
97 lines
3.3 KiB

title: "Odoo"
description: "Integrating Odoo with the Authelia OpenID Connect 1.0 Provider."
summary: ""
date: 2024-03-31T14:46:10+11:00
draft: false
images: []
weight: 620
toc: true
level: community
versions: true
integration: true
title: "" # custom title (optional)
description: "" # custom description (recommended)
canonical: "" # custom canonical URL (optional)
noindex: false # false (default) or true
## Tested Versions
* [Authelia]
* [v4.38.6](
* [Odoo]
* [17.0](
{{% oidc-common %}}
### Assumptions
This example makes the following assumptions:
* __Application Root URL:__ `https://odoo.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/`
* __Authelia Root URL:__ `https://{{< sitevar name="subdomain-authelia" nojs="auth" >}}.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/`
* __Client ID:__ `odoo`
Some of the values presented in this guide can automatically be replaced with documentation variables.
{{< sitevar-preferences >}}
## Configuration
### Authelia
The following YAML configuration is an example __Authelia__
[client configuration] for use with [Odoo]
which will operate with the application example:
```yaml {title="configuration.yml"}
- client_id: 'odoo'
client_name: 'Odoo'
public: true
authorization_policy: 'two_factor'
- 'https://odoo.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/auth_oauth/signin'
- 'openid'
- 'email'
- 'profile'
- 'token'
userinfo_signed_response_alg: 'none'
token_endpoint_auth_method: 'none'
### Application
To configure [Odoo] to utilize Authelia as an [OpenID Connect 1.0] Provider:
1. Enable OAuth in General Settings/Integrations, save and reload.
2. Create a new OAuth Provider in General Settings/Integrations/OAuth Providers, with the following settings:
* Provider name: `Authelia`
* Client ID: `odoo`
* Allowed: checked
* Login button label: `Authelia`
* Authorization URL: `https://{{< sitevar name="subdomain-authelia" nojs="auth" >}}.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/api/oidc/authorization`
* Scope: openid profile email
* UserInfo URL: `https://{{< sitevar name="subdomain-authelia" nojs="auth" >}}.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/api/oidc/userinfo`
* Data Endpoint: `https://{{< sitevar name="subdomain-authelia" nojs="auth" >}}.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/jwks.json`
3. If you want your Authelia user to have a guest access on Odoo, you need to enable it in General Settings/Permissions/Customer Account/Free sign up
4. If you want to allow an already existing user in [Odoo] to use its Authelia login:
* Ask the user to reset its password
* When Odoo prompt for the new password, select the "Connect with Authelia" button
## See Also
* [Odoo Authentication OpenID Connect]
[Odoo Authentication OpenID Connect]:
[OpenID Connect 1.0]: ../../openid-connect/
[client configuration]: ../../../configuration/identity-providers/openid-connect/