228 lines
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228 lines
7.8 KiB
import { browser } from "@wdio/globals";
import { match } from "ts-pattern";
import { Key } from "webdriverio";
export async function doBlur(el: WebdriverIO.Element | ChainablePromiseElement) {
const element = await el;
browser.execute((element) => element.blur(), element);
export function tap<A>(a: A) {
console.log("TAP:", a);
return a;
const makeComparator = (value: string | RegExp) =>
typeof value === "string"
? (sample: string) => sample === value
: (sample: string) => value.test(sample);
export async function checkIsPresent(name: string) {
await expect(await $(name)).toBeDisplayed();
export async function clickButton(name: string, ctx?: WebdriverIO.Element) {
const context = ctx ?? browser;
const button = await (async () => {
for await (const button of context.$$("button")) {
if ((await button.isDisplayed()) && (await button.getText()).indexOf(name) !== -1) {
return button;
if (!(button && (await button.isDisplayed()))) {
throw new Error(`Unable to find button '${name}'`);
await button.scrollIntoView();
await button.click();
await doBlur(button);
export async function clickToggleGroup(name: string, value: string | RegExp) {
const comparator = makeComparator(value);
const button = await (async () => {
for await (const button of $(`>>>[data-ouid-component-name=${name}]`).$$(
)) {
if (comparator(await button.$(">>>.pf-c-toggle-group__text").getText())) {
return button;
if (!(button && (await button?.isDisplayed()))) {
throw new Error(`Unable to locate toggle button ${name}:${value.toString()}`);
await button.scrollIntoView();
await button.click();
await doBlur(button);
export async function setFormGroup(name: string | RegExp, setting: "open" | "closed") {
const comparator = makeComparator(name);
const formGroup = await (async () => {
for await (const group of browser.$$(">>>ak-form-group")) {
// Delightfully, wizards may have slotted elements that *exist* but are not *attached*,
// and this can break the damn tests.
if (!(await group.isDisplayed())) {
if (
await group.$(">>>div.pf-c-form__field-group-header-title-text").getText(),
) {
return group;
if (!(formGroup && (await formGroup.isDisplayed()))) {
throw new Error(`Unable to find ak-form-group[name="${name}"]`);
await formGroup.scrollIntoView();
const toggle = await formGroup.$(">>>div.pf-c-form__field-group-toggle-button button");
await match([await toggle.getAttribute("aria-expanded"), setting])
.with(["false", "open"], async () => await toggle.click())
.with(["true", "closed"], async () => await toggle.click())
.otherwise(async () => {});
await doBlur(formGroup);
export async function setRadio(name: string, value: string | RegExp) {
const control = await $(`>>>ak-radio[name="${name}"]`);
await control.scrollIntoView();
const comparator = makeComparator(value);
const item = await (async () => {
for await (const item of control.$$(">>>div.pf-c-radio")) {
if (comparator(await item.$(">>>.pf-c-radio__label").getText())) {
return item;
if (!(item && (await item.isDisplayed()))) {
throw new Error(`Unable to find a radio that matches ${name}:${value.toString()}`);
await item.scrollIntoView();
await item.click();
await doBlur(control);
export async function setSearchSelect(name: string, value: string | RegExp) {
const control = await (async () => {
try {
const control = await $(`>>>ak-search-select[name="${name}"]`);
await control.waitForExist({ timeout: 500 });
return control;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
} catch (_e: any) {
const control = await $(`>>>ak-search-selects-ez[name="${name}"]`);
return control;
if (!(control && (await control.isExisting()))) {
throw new Error(`Unable to find an ak-search-select variant matching ${name}}`);
// Find the search select input control and activate it.
const view = await control.$(">>>ak-search-select-view");
const input = await view.$('>>>input[type="text"]');
await input.scrollIntoView();
await input.click();
const comparator = makeComparator(value);
const button = await (async () => {
for await (const button of $(`>>>div[data-managed-for*="${name}"]`)
.$$("button")) {
if (comparator(await button.getText())) {
return button;
if (!(button && (await button.isDisplayed()))) {
throw new Error(
`Unable to find an ak-search-select entry matching ${name}:${value.toString()}`,
await (await button).click();
await browser.keys(Key.Tab);
await doBlur(control);
export async function setTextInput(name: string, value: string) {
const control = await $(`>>>input[name="${name}"]`);
await control.scrollIntoView();
await control.setValue(value);
await doBlur(control);
export async function setTextareaInput(name: string, value: string) {
const control = await $(`>>>textarea[name="${name}"]`);
await control.scrollIntoView();
await control.setValue(value);
await doBlur(control);
export async function setToggle(name: string, set: boolean) {
const toggle = await $(`>>>input[name="${name}"]`);
await toggle.scrollIntoView();
await expect(await toggle.getAttribute("type")).toBe("checkbox");
const state = await toggle.isSelected();
if (set !== state) {
const control = await (await toggle.parentElement()).$(">>>.pf-c-switch__toggle");
await control.click();
await doBlur(control);
export async function setTypeCreate(name: string, value: string | RegExp) {
const control = await $(`>>>ak-wizard-page-type-create[name="${name}"]`);
await control.scrollIntoView();
const comparator = makeComparator(value);
const card = await (async () => {
for await (const card of $(">>>ak-wizard-page-type-create").$$(
)) {
if (comparator(await card.$(">>>.pf-c-card__title").getText())) {
return card;
if (!(card && (await card.isDisplayed()))) {
throw new Error(`Unable to locate radio card ${name}:${value.toString()}`);
await card.scrollIntoView();
await card.click();
await doBlur(control);
export type TestInteraction =
| [typeof checkIsPresent, ...Parameters<typeof checkIsPresent>]
| [typeof clickButton, ...Parameters<typeof clickButton>]
| [typeof clickToggleGroup, ...Parameters<typeof clickToggleGroup>]
| [typeof setFormGroup, ...Parameters<typeof setFormGroup>]
| [typeof setRadio, ...Parameters<typeof setRadio>]
| [typeof setSearchSelect, ...Parameters<typeof setSearchSelect>]
| [typeof setTextInput, ...Parameters<typeof setTextInput>]
| [typeof setTextareaInput, ...Parameters<typeof setTextareaInput>]
| [typeof setToggle, ...Parameters<typeof setToggle>]
| [typeof setTypeCreate, ...Parameters<typeof setTypeCreate>];
export type TestSequence = TestInteraction[];
export type TestProvider = () => TestSequence;