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Cython example

pyzmq 19 improved the Cython interface for pyzmq, allowing easier access to libzmq.

When using pyzmq, you can:

cimport zmq

or use the underlying wrapped libzmq as

from zmq cimport libzmq

which exposes various functions and type definitions.

The file includes examples of what's needed to build a package that uses the Cython exports, mainly the use of include_dirs=zmq.get_includes() which helps Cython find the zmq definitions.

To use this example:

python build_ext --inplace
python -n 100000

which will give measurements of throughput with the Python API and calling the underlying API via Cython, e.g.

Sending 5000000 messages on tcp:// with Cython
Cython:    2061989 msgs/sec
Sending 5000000 messages on tcp:// with Python
Python:     857856 msgs/sec