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title: "Commands"
draft: false
type: docs
layout: single
weight: 30
# Commands
You've already learned how to use the command-line interface to do some things.
This chapter documents all the available commands.
To get help from the command-line, simply call `poetry` to see the complete list of commands,
then `--help` combined with any of those can give you more information.
## Global options
* `--verbose (-v|vv|vvv)`: Increase the verbosity of messages: "-v" for normal output, "-vv" for more verbose output and "-vvv" for debug.
* `--help (-h)` : Display help information.
* `--quiet (-q)` : Do not output any message.
* `--ansi`: Force ANSI output.
* `--no-ansi`: Disable ANSI output.
* `--version (-V)`: Display this application version.
* `--no-interaction (-n)`: Do not ask any interactive question.
* `--no-plugins`: Disables plugins.
* `--no-cache`: Disables Poetry source caches.
* `--directory=DIRECTORY (-C)`: The working directory for the Poetry command (defaults to the current working directory).
## new
This command will help you kickstart your new Python project by creating
a directory structure suitable for most projects.
poetry new my-package
will create a folder as follows:
├── pyproject.toml
├── README.md
├── my_package
│ └── __init__.py
└── tests
└── __init__.py
If you want to name your project differently than the folder, you can pass
the `--name` option:
poetry new my-folder --name my-package
If you want to use a src folder, you can use the `--src` option:
poetry new --src my-package
That will create a folder structure as follows:
├── pyproject.toml
├── README.md
├── src
│ └── my_package
│ └── __init__.py
└── tests
└── __init__.py
The `--name` option is smart enough to detect namespace packages and create
the required structure for you.
poetry new --src --name my.package my-package
will create the following structure:
├── pyproject.toml
├── README.md
├── src
│ └── my
│ └── package
│ └── __init__.py
└── tests
└── __init__.py
### Options
* `--name`: Set the resulting package name.
* `--src`: Use the src layout for the project.
* `--readme`: Specify the readme file extension. Default is `md`. If you intend to publish to PyPI
keep the [recommendations for a PyPI-friendly README](https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/guides/making-a-pypi-friendly-readme/)
in mind.
## init
This command will help you create a `pyproject.toml` file interactively
by prompting you to provide basic information about your package.
It will interactively ask you to fill in the fields, while using some smart defaults.
poetry init
### Options
* `--name`: Name of the package.
* `--description`: Description of the package.
* `--author`: Author of the package.
* `--python` Compatible Python versions.
* `--dependency`: Package to require with a version constraint. Should be in format `foo:1.0.0`.
* `--dev-dependency`: Development requirements, see `--dependency`.
## install
The `install` command reads the `pyproject.toml` file from the current project,
resolves the dependencies, and installs them.
poetry install
If there is a `poetry.lock` file in the current directory,
it will use the exact versions from there instead of resolving them.
This ensures that everyone using the library will get the same versions of the dependencies.
If there is no `poetry.lock` file, Poetry will create one after dependency resolution.
If you want to exclude one or more dependency groups for the installation, you can use
the `--without` option.
poetry install --without test,docs
{{% note %}}
The `--no-dev` option is now deprecated. You should use the `--only main` or `--without dev` notation instead.
{{% /note %}}
You can also select optional dependency groups with the `--with` option.
poetry install --with test,docs
It's also possible to only install specific dependency groups by using the `only` option.
poetry install --only test,docs
To only install the project itself with no dependencies, use the `--only-root` flag.
poetry install --only-root
See [Dependency groups]({{< relref "managing-dependencies#dependency-groups" >}}) for more information
about dependency groups.
If you want to synchronize your environment and ensure it matches the lock file use the
`--sync` option.
poetry install --sync
The `--sync` can be combined with group-related options:
poetry install --without dev --sync
poetry install --with docs --sync
poetry install --only dev --sync
You can also specify the extras you want installed
by passing the `-E|--extras` option (See [Extras]({{< relref "pyproject#extras" >}}) for more info).
Pass `--all-extras` to install all defined extras for a project.
poetry install --extras "mysql pgsql"
poetry install -E mysql -E pgsql
poetry install --all-extras
Extras are not sensitive to `--sync`. Any extras not specified will always be removed.
poetry install --extras "A B" # C is removed
By default `poetry` will install your project's package every time you run `install`:
$ poetry install
Installing dependencies from lock file
No dependencies to install or update
- Installing <your-package-name> (x.x.x)
If you want to skip this installation, use the `--no-root` option.
poetry install --no-root
Similar to `--no-root` you can use `--no-directory` to skip directory path dependencies:
poetry install --no-directory
This is mainly useful for caching in CI or when building Docker images. See the [FAQ entry]({{< relref "faq#poetry-busts-my-docker-cache-because-it-requires-me-to-copy-my-source-files-in-before-installing-3rd-party-dependencies" >}}) for more information on this option.
By default `poetry` does not compile Python source files to bytecode during installation.
This speeds up the installation process, but the first execution may take a little more
time because Python then compiles source files to bytecode automatically.
If you want to compile source files to bytecode during installation,
you can use the `--compile` option:
poetry install --compile
{{% note %}}
The `--compile` option has no effect if `installer.modern-installation`
is set to `false` because the old installer always compiles source files to bytecode.
{{% /note %}}
### Options
* `--without`: The dependency groups to ignore.
* `--with`: The optional dependency groups to include.
* `--only`: The only dependency groups to include.
* `--only-root`: Install only the root project, exclude all dependencies.
* `--sync`: Synchronize the environment with the locked packages and the specified groups.
* `--no-root`: Do not install the root package (your project).
* `--no-directory`: Skip all directory path dependencies (including transitive ones).
* `--dry-run`: Output the operations but do not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose).
* `--extras (-E)`: Features to install (multiple values allowed).
* `--all-extras`: Install all extra features (conflicts with --extras).
* `--compile`: Compile Python source files to bytecode.
* `--no-dev`: Do not install dev dependencies. (**Deprecated**, use `--only main` or `--without dev` instead)
* `--remove-untracked`: Remove dependencies not presented in the lock file. (**Deprecated**, use `--sync` instead)
{{% note %}}
When `--only` is specified, `--with` and `--without` options are ignored.
{{% /note %}}
## update
In order to get the latest versions of the dependencies and to update the `poetry.lock` file,
you should use the `update` command.
poetry update
This will resolve all dependencies of the project and write the exact versions into `poetry.lock`.
If you just want to update a few packages and not all, you can list them as such:
poetry update requests toml
Note that this will not update versions for dependencies outside their
[version constraints]({{< relref "dependency-specification#version-constraints" >}})
specified in the `pyproject.toml` file.
In other terms, `poetry update foo` will be a no-op if the version constraint
specified for `foo` is `~2.3` or `2.3` and `2.4` is available.
In order for `foo` to be updated, you must update the constraint, for example `^2.3`.
You can do this using the `add` command.
### Options
* `--without`: The dependency groups to ignore.
* `--with`: The optional dependency groups to include.
* `--only`: The only dependency groups to include.
* `--dry-run` : Outputs the operations but will not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose).
* `--no-dev` : Do not update the development dependencies. (**Deprecated**, use `--only main` or `--without dev` instead)
* `--lock` : Do not perform install (only update the lockfile).
* `--sync`: Synchronize the environment with the locked packages and the specified groups.
{{% note %}}
When `--only` is specified, `--with` and `--without` options are ignored.
{{% /note %}}
## add
The `add` command adds required packages to your `pyproject.toml` and installs them.
If you do not specify a version constraint,
poetry will choose a suitable one based on the available package versions.
poetry add requests pendulum
{{% note %}}
A package is looked up, by default, only from the [Default Package Source]({{< relref "repositories/#default-package-source" >}}).
You can modify the default source (PyPI); or add and use [Supplemental Package Sources]({{< relref "repositories/#supplemental-package-sources" >}})
or [Explicit Package Sources]({{< relref "repositories/#explicit-package-sources" >}}).
For more information, refer to the [Package Sources]({{< relref "repositories/#package-sources" >}}) documentation.
{{% /note %}}
You can also specify a constraint when adding a package:
# Allow >=2.0.5, <3.0.0 versions
poetry add pendulum@^2.0.5
# Allow >=2.0.5, <2.1.0 versions
poetry add pendulum@~2.0.5
# Allow >=2.0.5 versions, without upper bound
poetry add "pendulum>=2.0.5"
# Allow only 2.0.5 version
poetry add pendulum==2.0.5
{{% note %}}
See the [Dependency specification]({{< relref "dependency-specification#using-the--operator" >}}) page for more information about the `@` operator.
{{% /note %}}
If you try to add a package that is already present, you will get an error.
However, if you specify a constraint, like above, the dependency will be updated
by using the specified constraint.
If you want to get the latest version of an already
present dependency, you can use the special `latest` constraint:
poetry add pendulum@latest
{{% note %}}
See the [Dependency specification]({{< relref "dependency-specification" >}}) for more information on setting the version constraints for a package.
{{% /note %}}
You can also add `git` dependencies:
poetry add git+https://github.com/sdispater/pendulum.git
or use ssh instead of https:
poetry add git+ssh://git@github.com/sdispater/pendulum.git
# or alternatively:
poetry add git+ssh://git@github.com:sdispater/pendulum.git
If you need to checkout a specific branch, tag or revision,
you can specify it when using `add`:
poetry add git+https://github.com/sdispater/pendulum.git#develop
poetry add git+https://github.com/sdispater/pendulum.git#2.0.5
# or using SSH instead:
poetry add git+ssh://git@github.com:sdispater/pendulum.git#develop
poetry add git+ssh://git@github.com:sdispater/pendulum.git#2.0.5
or reference a subdirectory:
poetry add git+https://github.com/myorg/mypackage_with_subdirs.git@main#subdirectory=subdir
You can also add a local directory or file:
poetry add ./my-package/
poetry add ../my-package/dist/my-package-0.1.0.tar.gz
poetry add ../my-package/dist/my_package-0.1.0.whl
If you want the dependency to be installed in editable mode you can use the `--editable` option.
poetry add --editable ./my-package/
poetry add --editable git+ssh://github.com/sdispater/pendulum.git#develop
Alternatively, you can specify it in the `pyproject.toml` file. It means that changes in the local directory will be reflected directly in environment.
my-package = {path = "../my/path", develop = true}
{{% note %}}
Before poetry 1.1 path dependencies were installed in editable mode by default. You should always set the `develop` attribute explicitly,
to make sure the behavior is the same for all poetry versions.
{{% /note %}}
{{% note %}}
The `develop` attribute is a Poetry-specific feature, so it is not included in the package distribution metadata.
In other words, it is only considered when using Poetry to install the project.
{{% /note %}}
If the package(s) you want to install provide extras, you can specify them
when adding the package:
poetry add "requests[security,socks]"
poetry add "requests[security,socks]~=2.22.0"
poetry add "git+https://github.com/pallets/flask.git@1.1.1[dotenv,dev]"
{{% warning %}}
Some shells may treat square braces (`[` and `]`) as special characters. It is suggested to always quote arguments containing these characters to prevent unexpected shell expansion.
{{% /warning %}}
If you want to add a package to a specific group of dependencies, you can use the `--group (-G)` option:
poetry add mkdocs --group docs
See [Dependency groups]({{< relref "managing-dependencies#dependency-groups" >}}) for more information
about dependency groups.
### Options
* `--group (-G)`: The group to add the dependency to.
* `--dev (-D)`: Add package as development dependency. (**Deprecated**, use `-G dev` instead)
* `--editable (-e)`: Add vcs/path dependencies as editable.
* `--extras (-E)`: Extras to activate for the dependency. (multiple values allowed)
* `--optional`: Add as an optional dependency.
* `--python`: Python version for which the dependency must be installed.
* `--platform`: Platforms for which the dependency must be installed.
* `--source`: Name of the source to use to install the package.
* `--allow-prereleases`: Accept prereleases.
* `--dry-run`: Output the operations but do not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose).
* `--lock`: Do not perform install (only update the lockfile).
## remove
The `remove` command removes a package from the current
list of installed packages.
poetry remove pendulum
If you want to remove a package from a specific group of dependencies, you can use the `--group (-G)` option:
poetry remove mkdocs --group docs
See [Dependency groups]({{< relref "managing-dependencies#dependency-groups" >}}) for more information
about dependency groups.
### Options
* `--group (-G)`: The group to remove the dependency from.
* `--dev (-D)`: Removes a package from the development dependencies. (**Deprecated**, use `-G dev` instead)
* `--dry-run` : Outputs the operations but will not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose).
* `--lock`: Do not perform operations (only update the lockfile).
## show
To list all the available packages, you can use the `show` command.
poetry show
If you want to see the details of a certain package, you can pass the package name.
poetry show pendulum
name : pendulum
version : 1.4.2
description : Python datetimes made easy
- python-dateutil >=2.6.1
- tzlocal >=1.4
- pytzdata >=2017.2.2
required by
- calendar >=1.4.0
### Options
* `--without`: The dependency groups to ignore.
* `--why`: When showing the full list, or a `--tree` for a single package, display whether they are a direct dependency or required by other packages.
* `--with`: The optional dependency groups to include.
* `--only`: The only dependency groups to include.
* `--no-dev`: Do not list the dev dependencies. (**Deprecated**, use `--only main` or `--without dev` instead)
* `--tree`: List the dependencies as a tree.
* `--latest (-l)`: Show the latest version.
* `--outdated (-o)`: Show the latest version but only for packages that are outdated.
* `--all (-a)`: Show all packages (even those not compatible with current system).
* `--top-level (-T)`: Only show explicitly defined packages.
{{% note %}}
When `--only` is specified, `--with` and `--without` options are ignored.
{{% /note %}}
## build
The `build` command builds the source and wheels archives.
poetry build
Note that, at the moment, only pure python wheels are supported.
### Options
* `--format (-f)`: Limit the format to either `wheel` or `sdist`.
* `--output (-o)`: Set output directory for build artifacts. Default is `dist`.
## publish
This command publishes the package, previously built with the [`build`](#build) command, to the remote repository.
It will automatically register the package before uploading if this is the first time it is submitted.
poetry publish
It can also build the package if you pass it the `--build` option.
{{% note %}}
See [Publishable Repositories]({{< relref "repositories/#publishable-repositories" >}}) for more information on how to configure and use publishable repositories.
{{% /note %}}
### Options
* `--repository (-r)`: The repository to register the package to (default: `pypi`).
Should match a repository name set by the [`config`](#config) command.
* `--username (-u)`: The username to access the repository.
* `--password (-p)`: The password to access the repository.
* `--cert`: Certificate authority to access the repository.
* `--client-cert`: Client certificate to access the repository.
* `--dist-dir`: Dist directory where built artifact are stored. Default is `dist`.
* `--build`: Build the package before publishing.
* `--dry-run`: Perform all actions except upload the package.
* `--skip-existing`: Ignore errors from files already existing in the repository.
## config
The `config` command allows you to edit poetry config settings and repositories.
poetry config --list
### Usage
poetry config [options] [setting-key] [setting-value1] ... [setting-valueN]
`setting-key` is a configuration option name and `setting-value1` is a configuration value.
See [Configuration]({{< relref "configuration" >}}) for all available settings.
{{% warning %}}
Use `--` to terminate option parsing if your values may start with a hyphen (`-`), e.g.
poetry config http-basic.custom-repo gitlab-ci-token -- ${GITLAB_JOB_TOKEN}
Without `--` this command will fail if `${GITLAB_JOB_TOKEN}` starts with a hyphen.
{{% /warning%}}
### Options
* `--unset`: Remove the configuration element named by `setting-key`.
* `--list`: Show the list of current config variables.
* `--local`: Set/Get settings that are specific to a project (in the local configuration file `poetry.toml`).
## run
The `run` command executes the given command inside the project's virtualenv.
poetry run python -V
It can also execute one of the scripts defined in `pyproject.toml`.
So, if you have a script defined like this:
my-script = "my_module:main"
You can execute it like so:
poetry run my-script
Note that this command has no option.
## shell
The `shell` command spawns a shell,
according to the `$SHELL` environment variable,
within the virtual environment.
If one doesn't exist yet, it will be created.
poetry shell
Note that this command starts a new shell and activates the virtual environment.
As such, `exit` should be used to properly exit the shell and the virtual environment instead of `deactivate`.
## check
The `check` command validates the content of the `pyproject.toml` file
and its consistency with the `poetry.lock` file.
It returns a detailed report if there are any errors.
{{% note %}}
This command is also available as a pre-commit hook. See [pre-commit hooks]({{< relref "pre-commit-hooks#poetry-check">}}) for more information.
{{% /note %}}
poetry check
### Options
* `--lock`: Verifies that `poetry.lock` exists for the current `pyproject.toml`.
## search
This command searches for packages on a remote index.
poetry search requests pendulum
## lock
This command locks (without installing) the dependencies specified in `pyproject.toml`.
{{% note %}}
By default, this will lock all dependencies to the latest available compatible versions. To only refresh the lock file, use the `--no-update` option.
This command is also available as a pre-commit hook. See [pre-commit hooks]({{< relref "pre-commit-hooks#poetry-lock">}}) for more information.
{{% /note %}}
poetry lock
### Options
* `--check`: Verify that `poetry.lock` is consistent with `pyproject.toml`. (**Deprecated**) Use `poetry check --lock` instead.
* `--no-update`: Do not update locked versions, only refresh lock file.
## version
This command shows the current version of the project or bumps the version of
the project and writes the new version back to `pyproject.toml` if a valid
bump rule is provided.
The new version should be a valid [PEP 440](https://peps.python.org/pep-0440/)
string or a valid bump rule: `patch`, `minor`, `major`, `prepatch`, `preminor`,
`premajor`, `prerelease`.
{{% note %}}
If you would like to use semantic versioning for your project, please see
[here]({{< relref "libraries#versioning" >}}).
{{% /note %}}
The table below illustrates the effect of these rules with concrete examples.
| rule | before | after |
| ---------- |---------|---------|
| major | 1.3.0 | 2.0.0 |
| minor | 2.1.4 | 2.2.0 |
| patch | 4.1.1 | 4.1.2 |
| premajor | 1.0.2 | 2.0.0a0 |
| preminor | 1.0.2 | 1.1.0a0 |
| prepatch | 1.0.2 | 1.0.3a0 |
| prerelease | 1.0.2 | 1.0.3a0 |
| prerelease | 1.0.3a0 | 1.0.3a1 |
| prerelease | 1.0.3b0 | 1.0.3b1 |
The option `--next-phase` allows the increment of prerelease phase versions.
| rule | before | after |
| prerelease --next-phase | 1.0.3a0 | 1.0.3b0 |
| prerelease --next-phase | 1.0.3b0 | 1.0.3rc0 |
| prerelease --next-phase | 1.0.3rc0 | 1.0.3 |
### Options
* `--next-phase`: Increment the phase of the current version.
* `--short (-s)`: Output the version number only.
* `--dry-run`: Do not update pyproject.toml file.
## export
This command exports the lock file to other formats.
poetry export -f requirements.txt --output requirements.txt
{{% warning %}}
This command is provided by the [Export Poetry Plugin](https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry-plugin-export).
In a future version of Poetry this plugin will not be installed by default anymore.
In order to avoid a breaking change and make your automation forward-compatible,
please install poetry-plugin-export explicitly.
See [Using plugins]({{< relref "plugins#using-plugins" >}}) for details on how to install a plugin.
{{% /warning %}}
{{% note %}}
This command is also available as a pre-commit hook.
See [pre-commit hooks]({{< relref "pre-commit-hooks#poetry-export" >}}) for more information.
{{% /note %}}
{{% note %}}
Unlike the `install` command, this command only includes the project's dependencies defined in the implicit `main`
group defined in `tool.poetry.dependencies` when used without specifying any options.
{{% /note %}}
### Options
* `--format (-f)`: The format to export to (default: `requirements.txt`).
Currently, only `constraints.txt` and `requirements.txt` are supported.
* `--output (-o)`: The name of the output file. If omitted, print to standard
* `--dev`: Include development dependencies. (**Deprecated**, use `--with dev` instead)
* `--extras (-E)`: Extra sets of dependencies to include.
* `--without`: The dependency groups to ignore.
* `--with`: The optional dependency groups to include.
* `--only`: The only dependency groups to include.
* `--without-hashes`: Exclude hashes from the exported file.
* `--without-urls`: Exclude source repository urls from the exported file.
* `--with-credentials`: Include credentials for extra indices.
## env
The `env` command regroups sub commands to interact with the virtualenvs
associated with a specific project.
See [Managing environments]({{< relref "managing-environments" >}}) for more information about these commands.
## cache
The `cache` command regroups sub commands to interact with Poetry's cache.
### cache list
The `cache list` command lists Poetry's available caches.
poetry cache list
### cache clear
The `cache clear` command removes packages from a cached repository.
For example, to clear the whole cache of packages from the `pypi` repository, run:
poetry cache clear pypi --all
To only remove a specific package from a cache, you have to specify the cache entry in the following form `cache:package:version`:
poetry cache clear pypi:requests:2.24.0
## source
The `source` namespace regroups sub commands to manage repository sources for a Poetry project.
### source add
The `source add` command adds source configuration to the project.
For example, to add the `pypi-test` source, you can run:
poetry source add pypi-test https://test.pypi.org/simple/
You cannot use the name `pypi` for a custom repository as it is reserved for use by
the default PyPI source. However, you can set the priority of PyPI:
poetry source add --priority=explicit pypi
#### Options
* `--default`: Set this source as the [default]({{< relref "repositories#default-package-source" >}}) (disable PyPI). Deprecated in favor of `--priority`.
* `--secondary`: Set this source as a [secondary]({{< relref "repositories#secondary-package-sources" >}}) source. Deprecated in favor of `--priority`.
* `--priority`: Set the priority of this source. Accepted values are: [`default`]({{< relref "repositories#default-package-source" >}}), [`secondary`]({{< relref "repositories#secondary-package-sources" >}}), [`supplemental`]({{< relref "repositories#supplemental-package-sources" >}}), and [`explicit`]({{< relref "repositories#explicit-package-sources" >}}). Refer to the dedicated sections in [Repositories]({{< relref "repositories" >}}) for more information.
{{% note %}}
At most one of the options above can be provided. See [package sources]({{< relref "repositories#package-sources" >}}) for more information.
{{% /note %}}
### source show
The `source show` command displays information on all configured sources for the project.
poetry source show
Optionally, you can show information of one or more sources by specifying their names.
poetry source show pypi-test
{{% note %}}
This command will only show sources configured via the `pyproject.toml`
and does not include the implicit default PyPI.
{{% /note %}}
### source remove
The `source remove` command removes a configured source from your `pyproject.toml`.
poetry source remove pypi-test
## about
The `about` command displays global information about Poetry, including the current version and version of `poetry-core`.
poetry about
## help
The `help` command displays global help, or help for a specific command.
To display global help:
poetry help
To display help for a specific command, for instance `show`:
poetry help show
{{% note %}}
The `--help` option can also be passed to any command to get help for a specific command.
For instance:
poetry show --help
{{% /note %}}
## list
The `list` command displays all the available Poetry commands.
poetry list
## self
The `self` namespace regroups sub commands to manage the Poetry installation itself.
{{% note %}}
Use of these commands will create the required `pyproject.toml` and `poetry.lock` files in your
[configuration directory]({{< relref "configuration" >}}).
{{% /note %}}
{{% warning %}}
Especially on Windows, `self` commands that update or remove packages may be problematic
so that other methods for installing plugins and updating Poetry are recommended.
See [Using plugins]({{< relref "plugins#using-plugins" >}}) and
[Installing Poetry]({{< relref "docs#installation" >}}) for more information.
{{% /warning %}}
### self add
The `self add` command installs Poetry plugins and make them available at runtime. Additionally, it can
also be used to upgrade Poetry's own dependencies or inject additional packages into the runtime
{{% note %}}
The `self add` command works exactly like the [`add` command](#add). However, is different in that the packages
managed are for Poetry's runtime environment.
The package specification formats supported by the `self add` command are the same as the ones supported
by the [`add` command](#add).
{{% /note %}}
For example, to install the `poetry-plugin-export` plugin, you can run:
poetry self add poetry-plugin-export
To update to the latest `poetry-core` version, you can run:
poetry self add poetry-core@latest
To add a keyring provider `artifacts-keyring`, you can run:
poetry self add artifacts-keyring
#### Options
* `--editable (-e)`: Add vcs/path dependencies as editable.
* `--extras (-E)`: Extras to activate for the dependency. (multiple values allowed)
* `--allow-prereleases`: Accept prereleases.
* `--source`: Name of the source to use to install the package.
* `--dry-run`: Output the operations but do not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose).
### self update
The `self update` command updates Poetry version in its current runtime environment.
{{% note %}}
The `self update` command works exactly like the [`update` command](#update). However,
is different in that the packages managed are for Poetry's runtime environment.
{{% /note %}}
poetry self update
#### Options
* `--preview`: Allow the installation of pre-release versions.
* `--dry-run`: Output the operations but do not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose).
### self lock
The `self lock` command reads this Poetry installation's system `pyproject.toml` file. The system
dependencies are locked in the corresponding `poetry.lock` file.
poetry self lock
#### Options
* `--check`: Verify that `poetry.lock` is consistent with `pyproject.toml`. (**Deprecated**)
* `--no-update`: Do not update locked versions, only refresh lock file.
### self show
The `self show` command behaves similar to the show command, but
working within Poetry's runtime environment. This lists all packages installed within
the Poetry install environment.
To show only additional packages that have been added via self add and their
dependencies use `self show --addons`.
poetry self show
#### Options
* `--addons`: List only add-on packages installed.
* `--tree`: List the dependencies as a tree.
* `--latest (-l)`: Show the latest version.
* `--outdated (-o)`: Show the latest version but only for packages that are outdated.
### self show plugins
The `self show plugins` command lists all the currently installed plugins.
poetry self show plugins
### self remove
The `self remove` command removes an installed addon package.
poetry self remove poetry-plugin-export
#### Options
* `--dry-run`: Outputs the operations but will not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose).
### self install
The `self install` command ensures all additional packages specified are installed in the current
runtime environment.
{{% note %}}
The `self install` command works similar to the [`install` command](#install). However,
is different in that the packages managed are for Poetry's runtime environment.
{{% /note %}}
poetry self install --sync
#### Options
* `--sync`: Synchronize the environment with the locked packages and the specified groups.
* `--dry-run`: Output the operations but do not execute anything (implicitly enables --verbose).