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Firmware for ESP8266-based custom PCBs that connects IKEA Air Purifiers to Home Assistant via MQTT
How it works
Flash the firmware image (see latest release if available) or flash micropython directly (https://micropython.org/download/esp8266-1m/) and copy all the files in the firmware folder to ESP8266. Power up the chip and now you can access it via captive portal. On your computer check available networks and choose the one with a name of MicroPython-xxxxxx. Default password is micropythoN.
On the login page choose an air purifier and add your wifi and mqtt credentials. Don't forget to add a Home Assistant (HA) entity id of your choice to your deivce as the example below. After you click on connect, the ESP should reboot and within a few seconds try to establish wireless connection with your router, mqtt broker and HA instance. If it's successful then it automatically publish config entry to Home Assistant to set up your device properties.
That's all! Now you can see your new fan entity in HA with options to turn on/off or even change speed of the purifier.
Tested with Micropython v1.19.1 (ESP8266 with 1MiB flash), Home Assistant 2023.05.03, Mosquitto 6.2.1
Troubleshooting: if the device doesn't open captive portal automatically after flashing the firmware succesfully then try to push the reset button once. In case the device does not connect to wifi after credentials are given then try to unplug the device for a few seconds and plug it again (sometimes wifi connection takes more time)
Filter LED control for Uppåtvind hasn't been implemented yet
- Home Assistant with Mosquitto MQTT add-on already installed
- Förnuftig or Uppåtvind Air Purifiers from IKEA
- Custom PCB for IKEA Air Purifiers (for more details check esp8266-for-fornuftig and esp8266-for-uppatvind repos)