
1.6 KiB

Code version source


Setting the version is not supported.


The version source plugin name is code.

=== ":octicons-file-code-16: pyproject.toml"

source = "code"

=== ":octicons-file-code-16: hatch.toml"

source = "code"


Option Description
path (required) A relative path to a Python file or extension module that will be loaded
expression A Python expression that when evaluated in the context of the loaded file returns the version. The default expression is simply __version__.
search-paths A list of relative paths to directories that will be prepended to Python's search path

Missing imports

If the chosen path imports another module in your project, then you'll need to use absolute imports coupled with the search-paths option. For example, say you need to load the following file:

=== ":octicons-file-code-16: src/pkg/"

from ._version import get_version

__version__ = get_version()

You should change it to:

=== ":octicons-file-code-16: src/pkg/"

from pkg._version import get_version

__version__ = get_version()

and the configuration would become:

=== ":octicons-file-code-16: pyproject.toml"

source = "code"
path = "src/pkg/"
search-paths = ["src"]

=== ":octicons-file-code-16: hatch.toml"

source = "code"
path = "src/pkg/"
search-paths = ["src"]