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Third party plugins
Nick Ng edited this page 2024-12-02 11:54:57 +07:00
Table of Contents
mdBook can be extended with external commands. See the mdBook Guide for more information about extending mdBook. The following is a list of community-developed plugins for extending mdBook. If you are an author of a plugin, feel free to add it to this list!
: Adds support for Material Design admonishments, based on the mkdocs-material implementation.mdbook-alerts
: A preprocessor that add GitHub Flavored Markdown's Alerts (similar to Obsidian's Callouts) syntax supportmdbook-blocks
: Add beautiful Bootstrap components to your books, also supports a live viewer for vscode to write and preview your books contents in real-time!mdbook-classy
: Adds support for kramdown-style CSS class annotations to paragraphs.mdbook-cmdrun
: A preprocessor that runs arbitrary commands and replace the stdout of these commands inside the markdown file.mdbook-codeblocks
: A preprocessor to prepend customizable vignette to code blocks.mdbook-djot
: A preprocessor to parse Djot (.dj
) files into html.mdbook-embedify
: A preprocessor that allows you to embed apps to your book, like youtube, codepen and some other apps.mdbook-footnote
: Adds support for auto-numbered footnotes.mdbook-force-relative-links
: A preprocessor to transform absolute links into relative onesmdbook-graphviz
: Renders graphs using Graphvizmdbook-haskell
: Source code includes for Haskell.mdbook-hide
: A preprocessor for mdbook that adds support for hidden chapters.mdbook-i18n-helpers
: Translation support using a Gettext-based workflow.mdbook-i18n
: Enhance multi-lang version.mdbook-image-size
: A preprocessor that supports image size syntax.mdbook-indexing
: Adds support for index generation.mdbook-inline-highlighting
: mdBook preprocessor that enables support for inline highlighting.mdbook-journal
: Workflow tool that can generate templated documentation, notes, measurements...mdbook-katex
: A preprocessor rendering LaTex equations to HTML.mdbook-keeper
: Better testing support for mdbook -- add third party crates and do testing during build.mdbook-mathpunc
: A preprocessor that prevents line breaks between inline math blocks and punctuation marks when using mdbook-katex.mdbook-mermaid
: Uses mermaid.js to create diagrams from text.mdbook-morsels
: Alternative client-side search solution.mdbook-numeq
: A preprocessor to automatically number centered equations and later create a link to these equations for a "LaTeX" type experience.mdbook-numthm
: A preprocessor to automatically number theorems, lemmas, etc.mdbook-pagetoc
: Adds sidebar table of contents. Rust wrapper formdBook-pagetoc
: Renders Pikchr code blocks as SVG images in your book.mdbook-plantuml
: Renders PlantUML code blocks as images in your book.mdbook-private
: A preprocessor that allows for private sections to be defined and hidden or kept.mdbook-reading-time
: A preprocessor that calculates word count and reading time.mdbook-repl
: A preprocessor that allows you to execute code in your markdown book without any server. Python, Typescript, Javascript etc.mdbook-shiftinclude
: A preprocessor that allows included files to be shifted left or right.mdbook-svgbob
: Turns ASCII diagrams into SVG.mdbook-template
: A preprocessor that allows the re-usability of template files with dynamic arguments.mdbook-tera
: A Tera preprocessor that allows template-based renderingmdbook-toc
: Adds inline Table of Contents.mdbook-webinclude
: A preprocessor that includes content over HTTPmdbook-yapp
: A preprocessor for mdbook that simply replaces text in chapters.mdbook-yml-header
: Clean up the yml-header in top of files from ie. obsidian
: Experimental AsciiDoc generator.mdbook-asciidoc
: Yet another AsciiDoc generator.mdbook-epub
: An experimental EPUB generator.mdbook-i18n-helpers
: Extract translatable text to a Gettext.po
: Checks for broken links.mdbook-man
: Generates man pages.mdbook-pandoc
: Generate PDFs and more with Pandoc.mdbook-pdf
: Generate PDF, based on headless_chrome and Chrome DevTools Protocol.mdbook-test
: A program to run the book's contents through rust-skeptic to verify everything compiles and runs correctly (similar torustdoc --test
: Generate PDFs, PNGs, SVGs, and raw Typst markup.
: Adds sidebar table of contents.mdbook-whichlang
: Powerful Code Blocks for mdBook