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# iCloud Photos Downloader [![Quality Checks](https://github.com/icloud-photos-downloader/icloud_photos_downloader/workflows/Quality%20Checks/badge.svg)](https://github.com/icloud-photos-downloader/icloud_photos_downloader/actions/workflows/quality-checks.yml) [![Multi Platform Docker Build](https://github.com/icloud-photos-downloader/icloud_photos_downloader/workflows/Docker%20Build/badge.svg)](https://github.com/icloud-photos-downloader/icloud_photos_downloader/actions/workflows/docker-build.yml) [![MIT License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](LICENSE)
- A command-line tool to download all your iCloud photos.
- Works on Linux, Windows, and MacOS; laptop, desktop, and NAS
- Available as an executable for direct downloading and through package managers/ecosystems ([Docker](README_DOCKER.md), [PyPI](README_PYPI.md), [AUR](README_AUR.md), Experimental: [Npm](README_NPM.md))
- Developed and maintained by volunteers (we are always looking for [help](CONTRIBUTING.md)).
We aim to release new versions once a week (Friday), if there is something worth delivering.
## Install and Run
There are three ways to run `icloudpd`:
1. Download executable for your platform from the Github [Releases](https://github.com/icloud-photos-downloader/icloud_photos_downloader/releases) and run it
1. Use package manager to install, update, and, in some cases, run ([Docker](README_DOCKER.md), [PyPI](README_PYPI.md), [AUR](README_AUR.md), Experimental: [Npm](README_NPM.md))
1. Build and run from the source
## Features
- Three modes of operation:
- **Copy** - download new photos from iCloud (default mode)
- **Sync** - download new photos from iCloud and delete local files that were removed in iCloud (`--auto-delete` option)
- **Move** - download new photos from iCloud and delete photos in iCloud (`--delete-after-download` option)
- Support for Live Photos (image and video as separate files)
- Automatic de-duplication of photos with the same name
- One time download and an option to monitor for iCloud changes continuously (`--watch-with-interval` option)
- Optimizations for incremental runs (`--until-found` and `--recent` options)
- Photo meta data (EXIF) updates (`--set-exif-datetime` option)
- ... and many more (use `--help` option to get full list)
## Experimental Mode
Some changes are added to the experimental mode before they graduate into the main package. [Details](EXPERIMENTAL.md)
## Usage
To keep your iCloud photo collection synchronized to your local system:
icloudpd --directory /data --username my@email.address --watch-with-interval 3600
> It is `icloudpd`, not `icloud` executable
> [!TIP]
> Synchronization logic can be adjusted with command-line parameters. Run `icloudpd --help` to get full list.
To independently create and authorize a session (and complete 2SA/2FA validation if needed) on your local system:
icloudpd --username my@email.address --password my_password --auth-only
> [!TIP]
> This feature can also be used to check and verify that the session is still authenticated.
## FAQ
Nuances of working with the iCloud or a specific operating system are collected in the [FAQ](FAQ.md). Also, check [Issues](https://github.com/icloud-photos-downloader/icloud_photos_downloader/issues).
## Contributing
Want to contribute to iCloud Photos Downloader? Awesome! Check out the [contributing guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) to get involved.