
164 lines
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"""password policy"""
import re
from hashlib import sha1
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from rest_framework.serializers import BaseSerializer
from structlog.stdlib import get_logger
from zxcvbn import zxcvbn
from authentik.lib.utils.http import get_http_session
from authentik.policies.models import Policy
from authentik.policies.types import PolicyRequest, PolicyResult
from authentik.stages.prompt.stage import PLAN_CONTEXT_PROMPT
LOGGER = get_logger()
RE_LOWER = re.compile("[a-z]")
RE_UPPER = re.compile("[A-Z]")
RE_DIGITS = re.compile("[0-9]")
class PasswordPolicy(Policy):
"""Policy to make sure passwords have certain properties"""
password_field = models.TextField(
help_text=_("Field key to check, field keys defined in Prompt stages are available."),
check_static_rules = models.BooleanField(default=True)
check_have_i_been_pwned = models.BooleanField(default=False)
check_zxcvbn = models.BooleanField(default=False)
amount_digits = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
amount_uppercase = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
amount_lowercase = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
amount_symbols = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
length_min = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
symbol_charset = models.TextField(default=r"!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ ")
error_message = models.TextField(blank=True)
hibp_allowed_count = models.PositiveIntegerField(
help_text=_("How many times the password hash is allowed to be on haveibeenpwned"),
zxcvbn_score_threshold = models.PositiveIntegerField(
help_text=_("If the zxcvbn score is equal or less than this value, the policy will fail."),
def serializer(self) -> type[BaseSerializer]:
from authentik.policies.password.api import PasswordPolicySerializer
return PasswordPolicySerializer
def component(self) -> str:
return "ak-policy-password-form"
def passes(self, request: PolicyRequest) -> PolicyResult:
password = request.context.get(PLAN_CONTEXT_PROMPT, {}).get(
self.password_field, request.context.get(self.password_field)
if not password:
"Password field not set in Policy Request",
return PolicyResult(False, _("Password not set in context"))
password = str(password)
if self.check_static_rules:
static_result = self.passes_static(password, request)
if not static_result.passing:
return static_result
if self.check_have_i_been_pwned:
hibp_result = self.passes_hibp(password, request)
if not hibp_result.passing:
return hibp_result
if self.check_zxcvbn:
zxcvbn_result = self.passes_zxcvbn(password, request)
if not zxcvbn_result.passing:
return zxcvbn_result
return PolicyResult(True)
def passes_static(self, password: str, request: PolicyRequest) -> PolicyResult:
"""Check static rules"""
if len(password) < self.length_min:
LOGGER.debug("password failed", check="static", reason="length")
return PolicyResult(False, self.error_message)
if self.amount_digits > 0 and len(RE_DIGITS.findall(password)) < self.amount_digits:
LOGGER.debug("password failed", check="static", reason="amount_digits")
return PolicyResult(False, self.error_message)
if self.amount_lowercase > 0 and len(RE_LOWER.findall(password)) < self.amount_lowercase:
LOGGER.debug("password failed", check="static", reason="amount_lowercase")
return PolicyResult(False, self.error_message)
if self.amount_uppercase > 0 and len(RE_UPPER.findall(password)) < self.amount_lowercase:
LOGGER.debug("password failed", check="static", reason="amount_uppercase")
return PolicyResult(False, self.error_message)
if self.amount_symbols > 0:
count = 0
for symbol in self.symbol_charset:
count += password.count(symbol)
if count < self.amount_symbols:
LOGGER.debug("password failed", check="static", reason="amount_symbols")
return PolicyResult(False, self.error_message)
return PolicyResult(True)
def check_hibp(self, short_hash: str) -> str:
"""Check the haveibeenpwned API"""
url = f"{short_hash}"
return get_http_session().get(url).text
def passes_hibp(self, password: str, request: PolicyRequest) -> PolicyResult:
"""Check if password is in HIBP DB. Hashes given Password with SHA1, uses the first 5
characters of Password in request and checks if full hash is in response. Returns 0
if Password is not in result otherwise the count of how many times it was used."""
pw_hash = sha1(password.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() # nosec
result = self.check_hibp(pw_hash[:5])
final_count = 0
for line in result.split("\r\n"):
full_hash, count = line.split(":")
if pw_hash[5:] == full_hash.lower():
final_count = int(count)
LOGGER.debug("got hibp result", count=final_count, hash=pw_hash[:5])
if final_count > self.hibp_allowed_count:
LOGGER.debug("password failed", check="hibp", count=final_count)
message = _("Password exists on %(count)d online lists." % {"count": final_count})
return PolicyResult(False, message)
return PolicyResult(True)
def passes_zxcvbn(self, password: str, request: PolicyRequest) -> PolicyResult:
"""Check Dropbox's zxcvbn password estimator"""
user_inputs = []
if request.user.is_authenticated:
if request.http_request:
# Only calculate result for the first 100 characters, as with over 100 char
# long passwords we can be reasonably sure that they'll surpass the score anyways
# See
results = zxcvbn(password[:100], user_inputs)
LOGGER.debug("password failed", check="zxcvbn", score=results["score"])
result = PolicyResult(results["score"] > self.zxcvbn_score_threshold)
if not result.passing:
result.messages += tuple((_("Password is too weak."),))
if isinstance(results["feedback"]["warning"], list):
result.messages += tuple(results["feedback"]["warning"])
if isinstance(results["feedback"]["suggestions"], list):
result.messages += tuple(results["feedback"]["suggestions"])
return result
class Meta(Policy.PolicyMeta):
verbose_name = _("Password Policy")
verbose_name_plural = _("Password Policies")