
115 lines
4.1 KiB

title: "PowerDNS Admin"
description: "Integrating PowerDNS Admin with the Authelia OpenID Connect 1.0 Provider."
summary: ""
date: 2024-01-16T08:47:18+11:00
draft: false
images: []
weight: 620
toc: true
level: community
versions: true
integration: true
title: "" # custom title (optional)
description: "" # custom description (recommended)
canonical: "" # custom canonical URL (optional)
noindex: false # false (default) or true
## Tested Versions
* [Authelia]
* [v4.38.0](
* [PowerDNS Admin]
* [v0.4.1](
{{% oidc-common %}}
### Assumptions
This example makes the following assumptions:
* __Application Root URL:__ `https://powerdns.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/`
* __Authelia Root URL:__ `https://{{< sitevar name="subdomain-authelia" nojs="auth" >}}.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/`
* __Client ID:__ `powerdns`
* __Client Secret:__ `insecure_secret`
Some of the values presented in this guide can automatically be replaced with documentation variables.
{{< sitevar-preferences >}}
## Configuration
### Authelia
The following YAML configuration is an example __Authelia__
[client configuration] for use with [PowerDNS Admin]
which will operate with the application example:
```yaml {title="configuration.yml"}
## The other portions of the mandatory OpenID Connect 1.0 configuration go here.
## See:
- client_id: 'powerdns'
client_name: 'PowerDNS Admin'
client_secret: '$pbkdf2-sha512$310000$c8p78n7pUMln0jzvd4aK4Q$JNRBzwAo0ek5qKn50cFzzvE9RXV88h1wJn5KGiHrD0YKtZaR/nCb2CJPOsKaPK0hjf.9yHxzQGZziziccp6Yng' # The digest of 'insecure_secret'.
public: false
authorization_policy: 'two_factor'
- 'https://powerdns.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/oidc/authorized'
- 'openid'
- 'profile'
- 'groups'
- 'email'
- 'code'
- 'authorization_code'
userinfo_signed_response_alg: 'none'
### Application
To configure [PowerDNS Admin] to utilize Authelia as an [OpenID Connect 1.0] Provider:
1. Visit Settings
2. Visit Authentication
3. Visit OpenID Connect OAuth
3. Set the following values:
1. Enable *Enable OpenID Connect OAuth*
2. Client ID: `powerdns`
3. Client Secret: `insecure_secret`
4. Scopes: `openid profile groups email`
5. API URL: `https://{{< sitevar name="subdomain-authelia" nojs="auth" >}}.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/api/oidc/userinfo`
6. Enable *Enable OIDC OAuth Auto-Configurationh*
7. Metadata URL: `https://{{< sitevar name="subdomain-authelia" nojs="auth" >}}.{{< sitevar name="domain" nojs="" >}}/.well-known/openid-configuration`
8. Username: `preferred_username`
9. Email: `email`
10. Firstname: `preferred_username`
11. Last Name: `name`
12. Autoprovision Account Name property: `preferred_username`
13. Autoprovision Account Description property : `name`
{{< callout context="note" title="Note" icon="outline/info-circle" >}}
Currently, Authelia only supports the preferred_username and name claims under the profile scope. However PowerDNS-Admin
only supports a FirstName LastName system, where the two are separate, instead of using the name claim to fetch the full
name. This means that the names in the system are incorrect. See issue
{{< /callout >}}
{{< figure src="powerdns.png" alt="PowerDNS Admin" width="736" style="padding-right: 10px" >}}
## See Also
* [Portainer OAuth Documentation](
[PowerDNS Admin]:
[OpenID Connect 1.0]: ../../openid-connect/
[client configuration]: ../../../configuration/identity-providers/openid-connect/