mirror of https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433.git
Useful commands
Adding a new remote device and writing the decoder C code
Built with rtl_433!
Create your own multi‐sensor rtl_433‐compatible remote sensor
Custom Protocol with HA
Decipher a new device and write a decoder
Decoder Issues with Some Useful Information
Frequency Details
Gain Control
How to integrate rtl_433 sensors into openHAB via MQTT
ISM_Emulator for 433MHz Remote Sensing Devices
Isolating records for specific devices or data values
More rtl_433 tools ...
OOK Signal Demodulation
Signal Preprocessing
Supported hardware
Ticket Gardening
Useful commands
View a saved cu8 file
Useful commands
Luca Weiss edited this page 2019-08-05 11:16:38 +02:00
How to forward received sensors messages to MQTT on Linux?
rtl_433 -F "mqtt://mqtt.yourserver.com,events=/test/a,devices=/test/b"
/test/a {"time":"2019-05-09 23:51:27","model":"HIDEKI TS04 sensor","rc":2,"channel":4,"battery":"OK","temperature_C":12.2,"humidity":57,"mic":"CRC"}
/test/b/HIDEKI_TS04_sensor/4/rc 2
/test/b/HIDEKI_TS04_sensor/4/channel 4
/test/b/HIDEKI_TS04_sensor/4/battery OK
/test/b/HIDEKI_TS04_sensor/4/temperature_C 12.200000
/test/b/HIDEKI_TS04_sensor/4/humidity 57
/test/b/HIDEKI_TS04_sensor/4/mic CRC
You can use mosquitto to see the received messages.
mosquitto_sub -v -h mqtt.yourserver.com -p 1883 -t '/test/a/#' -t '/test/b/#'
How to forward received sensors messages to MQTT on Linux (Old way)?
Install mosquitto-clients (apt-get install mosquitto-clients)
Edit a file called rtl2mqtt.sh ( gedit rtl2mqtt.sh )
Add the following content replacing mqtt.yourserver.com by your server, adding your password if necessary and adding the real path to your rtl_433 binary.
while true; do
echo "starting forwarding RTL to mosquitto"
{PathToRTL433}/rtl_433 -Fjson | mosquitto_pub -h mqtt.yourserver.com -p 1883 -t 'your_topic/rtl433' -l
sleep 5
Make this script runnable chmod 755 rtl2mqtt.sh and run it ./rtl2mqtt.sh
By running the following command, you'll be able to listen to messages coming from mqtt.
mosquitto_sub -v -h mqtt.yourserver.com -p 1883 -t 'your_topic/rtl433'
You will start to receive messages like
your_topic/rtl433 {"time" : "2019-02-26 19:43:32", "model" : "Nexus Temperature/Humidity", "id" : 193, "channel" : 1, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 19.200, "humidity" : 45}
your_topic/rtl433 {"time" : "2019-02-26 19:43:43", "model" : "HIDEKI TS04 sensor", "rc" : 13, "channel" : 5, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 7.300, "humidity" : 68, "mic" : "CRC"}`
your_topic/rtl433 {"time" : "2019-02-26 19:43:44", "model" : "HIDEKI TS04 sensor", "rc" : 13, "channel" : 5, "battery" : "OK", "temperature_C" : 7.300, "humidity" : 68, "mic" : "CRC"}`