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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I change the units of the sensor?
Yes! In the customisation options for a sensor/entity, you can change the unit of measurement (and display precision if desired). This is useful for sensors whose native unit is not very human-friendly. For example the memory sensors report values in bytes (B), whereas you may wish to change the unit of measurement to gigabytes (GB).
Q: The GUI windows are too small/too big. How can I change the size?
See Scaling in the Fyne documentation. In the tray icon menu, select Settings to open the Fyne settings app which can adjust the scaling for the app windows.
Q: What is the resource (CPU, memory) usage of the agent?
Very little in most cases. On Linux, the agent with all sensors working, should
consume well less than 50 MB of memory with very little CPU usage. Further
memory savings can be achieved by running the agent in “headless” mode with the
command-line option. This should put the memory usage below 25 MB.
On Linux, many sensors rely on D-Bus signals for publishing their data, so CPU usage may be affected by the “business” of the bus. For sensors that are polled on an interval, the agent makes use of some jitter in the polling intervals to avoid a “thundering herd” problem.
Q: I've updated the agent and now some sensors have been renamed. I now have a bunch of sensors/entities in Home Assistant I want to remove. What can I do?
Unfortunately, sometimes the sensor naming scheme for some sensors created by the agent needs to change. There is unfortunately, no way for the agent to rename existing sensors in Home Assistant, so you end up with both the old and new sensors showing, and only the new sensors updating.
You can remove the old sensors manually, under Developer Tools→Statistics in Home Assistant, for example. The list should contain sensors that are no longer “provided” by the agent. Or you can wait until they age out of the Home Assistant long-term statistics database automatically.
Q: Can I reset the agent (start from new)?
Yes. You can reset the agent so that it will re-register with Home Assistant and act as a new device. To do this:
- Shut down the agent if it is running.
- In Home Assistant, navigate to Settings→Devices & Services and click on the Mobile App integration.
- Locate the agent entry in the list of mobile devices, click the context menu (three vertical dots), and choose Delete.
- From a terminal, run the agent with the following arguments:
# add --terminal --server someserver --token sometoken for non graphical registration
go-hass-agent register --force
- The agent will go through the initial registration steps. It should report that registration was successful.
- Restart the agent.
Q: I want to run the agent on a server, as a service, without a GUI. Can I do this?
Yes. The packages install a systemd service file that can be enabled and used to run the agent as a service.
You will still need to register the agent manually before starting as a service. See the command for registration in the README.
You will also need to ensure your user has “lingering” enabled. Run loginctl list-users
and check that your user has LINGER set to “yes”. If not, run
loginctl enable-linger
Once you have registered the agent and enabled lingering for your user. Enable the service and start it:
systemctl --user enable go-hass-agent
systemctl --user start go-hass-agent
You can check the status with systemctl --user status go-hass-agent
. The agent
should start with every boot.
For other init systems, consult their documentation on how to enable and run user services.