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The Microsoft “Terms of Use” (available at the www.microsoft.com website) govern all glossary terms in this document (“Glossary Terms”). The following supplemental terms and conditions also apply. If there is any conflict between the Terms of Use and the following terms and conditions, the following terms and conditions will take
Precedence over the Terms of Use.
1. No part of the Glossary Terms may be reproduced, adapted, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, including photocopying and entry into an information storage and/or retrieval system, for any purpose without the prior express consent of Microsoft Corporation.
2. You may use the Glossary Terms in the development of any application software and you may also use the Glossary Terms for personal or non-commercial purposes only without the prior written consent of Microsoft Corporation, and only if all copies contain this Permission Notice and the Microsoft copyright notice in the Terms of Use.
3. You are not permitted to make any modifications, deletions or additions to the Glossary Terms.
4. Except as expressly set forth above, Microsoft’s publication of the Glossary Terms does not grant any rights to use, distribute, or implement any technology or intellectual property rights. All rights not expressly granted herein are expressly reserved by Microsoft.
"Source Term",,"Translation",,"String Category",,"Platform",,"Product",,"Version"
"© 2017 Skype and/or Microsoft",,"© Skype і/або Microsoft, 2017 р.",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"This program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portions of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.",,"Цю програму захищено законами про авторське право та міжнародними угодами. Незаконне відтворення чи розповсюдження цієї програми або будь-якої її частини переслідується за законом і може передбачати суворе адміністративне й кримінальне покарання.",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"for Linux Beta",,"для Linux (бета-версія)",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Patents Pending. The Skype name, associated trade marks and logos, and the “S” logo are trade marks of Skype.",,""Заявки на патент подано. Назва Skype, відповідні торговельні марки й емблеми, а також символ ""S"" є торговельними марками компанії Skype."",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Version: {version}",,"Версія: {version}",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Skype for Linux Beta",,"Skype для Linux (бета-версія)",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Sorry, this version of Skype is not supported anymore.",,"На жаль, ця версія Skype більше не підтримується.",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Go to Community Forum",,"Форум спільноти",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Reports will no longer be collected until you re-enable them. Are you sure you want to disable diagnostic and error reports? You can find all logs in folder {logsPath}",,""Звіти більше не створюватимуться, поки ви знову не ввімкнете їх. Справді вимкнути діагностику та звіти про помилки? Ви можете знайти всі журнали в папці ""{logsPath}""."",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"No",,"Ні",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Diagnostic and error reports",,"Діагностика та звіти про помилки",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Yes",,"Так",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Troubleshoot issues you have with Skype by sending diagnostic and error reports to Microsoft. These reports are used to diagnose problems but may contain personal information such as your name and profile details. It is recommended that you turn off these reports after you’ve finished troubleshooting your issue as reports are continuously collected in the background. You can find all logs in folder {logsPath}",,""Виправляйте проблеми, що виникають зі Skype, надсилаючи діагностику та звіти про помилки до корпорації Майкрософт. Ці звіти використовуються для діагностики проблем, проте вони можуть містити таку особисту інформацію, як ваше ім’я та деталі профілю. Рекомендується вимикати їх після вирішення проблеми, оскільки збір інформації для звітів триватиме у фоновому режимі. Ви можете знайти всі журнали в папці ""{logsPath}""."",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"To apply the language settings, the application has to be restarted",,"Щоб застосувати параметри мови, необхідно перезапустити програму",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"I will restart it later",,"Я перезапущу програму пізніше",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Restart now",,"Перезапустити зараз",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Restart needed to change the language",,"Зміна мови та перезапуск програми",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Close",,"Закрити",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Error details:",,"Відомості про помилку: ",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Oops, there was an error while exporting your chat history",,"На жаль, під час експорту історії чату сталася помилка",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Exported chat history is located here:",,"Експортовану історію чату розташовано тут:",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Done!",,"Готово!",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Next",,"Далі",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"We didn't find any previous Skype installation to export chat history from.",,"Не вдалося знайти інстальовану раніше програму Skype, з якої можна було б експортувати історію чату.",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Open in browser",,"Відкрити в браузері",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
""Select the profile for which you want to export the history and click the ""Next"" button."",,""Виберіть профіль, для якого потрібно експортувати історію, і натисніть кнопку ""Далі""."",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Hey, we found the following profiles on your computer:",,"Ми знайшли такі профілі на вашому комп'ютері:",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Export your chat history",,"Експорт історії чату",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Working on it!",,"Триває обробка.",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
""Select ""add to contacts"" and they'll get your request."",,""Виберіть ""Додати до контактів"", і користувач отримає ваш запит."",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Yay! Now check out your emoticons...",,"Тепер ознайомтеся з емограмами...",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"When your request is accepted, send a message.",,"Щойно користувач підтвердить ваш запит, надішліть йому повідомлення.",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Search by email or Skype Name.",,"Шукайте людей за адресою електронної пошти або іменем у Skype.",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Download this image...",,"Завантажити це зображення...",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Image_from_Skype",,"Зображення_зі_Skype",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Loading...",,"Завантаження...",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"About Skype",,"Про Skype",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Actual Size",,"Фактичний розмір",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Ask the Skype Community",,"Звернутися до спільноти користувачів Skype",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Away",,"Немає на місці",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Bring All to Front",,"Перенести все на передній план",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Check For Updates",,"Перевірити наявність оновлень",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Close to Tray",,"Згорнути в панель сповіщень",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Copy",,"Копіювати",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Cut",,"Вирізати",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Debug",,"Налагодити",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Disable logging",,"Вимкнути створення журналів",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Do not disturb",,"Не турбувати",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Edit",,"Змінити",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Enable logging",,"Увімкнути створення журналів",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Export chat history from Skype 4.3",,"Експорт історії чату зі Skype 4.3",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"File",,"Файл",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Give Feedback",,"Надіслати відгук",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Go to Support",,"Звернутися в службу підтримки",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Heartbeat (Skype Status)",,"Heartbeat (статус Skype)",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Help",,"Довідка",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Hide Others",,"Приховати інші",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Hide Skype",,"Приховати Skype",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Invisible",,"Невидимість",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Change Language",,"Змінити мову",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Launch at Login",,"Запуск під час входу",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Launch Minimized",,"Згорнути після запуску",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Learn about Skype",,"Докладніше про Skype",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Legal Notices",,"Юридична інформація",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Minimize",,"Згорнути",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"New Conversation",,"Нова розмова",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Online",,"Онлайн",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Online Status",,"Онлайн-статус",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Paste",,"Вставити",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Preferences",,"Параметри",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Privacy Policy",,"Політика конфіденційності",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Profile",,"Профіль",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Quit",,"Вихід",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Quit Skype",,"Вийти зі Skype",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Redo",,"Повторити",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Reload",,"Перезавантажити",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Select All",,"Виділити все",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Services",,"Служби",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Settings",,"Параметри",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Show All",,"Показати всі",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Sign Out",,"Вийти",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Terms of Use",,"Умови використання",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Toggle Developer Tools",,"Відкрити або закрити інструменти розробника",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Toggle Full Screen",,"На весь екран",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Tools",,"Інструменти",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Undo",,"Скасувати",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Use for Skype links",,"Посилання на використання Skype",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"View",,"Переглянути",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Window",,"Вікно",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Zoom In",,"Збільшити",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Zoom Out",,"Зменшити",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Please check your internet connection and try again.",,"Перевірте підключення до Інтернету та повторіть спробу.",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Sorry, we couldn't connect to Skype.",,"На жаль, не вдалося підключитися до Skype.",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Retry",,"Повторити",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Click here to exit the full screen mode now.",,"Клацніть тут, щоб вийти з повноекранного режиму.",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"You have entered the full screen mode. You can leave it by pressing F11.",,"Відкрито в повноекранному режимі. Щоб вийти, натисніть клавішу F11.",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Skype",,"Skype",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Accept with video using Ctrl + Alt + Page Up",,"Щоб прийняти виклик із відео, натисніть клавіші Ctrl+Alt+Page Up",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Accept using Alt + Page Up",,"Щоб прийняти виклик, натисніть клавіші Alt+Page Up",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Incoming call",,"Вхідний виклик",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""
"Open Skype",,"Відкрити Skype",,"None",,"All",,"Skype - Linux",,""