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PCL to JSON (experimental)

This directory contains a PCL to JSON code generator which converts a PCL program into a JSON format that represents the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of the program. This JSON can be used by external tools to perform analysis or conversion of PCL programs to target languages without needing to build a specialized PCL parser. The JSON format is not intended to be human readable, but rather to be easily parsed by external tools.


Execute pulumi convert against a Pulumi YAML program in experimental mode:

PULUMI_EXPERIMENTAL=1 pulumi convert --language json --out json

Note that Pulumi already type checks the program before converting it to JSON. If the program contains errors, the conversion will fail.


See pcl-json-schema.json for the full JSON schema specifications of the output format.

A PCL program is converted into a JSON object with a field called nodes which is an array of the nodes of the program:

    "nodes": [...],
    "plugins": [...]

The plugins are references to the used resource plugins and are of the following shape:

    "name": "string",
    "version": "string"

Then each node can be one of the following:

Resource of the following shape:

    "type": "Resource",
    "name": "string",
    "token": "string",
    "logicalName": "string",
    "inputs": {
        "string": <expression>
    "options": {
        ["dependsOn"]: <expression>,
        ["ignoreChanges"]: <string array>,
        ["provider"]: <expression>,
        ["protect"]: <boolean>,
        ["parent"]: <expression>,
        ["version"]: <expression>,

LocalVariable of the following shape

    "type": "LocalVariable",
    "name": "string",
    "logicalName": "string",
    "value": <expression>

OutputVariable of the following shape

    "type": "OutputVariable",
    "name": "string",
    "logicalName": "string",
    "value": <expression>

ConfigVariable of the following shape

    "type": "ConfigVariable",
    "name": "string",
    "logicalName": "string",
    "configType": "<string | number | int | boolean | unknown>",
    "defaultValue": <expression>

Where each <expression> is a JSON object that represents an expression. The shape of the expression depends on the type of expression. Here are examples of these expressions:


    "type": "LiteralValueExpression",
    "value": "string | number | boolean"


    "type": "ObjectConstExpression",
    "properties": {
        "string": <expression>


    "type": "TupleConsExpression",
    "items": [<expression>, ...]


    "type": "FunctionCallExpression",
    "name": "string",
    "args": [<expression>, ...]

etc. See pcl-json-schema.json for the full list of expression types.