
2.6 KiB


describes how the git setup works

remotes and branches

first, set up the git branches and remotes correctly.

the main branch tracks ben/infra:main:

git branch --unset-upstream main
git remote add origin ben
git fetch ben main
git branch --set-upstream-to=ben/main main

the b branch tracks b/infra:b:

git remote add origin
git fetch origin b
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/b b

now the .git/config file should have the following remote and branch config sections:

[remote "origin"]
        url =
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/b/*
[remote "ben"]
        url =
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/ben/*
[branch "main"]
        remote = ben
        merge = refs/heads/main
[branch "b"]
        remote = origin
        merge = refs/heads/b

make a PR

  1. commit your work on your local b branch

  2. make PR from b/infra:b to b/infra:main.

  3. merge it as a squash commit

  4. now b/infra:main has the squashed commit from your PR, and your b/infra:b branch has the original commits. this is the commit that will be published on ben/infra:main (and the mirror). NOTE: the b/infra repo doesnt have main set as its default branch, so to see the changes there in the web ui, you need to select the main branch.

  5. this doesnt have to happen right away, but it helps keeping it tidy. update your local clone, and the b branch:

    1. first, pull the squash commit down to your main branch from b/infra:main.

      git checkout main
      git pull origin main
    2. rebase your b branch, replacing the original commits with the squash commit in main:

      git checkout b
      git rebase main
    3. then you need to force push that to the remote to keep it in sync

      git push origin b --force

      NOTE: this could probably be improved, somehow. re-using the branch might be the wrong approach

  6. now the b/infra:main branch has the commit that we want to publish on ben/infra:main (and the mirror), but it isnt there yet. this part is easy, just push to the main branch to ben/infra:main branch (the branch protection rules allow this):

    git push ben main
  7. now its a good idea to go and compare the ben/infra:main and b/infra:main branches (and, they should be the same and have the same commits.