
1.6 KiB

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I change the units of the sensor?

Yes! In the customisation options for a sensor/entity, you can change the unit of measurement (and display precision if desired). This is useful for sensors whose native unit is not very human-friendly. For example the memory sensors report values in bytes (B), whereas you may wish to change the unit of measurement to gigabytes (GB).

Q: The GUI windows are too small/too big. How can I change the size?

See Scaling in the Fyne documentation. In the tray icon menu, select Settings to open the Fyne settings app which can adjust the scaling for the app windows.

Q: What is the resource (CPU, memory) usage of the agent?

Very little in most cases. On Linux, the agent with all sensors working, should consume well less than 100 MB of memory with very little CPU usage. Further memory savings can be achieved by running the agent in “headless” mode with the --terminal command-line option. This should put the memory usage below 25 MB.

On Linux, many sensors rely on D-Bus signals for publishing their data, so CPU usage may be affected by the “business” of the bus. For sensors that are polled on an interval, the agent makes use of some jitter in the polling intervals to avoid a “thundering herd” problem.