
176 lines
3.9 KiB

name = "authentik"
version = "2024.4.1"
description = ""
authors = ["authentik Team <>"]
line-length = 100
target-version = ['py312']
exclude = 'node_modules'
line-length = 100
target-version = "py312"
exclude = ["**/migrations/**", "**/node_modules/**"]
select = [
# pycodestyle
# Pyflakes
# isort
# pyupgrade
# flake8-bugbear
# django
# pylint
ignore = [
"DJ001" # Avoid using `null=True` on string-based fields,
max-args = 7
max-branches = 18
max-returns = 10
source = ["authentik"]
relative_files = true
omit = [
sort = "Cover"
skip_covered = true
precision = 2
exclude_lines = [
"pragma: no cover",
# Don't complain about missing debug-only code:
"def __unicode__",
"def __str__",
"def __repr__",
"if self.debug",
# Don't complain if tests don't hit defensive assertion code:
"raise AssertionError",
"raise NotImplementedError",
# Don't complain if non-runnable code isn't run:
"if 0:",
"if __name__ == .__main__.:",
show_missing = true
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = "authentik.root.settings"
python_files = ["", "test_*.py", "*"]
junit_family = "xunit2"
addopts = "-p no:celery -p authentik.root.test_plugin --junitxml=unittest.xml -vv --full-trace --doctest-modules"
filterwarnings = [
"ignore:defusedxml.lxml is no longer supported and will be removed in a future release.:DeprecationWarning",
"ignore:SelectableGroups dict interface is deprecated. Use select.:DeprecationWarning",
argon2-cffi = "*"
celery = "*"
channels = { version = "*", extras = ["daphne"] }
channels-redis = "*"
codespell = "*"
colorama = "*"
cryptography = "*"
dacite = "*"
deepmerge = "*"
defusedxml = "*"
django = "*"
django-filter = "*"
django-guardian = "*"
django-model-utils = "*"
django-prometheus = "*"
django-redis = "*"
django-storages = { extras = ["s3"], version = "*" }
# See
django-tenants = { git = "", branch="authentik-fixes" }
djangorestframework = "3.14.0"
djangorestframework-guardian = "*"
docker = "*"
drf-spectacular = "*"
dumb-init = "*"
duo-client = "*"
facebook-sdk = "*"
fido2 = "*"
flower = "*"
geoip2 = "*"
gunicorn = "*"
jsonpatch = "*"
kubernetes = "*"
ldap3 = "*"
lxml = "*"
opencontainers = { extras = ["reggie"], version = "*" }
packaging = "*"
paramiko = "*"
psycopg = { extras = ["c"], version = "*" }
pydantic = "*"
pydantic-scim = "*"
pyjwt = "*"
python = "~3.12"
pyyaml = "*"
requests-oauthlib = "*"
scim2-filter-parser = "*"
sentry-sdk = "*"
service_identity = "*"
setproctitle = "*"
structlog = "*"
swagger-spec-validator = "*"
tenant-schemas-celery = "*"
twilio = "*"
twisted = "*"
ua-parser = "*"
# Pinned because of botocore
urllib3 = { extras = ["secure"], version = "<3" }
uvicorn = { extras = ["standard"], version = "*" }
watchdog = "*"
webauthn = "*"
wsproto = "*"
xmlsec = "*"
zxcvbn = "*"
bandit = "*"
black = "*"
bump2version = "*"
colorama = "*"
coverage = { extras = ["toml"], version = "*" }
debugpy = "*"
drf-jsonschema-serializer = "*"
freezegun = "*"
importlib-metadata = "*"
pdoc = "*"
pyrad = "*"
pytest = "*"
pytest-django = "*"
pytest-github-actions-annotate-failures = "*"
pytest-randomly = "*"
pytest-timeout = "*"
requests-mock = "*"
ruff = "*"
selenium = "*"
requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
ak = "lifecycle.ak:main"