As the title says, this shortcut will ask you "Which Speakers?" and you tell it whatever your speakers are called, and it'll enable them and disable the others.
Example usage:
- Say "Hey Siri FD Speakers"
- Siri asks you "Which Speakers?"
- Say "Living Room, Kitchen, Basement, Garage, Office"
- Siri turns on all of those speakers and disables all other speakers.
More info:
The shortcut works by splitting up the words you say into a list of individual words. Then it gets the list of your speaker names. Then it turns off all the speakers. Then it checks to see if a word you say exists in the name of a speaker, and if so, that speaker is turned on.
Update 6/4/21 - If you're using OwnTone instead of Forked-Daapd,the URL in this shortcut needs to be updated to use owntone.local