Microsoft agrees to notify Customer if it makes a determination that it can no longer meet its obligation to provide the same level of protection as is required by the Privacy Shield principles.",,"<b>(a) Gegevensoverdrachten.</b> Klantgegevens en Persoonsgegevens die door Microsoft namens de Klant worden verwerkt, kunnen worden overgedragen naar en opgeslagen en verwerkt in de Verenigde Staten of in een ander land waar Microsoft of haar subverwerkers actief zijn. De Klant stelt Microsoft aan om een dergelijke overdracht van Klantgegevens en Persoonsgegevens naar deze landen uit te voeren en om Klantgegevens en Persoonsgegevens op te slaan en te verwerken om de Preview te leveren. Microsoft houdt zich aan de vereisten van de wetten voor gegevensbescherming voor de Europese Economische Ruimte en Zwitserland met betrekking tot het verzamelen, gebruiken, vasthouden en anderszins verwerken van Persoonsgegevens uit de Europese Economische Ruimte en Zwitserland. Alle doorgiften van Persoonsgegevens naar een ander land of een internationale organisatie worden onderworpen aan passende beveiligingmaatregelen, zoals beschreven in Artikel 46 van de AVG ((EU) 2016/679 van het Europees Parlement en de Raad van 27 april 2016 betreffende de bescherming van natuurlijke personen in verband met de verwerking van persoonsgegevens en betreffende het vrije verkeer van die gegevens en tot intrekking van Richtlijn 95/46/EG (algemene verordening gegevensbescherming) en deze doorgiften en beveiligingsmaatregelen worden geregistreerd in overeenstemming met Artikel 30(2) van de AVG. Microsoft is gecertificeerd onder het EU-VS-privacyschild en het Zwitsers-VS- privacyschild en de verbintenissen hierin. Microsoft stemt ermee in de Klant op de hoogte te stellen indien Microsoft bepaalt dat het niet meer kan voldoen aan de verplichting om zich aan de beginselen van de privacyschilden te houden.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 3. Customer Data.",,"Artikel 3. Klantgegevens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"All rights not expressly granted are reserved by the applicable rights holder, and no rights or licenses are granted (or deemed granted) by implication, estoppel, or exhaustion.",,"Alle rechten die niet uitdrukkelijk worden verleend, worden voorbehouden door de toepasselijke houder van rechten en impliciet, door uitsluiting of door verloop worden geen rechten of licenties verleend (of geacht te zijn verleend).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 4. Reservation of rights.",,"Artikel 4. Voorbehoud van rechten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(a) Existing NDA.</b> The information shared under this Agreement (except Feedback) is Confidential Information (defined in the NDA) subject to the Microsoft non-disclosure agreement, if any, between the parties (<b><i>""NDA""</i></b>). If the parties do not have an NDA that is in effect, then Sections 5(b)  (c) will apply."",,""<b>(a) Bestaande geheimhoudingsovereenkomst.</b> De informatie die onder deze Overeenkomst wordt gedeeld (behalve Feedback), is Vertrouwelijke informatie (gedefinieerd in de geheimhoudingsverklaring) die is onderworpen aan de Microsoft-geheimhoudingsovereenkomst, indien van toepassing, tussen de partijen (<b><i>""Geheimhoudingsovereenkomst""</i></b>). Als er geen geheimhoudingsovereenkomst bestaat tussen de partijen, zijn Artikelen 5(b)  (c) van toepassing."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(b) Definition.</b> ""Confidential Information"" means non-public information, know-how, or trade secrets in any form that are designated confidential or that a reasonable person knows or reasonably should know to be confidential. Confidential Information does not include any information, however designated, that: <b>(i)</b> is or becomes publicly available without a breach of this Agreement; <b>(ii)</b> was lawfully known to the receiver of the information without an obligation to keep it confidential; <b>(iii)</b> is received from another source who can disclose it lawfully and without an obligation to keep it confidential; <b>(iv)</b> is independently developed; or <b>(v)</b> is Feedback."",,""<b>(b) Definitie.</b> ""Vertrouwelijke informatie"" betekent niet-openbare informatie, kennis of handelsgeheimen in enige vorm die als vertrouwelijk zijn aangemerkt of waarvan een redelijk persoon weet of redelijkerwijs behoort te weten dat deze vertrouwelijk zijn. Onder Vertrouwelijke informatie wordt echter niet verstaan, hoe ook genaamd, informatie die: <b>(i)</b> openbaar beschikbaar is of wordt zonder schending van deze Overeenkomst; <b>(ii)</b> rechtmatig bekend was bij de ontvanger van de informatie zonder verplichting deze geheim te houden; <b>(iii)</b> is ontvangen vanuit een andere bron die deze rechtmatig bekend mag maken zonder verplichting deze geheim te houden; <b>(iv)</b> onafhankelijk is ontwikkeld; of <b>(v)</b> Feedback is."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(c) Use.</b> Neither party will disclose the others Confidential Information to a third party for five years. Each party will: <b>(i)</b> use such information only for purposes of this business relationship; and <b>(ii)</b> take reasonable steps to protect the others Confidential Information. Each party may disclose the others Confidential Information to its affiliates, employees, and contractors only on a need-to-know basis, subject to this Section 5. In addition, Confidential Information may also be disclosed as necessary to comply with a judicial or other governmental order, if receiving party either gives: reasonable notice of such disclosure to allow disclosing party a reasonable opportunity to seek a protective order or equivalent; or obtains written assurance from the applicable judicial or governmental entity that it will afford the Confidential Information the highest level of protection available under applicable law, or otherwise as may be required by law.",,"<b>(c) Gebruik.</b> Geen van de partijen zal gedurende een periode van vijf jaar vertrouwelijke informatie van de andere partij openbaar maken aan derden. Beide partijen zullen: <b>(i)</b> deze informatie alleen gebruiken voor deze zakelijke relatie; en <b>(ii)</b> redelijke maatregelen nemen om de Vertrouwelijke informatie van de andere partij te beschermen. Beide partijen mogen de Vertrouwelijke informatie van de andere partij uitsluitend op need-to-know-basis verstrekken aan haar gelieerde ondernemingen, medewerkers en contractanten, volgens dit Artikel 5. Daarnaast kan Vertrouwelijke informatie openbaar worden gemaakt indien dit nodig is om te voldoen aan een gerechtelijk of ander overheidsbevel, als de ontvangende partij de onthullende partij voldoende tijd geeft om deze redelijkerwijs in staat te stellen een beschermend bevel of een equivalent aan te vragen; of schriftelijk de verzekering van de gerechtelijke of overheidsinstantie ontvangt dat de Vertrouwelijke informatie de hoogste beschermingsgraad op grond van het toepasselijk recht krijgt, of anders als dit van rechtswege verplicht is.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 5. Confidentiality.",,"Artikel 5. Vertrouwelijkheid.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""In connection with the Preview, Microsoft may create documentation, films, photographs, referrals, quotations, or other recordings or materials (<b><i>""Publicity Materials""</i></b>)."",,""In verband met de Preview kan Microsoft documentatie, films, foto's, verwijzingen, offertes of andere opnamen of materialen (<b><i>""Publiciteitsmaterialen""</i></b>) maken."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(a) Rights.</b> Participant grants Microsoft the non-exclusive right to: <b>(i)</b> use Participants name, trademarks and service marks, and logos (<b><i>""Marks""</i></b>) in such Publicity Materials; <b>(ii)</b> interview and film, photograph, and record its employees and business operations at mutually agreed times and locations; and <b>(iii)</b> use Participants or its employees names, voices, statements, and likenesses (<b><i>""Name and Likeness""</i></b>) as embodied in the Publicity Materials for advertising, marketing, promotional, editorial, and public relations purposes in relation to the Preview, in any and all media and formats. Participant will obtain (and represents and warrants that it has obtained) all releases and clearances necessary to grant all rights required under this Section 6."",,""<b>(a) Rechten.</b> De Deelnemer verleent Microsoft het niet-exclusieve recht om: <b>(i)</b> de naam, handelsmerken, merkkenmerken en logo's (<b><i>""Merktekens""</i></b>) van de Deelnemer te gebruiken in dergelijke Publiciteitsmaterialen; <b>(ii)</b> op overeengekomen tijden en locaties interviews te maken met haar medewerkers en deze medewerkers en bedrijfsactiviteiten te filmen, te fotograferen en op te nemen; en <b>(iii)</b> de namen, stemmen, verklaringen en beeltenissen van de Deelnemer of haar medewerkers (<b><i>""Naam en beeltenis""</i></b>), zoals vervat in de Publiciteitsmaterialen, te gebruiken voor advertenties, marketing, promoties, artikelen en PR met betrekking tot de Preview, in elke vorm en indeling. De Deelnemer verkrijgt (en verklaart en garandeert dat hij/zij deze heeft verkregen) alle benodigde vrijwaringen en toestemmingen om alle vereiste rechten onder dit Artikel 6 te verlenen."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(b) Approvals.</b> Participant will have the right to approve, before Microsofts first use, any Publicity Materials that include Marks or Name and Likeness. Participant will promptly review and either approve or disapprove them (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld) within five business days of receipt. Failure to respond within such five-day period will be deemed approval. Participant is solely responsible for bringing to Microsofts attention any factual errors or removing Participants Confidential Information from Publicity Materials.",,"<b>(b) Goedkeuringen.</b> De Deelnemer heeft het recht om Publiciteitsmaterialen met Merktekens of Naam en beeltenis goed te keuren voordat Microsoft deze voor het eerst gebruikt. De Deelnemer beoordeelt deze materialen onverwijld en keurt deze binnen vijf werkdagen na ontvangst goed of af (deze goedkeuring mag niet op onredelijke gronden worden onthouden). Indien niet binnen deze periode van vijf dagen wordt gereageerd, wordt dit beschouwd als goedkeuring. De Deelnemer is er geheel zelf verantwoordelijk voor om Microsoft te attenderen op eventuele feitelijke onjuistheden of Vertrouwelijke informatie van de Deelnemer te verwijderen uit Publiciteitsmaterialen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 6. Publicity.",,"Artikel 6. Publiciteit.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(a) Mutual.</b> Each party represents and warrants to the other that: <b>(i)</b> it has all necessary rights, title, and authority to enter into and perform under this Agreement; <b>(ii)</b> its performance under this Agreement will not breach any agreement with a third party; and <b>(iii)</b> it will comply with any and all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to its performance under this Agreement.",,"<b>(a) Wederzijds.</b> Beide partijen verklaren en garanderen aan de ander dat: <b>(i)</b> ze over alle benodigde rechten, eigendommen en bevoegdheden beschikken om deze Overeenkomst aan te gaan en zich aan deze Overeenkomst te houden; <b>(ii)</b> hun prestaties in het kader van deze Overeenkomst niet resulteren in de schending van een overeenkomst met een derde; en <b>(iii)</b> ze voldoen aan alle wetten, regels en voorschriften die van toepassing zijn op hun prestaties in het kader van deze Overeenkomst.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(b) Disclaimer.</b> Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement and to the extent applicable law permits, Microsoft: <b>(i)</b> provides the Preview ""as-is""; <b>(ii)</b> provides no warranties (express, implied, statutory, or otherwise), including of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose; and <b>(iii)</b> does not guarantee that the Preview will be uninterrupted, available, or error-free, or that loss of Participants Customer Data will not occur. Without limiting the above, Microsoft is not liable for any damage to hardware or software or loss of files or data related to use of the Preview."",,""<b>(b) Disclaimer.</b> Tenzij uitdrukkelijk anders bepaald in deze Overeenkomst en voor zover toegestaan op grond van toepasselijk recht, biedt Microsoft: <b>(i)</b> de Preview ""in de huidige staat"" aan; <b>(ii)</b> geen garanties (uitdrukkelijk, impliciet, wettelijk of anderszins), inclusief garanties van verkoopbaarheid of geschiktheid voor een bepaald doel; en <b>(iii)</b> niet de garantie dat de Preview ononderbroken, beschikbaar of vrij van fouten is of dat geen verlies van Klantgegevens plaatsvindt. Onverminderd het voorgaande is Microsoft niet aansprakelijk voor enige hardware- of softwareschade die of verlies van bestanden of gegevens dat verband houdt met het gebruik van de Preview."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(c) Ineffective disclaimer.</b> Liability for breach of an implied warranty that cannot, under applicable law, be disclaimed or excluded is, if permitted by applicable law, limited, at breaching partys election: <b>(i)</b> for goods, to replacing, repairing, or supplying equivalent goods (or paying the cost of the foregoing or refunding the purchase price); and <b>(ii)</b> for services, to supplying (or paying a third party to supply) the services again or refunding the purchase price.",,"<b>(c) Ineffectieve disclaimer.</b> De aansprakelijkheid voor het schenden van een impliciete garantie die onder het toepasselijke recht niet van de hand kan worden gewezen of uitgesloten, blijft, indien toegestaan door toepasselijk recht, naar keuze van de schendende partij: <b>(i)</b> voor goederen beperkt tot het vervangen, repareren of leveren van equivalente goederen (of het betalen van de kosten van het voorgaande of het restitueren van de aankoopprijs); en <b>(ii)</b> voor services beperkt tot het opnieuw leveren (of het betalen van een derde partij voor de levering) van de services of het restitueren van de aankoopprijs.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 7. Representations and warranties.",,"Artikel 7. Verklaringen en garanties.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Except as otherwise described in this Section 8 or in Section 7(c), each partys exclusive remedy for claims under this Agreement is to terminate this Agreement or Participants participation in the Preview. Each partys maximum, aggregate, liability arising out of or related to this Agreement (including related to access or use of the Preview) to you and anyone else, to the maximum extent allowed by law, is limited to direct damages incurred in reasonable reliance, in an amount not to exceed $500. Neither party will be liable for any other damages, including indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages, or for lost revenue, lost profits, lost business information, or business interruption, related to this Agreement, even if the at-fault party knew or should have known such damages were possible. This Section 8 does not apply to claims arising from any breach of confidentiality obligations under Section 5 or to obligations under (or breach of) Section 10.",,"Tenzij anders beschreven in dit Artikel 8 of in Artikel 7(c) bestaat de enige verhaalsmogelijkheid van beide partijen voor vorderingen onder deze Overeenkomst uit de beëindiging van deze Overeenkomst of beëindiging van de deelname van de Deelnemer aan de Preview. Voor beide partijen is de maximale totale aansprakelijkheid voortvloeiend uit of in verband met deze Overeenkomst (inclusief het openen of gebruiken van de Preview) aan u en anderen, voor zover dit is toegestaan op grond van toepasselijk recht beperkt tot in redelijk vertrouwen opgelopen directe schade tot USD 500,00. Geen van beide partijen is aansprakelijk voor enige andere schade, inclusief indirecte, speciale of incidentele schade, gevolgschade, opgelegde boetes of morele schade, of voor verloren omzet, winstderving, verlies van bedrijfsinformatie of onderbreking in de bedrijfsvoering, in verband met deze Overeenkomst, zelfs als de betreffende partij op de hoogte was of op de hoogte had moeten zijn van de mogelijkheid van dergelijke schade. Dit Artikel 8 is niet van toepassing op vorderingen die voortvloeien uit een schending van vertrouwelijkheidsverplichtingen onder Artikel 5 of verplichtingen onder (of de schending van) Artikel 10.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 8. Limited liability.",,"Artikel 8. Beperkte aansprakelijkheid.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
""<b>(a) Term;</b> termination rights. The term of this Agreement (""Term"") begins on the Effective Date and continues until terminated or until Microsoft terminates the Preview, whichever occurs first. Either party may terminate this Agreement on 30 days notice for any or no reason. Microsoft may also terminate or suspend this Agreement, in whole or part, immediately on notice if Participant breaches this Agreement and the breach is one that cannot be cured. Moreover, this Agreement will terminate automatically following notice to Participant of breach if Participant fails to cure the breach within five days of such notice. This Agreement also terminates automatically and without notice with respect to the Preview when it becomes generally publicly available, other than as a pre-release or ""beta"" product or service, or Microsoft ceases to offer the Preview."",,""<b>(a) Looptijd;</b> beëindigingsrechten. De looptijd van deze Overeenkomst (""Looptijd"") begint op de Ingangsdatum en eindigt bij beëindiging of wanneer Microsoft de Preview beëindigt, naargelang wat zich het eerst voordoet. Beide partijen kunnen deze Overeenkomst om welke reden dan ook of zonder reden beëindigen met inachtneming van een opzeggingstermijn van 30 dagen. Microsoft is ook gerechtigd om deze Overeenkomst met onmiddellijke ingang na kennisgeving geheel of gedeeltelijk te beëindigen of op te schorten indien de Deelnemer deze Overeenkomst schendt en deze schending niet kan worden hersteld. Daarnaast wordt deze Overeenkomst automatisch beëindigd wanneer de Deelnemer op de hoogte is gebracht van de schending en de Deelnemer er niet binnen vijf dagen in slaagt de schending te herstellen. Deze Overeenkomst wordt ook automatisch en zonder kennisgeving met betrekking tot de Preview beëindigd als deze algemeen beschikbaar wordt, anders dan als pre-release- of bètaversie van een product of service, of als Microsoft de Preview niet meer aanbiedt."",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>(b) Effect of Termination.</b> On termination or expiration of this Agreement, Participant must stop using the Preview. Sections 1(b), 2(i), 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 will survive such expiration or termination.",,"<b>(b) Gevolg van beëindiging.</b> Bij beëindiging of na afloop van deze Overeenkomst dient de Deelnemer het gebruik van de Preview te staken. Artikelen 1(b), 2(i), 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 en 11 blijven van kracht na afloop of beëindiging.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Section 9. Term and termination.",,"Artikel 9. Looptijd en beëindiging.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights Agreement",,"Overeenkomst voor Microsoft Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Save as picture",,"Opslaan als afbeelding",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources share of voice by language for {0}",,"Opinie-aandeel van bronnen per taal voor {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author share of voice in all posts",,"Opinie-aandeel van auteur in alle berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment share of voice",,"Opinie-aandeel gevoel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top search topics",,"Belangrijkste zoekonderwerpen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top search topics in all sources",,"Belangrijkste zoekonderwerpen in alle bronnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top {0} authors for {1}",,"Belangrijkste {0} auteurs voor {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top authors over all sources for {0}",,"Belangrijkste auteurs binnen alle bronnen voor {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top authors {0} for {1}",,"Belangrijkste auteurs {0} voor {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top search topics for {0}",,"Belangrijkste zoekonderwerpen voor {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Total posts",,"Totaal aantal berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Trend compared to average time frame",,"Trend vergeleken met gemiddeld tijdsbestek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Data points",,"Gegevenspunten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Select the time span between data points that you want to see in your charts.",,"Selecteer de tijdsperiode tussen gegevenspunten die u wilt zien in uw grafieken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Custom date",,"Aangepaste datum",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"An error occurred while picking a date. Please try again.",,"Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens het selecteren van een datum. Probeer het opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Date format not valid.",,"Datumnotatie is niet geldig.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Start date must be before end date.",,"De begindatum moet vóór de einddatum liggen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"We're sorry, we can't show the data right now. Please check back later.",,"De gegevens kunnen nu niet worden weergegeven. Probeer het later opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Successfully restored the post.",,"Het bericht is hersteld.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<b>Limited functionality:</b> We're sorry, but you can't perform this action during the trial session.",,"<b>Beperkte functionaliteit:</b> deze actie kan niet worden uitgevoerd tijdens de proefsessie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The requested search topic wasn't found. Instead, results from all search topics in your solution are being displayed.",,"Het opgevraagde zoekonderwerp is niet gevonden. U ziet in plaats daarvan de resultaten van alle zoekonderwerpen in uw oplossing.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Welcome to Microsoft Social Engagement",,"Welkom bij Microsoft Social Engagement",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You deleted a post.",,"U hebt een bericht verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Hot Topics",,"Belangrijke onderwerpen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Sentiment summary by sources",,"Gevoelsoverzicht per bronnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Negative posts",,"Negatieve berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Before you can perform sentiment analysis, you need to select a search topic from the drop-down list in the filter section.",,"U kunt pas een gevoelsanalyse uitvoeren nadat u in het filtergedeelte een zoekonderwerp hebt geselecteerd in de vervolgkeuzelijst.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"To continue with your previous analysis, click or tap the browser's back button. Or to start over, ",,"Om verder te gaan met uw vorige analyse, klikt of tikt u op de knop Terug of Vorige van uw browser. Als u helemaal opnieuw wilt beginnen, ",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"go to Analytics Overview.",,"gaat u naar Analyseoverzicht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"We're sorry, we can't access Bing maps right now. Please check back later.",,"Op dit moment hebben we geen toegang tot Bing-kaarten. Probeer het later opnieuw.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your current data set doesn't contain post location data. Consider removing active filters, editing the time frame, or selecting a different search topic.",,"Uw huidige gegevensset bevat geen locatiegegevens van berichten. U kunt dit oplossen door actieve filters te verwijderen, het tijdsbestek aan te passen of een ander zoekonderwerp te selecteren.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Shows only post location",,"Alleen berichtlocatie weergegeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Show line chart",,"Lijndiagram weergeven",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"<strong>{0}</strong>: {1} posts",,"<strong>{0}</strong>: {1} berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Sentiment index: {0}, {1}",,"Gevoelsindex: {0}, {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
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"Negative sentiment ratio",,"Ratio negatief gevoel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Neutral sentiment ratio",,"Ratio neutraal gevoel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Positive sentiment ratio",,"Ratio positief gevoel",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sentiment summary",,"Gevoelsoverzicht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources summary",,"Bronnenoverzicht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources share of voice by language",,"Opinie-aandeel van bronnen per taal",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"average",,"gemiddeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} posts, {1}% of all posts",,"{0} berichten, {1}% van alle berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Buzz shows you how many posts were found in your current data set. We calculate the trend value by comparing the buzz in your time frame to the buzz in the past five time frames. Click or tap an element to drill down into the information.",,"Alle berichten laat zien hoeveel berichten er zijn gevonden in uw huidige gegevensset. We berekenen de trendwaarde door alle berichten in uw tijdsbestek te vergelijken met alle berichten in de afgelopen vijf tijdsbestekken. Klik of tik op een element om in te zoomen op de gegevens.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Your data set",,"Uw gegevensset",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"less than average",,"minder dan gemiddeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"more than average",,"meer dan gemiddeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"{0} Posts, {1} of all Sources",,"{0} berichten, {1} van alle bronnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share of voice of all sources",,"Opinie-aandeel van alle bronnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top 5 authors by sources",,"Belangrijkste 5 auteurs op bron",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top countries/regions",,"Belangrijkste landen/regios",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top location groups",,"Belangrijkste locatiegroepen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Topic buzz",,"Onderwerp-buzz",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Topic buzz by sources",,"Onderwerp-buzz per bronnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"average {0}",,"gemiddeld {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"< average",,"< gemiddeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"> average",,"> gemiddeld",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Volume history",,"Volumegeschiedenis",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources history",,"Bronnengeschiedenis",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get a quick summary of the number of posts, how your search is trending, where your posts are coming from, and the current sentiment.",,"Vraag snel een overzicht op van het aantal berichten, wat trending is voor uw zoekopdrachten, wat de bron is van berichten en wat het huidige gevoel is.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Analytics summary",,"Analyseoverzicht",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Check the volume on your search topic or category. See the total number of posts and the average number of posts per day.",,"Controleer het volume van uw zoekonderwerp of categorie. Bekijk het totale aantal berichten en het gemiddelde aantal berichten per dag.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bing search trends: Get trend data based on consumer search volumes, scaled from 0 (no volume) to 100 (peak volume).",,"Zoektrends in Bing: ontvang trendgegevens op basis van zoekvolumes van consumenten, op een schaal van 0 (geen volume) tot 100 (piekvolume).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"No matching posts found. Try changing your search topic, the time frame, or your filters.",,"Geen overeenkomende berichten gevonden. Wijzig het zoekonderwerp, het tijdsbestek of de filters voor de zoekopdracht.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Expand to full view",,"Uitvouwen naar volledige weergave",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526487",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526487",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526489",,"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526489",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{formatted_count} post with intentions |||| %{formatted_count} posts with intentions",,"%{formatted_count} bericht met intenties |||| %{formatted_count} berichten met intenties",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the share of voice of intentions in your data set.",,"Het opinie-aandeel van tags in uw gegevensset bekijken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Author location cluster",,"Auteurslocatie cluster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Post location cluster",,"Berichtlocatie cluster",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"This widget is deprecated. Please reconfigure Social Insights or contact your system administrator.",,"Deze widget is afgeschaft. Configureer sociale inzichten opnieuw of neem contact op met uw systeembeheerder.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Widget not found",,"Widget niet gevonden",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get insights about what people are talking about",,"Inzichten verzamelen over de onderwerpen waarover mensen het hebben",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Phrases by Country/Region",,"Zinnen op land/regio",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{formatted_count} other |||| %{formatted_count} others",,"%{formatted_count} overige |||| %{formatted_count} overigen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See an excerpt for the 5 most recent posts.",,"Bekijk een samenvatting van de 5 meest recente berichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Open in Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Openen in Dynamics 365 AI for Market Insights",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Line chart. Displays the search and social activity in the selected time frame.",,"Lijndiagram. Hierin worden de zoekacties en sociale activiteiten in het geselecteerde tijdsbestek weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social average",,"Sociaal gemiddelde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Social volume",,"Sociaal volume",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Volume (All Sources)",,"Volume (alle bronnen)",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get trend data based on consumer search volumes, scaled from 0 (no volume) to 100 (peak volume).",,"Ontvang trendgegevens op basis van zoekvolumes van consumenten, op een schaal van 0 (geen volume) tot 100 (piekvolume).",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Bing search trend: %{value}",,"Zoektrend in Bing: %{value}",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See how the volume of activity changed in the selected time frame",,"Kijken hoe het activiteitenvolume is gewijzigd in het geselecteerde tijdsbestek",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Normalized Value",,"Genormaliseerde waarde",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{formatted_count} post with tags |||| %{formatted_count} posts with tags",,"%{formatted_count} bericht met tags |||| %{formatted_count} berichten met tags",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Volume: %{count} post |||| Volume: %{count} posts",,"Volume: %{count} bericht |||| Volume: %{count} berichten",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Share: %{post_share}%",,"Delen: %{post_share}%",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"List. Displays the top Twitter mentions by number of posts.",,"Lijst. Hierin worden de belangrijkste Twitter-vermeldingen op basis van het aantal berichten weergegeven.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"There aren't any Twitter mentions to show. Try selecting another topic or change your filters.",,"Er zijn geen Twitter-vermeldingen om weer te geven. Selecteer een ander onderwerp of pas de filters aan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top Twitter mentions by volume of posts",,"De belangrijkste Twitter-vermeldingen weergeven naar berichtenvolume",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"You can't undo this action. All posts from this author are removed from your solution. No new posts from this author get acquired in the future and all social profile search rules for this author are deleted.",,"U kunt deze actie niet ongedaan maken. Alle berichten van deze auteur worden verwijderd uit uw oplossing. Er worden in de toekomst geen nieuwe berichten van deze auteur opgehaald en alle zoekregels voor sociale profielen voor deze auteur worden verwijderd.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{name}: %{volume}% of posts in your top categories",,"%{name}: %{volume}% van de berichten in uw belangrijkste categorieën",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{name}: %{volume}% of posts in its category",,"%{name}: %{volume}% van de berichten in bijbehorende categorie",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"%{name}: %{volume}% of posts in your top topics",,"%{name}: %{volume}% van de berichten in uw belangrijkste onderwerpen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"of posts in",,"van de berichten in",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See how the number of posts is trending over time.",,"Bekijk de trending van het aantal berichten gedurende een bepaalde periode.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"(%{trend} %{icon})",,"(%{trend} %{icon})",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Negative trend",,"Negatieve trend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Neutral trend",,"Neutrale trend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Positive trend",,"Positieve trend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Unknown trend",,"Onbekende trend",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Switch to chart view",,"Schakelen naar grafiekweergave",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Switch to table view",,"Schakelen naar tabelweergave",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get a quick summary of the number of posts, how your search is trending, where your posts are coming from and the current sentiment.",,"Vraag snel een overzicht op van het aantal berichten, wat trending is voor uw zoekopdrachten, wat de bron is van berichten en wat het huidige gevoel is.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Find details about how many posts are showing up, and how the search topic or category you're interested in is trending. You'll also see the sentiment that is being associated with your topic--positive, negative, or neutral--what languages are being used to discuss your topic or category, and where your posts are coming from.",,"Hier ziet u informatie over het aantal berichten dat is geretourneerd, en wat trending is voor het zoekonderwerp of de categorie waarin u bent geïnteresseerd. U kunt ook het gevoel zien dat is gekoppeld aan uw onderwerp (positief, negatief of neutraal), welke talen worden gebruikt om uw onderwerp of categorie te bespreken, en wat de bron is van berichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Check the buzz on your search topic or category. See the total number of posts and the average number of posts per day.",,"Controleer alle berichten voor uw zoekonderwerp of categorie. Bekijk het totale aantal berichten en het gemiddelde aantal berichten per dag.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"The Buzz will help you keep track of the volume of posts overall on all active sources for your search topic or category.",,"Met behulp van alle berichten kunt u informatie zien over het totale berichtenvolume uit alle actieve bronnen voor uw zoekonderwerp of categorie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See how the sentiment varies among sources. Is Facebook positive while Twitter is neutral? Find out.",,"Kijk hoe het gevoel verschilt tussen bronnen. Zijn de reacties op Facebook positief en op Twitter neutraal? U kunt het hier opzoeken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Find details about the number of posts, the sentiment index and the change in sentiment index of your active sources.",,"Bekijk hier details van het aantal berichten, de gevoelsindex en de wijziging van de gevoelsindex voor uw actieve bronnen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See a chart that compares where the posts are coming from.",,"Bekijk een grafiek waarin de herkomst van de berichten wordt vergeleken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"At a glance, you can see the most active sources associated with your search topic or category.",,"U kunt in één oogopslag zien wat de actiefste bronnen zijn voor een zoekonderwerp of categorie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Sources share of voice",,"Opinie-aandeel van bronnen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See peaks and valleys in the volume of posts for each source separately over time.",,"Bekijk pieken en dalen in het berichtenvolume voor elke bron afzonderlijk gedurende een bepaalde tijdsperiode.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"At a glance, you can identify significant peaks in your post volume on specific sources.",,"U kunt in één oogopslag zien waar er sprake is van significante pieken in het berichtenvolume voor specifieke bronnen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top 5 languages with the most posts about your search topic or category.",,"Bekijk de 5 belangrijkste talen met de meeste berichten over uw zoekonderwerp of categorie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"At a glance, you can see which languages were used the most.",,"U kunt in één oogopslag zien welke talen het meest zijn gebruikt.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top languages with the most posts.",,"Bekijk de belangrijkste talen met de meeste berichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Find details about the most active languages that were used in the posts of your search topic or category.",,"Bekijk details van de actiefste talen die zijn gebruikt in de berichten voor uw zoekonderwerp of categorie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See the top 5 authors who are posting the most about your search topic or category.",,"Bekijk de 5 belangrijkste auteurs die de meeste berichten schrijven over uw zoekonderwerp of categorie.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See which authors are mentioning your search topic or category the most. You'll find details about the author's reach, the number of posts, the author's share of voice, and the trend change.",,"Bekijk welke auteurs het vaakst uw zoekonderwerp of categorie vermelden. U ziet details over het bereik van de auteur, het aantal berichten, het opinie-aandeel van de auteur en de trendwijziging.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Most active authors",,"Actiefste auteurs",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Find details about the most recent posts in your search topic or category, including the source, an author's reach, and the language of the posts.",,"Bekijk details van de meest recente berichten voor uw zoekonderwerp of categorie, inclusief de bron, het bereik van een auteur en de taal van de berichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Correlate sentiment about the search topic with dates and events. See the history for a time frame.",,"Koppel gevoel over het zoekonderwerp aan datums en gebeurtenissen. Bekijk de geschiedenis voor een tijdsbestek.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See when significant changes in sentiment occurred. The black line indicates the sentiment index. The green line indicates the average sentiment index in your time frame.",,"U kunt zien wanneer het gevoel voor uw zoekonderwerp of categorie ingrijpend is veranderd. De zwarte lijn geeft de gevoelsindex aan. De groene lijn geeft de gemiddelde gevoelsindex in uw tijdsbestek aan.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See a chart that compares the positive, negative, or neutral posts.",,"Bekijk een grafiek waarin de positieve, negatieve of neutrale berichten worden vergeleken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"At a glance, you can see the sentiment of your search topic.",,"U kunt in één oogopslag zien wat het gevoel is bij een zoekonderwerp.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See a bar graph comparing the number of positive and negative posts by day.",,"Bekijk een staafdiagram waarin het aantal positieve en negatieve berichten per dag wordt vergeleken.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Find details about the number of posts with positive or negative sentiment in your search topic.",,"Bekijk details van het aantal berichten met een positief of negatief gevoel voor uw zoekonderwerp.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See where the posts are coming from. Quickly check sources like Facebook and Twitter.",,"Bekijk de herkomst van de berichten. Controleer snel het aantal berichten van Facebook en Twitter.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Get the details about the number of posts, the trend change, and the share of voice of your active sources.",,"Bekijk hier details van het aantal berichten, de trendwijzigingen en het opinie-aandeel van uw actieve bronnen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See where your posts are coming from.",,"Bekijk waar uw bericht vandaan komen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"At a glance, you can see the top 5 locations where most of your posts are coming from.",,"U kunt in één oogopslag zien wat de 5 belangrijkste locaties zijn voor uw berichten.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Word cloud. Get insights about the most significant phrases.",,"Woordcloud. Verzamel inzichten over de belangrijkste woordgroepen.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Top phrases",,"Populairste woordgroepen",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Find details about how the post volume of your search topic or category is trending. The Trend change compares the past five time frames to your current time frame.",,"Bekijk details van de trend van het berichtenvolume van uw zoekonderwerp of categorie. De trendwijziging komt tot stand door de laatste vijf tijdsbestekken te vergelijken met het huidige tijdsbestek.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"See peaks and valleys in the volume of posts for all sources over time.",,"Bekijk pieken en dalen in het berichtenvolume voor alle bronnen gedurende een bepaalde tijdsperiode.",,"Text",,"All",,"Dynamics - CRM - Social Engagement",,""
"Quickly identify significant peaks in your post volume. The red line indicates the total number of posts. The grey line indicates the average number of posts from the past five time frames.",,"U kunt snel zien waar er sprake is van significante pieken in het berichtenvolume. De rode lijn geeft het totale aantal berichten aan. De grijze lijn vertegenwoordigt het gemiddelde aantal berichten uit de afg