
196 lines
5.0 KiB

board: !include
file: ../packages/boards/esp32s2mini.yaml
#esp32s2mini_framework_type: arduino
esp32s2mini_framework_type: esp-idf
esphome: !include ../packages/common/esphome.yaml
network: !include ../packages/common/network.yaml
http_server: !include ../packages/common/http_server.yaml
sensors_esp32: !include ../packages/sensors/esp32.yaml
sensors_esphome: !include ../packages/sensors/esphome.yaml
sensors_wifi: !include ../packages/sensors/wifi.yaml
display_pcf8574: !include
file: ../packages/displays/pcf8574.yaml
pin_pcf8574_i2c_sda: GPIO33
pin_pcf8574_i2c_scl: GPIO35
display_ss31306: !include
file: ../packages/displays/ssd1306.yaml
#pin_ssd1306_i2c_sda: 33
#pin_ssd1306_i2c_scl: 35
#frequency_ssd1306_i2c: 400kHz
pin_ssd1306_i2c_sda: GPIO16
pin_ssd1306_i2c_scl: GPIO18
ssd1306_lambda: |-
it.printf(64, 0, id(notomono8), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "");
it.printf(0, 25, id(notomono16), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "P ");
if (id(hass_radar_study_desk).has_state() and id(hass_radar_study_desk).state) {
it.printf(127, 30, id(notomono24), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "DESK");
it.printf(0, 55, id(notomono16), TextAlign::BASELINE_LEFT, "W ");
if (id(hass_electric_w_study).has_state()) {
it.printf(127, 60, id(notomono24), TextAlign::BASELINE_RIGHT, "%3.0f W", id(hass_electric_w_study).state);
#distance_vl53l0x: !include ../packages/sensors/vl53l0x.yaml
#diplay_pcd8544: !include ../packages/displays/pcd8544.yaml
# sda_pullup_enabled: false
# scl_pullup_enabled: false
- platform: homeassistant
id: hass_radar_study_desk
name: "${hostname} Radar Study desk"
entity_id: binary_sensor.radar_study_desk
publish_initial_state: true
internal: false
- platform: homeassistant
id: hass_electric_w_study
name: "${hostname} Study electric"
entity_id: sensor.electric_w_study
state_class: measurement
device_class: power
unit_of_measurement: "W"
internal: false
# framework:
# type: arduino
#light_foo: !include
#file: ../packages/lights/ledc.yaml
# vars:
# ledc_name: "${hostname} LCD LED Backlight"
# ledc_gpio: GPIO17
#sensors_generic_motion: !include
# file: ../packages/sensors/generic_motion.yaml
# vars:
# pin_generic_motion: GPIO16
# name_generic_motion: "${hostname} Cat motion"
#sensors_rfid: !include ../packages/sensors/rfid.yaml
#light_catled: !include
# file: ../packages/lights/ledc.yaml
# vars:
# ledc_name: Catsensor LED
# #ledc_gpio: GPIO18
# ledc_gpio: GPIO21
#light_lcd_backligt: !include
# file: ../packages/lights/ledc.yaml
# vars:
# ledc_name: "${hostname} LCD LED Backlight"
# ledc_gpio: GPIO17
#sensors_rfid: !include
# file: ../packages/sensors/rfid.yaml
# vars:
# pin_pn532_sda: GPIO05
# pin_pn532_scl: GPIO07
#display_max7219: !include
# file: ../packages/displays/max7219.yaml
# vars:
# pin_max7219_spi_clk: GPIO09
# pin_max7219_spi_cs: GPIO11
# pin_max7219_spi_din: GPIO12
# clk_pin: GPIO34
# mosi_pin: GPIO36
# DC pin:
# - platform: pcd8544
# reset_pin:
# cs_pin: GPIO33
# dc_pin: GPI35
# contrast: 0x7f
# lambda: |-
# it.print(0, 0, id(font), "Hello fuckers");
# scl: GPIO18
# sda: GPIO16
# #sda: GPIO16
# #scl: GPIO18
# sda_pullup_enabled: false
# scl_pullup_enabled: false
# frequency: 400kHz
# frequency: 100kHz
# # on esp32 s2, increasing the frequency to 400kHz sometimes seems to help
# #
# - platform: lcd_pcf8574
# dimensions: 20x4
# id: lcd_display
# address: 0x27
# lambda: |-
# it.print("Hello World!");
# - platform: template
# id: lcd_backlight
# name: "${hostname} LCD backlight"
# restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON
# turn_on_action:
# - lambda: |-
# id(lcd_display).backlight();
# turn_off_action:
# - lambda: |-
# id(lcd_display).no_backlight();
# Use the pin next to GND
# Pin next to VCC is unused
#pin: GPIO16
#dump: all
# then:
# - text_sensor.template.publish:
# id: rf_reciever_raw
# state: !lambda |-
# return x.c_str();
# - platform: template
# id: rf_reciever_raw
# name: "${hostname} RF Reciever RAW"
# miso_pin: GPIO9
# mosi_pin: GPIO7
# # SCK = Serial ClocK
# clk_pin: GPIO10
# sda: GPIO16
# scl: GPIO18
# scan: true
# #id: bus_a
# - platform: vl53l0x
# name: "VL53L0x cat distance"
# address: 0x29
# #long_range: false
# #enable_pin: GPIO33
# # default: 0.25. lower = more sensitive. signal amplitude
# signal_rate_limit: 0.1
# timeout: 200us
# update_interval: 500ms
# unit_of_measurement: "m"