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# Working with libzmq DRAFT sockets
libzmq-4.2 has introduced the concept of unstable DRAFT APIs.
As of libzmq-4.2, this includes the CLIENT-SERVER and RADIO-DISH patterns.
Because these APIs are explicitly unstable,
pyzmq does not support them by default,
and pyzmq binaries (wheels) will not be built with DRAFT API support.
However, pyzmq can be built with draft socket support,
as long as you compile pyzmq yourself with a special flag.
To install libzmq with draft support:
CPU_COUNT=${CPU_COUNT:-$(python3 -c "import os; print(os.cpu_count())")}
wget${ZMQ_VERSION}/zeromq-${ZMQ_VERSION}.tar.gz -O libzmq.tar.gz
tar -xzf libzmq.tar.gz
cd zeromq-${ZMQ_VERSION}
./configure --prefix=${PREFIX} --enable-drafts
make -j${CPU_COUNT} && make install
sudo ldconfig
And then build pyzmq with draft support:
export ZMQ_DRAFT_API=1
# rpath may be needed to find libzmq at runtime,
# depending on installation
export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS:-} -Wl,-rpath,${ZMQ_PREFIX}/lib"
pip install -v pyzmq --no-binary pyzmq
By specifying `--no-binary pyzmq`, pip knows to not install the pre-built wheels, and will compile pyzmq from source.
The `ZMQ_PREFIX=$PREFIX` part is only necessary if libzmq is installed somewhere not on the default search path.
If libzmq is installed in {file}`/usr/local` or similar,
only the `ZMQ_DRAFT_API` option is required.
There are examples of the CLIENT-SERVER and RADIO-DISH patterns in the {file}`examples/draft`
directory of the pyzmq repository.