gitea-1.18.0: fixing bastardized templates #36

ben merged 4 commits from gitea-1.18.0 into main 2022-10-27 16:08:14 +00:00
3 changed files with 349 additions and 324 deletions

View File

@ -1,128 +1,128 @@
{{range .Feeds}}
{{if and (ne .ActUser.ID 2) (ne .ActUser.ID 17)}}
<div class="news">
<div class="ui left">
{{avatarByAction .}}
<div class="ui grid">
<div class="ui fourteen wide column">
<div class="{{if or (eq .GetOpType 5) (eq .GetOpType 18)}}push news{{end}}">
{{if gt .ActUser.ID 0}}
<a href="{{AppSubUrl}}/{{.GetActUserName | PathEscape}}" title="{{.GetDisplayNameTitle}}">{{.GetDisplayName}}</a>
{{if eq .GetOpType 1}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.create_repo" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 2}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.rename_repo" (.GetContent|Escape) (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 5}}
{{if .Content}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.commit_repo" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.GetRefLink|Escape) (Escape .GetBranch) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.create_branch" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.GetRefLink|Escape) (Escape .GetBranch) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 6}}
{{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.create_issue" ((printf "%s/issues/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 7}}
{{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.create_pull_request" ((printf "%s/pulls/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 8}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.transfer_repo" .GetContent (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 9}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.push_tag" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.GetRefLink|Escape) (.GetTag|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 10}}
{{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.comment_issue" ((printf "%s/issues/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 11}}
{{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.merge_pull_request" ((printf "%s/pulls/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 12}}
{{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.close_issue" ((printf "%s/issues/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 13}}
{{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.reopen_issue" ((printf "%s/issues/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 14}}
{{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.close_pull_request" ((printf "%s/pulls/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 15}}
{{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.reopen_pull_request" ((printf "%s/pulls/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 16}}
{{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.delete_tag" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.GetTag|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 17}}
{{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.delete_branch" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.GetBranch|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 18}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.mirror_sync_push" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.GetRefLink|Escape) (.GetBranch|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 19}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.mirror_sync_create" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.GetRefLink|Escape) (.GetBranch|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 20}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.mirror_sync_delete" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.GetBranch|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 21}}
{{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.approve_pull_request" ((printf "%s/pulls/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 22}}
{{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.reject_pull_request" ((printf "%s/pulls/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 23}}
{{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.comment_pull" ((printf "%s/pulls/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 24}}
{{ $linkText := .Content | RenderEmoji }}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.publish_release" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) ((printf "%s/releases/tag/%s" .GetRepoLink .GetTag)|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) $linkText | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 25}}
{{ $index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{ $reviewer := index .GetIssueInfos 1}}
{{$.i18n.Tr "action.review_dismissed" ((printf "%s/pulls/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) $reviewer | Str2html}}
{{if or (eq .GetOpType 5) (eq .GetOpType 18)}}
<div class="content">
{{ $push := ActionContent2Commits .}}
{{ $repoLink := .GetRepoLink}}
{{range $push.Commits}}
{{ $commitLink := printf "%s/commit/%s" $repoLink .Sha1}}
{{avatarHTML ($push.AvatarLink .AuthorEmail) 16 "mr-2" .AuthorName}}
<a class="commit-id mr-2" href="{{$commitLink}}">{{ShortSha .Sha1}}</a>
<span class="text truncate light grey">
{{RenderCommitMessage $.Context .Message $repoLink $.ComposeMetas}}
{{if and (gt $push.Len 1) $push.CompareURL}}<li><a href="{{AppSubUrl}}/{{$push.CompareURL}}">{{$.i18n.Tr "action.compare_commits" $push.Len}} »</a></li>{{end}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 6}}
<span class="text truncate issue title">{{index .GetIssueInfos 1 | RenderEmoji}}</span>
{{else if eq .GetOpType 7}}
<span class="text truncate issue title">{{index .GetIssueInfos 1 | RenderEmoji}}</span>
{{else if or (eq .GetOpType 10) (eq .GetOpType 21) (eq .GetOpType 22) (eq .GetOpType 23)}}
<a href="{{.GetCommentLink}}" class="text truncate issue title">{{.GetIssueTitle | RenderEmoji}}</a>
{{$comment := index .GetIssueInfos 1}}
{{if gt (len $comment) 0}}<p class="text light grey">{{$comment | RenderEmoji}}</p>{{end}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 11}}
<p class="text light grey">{{index .GetIssueInfos 1}}</p>
{{else if or (eq .GetOpType 12) (eq .GetOpType 13) (eq .GetOpType 14) (eq .GetOpType 15)}}
<span class="text truncate issue title">{{.GetIssueTitle | RenderEmoji}}</span>
{{else if eq .GetOpType 25}}
<p class="text light grey">{{$.i18n.Tr "action.review_dismissed_reason"}}</p>
<p class="text light grey">{{index .GetIssueInfos 2 | RenderEmoji}}</p>
<p class="text italic light grey">{{TimeSince .GetCreate $.i18n.Lang}}</p>
<div class="ui two wide right aligned column">
<span class="text grey">{{svg (printf "octicon-%s" (ActionIcon .GetOpType)) 32}}</span>
<div class="ui divider"></div>
<div class="news">
<div class="ui left">
{{avatarByAction .}}
<div class="ui grid">
<div class="ui fourteen wide column">
<div class="{{if or (eq .GetOpType 5) (eq .GetOpType 18)}}push news{{end}}">
{{if gt .ActUser.ID 0}}
<a href="{{AppSubUrl}}/{{.GetActUserName | PathEscape}}" title="{{.GetDisplayNameTitle}}">{{.GetDisplayName}}</a>
{{if eq .GetOpType 1}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.create_repo" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 2}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.rename_repo" (.GetContent|Escape) (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 5}}
{{if .Content}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.commit_repo" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.GetRefLink|Escape) (Escape .GetBranch) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.create_branch" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.GetRefLink|Escape) (Escape .GetBranch) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 6}}
{{$index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.create_issue" ((printf "%s/issues/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 7}}
{{$index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.create_pull_request" ((printf "%s/pulls/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 8}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.transfer_repo" .GetContent (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 9}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.push_tag" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.GetRefLink|Escape) (.GetTag|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 10}}
{{$index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.comment_issue" ((printf "%s/issues/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 11}}
{{$index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.merge_pull_request" ((printf "%s/pulls/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 12}}
{{$index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.close_issue" ((printf "%s/issues/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 13}}
{{$index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.reopen_issue" ((printf "%s/issues/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 14}}
{{$index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.close_pull_request" ((printf "%s/pulls/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 15}}
{{$index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.reopen_pull_request" ((printf "%s/pulls/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 16}}
{{$index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.delete_tag" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.GetTag|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 17}}
{{$index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.delete_branch" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.GetBranch|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 18}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.mirror_sync_push" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.GetRefLink|Escape) (.GetBranch|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 19}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.mirror_sync_create" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.GetRefLink|Escape) (.GetBranch|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 20}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.mirror_sync_delete" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) (.GetBranch|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 21}}
{{$index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.approve_pull_request" ((printf "%s/pulls/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 22}}
{{$index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.reject_pull_request" ((printf "%s/pulls/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 23}}
{{$index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.comment_pull" ((printf "%s/pulls/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 24}}
{{$linkText := .Content | RenderEmoji}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.publish_release" (.GetRepoLink|Escape) ((printf "%s/releases/tag/%s" .GetRepoLink .GetTag)|Escape) (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) $linkText | Str2html}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 25}}
{{$index := index .GetIssueInfos 0}}
{{$reviewer := index .GetIssueInfos 1}}
{{$.locale.Tr "action.review_dismissed" ((printf "%s/pulls/%s" .GetRepoLink $index) |Escape) $index (.ShortRepoPath|Escape) $reviewer | Str2html}}
{{if or (eq .GetOpType 5) (eq .GetOpType 18)}}
<div class="content">
{{$push := ActionContent2Commits .}}
{{$repoLink := .GetRepoLink}}
{{range $push.Commits}}
{{$commitLink := printf "%s/commit/%s" $repoLink .Sha1}}
{{avatarHTML ($push.AvatarLink .AuthorEmail) 16 "mr-2" .AuthorName}}
<a class="commit-id mr-2" href="{{$commitLink}}">{{ShortSha .Sha1}}</a>
<span class="text truncate light grey">
{{RenderCommitMessage $.Context .Message $repoLink $.ComposeMetas}}
{{if and (gt $push.Len 1) $push.CompareURL}}<li><a href="{{AppSubUrl}}/{{$push.CompareURL}}">{{$.locale.Tr "action.compare_commits" $push.Len}} »</a></li>{{end}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 6}}
<span class="text truncate issue title">{{index .GetIssueInfos 1 | RenderEmoji | RenderCodeBlock}}</span>
{{else if eq .GetOpType 7}}
<span class="text truncate issue title">{{index .GetIssueInfos 1 | RenderEmoji | RenderCodeBlock}}</span>
{{else if or (eq .GetOpType 10) (eq .GetOpType 21) (eq .GetOpType 22) (eq .GetOpType 23)}}
<a href="{{.GetCommentLink}}" class="text truncate issue title">{{.GetIssueTitle | RenderEmoji | RenderCodeBlock}}</a>
{{$comment := index .GetIssueInfos 1}}
{{if gt (len $comment) 0}}<p class="text light grey">{{$comment | RenderEmoji}}</p>{{end}}
{{else if eq .GetOpType 11}}
<p class="text light grey">{{index .GetIssueInfos 1}}</p>
{{else if or (eq .GetOpType 12) (eq .GetOpType 13) (eq .GetOpType 14) (eq .GetOpType 15)}}
<span class="text truncate issue title">{{.GetIssueTitle | RenderEmoji | RenderCodeBlock}}</span>
{{else if eq .GetOpType 25}}
<p class="text light grey">{{$.locale.Tr "action.review_dismissed_reason"}}</p>
<p class="text light grey">{{index .GetIssueInfos 2 | RenderEmoji}}</p>
<p class="text italic light grey">{{TimeSince .GetCreate $.locale}}</p>
<div class="ui two wide right aligned column">
<span class="text grey">{{svg (printf "octicon-%s" (ActionIcon .GetOpType)) 32}}</span>
<div class="ui divider"></div>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
From 6f11836b767f23b8da0588b76794aa4b80b029ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ben Kristinsson <>
Date: Thu, 27 Oct 2022 17:26:03 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] applied patch to feeds.tml
roles/gitea/files/tmpl/user/dashboard/feeds.tmpl | 2 ++
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
diff --git a/roles/gitea/files/tmpl/user/dashboard/feeds.tmpl b/roles/gitea/files/tmpl/user/dashboard/feeds.tmpl
index 94bbbc4..a534951 100644
--- a/roles/gitea/files/tmpl/user/dashboard/feeds.tmpl
+++ b/roles/gitea/files/tmpl/user/dashboard/feeds.tmpl
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{{range .Feeds}}
+ {{if and (ne .ActUser.ID 2) (ne .ActUser.ID 17)}}
<div class="news">
<div class="ui left">
{{avatarByAction .}}
@@ -123,4 +124,5 @@
<div class="ui divider"></div>
+ {{end}}

View File

@ -1,202 +1,199 @@
<div id="dashboard-repo-list" class="six wide column">
{{if .Team}}
{{if not .ContextUser.IsOrganization}}
{{range .Orgs}}
{name: '{{.Name}}', num_repos: '{{.NumRepos}}'},
<div v-if="!isOrganization" class="ui two item tabable menu">
<a :class="{item: true, active: tab === 'repos'}" @click="changeTab('repos')">{{.i18n.Tr "repository"}}</a>
<a :class="{item: true, active: tab === 'organizations'}" @click="changeTab('organizations')">{{.i18n.Tr "organization"}}</a>
<div v-show="tab === 'repos'" class="ui tab active list dashboard-repos">
<h4 class="ui top attached header df ac">
<div class="f1 df ac">
{{.i18n.Tr "home.my_repos"}}
<span class="ui grey label ml-3">${reposTotalCount}</span>
<a class="tooltip" :href="subUrl + '/repo/create'" data-content="{{.i18n.Tr "new_repo"}}" data-position="left center">
{{svg "octicon-plus"}}
<span class="sr-only">{{.i18n.Tr "new_repo"}}</span>
<div class="ui attached segment repos-search">
<div class="ui fluid right action left icon input" :class="{loading: isLoading}">
<input @input="changeReposFilter(reposFilter)" v-model="searchQuery" ref="search" placeholder="{{.i18n.Tr "home.search_repos"}}">
<i class="icon df ac jc">{{svg "octicon-search" 16}}</i>
<div class="ui dropdown icon button" title="{{.i18n.Tr "home.filter"}}">
<i class="icon df ac jc m-0">{{svg "octicon-filter" 16}}</i>
<div class="menu">
<div class="item">
<a @click="toggleArchivedFilter()">
<div class="ui checkbox" id="archivedFilterCheckbox" title="{{.i18n.Tr "home.show_both_archived_unarchived"}}" v-if="archivedFilter === 'both'">
<input type="checkbox">
{{svg "octicon-archive" 16 "mr-2"}}
{{.i18n.Tr "home.show_archived"}}
<div class="ui checkbox" id="archivedFilterCheckbox" title="{{.i18n.Tr "home.show_only_unarchived"}}" v-if="archivedFilter === 'unarchived'">
<input type="checkbox">
{{svg "octicon-archive" 16 "mr-2"}}
{{.i18n.Tr "home.show_archived"}}
<div class="ui checkbox" id="archivedFilterCheckbox" title="{{.i18n.Tr "home.show_only_archived"}}" v-if="archivedFilter === 'archived'">
<input type="checkbox">
{{svg "octicon-archive" 16 "mr-2"}}
{{.i18n.Tr "home.show_archived"}}
<div class="item">
<a @click="togglePrivateFilter()">
<div class="ui checkbox" id="privateFilterCheckbox" title="{{.i18n.Tr "home.show_both_private_public"}}" v-if="privateFilter === 'both'">
<input type="checkbox">
{{svg "octicon-lock" 16 "mr-2"}}
{{.i18n.Tr "home.show_private"}}
<div class="ui checkbox" id="privateFilterCheckbox" title="{{.i18n.Tr "home.show_only_public"}}" v-if="privateFilter === 'public'">
<input type="checkbox">
{{svg "octicon-lock" 16 "mr-2"}}
{{.i18n.Tr "home.show_private"}}
<div class="ui checkbox" id="privateFilterCheckbox" title="{{.i18n.Tr "home.show_only_private"}}" v-if="privateFilter === 'private'">
<input type="checkbox">
{{svg "octicon-lock" 16 "mr-2"}}
{{.i18n.Tr "home.show_private"}}
<div class="ui secondary tiny pointing borderless menu center grid repos-filter">
<a class="item" :class="{active: reposFilter === 'all'}" @click="changeReposFilter('all')">
{{.i18n.Tr "all"}}
<div v-show="reposFilter === 'all'" class="ui circular mini grey label">${repoTypeCount}</div>
<a class="item" :class="{active: reposFilter === 'sources'}" @click="changeReposFilter('sources')">
{{.i18n.Tr "sources"}}
<div v-show="reposFilter === 'sources'" class="ui circular mini grey label">${repoTypeCount}</div>
<a class="item" :class="{active: reposFilter === 'forks'}" @click="changeReposFilter('forks')">
{{.i18n.Tr "forks"}}
<div v-show="reposFilter === 'forks'" class="ui circular mini grey label">${repoTypeCount}</div>
<a class="item" :class="{active: reposFilter === 'mirrors'}" @click="changeReposFilter('mirrors')">
{{.i18n.Tr "mirrors"}}
<div v-show="reposFilter === 'mirrors'" class="ui circular mini grey label">${repoTypeCount}</div>
<a class="item" :class="{active: reposFilter === 'collaborative'}" @click="changeReposFilter('collaborative')">
{{.i18n.Tr "collaborative"}}
<div v-show="reposFilter === 'collaborative'" class="ui circular mini grey label">${repoTypeCount}</div>
<div v-if="repos.length" class="ui attached table segment rounded-bottom">
<ul class="repo-owner-name-list">
<li v-for="repo in repos" :class="{'private': repo.private || repo.internal}">
<a class="repo-list-link df ac sb" :href="repo.html_url">
<div class="text truncate item-name f1">
<component v-bind:is="repoIcon(repo)" size="16"></component>
<span v-if="repo.archived">
{{svg "octicon-archive" 16 "ml-2"}}
{{if not .DisableStars}}
<div class="text light grey df ac">
{{svg "octicon-star" 16 "ml-2"}}
<div v-if="showMoreReposLink" class="center py-3 border-secondary-top">
<div class="ui borderless pagination menu narrow">
<a class="item navigation py-2" :class="{'disabled': page === 1}"
@click="changePage(1)" title="{{$.i18n.Tr "admin.first_page"}}">
{{svg "gitea-double-chevron-left" 16 "mr-2"}}
<a class="item navigation py-2" :class="{'disabled': page === 1}"
@click="changePage(page - 1)" title="{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.previous"}}">
{{svg "octicon-chevron-left" 16 "mr-2"}}
<a class="active item py-2">${page}</a>
<a class="item navigation" :class="{'disabled': page === finalPage}"
@click="changePage(page + 1)" title="{{$.i18n.Tr ""}}">
{{svg "octicon-chevron-right" 16 "ml-2"}}
<a class="item navigation py-2" :class="{'disabled': page === finalPage}"
@click="changePage(finalPage)" title="{{$.i18n.Tr "admin.last_page"}}">
{{svg "gitea-double-chevron-right" 16 "ml-2"}}
<div v-if="!isOrganization" v-show="tab === 'organizations'" class="ui tab active list dashboard-orgs">
<h4 class="ui top attached header df ac">
<div class="f1 df ac">
{{.i18n.Tr "home.my_orgs"}}
<span class="ui grey label ml-3">${organizationsTotalCount}</span>
<a v-if="canCreateOrganization" class="tooltip" :href="subUrl + '/org/create'" data-content="{{.i18n.Tr "new_org"}}" data-position="left center">
{{svg "octicon-plus"}}
<span class="sr-only">{{.i18n.Tr "new_org"}}</span>
<div v-if="organizations.length" class="ui attached table segment rounded-bottom">
<ul class="repo-owner-name-list">
<li v-for="org in organizations">
<a class="repo-list-link df ac sb" :href="subUrl + '/' + encodeURIComponent(">
<div class="text truncate item-name f1">
{{svg "octicon-organization" 16 "mr-2"}}
<div class="text light grey df ac">
{{svg "octicon-repo" 16 "ml-2 mt-1"}}
{{if .Team}}
{{if not .ContextUser.IsOrganization}}
{{range .Orgs}}
{name: '{{.Name}}', num_repos: '{{.NumRepos}}'},
<template id="dashboard-repo-list-template">
<div v-if="!isOrganization" class="ui two item tabable menu">
<a :class="{item: true, active: tab === 'repos'}" @click="changeTab('repos')">{{.locale.Tr "repository"}}</a>
<a :class="{item: true, active: tab === 'organizations'}" @click="changeTab('organizations')">{{.locale.Tr "organization"}}</a>
<div v-show="tab === 'repos'" class="ui tab active list dashboard-repos">
<h4 class="ui top attached header df ac">
<div class="f1 df ac">
{{.locale.Tr "home.my_repos"}}
<span class="ui grey label ml-3">${reposTotalCount}</span>
<a class="tooltip" :href="subUrl + '/repo/create'" data-content="{{.locale.Tr "new_repo"}}" data-position="left center">
{{svg "octicon-plus"}}
<span class="sr-only">{{.locale.Tr "new_repo"}}</span>
<div class="ui attached segment repos-search">
<div class="ui fluid right action left icon input" :class="{loading: isLoading}">
<input @input="changeReposFilter(reposFilter)" v-model="searchQuery" ref="search" placeholder="{{.locale.Tr "home.search_repos"}}">
<i class="icon df ac jc">{{svg "octicon-search" 16}}</i>
<div class="ui dropdown icon button" title="{{.locale.Tr "home.filter"}}">
<i class="icon df ac jc m-0">{{svg "octicon-filter" 16}}</i>
<div class="menu">
<div class="item">
<a @click="toggleArchivedFilter()">
<div class="ui checkbox" id="archivedFilterCheckbox" title="{{.locale.Tr "home.show_both_archived_unarchived"}}" v-if="archivedFilter === 'both'">
<input type="checkbox">
{{svg "octicon-archive" 16 "mr-2"}}
{{.locale.Tr "home.show_archived"}}
<div class="ui checkbox" id="archivedFilterCheckbox" title="{{.locale.Tr "home.show_only_unarchived"}}" v-if="archivedFilter === 'unarchived'">
<input type="checkbox">
{{svg "octicon-archive" 16 "mr-2"}}
{{.locale.Tr "home.show_archived"}}
<div class="ui checkbox" id="archivedFilterCheckbox" title="{{.locale.Tr "home.show_only_archived"}}" v-if="archivedFilter === 'archived'">
<input type="checkbox">
{{svg "octicon-archive" 16 "mr-2"}}
{{.locale.Tr "home.show_archived"}}
<div class="item">
<a @click="togglePrivateFilter()">
<div class="ui checkbox" id="privateFilterCheckbox" title="{{.locale.Tr "home.show_both_private_public"}}" v-if="privateFilter === 'both'">
<input type="checkbox">
{{svg "octicon-lock" 16 "mr-2"}}
{{.locale.Tr "home.show_private"}}
<div class="ui checkbox" id="privateFilterCheckbox" title="{{.locale.Tr "home.show_only_public"}}" v-if="privateFilter === 'public'">
<input type="checkbox">
{{svg "octicon-lock" 16 "mr-2"}}
{{.locale.Tr "home.show_private"}}
<div class="ui checkbox" id="privateFilterCheckbox" title="{{.locale.Tr "home.show_only_private"}}" v-if="privateFilter === 'private'">
<input type="checkbox">
{{svg "octicon-lock" 16 "mr-2"}}
{{.locale.Tr "home.show_private"}}
<div class="ui secondary tiny pointing borderless menu center grid repos-filter">
<a class="item" :class="{active: reposFilter === 'all'}" @click="changeReposFilter('all')">
{{.locale.Tr "all"}}
<div v-show="reposFilter === 'all'" class="ui circular mini grey label">${repoTypeCount}</div>
<a class="item" :class="{active: reposFilter === 'sources'}" @click="changeReposFilter('sources')">
{{.locale.Tr "sources"}}
<div v-show="reposFilter === 'sources'" class="ui circular mini grey label">${repoTypeCount}</div>
<a class="item" :class="{active: reposFilter === 'forks'}" @click="changeReposFilter('forks')">
{{.locale.Tr "forks"}}
<div v-show="reposFilter === 'forks'" class="ui circular mini grey label">${repoTypeCount}</div>
{{if .MirrorsEnabled}}
<a class="item" :class="{active: reposFilter === 'mirrors'}" @click="changeReposFilter('mirrors')">
{{.locale.Tr "mirrors"}}
<div v-show="reposFilter === 'mirrors'" class="ui circular mini grey label">${repoTypeCount}</div>
<a class="item" :class="{active: reposFilter === 'collaborative'}" @click="changeReposFilter('collaborative')">
{{.locale.Tr "collaborative"}}
<div v-show="reposFilter === 'collaborative'" class="ui circular mini grey label">${repoTypeCount}</div>
<div v-if="repos.length" class="ui attached table segment rounded-bottom">
<ul class="repo-owner-name-list">
<li v-for="repo in repos" :class="{'private': repo.private || repo.internal}">
<a class="repo-list-link df ac sb" :href="repo.html_url">
<div class="text truncate item-name f1">
<component v-bind:is="repoIcon(repo)" size="16"></component>
<span v-if="repo.archived">
{{svg "octicon-archive" 16 "ml-2"}}
{{if not .DisableStars}}
<div class="text light grey df ac">
{{svg "octicon-star" 16 "ml-2"}}
<div v-if="showMoreReposLink" class="center py-3 border-secondary-top">
<div class="ui borderless pagination menu narrow">
<a class="item navigation py-2" :class="{'disabled': page === 1}"
@click="changePage(1)" title="{{$.locale.Tr "admin.first_page"}}">
{{svg "gitea-double-chevron-left" 16 "mr-2"}}
<a class="item navigation py-2" :class="{'disabled': page === 1}"
@click="changePage(page - 1)" title="{{$.locale.Tr "repo.issues.previous"}}">
{{svg "octicon-chevron-left" 16 "mr-2"}}
<a class="active item py-2">${page}</a>
<a class="item navigation" :class="{'disabled': page === finalPage}"
@click="changePage(page + 1)" title="{{$.locale.Tr ""}}">
{{svg "octicon-chevron-right" 16 "ml-2"}}
<a class="item navigation py-2" :class="{'disabled': page === finalPage}"
@click="changePage(finalPage)" title="{{$.locale.Tr "admin.last_page"}}">
{{svg "gitea-double-chevron-right" 16 "ml-2"}}
<div v-if="!isOrganization" v-show="tab === 'organizations'" class="ui tab active list dashboard-orgs">
<h4 class="ui top attached header df ac">
<div class="f1 df ac">
{{.locale.Tr "home.my_orgs"}}
<span class="ui grey label ml-3">${organizationsTotalCount}</span>
<a v-if="canCreateOrganization" class="tooltip" :href="subUrl + '/org/create'" data-content="{{.locale.Tr "new_org"}}" data-position="left center">
{{svg "octicon-plus"}}
<span class="sr-only">{{.locale.Tr "new_org"}}</span>
<div v-if="organizations.length" class="ui attached table segment rounded-bottom">
<ul class="repo-owner-name-list">
<li v-for="org in organizations">
<a class="repo-list-link df ac sb" :href="subUrl + '/' + encodeURIComponent(">
<div class="text truncate item-name f1">
{{svg "octicon-organization" 16 "mr-2"}}
<div class="text light grey df ac">
{{svg "octicon-repo" 16 "ml-2 mt-1"}}