An LDAP3 auth provider for Synapse
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Josue-T bc90bde8f8
Add support of ldap filter with anonymous user (#186)
2024-03-21 18:10:28 +00:00
.github Add automation to move X-Needs-Info issues 2022-11-02 15:07:18 +00:00
scripts-dev Module template retrofit: Lint script and Mypy configuration (#140) 2021-12-30 16:51:39 +00:00
tests requested changes 2022-07-27 10:55:57 -07:00
.codecov.yml Enable codecov support 2019-05-01 11:16:36 +01:00
.coveragerc Add test coverage support 2019-05-01 10:59:05 +01:00
.gitignore Module template retrofit: Update .gitignore (#139) 2021-12-30 14:44:38 +00:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2016-11-08 16:08:04 +00:00 Module template retrofit: Lint script and Mypy configuration (#140) 2021-12-30 16:51:39 +00:00
README.rst readme: use rst formatting for links 2022-09-19 17:26:20 -04:00 Changed packaging to use setuptools declarative config in setup.cfg. (#129) 2021-10-28 07:06:41 -04:00 Add support of ldap filter with anonymous user (#186) 2024-03-21 18:10:28 +00:00
mypy.ini Clean-up and type annotations (#150) 2022-01-20 16:55:48 +00:00
pyproject.toml Module template retrofit: Update Python project metadata and tool configuration (#146) 2021-12-30 17:45:03 +00:00
requirements.txt Initial commit 2016-11-08 16:08:04 +00:00
setup.cfg bump version of black 2022-04-25 16:55:34 -07:00
tox.ini Include ldaptor and mock in the test dependencies (#149) 2022-01-05 10:03:08 +00:00


Synapse LDAP Auth Provider

Allows synapse to use LDAP as a password provider.

This allows users to log in to synapse with their username and password from an
LDAP server. There is also `ma1sd <>`_ (3rd party)
that offers more fully-featured integration.

- Included as standard in the `deb packages <>`_ and
  `docker images <>`_ from
- If you installed into a virtualenv:
    - Ensure pip is up-to-date: `pip install -U pip`.
    - Install the LDAP password provider: `pip install matrix-synapse-ldap3`.
- For other installation mechanisms, see the documentation provided by the maintainer.


Example Synapse configuration:

.. code:: yaml

    - module: "ldap_auth_provider.LdapAuthProviderModule"
        enabled: true
        uri: "ldap://"
        start_tls: true
        base: "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com"
           uid: "cn"
           mail: "mail"
           name: "givenName"
        #filter: "(objectClass=posixAccount)"
        # Additional options for TLS, can be any key from
        #  validate: true
        #  local_certificate_file: foo.crt
        #  local_private_key_file: bar.pem
        #  local_private_key_password: secret

If you would like to specify more than one LDAP server for HA, you can provide uri parameter with a list.
Default HA strategy of ldap3.ServerPool is employed, so first available server is used.

.. code:: yaml

    - module: "ldap_auth_provider.LdapAuthProviderModule"
        enabled: true
           - "ldap://"
           - "ldap://"
        start_tls: true
        base: "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com"
           uid: "cn"
           mail: "email"
           name: "givenName"
        #filter: "(objectClass=posixAccount)"
        #  validate: true
        #  local_certificate_file: foo.crt
        #  local_private_key_file: bar.pem
        #  local_private_key_password: secret

If you would like to enable login/registration via email, or givenName/email
binding upon registration, you need to enable search mode. An example config
in search mode is provided below:

.. code:: yaml

    - module: "ldap_auth_provider.LdapAuthProviderModule"
        enabled: true
        mode: "search"
        uri: "ldap://"
        start_tls: true
        base: "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com"
           uid: "cn"
           mail: "mail"
           name: "givenName"
        # Search auth if anonymous search not enabled
        bind_dn: "cn=hacker,ou=svcaccts,dc=example,dc=com"
        bind_password: "ch33kym0nk3y"
        #filter: "(objectClass=posixAccount)"
        #  validate: true
        #  local_certificate_file: foo.crt
        #  local_private_key_file: bar.pem
        #  local_private_key_password: secret

Alternatively you can also put the ``bind_password`` of your service user into its
own file to not leak secrets into your configuration:

.. code:: yaml

    - module: "ldap_auth_provider.LdapAuthProviderModule"
        enabled: true
        # all the other options you need
        bind_password_file: "/var/secrets/synapse-ldap-bind-password"

Please note that every trailing ``\n`` in the password file will be stripped automatically.

Active Directory forest support

If the ``active_directory`` flag is set to ``true``, an Active Directory forest will be
searched for the login details.
In this mode, the user enters their login details in one of the forms:

- ``<login>/<domain>``
- ``<domain>\<login>``

In either case, this will be mapped to the Matrix UID ``<login>/<domain>`` (The 
normal AD domain separators, ``@`` and ``\``, cannot be used in Matrix User Identifiers, so 
``/`` is used instead.)

Let's say you have several domains in the ```` forest:

.. code:: yaml

    - module: "ldap_auth_provider.LdapAuthProviderModule"
        enabled: true
        mode: "search"
        uri: "ldap://"
        base: "dc=example,dc=com"
        # Must be true for this feature to work
        active_directory: true
        # Optional. Users from this domain may log in without specifying the domain part
           uid: "userPrincipalName"
           mail: "mail"
           name: "givenName"
        bind_dn: "cn=hacker,ou=svcaccts,dc=example,dc=com"
        bind_password: "ch33kym0nk3y"

With this configuration the user can log in with either ``main\someuser``,
``\someuser``, ``someuser/`` or ``someuser``.

Users of other domains in the ```` forest can log in with ``domain\login``
or ``login/domain``.

Please note that ``userPrincipalName`` or a similar-looking LDAP attribute in the format
``login@domain`` must be used when the ``active_directory`` option is enabled.

Troubleshooting and Debugging

``matrix-synapse-ldap3`` logging is included in the Synapse homeserver log
(typically ``homeserver.log``). The LDAP plugin log level can be increased to
``DEBUG`` for troubleshooting and debugging by making the following modifications
to your Synapse server's logging configuration file:

- Set the value for `handlers.file.level` to `DEBUG`:

.. code:: yaml

       # [...]
       level: DEBUG

- Add the following to the `loggers` section:

.. code:: yaml

      # [...]
        level: DEBUG
        level: DEBUG

Finally, restart your Synapse server for the changes to take effect:

.. code:: sh

   synctl restart