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78 lines
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title: Integrate with SonarQube
sidebar_label: SonarQube
<span className="badge badge--primary">Support level: Community</span>
## What is SonarQube
> Self-managed static analysis tool for continuous codebase inspection
> -- https://www.sonarsource.com/products/sonarqube/
## Preparation
The following placeholders are used in this guide:
- `sonarqube.company` is the FQDN of the sonarqube installation.
- `authentik.company` is the FQDN of the authentik installation.
This documentation lists only the settings that you need to change from their default values. Be aware that any changes other than those explicitly mentioned in this guide could cause issues accessing your application.
## Terraform provider
Create an application in authentik. Create a SAML Provider with the following values
data "authentik_flow" "default-provider-authorization-implicit-consent" {
slug = "default-provider-authorization-implicit-consent"
data "authentik_property_mapping_saml" "saml-sonar-qube" {
managed_list = [
resource "authentik_provider_saml" "provider_sonar-qube" {
name = "SonarQube"
authorization_flow = data.authentik_flow.default-provider-authorization-implicit-consent.id
acs_url = "https://sonarqube.company/oauth2/callback/saml"
issuer = "https://authentik.company/"
sp_binding = "post"
audience = "https://sonarqube.company/saml2/metadata"
property_mappings = data.authentik_property_mapping_saml.saml-sonar-qube.ids
resource "authentik_application" "application_sonar-qube" {
name = "SonarQube"
slug = "sonarqube"
protocol_provider = authentik_provider_saml.provider_sonar-qube.id
## SonarQube
Navigate to Administration -> Configuration -> Authentication -> Saml
Input these Values
- Application ID: https://sonarqube.company/saml2/metadata
- Provider Name: authentik
- Provider ID: https://authentik.company/
- SAML login url: https://authentik.company/application/saml/sonarqube/sso/binding/redirect/
- Identity provider certificate: Download it from authentik
- SAML user login attribute: http://schemas.goauthentik.io/2021/02/saml/username
- SAML user name attribute: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name
- SAML user email attribute: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress